#ty to all 126 of you for hanging around!!
ducklingstrand · 2 years
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free-pancakes · 3 years
Ok this is super cheesy but here goes; hanji: "you don't look like a professional criminal" levi: "oh sorry, let me go make myself look like Hannibal lector or something" sorry its rlly cheap but I wanna see some sort of crime au or whatever. Love ur drabbles btw! Keep it up! :)
oh gosh anon, this has been sitting in my inbox for months, i'm so sorry! might be a lil boring, but! i'm all for stupid levihan banter and it made me really happy to write this :) hope u like it!
Under the cover of night, a hooded figure crept through darkness. On the security cameras, it was nothing but a questionable shadow—blink once and it was gone. That’s how it always went.
“What the—“
Reiner turned, peering down the outdoor alleyway. His fellow security guard was no longer standing under a small lamp hanging above the corner of the building.
“B-Bertholdt?” he called?
Before Reiner could call out once more, he heard a voice whispering behind him into his right ear.
“If you open the door, I’ll let you off easy.”
Eyeing the crowbar on the ground, Reiner reached quickly. But he was too late—a hand grabbed him by the forearm. He struggled and was quickly brought to the ground.
“How could someone so small bring me down so fast??” he thought. Before he could even elbow back, he felt a needle sink into his neck, and he yelled out.
The hooded figure stood up.
“Just a small sedative—don’t worry. You won’t remember that a guy half your size took u down in less than...” He peered at his wristwatch—“20 seconds.”
As the hooded teen stood up, a small buzz vibrated in his pocket.
He unlocked his phone, the glow lighting up his face, the dark circles under his eyes now looking much more prominent.
A text from Erwin: “Levi, thermal imaging shows no one else in the building. Meet back with Nanaba in an hour.”
Levi shoved his phone back into his pocket, and got to work. He lifted a limp Reiner off the ground and dragged his arm up to the sensor, pressing his thumb against the fingerprint scanner—“Access Granted” blinked on the small screen as he heard the little click of the door unlocking from the inside. He dusted his hands off on his grey denim jeans, and crept inside.
The slight squeaking of his sneakers on the metal floor panels echoed as he searched for the room he was looking for. On his way he saw a pair of glasses resting on a side table at the end of a hallway, which he found quite strange—who’d just forget their glasses? Erwin confirmed no one else was around. After a few seconds, he decided to shrug it off.
Finally, he reached the last door in the winding hallway. Shining a special penlight, he watched as fingerprints appeared on the keypad on the doorknob, and once he figured out his code, he punched it in with the end of his penlight, and he was in.
Levi breathed a sigh of relief, and pulled down his hood. His least favorite part of the job—he had always been more of the fighter of their team, the brawn, not exactly the brains. But Mike made sure he learned how to break into computer systems, and Levi absolutely hated that process, with Mike’s constant teasing at how dense his brain was to this stuff. Levi grumbled as he sat down, figuring his way in.
Maybe 10 minutes passed, and he continued to struggle figuring his way through the complicated firewalls. In frustration he buried his head into hands for a few seconds, and took a deep breath. Before he could look back up, he suddenly felt a hand pat his back encouragingly.
“There, there, you almost got it!”
Completely startled, Levi jumped up, knocking down the chair he was sitting on and assumed a fighting stance, fists up beside his face. He was caught off guard and completely unprepared: he had no more sedative syringes left, no other weapons on hand. He stared at the person who stood before him, probably the same age as him—no more than 19—a smile on their face, brown hair falling out of the poor hair tie trying to hold the mess up, a can of soda in their right hand and a small bag of chips in their left and— they were wearing the same pair of glasses he saw outside?
His mind raced.
How did they sneak in without him noticing just now? Why are they holding snacks in their hands? Why in God’s name were they smiling at him? And most importantly, they were wearing those glasses, so they had to have been around when a Erwin did the thermal scan—how did they manage to go undetected??
Obnoxious crunching roused him from his thoughts. Mouth full of half-chewed chips, they answered: “Oh! Yes! My friend Moblit and I managed to invent this little guy help us evade thermal scanners! No one knows we’ve been spending nights here for years!” They said as they pointed down to a small metal band around their ankle.
Levi was so shocked, he didn’t even realized he said that last thought out loud. He didn’t know what to do exactly, but they didn’t… seem like a threat…
Levi grumbled, and returned to his work, and she blabbered on and on about how their “cooling band” or whatever the hell they called it work as he kept trying to break through the firewall. He almost regretted not tying them up and slapping tape over their mouth so he could concentrate—the next comment was the last straw.
“You’re pretty scrawny, I was quite shocked when I watched you take down those 2 buffoons that call themselves security guards. You know… you don't look like a professional criminal!”
Levi almost threw the keyboard against the wall.
“Oh sorry, let me go make myself look like Hannibal Lector or something, Four-Eyes!”
They smiled.
“Wow, a nickname! So we’re friends already, Levi!”
Levi paused, “…How did you know my name?”
“It’s right here! Levi Ackerman… Address: 126—“ they listed off as they read off the driver’s license ID they pulled out of his wallet.
Levi snatched his wallet back. “When the hell did you take that??”
He almost screamed in annoyance. “Instead of just sitting here annoying the hell out of me or some shit, why don’t you help me or something??”
They walked up behind Levi, rested their chin nonchalantly on his shoulder, and reached their arms around him towards the keyboard.
Levi felt blood rush to his cheeks. Why—what? Why did they have to type this way?? Why was he blushing??
And in less than 30 seconds, they broke into the computer, the “Zeke Inc.” logo disappearing, and the desktop glowing, open on the screen.
Levi’s jaw dropped, and when he finally registered what happened, he yelled:
They put their hands on their hips and retorted:
“Well, you didn’t ask until now!”
Before Levi could flip the desk in frustration, an alarm sounded from his phone. He only had 5 minutes left before he had to make his way out of there. Quickly, he rushed in, scrolling through shipments for supplies, rerouting their destinations.
“Oh… so you’re like a… a gloomy Robin Hood huh? Small boy steals from big boy company to distribute resources to those who need it? A criminal… or an anti-hero maybe!”
“Oh wait!” They leaned in next to Levi once more—“Here, this is faster,” they whispered while hitting a few more keyboard shortcuts, doubling the amount of shipments.
“Hange, what are you doing??” A young boy stood in the doorway, the same metal band on his ankle.
Levi’s alarm sounded, and he began to wipe down the keyboard of his fingerprints and grab his backpack.
“Hange are you sure we can trust him?” Moblit asked as Hange took off the metal band from their ankle.
Hange winked in response.
“Oi, Levi!”
Levi turned in the doorway, quickly raising his hands to catch the band Hange threw at him.
“Take it!” They yelled, and the heavy door shut right in front of him, leaving him alone in his thoughts.
Levi stared at the band in his palm, and gently wrapped his fingers around it.
“Thanks,” he whispered, and ran off.
As Levi ran under the night sky, he looked at the intricate tech in his hand, and noticed the color yellow peeking out from under it. Flipping it over in his palm, he found a yellow sticky note, which read:
“We’ll trade you our tech for housing if you have space, gloomy Robin Hood! Maybe we could even steal from something big like Marley Corp. someday! If you’re in, find me back here tomorrow night! - Four-Eyes”
Levi carefully folded the note and put it in his pocket.
“Levi?” Nanaba called as he approached.
“Didn’t recognize you—are you… happy about something?”
Levi inadvertently reached his hand up to his face, feeling how his lips curved upwards. He couldn’t remember the last time he ever smiled. His mind was fixated on the note in his pocket, the image of Hange’s face smiling at him etched clearly in his mind.
“…I guess I am, Nana.”
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morganaspendragonss · 3 years
holding our breath (again)
in which carlos is at the minefield call, like he deserved to be.
title from the projectionist by sleeping at last
ao3 | 1.9k | 2.06 spoilers
They’re late arriving to the scene, the rescue already well underway when Carlos pulls up. His heart sinks when he sees the large 126 emblazoned on the side of the firetruck; normally, he loves getting on calls with them, but an active minefield is the last place he wants to find his danger-magnet boyfriend. His only consolation is that TK should be hanging back with the rest of the team, but that doesn’t stop the fear, which, at this point, is just a given.
Only, he can’t find TK anywhere, and Carlos barely listens to the sheriff briefing them, his need to make sure TK’s safe winning out. He and Owen are the only ones missing, including the paramedics, and Carlos - well, Carlos knows what that means. But he refuses to think it, even if he’s only buying himself a few more seconds of relief.
He heads over to the rest of the 126, pointedly not looking at the minefield as he approaches. Paul greets him with a tight nod, then goes back to staring outwards.
Carlos leans in. “Who’s out there?” he murmurs, though he knows, deep down, that it doesn’t need asking.
Someone needs help, and TK’s nowhere to be seen. It’s an easy conclusion.
Paul’s mouth twists into a sympathetic grimace. “Who do you think?”
Carlos squeezes his eyes shut, feels a hand gripping his shoulder. He takes a couple of steadying breaths, then finally - finally - forces himself to look.
He’s just in time to see TK take another leap, and his breath catches in his throat as he watches TK stumble, hand landing perilously close to the edge of the circle. Carlos had thought there’d be nothing worse than watching the man he loves run into burning buildings, but this… This is some kind of torture, the knowledge that TK’s safety - his life - rests almost entirely on pure luck.
“Why’s TK even out there?” he asks, turning his body towards Paul though his eyes remain locked on his boyfriend. It’s a distraction, of a kind, to stop his mind from barrelling down all the worst case scenarios. “Shouldn’t it be a paramedic with Captain Strand?”
“He is one,” Paul answers. “Dual function medic in New York, apparently. Must have kept his certifications up to date since coming out here. Nancy’s out on medical leave after one of the trial medics ran the ambulance over her foot, and Mr Perfect Record over there chickened out. Captain Vega was going to go but then TK, uh.” Paul stops, clearing his throat nervously, and Carlos feels his own heart rate tick up even as he realises with some relief that TK and Owen are almost at the two boys. When Paul speaks again, his voice is quieter, speeding through the words as if he doesn’t want Carlos to hear them. “He volunteered.”
“He what?” And Carlos does look over then, turning to gape at Paul, which is of course when it happens.
One of the mines goes off.
TK’s name rips out of his mouth as he takes an unconscious step forward, though he’s blocked from going further by a hand on his arm yanking him backwards. Carlos lets himself be manhandled, his mind feeling separate from his body as they wait for the smoke to clear. 
He can just about see TK crouching on the edge of the blast, an arm flung protectively over his head, which at least means he’s alive. He could still be hurt, though, could still be bleeding out, and Carlos has never felt more helpless.
“Breathe, Reyes,” Judd reminds him, leaning close to his ear, and Carlos manages a tight nod even as he feels his chest seize with anxiety. He clenches his hands into fists to stop the shaking, looking over at Captain Vega, praying for a sign that they’re okay.
Then, “Still in one piece,” Owen reports over the radio, and Carlos’s entire body sags. The rest of the team are wearing similarly relieved expressions, exchanging glances and nervous head shakes. Carlos allows himself a moment to breathe before turning back to the scene, his heart in his throat as TK takes the final few steps towards the two boys. 
The rest of the call passes in a blur, Carlos feeling like he’s underwater as he tries to force his body to come down from the anxiety still thrumming through his veins. Pride bursts in his chest when TK saves the boy, but the arrival of the bomb squad sets him on edge again, desperate as he is for TK to be back on safe ground. 
He needs to see he’s okay with his own two eyes, and it’s only the team’s grounding presence at his side that stops him from completely losing it.
It’s an agonising wait, the minutes dragging out painfully, but then -
Then, TK’s walking toward them, an exhausted grin lighting up his face. Carlos stands back as he’s immediately mobbed by the rest of the 126, but their eyes meet over the top of Marjan’s head, and Carlos sees his own relief mirrored back at him. As much as TK can be reckless and as much as he seems to gravitate towards danger, Carlos knows he often gets just as scared as he does, especially now they have this. Especially now that they both have so much to lose.
Judd is the first to step away, following the line of TK’s gaze until he spots Carlos. “Hey, come on now, y’all,” he says gruffly to the others. “Let’s give the kid some space, we ain’t the only ones here for him.”
He punctuates it with a tug on Mateo’s arm, and they all begin to disperse. Judd cocks an eyebrow at him as he walks past.
“What are you waiting for? He’s all yours.”
Carlos nods gratefully, then turns his full attention over to TK, quickly closing the short distance between them to crush him in a hug. TK staggers a little under the force of it, but soon enough he’s hugging back just as tightly, hands fisted in the back of Carlos’s jacket. Carlos drops his head to TK’s shoulder, closing his eyes. 
He’s okay, he realises. This is real. 
TK smiles at him when they separate, though neither of them move too far away. Carlos keeps a hand wrapped around TK’s wrist, his thumb resting on his pulse point. 
“Hi,” TK says.
“Are you okay?” Carlos demands, forgoing any greeting. TK laughs, a little taken aback, but Carlos just… He needs to know. He needs to hear it.
“I’m good,” TK promises. “I swear.”
Carlos nods, breaking eye contact to stare at the field, at the crater that could have ended TK’s life. TK must notice, as he’s suddenly in Carlos’s space again, a gentle hand turning his head towards him.
“Are you okay?” he asks, frowning, and Carlos could laugh.
“Am I? Am I?” He’s aware his voice is bordering on hysterical, but he doesn’t care anymore. He breathes out shakily, scrubbing his free hand down his face. “I’m not the one who just volunteered to walk onto an active fucking minefield, TK!”
He sucks in a breath, clamping his jaw shut before he can say anything else. Carlos can feel the eyes on them and he flushes, staring down at his shoes, trying to blink away the sudden tears. He hadn’t meant to yell, but it had all just been too much all at once, the relief and panic and worry and frustration mixing up inside of him and coming out all wrong.
He shakes his head, preparing to excuse himself, when TK’s arm twists in his grasp, linking their fingers. 
“Come on,” he murmurs, and Carlos lets himself be pulled away somewhere more private. The 126 do a good job of appearing busy as they pass, but Carlos knows they’ll be more curious than they’re letting on, and he burns with shame all over again. TK leads him around the back of the truck, pushing Carlos down on the step and sitting down next to him, their joined hands resting on his thigh.
“I’m sorry -” Carlos starts, but TK cuts him off.
“Don’t finish that sentence,” he says. “You don’t need to apologise for anything. God knows if I’d been where you are, I… I don’t know what I would have done.”
Carlos nods. “It was just… When I saw you out there - when the bomb went off - it was the scariest moment of my life, Ty. And then I find out you volunteered? I mean… Why did you?”
“I had to,” TK says, squeezing his hand. “We were just standing around, arguing over who would go, and that kid didn’t have time to wait for us. I knew I could do it, so I said I would. Is that - Are you mad?”
“Mad?” Carlos looks up, meeting TK’s eyes, and his heart hurts at the worry in them. “Of course I’m not mad. I was worried, and I’m still not convinced you’re not trying to give me a heart attack, but mostly I’m just glad you’re safe. It came out all wrong back there, I’m so -”
TK cuts him off with a kiss, and Carlos all but melts into it, eyes fluttering closed. He rests their foreheads together when they separate, smiling softly.
“I’m so proud of you, you know?” he murmurs.
TK hums. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Carlos pulls away, bumping their shoulders together. “You were amazing out there.”
TK grins, looking down at the ground. “It was pretty cool,” he admits. “Kind of makes me wonder if -”
A loud bang on the side of the truck makes both of them jump. Marjan’s standing there, a smirk on her lips as she looks between the two of them.
“We’re rolling out soon,” she says. “Cap wants you to get checked out by Vega before we leave, so you’d better wrap this up, loverboy.”
TK opens his mouth to argue, but Marjan holds a finger up. “Don’t even bother. Cap’s already been checked over himself, so get your ass over there.”
She leaves with a warning glance, and TK looks apologetically at Carlos as they stand.
“Sorry,” he offers, but Carlos shakes his head.
“No, I get it,” he says. “Just, what were you saying?”
TK bites his lip, rubbing the back of his neck. “I, uh. I’m not sure. I’ll see you at home?”
Carlos nods, frowning, but before he can get another word in, TK’s kissing him goodbye and leaving, Carlos’s hand trailing after him until he’s forced to let go. A smile plays at his lips as he watches TK interact with the team, but all too soon he’s being called away himself, and he leaves with a quick backward glance.
“You okay?” his partner asks as he slumps into the passenger seat.
He heaves out a sigh. “Yeah. I’m good.”
She raises a dubious eyebrow, but doesn’t comment, starting the ignition. “Buckle up, then,” she says. “I want to get out of here before the firefighters; I hate getting stuck behind their truck.”
Carlos laughs. “Better step on it. They’re all getting in.”
She curses and complies, the car lurching forward as she speeds out of the field. Carlos watches it shrink in the rear view mirror, the remaining heaviness in his heart slowly fading as the scene disappears from sight. He could have lost so much today, but he knows that that’s always going to be a fear for as long as he’s with TK.
Which will be for a very long time indeed, if Carlos has anything to say about it.
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bluenet13 · 3 years
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Hay Amor en Todas Partes (Part 2/2)
Written for @badthingshappenbingo
Fandom: 9-1-1: Lone Star
Characters: T.K. Strand, Carlos Reyes, Firehouse 126 Crew (basically everyone is here)
Prompt: Losing Their Temper
Summary: After a night out, Carlos and TK encounter two men with nothing good to say. When tempers flare, punches fly, chaos ensues, and two become six, leaving Carlos and TK at their mercy.
