#two bees specifically for Holmes and Watson
a-candle-for-sherlock · 3 months
Booked an appointment in April for the Holmes tattoo I’ve been wanting for years! Moss rose, lavender and two bees (for the ‘we have much to hope from the flowers’ passage, queer community, and Sussex). I’m driving two hours to an artist I really like — worth it.
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mariana-oconnor · 6 months
The Lion's Mane pt 1
Merry 26th December, hopefully you're all having good winters so far. Strangely, I was a little busy yesterday, so we're still playing catch up. Lol.
It occurred after my withdrawal to my little Sussex home, when I had given myself up entirely to that soothing life of Nature for which I had so often yearned during the long years spent amid the gloom of London.
OK, so I knew that this was going to be Holmes' retirement, obviously, but also comparing and contrasting this statement with his previous diatribe about the evil lurking in the countryside, insidious and unseen, is very strange. Has he suddenly lost his aversion to the bucolic scenery and isolation that make such crime go easily undetected? Or has he perhaps decided that as long as he isolates himself sufficiently, he won't have to deal with them.
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As it is, however, I must needs tell my tale in my own plain way, showing by my words each step upon the difficult road which lay before me as I searched for the mystery of the Lion's Mane.
Firstly, the lengthy paragraph you have provided so far is anything but plain. Secondly, I think there might be a plant called Lion's Mane... is that what this is about?
Research has informed me that I am wrong. There is a plant called Lion's Tail, which is quite pretty, but there is a mushroom called Lion's Mane, so maybe that's what this is about.
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Fingers crossed everyone gets high. But I suspect they won't be the fun kind of mushrooms, just the murder kind of mushrooms.
My house is lonely. I, my old housekeeper, and my bees have the estate all to ourselves.
I feel very sorry for the housekeeper in this arrangement. Imagine having only Holmes and some bees for company. Not that Holmes is bad, necessarily, but you've got to admit you'd need something to break up your exposure to him.
There's a lot of swimming going on here in the beginning. I'm not surprised that Holmes swims, because honestly the idea of there being any activity that Holmes hasn't tried is weirder to me, but there is a lot of swimming.
Fitzroy McPherson was the science master, a fine upstanding young fellow whose life had been crippled by heart trouble following rheumatic fever. He was a natural athlete, however, and excelled in every game which did not throw too great a strain upon him. Summer and winter he went for his swim, and, as I am a swimmer myself, I have often joined him.
Here we see the difference between Holmes' narration and Watson's. If this were Watson describing him, Mr McPherson would have had at least another two sentences dedicated to his toned physique and golden looks. Perhaps this is what Holmes meant by 'plain'?
At this moment we saw the man himself. His head showed above the edge of the cliff where the path ends. Then his whole figure appeared at the top, staggering like a drunken man. The next instant he threw up his hands and, with a terrible cry, fell upon his face.
I get that this is probably him dying and as such it's dramatic, but at the same time, it's a little amusing... y'know? There is a touch of the slapstick about it.
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One glimmer of life came into his face for an instant, and he uttered two or three words with an eager air of warning. They were slurred and indistinct, but to my ear the last of them, which burst in a shriek from his lips, were "the Lion's Mane." It was utterly irrelevant and unintelligible, and yet I could twist the sound into no other sense.
The weird thing is why would he know he'd been poisoned my lion's mane mushrooms if he had in fact been poisoned by them. To know the specific type of mushroom would be weird because if you knew what it was, you wouldn't eat it.
Is there a lion's mane jellyfish? I feel like I remember a lion's mane jellyfish as well. That would go with the swimming, and also would make sense. Jellyfish are nasty.
Oh, yep. One quick search also shows that there's a lion's mane jellyfish, which is also kind of pretty - sadly that probably means its extremely deadly.
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The prettiest things are always the deadliest when it comes to animals. Alas, blue-ringed octopus, the forbidden friend.
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Then he half raised himself from the ground, threw his arms into the air, and fell forward on his side. He was dead.
And we're back to slapstick again. Throw your hands in the air like you just don't care (that you're dying).
The man was dressed only in his Burberry overcoat, his trousers, and an unlaced pair of canvas shoes.
So, ready for a night clubbing, got it.
As he fell over, his Burberry, which had been simply thrown round his shoulders, slipped off, exposing his trunk. We stared at it in amazement. His back was covered with dark red lines as though he had been terribly flogged by a thin wire scourge.
I feel like I've cheated by looking up the jellyfish. Sorry. I just half remembered hearing about a jellyfish with a name like that and since it didn't seem like mushrooms made sense...
Yeah, I'm 100% on jellyfish now.
But has a crime been committed? Did someone deliberately lure him into a (what's the collective noun for a group of jellyfish? A children's party? -- a bloom or a fluther, apparently) bloom of jellyfish. Or did someone release their fluther of pet jellyfish out into the bay knowing that Mr McPherson would be swimming there?
Or is it all just a horrible accident?
...we found that Ian Murdoch was by our side. Murdoch was the mathematical coach at the establishment, a tall, dark, thin man, so taciturn and aloof that none can be said to have been his friend. He seemed to live in some high abstract region of surds and conic sections, with little to connect him with ordinary life.
I get that I'm supposed to be suspicious of this man, but I know enough mathematicians and have done enough maths myself that I immediately love him and will not hear a word against him. Even if he did deliberately release an entire fluther of deadly jellyfish into the sea to attack Mr McPherson, I am sure he had his reasons. They would have been entirely logical and well thought out and he could back them up by showing his working.
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On one occasion, being plagued by a little dog belonging to McPherson, he had caught the creature up and hurled it through the plate-glass window
OK, no. I hate him now.
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Giving mathematicians a bad name. Shame. SHAME!
What is with the dog abuse in these stories? Holmes and John Wick should have a team-up.
"Were you with him? Can you tell us what has happened?"
"Well, I constructed a catapult and then hurled jellyfish at him..."
The latter fact proved that he had made all ready to bathe, though the towel indicated that he had not actually done so.
Or, when emerging from the water covered in jellyfish stings, he decided that drying himself off was less important than finding help. Maybe. Possibly.
And the reason for his change of purpose had been that he had been scourged in some savage, inhuman fashion
Emphasis on inhuman.
Who had done this barbarous deed?
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Good luck getting the cuffs on the perpetrator.
Stackhurst was, of course, still there, and Ian Murdoch had just arrived with Anderson, the village constable, a big, ginger-moustached man of the slow, solid Sussex breed—a breed which covers much good sense under a heavy, silent exterior.
That's closer to a Watsonian description, but honestly, it's not insulting enough.
I will be there, you may be sure. MAUDIE.
Alas, poor Maudie, she knew him, Holmes.
...nothing had been found in the small caves below the cliff, but he had examined the papers in McPherson's desk and there were several which showed an intimate correspondence with a certain Miss Maud Bellamy, of Fulworth.
Also alas, poor Maudie, her private letters are being read by random guys she's never met. Let's hope they weren't too intimate.
Reasons not to be murdered: people look through all your stuff. Yikes.
