#top restaurants
the-ashford-arms · 1 month
When it comes to dining out, the search for the perfect restaurant is akin to a culinary adventure, filled with excitement, anticipation, and the promise of delicious grub. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion, catching up with friends, or simply seeking a break from the kitchen, selecting the right restaurant can transform a mere meal into a memorable experience. In the scenic heart of the UK, the vibrant gastronomy scene offers a plethora of choices, each with its own unique charm and flavours. However, amidst the abundance, how does one zero in on a dining destination that ticks all the right boxes? Let's uncover the essential factors to consider when choosing a good restaurant for dining, especially within the heart of the UK.
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kimludcom · 3 months
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eazydinerindia · 4 months
Best Restaurants In Udaipur
Indulge in the best cuisines at the best restaurants in Udaipur with the EazyDiner app. Make every meal a celebration, indulge in gourmet dishes and local delights. Whether it is a casual lunch or an extravagant dinner, get guaranteed Rs.1000 OFF every time you eat out. Simply download the EazyDiner app, make a reservation at your favourite restaurant and pay on the app. You don’t have to worry about long bills when you dine with EazyDiner.
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dayinaustralia · 6 months
Why Are Melbourne's Chefs Passionate About Local Ingredients
Melbourne, Australia, is a brilliant beacon on the gastronomic map of the world. Melbourne's chefs have a great enthusiasm for local foods that sets them apart in the area of culinary perfection. The city is known for its diversified food scene and inventive cuisine. piece, we'll go on a trip to discover the fundamental reasons for Melbourne's chefs' consistent devotion to acquiring and promoting local ingredients.
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The Gourmet Tapestry of Melbourne
Before we get into the gastronomic complexity that distinguishes Melbourne's culinary scene, let's take a look at the complicated backdrop that supports this appreciation for local products. Melbourne is a unique city, with a complex tapestry of cultures woven into its very fabric. This ethnic variety not only shapes the city's demography, but it also has a significant impact on its gastronomic environment.
Melbourne's multiculturalism lies at the core of its extraordinary cuisine culture, creating a melting pot of world flavors. In response to this one-of-a-kind setting, Melbourne's chefs have adopted a farm-to-table philosophy focusing on the utilization of fresh, local products. This mentality, we shall see, is driven by a mix of circumstances and advantages that contribute to Melbourne's genuinely exceptional culinary scene.
A Symphony of Freshness and Seasonality
Melbourne's chefs understand that the cornerstone of outstanding food is the freshness and seasonality of its ingredients. They are adamant about utilizing locally produced food to guarantee that each dish bursts with taste, color, and texture at its best. This dedication to seasonality allows guests to embark on a gastronomic journey that reflects the ebb and flow of the seasons, building a strong bond between food and the natural world.
By sourcing local foods, chefs may be more active in the selection of their produce. They frequently form direct links with local farmers to ensure the greatest quality of supplies. This degree of participation and commitment to innovation raises Melbourne's dining experiences to new heights.
Preserving Biodiversity
Melbourne's chefs are enthusiastic not only about the flavor of local food, but also about the larger effect of their decisions. Supporting local farmers and producers helps to maintain biodiversity and Australia's rich tapestry of distinct flavors.
Chefs that choose local produce help to preserve heritage varieties and indigenous ingredients that might otherwise be lost in a globalized food system. This method produces menus that are not only tasty but also culturally and environmentally responsible. Melbourne chefs take delight in knowing that their devotion to local foods contributes to the sustainability and progress of the Australian culinary environment.
Supporting Local Communities
The devotion of Melbourne's chefs to helping local communities is a significant component that inspires their love for local food. They recognize that their decisions have a direct influence on the livelihoods of the region's small-scale farmers, growers, and craftspeople.
This dedication to local communities demonstrates the great feeling of responsibility that Melbourne's chefs have for their city. They build a sense of togetherness and solidarity throughout the community by procuring ingredients locally. It is not only about the food; it is also about the people and places that generate it. This, in turn, generates a virtuous cycle in which strong local enterprises can continue to offer outstanding ingredients to Melbourne's culinary scene.
