#tseng doesn’t even blink
dark-elf-writes · 3 months
Still going back and forth on the Tseng/Cloud soulmate au ideas whether I want it to be pre Cloud at Shinra or in the middle of him being a trooper (I’ll probably end up doing both lets be real the world needs more Tseng/Cloud) BUT I was thinking for the pre Shinra one:
Cloud still going for the Soldier program once he is old enough (Both he and Tseng know that Cloud would make a terrible Turk. Cloud frankly doesn’t have the ruthlessness required of one. That doesn’t stop Tseng from teaching Cloud all of his tricks when it comes to combat, information gathering, and some less than legal skills that will help him in the long run.) because he wants to be able to protect Tseng as much as Tseng protects him and the only way he could possibly compare to the leader of the Turks (in his own mind) is to become a Soldier First Class.
Needless to say none of his fellow cadets know what to make of this blond twink who looks like a stiff wind could blow him over and who put a man twice his size on his knees with a knife they are all convinced he conjured from thin air to the guy’s throat day one when the guy decided he wanted to haze the youngest/smallest of them. They know even less of what to make of Cloud when Turks keep popping up to talk to him like he’s a part of their incredibly fucked up murder family.
The cadets (and some of the instructors tbh) are all frankly lowkey terrified of him and kind of convinced he’s a Turk plant in the program. The fact that Cloud manages to look so innocent the whole time does not help tbh.
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thithesandofferings · 2 years
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:::Wake Up Shinra!:::
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:Synopsis: Shinra’s Crew waking up with you 
:Characters: Reno. Rude. Tseng. Rufus.
:Tags: SFW! GN!Reader. Domesticity. Forehead Kisses. Reno looking at you like he’ll die for you. Breakfast in bed. Doggies in bed too. Rude being himself.
:Authors Note: I just.... Really thought that @brilcrist​ photo series of Shinra’s crew morning had to be written in words. It was just so beautiful! I love their work! Please go check them out! Credit to the photo here.
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"Do you really gotta go? C'mon theyre never gonna notice if you dont come in" You want to turn around and reprimand him , but you know if you turn, he'll get his wish. God he's beautiful, laying there like that, clutching your pillow against him. If you sneak a glance you can still see his face smashed into it, smelling your scent. Blinking sleeping up at you- waiting for you to come back to bed. You're not going to admit it, but you melt. This is your Reno, without the cool façade and the quippy words. The one who looks at you like you're his world. That he's ok with looking at you and nothing else ever again. Soft skin and hair that smells like your shampoo that he insist is so much better than his. He's always so warm in the morning. Making you want to bury your face in his chest while he rambles about something or another. Legs intertwining around the sheets. Secretly rolling your eyes because those sheets were thousands a Gil. Knows Reno sleeps naked because of it. You feel his stare now in the back of your head and you sigh knowing you cant win. He's grinning cockily when you do turn, holding the sheet out and making space for you. "C'mere, how about just ten more minutes" You know, even as you slide into the spot he kept warm for you, that you wont be leaving that soon.
Rude who never wants to wake you up in the morning. He knows its early so he'll do his best to get up quietly. But when you get up with him, just to be in his space, he is secretly grateful. There's a routine, making the bed, eating breakfast while you both watch the sunrise. Speaking quietly about the day ahead and what you plan to get up  to. But he waits for little moments. The moments where you yawn and press your face into his back as he cleans up his shave. Mumbling about how tired you are into the heat of his skin. You say he always smells good, but he hasn't done anything special so he just lets you say whatever you want. He'll grunts in acknowledgement, turn around silently to stare at you-waiting. Waiting for you to reach up and grab his freshly shaved skin and kiss his forehead, then his nose, and then his lips. The giggle you do relaxes his shoulders and sets his purpose to leave for the day. He doesn't want to leave, he’d rather stay with you; He would do this everyday with you if he could. But he's ok if he gets to wake up and have just one more kiss.
Tseng is the epidemy of orderly. Not a hair out of place, no shirt untucked. You love that Tseng, but you think you love Tseng even more when he is heaving a sigh out of bed. Black hair falling across his face, clothing wrinkled. Brushes over to kiss your forehead softly, smelling softly of warmth and laundry. He wont admit it, but sometimes he hums softly while he's getting ready. Its heady and low, comfortable enough to lull you back to sleep easily. But you love watching the process of Tseng getting ready. You get to see the sun filter into his hair and kiss his shoulders. Hear the shirt ride past his arms, the clicking of the buttons coming together, the tie tightening against his throat. Rubbing the lotion that is definitely yours, over soft fingers. He'll look at you sometimes, heavy and weighted, wanting to say something. Only to turn around and continue to put his shoes on. You dont ask him to stay, because you know he wont, but just to come back home to you- however it may be.
Rich and luxurious sheets cradle the both of you. You cherish these moments, when he hugs you a little bit tighter and his frown is almost nonexistent. Where he stares and there's expressions in his eyes that he’s only saved for you. There is always a knock on the door, breakfast in bed. Specific foods for specific days. At least for Rufus it is. He only eats because it will give him more time to spend with you, but he’s not going to say that. He does flick your nose at the grumble of eating so early. This moment he doesn't dare talk about work, this moment is his. Demands that you shower with him, to wash his hair if you're feeling "useful". Shakes off his glower when he's come back, immaculately dressed and sees you back in bed with his silk robe on- cuddled with the dog. He wont waste his breath again when he demands that there will be no dogs in the bed. You never listen, you look him in the eye as you nuzzle your new warm pillow- his tell wagging in content. He'll make sure to tell you tomorrow, when he isn't so busy.
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kimmimaru · 2 years
Been doing some more writing. I liked this. Not exactly sure where it fits yet as I just got this scene in my head but I do know which story it’s for (The New Shinra, on Ao3 atm). It’s a Reno and Tseng scene. XXX
“I feel like…” Reno paused, eyes on the blank, white ceiling. He swung the chair gently back and forth as his arms dangled carelessly over the arm rests, “I feel like…two different men.” He frowned a little, jaw tensing, “The guy before sector seven and…” “The one after.” Reno tilted his head enough to see Tseng through the fall of his hair, a grin flickers at the corner of his mouth, “Yeah.”
There was a pause, then; “I did some bad shit before sector seven,” Reno sighed, eyes closing briefly, “There was a lotta blood on my hands even before Veld found me and dragged me outta the shit and mud of the slums, but Sector Seven was different. Thought maybe I could deal with it, same way I always did.”
“Booze,” Reno nodded in agreement, “But it doesn’t work.”
“I pushed you into it, Reno. The blame doesn’t lie entirely on your shoulders.”
“Maybe not but what does is heavy enough.”
Outside the windows of Tseng’s little apartment, the sun was setting, staining the walls an orange-pink. The window was cracked open, letting in a soft breeze and the sound of the street below. Some children laughed as they played with a football, kicking it against the side of the houses. A horn honked in the distance and Reno lifted his hands and scrubbed at his face. Tseng watched the light fall on Reno’s face, glinting in his eyes and off the button of one cuff. “How do you sleep at night?” Reno asked suddenly, eyelids lowered as he watched Tseng with his long legs stretched before him.
Tseng looked down at the book in his hands, he snapped it closed and rose, crossing the room to a tall bookshelf. He stood before it while he considered Reno’s question and slid the book back into its place, “The past is the past, there’s not really much point-”
“Quit with the bullshit,” Reno sighed, shaking his head. He sat up straight, “This whole evil villain outfit you wear doesn’t suit you, chief.”
Tseng blinked, turning to meet Reno’s eyes, “What makes you think that?”
“Because I know you. I’ve known you for years.” Reno rose and moved closer, hands deep in the pockets of his trousers. He licked his lips, eyes fixed on Tseng’s face, “You pretend like this shit…this job doesn’t affect you but it’s fiction, yo. You’re lying. To yourself, to us…and you don’t need to. Not anymore and not to me.”
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steeleidolon · 2 years
Goblin Academy
--Continued from (x)
Freyja sighs and rubs her fingers together, squinting at Reno with a bump of shoulder to shoulder.
“Look. It’s not ‘mean’ to stand your ground. You’re not her property or her pet. Doesn’t matter if she’s had a tough life. Just because she’s interested doesn’t mean she gets to touch up on you when you don’t want her to. I saw you flinch, she kept it up. In your shoes, I’d have broken her fingers. You’re nicer than I am.”
A sip of soda, a final bite of spicy street taco goodness, and she dusts her hands off to tuck her legs up under herself.
Changing subjects is easy enough as she watches the flow of fog between tall buildings.
“...yeah, Mideel is that green in a lot of places. Bugs get huge too. Some of ‘em are even bloodsuckers. And then you’ve got the, uh, terrorpedes, they get the size of cars. Venomous too.”
Another sip, and she cracks a little grin as Reno tears into the candy bar. Seems like an acceptable trade, contraband for contraband, and that sets Freyja a little more at ease as she listens about the city.
About the mischief that can be caused with specific knowledge of said city. Well now. That catches her attention, and she cannot help but grin as she props her elbow against her knee, chin in hand.
“Hmm, you wanna be my guide? I’d like that. Haven’t, eh. Haven’t gotten out to actually see much.”
A bit of a distant look--watching drones in their circling path of surveillance--and she blinks once, twice.
“I, uh.”
She debates, inwardly, Veld’s caution, but also his push toward trusting Turks. Trust is the hard part, isn’t it?
“...I don’t really know anyone else but you, Director Veld, and Tseng, and even then-”
Does anyone really know them? Really, truly. A shrug.
“I caught some men they were hunting. Three guys with briefcases trying to cut through my family’s land, guess they were heading to the little, uh. Spa. Place. Pit trapped two, shot one’s leg off.”
Her thumb taps against the edge of her jaw.
“I thought they were poachers or smugglers at first, but then I started going through their stuff, and that’s when Veld and Tseng--almost melted from the woods. If they’d have moved any closer, my snare would have grabbed them both.”
A soft snort. “They offered me a job while I had them at gunpoint. Funniest thing.”
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aimeelouart · 3 years
Ok I've spent a few months lurking and just being a lil too nervous to ask about The Royal House Perdel, but now that I've read the premise ohmygod I love it. I would pay actual money to read it as a book one day.
WHAT. You’re my favorite now. I love you. Take my firstborn.
Since I assume you’re also here for FF7, have a little gift writing of my protag at age 7 hopping dimensions and interacting with the SSC Firsts.
They should have known something was off when they were able to corner Cloud so quickly, but they definitely figured it out when he started giggling.
“Cloud…?” Sephiroth asked cautiously, crouched a short distance from him.
“Pfft, ahaha, your faces!” He said, pointing and covering his mouth with the other hand. Bright orange-red bled out from the root of his hair, spreading down as the strands lengthened and curled. He grew a little taller, a little ganglier, and his face…
Not his face. That wasn’t Cloud at all, though how the laughing girl had accomplished such an effective disguise was a question for another time.
“Who the hell are you!” Genesis exploded. “Where is Cloud!”
“He’s busy,” the little girl said, breaking off her laughter to stick out her tongue at them. “Meanie. He’s following a Virtue! You can’t interrupt that!”
Sephiroth growled, standing up. “Genesis, with me. Angeal, start a conference call. We will begin where we lost Cloud.” He and Genesis darted off, leaving Angeal with the strange new child.
“Wonderful,” he sighed, pulling out his PHS and doing as Sephiroth had commanded. “Another one.” He caught the girl’s arm when she nonchalantly tried to waltz past him. “And where do you think you’re going?”
She blinked. “That way,” she said, pointing.
“Not when you’ve⁠—is that Cloud’s hair?” There was a tuft of pale golden hair clenched in her hand.
“Duh,” she said, “that’s the rule for the spell. ‘A dear thing, freely given. Closer to the skin, more power riven.’”
Angeal struggled to parse through the bewildering statement. “Because Cloud gave you his hair, you were able to...cast a spell to look like him?” He tilted her arm, looking her over for materia, but saw nothing. “Where’s your materia?”
She blinked at him. “What’s materia?”
He decided to abandon the line of inquiry entirely. “Where are your parents?”
Her expression turned sheepish. She scuffed the toe of her sandal across the concrete. “Umm...Granda’ is gonna come find me soon...I’m probably in trouble.”
For the first time, Angeal noticed the glittering jewels held in the intricate lacework of her sandals. They certainly weren’t materia, but they did tell him that her parents must have been very wealthy. “And why are you in trouble?”
