#ugh people are so gr8
be-good-to-bugs · 6 days
blehg my head hurts so bad
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pesterloglog · 4 months
Vrissy Maryam-Lalonde, Harry Anderson Egbert, Aradia Megido, Sollux Captor, Jade Harley, Karkat Vantas, John Egbert, Dave Strider
Candy, page 27
VRISKA: What took you so long????????
HARRY ANDERSON: hey, give me a break here vris. my auntie has guards breathing down my neck day and night.
VRISKA: Ugh. How’d you get out this time?
HARRY ANDERSON: fucking gamzee.
HARRY ANDERSON: he was all like:
HARRY ANDERSON: Yo HaRrY mY dAwG, yOu Go OuT aNd GeT yOuRsElF uP a SlIcE oF tHaT pRiMe BeEf VrIsKeT, mY oNe TrUe HoMiE. lOvE iS wHaT mAkEs ThE mOtHeRfUcKiNg EaRtH sPiN oN iTs AxIs. ThAt, AnD bEiNg PoLiTiCaLlY nEuTrAl, BrOtHeR.
HARRY ANDERSON: god! he always makes sure to point out that he’s politically neutral in literally every sentence that comes out of his mouth, even though he’s *definitely* still fucking my aunt.
VRISKA: Ugh, so l8me.
VRISKA: This is all so l8me!!!!!!!! All in all, such a Deeply Unsatisfactory state of affairs!
HARRY ANDERSON: yeah. i hate sneaking around like this. i wish i could see you every day.
HARRY ANDERSON: or even, like, tell my mom that i have a girlfriend so she can stop pestering me about it.
VRISKA: In thaaaaaaaat case...
VRISKA: Why don’t we run aw8y and join the rebellion together, Harry Anderson? Wouldn’t that be Terribly Rom8ntic????????
VRISKA: We could be wild rebels in love, like Karkat and Meenah!
VRISKA: Isn’t their story GR8? I get so inspired thinking about it.
HARRY ANDERSON: oh, i don’t know if i could pull that off vriska... i don’t really have the, y’know, rebellious *stature* of someone like karkat vantas.
VRISKA: Pffft, ahahahahahahahaha. He’s Extremely Short in real life, you know!
HARRY ANDERSON: i don’t know if that’s actually true? i think it might just be something people assume because of, y’know, his personality. like he’s overcompensating or something.
HARRY ANDERSON: i mean, i don’t *remember* him being that short.
VRISKA: Oh yeah? The last time you saw him you were like three years old. Get real, Harry Anderson!
HARRY ANDERSON: oh? and when’s the last time *you* saw him?
HARRY ANDERON: oh my god, vriska, you always talk so big but you’re not any more of a rebel than i am!
VRISKA: Oh shuuuuuuuut up. You don’t know shit, Harry.
VRISKA: My moms are totally gonna get me a Prime Commission in the Resist8nce when I turn sixteen!!!!!!!!
HARRY ANDERSON: yeah yeah, whatever you say.
VRISKA: But until then, guess we’ll never know whether it’s an official f8ct that Karkat is short or not.
HARRY ANDERSON: i guess so!
HARRY ANDERSON: but anyway i wasn’t talking about his height. i was talking about the eyepatch.
HARRY ANDERSON: i mean, i believe in troll rights and everything...
VRISKA: Um, I should HOPE so.
HARRY ANDERSON: ...but not enough to lose an eye over it.
VRISKA: Don’t be ridiculous Harry.
VRISKA: If we really do end up absconding from our mediocre Hot Teen Lives to become rebels, then OBVI8USLY I’m going to be the one with the Extremely Dashing And Sexy eyepatch. H8h8h8h8h8h8h8h8!!!!!!!!
ARADIA: hmm its getting pretty bad down there
SOLLUX: wh0 cares.
SOLLUX: this is 0fficially s0mething we d0n’t care ab0ut, right?
ARADIA: i dont know
ARADIA: is it
JADE: this world is inconsequential.
ARADIA: well there you have it
ARADIA: karkats really going to fight that war isnt he
SOLLUX: yeah.
SOLLUX: i didn’t think he had it in him, but apparently all it takes f0r him t0 bec0me the her0 he was meant t0 be was f0r things t0 get extremely fucking stupid.
SOLLUX: like, WAY m0re stupid than usual.
ARADIA: it really is too bad hes reaching this heroic apotheosis of his in a world that doesnt matter
JADE: please do not mistake the essence of my words for indifference.
JADE: when i said that this world was inconsequential, i was talking objectively. we’ve moved far beyond the realm of canon relevance, but on a subjective level we can view this world as a glass bubble.
JADE: fragile, solitary, with a surface uncracked.
JADE: the actions, struggles and feelings of its inhabitants are certainly not inconsequential to them.
JADE: while abstracted heavily, and fully freed from all forces of narrative gravity, these events still represent possibilities that slept within the hearts of all who reside here.
ARADIA: in that case i guess we should keep watching
JOHN: what are you doing standing out here alone like a creep?
JOHN: why not? you were on the guest list.
JOHN: i guess this would probably be pretty hard to watch if you were still, you know, all heartbroken about it.
JOHN: but?
