#unban predstrogen
queercanelady · 4 months
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fuck you and fuck your stupid car
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puppymiqwerty · 4 months
I've gotten many a death threat in my day and I have never used it as a reason to target a harassment campaign against a trans woman for simply existing.
Feels like pissbaby Matt should take notes or something
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straawberries · 4 months
hey everyone can we get #carhammerexplosionmatt trending?!?!
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chaos-connie · 4 months
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fucker gave up after a SINGLE DAY of criticism and memeing about avery's "death threat"
wonder how he'd deal with the YEARS of harrassment, hate, and pedojacketing she put up with
fuck you matt, you're a shit ceo and your transphobia will stay public knowledge on this site
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battyblabberz · 4 months
tell me how its ok for transphobes on this website to make threats against trans people and not get banned but then as soon as a trans woman makes a "threat" to tumblr staff after they don't help her she gets banned for life. you don't want threats matt? then here's a promise, you will always be known as a transmisogynistic fool.
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typecasto · 4 months
did @nebulaaaaaa get banned too?
god damn, for such an inclusive staff (since two months ago we swear) there sure do seem to be a lot of trans women disappearing.
my twitter and discord have the same username as my blog, just in case i’m next.
oh, and just in case i do get banned, here’s the ask i sent to matt, in case he tries to spread lies about me.
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straublights · 4 months
is it tumblover
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Unban Predstrogen
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hareofhrair · 3 months
In light of the photomatt thing, I have a reminder for all the discord moderators and reddit mods and group organizers out there and even tumblr staff if they feel like listening-
You do not need to make space for toxic assholes.
You do not need to be "fair" to toxic assholes.
You do not have to entertain their "technically"s and "well actually"s when they skirt the edges of the rules to be a dick to people. It doesn't matter if they're "just asking questions," and their right to "free speech" is irrelevant unless you are the federal government.
You are not obligated by fairness or impartiality to stand by and let them shit in the community pool just because they haven't yet broken a rule in a clear and unambiguous enough fashion for you to ban them.
You are allowed to prioritize the spirit of the law over the letter when it comes to people who are obviously making your community worse and hiding behind technicalities, while weaponizing the rules against people they don't like.
Every terf and nazi on this site has a litany of reasons why every shitty thing they've ever done was technically within the bounds of free speech and the TOS.
You don't actually have to listen to them.
Their presence even in the absence of provable violations of the rules, makes the community actively worse for everyone who isn't a terf or a nazi, so unless making your community more comfortable for assholes is your genuine intention, stop waiting around for them to slip up and actually break a rule so you can shout "gotcha" and just get rid of them.
Being part of any community is a privilege granted by the recognition and acceptance of the rest of that community. It is not an entitlement that everyone has a legal right to until you can find a technical violation to call them out on.
Stop making space for assholes.
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that-dumb-moth · 3 months
Tumblr's on fire again. Why? Because of, you guessed it: Matt's greed and ego. Matt has caught bad press recently due to his banning of Predstrogen, a trans woman who expressed outrage at Tumblr staff for doing essentially nothing to combat the harassment she faced on the platform. This controversy resulted in Matt departing the platform until May. Now, was this a good move? Yes. Was this the only good move Matt took? Yes, because Matt has not only never unbanned Prestrogen or anybody else banned in this ego-flex, but he has also implemented an AI learning algorithm that scrapes Tumblr and Wordpress for art with the only way to prevent artists from getting their shit taken being an opt-out button that, you guessed it, isn't enabled by default. Matt has turned Tumblr into a more egocentric version of Musk's Twitter. Also, I would like to state that I don't think Matt is transphobic. I think he's egotistical and incapable of taking criticism. It's why he was so adamant about defending himself and why he chooses to flaunt every flake of positive press he receives.
