lurafita · 5 months
Suuuuuuuuper random (au, mundane)
Magnus, to Alec: "Would you like to go out with me sometime? And before you answer, I realize that I'm in a bit of a power position here, what with just having hired your sister to work for my company, so I would just like to make this clear. Your answer has no bearing whatsover over the employment and career status of Miss Isabelle. You can absolutely say no. I will not hold your sister as leverage or anything like that. In fact, Raphael would shoot me should I ever succumb to this level."
Izzy, whispering to Raphael: "He is kidding, right?"
Raphael: "No. He had that condition put into my contract."
Izzy: "Seriously?"
Raphael: "You get used to his brand of crazy eventually."
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raz-writes-the-thing · 7 months
Crimes of Essex Proportions (Broadchurch)
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Alec Hardy x GN!Reader / requests are open and encouraged
Summary: Alec's stuck on his case. You just so happen to know exactly what he needs to know.
CW: murder investigation, body carving, Alec being tired as usual, reader knowing all the right things inexplicably
Broadchurch Tag List: @clarina04 @kaylinelizabeth4004 @yeethaw13 (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
“Alec, are you alright?” 
Your beloved DI is currently sitting at the kitchen table, head in his hands and papers strewn about haphazardly across every single surface in your kitchen (and the lounge room too). The man groans in deep frustration and when he finally pulls his head up from his hands, you have to refrain from giggling at the red marks across his face where his hands just were. 
“I just- I don’t ken what the fuck this means,” he replies, not really answering the question but also answering the question for you at the same time. A half-answer. Ah, not alright then, you gather. “I just hate bein’ stuck- I hate it.” 
You hum, taking a look over a sheaf of papers being weighed down by his ‘best boyfriend’ mug that he says he hates. He never uses a different one though, you’ve noticed. The papers are full of notes from the coroners. There are some pictures you probably didn’t need to see, but you’re immediately pulled in by the numbers carved on the corpse's chest. ‘203.’ Hmm, interesting. The rope tied around the bodies’ hands also piques your interest as well. You can’t be certain, but- it looks as though it has been woven by hand. 
“What don’t you get, sweetheart? Maybe I can help? I know I’m not supposed to, but- you know. Fresh pair of peepers, might be worth something.” 
Half of Alec’s face is smushed against his hand, and he pulls the spare seat out for you to sit down at the table with him. He fumbles around with some of the papers before showing you a slightly grainier picture of another body. 
“He was found in 2020- there was a- erm, number carved into the skin. Two-hundred- and a little wooden carvin’ of a whale. Cold case, the locals never solved it.” 
You look over the image. You know it’s not quite appropriate, but you kind of want that wooden whale. Oh, hang on. 
“That’s a sperm whale,” you say, brows furrowing as you pull the image closer to your face. “And- we don’t even really get those here in Broadchurch. Been a few sightings in Scotland, though.” 
Alec looks between you and the paper before he interrupts your rambling. 
“Hang on- do you- hang on, do some of these things make sense to y’er?” 
You blink, dragging your eyes away from the papers to look at your boyfriend. He’s looking at you expectantly, and your mouth opens and shuts a couple of times before you mutter out an- “erm- y-yes?” 
“Well, okay- so- here’s the thing,” you say, putting the pictures down and averting eye contact. “Oh, I don’t even know where to start. Okay, so, you know Moby Dick, right?” Alec nods, clearly not following you. 
“Well, it was based on this real whaleship called the Essex, and, erm- in 1820 they set sail on a whaling expedition,” you trail off, scratching at your forehead after noticing the look on Alec’s face. “This has a point, I swear- and 2020 was the, uh, the two hundredth anniversary of them setting sail. When did you find this new one?” 
You picked the newest victim’s image back up again- “And what’s this rope made from?” 
Alec shuffles through some notes before replying.
“Erm- newest victim was found… November twen’y by the beach,” he pushes his glasses back up his nose as he looks for the other requested information. “Twine was made from…. Hogs hair.” 
You scoff. Of course. This was just… there was no other way. It couldn’t be a reference to anything else. 
“One of the crew mates- Benjamin Lawrence, uh- well when they were sunk by the sperm whale and those that survived were stuck out at sea in their little bitty whaleboats- Benjamin used the time to make a thing of twine with his own hair. I think… just as something to do? I mean, they were stuck out there bobbing along for ninety-three days and eating each other when they started to pop off. What else did he have to do?” 
