#train track diorama
dognonsense · 3 months
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More progress on my album lyric zine today! Almost done the next page too :)
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Pepper Mill Station by Tatsuya Tanaka
This engine is hot.
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empressofthewind · 4 months
Full List of Near's Toys & Activities:
Chapters 59 & 61: Puts together a blank puzzle with "L" in the corner
Chapter 61: Builds a tower of regular playing cards
Chapter 62: Builds a tower of matchsticks
Chapters 63 & 64: Tries (and fails) to throw darts at a dart board
Chapter 66: Builds what looks like an entire city of dice, and then proceeds to wreak havoc on the city when his team members die
Chapter 67: Surrounds himself with multiple "plastic models" (as described in HTR13) - includes robots and several planes/air vehicles, as well as crafting supplies which he uses to glue the robot back together after purposefully breaking it
Chapter 71: Handcrafts a dart that looks like an evil narwhal, fails to throw it at the board and breaks one of his robots with it instead
Chapter 75: Sits in the centre of a Lego structure, surrounded by many other toys including his robots. Breaks one of the Lego walls using a robot
Chapter 76: Sits in the centre of a circular train track. Later when Mello shows up, he is playing with a robot and a plastic gun
Chapter 77: Plays with a few plastic robots
Chapter 78: Surrounds himself with a ring of tarot cards
Chapter 79: Plays with a "secret base set" (once again, HTR13 wording) which looks like a large diorama with palm trees, a road and some nondescript building in the background. At the end of this chapter, he can be seen breaking a robot
Chapter 80: Attempts to smuggle six robots into his new base; only manages to smuggle five (interestingly only five are mentioned on his toy list in HTR13, so I'm guessing this is actually just a continuity error)
Chapter 81: Plays with a robot, then builds a small structure using dice
Chapter 82: Reveals that the dice in the structure are actually boxes containing even more dice and empties them out onto the desk. Then moves on to his robots
Chapter 83: Plays with a toy plane
Chapter 85: Uses finger puppets to represent his thought process
Chapter 86: Plays with two remote-controlled rubber ducks in an inflatable pool
Chapter 88: Now has a total of 28 rubber ducks. Stacks several of them on top of each other, then fills the pool with them. 10 are left on the floor
Chapter 89: Builds a radio tower out of paper
Chapters 90-94: Once again uses models to represent his thought process; this time he has Lego figurines, a model of the NHN building, a plastic gun and a tiny notebook. He also decorates his Christmas tree with them in Chapter 92
Chapter 94: The finger puppets return in the second half of the chapter
Chapter 95: Plays with a marble roller coaster
Chapter 96: Works on Misa Amane's finger puppet
Chapter 97: Has kagami mochi on the floor with several plastic toys surrounding it; he can be seen playing with one of them
Chapter 98: Uses his puppets while explaining his rules for the warehouse confrontation, and also brings out the miniature notebook from chapter 90
Chapters 100-107: Uses his puppets again when necessary, and also wears a mask of L which he apparently made himself
Chapter 108: Plays with a robot and eats chocolate while surrounded by an array of plastic figurines
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whirligig-girl · 1 year
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Commission for @trydianth of Entrapta operating tiny trains (since she loves tiny food so much!)
Image ID: Entrapta from She-Ra is grinning and fiddling with some train cars on her model train set. Entrapta is a tan-skinned woman with pink hair in large prehensile tentacle-like pony tails. Her regular hands are on the train layout table but she’s messing with the train cars with her hair. She’s also using her hair to control the model railway’s power transformer, which is hooked up to a First One’s crystal. The train layout contains a yard with three sidings with five freight cars and a purple tank engine. It also contains a loop that goes back and forth between a simplistic diorama of dark purple Dryll castle on the left and of Brightmoon castle on the left, with a small diorama of the Whispering Woods’ dark blue trees in the foreground. There’s a spur track that runs off-screen with the ominous reddish glow of the Fright Zone. A pretty streamlined tan, white, and gold train is coming from that line. On the loop line near Entrapta is seven freight cars and a scary looking military-green diesel with a Horde insignia. End Image ID.
Under the cut are some detail close-ups and artist’s notes.
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Flatbed of First Ones Tech, FZR Boxcar, two unnamed vans, a refrigerated Salineas Fisheries boxcar, an unnamed tank wagon, a gondola of snow from the Kingdom of Snows, a Fred Pelhay Coal Co. truck for some reason, a Plumeria Products boxcar, and a Freight Zone Rail Road boxcar with graffiti reading She-Ra was Here.
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A Freight Zone Rail locomotive and an old industrial shunter tank engine from Dryll Quarry.
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Bright Moon Railway’s cab-forward streamliner, coming from the Fright Zone. Does that make sense? Perhaps not, but I hasten to remind the viewer that this is just Entrapta’s toy model.
I definitely put more detail into this than I intended to! It was going to be a lot simpler, but by the time I got to drawing and then perspective-skewing an actual model railway layout with sidings and switches I realized this was going to take a while. I wasn’t quite sure what to do for the engine visual style. At first the locomotive positioned next to the Dryll tank engine was going to be a big Dryllian steam engine, but I decided it’d be better to show a big scary Horde diesel.