JOHN: you’re telling me. when my wife left me, she took an entire political faction with her.
JOHN: those chess guys sure do love roxy, don’t they?
JOHN: oh. sorry about that.
JOHN: i don’t know. that’s a pretty big favor you’re asking me there, karkat.
JOHN: wow.
JOHN: good pep talk.
JOHN: i’m 100% over my separation now. thanks karkat.
JOHN: if you think that i haven’t been given the exact speech you’re about to give me, except about six or seven times the length, then you don’t know rose lalonde.
JOHN: i dunno. it doesn’t seem responsible, really... to dedicate my life to something so important when i’m in a place where i can’t even find the energy to think that getting out of bed in the morning is “important.”
JOHN: in fact, it seems like it would be a pretty fucking selfish thing to do.
JOHN: what if i get distracted because i’m sad?
JOHN: what if i fuck up by staring too tragically into the distance on an important mission, and i get killed in a stupid way?
JOHN: yeah. but you aren’t. and neither are most of your followers.
DAVE: no john dont do it
JOHN: huh? don’t do what?
DAVE: oh you looked pretty bummed when you left the reception and then i find you staring at the ocean like you just snorted six lines of powdered midlife crisis off the bathroom counter
DAVE: so i guess “the joke” was like
DAVE: haha dont literally commit suicide at my wedding dude lol
DAVE: not to commit suicide at my fucking wedding is pretty obvious
DAVE: but in retrospect i guess its not that funny
DAVE: but seriously john dont kill yourself
JOHN: i wasn’t going to kill myself!
DAVE: id miss you and also itd bum out jade pretty bad and i have so thoroughly hitched my star to that yifftrain in case you havent noticed
JOHN: yifftrain?
DAVE: yeah man you see she-
JOHN: i don’t wanna know!
JOHN: anyway, i was just, uh...
JOHN: ...appreciating how pretty the view is.
DAVE: hm yeah i love the sight of the military industrial complex destroying the landscape in the evening
JOHN: come on, that’s obviously not what i meant.
JOHN: you okay, dude?
DAVE: eh
JOHN: having been married once before, i gotta say... it’s all kind of overwhelming, huh?
DAVE: oh
DAVE: yeah i guess
DAVE: i dunno jade and i have been together so long this all just feels like
DAVE: whatever
DAVE: i was sort of hoping that
DAVE: i mean considering that were working together in the rebellion and everything
DAVE: i was hoping that karkat would show
JOHN: oh...
JOHN: so you’re still not... um, over that?
JOHN: the whole karkat thing?
DAVE: i mean will i ever be over it??
DAVE: the way i felt about him probably isnt the kind of shit you just get over
DAVE: you just sorta
DAVE: live with it
DAVE: no matter how it turns out
DAVE: but hes with meenah and im with jade and the whole worlds gone fucking batshit so whats the point in looking backwards now
DAVE: right?
JOHN: right.
DAVE: right
DAVE: yo dude thanks for being my best man
JOHN: *cough* oh. th-thanks, man. no problem!
DAVE: cuz you are
DAVE: ya know
DAVE: youre my best bro
DAVE: my main man
DAVE: my most devoted dude
DAVE: cheers john
JOHN: cheers, dave.
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cornflowercanine · 2 years
sad that im allergic to hyperpop cause haunted laura les is so soooooooooooooo a vriska song.
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theouterbankpogues · 4 years
astrid @astridiot and sarah @jjmaybank have become my pals and i get to ocassionally fangirl about obx with them and they like and reblog my stuff and i feel so validated lmao
this is why i love finding new fandoms to be part of!
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sodrippy · 5 years
a better s4 conflict would have been billy having planned a jailbreak to free the slaves and all that already, but flint coming in, taking over and doing it in a smarter way that maybe takes longer but gives them the maximum manpower at the end w the combined groups vs billy wanting to go in to both places simultaneously and get people out first and faster. yknow, something that actually is in line w his character instead of him just losing his full mind and having a tantrum over nothing.
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peakatseven · 4 years
!!!!!!!!!!!! 3.0
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eternalmask · 6 years
there’s like a 99% chance i won’t be writing much until this weekend or next weekend so if you wanna nab me mutuals can hmu via ims. i’ll share discord selectively but i’m like super stressed and it’s only day 2 so here we go hoo boy
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sworduserarchive · 7 years
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       oh shit ! tomorrow marks two months on this blog wHATTT
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sehunniepotwrites · 4 years
IS IT TOO LATE TO REQUEST??? if not mwahahahahaha i request AU #14: christmas!au, prompt #11: “you’re my best friend. you’re supposed to deal with the second hand embarrassment.”, and with jaehyun uwuwuwuwuwuwuwu I LOVE YOU B TAKE UR TIME I KNOW IT'LL BE GR8 10/10 WOULD RECOMMEND
member: jung jaehyun christmas!au prompt: “you’re my best friend. you’re supposed to deal with the second-hand embarrassment.” wc: ~730
not as cute as i hope it would be but here it is. (my mind is still stuck on mark lee sO)
-- You know those insanely cheesy Christmas movies where you meet the love of your life while working a holiday event? Yeah, this was nothing of that sort.