Elevating the Dining Experience
Melbourne's chefs understand that using local foods is about more than simply gratifying taste buds; it's about presenting guests with a whole culinary experience. When you eat in Melbourne, you start on a trip that tells a tale about the place, its people, and its customs.
Each item on a Melbourne menu reflects the chef's dedication to quality and workmanship. Every taste is filled with the spirit of the region, whether it's a delicious cut of locally-raised beef, a vivid display of freshly-picked veggies, or a cheese board with artisanal selections from surrounding dairies. This link between food and environment improves the eating experience, transforming it into a multi-sensory trip that stays in the mind long after the meal is over.
Fostering Culinary Creativity
The utilization of locally sourced foods also encourages culinary inventiveness. The seasonal fluctuations of their ingredients inspire Melbourne's chefs, resulting in inventive menu modifications that mimic the changing environment outside the  restaurant windows.
Diners are enthusiastic and interested because they know that each visit to their favorite Melbourne best restaurant may reveal a fresh and distinct culinary masterpiece. The chefs are proud of their abilities to adapt and experiment with local foods as a creative canvas. This not only results in unique recipes, but it also fosters a stronger bond between cooks, diners, and the environment.
Reduction of Food Miles and Environmental Impact
In an increasingly concerned world about environmental sustainability, Melbourne's chefs understand the value of decreasing food miles. They reduce the transportation and associated carbon emissions that sometimes accompany long-distance food supply chains by obtaining ingredients locally.
This dedication to minimizing the environmental effect of their culinary pursuits connects strongly with both chefs and eaters. It's apparent that Melbourne's culinary community is taking ownership of its position in the greater global ecosystem.
Melbourne's chefs are passionate about local foods because they know that this enthusiasm is the foundation of their culinary success. It improves the eating experience, helps local communities, and promotes environmental sustainability. Melbourne's chefs create meals that tell a narrative, showcase their unique culture, and leave a lasting imprint on the palates and hearts of those fortunate enough to appreciate their creations. The appreciation of local foods isn't simply a fad in Melbourne; it's a way of life, a monument to the city's continuous devotion to culinary quality.
Do visit- Day In Australia and explore more. 
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australiacite · 6 months
The Benefits of Restaurants in Promoting Food Sustainability
The culinary landscape is evolving rapidly in response to the growing concern about food sustainability. In a world grappling with issues like climate change and food security, the role of restaurants in promoting sustainability is gaining prominence. While the concept of sustainable dining isn't new, it has gained new life and meaning in recent years. In this article, we'll explore the multifaceted relationship between restaurants and food sustainability without mentioning any specific restaurant names. We'll also discuss how these principles apply in a city like Perth, Australia, often considered a hub for sustainable dining.
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Food Sustainability: A Global Imperative
In an era marked by global challenges such as climate change, dwindling natural resources, and a surging world population, the imperative for food sustainability has never been more evident. At its core, sustainability in the context of food entails practices that ensure the production and consumption of food do not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is a commitment to minimizing waste, conserving resources, and ensuring that the entire food supply chain operates with minimal environmental impact.
Restaurants, as integral components of the food supply chain, play a crucial role in advocating and practicing food sustainability.
Reducing Food Waste
Food waste is a significant issue worldwide. A third of all food produced worldwide, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), is lost or wasted. Restaurants can be at the forefront of combatting food waste, as they are positioned at the end of the supply chain where waste often occurs. By optimizing portion sizes, managing inventory efficiently, and creatively utilizing food scraps, restaurants contribute to a reduction in food waste. This not only reduces environmental impact but also alleviates the pressure on landfills.
In Perth, as in many other cities, the best restaurants prioritize waste reduction, often employing innovative techniques such as composting, recycling, and collaborations with local farms to ensure that even food scraps are put to good use.
Supporting Local and Sustainable Agriculture
The best restaurants in Perth have embraced the concept of farm-to-table dining. This approach promotes sustainability by reducing the carbon footprint associated with transporting food over long distances. Supporting local and sustainable agriculture has a twofold benefit: it encourages small-scale local farmers and ensures that the food on your plate is fresher, often free from harmful pesticides and preservatives.
By sourcing ingredients locally, restaurants promote the use of seasonal produce, which, in turn, supports the principles of sustainability. This practice helps preserve biodiversity, minimize the need for synthetic chemicals, and protect local ecosystems.