"Ian Murdoch held them back," said he. "He would insist upon some algebraic demonstration before breakfast. Poor chap, he is dreadfully cut up about it all."
We're definitely supposed to suspect Mr Murdoch, puppy pitcher. Not sure how he'd commit murder by jellyfish though. I'm guessing my catapult idea wouldn't be ideal, and if you're going to release a bloom of jellyfish you've got to first keep the jellyfish somewhere. Does he have a saltwater aquarium in his rooms?
"I seem to remember your telling me once about a quarrel over the ill-usage of a dog." "That blew over all right." "But left some vindictive feeling, perhaps." "No, no, I am sure they were real friends."
I've never had a dog, but I feel like if someone got mad at you and then threw your dog through a window, you'd be kind of vindictive towards them. One might even suggest vengeful. I went up to check if it was through an open window or literally through glass and it says 'through a plate glass window', which implies that there was a certain amount of smashed glass involved. I'm not sure how you get past that. Clearly Mr McPherson didn't care very much about his dog, either.
Fuck 'em both, I guess.
"Some human hand was on the handle of that scourge, if indeed it was a scourge which inflicted the injuries."
Ah yes, a human hand.
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Yeah, I definitely spoiled this one for myself. If they do manage to come up with a way for it to be murder rather than misadventure, I'll be impressed. Jellyfish catapult is always a possibility.
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Okay, let's make that pinned post x)
This blog is for sharing about polyships, polyamory in media, and just generally to have fun and geek out.
This is not exclusively an adult blog, but there will be adult themes. I will tag +18 content as "minors dni", so if you're a minor, please block that tag! If you want me to tag something specific, feel free to ask.
Just so we are clear, all identities, genders and pronouns are valid. Also I am proship, which means I do not condone violence over fiction. If any of these statements bother you, I believe you will enjoy yourself more on a different blog.
My favorite polyships include :
DRLAMP (Sanders Sides) AKA DLAMPR AKA polysanders : Janus x Remus x Logan x Virgil x Patton x Roman
Royono (Roleslaying with Roman) AKA Blood Red Song AKA the galaxy polycule : Roman x Youngblood x Noise
Stomco (Star vs the Forces of Evil) AKA Startomco AKA Starcotom AKA Tomstarco : Star x Tom x Marco
FameBlue (Steven Universe) : Holly Blue Agathe x the Famethyst
Lapamedot (Steven Universe) : Lapis Lazuli x Peridot x Amethyst
Chariskriel (Undertale) : Chara x Frisk x Asriel
Rajalagang (Sense8 [R17+]) : Rajan Rasal x Kala Dandekar x Wolfgang Bogdanow
Hertoni (Sense8 [R17+]) : Hernando Fuentes x Lito Rodriguez x Daniela Velasquez
The Boyfriends (Boyfriends webtoon) : Goth x Prep x Jock x Nerd
Main 6 poly route (The Arcana) : MC x Asra x Julian x Nadia x Portia x Muriel x Lucio
The cul-de-sac (Dream Daddy [R17+]) : Dadsona x Damian x Craig x Mat x Brian x Hugo x Robert x Joseph x Mary
Polyclan (Nu:Carnival [R18+]) : Eiden x Aster x Morvay x Yakumo x Edmond x Olivine x Quincy x Kuya x Garu x Blade x Dante
Johnlockary (Sherlock) : John Watson x Sherlock Holmes x Mary Watson
Elams (Hamilton) : Elizabeth Schuyler x John Laurens x Alexander Hamilton
Lunatic Bee (Helluva Boss [R18+]) : Loona x Vortex x Queen Bee
Chaggily (Hazbin Hotel [R16+]) AKA Charlie's angels AKA two and a half halos : Charlie Morningstar x Vaggie x Emily
A non-exhaustive list XD
I love to talk about ships, so if you like the same ships as me, don't hesitate to send an ask or a message! We can also talk about other ships, of course! ^^
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
So my favourite character has just been recast.. again...in a completely random form that has zero resemblance to it.. the second 'incarnation' was bad enough but this. this takes the p. The worst thing is, the fan art has started already and - live and let live - but filtering this stuff out when the character and ship has the same name is a nightmare. There has been ONE, ONE picture, and people are already projecting the narrative across. WHY. WHY IS THIS. WHAT FOR. I want to be in fandom but one weird version made it bad enough and now there's another bee on a stick fooling the hive and I think I'm gonna lose my mind. a) I cannot work out for the LIFE of me why they cannot cast this character properly (what's the point of a character having specific qualities that make it itself and not something else, if they ignore them and make it something else???) - BUT I do know what it is, it's the way casting works at those levels and it's not about the perfect fit but money and who knows who and other secret stuff and people don't see the cynicism of it so lap it up.. and b) for the love of Gene, how does one do fandom. Now it's 2 to 1 bee stick versions. You know, if you don't like something, usually its pretty easy to avoid it. But when it's the same names/sub franchises of the same franchise HOW DO YOU NOT SEE IT. And people are like 'they're the same characters so gonna spam the content forever and ever!!' and you're like IT'S A STICK WITH A PERSON ON IT STOP TELLING ME THIS IS MY CHARACTER. THESE TWO THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME. Seriously though. Tags yes. Content filter, yes but some of this will be unavoidable. I am at a loss, are there other giant fandoms plagued by goofy recasts and diluted content? Or is it just this one will be forever cursed? Now any fic bang, or fanzine will seem to be OBLIGATED to included every version, every balloon with a face on it; every human stick man pretending to be the same character. I just want to enjoy my thing. I don't want the other thing. I DON'T WANT IT. How does one manage without scrapping one's hobby altogether or at least cutting down engagement significantly?
You don't have to answer if there isn't on, there probably isn't an answer I just wanted to rant anway. it's just a crappy thing and a 1st world problem. I genuinely wonder if other fans/fandoms go through this though and what effect it has. *if you're confused about the bee stick thing it was something about training bees by using a stick with a stripey blob on the end imitating a bee, and they believed it. And Neil Gaiman commented "Other dimensional beings are undoubtedly amazed at what human beings will accept as human beings too. 'But it’s just a stick with a person on it.' "
And then he forgot the post and went to comment that and was confused by all the "God damn it, Neil!" reblogs. Yes, I recall.
I like Sherlock Holmes. Some versions are pretty close (but always get Watson wrong). Those RDJ films actually get Watson right but pick unusual aspects of the books to focus on compared to other adaptations. Many versions, like Sherlock, completely misunderstand the character.
I can’t really comment on your case without having some clue what fandom you’re actually talking about.
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swissmissficrecs · 3 years
A very specific ask this one - can you recommend any fics where Sherlock is struggling to communicate and John helps him. I love the use of Morse Code in The Breaking Wheel. And also Synthesis and Wrapped in The Warmth of You, which have sadly been deleted. I really like the extent of the emotional connection between them that those fics display. If you have links to the Wayback for either of those fics I’d be delighted too. Thank you so much for sharing your extensive knowledge.
