#told you im a sucker for bonds my dudes
lxnarmoons · 19 days
imagining your relationship with ateez!
a/n: i apologize this is so long..... i like to imagine!! i hope you enjoy :3
KIM HONGJOONG→ - this man will write you love songs - ballads, raps, hiphop, yada yada, he'll write songs about you in his freetime - you're on his mind 24/7 so he expresses his ideas with his writing! - depending on your native language, he'll learn it just for you. i def can see him wanting to learn every little thing about you because he loves you - he'll paint your nails for you :D - you once told him you were interested in starting fashion, so he began designing clothes with you - watching him work is amazing, he's kind of a workaholic - when hongjoong is exhausted from working in the studio, you'll sit with him, either sitting in his lap or just being there with him - your presence seems to wipe all the stress off of him - he loves compliments but gets so flustered when you compliment him back - "you're so cute, y/n..." "you're cuter, joongie!" "ohmygody/nstopit" - music brought you two together and it'll keep you two bonded - after he's done working on a few songs, he'll take you to the recording studio so you both can make demos for them!
PARK SEONGHWA→ - seonghwa is lowkey the prince of your dreams. - i know i know i KNOW if you're having a bad day, he'll hold you tight and sing to you, maybe your favorite songs - forehead kisses, making sure you're alright - i feel like out of all the members, he knows how to listen and comfort you - he will do anything that makes you happy. trust me. - "hi, lovey!" he is such a lovey-dovey man.... - bro is HEAD OVER HEELS in love with you!!! and isn't afraid to show it!!!!! - i know he's a sucker for when you call him "hwa," it makes him feel giggly or osmething - if seonghwa's away on tour, he always makes it a priority to call you every night - "dude, not right now, i'm trying to call y/n..." - he just wants to hear your voice, it helps him fall asleep.... you're just so comforting to him - tbh i see him as a little shy when he's with you because he sees you as this really really cool person - especially in front of the other members and they like to tease him - but (I WOULD HOPE) you're really sweet and always know how to make him feel better!
JEONG YUNHO→ - do dog cafes exist? because if so, that would be where you and him left - yunho would LITERALLY wake you up by singing that one song uhhh what's it called - "you are my sunshine / my only sunshine" idk - because yunho is so damn tall, he's kinda like your cuddle buddy - literally he will trap you in his chest while you two are together (big broad chest) - he's soft and gentle; head pats, small kisses everywhere and anywhere - maybe more likely on your neck??/ if that makes you uncomfy, he loves kissing your knuckles - OMG and that cringey thing like kissing your knuckles everytime he sees you - "good morning, princess" - princess treatment princess treatment princess treatment all from mr. jeong yunho!! - mingi finds it incredibly cringey but it's so funny.... he tells yunho to shut up but it never works in the end because yunho will simply kiss your lips to be quiet while you laugh - he loves pda and isn't afraid to show you off to the other members :) always will make you known, no matter what - "guys, this is my partner, y/n. say hi!"
KANG YEOSANG→ - depending on if you like to talk or not, you and yeosang will always be a pair, he listens to you and you listen to him :3 - he's also a little oblivious but it's kind of funny n cute - HELP he's def the most overprotective in terms of your safety - "Y/N, LOVE, I SWEAR-- DO NOT EAT THAT." - you and yeo would be the dumb/dumber duo (IM SORRY THIS IS JUST HOW I THINK OF IT) - you two can be roblox buddies!! - blind leading the blind.... - he likes to run his hands through your hair, maybe braid it (probably really badly.) - he will force you to watch the goofiest cartoons ever. - "y/n-y/n-y/n-y/n-y/n i wanna watch my little pony" or something (mlp is so good) 😭 - rainy day dates!!! - he def has the most atrocious .5s of you in his camera roll.... and vice versa - he's usually really quiet with you.... most of the time it'll just be you and him listening to music - yeosang is your biggest fan boy!! - profession or not, he'll always be cheering you on - "you're doing so good, baby!" and "i love you sososososo much"
CHOI SAN→ - babe. trust me. babe. - he likes to call you babe no matter the time, setting, blah blah blah. he over uses it so much that the members begin to like gag.... - babe and baby !! the other members dont mind baby as much but wooyoung will kick his balls if he says it too much - he loves hand placement. hand on the waist, hand on thighs, hands on butt COUGH COUGH COUGH - san always strives for your comfort! hes the kinda guy who knows what you like and dont like, so when he sees you're uncomfy, it's like a zap and boom- - "baby, you okay?" and if you aren't, "let's get outta here. it's not important." - he could be in the most important meeting of your life and would be more concerned about you!! - imagine late nights with san: romance, horror, comedy movies, whatever they might be, he just wants to stay up late - after the movie's over, you'll either watch another one or you'll simply talk about everything and nothing - cuddles. head on his chest, both of you maybe scrolling on your phones, sorta ignoring each other but enjoying each other's presence - he's very overprotective.... like touch her wrong and i'll beat u up idk - like yeosang, he likes rainy days. dates will involve just watching the rain and giggling stupidly
SONG MINGI→ - NOW IMAGINE THIS MAN MAKING YOU BREAKFAST IN BED - stumbling out of the kitchen in the morning, seeing mingi in the kitchen with his smile - "hi bubba, you hungry?" - I CAN SEE HIM AS BUBBA BECAUSE LIKE he thinks its funny - (me personally) calling him bubba back and pinching his cheeks which makes him giggle - mingi's definitely likes to keep your relationship more private - it'd probably be out there but i feel like he mostly keeps your activities to yourselves (unlike wooyoung.....) - he likes to press his forehead to yours and hold you close to him, mostly because he feels the connection... he likes listening to your heartbeat - so he likes laying on your chest!! he's often dozing off there..... - mingi likes to tease you a lot but always knows your limits, making sure that he doesn't cross any boundaries and accidentally hurting you - IF you have any sort of trauma and/or bad experiences in the past, he likes to listen and just let you vent - when he's writing songs for ateez, he likes to take you with him on the journey - especially if he's recording any new demos!! he'll take you to the recording studio, like hongjoong!!
JUNG WOOYOUNG→ - jung wooyoung is the goddamn most obnoxious person ever - like san, he likes to make it known that you n him are a thing, just not in that overprotective way - arm around your waist or shoulders, yapping to whoever - "hey guys have you met my lovely lovely partner...." - i personally don't see him as a nick/petname kinda guy but if i haddd to guess i would say probably one of those really cringey ones like cupcake..... oh he would def text like that - "hi cupcake" "open your door pls" LMAO - but most of the time he uses your name because he likes it ! - "Y-NNNNN!!" - i see him as a very good listener and somehow always giving the best advice when you need it - he loves spooning you because he gets worried you'd just vanish (idk i see it) but would lowk hold u tightly 😭 - one time he tried to cook for you but ended up setting the ateez stove on fire (hongjoong beat his ass) he wouldn't stop pouting so you forced him to cuddle!!! - yap sessions 24/7, especially if you like to yap - it'd be going back and forth LOL - he also learned how to braid hair for you!! depending if youre fem, masc, or anything else, he likes to braid hair and learned especially for you :)
CHOI JONGHO→ - i just know this man would call you honey - maybe even sweetie but i feel like he would call you honey more - "sweetie, have you eaten today?" jsjgdljklgjksdLJJLKGSADLJ - he would definitely be shy about using it in public, he's not too big on pda, but i think he would warm up to calling you honey/sweetie in front of the others - they lowk tease him and he gets flustered (what a cutueiiee) - even though he might not like touching, i have a feeling he would like cuddling in private - he loves those moments between just you and him - genuinely i can see his favorite date being the photobooths..... like imagine putting bear ears on him and that gummy smile of his jklldsgds :c - he loves to see you smile and laugh, so even if he despises the ears or whatever accessories you force on him, he can't help but laugh along because he loves to see you happy - if you're sad, he'll do all this goofy stuff just to make you smile - jongho, like all members, is constantly making sure you're okay, like "how did you sleep?" n "are you feeling okay?" - GENTLEMANnnNNN - karaoke nights are just filled with him singing you love songs - help i cant remember if he likes to cook but if he does he would cook (like mingi!!) - he likes forehead kisses. case closed.
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Do you have any Star Wars fanfic recommendations, or have a link to someone else's list? I really wanna veg out.
oh my god, DO I. this may have been the best ask in the world. i’m not really sure what u want a feel for, so i threw together some of my favorite longfics for maximum veg time from the ot/pt and links for swr and swtcw recs. they’re pretty much all luke-anakin/vader centric, since that’s kinda my bread and butter.
let’s start with frodogenic, who wrote the first longfic i ever read in sw and might be one of the funniest authors ever. they once reviewed my fanfic & i nearly cried from joy. anyway. 
The Father, 284k+, complete. “Ten years after ROTS, tormenting nightmares of his unborn child drive Darth Vader to extraordinary measures with unexpectedly drastic consequences. Clearly, experience has taught Darth Vader nothing...” 
this is my og star wars fic and boy oh boy is it amazing. i will never get over this. i don’t want to spoil anything but when i say the final chapters are great? i mean they’re legendary. sometimes i still think about them & wish upon a star that i could be such a great writer. vader’s amazing, han is spectacular, and the ocs are fantastic.
Far More Than Rubies, 70k+, complete. “Nine years after AOTC, tragedy revisits the Lars Homestead. Little Luke Skywalker is suddenly plunged into chaos as the rebel movements discover a secret military project that may make a crucial difference in the war with the Empire.”
the spiritual twin of The Father, FMTR takes a look at padmé’s character and relationship with both luke and anakin/vader that’s hard to beat. it’s darker and heavier than The Father, but it hits those same sweet, sweet emotional beats while raising the age-old question: if padmé had lived, what would she have done?
The Family Tree, 12k, complete. “In which Luke Skywalker is stranded in a tree waiting for a flash flood to recede. Too bad he's got company...”
okay, i admit, this isn’t a longfic, but it is a longshot, and it’s amazing. the imagery and description always blow me away, and the interaction (canon-compliant) between luke and vader just [chef’s kiss] get me. vader’s in full, glorious form, and it makes it all the harder when luke wrestles with the knowledge that vader is his father.
Sibling Revelry, 25k, complete. “After Bespin and before Endor, Darth Vader is shocked to discover that Luke and Leia are twins. He's even more shocked when Imperial Intelligence reports that Organa and Skywalker are, erm, a tad closer than previously suspected.”
this is complete crack and humor in the best way possible. it’s crack treated entirely seriously, and you will be in stitches, i promise. no matter how many times i’ve read this i break down.
KittandChips (@kittandchips) writes what i can only describe as food for the soul. the luke-vader interaction is insanely amazing, the world building of daily imperial life and imperial governance is amazing, and vader just has a special je ne sais quoi that u must read to understand––tragic, funny, and so, so fatherly. they’re currently rewriting the Force Bond Series to fit in with newer canon, so i will joyously binge reread the entire again (including the new Force Bond: Mustafar Weekend).
