#totally not based off a song
cheesylov · 14 days
Welcome home soldier
It's finally time for Steven to go on leave for the army, this wasn't anything new to him, while he was packing his uniform his dad walked in
"Hey boy I see your packing you things"
"Yup, making sure I've got everything I need"
"I hope everything goes well boy, stay safe" he patted Stevens shoulder gently
"Of course it will, this ain't my first rodeo, I'm sure everything will me fine"
"Man Im surprised Francis is so calm about this"
Suddenly something clicked in Steven, he forgot to tell Francis he was going on leave, and he's never went on leave while in a relationship, god how was he gonna tell him, his face shifted into one of worry
"Something wrong boy?"
"Dammit I forgot to tell Francis I was gonna go on leave" he pinched the bridge of his nose mumbling
"Ah don't worry boyo I can tell him for you, I'm sure he'll take it just fine"
"You sure dad? I know he's a deadpan son of a bitch but he's still got feelings"
"He's a grown man, he'll understand, I promise"
"If you say so then, I trust you".
A few hours later it was time for Steven to leave, he hugged his dad tightly before walking off
"Bye dad!"
"Bye son! Be safe!"
In that moment Francis walked up to mclooy
"Mmm morning Mr. Mclooy, where's Steven going this early? It's a Saturday"
"He's going on leave-"
Francises face went to one of shock
"He's what!?"
"Yeah, bein in the army means you gotta go on leave"
Francis ran out the apartment as fast as he could, he at least wanted to say goodbye.
Steven was just about to go before he felt something grab his hand, he turned around to see Francis looking worried
"Hey Franci, you goo-"
Before he could finish his sentence he was cut off my Francis
"Your going on leave!?"
Steven wasn't used to Francis raising his voice, so that slightly shook him
"Yeah, sorry I forgot to tell you, I was just busy getting ready"
Francises heart ached, he hated seeing Steven leave, especially when it was for a long period of time
"When will you be back?"
"I promise to be back soon, I should be back in like 2 months, it's a short leave"
Francises heart was being ripped apart, his eyes swelled with tears
"What if something happens to you? What if you get hurt!?... Or worse... What if you don't come back?"
"Oh Francis, you don't need to worry, I'll be fine... I promise"
Francis gently took off Stevens glasses to see his green eyes for the last time this month, he gently put a hand on his cheek and planted a kiss on Stevens forehead
"I love you" the only words that could come out of Francises mouth without breaking down
"I love you too Francis" Steven gave Francis a warm smile before putting his glasses back and and hugged Francis
"Be safe... Please"
"I will, trust me, I'll come back in one piece"
They shared one last good hug before Francis had to watch Steven leave, he could feel his heart ache with nothing but worry, Francis sighed and went back into the apartment hoping things will turn out fine
|a few weeks later|
It has already been two weeks and all the residents of the apartment were getting worried for Francis, they only every saw him when he delivered milk but on weekends or days off he wasn't anywhere to be seen, they would check up on him and it's almost like everyday he just got worse and worse, yes he wasn't exactly social but he would at least stop and chat a bit, but now he doesn't speak a word whenever somebody asked him anything, another few days like this and mclooy thought he would try and see if he could talk to Francis
The next day mclooy knocks on Francises door
"Open up boy it's me"
There was an unsettling silence before the door slightly creeked open
"Mmm, what do you want?"
"You look like shit"
"Oh gee I haven't noticed" he rolled his eyes
"Boy can we talk? What has been up with you lately? You never leave your apartment"
"What do you think it is?" He spat at mclooy
"Well I was just tryin to be nice"he crossed his arms
" ugh, I'm sorry it's just that..." Francis trailed off, words couldn't describe on how much he missed Steven "I just really miss Steven..." He looked down, simply talking about him made him want to break down
"Don't you send letters?"
"I do but.... It's not the same"Francis was now wishing these two months would go by as fast as they could, he leaned over the door and rubbed his face" I'm just... Scared"
"Scared of what?"
Francis sat down on the sofa looking up and the ceiling, mclooy followed in and sat down next to Francis
"I'm just scared something might happen to Steven... What if he gets hurt?.... What if he doesn't come back at all" Francis looked away, he could feel the tears in his eyes swell up like crazy
"Oh don't be silly Francis, he'll be fine"
"How could you be so sure? How come your so calm about this? Your own son is at the risk of getting hurt!"