Chapter 1
Links: ff.net - AO3
Judd and Grace were tangled together on the couch watching a movie when Judd's phone rang. Frowning, he grabbed it and looked at Grace in confusion, showing her the name on the screen. Confusion on both their faces, because sure, both Judd and Grace were friends with the officer but he rarely called them.
"Reyes?" Judd said, instantly putting the call on speaker. "Carlos, you there? TK?"
A grunt could be heard from the other end and the couple shared a puzzled look. "Is this some kind of joke?" Judd asked, managing to sound only mildly exasperated.
"Should we call TK?" Grace inquired, moving to her phone already.
Hearing another groan, and shuffling on the other side, Judd's features twisted to mild disgust. "Do you think they… are they-?" Judd cut himself short, shaking his head, not even wanting to think about what he could be hearing, and moved to end the call.
"Judson, wait," Grace directed, her hand coming to rest over his. "Turn the volume all the way up. I don't think this is an accidental call." And never one to question his wife, Judd did as directed.
While Judd spent his days saving lives in the physical world, Grace spent hers helping people through a phone, and nobody was better at her job than her. So now, she closed her eyes and listened. Opening them again and looking at her husband with horror in her eyes as soon as they both recognized the distinct sound of fists and feet connecting with a body, and various accompanying pained gasps and grunts.
"Carlos what the hell is going on? Where are you? We're coming to help," Judd screamed into the phone, but no response came. Then a gruff voice softly spoke, but it sounded far away so they could only make out the word 'alley'.
"Grace, call 9-1-1. Then call the crew, I want to stay on the line with Carlos," Judd directed, turning to his wife, even as he ran to their room to get a jacket and some shoes. "And don't bother calling TK, I'm sure whatever is happening they're together."
When Judd came back to the living room, Grace was already standing by the door, dressed and ready to go, keys already in her hand and phone pressed to her ear.
"Where do you think you're going?" Judd breathed out.
"To help. TK might be your teammate, but he and Carlos are my friends too. Let's go," Grace left no room for argument, and opened the door, not waiting for Judd to follow, just knowing that he would.
And so he did.
Carlos Reyes has always known he would die alone. It was a fact he had accepted the very day he enrolled in the police academy. And he had made peace with that notion, even if he wasn't fond of the idea. But right now, he cursed inwardly, because he had much rather die alone than face the possibility of TK dying alongside him, or even worse, instead of him.
TK Strand had almost died more than a few times, and long ago he had already questioned and accepted his own mortality, but he had never made peace with the idea of losing people close to him. And there was no one he wanted to lose less than Carlos Reyes, so right now, he stilled his nerves and told himself he would welcome death like an old friend, hoping destiny would see it as an invitation and chose to take him instead.
When the shot ran out, TK and Carlos both flinched. Hands unclasping as they both waited for the pain. Eyes going simultaneously wide as they reached the same conclusion when none came. Both, cop and paramedic, were too scared to turn around to their boyfriend and what they would find there, so instead they just closed their eyes and waited. Until the sounds of sirens gave them the little push they needed to continue being brave and turn to each other.
Simultaneous smiles reached their lips as they saw the other one was okay, and Carlos and TK collapsed in an embrace. Holding each other up, both hanging on for dear life.
Footsteps coming close broke the hug, and Carlos and TK fumbled and stumbled as they both tried to push the other behind. Neither sure of the upcoming threat, just focused on protecting their boyfriend. But the attempt was unnecessary because they were finally safe.
Aaron laid on the ground in front of them, blood pouring out from a sniper round to his head, and the other five men had disappeared, but most likely were currently being rounded by APD, if the blinking red and blue lights in every direction were any indication.
"Are you guys okay?" Marjan asked first.
"What the hell happened?" Judd added not a second later.
"Paramedics are on route," Grace directed, phone still pressed to her ear.
"Come on let us help you," Paul offered, holding out his hand.
"You both look like hell," Mateo said, because he just couldn't help himself.
TK and Carlos looked up and away from Aaron's body, to see their friends, their family, surrounding them. Everyone was there, Judd, Grace, Paul, Marjan, Mateo, even Nancy. All looking nervous and sounding more than a little bit breathless.
"What? Uh? How?" TK fumbled with the words, staring at the group with wide and still slightly frantic green eyes. "How did you find us?" He finally managed to whisper.
"You have to thank your boy over there," Judd drawled, his hands closed into fists at his sides.
Turning to Carlos, TK raised his eyebrows in a silent question.
"When, when they were focused on you, I took out my phone and tried to contact Judd. I couldn't send a message so I just left the call open. I thought of calling 9-1-1 but you never know who's going to get that call and if they're going to take something like this seriously. Besides, I already knew where the best operator in town was," Carlos explained, smiling shyly at Grace. "But I wasn't sure it had even worked. Sean was standing over me and I couldn't see the screen well," Carlos finished with a breathy laugh, one of pure relief.
"It worked, alright," Judd said proudly, "but what the hell happened?"
Both Carlos and TK deflated at that, neither wanting to relive the experience. But their friends deserved to know, especially because they had all paused their lives to be here, so they took turns telling the story. From the moment they left the bar until just now when the 126 rescued them from almost certain death.
"Bastards," Paul hissed, eyes darkened.
"I would kill him myself if he wasn't already dead," Judd mumbled, staring at Aaron's lifeless body, and only managed to look slightly regretful when Grace whispered a stern 'Judson'.
"I hope the other five rot in prison," Nancy said under her breath, and everyone else nodded.
"Damn, that sucks, dude. That's why you shouldn't go out without adult supervision," Mateo teased lightly.
"Not that you are that much of an adult, probie. But you're right. No more bars or nightclubs unless the crew is there," Marjan added with finality.
Still shaken and in pain, Carlos and TK couldn't help but laugh because their friends were truly something. But they wouldn't have it any other way.
"Can we go home, baby?" TK asked after a moment of silence, turning to his boyfriend.
"Yeah, we can," Carlos whispered, pushing TK's hair back and kissing him on the forehead, where a bruise was already forming.
"Uh no, you're both going to the hospital," Judd interjected.
"But -" Both TK and Carlos tried to say.
"No buts, if it was only one of you that was hurt, we all know the other one wouldn't have it any other way. So no arguing now, and just do as we say," Paul said, leaving no room for argument.
TK just pouted and tried to give the team his best puppy eyes but they were seemingly immune to his charm by now because they all shook their heads and turned around.
"Come on, Ty. We can make a date out of it," Carlos offered, groaning as he lifted himself from the ground and extended his hand to TK.
Taking it, TK kissed Carlos' bruised knuckles and mouthed a silent 'thank you'. Then let himself be pulled off the ground as they walked to the waiting ambulance, their weight supported in between Judd and Paul, the rest of the crew instinctively moving to surround them from all sides, enclosing the couple in a protective circle.
The next few hours were spent in the ER, both TK and Carlos going for countless x-rays, and scans. But in the end, their injuries were deemed to be painful and bothersome, but not life threatening. So when it was nearing 5 in the morning, they were finally discharged with clear instructions to take it easy, rest for the next few days, and come back if any of their symptoms or injuries worsened.
"Ready to go home?" Carlos asked TK as he helped him close the bottoms on his shirt. Thankful the team had brought them clean clothes so they didn't have to wear the bloody and dirty ones.
"I have never been more ready," TK said sincerely, pushing Carlos' hand away. "But, I'm not the one with three cracked ribs, I can dress myself."
"Yeah, but you're the one with two broken fingers, and a sprained wrist," Carlos said matter-of-factly.
"Can we stop comparing scars and get the hell out of here?" Paul deadpanned from the door, then turned around to shout something towards the waiting room. "They're decent guys, you're good to come in."
Carlos blushed and TK rolled his eyes, parting his lips to say something, but his attempt was interrupted as the rest of the 126 came into the room. Conversation flowing easily as if they had all been together in the room for the past few hours.
"Besides, I think we can all agree you both look like hell," Marjan added helpfully, the rest of the team nodding their agreement. Their words teasing, but their eyes betraying the concern and anger they were all feeling.
"What are you guys still doing here?" TK asked, ignoring their jokes, because he had already looked at himself in the mirror, and knew exactly how he looked.
"It's been hours, you should have gone home," Carlos agreed.
"Did you guys really think we would leave you alone after what happened?" Paul asked incredulously.
"Yes?" TK shrugged, but smiled at them anyways. "There's these helpful apps called Uber or Lyft if you guys didn't know, we would have called one."
"Dude, what's the point of having friends if you have to rideshare home from the hospital?" Mateo said softly, then looked uncomfortable when all eyes turned to him.
"Probie is right," Marjan said with a smile, clapping Mateo on the shoulder, "you guys are family and family don't let each other take an Uber from the hospital."
"Much less after getting the crap beat out of you by racist and homophobic assholes," Paul added under his breath, looking ready to murder someone if he could get his hands on any of the six men who attacked his friends.
"What's taking so long?" Judd popped his head inside the room, cutting all conversation short. "Come on, let's go. Tommy and Owen will meet us at your house."
Hearing his dad's name TK groaned and silently wondered if it was too late to ask his doctor to admit him for the night. Carlos picked up on his anxiety, and took his hand and squeezed softly.
"Did you really have to call him?" TK couldn't help but ask, "tonight, I mean. Couldn't you have waited until tomorrow?" He amended after everyone glared at him.
"Of course we had, we didn't all want to lose our jobs," Marjan said with a shrug, trying to sound nonchalant but failing miserably. Everyone was rattled, and no one was doing a good job of hiding it.
"At least this time it really wasn't your fault that you got hurt, so maybe Cap will take it better," Mateo offered, but even he sounded like he didn't believe his words.
"Or he might just finally decide to bubble wrap TK so he stops getting hurt," Nancy proposed, "I know Tommy and I were talking about it after the whole kidnapping incident."
"That actually sounds like a great idea," Carlos perked up at that.
"Shut up, Reyes, you're in the hospital too," TK mumbled.
"Behave boys," Grace said softly, in her best 9-1-1 dispatcher tone, calm and collected but firm in her opinion. "You know Captain Strand worries about you, TK. We waited to call him and Tommy after we knew more of what was happening, but we did after the doctor spoke to us. If it was the other way around and Owen was hurt, you would have wanted us to call you too."
"Thanks, Grace," Carlos breathed out, while TK only nodded, "actually, thank you all. We don't know what would have happened if you hadn't shown up with half the cops in the city." He did know, but he didn't want to voice those words. Instead choosing to end with his attempt at a joke.
"No need to thank us," Nancy said, stepping from the back of the room for the first time, "took me long enough to break Strand in after the last fiasco and parade of potential paramedics. I just can't deal with a new partner. And I'm sure your partner feels the same, Reyes."
Everyone laughed at that, but it never reached their eyes. T.K. and Carlos were okay now, but the events of the night would remain with them for some time. For now, the crew would just be there for their friends in whatever way they needed, and hope their love was enough to chase away any memories of what Aaron and his men had said and done.
Reaching their house a half hour later, Carlos and TK stepped out of Marjan's car with a groan, awkwardly leaning against the door and each other as they tried to steady themselves. Quickly getting out of his truck and the Camaro, respectively, Judd, and Paul ran to their friends, each setting one of their arms over their shoulders as they helped them to the front door.
Reaching the porch, Carlos smiled and TK groaned as Tommy, Owen, Gabriel and Andrea came into view, all of them instantly crowding the boys, fussing over them, asking questions, and offering to help. But thankfully, Paul took pity on them and respectfully pushed everyone away, sharing the doctor's words and reminding all their friends and family that Carlos and TK needed to rest.
As soon as they made it inside their home, they collapsed on the couch, both in pain but content to be in each other's arms and surrounded by their families and best friends. Once they were all settled around the living room, Owen handed them their prescriptions with two bottles of water, staying in front of them for an extra second as he looked them up and down. Seemingly satisfied with what he found, Owen nodded, squeezed both Carlos and TK's shoulders and stepped away. But visual confirmation wasn't enough for Tommy and Nancy as they insisted on checking the boys over, for their own benefit and mental peace. Gabriel and Andrea, for their part, went straight to the kitchen, setting bags on the counter and containers on the fridge. When they came back into the room, Carlos thanked his parents and hugged them both, silently wondering when his mother even had time to cook all that or if maybe she just had a stack of comfort food lying around on the fridge ready to go next time disaster struck.
Everyone then shared some small talk before they all left the house an hour later. The crew promising to be back on their next day off so they could play some video games or board games, while Owen and Andrea offered to return the next morning to make sure they were alright and help them around the house, and Gabriel vowed to get the Rangers on the case so these men could never attack or harass anyone ever again.
"Are you okay?" Carlos asked eventually, once they were finally alone in their bedroom, both just wearing boxers and a towel over their shoulders as they continued to air dry their damp bodies.
"Not really," TK said honestly, head tilting sideways as he looked at Carlos thoughtfully. The shower had helped, but it hadn't been enough to erase all the fears and worries after the night they just had. "But I will be. What about you?"
"Pretty much the same, but mostly just worried about you," Carlos admitted softly, fingers carding through TK's hair as Carlos stepped in between his legs, while TK sat on the bed.
"Why? I didn't go through this alone. It didn't just happen to me," TK explained, moving his hands to Carlos' hips and pulling him closer.
"Yeah, but I feel like it's my job to protect you. And I failed at it," Carlos said simply, eyes darkening as he felt the plastic splint on TK's wrist brush against his skin.
"Why, because you're a cop?" TK wondered.
"Because I'm your boyfriend."
"And I'm yours," TK said easily, "so that means we protect each other."
Carlos nodded, but still looked unconvinced.
"I'm a big boy, Carlos. I can handle some homophobic and racist assholes," TK tried next.
"But you shouldn't have to," Carlos whispered. His fingers now softly running over the bruise on TK's temple.
"And you shouldn't either. No one deserves something like this. But, sadly, these things happen," TK said with a shrug. "And I know that doesn't make it better, but it's just the way it is."
"It sucks." Carlos sighed, because it did and there was nothing else to say.
"It sure does. But we will be okay. We just need to go about this like we do everything else, we handle it together and move forward as a team. No need for you to take the weight of the world on your shoulders alone. Not when you have someone to bear it with you." TK moved his hands from Carlos' hips to his back, softly running his fingers over the tense spots and knots around his boyfriend's shoulder blades. It was a bit awkward with broken fingers and a splint, but like everything, they made it work.
Carlos hummed his agreement and closed his eyes, taking a moment to enjoy the comfort his boyfriend was so graciously gifting him, even when he was hurt too. After a few minutes, Carlos opened his eyes again, instantly getting lost in the green of TK's gaze, and his body naturally leaned forward. TK easily met him in the middle, their lips connecting in a sweet kiss.
TK's hands left Carlos' back to wrap around his body, pulling him closer as they slowly deepened the kiss. Lips parting in simultaneous invitations, but the moment was short lived as TK hugged a little too hard and Carlos groaned against his lips. His injured ribs protesting the movement even when his heart leaped in his chest.
"You're hurt," TK breathed out, stepping out of his boyfriend's space and limping to the bathroom, a smile gracing his face after hearing Carlos' little whimper at the loss of contact. "Lie down," he directed when he returned a minute later, supplies in hand.
Carlos raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "I would love nothing more but I think we're in no physical condition for that."
"Ha, ha." TK waved the bottle of 'Arnicare' in his hand, before pointing to the bed.
Carlos nodded and carefully sat on the bed. Then took a few steadying breaths before he fell back on the mattress. Barely suppressed grunts and a wince escaping as the movement pulled at his tired and sore muscles.
Moving forward TK put some of the cream on Carlos' abdomen and began rubbing softly, mindful of the broken ribs and bruises that were already visible on his skin. "Just relax," TK said softly, feeling Carlos tense under his touch. "I won't hurt you."
"I know," Carlos said honestly. TK could never, would never. But the memories of what happened at the bar were still fresh on his mind. So, he moved his hand to TK and set his palm over his thigh. And only then could he really relax. His heart needing the physical connection as much as the sight of his boyfriend standing in front of him.
When TK finished with the cream, he wiped his hands on the towel and left the room. Returning soon after with two ice packs, one which he set over the worst of the purple coloring his boyfriend's skin, and the other one over his own temple. He then turned off the lights and climbed into his side of the bed.
Wordlessly, Carlos shuffled closer and set his hand over his boyfriend's chest, letting the steady beat of TK's heart ground him and calm his own. "Thank you," he whispered eventually, hoping the simple message conveyed more than just gratitude. He wanted it to mean 'I love you', 'if I had to go through this I'm glad it is with you', 'I'm sorry you had to hear those things and get hurt', and so much more. But his words were failing him tonight, so he settled for the two words that would always be true.
"Anytime," TK mumbled, voice laced with sleep. "But Carlos, promise me one thing?"
"Anything," Carlos offered easily.
"Next time this happens, because we both know it likely will," he began, but quickly backtracked, "I hope not the beating part, but the insults. Promise me that when, if, it happens again, you won't try to defend my honor." His words were serious, but Carlos sensed the smile that was on his lips. "You looked damn hot when you punched the bastard on the face, but -"
Carlos chuckled at that, knowing that losing his temper had only made things worse, even when he had done his best to keep TK under control. But still, he promised nothing. Because as certain as he was that something like that could happen again, he was also confident that he would always defend TK. From homophobic and racist men, or anything else that threatened his boyfriend. And TK seemed to know and understand because he didn't press the issue any further. Mostly because he would do the same thing. Anytime and any day.
"But thank you," TK did say, his hand seeking Carlos' and intertwining their fingers together, before he moved it to his lips and pressed a kiss over his knuckles.