Reply: I have these which should fit:
Speaker for the Bees by antietamfalls (14K, M, Johnlock) It isn't always easy assisting a deaf detective. Luckily for John, they make a pretty good team.
Lightning and Sea Glass by 221b_careful_what_you_wish_for (18K, E, Johnlock) The mad Professor Moriarty and his reluctant assistant John Watson have reanimated the dead -- and the results are beautiful. At least John thinks so. When Moriarty rejects his creation, John disappears with the creature to protect it, sealing their fates together.
Loss of the Senses by Goddess_of_the_Night (18K, E, Johnlock) or "Five Times Sherlock Lost his Senses and One Time He Used Them All to Worship John". Over the course of two years, Sherlock loses each of his five senses: Taste, Smell, Touch, Sound, and Sight. John is a saint who takes care of him despite Sherlock's insistence to push him away. [Reccer’s note: He loses his senses only one at a time, then recovers before the next. It’s not a progressive degeneration.]
Lost for Words by awanderingbard (57K, M, Gen) Sherlock is assaulted by an unknown assailant while John is away at a medical conference, leaving him with a severe brain injury. While his intellect and personality are intact, he's lost the use of his right-side limbs and his ability to speak freely. John suddenly finds himself as the main source of support, and possibly a caregiver,  to a flatmate who is struggling to do the things he loves most. And Sherlock Holmes has never been the best of patients.
Lucidity by almostvirginia (65K, E, Johnlock) When Sherlock's plans for the Fall go awry, he winds up in a coma. John finds the two of them in a place he didn't expect—in more ways than one. But will John be able to help Sherlock escape the prison of his own mind?
And the ones you mentioned, in case others are interested:
The Breaking Wheel by J_Baillier (93K, M, Johnlock) His immune system is decimating his nervous system - a civil war raging inside of him. Is there a reaction he's supposed to be having to this news, now? Something normal: cry, scream, pound the wall? Shake his fist at the uncaring universe? John can't stop this. An uncomfortable bed at some hospital ward isn't going to stop this. They keep telling him that this will most likely pass, but no one is answering the most important question: how will he be able to endure the uncertainty and the long wait?
Wrapped in the Warmth of You by lockedin221b (12K, E, Johnlock) What happens when the great detective loses his voice in the same moment he comes to understand just what his blogger means to him? [Reccer’s note: The link is to the Wayback Machine. It may be deleted at any time. Save a copy for yourself if you want it.]
Synthesis by LapOtter: I can’t retrieve it from the Wayback, but message me off anon for more information.
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missdaviswrites · 5 years
Fic Writer Intro--MissDavis
I just got back from @ficwritersretreat2019, where we talked about ways to support and promote other fic writers. One idea was to write introductory posts for ourselves, then reblog each others’ posts to spread the word to all our followers. Below I have tagged the other writers who went to this year’s retreat, but even if you’ve never been, feel free to introduce yourself and your own writing. If you tag me, I'll reblog your post, too! 
I’m MissDavis and I've been writing BBC Sherlock fic since shortly after s3. Most of my work is Johnlock with some occasional Johnlockary thrown in for good measure. Here’s the link to all of my writing. If you’re looking for something specific, here’s a breakdown by ship and length, along with summaries from AO3:
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Long fics (50-100+K):
Breakable rated E After John is seriously injured, Sherlock struggles to figure out how to help him, keep himself sane, and maybe, just maybe, get their life back to the way it’s supposed to be. Part 1 of the Breakable Not Broken series.
Full Court Press  rated E College basketball AU: Sherlock is the team’s best shooter. John is the team’s best ball-handler.
Side Effects rated E WIP, currently 10/17 chapters now complete! Sequel to Breakable. Life is a lot better for Sherlock and John than it was a year ago. Yes, John still can't walk and Sherlock is still on antidepressants, but they're married now, and almost everything else is back to their version of normal. They have a dog. Sherlock's solving cases again. But when Moriarty learns of their marriage, he escapes from prison and takes it upon himself to make their lives miserable. Is Sherlock really up to the challenge of catching a criminal whose only goal is to make sure that he and John don't live happily ever after?
Mid-length fics (10-35K):
Chaperones  rated T "You want to pretend to be a couple so we can chaperone a trip to Disney World with Rosie’s class and you won’t have to share a room with a stranger?“
Christmas With You rated T Watch Sherlock, John and Rosie over the years as they celebrate the season as only they can.
Welcome Christmas  rated T Join John and Sherlock at Baker Street as they celebrate Rosie's first Christmas and beyond. From Rosie crawling around the flat as they tiptoe around each other en route to their first kiss, to a happy retirement with a young grandson who wants to be just like Grandad and Papa, this fic shows how Sherlock and John celebrate Christmas together through the years.
Breaking Christmas rated M Join me in some established relationship Johnlock as I attempt to make Sherlock and John participate in some Seasonal Fucking Cheer. Ficlets that are part of the Breakable Not Broken series.
So This Is Christmas rated T Sherlock, John and Rosie celebrate the Christmas season with the rest of their family. It's not always perfect, but they all do their best. Most of the time. AKA the Christmas ficlets that include Eurus.
Clutter-Free rated E 5 times John made Sherlock clean up the flat and one time he didn’t have to.
Short fics (2K-9K):
The Librarians of Baker Street  rated E Sherlock is a cataloguer who's forced to work the reference desk once a week. Which he hates. Or at least, he used to hate it, until the library hired a new reference librarian. Guess who?
Just a Touch rated E John has trouble falling asleep these days. There’s one thing he can do that always seems to help, but he’s stuck in this hotel room with Sherlock and doesn’t think he’ll get the chance. How will he ever find relief and a good night’s sleep?
If You Lead Me rated M Enough time has passed since Mary’s death that John is finally ready to start a new relationship. With Sherlock, he hopes. But given Sherlock’s stated aversion to romantic entanglements, John is a bit worried about being rejected, and doesn’t know how to proceed. Fortunately, there’s someone who can help him along.
Sherlock Is Actually a Cat Person rated E John brings home a kitten. Sherlock is not okay with it.
The Last Time Alone rated E But it wasn’t enough, not for John. He needed more. He needed someone to hold besides a child, and someone to kiss on the lips and not just the top of the head. He needed sly looks across the dinner table and to know if he put Rosie to bed early he might emerge from her room to find a candle lit and dessert served just for two.
The One Where No One Proposes rated G Sherlock inherits his parents’ wedding rings. It’s ridiculous that they mean something to him. He doesn’t plan to do anything with them. Sentiment.
Equal Footing  rated E Sherlock had certainly never shown any interest in women’s footwear, or in seeing John appear as anything but fully male. But five extra inches—that opened up all sorts of interesting possibilities.
Very short fics (under 2K):
Dirty Laundry rated E If they got far enough along, John knew he would stop noticing the steady clanking thump of the washer, but so far he’d been unable to keep himself from being distracted.
A Boyfriend in Need rated G John's in medical school now, but it's Sherlock who's taking care of him today. A sequel to Full Court Press.
