#twas a christmas miracle
delirious-comfort · 1 year
My niece doesn't do hugs, which is fine with me, we've been doing high-fives for years and on a very, very rare occasion she'll like sit next to you and lean in a bit, as long as you don't say anything about it.
Anyway, yesterday I was playing with a giant dough ball and turning it into shapes she told me too and then she said, "Can I play with it?"
Now I'm her aunt, so my first response was, "No," just because I wanted to tease her a bit. She could have it whenever, it's just fun to rile her up a bit.
Then she said, "I'll pay you."
"Don't want money."
"I'll give you a hug."
Now, again, I'm fine with her not doing hugs, I think it's very good that she knows she doesn't want to do that and no one forces her too. But this time she offered and sure she wanted something in return, but still it came from her. So I thought I'd call her bluff. Cuz I genuinely didn't think she'd do it. Her and I much the same, human contact is weird after all.
So she starts giggling and laughing and I didn't say a thing, didn't extend my arms nothing, just played with my dough ball and then she came over. AND THEN MY BROTHER WALKED INTO THE ROOM.
Witnesses are no good.
So she instructed him to leave, which he did.
Then she gave me a two second, one-sided hug.
My heart grew three times larger as seconds later she sat back in her chair, playing with the dough ball. :)
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romanoffsbish · 6 months
Silent Night
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!R
Natasha gives you the worst news possible, you are stuck with her on Christmas Eve when you had made plans with another… (Blurb / WC: 1k)
Warnings: Hurt / Comfort | Grief / Loss | Hopeful Ending
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Natasha stood there frozen, her body near perfect in stature to the naked eye, but to any other spy they'd notice the slump in her stance. She was crestfallen in sync with you as you stumbled back and shook your head from side to side, negating her command.
"No!" Natasha leapt forward then, her arm quick to wrap around your waist, hand firmly gripping you by the hip as her other covered your trembling lips. The look of genuine grief and budding betrayal in your eyes was like a sword through the assassin's heart but she remained steadfast as she grunted, "stay quiet agent."
For a moment you were stunned into silence, it wasn't like the redhead treated you differently, but you had hoped she would. That she'd let the heartless facade go and help you to escape this nightmare. You needed to get home, which right now was a sterile white room in a rundown hospital because the salary of a shield agent still wasn't enough to save the woman you needed.
A girl never stops needing the love of her mother.
Natasha understood you, she knew the pain behind your eyes well, you were losing something important.
She knew what you were saying; you couldn't stay in this run down cabin with her until the coast was clear. Fury's orders were of no significance to you when you had a very important person waiting on you back home, which was currently thousands of miles away. Tony needed to send a rescue jet now, it didn't matter if lives were lost, you wouldn't really mind if it were your own and that terrified the stoic woman.
The words never left your lips but she could see it in your eyes that you wanted out. Of the cabin, yes, but also of this life you were mindlessly walking through.
Natasha knew something had changed for you about six months ago, you'd stopped smiling at her then. It was such a simple gesture on your end, persistent too as she never returned it, always just walked right by.
Natasha was trying to keep her distance from you as she worried your spark would be dulled by her pain.
There was so much she'd yet to process and she was not willing to take you down her path of darkness. The loss of your smile was actually what forced her into the darkness and ultimately what got her through it. She would picture it in her worst moments and find peace.
A solace she so desperately wanted to be for you, deep down she knew you'd need someone to hold you and she refused to let anyone else take this spot, it was hers. The protectiveness didn't fade but her resolve softened as she felt your tears beneath her fingers.
"Natasha, I have to go," you cried as her hand slipped and you attempted to shove her away. "I know..." Yet her hold didn't falter, it only tightened, "but you can't."
"Please," you cried, fists pummeled into her chest but she didn't falter. Her lips were gently raised and your eyes froze on the gesture you had always wanted from her. You were wrong for hitting her but she merely offered you reassurance; the permission to continue.
It broke you from your rage and set free the truth as you fell into her hold instead and the redhead was quick to lower your bodies. You wailed just the same as you did when your mother gave birth to you, giving you the life she'd lose tonight; on the eve of Christmas.
Twas her favorite holiday, it carried a nostalgia from her childhood that she sprinkled into yours. The best parts of course, she was that for you, if you could you'd sacrifice decades of yours for just another with her.
Life and death are intimately bonded, woven together as opposites because it can't be forgotten that what has a start must also come to an end; a cruel twisted fate.
The hopeful would call it a miracle, but you were more akin to a realist. It was easy to see that both sides offered truth, the reality lied beneath the romanticism.
There was good and bad in everyone's story, you felt it in the air as your mother's words presented falsely. The ding of your phone was unnecessary, just like the '🕊️' your sister had texted you. You felt the tether snap.
Your mother told you she wouldn't leave until she knew you were alright, which was not exactly rooted in the present moment but rather the foreshadowed fate.
The ghost pressure of a pair of lips was pressed against your forehead, and you whined in your sob induced sleep, Natasha lent down and kissed your skin in hopes that it would soothe your broken heart, even just a bit.
A smile adorned her face when you nuzzled further into her embrace, she pulled a blanket from the couch and wrapped it around your bodies. It didn't bother her that her night would be spent on the floor, with her back up against the edge of the couch, it wasn't ideal for sleeping but she didn't plan on doing that anyways.
The only plans she had were to sip on her tea and watch the rise and fall of your chest, "I've got you..."
Natasha didn't believe in much, the woman has stood up against aliens but she still dismissed the fables of  ghosts, werewolves and vampires (she was team Alice).
The redhead was trained to believe what she sees, and it wasn't until tonight that she could cross out another.
A gust of wind blew over the both of you shortly after the woman had confirmed her desires to be with you. Three simple words that carried a deeper message. A smirk overtook the redheads face as she felt a warmth she'd never felt before, there was no other explanation.
"It's nice to meet you Miss Y/L/N; she's safe here."
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candied-peach · 6 months
ao3: "gag gifts" rating: T warnings: moceit, dukeceit, platonic intruality, remus typical humor, food mention genre: fluff description: Patton loves his gift so much, he wants to spread the Christmas cheer a little further this year.
Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse...