She flushed and looked away. “I’m not s’pposed to go through the Gates…” she mumbled.
“The gates?”
“The Gates Between. The ones that cross the Empty Spaces.” She stared down at her feet, and nervously plucked at the hem of her skirt. “Granda’ can open the Gates cuz he’s Imperator, and I can cuz I’m a Mage but he says I’m too little. I’m not supposed to be here, but...but it was calling me! I had to!” She looked up at him with wide, unnatural golden eyes and a pleading little pout.
He had absolutely no idea what she was talking about.
Genesis took one look at the little redhead sleeping contentedly against Angeal’s shoulder and said “no, no, we already have one, put that back.”
Angeal looked tired and a little defeated, leveling Genesis with an unimpressed glance. With Cloud in the wind, all they could do now was wait for some sign of his whereabouts—probably in the form of demolished ShinRa property. Which left them to deal with everything else for a while instead.
“Believe me,” he said, “I’m not particularly happy about this either. But her parents are impossible to find. She doesn’t exist in any records—and I do mean any records. Even the Turks can’t find anything. And I can’t exactly just leave her with someone.”
Genesis narrowed his eyes. “Why not?”
“She has...abilities. You saw the disguise earlier, but there’s more.” He looked vaguely disturbed, glancing down at the kid like she was a ticking bomb. “A lot more.”
Sephiroth sighed. “Naturally. That seems to be the theme lately, strange children with inexplicable abilities showing up on our doorsteps.”
Finally, a hint of humor broke through Angeal’s tiredness. “Well, look on the bright side. At least this one actually trusts adults.”
“Too much, if she’s sleeping in your arms two seconds after meeting you,” Genesis scoffed.
“The polar opposite of Cloud,” Sephiroth observed, a little bit of humor entering his tone as well.
Angeal shook his head. “Her parents have the resources to keep her very sheltered, from what I’ve gathered. She seems to think that all adults are inherently trustworthy, especially if they, and I quote here, ‘look like they belong in Mama’s First Legion.’”
Genesis and Sephiroth both paused.
“That...makes it sound as if her parents have a personal militia at their disposal,” Genesis said.
“Yeah,” Angeal agreed wryly, “it does, doesn’t it?”
She was like a spot of sunshine in the interview room—not an interrogation room, though it did have a one-way mirror and an attached observation space—beaming up at Tseng as she sat on her knees in the chair across from him. Unsurprisingly, the Turks hadn’t exactly had a booster seat handy with their typical interview equipment.
“What’s your full name?” Tseng asked, soft and polite. It was only Angeal’s familiarity with the young man that allowed him to detect the very slight edge of unease in his smile.
Angeal could understand. It wasn’t often that even he was presented with such unconditional trust and guileless curiosity, and the Turks certainly must have experienced it much less.
The little girl opened her mouth and proceeded to deliver an extremely well-rehearsed answer. “Ameliora Octavia, First Mage of the House Perdel, Blessed of the Thirteen,” she rattled off cheerfully, “Crown Princess and heir to the Perdelesian Throne, granddaughter of the Virtuous Emperor Celsus Caesar Perdel and the Virtuous Empress Julia Atossa Perdel, daughter of Caius Julius Perdel, High King of the West, and Fera Tullia Perdel, High Queen of the East.” She gasped in a breath, having spent her entire lung capacity on the extended answer. “You can call me Lora, though, I don’t mind.” She resumed beaming at him.
Even Tseng didn’t seem to know what to say to that.
Then Lora frowned abruptly. “Oh wait, I wasn’t supposed to tell you that.”
Tseng managed to get ahold of himself. “Why is that, Lora?”
She looked up at the ceiling as if trying to remember something. “Granda says that, uh, if I’m ever with strangers I’m supposed to...uhm...tell them ‘Lora’ but nothing else and wait until one of the Praetorians comes to get me.”
“I see. Lora, do you know where you are?”
“Nope!” she said, apparently unbothered by this fact.
“Do you know how you got here?”
“Uh-huh, I opened the Gate in the Archive because it was calling to me in the Strings, and then I walked the Empty Spaces until it felt right and now I’m here.”
Angeal glanced discreetly at the other Turks in the observation room. None of them seemed to know what the hell she was saying either, which was very reassuring.
Tseng looked like he wanted to sigh but restrained himself. “Do you know how to get back home?”
For the first time, Lora flushed crimson and ducked her head. “Umm...nooo…”
“‘S why I’m gonna be in trouble...I know how to walk through the Empty Spaces but I dunno how to walk back yet…Granda will come find me, though.”
“How will he know where to find you?”
She blinked at him, and for a moment her unnatural golden eyes glowed like they had a SOLDIER’s mako gleam. “Granda will always find me,” she said. “He swore on the Thirteen the day I was born. ‘Sides, I’m a Mage. Magistra Mara says I look like a supernova when she uses the Strings to see me.” She smiled. “I’m hard to miss.”
“I see,” said Tseng, which was a bald-faced lie. “How old are you, Lora?”
“Seven and a quarter,” she said very seriously.
“Hey.” A little hand tugged on the bottom of his jacket and Reno practically jumped out of his skin. Shiva, it was the tiny unnatural demon child. With trepidation, he half-turned and looked down at her.
She was beaming up at him like he’d just given her the best gift in the world. He was absolutely certain that if he picked her up she would snuggle into his arms without a second thought.
It was hands-down the creepiest fucking thing he’d ever seen in his life.
“What,” he bit out, anxious to get away without looking like he was getting away. He could feel Rude laughing at him silently.
“C’mere,” she said, motioning him down. Reno glanced at her babysitter of the hour—Hewley—whose mako eyes promised death if he dared to scare or upset her. Reno weighed the odds for a long second and then slowly crouched.
Immediately, she buried her hands in his hair and started petting and patting, a puzzled little furrow to her brows. “Hey,” he said, jerking back a little, “what do you think you’re doing!”
“I’ve never seen hair like this,” she responded, peering closer.
“You have red hair,” he pointed out, growing increasingly uncomfortable. He could kill her a dozen ways with barely a flick of his hand and she was playing with his hair?
It was unnatural!
“Nuh-uh, my hair’s gold-red and and curls. Yours is all sticky-uppy and looks like an apple.”
“Well, that’s just how it was when I was born!”
“Oh. Huh.” Apparently that was enough for her. She released his hair and looked to Rude instead and Reno felt exactly zero shame for how fast he got up and moved out of range of her creepy, sunshiny eyes.
She motioned Rude down in the same way. He went, a lot more willingy than Reno had, even though Reno knew for a fact that is partner was also pretty fucking creeped out by her. All the Turks were. There was no one—no one—who had ever treated them with such unconditional trust. The little princess was genuinely happy to see them. Even Tseng was freaked out. Even Veld was, though he took it in stride like he did everything else.
Lora plucked the sunglasses right from Rude’s face and put them on. Her mouth made a little ‘o’ of surprise.
“Why would you want dark glass over your eyes?” She asked, holding them in place and looking around curiously.
Without missing a beat, Rude pulled a spare set of sunglasses out of his suit pocket and put them on. Lora giggled. Reno shamelessly abandoned his partner and speed walked away.
“Hello, my dear.”
Lora looked up, blinking at the strange man who’d addressed her. “Hello,” she said cheerfully. She was, technically, breaking the rules by wandering around like this, but she was just so curious. There were so many strange things in this place! And sometimes breaking the rules led to wonderful things, like coming here.
“Would you like to see something interesting?”
She gasped in delight. “Yes! What is it?”
“Come with me and I’ll show you,” he said, offering a hand. She took it without hesitation. It was weirdly cold. The man reminded her of her uncle Brutus, who stared at her all the time and Mama always glared at. Uncle Brutus was weird.
She remembered that she actually had to introduce herself here, because people didn’t automatically know her name. “I’m Lora, what’s your name?” she said.
The man smiled. “You can call me Professor Hojo, my dear.”
[Part 2]
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konton-no-kami · 3 years
Random Recs For Simps
(Going to come back to edit this later. I have to go to work, - -) 
(Be sure to read the tags sis!!!)
(This is my first time doing this so forgive any of my mistakes, patna!)
You can find all of these fics here. > https://archiveofourown.org/users/ThuggaBaby/bookmarks
currents by moonwatcher
Summary: Sasuke was pretty and funny and everything felt fine, so why was Naruto being as weird as Sasuke said he was?After a moment he realizes, simply and warmly too.
“It’s nice to see my best friend, too.”
Naruto can’t get enough of the way Sasuke smiles.
Kismet by DragonofFernweh
Summary:  In a kingdom struggling, the Uchiha are forcing Sasuke into marrying the Uzumaki king in hopes it will link the two kingdoms and bring peace and prosperity. Sasuke doesn't wish to be sold away like this to a stranger, but he has no choice but to consent for the greater good of everyone. 
Will the two make it work, or has fate made a mistake?
Armistice by surveycorpsjean
Summary: Sasuke is still here. Or maybe; love hasn't passed them yet.
time after time by foreverautumn
Summary: "Who tells someone they look like a cat?"
"No, I said the cat looked like you," Eren corrects, looking back to the cat and ignoring Levi’s mounting confusion.
You’re Wearing It by kayoackerman
Summary:  Levi's grown used to Eren being around, enjoys it if he's being honest with himself. Erwin decides it would be good for Eren to go out on a small recon mission, without Levi. Levi, angry and frustrated with the whole situation, Hange (the genius they are) decides to confront Levi about it. With Eren gone, Levi starts to realize just how important the brat is to him. Just how much he really loves him.
for him. by lovemepidge
Summary: for him.
 Bakugou, Todoroki and Deku get hit by a body switch quirk during a battle. For a whole week they are stuck in each other’s bodies. They learn a lot more about each other than they knew before. Much more than they could ever think before.Basically, Bakugou and Todoroki are just really gay for Deku.
missing you and finding you by harryswilde
Summary: First part is about Sasuke missing Naruto (before their fight, when he's still training with Orochimaru) TW: depictions of self-harm Second part is after their fight, when Sasuke is travelling and meets Naruto in a lonely Inn.
clarity by ethydium
Summary: Bakugou has his heat coming up, and he's sick and tired of spending it alone - so he hatches a plan to invite either Todoroki OR Midoriya to participate. However, his plan backfires, and he has BOTH of his crushes in his room, ready to jump at his every whim. Still, the rest of the plan can be carried out - get off, catch no feelings, be on his merry way. It's definitely going to work. 100%. ... except Bakugou's plans never really work out the way he intends to, ever.
A love story with the infamous ABO trope.
Kiss Intel by walkingcatfish
Summary: Izuku discovered his quirk the day he had his first kiss. Moving districts after graduating had given him the opportunity for a fresh start after the teasing he faced for being quirkless in middle school, and with his self confidence renewed he finally managed to get himself a girlfriend in the middle of his second year. They were on their third date when they shared their first kiss. The day that Izuku discovered he was never quirkless after all. Also the day he lost his first girlfriend.
Tears Fall to the Ground (You Just Let Them Drop)  by miraculousemily47
Summary:  Midoriya Izuku has had enough of life. Just when he decides to take the matter into his own hands, he gets a surprise phone call from his childhood best friend and middle-school bully, Bakugou Katsuki. On a whim, he decides to go see what Katsuki needs. Before long, his life has been completely flipped on his head. The only problem is, he's not sure if he wants that or not.
Irony by 419Jhat
Summary:  In the years spent with Jiraiya, Naruto develops a dangerous relationship with Uchiha Itachi that strains his responsibilities to Konoha and those that he loves.
‘I’ll cry the day this is finally updated. I’ll CRY’
He Who Shall Remain Dead by DeviWan
Summary: Naruto made a clone. He left that clone with Itachi. The clone and Itachi lived together under the same roof. Itachi had issues (being brought back from the dead would do that to you) and the clone took care of him. It's been nearly two years.
The world wasn't going to wait for them forever, so now it's time.
Naruto dismissed the clone. Poof!
Problem number three: Naruto was almost certainly sure that his clone had been in love with Itachi. Now, in the blink of an eye, he'd lived two years with Itachi. Naruto/Itachi slash.
heaven or hell by Servetolive
Summary: Where Reno came from, everyone was equally dangerous. And worthless.
Reno isn't sorry. Not about his job, the world he lives in, or the mako-eyed whore he likes.