I used steam engines for the good guys and a diesel for the bad guys soley and completely because i am thomas the tank engine-brained because I just like the look of steam engines! There’s no realistic reason why there should be steam traction in Etheria, rather than something entirely magical--but then, steam engines just look better in fantasy settings in my opinion! I can justify it, after-the-fact though: magic is everywhere in Etheria, but it can’t be harnessed by everyone (during the events of the series). Sometimes transportion has to be done through mundane means. And it’s not like we see any big power plants on Etheria, so electricity is out. Entrapta’s one of the only people who uses first one’s tech to power her inventions--otherwise we see no powerplants in Dryll. So. Wood or coal or magic-crystal powered steam engines! Yipee!
Obviously they’re all electric powered in this model, though.
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im-a-demon-i-lied · 1 year
WARNINGS: Canon divergence, implied horniness
Description: set in a universe where Ahkmenrah changes his mind last minute to return to Brooklyn with the tablet. Jed is facing some confusion over some feelings he’s experiencing about Octavius. (Side note: I love the idea of Jed having some issues overcoming homophobia due to his historical era, but i really didn’t want to mess with that tonight)
It had been a week since the gang had returned from London. Jedediah had spent all night so far working on the train tracks. Moving rail sleepers, removing broken ones and replacing them. It was tiring work, even with his small crew of helpers. He found himself with rolled-up sleeves and his hair pulled back into a loose ponytail, strands of escaped sandy hair framed his sweaty face.
He hadn’t seen Octavius in a couple of days, and what he had seen of him since their return had been brief. He told himself that they were just busy restoring order in their respective dioramas, it had been a near-death experience and they were all coping with the fact that they almost all froze forever. Though that was partially true, deep down Jed knew there was another reason.
Something had… awakened… in Jed that night in London. He always knew there was something special about that Roman, Jed knew he loved to be around the general. But something had happened inside Jed when Octavious had taken his hand, when they had hugged. Just thinking about the touch made Jed’s face warm, a swarm of butterflies erupting in his stomach. His skin still tingled wherever they had made contact. More than that, it yearned for deeper, more intentional touch.
“Jed? Ya a’ight over there, partner?” Cody, another cowboy, hollered over to him with concern on his face “Ya got all red and have been staring at that wall for 5 minutes straight…”
“Huh? Oh yea I’m fine, thanks,” Jed rubbed a hand over his face, not realizing how long he had been just standing there.
“Ya wanna maybe sit down for a bit? Maybe the heats gettin’ to ya…” Cody gestured over to a shaded bench. By now, the other cowboys had stopped work to listen on to the conversation, nodding along with Cody in agreement.
“I’m fine, fellas, now get back to work.” Jed kneeled and began hammering a sleeper onto the rail, the others shrugged and began to return to their tasks.
“Jedediah?” a voice called, causing the cowboys to once again stop their work. Jed, however, was so deep in thought he didn’t hear his name being called.
The westerner next to him gave him a nudge, getting Jed’s attention. When he looked up, his eyes were met with those of the tan, muscular, roman.
Octavious’s face warmed at the sight of the cowboy, he had grease and dirt smeared onto his face, beads of sweat perched on his brows and forehead. Octavious had been in love with Jed since the moment they worked together to stop the old nightguards. His knees felt weak as he watched Jed take a glove off to wipe the sweat from his forehead.
“Howdy, partner,” Jed insides churned and he felt the corner of his mouth creep up. The lighting made Oct glow even more than normal. What Jed would give to explore the body of this man that made the world disappear. “What brings ya ‘round these parts?”
“I was wondering if you wanted to go for a ride around the museum? We haven’t done that in quite a while, I rather miss it…”
Jed could’ve sworn his heart stopped momentarily. It took all the strength he had to keep from running over to Octy, taking him in his arms and kissing hi— wow there cowboy- he stopped himself This is your bud your talking about, don’t be gettin all perverted
“Sorry, Oct, I got work to do here, rain check?” After those thoughts, he couldn’t trust himself alone with Octavious. What if he did something?
“Don’t sweat it, Jed, we got it covered, you’ve been working so hard lately you deserve a break.” Cody smiled at him and Oct. He knew since the beginning that these two had it bad for one another.
Goddamn Cody, sweetest guy but stupid. Jedediah cursed under his breath.
“No, I need to be here. Sorry Oct, it’ll have to wait,” it came off firmer than he meant it, but he really couldn’t risk doing something stupid until he figured out what was going on with him.
Octavious’s heart dropped. Jed never used to turn down their nightly car rides. He had felt Jed pulling away all week, and it hurt. His mind spiraled, did he say something? Do something? Tears welled in his eyes as he began thinking up worst case scenarios.
“Ok,” Oct choked out
Jed sensed pain in his voice and looked at Oct to see the matching expression. “Oct–”
Octavious had already turned and walked to the edge of the diorama, climbing down the rope.
“God fucking damnit!!” Jed shouted and threw his gloves into the dirt “Fuck!” He gave an exasperated sigh and stormed further into the diorama, leaving a wake of jaw-dropped cowboys.