Menu Innovation and Diversity
Sustainable restaurants are adept at menu innovation. They introduce patrons to a wider array of foods and ingredients that may not be typically found in mainstream cuisine. By diversifying their menus, these restaurants encourage the cultivation and consumption of a broader range of crops, thus contributing to biodiversity and reducing the environmental strain of monoculture farming.
In Perth, the best restaurants are particularly noted for their menu diversity, often featuring a delightful blend of traditional and exotic ingredients. This diversity promotes sustainable agriculture by creating demand for a wider variety of crops.
Ethical Sourcing and Responsible Fishing
Another crucial aspect of food sustainability in restaurants is the ethical sourcing of seafood and animal products. Restaurants play a significant role in discouraging unsustainable fishing practices and promoting responsible, traceable sourcing. By adhering to strict standards and certifications, they ensure that the seafood they serve is harvested without depleting the ocean's resources.
Additionally, responsible sourcing extends to meat and dairy products, where restaurants can opt for suppliers who practice ethical animal husbandry, reducing the environmental and ethical concerns associated with industrial farming.
Energy Efficiency and Green Initiatives
Sustainability isn't limited to food sourcing and waste reduction. The best restaurants in Perth take their commitment to sustainability further by investing in energy-efficient appliances, reducing water usage, and adopting green initiatives. These actions lower their carbon footprint and contribute to the conservation of natural resources.
Educational Initiatives
Restaurants have the power to influence consumer behavior. The best restaurants use this influence to educate patrons about the importance of sustainable dining practices. Through menus, signage, and interactions with diners, they raise awareness about the environmental impact of food choices and encourage responsible consumption.
Educational initiatives in Perth often include partnerships with local schools and organizations, providing workshops on sustainable food practices, and hosting events to promote food sustainability within the community.
Climate Change and Food Resistant Agriculture
As climate change continues to affect global agriculture, restaurants that champion sustainability are better equipped to adapt to changing circumstances. They are resilient in the face of crop disruptions, sourcing locally and embracing adaptable menus that can accommodate fluctuating ingredient availability.
Economic Benefits
Embracing food sustainability isn't just about environmental consciousness; it also brings economic advantages. Restaurants that adopt sustainable practices often experience increased customer loyalty, better relationships with suppliers, and reduced operating costs due to minimized waste and energy efficiency. Moreover, they contribute to a positive image that attracts patrons and positive media attention.
The role of restaurants in promoting food sustainability is indispensable. The best restaurants in Perth, like those around the world, are contributing to a more sustainable future by reducing food waste, supporting local agriculture, and advocating responsible sourcing. These establishments have a unique opportunity to educate and influence their patrons positively. Through their efforts, they demonstrate that dining can be an environmentally responsible and ethically sound experience, leading the way for a more sustainable culinary landscape.
As patrons, we can also play our part by choosing restaurants that prioritize food sustainability and making informed choices about what we consume. By doing so, we can collectively make a significant impact on the journey toward a more sustainable food future.
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undiscveredtravelguide · 11 months
Best Restaurants Koh Chang | UNDISCVERED
Looking for the best restaurants in Koh Chang? Look no further than UNDISCVERED, your ultimate digital wingman for exploring the world like a local. From beachside seafood shacks to hidden jungle cafes, we've handpicked the top spots for you. Need recommendations? Count on UNDISCVERED for unforgettable dining experiences in Koh Chang. We're always thrilled to provide recommendations and help you make the most of your visit.
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Svečana promocija drugog izdanja gastronomskog vodiča „GAULT & MILLAU“ Srbija 2023. održana je 25. aprila u Kristanoj dvorani hotela ''Hyatt Regency’’ u Beogradu, na kojoj su dodeljena i priznanja u više kategorija najuspešnijima u ugostiteljstvu u 2023. Događaju je prisustvovalo više od 300 zvanica, koji su nakon zvaničnog dela, uživali u ukusima pažljivo odabranih specijaliteta srpske kuhinje i u najboljim vinima.
Gostima su se na samom početku obratili Mira Šemić, direktorka „Gault & Millau“ Slovenija i Srbija, Marija Labović, direktorka Turističke organizacije Srbije i Uroš Kandić, državni sekretar u Ministarstvu turizma i omladine Republike Srbije. Tom prilikom predstavili su vrednost i kvalitet vodiča, kao i njegov značaj za turizam i turističke destinacije u Srbiji.