[AU; Cloud is picked up by Reno of the Turks instead of AVALANCHE.]
frost god by Servetolive
Summary:  Reno is sick. Cloud does what he can, with extra advice from Tseng.
work first by Servetolive
Summary:  “I wonder about you sometimes, kid. Like, you just stubborn? Is the dumb blonde thing an act?”
Cloud flattened his brow at Reno and snatched the towel from him. “Would it be too much to ask you to get me some dry fucking clothes?”
Cloud gets caught in a storm and ends up staying the night at Reno's.
Another One for The Sins by Sol_Morales707
Summary: Sasuke Uchiha returns to the Hidden Leaf after years of his journey for repentance, of collecting and organizing his thoughts, to find out that Naruto was Hokage at last.
He doesn’t know how to feel about his two extra “welcome back” surprises though: one, that the knucklehead was a married man, and second, a father.
To learn that even with all his power, Sasuke was late.
Pyretos by Atanih88
Summary:  Sasuke came to stand closer. Naruto watched him, taking in the easy strides and the way Sasuke’s face remained devoid of expression as he took in Naruto’s wounds.
Damaged packages are still damaged packages by yours truly
Summary: "We won't see each other for a while...," Naruto started.
"Don't." Naruto sighed, "Sasuke-."
"I said don't!" he gripped the front of his jacket tightly, the calming waves of the waterfront singing to their breaking hearts. It wasn't like they'd never see each other again, yet Sasuke was so broken up inside. "Okay."
Whoever was in higher power hated them both, just as Sasuke was allowing himself to feel again. It all goes to hell.
‘Really just posting my bookmarks here for safe keeping. Though, this was fun. I could do this with a specific ship if you want’
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The SOLDIER and The Baker || Cloud Strife || Pt3
Part 1  || Part 2.
A/n: Also vote...please vote / help me because I need your help to decided on what to do since its gonna be coming up soon. {{ vote here }}
Ps. this got to long so the kiss and date and everything else is gonna be in part four. {{ like I am sure this is past 4,000 words }}
A: 2 B: 0 C: 1
Tag List: @ayamenimthiriel​ || @kitsamii. || @courageouslystupid​
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Rude was stuck in a rather tough spot, the man did not know what to make of this. He thought he might be able to find any records of the young woman, it seemed to be as if they were completely wiped. Sighing he pinched the bridge of his nose, pulling of security footage of when he ran into you the man managed to get a picture of you.
He needed to know who you are, how did you know Aerith. Sighing he tilted his head to the side as he printed out a picture of you though tensed feeling crumbs hit his shoulder.
“She’s cute.” Even though it was muffled thanks to the food in the person's mouth Rude still knew who it was. “Who is she?”
“The girl I ran into.”
“The one who made these amazing muffin...haha really?....so did you get a name?” Reno asked peering at the picture of you from the candid photo, your hair was tied back in a loss ponytail and you were wearing a dress similar to Aerith’s. He thought you were rather pretty, he also thought that smile was cute but you must be someone important if Rude was looking into you.
“I did not.”
“So...you have nothing on her then?”
“You would be correct.”
“Well Shit.”
Rude sighed as he placed the picture down, maybe he should check into with Tseng to see if he could find something, or Rufus might know. 
“Shit indeed.”
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“So Cloud...”
“hmm??” Cloud glanced over at you, he watched as your fingers clutched the Mythril Rod in your fingers.
“I...what was it like being a SOLDIER?” You sighed glancing up at the sky, you never knew why seeing the stars gave you so much comfort. Perhaps it was something that you used to do with your father until he vanished.
“It’s a job...I did it to keep people safe, a lot of good that did.”
Turning to face him, you just smiled at him. “I think you’re doing a wonderful job of watching me and Aerith.”
“Huh?” Cloud frowned then shook his head, he should have expected you to say something like that.
“Aw, I thought for sure that would have given me a smile.” You teased rushing off to where Aerith was.
Stopping in his tracks Cloud frowned for a moment then shook his head. “Try harder.”
Your laughter was his only response but it took a few quick strides for him to catch up with you.
“You can see the sky” Glancing up, that was something he wasn’t used too being stuck in Sector 7 and seeing that plate.
Aerith frowned as she looked up at the dark sky with a frown on her face. “They’re still working on a new plate. I don’t like this part of Midgar.” As you three walked down the dirt path she kept speaking. “Back when they were still building Midgar, there was an accident, and the plate fell. People were still moving in, so there weren’t an of lot living there at the time, but....” She stopped as you three ventured deep down the path until you all spotted the Wall Market in the distance, the lights shining brightly in the night.
“And that’s?”
“The underside of Sector 6. “Wall Market.” A real special place.” Aerith then stepped in front of him tilting her head to the side. “But I’m sure you already knew that, right?”
Cloud frowned then turned his head away. “I didn’t tell you?”He then let out a sigh glancing away from you. “I enlisted pretty much right after I left home.” He then turned his attention to look at the stars. “Dunno much about this place, or any of the slums.”
Biting back a comment you then forced a smile on your face as your grasped his hand. “Don’t worry Cloud! that's what you have me and Aerith for!.”
Aerith smiled nodding her head not letting him get a chance to speak.”Y/n is right ya know.” Though that didn’t stop her from telling him about the Wall Market, things you didn’t even know. 
“Lucky for you I know a different way to Sector 7....One that tragically doesn’t go through Wall Market.” Giving you a wink you were positive that you only saw she gave you a small nod to his hand. Sighing she grasped one of Cloud’s hand as you grasped the other. “And it’s just through this tunnel here.” she pointed a long tunnel ahead of you.
“It’s best if you just listen to her Cloud, Aerith isn’t going to stop.” You state though the man let out a defeated sigh. Muttering under your breath you three continued to walk through the dark tunnel into you had to duck under a broken beam.
Emerging under you couldn’t help but let out a groan. “Wonderful.” Seeing the Collapsed expressway, you started to wonder if you would ever make it to Sector 7.
“It’s been like this...ever since the plate fell.” Aerith shrugged as she let go of the man's hands peering down below.
“And their’s no other way?”
“It will be an adventure.”
Sighing you rolled your eyes though then let go of his hand once you reached a ladder. You and Aerith slipped down waiting for the man, tugged out the blue flower he wanted to give to you the man was amazed it was still intact.
Biting bit tongue, he took a deep breath deciding now would be the best time to do it. Once he made it down the ladder he cleared out his throat then thrusts the flower in your face, not wanting to meet your gaze. “Here...for the cupcake...”
Hearing Aerith’s squeal you blinked, blushing as you took the flower. Smiling at him you could still feel the warmth on your cheeks. “Thank you Cloud, it’s beautiful.” Looking at the blue flower over you realized it must have been from the young woman's garden. You then tucked the stem in your hair so the blue petals were resting on your ear.
“So...what do you think.?” Doing a small pose you were taken back by what he said. 
Though the moment was ruined as Aerith then grasped your arm tugging you forward. “Ahhh! so cute!”
Cloud sighed as he then crossed his arms over his chest, now he wished he waited to give it to you so he wouldn’t have to deal with Aerith. Shoulders slumping he glanced around the small little area you were all stuck in trying to figure out a way to get the ladder up.
Wandering off from the two you did not know why you were being drawn to this particular area. Slowly making your way to a darkened corner, hearing a small cry you then knelt. “Hey it’s okay....you don’t have to be scared.”
Though you suddenly let out your cry falling back on your butt when a white creature jumped out at you. Sitting up you didn’t even notice that Cloud and Aerith rushed over to you. The man clutching his buster sword pointing it at the creature sitting on your chest. Aerith gave you a beaming grin kneeling forward pushing Cloud aside.
“Oh y/n! do you know what that is?” 
Still recovering you slowly bring your hands up then run your fingers through the soft fur. “A Carbuncle.....they were in the storybook my mom used to read to me when I was little.” Smiling you continued to pet the creature, it leaning into your touch. “Well, it was nice meeting you little um Carbuncle.”
The Fennec fox-like animal tilting its head to the side once you placed it on the ground. Standing up you walked a few feet before the animal followed you then jumped on your shoulder, its teeth sinking into your Mythril Rod.
“I think it likes you Y/n!” Aerith was smiling.
“Can you trust it?” Cloud, however, was not, the man rather not risk anything happening to you. Shaking his head from those thoughts he did not know why he was thinking that. He kept his gaze on the creature, the Carbuncle had pale blue fur, its large ears twitching as the thing turned its gaze to him while its puffy tail wrapped around your neck gently. He could have sworn the damn thing gave him a smug look.
“Don’t be stupid Cloud! Of course, we can....besides it likes Y/n and you want her to be safe right....?” She started to rock on her heels then smiled tapping the Carbuncle’s nose. “Did you know that the horn is made out of ruby? but don’t let this little one fool you...they have potent healing powers.”
Well if that was true then he guessed that it was one more thing that could keep you two safe. “I...fine....though if it...I’m getting rid of it if it’s a pain in the ass.”
Letting out a laugh you scratched behind the creature's large ears. “Thank you, Cloud and it looks like you need a name.”Hmm how about Celestine...because you have that pretty little stone on your forehead.”
Celestine let out a small chirp, grinning you, Aerith, Cloud, and your new companion was off. 
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“Thank god we are out of that mess.” Panting you were leaning forward doing your best to catch your breath, you never thought you could have that hard. Who knew that so man monsters were trapped in a collapsed tunnel, god it was going to be shit getting back to yours and Aerith’s home.
Celestine hopping off your shoulders as you looked around the Evergreen Park of Sector 6.
“Wow....that must be the gate to Sector 7...you must be happy Cloud” Turning to face the blond you smiled at him though it was hard to read the expression on his face.
“I...looks shut how do we open it?”
Now standing beside you Aerith shrugged giving him her smile. “More importantly how about we take a break? Sound good.”
“No, I don’t have time-”
“Aerith now’s not really.”
Ignoring both of you, she continued to smile giving you a small push towards the dome house. With a sigh you climbed up the wall sitting on top of it, not expecting Cloud to be by your side.
“Wait! Aerith what are you?~”
With a laugh, Aerith waved both of you off. “Now is a good time for you two to get to know each other better!”
Dropping your shoulders you brought your knees to the chest to see her chase after the Carbuncle.
Glancing over at Cloud you gave him a weak smile. “She’s something?”
“Yea” Frowning Cloud opened his mouth though he didn’t know what to say to you, what could he say?
“You know...me and my dad used to do this all the time...look at the stars I mean.” Glancing up at the night sky you started to get lost in a memory. “He’d sit me in his lap and point out all the different stars.” Frowning you rested your head on your knees. “I miss him.”
“What happened to your parents?” Cloud wanted to know though he’d understand if you didn’t answer him.
“My father? I don’t know what happened to him...one day...he was just gone a-and for my mother? she died... let's see...um I was eleven.” You tried to blink away tears though as you were crying you felt a hand rest on your cheek. 
“I’m sorry.”
Clearing out your throat you let out a laugh smiling at him. “It wasn’t all bad...Aerith’s mother took me in after my mother's death and when I grew older I moved back into my old home.” You didn’t want to worry about the man but you weren’t going to lie, it felt nice for him to touch your cheek.
Pulling his hand back, the man forced himself not to blush. Now he could see why you and Aerith were close. “I lost my mother too.”
“Oh! Cloud I’m.” Stopping yourself you sighed resting your head on his shoulder. “I’m sure she would be proud of you.” You didn’t mean to say it, the words just slipped out but they were true.
You both turned to face each other, it wasn’t until now that you got a good look at his eyes. “Wow...your eyes.”
“Oh. It’s ‘Cause of the Mako. All SOLDIER’s have em.” He shifted his body, turning away from you. If his cheeks weren’t red before he was positive they were now.
“They’re beautiful.” Biting your lip you forced out a laugh standing up, dusting your dress off you noticed that the Carbuncle was curled up in Aerith’s arm. “Sorry I’m bumming you out...w..we should go.” Climbing down took a little time though you rolled your eyes once Cloud jumped down.
“Show off.”
Before Cloud could respond Aerith smiled as she slipped under the dome playhouse. Giving you both a grin she must have moved something before she slipped back out.
“This is how you get to sector 7 in style..go ahead.” Aerith did seem a little disappointed that her plan on leaving you two alone didn’t work.
Walking towards the entrance he sighed turned his attention to look at both of you. “Will you two be okay getting home alone?”
Shifting her body that statement seemed to make Aerith a little pleased. “And If I said we wouldn’t be?”
Looking over at you Cloud frowned taking a step forward. “Then I’ll go with you two.” Shaking his head he started to walk off.