Mclooy sighed and took a drag of his cigarette blowing out a large Cloud of smoke
"Because I know him, this ain't the first time he's went on leave, he's done it many times, I just got used to it and you should too, If your gonna date my son then you need to understand that this is his job, he can't just stop because your feelings got hurt"
Francis took that in, his words cut deep, but he was right, he was acting like a baby about this, but there was that feeling that he couldn't shake off, he loved Steven and cared for him, almost too much, but seeing how mclooy took this as an average thing he thought he should too
"I know you care for him but I assure you hes fine"
Francis sighed and looked over at mclooy
"Yeah I guess your right, Im sorry I've been like this, I guess I'm just not used to him not being around, but I'll try not to worry as much"
"Atta boy, now promise me to take things easier from now on"
"I will... ".
|7 weeks later|
7 weeks and Francis is still really sad to not see Steven, he still misses him but he tries to talk and open up more, at least he can actually hold a conversation with someone, Francis had marked the days on his calendar waiting, aching, for the day Steven comes back, he looked over at the cat clock that hanged off his wall, 10pm, he should get some sleep, he got dressed into his pj's and before he tucked himself under the covers he looked over the calendar one more time
"One more week, one more week" at that he sighed and drifted off to sleep.
|two days later|
Everyone was in their apartments while mclooy was outside, he was waiting for Steven, apparently he was getting off early, after a hour of waiting a familiar sound of boots hitting the ground was heard, mclooy looked up to see Steven running up
They hugged tightly, Steven missed his dad dearly
"How has it been since I was gone?"
"Pretty good, except Francis didn't take it too well, stuck in his apartment ever since you left"
Steven sighed
"Felt like that was going to happen, but I'm finally back, good to be home"
Mclooy whistled
Francis was in his apartment when he looked out the window to see where the whistle came from, when he saw Steven outside his eyes lit up like fireworks, he didn't waste any time, he ran down the stairs as fast as he could pushing everyone that was in his way
Once he was outside Steven held out his arms
Francis ran and threw his arms around Steven pulling him into a bone breaking embrace, Steven swooped Francis off his feet and spun him around, they laughed and tears ran down Francises cheeks, but not tears of worry or sorrow, tears of pure joy, he could finally smile again knowing his favorite person was back home
Steven put Francis down and took off his sunglasses looking into Francises tear stained eyes
"I missed you so so much... And now your home"
"I am, and I missed you more then you can imagine"
Francis wasted no time and pulled Steven into a loving kiss on the lips, their noses fitting like a perfect puzzle,he usually wasn't this lovey but he couldn't help it, he missed him too much, Steven pulled him closer as he practically melted into the kiss, he missed his home, his dad ,but he definitely missed loving Francis, Francis broke the kiss and looked at Steven, a soft smile creeping up on Francises face
"There's that smile... " Steven gently put his hands of Francises cheek and Francis held Stevens hand closer to his cheek
"Now why don't we get inside, it's getting cold"
"You two done yet?"
"Don't worry we're done dad"
Francis held Stevens hand and they walked into the apartment, everyone was happy to see Steven back, everyone was greeting and hugging him, when Steven got to his apartment he looked over at Francis, Francis slightly blushed as he looked down
"Hey... Can I stay the night and your place?"
Steven looked over at mclooy
"Fine by me"
Francis smiled and followed Steven inside his apartment, they lived right next to each other so it felt the same
|hours later|
It's night time so that means time to sleep, Steven could finally sleep in a comfy bed
Francis climbed under the covers and Steven slid in burying his face into Francises neck, Francis ran his fingers through Stevens hair, he really missed this
"Ready for bed?"
"You bet your ass"
They snuggled up warmly with each other and gave each other a kiss goodnight before falling asleep safely into each others arms
Mclooy walked by Stevens room and peeked Through the crack of the door
Steven and Francis were fast asleep still holding each other
Mclooy chuckled quietly before smiling
"Welcome home soldier."
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pawzofchaos · 8 months
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found some old ass axelle/nichaxel art I never posted
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0starmuncher0 · 1 month
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Concept art for an dnd character??? It’s very flat looking 👍👍 Gabi, the star!