Just a happy pappy father figment, Patton thinks, creeping over to the door that separates the dark sides' living area and looking at it. Roman added a yellow crisscross of caution tape to it at some point, but the tape is peeling, and 'Juicy Ass' has been added to it in acid green marker. He has three tubes of different Christmas wrapping paper under one arm, a variety of cardboard boxes stuffed into a bigger box under the other, and his heart is pounding so loud, he thinks it's a miracle no one has come out of their rooms to investigate the ruckus. Logan is busy trying to solve Virgil's puzzle, Roman is most likely listening to Christmas carols in his own room or perhaps putting the finishing touches on a winter wonderland in the Imagination, and Patton already checked on Virgil earlier- he's fallen asleep early, with his headphones in, emo music filtering out into the air.
He juggles everything to open the door, wincing when the hinges creak. Dim light spills out, what looks like the glow of Christmas lights in rainbow colors. Despite himself, Patton feels a twinge of curiosity. He's never seen what it looks like when the others decorate for Christmas. Hadn't really paid much thought to it before. It shouldn't surprise him, but a little squeak escapes when he reaches the first garland of lights and realizes all the light bulbs are actually shaped like dicks. Red spreads across his face like a stain. Clearly Remus's touch.
"Whatcha doin', Daddy?" Remus breathes into Patton's ear, suddenly right behind him, and Patton nearly screams as he whirls around, dropping the tubes of wrapping paper. Remus doesn't look apologetic at all.
"Remus!" Patton hisses. "You startled me!"
"I know," Remus says. His eyes nearly glow poison green in the dark. Bioluminescence. His grin is just a little too wide. "And I repeat, whatcha doin', Daddy-O?"
"I just-" Patton sighs. "Is Janus asleep?"
"Yep," Remus answers. "Why? Didja wanna put something in his bed?" His eyes gleam, much like his teeth. "I can help ya if you want, but only if it's dangerous!"
"No," Patton blurts out. The side in front of him almost looks disappointed. "No, I just- I wanted-" Patton huffs a sigh, bending down and retrieving the wrapping paper. "I wanted to return the favor," he admits. "His gift really- really tickled my funny bone, and the card was sweet, and I just-" Patton fumbles for a moment, before tilting the cavalcade of boxes so Remus can see the homemade cards nestled inside.
"I wanted to make him a little gag gift of his own," Patton says. "And leave it down here. Is- is that okay?" He feels like holding his breath, waiting for Remus's response. Luckily, it's not long in coming.
"Yeah, sure!" Remus agrees, willingly enough. "Ya know, you could have wrapped it all over there." Patton flushes crimson. In all the subterfuge he had been plotting, he...hadn't considered that.
"Lemme help," Remus pleads. "I can make the boxes different shapes! To confuse him more!" 
"Okay," Patton says, as Remus grabs his shoulder and tugs him over to a ratty plaid-patterned couch that had more stains on it than Patton wanted to think about. Remus plops down on the thin carpet, hands held up for the boxes, and Patton grabs the cards out of the top box before handing them over. Remus raises an eyebrow when he notices that there are two, and Patton reddens again.
"For you, too," Patton says. "But you can't see until Christmas."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Remus says, agreeably enough. Patton doesn't trust it at all. When Remus looks down, chewing on a stray piece of cardboard, Patton tucks Remus's card under his shirt. Just for the time being.
Remus summons scissors and tape (the tape is strangely fuzzy the first time, until Patton pleads for a more normal one- Remus looks like he wants to argue until Patton admits in a quiet voice it's a sensory thing, and then he gets new tape without blinking), and they spend a surprisingly amenable time together, arranging and rearranging present boxes until the final product looks like Janus is unwrapping a vacuum cleaner.
"Here ya go," Remus says, handing Patton a second box. This one is shaped like a trashcan and already wrapped. "For my card."
"Thank you, but I-" Patton pauses, patting the front of his shirt. The card is gone. He blinks at Remus, astonished. "How did you-"
Remus grins.
"That's for me to know and you to find out!" He singsongs, cackling to himself. "Nighty night, Pattycake!"
"Good night," Patton says, climbing to his feet with the help of one of Remus's surprisingly hot hands. He finds himself smiling. "Thank you for your help, Remus. You'll- you'll make sure Janus gets it, right?"
"Of course! What do you take me for?" Remus asks, mock offended as he puts a hand to his heart. He tilts his head impossibly far to one side. "Oh! Oh, Janny's awake!"
"Oh!" Patton exclaims. He attempts to bolt out of the living room, only to run smack into the side in question. Janus blinks, staring down at Patton's sprawled form with sleep-blurred eyes.
"Patton?" Janus asks, his voice raspy and addled with fatigue. He's still wearing his Christmas sweater, but he's added snake-patterned pajama pants to the ensemble, and to Patton's slight surprise, he is wearing the socks Roman gave him. "What are you doing here?" He offers a hand to help Patton up, and Patton realizes that he's not wearing his gloves.
"Helping me!" Remus chimes in brightly. "Come on, Jan Jan, we gotcha somethin'!"
"Perish the thought," Janus says dryly, as Remus plants a sloppy, enthusiastic kiss on Janus's scaled cheek. "Thank you. What do you mean?"
"Look!" Remus giggles, pointing at the vacuum-shaped box. Janus's eyebrow raises. Patton flushes red, as both Janus and Remus tow him forward. He finds himself coaxed back onto the couch, surrounded by the pair.
"Whatever could it be," Janus muses, as he reads the tag. "To Janus, from Patton (Remus helped!) Patton, why did you-?" He turns a little, surprised, and Patton just motions toward the gift.
"Go on," Patton encourages, his mouth a little dry. His face is still flushed, and his heart feels a little fluttery. Janus looks very pretty in the dim light.
"Is it...a vacuum?" Janus asks, delicately unpeeling the paper.
"No," Remus nearly shouts, cackling again. "Try again, Janny!"
The next box shouldn't be possible, but it is shaped like a canoe. Janus blinks at it, then grins.
"Oh, I see," Janus says, turning slightly to Patton. "Have you gotten me back then?"
"Maybe," Patton says, trying to sound innocent. "I don't know. Maybe you should keep opening them."
Improbable sizes and shapes slip past in a flurry of Christmas-themed wrapping paper, and Patton is enraptured by Janus's soft laughter and sparkling eyes. Remus refuses to unwrap his own until Janus is down to his own actual card.
"Oh, Patton," Janus says softly when he's finally holding the holiday card, carefully crayoned two-headed snake sprawled across the front. "Thank you."
"Merry Christmas, Janus," Patton murmurs, feeling like he's full of fizzy bubbles.