“Cloud...I thought you had to get back.” You reached out to grab the man's wrist though you were quickly shushed by Aerith.
Rolling your eyes you stepped away from the woman you tried to hold you back. “I’m sure your friends miss you...so you ready to head back?”
You weren’t expecting to hear that, though Aerith nearly squealed as she grasped your arm. “Oh see Y/n! he’s gonna miss us.”
Just as you were going to convince the man to leave all of your attention turned to the doors opening up to a Chocobo pulling a lavish cart.
You and Aerith watch Cloud rush off after the cart and it didn’t take long for you and Aerith to follow after him. The two were talking you tried your best not to listen in but that didn’t seem to both Aerith as she stopped the man in his tracks. 
“Oh no you don’t....you’re going after her.”
“She’s right Cloud...I heard awful things about that man.” You weren’t going to mention that you heard them from your mother.
Listing to both of what you and Aerith had to say he then dropped his shoulders making his way to Wall Market. “Let's go.”
“Perfect!” You and Aerith smiled walking ahead of Cloud, the Carbuncle letting out a chirp. 
“Couldn’t agree more.”
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Stepping into Wall Market your eyes went wide, you never have seen anything like it before. Wincing you ignored the pain that started to form in the back of your skull, wandering away from Cloud and Aerith that started to the drive you instead started to pet the Chocobo.
“Aren’t you a cutie.” Smiling your fingers scratched the creature's cheek though you were startled by a voice.
“I’m surprised she even let out touch her....you must be somethin special.” Turning to the voice you spotted a tall man, a beard, and a cowboy hat. He was flipping a coin in his hand.
“Oh!...I’m sorry? I just really love animals and Chocobo’s...they’ve always been my favorite.” Giving him a small bow he let out a chuckle, it wasn’t until you finally noticed that Cloud and Aerith were watching you too.
Before Sam could get close to you, Cloud placed his body in front of yours though that didn’t stop for the man holding his hand out to you.
“You’re the splitin image of your mother.”
Eyes going wide you quickly stepped out from behinds Cloud back. “You knew my mother?!” “Darlin...your mother was one of the best workers I had.” Sam wrinkled his nose as he grasped your chin.“I’d say you got everything from that woman...minus that smile...I’m assuming you got that from your dad.” He didn’t sound too pleased when he mentioned your father.
“Though I seemed to have gotten distracted for the matter at hand.” He narrowed his eyes at Cloud. “I told ya what you need to know now take a walk and leave me out of it.” he seemed to have waved the man and Aerith off though it looked like he was debating on saying something to you with a shake of his head he stepped inside the building.
Confused you didn’t even notice Aerith say something until she placed her hand on your shoulder. “Right y/n?”
“Oh...right ha ha!.” Putting a smile you did your best to agree to them though soon you three were off to the man's mansion though your thoughts were still swimming from what Sam had told you. Your mother worked for, which would explain why she knew about Corneo. Frowning you did your push those thoughts down but you wanted to know more, perhaps you could sneak off to talk to Sam again.
Not paying attention you slammed into Clouds back but you must have been nothing since the man didn’t even move this time.
“You okay y/n?” Their’s Aerith concern for you again. Blinking you let out a laugh pushing your troubling thoughts away.
“Oh? I’m fine.” 
Celestine, on the other hand, jumped back on your shoulders, letting out a growl once one of the men standing in front of the door stopped Cloud from entering. Though they must have said something since Aerith volunteered both of you.
“What! he said pretty boys couldn’t enter so we’re the only choice!” Narrowing your eyes you nearly punched the guy in his face when you heard him insulting your friend. “Aerith isn’t homely! have you looked in a mirror!” You snapped stepping out from Clouds back pointing at the man.
“Hey Leslie, this one is really cute....with a little make up she’d be a knockout.” “What?!” You could have sworn your voice went up an octave and you had to catch Celestine from leaping at the guy.
“How about I knock you out.” Cloud let out a small growl pushing you behind his back again.
Aerith narrowed his eyes as she stepped close to one of the lackeys. “Cloud? Permission to kill?”
Before Aerith had a chance to respond the man Leslie did. “If you’re really sure you want to join an audition, then you’re gonna need an official approval.”
“How do we do that.?”
“The trio--the only ones in town who’re considered authorities on Corneos particular tastes.” Leslie sighed then shifted his body. “First, there’s Chocobo Sam....and then there’s Madam M over at the massage parlor. Last but not least, there’s the Honeybee Inn’s Andrea Rhodea.”
You stopped paying attention once Leslie mentioned Sam, maybe this was your chance to talk to the man alone. Shaking your head to turn to the voice that called out to you, looking up you spotted the concerned look on his face. 
“Well, what are we waiting for.”
Smiling you then turned to Leslie giving him a thumbs up. “Don’t you worry..we’ll be back.”
With a nod, you then stepped out the door with Cloud and Aerith following you but Cloud was the one to stop you in your tracks once you were on the bridge.
 “Are you two sure about this?”
“Of course Cloud! if y/n is in then I am too! no fear!”
Doing your best to steady your nerves you didn’t even notice how much your hands were shaking. While part of you wanted to help Clouds friend you just wanted to know about your mother. Biting your lip it took for you to dig your nails into your palm to run to the man once you spotted him still flipping that damn coin.
“Not you three again.” Sam frowned but gave a glance towards your direction. “Told ya once, I’ll tell you a thousand times- Got nothin’ for you. Now scram.” He then waved you off.
Digging your nails into your palm, you were getting sick of all this. “Hey! Hear us out!” You stepped forward, getting close to the man. “You’re one of the Trio, right? I want you to get...” No not you, you couldn’t pull that off. “I need to you get Aerith in for the Audition.”
“Y/n.” Aerith frowned stepping closer to you, she wished you had more confidence, she thought you were beautiful and just as strong at using magic.
“Why not?”
Now that was a surprise, you didn’t think the man would agree so quickly. “Sure, next time an audition comes around I’ll put your name in the hat.” and their it was.
“You can’t...this has to be the one.” You protested. “Please can’t you do something?”
Eyeing Aerith, Sam then shook his head as he turned his attention back to you. “No can do sweetheart..I already recommended Tifa in the running and she’s got this in the bag.”
“How do you know he’ll pick Tifa? he could pick me?”
“Damn you really want in don't ya?”
Giving him a smile Aerith nodded her head. “Sure do.”
Giving her a smirk he played with the coin in his hand. “Then how about we play for it.” Flipping the coin he then caught it in the air. “Call it, Missy. Heads or Tails? Guess right, and I’ll grant you your wish. Guess wrong and you’ll leave me in peace.”
“Tails. You lose.”
‘You lost...that couldn’t be right...you came to far to lose.’That was the thought running through your mind.
“Hey, Don’t look so glum.You’re a pretty enough gal, just...not quite Corneo’s cup of tea.”Sam nodded towards Aerith. “But if only the Don will do, try convincing on of the other two...that’s why it’s a Trio and not just the me-oh. Now Skedaddle” He then started to walk off though it was Cloud that stopped him in his tracks.
“Wait...Mind if I see that coin of yours?”
Giving him a smirk Sam tossed him the coin as Cloud inspected it. “Trick coin...I had a hunch.”
Gasping, your eyes went wide as Aerith continued to flip it over. “You bastard!...you’re a cheat!. You must be mistaken! Because my mother would never work for a conman like you! My mother was kind! she helped anyone like you! You’re delusional and have to have me mistaken for somebody else!”  You screamed at him as Cloud grasped your arm, the man could sense something powerful emerging from you. 
Panting you were shocked when the man started to laugh, shaking his head Sam walked down the steps as he pointed to you. “I like you, I’m sure you got a great left hook like her too.” Grasping his chin he then titled his head to the side. “How about this...I’ll get you...only you into the audition...though you can’t go and speak to anyone else...and nobody can know about this...so...do we have a deal?” He held out his hand to you.
Biting your lip you then looked up at the man with determination in your eyes. “Deal..but you’re going to tell me about my mother.” Grabbing his hand, you glanced back at Cloud. His protest falling on deaf ears. “I’m sorry...I have to do this..I’ll see you two soon...We’ll meet at the bridge in two hours.”
Aerith sighed as she watched her friend retreat into the shop, turning to Cloud she placed her hand on his shoulder. The man’s gaze now watching the closed door.
“Come on Cloud...let’s go try the other two...I still gotta chance. Besides y/n can handle herself.”
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Once you stepped into Sam’s well you didn’t know what to call it, your eyes quickly fell to the photo on the wall. Feeling your eyes started to water you noticed your mother immediately.
She was smiling that the camera, a cowboy hat on her head. A pair of boots, skirt and a shirt tied off at her stomach. She looked so young, so happy, shaking your head you then turned to face the man who was now leaning up against a counter top.
“Now that I’m here...talk.”
The Carbuncle jumping off your shoulder as it watched Sam closely.
“Well darlin...this is along tail so you might wanna sit down.”
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servetolive · 4 years
Spooky Cleno stream of consciousness Mermaid!AU
Where Reno is constantly at the docks bodying ppl, and every time a corpse falls into water, Mermaid!Prince Cloud thinks it's a gift for him.
So he drags each body back to the Water King Sephiroth, and is like "Look daddy, he gave me another one!"
Sephiroth: Who now?
Cloud: The Red-Headed Fisherman that gives, but never takes?
Sephiroth: *examines body* 🤨 idk lad, I'm pretty sure those are victims of foul play
Cloud: No, they're dolls. ☺️ Giant ones.
Sephiroth: Dolls that turn to coral after two months? Usually they're made of that plastic stuff that the seahorses choke on...
Cloud: That means they're real, and more valuable, since they don't hurt us! He's the one. 😍
Sephiroth: ... *pats him on the head* young fool. Why can't you be normal like your brothers here?
Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo: *fighting over plankton, digging in nose, writing a corny operetta*
Cloud sighs and swims to the surface to lament to the half moon that his sheltered family doesn't take his designs to experience Life Beyond the Foam seriously. He spots Reno there, about to light a cigarette.
Reno hears a ripple in the water. At first, he believes that he may not have properly tied the weights to the body well enough, but there's enough moonlight visible to bounce off of a few shimmering scales, pale skin and glowing blue eyes.
"The fuck...?"
His cigarette falls from his mouth into the water, followed by the lighter. He's seeing things.
He blinks, and the creature is gone.
He shakes his head and steps away from the ledge, placing another cigarette into his mouth. "Gotta chill on the hallucinogens," he tells himself. He reaches into his pocket, and finds empty space.
Fuck. That was his last one.
Cloud watches him go, just below the surface, and reaches out to take the cigarette and lighter below with him.
When he tries to place the cigarette into his mouth, it sags. Quickly, he tries to click the lighter into action before it crumbles completely, and fails.
Sad, but happy to have another artifact, he dives below to meet his family for dinner.
The next time the Fisherman comes to the docks, there is quite a bit of commotion. Cloud goes to investigate and sees that one of the giant dolls is fighting the Fisherman.
Cloud watches, wide eyed and fearful as the two of them fall into the dock together, and dives.
Even though it's dark and they're below water, his Fisherman moves like one of them, dodging each punch and kick the way an angler fish darts about; twisting his body from the Living Doll's grip gracefully, the way an eel does.
Still, the Doll is much larger than him. He wraps his two large arms around his Fisherman's neck. Cloud watches in horror as the whites from his teeth show and a school of bubbles escapes through them.
He looks straight at him. He sees Cloud. He's going to drown.
Quickly, Cloud dives down to the shallow bed. He finds a piece of rope slung around an old piece of hand-shaped coral, and makes his way back to the melee. He throws the rope around the Doll's neck, in the same way he had seen the Fisherman do, and crosses them behind his neck.
The red-head breaks free, and climbs frantically to the surface. The Doll tries desperately to reach behind himself for Cloud, but his scales slip out of his hands, cutting them open.
It takes all of his strength, but he doesn't let go until he stops moving.
On the surface, Reno holds onto a wooden leg beneath the dock, gasping for air, expelling poisoned water from his lungs. Beside him, his mark's corpse bouys up, startling him.
Behind him, the blonde Fish Boy.
Cloud swims toward him, and then stops to observe. His eyes are wide, the color of foam, but he doesn't scream. He doesn't swim away.
He isn't scared, like the other Bipedals.
When he swims even closer, he's delighted that his Fisherman slips a gentle arm around his waist, neither tearing his scales nor injuring himself.