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gloriousmonsters · 4 months
Mememememe I want to see
please enjoy a selection from you're on a path in the desert, chapter 2: 'The Ancient', brought about by wondering what ganondorf's motivation is and being honest and brash enough he kind of likes you and is like 'sorry, kid' while murdering you to attempt a breakout in the first chapter. narrated by Zelda, starring Link and Ganondorf.
You're on a path in the desert. Or... it's more of a beach, isn't it? You can hear the sea. Small crabs scuttle and hide among rocks smoothed by eons of lapping waves; the pristine sands glitter, here and there, with old coins and jewels set in tarnished metal. Pirate treasures, as if a ship was wrecked here long ago. A lonely blue sky arches high above, unmarred by a single cloud. A path of scattered white rocks, like sun-bleached bones, lead toward the edge of the water. At the end of this path, a man with evil eyes is imprisoned. A king. You, hero, must slay him; or it will be the end of the world.
Voice of the Curious: He didn't seem that bad!
- Yeah, he wasn't as bad as she hyped him up to be.
- Bad? He was very bad! I'm completely on board with the 'slaying' thing now.
- Hang on, how are we here? Didn't we die?
> I see what you mean, but he did very much kill us. That was a thing that happened.
Voice of the Curious: I guess, but he was so... sad. He just wanted to escape. He seemed like he'd been there for a really long time.
> He did.
Excuse me, who's this? And what are you saying about dying? Please don't tell me—
Voice of the Curious : We died and we came back to life!
- More or less.
- I died and it was terrifying and now I'm me and also this other part of me and they're both me and I don't know how that works or what's going on and I'm going to start crying probably
> This isn't the first time we've been here. Your 'man with the evil eyes' was the one that killed me, not the other way around.
He's not mine, and... It wouldn't be the same, the other way around. You need to slay him, not kill him.
- I get it. I'm a human, and he's a monster.
> Semantics.
Very important ones. Listen to me, hero. I hoped that this wouldn't happen, and I didn't want to scare you with the possibility. But please believe me—we're walking a fine line, now. All is not lost, but every failure widens his chance at escape.
Voice of the Curious: Really?
I do not like how you said that. This... voice, whatever it is, it seems very young. Don't let naivety influence you, hero. One failure means he's already found a chink in your armor—it is even more imperative you keep your guard up. Whatever he said, whatever he did, put it out of your mind. Focus on this. He is evil, and he will destroy everything if he escapes. You are the hero, the only one with the power to stop him. I—everything depends on you.
Voice of the Curious : That's a lot of pressure...
- I love pressure.
- I hate pressure.
 > Are you really sure I can do this?
Yes. You’re the only one that can. 
Voice of the Curious: Wow, she sounds... so serious. I don't know if I trust her, but I think she likes you.
Ha. That's... You matter a great deal to me. By definition, of course. You’re the hero, you matter to everyone. But we don't have time to sit here and talk about our feelings, whatever they might be. Your quest is the same, hero. It's time to go forward.
> (proceed to the prison)
N: At the edge of the water, the path of rocks continue—for a little while. Soon they're fewer and farther between, and in their place are footholds of debris, half-rotted hulls of wood, old chests rammed up on some invisible sandbank below the water. There have been many wrecks here, and as you pick your way forward, you see the largest of them up ahead. Splintered and broken, its massive hull impaled on the tall and jagged rocks that rise from the hidden seabed, like towers of some sunken castle. The rest of it is remarkably intact, but it looks ancient. Weathered, by years that have sapped color from cloth and wood and leached memory from material. Every detail blurred. The figurehead is faceless, nearly formless, like the... like the image of a loved one long forgotten.
> Are you all right?
Your path ends—or rather, takes a new form—at the side of the wreck. An old rope ladder leads up the barnacle-encrusted side. The old wood creaks as you ascend, but even that sound is... muted. This ship isn't just wrecked, it's becalmed. The muting of that sound makes you acutely aware of the absence of others. No birds cry in the sky; no fish splash in the water. The land behind you is already lost in a hazy fog. This is a lonely place.
Voice of the Curious: She's making it sound so depressing. It's sad, but it's also sort of cool, right? It's like an old pirate ship! It doesn't feel like a prison, it feels like... like a hideout!
Please be quiet. It's a prison. It might look... odd, but it's a prison.
Voice of the Curious : Do you think there's treasure?
Voice of the Curious: ...You want there to be treasure too, right?