Rosie and the Rainbows rated M Sherlock isn’t exactly opposed to Rosie joining the Girl Guides, but he doesn’t really see the appeal, either. It ends up being much worse than he imagined.
To a Better Year than Last rated G After the life-altering events of the last twelve months, John is more than ready for the new year to begin. Short sequel to Breakable, from John's POV.
Training  rated G Sherlock had terrible running form; they would have to work on that later. For now, John just ran, happy that for once Sherlock was the one chasing after him.
Honey Bee rated G Rosie gets stung by a bee. It’s not a big deal, except that it is.
He Sees You When You're Sleeping rated T Sherlock and John return to the Holmes’ family home for Christmas to find that Mummy has redecorated.
Wrong Disc rated G Two years later and DVDs that Mary made before she died are still showing up every now and then. Thankfully.
The Cute One  rated G "This post says that whenever there are three people, there must be one who's the clever one, one who's the cool one, and one who's the cute one.” Rosie looked from John to Sherlock and back again. “So which of us is which?”
Better  rated G Sometimes the world just calls for a bit of comfort. A 221B ficlet.
Let's Go on a Family Holiday (& Then Not Leave the Room) rated T Sherlock looked up, noting that John’s bare chest lacked the glossy sheen of suncream that he had been anticipating. A 221B ficlet
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Could Be Fun 36K words, rated E This is the first fic I started writing when I got into the Sherlock fandom. John, Sherlock and Mary embark on a new stage of their relationship. Nine chapters of smut and snark, canon-compliant through series 3.
The Life We Choose 16K words, rated M Based on the "30 Days of Sherlock Challenge,” a series of ficlets from the points of view of Sherlock, John, Mary, and, of course, Alice Watson: I have three parents. Some of my friends have three, too, or even four, but none of them has three who all live together, which makes me the luckiest out of all my friends.
Imagine the Christmas Dinners 15K words, rated M A series of Christmas-themed ficlets, featuring Sherlock, John and Mary over the years, with appearances by Baby Watson, Mummy Holmes, Mrs. Hudson and Lestrade.
Better Off Together 9K words, WIP, now complete at 16K! Rated M What if everyone lived happily ever after? Yes, I’m still writing this, maybe 1 or 2 chapters left to go!
An Afternoon Interruption 7K words, rated E Still the only John/Sherlock/Mary/Sally fic on AO3!
The Clothes You Once Wore  4K words, rated E Mary took a deep breath and conceded to herself that maybe she did want to put on the assassin outfit and tie him to the bed and have her way with him. Maybe Sherlock had just known it before she did. Possibly my favorite short fic I’ve written.
Got You Pegged 2K words, rated E Sherlock could think of six different ways they could make it fit using common household items he had in the flat, but he didn’t think he could wait that long.
The Space Between 2K words, rated E This one is really more Johnlock than Johnlockary. Written as part of the Come At Once 24-hour porn challenge.
Safe Not Sound   2K words, rated E "Oh, come on. I'm willing to put up with all this 'gun safety' nonsense you and John are insisting on, the least you could do is give me what I want in return."
Brand New Day 1500 words, rated T Breakfast, babies, and three people trying to do their best.
While You Were Sleeping  1K words, rated E “We—” Mary started and Sherlock pressed his fingers a bit harder against her leg. She inhaled. “He’ll wake up.”
Storage Space  695 words, rated M Sherlock has his own space at John and Mary’s house now. The first fic I ever posted!
Bed rated T It’s a bit tight, but they all fit. A 221B ficlet.
Other Ships or Ship-free
All We Have  5K words, rated T, Gen. My angsty, pre-series 4 interpretation of what might have happened to a third Holmes brother.
One Night, Twenty Weeks 4K words, rated E, Mary/Molly. Mary has a problem. Molly helps her out.
Actually, the Baby Sits on You 3K words, rated G, Gen. Sherlock watches the Watsons’ baby for the first time.
Tea for Three 2K words, rated E, Mrs. Hudson/Mrs. Holmes/Mr. Holmes. Mrs. Hudson had been with many men over the years—older, younger, single, divorced, married and seeing her on the side either secretly or openly—but this was the first time she had ever been with a man while his wife lay right beside them.
Tiny Little Pieces 1594 words, rated G, John/Mary. They watched to the end of the DVD; Sherlock smiled and winked at them and John flicked off the screen again. “So. That’s Sherlock.” He gave her a smile that was even more forced than the one Sherlock had just displayed. “It’s funny. I’d almost forgotten what he sounded like.”
Not in the Job Description 1,505 words, rated E, Sherlock/Sally. The case has Sherlock stumped, and John’s not around to help him focus. Someone has to step up and help him clear his mind.
Once He Is Gone 1K words, rated T, Gen. John is fine at Sherlock’s funeral. Of course he is. Why wouldn’t he be? He’s been to funerals for so many of his friends. Why would Sherlock’s be any different?
When Mary Met Sally 766 words, rated G, Gen. Sally stops by Baker Street with a case but finds out that Sherlock isn’t home.
Kick  Gen, rated G. Mary is pregnant, John’s not speaking to her, and Sherlock’s still in hospital. A 221B ficlet.
Tagging: @hubblegleeflower @pipmer @pippn-frodo @totallysilvergirl @daringlydomestic @prettyrealisticjohnlockfanart @cumberqueer @addictedstilltheaddict @disaronnus @weneedtotalkaboutsherlock @quantum-sparrow @blogstandbygo @amindamazed @fearlessdiva930 @onwallsiwrite
and tagging *anyone* else who wants to share--really, feel free to promote your fic!
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johnlockfanficrec · 6 years
hello! u probably have a lot of asks but whenever u can, could you recommend some fics that center around John being a soldier? maybe some angst? Or not? thank you!!
Hi there! I actually don’t get a whole lot of asks, you are at the top of the list right now! It takes me a few days to answer asks and messages because I’m always so busy with class, homework, and work that it might be a while before I can find the time to sit down with my laptop and find fics :(
There are a lot of fics out there with soldier John, and most of the ones I’ve linked are “Sherlock and John are in a relationship while John is in Afghanistan.” I haven’t read all of these so I can’t vouch for every single one of them, but they are all featured on other peoples’ rec lists so I’m sure they’re all good.
John comes home from Afghanistan fics:
Yarders Find Out (3k): How the yarders or more specifically Greg gets to know about Sherlock’s soldier husband, John Watson who had been in Afghanistan for a little bit more than two and a half years.
5687 (Approximately) (6k): When John’s leave request for Christmas is denied, Sherlock is nothing short of devastated, not that he’s letting it show. The holiday season now something he’s just waiting to end, Sherlock doesn’t think anything can possibly make it worse. That is, until he realizes no one in his life believes his army “boyfriend” is even real, but, luckily, everyone is in for a surprise.