Cody stared for a minute before snapping out of it, “Back to work! This railroad ain’t gonna fix itself!” he smacked the nearest miniature upside the head before returning to his job. The others quickly followed suit.
“You’ve really done it now, Jed,” Jed paced back and forth in the dirt as he scolded himself “All those dirty thoughts about your best friend? What in the sam hill were you thinking?” His accent exaggerated with rage. “Thinking ‘bout what his lips would feel like, his strong arms and thighs, what he would look like na— goddamnit!” He punched the closest thing to him, a rock, and instantly regretted it. “Shit! Fuck! Shit!” he shook his wrist before examining his bruised, bleeding knuckles. He had to do something about this. Now.
He arrived at the Egypt exhibit in the RC car, it felt weird without Oct. Ahk was scolding his guards
“I have told you two more times than there are grains of sand in the desert! Larry is my friend and you mustn't threaten him!”
“Uh Ahk– are ya busy?” Jed piped up. Ahk and the guards looked over. The guards stiffened before Ahk let them know Jed was another friend and they needed to stand down.
“What do you need, Jedediah?” He waved the guards away with a smile “Where’s Octavious?” he gave a confused look
“Well,’I need to talk,,,, and it’s kinda ‘bout him…” Jed stepped out of the car, rubbing the back of his neck. He let down his hair, not seeing the necessity of it anymore.
“Oh?” Ahk cocked his head curiously as he sat on the floor to get closer to Jed’s level.
“He’s my best friend, but ever since he held my hand in London, I’ve been feeling these weird feelings. My face gets all red when he’s around and my stomach gets a weird feelin’ in it, like i'm gonna puke… I mean I got the same sorta thing before but this is so much more intense… an’ I’ve been getting all these thoughts… mental images…” He rubbed his face, trying to dilute the current mental images plaguing him, “I used to think I hated physical touch. Any time I tried it with a woman, it just felt so wrong… but even though I know these thoughts and feelings are wrong… they just feel so right.” He hugged himself comfortingly.
“Jedediah, may I be completely honest?” Ahk looked at him and received a consensual nod “I think you may be homosexual, I also think you're also in love with Octavious…”
Jed was taken aback by this. “I–” he began to defend “I–” he thought about it, letting the words sink in and find their meaning, resonating in his mind.
“I… think I am…” he gave a defeated sigh “in love with Octavious…”
Ahk gave a smile “ I’m very proud of you, Jedediah. That is amazing.”
“Thanks, Ahk, ‘preciate it.” a smile formed as he recognized the trueness of the words “I’m in love with Oct. I am in LOVE with OCTAVIUS!” he gave a texas hell yea and jumped back into the car “ Thanks again, pardner,” He exchanged a wave with Ahk before speeding off.
Octavius laid in his bed, staring at the ceiling. Was he really losing his best friend? The man he was in love with? He sighed and said a prayer to Venus under his breath.
Almost immediately, there was a pounding at the door, “Octy?” a western voice called from the other side.
Octavius sat up. He blinked at the door. He knew by the voice it was Jedediah. Either Venus had answered his prayer or some other god was messing with him. “Uhm… Come in?”
Jed came bursting through the door but froze almost immediately, sudden doubt running through his head. Oct was frozen too, terrified of the next words to come out of Jed’s mouth. They stayed staring for a minute.
Come on, Jed, ya can’t let doubt win ya over now… did ya doubt when you had to cross the Mississippi River? Exactly. Gut up and tell ‘im
“I…” His voice trailed off… What if Oct didn’t feel the same? What if he ruined everything? Oct looked so tense, did he do that?
“I’m sorry, Jedediah, I must’ve done something to make you not want to be my friend anymore. Whatever it is, I swear I will make it my mission to make it up to you–”
This caught Jed off guard, especially when he saw tears in Oct’s eyes “What? Not want to be your friend?? NO! God, no!” He moved closer, tears forming in his own eyes, he never wanted to cause Oct this much pain.
“You’ve been pulling back lately… it’s like you don’t want to be around me anymore,
Jed sat next to Octavius, pulling his hat over his eyes with a sigh, “it ain’t that, not at all. The complete opposite, really… I’m so happy ‘round ya. More happy than with anyone else. I thought it was ‘cause you’re my best friend, but when ya held my hand in London and when ya hugged me…” his voice trailed off and he caught a glimpse of Octavius, staring at him, hanging on to his every word.
“Octy… I’m a homosexual… and I’m in love with ya…” next thing he knew, there were arms flung around him. Octavius’s arms. The butterflies became fast and vicious in his stomach
Octavius couldn’t believe the words that just came out of his cowboy’s mouth–
“Thank you, Venus,” Octavius whispered as he wrapped his arms around Jed’s body.
“What was that?” Jed gave an awkward chuckle, unsure if this hug meant ‘I support you’ or ‘I feel the same’
“Nothing. You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to hear you say that. I’m in love with you, as well” Octavius smiled, finally being able to tell Jed his feelings.
Jed’s face lit up as he returned the hug, allowing himself to bury his face into the crook of the roman’s neck, he didn’t know how much he needed this…
Octavius blushed a deep crimson “Does this make us…” he didn’t even have time to finish the sentence before Jed nodded into his neck.
