acourtofladydeath · 5 months
TTBW Chapter 2
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Cassian's healing journey beings, and Emerie tells her story.
New tags include discussions of cycle/period discrimination.
Start reading under the cut or on AO3!
Tensions were high outside Cassian and Nesta’s room at the House of Wind. Emerie, Azriel, and Rhysand had been sitting in the hall over a day as Madja and a team of her best healers worked on their friend’s mangled wings. Nesta refused to leave his side. Madja allowed her to stay in the room only as long as Nesta agreed to follow all instructions and stay out of the way, which she had. There was no time to fill anyone in on his status. While the camp lords had not intended to kill Cassian, the combination of the paralytic, faebane, and the shock to his system from trauma and blood loss had caused his body to shut down quickly. 
Rhysand had never seen Madja call for so many extra healers. Typically she brought along an apprentice or two to train. On particularly bad occasions, like after the King of Hybern had shredded Cassian’s wings and Azriel had been stabbed by Jurian, he and Morrigan had lent a hand. Madja called for six additional highly trained hands, and specifically refused the help of any apprentices or the Inner Circle. Such a thing was unheard of. 
As they waited, Emerie leaned against the wall, arms folded and one leg kicked back. Rhysand had slid down the wall several hours ago. Now his legs were bent up to his chest, elbows rested on his knees, and his head hung heavy in his hands. Azriel stood rigid by the window, unable to break his stare from Cassian’s door. Emerie watched him flex his hands and knew what ran through his mind. She knew what he must be reliving after what Cassian had endured because she was reliving it too. Their scars ran deep.
Loss, damage, physical, mental, and emotional pain that no amount of training could prepare anyone to live through. This was trauma in its purest form, and Cassian was not the only one injured. Emerie shut her eyes tight as she tried to push away the memories that had threatened to consume her from the moment Nesta had recognized the agony in Cassian’s wings through their bond the night before. The images and phantom pains that Emerie still fought back daily had only gotten stronger after what she’d witnessed in that tent.   
Hours later the door to Cassian’s room opened and Madja, exhausted and flecked in more blood than anyone was comfortable acknowledging, entered the hallway. Rhysand was instantly on his feet. Azriel remained still, but Emerie took a step off the wall, arms still crossed and wings held in tightly to stave off the pains. Rhysand quickly approached the healer, expectation written across the wrought lines of his face.
Madja stared down at the floor. This healer, a female whose skills went beyond all others, one of the only people in all of Prythian who could order the High Lord around, could not meet his eyes. Rhysand’s eyes bore down on her. Emerie tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, tried to remember that he was in pain, but she did not like the way he looked upon his master healer. 
With a deep breath, Madja raised her head and squared her shoulders to address Rhysand. Her face was schooled in a practiced calm as she began to speak with a steady voice. “We have stopped the blood loss, and managed to prevent amputation. His organs were shutting down and we almost lost him, but I am now sure that physically he will survive this.” 
“His wings,” Rhysand cut in, voice hoarse from lack of use and water. As he continued to speak his tone was harsh as he asked the question Emerie already knew the answer to. “Will he fly again?”
“No,” Madja said, voice firm and sure though it sounded like she did not want to be. “His wings were too damaged and there was noth-”
“You have to do something. He can’t not fly,” Rhysand said, voice rushed and angry as he took one step toward the healer. “He has to fly, Madja. You have to do something. His wings have been bad before, and you’ve always fixed him.” 
Emerie watched as some small part of the healer permanently broke, and she stepped forward to try and prevent the crack from growing further. “Thank you, Madja, for saving his life. We are so thankful. Is there anything that you need us to do?” 
Madja looked gratefully at Emerie for a brief moment before she responded. “No, thank you dear. Nesta has all the instructions and we will visit again soon. He needs rest before we work again.” 
Emerie smiled warmly at the female as she kindly nodded her response. Madja ushered the healers, all in various states of dishevelment, out of Nesta and Cassian’s room before they left the House of Wind together as one with Morrigan as their guide. Em watched them leave as she used her body to create a barrier between the healers and the High Lord. Azriel still had not moved from where he stood, eyes locked on the door that was once again shut. When they had gone and she was certain they were out of ear shot, Emerie turned angrily upon the males behind her. 
“Are you proud of yourself,” Emerie spat at the High Lord, who was still fuming mad about the now undeniable fact that his friend would no longer be able to fly. 
“I’ve done nothing wrong,” Rhysand retorted as anger rolled off of him in dark waves. 
Emerie cocked an eyebrow at the High Lord, her hands on her hips. “Oh yeah? Nothing wrong? You do know that your words have an effect on people, correct? You had no right to guilt her like that.” 