For When You Start To Miss Me (3k): Sherlock wasn’t sure exactly what to expect from a letter from his soldier boyfriend overseas, but he knew that he was slightly afraid of it. He was afraid this letter would make him worse, that it would make him feel more alone. The letter could do that. Or, it could make him feel better. That was worse. Was that worse? To feel better with John gone? Was it better to not feel like he couldn’t breathe with John so far away? Was that truly worse? Sherlock wasn’t sure.
The Bee Charmer (3k): Greg goes to 221B to check up on Sherlock after a strange phone call pulls him away from an important case, and is stunned to find himself in front of a gun brandishing soldier with a sleeping Sherlock on his chest.John Watson is a doctor, a war hero, a husband, and the only one in the world who can soften Sherlock’s heart.
Homecoming (3k): Greg Lestrade always knows when there’s something wrong with Sherlock Holmes. When the detective stops talking, stops eating, doesn’t come to crime scenes, and barely moves from the red chair in 221B, Greg starts to worry that he’s using again, and this time, he’s in too deep to be helped. That is, until a certain soldier shows up at a crime scene.
A Long Time Coming (5k): Sherlock’s been acting strangely, and Lestrade isn’t sure why. One day he finds a shirtless soldier in Sherlock’s flat and things start to make a lot more sense.
Other soldier John fics:
Whisper Game (11k): John is on his stag night at a gay club a few weeks before he ships out to Afghanistan…when he meets Sherlock Holmes.
The Time Being (11k): When Sherlock sends John off from King’s Cross the day before Christmas Eve, he can’t bear the thought that it’s really goodbye, no matter how much John insists a clean break is best, so he suggests a compromise: Meeting up in that same place 7 years later. What follows are snapshots of the next seven Christmases, chronicling the changes in each man’s life, but just because they’re growing separately, doesn’t mean they’re growing apart.
A Soldier’s Luck (4k): When John meets Sherlock just before deploying, he thinks he’ll never see him again. Turns out a soldier’s luck is greater than that.
Broken Toy Soldier (19k): Two days before Dr. John Watson left for his deployment to Afghanistan, he fell for an unusual man: aspiring consulting detective Sherlock Holmes. When John is invalided home, though, he is broken in both body and spirit and can’t understand why Sherlock would still be interested in him.
Whiskies Neat (20k): Home and hearth and whiskies neat, or, alternatively, Sherlock Holmes falls in love.
A Building of Bridges (11k): No one would ever send Sherlock in to defuse a stand-off; but on one unlikely day, that’s exactly what happened.“Congratulations, Lestrade,” he called out sarcastically. “You’re traumatizing a war veteran.”
Here is also a list of fics where they meet in Afghanistan. 
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thethrillof · 6 years
“Why am I not surprised?” + sherlock holmes
Watson pinches the bridge of his nose in two specific circumstances: when he is afflicted with a headache, or when he finds himself frustrated to the point he expects one to appear. He understands that isn’t how it works, being one of the finer doctors in the area. That doesn’t seem to matter.
After so many years of partnership, Holmes’ antics tend to be a simple matter for Watson to overlook. 
The majority of the time.
His newfound interest in the goings of insects that had their own ‘communities’ was only slightly surprising for a day or so. The flat became filled with books on ants, first, and then bees, wasps, hornets. 
Watson knew–in fact, was resigned from the beginning–that this was going to have an impact on their living space one time or another.
“Holmes…” Why am I not surprised. Watson found himself pinching his nose harder. “There appears to be a swarm of ants spreading across our living-room.”
Which he no doubt knew, not only due to his own interest and observational skills, or even that he was the perpetrator of this troublesome event: but that he was kneeling on the floor to watch their patterns from nearly on top of them.
At least he was wise enough not to choose the ones with stingers to invite inside.
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contentsoftable · 4 years
10 Boardgames for Two Players
In pandemic times, we miss having our friends over. So these days, it’s just the two of us. Here is a list of games for two players - Not in any order of preference. Images are either ours or from boardgamegeek.com.
Designer: Andreas Steiger Publisher: Cosmos Theme: You are competing Tuareg tribes in a desert
Fun and strategic! The board is made up of cards, and you place your workers on specific cards to collect Goods (dates, salt, pepper, gold) and/or Tribal cards. The other player can block your path depending on where they place their workers. The game ends when one player has completed a tableau of fifteen Tribal cards. The winner is the player with the most victory points. 
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Designer: Bruno Cathala, Bruno Faidutti Publisher: Matagot Theme: Scientists vs Dinosaurs 
The race is on! One player is the Scientists, the other is the Dinosaurs. Each has different powers. The Scientists win if they capture 3 baby raptors or kill the Momma Raptor; the Raptors win if 3 baby raptors escape to freedom, or if Momma Raptor eats all the scientists. 
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Designer: Uwe Rosenberg Publisher: Lookout Games Theme: Creating a Patchwork Quilt
This game is super easy to learn, but a little harder to master than you would think! Each player purchases patches to build their own quilts. You collect buttons as you play. At the end of the game, your score is based on the total number of buttons you have minus the number of holes in your quilt. The winner is the person with the highest points.
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Designer: Michael Kiesling Publisher: Plan B Games Theme: Azulejos/Portuguese tiles
There are beautiful tiles that look like candy. Azul feels good to play (in a tactile sense) and is easy to learn. Each player collects tiles from a central assortment, and places tiles on their own board to build a distinct pattern and score points. Highest points is the winner.
*Up to 4 players
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Designers: Ananda Gupta, Jason Matthews Publisher: GMT Games Theme: Cold War - USA vs USSR
If you have lots of time on your hands (a few hours), lots of table space, and don’t mind learning some complex rules, this is a high-strategy game of card play, area control, and dice-rolling which doubles as a history lesson. One player is the USA, the other player is the USSR. The goal is to score more points than the other player at the end of 10 rounds or to be the first to acquire the highest point score, without setting off Nuclear War.
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Designer: Peer Sylvester Publisher: Osprey Games Theme: Survival in the jungle (Co-Op)
The art on these cards is amazing. You are both playing the same team of 3 explorers, trying to get to your destination without starving to death or getting killed by all manner of beasts and diseases.
*Can be played solo too. We highly recommend the “Fountain of Youth” expansion, which comes with extra helpers, zombie conquistadores, and a Were-Beast.
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7. HIVE (Pocket)
Designer: John Yianni Publisher: Asmodee Theme: Insects
A cool portable abstract game. Each player has an identical set of insect tiles. Each insect tile has a unique movement pattern. Eg, Grasshoppers hop over tiles, Beetles can move one space and on top of other tiles. The winner is the first player to completely surround the other person’s Queen Bee. 
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Designers: Bruno Cathala, Ludovic Maublanc Publisher: Hurrican Theme: Sherlock Holmes & Jack the Ripper
This is a compact card game where one player is Jack the Ripper (masquerading as one of the character tiles on the table grid), and the other player is Holmes, Watson, and Toby the Bulldog, moving around the grid to figure out who Jack is before he escapes. This is a deduction & bluffing game which is fun but hard!