Jed moved his head so he could speak clearly “would it be ok if I kissed ya?”
Octavius almost died at that. He couldn’t believe this was real. He nodded.
Soon his lips were met with Jed’s. He was kissing Jedediah Smith. Jedediah Smith, his boyfriend. After they parted, they stayed in each other's arms for the rest of the night.
A/N: am i a slut for some good fluff? yes. do i need it after today? yes. I loved writing this fic. it’s not the best but i still love it!! hope you enjoyed :))
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cartoonscientist · 19 days
ND middle aged gay couple where one husband is an engineer obsessed with model trains and atmospheric effects and one husband is an artist obsessed with miniatures and dioramas and together they maintain a local miniature train track museum
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rich4you · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NIB JL Innovative Design Picorelli’s Ice Cream Parlor HO Scale.
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nitrosodiumfmp · 3 months
Continued Plans for Level 2
I have decided that Level 2 will be primarily city streets. Think of the Outskirts as a snapshot, a diorama of what I had planned. Of course, it was a very small loop with only four explorable shop fronts, and three patrolling Grave Diggers who don't pose much threat. I plan to extrapolate that for Level 2; a much larger explorable city section with more enemy types.
I've already spoken about the Assassin, but I also want to implement a new enemy that I'll call the "Equalizer". Essentially, it's a massive Grave Digger torso on wheels, with a blinding red searchlight. It is much faster than the other enemies, and creates a deep bellowing sound when it spots you. The main purpose of the Equalizer is to get you to play carefully, and fear the open streets. The area in which the Equalizer patrols is otherwise empty of enemies, indicating the Equalizer has destroyed them. It plays on the idea of "death makes us all equal", but from a lore perspective, they are like sentient street sweepers, clearing the city's walkways, recycling waste. Like another kind of blood cell in the underworld's life cycle. You'll have to hide in alleyways and buildings, since outrunning it is a poor option.
Then I'll also have a new type of door: mechanical doors. Instead of finding a key, you have to track down a button. Realistically it's just another method of getting the player to explore (and also emphasing backtracking and funneling the player toward certain objectives) without just using a third key type. I'll also have illusion walls, just walls with no collision that are set back a little from the rest of the wall. They'll act as safe areas that encourage taking in your environment, as they offer a way to get through an area without facing enemies. For example, you may have to get through a street littered with traps and guarded by Assassins, but if you look around, you can find an illusion wall leading to a hidden passage that allows you to traverse without trouble.
Thirdly, my next big development will be a story one. I want the player to encounter a new character in the notes, who encourages them to disregard the advice of their Guide and go in a different direction with the plot. The whole theme of level 2 is illusion, things not being as they seem on a physical, and now cognitive level. Remember how I explored Bioshock's opening, and how it hinges on the player trusting Atlas? This can also be spun in another way; if the player doesn't trust their guide, it forces the player to choose their own path in the confines of the game world. So this character, who I'll call the Deceiver, tells the player that if they continue to save Nharro, they will be betrayed by their Guide. The Deceiver offers the player a new deal: take the train to another level, which will be a divergent point in the game. This would essentially be a Good and Evil path, with whatever choice the player takes bringing them to an alternate Level 3. This sort of thing will require a lot of playtesting to see how players react to this decision.
My first test will be creating the various new components for Level 2; I'll temporarily put them in the Dock map to see how they'd work.
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model makers
When it comes to the art of creating intricate miniature models, India stands out as a treasure trove of talent and creativity. From architectural marvels to historical replicas and everything in between, Indian model makers have mastered the art of miniaturization to perfection. In this blog post, we will embark on a fascinating journey to discover the different types of miniature models made in India by these skilled artisans, often referred to as "model makers." 
Architectural Models: Indian model makers have an exceptional knack for recreating iconic architectural wonders on a small scale. From the Taj Mahal's intricate marble design to the sprawling complex of temples in Khajuraho, these artisans meticulously replicate famous landmarks. These architectural models serve as not only stunning pieces of art but also valuable tools for architects and urban planners. 
Historical Models: Delving into the pages of history, Indian model makers recreate pivotal moments and historical settings with incredible accuracy. Miniature dioramas of ancient battles, royal courts, and even everyday life in bygone eras offer a glimpse into the rich history of India. These models serve as educational tools and collector's items for history enthusiasts. 
Railway Models: India's rich railway heritage finds expression in miniature models that capture the essence of locomotives, stations, and tracks. Model makers create detailed replicas of vintage steam engines, modern electric trains, and heritage railway stations. Railway enthusiasts and collectors often treasure these models for their historical significance. 
Ship Models: With a vast coastline and a maritime history dating back centuries, India has a thriving community of ship model makers. From majestic wooden sailing ships to contemporary naval vessels, these artisans craft models that showcase exceptional woodworking skills. Ship models are often admired for their intricate detailing and historical accuracy. 
Automobile Models: The automotive industry in India has a rich heritage, and model makers pay homage to it by creating miniature replicas of iconic cars and motorcycles. Vintage classics like the Ambassador and Royal Enfield, as well as modern vehicles, are meticulously reproduced. These models appeal to collectors and automobile enthusiasts alike. 