"What the fuck are you?" He whispers.
Cloud can hear him, but he doesn't understand. He can't respond, either.
But he had heard his father's friend Tseng, who was very old and wise, and had been among Bipedals, say that a kiss was an interspecies gateway to communication.
So he kisses him.
Reno doesn't fight it, or push away; not until he can't breathe. The moment that occurs, Cloud grabs hold of his lapels and dives below with him, holding him, until there are no more bubbles emerging from their mouths.
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rune-writes · 3 years
Holiday Cookies
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Shinra Holiday 2020 » Day 1: Bake it til’ you make it
Word count: 1834
Rating: G
Summary: Elena isn't the best cook. As she is trying to make holiday cookies for Tseng, Reno walks in on her.
Note: A bit late, but here’s my entry for the Shinra Holiday 2020 event. This is also my first time writing the Turks, so hope you enjoy :)
Read on AO3.
“What are you doing?” 
Elena jumped at the sudden voice. Her hand that was stirring another batch of cookie dough jolted to a halt. She knew that voice—that arrogant, half-amused, in perpetual teasing voice. As though he had the entire world in the palm of his hand. Reno stood in the now-open doorway, one brow raised in question. 
How had he found her there? Elena had asked to use the kitchen in the dead of night when all the kitchen staff had gone home. They’d let her, albeit begrudgingly, and lent her the key, making her promise to make sure no one came and stole food from the pantry. Apparently they’d had a case of a thief for several nights, and no, it hadn’t been a rat. 
“Good thing I’m not Tseng, though, right?”
Reno’s scoff brought Elena’s mind back to the situation. At the tilt of her head, Reno made a deliberate scan of the chaotic counter between them. Flour was strewn about, with splashes of milk and butter and egg, and in the center of it all was a plate stacked high with burned cookies. 
Elena’s face went red with mortification. 
“It’s not like no one knows,” Reno went on. “Except Tseng, that is.”
He crossed the kitchen, then sat on a stool he pulled from beneath the counter. He picked a cookie from the top of the stack, burned black and cut into what was supposed to be a gingerbread man, but the edges had crumbled, leaving only a decapitated head. Reno’s smile was crooked, but before Elena could warn him, he had taken a bite off the head. The grimace came almost immediately, his brows scrunched in disgust. 
“What is this?”
Elena looked away and continued stirring the dough, willing her heated face to cool.
“If you’re thinking of giving these to Tseng, I suggest you think twice before—”
“How did you get here?” She cut him mid-sentence. She didn’t need his lecture to know how badly she’d messed up her first batch—and second. And third. Besides, it was two in the morning and she had locked the door. 
“I’m on standby,” Reno replied, as though that justified him visiting the pantry in the middle of the night. “Figured I could swipe a chicken leg or something.” Elena half wondered if he was the one who’d been stealing food, but the thought stopped midway when she heard a soft crunch from behind her. 
Her hand paused. Did he eat another? Those ruined, burned-black, disgusting cookies? Her heart had sunk at the sight of them when she’d pulled the tray out of the oven. But she’d figured the taste mattered more than the appearance and had taken a bite from a tree-shaped cookie. She’d almost gagged. Her second batch had come out still burned, but at least it was edible. Still not enough to present to Tseng, though. 
“You, on the other hand,” Reno went on. Elena glanced at him. He tossed the last of a star-shaped cookie in his mouth, his grin turning wry. “Didn’t expect you to be the sneaky type.”
“What do you mean sneaky?” Reno waved the cookie as if to make a point. Then he eyed the mess on the counter. Elena’s frown deepened. She set her bowl down and turned around to face him, her hands on her hips. “For your information, they let me borrow the kitchen. Unlike someone.”
“At least I didn’t spend a week’s worth of cooking ingredients.” He picked a cookie from the top of the stack, one of the edible-looking ones, and bit into it. His brows drew together, but he still gulped everything down. “Imagine what the chef would say once he sees his storage is empty.”
Reno was exaggerating. Elena was only into her second bag of flour and had only used half a bag of sugar and several eggs. They were only a fraction of what the kitchen staff used daily. She doubted they would even notice. 
“They know I’m making cookies,” Elena said in defense of herself. 
“Bet they didn’t know you’re only just trying it out.” Reno picked another cookie from the plate. He inspected the round and plain chocolate chip, his lips pulled into a deep scowl at the black surface. “Tell me, did you follow a bad recipe, or are you just a plain kitchen disaster?”
“If you don’t have any constructive criticism to give, the door’s that way.”
“I’m just saying.” Reno tossed the cookie back onto the plate before picking another—a cane-shaped cookie with white icing on top. She’d hoped it could have masked the burnt taste, but she’d made the icing too salty. “Don’t be too ambitious if you don’t have any baking experience, and—” Reno swiped at the icing and licked it off his finger. He didn’t bother to hide his revolt. “Don’t mistake sugar with salt, please.” 
That was only one time, though now a bag of icing lay in waste on top of the counter. That would earn her an earful from the head chef. 
Reno exhaled a loud, exasperated sigh. He pushed himself off his stool then moved around the counter, taking the mixing bowl from Elena. “You don’t have enough flour,” he said with a click of his tongue as he tested the gooey consistency of her batter with the spatula. He pinched a little of the batter with his finger, and Elena held her breath as she watched Reno taste it. “At least you used sugar this time.”
“Of course I did!”
He glanced around, then grabbed the measuring cup sitting next to the flour bag. “How many cups of flour did you use?”
Elena bit back her frown as she wondered what Reno was going to do. “Three?” she said. Reno quirked a disbelieving brow at her, and Elena folded her arms. “I followed the recipe okay! It’s not my fault it doesn’t go the way it’s supposed to.”
“Then whose fault is it? The oven?” 
Reno scoffed and reached toward the bag of flour to scoop for another cup. Elena’s eyes grew wide in horror and she was about to stop him. She could do this herself—she had to do this herself. What would be the point if she didn’t make the cookies she would give Tseng tomorrow?
“Just tell him you spent all night at the kitchen,” Reno said, adding half a cup of the flour into the dough through a strainer. He set the cup down, then began mixing the batter. “That’s not exactly a lie.”
“But—” Elena pursed her lips and looked away, ignoring the way her cheeks burned. “Stop reading my mind.”
“Then stop being an open book.”
Elena huffed and gritted her teeth. She could never win against her particularly obnoxious senior.
Reno mixed the batter with the spatula with expert dexterity. He added more flour when the batter was still too viscid, then mixed it some more until the consistency resembled a cookie dough. Elena found herself entranced by the way he moved with ease, the blue in his eyes focused solely on the task at hand.
“Can you really bake?” she asked.
Reno’s laugh surprised her—the sort of startled laughter as if she’d said something stupid. “I’m a Turk,” was all he said, as though that answered everything. She was a Turk herself, but she knew nothing about the kitchen. Though that was nothing new. Her own family had forbidden her to enter the kitchen, even when nobody was home. That was why she had to use the company’s kitchen in the small hours.
What if Reno was only putting on airs and the cookies he made now turned out worse than her own burned batch? What if he was playing her? Elena wouldn’t put it past him. Then Tseng wouldn’t look at her the same way ever again—and not in the way she hoped. 
“You don’t believe me that much?” Elena blinked. Reno was looking at her from the corners of his eyes, a frown playing across his face. “All I want is to save Tseng from getting hospitalized. Now, either you get out of my way or you get me the parchment paper.”
He’d sounded so stern that for a split second, Elena had thought she was on a mission and he was her field superior. She stood at attention, then responded the way she would have as a member of the Turks. It wasn’t until she caught his tiny, teasing grin as she was turning around that she realized he was messing with her. Unease, mixed with exasperation, creeped its way into her heart.
“You’re not pulling my leg, right?”
His delayed answer made her think of the worst. He hadn’t added anything strange into the bowl while she wasn’t looking, had he? She could just imagine Tseng’s expression. The cookie would look good on the outside, but the moment her superior bite into it—the grimace, the disgust, the gag. What if he threw up in front of her? He’d get hospitalized for sure!
“You like him that much, huh?” 
Reno’s eyes were uncharacteristically drawn, a slight crinkle around the corners that made him look... gentle, for once. Teasing still, but kind. In a blink-or-she’d-miss-it moment, his smile turned tender. Then he looked away and resumed his mixing. 
“Relax,” he said. “After tasting your cooking, I fear for Tseng’s life if he has to eat it.” She took offense, her lips pulling into a scowl as a retort formed behind her mouth, but then he said, “Just take it as me trying to express Holiday spirits. I’m being sincere here for once, you know.” 
That was the last thing Elena expected him to say. Holiday spirits? Sincere? Elena never thought those words existed in his vocabulary. For all she knew, her senior’s sincerity only existed on the battlefield when his target stood at the other end of his electro-mag rod. Elena had no reason to trust him, yet she had no reason not to trust him either. Maybe Reno really was doing her a favor. Whatever his reasons had been for visiting the kitchen so late at night, he was here helping her bake cookies when he was supposed to be on standby. Should she take him up on his offer? He’d do things his way no matter what she said.
“Fine,” she finally said. She turned around on her feet, then reached for the parchment papers in the cupboard. She spread it over the counter, but before Reno could scoop the now-thickened dough onto the paper, she held her hand over it, stopping him. “But if Tseng throws up in front of me, I’m going to say you made it for him.”
A pause, in which Reno’s turquoise eyes met her dark brown ones. The grin that spread over his face was almost challenging, but then he laughed a hearty laugh that came from his stomach and shook his shoulders. 
“Deal,” he said, then he scooped the dough onto the parchment. 
~ END ~
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secret-engima · 4 years
Okay, now I'm imagining one of the 'verses that Zack-Noctis, Aerith-Luna, and Cloud-Prompto (+Ignis and Gladio) trip into, is an /FF7/ verse. When Cloud was just a cadet and Zack was /even more/ of a hyperactive puppy.
hgfdhgf TOTAL CHAOS.
Adorable Chaos.
Gonna just yet the ff7 timeline into the stratosphere because I Do What I Want for this. But basically this is a Happy Ending AU were Stuff Happened so that Gen never degraded/defected, Angeal never defected, Seph is mentally stable, and while Shinra is still a thing to be dealt with at least nobody is calling down meteors on anything else. Cloud is a little Cadet person who accidentally caught Genesis’s eye and so is not the Poet’s apprentice, and Zack is as hyper as ever.
-The five of them trip into the FF7 verse and we’ll make them teenagers and stuff for this, Noctis (15), Luna (19), and Prompto (15) all insta-recognize it and freak. Ignis (17) and Gladio (18) take their cue from the freaking and are very cautious. They don’t ask why the three know so much about this strange place or are so agitated but Ignis is Fussing and Gladio is ready to hit something. Luna softly says hey’ll just- have to avoid “everyone important” and the Astrals will undo this as soon as they can.
-Their luck being what it is, they are somewhere in the slums of Midgar and while killing monsters for gil to stay somewhere that isn’t an alley for the night (WHY DO THE MONSTER BODIES DISAPPEAR Ignis hisses the first time the monster he was inspecting for potential recipe material disappeared into thin air, leaving coins and junk behind), they hear someone else fighting monsters and having Trouble.
-Reacting on their Good Guy instincts, they race around the corner and find a Whopping Freaking Behemoth growling it’s way through a street way too small for it, chasing two someones that Noctis doesn’t really pay attention too in his haste to fling a fireball in the Behemoth’s face to slow it down. The beast slows and Cloud rockets by, his sword a flash of silver light as he hops up the dingy wall and somehow (Nif experimentation strength, adrenaline, and magic) beheads the thing in one massive strike (Gladiolus, watching from the entrance of the street where he’s guarding Ignis, Luna, and the people that Behemoth was chasing, quickly acknowledges his jealousy and lets it go, because Prompto is just Like That).
-Prompto lands on the dead body of the Behemoth and flicks the blood off his blade as he looks around (escaped experiment from the labs he’s betting, and the thought of it makes his blood feel very cold). Noctis nods grimly at him, coming to the same conclusion and reminder.
-Then, from the head of the alley, someone breathes, “That, was ... SO COOL.”
-Prompto, looking over Noctis’s head from his perch, goes dead white. Noctis knows what he’s going to see the moment he turns around but somehow can’t stop himself from looking anyway.