"Anytime, and always," Carlos echoed his boyfriend, before ending on a promise of his own. Then he inhaled a deep breath, taking it all in. "I love you, Ty." The words flowing more easily this time.
"Love you, too."
The previous night might not have gone like they expected, but they had made it through. And now Carlos and TK simply continued to bask in their love. Because love could take many shapes and forms, and it sometimes happened in bed after a night of dancing at the bar, but other times it just entailed taking care of one another, and shared bruise cream and ice packs.
Snuggled against each other, and content, TK and Carlos eventually fell asleep. Because even when the world was at its darkest, the actions of their friends, families and each other had shown them that there was still love everywhere around them. Most people just had to look hard enough to find it, but for Carlos and TK finding it would always be the easy part. Since their love was a simple fact, a constant, and a reality that was as true as breathing.
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reyesstrand · 3 years
let your heart be light
tarlos & firefam dynamics / teen+ / 2.6k
To be fair, TK wasn’t sure what to expect for his first holiday season in Austin. But he has his dad, he has his team, he has Carlos—and it’s enough.
@911giftexchange for @teaamfreewill — i hope you enjoy this AJ, and have a happy holiday season!!! 💗
“It just doesn’t feel right without snow.”
Paul looks at him with that ever-present, all-knowing look in his eyes, before letting out a sigh and nodding. “You’re telling me, New York.”
“Like,” TK starts, fully aware that he’s gravitating into rambling status at this point, but he can never stop himself. He rests a foot on the bottom rung of the shopping cart, leaning his weight against the handle as Paul analyzes the nutritional facts on two different brands of steel-cut oats. “It doesn’t feel like the holidays without at least one storm that makes you question your existence.”
Humming in agreement, Paul puts one package back on the shelf and tosses the other in the cart, before hesitating and grabbing a few more of the pale-blue bags before they're good to move on to produce. When there's a comfortable lull in conversation, both of them crossing items off the list his dad's very carefully crafted for the bi-weekly shopping trips, TK lets his mind drift to holidays past.
His parents wanted him to grow up with both the tradition of celebrating Hanukkah and Christmas, but as he grew older, Decembers tended to blur into every other month. He'd always call his mom if he was working late, smiling down at photos she'd send him of her attempts to perfect her grandmother's recipe for sufganiyot, always making his stomach rumble. And, even if she was out of the city at the time, she'd always send him a box of homemade pastries and a card with a lengthy message inscribed inside that'd make him feel warmed from the inside out. And his dad would always make him at least come for a dinner on the twenty-fifth, even if dinner was just takeout eaten straight out of the cartons while they watched the Christmas parade he always recorded.
They were simple traditions, but they were theirs.
In Austin, TK's slowly getting used to calling it home. The snow thing had been the first to strike him, because while he's seen his fair share of strange Texan weather, not waking up to white covering every surface and bitter cold nipping at his skin has been throwing him for a loop. 
"Earth to TK," Paul says, tossing him a bell pepper. TK catches it, rolling his eyes playfully at his friend. "We should start figuring out a place and time for the Not-Christmas dinner."
"Carlos offered his place," TK says, without thinking. Paul just grins at him. 
"That seems to be going well, huh?" Paul asks, hip-checking TK as they walk side-by-side to the checkout. TK feels his face go warm, though he busies himself with adjusting the rolled sleeves of his black t-shirt, printed with the 126 crest over his heart. Paul just musses up his hair before ducking out of grasp for retaliation, sidling up to the cashier and offering his big smile at her while she begins to ring them up. "I'm happy for you, kid. We all are." 
TK does smile at that, because it's the one shining light in all of this. He hadn't been sure what a holiday season with a new boyfriend would be like, especially when every single one of his friends were also friends with said boyfriend, but they've all been relatively tame. No shoving them under the mistletoe yet, which TK guesses is only a matter of time. 
"Anyway," Paul says, and TK sticks his hands into his pockets, suddenly glad Marjan isn't here to poke at his pink cheeks. 
"Anyway," TK agrees. "Carlos did offer to let us use his place, though. He suggested the twenty-second, so that way people could still go see their families." 
"The twenty-second it is," Paul smiles, already typing the date into their group chat, followed by five question marks. Because Carlos thought ahead for these things, TK knows they're all already going to be on one of their twenty-four-hour off periods; Carlos works that morning but will be home by noon, and as long as TK has detailed instructions, he won't have a problem starting the food early. 
A small knot forms deep in TK's chest, even though he knows there's still two weeks before the proposed group dinner. He just thanks the cashier after paying with the credit card his dad gave him before they left the station an hour ago, and they head back out into the sunny, barely-cool, snowless, December afternoon. 
TK's just hanging up with his mom, absently kicking at a rock in the lot just outside the bay doors, when he feels someone creep up behind him. 
He doesn't even blink, though, because he smells sandalwood and tangy citrus and is smiling before he feels familiar arms settle around him. He tells his mom I love you, too, and stuffs his phone in his pocket and leans back into Carlos' touch, for half a moment, before turning in his arms and pressing their foreheads together. 
"Did you know you're impossible to shop for?" 
TK grins, and presses a quick kiss to the corner of Carlos' mouth before pulling back enough to look him in the eye. "What a welcoming statement after not seeing each other for twenty-seven hours." 
Carlos rolls his eyes affectionately, and tightens his hold around TK's middle. "I missed you, Ty." 
"I missed you too," TK grins, cupping Carlos' face between his palms and finally closing the distance between them properly. "But I do take offence to that. I'm perfect in every way." 
Carlos huffs a laugh against his mouth and presses in for one more kiss, before scraping his blunt nails against the fine hairs at TK's nape. "Believe me, I know, sweetheart." 
He feels a pleasant ripple shoot through him, and TK's struck again by the fact that he gets to have this. He's close enough to see the flecks of gold in Carlos' warm brown eyes, and he wonders how it's only been three months because he feels like he's known him forever. He thinks of decorating with Marjan today and the sudden pang of homesickness that he couldn't quite explain. 
"You okay?" Carlos asks, because he can read even the most microscopic of his expressions like the back of his own hand. TK covers it up with a smile. 
"Yeah, of course," TK brushes his thumb along Carlos' jaw, before standing back, dragging his hand down the length of Carlos' arm so he could grab his hand and tangle their fingers together. "Come on, I'll buy you dinner." 
"My prince," Carlos plays along, hand over his heart, but there's still a look in his eyes. He runs his thumb over the backs of TK's knuckles, and when TK squeezes his hand tighter, he gets a small smile in return. 
They'd realized sometime between Thanksgiving and the first of December that they'd have to celebrate as a team, this year. 
The non-denominational, coined-by-Mateo "Not-Christmas Dinner" idea was agreed upon pretty quickly, and TK is beyond excited to start creating new traditions with his family. But he's struggling, is the thing. He wouldn't ever mention it to anyone because he hates stressing them out, and though he has no urge to do anything stupid because for the first time in a while he's happy—like, really fucking happy—he can't help but to feel like everything has to be perfect. 
It boils down to this: he misses his mom like crazy, even though she stayed with him and his dad for a couple weeks back in September when he was still healing. He's finally getting back on track with his dad, after long nights of hashing things out about his childhood. And he and Alex never did much for the holidays save for giving each other a couple gifts because they could never work out how to spend an equal amount of time with both of their families—which, in hindsight, is yet another element of the two and a half years TK lost to the man he thought was his soulmate—but now with Carlos he just wants things to be special. They already have plans to visit Carlos' mom and sisters on Christmas Eve, and Owen had lovingly coerced Carlos into a Strand family dinner on Christmas Day. 
It just feels like a lot. 
"Hey, are you okay?" Marjan asks, bumping his shoulder with hers as she strolls into Carlos' kitchen. The twenty-second kind of crept up on TK, and now he's here, attempting to hold down the fort while Carlos makes a last-minute trip to the store. His kitchen's a homey space, and, like the rest of his boyfriend's place, it's tastefully decorated with garland and candles and little angel statues that have been passed down through his family. There's a photo of the two of them on Carlos' fridge, pressed together at a pumpkin patch they'd spent a date night at back in October, and TK gets a little lost in the memory. Marjan has to nudge him a little harder to get him to snap back into it. "TK?" 
"Oh, hey," TK smiles at her, and goes back to making sure that the green beans don't stick to the bottom of the pan. She claims a burner of her own to keep her tagine warm, leaning back against the counter with her arms folded over her chest. 
"You're spacing out a bit," Marjan says, and when TK keeps his eyes trained on the vegetables he swore he could handle, she just makes a small noise and places a hand on his shoulder. "You've been a little quiet lately."
There's a pause, where neither of them say anything, before Marjan drops her voice a little and adds:
"Hey, you know you can talk to me, right?" 
"I'm just—" TK shakes his head and bites at the inside of his cheek, turning down the heat to try and kill more time.
He doesn't know how to tell her—and the rest of them—that he's both so thankful for this family he's found and so, so terrified of messing it all up. Thankfully, he doesn't have to; there's a knock at the door and Marjan offers to get it, leaving TK alone with a soft smile. He sighs, and closes his eyes for a long moment. 
After food has been served, and gifts have been exchanged, they all sit around Carlos' living room. The conversations overlap like they always do, and TK sits comfortably under the glow of the light from the tree and the warmth of Carlos' arm thrown over his shoulder. He's slowly picking at a piece of Grace's pecan pie, and he knows he should just let himself get lost in the moment, but he can't. He taps his foot at a staccato beat against the floor, and even when Carlos throws him a questioning look and settles his hand on TK's knee, he doesn't stop. 
He finally excuses himself ten minutes later. 
Carlos' place has a nice little backyard area, where they've all gathered for parties and after-work hangouts countless times. It's a little chilly as the sun's gone down, and TK sighs out loud and sees his breath puff out in front of him. He smiles just a little, and kicks his foot against the porch, dropping down onto the steps. 
He's expecting Carlos to come after him; or maybe Marjan, or his dad. Instead it's Grace who settles down next to him, a hand splayed over her four-month pregnant belly. 
"Honey," she starts, and TK ducks his head. His eyes burn, and he roughly sniffs. "TK. You don't have to hide whatever you're thinking from us." 
He takes a deep breath, and scrubs a hand down his face. And then he says: "I don't want to bring down your mood." 
Grace gives him one of her warm smiles. "TK, every day I'm reminded why you and my husband get along so well." 
TK rolls his eyes and gently nudges her arm with his shoulder. 
"Now tell me what's wrong," Grace says, and TK rubs the back of his neck before he starts talking. 
He tells her everything. About how the holidays usually meant bickering with Alex. How it meant celebrating with both of his parents, sure, but also dealing with awkward dinners with their new significant others. About how he hasn't felt this good since he was a kid and he doesn't want to fuck it up. 
"You could never fuck it up," Grace tells him, squeezing his hand that she's been holding between both of hers. TK meets her eyes and finds nothing but sincerity, nothing but the warmth and reassurance that always seems to be there. "Never. And know that all of us in there don't care about perfect as long as we have you, as long as we're all together. Now, I'm going to send that beautiful man of yours out here so you can talk to him, because he's been worried." 
At that exact moment, they hear the telltale creak of the door opening; both of them glance over their shoulders and spot Carlos. 
He moves to leave, lifting a hand in apology. "Sorry to interrupt—" 
"I was just leaving," Grace says, getting to her feet and squeezing TK's shoulder for a brief moment. When she disappears back into the house, Carlos takes her spot, and wordlessly presses a lingering kiss to TK's temple. 
"Ty," Carlos starts, and TK stops him in his tracks with a kiss. 
"I'm sorry for being distant, lately," TK murmurs half against his lips, because even though he knows that Carlos has seen him pretty close to his worst he hates the thought of pulling him down; of making him unhappy. "I'm just—it's been so long since I've had this. And I've never had someone like you. I was so worried about not messing things up that I got in my head." 
"Hey," Carlos whispers, getting TK to look him in the eye. "Please don't apologize, okay? We're all healthy, and here together—that's what matters, right? That I get to have you by my side through it all?"
Could you blame TK for surging forward to kiss him again? 
When they part, TK whispers: "Thank you." 
"What for?" Carlos asks, eyes glinting with confusion. 
"For being you," TK says, knowing how it sounds. 
Carlos shakes his head, moving to lace their fingers together. 
They move in unison to press their foreheads together, and TK whispers, "I love you so much. I just needed you to know that." 
"Of course I do," Carlos says, smiling into it when he kisses TK before speaking again. "I love you too. And I don't want you to feel like you have to—to hide what you're feeling." 
TK just lets himself have what he wants, what he needs in the moment, and it's this: Carlos' mouth against his, again and again. 
They re-enter the party ten minutes later, and all eyes are on them when they slip into the living room. 
TK opens his mouth to make some big declaration, but Marjan catches his eye, and then Paul. Then it's his dad who dramatically clears his throat and points above the two of them. 
Because, of course, there's mistletoe fastened to the doorway above them. 
"I hate you all," TK mutters, to which Judd yells lies! and Paul yells something about getting on with it. So, TK does; he presses his palms to either side of Carlos' face and grins at him before closing the distance between them. There's a whoop from someone for effect, and then when they pull apart Marjan pulls him down next to her on the loveseat so he can be thrown into a conversation about fighting mall elves they'd had to deal with during a call yesterday. 
Looking around the room, he realizes he had nothing to worry about at all. And, to be fair, TK wasn't sure what to expect for his first holiday season in Austin. But he has his dad, he has his team, he has Carlos—and it's enough. 
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221bsunsettowers · 3 years
TK/Carlos: Please Don’t Go Where I Can’t Follow
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Fandom: 9-1-1 Lone Star
Pairing: TK/Carlos
Prompt: Dissociation
Carlos is missing, kidnapped by a criminal he brought down during an undercover operation, and TK is frantic. When they do find Carlos, they realize he's been shown a faked photograph of a murdered TK, and has completely disassociated.
I promise that everything does end up okay at the end! I always have to have my hurt/comfort angst with a happy ending. I can’t whump these boys permanently.
I did research on dissociation before and while writing this piece, but I can't promise my writing is medically accurate. Please know I tried, and I apologize for any inaccuracies.
CW: dissociation, some blood and bruising, faked photograph of a character having been murdered, one use of the f word
Can also be read on Ao3 here
It had taken three hours and fourteen minutes to find Carlos.
It had taken three hours and fourteen minutes after TK's phone rang, after he was told Carlos had answered what should have been a simple domestic dispute call, and never came back. That the house he had been called to was deserted and had been for years. That the only sign anyone had been there was blood soaked into the rug.
Three hours and fourteen minutes and the scent was fading off of Carlos' hoodie, the one TK had plucked from the closet just that morning, smirking at his boyfriend before Carlos had walked over with a laugh and kissed the smirk right off TK's lips.
Any members of the 126 that were off shift had immediately joined the search, paired up with any police officers that weren't already running down leads. TK had wanted to be everywhere at once, out there finding Carlos, at the police station listening to the tips and reports, at their home in case Carlos managed to make it there.
In the end, it was decided for him, his father and Carlos' captain finding a nearby hallway at the police station where TK could pace up and down its length, ringing Carlos' cell phone over and over, closing his eyes and soaking in the sound of his boyfriend through the words of his voicemail.
TK didn't eat, didn't rest, didn't stop moving, the absence of the love of his life like molten lava under his skin, burning and stinging and bringing tears to his eyes, wearing out his strength and hope with every minute it settled and hardened in his veins. The hood of Carlos' sweatshirt was pulled over TK's head, and when it all got to be too much he would turn his face and breathe in, trying to let the rememnants of his boyfriend's scent bring him any sort of comfort.
When the call finally came, it was an officer reporting that he and his partner had spotted Carlos through the window of an abandoned warehouse. From what they could tell, he was tied to a chair, three guys guarding him. And Carlos had looked limp, unmoving, head hanging low, and there was definitely blood.
Backup was already running out of the station and to their squad cars, but TK had collapsed to the floor, weeping into Owen's shirt, clutching at him with clenched fists. "We know where he is," Owen murmured soothingly into TK's ear, arms wrapped around his son. "And we're going to go to him, and we'll take it from there, okay?"
TK nodded, sniffled, rising from the floor and tucking his trembling hands into the sleeves of Carlos' hoodie. Owen kept an arm around his waist as he led him to the car.
When they reached the warehouse, TK leapt from the car as soon as it had slowed down enough. He had spent the ride running through every world-ending possible scenario in his mind, unable to turn off the terrifying thought that Carlos was dead or dying and their forever had already ended. Owen had had to pull off the road for a moment so TK could fall to his knees in the dirt and retch next to the car, his dad's hand rubbing circles on his back.
Now that he was this close to Carlos, TK couldn't stop himself, body magnetized to his boyfriend's orbit, and he was sprinting through the door and dropping to his knees next to the chair, hands fumbling to grab the wrists an officer had just released from the zip ties.
Feeling a pulse, too slow but still steady, TK gave himself one shaky exhale of relief before forcing his gaze up to sweep the rest of the scene before him. Carlos' face was bruised, his shirt slashed front and back with what were clearly shallow knife strokes, leaving narrow cuts still trickling blood.
But what was most heartstopping was the look in Carlos' eyes.
It was like there was no one there. Like Carlos' body was an empty shell. TK had seen so many expressions in those beautiful eyes, but never a complete lack of anything.
"Carlos, baby, it's me," TK murmured, gingerly cupping Carlos' face between his trembling hands. "Can you answer me, sweetheart? Let me know what's going on?"