Aviation Models: India's aviation industry has seen significant growth, and model makers have kept pace by creating stunning miniature aircraft. From classic biplanes to cutting-edge fighter jets, these models capture the spirit of aviation. They are favoured by aviation aficionados and those who appreciate the beauty of flight. 
Dollhouse Miniatures: Dollhouse miniatures are a unique genre where Indian model makers showcase their craftsmanship by creating tiny worlds within dollhouses. These miniatures include miniature furniture, kitchenware, and even miniature food items. Collectors and hobbyists often indulge in creating intricate dollhouse scenes, and Indian model makers supply the tools and accessories needed. 
Fantasy and Sci-Fi Models: Model makers in India also venture into the realms of fantasy and science fiction, crafting imaginative models inspired by movies, books, and games. These models encompass everything from mythical creatures to futuristic spacecraft. They cater to a diverse community of collectors and enthusiasts with a taste for the fantastical. 
 In the world of miniature models, Indian model makers shine brightly, showcasing their skills in diverse categories ranging from architecture to fantasy. Their dedication to precision and attention to detail make them invaluable contributors to the world of art, history, and education. Whether you're a collector, a history buff, an architect, or simply an admirer of craftsmanship, exploring the creations of these model makers is a journey worth taking. So, dive into the world of Indian miniature models and witness the magic brought to life by these talented artisans. 
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flexotechproduct · 9 months
model makers
When it comes to the art of creating intricate miniature models, India stands out as a treasure trove of talent and creativity. From architectural marvels to historical replicas and everything in between, Indian model makers have mastered the art of miniaturization to perfection. In this blog post, we will embark on a fascinating journey to discover the different types of miniature models made in India by these skilled artisans, often referred to as "model makers." 
Architectural Models: Indian model makers have an exceptional knack for recreating iconic architectural wonders on a small scale. From the Taj Mahal's intricate marble design to the sprawling complex of temples in Khajuraho, these artisans meticulously replicate famous landmarks. These architectural models serve as not only stunning pieces of art but also valuable tools for architects and urban planners. 
Historical Models: Delving into the pages of history, Indian model makers recreate pivotal moments and historical settings with incredible accuracy. Miniature dioramas of ancient battles, royal courts, and even everyday life in bygone eras offer a glimpse into the rich history of India. These models serve as educational tools and collector's items for history enthusiasts. 
Railway Models: India's rich railway heritage finds expression in miniature models that capture the essence of locomotives, stations, and tracks. Model makers create detailed replicas of vintage steam engines, modern electric trains, and heritage railway stations. Railway enthusiasts and collectors often treasure these models for their historical significance. 
Ship Models: With a vast coastline and a maritime history dating back centuries, India has a thriving community of ship model makers. From majestic wooden sailing ships to contemporary naval vessels, these artisans craft models that showcase exceptional woodworking skills. Ship models are often admired for their intricate detailing and historical accuracy. 
Automobile Models: The automotive industry in India has a rich heritage, and model makers pay homage to it by creating miniature replicas of iconic cars and motorcycles. Vintage classics like the Ambassador and Royal Enfield, as well as modern vehicles, are meticulously reproduced. These models appeal to collectors and automobile enthusiasts alike. 
Aviation Models: India's aviation industry has seen significant growth, and model makers have kept pace by creating stunning miniature aircraft. From classic biplanes to cutting-edge fighter jets, these models capture the spirit of aviation. They are favoured by aviation aficionados and those who appreciate the beauty of flight. 
Dollhouse Miniatures: Dollhouse miniatures are a unique genre where Indian model makers showcase their craftsmanship by creating tiny worlds within dollhouses. These miniatures include miniature furniture, kitchenware, and even miniature food items. Collectors and hobbyists often indulge in creating intricate dollhouse scenes, and Indian model makers supply the tools and accessories needed. 
Fantasy and Sci-Fi Models: Model makers in India also venture into the realms of fantasy and science fiction, crafting imaginative models inspired by movies, books, and games. These models encompass everything from mythical creatures to futuristic spacecraft. They cater to a diverse community of collectors and enthusiasts with a taste for the fantastical. 
 In the world of miniature models, Indian model makers shine brightly, showcasing their skills in diverse categories ranging from architecture to fantasy. Their dedication to precision and attention to detail make them invaluable contributors to the world of art, history, and education. Whether you're a collector, a history buff, an architect, or simply an admirer of craftsmanship, exploring the creations of these model makers is a journey worth taking. So, dive into the world of Indian miniature models and witness the magic brought to life by these talented artisans. 
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dognonsense · 11 months
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Zine i started this afternoon :3 its turning out well! It's not done but this is my progress so far! The words are the lyrics to my folkpunk song "kiss me with teeth" that i wrote. I played this song at my first open mic night two days ago. I am working on uploading it to youtube soon!