“I did no such thing. I simply asked-”
“No,” Emerie said back. She wanted to shout, but she knew that Cassian and Nesta did not need to hear this right now. To try and preserve their peace, Emerie worked to keep her voice low, yet strong. “By bringing up the past times she was successful, you just confirmed to Madja that you believe this was likely her biggest failure to date. And it’s not. There’s no way to recover from the wounds he received. He’s lucky to be alive right now.” 
Continue reading on AO3.
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jadelotusflower · 1 year
2022 Roundup - Writing
It was a mixed writing year for me - on the one hand I picked up some old projects, on the other hand I didn't actually finish the fics I intended to complete by the end of the year, and didn't meet or exceed my 2021 output.
I also didn't actually get much of my poor neglected novel written, however I have joined a writer's group irl and gotten some great feedback on what I've done so far, as well as some editing and have really thought through some of the plot/character issues that were blocking me.
So now 2023 is the year I complete this thing and start making a genuine effort to get it published!
2023 is also the year of finishing unfinished wips, including all of the below (except ttbw which was a one shot) and some I have in my docs that I didn't get any significant work done on this year.
Turn Your Face to the Sun - 8,518
Here I Go Again - 24,664
Nottingham Quintet - 5,146
Take these broken wings (and learn to fly) - 4,092
Novel - 3,140
Total: 45,440
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thefloorisbalaclava · 2 years
Hello my dear! I've been on and off tumblr lately and am playing catch up. I saw that you decided to make a separate writing blog and I just want to say that's such a fantastic idea and I hope it really cuts down on the assholes. 🥰 All of that being said, I saw you have been posting about Through the Bookstore Window and I have been excited about that since you first mentioned it! If you're still sending info about your writing blog I would LOVE to have it. Either way, I hope you've been having a better few weeks and I'm cheering you on from the sidelines! 🥰😘
Hey there! I hope you've been well!
TTBW is ready to post but I’ve been having second thoughts about it so I'm just freaking myself out over it. I'll post it eventually because I really love the idea I have but it still makes me nervous!
About the private blog: I've decided to post my nastier, more kinky fics there--the ones that would get me a lot of pearl clutchers on this blog lol. I have my first Dave York fic on that blog and...it's a doozy haha. The next fic I'll be posting there is probably gonna be the third installment of my primal dom!frankie fic. I'll send you all the info so you won't miss anything 😉
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tradermeximas · 2 months
À medida que a NASA e a Boeing trabalham juntas no X-66, o primeiro avião X dedicado a reduzir as emissões da aviação para um futuro líquido zero até 2050, já estão a imaginar a aeronave a voar pelos céus. As fases iniciais de produção tomam forma para um avião que poderá ter um grande impacto no ambiente e no nosso futuro. A última renderização da aeronave mostra suas asas extralongas e finas exclusivas, que são suportadas por suportes diagonais, conhecidos como conceito Transonic Truss-Braced Wing. De acordo com relatórios, este design, quando combinado com outros avanços em sistemas de propulsão, materiais e arquitetura de sistemas, poderia resultar em até 30% menos consumo de combustível e emissões reduzidas em comparação com as melhores aeronaves atuais. A NASA e a Boeing estão colaborando no projeto Sustainable Flight Demonstrator (SFD) para transformar o conceito X-66 em realidade. O projeto envolverá a construção, teste e voo do X-66, e a NASA fornecerá US$ 425 milhões, enquanto a Boeing fornecerá US$ 725 milhões para a iniciativa. O projeto SFD visa desenvolver uma nova geração de aeronaves de corredor único mais sustentáveis, com o X-66 servindo como plataforma para testar e validar o conceito TTBW e outras tecnologias que poderão ser aplicadas em futuros projetos de aeronaves. A Boeing já transportou a aeronave MD-90 que será transformada no X-66 para suas instalações em Palmdale, Califórnia, no ano passado. Ela deu os primeiros passos para construir o mais novo avião X da NASA depois de iniciar a modificação da plataforma McDonnell Douglas MD-90. Os aviões X são aeronaves experimentais utilizadas para testar novas tecnologias e conceitos que podem revolucionar o campo da aviação. O X-1, X-15 e X-43 são alguns dos mais famosos, mas também vale a pena mencionar o mais recente X-59 da NASA, pois faz parte da missão QUESST para tornar o voo supersônico comercial uma realidade. O X-66, por outro lado, difere dos aviões X anteriores porque não se concentra no desempenho extremo, mas sim na melhoria da eficiência e sustentabilidade nos voos diários. Esta aeronave poderia impactar positivamente a experiência dos passageiros, reduzindo ruído, vibração e custos de combustível.
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negocioaeroespacial · 9 months
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aldocerandaz · 1 year
A future aircraft design supercomputed
Esta imagen, generada por las computadoras de alto rendimiento de la NASA, muestra un concepto de aeronave Transonic Truss Braced Wing (TTBW) que se prueba en un túnel de viento virtual y muestra cómo sus alas interactúan con el aire que las rodea. En este caso, el área de color rojo oscuro a lo largo de la parte delantera del ala representa un flujo de aire de mayor velocidad a medida que las…
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Will Boeing use NASA's TTBW prototype to begin building 100-seat aircraft?