„Obišli smo Srbiju od Subotice do Vranja, i verujte mi podigli lestvicu i odabrali najbolje. Večeras će nagrade biti iznenađenje za sve, za restorane, pojedince i za sve goste. Mi smo zadovoljni izborom’’, rekla je Mira Šemić, direktor „Gault & Millau” Slovenija i Srbija, zahvalivši se i Turističkoj organizaciji Srbije na poverenju i podršci.
„Drugi put se sastajemo da promovišemo izdanje ovog gastronomskog vodiča. Kriterijumi na osnovu kojih su inspektori ocenjivali restorane, kuvare i usluge širom Srbije su strogi, ali pravični i stvar je prestiža u celom gastronomskom svetu zaslužiti GoMijo kapu, ili biti primećen od strane GoMijo inspektora. Svim restoranima i pojedincima koji su to uspeli, čestitam“, rekla je Marija Labović direktorka TOS.
“Ovo je prilika da se podstakne konkurencija među domaćim ugostiteljima kako bi se ukupan kvalitet, promocija i vidljivost gastronomske ponude kretala uzlaznom linijom'', istakao je, između ostalog, Uroš Kandić, državni sekretar za turizam.
Dobitnici nagrada „Gault & Millau” SRBIJA 2023 su:
Najbolji restorani 2023:
Dobitnici tri kulinarske kape: Homa, Beograd; La Pista Gorski Hotel, Kopaonik; Restoran 27, Beograd, i Restoran The Square, Beograd
Dobitnici četiri kulinarske kape: Langouste, Beograd, i Salon 1905, Beograd
Najbolji somelijer 2023 – Stefan Mladenović, restoran Corso, Beograd
Najbolji POP 2023 – Morava Meet Concept Store, Beograd
Najbolji poslastičar 2023 –Dejan Veljin, Hotel Gorski, Kopaonik
Mladi talenat 2023 – Stefan Živković, Koordinata, Beograd
Chef tradicije 2023 - Dragan Cvetković, Bela Reka, Beograd
Chef budućnosti 2023: Filip Ćirić, HOMA, Beograd;
Dejan Popović, Fish&Zeleniš, Novi Sad
Chef godine 2023 – Gijom Iskandar, Langouste, Beograd
„Gault & Millau” je kompetentan i pouzdan vodič koji svoj uticaj neprekidno proširuje, pa je od 1962. godine kada je nastao u Francuskoj, pa do danas postao nezaobilazan putokaz ka najboljim ukusima u oko 25 zemalja sveta. Od 2022. godine izdaje se i u Srbiji. U ovogodišnjem Vodiču je 144 restorana, 107 POP (bistro, poslastičarnice…), 34 vinarije i 10 destilerija.
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No.1 Restaurant in Johns Island | Cabana Burgers & Shakes
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Are you looking for Johns Island Restaurants? Every team member is dedicated to ensuring you are satisfied with your visit. Thanks to Cabana Burgers & Shakes efforts, we can keep serving delicious food to our patrons night after night.
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itsaspectrumcomic · 6 months
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I love going to dinner with my friends, but do restaurants have to be so loud?? Every sound turns to mush.
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venuelook1 · 2 years
Wedding Venues in Delhi NCR
Your wedding day is now a few months away, and now you just cannot wait to celebrate it with your loved ones. We All know that an Indian wedding is all about a social gathering and celebration together. No doubt in saying that Indian weddings are just flawless. You celebrate the biggest day in your life with all your nearest and dearest. And the fact is you do this in an honor of that one person you know that you are going to partner up with for your whole life. It is a special event in one's life, and no doubt has to be planned out properly. Weddings are all about memorable moments and the decisions that you make to host a successful wedding celebration. However, the list starts with shortlisting and finalizing the wedding banquet hall. There is no doubt that so many options are available to choose from, but the main challenge occurs when one has to select the best Wedding Venue in Delhi NCR with the most suitable and affordable facilities available. So, if you are not aware of what to look for, then here is a list of qualities that can save your wedding day.