It was just you, dressed head-to-toe in an obnoxious elf costume while directing families who were in line to meet Father Christmas himself. The costume was cheaply made and literally rubbing you in the wrong way-- you had to stop yourself from scratching several times.
In other words, you were hating your job.
It was screaming kids, overbearing parents, demanding only the best and you had to deal with it all in the ugliest costume known to man. To top it all off, you had to dance on stage every top of the hour.
When applying to work at the local theme park, this was not what you were expecting. You were thinking of happiness and laughter and fun shifts working operations for attractions, not practically embarrassing yourself in front of millions of people to see while wearing fake elf ears.
You hated the Christmas season, you decided as you tugged on your itchy collar again. 
It couldn’t get any worse than it already was. But oh, it did because as you stood on stage for the hourly performance in the audience was your best friend in the whole entire world, Jung Jaehyun, smirking right at you with his phone in hand. 
That little shit, you thought to yourself, as the music began. You faked a smile and danced your silly routine you performed five times a day with heated cheeks. You weren’t quite sure if you were burning out of embarrassment or out of rage. Either way, you were so going to kill him. 
Jaehyun’s eyes locked onto yours and you could just tell he was trying to hold back his laughter. His lips were pursed in that certain way and tears were gathering up in his eyes, hand shaking as he focused his camera on you.
The ten-minute performance dragged on for way too long but as soon as it was over, you hurried off the stage and booked it to the side door that read “Santa and Helpers Only.” As expected, Jaehyun was already waiting for you at the door, hand covering his mouth as his large body shook with laughter.
“You, just, oh my god,” he said, his deep chuckles flowing out.
“Shut up, just don’t,” you cut him off, holding up your hand to stop further comments. You poked him on the chest repeatedly, “What the hell are you doing here?”
“I had to support you, you know,” Jaehyun pauses, almost choking over his words, “your endeavors.”
“I hate you,” you hiss, punching his arm but the move did more damage to you than to him. 
“Ah, ah,” Jaehyun teased by shaking his phone, “you shouldn’t do that when I have blackmail material.”
“Ugh, shut it. It was really embarrassing, you know?”
“Oh, I felt embarrassed for you,” Jaehyun chuckled again. He played with the pompom on top of your elf hat. “It was kinda cute though, not gonna lie.”
“You’re my best friend, you’re supposed to deal with the second-hand embarrassment,” you countered, whacking his hand away from your head. “Wait, what?”
Rewind and freeze. Did Jaehyun just compliment you?
You looked up to see him rubbing the back of his neck, face, and ears as bright as a cherry. “You, uh, looked cute up there.”
You’re the one blushing now. Jaehyun had never called you cute before. It gave you this weird giddy feeling in the pit of your stomach. “Right, um, thanks.”
“Yeah,” he breathed out. 
“I need to, uh, clock out for my lunch break,” you awkwardly point to the door, not knowing how to proceed with the conversation. Turning around to leave, Jaehyun stopped you with a hand on your wrist.
“Wait,” he called. “Have lunch with me? My treat?” 
And then he smiled that incredibly adorable smile with those dimples you wanted to poke, his eyes and nose scrunching up that suddenly drove your heart absolutely insane. It was beating so fast, you felt like you were on an obscene amount of caffeine and sugar and it just wouldn’t stop.
“S-sure, let me just get changed,” you answered with a shy smile of your own.
Okay, you take it back. 
You got a pretty good check, free food, and possibly a date with your best friend out of this embarrassing job position at the theme park. Maybe this Christmas season wasn’t so bad after all. 
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pesterloglog · 3 months
Vrissy Maryam-Lalonde, Tavros Crocker
Page 194
VRISSY: Check it out, someone's already cospl8ying my fit from tod8y.
TAVROS: I'm sure it's very good, but there's,
VRISSY: Good? It's Infuri8ing!!!!!!!!
VRISSY: UGH! So many f8ke accounts pretending to 8e me. Stealing my hard-earned Clout. Fakey f8ke F8KES.
TAVROS: Not that that isn't important,,, but, we should really talk about
VRISSY: Damn Right it's import8nt Tavros! Image is a8out as Important as it gets.
VRISSY: If you understood that a little better then m8ybe we'd have gotten to Third 8ase already.
TAVROS: Th,,,,,,
TAVROS: W,,,,,,,,,,
TAVROS: (Vrissy,,)
TAVROS: (We haven't,,, even,,,,,)
VRISSY: My Point ex8ctly. ;;;;)
TAVROS: Oh,, i see,
TAVROS: Just a wee joke,, to, lighten the mood,, or something,
VRISSY: 8ingo.
VRISSY: Relax Tavvy.
VRISSY: You're starting to Sweat Nervously. You know I H8te it when you Swe8t Nervously.
TAVROS: Thank you,,
VRISSY: Th8t wasn't a Fucking H8mance Complim8nt, I do genuinely Hate it and not in a Fun Way.
TAVROS: I'm,, sorry,,,,
VRISSY: Ugh. Whatever.
VRISSY: I'm just... 8eing a 8itch. Forget about it.
TAVROS: ,,,,
VRISSY: ........
VRISSY: The two of Them seem to 8e Getting Along.