Force Bond 1: Orphan, 47k, complete. “After Owen and Beru are killed by a mysterious stranger, young Luke ends up as an orphan on Coruscant. It's a race against time as Obi-Wan struggles to find Luke before Vader realizes the boy is his son.”
Orphan kicks off the series, which tracks vader and luke’s relationship through the perils of luke’s teenagerhood while growing up under the eye of the emperor and imperial court. it’s filled with slow growth, struggle and misunderstandings as darth vader tries to single parent, and pay off in every installment. the entire series clocks in around 777k+ and is the most joyful, fulfilling reading you’ll ever have. promise.
darth-nickels (@darth--nickels) writes darker, twistier, and terribly, terribly heartwrenching aus. they’ve got a whole host, but let me introduce to my two favorites. also, check out their faux-academia on vader. it’s amazing and i love it, but i admit i am an academia hoe.
Dooku Captured, Pt 2, 16k, complete. “Dooku is taken alive onboard the Invisible Hand, and Sidious' web is torn. The Sith Lord wonders if death might have been preferable to clumsy interrogation by Anakin Skywalker.”
Dooku Captured is a longshot au told from Dooku’s pov which takes the beginning of ROTS and throws it on its head. it’s a fascinating outside perspective of anakin and obi-wan’s relationship and such and interesting examination of dooku’s psyche and especially his complex relationship with the jedi order, qui-gon, yoda, and palpatine. i cannot rec this one enough.
Black Mirror, 90k, incomplete. “The Ghost crew returns to the Lothal when they hear the Empire is investigating the Jedi Temple there. They learn Vader is alone and decide to take him out-- but what they find could change the course of Galactic history.”
Black Mirror diverges into swr territory, but make no mistake: this is entirely an examination of vader and, later, obi-wan as well as ahsoka. luke makes his appearance later in the game, and boy oh boy will you love luke’s portrayal is a microcosm of luke and vader’s relationship within canon. heed the tags, though.
jerseydevious ( @jerseydevious ) is, first and foremost, one of my favorite people on earth. secondly, though, she’s an amazing writer with a deep understanding of vader’s character and psyche, a flair for beautiful depictions, and the true ability to wring every emotion out of your body.
Two and a Half Men (with a baby), 13k, incomplete. “After a long day of bargaining with Hutts and attempting to ignore his past, Darth Vader is nearing the end of his rope. When he discovers his two-year-old son, it's the straw that breaks the semi-rational Sith Lord's back; in a rash act worthy of the Skywalker name, he scoops his son into his arms, steals a shuttle from his own fleet, and punches in random hyperspace coordinates to a destination on the other side of the galaxy. Unfortunately, father and son are not the only ones on the ship.”
Two and a Half Men will stick with you, dude. like no other. i promise. it’s a whirlwind ride with obi-wan, vader, and piett and as funny as it is heartbreaking. it touches on some heavy issues and doesn’t shy away from looking at the damage done to vader––again, heed the tags.
Helioseismology, 4k, complete. “Luke gets shot down on a supply run and caught in an ice storm. It's extremely lucky that his father followed him there.“
i’ll admit. im completely biased about this one because it was a birthday gift to me and i am sucker for litcherally anything when jd puts pen to paper, but believe me when i say you will be awed by the depth and tangled relationships between these luke and vader that jersey can illustrate in a stroke of the paintbrush. im love. always.
izzythehutt ( @izzythehutt ) i am blown away by the intricate dialogue and characterization, always. and the latin puns? im sold. im also a sucker for latin puns, but that’s a story for a different time.
In Loco Pirates, 34k, complete. “A down-on-his-luck Hondo Ohnaka manages to capture the unicorn of all bounties--Luke Skywalker, which sends Darth Vader, Lord of the Sith, on a painfully familiar trip to the planet Florrum to collect his prize. The failed negotiations leave Vader in the awkward position of being stuck in a besieged pirate bunker, trying to balance keeping his wayward child safe (and in his custody) with controlling the tongue of a loose-lipped pirate who--to the surprise of no one--has a bad habit of telling 'amusing' anecdotes from the Clone Wars.”
hondo, aka the best character of swtcw, is brought to life just as vividly on paper as on screen. his entire personality brings luke and vader’s difficulties in a sort of incredulous light, which makes it as funny as it is vulnerable and tragic. the sequel, Palpatine Ad Portas, brings piett into the spotlight, and oh man do his interactions with palpatine and vader bring u all the uncomfortable vibes. relish in it.
sparklight ( @littlesparklight ) man. lemme introduce u to an amazing prolific and detailed writer. i will never get over the series they’ve written & neither will u.
Where Our Intrepid Hero Doesn’t Get Away, 122k, incomplete. “One-shots surrounding either AU situations of canon/legends works where Luke would normally have gotten away (or Vader is simply inserted into the action to come pick his child up) but in these instances doesn't, or completely new scenarios of the same. There are no deep ruminations on consequences of the situations here, just our awful Sith dad picking his son up when he'd rather not be.”
exactly what it says on the tin. u know those glorious moments of fanfic where luke’s gotten captured and ur on pins and needles, waiting for vader to show up in a moment of dark glory? here’s the moment. here’s all the moments.
Space Race, 122k, incomplete. “Owen gives in to Luke's wish to attend the Imperial Academy and Obi-Wan is too late to avert it, though he's not too late to make sure Luke leaves Arkanis before Vader can gets his hands on him. Luke spends over a month running around the galaxy before his father gets him, and from there...”
this story relishes in chase and boy is it fun. it will keep you on the edge of your seat and it’s an amazing ride.
The Suns of Tatooine, 85k, complete. “Luke ends up on a moon swamped in dark side energy after a mission goes wrong, then his father appears... and then they go on a bit of a learning experience. This could've been the only thing that would come of getting through a Sith complex with his father, but thanks to going to free Han earlier than the gang did otherwise, more revelations are had. Will that change anything?”
this series is a thoughtful, contemplative piece examining the nature of the force and the relationship the skywalkers have with tatooine. the descriptions are beautiful, the inventiveness is amazing, and you’ll be thinking about it for long afterwards.
an additional few…
Between Flight and Longing; 34k, complete. “Luke Skywalker and Han Solo journey to the planet Balen'ar on a desperate mission and find more than they'd bargained for.”
a classic and it is for a reason. the interaction between han, luke, and vader is so spectacular and the slow trudge of going through the forest with your greatest enemy and best friend is something hilarious. the end is bittersweet and fantastic.
The Sith Who Brought Life Day, 13k, complete. “An Imperial officer loses a bet and has to get Darth Vader a present for Life Day.”
somewhere between terrifying and dull, this fic presents a canon-compliant look at the hunt for luke and the grinding wheels of the empire. the oc is amazing and it echoes in true star wars spirit: sometimes it’s just some dude who can change the galaxy.
Quintessence, 5k, complete. ‘“Well, Master, I think I’ve found the one positive aspect of this situation.” “Which is?” “The Temple won’t have to pay the costs for our funeral pyres.”’
pure hilarity and shenanigans abound in pre-aotc obi-wan and anakin hijink goodness. lemme tell u––u will deeply sympathize with mace windu afterwards. additionally, check out the rest of the author’s oneshots! they’re deeply thoughtful and the interactions the author writes between obi-wan and anakin are always gold.
some extras & shameless self-promotion
here’s a full list of recommendations for star wars rebels fanfic in case this is what you’re looking for (remember when this used to be a swr blog, lmao)
i’ve also written sw fanfic, both swr and luke-vader centric. drop by and tell me if it’s any good!
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sayornis-gallus · 3 years
Hi and welcome to another episode of Harlow Is Up Too Late & Writing Shit About CPUCS Again. Todays bullshit is all abt Dark Vince bc i have Thoughts and Opinions about that bastard & im gonna make it everyone else’s problem <3
Ok so. Im going 2 make some pretty big claims here so. Welcome to the “Dark Vince Isn’t Quite As Much Of A Bastard” AU, aka the DVIQAMOAB AU. this is entirely Aeiou’s fault 4 reminding me abt my “Dark Vince is pining for Tony” headcanon btw <3
So. fuckin. What if Dark Realm Tony was not a villain? Like, he’s so much of a bastard that he loops back around to being a pretty nice dude. Role reversal & all that jazz. He still had the joycons, but Evil Cursed Artifacts are a dime a dozen in the Dark Realm so getting them under control & using them for not-so-evil purposes wasn’t all that big a deal. Theres like a million different handbooks on Controlling Evil Artifacts For Dummies.
So bc of this, some role reversal stuff happened. Dark Tony tried 2 make things not as awful, while Dark Vince reveled in actively making things worse. Same homoerotic vibes as their Light Realm counterparts, of course. But here’s the thing. The Dark Realm isn’t as nice as the Light Realm. Yeah, Toyconvict was sent to jail, but it wasn’t a huge deal for him to break out whenever he felt like it. There weren’t really any consequences worse than “go back to the same prison and please stay there this time for the love of god we are begging you”. In the Dark Realm, however, getting killed is a very real consequence, even in relatively not-serious tournament matches. So. Guess why we never saw Dark Tony. fucking guess.
I don’t think it was Dark Vince that did it- he’s too into the drama of it all to actually kill off his greatest nemesis for real. It wasn’t enough to shock him out of his bastard-ness like it was with Toyconvict, but he was genuinely upset. Not that he’d admit to being upset for any reason other than “some random asshole stole MY kill that was MY rival who gave them the RIGHT-”. He just bottles up everything else & moves on. No sense moping when he could be out wrecking shit
(on a similar note, no one fucking told him that Blood Falcon was going to kill Vincent until after it happened & he was fucking pissed. He had all these climactic, gloating speeches plpanned and he didn’t even get to use ONE of them. What the FUCK guys!!!!! That was HIS rival!!!!! Blood falcon hadnt even fought him before that, not even ONCE!!!!! Now he has to throw out all these Vincent-centric evil plots he had planned, AND all the monologues where he explains them!!!!!!) 
Sooner or later, he gets sent to the Light Realm with a carefully-fabricated sob story about “Emperor Convict”, which he immediately ruins when he makes eye contact with Vincent & decides that this is his new nemesis, who cares what the Comissioner says. Things r goin pretty well despite that hiccup, he’s got a good job, a worthy nemesis, AND he lead the takeover of the Light Realm! & then he gets told to meet with this Light Realm dude who, despite being from the Light Realm, wants to join forces in order to beat the shit out of the Light Realm’s fighters. Sure, okay, the more the merrier! & then he sees his dead childhood friend & it takes everything he’s got not to react in a way that would be entirely unbefitting of the Dark Realm’s supposed ruler.
