#tw for the last two images
chesseroni · 2 months
I don't post much of my art here (or anything really) but I'm opening commissions! prices are in USD
-> I really need to get 100$ for paying my groceries this month so consider ordering something, every amount helps
-> this is my first time doing comms so forgive me if the information or formatting is a little weird
-> additional characters are 60% of the base price
-> we can negotiate another payment platform if needed to
If interested, DM me on discord ( chessseroni ) or Instagram
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hinamie · 2 months
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the same flame that burns you; birthed you first
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denzartriste · 2 months
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Bedrock bros drawing based on this stock photo provided by @epicaxolotls
Alt versions + closeup + talking a LOT under cut about this drawing <3
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^ this is technicly the original version, but i really liked the tinted effect i slapped on last minute so thats the one im putting above the cut.
v Crashed my drawing app when doing these effects, it was so worth it look its shiny. Im a simple man i see shiny i eat my own art
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v Closeups!!!
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The rambling is lightly edited from me blabbing about this drawing in a discord server, so if it's very 'steam of conscious' it is because i was literally texting these thoughts
Okay so the BRAIDS. The braids in it are IMPORTANT okay they are they are
The designs aren't timeline consistent, because i was doing the drawing for me and also @epicaxolotls and both of us solely care about the fact there is bedrock bros and nothing else. So the white in Tommy's hair (THE PART THAT'S BRAIDED!!!) is from being revived.
But Techno doesn't have a braid in his hair, only Tommy. The Blade is a weapon, not something to be cherished and cared for and loved. Braids as a form of love, braid as a love language i will not take criticism because I'm so correct about this. The white in Tommy's hair being the part that's braided, also, that's surely something isn't it that's something that is SOMETHING.
Techno braiding the white part in Tommy's hair, it will still be in the corner of his eye but it will be wrapped in love. It will have bedrock dangling from it. The bedrock is on Tommy's braid because it is a symbol between the two of them, it's something gentle but strong held up by string and neither of them will let the string snap. They won't let is snap.
Techno's bedrock is on his sword - it's on his method of violence, the method of violence Tommy is CALLING ON!!! The violence Tommy is COUNTING ON the violence he is using to protect himself. The sword is made of marble (because it looks cool but ALSO--) Techno's violence is a PROMISE it is a swear an oath from a blood god who will not break it.
No matter what, Techno will be the blade he needs to be. He is as much of a weapon as the tool in his hand.
No matter what. He scars and bleed cold, before he even makes the first swing the sword is covered in gold it is dripping it is his
The words 'BLADE' is intertwined with his sword, the word is golden and blends into it
Mentioning this now, but the only colours in the drawing (if i don't count the effects i did that was just me having some fun with it and crashing my drawing app) is only two colours, red and gold. Tommy's bruises are a shade of magenta, the grey is a desaturated red, the whites are just a very light shade of red
It's something i thought a lot about while drawing so i did want to mention it in more detail than just the id
ALSO. Tommy is wearing Techno's crown, and Tommy is also pretty much in the position a crown would be on Techno's head (if you squint a bit)
He's also holding onto Techno's ear - I didn't draw it very well, but he is, he's using Techno for stability, pushing against him with his foot to stay upright. And Techno is something solid for Tommy to dig his nails into, he is solid and he can and will be stability.
Tommy is just another voice in techno's ear, screaming blood for the blood god
And Tommy's pupils are just pinpricks, he isn't in control and he isn't calm. He's bruised and bloody, he is clinging onto the first thing he sees and trusts that it wont topple over. Tommy trusts because that is the only thing he can do, the only thing he can ever do. He's angry he's clinging on with his nails and teeth and blood but he is trusting.
Techno has dark red colours - Very dark, dark as in the colour of a lot of blood. A river flowing with blood would be near black and that is what Techno is. He is an endless stream of bloodshed he is an endless steam of violence because that is all he is. That is all he is, in this moment, at least, but this moment is all that matters right now. Right now, he is the blood god and he is the blade. He's a sword about to be stained and constantly being sharpened because he needs to be.