TAVROS: You mean,, harry anderson and vriska,
VRISSY: No Tavros, The *Other* Two People In The Room With Us.
VRISSY: Yes Harry 8nderson and Vriska!!!!!!!!
VRISSY: They seem like a 8unch of pals Already.
VRISSY: I'm Glad.
TAVROS: You don't sound,,, happy about it,
VRISSY: Not Happy? Tavros, I'm Over The Fucking Moon a8out this. See? I'm smiling So Hard my F8ce hurts! ::::))))))))
TAVROS: That does look like it hurts,, yes,
VRISSY: This is Gr8. This is all Gr8! It's all Just GR8!!!!!!!!
VRISSY: The Way she just cannon8alled into our lives out of nowhere was gr8.
VRISSY: Killing that Clown? Without a Doubt the 8est thing I've ever Fucking Seen.
VRISSY: Dragging his 8ody through Harry Anderson's school, 8eing drenched in W8ter, and Hiding in a Clos8t?
VRISSY: The Picture of Gr8tness incarn8!!!!!!!!
TAVROS: I might be imagining it, but,, i believe i detect the merest smidgen of insincerity, in the way you're describing these events,,
VRISSY: 8ut you know wh8t's the Gr8test thing of all?
VRISSY: It's the F8ct th8t they can Just Stand There and Ch8t, like it's Not Even a 8ig Deal!
TAVROS: Is it a big deal,,
TAVROS: Other than, the various ways in which basically everything right now,, could be said to constitute a deal that is somewhat developed,,, in the sense of, bigness,,,,,
VRISSY: Of Course It's A 8ig De8l????????
VRISSY: I mean!
VRISSY: UGH!!!!!!!!
VRISSY: Just LOOK 8t Them.
TAVROS: I am,, looking,
TAVROS: I do not see it,
TAVROS: Whatever it is about the two of them, that you want me to be observing,,
TAVROS: I cannot help but note, though,, that you seem a little,,,,, on edge about something,
TAVROS: Similar to how you get,, when there are people who you would describe as,, uncool, in the general vicinity,,
TAVROS: Other than me, i mean,
TAVROS: Or when someone,, who you were mutuals with, on some social media site or other,, unfollows you,
TAVROS: Betraying what i can only assume is a sacred bond of trust,
TAVROS: And,, it makes me wonder if this might be another such occasion,,, where some unspoken social contract has been shamelessly torn asunder,
VRISSY: Okay. Fine.
VRISSY: You make a Good Point, Tavros.
VRISSY: I just........
VRISSY: It's Vriska.
TAVROS: Would it make you feel any better, if i pretended to be surprised about that,,
VRISSY: 8ite me.
TAVROS: Listen,
TAVROS: I know you don't like to talk about these kinds of things,,
TAVROS: Having said, on previous occasions, stuff like,,
TAVROS: "Feelings are for adults and babies, not real people,"
TAVROS: And i'm not,, necessarily, saying that you have some unaddressed feelings,
TAVROS: But,, maybe if we're going to be around her,
TAVROS: You should try to be honest, about the feelings, that you don't have,,
VRISSY: TAvros, It's Nothing.
VRISSY: I mean... okay, look.
VRISSY: Much as I H8 to admit it, you're Right.
VRISSY: Her being here, it m8kes me Feel Something.
VRISSY: It's Something about the W8y she Looks at him.
VRISSY: The Rest of us too.
VRISSY: Like we're not even Real.
TAVROS: Yes,, this is good,
VRISSY: Ever since she showed up, it's 8een o8vious that Nothing Here M8tters to her.
VRISSY: Like... I don't Matter.
VRISSY: And to 8e Honest, I think I Understand why!
VRISSY: Everything Here is so dwee8ish and 8oring!!!!!!!!
TAVROS: This is a good level of honesty, that you're displaying here,,
TAVROS: I'm absorbing everything you're saying,, in a very non judgemental way,
VRISSY: And with her 8eing here, Talking to Harry Anderson...
VRISSY: I get this sort of frustr8ed feeling in my Chest.
VRISSY: And if I H8d to say Why,
TAVROS: You can do it,,
VRISSY: I guess it would 8e 8ecause........
VRISSY: ........
TAVROS: Because you're worried harry anderson thinks she's cooler than you,,
TAVROS: Because you're jealous,,,,
VRISSY: Tavros, were you Listening to 8NYTHING I was Just Saying?
VRISSY: I'm not worried a8out Harry Fucking 8nderson right now!
VRISSY: Hell, I'm so Unconcerned that I think I'm going to start just calling him Harry from now on! It'll Save Everyone a lot of Valua8le Time!
VRISSY: Listen Tavros, Vriska will get 8ored of Harry in a Heart8eat!
VRISSY: That's the whole point!!!!!!!!
VRISSY: She shouldn't 8e w8sting her Time on someone like Him!
VRISSY: Oh just
VRISSY: Forget it.
VRISSY: What were you Trying To Tell me a8out?