"Patton!" Remus exclaims, having finally torn the wrapping paper off his own. "You kraken me up, too!" He grins, holding up the card covered in cephalopod puns. Patton had asked Virgil several veiled, completely obvious questions about what Remus had ever showed interest in.
"Would you like to join everyone for breakfast?" Patton asks. "I could make pancakes...?" For a moment, Janus looks like he is going to decline, and Patton feels disappointment weigh down his stomach.
"Why not?" Janus gives in gracefully. "Don't let Remus near the syrup."
"Wouldn't dream of it," Patton promises. To his surprise, he finds Janus's arm settling itself around his shoulders.
"Is this okay?" Janus asks, nervous. Patton beams.
"Of course, Janus," he says. The Christmas dick lights twinkle down on them as Remus springs up from the couch and disappears for a moment.
"Oh, Janny-" Remus starts, running back in.
"You are not putting mistletoe over us," Janus interrupts. Patton tries not to feel a tiny bit disappointed at that.
"You're no fun," Remus pouts. "Fine. Over me instead?" He puts a sprig of mistletoe over his head and wiggles his shoulders in a shimmy. Janus laughs.
"Fine," he says, and tugs Remus down to kiss his cheek.
Patton leans his head against Janus's shoulder, tired from staying up so long.
"Merry Christmas, Patton," Janus says quietly, as Patton's awareness starts to slip away. "I'll wake you up before breakfast, I promise."
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zahri-melitor · 6 months
DC Holiday Special 2017 #1 - wouldn't it be nice if DC got back to some sort of consistent naming pattern?
The Reminder - Constantine & Superman. Constantine gets thrown out of a bar for being drunk and dour. Clark doubts Superman can change anything while the barkeeper tells him all the great things Supes has done over the past day. Supes then invites Constantine home to see the family.
'Twas the Night Before Christmas - Batman. OH MY GOODNESS THIS IS A DENNY STORY!!! And wow is it ever a Denny story, we have ghosts and all (where's the Order of St Dumas, Denny, I know you wanted to shove them in too). Storywise, Bruce is tracking down (in a blizzard) a couple who've been kidnapped and held at gunpoint by a man haunted by his dead grandmother, after they both died/almost died in the snow due to the couple, years ago. Bruce stops this.
You Better Think Twice - Green Arrow & Black Canary. Ollie dresses up as Santa ever year for the orphans. Dinah is sceptical that this is helpful. The art direction pretends Sin exists in this story for a page and my heart melts even though that is 100% not Sin.
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Not Sin. But Dinah is missing her.
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Going Down Easy! - Sgt. Rock. Because what is a Christmas Special if I don't have to read Sgt. Rock stories for some reason.
Amazingly, this is the Hanukkah story for the year! Varying it up. An American Jewish soldier, after being shot, holds on and lives for 8 nights with the German soldier who shot him, until Sgt Rock and his troops arrive. (Then he dies). This is a miracle of faith.
Hope for the Holidays - Flash. Wally just wants to give Barry his Christmas present. Barry gets distracted fighting crime and then taking everyone at the snowed in airport to their destinations. But eventually, he finds time to make it to see Wally in Titans Tower.
A Wilson Family Christmas - Deathstroke.
Aw yeah Adeline's here. Shoot Slade, Adeline! (Tragically she does not even though she threatens to). So is Grant, because we're in a flashback. Anyway Slade is looking for a bomb in a pile of donated presents (and a Santa dies), the rest of the Wilsons come off the road in a carcrash in the snow, Adeline doesn't believe a word Slade says, it's all very them. Also somehow Grant, who was driving, DIDN'T wipe himself out at this point. Survived the teen car accident only to die stupidly fighting the Titans. Way to go kid.
Driver's Seat - Lois & Clark. For some reason this was skipped by the DCUI file. Lois' first car gets totalled in a car accident, which she's broken up about because she wasn't ready to say goodbye. Clark rescues the driver's seat and steering wheel for her, then takes her flying in the seat.
Silent Night - Atomic Knights. I...do not know the Atomic Knights. I vaguely remember something about them in Final Night. It appears to be an alternate timeline?
The community protected by the Knights is worried about the 'Trefoils', a set of walking trees who frankly look like Triffid ripoffs. The village wants to burn them down even though they used to be part of the community. But the Trefoils actually brought a Christmas Tree for everyone! The Spirit of Christmas lives.
Holiday Spirit - Teen Titans. The team fights Three Ghosts similar to those in A Christmas Carol, except the goals of the ghosts is to make everyone depressed by feasting on their memories of Christmas. But Kory doesn't have memories of Christmas (I squint at this and go 'sure, that sounds wrong, haven't you been on Earth for at least 5-6 years now? but I guess we're still untangling timelines')
Then the team make new Christmas memories together.
The Echo of the Abyss - Swamp Thing. Uh. In a future? The space station Archer has been on quarantine for 6 months, with a possible nuclear war on earth. One of the crew gets out some mistletoe to try and cheer people up, then loses it in the face of certain death and decides to kill everyone on the station. Swamp Thing comes out of the mistletoe (somehow using the Green) and ties him up with vines, replenishes their bio chamber gardens, and gives them a Christmas Tree for hope.
Solstice - Wonder Woman and Batman. Oh FUCK YEAH this is an echo story like they usually do for Bruce and Clark. I am INTO THIS. (Also Greg Rucka and Bilquis Evely team!!) Bruce and Diana reminisce on the importance of making a difference and fighting to help people. Then they come together and build a bonfire for the Solstice as Diana cannot of course go home to do it with the other Amazons, as we are in Rucka Rebirth era.
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The Silent Night of the Batman - Batman. Reprint of Batman #219, this is great, if you haven't read it yet you should.
Total real Santas? None.
Total times I got irritated by plot points in these stories: you don't want to know.
Times my heart melted: fakeout Sin and the Bruce & Diana story.
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I understand people that don’t think that Die Hard is a Christmas movie (I disagree with them, but I understand their argument)…but most of those people would never say Home Alone isn’t a Christmas movie despite the fact that:
1. The plot in Home Alone is not as dependant on Christmas…depending on where you live there are many times a neighborhood is empty…there is pretty much only one time you can guarentee there will be fewer cops on shift and a business having a party in the evening.
2. Far more of the lines in and jokes in Die Hard are dependant on Christmas (Now I have a machine gun ho ho ho, Twas the Night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse except the four assholes, This is Christmas music, Merrry Christmas as the safe opens…), whereas very few lines in Home Alone are.