Michelle had appeared, but Carlos did not react when she carefully cut off the remaining fabric of his shirt, his arms limp and dropping back to their previous place the minute her hold was released. TK knew Michelle was fighting back tears as she started cleaning and bandaging Carlos' wounds. TK had no power to resist his own sobs, tears streaming down his cheeks as he continued calling to Carlos.
"Please, Carlos, please, please come back to me, please," TK begged through his tears, and at the lack of response again, whipped his head around to the nearest police officer. "What the hell happened? Do you know what's going on?"
"We found him like this," the man responded, expressed pained as he took in the unresponsive form of his fellow officer. "I don't know, but this guy," he jerked his head at the wide-eyed, terrified, and handcuffed teenager next to him, "says he'll tell us what happened if we put in a good word for him at the station."
"Absolutely, anything, please, just tell me what happened, tell me what's going on." TK barely registered he was begging again, this time at a complete and utter stranger.
"My boss knew he'd been involved in an undercover op ," the teenager gestured towards Carlos, "and he wanted to know where exactly in the station his drugs had ended up. The cop wouldn't tell him, even after he beat him up some, got the knife." TK's body flinched involuntarily, tense with anger and heartbreak, and the teen spoke even faster. "Then he showed the cop that photo, and instead of spilling the details he just totally shut down. Then you guys came in."
Bending down, the officer picked up the indicated photo from the ground, and let out an involuntary "Fuck". Eyeing TK uneasily, he sighed, handing over the picture.
"Oh god," TK choked out, the picture shaking violently in his hands. He knew it was a photoshop, a damn good one but still fake, of course he did, he was here alive wasn't he, but Carlos couldn't have known. All Carlos would have seen was TK's dead body, bullet hole in his forehead, bullet hole to the heart, blood soaking through that yellow hoodie they both knew so well (and TK couldn't believe they had gone to that level of detail, didn't want to think about how they had found that out, but of course that was the kind of thing that would have immediately convinced Carlos).
"Ok, ok I know what's going on," Michelle's shaky voice came from over TK's shoulder."He's having a dissociative episode. He couldn't handle what he was seeing and he...he deconnected. Loss of feelings, depersonalisation, derealisation..." She trailed off, and TK turned his gaze on her, eyes pleading.
"How do I fix this, Michelle? How do I get him back?" TK wasn't even sure his words were understandable at this point, he was crying so hard, but Michelle squared her shoulders, biting her lip.
"Ok, you should try engaging his senses. Give him something familar to feel, really ground him with your touch, anything that smells like you, talk to him, but TK, I can't...I can't promise, I don't know..." She choked back a sob.
TK immediately pulled off the hoodie he was wearing, knowing it now smelled like a mixture of him and Carlos, and threaded Carlos' arms through the sleeves, zipping it up to the very top and pulling the hood up around his boyfriend's face.
"Carlos, baby, it's me, it's TK, I'm right here, I love you so much, so so much baby," TK kept up an unending stream of endearments, gaze glued on Carlos' face, and he thought for a second he saw a flash of familarity in his eyes. Grabbing Carlos' hand, TK slid it up under his shirt, pressing his boyfriend's palm skin against skin right over TK's frantically beating heart, then used his other hand to gently cup the back of Carlos' neck, brushing their lips against each other.
For a moment, nothing happened.
Then TK heard a soft "Ty?" breathed against his lips, and he dared to open his eyes. He gasped as he saw Carlos start to cry, eyes full and familiar, and TK caught him as he collapsed off the chair and onto the floor.
"It's me, baby, I promise, it's me, I'm okay, I'm fine, it's all going to be alright," TK chanted into the crook of Carlos' neck, pressing his promises into his boyfriend's sweat-soaked skin. He clutched Carlos to him as their bodies shook and they sobbed, not even registering the warehouse clearing around them, Michelle pressing a hand to her heart as she tearfully moved outside with her kit at the ready.
"That photo," Carlos choked out, and TK shook his head, pulling back just enough so Carlos' could see his face.
"They faked it, I'm not hurt, not a scratch, I've just been a wreck over you, sweetheart," TK assured him, and Carlos shot forward, pressing their lips together hard enough that their teeth clinked together, and TK poured every ounce of love inside him into the bruising kiss. With a oh so grateful gasp, Carlos softened, and the kiss did too, mouths meeting again and again, Carlos seeming to settle more and more into his body as TK gently kissed his way across the bruises scattered across Carlos' face.
"Hey there Tiger," Carlos finally said, voice stronger, and TK laughed in sheer relief, resting their foreheads together.
"Hey there love," TK answered, and he saw a smile begin to turn up the edges of Carlos' lips. "There you are."
@bikingthroughhawkins​ @officereyes​ @i-had-bucky​, @highqualitykhakis​ @meloingly​
If you want to be added to my Tarlos tag list just let me know!
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tkstreyes · 4 years
Burning Love
TK and Carlos impulsively fly to Las Vegas to get married in one of those 24 hour chapels, complete with one of those Elvis impersonators to officiate. Couldn’t resist using an Elvis song for the title that also happens to be a pun for TK as a firefighter (sorry not sorry!). One of many fic ideas from @theworld-is-out-there !
Word count: 1.75k
Carlos looks around nervously at the neon signs and the bustling traffic of the Las Vegas Strip. “Are we really gonna do this? Because I love you, like so much, but we can wait. We can have a big wedding with all of our friends and family if that’s what you want.”
TK looks at Carlos with so much love in his eyes for this man, this man who has been patient with TK from the start, this man who has never given up on what they could be.
“My dad is going to kill me… but fuck it, Carlos. I don’t need a big, fancy wedding. I just need you to be my husband. Today. So hell yeah, we are really gonna do this!” TK can’t help the smile that spreads across his face as he grabs Carlos’ hand and pulls him across the strip to the nearest 24 hour chapel.
“We are gathered here today in this sacred house of Elvis to unite Tyler Kennedy Strand and Carlos Reyes in holy matrimony.” TK and Carlos can’t help but giggle at this impersonator’s terrible Elvis impression and the absurdity of this whole thing, but they wouldn’t have it any other way. “Since this is a 24 hour chapel and there are no appointments, we are gonna do the quick version of this. So if you have your own vows, let’s go ahead and do those now.”
TK takes a deep breath before locking eyes with Carlos, tears threatening to spill over.
“A year ago, when I decided to go back to the 126, I told my dad I had never been more sure of anything in my entire life. But today, this right here, us. There is nothing Carlos, not even being a firefighter, that I am more sure of than what you and I have. I used to think that it took a whole lot of effort to make love work, but it turns out that I didn’t really know what true love was. You have taught me that true love is as easy as breathing; it’s as easy as running into burning buildings and chasing down the bad guys.” TK can’t help but smirk and send Carlos a wink before continuing. “True love is not about the grand romantic gestures or the show of trying to one-up each other. It’s about taking comfort in the little things, like the way you always leave a cup of coffee waiting for me when you have an early shift. True love is being on the same page as someone else without having to say a word. It’s when you can tell how I’m feeling from just one look and when we can run into the middle of disaster knowing we’ve got each other’s backs.”
TK takes a shuttering breath and gives Carlos’ hands a quick squeeze. “I once said that I thought we make a pretty good team, but now I know, more than ever, that there is no team I would rather be a part of, including the Yankees, which is really saying something. Don’t tell my dad; he would never forgive me.” Carlos lets out a wet laugh, tears shining in his beautiful brown eyes. “I have had struggles, but I am grateful because those struggles led me to you. Thank you for loving every part of me, especially on the days when I feel as though I don’t deserve that love. I love you so much, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, diving into the action with you right by my side.”
With a shaky breath and blinking away the tears gathering in the corners of his eyes, Carlos gives TK’s hands a squeeze, and looks back up at TK, at his future.
“When I became a police officer, I made an oath to protect and serve the people of Austin and my community. Today I stand before you and… Elvis,” he pauses to send a amused look and a head nod to the fake Elvis, “to make another oath. An oath to protect and serve you, Ty. An oath to always be there for you to come home to after a long shift, an oath to stick to my side of the bed and not steal all of the covers, an oath to hold you when the bad days come and to go to meetings with you when you need me most.”
TK’s expression softens and tears start to fall from those gorgeous green eyes of his. “An oath to keep you safe, just like you keep me safe. An oath to love you, just as you have loved me. Thank you for opening your heart to me and letting me love you as wholly as you have. I know how hard it was for you to let me in, and I am eternally grateful that you did, because you have given me the greatest love I have ever known. And it’s really just the cherry on top that you, Tyler, are a straight up ten. It’s honestly a crime how gorgeous you are; I should arrest you right now.”
TK can’t help but snort and shake his head at the comment, face flushing. Only Carlos can make him feel like a love struck teenager falling in love for the very first time.
“I know that together we can make it through anything. We can be anything. I cannot wait to begin this new journey with you. Wherever our future may take us, I want you to know that I will always be by your side, ready to take on the world with you.”
The fake Elvis is almost as choked up as TK and Carlos, which just makes them laugh through the tears. Elvis takes a deep breath, “Okay, so Tyler Kennedy, do you take Carlos Reyes to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
TK smiles bigger than he thinks he has ever smiled before. “I do. Of course I do. 100% forever, babe.”
“And Carlos, do you take Tyler Kennedy Strand to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“Through thick and thin right? Hell yeah, I do. It’s you and me, Ty.”
They exchange the rings they had bought just hours earlier when they had landed in Vegas.
“Well then, by the power vested in me by this fine house of Elvis, I now pronounce you hunks of burning love as husbands. So go ahead, kiss y’all!”
TK surges forward, arms wrapping around Carlos’ shoulders as Carlos’ arms wrap around TK’s waist. Their lips gently brush, sweet and gentle. TK sighs into the kiss, experiencing a feeling of peace flooding over him, unlike anything he has ever known. Carlos doesn’t hesitate to deepen the kiss, pouring every emotion coursing through him into it. They reluctantly break apart, foreheads touching and noses brushing.
“God I love you so much, Carlos,” TK whispers softly.
Carlos smiles softly, completely content. “I love you too, Tyler.”
“Woah, well look who it is. Pretty boy is back, y’all!” Judd yells into the station as TK walks up hand in hand with Carlos. TK is jittery; Carlos can feel the nerves rolling off of him.
“Hey, everything is going to be fine, Ty. Your dad loves you, and as long as you’re happy, he can forgive us for doing this without him.”
TK looks back at Carlos with a watery smile, “I have never been happier. I just don’t want him to be pissed is all.”
“Yeah I know, babe. Well, time to face the music, or should I say the sirens, I guess,” Carlos says with a chuckle.
Owen comes pounding down the stairs. “TK Strand, where have you been?! You called me so frantically asking for a couple days off and then you just disappeared! Is everything okay? I mean, you look healthy, you look fine… Well, you’re alive so that’s good—”
“Dad!” TK cuts him off before he continues ranting for much longer. “I’m completely fine. More than fine actually.” He gives Carlos one more smile before continuing. “And it’s actually TK Strand-Reyes now.”
Owen looks back and forth from TK to Carlos, eyes wide. “Wait, what?!” TK can hear the rest of his crew coming to find out what all the commotion is about.
“Umm yeah… Carlos and I kinda flew to Vegas and got married in one of those 24 hour chapels, yah know, complete with an Elvis impersonator and everything.” TK raises his left hand, showing off his new ring to punctuate his last statement.
The rest of the crew comes to greet the couple, and Mateo, with his attention to detail, immediately notices the ring. “Holy shit, y’all got married and didn’t invite us? Wowwww man. I’m hurt,” he says with a smirk, a hand on his chest feigning injury. Everyone laughs and rushes forward to give the couple their congratulations, hugging TK and affectionately patting Carlos on the back. The only member of the crew still hanging back, who still hasn’t even moved, is Owen.
TK walks slowly towards Owen, nervously looking back at Carlos, who gives him an encouraging nod.
“Dad..? Are you… okay with this? I know I should have told you, but I couldn’t go another day not being married to Carlos, not being his husband. I have never been more in love in my entire life, and you have always taught me that sometimes you have to take the big leap. Go big or go home, right?”
Owen takes a deep breath before pulling TK into the tightest hug. “I am more than okay with this TK.” He pulls back with his hands planted on TK’s shoulders and a big smile. “You really do seem the happiest that I have seen you in a really long time. Do I wish I got to be a part of your wedding? Of course, but as long as you are happy, I am happy for you, son.”
TK lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding and lets out a wet laugh before pulling his dad back in for another hug. “Thanks Dad. I love you, you know.”
“Yeah I know, but don’t you go having any kids without telling me. I would like to know if I am going to be a grandpa.”
The crew laughs at Cap’s comment, and Carlos walks over, taking TK’s hand. “Okay, Cap, I think that’s fair,” Carlos chuckles, and TK kisses his husband on the cheek.
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nico-di-genova · 4 years
Risks of the Job
Prompt: TK or Carlos getting hurt at work and the other one freaking out and being super concerned/caring.
Warnings: Suicidal ideation (TK reflecting on the past).
       “I’m sorry, you got what?” TK exclaims, his eyebrows shooting up and voice raising an octave.
        The rest of the 126 looks up from their breakfast, their eyes going to where TK stood by the coffee machine, phone raised to his ear and back to them. Through the fabric of his Austin fire t-shirt they could see the way his body began to tense.
       “What-? Where are you?”
        He sounded panicked, worried; it was enough to have Owen looking at him with concern. Paul and Marjan glanced at each other curiously, and then back to the man who was gripping his phone tight enough that his knuckles had gone white.
       “I’m on my way,” he said, before hanging up and turning around to look at his team. There was dread in his eyes, a distress in his features that hadn’t been there before he’d gotten the phone call.
       “What’s going on, TK?” Owen asked, watching his son with a careful gaze, monitoring the way TK seemed to be detaching from his body. He got like this when he was overwhelmed, or when he couldn’t quite process something.
       “Um-, Carlos is in the hospital?” it was a question, like he didn’t want to believe it was true.
       Judd was already standing from his chair before anyone else could respond. He looked to Owen, “I’ll drive him.”
       He expects the worst, so the image he’s met with is enough to have relief flooding through his body. Carlos is injured, his left arm in a sling and gauze wrapped tightly around his bicep, but he’s conscious. He’s propped up in the hospital bed, playing with the remote for the TV, and beginning to look bored. When he sees TK walk into the room his expression shifts to an exasperated scowl.
       “Ty, I told you not to come.”
       TK scoffed, “and you’re a dumbass if you thought I was going to listen.”
       The breath he takes feels like the first full one he’s had since his minor heart attack began. He’d heard the words, ‘I got shot’, and everything had gone sideways; narrowed to a pinprick viewpoint that had him seeing the worst outcomes. Now that he can look at Carlos, and know that everything is relatively okay, it feels like oxygen is finally returning to his lungs.
       “It’s just a shoulder wound, babe. Some idiot with bad aim tried to rob a gas station. I’m fine.”
       If he wasn’t already injured, TK might have strangled him. Fine was a subjective term, and a gunshot wound very much seemed like a unfine thing. He knew Carlos was just trying to keep him calm though, remain composed, so that he could convince TK to go back to work and resume their normal routine. He didn’t like having people feel sorry for him, always wanting to be the one to do the consoling. While it was brave of him, it was also incredibly annoying.
       “You got shot,” he says, trying not to let his voice waver with the amount of emotion he’s currently feeling.
       Carlos rolled his eyes, “I barely got shot.”
       “You’re annoying, Kevlar, you know that?” There’s only a minor amount of aggravation in his voice. Mainly, he just sounds relieved.
       Carlos gives him a small smile at the nickname. It had come around when TK had first seen him in his bulletproof vest. The sight was enough of a turn on that he’d begged the man to keep it on when he’d returned home that night, slamming him up against the closest wall and kissing him until they both were out of breath. They’d been together long enough for TK to know he was insanely attracted to Carlos when he was in his uniform, but he didn’t particularly enjoy the risks that came with the job. Not that his job was any safer, he did run into burning buildings for a living. Both of them spent a substantial amount of time worrying about the other, to the point that it had led to a few arguments about safety in the beginning of their relationship. He tried not to think about that now, how right he’d been right in agonizing over Carlos every time the man took on a particularly dangerous call.
       Seeming to sense how overwhelmed and panicked TK was, Carlos reached out for him, motioning for the man to come closer until he could wrap his hand around TK’s wrist and pull him to the bed.
       “Look at me Tyler,” he said, Knowing using his first name always grabbed his attention, waiting until TK met his steady gaze, “I’m fine.”
       The steadfast way he said it, with that unwavering determination in his eyes, it was enough to have TK breathing in a shaky breath.  Tears began to burn at the corners of his vision. If it weren’t for Judd driving him here, trying to remind him to breathe on the ride over, TK might have had a full blown panic attack. He knew Carlos wasn’t invincible, that he was very much human and could be injured just like anyone else, but a part of him had thought that the man was too good at his job to be bested. In his head, Carlos was some badass hero cop, too smart and quick to ever be beat by the bad guys. This small injury is enough to remind TK that he can be hurt, in one second he could be here, and in the next be gone. All because some asshole with a gun felt like trying to play cops and robbers.
       “I was so scared,” he finally admits, voice wavering. The tears blur his vision, and he tries to blink them away before they fall, but they’re sudden and overtake him.
      “Oh, cariño,” Carlos sighs, understanding in his tone, “c’mere.”
      He pulls TK down until the man gets the hint and climbs onto the bed beside him. He’s on Carlos’ uninjured side and doesn’t hesitate to curl up against him, head resting on his shoulder, as Carlos wraps an arm around him and places his hand atop TK’s head. It’s a familiar position, a comforting one, and TK clings to it desperately as the tears begin to stream down his face.