I'm not interested. We have a very important job to do. To your left, across the weathered deck, a door leads to the fo'c'sle. It's not locked, but it's encrusted with barnacles, warped in its frame. Beside it, a sword is embedded in the wall, as if left there after a battle long ago. It gleams with its own light—
Voice of the Curious: It's not glowing, though. It's just a sword.
It's not—but... Ah. Yes. Well, it doesn't need to glow, does it? It's the hero's sword. It's made to kill evildoers and monsters. It's meant for your hand, and your hand alone. Take up the sword, hero. You'll need it if you want to save us all.
- But it's not glowing. Didn't you say it was important it glowed?
- What if I don't want to save everyone?
> take up the sword
- don't take up the sword
Sword in hand, you force open the door, rusted hinges screeching as you shove your whole body's weight against it. Before you is a sheer drop, lightless, only the first few feet visible in the foggy sunlight that filters past your shoulders. A rope ladder hangs over the ledge at your feet, vanishing into shadow. The air is musty, damp, and smells of moldering spice and rotting silk, wood permeated with gunsmoke and worried by the icy teeth of the ocean over the course of centuries. If this is the prison the king's been confined in, killing him will be a mercy.
His voice echoes up from the darkness, tired but commanding.
The King: I knew you'd return. Come here, boy. Let us speak face to face.
Voice of the Curious: He remembers us! And he sounds... older. I mean, he was already older than us. But he sounds much older now. 
Of course he's old, he's been in prison for a long time. Don't dwell on it or wonder about it, the more time and thought you give him the more dangerous he is. Just get down there and accomplish your quest.
> proceed down the 'stairs'
After what feels like half an hour of nerve-wracking descent, feeling for foot and hand-holds in the darkness, light begins to bloom below you. When you come to the bottom, a few minutes later, you find yourself facing another door—this one richly carved wood, remarkably well-preserved considering the state of the ship. It's hard to make out much in the light filtering through the cracks around it, but you can see intricate, geometric patterns, and the snarling face of a boarlike beast carved huge in the very center.
Voice of the Curious: What—
You waste no time fooling around and asking questions, and open the door. Striding within, you find yourself confronted with a surprisingly lavish room, dimly lit by old oil-lamps. Rich rugs cover the floor; a huge bed stands in the back of the room, partly hidden by curtains, and a huge desk carved with intricate details dominates another side of the room. Tapestries, paintings and maps nearly cover the walls, save for a section that seems dedicated to a number of weapons—at a glance you see twin swords and a trident. Everything feels a little... oversized, as if you're a child venturing into the room of an adult. When you look closer, you can see signs of wear and age—cracking paint, books with pages puffed by soaking and drying out, scratches in the fine wood and dust on the tapestries—but the overall effect is still opulent, overwhelming. This feels right for a prison meant to confine a king; it would be suitable for an emperor, confined to his office by the new regime, allowed to keep a pretense of dignity.
But across the room from you, there's a strangely bare section of the wall, interrupted by only two things: A porthole filled more by spiderwebbing cracks than glass, showing only blank darkness, and the King, who stands tall and studies you thoughtfully with pale gold eyes.
The King: You approach me, yet again, with your blade in hand. Interesting.
He's a big man, broad and heavy, a physique that might impress as brutish or sedentary if not for the way he holds himself. Straight-backed, imperious, with a hint of a fighter's grace in the way his stance shifts as his eyes track the step you take forward. There's no gray in his hair, or deep wrinkles on his face, but something about him gives an impression of great age and greater weariness. His face is craggy, but his eyes are delicately lined with black; he wears a topaz on his brow, and fine robes that inspire ideas of entrenched and confident authority. As he seems to reach an internal resolution in his appraisal of you, his teeth bare in what is hard to determine as a mocking smile or a grimace of pain.
The King: I suppose that if you try to kill me this time, it will only be fair. But I'd rather we talk.
Voice of the Curious: Ooh, talk! Yes! I want to know what's going on! Just, um, maybe we should stay at a distance.
Remember what you're here for. Don't listen to him, or him. Please, hero. Kill him now.
- slay the king
- kill him?
- You killed me last time, I'd like an apology before we do anything else.
> All right. Let's talk.