 Book your Venue with Venuelook, contact us at venuelook.com/getquote
For venues, vendors, and A-Z of your wedding planning requirements, contact us at Venuelook.com
 1. Hire a Wedding Planner!
We would suggest that you should contact a good wedding planner for all your wedding needs especially when you are going to finalize your wedding venue. As they already have experience in organizing such events. No doubt a wedding planner has all the wedding venue tips and tricks that can easily transform your wedding venue into a fairytale setup.
 2. Plan Your Wedding Expenses Budget
 Start creating a list of your wedding ceremony requirements and the maximum amount that you can spend on it. While you are managing your budget details, take advice from your family members, who are supporting you with the expenses. Remember about the post-wedding expenses and utilize all the money carefully while finalizing decor and catering services. It would be a great step if you classify your budget according to your wedding ceremonies, as it would avoid you from overspending.
 3. Accessibility
 You would not want that your guests should travel too much to attend your wedding. Finalize a wedding venue that is well-connected by road and public means of transportation. Select a location of the banquet hall and look for a venue closer to your home as it will save time in transportation.
 4. Size Does Matter
  When it comes to booking a
Perfect Wedding Venue
then the size does matter. When you are looking for an ideal wedding venue always put the size of it on a priority list so that the celebration goes well and all the guests in the hall are comfortable enough to roam around. Remember that the banquet hall should neither be too small nor too big as both can make your guests feel uncomfortable.
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sakamotoproperties · 2 years
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Top Restaurants and Food Trucks to Try in West Maui
Specializing in Hawaii luxury real estate, Betty and Roy Sakamoto are expert Maui realtors that can help you search for oceanfront homes and condos available in the West Maui area. One of the perks of moving or retiring in Hawaii is the variety of delicious food available seemingly at your fingertips. 
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humhowellujah · 3 months
i'm drunk off two lavender martinis what the fuck do you MEAN dan and phil went on a step by step recreation of their japan trip as a part of a HONEYMOON episode for their sims. be so fr rn be so serious please. dan howell you have 4 minutes to respond . phil, keep it up babygirl. lavender martini recipe in the tags
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annecohen · 2 years
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Falafel on Wheels ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 
Falafel on Wheels is KOSHER and VEGAN. The absolute BEST FALAFEL IN LOS ANGELES! Falafel on Wheels is located at 5219 Newcastle Ave. in Encino, CA 91316. Hours: Mon-Thurs 11am-5:45pm and Fri 11am-3:30pm CONTACT US AT: 1(310)628-5777 Instagram: falafel_on_wheels
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stuckinapril · 4 months
What is a girl to do if she’s bad at driving but driving is literally relaxing to her
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australiacite · 6 months
The Economic Benefits of Restaurants in Encouraging Culinary Tourism
Culinary tourism, also known as food tourism, has become a thriving industry in recent years. Travelers are increasingly seeking unique and authentic dining experiences as a central part of their vacations. The Gold Coast, situated in Queensland, Australia, is renowned for its stunning beaches and vibrant culture. However, it has also emerged as a hub for gastronomic adventures. This article delves into the economic advantages of restaurants in stimulating culinary tourism, with a special emphasis on the top restaurants in Gold Coast.
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The Rise of Culinary Tourism
Culinary tourism has evolved from being a niche interest to a mainstream phenomenon. Travelers are now more adventurous with their palates, eager to explore local cuisines and experience the culinary traditions of a region. According to the World Food Travel Association, approximately 93% of travelers consider food and beverages as a vital component of their trips. This shift in consumer behavior has led to the rise of culinary tourism as a significant driver of economic growth.
The Gold Coast as a Culinary Destination
The Gold Coast is renowned for its picturesque coastline, but it has also earned a reputation as a burgeoning culinary hotspot. With a diverse range of eateries, from chic fine-dining establishments to quirky food trucks, the Gold Coast caters to a wide array of tastes and preferences. The city's culinary scene reflects a fusion of international influences, offering a diverse selection of cuisines, from traditional Australian to Asian fusion.
Economic Impacts of Culinary Tourism
Job Creation: Restaurants are labor-intensive businesses, with a need for chefs, servers, bartenders, and various support staff. The growth of the culinary tourism sector, spurred by the popularity of restaurants, leads to a surge in job opportunities. In the case of the Gold Coast, the influx of tourists seeking exceptional dining experiences has led to increased employment in the hospitality and culinary sectors.