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Designer: Gordon Hamilton Publisher: Roxley Theme: Santorini Architecture, Greek Mythology
A fun and fast chess-like game where players move pawns and construct 4-layered buildings. The player whose pawn is the first to the top of a building is the winner! You can also each play as different mythological characters/Gods which change the movement patterns and powers of your pawns.
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Designer: Jay Cormier, Sen-Foong Lim Publisher: Asmodee Theme: Classical Greek islands
There is a lot going on in this fun and clever game! You are expanding sea routes, picking up and selling resources, and locating ancient temples on the islands around Thera. The cards in your hand are like tiny treasure maps with point rewards, telling you where your temple is located in relation to colored symbols on the table map. It’s a race! When one player’s final temple is “excavated”, the game ends, and the player with the most points is the winner.
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A Writing Meme
Tagged by @plaidadder, thanks for the tag! I haven’t written or read fic in a while but this will motivate me, haha.
Reblog with your answers and tag ten of your favorite fanfic authors!
How many fics have you written?
For Sherlock Holmes, I’ve written one so far. ^_^
Where do you share your writing?
Here, and AO3
What is your pseud?
tremendousdetectivetheorist is my name here and on AO3
Where/when do you usually write?
My bedroom, mostly. It’s the place where I do the most thinking. No wonder I have sleep troubles.
What is your favorite fanfic that you’ve read?
“The Matter of Cake” by @nibblesofflesh. It’s funny & cute & sexy, and also the fic that got me into reading fic in this fandom!
@jeremyholmes’s short & fluffy retirement fic about bees comes to mind often. (Hmm, maybe I like sweet and funny fic more than I realized!)
I’m also partial to my most recent read, “After Marcini’s” (it’s in pdf only).
What is your fave fic that you’ve written?
Well, that’s easy, the one that I finished is my fave. :) “The Disappearance of Dr. John Watson’s Trousers”
What inspired you to start writing fanfic?
I had some little ideas and wanted to employ my weird sense of humor in making them into stories. tbh I think the “half calf” was what inspired me? I thought it would be hilarious to write “The Adventure of the Half Calf” (about identifying a shoeless criminal based on the description of their bare leg, feel free to steal that if you like it, but lmk so I can read & enjoy it, lol) and it turned into something different.
What is your favorite trope to read?
What is your fave trope to write?
When I look at my completed fic and one of my WIPs, I can already tell that my fave trope to write is “deduction seduction”, or, Holmes teaching Watson his methods in kinky ways. Also, idk if this is a trope, but: foreplay and no full sex scenes. (In my mind it might not even be foreplay, but rather, the event itself. I find sex tedious and boring so I prefer to fade-to-black.)
What is the best piece of writing advice you’ve ever read/heard/would like to share?
The theory of two cakes. If you write something and worry that it’s not as good as someone else’s piece that is similar in content or theme, write it anyway. Someone will love your work!
What is your favorite feedback you’ve received as an author?
I have loved every comment and reblog of my one fic. <3 Any time someone says something dramatic about fanning themselves or needing ice, I blush, but also the simpler comments like “I liked it” and saying it’s funny/sexy/whatever are just as lovely!
(I’m leaving this here, from @plaidadder:) For anyone who is timidly wondering about how to leave a good comment, I offer these tips:
1) Any comment is a good comment, from the author’s point of view.
2) If you disbelieve #1 and want specific instructions, I would say the easiest way to leave a meaningful comment is to mention something specific about the story that you particularly liked.
3) But if #2 is too daunting for you, revert to #1.
OK, that was fun, I will tag: @jeremyholmes @holmesoverture @a-candle-for-sherlock and anyone else who writes fic, I know I’m forgetting people here, I’m not feeling at my brightest today.
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goblinhorde · 7 years
Tagged by @strangelock :D
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and then tag ten blogs you would like to get to know better. Or don’t. It’s up to you.
Nickname: does Goblin count? It's less a nickname and more a second name...
Sign: Aquarias
Favorite Music Artist: I tend to center more around albums (e.g., Avengers Assemble, Hamilton, The Browncoats Mixtap) or songs (e.g., Young Volcanos by Fall Out Boy, Shatter Me by Lindsey Stirling, Radioactive by Pentatonix) at any given time rather than specific artists. But I've loved David Bowie since I was a kid and I've been listening to Lizzo a lot lately while I work.
Last TV Show You Watched: I binged Supernatural and Emerald City on Friday because I was sick and staying home from work, but haven't watched anything outside of YouTube since.
Last Movie You Saw in the Theater: Technically, the last thing I saw in theaters was the Sherlock finale, but if we're only counting movies, Moana.
What Are You Wearing Right Now: sneakers with prescription orthotic inserts, knee-high toe socks, jeans, a t-shirt that says "Epic Rap Battles of History” from the ERB YouTube channel, a Burning Man sweatshirt my camp made as "camp swag" two(?) years ago switched to a plain grey sweatshirt since I started this last night but now I’m at work and that’s the sweatshirt I keep handy at work, right wrist: an oversized, men's Fossil watch, left wrist: FitBit, Supernatural replica skull bracelet, red/white meditation bracelet with a turtle on it (to represent Raphael from TMNT), a bee bracelet with honey-colored beads (to represent Sherlock Holmes).
What Do You Post: Anything that moves me (fandom related or otherwise), random stuff about my day/thoughts, and auto-posts from my Instagram that are often usually of my dog, Raphael, Tiny Dog, or the other members of the Puppy Pack (Gus, York, Buddha, Pax, and Gato).
Do You Have Any Other Blogs: Technically I have a Wordpress blog on my website, but it's rare that I post anything there (although I'm hoping to change that this year!).
Why Did You Choose Your URL: I've used some form of "goblin" as my online handle since around 1995. When I had to pick a username for Xbox Online circa 2005, all my usual goblin variants were taken so I tried "goblinhorde" as a last resort and it worked. I've used it pretty consistently online (especially on social media) ever since :)
Do You Get Asks Regularly: No, I think I've probably had less than 5 since I joined Tumblr :( I suspect I’m not terribly interesting to others *shrug*.
Hogwarts House: I'm half Native American so forget Hogwarts, native magics all the way, yo!
Patronus: Phoenix, maybe? I seem to rebuild/renew my life in significant ways every 5 years or so... *shrug*
Pokémon Team: Originally I thought I'd be Team Mystic, mostly because I like blue better than red, but I play with my mom and she picked Team Valor so I went with Team Valor as well :)
Favorite Color: Blue or green in deep, earthy tones.
Favorite Character: Dean Winchester & Castiel & Crowley (Supernatural), Raphael (TMNT), Sherlock Holmes & John/Joan Watson (all the things), Patty Tolan & Jillian Holtzmann & Kevin Beckman & Egon Spengler & Ray Stanz (Ghostbusters), Peter Venkman (RGB fanfic/fanon mostly), Spock (ST:TOS), Worf (ST:TNG/DS9), Alexia Tarabotti (The Parasol Protectorate Series), Paksenarrion (The Deed of Paksenarrion), Abbie Mills (Sleepy Hollow), Eliot Spencer (Leverage).