      “It’s okay. I’m okay.”
      It’s like he’d been running on a high. Adrenaline and anxiety keeping his heart pounding in his chest from the moment he’d gotten the call. Now that he was here, close enough to hear Carlos’ heartbeat and feel his chest rise and fall with each breath, everything that had kept him running was fading away, leaving him with nothing but the fear that had been the backdrop to this whole experience. He couldn’t think about anything other than how warm Carlos was, how right that seemed, how him being cold and still just felt unnatural. If that bullet had strayed any further to the right they might not even be here right now.
       “You could have died,” he cries, hating how pathetic it sounds. Carlos was the one who’d been hurt, and yet he was the one who was sobbing.
      “No, hey, don’t think like that,” he runs a hand through TK’s hair, something that usually soothes the man but now just makes his cries worsen, “I’m fine, TK. I’m right here.”
      ‘Yeah, but for how long?’ he wants to say, he wants to scream it so that maybe Carlos would understand. Never, not in all of his twenty-eight years, has TK loved anyone as much as he loves Carlos. Maybe he’d been close, Alex had seemed like the love of his life when he was twenty-six, but now he knew that wasn’t real. This, laying here, fitting so perfectly against Carlos’ side, this is what he knew was right. And losing this, the thought of maybe not having this at some point in his life, that terrified him.
       “I’m sorry I scared you, tiger,” Carlos says, pausing for a moment before continuing, “honestly though, it scared me too. When I didn’t know how bad it was yet, and all I could see was the blood, I just kept thinking, ‘TK’s going to kill me’.” He huffs out a small laugh, and sniffles. TK’s surprised when he looks up and see’s his cheeks wet with tears as well.
       “But it’s my job, TK. A job I love. And I know we both get worried, about what could happen, but I love being a cop and you love being a firefighter. So… this is something we have to accept. We have to, or it’s going to break us.”
       TK hates that he’s right, hates it so much that it makes him sick.
       “I promise you; I will always do my best to get home to you. No matter what, but things happen. We have to remember that.”
       Two years ago TK had popped open a bottle of pills with the full intent of ending his life. He’d gone into fires with a sort of recklessness that came with not caring about anything. He knew what it was like to live on the edge of a blade, teetering between death and narrowly avoiding it. He didn’t want that anymore, and with Carlos he didn’t need to feel that way. His dad, his new team, his fiancé, they’d all given him something to live for. So yeah, losing Carlos scared the shit out of him. He didn’t want to accept that Carlos might leave him one day, he hated the thought of it, but the man was right. If they had any hope of maintaining their sanity, they had to understand the dangers of their jobs, and embrace it.
       He looked down at the ring on his left hand, the silver band that Carlos had proposed to him with only a few months prior. When he’d told his dad about the engagement, Owen had smiled and pulled him into a bone crushing hug. The elation he’d felt, the pure joy, rivaled that of the fear he was feeling now. He wanted a life with Carlos, craved it, because the man loved him in a way he’d never been loved. But TK knew why his parents own marriage had fallen apart. His mom had never been able to accept the dangers of Owen’s job. After 9/11, that was when the worst arguments began. They’d be in the kitchen for hours, screaming at each other, and TK had huddled in his room, hugging his knees to his chest, and tried his best to block it all out. He didn’t want him and Carlos to be like that. His dad didn’t want them to be like that. The only way they came out of this, is if they let go of their fear.
       “Okay,” he sniffled, wiping at his nose with the back of his hand, “I promise to be careful too.”
       “We’re gonna be okay, cariño.”
       The term of endearment rolled off his tongue in the easy way it always did, making TK’s heart go soft. He leaned into that feeling, leaned further into Carlos, and tried to breathe around the snot that had stuffed up his nose. Maybe there would be a day where he received a worse phone call, where someone else would be the one speaking to him instead of Carlos. But, that day wasn’t today. Today he got to have Carlos right beside him, familiar, warm, and his.
A/N: For anyone that doesn’t know, cariño means sweetheart in Spanish, and I can’t get the image of Carlos calling TK that out of my head.
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mtngirlforever · 4 years
@daybreak96 thank you so much for the idea! It's probably not the best but I tried! Hope you enjoy it ❤
TK and Carlos had been hanging out downtown, going in and out of shops before their shifts when they saw smoke coming from one of the stores. They called it in, but went in anyways to help people escape. What they weren't planning on was for the building to collapse and send them to the basement before rescue teams showed up. 
"TK!" Carlos called out once he realized he wasn't badly hurt, but just really sore. 
"Yea… yea I'm ok," TK called out. He managed to push debris around and make his way over to Carlos. "You hurt? You good?" TK asked frantically running his hands over Carlos.
"I'm good Tyler. You?" 
"I think… yea I.. yea I'm ok," TK said with a slight cough from all the dust and smoke. They heard a quiet call for help and started looking around for other victims. What they weren't expecting to find was a heavily pregnant woman who appeared to be in labor. "Well shit," TK whispered. "We gotta see if there's service or something. We gotta get outta here," he said urgently to Carlos. 
"We will. You do your thing and I'll see if I can get a hold of dispatch or the 126. Ok? We're ok. We can handle this," Carlos said reassuringly. TK gave him a nod and they got to work. 
They'd been trapped for over an hour and TK were starting to question if they were going to be out in time. 
"You ok?" Carlos whispered in his ear. 
"No. Not really. If help doesn't hurry up we're gonna be delivering a baby and you know how long it's been since I had that refresher course?" TK said sarcastically. Even though he and Marjan had EMT training, they weren't paramedics and he hadn't worried about this since he'd been in New York. He knew Carlos had basic first aid training too but he was currently freaking out.
"TK I got you," Carlos whispered giving TK a reassuring hug. 
"No… no you don't get it," TK said running his fingers through his hair. He was stressing out and that wasn't good for any of them. 
"Then make me get it," Carlos said pulling TK's hands from his hair and steadying him. 
"I can't do this again Carlos. I can't."
"Why?" Carlos asked glancing over at the woman to make sure she was still ok. 
"I screwed up last time. I can't do it again."
"Tyler deep breath. I got you. Whatever happened last time won't happen again." 
"You don't know that!" 
"No. But you're good at what you do Ty. So am I. If it comes to it, we can do this." 
TK wrapped his arms around Carlos tight as he hid his face in Carlos's neck. "I had to do this in New York. Car crash. EMT's were tied up in traffic. Something happened. I don't even remember at this point. But the baby…. The baby didn't," TK took a deep shuddering breath and held on just a little tighter. Carlos could fill in what TK wasn't saying.
"You know it probably wasn't your fault," Carlos whispered, running his hands up and down TK's back. 
TK didn't answer but Carlos could feel the nervous energy flowing through him. "Why don't you check on Mari and I'll try calling Michelle again. See where they're at?" Carlos suggested. TK gave him a nod and a soft peck to the neck before letting him go. Carlos moved around trying to find service and when he had it, he dialed Michelle. He kept his eyes on TK though. 
"Mari, how are you doing?" TK asked gently as he knelt down beside the woman. When she just looked at him, TK ran a nervous hand through his hair again trying to recall the little Spanish he knew. "Como estas?" He asked when it came back to him. 
Mari started answering him in Spanish, but it was too fast and he didn't know enough to make it out. "Fuck," he whispered before turning to his boyfriend who apparently had been able to get through to Michelle. 
"Carlos you gotta switch with me," he called out getting Carlos's attention. 
"Michelle hang on. I'm gonna let ya talk to TK," Carlos said laying the phone down where he was so they could switch. 
"We're gonna have to pick those lessons back up," TK grumbled as he passed Carlos. It at least got a laugh from him and a smile from TK. 
"Michelle? Are y'all close? Please say you're close?" TK said once the phone was in his hands. 
"TK you're gonna be fine. We're here but can't get into you yet."
"Is dad there?" 
"I can get him on the radio," Michelle offered which TK begged her too. 
"Dad?" He called out when he heard Owen over Michelle's radio. 
"TK you good?" Owen asked worried. 
"No… not really. We're fine. We got a pretty decent pocket, but Mari is in labor and we gotta… gotta get out dad."
He heard Owen's curse before the radio cut out. "TK you can do this," Michelle said in her calm reassuring voice. "I can walk you through it if we're not into you before then." 
"Michelle I can't," TK said desperately. He couldn't watch another mother lose her baby because of him. 
He heard Michelle cover the phone and some talking that was cutting in and out, but it didn't matter. He just needed his team to get him out and now. 
"TK it's gonna be ok," he heard Owen say. "We're working down to you now. Just stay calm and listen to Michelle. You can do this son." 
TK took a deep breath. He knew they were right but he was still freaking out. 
"Ty, contractions are closer," Carlos called out from his perch beside Mari. 
"Fuck. Ok… ok Michelle gonna put you on speaker so we don't lose you. Just… just yell so we can hear you." 
"I'm right here," she assured as TK laid the phone down and went back over to Mari and Carlos. 
He shed his hoodie even though it was slightly chilly out because he knew he was going to need something to wrap the baby in. "We need a shoestring. Uh… you got your knife on you," TK asked, running through a checklist in his head of what he might need in their limited supplies. 
"Course," Carlos smirked, knowing TK knew he always had something on him. 
TK just rolled his eyes offering his boyfriend a slight smirk. 
"Alright Michelle remind me what I'm looking for," TK called out before turning to Carlos. "Tell her we've gotta check, make sure everything's ok and see how long we've got." 
Carlos translated all that to Mari while TK listened to Michelle's instructions. 
"Carlos…. Fuck," TK said going pale. "She's close. I can see the head." 
Carlos reached over and squeezed TK's hands. "You're good Ty. I got you." 
Carlos translated to Mari that she needed to push when her body told her too. TK took a deep breath and a reassuring squeeze to his hand from Carlos. 
"Mari you've got to push," TK told her tuning everything out but getting the baby there safely. 
Several pushes later and a squirming pissed off baby slid into his hands. "She's here. You did it. It's a girl," TK exclaimed! He quickly wrapped the baby in his hoodie and handed her to Mari. He let the new mother have a moment with her before he wrapped the shoestring as tight as he could around the umbilical cord. 
"You did just fine Tiger," Carlos whispered in his ear as he passed him the knife. TK quickly cut the cord and wrapped the baby back up so she'd be warm. 
"TK! CARLOS!" they heard yelled and turned to where they could see the team moving debris. 
"Thank god," TK whispered as Michelle rushed to their side to take over. Owen pulled TK into a tight hug in which TK reassured his dad he was fine. 
"Nice work Tyler," Michelle smiled up at him. "Everything looks fine. Let's move them." 
TK sagged back into Carlos's hold and let out a deep breath. "See told you we'd be fine," Carlos whispered to him. 
"Yea.. yea," TK smirked with an eye roll. They watched the ambulance roll out before getting into TK's car and heading back to Carlos's place to get cleaned up. Thanks to this neither were going on shift until the next day now, and they could spend the rest of the day and night just cuddling. 
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osomatsu-san-quotes · 5 years
Time to get to know me a little more, don't have to read, just something 4 fun
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
My mom-
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Not really anyone-
4. Are you easy to get along with?
Depends. If work then no, if just hanging out then I think so
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
‘‘I like’‘ friend: probably. ‘‘I like’‘ crush: no
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
outgoing ppl and that just like memes and gaming. Don't know really
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
my older, middle brother
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
little bit
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
‘‘Ah, ok.’‘
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Kenshi Yonezu songs. (Nighthawks, Lemon, Eine Kleine, Loser, BNHA Intro 2/Peace sign)
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Yeah but I have hair that is greasy 24/7. So the person would probably be grossed out before they touch it
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
15. What good thing happened this summer?
summer sucks so badly- but I guess…..I- don't know actually
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Never kissed someone before
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
Nope, I told him and after years of being good/best friends we stopped talking
19. Do you like bubble baths?
20. Do you like your neighbors?
don't have them. Or I just never talk to them
21. What are your bad habits?
This is kinda embarrassing but thumb sucking. like a baby. Also, nail biting
22. Where would you like to travel?
Japan or China
23. Do you have trust issues?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
sitting behind my computer
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
My face
26. What do you do when you wake up?
think about life and lay there for 30 mins
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
darker. I'm a marshmallow now
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My older youngest brother
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
Ye, surprisingly
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Probably yes
31. If your hair long enough for a ponytail?
I think it has to say ‘‘Is’‘, so yeah, it is
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Interesting question- I don't keep in touch with the new celebrities so idk.
33. Spell your name with your chin.
oh god- Ill just use my nickname ppl know me as, not my real one:
RfdIkVERf     -  River
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
I have a worse condition than a snail
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
without tv. Don't watch it. Also, you have youtube
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Likes gaming, horror, memes, and is overall a nice guy to talk to
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Outside? You want me dead?
40. What do you want to do after high school?
Probably go into game design
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Depends on what they have done
42. If you're being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I'm being myself
43. Do you smile at strangers?
If I try to smile I look like I am disappointed in them or angry
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
outer space.
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Remembering I have youtube vids to watch and I have books to read
46. What are you paranoid about?
the things I don't know
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Yeah. So I ain't going to tell it
50. What was the color of the last hoodie you wore?
Purple. I am wearing it rn
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Yeah, constantly
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My face
53. Favorite makeup brand?
I don't do makeup
54. Favorite store?
Don't go to stores
55. Favorite blog?
Can't think of anything on the top of my head. Too many
56. Favorite color?
Purple or black
57. Favorite food?
Broccoli or something unhealthy like hamburgers
58. Last thing you ate?
59. First thing you ate this morning?
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Yeah. Won a playback competition in 4th grade of elementary
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
Once. I yelled back at my teacher
62. Been arrested? For what?
I'm too much of a pussy to do something to get myself arrested
63. Ever been in love?
Of course
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
Mk. It all started when I was a baby and my mom kissed me on the head
65. Are you hungry right now?
Just ate
66. Do you like your Tumblr friends more than your real friends?
Don't have Tumblr friends, (Or real friends)
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your best friends?
Don’t have them
71. Craving something? What?
A drink
72. What color are your towels?
blue, blue, black, white
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
around 5
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
over 100 probably
75. Favorite animal?
Bears or cats
76. What color is your underwear?
Night sky dark blue
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favorite ice cream flavor?
79. What color shirt are you wearing?
Purple hoodie
80. What color pants?
dark grey sweatpants
81. Favorite tv show?
82. Favorite movie?
UhHHhh Osomatsu san the movie probably, not sure yet.
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Never seen both but I think I like Mean Girls from what I've seen and heard
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean Girls.
85. Favorite character from Mean Girls?
Never seen it
86. Favorite character from Finding Nemo?
random, but Dory
87. The first person, you talked to today?
My older middle brother
88. The last person, you talked to today?
89. Name a person you hate?
To many
90. Name a person you love?
my family
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
100% 24/7 yes
92. In a fight with someone?
Have been.
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
around 5
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
95. Last movie you watched?
Detective Pikachu
96. Favorite actress?
don't have one
97. Favorite actor?
don't have one
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
100. How are you feeling?
could be better, could be worse
101. Do you type fast?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
of course, I do
103. Can you spell well?
Depends if I'm rushing: not
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
Getting ready to go to bed
109. Is something irritating you right now?
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
Isn't this question asked before?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
113. What was your childhood nickname?
Never had one
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
Used to
116. Are you listening to music right now?
Nope, for once
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
Never tried it
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favorite book?
Warrior Cats
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
Pretty spoopy shit
121. Are you mean?
I dunno
122. Is cheating ever okay?
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Waste of time when they are going to be dirty again by the next day
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Never thought of it.
125. Do you believe in true love?
Probably not
126. Are you currently bored?
127. What makes you happy?
Spending time with myself
128. Would you change your name?
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
Never tried it
131. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Think about life and what to do
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
This has been asked before
133. Favorite lyrics right now?
‘‘Write a story of a hero!’‘ - Peace sign
134. Can you count to one million?
Yeah but I ain't gonna try rn 
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
A lot, hard to pick one
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
around 5′9
138. Curly or Straight hair?
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favorite month?
October & December
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favorite quote?
‘‘Eh’‘ -points to sweater- ‘‘ ‘Not my problem‘ ‘‘
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
don't have a book next to me
Wow if you are here holy shit- ty??
-Mod Nekomatsu
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grither55 · 3 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 126 - Return to Caldera
The following day.
The ship was now sailing through the ocean to the Fire Nation Capital.
And Azula now sat on a lavish sofa in her royal lounge.
While she relaxed with a content sigh escaping her lipstick painted lips.
All the while as Mai sat opposite of her fiddling with her knives.
While the markswoman gazed down with a profoundly ruminative expression in her tawny eyes.
"Azula…. there is something that I want to ask you." Mai spoke in a quiet voice while the princess turned to gaze at her through the corner of her eye.
"If you are going to try to beg me to get out of your prison sentence. Don't bother. I have already shown you more mercy than you deserve." Azula answered in a callous voice as she stared coldly back at the noblewoman's apathetic face.
Only to find herself raising a brow in slight surprise when the other woman shook her head.
"No. That's not it. I wanted to ask you if you would allow me to spend the night with Elle…before I depart for prison tomorrow." The markswoman admitted with a twinge of emotion lacing her monotone voice while Azula's amber golden eyes stared back at her in bewilderment.
"Mai. Are you actually asking me to grant you permission to snuggle with the tiger monkey?" The princess snorted with her frigid eyes staring tauntingly back at the noblewoman's embarrassed face.