Once he composes himself, it turns out this Toyconvict dude is actually pretty cool. The two of them bond a bit over hating Vincent (“hating” being in big gay airquotes in Toyconvict’s case) and love of being destructive little bastards. Toyconvict is even kinda cute sometimes, and hey, this time Dark Vince doesn’t have to bottle those feelings up quite as much! They don’t get to hang out long before Endgame, though, which sucks bc Endgame is when everything goes to shit. The Dark Realm loses the battle, Vincent dies (and now Dark Vince is down ANOTHER nemesis), Toyconvict seemingly vanishes into thin air, and a while after all that, the cool new prototype armcannon that he was supposed to get gets STOLEN. This sucks.
I. think im out of stuff to say now lmao but also i keep thinking about Dark Vince Redemption Arc and Forbidden Vinconvict bc im a sucker for redemption arcs and also i just really want SOME variant of Vinconvict where they’re both alive but also the stuff set off by Vincent’s death doesn’t feel cheapened by him actually being alive (not that theres anything wrong with liking that! Its just not as much my cup of tea is guess).
Wait one more thiong before i go 2 sleep. Dark vince has a pet starling bc not only can those be kept as pets but they are also Certified Bastards, just like the man himself <3
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asotin · 4 years
"naruto is deeply attached to sasuke, but lbr that isn’t really sasuke. it’s his idea of who he wants sasuke to be because naruto is traumatized and lonely and he projected his feelings onto sasuke" homie u summed up my feelings about sasuke so well. i initally got into nart bc evry1 told me that anrt and sasu were like bros and im always a sucker for good platonicial relationships (and if im being real, a sucker for the emo x sunshine ship) (1/?)
but then i started watching it and the entire time i just wanted to shake nart and scream "he doesn't care about you!!! he doesn't care about anyone!!! stop chasing after this dude and start focusing on your real friends in konoha!!" but the show never let nart move on. he kept chasing after this dude. putting konoha in danger, putting his friends in danger. it got to the point where sasuke would open his mouth and id skip the scene. (2/?)
just like this genuine hatred for sasuke (younger me was so dramatic) and then as i got older and started to think more critically about the show (can u believe i hated sakura? true feminism is growing up and realizing that sakura was just shittily written) i just got more and more indifferent about sasuke. he's just not likable. there's no bond between him and naruto. nothing to even signify a ship between them. (3/?)
but ship wars aside, kishi what was the point of saying nart and sasu are like brothers and then never giving them moments where they get to develop??? just shut up and say u didn't plan this fucking story. bro kishi, how a 12 year old on wattpad write naruto better than you do?? you suck (4/4)
I love a good sunshine and suffering combo. Ideally one or more of them should be himbos
I'm coming in searing hot with this, but I think the reason a lot of people, especially on the first watch, loathe Sasuke is because his character is inconsistent but played off like he's consistent. One minute he wants no bonds. The next his bonds do matter. Then he doesn't want any. Then he just wants Naruto. All of this is of course how a healthy person behaves :)
Honestly, it's just kind of crushing to watch Naruto tear himself up over somebody who can't appreciate his friendship. I don't mean that as an insult to Sasuke- he and Itachi have the most extensive trauma in the whole show. But I'm not interested in a relationship that's unhealthy and stays unhealthy. Which is what a relationship between someone who's desperate to make friends and someone who's terrified of making friends would be, you know?
Yeah, imo they needed at least one more arc to establish a lasting connection before Sasuke defected. Their relationship as it is in canon just doesn't have the meat to justify what Naruto does, much less why the people around him do nothing to curb his behavior
Feminism is realizing that all the girls and all the women in Naruto deserved better 😌
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eva-writes · 4 years
I was tagged by @danwritestuff (a million years ago and only now I actually got to finish this thing) so here it goes:
1. How did you begin writing? Technically I started when I was like seven or eight and was working on an illustrated story about a dog and a magical bone. Yup, true story. But I think I actually started to get into writing when I was in seventh grade and a teacher told us to write a short story as homework. I don’t even want to think back on what I wrote because it probably wasn’t good, but I will never forget that my teacher told me that she enjoyed my story and that I was good at writing. There’s literally nothing better than having someone believe in you. And I initially only wrote in Spanish but funnily enough after getting into roleplaying my brain kind of made a switch and it comes more naturally to me now to write in English.
2. What was your first writing project? Tell us a little about it. Again, the story of the dog and the magical bone. But the first serious project that I still hope might see the light of day when I stop planning and actually sit my ass down to write it is a fantasy trilogy. I started it in 2008 and needless to say my mind has changed a lot in a decade, so as a result that story has changed very much from my original idea. I think that’s why I haven’t really done much writing and I’m stuck in ‘development hell’, because the thing just keeps mutating and my ideas for that world and those characters keep growing and changing.
3. What is your preferred medium for writing first drafts? I’ve always used Microsoft Word.
4. What rituals or habits do you have around writing? I always have a cup of tea next to me. And I say stuff out loud too, especially when it’s dialogue. I also sort of act out certain stuff to find words that could describe that. Definitely not rituals, just weird habits I have.
5. We all have a “type”– of character, plot, theme– what is yours? Well, I always go for fantasy or scifi stuff because it’s easier for me to make up shit than do extensive research about things that are real (also it scares me that I migh portray something in an inaccurate way). So yay, I’m lazy like that. I tend to include reserved, quiet characters (even if not the protagonists, they’re there). I don’t know, I just have a deep appreciation for introverted people that are more of the observing/listening type than the talking type.
As for plots or themes, I like to dabble into the ‘self-discovery’ paths for the protagonists and the ‘change established structures’ in the world. As for important themes, family bonds are always there in one way or another (both biological families or ‘found’ families amongst the characters). Also I have this weird thing about names. In every story I have characters that are called a certain way by most but then they are given a different nickname or are revealed to have a different name by someone that is/becomes close to them. For some reason the way other people call each other has always had such a deep meaning for me.
6. Introduce us to one (or more!) of your OC’s. I have an army of OCs, I have no self-control when it comes to creating them... my latest one is a gentle giant of a man stuck on an island where people don’t age and those stranded there can’t escape (shoutout to Mira and Ally for @timelessrpg!). And this guy is mute and deaf because I’ve learned a bit ASL and I wanted to integrate that into a character, explore different ways to have him interact with those around him without having to rely on speaking.
7. What’s your favorite genre to read? Fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction and psychological thrillers. But I’d give a shot at every book that sparks my interest regarding of genre.
8. Your favorite genre to write? Fantasy and science fiction. I like creating my own playground rather than using our lovely little world.
9. How do you conduct your authorial research? Google searches to start off. Then once I get a general overview I start to look for more specific stuff in books, videos, etc. I use YouTube a lot. That thing is a treasure chest of information and it helps with ther ‘overview’ part so then I can do more digging about specific subjects.
10. What does your editing (gasp) process look like? I’m such a jerk to myself when I edit, so I guess that’s another reason why it’ll take a while for my stories to see the light of day. If you look up the word perfectionist in the dictionary you see my picture... But I’ve been trying not to be so hard on myself lately and instead of staying stuck on that endless cycle of writing and erasing, I’ve been allowing myself to just write on. I’ve also made a deal with my roomie: I have to pay her $15 pesos (little less than $1 usd) whenever I got back to edit a chapter I had already finished. I’ve only paid her once, but it’s a good incentive not to go back an edit stuff too much and just go ahead to write.
11. What are your favorite tropes? I have too many, especially with romantic/platonic relationships. Enemies to lovers, is definitely one. Also any sort of yin yang/light and dark representations in character dynamics, I’m such a sucker for those. Any kind of trope that involves characters not seeing it coming and then just knowing they’d do anything for the other person (not just necessarily in a romantic way, I love bonds like that with people who become siblings to each other). Any sort of trope that involves a ‘partners in crime’ or ‘ride or die’ dynamic, I’M SOLD.
12. Show off your writing space. It used to be a desk when I still lived at my mom’s place. It was in it’s usual state of controlled chaos, as I like to call it (because there’s stuff everywhere but I know exactly where everything is). Now my roomie and I share a desk, and most of the times I just end up writing in bed, using a folding bed tray as my desk.
13. What is the most useful piece of writing advice you’ve ever used? Sit down and write is one. And also something that I saw in Victoria Schwab’s instagram: “I’m not writing a book, I’m writing a chapter. I’m not writing a chapter, I’m writing a page. I’m not writing a page, I’m writing a line”. That helped me feel more confident. The work put into trying to write a book always felt so overwhelming and like something I would never really get done. But thinking that even a little bit counts has made it feel like a less impossible feat.
14. What is the least useful piece of writing advice you’ve ever ignored? That it’s wrong to repeat a character’s name or identifier (the queen, the thief, etc). I used to think it was wrong to it because ‘being repetitive means you’re a bad writer’ and you’d have me do mental gymnastics to figure out different ways to refer to my characters which, honestly, end up coming off as forced. So yeah, I’ve definitely begun to ignore that now.
Another one is that writing ‘said’ is wrong. I’d rather use ‘said’ a hundred times than throw in random shit like ‘ennunciated’ just to avoid using ‘said’.
15. Your writing beverage/snack of choice? Tea, always. Either black tea or rooibos with milk.
16. How do you compile your ideas? Quick notes on my phone when I don’t have a notebook at hand. Word documents. And notebooks. Lots of notebooks. I have a specific notebook for each story. Lately I started posting stuff on my wall. I have a summary of each chapter that I’ve already written in little pieces of paper, kind of like a timeline. Above each ‘chapter’ there’s a blue post-it note with the stuff that led to the events of that chapter, and below there’s a green post-it note with the plot points that chapter will set in motion. It’s kind of to keep in order all the information I’m dealing with. And then above the timeline I have even more pieces of paper with specific events that must happen eventually and I just keep moving them around to construct the rest of the story. It might sound weird and confusing, but I swear it helps. I’m a visual person and it’s very damn helpful to see those pieces of story and ideas have some order.
17. What are your controversial opinions ™ on the craft of writing? That being a best-seller means the book is good. I don’t know if it’s controversial or not, but I don’t think quantity equals quality. Also, LET STORIES END. I get it, sometimes as readers we love a group of characters so much or a world that we want more, but that doesn’t mean there should be more. I feel that a lot of prequels, spin-offs and extended series end up taking away from the original story/saga because they were clearly not in the author’s mind from the beginning. There are exceptions to this, I’m sure, but I just feel authors should know when enough is enough rather than try to milk their series for all they’re worth. And I might get shit for writing this, but I’m also against the idea that all characters have to be woke and politically correct 24/7. I believe characters should be allowed to be ignorant and say wrong things and make mistakes, because then they get to learn and grow and become better people, and yes, possibly get called out or educated throughout the story. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me having faith in people learning and growing, but I happen to like characters that start out not so great and begin to really become better human beings during the story.