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bylertruther · 1 year
modern au mike would be the repressed internalized homophobia harboring kind of gay that says shit like "it's not gay to kiss ur homies goodnight 🙄 that's just being a good bro" and is essentially playing gay chicken with will 24/7 which is why will never suspects anything and thinks it's totally unrequited. bc they have Always been like this . and still mike insists he's straight and who is will to say Um Actually esp when mike made a big stink abt dating his sister n also gets super defensive abt it any time they talk abt it or get anywhere even remotely close to talking abt it. hope this helps 👍
#the kind of enthusiastic ally tht makes those jokes n all of tht and after doing the gayest thing ever he's like well. i just love my gay#best friend and support him is that so wrong..... (proceeds to get jealous when someone flirts with will + comments n likes his every#selfie + actually lets will take pictures of them and post them whenever they hang out n go somewhere jsut the two of them + makes collab#playlists with will that are full of love songs tht will totally pokes fun at him about + all other Clearly Boyfriendisms stuff)#and max just Blinks at him.#with the tiktok sound and all#eventually will gets SICK of it bc a good boy a Kind and very pretty guy is actually interested in him for real and ISN'T deterred by mike#and his mikeness bc he likes him That much and will just . he's so conflicted. bc he can't do this with this new guy if he still loves#mike and still feels like... like there's this Thing between them tht's all in his head and he just. he needs to hear mike say it. he needs#to hear mike say that there's nothing here and that there will never be something here so that he can at least TRY to move on.#and mike... can't do that :( because. well. well us ee. he opens his mouth but the words don't come out bc they just Feel Wrong.#and then bada bing bada boom Gay Shit Happens#but also not rly bc they have always been gay. it's just that now it's Official. nods at u#upside down shenanigans doesn't happen in this specific au so i'm going based off of s1 and s2 mike tht is Very Clingy n Loving#mine
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birdricks · 5 months
me and my 5 separate birdrick playlists against the world 💖
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princelythirsts · 9 months
I personally prefer making a separate self insert for each fandom or even for each pairing bc I want to match up the f/o with a version of me that’s compatible with them
but also this makes me feel I’m getting repetitive yknow? like one time I stopped myself bc I was like “jfc my self inserts have same face syndrome”
then I remembered it was MY face… 🤦🏻‍♂️
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leek-lark · 2 years
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“In fact some would say it’s something quite beautiful...”
2 weeks ago Andrew Barth Feldman said on Alex Boniello’s twitch that he heard there was a “funny choreography change” in sincerely me that Gaten came up with, and after watching that one recording I am going to assume it’s when Jared puts his hand on Evan’s cheek. Which I agree is very funny. 
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 11 months
obsessed w jensen and his little food dances. like he just gets so excited about food, especially when he's making it, and sometimes hes just gotta do a little celebratory biscuit dance yk
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Taylor Swift Songs That Mention Cars That Are Totally About Phoebe and Silas - White Horse
say you're sorry, that face of an angel / comes out just when you need it to / as i paced back and forth all this time / 'cause i honestly believed in you
Because Phoebe and Silas are so close and have known each other for so long, Silas has likely picked up on the thing Phoebe does where she changes aspects of her personality based on who she's with, especially because I think she started to develop that a lot more during General Hong's trial, though it was definitely present while she was in London. Despite this, he probably still believes that he knows her, not just a facade that she's putting up. When Silas finds out about Phoebe being Priest, I think she's going to panic. Because I think a huge part of the reason that she changes her personality based on who she's with is her fear of losing people. And I think this is one of the bigger reasons she's trying so hard to keep her identity as Priest under wraps (I'm getting this from the end of the scene where Oliver and Celia break into Rosalind and Orion's apartment). Based on this, I think if Silas were to confront her about being Priest, she might panic and try to tell him what he wants to hear. And I think Silas would likely pick up on this if she were to do that and start to wonder how much she has been lying to him.
stupid girl, i should've known, i should've known
I think Silas will blame himself for not realizing that Phoebe is Priest quite a bit. I think he'll feel ridiculous for ever thinking that he ever really knew her beyond the front that she's putting up. He's going to feel really used. He let her know crucial details about his assignments all while likely picking up on a lot of stuff she was clearly hiding from him (ex: the gun in tpats). Not going to be a great time for him.
that i'm not a princess, this ain't a fairytale
In this song, Taylor Swift alludes to common fairytale characters and tropes to contrast the way she naively idolized her idea of a romantic relationship with the actuality of how one ended. This connects with the way that Silas has idolized Phoebe and ignored her faults, seeing her as more of an idea than a person and how that view of her will be shattered when he finds out that she's Priest.