3. There are no Christmas miracles in Home Alone…in Die Hard you ask for miracles I give you the F. B. I.
4. Die Hard is about restoring relationships and a man’s redemption after shooting a kid. Home Alone is the origin story of a mass murderer.
I can go on…but you see my point…
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Have you read...
note: If you did not finish but feel you read enough to form an opinion, you may choose a ‘Yes’ option instead of 'Partly' (e.g., Yes, I didn’t like it). Similarly, if you’ve never heard of a book until now but formed an opinion from this post, you may wish to select a “no” option e.g., “No, but I want to.”
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'Twas the night (okay, more like the week) before Christmas, and all through the tiny community of Pine Cove, California, people are busy buying, wrapping, packing, and generally getting into the holiday spirit. But not everybody is feeling the joy. Little Joshua Barker is in desperate need of a holiday miracle. No, he's not on his deathbed; no, his dog hasn't run away from home. But Josh is sure that he saw Santa take a shovel to the head, and now the seven-year-old has only one prayer: Please, Santa, come back from the dead. But hold on! There's an angel waiting in the wings. (Wings, get it?) It's none other than the Archangel Raziel come to Earth seeking a small child with a wish that needs granting. Unfortunately, our angel's not sporting the brightest halo in the bunch, and before you can say "Kris Kringle," he's botched his sacred mission and sent the residents of Pine Cove headlong into Christmas chaos, culminating in the most hilarious and horrifying holiday party the town has ever seen. Move over, Charles Dickens—it's Christopher Moore time.
submit a horror book!
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spencer-kicks · 1 year
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse... well, except a giant and his Vans.
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Taking refuge inside an empty water bottle, the floor shakes all around you.
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Without warning, the roof starts to cave in. A Christmas miracle or a Christmas nightmare?
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The bottle crushes with ease. But to your surprise, staying inside the cap keeps you safe and out of harm. Now, all you see is the giant hightop lifting away, uninterested in the life spared below.
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For now, you run away and hide from sight. For if the giant’s Vans were to strike twice, you might not be so lucky.
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andy-the-8th · 1 year
Let's try this again
Breakdown of DCOMs based on whether they could cross over with CTDL; this is not a list of which do, but which could
I did not consider anything after 2004. Main two disqualifiers are "other supernatural element" and solely-personal-opinion "Bush-era vibes." "Doesn't conflict" means it doesn't have either of those but I don't really feel like the same universe based on, again, purely subjective vibes. By contrast, "crossover possible" means it doesn't conflict and I could hypothetically see it working
I would love to know your thoughts on these!
Under Wraps - No, supernatural
You Lucky Dog - No, supernatural
Brink! - Yes, does crossover
Halloweentown - No, supernatural
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century - No, supernatural
Can of Worms - No, supernatural
The Thirteenth Year - Duh
Smart House - No, weird tech that I'm counting as supernatural
Johnny Tsunami - Yes, crossover possible
Genius - No, weird tech that I'm counting as supernatural
Don't Look Under the Bed - No, supernatural
Horse Sense - Doesn't conflict
Up, Up, and Away - No, supernatural
The Color of Friendship - Technically doesn't conflict but it's weird because it's based on a true story so going to say no
Alley Cats Strike - Doesn't conflict
Rip Girls - Yes, crossover possible
Miracle in Lane 2 - Doesn't conflict
Stepsister from Planet Weird - No, supernatural
Ready to Run - Doesn't conflict
Quints - Doesn't conflict
The Other Me - No, weird tech that I'm counting as supernatural
Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire - No, supernatural
Phantom of the Megaplex - No, supernatural
The Ultimate Christmas Present - No, weird tech that I'm counting as supernatural and I think Santa Claus exists, so also supernatural
Zenon: The Zequel - No, supernatural
Motocrossed - Yes, crossover possible
The Luck of the Irish - No, supernatural
Hounded - No, Bush-era vibes
Jett Jackson: The Movie - No, supernatural
The Jennie Project - No, Bush-era vibes
Jumping Ship - Doesn't conflict
The Poof Point - No, supernatural
Halloweentown II: Kalabar's Revenge - No, supernatural
'Twas the Night - No, supernatural
Double Teamed - No, Bush-era vibes
Cadet Kelly - No, EXTREME Bush-era vibes
Tru Confessions - No, Bush-era vibes
Get a Clue - No, Bush-era vibes
Gotta Kick It Up! - Technically doesn't conflict but it's weird because it's based on a true story so going to say no
A Ring of Endless Light - No, supernatural (but it gets a few points for having otherwise similar aesthetics to TTY/shared production team/plagiarizing the third act plot/re-use of stock footage)
The Scream Team - No, supernatural
You Wish! - No, supernatural
Right on Track - Haven't seen this but the summary gives me Bush-era vibes so going to say no
The Even Stevens Movie - No, plain and simple
Eddie's Million Dollar Cook-Off - Doesn't conflict
The Cheetah Girls - 50/50 on this one based on vibes and I haven't seen it in a while so not sure how much it might conflict/whether it references post-9/11 actual events
Full-Court Miracle - Technically doesn't conflict but it's weird because it's based on a true story so going to say no
Pixel Perfect - No, weird tech that I'm counting as supernatural
Going to the Mat - Haven't seen this but the summary gives me Bush-era vibes so going to say no
Zenon: Z3 - No, supernatural
Stuck in the Suburbs - Doesn't conflict, crossover unlikely but gets extra points for 90-esque popstar fandom, playing with the advent of new tech and influence on teen culture, and thinly veiled queer subtexts
Tiger Cruise - This specifically references 9/11 which does not happen in the CTDL universe so no
Halloweentown High - No, supernatural
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Christmas Decorating Masterlist
Links Last Checked: June 6th, 2023
12 Drabbles of Christmas (ao3) - kcanwrite
Summary: Twelve (mostly) fluffy drabbles count down to Christmas. Dan and Phil put up a real tree, decorate, do Christmas charity, buy presents for each other, and more!
All I Want for Christmas is You (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan and Phil take a break from their busy December to put up their Christmas decorations.
around the tree (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: “No, Phil, the silver one can’t touch the other silver one, stupid,”
“Oh, I’m sorry that I’m decorating our tree in a way only you don’t like!”