He NEEDS to be blood and he's ALWAYS been blood and he doesn't ENJOY being blood, no, he walked away from everyone to avoid it but for tommy!! He'll be that for Tommy because Tommy NEEDS him to be (<- that paragraph is from Epic but it was very accurate)
BUt ALSO Techno has light colours too. Not as obvious as Tommy's light colours (his shirt, his shoes, his hair) but it is still THERE. It's just hidden. The white, not stained (protected) in the inside of his cape near to his heart. Because Techno's heart is gentle but he has to fight to keep it like that, the outside of his heart (heart=cape just go with it this is the metaphor I'm going with it doesn't make sense but also shhh sure it does) is DARK it is VIOLENT
Inside his heart (cape. again. silly metaphor but its fine) he is the Blade - the letters reveal themselves with his cape blowing in his wind
I dont know what any of these words mean but maybe they mean something idk :D
hehe okay sooo Tommy has lighter red. Still very clearly red, but the cape he has is an imitation of Techno and it isn't nearly as stained. His cape doesn't hide anything, it doesn't hide him, its short and also the lightest obviously-red colour there is in the drawing. On him is also the only actual depiction of red blood and fresh injuries. He is BRUISED his pants are ripped and at the edges there is still-fresh blood. He's wiped the blood off of him he tried. but all he did was spread it from his nose to his knuckles. He is not violent but this makes him look violent, and it wasn't on purpose. Dripping from his head is blood, again, and all of it is his. He has a fresh bruise around his eye and the only bandage to the dripping blood from his head is Techno's crown. That is the closest thing to care he has right now - later, he will get bandages, but to him care is a symbol of blood. To him, care is Technoblade's sword and he doesn't view the bedrock around his braid as gentle in anyway, he views it as a rock that is special and the string is weak but it wont break because Techno tied it there, and that means it won't break. It means it can't break.
On Tommy is Techno's crown. Because Techno views him as an equal and is letting Tommy command him in this battle, because this is Tommy's fight. This is Tommy's fight, and Techno gives him his crown with trust on his gold-scarred hands and care and a promise that he will be there and fighting by his side. He believes in him, not because he needs to but because he does. He holds him steady because he just does and he acts as a weapon because that is what he does.
Ight that's all :) If anyone reads this far they have my hand in marriage and whatnot, adding tags then hitting post without rereading <3
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yakny · 7 months
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creator of the maggots eating away at my brain, and of the hope that eats my heart's pain, always consuming, always consumed.
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bismuthburnsblue · 3 months
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oh boy oh BOY
still very much a wip (see- All the fabric clips) but anne is finally somewhat wearable!!!!! (i mean shes not but enough to take these photos)
everything is beginning to look So Good im so happy with how this is all coming together
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artuurle · 2 years
I imagine the snax prank would feel worst when everyone discovers that turning into one was an actual possibility
Bonus angst if one of them end up perishing during the final conflict
Oh yeah The Journalist and Floofty were on the airship standing next to eachother like this:
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There was an apology eventually but only after everyone was able to emotionally recover. Context: 1 2 3
As for that second bit with one of them not making it, that's really funny(?) to suggest because I actually do have an au that i"ll list briefly under a readmore. [OBVIOUS ENDGAME AND POST GAME SPOILERS and TW FOR DEATH]
Alright in the Au Snorpy doesn't make it and Floofty tries to undo what happens via collecting the bugsnax that he popped into and trying to make them pull a snaxsquatch. with some degree of success. based partially on my Headcanon that some bugsnax do have some memories on who they used to be if they recently became deceased or other less common situations.
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It's not perfect but it's better than being completely snorpless.
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the doomed toxic yaoi:
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we got wholesome
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we got Rody finding his ex-girlfriend dead at the hands of Vince (guy behind Rody who is the guy infront of Vince)
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we got "aww g- OH HIS EAR GOT BIT OFF"
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we got memes
pls im obsessed with them specifically Rody i love Dead Plate go watch a playthru of Dead Plate
On it boss🫡
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youjustwaitsunshine · 7 months
thinking about ballet class and like my parents literally paid some lady for 10 straight years so i could go and get bodyshamed once a week lol
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I'm latched on and you can't get rid of me now. my teeth will be on your arm forever
I spent FAR TOO LONG looking for a specific image to respond with, because it was so vivid in my head, but I couldn't find it so instead have the memes that I think I mushed together in my brain to create it. This is significantly less funny than wordlessly responding with only that image and I am very salty about it /hj /lh
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
Oh I can imagine that when mario and luigi find survivors they will freak out when they see that Luigi has been bitten and think he will turn into a zombie,and tried to kill him, only for mario to kill them instead to protect his brother
referring to this and this
While Luigi may act sort of the same, I imagine his appearance would change a bit. Maybe a more grayish skin tone and/or altered irises. So it's very easy for people to pick him out of a crowd. He can't just walk up to anyone like normal anymore (except for Mario).
So when they do find survivors, they are in no way able to accept that Luigi is harmless. One even pulls out a weapon. And that's when Mario snaps. Unable to stand by and let them kill his brother, he does what he can to protect him....
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Oh! 👀 Now that opens up a lot of doors!
Let's assume for simplicities sake that the events play out similar to TLoU.
Mario and Luigi have managed to survive together, just the two of them - until one day on a scavenging hunt (or whatever job it is they are doing) they are ambushed by infected, and Luigi gets bit.
And at that moment Mario's world starts to crumble, because it's suddenly no why him this can't be happening I was supposed to protect him I can't lose him please
The next few days of waiting are torture; Mario even starts to consider the crazy idea of asking Luigi to bite him, just so they can turn together.