Alec was staring at you, unsure what to make of all this. You brandished the images in front of him. 
“See- look, ‘203’ carved into the skin for the anniversary, the hog hair hand-made twine, the date the body was found, the hand-carved sperm whale? Surely there couldn’t be another explanation for all this?” 
Alec looked unsure, but based on how he’d appeared when you came in earlier, this was the best lead they had. 
“I’d be looking at people with a really big interest in nautical stories. Maybe someone in the historical society? Oooh, I wonder if a distant descendant is living here somewhere from one of the eight survivors.” 
“How do y’ken this stuff?” He asked, noting some things down. “I mean- it’s not exactly a rivetin’ subject, is it?” 
You chewed on your bottom lip, admiring the images of the hand-made twine. 
“Oh, I dunno. I think it’s pretty interesting. A special interest of mine. I’m just… glad I channelled that into creative expression and not… murder.” 
“Well, yes, there is that,” Alec replied. He got up from his seat and pressed a hard kiss onto your forehead. “I still don’t ken how y’put all that t’gether,” he said in disbelief. 
“Could you, erm- would you mind comin’ into the station later, providin’ a statement f’er all this?”
You wiggle your eyebrows at him suggestively, delighting in the way he laughs. He almost sounds embarrassed. Almost. 
“You taking me in, officer? Hmm? Have I been naughty?” A flush creeps up his neck, and oh, isn’t that interesting. Hmm. You might have to see what that’s about later. Maybe he’d like it if you were a little naughty sometimes. “Course I will, love. Just let me know when. You can borrow my books too if you like. I have a few on the Essex.”
“That would be great,” he says, taking your hand and pressing a kiss to the skin. “We could leave now. Sooner we get this case sorted, sooner I’ll be able t’sleep again.” 
Makes sense. You peck him on the cheek, grab your coat and find your couple of books from the bookcase in the home office and meet him by the car. It’s crazy to think that your little special interest is helping out with a criminal investigation, but you were happy to help out in any way that you could. And like Alec said, the sooner this whole thing was solved, the sooner you’d get your boyfriend back. 
As expected, once all the connections were made between the Essex and the bodies, it didn’t take long for Alec and Ellie to solve the case. 
Another criminal behind bars, and a slightly easier sleep for Alec.
  And another year passes on the anniversary of the sinking of the whale ship Essex.
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allfinehere · 13 days
Shadowhunters: TWI Soulmates
In the World Inverted, when the demons got sealed away, Raziel took back all the runes the Shadowhunters had - their descendants have legends of the Nephilim and their glorious victory over the demons, but no longer have access to the power. Maybe there were some Silent Brothers left to guard the relics and texts, and some Iron Sisters who keep the weapons and knowledge, but no one else retained their runes or powers. No new Shadowhunters can be made.
But in return, Raziel gave the Nephilim and their descendants a new mark as a blessing for their steadfastness and sacrifice for the angels for so long: they were given a mark to find their soulmate.
Nephilim have soulmates and sometimes they match with someone not a Nephilim. But mostly they match with other Nephilim. (Only the Nephilim who are really interested in genealogy and the legends/lore of their past realize this. Scientists are aware of the soulmate phenomenon but can't genetically explain the rarity among the general population.) And while Raziel does gift the soulmate mark based on high compatibility, that isn't the primary reason for the marks. Its to concentrate the bloodlines and keep the Nephilim blood strong. Because there's no guarantee that the demons will stay sealed away forever. And so if the demons break the barrier keeping them from the earthly plane, Raziel has a ready pool of Nephilim to give runes back to.
Which means that it is only in extreme circumstances where the need for the soulmate outweighs the need for the bloodline that a Nephilim has a non-Nephilim soulmate.
Alec Lightwood, descendant of Shadowhunters with strong Nephilim blood, has a soulmark but hasn't been able to find his soulmate.
Magnus Bane, warlock with recently reactivated magic, doesn't know what the mark that spontaneously appeared around twenty years ago means.
But there is something coming that means the alliance between the descendants of the Nephilim and the remnants of the Downworld is needed. And Alec and Magnus are soulmates, chosen to lead their respective peoples into whatever is coming.