Or in which Dan and Phil decorate their Christmas tree and everything goes wrong, and then everything goes so, so right.
begin and never cease (ao3) - palomeheart
Summary: Dan is a grumpy second year law student living with reclusive, perpetual grad student named Phil. When the holiday season brings out a side of Phil that Dan’s never seen before, Meanwhile, when Phil finds out Dan hates all things festive, he makes it his goal to change Dan’s mind before Christmas. And also to find the perfect mince pie.
candlelight tree (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: phil wants to put candles on the christmas tree, but dan says no
Christmas Lights (ao3) - Full_Moon_Lover
Summary: “I live below you and I was minding my own business watching the snowfall out the window when I saw a body fall. Are you really putting up Christmas lights right now?”
Christmas Magic Is In The Air - dxnhowell
Summary: December has come around once again, and Dan’s feeling unusually super festive. Phil has no idea where all this festiveness has come from, but he can’t complain when his boyfriend is being super adorable.
(everyday will be) like a holiday (ao3) - queerofcups
Summary: A little holiday decorating ficlet
Festive Fun and Christmas Kisses (ao3) - husbants
Summary: Dan and Phil get ready for Christmas. There are plenty of laughs, plenty of bants, and plenty of kisses involved.
first tradition (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: dan and phil’s first christmas as a couple, so they get a tree and decorate.
make your own miracle (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: A festive friends to lovers fic featuring ice skating, tree decorating, a power cut and two boys who need to talk about their feelings.
Maybe It’s The Season, I Don’t Know (ao3) - cafephan
Summary: After spending all day decorating the Christmas tree, Dan and Phil take a moment for themselves.
(Or, mindless Christmas fluff)
Nightmare Before Christmas (ao3) - kae_karo
Summary: Twas the night before Christmas and all through the diner, not a creature was stirring...
Dan's helping Phil get set up for the annual Christmas-ish party by decorating the mansion, but something about the way Phil's been treating him lately has started to grate on his nerves.
O Christmas Tree (ao3) - Carryonmywaywardlester
Summary: Dan and Phil have fallen into a bit of a slump now TATINOF is over for good. So they decide to do something about it, that something being, decorating their flat ready for Christmas.
Santa Baby (ao3) - Spring_Haze
Summary: When Phil uncovers a real mess in the couple's Christmas decorations, he comes up with a sexual game to determine which one of them must deal with the mess. Phil challenges Dan to something impossible, but both men have fun trying to outwit and out-sex the other.
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Hallmark Ratings - Final Update for 2022
So all movies and shows for 2022 have aired on Hallmark, so here’s were all the movies ranked ratings wise. This finale update is adding all the movies from Countdown to Christmas and Miracles of Christmas. While ratings might be down some this year, Hallmark is still doing pretty well in the days of streaming and cord cutting.
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1. Three Wise Men and a Baby (Countdown to Christmas) - 3.63 
2. The Wedding Veil (New Year New Movies) - 3.39 
3. Haul Out the Holly (Countdown to Christmas) - 3.29 
4. The Wedding Veil Legacy (Loveuary) - 2.93 
5. Butlers in Love (New Year New Movies) - 2.72 
6. Christmas Class Reunion (Countdown to Christmas) - 2.62 
7. The Wedding Veil Unveiled (Loveuary) - 2.59 
8. The Royal Nanny (Countdown to Christmas) - 2.57 
9. A Holiday Spectacular (Countdown to Christmas) - 2.43 
10. Where the Heart Belongs (New Year New Movies) - 2.42 
11. A Fabled Holiday (Countdown to Christmas) - 2.39 
12. The Perfect Pairing (New Year New Movies) - 2.30 
13. Don’t Forget I Love You (New Year New Movies) - 2.24 
14. Two Tickets to Paradise (Summer Nights) - 2.22 
15. My Southern Family Christmas (Countdown to Christmas) - 2.19 
15. The Most Colorful Time of the Year (Countdown to Christmas) - 2.19 
16. A Magical Christmas Village (Countdown to Christmas) - 2.12 
17. Feeling Butterflies - 2.11 
18. A Jolly Good Christmas (Countdown to Christmas) - 2.10 
19. A Royal Runaway Romance (Spring Into Love) - 2.09 
20. A Tail of Love (Spring Into Love) - 2.08 
21. My Grown-Up Christmas List (Christmas in July) - 2.06 
21. Undercover Holiday (Countdown to Christmas) - 2.06 
22. Welcome to Mama’s (Loveuary) - 2.04 
23. ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas (Countdown to Christmas) - 2.02 
24. Moriah’s Lighthouse (Summer Nights) - 2.00 
25. When I Think of Christmas (Countdown to Christmas) - 1.98 
25. A Royal Corgi Christmas (Countdown to Christmas) - 1.98 
26. Dating the Delaneys (Fall Into Love) - 1.96 
27. Lights, Camera Action! (Countdown to Christmas) - 1.92 
28 - We Wish You a Married Christmas (Countdown to Christmas) - 1.89
29. Pumpkin Everything (Fall Into Love) - 1.88 
29. A Christmas Cookie Catastrophe (Countdown to Christmas) - 1.88 
30. Christmas in Toyland (Christmas in July) - 1.87 
31. Christmas at the Golden Palace (Countdown to Christmas) - 1.81 
32. Marry Go Round (Fall Into Love) - 1.80 
33. A Splash of Love - 1.78 
34. A Cozy Christmas Inn (Countdown to Christmas) - 1.76 
35. Romance in Style (Fall Into Love) - 1.75 
36. Noel Next Door (Countdown to Christmas) - 1.74
37. Autumn in the City (Fall Into Love) - 1.72
38. Hidden Gems (Summer Nights) - 1.71 
38. A Tale of Two Christmases (Countdown to Christmas) - 1.71 
39. Warming Up to You - 1.70 
39. A Kismet Christmas (Countdown to Christmas) - 1.70
40. Love in the Limelight (Fall Into Love) - 1.69
41. Caribbean Summer (Summer Nights) - 1.68
42. Romance to the Rescue - 1.67
42. Marry me in Yosemite (Fall Into Love) - 1.67 
42. Ghosts of Christmas Always (Countdown to Christmas) - 1.67
43. In Merry Measure (Countdown to Christmas) - 1.60 
43. Hanukkah on Rye (Countdown to Christmas) - 1.60
44. Wedding of a Lifetime (Fall Into Love) - 1.55
45. Road Trip Romance - 1.52
46. Fly Away With Me (Fall Into Love) - 1.51  
46. #Xmas (Countdown to Christmas) - 1.51 
47. Campfire Christmas (Christmas in July) - 1.49
48. Inventing the Christmas Prince (Countdown to Christmas) - 1.46 
48. A Big Family Fat Family Christmas (Countdown to Christmas) - 1.46 
49. Just One Kiss (Spring Into Love) - 1.45
49. The Holiday Sitter (Countdown to Christmas) - 1.45 
50. Holiday Heritage (Countdown to Christmas) - 1.43