TAVROS: Right,
TAVROS: You should,,, probably come and take a look out the window,
TAVROS: We appear to be in,
TAVROS: If you'll pardon the expression,,,
TAVROS: A bit of a fudging pickle,
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randomoranges · 2 years
this is an homage to all the weird random text message conversations ive gotten btwn today, this week and last year. the first messages are near verbatim from what i got today.
also these 2 get to actually have a good time of it instead of the disappointing endings i keep getting hahaha
anyways. my phone is like a magnet for strangers to come and text me haha
Strangers in the Day
Edward was bored beyond tears, doing some paperwork, when his phone buzzed with a text message. Needing a distraction, he picked it up and opened the message without checking who it was from.
 “Last nite was gr8. Thx for the drinks. Want 2 go for round two later?”
 He blinked and for a moment had to think back to what he had actually done last night. Last time he’d checked, he’d been home, alone, too exhausted to even think of doing anything exciting. He’d done laundry and the highlight had been going for groceries. However, he was quite sure he hadn’t done drinks or anything remotely fun over there.
 Before he could even respond to the message or think if he wanted to respond, there was a second message that came in the form of an attachment.
 Edward wouldn’t have opened it, in case it was spam or malware, however, it seemed he’d forgotten to turn his data off and so the photo loaded itself.
 And, well, he was bored and the glitter caught his attention and – at least this – handsome stranger – pretty stranger – wasn’t naked. He was allowed to look. Respectfully.
 The stranger had very nice hair. Very nice curly hair and perfect full lips that were set in a very attractive grin and –
 He had no idea who this person was.
 “Well, I’m glad you had fun last night, but unfortunately, it wasn’t with me. ☹” He texted back. He felt bad for the – guy. Sure, it was a little bold to just – send a photo to a stranger, but he supposed that in his defense, the guy thought he was sending it to the person he’d been out with last night. At least the photo was only just flirty. He’d gotten worse.
“What?! That jackass gave me the wrong number?! Ugh. How typical. Anyways, what are you up to?”
 Edward read the message twice. He could politely ignore it and go back to his ordinary day, or he could – go along with whatever this was and see where it went. If it got weird, he could block the number and have a new anecdote to tell his friends next time he saw them.
 “Kind of stuck on a work project. You?”
 It took a few minutes for the answer to come in and at this point, Edward was more invested in this conversation than with his project.
 “Was rly hoping to go out 2nite and now reevaluating my options... I’m Étienne by the way. Hello, stranger!”
 Edward laughed. He wondered if he should give his real name back and figured he had a common enough name. Plus, Étienne sounded too normal of a name for it to be a bot. Or, at least, he hoped.
 “Hello to you too; I’m Edward. What parts of the world are you in, if I may ask?” He was genuinely curious. The area code wasn’t from around here and he was too lazy to check. Plus, it gave him something to ask and he could always double-check as safety afterwards.
 “Og from MTL but currently in Edmonton. You??????”
 It explained the foreign number and if Edward was a little bit pleased that Étienne was in Edmonton, well, no one needed to know.
 “Og from Edmonton and currently in Edmonton.”
 “!!!!!!!!!! New friend from Edmonton!!! Hi!!!!!”
 Edward cracked a smile at the enthusiasm, even if it was a bit – much. He then wondered if he wasn’t talking to some minor, even though Étienne had originally opened up with the message about the drinks. Still, he panicked, wondering if maybe this wasn’t some great scheme to catch him and throw him to jail for coming off as a predator or some sorts and decided to ask. To be safe. Sure, people could lie, but... he’d at least could say he tried.
 “B4 this gets weird or wtv, are u an adult? i am but wanna make sure n all. I can send u a pic to prove im real.”
 “K well u already have a pic. But yeah. Im real. And not trying to be weird. Sorry if this is weird. I rly thought I was texting my date from last night. Lol.”
 Edward wanted to respond to Étienne, but it seemed the other was on a texting roll and so he waited a bit before answering.
 “No worries and for the record, yes I am an adult.”
 “Gr8. Also. I may be a lil high and a lil drunk and – well yeah. Hahaha”
 “Shit. I hope youre not a cop ahahaha.”
 Edward looked at his watch and quirked an eyebrow. It was a little bit early to be a “lil drunk and a lil high” but – then again, who was he to judge? He’d had his days...
 “Your secret is safe with me.” He hesitated before pressing send, wanting to add an emoji but afraid it would mean too much. He re-read the conversation and figured that he could. He was having fun, after all and he could – flirt with Étienne. Or whatever. He could – have a fun conversation. Granted, he had no idea if Étienne was into men, but he didn’t have to tell him either.
 He was probably over thinking.
 He added the winky face emoji and was ready to call it a day if Étienne thought it was too weird. Plus, they were still technically strangers. Étienne had no idea what he looked like. They’d never even met and they most likely never would.
 “Ure totally cooler than my lame date last night. True MVP.”
 “Thought you’d had fun on your outing last night?”
 “I did. But I’ve been stood up. Or – wtv this is. Wrong numbered. So. Now I am alone and with no plans. L maybe u can help?????”
 Edward had no idea why, but his cheeks heated up some and well, he wanted to see where this could go. What help did Étienne want and need? He’d seen the photo of Étienne – the one with the pretty hair and pretty green eyes...
 “Well, I’m not sure there’s much I can do, I’m afraid...”