While a tiny sliver of pink now graced the markswoman's cheeks as she avoided meeting the royal woman's questioning gaze.
Only for the princess to let out a sigh as she lounged back on her pile of pillows.
"If you continue to behave yourself…then I suppose I will allow it." The princess remarked with a wave of her perfectly manicured hand while the markswoman glanced up with a grateful expression in her tawny eyes.
Under normal circumstances she wouldn't be willing to cede her pet for a night.
Most especially on the final night before their return home.
At which point she will no longer be able to allow the girl to sleep beside her in her royal chamber for as long as they remain home in the palace.
But she knew well enough that her girlfriend was not going to be take well to her friend's departure.
And allowing the two to spend an evening together may serve to help soften the girl's inevitable reaction when the moment comes for Mai to part ways with them.
"I will Azula. Thank you." Mai replied with genuine gratitude in her voice while the royal woman stared imperiously back at her.
While a tight scowl pulled onto the princess's regal lips while her callous amber golden eyes flashed with a possessive gleam.
"See to it that you do…and for your sake you had better make sure that you refrain from touching what belongs to me." Azula stated in an absolutely glacial voice while her imposing amber golden eyes glared greedily back at the noblewoman's snorting face.
All the while as Mai rolled her tawny eyes over her friend's possessive behavior.
Only for the two to find themselves snapped from their discussion when they heard the door open.
While the two highborn women turned to gaze towards the door.
Only to find themselves raising a brow in amusement when they saw the acrobat doing a handstand on the other side of the door.
And behind her their young companion was doing a poor imitation of the woman's upside-down walk.
"What are you two doing?" The princess questioned with a roll of her eyes while she gazed dryly back at the two as they made their way into the royal lounge.
"What does it look like Azula? I'm teaching Elle acrobatics!" Ty Lee exclaimed in a cheery voice as she smiled back at the princess's cold countenance.
"Look Azula-sama! I'm learning to walk like Ty Lee! Eeep!" Elle cried out in an adorably panicked voice when her hands slipped out from underneath her.
While she let out a yelp as she began to tumble to the flooring of the warship.
Only to find herself being caught by her big sister's hand before she could hit the floor.
"Careful little sister!" The acrobat spoke with a grin on her lips while she gracefully leaped back onto her feet with the younger girl's hand in her own.
While the teenager smiled shyly back up at her from where she now stood beside her.
All the while as the princess and the markswoman still stared back at the two with a flicker of amusement in their eyes.
"I can see that Elle." Azula commented in a coldly attentive voice as she leaned back in her seat while she eyed the two with observant amber golden eyes.
"I-I don't know how you do it Ty Lee. It looks so easy when you do it." The handmaid stated in an abashed voice while a self-defeating look momentarily came over her eyes.
Only for a smile to return to her lips when she felt the acrobat ruffle her hair.
"Just be patient Elle. You'll get the hang of it." The acrobat assured in a big sisterly voice as she gazed fondly at the shorter girl's blushing face.
"Servant." The princess called out in a thoughtful voice while she watched her girlfriend dutifully turn to beam her way.
"Yes Azula-sama?" Elle responded in a faithful voice as she began to pad her way over to her princess's side.
"Mai is feeling sad over her failing marriage prospects and she has requested that you spend the night with her to cheer her up." Azula informed in a taunting voice as she scanned the fingernails on her fist while she smiled in the glaring woman's direction.
And that was all it took for the teenager to turn to gaze back at the noblewoman with an expression of concern in her amber eyes.
While the acrobat stood silent in the back with her brown-gray eyes briefly shimmering with emotion over the awareness that her friend would soon be departing to prison.
"I don't want you to be sad oneesan. I would be happy to spend the night with you if it would make you feel better." The handmaid spoke in a tender voice while the noblewoman gazed back at her with a thawed countenance in her tawny eyes.
"Thanks kid. That's sweet of you." The markswoman replied in a marginally softer voice while the teenager smiled back at her.
"Mai has even expressed a desire to snuggle. Perhaps…you could oblige her?" The princess commented with a smirk on her lips while the markswoman turned red in humiliation.
While the acrobat found herself unable to resist smiling when the younger girl's amber eyes sparkled at the mere mention of cuddling with her friend.
"Really! You want to snuggle oneesan!?" Elle piped as rushed over to her big sister's side while a sigh escaped the noblewoman's lips.
"I guess it couldn't hurt." Mai conceded with a small smile on her lips while the teenager smiled sunnily back at her.
And then not a moment after that a blonde blur assaulted her in a hug.
"I would love to Mai!" The handmaid cried out as she embraced her big sister's belly while the noblewoman placed a gentle hand on her back.
All the while as the markswoman sat back with a calming expression taking over her tawny eyes.
While the princess sat in her seat with her cold amber golden eyes observing the two.
Before she turned to gaze away with an irate sigh exuding from her lips.
While she caught the gaze of her acrobatic friend while a scowled formed onto her lips once more.
All the while as they continued to listen to the sound of the destroyer make its way through the ocean's evening waters.
Later on, that evening in the captain's lounge.
The cheers of soldiers drinking resounded into the air.
While Saro glared back at Roden from where the other man sat on the other end of the table.
While Nako gazed uncertainly between the two as she reached to pour herself another drink.
All the while as Zoi sat at the furthest end of the table with Jiao in her lap.
While the seductress smiled as she felt a muscular arm wrap around her.
And then she fell face first into the warrior's chest while she inwardly savored being held in the older woman's lap.
"Drink up comrades." Zoi declared as she held up her mug with her younger lover held under her arm.
While she sunk back in her seat with her seductress wrapping her arms around her belly.
All the while as she glanced down at the younger woman with her golden eyes conveying an affectionate gleam.
"Mhm. My warrior." Jiao stated in a quieted voice as she listened to the older woman swallow a drink from her beverage.
While a smile tugged at her lips when the warrior's arm coiled her in even closer.
All the while as she sighed under her breath with her face pressed into the older woman's side.
"My beautiful seductress." The captain spoke up with a grin on her lips while she held the younger woman in her lap.
While the other soldiers shouted in good cheer as they drank their beverages with their comrades.
All the while as the archer just smiled as he drank his liquor as he paid no mind to the lieutenant's glare.
Elsewhere on the ship.
Elle stood in her pajamas with her hand raised to knock on her big sister's door.
"Mai? Is it okay if I come in?" Elle pondered in a soft voice while she heard the sound of footsteps on the other side of the door.
And not a second after that the door opened up.
While the teenager now gazed up at her big sister's face to see that the woman was also adorning her sleepwear.
All the while as the older female cracked a smile as she gazed back down at her.
"Come in kid." Mai stated as she watched the girl pad in while she closed the door behind her.
"Is there something in particular that you wanted to do Mai?" The handmaid asked with a smile on her lips while she watched the noblewoman walk back to her bed.
"I just wanted to sit with you. If that's alright with you Elle." The markswoman spoke as she sat down on her bed while she gazed back at the younger girl's adorably eager face.
And then she patted the spot on the bed beside her while she observed in fondness as the teenager walked over to join her.
"Okay. That sounds good." Elle answered in a bashful voice as she sat down on the bed while she let out a sleepy yawn.
"Elle…I just wanted you to know. That you're the best little sister that I could ask for." Mai confessed in a voice of profound reflection while the teenager gazed at her with a moved expression in her amber eyes.
"D-do you really think that?" The handmaid asked in a timidly hopeful voice while the older female nodded her head affirmatively.
"I do." The markswoman stated while she glanced down at the younger girl's lovably emotional face.
And not even seconds after that she found herself sitting there wordlessly when the girl abruptly hugged her belly.
All the while as she wrapped her arms around the smaller girl's shoulders as she returned the girl's embrace.
While as a small smile slowly formed upon her lips.
"A-arigatou gozaimasu…oneesan." Elle spoke up in a loving voice while she hugged the older female back.
"Don't mention it Elle." Mai remarked in a softened voice as she turned off her lamps while she began to lay down with her adopted sister in her arms.
And with that the two sisters laid down in the bed beside one another.
All the while as the markswoman gazed over the younger girl's shoulder with a reflective expression in her tawny eyes.
'I am the one that should be thanking you…Elle.' The markswoman thought as she sighed softly while she found herself unable to resist hugging the girl around her shoulders.
"Is…is everything Okay Mai? It seems like something is bothering you." The handmaid asked in a soft voice as she chewed on her lip from where she lay beside the older female.
While the noblewoman was silent for the briefest of moments as she stared down at the teenager from where she lay beside her.
"Everything is fine Elle. I am just glad…that you're here. We all are." Mai spoke in a quiet voice with her head falling into her pillow while she held the younger girl in her arms.
"I-I just wanted to make sure. Goodnight Mai." Elle murmured in a drowsy yawn as her eyes closed shut while she began to drift off to sleep.
"Goodnight…Elle." The markswoman muttered with her arms wrapped around the teenager's back while she felt the handmaid fall asleep soon after.
And moments later the sound of the younger girl snoring softly followed into her ears while she sighed from where she lay upon her pillow.
While she herself began to close her eyes as she mused that it was best to enjoy their time together while it lasted.
All the while as she lay there slowly drifting off into unconsciousness while the smaller girl snored adorably in her arms.
And sometime after that…Mai herself fell into a deep sleep.
And out in the halls of the warship an unusually restless Azula was walking the corridors with her callous amber golden eyes glaring ahead.
While she now strode by the captain's lounge as she turned to listen to the sound of drunken soldiers shouting amongst one another.
Only to coldly roll her amber golden eyes over the warrior's predilection to partying with her underlings.
And soon after that she descended back into the portion of the ship reserved for her royal quarters.
While she quietly walked through the royal hall only to momentarily stop at Mai's door.
All the while as her ears listened closely to the faint sound of her young girlfriend snoring in the noblewoman's chambers.
Before she found herself sighing in aggravation as she resumed her walk back to her personal chamber.
And so, it went.
Together the two sisters remained in each other's arms all night long.
And on the morning of the ensuing day the royal barge was finally sailing into the Great Gates of Azulon.
While Nako was at work below supervising the steering of the vessel.
And all of the other soldiers were at work at their various stations.
While the four highborn women stood atop the uppermost deck with their young friend standing alongside them.
While the handmaid innocently marveled with her mouth agape in awe over the approaching net of fire and the three massive statues that grew closer upon the horizon.
"Woah! What is that Azula-sama?" The handmaid inquired in a voice filled with wonder while her master stood above her.
While the princess glanced down with her cold amber golden eyes staring down at the younger girl's adorably awestruck face.
While she found herself unable to resist taking a sense of joy in the girl's innocent reaction to the structures of her great nation.
Just as the small girl trembled when she felt the woman place both of her palms on her shoulders.
While she peered up at the massive statue of Azulon as she fell back into the older woman's grip.
While she smiled with the back of her head resting against the much taller woman's bosom.
All the while as the princess curved into her usual elegant smile as she gazed up at the statue from where she stood beside her young companion.
"That dear? That is the Great Gates of Azulon." Azula informed in something akin to a nurturing voice as she loomed over her quivering girlfriend with her hands bracing the girl's shoulders.
"T-the Great Gates of Azulon…" Elle trailed off with childish amazement seeping from her voice while she smiled in contentment.
While Mai stood off to the side with her tawny eyes watching the sight of the gates approaching before her line of vision.
All the while as Ty Lee stood supportively behind her with her hand gently touching her shoulder.
While Zoi gazed between the two before turning to glance back at her now adopted sister's joyous face.
Only for a distasteful sigh to escape her lips knowing full well that smile was about to fade.
And not long after that…the royal barge arrived in port.
The large ship now sat docked in the royal harbor.
While a squad of soldiers were now walking up the ramp.
While the Fire Princess turned to glance over her shoulder at her serving girl's oblivious face.
Before she turned to stare imperiously ahead with her hands regally clasped behind her back.
"Elle. Go to your room." The princess commanded in an even stricter voice that usual while her handmaid gazed at her back in confusion.
While the teenager now glanced all around her when she noticed that the atmosphere had become uncomfortably tense.
All the while as she gazed around in worry to see that her big sister's expressions seemed off.
Almost as if…they knew something that she didn't.
"H-huh? Why?" The handmaid responded in a timid stutter only to flinch when her master turned to stare back at her with a colder stare than usual.
"Because I said so girl. It isn't your place to question your princess. You took an oath to serve me and I command you to go to your room." Azula ordered in an absolutely imperial voice with her ruthless amber golden eyes staring frigidly back at her pet's trembling face.
While she inwardly found herself taking a margin of delight in the way that the lovely girl so cutely shook under her disciplinary stare.
Only to find herself scowling regally as she reminded herself that now was not the time for such weak notions.
Especially, not now that they had returned to the Capital.
It was almost certain that her father would have her under close watch as soon as he receives word that she has returned home.
And she couldn't afford to let him see even the slightest sign of weakness.
Only for her callous amber golden eye to return to her handmaid while she watched in approval when the girl quickly bowed at the hip to her in a display of trained reverence.
"I-I'm sorry Your Highness. I-I meant no disrespect it's…just…" Elle sputtered in a shaken voice only to take note of the soldiers striding up the deck with purpose in their step.
Almost as if they were after someone aboard this very ship!
"P-Princess what's going on? What aren't you telling me?" The handmaid questioned in an increasingly distraught voice only to take an intimidated step back when her princess stepped to loom over her.
While her master now gazed down at her with an even colder countenance than before!
"I said go to your room!" The princess snapped with forced cruelty overtaking her voice while the small girl cowered under her glare.
While the acrobat gazed off to the side with discomfort in her brown-gray eyes.
And even the captain seemed somewhat uncomfortable.
"Y-yes princess. P-please don't be mad at me." Elle stammered in a shaken voice as she began to pad past the scowling woman.
It was only then that her amber eyes widened when she saw Mai step forward to face the soldiers.
And then the soldiers soon started to walk straight towards her big sister!
"Lady Mai of Clan Saolin. You are hereby under arrest by the order of Princess Azula for the attempted assassination of Captain Zoi of Clan Song." A soldier announced in an impassive voice as he waved his guards forward to apprehend the woman.
And that was all it took for Elle to freeze in her tracks in despair as she gazed on with her mouth falling open in state of tremendous emotion.
"I understand." Mai stated in resigned voice as her arms were restrained by the guards.
Only for her tawny eyes to widen when she heard an emotional shout ring out from behind her.
While Zoi and Ty Lee rounded about to gaze behind them with worry in their eyes over how their little sister would take to the noblewoman's arrest.
All the while as Azula spun around to prevent her handmaid from doing anything rash.
Only for her amber golden eyes to widen in surprise when a flash of bright chi sparked before her eyes.
While the three noblewomen stared on with realization in their astonished eyes.
All the while as the soldiers gazed on with shock and confusion in their eyes.
"Mai! No! Let her go!" The handmaid shouted as she ran past her alarmed friends with her amber eyes gazing back at her big sister's shocked face.
"Elle! Stop!" Azula barked in a commanding voice only for her amber golden eyes to glare on in frustration when the girl continued to charge towards the guards.
While the guards soon recovered from their shock of seeing the strange golden-haired girl rushing towards them.
All the while as their fists now lit up with firebending as they prepared to put the girl down.
And that was all it took for both Zoi and Ty Lee to tense up as they prepared to knock out any guard that dared to try to strike their young friend.
While Mai's tawny eyes flashed with a heartfelt emotion over knowing that the girl was willing to once again put herself in harm's way to save her.
"That girl is not to be harmed. If any of you so much as put a single scratch on her. I will have every last one of you put to the sword." The princess hissed in a beyond frightening voice that caused the guards to become paralyzed with terror.
"Release her right now!" Elle yelled with astonishing boldness in her voice while a burst of energy swept forth from her body.
While the guards stared on with their eyes expressing astonishment from underneath their helmets.
All the while as the four highborn women gazed on with looks of fascination in their eyes as they watched the girl's power flare once more.
While Mai's tawny eyes flashed with a heartfelt emotion over knowing that the girl was willing to once again put herself in harm's way to save her.
"Elle! Let it go!" The markswoman called out in a resounding voice that prompted the teenager to stumble to a stop several paces away from her.
"W-what…do you mean let it go?" The handmaid asked in a heavily emotional voice as she stared back at her big sister's grave countenance.
"I can't thank you enough for all that you have done for me. I wouldn't even be alive now if it wasn't for you…but this is my burden to shoulder." Mai spoke in a resolved voice as she stared back at the younger girl's taken aback face.
All the while as the rest of Team Azula listened with expressions of astonishment in their eyes.
"I must face the consequences of my actions." The markswoman stated in a tone of commitment while the handmaid gazed back at her with vividly sentimental amber eyes.
While the captain stared on with her stony golden eyes expressing a sense of captivation over the other woman's willingness to own up to her own actions.
"Mai…" Ty Lee trailed off with her moved brown-gray eyes gazing back at her friend's resolved face.
"B-but Mai..." Elle protested with a distressed expression taking over her eyes while her hands hung at her hips as her energy faded away.
Just as the noblewoman's lips began to curve into the slightest show of a reassuring smile.
"I'll be okay Elle. I'm not going away forever. We'll see each other again soon." Mai assured in what she hoped was a consoling voice while a tear streamed down the young girl's cheek.
While the princess stared on with her callous amber golden trying not to show that she was moved by the other woman's words.
While the captain and the acrobat watched with their eyes expressing a heartfelt emotion when the teenager reached out to grasp onto the detained woman's sleeve.
Just as the girl tugged onto the noblewoman's clothing while another tear made its way down her cheek.