51. A Second Chance at Love (Spring Into Love) - 1.35
52. Love, Classified (Spring Into Love) - 1.26
53. Game, Set, Love (Fall Into Love) - 1.22
54. All Saints Christmas (Countdown to Christmas) - 1.20 
55. Girlfriendship (Fall Into Love) - 1.14 
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0. 14 Love Letters - no ratings data available 
1. Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: Haunted by Murder - 1.75 
2. Cut, Color, Murder - 1.28 
3. Curious Caterer: Dying for Chocolate - 1.17 
4. Time for Him to Come Home for Christmas (Miracles of Christmas) - 1.16 
5. Groundswell - 1.09 
6. Always Amore - 1.07 
6. Rip In Time - 1.07 
7. The Gift of Peace (Miracles of Christmas) (DaySpring) - 1.05
8. A Maple Valley Christmas (Miracles of Christmas) - 1.04 
8. Five More Minutes: Moments Like These (Miracles of Christmas) - 1.04
9. The Secrets of Bella Vista - 1.03 
10. North to Home - 1.00 
10. Color My World With Love - 1.00 
11. Big Sky Rover - 0.99 
12. The Presence of Love - 0.95 
13. Love’s Portrait - 0.93 
14. Long Lost Christmas (Miracles of Christmas) - 0.92 
15. Francesca Quinn, PI - 0.91 
16. Out Italian Christmas Memories (Miracles of Christmas) - 0.85 
17. We Need a Little Christmas (Miracles of Christmas) - 0.78 
18. Christmas Bedtime Stories (Miracles of Christmas) - 0.76 
19. Nikki & Nora: Sister Sleuths - 0.73 
20. The Journey Ahead - 0.72 
21. The Holiday Stocking (Miracles of Christmas) (Mahogany) - 0.64 
22. Heart of the Matter - 0.59 
23. Mid-Love Crisis - 0.57 
24. Perfect Harmony - 0.50
25. To Her, With Love (Mahogany) - 0.41
26. Unthinkably Good Things (Mahogany) - 0.40 (HC airing - 1.21) 
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When Calls the Heart Season 9
Episode 1 ‘In Like a Lion’ - 2.27 Episode 2 ‘Out Like a Lamb’ - 2.34 Episode 3 ‘Turn of the Page’ - 2.15 Episode 4 ‘Straight from the Heart’ - 2.09 Episode 5 ‘Journey Into the Light’ - 2.24 Episode 6 ‘Past, Present, Future’ - 2.31 Episode 7 ‘Hope Valley Days, Part 1′ - 2.19 Episode 8 ‘Hope Valley Days, Part 2′ - 2.55 Episode 9 ‘Recent Memory’ - 2.16 Episode 10 ‘Never Say Never’ - 2.28 Episode 11 ‘Smoke on the Water’ - 2.37 Episode 12 ‘Rock, a Bye, Baby’ - 2.51 
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Chesapeake Shores Season 6 (Finale Season) 
Episode 1 ‘The Best Is Yet To Come’ - 1.47 Episode 2 ‘Memories Are Made of These’ - 1.38 Episode 3 ‘Night and Day’ - 1.36 Episode 4 ‘That’s All There Is to That’ - 1.35 Episode 5 ‘L-O-V-E’ - 1.35 Episode 6 ‘Straighten Up and Fly Right’ - 1.31 Episode 7 ‘It’s Not for Me to Say’ - 1.45 Episode 8 ‘I Get a Kick Out of You’ - 1.45 Episode 9 ‘Spring Can Really Hang You Up the Most’ - 1.59 Episode 10 ‘All or Nothing at All’ - 1.90
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It twas the day before christmas, the kisaragi foundation was more quiet than usual as finally everyone gets a rare two day break for the holiday, however midori was with minako in front of the building searching for a certain someone.
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"Minako, while I do trust your judgement...I'm really not sure why you're insistent ryutaro's here..."
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"Midori do you know what today is? Of course he'd be here, just look in the back."
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"The back..? You mean of the foundation?"
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"Yes the back of the foundation! It's been years since the graveyard was built how do you still not remember where it is!?"
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"Oh! Oh...."
Midori tilted her head down saddened, she did know it was there she just...Never really visited too much...She guessed with how occupied she was she just kinda easily forgot about it. She sighed and looked at minako apologetically, she didn't mean to come off as insensitive really...Minako returned a sad look, she understood..of course she did. After taking a moment the two walked behind the foundation, and sure enough there was a beautiful overgrown garden filled with gravestones, because of the winter the flowers and bushes had been frozen over but by some miracle not dead...And moving their eyes over to a certain gravestone there of course was ryutaro, sitting down criss crossed on the ground in front of it, a hand on his cheek..Minako shouldered midori lightly signaling her to go talk to him and so she approached.
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"Ryutaro...You shouldn't be out in the cold like this..."
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"I know...I just...Had to see her today."
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Midori carefully sat down next to him, the ground was covered in snow but the feeling of it was oddly refreshing for her...She looked at ryutaro before looking at the gravestone...Kiyoka maki's gravestone....
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"Why...Do you come here every year? She...She wouldn't want you celebrating her birthday like this..."
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"....I....I just can't help but think a lot today, about her...About the way she died...About all those times I told her to....I didn't mean it not any of it but-.....I wish I could've said sorry to her just once....Just tell her that I cared about her...."
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"And her birthday......Today if she were still here....Would she still go out and party like she did before? Would she have changed and did something else...? I'll...I'll never know, she'll never get that chance."
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"Oh ryutaro..."
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"You know she always hated her talent, she never wanted to be known just for her sniper skill...It was just something for fun for her even if she was extraordinary at it...All she ever wanted was to be seen as anyone else, to have lots of friends and live life to it's fullest....But no one except me..And this foundation will know about that."
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"When...When people look back at hopes peak, they aren't going to see kiyoka maki a girl who was taken far too soon, or kiyoka maki that girl that loved to socialize and hang out her friends, who cared about human life more than anything....They'll just see another ultimate lost to the tragedy...Maybe not even that...And no one will celebrate today or her or think of today and be reminded of her...They'll think of...of...That girl that caused it all!"