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changelingrain · 4 months
I think matt mullenweg, transphobic and transmisogynistic ceo of tumblr, has blocked me. I suspect he'll still see this post at some point, though, because his skin is terribly thin and his namesearch is huge.
all you had to do was unban predstrogen and instead you personally fucked it up even worse
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acornmaybe · 4 months
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Vent. Do not read if Not in the right mental space.
So tired of people being mean. I just looked into the predstrogen situation and I honestly can’t fathom how to deal with this anymore.
Why do people have to be mean. Why do people have to be transphobic and racist and all the other stuff. Literally just exist. What I don’t understand is why photomatt would try to claim again and again that he isn’t transphobic if he actually is. There seems to be a misunderstanding of some sort between tumblr users and the tumblr ceo and all the rage against each other really isn’t helping anyone sort anything out.
I don’t know about the past few bans of predstrogen’s accounts but judging from the recent post by photomatt he really isn’t aware of the predstrogen situation as much as a lot of users think he is. The accounts that predstrogen reported for hate speech and lies and stuff weren’t banned but predstrogen’s account was banned again? I’m trying to think of all the reasons for this. Outwardly it looks like blatant transphobia but I’ve learnt by now that most things aren’t ever that simple to explain so there must be other stuff going on. I won’t bother trying to figure out what that stuff could be because even looking into it this much is clearly making me spiral but we can figure out where people stand maybe?
In the post photomatt showed something that was clearly a vent post and called it hate speech or death threats or whatever that was (can’t remember) and said that predstrogen said things against others too. Now I don’t know if he realizes that it was a vent post or not, or if he’s just really unaware of how vent posts can look like on this site. If he realizes it’s a vent post and he realizes what the vent stemmed from, he can take steps to redeem himself by unbanning predstrogen and stuff I don’t really know. If he knows and he doesn’t care, that’s obviously a problem. But if he doesn’t know then the first thing should be to make him know. I’m so tired of people being mean all the time. Let’s just all work together please.
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waytoocrispybread · 4 months
well lads its been fun 👋
as of today, tumblr not only hasnt unbanned predestrogen, avery etc. they have doubled down on their beliefs. i wasnt really liking this website before either, always a little too much nazis and terfs for my liking. so i guess this was a sort of last straw for me.
anyways with that aside im moving to cohost cuz its pretty close ui wise on mobile and it doesnt have that damned for you page (finally).
also predstrogen seemed to have made an account there, go check them out
you will probably find me still reblogging stuff here as, like my ancestors (redditors) , i have strong hunting gathering instincts (shamelessly reposting) to take stuff with me (put on my new blog) and also to document mr matt having his meltdown
thats all, goodbye <3
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typecasto · 4 months
It was one threat of many according to Matt, he picked a tame one, she deserved it because she has threatened other people in far worse ways before. She has been harassing people for months, why would the CEO fucking lie here? Are you dumb?
What do you mean why would the ceo lie here? “It was one of many threats” is itself a lie. The post in question wasn’t a threat, that’s just not what the word “threat” means.
If he was trying to demonstrate guilt, why would he pick a tame one? And why only show one?
Another demonstrable lie is when he said he only used it/its pronouns to refer to the post, not the person.
He claims it here (last paragraph):
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But this just isn’t true, look at the comment in question:
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“it says” probably refers to the post, sure, but “it hopes”? Posts don’t hope, people do. The original post said “I hope”, so he’s 100% referring to her as “it” here, making his statement a lie.
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violetnova217 · 7 days
Hear me out
For pride month, staff should maybe just maybe stop being transmisogynistic dickwads and make at least some effort to correct the damage they've done
Unban all of those wrongfully banned accounts (and of course STOP wrongfully banning accounts) and then we can maybe talk about them being redeemed if that's even a possibility anymore
Until then, fuck staff I don't trust them for shit
If I get banned you know why, I'm fucking done not making a post of my own on this shit cause it's been bothering me ever since predstrogen got banned (aka the point where I was fully aware of everything happening)
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