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fiyaerrigan · 2 months
six sentence sunday!
got tagged by @dreaming-marchling in this end-of-week, er, tag game thingy. i always want to call them ask games, lol. I feel like I've said that before but it bears repeating.
-- rules: post 6 sentences of an unfinished work and tag 6 people I've got basically nothing coherent, but have six sentences of TWI!Alec dialogue! --
“You'll have to forgive her. She still watches cartoons and believes in the ‘power of friendship.’ Me, on the other hand? I believe in the power of connections. You don’t have to trust us—feel free to turn us all into frogs or something in a few days, but the whole ‘magic is real’ thing seems like a hell of a secret to keep. I wouldn’t want to be the one keeping it by myself.”
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tagging (no pressure, obvi!) @dani-dabbles, @la-muerta, @kasper-tag, @faejilly, @foodsies4me, @to-the-stars-writing
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superhero--imagines · 2 years
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A/N: it’s almost over! My editors are still going through the book so there are no production updates this week for anyone who bought the book. If you’re interested the digital version is still on sale at my store!
Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! / Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here! / Part 12 Here! / Part 13 Here! / Part 14 Here! / Part 15 Here! / Part 16 Here! / Part 17 Here! / Part 18 Here! / Part 19 Here!/ Part 20 Here!/ His POV Part 1! Here /  His POV Part 2 Here!  / Part 21 Here! / Part 22 Here! / Random Headcanons / Part 23 Here! / Part 24 Here! / Part 25 Here! Part 26 Here ! / Part 27 Here! / Part 28 Here!/ Part 29 Here! / Part 30 Here! / Part 31 Here! / Part 32 Here! / Part 33 Here! / Part 34 Here! / Part 35 Here! / Part 36 Here! / Part 37 Here! <This is Part 38!>
* Out of all of the plans you’ve seen—
* You draw your hood up further, walking down the dim corridors you frequented so often with Alec over a decade ago.
* —This one has to be the worst
* Your feet bounce against the floor as you peak over the corner, before descending down a hallway
* Marcus’s plan was simple enough, he would a distraction, while Edward incapacitated Chelsea.
* “Once she’s immobile for a while, the collective haze will vanish, they’ll be disoriented for a moment, and that’s where (Y/N) comes in.” He pointed to map showing you exactly the hallways you would have to take to reach the throne room, and be their secret weapon to incapacitate Aro and Caius
* It’s just too bad you’re terrible with directions and got lost.
* You pass down another hallway huffing when it leads to a dead end.
* Your running now, only stilling when you see a large portrait half covered, on it is the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen.
* She has long blond hair that passes her shoulders, and pink undertone skin. But what’s most eye catching is that one of her eyes is red and the other is gold
* That’s Didyme
* Even though there’s no signature or plaque, you know it to be true. You swallow, feeling humble in her presence.
* “Hey,” your voice is no louder than a whisper. “I’m about to go raise some hell.” You grin.
* “I’ll try to punch Aro in the face, one time just for you.”
* And then you’re taking off down the hallway again, you sigh when you see a string of torch lights
* You recognize this wing of the castle
* Twi guards come into view, standing gaurd in front of a large set of doors
* “Hault! I don’t think I’ve—“ the gaurd stops mid-sentence, a dazzled look in his eyes
* Looks like Edward took care of Chelsea
* You push past them blinded by the light in the throne room, when your eyes adjust the sigh before you has your heart plummeting to your stomach
* In the throne room is Edward, in a vicious headlock, a second from having relic rip his head off
* Aro and Caius watching with glee
* You’re not sure what happens, you hear a scream in the distance, but every single ounce of despair you’ve bottled inside releases in that moment.
* The room is covered in your blue hue, and you crumple to the ground.
* You don’t want to live in a world without Edward
* You can’t
* If he’s not here…
* ‘Maybe I should just tear this world apart and build a new one.’ You think. ‘A place where there’s no vampires, where someone like Aro could never hurt anyone ever again.’
* You’re so caught in your despair you don’t notice that everyone’s incapacitated around you, sputtering as they try to make sense of what’s happening
* It’s not until you feel his hand over yours.
* You open your eyes to see Edward’s familiar pale hand pressed over yours.