Tagging: @azianxpersuasionwrites, @briannaswriter, @allywritestuff, @proserpinewrites, @theichthyostegawrites, @montaguew, @loeswrites, @eridawrites, @roshwrites, @rjwrites, @ashlaaaywrites, @trishywishy & @dude-im-batman
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in-a-cave-with · 5 years
What are your favorite fanfictions based in any of the Marvel comics universes?
ok this is certainly a . question. lmao . so i..have bookmarked like Three 616 fic on my actual ao3 account and i honestly dont know why. i have read so much 616 fic but i never bothered to make it a habit to .. save them . so rip me. this will be an incomplete list! huge f in the chat lads
there’s also the issue of like. pretty much all of the comics fic i like being, uh, stevetony. im a loser.
When The Lights Go On Again by elspethdixon, seanchaiSummary: Aliens have invaded earth, and the Avengers are scattered. While Steve leads the resistance, Tony once again finds himself playing captive scientist. In the midst of a violent alien regime, separated by seemingly insurmountable boundaries, Steve and Tony have nothing to keep themselves going but each other.rec note: i JUST read this fic and it ruined my life. go read it and ruin your life too
Resurrection, Reconstruction & Redemption by elspethdixon, seanchaiSummary: Doom brings Steve back from the dead. Hijinks ensue, some of which might vaugely be considered plot.rec note: a classic! i think this was the first stevetony fic posted to ao3? you should def go ahead and read the rest of the series (yes it is a series yes it is 300k+ words yes it is worth it)
The Roughest Day by elspethdixon, seanchaiSummary: Steve is in a motorcycle accident, Tony catches a cold, and someone is after the New Avengers.rec note: this gives me warm fuzzies because it’s the new avengers avenging and there isn’t enough of that
King of Infinite Space by elspethdixon, seanchaiSummary: A villain from Tony’s past comes back to cause trouble for the Avengers. Maybe it wouldn’t have been so easy, if things weren’t already so awkward over the events of Execute Program.rec note: it’s not a tony stan created reclist if there isn’t a tiberius stone fic somewhere on it
Winter Is All Over You by KiyaarSummary: Tony can’t remember why he’s running.rec note: *soft wheezing noises* oh,
My Mallory Heart [Add Violence Remix] by KiyaarSummary: He keeps seeing that bundle of metal set into Tony’s bare chest, the raw edges around it like Tony’s body was rejecting it. Keeps wondering: what have you done to yourself this time.rec note: *incoherent blubbering*
Sea Stars by MuccamukkSummary: Steve comes back to life somewhere entirely unexpected; Tony doesn’t remember being a hero; something is rotten in the province of British Columbia, and the 2010 Olympics are doomed.rec note: i LIVE for this fic it’s so good. the setting…the mystery…the characterization…top notch
Indelible by PenumbrenSummary: When an experiment goes awry, Tony thinks he may have found an answer to his problems and Steve faces something he’s been avoiding for a very long time.rec note: this turned out to be way sadder than i thought it was going to be
(Not So) Lonely At The Top by foldingcranesSummary: Riri has a bad day, and Tony tries to be An Emotionally Available Adult for her. It doesn’t go so bad.rec note: there isn’t enough riri fic out there…
if you leave by CapnShellheadSummary: After so many months passing each other in silence, Steve and Tony find a marriage counselor to try to work through their issues with communication.rec note: warning: fic is akin to a bat swung to the knees
Marvels: The Bloodstone Odyssey by teaberryblueSummary: The year is 1940. In the middle of the Blitz, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts set out to London to recover Howard Stark’s lost work. But it turns out that they’re not the only ones hunting for it. Tony finds himself contending with Nazis, crooks, and perhaps his most formidable adversary yet: a scrawny, asthmatic, bullheaded kid named Steve Rogers.rec note: this gives me huge indiana jones vibes and it’s GREAT
Emanata (The Comics Will Break Your Heart Remix) by teaberryblueSummary: Steve Rogers has the opportunity to fulfill his childhood dreams of becoming a comic artist when eccentric billionaire, superhero patron, and obsessive comic enthusiast Tony Stark offers him a job drawing Iron Man. But Tony Stark has no idea that Steve Rogers is really Captain America, the newest member of the Avengers. And Iron Man has no idea that Captain America is really Steve Rogers, up-and-coming comic book artist. And Steve doesn’t know what to do about the fact that he’s falling head over heels for them both.rec note: this one has a special place in my heart bc it’s the one that got me into 616 stevetony! the identity shenanigans make my head hurt and i love it
Genesis by teaberryblueSummary: Reluctant to make the truth about their secret weapon known, the American Government tells the world that Captain America is a man named Steve Rogers. According to public record, he died, tragically, in 1945, and he became legend. In 1998, the Avengers find a body trapped in ice. She’s alive. Her name is Eve. She has Captain America’s shield.rec note: i think this is the..only steve centric fic here lmao . and also technically this is a mix of 616/mcu/ults but i’m still putting it here bc it’s…very good
Highest fall you’ll ever grace by laireshiSummary: “You’ll probably want these back,” Tony says at last, and it hurts almost physically to pull the dog tags over his head and offer them to Steve. But they never really belonged to Tony, did they? Steve seems to hesitate for a second, but then he takes his dog tags with a weird expression. “Yeah,” he says. “They’re mine.”rec note: *clutches heart* hhhh
Transmission by laireshiSummary: The incursions are stopped. Steve hopes for things to go back to normal. Instead, he finds himself stranded in an alternate universe with Tony. Getting home won’t be easy. There are too many things they haven’t told each other, too many arguments they’ve never solved. Now, with just each other for company, they might have to face them all—especially as they seem to be telepathically bonded, and can’t keep anything unsaid anymore.rec note: oh boy am i a sucker for Stevetony Finding Out About The Confession
Chasing Shadows by laireshiSummary: Steve is still adjusting to the future. Tony hopes he is helping, but Steve’s and Iron Man’s morals might be too different for them to work together. Then Steve starts to act strangely, and all Tony can do is chase at shadows.rec note: this fic hurt me . that’s it that’s all i have to say
The Counselors Are In by cptxrogersSummary: Steve and Tony from Avengers Assemble open a counseling service for all the other Steves and Tonys from across the multiverse. God knows they need it.rec note: come on Other Universes GET IT TOGETHER
Think of This as Solving Problems (That Should Never Have Occurred) by SinealaSummary: No one knows Tony is Iron Man. Then Tony gets amnesia, and literally no one knows Tony is Iron Man.rec note: ok here comes the sineala spam in the reclist lmao
The Jar by SinealaSummary: The Avengers are ridiculously competitive people, and what starts out as a silly late-night team discussion quickly becomes a contest: their names. Not the code names – the nicknames. Who can go the longest without using them? They pledge to spend a week not nicknaming each other, and they’ll pay up every time they mess up. This hits Tony the hardest, and not just financially. Tony’s got a lot of nicknames for everyone, but most of all for Steve – and when Tony can’t use the names he’s already got, the names he uses reveal feelings he had no idea he had.rec note: super cute! lov those funky avenging dudes
Changeling by SinealaSummary: Instead of deleting his entire brain and reloading from a backup, Tony attempts to erase just the SHRA database from his mind. As Steve later finds out, this is unfortunately not what he actually did.rec note: *ugly sobbing* ttngngjfgnTONY ,.,,,,CAROLLLLL ,,FDF..,,KSDJBVSD ,,,S T E V E..,,,, FVKJD,,,,SFDJKDNFVNKDJFD
If You Want to Live (The Historical Present Remix) by SinealaSummary: The Civil War is over. The SHRA is gone. Steve has been brought back to life. He’s settling into his new duties as America’s top cop. His longtime friendship with Carol Danvers – Avenger, former director of SHIELD, and former leader of the pro-Registration forces – is now a tenuous one. But something is very wrong in the world. This isn’t how it was supposed to be. Someone is missing. Tony Stark was killed at the age of seventeen, and it’s up to Steve to travel into the past to save a man he doesn’t remember from a man he knows all too well: a mysterious assassin from another time and place, a man with a metal arm. And the truth is more complicated than anyone could ever have guessed.rec note: super interesting fic! the Plot is,,……. some güd shit
Straight on till Morning by SinealaSummary: Tony Stark resigned his commission in Starfleet five years ago, after a disastrous away mission, and he swore he’d never go back. He just wants to be left alone to build warp engines in peace. But the universe has more in store for him than that, as he discovers when Admiral Fury comes to him with an offer he could never have expected and cannot possibly refuse: first officer and chief engineer aboard the all-new USS Avenger, a starship of Tony’s own design. What’s more, the Avenger’s captain is Steve Rogers, hero of the Earth-Romulan War. Believed dead for over a century, Steve is miraculously alive… and very, very attractive. But nothing is ever easy for Tony. As he wrestles with his secret desire for his new captain and his not-so-dormant fears, another mission starts to go wrong, and Tony becomes aware that Steve has secrets of his own – and the truth could change everything.rec note: ok there is, like, really weird porn in this fic but it’s a STAR TREK CROSSOVER and that’s all that really matters. and also it’s very heartfelt and the action is  r e a l l y   i n t e n s e
Your Name on Every Wall by SinealaSummary: The Time Gem throws Steve into the past rather than the future, and in doing so, it gives him the opportunity to undo his past mistakes. But when it turns out that all of his mistakes involve Tony Stark, Steve begins to wonder if he’s ever going to be able to mend things between them.rec note: wow…….stevetony…….. am i right boys?
Get Some Now by SinealaSummary: Avengers Mansion has a mysterious feline infestation. Meanwhile, Steve just can’t figure out how to ask Tony out on a date. And the thirteen teleporting cats sure aren’t helping matters any.rec note: as you all may know. i am an active member of the “tony…..but give him a cat” movement and this fic brings me great joy
Sucker Punch by Sineala Summary: Steve never quite warms to Tony Stark, Avengers benefactor. The Molecule Man never strips Iron Man out of his armor. Life goes on for the Avengers, but as disagreements split the team – and Shellhead and Winghead – again and again, Steve wonders why Iron Man always picks Tony over him. And when Steve finds out, it happens in the worst way possible.rec note: and here is a fic that does NOT bring me great joy and instead goes out of its way to hurt me in every way it can
Tony Stark Advises The Avengers by copperbadgeSummary: Somehow, Tony Stark ended up Team Dad.rec note: ANAD AVENGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zero Sum by CraitSummary: Did you do your best, Anthony? And did your best only make things worse?rec note: let ao3 user crait write marvel comics, they clearly understand tony’s character better than anyone who’s written him in the past 10 years
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authenticaussie · 7 years
ur favorite one piece pairing + your favorite au
how can you ask such a thing of me alkshdgf i have To Many Favourite AUs
haha can i just link you to the mas ao3 page nonnie bc trust me any au that has mas also has my heart ///ahhaha not joking tho the link’s right here bc im a Sucker
Okay but like one of my favourites is Totally sUPERHEROES!!!!!! so!!!! Secret Identity MAS AU let’s Go 
[mobile beware: readmore]
 Sabo’s a hero / vigilante who has a lot of powers but they’re all largely synthetic. His only ability was like….melding??? And when the govt. found out they used him as an experiment to see if they could get other people’s powers to bond with him, and they can but- Sabo can’t use them properly. He has the ability to breathe underwater but if he tries, his lungs will fill up with water and they don’t empty. He can make and control fire, but it doesn’t stop him getting burnt by it. He can turn invisible but he can’t see. Superstrength but no superbone density. All the minor parts of superpowers that people take for granted don’t come to him. 