 “Ure a local. U can totally tell me where to go. U can help me be less bored as well:D”
 Edward blinked. He wasn’t sure if Étienne meant it as an – invitation of sorts or if it was some type of proposition for – well, something else. It was hard to say. He’d watched too many pornos where it was the later, but at the same time, he could be completely wrong. Plus, if Étienne was trying to flirt him into bed, Edward wondered if Étienne had understood that he was well – not a girl.
 He didn’t want to string the poor fellow for too long. Étienne seemed to have had a day – or night. Or, well, both.
 “I mean, I wouldn’t mind, but also, I’m not a woman.”
 “I know this is weird n all and I swear im not usually this forward but I would love some company if ure down.”
 Edward paused. This was a little – forward and part of his brain reminded him that this could very well be a scam of sorts. He did a quick check on the phone number and didn’t get any results saying not to trust the number. Still, he wanted to be cautious, no matter how curious he was. Sure, he had hooked up with strangers in the past, but usually, he had either seen then beforehand at the club he was at, or he’d met them through an app. Not that he’d always had stellar encounters, but.
 “Well, I had plans on getting ice cream later tonight. I know it’s not a hot date or drinks, but we could meet there. And also, again, for the record, I’m very much a guy. In case you’re expecting some hot girl.”
  He figured he’d reiterate, in case Étienne hadn’t seen his previous message. He also figured that he could throw the ball in Étienne’s court and – hope for the best. The ice cream parlour was neutral enough and in the worst case scenario, he still got ice cream out of it.
 “I love ice cream! Might not be drinks but it can turn into a hot date ;) idc if ure a dude. Dudes are also hot J im sure ure totally hot. when r u free???? We can meet now if u want.”
 Suddenly nervous, but also a little excited, Edward took a moment to really think this through. Was he really about to go out and meet up with some stranger? Was this wise? He figured this was as prudent as all the strangers he’d brought home from clubs, bars and hookup apps, yet this felt – more dangerous. Somehow. Yet – he wanted to. He wanted to go to the ice cream parlour and at the very least, meet up with Étienne. See what he looked like. Eat ice cream and hopefully laugh the whole silly thing off afterwards.
 “Perhaps around 4h30? I need to finish this work thing and then I need to get there. I can text you the address.”
 “Sure. Change into something pretty then ;) see u later.”
 Edward’s cheeks ran hot again and he really hoped this would end well. “Haha, I’ll try. I’ll meet you by the entrance. I’ll be wearing a dark navy jacket.”
 (In the end, the meeting went well. Sure, it was a little surreal and strange, but Étienne turned out to be a genuinely nice guy. He was even prettier in person – and funnier and Edward found himself drawn to him nearly instantly. They clicked and spent the better part of the evening getting to know one another over their ice creams. When it got later still and Edward noticed that they’d been sitting there together for over four hours, he tentatively asked Étienne if he’d like to go out for drinks, for real. Étienne beamed and agreed. The rest would come later.)
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dervampireprince · 2 years
Fetlife is also gr8 for finding munches! The casual, public meetups to just be social, make friends, that kinda stuff. No k1nky things going down there beyond maybe in conversation. Most munches are held in like, parks, restaurants, w/e
There's no obligations whatsoever to go to any event obviously. It's only if you want to + are comfy w it. I'm working on building a pet play group for my local area so one day I can hopefully hold a mosh (pet play meetup where pets can play w each other in like, pet ways, not seggsy ways) bc being in pet headspace is just rlly freeing,,,
It's got a lot of groups on the website too, and you'd be able to make ur own too.
There's def pros + cons to the site, and if u did end up using it, use the settings to make sure ppl can't message u put of the blue n stuff. There's different levels for that n all :V
I rlly like the fact its got a k1nks/curious about/soft limit/hard limit system so u can list what's what and also if it's like giving, receiving, wearing, or whatever it is depending on the particular k1nk.
I'm a transmasc enby on there and the only issue I've rlly had is idiot str8s not realizing that my pics are of a queer dude when they like/comment on them even tho my pronouns are plastered all over the place (the most that's commented is like... "nice!" Or heart emojis. Mostly it's just likes and I'm like ugh w/e ur a dumdum) Others have had more issues but it's the (bad) luck of the draw I guess?? Depends on how active u are n stuff maybe? Idk!!
It's also a good site just for learning. There's a LOT of informative written posts about all kinds of topics and I rlly appreciate the ppl who write those-
Okai I'm rambling more than my parrots SO Imma leave it here alkfjejskaka
~ MytheriousBoi
i've never heard the term 'munches' before and idk i know it's just google but google also says it's casual meet ups for people into 'bdsm' and idk how many times i need to say bdsm is a hard limit for me
i wouldn't be comfortable being around anyone while in a pet head space or sub space if they're weren't a trusted significant other. like i can't do sex without romance and i'm demiromantic so... i don't know i could hang out with anyone like that. and i'm sure it's stupid that i can be so open about things on this blog and then irl sexual stuff is personal and private and vulnerable i just. i can't.
like i'm gonna be curious so who knows, but please i can't. please stop suggesting group kink settings/scenarios to me.