Hobbies/crafts? Gardening, cooking, reading, swimming, and writing/editing. Again, haven't had a lot of energy for personal writing the last few years but I’m hoping to change that this year.
Collect anything? Does knowledge count? I really love learning about things (especially food, culture, language, and storytelling). Re: physical collections, I recently gave in to my love of pens & analog writing equipment and have a very small pen and ink collection started :) and I also really like art (e.g., paintings, drawings, prints, original comic pages, handmade stuff, sculptures, carvings). As a general rule I'm not super into physical "things" that don't serve a purpose, but if something I love has a book or t-shirt or sticker, I'm probably going to buy it eventually, especially if I can support an independent artist or small company in doing so... and I guess, technically, I collect Pokemon on my smartphone ;D
Current challenges you face? I'm two months into a new job and I still feel like I'm floundering/ramping up/not pulling my weight. Lots of health challenges lately (bad feet/ankles, Crohn's being annoying, and a smattering of colds/bugs). The general state of dumpster landfill fire that is my country at the moment :(
Things you’re looking forward to? Lots of things: A "Sugar Cookie Tea" with one nephew (we're gonna make German Sugar Cookies and watch Tinkerbell movies) and a "Pokemon Go walk" with another (gonna walk around the neighborhood and catch Pokemon). Seeing two of my closest friends get married (I am excite! ^_^). The Atlanta Pen show (my first!). Seeing Hamilton in the spring (omg!). The STC Summit (tech writing ftw!). Burning Man. And I'm really hoping Sherlock Seattle happens again this year (and that I'll be able to go).
Anything you want to promote? Logic, compassion, empathy, the Scientific Method, the fact that "free speech" != "speech without consequence or a guaranteed platform", responsible pet ownership, penmanship, The Oxford Comma.
Anything else you’d like to share? My dog, Raphael, is a Chihuahua/Xoloitzcuintli mix (he has the frame of a Xolo and the coat/coloring of a Chihuahua). I had never heard of the Xoloitzcuintli before I got him but Xolos are basically my favorite breed now. The nearly-hairless ones with the little mohawk tufts on their heads are the best <3
Tagging: @sallyskellington18, @completelyrandomtumbling, @purpleshoeofsex, @anonsally, @green-circles, @the-sign-of-tea, @waltzforthree, @frantasticmissfox, @boyfrienddean, @pursuitofnerdiness
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Hey! I was wondering if you’ve got any good Johnlock recs that focus a bit on soldier!John? I read a lot of your recs where they’re together before John goes to Afghanistan, but I just love BAMF!John!
Hi Lovely!!
Ahhh, I’m glad you enjoy my recs! I’ve not very many Soldier John fics, but let’s see what I got!
See also:
Sherlock’s Military Kink
Alternate First Meetings (Canon-Feeling)
Alternate Professions
Past Sholto / John
BAMF! But Insecure John
Sherlock’s soldier!John Kink is Getting Out of Hand by wendymarlowe (E, 1,247 w. || Secret Crush, Military Kink, Masturbation) – Sherlock’s got a secret kink. And a secret box where he hides his pictures of John in uniform. And a very, very secret crush on his flatmate.
Corn Dog Daddy by inevitably_johnlocked (M, 2,719 || Sherlock POV, Fluff and Crack, Corn Dogs, Fairgrounds, Coming In Pants, Euphemisms, Military Kink, Flirting, Sexy John, BAMF John, Smol Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Humour) – Sherlock and John wind down after a case in a small town at a county fair. Sherlock’s imagination goes awry as John’s sexiness drives him crazy. Also: John knows how to handle a meat stick. Part 2 of I-J’s Tumblr Ficlet Collection
It’s After That Hurts by jonnyluvssherlock (T, 2,791 w. || City of Angels AU || Fantasy, Fallen Angel Sherlock, Soldier John, Pining Sherlock, Friends to Lovers, Permanently Incomplete Fic) – Sherlock’s an angel stuck as a guardian to danger addict John Watson. Everything is fine until he gets too involved. Now he has to make the choice, eternity alone or one life time with a man who may or may not love him.
Straight Shooter by nefariosity (E, 3,249 w. || Est. Rel., Light Dom/Sub, Military Kink, PWP) – Sherlock has a military kink. John indulges him.
The Bee Charmer by dreadpiratewatson (M, 3,314 w. || Est. Rel., Captain / Soldier John, Idiots in Love, Domestics, John in the Army) – Greg goes to 221B to check up on Sherlock after a strange phone call pulls him away from an important case, and is stunned to find himself in front of a gun brandishing soldier with a sleeping Sherlock on his chest. John Watson is a doctor, a war hero, a husband, and the only one in the world who can soften Sherlock’s heart.
Spoils of War by sweetcupncakes (E, 3,563 w. || Bottomlock, Military Kink, Comeplay, Anal) – John brushes his thumb over the gun’s slide, over the rear sight. Sherlock’s mouth feels too wet. He could lick John’s fingers, suck on them, bite down softly on that callus that is a direct result of John’s frequent need to handle the gun at all. Sherlock could do that, John might like it, really. Sherlock has been told his mouth is absolutely lovely.
Uniform by kirakira_nanoda (E, 4,050 w. || Military Kink, Horny Sherlock, PWP) –  John indulges in Sherlock’s military kink. Part 2 of Sherlock’s military kinks
Private Rituals by justacookieofacumberbatch (buffyholic) (E, 4,377 w. || Masturbation, Anal, Light BDSM, Military Kink) – Sherlock has a very specific masturbation ritual, but what would John think of it?
The Prize We Sought Is Won by deathfrisbees (E, 4,610 w. || First Time, Mild D/S, Oral, Military Kink, Bottomlock) – Sherlock’s in love, or in lust, or both–unfortunately, the object of his affections is not only his completely oblivious flatmate, but said flatmate would probably run screaming into the hills should he find out. John’s been invited to a wedding–unfortunately, the groom used to serve under him back in Afghanistan, and requests that John wear a uniform he’s honestly not sure he fits into. Unfortunately for both flatmates, Sherlock’s got a military kink the size of Kandahar and John wants to know if he actually can fit into this uniform or if his eyes are deceiving him. It goes from there.
Winter of Life by You_Light_The_Sky (T, 5,178 w. || Christmas, Fluff & Angst, Magic Realism) – It was an experiment, really. On Christmas, Sherlock wrote to Santa asking for a friend. He got a broken toy soldier instead. This is the story of how he finds him again and again.