Revenue Generation: Culinary tourism contributes significantly to local and regional economies. Visitors are willing to spend more on dining experiences, often opting for higher-end restaurants that offer unique and memorable meals. This influx of spending generates revenue not only for restaurants but also for related businesses, including local food suppliers, markets, and transportation services.
Ancillary Businesses: The success of restaurants in driving culinary tourism has a ripple effect on ancillary businesses. This includes suppliers of fresh produce, seafood, and other ingredients, as well as wine producers, breweries, and distilleries. Additionally, businesses offering culinary tours, cooking classes, and food-related events also benefit from the surge in culinary tourism.
The Role of "Best Restaurants Gold Coast"
The concept of "Best Restaurants Gold Coast" plays a pivotal role in attracting culinary tourists. These restaurants often showcase exemplary culinary skills, unique concepts, and a commitment to providing exceptional dining experiences. Not only do they serve as magnets for visitors seeking the best of the local cuisine, but they also contribute significantly to the economic landscape of the Gold Coast.
Attraction for Tourists: The designation of "best restaurants" serves as a powerful marketing tool, drawing the attention of discerning travelers seeking top-tier dining experiences. These establishments become a focal point for visitors, creating a reputation that extends beyond local borders.
Increased Competition and Quality: The existence of renowned restaurants fosters healthy competition among eateries in the Gold Coast. This competition drives innovation, encourages culinary excellence, and raises the overall standard of dining establishments in the region. As a result, visitors are presented with a diverse array of high-quality options.
Destination Differentiation: In a competitive tourism landscape, having a collection of acclaimed restaurants sets the Gold Coast apart as a culinary destination. It becomes a place where visitors can expect not only beautiful beaches but also a vibrant and diverse gastronomic scene. This differentiation attracts a specific segment of travelers who prioritize culinary experiences.
The economic benefits of restaurants in encouraging culinary tourism, particularly in the context of the best restaurants in Gold Coast, are undeniable. From job creation to revenue generation and the stimulation of ancillary businesses, the impact resonates throughout the local economy. As the culinary tourism industry continues to grow, the role of exceptional dining establishments will remain integral to the overall success and prosperity of regions like the Gold Coast. Embracing and promoting these culinary gems ensures that they continue to thrive, ultimately contributing to the allure of the destination. So, the next time you savor a meal at one of the best restaurants in Gold Coast, you're not just indulging in a culinary delight, but also contributing to the economic vitality of the region.
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spywhitney · 6 days
How I sleep knowing I'll never trust anyone that hates Sydney but worships Richie:
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#the bear#the bear fx#sydney adamu#carmen berzatto#richie jerimovich#jk kind of#well on days I don't see or think about Sydney haters#under every damn comment section in this fandom is someone saying Sydney didn't take accountability#like I know we all have our biases but yall are really shameless about it#Sydney scored A LOT of Ws for The Beef AND The Bear#but one time she makes a mistake and justifiably walks away from a toxic work environment she's the devil#Richie worked at The Beef for years and Sydney did more for it in what less than four months than he did#on top of being a prick to Sydney in particular because she was changing things he wanted to keep the same#to the detriment of the restaurant but also everyone#and overall being unpleasant to Carmy#Nat and anyone that didn't find him funny or interesting or like his bs#pre-Forks Richie reminds me of those types of people that only listen to people that like them#and I love that because it's realistic to some ppl#I do like Richie#it just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth knowing there are people that hate Sydney#ignore her accomplishments only to raise up Richie#in the same breath when the actual show is showing you what's up#like you'd think there were different versions of the show with how these two are perceived#I get this weird need to defend Sydney when people shit on her because I wonder how often said people treat the Sydneys of the world#but that aside#In Fishes Richie mentions something about wasting potential at the beef#In Ceres it's implied he called the popo on the dealers after Sydney deescalated a situation Richie previously dealt with#in an unorthodox manner#he recognised he needed to change but still was an arsehole to the one person who was facilitating that change effectively Sydney#this show is great but people denying what they're seeing on their own screens is crazy
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