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hesitate9 · 2 years
Ch 3
Tumblr media
anthonymackie: You wanna guess who’s he looking at? iamsebastianstan
liked by lizziebeth, scarlettjohanson, yourusername, taylorswift13, kendalljenner, rdj, jeremyrenner, and 6.8 more
yourusername: YOU! anthonymackie
anthonymackie: No... guess yourusername
yourusername: Dang flabbit! anthonymackie
lizziebeth: Y/N
scarlettjohanson: Y/N
iamsebastianstan: NO ONE 
rdj: Y/N
jeremyrenner: Y/N
taylorswift13: Y/N
gigihadid: Y/N
kendalljenner: Y/N
yourusername: 1) This pic is old. 2) You look good seabass 3) I was on the phone!!!! 4) He was not looking at me 5) Where the hell did you even find this pic?
anthonymackie: FAN ACCOUNT! and to all those who said Y/N you all are the winners.
yourusername: UGH....
iamsebastianstan: god.....
Tumblr media
yourusername: Thank You Vogue! for having me today.... 
liked by vogueamerica, taylorswift13, iamsebastianstan, anthonymackie, gigihadid, mileycyrus, and 7.8m more
vogueamerica: Thank You! for being with us today!!!! yourusername
anthonymackie: HOLY SHIT! yourusername
iamsebastianstan: 😮😮😮😮 yourusername
yourusername: Thank You anthonymackie, iamsebastianstan. iamsebastianstan we need to talk
Interview with Vogue
I : Hi! how are you? My name is Ally
Y : I’m great! How are you?
I : I’m fine
Y : That’s nice
I : So you were on tour for your latest album When the sun goes down. How did it feel?
Y : It felt so good. Every time that I’m on the stage I feel like I belong there.
I : What is the one thing about fame that you don’t like?
Y : When you’re in the industry your entire life is public it doesn’t matter whether you try to keep low it will always come out in front of the public. You can’t have a private life. Doesn’t matter how private you are. People will know about things. You don’t have any privacy
I : What is the one thing you could do while being in the stardom? One thing you want more than anything?
Y : Being able to love without being judged 
I : That’s deep.
Y : Yeah....
I : Let’s talk a little about your music shall we?
Y : Sure
I : What’s the one thing you love most about writing songs?
Y : Being vulnerable. You can pour all your emotions in songs and just feel light.
I : That’s great. Now....
Y : I had feeling (Chuckles)
I : Sebastian Stan... let’s talk a bit ‘bout him.
Y : What’s there to talk?
I :  How long have you been friends?
Y : Since we were kids. When he moved here from Romania. I was his first friend.
I : So you have been with him since his first movie and him your first album. Are you proud of what he’s achieved?
Y : Of course I am. He’s a great actor and he deserves everything and more that what he’s achieved. Plus we’re just 29. 
I : How do you know rest of your gang?
Y : Gang? oh the guys... Yeah... I met them through Seb.
I : Thank You for being here with us today.
Y : Thank you for having me!
Texts between You and Sebastian
You wanted to talk?
Yeah... I wanted to ask you something
Rude much
You know you can ask me anything.🙄
You wanna go on a date with me (not sent)
That’s more likely. You wanna hang?
Gr8 you bring the pizza. and I’ll handle the drinks and the movies.
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tag list: @chaashni​
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toruvi · 3 years
Hello, Ley, I'm just here to throw some of my love confetti on you and your fic, because yeah 🥺
Maybe that's silly, but I'm having the time in my life when not many things give me comfort, but one of the things that do are fics about Levi. Paychecks is one of my dearest faves. I love it, you're writing is amazing, your art is so cute, thank you for sharing your talents with us.
The plot of Paychecks and how it is going make me wanna scream in frustration and melt at the same time. I want Levi and Reader (who I love dearly too) to be together so much, I can't wait for them to kiss or for the time that he will take her to his flat and when she will finally be satisfied with him being a total mess for her. And I'm not even sure if any of these things will happen, but I'll read whatever you are going to write.
Also... What can I tell you, I was not really thrilled by the idea of sugar daddies, just not my thing, but your sugar daddy Levi... I want one for me, he doesn't have to pay me at all, he can call it whatever he wants, I don't care. Character you created makes me feel safe when I'm reading and I love the feeling too.
And can we talk about smut? It was hard for me to admit that I like dirty talk, but you're dirty talk, I enjoyed it so much. Your smut in general is so good, also the one of the greatest I have ever read and yes, I'm just a fanfic lover, my opinion amd judgement may not count for something special, but *dreamy sight* I think your smut is so so good.
I yet again wrote a very long, very chaotic message, but forgive me for that. I hope it's readable. And thank you again. All the love💚
apologies for such a late reply i wanted to wait til i got home to give you a proper response.
can i ramble? i'm going to ramble
first of all i read this first thing in the morning today and i??? almost cried?? it's not silly at all!! and i totally understand finding comfort in fics, i definitely have a few of my own that i feel the exact same way about <3
addressing your whole sugar daddy thing; i get it. totally. and while it's technically a sugar daddy based idea, i hope it's obvious enough to readers that Levi really doesn't see himself in that way at all. ugh, i could get SO into the intricacies about this but alas, they would be spoilers. would LOVE to expand on my thought process about it once more is revealed. (i've done SO much worldbuilding/character study on nearly every character in this story dfjkhjfg)
regarding the story making you feel safe. a few people have said this and it makes me so, so incredibly happy. annnd maybe this is a lil personal but this story pretty much stemmed from me feeling like i had no one to talk to about certain things (ofc i found a gr8 support system later this year but yeah!!). but i love the idea of Levi being this sturdy, quiet presence in which anyone (whether friend or lover) can feel protected/safe around him. i think he gives off those vibes in canon, too.