* “It’s okay, you’re okay.” He whispers, giving you the faintest of squeezes.
* “Don’t be sad, it’s the worst feeling in the world when I know you’re in pain.”
* Ever so slowly the blue hue creeps away from the room, retracting inside you once again
* You stroke his cheek with your finger.
* “Sorry.” You murmur. Around you everyone is writhing in agony on the floor
* Well it makes your job easier.
* You move to get up, when you see someone pass by you.
* “Marcus?”
* He doesn’t seem the least bit affected by your emotions, brushing away venom from the corner of his eye.
* “Sorry, but I’ve felt worse.”
* He walks forward, silver glinting in his hand
* Is that…?
* “Marcus what are you doing with a syringe of the cure.”
* “I’m going to turn Aro into the thing he hates most in the world,” Marcus sneers as he lifts Aro’s face to meet his.
* “A human.”
* He drops his face letting it hit the floor with a thud.
* “And then I’m going to kill him.”
* You scramble up, racing to stop him, but it’s too late the syringe is injected into his arm.
* You’re only able to stop him when Marcus is about to wrap his hands around Aro’s neck
* “No Marcus this isn’t what agreed on. You said we were just going to incapacitate him.”
* “I know you’re optimistic (Y/N), but there will never be a peaceful world as long he exists in it.”
* You’re so busy arguing that you don’t realize Aro’s gathered his bearings, that his eyes are pointed to the syringe lying in the floor, the smallest amount still left in the vial
* You don’t notice Aro grasping the device
* Only realizing what’s happening when he stands up, the instrument trained on you.
* You close your eyes, bracing yourself for the pain that will inevitably come, but it never does
* You hesitantly open your eyes, only to see the syringe isn’t in you, it’s poking out of Edward’s back, his body acting as a shield.
* His arms wrap around you, in one final embrace. He whispers: “Sorry.” Before collapsing onto the floor.
Tag list: @moonlights27 @thebluetint @the100thtwilight @awesomebooklover17 @oneofthepotterheads @imdoingathingmom @yrawn @alyciaswhore @little-horror-show @wicked-watering-can @lazydreamers @ideas-for-you-to-adopt @moose-squirrel-asstiel @hotmessgoodness @jaimewho21 @what-am-i-doing10 @anotheryooniverse @emmettcullenisahimbo @my-super-musical-life @smolvampiregirl @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream @mihikaahujaaa @reclusive-chicken-nugget @monkeyluver4546 @wonhomarshmallow @bwbatta @bubblyabs @thatwaspossesion @helzerat @parascape @katrodriguez99 @leilanixx @kiki-ren @winxanity-ii @dontletyourmemebedreams @hazeofeleven @whatafreakingloser @lightsupdoyouknowwhoyouare
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maydoesthings · 9 months
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Attack on Titan
levi - pt I what comes next
My Hero Academia
aizawa - here we meet again
aizawa - first snow
aizawa - twin sister headcanon
aizawa - tickle fight
aizawa - chihiro
Hunter x Hunter
illumi - character analysis
The Last of Us
hbo show - good & bad things
ellie - let me down slowly
The Walking Dead
random thought for bigger story
daryl character ai
The Legend of Zelda
Linked Universe:
Twi & Legend - small detail
legend - supergirl
legend character development
pt 1 my kind of woman,
expect more fandoms and stories to come soon…
- playlist -
space song - beach house
cherry - lana del rey
starboy - the weeknd
golden hour - jvke
no time to die - billie eilish
chihiro - billie eilish
let me down slowly - alec benjamin
supergirl - reamonn
my kind of woman - mac demarco
white dress - lana del rey
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apex twink apex twink apex twink apex twink apex twink apex twink apecks twinkapex twink apex twink tapex twink apex twink apex twink apex twink apex twonk apex twink apex twink apex twibk apex twibk apex twobkapex twibk apex rwink apex twobk apex twink apex twink apex tepink apex rwink apex teibk apex twink apex twink ayprx twink apex twi nk rpex twink alec pronak apex twink alex twink wpaex twink apex twibk apec twibk apexk rwink apex twink twoprc ywibk apex twibk Pe lec twi k apex wink ape twi j apex twi k aiw twi k apex twink tapex twibk tapex atwick apexn zatiwivk apectejni aid twhbk ail aius tei kapex teink aoe k eateibo ape twinous pec atwivk
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twi alec meeting sh verse magnus
both gushing over fashion, how cute their partners are and being icons tbh
on the other end of the room you have sh verse Alec and twi Magnus, sipping coffee and making heart eyes at their partners who are now engaged in an impromptu dress-off match
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magnusbae · 3 years
[AU] Magnus: I told you, I’m on the list!