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"No one is going to remember her except us! They'll only see today as the day junko enoshima the girl who made the tragedy was born! EVERYTHING KIYOKA DID EVERYTHING SHE LIVED FOR, THAT SHE DIED FOR ITS ALL GOING TO BE FORGOTTEN AND IN HER PLACE EVERYONE WILL REMEMBER SOMEONE WHO NEVER EVEN DESERVED TO BE BORN!!"
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"....How....How could I not think about that.....If no one else will remember her today even if it's bad....I don't want to forget her too...."
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".....I know.....I know.....It hurts, it really hurts....I can't put into words like you can...But it hurts....I wish she didn't have to die...I wish kakureru didn't have to die...I wish things were different....But theres nothing we can do but try and keep working and fighting for them...."
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"But what I said before is true too...She wouldn't want you to remember her like that...She'd want to be celebrated...Or for you to live your life to the best of your abilities....Thinking of the what if's and the bad won't help the pain..."
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"But how can I not? Every time I even hear her name I can only think about how she never got to do so many of the stuff she said she wanted to do, how she'll only be remembered for her ultimate...How...How can I just ignore those thoughts midori?"
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"...You don't...."
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"You...You think those thoughts, and you remember her, and you also remind yourself that's why were doing all this. That's why we fight every day isn't it? Why we work so hard no matter how exhausting or difficult it gets, Were fighting for our families, for the hope they died with and left us with, for the people who have hopes and dreams and lives just like theirs...just like hers! Yeah we can't ignore all the bad stuff but that just gives us another reason to keep going! So no one has to think those same thoughts again!"
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"......You know I never took you as someone who did inspiration speeches midori."
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"E-Eh? W-Well it just kind of slipped out, b-but you get my point!....Right?"
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"Yeah....I get it....Thanks."
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"It's nothing...S-So...Are you ready to go now...?"
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"Yeah...I think so."
Ryutaro and midori stood up midori taking his hand and walking them both to minako who seemed a bit teary eyed but she waved it off, the three then walked back to the front of the building and then onto the side walk, chatting about the holiday and their relief for the holiday....But ryutaro couldn't help but look back just once and muttered out one sentence;
"Happy birthday kiyoka....Big sis...."
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laresearchette · 1 year
Saturday, December 17, 2022 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
FIFA WORLD CUP SOCCER (TSN/TSN3/TSN4) 9:45am: Third Place Match: Croatia vs. Morocco
NHL HOCKEY (SN/SN1) 1:00pm: Blue Jackets vs. Bruins (TSN5) 1:00pm: Sens vs. Red Wings (SN) 4:00pm: Ducks vs. Oilers (SNEast/SN360/City) 7:00pm: Lightning vs. Habs (CBC/SN) 7:00pm: Leafs vs. Capitals (CBC/SN) 10:00pm: Jets vs. Canucks
NFL FOOTBALL (TSN/TSN3) 1:00pm: Colts vs. Vikings (TSN/TSN3) 4:30pm: Ravens vs. Browns (TSN3) 8:15pm: Dolphins vs. Bills
NBA BASKETBALL (SN1) 5:00pm: Heat vs. Spurs (SN Now) 8:00pm: Grizzlies vs. Thunder (SN1) 9:00pm: Pelicans vs. Suns
SWEET NAVIDAD (CTV2) 3:00pm:  Sparks fly between two chefs as they race against the clock to prepare the perfect menu for a hotel owner's grand holiday gala.
RECORD BREAKING CHRISTMAS (W Network) 6:00pm:  A woman falls for a local doctor as residents of a small town try to break multiple holiday world records just before Christmas.
CHRISTMAS ON CANDY CANE LANE (CTV Life) 6:00pm:  Ivy Donaldson struggles with her mom's shadow, Muriel, the Christmas darling of Icicle Falls. She is now separated from her husband Rob and tries her best with her daughter.
ARIANA GRANDE: LIVE IN LONDON (TLN) 6:00pm: The singer performs tracks from her recent album "Sweetener" accompanied by an all-female orchestra.
CELEBRATING GREATNESS: CANADA'S WALK OF FAME 2022 (CTV) 7:00pm: The official and exclusive presentation of Canada's crowning jewel celebrating Canadian excellence and achievement.
JOY FOR CHRISTMAS (CTV2) 7:00pm:   When her family firm's annual Christmas toy drive is in jeopardy, Holly must convince pro athlete Jack Kane to be the public face of the campaign to help save it.
HELENE FISCHER: CHRISTMAS FROM VIENNA (TLN) 7:15pm: Helene Fischer and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in a Christmas show at Vienna's Hofburg, featuring Plácido Domingo, Ricky Martin and the Wiener Sängerknaben.
THE GIFT OF PEACE (W Network) 8:00pm: Traci is a once-devout Christian who stopped believing in God after her husband tragically died despite her prayers. As her second Christmas without him approaches, she tries going to a support group for inspiration and comfort.
FAITH HEIST: A CHRISTMAS CAPER (Super Channel Heart & Home) 8:00pm:  On Christmas Eve, Pastor Benjamin and his motley crew of congregants find themselves locked in the local mall just as a fearsome team of armed thieves breaks in to rob the place.
A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE FOR DAISY (CTV) 9:00pm:  Interior designer Whitney Adler agrees to work for her ex-boyfriend Cormac, who has adopted his orphaned niece, Daisy. Daisy's Christmas wish is for Whitney and Cormac to get together so she can have the mother she always wanted.
BLACK ADAM (Crave) 9:00pm:  In ancient Kahndaq, Teth Adam was bestowed the almighty powers of the gods. After using these powers for vengeance, he was imprisoned, becoming Black Adam. Nearly 5,000 years have passed, and Black Adam has gone from man to myth to legend. Now free, his unique form of justice, born out of rage, is challenged by modern-day heroes who form the Justice Society: Hawkman, Dr. Fate, Atom Smasher and Cyclone.
FEAR OF RAIN (Super Channel Fuse) 9:00pm:  Rain has early-onset schizophrenia, a condition that causes her to see vivid hallucinations. Suspecting that her neighbor kidnapped a child, she must soon figure out who and what is real while battling the overwhelming forces that haunt her life.
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dragonbornphoenix · 6 months
The Night Before Christmas
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the department 
Not a creature was stirring, not even a sergeant. 