5687 (Approximately) by prettysailorsoldier (T, 6,771 w. || Est. Rel., Alternate Canon, Christmas, Pining, Fluff, Soldier John) – When John’s leave request for Christmas is denied, Sherlock is nothing short of devastated, not that he’s letting it show. The holiday season now something he’s just waiting to end, Sherlock doesn’t think anything can possibly make it worse. That is, until he realizes no one in his life believes his army “boyfriend” is even real, but, luckily, everyone is in for a surprise. Part 13 of 25 Days of Johnlock
I Need You To See Me by Mssmithlove (E, 12,625 w. || Angst, Amnesia, Soldier!John) – After going back to war, John is yet again invalided home, this time with a broken ankle and a chunk of his memory missing, unable to recall the last five years he’s spent being Sherlock Holmes’ partner and husband. Part 9 of Happiness Awaits
All the Girls Love a Soldier by Book7BrokeMyBrain (E, 12,951 w. || Military Kink, Frottage, Domesticity, Post S3, Pining Sherlock, Kilt John, Wedding, Dancing, Oral, Romance, ) – John is invited to a stag party and a wedding. The related accoutrement suit Sherlock to a T.
The Nutcracker by Odamaki (T, 13,758 w. || Nutcracker AU ||  Christmas, Dark Magic, Dolls) – Sherlock is unimpressed with Uncle Rudy’s present. A doll? What does he want with a doll?
whiskies neat by Ellipsical (E, 20,660 w. || Alternate First Meeting, POV Second Person Sherlock, Slow Burn, One Night Stand, Rimming, Blow Jobs, Anal, Soldier John, Crying, Emotional Lovemaking, Switchlock) – Home and hearth and whiskies neat, or, alternatively, Sherlock Holmes falls in love.
And A Doctor by StillWaters1 (T, 27,393 w. || Friendship, Doctor John, Whump, Soldier / Doctor Dichotomy, Five and One) – It was only when people actually saw John working as a physician that they began to understand: that it wasn’t just about bullets and IEDs and trauma care under fire. That “doctor” actually covered a pretty wide field. And that John was bloody good at covering ground. 5 times Dr. Watson treated others and 1 time he treated himself.
Guidelines by WithLoweredVoices (M, 43,018 w. || Winglock || Angels, Fantasy, Angst, BAMF! John, War) – The Good Soldier, one of the oldest and strongest of the fallen, is offered a bargain: to live as John Watson and to Guide a fledgling archangel so that he will stay on the path of good. Of course, Sherlock Holmes has different ideas about his destiny. Fantasy AU. Warnings for violence, occasional gore, and a whole load of hurt and angst.
A Week is Just Seven Days Isn’t It? by scifigrl47 (T, 39,906 w. || Humour, Friendship/Bromance, Stroppy/Bored Sherlock, Undercover/Army John, Texting, Pining-ish Sherlock, John Whump) – When John heads overseas for a week, Sherlock’s forced to fend for himself. It goes about as well as anyone could have anticipated. Which is to say, very, very poorly. Don’t worry, things’ll be fine in just seven days.
Bedroom Tales by Junejuly15 (M, 49,950 w. || Friends to Lovers, Through the Years, H/C, Military Kink, First Kiss / Time, Romance, Insecure Sherlock, Voyeurism, Post-TRF, Ficlets, Fluff and Angst, Fix-It Fics) – Bedroom Tales is a collection of John and Sherlock ficlets. They are set at various stages of their relationship and are in no particular order. Some are fluffy, some sexy, some angsty, there is hurt and comfort, romance and love. What unites them is that they all play in a bedroom, but not necessarily the one in 221B.
Two Two One Bravo Baker by abundantlyqueer (E, 114,574 w. || Military AU || Afghanistan, War Story, Thriller, Love Confessions, Mutual Pining) – Captain John Watson of 40 Commando, the Royal Marines, is assigned to protect and assist Sherlock Holmes as he investigates what appears to be a simple war atrocity in Afghanistan. An intense attraction ignites between the two men as they uncover a conspiracy that threatens everything they’ve ever known, but Sherlock is as much hunted as hunter, and everyone close to him is in deadly danger. Can he solve the case in time to save himself and John? Part 1 of Two Two One Bravo Baker Universe
A Box Where I Keep My Love by Aelfay (T, 2,274 w. || DomJohn / SubSherlock, Soldier John) – In the pursuit of a criminal, John agrees to use his dominance to keep things from getting violent. Sherlock suddenly feels his world change gears. Part 1 of the Levels!verse series
Soldier’s Pins by justacookieofacumberbatch (buffyholic) (E, 3,615 w. || Dog Tags, PWP, Porn With Feelings) – Sherlock has developed a habit of wearing John’s dog tags, but what happens if John catches him?
To Be Consoled by 221b_hound (T, 4,770 w. || BAMF John, Doctor John, Graphic Descriptions, Mild PTSD) – An ordinary day is torn to shreds by a bomb blast, and John’s friends are reminded that he’s not just Sherlock’s blogger and assistant: he’s a soldier and a doctor and a leader in his own right. But he’s human, too, like anyone else. Part 28 of the Guitar Man series
we have never seen a greater day than this by Lediona (T, 16,090 +w. || WiP || Royalty Night Out AU || WWII / VE Day, Meet Cute, Prince Sherlock / Soldier John, Alternating POV) – Peace. At long last. It’s VE Day and Prince William desires to join the celebrations. It is a night of excitement, danger and the first flutters of romance.
Dead Letter Office by a_different_equation (M, 20,364 w. || ‘Bartleby’ Fusion / Office Setting AU || Different First Meeting, Epistolary, John’s Blog, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pre-Canon, John Watson is Sherlock’s Boss, PTSD John, Military Backstory, Writer John, Drug Use, Texting) – John Watson comes home from the war, gets a new job and meets Sherlock Holmes through Mike Stamford. Same tale since 1891, except this time it’s 2008, John is Sherlock’s boss, and they work together at the Dead Letter Office in London. It’s not a love story, until it finally is.
A Twist of Fate by cloud_wolfbane (M, 21,103 w. || Omegaverse, Mpreg, Drug Use, Parentlock) – In a cocaine bender Sherlock forgets to take his heat suppressants and spends his heat with a soldier readying for deployment. While he remembers the man’s kindness he does not remember his name. In a move even Sherlock isn’t sure he can deduce, he decides to keep the child. What will he do 10 years later when he meets Dr. John Watson at Barts? Part 1 of the Twist of Fate series
Mad Doc Watson Series by ThetaSigma (G to E, 21,516 w. across 9 works || BAMF!John, Captain Watson, Est. Rel., John’s Past, Sherlock’s Military Kink, Scars, Kidnapping / Hostage Situation) – John Watson is utterly BAMF and basically a goddamn madman. Following are stories of him in Afghanistan and him in London, being the craziest bastard ever (Sherlock is besotted).
The Bravery of the Soldier by bakerstreetgirl (G, 101,703 +w., WIP || BAMF John, John in Afghanistan, PTSD, Post-TRF, Case Fic, Sherlock Cares, Epic Bromance, Platonic Soulmates, Platonics, Flashbacks) – When a news story about a hostage situation in Afghanistan breaks, details about John Watson’s military service come to light that the doctor had kept secret for a long time. Sherlock is intrigued and John manages to surprise the British government. What John needs in light of this story and the PTSD responses it flares up, is a friend. Can Sherlock Holmes step up to the job? Deals mainly with John’s career and military background, plus epic friendship, BAMFness and a little bit of case fic. Part 1 of the Before Baker Street series
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