[AU] Alec, marching into the scene:
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lurafita · 23 days
TWI prompt
In the inverted world, the world had been demon free for many years. Enough that Magnus hadn't had use for his magic. Enough that shadowhunters stopped training new generations. Enough that maybe, there weren't actually many downworlders left. Werewolves have human lifespans, and without continuous infection, weres would cease to exist. Vampires might have gone a similiar route, maybe some of them choosing final death. Same for warlocks. Especially as there would be no new warlocks, as there would be no demons going to earth to impregnate mundane women. Now imagine that this dimension hopping and that demon that got to the inverted world, messed with the balance there. Suddenly long dormant wards are being attacked. Suddenly the barrier between the mundane world and the hell dimensions seems to weaken. And Magnus knows it's only a matter of time before the first rift opens up, and his newly reawakened magic might not be enough to confront whatever might pop out. His plan is to contact whatever downworlders are still alive, to help prepare for a possible fight. He doesn't quite know what to do with the pretty party planner with the angel blood running through his veins. Or his equally nephilim and no idea about it siblings. But it seems Alexander is determined to get to know Magnus. All of him.
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kinkymagnus · 2 years
i also just think, specifically, twi magnus with his wrists pinned above his head
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😩 I'm still thinking about how cute a twi Malec cinderella au would be. I just can't get over how sweet it would be plus it's perfect himbo Alec material.
I keep telling u guys, twi is a Cinderella au its just waiting to happen. like Magnus gets into the party, Alec is immediately drawn, he doesn't know his name cuz it's not on the list and i dont think he heard Magnus tell it to Raj and there's no way Raj is gonna remember his name specifically after a whole night of ppl babbling names to him. and then magnus fucked off and its not like they have any circles in common, or anything
and yeah yeah there's the commercial but it's not like it was super expensive so it probably doesn't play all the time cuz u have to pay a lot more to have it come up frequently, plus i dont think Alec would be into TV anyway (its 2020, if u want to watch something use the internet like a normal person). so all that's left is trying to look for him himself. with like, nothing to go on. and we all know Alec.... isnt an intellectual, when it comes to magnus
i mean he's pretty sure he's seen him talk to Clary but apparently Clary doesn't remember shit about the party and has no idea what Alec is even talking about. she was probably too busy talking to her boyfriend, Mace or something. the patrons dont know anything, the guests dont know anything, his friends dont know anything, Raj is extremely unhelpful and just says that alec's an idiot and that the guy left shortly after he arrived. everything indicates that he really was crashing the party, but he barely even stayed, which makes no sense
were it not for the fact that Raj remembers the guy and he is in the background in a few of the pictures (of course he had a photographer, duh) Alec would start questioning his sanity. as it is, he's just :( that he can't find him
he tries to get particular attention to the pics where Magnus is on the background, being all like "tag your friends!!" and shit, which isnt really that weird cuz you know, marketing, but hes really really invested in finding the cute guy udndidndkdn same with the lost & found posts, but of course nothing there belongs to Magnus because even if Magnus had lost something he could just summon it into his home
but none of that works because theres no way twi Magnus isnt a social media hermit, i mean he did a TV fucking commercial for his tarot business. like Magnus please. so of course no one's tagging him in anything cuz they're not in the same circles and they look for each other in all the wrong places
(i mean, Magnus is not looking for Alec, he kind of has a lot on his mind and hes not gonna get involved with a mundane, even if he's cute and nice and kinda sexy and it's been a long time, and he was very sweet and all excited about his party and- nope)
(he's just, you know. paying special attention to tall guys on the street. and maybe passing by the institute perhaps more than strictly necessary. but that means nothing)
but of course Alec isnt at the institute, cuz that was just where his patrons wanted the party to be. Alec has his own office, not even in the same neighborhood. so that's pointless
Alec is just kind of moping and toying with the idea of making a post looking for him on his personal twitter, but he doesn't want to pressure cute guy or come off as demanding or something. eventually izzy has to go to him and be like "okay, spill, why are you sighing every five seconds" and Alec is like ugghhhfhhsgsgghh