Well, that wasn't entirely true… 
Hutch was slumped over another case report in the nearly deserted squad room. Babcock, the only other person there, was getting ready to leave. He’d said something about a Christmas Eve party and was humming a jovial tune under his breath while gathering his things. 
Hutch didn’t mind the solitude; he welcomed it. He had paperwork to finish, and the quiet suited him. The Christmas decorations were enough company, not that he paid them much attention. 
When he heard the approaching footsteps—heavy and determined—he didn’t bother to look up. So when Starsky slapped a piece of paper right under his nose, he yelped and jumped like a startled cat. That he kept his chair from toppling over was a small Christmas miracle. 
"What the hell, Starsky?" 
Hutch looked at his partner, and the expression he saw on Starsky’s face took him by surprise. Blazing eyes, furrowed eyebrows, and a mouth tightened into a thin line. Determination and frustration pulled at Starsky’s features, hiding underneath something Hutch couldn't grasp. It was right at the tips of his mental fingers, but it kept slithering away. A slippery creature taunting him with its familiarity. 
Starsky stabbed the paper on the desk with his index finger. “See a hole, fill a hole.” 
“Huh?” Hutch asked with astonishing eloquence. 
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buccocouture · 6 months
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malinosh · 6 months
A warm sigh of beauty,
A little sigh of relief.
New traditions,
Old memories.
A radiant tear of joy,
A silent tear of sadness.
The first holidays after birth and death.
Maverick had his first Thanksgiving of his life. We had our first Thanksgiving without my Dad here with us. Granted, we have already experienced Halloween, but Dad wasn’t a huge Halloween fan, and Thanksgiving is basically the start of the holiday season.
We had a nice time overall. We visited with the Trapp side of the family, and my mom joined us. They had invited her at the same time I asked to include her, and I’m so glad she came. We got to see Mav and his cousin playing and enjoying the delicious Thanksgiving foods, as well as spend time with loved ones. I’m beyond grateful for kind, caring family who understand.
I felt a little guilty, though. While I had all the feels and emotions, I felt like I had to suppress them for the sake of Maverick. My therapist is in my head saying, “No, you need to get through what you need to get through and then make sure to go let out your emotions however that may look ie crying, music, writing etc.” I was there for Mav, introduced him to at least 4 new foods, chatted with family, and he was a perfect distraction. But I feel guilty because I was also sad and Mav’s first holidays shouldn’t be overshadowed either.
On the other hand, guilt seeped in because I wasn’t more sad to be celebrating without my Dad with us in person. Guilt was present on both accounts.
It doesn’t seem fair to Maverick, but I am doing the best I can. Isn’t that all we can do? The mind is a beautiful (and sometimes scary) thing; the brain is powerful. Birth and death are spiritual events, and 6 months apart - on top of emotions you already have from birth - is overwhelming. I have learned so much about how my brain works and processes information, though.
Everything is in a new light. Those simple, time passing chats with others suddenly mean so much. The laughs that come with a funny quote from an innocent family member are stored in my memory. The guys watching football brings back flashbacks but you enjoy the sight, not even knowing the score or outcome of the game. And that food tastes delicious; there was love in the making of the food, and when sharing your meal with your baby there is love in the serving of the food.
In many ways it was a beautiful day as Maverick’s first Thanksgiving and time with family, and that is what a holiday should entail. In another way, I’m glad we got through the first holiday without Dad and that it is over. I know he wouldn’t want us to be sad because of him, though, but to celebrate with Maverick.
I thought it was difficult enough having my Dad receive the diagnosis of ALS while I was pregnant. I had to stay calm and as happy as possible because this little miracle felt everything that I felt and I didn’t want to start his life off negatively in the womb. But this is a different kind of difficult, that I wish for nobody.
And now onto Christmas soon.
I’ve found that it is helping to remember the reason for each holiday as well, instead of focusing on self or grief. Celebrating the holidays is tricky because each family does have traditions, but it is helpful to remember why we are celebrating, while we create new memories.
During our mini Christmas photo session with my friend, I read a portion of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas to Mav. Yes, I also bought the book to read to him soon, too. That was our story every Christmas Eve that Daddy read to my brother and me. One year, when we were adults, we couldn’t find the book. We almost have it memorized! But not quite, so we did a last minute online search for a free version of the words. When we found it, we printed it off and had Dad read it to us. Individual papers were all over, who knows where now, but the memory remains.
Isn’t it ironic how the highs and lows of life can intersect? I’ve heard that passed down from many wise females in my family, and I believe it is for a reason. When the lows of life happen, we have those highs to help us get through them.
Maverick - you are an absolute miracle. I am soaking up all of the seconds with you and loving each part of your childhood. I am not wishing away anything and I am blessed to be your mom. I know countless women want the opportunity to be a mother, and you chose me. I am enjoying your many facial expressions, babbles and stories, milestones, mannerisms, and first holidays. Days are beautiful. We love you.
Dad - we miss you beyond words. I’m grateful you are not suffering anymore and I’m grateful for the comfort that we will see you again, but it does not make the time here without you any better. I talk to you often. At work, we talk about you often and your patients sure do care about you. Days are different. We love you.
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theschoolinghaus · 6 months
children's book guide for winter + the holiday season ❄
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❄❄ books for winter ❄❄
over and under the snow
snow birds
winter sleep
goodbye autumn, hello winter 
sugar and spice and everything mice
little homesteader winter treasury
so much snow
a blessing for winter's child
the biggest snowman ever
winter snow fun
mouse and mole: a winter wonderland
penguins and polar bears
the story of snow children
the big snow
hiders, seekers, finders
❄❄ books for christmas and advent ❄❄
pick a pine tree
little red sleigh
twas the season of advent
the polar express
merry christmas, george
one night in bethlehem
mary did you know?
all of creation waits
christmas is coming: traditions from around the world 
the snowflake
how winston delivered christmas
the twelve days of christmas
a christmas wish for corduroy
gingerbread mouse
mr. willowby's christmas tree
the christmas miracle of jonathan toomey
christmas is coming: an advent book
year of the perfect christmas tree
apple tree christmas
cat family christmas
arthur's christmas
the gift of the magi
cranberry christmas
richard's scarry best christmas book ever!
a peter rabbit christmas collection
how the grinch stole christmas
the first christmas night
mortimer's christmas manger
how winston came home for christmas
red and lulu
*list taken from https://www.mainlymarta.com/2023/11/holiday-winter-themed-childrens-books.html
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