All the while as Mai and Elle now stared back into each other's eyes for what felt like an eternity.
While the guards gazed at their princess for direction as the royal woman watched the scene with seemingly uncaring amber golden eyes.
"Take her to the Capital City Prison where she will remain to await her transfer to Boiling Rock." Azula announced in an impassive voice while a deep scowl still graced her lips.
And just like that Elle was snapped right out of her reverie as she swallowed down all of her emotion.
While her hand started to slip from the noblewoman's sleeve as she stared up into her big sister's resolved tawny eyes.
"See you around little sister." The markswoman remarked with fondness thawing through her composed voice as the girl's hand fell from her sleeve while the guards began to walk her away.
"S-see…you around…oneesan." The handmaid muttered in a barely perceivable voice with her hands falling back to her hips.
While she felt the acrobat's hand warmly touch her shoulder.
All the while as she caught a parting glimpse of the markswoman's smile as she turned to gaze at her from over her shoulder.
And not even a second after that the noblewoman was marched down the ramp of the ship.
And soon afterwards she vanished from her sight as the soldiers led her away.
While the three remaining highborn women found themselves standing in a profoundly unsettling silence.
As the teenager audibly swallowed once more with her golden hair hanging over her saddened amber eyes.
All the while as the princess let out a frustrating sigh as she turned to face her emotional girlfriend.
"I-I thought that after everything we've been through together…. that we were past this." Elle spoke in a hushed voice while her highborn friends stood in an uneasy silence behind her.
"Naïve girl. It isn't that simple. She tried to assassinate Zoi. And I cannot allow that to go unpunished in the eyes of the court." The princess stated as she stared in frustration at the younger female's back while her two remaining subordinates stood quietly beside her.
Only for her amber golden eyes to flash with rising aggravation when the girl turned around to walk away.
While Ty Lee's hand fell from the teenager's shoulder as she observed with worry in her eyes as the girl emotionally marched away.
And seconds after that the three Fire Nation women watched the teenager disappear into the depths of the royal barge.
All the while as Azula stared after the closing doors with her gaze conveying her irritation over the girl's reaction to her childhood friend's departure.
Only to turn her head in surprise when she saw her captain move to follow after the girl before anyone else could move to do so.
"Elle…" The acrobat murmured with sisterly concern in her eyes while the princess sighed in aggravation beside her.
Elle sat in silence on her bed with her head in her hands.
While Zoi stood off to the side with her arms folded over her chest from where she leaned against the wall.
All the while as the warrior directed the girl an apologetic stare.
"I am sorry Elle…I know that you have been through a great deal." Zoi stated in an awkward attempt to comfort the teenager while the girl sat with her back turned to her.
Only to turn towards the door when she heard the sound of her princess stepping inside the room with the acrobat behind her.
While she pushed herself off the wall as she gazed at the girl once more time before she turned to walk out of the room.
All the while as the princess and the acrobat now stared back at the girl on her bed with their eyes conveying their concern.
While the young girl sat gazing down at the group photograph on her camera that they had taken just days ago
"Elle…" Azula began with a heavy sigh as she crossed her arms over her breasts while she stood over her sulking serving girl.
While her amber golden eyes stared down at the teenager's small back in disapproval over the girl's tears.
"It's only going to be for a few months…" The princess attempted to explain in a frustrated voice as a scowl still graced her displeased lips.
Only to find herself growling in aggravation when the girl still sat in silence with her back turned to them.
"I think we need to give Elle some space Azula." Ty Lee suggested with worry in her tender eyes while the princess glared down at the seated girl.
"So be it. I'll check on you in an hour." Azula spoke in a coldly annoyed voice while she turned to walk out of the room with her friend following after her.
Just as she turned to glance over her shoulder one final time while she sighed under her breath once more.
And then she closed the door behind her.
While she turned to share a momentary glance with her worried childhood friend.
"Do you think Elle is going to be okay Azula?" The acrobat asked in a quiet voice as she began to walk alongside the princess while the princess stared coldly ahead.
"The girl is going to be fine Ty Lee. It's not as if Mai is being executed. She just needs some time to adjust." The princess commented in a stony voice as she strode beside the frowning acrobat.
And with that the two highborn women strode down the hall to attend to other matters relating to their return home.
Meanwhile, in Shung Wu.
Approximately one day after Azula and her forces had departed the city.
At the center of the city Shozak and his compatriots stood in chains while soldiers flanked them on all sides.
While former governor Joza stood off to the side as he gazed around him with disgraced golden eyes.
As the people of the city watched in trepidation when a high general stepped forward to gaze back at the instigators with unforgiving golden eyes.
He was the young heir of Clan Sheng, a clan that was in comparison in prestige to that of Clan Saolin.
He was an exceptionally handsome man with harsh golden eyes that were befitting of a man of high nobility.
He had fine wavy short black hair that was tied in the usual customary Fire Nation topknot.
He was able to quick rise through the ranks to his position thanks to both his esteemed family name and his extraordinarily gifted firebending skills.
And he vowed that he would not leave this city until he made it clear that rebellion would not be tolerated.
"I promise each and every one of you that this display of defiance will not go unpunished…" Meram began in a voice that was devoid of kindness while he stood imposingly before the arrested group.
Until he turned his head when he heard one of the villagers release an angered hiss.
Only to find himself gazing back at the presumed ringleader while the commoner stared back at him with defiant brown eyes that infuriated him.
"You have something to say peasant?" The young general questioned in a heartless voice as his golden eyes gazed back at the older man's bruised face.
"Yes, as a matter of fact I do." Shozak replied in a courageous voice as he stared rebelliously back into the high general's cold-hearted golden eyes.
And that was all it took for him to feel a flood of bravery well up within him as he met the fearsome general's gaze.
"For years we have said nothing as you selfish highborn steal from the hard-earned results of our labor while we live in hunger. Well, no more!" The farmer snapped in a bold voice that carried all throughout the street.
And just like that an unnerving silence consumed the air as the townspeople began to murmur amongst each other.
While the other captives stood in their chains as they gazed on with varying levels of fear and anger in their eyes.
All the while as the high general let out a disdainful snarl as he glared ruthlessly back into the commoner's furious eyes.
While the former governor stared on with growing uncertainty in his eyes.
"We have allowed you to rule over us as if you are our betters. No more!" Shozak yelled at the top of his lungs while the spectating crowd gazed on with speechless looks in their eyes.
While Meram simply released a callous scoff as he turned away to scowl with his back turned to the increasingly emboldened commoner.
All the while as Joza began to rapidly gazed between the general and the ringleader with unnerved golden eyes.
While the looks of anger in the eyes of the commoners began to rise to even higher heights with every word that the man spoke.
"For too long we have bowed our heads and called you nobles lords while you give us nothing but tyranny in return! But no more!" The farmer shouted in a resonating voice as he held his head high while he stared in fury at the general's armored back.
While the rest of the captives began to shout in agreement as their yells of protest soon began to pierce the air of the tense street.
"No more!" The chained commoners began to call out together as they thrashed in rebellion in their bonds.
While the former governor could only spin around to gaze around the city with panic in his eyes.
And that was all it took for the brief sense of order that Princess Azula had instilled into the city to begin to rapidly faded away.
All the while as the high general still stood with his back turned to the shouting commoners as he clenched his jaw in anger.
"I have only one thing to say to you noble! Never again! Down with the monarchy! Down with the nobility!" Shozak roared in a furiously brave voice with an expression of unfathomable determination in his brown eyes while his yells echoed into the ears of the increasingly unruly townspeople.
As the general still shook with his back turned to the yelling captives while he gritted his teeth in fury.
While his golden eyes nearly exploded from his sockets as he listened to the sounds of their defiant shouts of rage.
And then in that very moment what little patience that he had for the crowd vanished.
"Then you will be no more!" Meram bellowed as his unsheathed his sword as he rapidly spun around to face the yelling farmer.
And not a second later the yells of anger transitioned into shrieks of terror when the general's blade pierced the commoner's stomach.
While Shozak fell forward onto the sword with his golden eyes agape in shock as his dying rasps carried throughout the fear-stricken street.
All the while as the villagers gasped in terror as their screams now resounded into the air.
And even the soldiers were gazing at their general with disbelief in their eyes.
While Joza took a horrified step back as he gazed at the dying man with his mouth hanging up in indescribable distress.
Before to turned to the out-of-control general with his hands shaking in a sudden sense of anger.
"W-what have you done!" Joza yelled out in disbelief as the ruthless general withdrew his sword from the man's stomach.
Only for the Clan Sheng heir to pay to older noble no mind as he glared mercilessly back at the frightened faces of his captives.
"Kill them all!" The young general commanded in a monstrous voice that split through the air.
And in seconds the isolated city of Shung Wu was a scene of complete chaos once more.
While several of the soldiers hesitated to follow the order as they gazed on with uncertainty in their eyes.
Only for the general to turn around to glare back at them with frightening golden eyes that spurred them all into action.
"G-General Meram! What are you doing! Stop!" The former governor shouted in a livid voice as he moved forward to protest the order while the general shoved him away with an uncaring hand.
Only to find himself watching with helpless golden eyes when the soldiers marched forward to carry out the order.
While the sounds of shrieks and screams tore throughout the street of the terrified populace.
And throughout it all General Meram just gazed on without even the slightest bit of remorse in his cruel eyes.
While countless cries of horror echoed into the skies for all to hear.
And with that the street of the once peaceful rural city ran red with the blood of the Fire Nation civilians.
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hoekage-chan · 5 years
You should answer all the hella cute questions
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yall about to learn so much about me
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? -uhh someone i went on a date w yesterday lmao2. Are you outgoing or shy? -im pretty outgoing, i only seem shy since i dont want to be cringey lol3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? -my friends ig lmao4. Are you easy to get along with? -yes! i love talking to people5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? -probs not, but like im not close enough to ask that of them, and im gucci w that6. What kind of people are you attracted to? -stylish, confident, funny, good taste in music, seems like they would ruin my life7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? -bih i dont know i always find myself in something so maybe8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? -yee some guy i went out w friday c:9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? -nope im an open book10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? -probably my friends lmao (shout out to the 24hr diner ty for letting us just get fries and soda everytime)11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? -BIH I KNOW OMG IM DEAD12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? -glow like dat, faygo dreamns, killamonjaro, need you, love me13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? -yes omg easiest way to get me whipped lmao14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? -yes!15. What good thing happened this summer? -i met up w all my friends again16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? -uhh some guy i went out w yesterday lol17. Do you think there is life on other planets? -yah the world is too big for it to just be us18. Do you still talk to your first crush? -nope! i dont even know what has happened to them19. Do you like bubble baths? -yes. bath life is the best life20. Do you like your neighbors? -i dont kno my neighbors21. What are you bad habits? -i respond rlly late to things22. Where would you like to travel? -japan, korea, places w good food23. Do you have trust issues? -yah lmao that shit gets thrown in my face24. Favorite part of your daily routine? -my makeup! only reason i get up25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? -everything26. What do you do when you wake up? -regret having an 9am class or regret staying up lmao27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? -uhh either tbh, i just dont rlly like the tone in general28. Who are you most comfortable around? -my friends c: i hang out w them for a reason29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? -lmfao nope 30. Do you ever want to get married? -kinda... i wouldnt mind it31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? -yeeeeeee32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? -... michael b jordan for sure and uhh maybe chris hemsworth??33. Spell your name with your chin. -no34. Do you play sports? What sports? -i used to swim but i just lift now35. Would you rather live without TV or music? -tv omg ill die w out my playlist36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? -ALL THE TIME 37. What do you say during awkward silences? -anything so they dont feel awkward38. Describe your dream girl/guy? -nice, big dick energy, good taste in music, warm in general lol39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? -f21, h&m, khols, target40. What do you want to do after high school? -well i went to college so theres that41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? -sometimes they do, but if they hurt u rlly badly then maybe its best they dont42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? -im tired, high, thinking, or confused43. Do you smile at strangers? -yeee44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? -bottom of the ocean omg45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? -the fear of failing another class46. What are you paranoid about? -my life in general47. Have you ever been high? -yes48. Have you ever been drunk? -yes49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? -not really lmao50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? -navy blue51. Ever wished you were someone else? -sometimes i do52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? -uhh everything lol53. Favourite makeup brand? -juvias place54. Favourite store? -........... i actually dont kno lmao55. Favourite blog? -... imma be real i dont even kno who i follow anymore tbh56. Favourite colour? -green57. Favourite food? -spam58. Last thing you ate? -rice59. First thing you ate this morning? -water60. Ever won a competition? For what? -if i did it was a swim competition61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? -nope im a good noodle62. Been arrested? For what? -nope63. Ever been in love? -yah64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? -i inv my friend to come over, we chill at my house, he asks if we can do something friends dont normally do, we kissed and then we did other stuff >:)65. Are you hungry right now? -not rlly lol66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? -nah lmao 67. Facebook or Twitter? -twitter68. Twitter or Tumblr? -tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now? -nope70. Names of your bestfriends? -i dont put names on the internet lmao71. Craving something? What? -spam72. What colour are your towels? -like a teal/sea green color72. How many pillows do you sleep with? -273. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? -yes 74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? -5 for sure at my apartment and at least 5 back home75. Favourite animal? -sea otters76. What colour is your underwear? -blue/white77. Chocolate or Vanilla? -choloclate78. Favourite ice cream flavour? -chocolate or matcha79. What colour shirt are you wearing? -.......... 80. What colour pants? -........................81. Favourite tv show? -golden girls82. Favourite movie? -uhh i guess either to all the boys i loved before or the breakfast club83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? -mean girls84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? -mean girls85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? -all too iconic to choose from86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? -crush87. First person you talked to today? -my snap streaks88. Last person you talked to today? -welp days not over yet so....89. Name a person you hate? -i dont rlly hate anyone rn90. Name a person you love? -my friends!! they deserve everyting91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? -dumbass bitches92. In a fight with someone? -nope miss me with that bs93. How many sweatpants do you have? -294. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? -too many95. Last movie you watched? -into the spiderverse96. Favourite actress? -kiera knightly97. Favourite actor? -michael b jordan98. Do you tan a lot? -not anymore99. Have any pets? -i have a doggo back home100. How are you feeling? -fucking cold omg101. Do you type fast? -probably lmao102. Do you regret anything from your past? -yah but i try not to dwell on it103. Can you spell well? -NOPE LMAO 104. Do you miss anyone from your past? -nah lmfao105. Ever been to a bonfire party? -nope but it seems fun106. Ever broken someone’s heart? -probably i can be p distant so i wouldnt put it past me107. Have you ever been on a horse? -yeee108. What should you be doing? -studying109. Is something irritating you right now? -the fact im a bitchass lmao110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? -a couple times111. Do you have trust issues? -yah like i answered eariler112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? -my friends (at the diner lmfao)113. What was your childhood nickname? -shark bait, mosquito bait114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? -yeee115. Do you play the Wii? -used too116. Are you listening to music right now? -heck yeah i got a 15hr playlist on rn117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? -not rlly118. Do you like Chinese food? -yeee119. Favourite book? -uhhh its basic but animal farm (or maybe to all the boys i loved before)120. Are you afraid of the dark? -not rlly121. Are you mean? -nah i cant do it, but i feel like some would see me being distant/roasty as mean tho soooo122. Is cheating ever okay? -depends on the context of everything123. Can you keep white shoes clean? -barely124. Do you believe in love at first sight? -yes125. Do you believe in true love? -yes! i believe everyone has a soulmate out there126. Are you currently bored? -kinda lmao127. What makes you happy? -cute things, blankets, music, food, my friends, cuddling128. Would you change your name? -nah, ive thought about it tho129. What your zodiac sign? -scorpiHOE130. Do you like subway? -its aight131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? -test the waters, you never kno what will happen132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? -my friends (at the diner lmao)133. Favourite lyrics right now? - gusto ko lang naman ang lambing mo (i want to kiss you)134. Can you count to one million? probs in japanese but ill loose focus (esp in english omg)135. Dumbest lie you ever told? -too many to choose from (and i dont wanna expose myself)136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? -closed137. How tall are you? -5′7″138. Curly or Straight hair? -either or139. Brunette or Blonde? -ive been both soooo140. Summer or Winter? -winter (but i like summer style)141. Night or Day? -night all the way142. Favourite month? -november (my bday month)143. Are you a vegetarian? -nope144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? -dark145. Tea or Coffee? -tea146. Was today a good day? -it was ok (it wasnt bad but it wasnt good)147. Mars or Snickers? -either148. What’s your favourite quote? -getchu a mans that treats you like a queen in the streets and a slave in the sheets149. Do you believe in ghosts? -yah and i dont fuck with them150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? -nope that shits a textbook and i dont want to look at it
damn that was a lot to type but uhh now yall know shit about me
0 notes
nodaudaboutitt · 7 years
200, 193, 186, 179, 166, 161, 152, 134, 126, 104, 101, 91, 89, 64, 55, 28 and 15. hahaha enjoy ty :)
200: My crush’s name is: I don’t think i have a crush, i mean theres definitely people i find attractive/ would be cool with dating. But no crush like experience atm aha193: My height is: 173 cm/ 5′8″
186: My best friend:  I have a few tbh, one or two on here, my buddy seamus and maybe another? im not good at thinking of someone as “best friend” i guess? i just think of people i feel close to but yeah
179: Spongebob can : Cook a mean burger?