so izzy like the nosey bastard that she is and that we know and love, tweets herself saying that her brother has a crush and can't find him, and he doesn't want to post about it and make him feel pressured but if the guy is interested then he can DM her. and she puts up a little description of Magnus and a picture of Alec, just to make sure. maybe starts some stupid hashtag, i dont know
and alec's like "iz-" and she's like "relax, big bro, if he doesn't want it he just wont come forward. it's fine" and Alec is like "i guess" and proceeds to pester her so much asking if there's been any update she just sets her email to send him a copy of her twitter notifs
(that only serves to make it a bit less frequent. but that's fine)
anyway it eventually reaches. realistically catarina but i like to think its ragnor just because of the sheer ridiculousness of that. hey maybe twi ragnor is super techy. or maybe he isnt but he is kinda on the lookout for things related to his friends in social media and such, like the protective bastard that he is
and ragnor thinks it's hilarious and is all like "hey Magnus did you know that theres a whole campaign on twitter to find you" and Magnus is like "what" and hes like "yeah I'm pretty sure this is you theyre taking about, didn't you go to that institute party to help some shadowhunter with something or whatever" "you mean the reawakening of the ley lines" "yeah yeah whatever. more importantly, some guy's got a crush on you" and he shows Magnus the tweets exclusively to tease him and do his usual "allos are gross" routine, but Magnus is like. oh. he's. he wanted to find me? and ragnor is like incredible Magnus is in fact a gross allo.
anyway Ragnor helps Magnus set up a Twitter exclusively so he can bicker about what an old man Magnus is and make fun of him throughout the whole process ("you're blushing" "no I'm not" "you're definitely blushing" "because you said i was! I wasn't before" "oh it's so easy to rile you up") and Magnus sends izzy a PM and Alec almost falls on his ass when he sees it
and it's a no braincells event because neither of them know what to do from there. and izzy and ragnor are exclusively there to mock them for it. but alec's not about to miss his chance so he tells Magnus that he can totally say no if he isn't interested, but Alec would like to go out for coffee and maybe get to know each other
so they do and its sweet and cute and you know, the rest is history
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kar-krashew · 3 years
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Colored in another older sketch :)
Ft. A bunch of Alec’s from wips I will never find the motivation to finish 😩
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immortals-malec · 3 years
I left this in my drafts for a long time, so now time to post.  Y’all ever realize that if twi Malec had an soulmate where like my previous soulmate Malec post, they’ve the first words they say to each other Like the first thing Alec says to Magnus in the TWI Universe is “Come on in,” (unless you count the first part but he says that to Raj the second is at Magnus)  Magnus is just like ??????? What does this mean?? It’s weird but fondly looks at it.  Like he’s gonna meet his soulmate by being invited in somewhere?? Like just ???? for days.   He longs forever to hear those words but never does, over the years, Magnus just ends up accepting that he might never hear those words or that he already met his soulmate and they just didn’t know.  Alec’s mark is what Magnus says to him at the party, which is Magnus’s full fucking name, except for some reason. Maybe a magical reason, all he gets is an “M” that’s it at least until the day of the Institute’s party and SHW Clary appears and his mark is just hello here’s your soulmate’s name.  Alec is all like *heart eyes* because his soulmate is the cute guy from that ad everyone thinks is funny and he wants to meet him immediately.  But he’s unable to like do anything about it since he’s busy with party planning and will do something about it tomorrow. Then- sh!Clary shows up and oop- they meet a day or so earlier then they were supposed to. And of course Alec’s like my soulmate is here fuck he’s even more gorgeous in person, and Magnus is like oh fuck he’s my soulmate, this is too much in one day, a shadowhunter, my magic is back and meeting my soulmate.  Of course we got a bit of angst because Magnus just got his magic back and met Alec, who doesn’t know a damn thing about magic and there’s a lot more (because there’s unless background plot for twi) 
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bytedykes · 3 years
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hashtag art i will literally never finish asdlfkjasd
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rainyhuman · 3 years
ok but do you have two equally amazing canon versions of your otp? yeah, thought so
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