Anyway I mentioned above the fire thing well Ace was totally the one that the govt. used to give Sabo fire abilities because they found out he was Roger’s kid (Roger, of course, having argued against having like, superpower registries and anyone not registered w/ the govt. being classified as a “villain” and maybe being the reason people had powers in the first place??? like, the govt. tried to keep it just for themselves but Roger was like whoops secrets! and revealed it all) and Ace having powers was just icing on the cake??? And they tried to take them and give them to Sabo and Sabo didn’t know about the cost of his powers until he tried to use them to get him and Ace out and he burnt. (His hands are the first things that get burnt. He gets used to using his left hand for writing and other jobs. His right is- harder to use.)
Garp gets them out because he’s- he’s terrified for these kids (and they’re just kids, he doesn’t understand this-) and gets people to give them other identities and Sabo and Ace rail against the govt. and throw them away basically and blackmail them and lots of shit like that but basically Sabo’s t e c h n i c a l l y on the hero register but the govt. hate him so they refuse to help if he’s in any shitty situations and h e y guess what.
(quick break before Ominous Shit Goes Down) Marco’s a villain! He used to be a hero, but…How do you explain to someone that you walked out of a fire that should’ve by all rights killed you, when their husband didn’t? How do you live with a bullet passing through your damn chest and hitting the child you were trying to protect? How do you be a hero when your powers are so inherently selfish? 
Sabo & Marco are in a few of the same uni classes together and though they don’t talk, Ace notices that Marco has some of the same habits that he and Sabo have; watching the doors and windows and mapping out escape routes and being uncomfortable if people get to close….And figuring hey marco probably wasn’t Fucked Up by the goverment but he definitely isn’t The Best and befriending Marco in efforts to try and help him because while Sabo’s a hero Ace has never been able to- just fight for strangers like that. But Marco reminds him so much of him and Sabo…. and they become friends and one day when Marco jumps when someone gestures a bit too quickly, Ace carefully asks if Marco needs any help and Marco looks at him and then realises what ace is asking and And Ace kind of Not So Subtly always says that his and Sabo’s home is open if Marco needs it as they become friends and mentions it again and Marco’s like are u…kidding. Dude. No. And takes him to meet WB and ace is like ohh. oh. But ace is still a bit of a Curious Fucker and ends up poking a little bit and being like
“So you’re not afraid whenever anyone sits next to you???” and Marco kind of laughs but also flushes bc he didn’t realise Ace was??? paying attention?? what other things has he accidentally given away. Like. Ace is so far off base w/ his suspicions, but the fact he’s curious about Marco makes marco kind of…Uncomfortable?? People being interesting in him only ends badly. 
Blah blah blah Ace finds out Marco’s a villain and technically Sabo’s archnemisis (even if like half the time Phoenix is just a tease and a bit of a jerk but Sabo Hates Phoenix’s puns) and he Freaks a little bit but also marco needs his help and marco’s still his friend so he pushes it to the side and spills it to Sabo later and Sabo’s like aRE YOU KIDDING ME???
Sab being a Sulky Kiddo and he goes along w/ it bc he trusts Ace’s judgment but also ACE PLEASE WHY ARE WE BEFRIENDING A VILLAIN and Ace has to placate him w/ lots of cuddles and kisses and assurances that ofc you’re my fave sab and no dont worry sab I’ll make sure to be careful around him and no sab i havent told him your identity, your safety is more important to me than him. And then Marco finds out that Ace knows Blue - like, because Sabo left his costume lying abt or smth, or Ace accidentally slipped when helping Marco fix his few seastone injuries and when Marco’s like “you’re good at this” his reply is “yeah i’ve had practice aha” and Marco can only think about what Ace thought about him before they knew each other better. 
“You know that the reverse offer…is always open to you too, right? Like…you offered your home to me, if you need to- get away from it, my home’s open to-” and ace is like wOOOOAHHH no Sabo is Not Like That don’t even??? insinuate that??? lowkey how dare you???? and he kind of goes “i do take care of other people, not just you fluff butt,” and marco’s like ??? other??? people??? and then he’s like WAIT is this why you said you had an emergancy button??????????????/ aRE YOU TAKING CARE OF HEROES TOO and ace is like fLAILING and he’s trying to lie and MArco’s like who??? who??? is it someone i know??? do you know their identity as well???
n O ace says, voice squeaking, and Marco starts laughing and puts his hands up and backs away and promises he won’t pry but Ace eventually starts sharing a few stories about the heroes he knows (because he does meet a few through Sabo) and Marco’s so obviously amused and…Ace made him promise never to use the information he’d been given against the heroes. 
(Ace makes Marco swear to never let Blue get hurt, because Blue is important to him, and Marco, who’s started to hear of the fire wielder that’d saved Ace when he was a child, starts to realise just in what way.) 
And Marco’s repertoire with Blue gets a little bit more friendly and teasing and Ace tells Sabo stories about MArco too and Sabo eventually, carefully, starts befriending Marco as well and Marco even as normal him uses sO MANY PUNS AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS. DO YOU. SABO GETS SO FRUSTRATED WITH MARCO’S CONSTANT PUNNING THAT HE YELLS AT MARCO TO STOP BECAUSE HE’S HEARD ALL OF THEM AT LEAST TWICE NOW AND HE’S SO SICK OF PUNS!!!! ITS BEEN A WEEK OF HORRIBLE PUNS HOW MANY “I’M FEELING BLUE” PUNS DO YOU FUCKING NEED, MARCO???
And marco’s like Holy Shit. And sabo’s like Fuck I just Revealed my Identity. And they kind of stare at each other and then Marco starts smiling and he’s just like…”So….instead of feeling blue you’re….burning up with rage??”  aND HE GRINS EVEN WIDER AND SABO LOOKS LIKE HE’S ABOUT TO START YELLING AGAIN and!!! they don’t bring it up again but they know the other knows they just?? never?? use it against each other. 
ANYWAY BACK TO THE OMINOUS SHIT ™ so!!!!!!!!!! marco does a lot of thieving and likes to work with people because it’s easier and Look healing is helpful and all but it’s not like he can fucking fly like some other guys. (he can glide. There’s a difference, one that he’s Always been Annoyed by.) And his partners on this particular case are talking to him about how easy it’s going to be because they took out one of the most annoying things in their way and Marco thinks that they got a technopath to stop the cameras and other security systems but as he walks through the apartment w/ his from out-of-town partners that they’ve staked out before the heist and from the corner of his eye Marco sees this man tied to a chair and he’s like huh uhhh maybe they captured head of security instead???? And maybe he makes some sound, turns slightly, he isn’t sure, but his partner grins at him and signals to someone else and they tangle their hand roughly in this blond’s hair and yanks his head up. 
Marco winces reflexively because that shit ain’t nice but then his heart does a stutter in his chest and his eyes go wide, because that’s-
Dried blood crusted on his lips and a shiny, swollen cheek and this damning purpled bruise around his eye and-
He’s pretty sure those are fingerprints around Sabo’s neck
(And it’s Sabo)
It’s Sabo, mask in tatters and blue eyes half-lidded because he’s only just managing to hold onto consciousness
“You see why we said there’d be no interruptions, my friend,” Marco’s partner says, so fucking proudly, so smug and Marco can’t stop himself from taking a step forwards, can tell when Sabo sees him come into view because his glare sharpens just barely and his throat bobs (is that- fear?)
Sabo’s hair is let go and his head drops, in a way that makes him grunt because he can’t hold it up properly, and marco feels to-
Reverent to be touching sabo right now, knows his touch is to soft and gentle to be one of an enemy as he slids his fingers beneath sabo’s jaw and gently cups his cheek, tilting his head up. His nail catches on dried blood as he smoothes his thumb over the corner of sabo’s mouth, and Sabo’s still glaring but something else is in his eyes now, something that Marco doesn’t really understand-
(it isn’t relief and it isn’t gratitude and it isn’t recognition but he thinks…maybe it’s some combination of the three?)
“You utter asshole, I can’t believe I’m doing this for you, I hate you-” he kind of mumbles, but Sabo’s just barely leaning into his touch now, like it’s the gentlest thing he’s felt for days (and maybe it has been, and Marco can feel something angry growing in his chest now and it shouldn’t because this is his nemesis but he can’t- This is also sabo. This is Blue, and Marco promised Ace that he’d never see Blue hurt.) 
Gently brushes part of Sabo’s greasy, blood-matted hair from his face and Sabo blinks at him and half-mumbles, “ace….?” and Marco huffs grumpily and mumbles “wow you dick at least properly acknowledge who’s rescuing you” and he turns around to his partners and they’re staring at him like wait what what do you mean rescuing???
and Marco’s like  “oh yeah, sorry guys. Kinda promised a friend of blue’s that I would never hurt him to badly. If you hadn’t showed him to me i guess i coulda stood by….”
(he’s lying, he hates the fact that he’s lying, that omission wouldn’t have crushed him with guilt just as surely as it’s crushing him now, but he- can’t admit it to himself. How much he cares about someone he’s meant to hate.)
 “But….well, a promise is a promise. I’m sure you understand. If you could just let him go that would be great???”
“Let him go??????????? Uh no??? Do you know how long it took to catch him??? We’re not just letting him go!!!!” And Marco’s like u GAHHHH YOU KNOW I FIGURED THIS WAS GONNA HAPPEN BUT I DIDN’T WANT IT TO??? and kicks ass and protects sabo and knows that his reputation is going to suffer from this but nothing hurts worse than imagining how worried Ace’s face is gonna be when he brings Sabo home. 
Anyway, as well, after that MArco is Constantly trying to assert that he is a Bad Guy and poking and prodding sabo and being a Jerk but also unconsciously seeing sabo like, limp into a room and being like oh??? hit you to hard last night did I ??? need an icepack?? and he says it mEANLY but when sabo says yes marco just IMMEDIATELY JUMPS UP AND GRABS AN ICE PACK AND ANGRILY FUSSES/INSULTS SABO //and look Ace thinks it’s fucking hilarious but sabo’s really kinda confused bc he was out of it for a lot of his rescue, and he doesn’t remember the last few hours, he just remembers someone being so gentle w/ him and then being awake at home and feeling better and he thought that it was Ace, when ace was trying to take care of him. 