-Bright-faced and energetic, innocent in a way Noctis has never been able to fully pull off, is one SOLDIER Second Class Zack Fair, staring at the two of them with hero worship in his eyes as he dusts himself off and bounds past a startled Gladio to all but vibrate in front of Noctis and Prompto, “How’d you do that? You just- WHOOSH and SHING and it was DEAD. I didn’t think anyone but a SOLDIER First could do that!”
-While Noctis tries to wrap his head around himself (had he really been that hyper? No wonder Angeal called him Puppy), Prompto blinks past Zack (ghost ghost bloody-tired-ghost-rain-blood-steel-you-are-my-living-legacy-) he sees the second person standing there being fussed at by Ignis and almost loses his grip on his Fusion Sword.
-Cadet Cloud Strife is watching Ignis with a touch of hero worship in his own eyes as the older teen expertly applies a potion to the scratches and cuts, never letting on that he’s spotted the eerie similarities between Prompto, Noctis and these two strangers.
-Their attention is dragged back to Zack by his waving arms as he chatters a mile a minute, then rapidly snagged by the sound of approaching footsteps from the far end of the street, the direction the Behemoth had come from.
-Noctis already knows who is running around that corner. His nerve breaks and he BOLTS. Zack yips a protest as Noctis rushes by, Prompto on his heels, trying to escape before HE can come around the corner and see them. Gladio sees the look on his prince’s face and starts herding Iggy and Luna away-.
-Genesis rounds the bend in front of them the exact moment Angeal rounds the corner behind. Both of them having rushed to the scene to try to save their apprentices.
-Noctis can only hear static. It’s ... it’s different from seeing Angeal in his new body, his reborn self. This- this is a ghost of the man he adored and looked up to as a father, this is a perfect memory of the man he was forced to KILL. This is- this is ANGEAL. Noctis cannot deal.
-Ignis ends up doing all the talking on the group’s behalf while Zack makes things ... worse unintentionally by excitedly recounting the story of how Prompto one-shot the Behemoth.
-Genesis confirms it with Cloud.
-Both men, honorable in their own way, insist on paying for a Proper Hotel for the group as thanks, which means taking them above plate. Ignis makes up a story of how they are Hunters (which ... they are technically, just not in this world) and were just visiting the city when they heard the sounds of fighting.
-They get dropped off at the hotel and Noctis and Prompto spend a good hour sobbing in the bathroom over their respective ghosts while Luna hesitantly tries to explain why to Ignis and Gladio without ... SAYING why. After that, the group put their heads together to make a plan, because Noctis and Prompto are SURE that SHINRA will come sniffing around soon.
-By morning, Noctis and Prompto have composed themselves and gotten ... sorta enough sleep.
-Prompto is not surprised how, the moment the clock turns to “reasonable hour of the morning” there is a knock on the door. He is less surprised when he opens it to find a Turk on the other side.
-He promptly shuts the door again.
-He makes a rude gesture at Ignis’s back when the older teen sighs at his bad manners and opens the door to let the devil man in with a murmured apology and vague excuse that Prompto doesn’t handle mornings well. The Turk is Tseng, because of course it is, and he’s come to formally thank them for their assistance the other day in saving the lives of two of their employees (Read: here to investigate how a group of unknown teens showed up out of literal nowhere, how one of them used a fireball spell without seeming to have any materia on his person and how the twig-blond one-shot a Behemoth like a SOLDIER First).
-Ignis and Luna handle all the talking because Noctis is oddly quiet (afraid of being too like Zack), Prompto has gone straight non-verbal, and Gladiolus is a bit busy trying to keep his two friends on a sane keel.
-Tseng notices all of the interplay, but isn’t sure what to make of it. He notices the way the black haired one seems agitated in his presence and how the blond has flickering mako shine in his eyes as he folds in on himself and shuts down at the sight of Tseng’s suit. He notices he way Ignis and Gladio are neutral to him like true strangers would, but the gentle girl named Luna watches him with an old, eerie sort of knowing fondness.
-They are not what they seem, he thinks to himself.
-But what are they?
-Anyway long ficlet made slightly shorter, Tseng talks them into coming to the tower to receive a thank you gift from SHINRA and maybe give a demonstration to some of the cadets while they were at it, as a ... show and tell from an outsider perspective. They don’t have any choice but to agree, and Noctis shakes off his uneasiness to be a more muted version of energetic to help Prompto cope.
-The SOLDIER Firsts and their apprentices are there too, because of course they are, and Noctis slides into his element showing off for the cadets with Gladio’s help while Prompto spaces out at the nearest wall. Angeal comes over to talk to Noctis and thank him and stuff and Zack is already trying to acquire another blond buddy (Prompto slides back into non-verbal blank looks and is ... dimly surprised by Cloud coming to his defense with an innocent, “Take it easy, Zack, he’s shy.” before smiling. Prompto doesn’t remember smiling as Cloud. Not like that. Easy and friendly and innocent.)
-SOMEHOW. Genesis ends up picking a fight with Noctis. Because Genesis. Prompto, eager to burn off some tension, intercedes on Noctis’s behalf and ends up flattening Genesis in three moves.
-Genesis gets up with a manic look in his eye and Sephiroth is staring like a cat that just spotted a bird. Angeal’s eyebrows are up to his hairline and Zack is “ooo”ing in awe.
-Genesis tries again, Prompto flattens him in five moves this time.
-Ignis steps in before a real fight can happen and politely excuses the group because they have places to be.
-Prompto has never been more grateful for Gentiana’s timing than the moment they step out of Shinra’s office and slide into the crowd. In between one heartbeat and the next, one shifting of the large, busy crowd and another, she arrives and whisks them home.
-The Turks have no idea how they lost the group of teens, but they never find them again.
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dark-elf-writes · 3 months
Kid four being a weird little dude is so important to me.
The others are like we love you lots but you gotta chill out my guy. You’re scaring the cat with your gecko impersonation.
Meanwhile he’s staring back at them, eyes wide fucking open, without blinking because geckos lick their eyes but his isn’t long enough so he just has to hold out as long as he can u til he succumbs to the blink
Isnfjdjdjdjdjsnndad like all the kids are weird in their own way but Kid Four is weird in his own special way. Just a strange little dude that each of the other kids would fight to the death for if anyone even thought of being mean to him.
When asked what they want to be/who they want to be like when they get older there is of course a lot of “Cloud! Tifa! Barret!” With even a few odder ones like Tseng and Reno thrown in, but Kid Four doesn’t even hesitate before he answers
“Cait Sith.”
They all blink. Denzel slowly asks “You mean like Reeve?”
Kid Four shakes his head. “I want to ride a giant Moogle and tell fortunes for a living.”
Cloud doesn’t even blink at that only ruffling the kid’s hair and telling him he can see if Reeve has the time to make one of the Moogles big enough to carry the kids around. (And honestly he’s relieved. He loves his friends, loves the kids, but he wants at least one of them to want a different life. To not want to be a fighter. To have the peace and opportunities available that they can be so unapologetically them without fear of what will happen to the rest of the world or if they will have the money to support themselves being a fortune teller. They will. He will make sure they will.)
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sorabeebb · 4 years
After reading a lot of fics and imagines, I decided to write and post something about my Oc and Reno during the events of Before Crisis 😊
Hope you like it! And I’m sorry if Reno is out of character and if there’re mistakes, english isn’t my first language.
Pairing: Reno x Oc (Neila)
Warnings: swearing, blood,torture, mentions of dead.
Word count : 3024
The deafening sound that was being made by the chopper’s propeller didn’t give a chance to strike up a conversation. The long ride to the proximities of Nibelheim was spent in complete silence between the two Turks and the SOLDIER. It wasn’t uncommon during war times that the brute-strength from SOLDIER and the slyly approach, a Turk’s trait, were paired up when required. Although the built-up rivalry between the two sections could be almost touched. 
Tseng ,on one of the two pilot seats, never took part in these meaningless arguments. He thought both divides had their purposes to benefit Shinra interests. The Turks were more suitable for works which didn’t need a straight strike like  SOLDIERs were. Of course they had to deal with more or less undesirable tasks but Turks were more refined than that. 
However Reno at his left, on the other pilot seat was everything a Turk shouldn’t be. He had got a big mouth, usually tried to pick up fights with SOLDIERs, with obnoxious ways of doing missions but he was good accomplishing them nevertheless. Tseng had to give that to him. 
On the other hand was Neila, a second-class SOLDIER,  at the back of the chopper. Tseng had scouted her some years prior in Junon, dragging her out of that fortified  town straight to the SOLDIER tests. He had seen potential into that teenage girl, which soon was proved. She had a way with magic and an extraordinary stamina. Perhaps she didn’t demonstrate a powerful brute force or strength as most SOLDIERs did, but in reality she had got it after all those mako baths and trainings. Neila had trained her ass to where she was standing.
The ride could have been worse if the airscrew hadn’t plunged the snarky remarks of Reno about the unnecessary presence of a SOLDIER around. 
Tseng just became lost into some mission reports or files just after Reno had taken the helicopter off, , whilst Neila had brought some book with her to read at the back seats calmly.  
After almost six hours of riding, Tseng took control of the chopper. “The last sighting of Hideki was of him heading to the mountains. Some trail must have been left behind. Find him and recover the files he has stolen. Then put them back into the Shinra Manor” He repeated the main parts of their mission.. 
“Gotcha.” Reno confirmed, stepping to the doors, while Neila gave just a nod as acknowledge.
“Don’t get yourselves into fights. Discretion, Reno!” Tseng called the red-haired Turk out.” is a must.” He still didn’t understand why Veld had chosen him for this mission. Other Turks would have been more suitable for this task, but Veld suspected Avalanche had something to do with it. Furthermore, the stolen goods were important classified op about secret experiments, which had been made years ago. He guessed the third in command Turk was the best option at his boss’ eyes. 
Tseng would retreat to Rocket Town, something about another mission of his, where he would wait till Reno notified him theirs was complete.
Jumping off, Reno and Neila fell over the rocky floor. Fresh and clean air filled their nostrils rapidly. They had landed far from the village, in the mountain chains surrounding it. 
Neila tensed up the same moment her feet touched the field. An odd grieving feeling started to overwhelm her, with a rhythmic pounding, beating softly at the sides of her head. She assumed the lack of rest was the reason behind it.    
A sour grimace appeared upon Reno’s face. He hated the countryside with all of his being. He had grown up in the slums, used to the mako steam filling the air, and although he was the first one to say the slums were garbage, Midgar felt like home, and all that rural areas with its nature and clean air sickened him. 
“ Let’s finish this fucking shit as soon as possible “ Reno said, pocketing out a cigarette, and lighting it up. Both of them strode up the hills, scouting the fields for any signs of Hideki. 
“You know smoking is bad for your health, right?” Neila spoke once she kneeled down before some footsteps. The headache fading away with each step they took farther.
“ And what?” He retorted after her irritated. She had seen him smoking several times before, often hanging out after a long day at work. What has gotten into her now?  
“ Nothing, just that is bad, I doubt Veld approves his Turks ruining their health. “ She turned her head to look at him. 
“ Lucky for you,  Veld doesn’t have a say about it.” He puffed on his cigar slowly, as a silent challenge. 
“ It’s a bad addiction. Just saying.” She wasn’t that fond of  his harsh attitude, which intimidated and annoyed her. 
“ There are worse addictions. I’ll die first working than from smoking, sweetheart. But your concern touched me.” Sarcasm in his voice, irritating Neila more. “Besides, you’re one to talk.” A SOLDIER trying to lecture him about bad addictions. He felt the urge of laughing at the occurrence. 
“ Suit yourself then.” She gave up about having a civilised conversation with the Turk. “ These footsteps… Hideki must have climbed up to the top. What do you think?” 
Reno kneeled besides her frame,invading her personal space and inspecting the trail. “ What a dimwit.” His cerulean eyes following the tracks ahead them. 
“ Excuse me?” Neila frowned at his words, and stood up on her feet again, glaring at him amazed.  The warmth his figure let off had felt so good against her bare arms.
Reno started to stride up the path, leaving her behind. “ If he’s gonna steal from Shinra, at least he could have tried not to let a sloppy trail of footsteps. Not that I’m complaining though.” He wasn’t, he rather wanted to be back in Midgar soon, but he also liked some type of challenge, not something this… simple. 
“ If you say so… Well,this way we’ll finish the mission in a record time.” 
“ Don’t get your hopes up, sweetheart. These mountains are full of monsters who have been living between mako residues for years. It will be a miracle if Hideki has not been devoured by those freaks yet. “ 
“ That’s why I’ve been deployed too? Because there are mako-contaminated monsters roaming around?” Neila guessed.