Will Boeing use NASA's TTBW prototype to begin building 100-seat aircraft?
The full-scale Transonic Truss-Braced Wing, which is expected to fly by 2028, is being developed jointly by Boeing and NASA. This aircraft might set the pace for future advancements in the aviation industry. As with other commercial aircraft, the classic wing structure consists of a single, fixed frame. The new design will replace the existing method of attaching two frame structures to the…
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actu24hp · 1 year
L’étonnant démonstrateur d’avion vert de la Nasa et Boeing
Après le projet d’avion à hydrogène d’Airbus, le démonstrateur d’avion vert de Boeing. Le géant américain a été sélectionné par la NASA le 18 janvier pour développer et tester en vol le démonstrateur en vol SFD (Sustainable Flight Demonstrator). Cet appareil monocouloir sera doté d’une voilure ultra-fine, dite TTBW (Transonic Truss-Braced Wing), qui devrait permettrede réduire la consommation de…
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acourtofladydeath · 5 months
"TTBW" Reveal
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Cassian and Nesta have moved to Illyria to begin the process of rebuilding themselves and the homeland Cassian holds dear after the events of A Court of Silver Flames. The establishment of the Valkyries and push for equality was met with expected resistance. 
What they didn’t account for was the violence that would change their lives forever. Cassian must try and learn to live without what he values most, and they all must discover what it truly means to be Illyrian.
This fic draws inspiration from the "Blackbird" by The Beatles, which was written by Paul McCartney, with some influence from John Lennon. The lyrics are inspired by the call of a blackbird and racial tensions. My fic will explore themes of racism, sexism, homophobia, violence, and other canon typical themes within Illyria. This is an emotionally intense fic that uses charged language. Graphic depictions of violence are included. Please read the tags carefully and consider your own health and wellbeing as you read through.
Here are the links to the posted Chapter 1 Snippets so far #1, #2, & #3.
Stay tuned for Chapter 1, coming soon to AO3.
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bookafe-blog · 6 years
The Temple Bar Woman by Sujata Parashar. Coming Soon, trailer out on #youtube ...... #ttbw #TheTempleBarWoman #sujataparashar #booktrailer (at Delhi)
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uwuinculta · 3 years
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VULPES DATING SIM?????????????????????????? SIMULATOR?????????? HUH????????????
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Wow! When you said you were going to finish TtBW...what a finish it's turning out to be! This 'take no prisoners' Kurt is fantastic! Blaine and Rachel are trying so hard to manipulate everyone and everything so that they get what they want and Kurt is figuring them out and thwarting them at every turn, enlisting Burt and Finn and Mr. Berry and Mercedes along the way! Can't wait for the next chapter! (Though I'll be sad to see this end, too.) Kudos! from your BC anon
Today has been...such a DAY, you know? Part of me wanted to call my doctor's office have them put me on sick leave for a week or three, because that one colleague, and who the fuck leaves TABLE CLOTHS out during a gods be damned pandemic?
And then I got this, and some equally uplifting comments on AO3, and suddenly I'm less eager to hit someone over the head or go hide in my bed for a couple days weeks whatever.
Never ever doubt that each and every thoughtful comment left on a writer's work have impact. Never doubt you make a difference.
These things matter. A lot.
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tradermeximas · 2 months
À medida que a NASA e a Boeing trabalham juntas no X-66, o primeiro avião X dedicado a reduzir as emissões da aviação para um futuro líquido zero até 2050, já estão a imaginar a aeronave a voar pelos céus. As fases iniciais de produção tomam forma para um avião que poderá ter um grande impacto no ambiente e no nosso futuro. A última renderização da aeronave mostra suas asas extralongas e finas exclusivas, que são suportadas por suportes diagonais, conhecidos como conceito Transonic Truss-Braced Wing. De acordo com relatórios, este design, quando combinado com outros avanços em sistemas de propulsão, materiais e arquitetura de sistemas, poderia resultar em até 30% menos consumo de combustível e emissões reduzidas em comparação com as melhores aeronaves atuais. A NASA e a Boeing estão colaborando no projeto Sustainable Flight Demonstrator (SFD) para transformar o conceito X-66 em realidade. O projeto envolverá a construção, teste e voo do X-66, e a NASA fornecerá US$ 425 milhões, enquanto a Boeing fornecerá US$ 725 milhões para a iniciativa. O projeto SFD visa desenvolver uma nova geração de aeronaves de corredor único mais sustentáveis, com o X-66 servindo como plataforma para testar e validar o conceito TTBW e outras tecnologias que poderão ser aplicadas em futuros projetos de aeronaves. A Boeing já transportou a aeronave MD-90 que será transformada no X-66 para suas instalações em Palmdale, Califórnia, no ano passado. Ela deu os primeiros passos para construir o mais novo avião X da NASA depois de iniciar a modificação da plataforma McDonnell Douglas MD-90. Os aviões X são aeronaves experimentais utilizadas para testar novas tecnologias e conceitos que podem revolucionar o campo da aviação. O X-1, X-15 e X-43 são alguns dos mais famosos, mas também vale a pena mencionar o mais recente X-59 da NASA, pois faz parte da missão QUESST para tornar o voo supersônico comercial uma realidade. O X-66, por outro lado, difere dos aviões X anteriores porque não se concentra no desempenho extremo, mas sim na melhoria da eficiência e sustentabilidade nos voos diários. Esta aeronave poderia impactar positivamente a experiência dos passageiros, reduzindo ruído, vibração e custos de combustível.