Marco doing nice things for sabo but having to taunt him before hand bc otherwise it’s not Antagonistic enough. He’s failing #villain status unless he insults sabo teasingly before hand/gets sabo riled up. Ace thinks it’s kind of hilarious, especially when he sees that MArco starts getting sUPER FLUSTERED whenever sabo gets riled up and yelling and his cheeks are bright red and his powers are Doing Things
Also more on Sabo’s powers; costs are usually Equivalent to the powers, like, he can use fire but it will burn him and he can grow things but they ain’t gonna be strong and shit like that and he??? uses lower cost powers around the house to do chores???? Ace is like sabo come on do ur shit properly ur gonna get a migraine doing it w/ telekenisis and sabo’s like yeah but this is easier and it’s only a minor migraine??? and ace is like [yelling] pls u dumbass
Bu t,,, sabo being raised and trained as this powerful being,,, as a weapon for other people to use ,,,, so him getting to use his powers for himself….Ace can’t say no to that, especially if sabo wants to do it. Even if it hurts him, it’s- Sabo hasn’t had many choices in his life, he should at least get to choose this. 
Ace doesn’t get burnt from his fire but sabo who does - and has - gotten burnt,,, who’s afraid of fire ,,,,Ace who represses every urge to use his powers because he knows sabo’s afraid, and besides what good could fire do???? like, sure, he can control it to some extent but…he’s never going to be a good hero. He’s to selfish. He cares about himself and his family and his friends and like….god he’d sacrifice anything for them, he’d do anything but he’s not….kind. He’s polite and he technically cares, and he’s empathetic to people’s struggles but- unless he cares about you, unless he thinks it’s part of what he needs to do and who he needs to be he just- won’t. 
Marco calling his powers selfish bc he can only heal himself and not anyone else. Saying that he couldn’t have been a hero, what would he have done? (How do you explain to someone’s husband that your survived the explosion that killed their wife? How do you say that you got shot and walked it off, and the child in your arms didn’t? He’s never known. He thinks he never will know.)
(He doesn’t want to know. There’s- to much guilt in him for him to survive being a hero.)
For an extra dose of pain imagine Sabo asking/pressuring Marco to be a hero and work beside him and MArco’s certainly strong enough for it and Marco keeps telling him to drop it but sabo won’t and one day marco’s patience is worn through and he gets up and rips a newspaper off the wall that sabo’s never paid attention to and slams it down in front of him. “this is why i dont bother wasting my time. People are ungrateful and shitty and-” (I can’t live knowing i survived and i couldnt save anyone)
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the-covenant-bond · 7 years
To bree, KevJr, an karly
Happy birthday Bree....for teaching me when raising a kid. learn how an when to put your foot down an not give them an ultimatum when they learn to be the lvl of smart as you. You not there yet sit down an listen youre supposed to let me stand up for you im half way glad you didnt tho ida really hurt em bare handed im glad you instinctly def ended yourself, either you didnt say the right thing to me or felt like being the cannon for once yourself an idk what happened if he pulled an adam you shoulda told me then again no one there was strong enough to stop what i woulda done. Be glad i have blind trust in you cause youda got body slammed lol no marks. I felt the energy tho i was on your side.... To kev jr... for absorbing my mind frame i already knew what happened that day lol i was not suckered into the same thing somehow talked into it.... you already think better than the other cousins man i kenw i shoudla spent more time with them... i gotta break some doors down for you in knowladge an just on the tech thing i know youll keep that shit in mind lock an key... imma steer you away from the mistakes that i made clear on do not be a follower make them follow you tool me 21 years to know wanna be masked in sheeps clothing anymore an saying fuck yall let me show you how real ive been an everthikg ive let slide just so itd be easier for the parents to think they won #NUMBER ONE1 THING HOMIE DONT LET THEM CALL THEM OUT ON EVERYONE fuck the drama do ot just like i did have a smart conversation with them an AN WHEN THEY START GOING IN CIRCLES open up a new path that you had been paying attention to just never let air out out of respect still let them know whoch bridge it pushed you over to tho as long as its not a dead end or a super slowed down one an these women honestly stay blimd to them the right one wont play a game with you especially when they know all the facts like just maybe why because real reconize real thats why i almost have three bosses on my side not by winning them over no never its not called brown nosing if you do everything youre supposed to in the first place an dont snitch although if they try to fuck you over show them their shit in their face trust me theyll be on your side then like the eye in the sky i dont lie an my timings too good to miss a fly. Listen an apply me young son the sonner you do the more the things i teach you will be your stepping stones to be a marathon ahead of the rest an none of them have any horse power or torque to catch up×××on god thank yalls parents for letting me raise you the first ÷=/time cause thats the one that sticks with you cause thats what you always go to that first time till its all lost or forgotten××× Last but not least karly Actually the only one i dont have to question at all..... you are in no way at all dumb i figure out when you were really small that you were gonna be as bright as i thats why i let you synchronize so much(an what most people dont know is that sleeping magnetic energy stimulates womb brain groth the highest) kinda like i geunis reprogramed her...they still dont see it yet tho i see how simple you play them an use the fact that ol shes just a child. bitch please you're a mini me i kinda refuse to teach you cause you already dont listen my bad i guess its cause im always away yall all have phones tho frack ill send yall my day planner its always empty frfr i guess cause i dont think im there yet even tho you know everything i think of works without a hitch maybe thats why they watch me so close tisk tisk should teach you not to fuck over good people to the point they reach idgaf anymore thats whem they become scary af... fair warning guys she already thinks like me i dont want her to learn chess plan like me if i dont care about vag an i kinda rule with ruthless respect think of how shell get an as a girl she can get away with hitting a dude id rather get that call an yall have to bond me out of jail over us having to bond her out......i honestly really ask for one thing tho let me have her, her summer from 6-7 an the ass end of 8th grade an beginning of ninth if you want a valedictorian i ginally realize where my parents fucked up
#dont ever let my little certain complain to me...itll be bourne bad for you all#excuse me you got a room i may go number two in impossibly big rips as possible#slow down-speed up#drop a gear an disappear#you dont sweat it if you dont handle it just inhale the good stronger than concrete building blocks#exhale the half assed what really made you think this would work#sorry if you didnt like that maybe we should spend some bond building time together an see how it goes#everybody right now like @face palm@#like you know its me; im not entirely sure its you i apologize....#thats why i be like can you grow up so i can rise an wake up please lol no seriously tho#goal too close to let me feel like ugh i gotta go to work one day#you want that reaction every time let me expand my limits alone two wheels#once youve died reached that other side#it happened already that was the one time i told you about you can stop worrying now#thats why you know is unable to go home#anyways#yea once youve reached that side almost no one can reach you#dont mean that in a bad way weve just acended alive#we know us completely well i do the lower ones or the ones that dont get it yet dont know them self#thanks for my track bike you wheres the keys an title?#now i just need the suite to suite up in an the track wint have anything to say#/self cant touch us we know how to channel fields#can only be learned in two situations either when you die or when you do a this is personal take a life kill#the when you die is a hella jump start an ive had three#that pc charger wowza ever since then i was snap fast at math#till they started to secretly feed me trig
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makesureee · 7 years
1-150 plz ty~~
omg holy shit that’s a lot and i’m on adderall this will be fun omg yay
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?some bitch ass bitch who’s dead to me
2. Are you outgoing or shy?DEFINITELY shy
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?any three of my friends, whenever they happen to hit me up, my dog, and my fUTURE GIRLFRIEND WHERE ARE YOU
4. Are you easy to get along with?it depends how well you know me i suppose but i am generally kind, or at least i try to be
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?i do not like anyone so i just get drunk by myself
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?i reallyyyyy love masculine looking girls (could be short hair, shaved hair, tats, piercings, just an all around “gay” look, which is kinda funny for a straight guy XD) but i ALSO LOVE feminine girls fat girls skinny girls just…..GIRLSbut as far as finding people attractive even tho i’m straight boys can be hecka cute too and i typically find myself finding the more feminine looking bois cuteand as for anyone nonbinary or genderqueer it’s pretty much the same
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?no but boy i sure hope so
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?fuck heteronormativity but uh no one really. i don’t like anyone. if you mean literally in general then i’m waiting for my friend to hit me up so we can smoke XD
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?yeah but not for reasons you’d think
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?no fuckin idea
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?“well i also gotta head back to my house so you’re good” cause my friend needed some time to get weed and food before i head over
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?Sad Clown - Kate MicucciPick a suburb, find a culdesac - Amy Bruce Spaceshowstraight kids playing dress up - the official suckersGot High and Still Got No Friends - Shelf LifeOld Maid Cards - Kate Micucci
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?only if it’s someone i’m really really really comfortable with
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?nope. i believe in coincidence and probability
15. What good thing happened this summer?nothing honestly
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?fUCK to the NO
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?um…definitely?? without a doubt??? we’re so small we’re so small we could just instantaneously die any second bruh we’re dust in the breeze this question gave me another existential crisis i want a refund
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?lol no
19. Do you like bubble baths?i used to but now it’s just like……im hot and sweaty and can’t breathe why is the air so wet……
20. Do you like your neighbors?i don’t know my neighbors but i like them because their christmas lights are aesthetic and ONE OF MY NEIGHBORS just has like 20 FUCKIN DUCKS chilling in their front yard. they’re like 3 houses down across the street but if i leave my window open sometimes i can hear them having a good time
21. What are you bad habits?drug dependency/addictive tendencies
22. Where would you like to travel?i wanna go back to italy. spain would be nice. idk. like……the earth has so many places…..
23. Do you have trust issues?nah i’m very forgiving and it sucks
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?drugs!