okay. I am SO picky about dirty talk in fics, so definitely with you on that. ugh, but i love that you still enjoy it regardless of that <3 PLEAAASE. every time someone says they love my smut i get a huge ego boost out of it. my plot can be absolute trash but if yall get off on the smut i'm happy HAHA.
your opinion totally matters!!! every person who's expressed to me how they feel or what they liked while reading my stuff has a special place in my heart!! i'm VERY new to writing so seeing this kind of reaction seriously makes me melt.
and ofc I'll forgive you for the long message (I LOVE LONG MESSAGES OKAY). so hopefully you can forgive my huge, ungodly and possibly unsolicited ramble HAHA. thank you so so much for reading and sending this lovely message <3
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pull-of-the-moon · 3 years
i hate it when people say they don't like shannon. tom gets it less but still gets it but im just sick of the shannon hate at this point. she's quite neurodivergent-coded (imo) and all of the complaints are quite ableist (IMO, its okay if you dont agree w me). also random question but whats your fave episode (seasons 1-3)
no I ABSOLUTELY feel this as well, she's really neurodivergent coded to me as well, and people are always like "omg she makes everything abt herself 🙄🙄" or "ugh why's she so stupid nobody irl would be that easily manipulated by Kincaid" and it's just. UGH.
omg I have no idea what my fave episode would be,,, my favourite bits in wolfblood are the ones connected to wolfblood culture I guess? so The Call Of The Wild (ep 11) and Eolas (ep 12) from s1 are always gr8, but another fav is The Cult Of Tom (s3 ep10) bc of Tom opening up abt feeling like a side character n stuff (think I said that in another post lmao) but yeah, wbu?
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moody-bloosh · 4 years
Alpaca Pro letting out hums when he get to lays on you in his alpaca form and that cause goat!Melone and Sheep!ghiaccio to get angy and start rubbing their heads onto your legs with puppy eyes while dog!Jonathan try to stop cat!Abba and Lulu from fighting
apicho-chupi said:
I saw somea alpacas that wear bells and imagine if Pro’s necklace kinda jingle whenever he move!
AHHHH THESE ARE ALL SO CUTE OMG ;;;;; these are all so lovely, ugh this is really lovely. let’s call this farm au idk harvest moon, feel free to add more hybrids into this UwU also please have some more miscellaneous headcanons re these excellent wonderful asks you all are sending me. 
Cat!Illuso loves to primp and preen in front of a mirror. He’s a vain little thing + he’s a photogenic cat and he knows it. His solo Instagram page already has thousands of followers. He loves to sit on your lap while you idly talk to him about, “what a popular boy you are Lulu, oh yes you are.” 
This in turn pisses off Cat!Abbacchio who will promptly ignore you for a good chunk of the day, at least until you shake the bag of cat treats, at which point he will cleverly sidle up to you and let you feed him. You have to make sure to dote on him lots so he forgives you. 
Cat!Abba and Cat!Illuso are rivals and you know it very well, which is why you are always so thankful to have someone like Dog!Jonathan to referee their matches. He’s a very good boy. You make sure to make him plenty of gr8 meat and lots of headpats and belly rubs. 
It’s hard work for Dog!Jonathan, especially when Fox!Dio loves to show up and antagonize Illuso and Abbacchio. It’s always a sight to see Jonathan chasing around Dio. 
Goat!Melone has the loveliest hair, you really don’t know how he manages to keep his long locks so beautiful but he does it. (You don’t know that when you’re fast asleep, he turns back into a human and uses your conditioner.) He’s very fussy and loves being clean. He’s also very affectionate. He likes to follow Ghiaccio’s lead for some reason, if he sees Ghiaccio demanding love and uwus from you, you can bet that he’ll be following close by to demand the same.
Sheep!Ghiaccio is a BIG OL TSUNDERE. What you don’t know is that his wool is so fluffy and big because he stores all his love for you in there. He’s also a jealous little thing so when he sees Melone and Prosciutto getting all your attention, he completely forgets the fact that he is smaller than the other two and will try to headbutt them. You find this very adorable and with a little call of Ghiaccio’s name, you hold out your arms and kneel down so he knows you’re gonna give him a big hug.  
Alpaca!Prosciutto loves to wander off, and more than once have you worried about his whereabouts. You’ve lost count of the times when it was nighttime and he stumbled back home into your farm. You’d wrap your arms around the alpaca and cry as you told it that you were so so worried. 
This was pretty much why you decided to get him that necklace since you wanted to make sure that if he ever lost his way, people would know to direct him back to you. Of course, Prosciutto is a very smart boy and he has never gotten lost. 
When you did present Prosciutto with the necklace he was very pleased and when you were about to collapse from exhaustion with working on the farm, he caught you and let you take a nap on him, his soft, fluffy wool quickly guiding you to sleep.  
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