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zanguntsu · 4 years
like i don't want the TTBW to happen because the antiblakness is rampent in that one like he should have stopped after the Fullbringer arc even if it kinda sucked but it's better than what the fuck came after
oh yeah it got really bad in tybw and no one. fucking talks about it.
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villainandhero · 7 years
How do I explain to people that I consider my fanfiction my greatest achievement in life?
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acourtofladydeath · 7 months
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Hello all and welcome to the depths of depravity my masterlist! Here you will find all of my fics to date, which are available to read on AO3. While most of my work is currently ACOTAR based, I write for multiple ships across many fandoms and will happily hear your requests!
✍🏻 indicates a WIP
🌶️ indicates spice on a scale of 1-3 peppers
🗡️ indicates depictions of violence, battles, and/or injuries
📚 indicates a multichap fic
💞 indicates fluff
❗ indicates heavy emotion/emotional trauma/death, however this may not be inclusive as every person experiences and reacts to emotions differently.
💤 indicates a hiatus
Please be sure to check all fic tags on AO3 as well as these initial indicators! Many of my fics include explorations of physical and/or emotional trauma.
All Things End ❗ This fic has an immersive, direct read playlist component that you can read about here!
The Soft Heart & The Shadow 🗡️❗
The Soft Heart & The Little Fox 🗡️❗
One Bed, One Bond, and a Pair of Wings
Enter: Uncle Autumn
Fighting Fire with Fire 🗡️❗
And So Our Life Begins (ASOLB) ✍🏻📚
A Second Chance *part of the ASOLB series
Finding His Shadow: An Azris Peter Pan AU **please note this fic is very aged up from the original material 📚🗡️🌶️🌶️🌶️ in Ch. 2 only
Fire Alarm
All I Want For Solstice Is You 💞
Nessian & Nessriel
In Due Time 💞 (Nessian)
What Happens In The Night 🌶️🌶️🌶️ (Nessian)
Complications Arose, Ensued, Were Overcome 🗡️ (Nessian)
Take These Broken Wings ✍🏻🗡️❗📚 (Nessriel)
Hold Me Close, Hold Me Tender 💞 (Nessriel)
Our Greatest Adventure 💞 (Nessriel)
Multi-Ship or Other ACOTAR
3 Jewels In The Hewn City 📚🌶️🌶️🌶️ (Feysand, Nessian, Azris)
Lovers Live & Die Fortissimo (LL&DF)💤✍🏻📚 (Azris, Nessian, Feytamsand, Elucien, HelionXLOA)
Publicly Pleasing, Silently Drowning 🗡️❗ (Eris Vanserra)
How I Met Your Fathers 💞 (Feytamsand)
Stairway Snoops (Azris X Nessian polycule)
Into the Fire 🌶️🌶️🌶️ (Feytamcien/Lufeylin)
Return to the Hewn City ✍🏻📚 🌶️🌶️🌶️(Azris X Nessian swinging)
Welcome to the Family 🌶️🌶️🌶️ (Elucian, Berlain, Erislain, Elain X all Vanserra Brothers)
ACOTAR Drabbles
The Fawn, The Fox, & The Fiend 🌶️🌶️🌶️ (Eltamcien)
Live, and Be Happy ❗ (Feytamsand)
The Wall Comes Down 🗡️ (Azris)
Just One More 🌶️🌶️🌶️(Nessriel)
Other Universe Fics
A Place Eternal ✍🏻📚❗🗡️🌶️ in Ch. 5 (TSOA/The Illiad/Greek Mythology: Patrochilles, Hades X Persephone)
Reunited (Dr. Who: Amy X Rory)
The Final Moments ❗ (Torchwood: Jack X Ianto)
The Days We Thought We'd Never See 💤📚 (Spartacus: Agron X Nasir)
Event Week Masterlists
Poly+ ACOTAR Week 2024 🌶️💞
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