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?how in the world do i pick
26. What do you do when you wake up?roll a blunt…and smoke it
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?that question is complicated. i’m white, so ideally (in this corrupt awful world), it’s the most advantageous so i wouldn’t change as to have better opportunities and less judgement. however, hOLY SHIT ALL THE COLORS OF THE PEOPLE ARE SO COOL AND BEING WHITE LOOKS SO BOORRINGG so if we lived in a hypothetical world where every ethnicity was held at an equal standard yes a darker skin color would be cool
28. Who are you most comfortable around?nobody really. i’m not emotionally close to anyone right now
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?no but one relationship i ended and the other party did not want it to end
30. Do you ever want to get married?marriage doesn’t really matter to me. just a certificate. if it can help with taxes and whatever, sure, as long as i can remain the important parts of my independence. but imo i don’t even think that marriage should give people tax benefits but you take what good things the fucked up world gives ya
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? LOL YES BUT I’D LOOK RIDICULOUS
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?michonne from the walking dead is super attractive and i can’t really think of anyone else but i probably would not have a threesome with celebrities that’s too much pressure
33. Spell your name with your chin.samkel (THAT WAS CLOSE)
34. Do you play sports? What sports?ew
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?TV but like does netflix count
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?not really i have this ability to not like people unless i’m almost certain they like me and terminate all feelings for a person if rejected. i mean like, i liked someone in high school once and dropped hardcore hints but never outright said it so killed my feelings and they actually told me recently that they used to have a crush on me too XDD funny ass shit
37. What do you say during awkward silences?“i’m gonna play some music”
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?cute funny stoner who loves and accepts me for who i am and supports me and helps me grow and does pills with me and loves all my new favorite music i show her and WITH LIKE A ONE IN BILLION CHANCE i’d like her to be shorter than me cause i’m really short and that’s really killer on my self esteem….but like….if we were both super short imagine how cute that’d be…..we’d be like ruby and sapphire….we’d get made fun of and be the smol couple but we would be smol together
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?my local headshops lolol
40. What do you want to do after high school?i’m already after high school but ultimately i want to be a glassblower and make bongs and shit
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?i don’t believe in blanket statements (lol that in itself is a blanket statement)
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?i’m awkward or anxious and don’t know what to say because i don’t know how to be a person
43. Do you smile at strangers?sometimes
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?NEITHER IF I AM NOT GUARANTEED TO SURVIVE but space even though i would still have massive panic attacks with that guarantee like i can’t even be on a road i don’t know by myself without having an anxiety attack
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?the hope that one day i’ll have something that makes me feel less empty
46. What are you paranoid about?holy shit EVERYTHING everyone hates me and i’m a disappointment to my parents and i’m super unattractive and everyone that sees me judges me and like these are straight up facts yo
47. Have you ever been high?i’m high right now
48. Have you ever been drunk?i’m drunk right now. just kidding on that one. i kinda used to be an alcoholic but i traded it in for pot lol. best decision ever. worst financial decision ever tho
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?i put 12 shucks of corn up my asshole
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?black. almost everything i wear is black when will i not act like im in high school
51. Ever wished you were someone else?only always
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?confidential
53. Favourite makeup brand?none i ent wear makeup
54. Favourite store?i’m not a shopping person so i’d again have to go with my local headshop
55. Favourite blog?i cannot choose
56. Favourite colour?black
57. Favourite food?also cannot choose
58. Last thing you ate?i have no idea i haven’t eaten today
59. First thing you ate this morning?i have no idea i literally have not eaten today
60. Ever won a competition? For what?you bitches better wATCH oUT cause this guy got SECOND PLACE in his THIRD GRADE SCIENCE FAIR for a poster board about EVAPORATIONand eh i think i won an art show award or two in high school
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?no i never even skipped class in high school cause with attendance you get exemption rights from exams~ now that i’m in college i skip occasionally tho lol
62. Been arrested? For what?dear god no i’d have a panic attack so hard i think the cop would feel bad for me
63. Ever been in love?yep
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?ugh ew ok so like i was bi at the time and so was he (but i wasn’t into this guy at all) but so anyway it’s after school and we’re behind it with our friends and we start walking away and he pulls me aside and the friends keep walking and his face kept getting closer to mine and in my head i’m just like dude…..why you….getting closer….that’s close….what…..oh….okay. that’s. lips. okay. it was like a gross quick kiss and then like when we talked about it and i rejected him hE WENT AND TOLD ALL HIS FRIENDS THAT HE REJECTED ME. luckily a friend i used to have and/or fuck jumped in while i wasn’t present and defended me cause that’s some straight bullshit.
65. Are you hungry right now?nah i’m on adderall
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?eh nah only because it’s harder to form a bond. not that i have strong bonds with my irl friends but we communicate more and smoke together
67. Facebook or Twitter?neither
68. Twitter or Tumblr?tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now?no
70. Names of your bestfriends?lexi is me only best friend but even we aren’t suuuper close anymore
71. Craving something? What?fulfillment and happiness and a girlfriend
72. What colour are your towels?green
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?bruh…….9 ok but 2 are for my dog when she isn’t sleeping next to me on my pillows
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?nah but i use my dog as a cuddle buddy. if she doesn’t wanna cuddle we just hold hands
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?i probably have a good bit lying around my room. idk maybe like 5-8 somewhere in a drawer or whatever
75. Favourite animal?cliche as fuck but like….dogs i love dogs i love themi illove them so much i lvoe dogs
76. What colour is your underwear?currently grey with black stripes lol
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?vanilla for sure
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?oreo!
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?black XD
80. What colour pants?BLACK
81. Favourite tv show?black. nah probably adventure time or rick and morty
82. Favourite movie?i don’t like movies that much
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?have seen neither
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?nope?
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?who
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?stoner turtle
87. First person you talked to today?my adderall buddy. she texted me like the second i woke up some how
88. Last person you talked to today?she literally just texted me as i was writing that out soooo
89. Name a person you hate?i aint no snitch
90. Name a person you love?lexi cause that’s positive
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?myself
92. In a fight with someone?never been, never want
93. How many sweatpants do you have?one
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?i had one but as of today i have THREE
95. Last movie you watched?suicide squad and it sucked but pretty colors tho
96. Favourite actress?ent got one
97. Favourite actor?nope
98. Do you tan a lot?not at all what is the sun
99. Have any pets?two! daisy and ko bear!
100. How are you feeling?i’m feeling okay. i’ll feel better cause now my friend hit me up but i’m rushing to finish this!
102. Do you regret anything from your past?i regret like almost everything?
103. Can you spell well?the answer is no
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?nope
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?yep
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?yep
107. Have you ever been on a horse?ONCE WHEN I WAS LITTLE BUT I WANNA DO IT AGAIN but i’ve been on a camel does that count
108. What should you be doing?bagging my weed and leaving the house right now
109. Is something irritating you right now?myself as always
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?nope
111. Do you have trust issues?i trusted you not to repeat a question so maybe i do now
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?A STUPID ASS BITCH I REGRET IT SO MUCH i never cry in front of ANYONE before that it had been THREE YEARS since i cried in front of someone but i trust horrible people
113. What was your childhood nickname?sammy
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?yep. i was born in florida, live in georgia. been to a few other surrounding states but nowhere far other than abroad
115. Do you play the Wii?nah
116. Are you listening to music right now?nah the album ended
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?i don’t like soup
118. Do you like Chinese food?not really i wanna eat normal food with chopsticks tho
119. Favourite book?ew
120. Are you afraid of the dark?nah but i still get the creeps
121. Are you mean?some people seem to think so. i think so a lot of the time.
122. Is cheating ever okay?yes. i don’t do blanket statements
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?dear god no i avoid super messes but pretty much do whatever
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?fuck no
125. Do you believe in true love?i believe that love can be true but i do not believe that one single individual is your “soul mate” or “perfect match” or whatever. there are potentially thousands of people that you could fall madly in love with and it’s just probability and coincidence that allow you to collide with them
126. Are you currently bored?with my life yeah
127. What makes you happy?drugs and friends and dogs
128. Would you change your name?i have and it’s awesome now
129. What your zodiac sign?taurus
130. Do you like subway?never ridden one
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?heteronormative again and i don’t have a best friend but the only two female friends i have i would not have sex with, although me and one of them make cute jokes about dating and romance all the time
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?BRUH STOP REPEATING
133. Favourite lyrics right now?“you tell me all the reasons you hate meand it feels like you’re listing off the symptoms of a borderline personalityand I know I am not tetheredto all the behaviors or the thoughtsI know one day I could rise above it allbut for now my illness makes people think I really suckand I guess for a couple more years I need to suck it up”- Don’t Blame Yourself by Human Kitten
i relate hella cause i’m pretty sure i have bpd and i can’t afford health insurance so i’m just kinda here
134. Can you count to one million?fuck no
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?i never remember shit. that’s seriously not a lie i don’t remember
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?my door is always closed unless i’m home alone but eVEN THEN it’s closed if i’m sleeping
137. How tall are you?ew 5′2
138. Curly or Straight hair?mine? straight
139. Brunette or Blonde?brunette
140. Summer or Winter?winter
141. Night or Day?both or in between
142. Favourite month?october or december. i like the october vibe but like the december $$$$$
143. Are you a vegetarian?nooope
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?milk
145. Tea or Coffee?green tea with mint please!
146. Was today a good day?it was not terrible. first day of the new quarter. worked my ass off but made some money. aboutta go smoke. it’s been alright
147. Mars or Snickers?neither
148. What’s your favourite quote?too many good quotes
149. Do you believe in ghosts?nope i believe in science and facts homie g
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?“While some people will argue that this (A) may not exist or (B) is certainly not part of our physical forms, I’m going to go ahead and boldly state that consciousness (at the very least) is an irrefutable part of the human experience.” no shit that was Hannah Hart’s My Drunk Kitchen
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ashalaughs · 4 years
An Annotated List of Men’s Tinder Profiles Part 10
I mean, why not? As always, the entries are loosely ranked from mildly confusing to “I’m so sorry to expose you to this but it must be done.”
1. Main hobby is Arm Wrestling.: This is an outstanding main hobby
2. Sucker for a long sleeve shirt with a turtleneck, tucked into jeans: What a hilariously specific look to be into
3. Looking for a back scratcher. Must have you know what they say, scratch a man’s back and he’ll purr like a walrus: Oh yes that saying we are all familiar with
4. Favourite meal: negative reinforcement: Delicious.
5. Just a Beast looking for his Belle: You better have an amazing library
6. Rainbow / Unicorns / Dragons / Cheesecake / Ice cream / Come play: what a wild list
7. Climbed the corporate ladder wayyy to fast. So the only way to go is down.. and I love going down: This is a very laboured double entendre
8. You don’t have to worry about my parents judging you because the past away: Oh boy I was not worried about that, but this is very sad information to include in a profile
9. I got ran over by a truck but lord knows I’m still gonna send it: This raises so many questions
10. Yes, I don’t smile in pictures but neither did Cary Grant: But you, my friend, are not Cary Grant
11. Well if I say something about myself I wont sound any different than all other guys who trying to impress you: Ah, but if you say nothing about yourself you also won’t impress me
12. Looking for a cheeky metal monkey to jump on the water bed with. Or a fiery dragon with whom to roam the earth. No metaphors.: Keep your interspecies desires to yourself, good sir
13. I am very woke, Ive channeled my dead grandfather and experienced astrial projection preferably a woke woman or one who wants to learn xox: What a very interesting definition of woke
14. Swipe right if you don’t think foot massages mean something: This guy must be really good at foot massages I guess
15. Shamanic…being?: Let me know when you figure it out
16. I enjoy being creative…particularly writing. I am currently writing a book called “The World Through a Spinozian Lens: A Rationalist’s Appeal to Emotion.” It is going to be the subject of my Doctoral thesis. I’ve also applied to CBU! I’m going for an undergrad in philosophy and being in the fall.: Maybe this hits too close to home because a dude who claims to be writing his dissertation before he’s started his undergrad is a bigtime nope from me, dawg
17. Person who texts second will pay the bill: PSA: quibbling about who pays for dinner before you’ve even exchanged a message with someone is not a good look
18. 5’9 underweight.. Don’t smoke, don’t drink. Probably be dead ina few years.: There has to be some information missing here
19. Picture above isn’t me, for personal reasons I’m not at liberty to share one: This is a fancy way to say “I’m married”
20. In open relationship or break up looking for friends and see how things go: These are two very different situations though…
21. If you don’t chew Big Red then Fuck you: This one makes me laugh so much
22. Gotta have some nice jordans, nice chain and a nice car…im only missing you: Good to know I’m on par with your very favourite consumer goods
23. My dog told me to put put what snacks we have. He later told me that’s a secret he’d rather keep that a secret between us: This is meant to be cute but comes across a bit unhinged, right?