Reno didn’t answer her, and just keep on going up to the peak of the mountain, following Hideki’s clues. 
“ Now that I think about it. Does Hideki have anything to do with Wutai?” Neila asked again with curiosity. Brilliant mako eyes searching for the named man around the caves and boulders in their path. 
“ If I tell ya, I’ll have to kill ya.” A cocky smirk curled up his lips, shooting a side glare to the SOLDIER, while he threw the cigarette and stepped on it.  
“ You wouldn’t, not that you could anyway.” A loud laugh burst from him, who bent forward slightly, pulling a hand on his chest. “ What’s so funny?” 
“ Oh, sweetheart, I would, but not before enjoying other things first.” He sent a playful wink towards her, hidden intentions not that well hidden. The attraction between them wasn’t a secret though. 
“ In your dreams Reno.” Neila answered back, folding her arms and rolling her eyes. 
“ Have already done that yo.” Playfulness splattered upon all his features, and enjoying the blushing and embarrassment creeping Neila up. 
They were reaching the top without any unpleasant encounters, yet. Maybe Reno was right,and Hideki had already been eaten up. 
“ I know you’re joking, cut it off.” She ended the talk, ashamed. She would be lying if she said she didn’t think about it before. Even if Reno was insufferable most of the time, he still was attractive with his flashy red hair, blue eyes and those red marks, and without saying his strange selection of customized uniform. And his personality was tempting too, although it pushed her buttons too many times. 
“Oh? You are ashamed now? A strong SOLDIER like you? “ He carried his ironic remarks on, making her still more uncomfortable. 
“ I’m gonna make you swallow that rod of yours unless you shut up.” He was driving her up the wall. 
“ I would like to see ya trying to do it. “ The joking end up abruptly when a cry out for help crossed the air. Both of them ran up the last steps till the top, being welcomed by a hideous scene. 
There was their target, surrounded by a group of what looked like a four mutated praying mantis. Mako influence for sure. A leg and an arm had been ripped off from his body, blood gathering on the rocky land beside him. 
The bugs must have come across the man shortly before them. Unless they finished the monsters off, Hideki would be eaten and no options of getting information from him would be possible. 
Jumping out to action, Reno took his electric rod out, and Neila her sword. Although the mantis weren’t that many, the mako running through their organisms, made them stronger, and a  pain in the ass. 
If Neila remembered right from previous encounters, Mantis’ weak point was ice magic. “ Reno, back off!” She yelled out, while she gently caressed the green materia placed inside her left bracelet’s gauge.
The Turk was about to retort at her, but with his characteristic speed, he retreated back after noticing her intentions. 
The ice magic flew straight across the battlefield, hitting and freezing three of them. 
Now getting rid of the mantis should be a piece of cake.  With three frozen-up, the remaining  one didn’t stand a single chance. 
Lightning trails were drawn around the frozen monsters, followed by unpleasant cries in pain, which would have caused your ears to start bleeding.In the blink of an eye, Reno had wipe those things out with just one strike. 
“Man, I hate the bug-type monsters, I really do.” Neila murmured after taking care of the last one at Hideki’s foot. Her standard SOLDIER sword deeply impaled in its thorax, and some type of purplish blood splashed on her uniform.  
“ Well now, now… What do we have here?” Reno walked slowly, watching the almost limbless man laying down in agony. The facade he had showed previously around her, was replaced by a sadistic and cruel one, sending goosebumps down her spine. 
The SOLDIER wasn’t unaware of the inhuman things the Turks did, but she had never got the opportunity to witness one yet. 
Realization shone in the dark eyes of Hideki. “ A-a Turk!” stuttering, he dragged himself as far as he was able from Reno. “ Please! I didn’t do anything!” 
“ Of course you would say that, wouldn’t ya?”  Reno stepped onto Hideki’s stomach, pinning him down with force, not letting him more room to scape, or keep dragging on. “Now about the files you’ve stolen...Do you still have them on you or did you already give them away?
“ Reno, he’s lost too much blood. He won't…” Neila tried to say watching carefully the blood ponds. 
“ Please have mercy! I didn’t give nothing away! “ The man yelled, air leaving his lungs in short breaths. He didn’t have much time left. 
“Oh? So you still have them. “ Reno checked inside Hideki’s backpack, finding some type of old books and folders. “Who’s your contact?” 
Neila was speechless with the scene in front of her. Their target was crying and shouting due to an unbearable pain, his blood still blooming from his open cuts and lost limbs. And Reno was interrogating him not caring about his poor and bloody status. 
She had also done unnamed acts in her missions during the war time, but her work never consisted in torturing like this. 
“I don’t have a contact!” 
Reno chuckled before positioning his electric rod upon the man’s throat, as a silent threat. “ I’ll ask again idiot. Who’s your contact?” 
“Please!” an electric wave went across the injured body, more screams of pain could be heard, but soon were vanished amongst the rocky walls of the tallest mountains.
“Did ya change your mind? Or should I keep playing with you? Long time I don’t electrocute someone, I’ll be sure of making the most of it.” The Turk was smiling pleased with the sight of the man shouting. 
“Fujito! It’s Fujito!” Hideki answered. Fear could be read on his face. 
“Where?”  Reno pressed more the bar against his skin. 
“In the nearness of Wutai! Please I don’t know more, let me go!” 
A sigh escaped Reno’s mouth while he was dialing Tseng, who picked up instantly. He told Tseng all the information obtained, and after a brief minutes and a nod, Reno pocketed back his phone. 
Tseng must have given him directions.
“ Not that you would be able to reach that far… “ With a last look at Hideki, Reno stepped off of him, and walked back down the slope. “Come on sweetheart, we still have work to finish with. “ A gesture with his left hand told her it was the time to continue. 
Neila ran behind him, words caught in her throat, unable to bring them up. Some things couldn’t be approved, but work was work, and they had to do it. 
The flirtatious and cocky facade had been back on Reno’s face during the long rambling to Nibelheim. Several encounters with monsters slowed their descent.  Even though the mission had started rather earlier in the morning, when the sun hadn’t risen down yet, it was almost nightfall when they reached the village.
“ I guess we’ll have to leave things for today, don’t ya think?” 
“ Probably.” The headache had returned with every step they took. Not that it wouldn’t let her fight or keep with the mission, but it was getting tiresome now.
“I’ll notify Tseng, go ahead babe.” Reno stood outside the inn while Neila entered to ask for the room keys. The owner would be kinder to her in her second class SOLDIER uniform than to Reno with his characteristic and recognisable black suit.  
“ It was about time a SOLDIER was sent here to clean up the surroundings crawling with beasts.” The owner greeted her with a smile. 
“ Yeah, well… “ Shyness taking the best of her. She was awful at talking with strangers. 
“ Shinra booked two chambers, I guess those are yours. “ Veld must have taken care of it. The girl nodded, uncomfortable. “ Here you are. If you’re gonna clean the place, you’re gonna need a place to rest.” the keys were put on the wooden counter. 
“Thank you.” Taking the keys, she was ready to head up to the chambers, but Reno shuffled himself inside the inn, greeting the owner, whose face changed to a grimace of disgust.   
The Turks weren’t well welcomed here either. 
“ I’m exhausted sweetheart, we should go to bed. “ his arm over her shoulders, guiding her upstairs. 
“ Your key.” Neila offered the object to Reno. “ And please, hands off of me.” 
“ You’re hurting me.” A false expression of pain crossed Reno face, while he grab the key, but still refused to let her go. “ Acting all tough as if you don’t want it.” mockery present in his tone. 
“ That’s because…” 
“Don’t you dare lying to me. I’m not blind, nor I’m a fool. We’ve been toying with each other for a while.” He cut her off after a chuckle. Reno was starting to get tired of this shit. Fooling around was okay for a bit, but not for that long.  
“ And? You’ve got a problem with it?” swallowing the shyness, she was able to answer him. She wasn’t used to flirting , let alone a straightforward confrontation like this. For Bahamut, she had never had anything with anyone. When she was still a teenager Tseng had brought  her along to Midgar as a SOLDIER candidate. All of that romantic stuff was new for her. 
“ Don’t ya think it’s enough?” Reno had dragged her in front of him,holding her still with his hands on her shoulders, and leaned forward, blue eyes focused on hers. 
“ I doubt the corridor is the best place to discuss anything Reno.” tearing apart her gaze to the side.
“ You’re a tease.”  Reno might have been a sadistic, and might have done inexcusable things during his career, but forcing a woman was out of the question. There were some boundaries that couldn’t be crossed. 
“ It’s just that… I’ve never…” She whispered, ashamed. 
“ Ya know that I know, don’t ya?”  He had thought she wouldn’t have been that idiot to believe  that he hadn’t caught that she was inexperienced. He was a Turk for Bahamut's shake, he had been trained to pick up into people’s traits. Besides, her clumsy acts and nervous reactions at his flirting, demonstrated her innocence, anyone with two eyes would have caught it in a jiffy.    
The surprise in her features said otherwise. He let out an exasperated sigh, and released her shoulders, letting her free of his grip.It wasn’t that he was going to give up, but until she had made up her mind, he wouldn’t make a move “ It’s late and we still have a long day tomorrow. A comfy bed is waiting for us so… see ya tomorrow’s morning sweetheart. “ Giving her one of his signature smiles and shuffled to his assigned chamber.
Neila bit her lip, thoughts racing across her mind, but walked behind him and tugged his clothed arm, turning him to face her. 
His mouth slightly opened of surprise at the sudden movement she had done. This time Neila was the one leaning forward to him, her eyes sparkling with resolution.
Well, it looked like she had already made her mind up. In the blink of an eye, Reno shortened the distance till their lips meet into a sweet and naive kiss briefly.
 Once they broke apart, the smug smirk made its way back to Reno’s lips. “ See? It wasn’t that difficult.” 
“ You can’t have you mouth shut, can you?” blush drawing onto her cheeks, but her eyes were glittering more than normal. 
Reno let out a laugh, and bit his tongue to avoid saying a snarky remark before leaning down to meet her lips back again, this time into a more passionate and long kiss. After all, they’ve been playing around for weeks, it was about time.    
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kimmimaru · 3 years
More writing you say? Don’t mind if I do! Actually this isn’t recent, it’s been sitting and gathering dust for ages. Just wanted to post it because I personally quite like it. Basically I wrote a whole thing with Tseng and Elena getting tortured by Kadaj and co and then getting rescued by Vincent in Advent Children and I just really enjoy writing Vincent and Tseng interacting. 