I included my train spike dioramas that i keep in my room as well :3 i wanna get into making dioramas properly but u gotta start somewhere and currently its a pile of trash! And it works for art studies! I just jumble em around and cast my desk light at em :3
i have another art study of the first diorama i made :3
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seeknahas · 2 years
Gang beasts how to play online
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As anyone that’s beaten up #SelfieTennis’ deformed tennis men will know, maybe that’s not something you want to experience. In fact, Boneloaf tested such an experience in which one player stepped into the shoes of their fighter, but came away comparing the experience to Saving Private Ryan. What you probably won’t see, though, is a first-person mode. Brown and Thomas talk of experiments with letting unskilled players join in by altering the environment. That’s not to say the developer isn’t testing deeper waters. The developer wants to keep things fair, which means that modes like local multiplayer in which only one player uses the Rift/PSVR might not make it in, though they are being experimented with. “We’re just trying to work through that process and trying to merge the various different builds and projects for the game together so that we end up with a very consistent experience between online and local,” Brown tells me. VR is changing Gang Beasts in unanticipated ways, then, but Boneloaf wants to keep the experience consistent. A punch-up on moving trucks used to be decided at random as signs appeared from nowhere to knock you away, but now you can look to the right to give yourself ample warning and move aside. A mad scramble on train tracks becomes even more desperate when you’re hurriedly looking back and forth for signs of a train. That also brings some new dynamics to the experience, as you can check for incoming danger. Here, though, you can lean into the action and frame a shot how you want it. Simply put, the isolation of VR isn’t affecting any of the sheer fun we’re having. Moments later, I’m getting a taste of my own medicine as I’m hastily picked up and carelessly tossed off of the map, and I exchange the same cry of failure while another laugh picks up. I hear a anguished “No!” as the red player sinks into a pair of rotating meat grinders and I laugh. I can’t help grinning like an idiot as I barge into one player and send him stumbling into the jaws of death in the meat factory level. It’s still a somewhat disturbing joy to latch your arm onto an enemy, lift them high and drag them over a barrier as they kick and squirm, then mercilessly let go and watch them fall. You can imagine the laughs and cries of panic that surround you instead being shouted down the built-in microphone when online, and the isolation that VR provides doesn’t drown them out in any way. Four players sat together over a local connection, but when you strap on the Oculus Rift you might as well be by yourself. The online functionality was simulated in a way at this year’s EGX Rezzed in London. Maybe it will come’.” That mode has finally arrived and fans have VR to thank for it. Online support wasn’t announced until after the VR version’s reveal at last year’s Oculus Connect, which led to an awkward period as the team’s Matt Thomas describes: “The whole time people were asking us about online we were like ‘Yeah, maybe. “So everyone put together that we would have to do that anyway.” “Without online in VR, it’s a very lonely game to play,” Boneloaf’s James Brown tells me. So why would you want to take part of that experience away and put on a VR headset? Well, for one thing, you still won’t be alone the inclusion of VR support has practically demanded the integration of online play, a long-requested feature. For now, that translates to a ‘diorama mode’ that keeps the same overhead camera position. Esper developer Coatsink is helping Boneloaf port it to both the Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR. It’s like across between Super Smash Bros and River City Rampage. Each player controls a stubby character that they’ll lead into battle, attempting to pick up opponents and throw them off of the sides of trucks and into meat grinders, and the last man standing wins. For those that don’t know, Gang Beasts is multiplayer brawler played from an isometric view.
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freelancelascl · 2 years
Gang beasts how to play online
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As anyone that’s beaten up #SelfieTennis’ deformed tennis men will know, maybe that’s not something you want to experience. In fact, Boneloaf tested such an experience in which one player stepped into the shoes of their fighter, but came away comparing the experience to Saving Private Ryan. What you probably won’t see, though, is a first-person mode. Brown and Thomas talk of experiments with letting unskilled players join in by altering the environment. That’s not to say the developer isn’t testing deeper waters. The developer wants to keep things fair, which means that modes like local multiplayer in which only one player uses the Rift/PSVR might not make it in, though they are being experimented with. “We’re just trying to work through that process and trying to merge the various different builds and projects for the game together so that we end up with a very consistent experience between online and local,” Brown tells me. VR is changing Gang Beasts in unanticipated ways, then, but Boneloaf wants to keep the experience consistent. A punch-up on moving trucks used to be decided at random as signs appeared from nowhere to knock you away, but now you can look to the right to give yourself ample warning and move aside. A mad scramble on train tracks becomes even more desperate when you’re hurriedly looking back and forth for signs of a train. That also brings some new dynamics to the experience, as you can check for incoming danger. Here, though, you can lean into the action and frame a shot how you want it. Simply put, the isolation of VR isn’t affecting any of the sheer fun we’re having. Moments later, I’m getting a taste of my own medicine as I’m hastily picked up and carelessly tossed off of the map, and I exchange the same cry of failure while another laugh picks up. I hear a anguished “No!” as the red player sinks into a pair of rotating meat grinders and I laugh. I can’t help grinning like an idiot as I barge into one player and send him stumbling into the jaws of death in the meat factory level. It’s still a somewhat disturbing joy to latch your arm onto an enemy, lift them high and drag them over a barrier as they kick and squirm, then mercilessly let go and watch them fall. You can imagine the laughs and cries of panic that surround you instead being shouted down the built-in microphone when online, and the isolation that VR provides doesn’t drown them out in any way. Four players sat together over a local connection, but when you strap on the Oculus Rift you might as well be by yourself. The online functionality was simulated in a way at this year’s EGX Rezzed in London. Maybe it will come’.” That mode has finally arrived and fans have VR to thank for it. Online support wasn’t announced until after the VR version’s reveal at last year’s Oculus Connect, which led to an awkward period as the team’s Matt Thomas describes: “The whole time people were asking us about online we were like ‘Yeah, maybe. “So everyone put together that we would have to do that anyway.” “Without online in VR, it’s a very lonely game to play,” Boneloaf’s James Brown tells me. So why would you want to take part of that experience away and put on a VR headset? Well, for one thing, you still won’t be alone the inclusion of VR support has practically demanded the integration of online play, a long-requested feature. For now, that translates to a ‘diorama mode’ that keeps the same overhead camera position. Esper developer Coatsink is helping Boneloaf port it to both the Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR. It’s like across between Super Smash Bros and River City Rampage. Each player controls a stubby character that they’ll lead into battle, attempting to pick up opponents and throw them off of the sides of trucks and into meat grinders, and the last man standing wins. For those that don’t know, Gang Beasts is multiplayer brawler played from an isometric view.