24. So let’s be honest here, you’re not special and I’m not special either. I mean, fuck, we ended up on tinder…We’re lame, so welcome to lame town.: I almost want to give this guy a hug, but I definitely don’t want to date him
25. I’m literally just here to talk shit I’m too cute for tinder: This can’t possibly be true
26. I sexually identify as a microwave dinner, because I’m ready in 5 minutes, look nothing like my photos, and im just satisfying enough for you to want me again when you’re desperate: The problem with these sorts of “joke” profiles is that they are almost certainly truthful
27. Did you know that Ted Bundy’s first dog a collie was named Lassie?: Ah yes, serial killer facts: the number one way to make women feel safe
28. They say women are not able to pair bond after being banged out by a few partners: This is very ill-conceived strategy for getting women to sleep with you
29. Oh..and I’m not about the whole covid crap either. Never did believe it and never will: You don’t have to believe in it; it believes in you
30. Looking for somebody to go down on me on command. Will return the favour if you’re tidy.: An offer literally everyone can refuse.
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theno1noahpuckerman · 4 years
Tagging: Noah Puckerman x Jessica Martin
Where: Puck and Jess’s room.
contents: Puck’s first arrival into the island, just Random Jess and Puck bonding times
Puck paced around the living area his nerves were on the fritz, he was anxious, he felt a little nauseous  being in a strange place, not knowing if his sister was okay not knowing if he was going to see her again and trying to figure out what had happened from the time he walked out of his apartment and into this world. Was this that one place with that goat man and the snow bitch. He sure hoped not eternal winter would seem annoying. He just about jumped when he heard someone stirring. "Shit, who are you?" He asked the woman hoping this time she would actually answer him this time.May 4, 2020
Today the former rock star dawned blue hair; head cocked to the side as she took a long drag from her cigarette. "Jessica Martin, also known as Jess Diabolus, Princess of Darkness leader singer of the group Female Antichrist. A feminist alt rock band with a satanic flavor. Part time Scream Queen, been in a couple B movies. But now I am a switch, and have no idea what my live entails. " another drag of the cigarette as she yawned. "And you sir????"
Puck blinked. "Okay...well your majesty, Princess of darkness perhaps you care to tell me where I am? if this is hell are you the one whose gonna torture me for eternity then I am very much okay with this. Noah Puckerman. Switch I guess, Busser and future action movie star and #1 badass." He claimed.
"Ohhh I like that. Your Majesty, maybe I should have people call me that instead of Miss Martin. That was totally my Mom." smoke plumed from her lips, as she leaned back into her chair. "I don't think think this is hell." she giggled a little bit at the flirtatious comment, playfully her tongue stuck out. "And I only torture with consent lovely. But I promise, it is a good time for all." long fake eyelashes fluttered in his direction as she snuffed out her cigarette out. "From what I gather this is a pocket dimension; seperate from our world. The how and why of that, I am not sure. still working on those calculations.....And while I may not be your torturer as of yet, I am your roommate. So, shall we drink some champange ....get to know each other?"
Puck raised a brow. "Oh? so you want me to call you 'You Majesty or Miss Martin then?' He wondered and laughed. "Well how do I know I'm not? but I guess whatever this is could be worse. " He said "Whoa well do we at least get a Tardis? Then this would be worth it." He claimed and he chuckled. "That's good to know maybe i'll take you up on that one of these days." He winked at her and he nodded. "Alright sure I can use one, thank you and hopefully you can tell me more about this place. deal?" He suggested.
"You my good Pucky, are allowed to call me Jess, or J. For now anyway." Laughter tumbled from her lips, as she got up and and got two glasses. She poured them both glasses, before sitting back down. "Doctor Who fan? I might be myself.....I'm a sucker for a time travel." she offered him his glass. "I don't know much. Spent my first week here drunk. Hit on seriously everyone with a pulse. Mega embarassing. But what I have so far is we were transported into this pocket dimension. It has a mix between an authoritian and bondage and domination rule? Also like add a splash of Orwellian nightmare......That is totally what we are living in right now. The rest we're gonna have to figure out together.
There was a pout on the glittered up satanic bombshells face. "I cant decide what bikini to weeeaarrr....." she held up to glasses of whiskey. "Help me?" 
Puck laughed. "Yeah sure, I'll help Jess." He told her as he walked over to her and took one of the glasses. "Alright, show me the options, beautiful." He prompted with a nod to her room. "Or did you want me to wait out here, put on a bit of a show for me?" He asked with a wink.
She smiled as her head cocked to the side. Noah really was growing to be one of her favorite people. Glitter painted lips took a sip of her glass. Easily she slipped into a pose and smiled. "Do you wanna show big boy? Cause I can give you a show." she teased back, giving him a gentle nudge towards the couch.
Puck looked over at her before moving to sit on the couch. He laughed. "Is that not what I said but come on you asked for my opinion and as an ex poolboy I might just have a good eye for swim wear now, come on, Jess."
She popped into her room, head popped out for a moment. "Oh your in for it!" in a little bit she popped out in a neon blue string bikinni. With a bounce in her step as she strutted into the room. Body still decorated with glitter, and still dripped with her regular diamond necklaces. the ones she hadn't taken off since she bought them with her first check the band made. she was happy she hadn't left them at home. As for the bikini , t was certianly revealing albiet rather plane. "This is like an old faithful...Shows a lot of skin...but I feel like it has no umph....I mean I have my jewerly and the glitter.....but I feel like I should be head to two umph you know?" she did a little spin and a bounce.
Puck tilted his head and smirked. "Oh is that right?" He laughed and gave her a once over when she walked out well maybe it's good. You don't want to distract from what you already have, beautiful but turn around and smirked as she bounced. "You know what? I like it."
Laughter tumbled from her lips as she bounced next to him. She leaned against him, her head on his shoulder and sighed. "Thanks for putting up with my eccentricities.... You are a good egg."
Puck shook his head. "It's fine, Jess I could have ended up with a worst Roommate. You aren't so bad and thanks for calling me an egg."He teased. "But honestly I think you'll be fine. I can't wait for this party it'll be nice make a few friends here besides you and guess me and Sebastian are friends" He said thoughtfully. "Or I guess drinking buddies don't know if that counts. " He smirked.
"Ugh, same. I finally feel like Im getting into a groove here. Like people are finally starting to see me. Not me being somebody's ex girlfriend." she smiled as she got up and began to peel off the bathing suit. "Okay I have at least one more I want you to see." she popped back into her room. Only to come back in a crystal studded bikini. "Too much? And also tell me about this Sébastian...."
Puck nodded his understanding at that. "Oh I get that, glad they are seeing you I mean how can people not see you.  of course, I sort of aways grooved to my own tune. " He nodded as he watched her leaving admiring her back side and smiled when she walked out. "No I like that one, it's awesome and Sebastian? you never met him before? Well dudes pretty cool bought me tacos my first night" He smiled at her.
She flopped down next to him again, now that her wardrobe has been decided. His kind words brought a smile to her face, and she leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Im glad your my roommate. No I haven't. I upset him a lil bit in chat though. Cause i said cum cow...." she snuggled up against him.May 10, 2020
"Well likewise, your royal Darkyness." He snorted as he heard what she said. "A cum cow?Okay that is that best thing I've heard." Puck wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "So how is that bakery of yours coming along?"May 11, 2020
Laughter tumbled from her lips, as she leaned her head against his shoulder. "Right? I didnt think it was that bad.. " she smiled as she looked up at him. "If i work two jobs for a month... And save up capital..theyll let me open it. How exciting is that?"
Jess had cooked several batches of brookies upon request of the residents. It amazed her they never had the concotion before. It was a personal favorite of hers. Brght pink hair was wrapped up in a messy but and she was wearing an over sized t-shirt that said ' Antichrist Super Star'. With a bottle of cheap champange in one hand, and brookies in the other she made her way into his room. With a small smile, she placed her goodies next to the bed. "Are you ready for the supreme cuddle monster?" @Mega(Tanner, Spice Motta)
Puck was unsure how to take Shane being here but for now Jess had offered him sweets. He laughed as he took in her wardrobe. "Hm, I like it." He nodded. "Yeah I'm more then ready for the cuddle monster. He took one of the treats and you know if you still need money for that bakery of yours maybe I'll put in a little donation.
She wasn't wearing make up, after all she was just laying in the other room. Most people she wouldn't allow to see her like this. But, Puck was different. When he said she liked it, she smiled and posed. Once she finished posing, she climbed into the bed with him. Arms wrapped around him from behind, and she leaned her chin on his shoulder. "I'm big spoon." she giggled sweetly.May 12, 2020
Puck followed her into the room and moved to lay down next to her with a bit of sigh. He let her hug him and sighed. "Thank you, Love." He laughed as he relaxed at the feeling of the girls arms around him. "I really did need this, so my sister, huh? So weird huh?" He shook his head as he let out a breathe he felt he had been holding in all day but there was still a knot in his stomach.
"It's no problem. It's what I'm here for." She pulled him closer, tighter. Gently she placed a soft kiss against his cheek. "Yeah. But that is the thing about living in a pocket dimension sweetness. She could be your sister from another dimension, or another time line. We have no idea. The mutilverse is quite large..." acrlyic nails began to run up and down his arm gently. "Even so, it's alot to deal with I know."May 17, 2020
Puck shook his head with a laugh. "Well, I guess I got lucky I was given you as a roommate, Jessicakes." He frowned a little. "Not sure if it makes it any better but she did know my dad's name so maybe but it certainly is kinda getting a bit crowded here, isn't it?" He replied and closed his eyes enjoying her touch. "But I'm not even really mad at her it's just never really tried to think about my dad's 'other family'. So it's weird being stuck on an island with one of them." He told her.Message #jeck-jess-and-puck
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