now it's too late for you and your white horse / to come around
In the alternate reality dimension where Phoebe and Silas don't end up together, this is Silas saying that Phoebe has irreparably broken his trust, and it's too late for her to try and fix what she's done.
maybe i was naive, got lost in your eyes / and never really had a chance / well, my mistake, i didn't know to be in love you had to fight to have the upper hand
Again, Silas is likely going to naive and used when he realizes that Phoebe is Priest. I think he's going to doubt that their relationship was ever anything more than her manipulating him.
i had so many dreams about you and me / happy endings, now i know
Silas has loved Phoebe since they were very young. (I think that Phoebe has loved him since they were very young as well but has a harder time admitting it to herself for a number of reasons.) I think he could come to the conclusions that his dreams were unrealistic, ridiculous, and naive, at least for a little bit in FHH. We know they will get their happy ending, but I don't think it's going to be the ideal perfect relationship with zero problems that has been in Silas's head for years. I think he's going to start to see a more complete picture of Phoebe, including her faults, and love her more for it. And I think this is going to help him learn to stand on his own more. And be a more complete person, regardless of whether Phoebe is there or not. And I think their ending will be much happier for it.
and there you are on your knees / beggin' for forgiveness, beggin' for me / just like i always wanted / but i'm so sorry / 'cause i'm not your princess, this ain't our fairytale
Okay. So on the tiny chance that we are right about the potential "we have never been real" "we were to me" scene parallel, this would likely be the first time Phoebe has ever come anywhere close to directly admitting her feelings for Silas to him. And I think that if this scene were to happen and I am right about Silas's reaction to Phoebe being Priest and how that could potentially change his perception of her, I think that her finally admitting her feelings to him in this context could make him think that even if what she's saying is true, it means very little for her to be saying it to stop him from leaving. And he is no longer willing to blindly believe her and go along with whatever she's saying just for the hope of being included.
i'm gonna find someone someday / who might actually treat me well
Okay hear me out. It would be funny. Obviously painful to read. But funny. If Silas rebounded for 0.0000567896 seconds in FHH. And had a little bejeweled era. Because I support pettiness. And with the multiple povs the whiplash you would get from jumping from Alisa and Roma reuniting or something to Silas rebounding would be absolutely insane and very funny. I do not think this is actually going to happen at all. However, I don't have direct evidence that it won't happen, and I think it would be funny. But painful.
this is a big world, that was a small town / there in my rear-view mirror disappearing now
Obviously Shanghai is not a small town. But this is the obligatory car line. It is also representative of outgrowing childhood and experiencing the complexities of the real world, which often don't line up with the perfect idolized scenarios you come up with when you don't know better.
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dylanconrique · 11 months
spotted tim at the eras tour.
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jvzebel-x · 1 year
"Did she really think I would not know him? I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell. I would know him blind-- by the way his breaths came, and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world."
Patroclus (about Achilles)
"There are no bargains between lions and men. I will kill you and eat you raw."
Achilles (to Hector)
x. "The Song of Achilles", Madeline Miller
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snekdood · 1 year
I think we need more music about ppl expressing how they feel, like if they dont feel like theyre enough, bc rn i think we have too much music of ppl tryna compensate for their inadequate feelings by pretending their ego is bigger than it is
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fearthecoldblood · 2 years
i have to say it
father gascoigne has the most fun theme in bloodborne
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mageofmindfr · 6 days
I'm thinking of turning this blog from only classpect analysis to just be the blog where I talk homestuck?
Like, I'd still do analysis (... sometime in the future. I'm working on it.) but also then I could talk (and maybe draw??) stuff for my AU that I've been working on for a while, or talk about my troll OCs beyond when their classpects finally show up in my askbox?
IDK I just want to do more stuff with this blog because writing these analyses takes up a casual 4+ hours to do all the making sure canon supports my theories (or at least doesn't outright disprove anything) part and recently that time of my weekends is being taken up by being Very Busy with homework (but hey, four years from now I'll be able to tell people I know what I'm talking about in regards to media analysis because I'll have a degree in that stuff, so, y'know, worthy sacrifices and all that jazz)
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heartshattering · 13 days
One song and two Wikipedia articles later and now I'm getting catastrophic thoughts again 🙃
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