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(SL) Sushi Locomotive in Little World by Tatsuya Tanaka
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lorablackmane · 3 years
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I talked about this on an ask someone sent @a-great-big-universe but this is my concept for an AU where at a young age Gristol kidnapped Raz due to his hydrokinesis, leading to Frazie eventually running away like her brother did in the 1st game due to an... addition to the pamphlet (a note stating the Psychonauts had machines and powers that could track down psychics, giving her hope that they could help find him again).
The full story I currently have for this AU is under the cut bc I got... rlly chatty in the server I was in when I first thought of it and it has huge spoilers y’know? Feel free to send any asks u want about the AU if ur interested!
Gristol, in his search for Maligula discovers the Aquatos and watches them after noticing the water move unnaturally towards their young son Razputin. After awhile he incorrectly assumes Raz is the only psychic in the family and after seeing the phenomenon again kidnaps him because he believes he'd be useful to his cause. After all, a hydrokinitic child would be the perfect way to get her attention - a free protege for Maligula to train as a fellow "Protector of Grulovia."
He completely convinces Raz that he saved him, that his parents had seen him use his powers and if Gristol hadn't swept him away he'd be dead by now, and that Raz is a descendant of the War Hero Maligula who was unrightfully attacked by Psychonauts. At 1st Raz of course doesn't want to believe any of this, but Gristol eventually convinces him which in turn makes him become terrified of the Psychonauts. One of the few times he objects to Gristol’s plans is when he decides to infiltrate them, to which he gets hurt for voicing his objections. Gristol apologizes of course in a backhanded way, telling him it was needed and through his infiltration Raz could become as strong as Maligula and prove himself (by bringing him pamphlets he steals from their headquarters to give to Raz so he can learn powers from them and self study).
The team 1st catches wind of Raz through the mental simulation Sasha makes, with Lili and Frazie remarking that they couldn't see the boss but there was a child behind him, wearing a fur cap (like the 1 Lucrecia was wearing in Gristols vaults). When they ask about the kid Loboto is surprisingly chatty about him... and what Gristol had him do to the kid.
This Raz's mental walls aren't as strong as canon Raz's, but as we know from the elevator keeper in the 1st Psychonauts Loboto can do... something to prevent the psi-doors Psychonauts use to work on people. Gristol had him do this augmentation to Raz, and a few others he can't remember but made the kid's mind almost as hard to get to as loboto's (and resulting in a stapled scar that runs through the center of the back of his head. You can't see it though unless you pick him up with telekinesis, which results in his hat bouncing off just a bit before he fixes it)
They find Gristol’s body thanks to the lady who you meet in the mailroom the 1st time you go down there, who frantically comes in to tell Sasha Nick's body just fell out of a box. The adults are the only ones who go on the mission due to Raz not messing with Hollis' mind, and due to that Raz notices them fast enough to burn all the evidence. He's not fast enough to escape though, resulting in his capture.
His mind  looks like the Lady Luctopus casino, with shadows running around based on the time on a big, grand and ornate egg shaped clock. There's dioramas where the casino tables would be, smaller versions of the ride in Gristol’s mind. Cheerful music plays through the speakers, but is muffled just enough so if there’s words you can’t make them out. Beyond the casino, past the ocean that surrounds it, you can just make out... a small circus. Raz has 2 memory vaults - 1 for his "rescue" and 1 for what Loboto did to him. 
Trying to walk past the shadows is difficult, as the shadows are seemingly made of sticky ink, grabbing and pulling anyone who gets too close into them - taking a bit of health when it happens. To finish the level you have to get passed them by messing with the clock to make them move in different ways so you can continue to progress and gain access to Gristol’s room, and then you end up seeing what living with him was like.
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nomadicauthor287 · 3 years
Wild West AU
Sorry this took so long y’all! Enjoy! Be sure to like and reblog!
In the year of the force 1865, the great civil war came to a close. But with the end came a great cost, although the separatists lost, the republic lost as well with the mass execution of the generals for reasons of treason against the president. The republic was burned and a new order rose from the ashes. The Empire took over different territories claiming it was for peace but little by little it turned into tyranny.