Tseng woke with a gasp. He found himself staring up at a canopy of trees. He licked his dry lips and tried to think of how he got there. “Don't move,” A deep voice said and Tseng moved his head towards it. “Who...?” He managed to croak, squinting a little as he tried to focus. A figure clad in red crouched beside a small fire, the light illuminating eyes the colour of blood. Dark hair fell across his face and shoulders as he leaned forward and tossed a log into the fire, “I told you not to move, you could open your wounds again.” He looked up then, head tilted. “Elena!” Tseng said suddenly as he remembered, he tried to sit up but a hand shoved him back down. He looked up into Vincent Valentine's pale face. Tseng froze, blinking up at him in shock. He hadn't even seen him move. Moonlight fell into the clearing, giving his skin a silvery sheen. “Where-” “She's asleep.” Vincent said, rising and moving away. “You were nearly dead when I found you,” He looked back at Tseng, eyebrows pinched into a small frown, “You have a fever, your wounds were infected.” Tseng closed his eyes, sighing heavily as he let the knowledge sink in, “...why?” Vincent laughed quietly, “Do I need a reason?” Tseng shook his head, “No.” He frowned a little, watching the leaves shift in the soft breeze, “Where are we?” “The sleeping forest,” Vincent replied, watching the flames lick at the air. “You saved our lives.” Tseng said after a long pause but Vincent doesn't reply, “Thank you.” “Rest,” Vincent said, ignoring the thanks as he rose. “I'll keep watch.” He tugged his cloak close around his body and stalked away, Tseng watched the shadows swallowed him whole before he managed to roll over and look across the fire at a dark lump opposite. He watched Elena's chest rise and fall regularly before allowing himself to relax enough that sleep pulled him under. Tseng woke again a few hours later. It was hard to tell what time it was due to the lack of sun visible through the tree tops. He pushed himself upright, pain tearing the breath from his lungs. He clutched at his stomach and dropped his head forward as it throbbed. “Here,” Tseng looked up, squinting through his hair. Vincent held out a steaming wooden mug, Tseng stared at it then back at him. Vincent's smile was as cold as ice, “I promise it's just soup.” Tseng took the cup and held it in his shaking hands, steam wafted up over his face and he inhaled a pleasant, savoury scent. Warily he took a sip, “It's good,” He said quietly. Vincent shrugged, turning away a little so all Tseng could see was his profile, “An old recipe...” He said slowly, “My mothers.” Tseng sipped again, the warmth settling pleasantly in his belly, “Has Elena-” “She woke up an hour ago, ate and then slept again.” Vincent assured him, “She was worried.” “Hm” Tseng smiled, “She would be.” Vincent went back to the fire, sitting back against a tree trunk. He drew one knee to his chest and rested his arm across it, golden clad fingers dangling loosely. The firelight in his eyes danced, giving them a preternatural glow, it was like getting a glimpse of the monster he carried within him. “You've done a lot for us,” Tseng broke the silence, finishing his soup and setting aside the cup, “I'm not sure how to repay you.” Vincent's smile was almost hidden behind the high collar of his cloak, “You don't. It was merely happenstance that I was here at all.” He flicked his fingers, causing the gold metal to flash. Tseng caught a hint of teeth as he smiled. “What were you doing?” Vincent's eyes moved across the clearing, he stared out into the dark woods, “I was...” He paused, “I come here to think, sometimes.” Tseng waited but Vincent didn't elaborate, he looked down at his hands and curled them into fists in his lap. The quiet was only broken by the soft crackle of flames and the sound of cloth shifting as Vincent moved slightly. “There are rumours that you were one of us.” “One of you?” Vincent smirked, “A Turk?” Tseng nodded, looking up and meeting Vincent's eerie eyes, “Yes. I was. A long time ago. It feels...like another lifetime.” “What happened?” Vincent laughed, “You don't know?” “There's no record of you ever existing.” “No surprises there.” Vincent sighed heavily, “Why not ask Veld?” “Would he tell me?” “Hm, unlikely.” Vincent tugged at the hem of his cloak, fingers playing idly with a frayed edge. “You're not going to tell me?” “No.” Vincent picked up a thin stick from the ground and poked at the logs of the fire, it flared, casting orange light across his face. “You could find out for yourself, if you're that interested...and determined.” “Maybe I will.” They fall quiet again, Tseng listened to the sound of Elena's soft breaths and realised he couldn't hear Vincent's.
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nibelheimraised · 4 years
Continued from here
Strife wasn’t supposed to see him like this, he had hoped his two am trip to the pharmacy wouldn’t invoke any familiar faces. It was the dead of winter in Midgar, he’d been sick for near a month with pneumonia. Rufus was hardly sleeping the coughing had been terrible. The Turks watched him like he was on death’s door. Tseng had been forcing him to the doctor once a week. He was tired of being cared for by others. So this time when he’d woken up, coughing up a lung and in pain he’d gone to get his own prescription filled.
In a thick winter jacket with a fur-lining and a thick wool scarf along with a winter hat. Tired eyes and hazy movements. He hardly looked like himself.
He’d driven here, the extremely expensive white car a dead give away of his identity. Even managed to make it into the drug store and hand the paper over. But as he waited for the prescription his breathing grew heavier and he slumped against the counter in exhaustion. Vision going black for a moment he realized he was on the floor. A familiar face and a hand on him. “Fuck....”
Of all the people to find at a pharmacy before the sun’s even up, Rufus is the last on Cloud’s list. He doesn’t even recognize the guy as he strides inside, making for the drink section at the back before he stills when he sees a guy slump over before falling to the floor. With a frown, he goes over, helping him onto his back and wincing with how hot he feels. A touch to his forehead confirms that the man’s burning up a fever, Cloud shaking his head, “Holy shit, you’re burning up.”
It’s only when the man stirred that he pulled his hand away and really took in who was underneath that hat and scarf; Rufus Shinra. With a blink and frown, he nearly pulled away, surprised that the man was here sick and seemingly on his own. “...What are you doing here?” He doesn’t wait for an answer, glancing up to see the pharmacist and another customer staring at them in confusion. Rather than give them any answers, he took a hold of the other’s arm, helping him sit up as he guided it over his shoulder before he pulled him the rest of the way up. Him helping Rufus Shinra, what a day. “Where are your guard dogs...”
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clandestine-shadow · 4 years
I would love to know your headcanon for your Tseng's first time meeting Reno.
At seventeen years of age Tseng had gone through more then most. Two whole years of the Wutai war had passed. He was only finally back in Midgar because of a recent injury. Getting released from the hospital he had expected to be shipped straight back to the front lines. Getting to the office he was surprised to see Veld waiting for him instead of a chopper. “Commander.” He addressed softly. 
“Tseng, back in working order I see?”
“Yes, sir.” He nodded. A nasty run in with trained monsters from the enemy lines meant he still had some cuts and scrapes. But the worst of it was dealt with. 
“I have a new assignment for you. I want you to work with the new rookie for his first few missions till he’s settled in.” Veld’s tone was serious as he gave him the file on the new recruit. He’d heard about him, fast on his feet, a dirty mouth and an electric personality. 
Tseng wasn’t questioning orders, but he did wonder. “Sir, with all do respect why am I not being sent back to the front lines?”
Veld patted the young Wutaian on the shoulder. “Someone has to check in on the President’s son and the rookie needs a responsible hand on his shoulder. He doesn’t have a lot of restraint just yet.”
Tseng was quiet in his next question. “How is Rufus?”
Veld gave him a look that said it all. Rufus was still angry, alone, still being neglected and abused. “And why are you really placing me with the rookie? I’m not the most experienced.” Tseng’s tone was bitter. Not about the job, about Rufus. 
Veld was quick to cut his thoughts short. Speaking to him firmly. “No, but you are the most level headed and you need time away from the front lines.”
Tseng didn’t acknowledge that last bit as they walked towards the training room. 
“I know you passed your physical, but your psych scores have me concerned. I need you focused, so enjoy your time back at base for the next few months. Besides, you’ll like Reno. He’s trouble, like you.”
True, the young Turk was sleep deprived, his hair still done up neatly and tied with a blue ribbon. (A gift from young girl who insisted it would bring him luck). His suit and complexion flawless other then a still healing scratch on his forehead. Tseng wasn’t about to acknowledge his trauma in front of his superior. Simply huffing about the comments. “I’m fine, sir. More then fit to work.”
Veld left him to matters then, parting ways. He read through Reno’s report before entering to assess the new Turk himself.
Opening the training room door for the first time Tseng saw Reno, the young red haired man of fifteen who had given the Turk’s even a run for their money. However Tseng wasn’t sure the young man before him could top his own antics. 
Yet he certainly was spry as he zipped his way over. “Hey! Yo! I’m Reno! Are you a Turk too? You’re not old like that other dude, I figured they’d stick me with some ancient old codger. Like seriously. Please tell me you’re more fun then he is!? So what’s your name? You from Wutai?”
Tseng found himself tuning out as the rambling began. Reminded of when his younger twin sisters argued about what flavour of dumplings was the best. 
“Tseng, of the Turks. Yes, I’m Wutaian... but I was born and raised here in Midgar.” The war really did make his appearance problematic. He’d taken to wearing scarfs and hats as much as he could to hide his skin. Even with his clean Midgarian speech, accent free. He was looked at like the enemy.
Yet Reno just grinned. Seeming to have read his discomfort. “Look man I don’t give a fuck about the war, I just wanna know where we can get good sushi here on the upper plate! I’m hungry! They’ve had me training day and night!”
Tseng blinked for a moment. However humouring the rookie Turk somehow suited him. “Fine, you win a round of sparing and I’ll buy after work. You lose and you buy. Either way work first.”
Reno twirled his EMR eagerly. “Works for me.”
They had a mission of course, but he wanted to assess the new Turk’s skills first. Besides the mission sounded simple... it was just watching Aerith down in Sector 5. What could go wrong?
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hautevaux · 4 years
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ANONYMOUS ASKED: He screamed as he went in. Made as much noise to scare. He grabs the tailor by the hair and drags him to the back of the shop. He beats the tailor badly. He doesn’t stop. He smashes his head against the floor and stamps on his back. He leaves a letter from his boss that is for the Turks. It says he is coming for them. It says to watch themselves because he will hurt everything they care for. He doesn’t expect the tailor to fight back. (get him vaux!!) MENTION: @lifedxbt​
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As always, Vaux had been tidying up to save his staff having to do it come the morning; pottering around, tired but content. A pile of fabric was lifted up  when the bell above his door chimed and his voice almost reached out in greeting before the hideous volume of shouted madness reached his ears. Absolutely startled, Vaux dropped the pile of nicely ironed fabric, frightened, eyes turning to glare toward whomever it was - thinking it some kind of joke. 
Within a blink he was dragged, by his hair, into the back of the store and the tailor shouted the whole time. If they wanted the fabric, they need only take it - not assault him and he made that known; but it seemed as if this assault was not in relation to the others. 
The level of violence was obscene - Vaux coughed blood unto the floor, rolled in agony after he was left, for but a moment, to try and breathe; his vision blurred, his head spinning, his body aching with agony. A split lip, a cut above his eye; they bled just as much as his nose - hardly something his thoughts lingered on for poor Vaux could barely think at all, dancing on the edge of consciousness. 
Panic threatened to rise within his chest, the tossing of the letter near to where he lay allowing the male to see that he had been used as a warning - and the very understanding of that replaced the brewing panic with anger, instead. 
Forcibly did he push himself up to his elbows, the pain in his head vulgar, the pulsing in his chest obscene - his injuries (though rather dire) did not stop him. Subtly did he reach for his desk draw - watching his assailant as he paced around, perhaps seeing if there was something he could steal while he was there? Fortunate enough for Vaux. 
The tailor didn’t even shout a warning when he pulled the small pistol from the desk draw; Tseng had insisted he have one just in case - and had given him a brief breakdown on use. Indeed, Vaux had promised to head to the gun range and get some practice in but he had been so busy ~
Regardless; Vaux aimed for his assailants leg and fired - no warning, no shouting first. The recoil was somewhat unexpected, the strain to his wrist only adding to the pain he was experiencing; but he had fired and he had hit - albeit just above the back of the male’s knee. 
As soon as the unknown male hit the ground in sheer agony, unable to walk, Vaux shuffled across the flooring to grasp his phone, messaging with one hand. He rested himself against the desk, back to the wood, still holding the gun pointed to the male; 
[TEXT: TSENG-x] I need you here.  [TEXT: TSENG-x] Sorry, I know its late. [TEXT: TSENG-x] I’ve shot someone. 
“Move... and I’ll make it worse-” Vaux threatened, though his voice trembled and his head span. It was a wonder he had hit the male at all given how injured Vaux, himself, was. This had happened too many times, now; he wasn’t going to allow it to continue without fighting back. He needed to go on a firearms course, now, most definitely. In fact, perhaps Tseng would teach him, himself- If he asked nicely.  
[TEXT: TSENG-x] He’s alive, though. 
He had felt the need to clarify, even though the fourth message came a few moments after the third; perhaps not his best choice but Vaux was scarcely thinking too well. He wanted to vomit from the pain, he was so terribly dizzy that he was struggling to keep his eyes open - and all of the stresses and abuse to his head only heightened the threat of a seizure, with thanks to his epilepsy. 
Coughing blood into his lap, Vaux momentarily lowered the gun; aching arm finding even the small weapon too heavy to hold. But within a moment was he forced to raise it again as the male attempted to leave the store quickly. With a very trembling hand did he shoot again. This time, hitting the male in the back - who then did not move. 
For a moment there was relief, head falling back against the polished wood of his desk, focusing on breathing through the hideous pain he felt. Eyes closed, the sticky warmth of blood continuing down his face a distant, strange comfort for all he felt was cold and dizzy. 
Then did he look at his assailant again; who had not moved, who only bled unto the flooring; had he killed him?
[TEXT; TSENG-x] I had to shoot again. He isn’t moving.  [TEXT: TSENG-x] I think he’s head.  [TEXT: TSENG-x] I’m a murderer.
And the realisation hit him as if a tonne of bricks - gun lowered into his lap, blurred vision staring forwards - emotionally numb and yet physically in agony. Another breath, head once again rested back with eyes closing - breathe, Vaux - breathe. 
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