166: Yourself: Yeah! definitely believe in myself more than i used to :) 
161: Horoscopes: Not particularly but i still have fun reading them, so its cool 
152: Phone or Online: I mean i feel uncomfortable making phonecalls at times, but tbh both would be nice, cos like online theres skype and stuff so its kinda the same? although i guess online cos its a heck of a lot cheaper aha134: Singing or Dancing: Im not too good at either but ill have a shot aha, i think id be more comfortable singing along to stuff with people than dancing though
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: I really prefer the christmas vibe more than anything, but the fact we moved to australia where its like 40 degrees+ on christmas really kills it for me :/104: The future: I think itll get better, no just my own future, but in general, i like to think things will improve :) 
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: was actually yesterday, went to watch the hockey at a bar with a buddy i used to skate with :) it was pretty nice 
91: Broke the law: iunno? i mean ive probably gone over the speed limit or just run a red light (like where you speed up when it goes orange) but i cant think of anything89: Who makes you laugh the most: im not sure who makes me laugh the most but my friends always make me laugh which is nice :)
64: My friends are: really nice, I dont hang out with them too often tbh but theyre generally all really chill and nice which is pretty rad :)55: Your dream vacation: Would love to go on a tour of europe some day tbh, go look around a bunch of museums (really wanna visit the war museums in the UK and such ) itd be really nice!! whether its on my own, with friends or with someone special, itd be a rad trip 
28: Band: Ahh at the moment i really like Chipzel, Pylot, Parkway Drive, Noisia and Madeon, although been listening to a little more fall out boy and sum 41 lately too
15: Day of the week: i think saturdays, just cos i have nothing going on and can lay in bed for a bit without having to worry about anything :)
thanks for the ask cam :D
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mrbobgove · 7 years
NOAA National Marine Sanctuary Shipwrecks: F/V Patriot
A few miles east of Boston, at the mouth of Massachusetts Bay, the highly productive waters of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary draw humpback whales, North Atlantic right whales and dolphins each summer to feed and nurse their young — and millions of tourists who come to see them.
However, more than 80 feet below the surface, numerous shipwrecks lie scattered on the sanctuary’s seafloor, a testament to New England’s notoriously stormy weather and its long history of maritime transportation.
The sanctuary’s recreational scuba-diving sites include shipwrecks and natural habitat areas on Stellwagen Bank, Sanctuary Hill, and Jeffreys Ledge. The F/V Patriot, a steel-hulled western-rig dragger built in 1997, is one of the most popular sites.
History of the S/V Patriot
Originally a shrimp boat, the 62-foot, 44-gross-ton vessel now lies on its starboard side in 100 feet (30 m) of water atop Stellwagen Bank. Patriot fished in Massachusetts Bay until January 3, 2009, when disaster struck. After Patriot hauled in its nets following a tow on Stellwagen Bank, it suddenly capsized. Two crew members were unable to escape the sinking vessel and drowned. Ultimately, a Coast Guard investigation concluded that modifications to the vessel had altered its stability, making it susceptible to being swamped in heavy seas. The sanctuary asks divers to remember that two fishermen died when Patriot sank and refrain from disturbing the shipwreck.
Winter storms in 2012 tumbled the wreck 900 feet across the seafloor, breaking off its mast and outriggers and leaving it partially buried in Stellwagen Bank’s sandy seafloor. The wreck attracts schools of cod and pollock along with Atlantic torpedo rays. Recently, large schools (numbering in the hundreds) of red hake have been hovering in the vicinity. Even more spectacularly, some lucky divers have seen humpback whales underwater while diving Patriot.
While the sanctuary’s exposed waters create challenging dive conditions, including fluctuating weather and potentially strong currents, the reward is usually good visibility and a variety of colorful and interesting marine life. Fifteen percent of the sanctuary, about 126 square miles of seafloor, is less than 130 feet deep at low tide.
Diving the S/V Patriot
In the sand and gravel areas atop Stellwagen Bank, you may encounter sand lance schools and monkfish, while the boulders on Jeffreys Ledge hide Atlantic wolffish. At nearly every location, you will encounter colorful sponges and anemones encrusting rocks or shipwreck structure.
When planning your dive, check the sanctuary’s marine forecast and offshore weather buoy reports here. A careful examination of the Boston Light tide table will reveal tides that have less of a water exchange between low and high tide. With longer slack tides, you’ll experience more enjoyable dives. In any case, arrive at your dive site early to judge the current.
You should also wear appropriate thermal protection. During the summer dive season, surface-water temperatures rise into the 60s F (15 to 18 C). All sanctuary dive sites are below the thermocline, however, where water temperatures hover around 45 degrees Fahrenheit (7 C).
Watch for entangling fishing nets and other gear hanging from the wreck. Gill nets pose the greatest threat because they are hard to see and designed to ensnare. Additionally, monofilament line, lobster-pot lines, and derelict trawl nets can catch unaware divers. Fortunately, visibility in the sanctuary usually exceeds 20 feet (6 m).
  Because part of the sanctuary is in the shipping lanes for vessels entering and exiting the port of Boston, dive vessels should fly the appropriate dive flags. Also, sanctuary regulations prohibit divers from grappling or tying a line onto a historic shipwreck, as fragile hulls cannot withstand the tension created by anchoring. Since Patriot is a modern shipwreck and not considered historic, dive charters may secure their vessel to the wreck.
Learn more about diving in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary here.
By Vernon Smith, NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries
The post NOAA National Marine Sanctuary Shipwrecks: F/V Patriot appeared first on Scuba Diver Life.
from Scuba Diver Life http://ift.tt/2sa0UNX
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wayneooverton · 7 years
NOAA National Marine Sanctuary Shipwrecks: F/V Patriot
A few miles east of Boston, at the mouth of Massachusetts Bay, the highly productive waters of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary draw humpback whales, North Atlantic right whales and dolphins each summer to feed and nurse their young — and millions of tourists who come to see them.
However, more than 80 feet below the surface, numerous shipwrecks lie scattered on the sanctuary’s seafloor, a testament to New England’s notoriously stormy weather and its long history of maritime transportation.
The sanctuary’s recreational scuba-diving sites include shipwrecks and natural habitat areas on Stellwagen Bank, Sanctuary Hill, and Jeffreys Ledge. The F/V Patriot, a steel-hulled western-rig dragger built in 1997, is one of the most popular sites.
History of the S/V Patriot
Originally a shrimp boat, the 62-foot, 44-gross-ton vessel now lies on its starboard side in 100 feet (30 m) of water atop Stellwagen Bank. Patriot fished in Massachusetts Bay until January 3, 2009, when disaster struck. After Patriot hauled in its nets following a tow on Stellwagen Bank, it suddenly capsized. Two crew members were unable to escape the sinking vessel and drowned. Ultimately, a Coast Guard investigation concluded that modifications to the vessel had altered its stability, making it susceptible to being swamped in heavy seas. The sanctuary asks divers to remember that two fishermen died when Patriot sank and refrain from disturbing the shipwreck.
Winter storms in 2012 tumbled the wreck 900 feet across the seafloor, breaking off its mast and outriggers and leaving it partially buried in Stellwagen Bank’s sandy seafloor. The wreck attracts schools of cod and pollock along with Atlantic torpedo rays. Recently, large schools (numbering in the hundreds) of red hake have been hovering in the vicinity. Even more spectacularly, some lucky divers have seen humpback whales underwater while diving Patriot.
While the sanctuary’s exposed waters create challenging dive conditions, including fluctuating weather and potentially strong currents, the reward is usually good visibility and a variety of colorful and interesting marine life. Fifteen percent of the sanctuary, about 126 square miles of seafloor, is less than 130 feet deep at low tide.
Diving the S/V Patriot
In the sand and gravel areas atop Stellwagen Bank, you may encounter sand lance schools and monkfish, while the boulders on Jeffreys Ledge hide Atlantic wolffish. At nearly every location, you will encounter colorful sponges and anemones encrusting rocks or shipwreck structure.
When planning your dive, check the sanctuary’s marine forecast and offshore weather buoy reports here. A careful examination of the Boston Light tide table will reveal tides that have less of a water exchange between low and high tide. With longer slack tides, you’ll experience more enjoyable dives. In any case, arrive at your dive site early to judge the current.
You should also wear appropriate thermal protection. During the summer dive season, surface-water temperatures rise into the 60s F (15 to 18 C). All sanctuary dive sites are below the thermocline, however, where water temperatures hover around 45 degrees Fahrenheit (7 C).
Watch for entangling fishing nets and other gear hanging from the wreck. Gill nets pose the greatest threat because they are hard to see and designed to ensnare. Additionally, monofilament line, lobster-pot lines, and derelict trawl nets can catch unaware divers. Fortunately, visibility in the sanctuary usually exceeds 20 feet (6 m).
  Because part of the sanctuary is in the shipping lanes for vessels entering and exiting the port of Boston, dive vessels should fly the appropriate dive flags. Also, sanctuary regulations prohibit divers from grappling or tying a line onto a historic shipwreck, as fragile hulls cannot withstand the tension created by anchoring. Since Patriot is a modern shipwreck and not considered historic, dive charters may secure their vessel to the wreck.
Learn more about diving in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary here.
By Vernon Smith, NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries
The post NOAA National Marine Sanctuary Shipwrecks: F/V Patriot appeared first on Scuba Diver Life.
from Scuba Diver Life http://ift.tt/2sa0UNX
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reyesstrand · 4 years
Hi!! I’m absolutely obsessed with your writings! You are absolutely amazing. If you’re still taking prompts would love to see 11. “How could you ask me that?” and 36. “You’ve shown me what love can feel like.” Thank you so much. 💕💕
thank you so much! i’m sorry for the wait on this one but i hope you enjoy!! 
feel free to send me a number from this list if you’d like. also available on ao3! 
“It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve gotten you alone.”
There’s no bite to Michelle’s words as she speaks, but Carlos immediately picks up on the insinuation that she’s lying down: that Carlos is a little too caught up in the whirlwind that is TK Strand for him to make time for their weekly tradition of drinks and street tacos at their favourite place downtown. He’s missed the last three or four chances they had to hang out, due to picking up shifts or getting wrapped up in his — what, friend? boyfriend? guy-that-he’s-exclusively-seeing-but-has-no-label-for is too wordy, but it’s really the only thing that makes sense when trying to describe what he has with TK.
“Sorry,” Carlos says, because he is. Michelle’s been there for him through thick and thin ever since he was barely out of high school and he started hanging out with her as much as he hung out with Iris. But she waves him off immediately.
“No need to apologize, I know that boy of yours, you should feel no shame for getting as much time in with him as you can,” Michelle offers him a wink, but when he just sort of sighs and sinks down into his chair, she cocks her head to the side. “Is everything okay with you two?”
Carlos could offer her the same response he’s been giving his sister, who’s wanted to meet his so-called mystery guy for almost a month, now. She’d noticed his change of tone whenever he spoke about his and TK’s relationships, and Carlos had quickly chalked it up to him being tired after a long day. Which was true — but he could just sense that something was up with TK, and it wasn’t something he was ready to get into with his sister. But Michelle’s different; she might actually know if something’s up with the 126 that could be attributed to TK’s slow but steady act of pulling away from him.
“Actually, uh, he’s been kind of distant, lately,” Carlos says, trying to keep it casual, but Michelle’s eyebrows furrow almost immediately.
“For how long?” Michelle asks, bringing her beer to her lips and taking a sip.
Carlos sighs. “Two weeks. I thought maybe something was going on at work?”
Michelle presses her lips together, but the corners of her mouth still turn down in a frown as she shakes her head. “I mean, he seems normal at the station. The whole team does.”
They’re quiet for a few moments, as Michelle taps her fingers against the neck of her bottle.
“How is he being distant?” Michelle finally asks, and Carlos shrugs, squinting as he looks off into the distance, the setting sun just low enough to be in his line of vision.
“We still go on dates and stuff, but he doesn’t really talk to me like he did before. He always seems like he’s lying when I ask him if he’s okay,” Carlos shrugs, taking a breath before speaking the words out loud, finally voicing the fear that’s been brewing in his chest. “I think he might want to break up with me.”
“Are you serious?” Michelle looks at him with wide eyes, and Carlos slowly nods.
“I mean, what else could it be? We gave us a shot for real two months ago, maybe he doesn’t like how it’s turning out,” Carlos rubs at the back of his neck.
“I’ll talk to him,” Michelle says, eyes suddenly a little darker as her protective side starts coming out. Carlos quickly reaches across the table and takes her hands in his.
“God, no way, Michelle, I don’t want you to scare him off,” Carlos insists, rubbing a thumb along the inside of her wrist to calm her, a little. “I think I should just ask him tomorrow. Be straight up about everything.”
He makes the decision without really thinking it through. Maybe he’s the one that’s freaking out too much — TK could just be exhausted, or dealing with his dad’s chemo appointments on top of having a strenuous job. But he knows what his ma would say, that he probably should’ve already talked with TK about this when he first started worrying. And the way it seems to settle Michelle’s willingness to go after TK herself is also a bonus.
“How’s your mom?” he asks, to shove the focus off of his issues for a little while. And it seems to work, Michelle only giving him one last wary glance before she talks about their plan to bring Iris a care package, Carlos quietly stewing in his own mind over what to do next.
* * * 
Carlos knows that work isn’t the best place to do this. But he also knows just how distracted he’s been all day just thinking about all the possibilities of what TK’s struggling with, and if he doesn’t get his emotions off his chest he’s going to crash and burn. Besides, they’ve been called to an accident at a state fair — a malfunctioning ferris wheel, that hadn’t moved for half an hour with people stuck on the ride — and once the 126 rescued the ten stranded people, they were all milling around, waiting for the all-clear, and Carlos has been watching TK just chat with Marjan for the last ten minutes and he figures this is as good a time as any.
Marjan catches his eye before TK sees him, and she says something quickly to him as TK begins to turn around. He offers Carlos a small smile as he approaches and Marjan clears her throat.
“I’m just...not going to be here right now. Nice to see you, Carlos,” Marjan says as she slips away from them, going over to where Mateo’s checking on equipment. Carlos nods at her as she leaves, and TK steps a little closer.
“How’s your night going?” TK asks, and Carlos frowns a little at the way that TK has yet to really look him in the eye.
“This is going to sound stupid,” Carlos says, instead of actually answering the other man. “But are you trying to break up with me?”
After ten seconds of silence, TK barks out a laugh. But when he takes in Carlos’ worried look and his tense jaw, his eyebrows shoot up. “Wait, you’re serious?”
“Sorry, I’m just being an idiot, I—”
“Wait, Carlos,” TK says, curling his fingers around Carlos’ wrist. “Talk to me?”
“It’s just...you’ve been distant, over the past couple of weeks. And at first I thought you were just tired, or maybe wrapped up in your head, which I totally get. But I want to be there for you no matter what, and I feel like you couldn’t wait for me to get out of your hair on our past few dates.” Carlos explains, watching as TK runs a hand down his face. “So, do you want to break up with me? I just can’t keep doing this, Ty.”
“How could you ask me that?” TK’s brought his voice down to a whisper, and Carlos shakes his head.
“I’m just wondering where we stand, Ty,” Carlos says. “I really like you, but I don’t want you to feel forced into this relationship if you—”
“I don’t,” TK quickly interjects, stepping even more into Carlos’ space. “I don't feel forced into anything. You have to believe me, okay? I’ve never wanted anyone like I want you. And it still blows my mind that I get to have you in my life. Carlos— you’ve shown me what love can feel like. After all I’ve been through and all that I’ve put you through, you’ve stood by me, and I can’t even express to you how important you are to me.”
Carlos feels warmth spread through him, but he still doesn’t get the distance. He opens his mouth to speak, but before he can, TK presses on.
“I’ve been distant because I wanted,” TK stops for a second, inhaling shakily as he glances around, his eyes illuminated under the twinkling lights of the various rides and the signs advertising games and food. He meets Carlos’ gaze again and finally continues. “I wanted to ask you to be my boyfriend. Officially. But I didn’t know how to do it because you mean so much to me and I wanted to do this right, and I’ve been kind of stressing out about making things perfect and—”
“Hey, hey, TK,” Carlos says, bringing his hands up to frame TK’s face, practically feeling the other man’s mind going thousand miles a minute. “I think boyfriend has a nice ring to it.”
TK’s mouth quirks up in a lopsided smile. “Yeah?”
Carlos hums in agreement. “Yeah.”
“I’m sorry for making you worry,” TK says, “that’s the last thing I wanted to do.”
“Well, this is much better than all the other scenarios I was imagining,” Carlos jokes, but when he sees the flash of worry clouding up TK’s eyes, he presses a quick kiss to his boyfriend’s temple. “It’s okay, Ty. I swear.”
TK opens his mouth to speak, only for Judd’s voice to pipe up.
“Hey, loverboys! I won’t hesitate to use this hose on y’all,” Judd teases, as the others smirk all around them. “Come on, TK, we gotta go save some chickens from a barn fire.”
“Texas manages to surprise me every day,” TK mutters, meeting Carlos’ eyes one last time. “What are you doing later? I have to make things up to my boyfriend.”
TK waggles his eyebrows and Carlos snorts, leaning in quick to kiss him. “Come to my place when you’re done, I’m making you dinner.”
“You’re seriously the best,” TK says, as he turns to head toward the rig, where Marjan’s holding the door open for him.
“Be safe!” Carlos shouts out after him, and TK gives him one last smile and wave before he’s disappeared into the truck. As he retreats to his squad car, he shoots Michelle a quick text — things are all good, won’t need you threatening my boyfriend any time soon — before he heads off to the next call, unable to stop himself from smiling to himself over that label, one he hopes will stick for as long as humanly possible.
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