Wrecker: Luther “Wrecker” Warner
Echo: Lewis “Echo” Sloan (Pair of revolvers)
Hunter: Bernard “Hunter” Spence (knives, knives, axes)
Crosshairs: Julius “Crosshairs” Spears
Tech: Irving “Tech” Bullock
Crosshairs is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Empire. A ruthless man is known for his remarkable marksmanship. Troops on both sides called him an angel of death because he just needed one shot to kill his target.
He rose through the ranks with his ruthless nature until he made his way up to Lieutenant Colonel.
But only a few people know about his one weakness. His little sister, Omega, is only 7 years old but smart as a whip and prodigy at strategy games.
Crosshair doesn’t trust anyone with his youngest sister. While he is an angel of death, she is an angel of life
Her brother tests her by challenging her to either chess matches and with hypothetical situations of battle with dioramas she made
Those tests were actually plans he uses to train his troops for battle
Also, battle strategies he uses
When Omega finds out what her strategies were made for battle and saw what happened to the systems after they swept through she was horrified
Lately, the Empire has been dealing with bandits that have been intercepting telegrams to steal supplies
Crosshair is tasked with the capture of these bandits
Some time passes and Omega makes a plan to escape
When she does escape her supplies and horse are immediately stolen once night falls
So she walks to town where she sells her headband given to her by her governess (Nala Se)
She walks into a local saloon and gets some grub
There was no other place to sit except next to this group of mercenaries talking about their next job
They question her why she’s sitting next to them and why she doesn’t move
She says she feels comfortable around them and the bespeckled fellow comments that that has never happened before
Their longhair leader questions her on why she’s here and where her parents are
She tells them she’s on a mission to save her people in the village she ran away from
She follows them to a saloon run by Cid
She’s one of the most successful women on that side of the West
They do jobs for ammo and supplies
She stows away on their wagon the next day when they go on a job
Wrecker is a wild man who loves nature and all her creatures
has a burro named Burrito
A Jackalope named Lula
Hunter is their big brother and leader of the group
Sometimes he doesn’t know what he’s doing
Echo is handicapped from the war but that doesn’t mean he can’t fight
He may not look it but he’s got plenty of fight left in him to find out what happened to his brother
Tech is the smartest and dumbest one out of all of them
He can tap into telegram lines as well as make all their equipment
The job they go on is to track someone who’s been kidnapping people
Zygerrians trying to bring slavery back
Omega makes herself useful and helps them recover the kidnapped people plus their target, Muchi
On that job she claims a bow from a boy who thanks her for saving him
Wrecker decided to let her stay with them
So they let Omega stay with them
Some time passes and Omega learns new skills from them
How to change a wheels
How to lasso creatures
Tap into telegram lines
Pan for gold
Next job they have to retrieve stolen resources
This time they enlist the help of the crew called the Green Phantoms
The Green Phantoms- (my OCs)
[I’ll do a character board soon]
10 members in all
They were an elite team made by a third party
They thought if kids with mystic powers were trained from infants they would be stronger
With training and surgical enhancements, it would make them stronger
They were said to be myths because there was no proof they existed because most targets associated with them were killed by “natural” causes or went missing
Luna Blade
Othed Dragoah
Verk Wress
Cam Tretey
Barux Rhitron
Ser Limser
Vonich Jhuc
Res Blonir
Ciara Blade
They track down the supplies to a remote part of the west in a canyon
They make Omega the lookout in case something goes wrong
There it’s rumored that there is a whole family of inbreds who ride on the backs of keeradaks
Once they have a visual on the supply cart they hold the Patriarch at gunpoint and tell him to bring out the rest of his family with their hands up
Turns out that wasn’t a good idea because his whole clan comes out
Someone fires a shot but it wasn’t anyone on the ground and the bantha pulling the wagon freaks out and runs
Tech and Ciara drive the cart while the others fight off the clan
The family chase them down on keeradaks
Some of the family board the cart and attack the drives until Hunter and Luna on horseback fought them off while the rest of the Green Phantoms fight off those on top of the cart
During all of this though Barux was negotiating moonshine prices with the matriarch
Rango - Water chase
The family starts tossing dynamite at them
Then Koji gets lasso’d off the wagon which helps her board and then rides the keeradak
Towards the end of the line, someone shoots one of the wheels off of the wagon and it comes to a stop
Turns out the cart was a trap and was full of imperial soldiers
All of them are captured and are put under arrest by order of Lieutenant Colonel Julius Spears or Crosshair
He beats both Luna and Hunter for the location of his sister
“Is this any way to treat your brother Julius!” Luna spat
Omega who was hiding in the distance with Burrito
“Brother?” she questions
She was shocked that the men who took her in were actually her brothers
Luna causes a distraction that lets Hunter, Tech, Echo, Wrecker, and Ciara escape with Omega
They all run away to a ranch run by their friend Cut where they hideout for a few days
End of part 1?
@soundwavetherav @zaffur @echoy-naak @eyecandyeoz @dreamy-day-daze @kratosfan6632466 @agentmarymargaretskitz @itsjml
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