But Luigi doesn't turn, much to Mario's sheer delight; word of this soon spreads to a resistance group, who ask Luigi to come to them so they can figure out a cure from his condition. Mario is reluctant because - even though you did mention Mario is a nice guy who just wants to help others - this is still a zombie apocalypse. TLoU proves that desperation always sets in during the worst of times. So even though Mario tries to help as much as he can, he soon learns he has to turn many down, even if it goes against his very nature.
So the journey plays out pretty similar to TLoU - heck even the confrontation between Joel and Ellie in the house, as well as this line from Ellie could fit into the story
"Stop with the bulls***! What are you so afraid of?! You think I'm gonna end up like Sam? I can't get infected! I can take care of myself!"
This is pretty much almost word for word on what could happen between the Bros. Luigi knows that Mario has always been protective, but considering he's now immune, Mario, in his opinion, is just throwing himself in front of a sponge. There would definitely be conflict, and the Bros would have to work on that new trust in order to get to the resistance group.
Now at the very end...the moment Luigi needs to be sacrificed for a cure.
Much like Joel - Mario snaps. He can't, won't, have his brother come this far, only for once again there be another chance he can be taken away from him again. The world has already given up on itself, but the Bros have never given up on each other. They need each other as their own cures for this bleak world.
So Mario goes on a rampage, until he rescues Luigi, and manages to get them away before they are caught again.
Now...for the ending. I thought long and hard about how I believe this would play out, and from what I've decided - Mario still lies to Luigi, but Luigi immediately picks up on it. Neither brother confess to each other out loud (something they have had to do for the very first time in their lives) but they both know the truth. Luigi doesn't miss the look in Mario's eyes, the blood on his hands. But he's not angry, because he knows he would've done the same thing. They both know that they need each other, and they would never give each other up willingly.
On a side note: I legit thought that this was what they were hinting at during the end of TLoU with Ellie. The way she replied "Ok" to Joel's lie seemed to hint that she knew he wasn't being honest, but chose not to bring it up because she knew she would've done the same if it was him.
Only for that to get completely blown out of the water by having Part 2 say that Ellie wanted to sacrifice herself, even though there was no hint of this at all in the first game 😑
Perhaps later on down the line, Luigi tries to research how his condition could help people, without the need to sacrifice others. Mario tries to get him to give up on it ("It's all useless now") Luigi challenges his brother by asking if he would give up on him....
Cue a slightly awkward and guilty Mario....
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iscariotapologist · 1 year
to be quite honest i'm not entirely over having my teenage body scrutinized and deemed overly scandalous and inappropriate at various times by insane staff and faculty in evangelical high school for existing in leggings or a dress. just things i'm thinking upon and getting enraged over this nye. imagine having a normal body image
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rcdiostcrs · 9 months
tattoo diaries: legionnaires part two
(for their spqr brand, please refer to this post)
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ceader has two separate tattoos of rabbits. one on his right ankle & another on his left thumb area. (usfw) unlike what everyone around him thinks, they're not references to the phrase "fuck like rabbits," (usfw end) they're actually just bc he finds them adorable.
(usfw) he also has "lucky you" along his underwear line (usfw end). he got it on a dare after he & his friends saw "suicide squad" and saw harley's version of the same tattoo.
rose scythe on left forearm.
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cyrene has her revival date (april 28th) inked in white across her right wrist in roman numerals. "IV.XXVIII."
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philsmeatylegss · 9 months
Tw ed
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finexbright · 1 year
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am0ng-us-sus · 1 year
Here are my headcannons for Luka/Meiko! More vocaloid headcannons to come! At some point...probably...
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rosesradio · 1 year
#i don't mean to vent when i just got back on here but like#so i haven't had a midnight snack in months--just didn't feel the need--#but the night before last & last night i got a sleeve of saltines each--these were short sleeves of like 10-15#i got the box for my dad when he was sick because he asked me & it had been sitting there for maybe 3 months since & no one wanted them#but then tonight we had soup & my parents asked about the saltines & basically found out#& my dad kinda chewed me out--not about eating the last of them because there was another box they used--#but that that was way too much to eat & i eat too much & will get diabetes#which i feel just isn't true ?#without divulging too much i eat two meals a day (i don't like breakfast)--like a sandwich at lunch & then whatever me and/or my mom--#makes at dinner#maybe a snack in between but not often#& then some (like a serving size) of ice cream for dessert#like a get a lot of cravings but it's not often i act on it because food is expensive#anyways i felt so bad about what my dad was saying i started crying & he said i was being overdramatic. but i didn't finish my dinner#& now i don't even want to eat around him#i should probably just ignore him--i love him but he's one of those dads that gets so involved at work that he just wants to watch tv when--#he's off. & he thinks i'm basically the same person i was when i was eight years old--like i love mac n cheese & my favorite color is orange#but honestly i did suffer some disordered eating/body image issues in hs & i'm sure my relationship with food isn't completely healed#but it still hurts to see people think things about me that aren't that accurate#tw vent#tw disordered eating#rose.txt#To be deleted
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