#today he said some reallllllly bad stuff
hshouse · 2 years
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xxfanficnationxx · 5 years
Lacuna//Teen Wolf Rewrite
Second Chance at First Line Part 1
Last Part 
Pairing: Stiles x Reader (Eventually) 
Warnings: Physical Violence, Teenage Horniness, Flirting With Someone Older Than You
A/N: Okay, I have a really bad feeling that everyone is going to hate the direction I am taking this episode, and honestly. I’m sorry! If it is taken reallllllly bad, then ill rewrite everything, so some feedback on this episode would be greatly appreciated. Also, I reallllllly want the pajamas in this ep. 
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The weekend was pretty much just you trying to piece together the events from last night, a handsome face and an… arrow in your stomach? Ouch…You managed to get a hold of stiles on Sunday, he told you everything he knew about Scott and the hunters. You told him about the man that night. 
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The rest of Sunday was filled with researching what you are, you didn't change like Scott, Stiles said you had white eyes and stripes like a Tiger, and even though Stiles said it was dangerous, you felt like the only way to get answers is from Derek Hale. But you listened to your friend anyway and prepared for Monday.
You awoke to your Aunt trying to fix the shower, “Hey, Y/N do you know how this happened, looks like someone took a sledge hammer to it.” She looked up at you. 
The memory flashed through your mind when you broke the knob off, “No idea?” You sent your most innocent smile. She laughed and said that she was gonna have to go to the hardware store before her nap for work. You felt kinda bad, but having extreme strength is something else.
You got ready. ‘Today really is a lazy day.’ you thought to yourself.
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You hopped on your moped and headed to school, made it through the day and even smiled a bit, which was nice. Stiles and Scott really did make you feel at home.
 After school you drove home, you wanted to test out some of the new unfamiliar strength you’ve got. So you headed towards the woods running trails, and just started to run. It felt amazing to feel the wind on your face and have no care in the world. That is until you bump into a very hard chest. 
“Oh my goodness I’m so sorry” you say attempting to get up, you look up at the man and gasp. “It’s you!?” Derek Hale stands before you, you could almost feel his aura. A sadness overwhelms him, but with that sadness sheer kindness as well. You couldn’t understand why they boys felt this man as a threat. He reaches down to lift you to your feet. “Th- thankyou, Derek” you look down at your feet. 
“Don’t mention it, it’s my fault. I shouldn't have stopped you so hard.” He says.You rise a brow at this.
“Oh so you stopped me on purpose huh?” You chuckle, “you could have just called. I saw you put your number in my phone that night.” you give him the biggest smile, his auras sadness falters a bit. You crinkle your nose.
“I guess what they say about were-tigers is true then, you can see auras.” He looks you in the eye, almost as if he is looking into your soul. You start to mumble, and words come fumbling out of your mouth, you try to ask him questions about who you are but you’re interrupted by the sound of your phone. 
Its Stiles calling you. “Hey, Stiles what's up?” you sense worry coming from Derek, you turn to look at him but he's gone. “What do you mean Scott attacked you?” you start to breathe hard, worry overcoming your senses. “You know what, I’m near the school anyways. In the woods, I'll be there shortly.”
After you took care of the boys, you ran home through the woods. The boys told you about Derek and the fire extinguisher. You couldn’t top thinking about the fact that Derek was in the woods, he must have had just left after Scott had wolfed-out. You wanted to tell the boys about Derek, but you didn't want to worry them anymore than usual.
It was getting darker, you knew your Aunt was leaving for work soon. You walked into the house, and into the kitchen helping your aunt make her dinner. “Wh- what is in your hair?” She reaches and pulls a leaf from your hair. 
“Oh! I just went for a stroll in the woods.” you laugh grabbing the mayo for her sandwich. She gave you squinty eyes, you could feel her Aura full of curiosity. “Go on… Ask.”
She laughs “Hows Stiles and Scott?” You and her talked a bit more about the boys, Lydia, and Allison. By the time you were finished she was headed out the door to the hospital. It felt nice being able to talk to her. You walked into your bedroom and got dressed into your pajamas. 
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You jumped on your bed, layed on your stomach and pulled your laptop out to Skype Stiles. “Hey, hey, hey!” You said as he answers. 
“Hey Y/N! How was the run?” He responds, he’s fiddling with a toy gun.
“More refreshing than you could ever imagine.” You smile, dazing off thinking back to it.
“I'm gonna add Scott to the call, I’ve gotta update you guys on stuff anyways.” he begins to click to add Scott until he stops in his tracks as you began to get up.
You Stood and went to your dresser to pull out some fuzzy socks, the shorts you were wearing showing a little bit too much, unknowingly to you. Stiles was just staring at his screen, mouth agape. He couldn’t help but think how adorable you were. Before you turned around he was back to adding Scott to the call, a red tint still visible on his face. 
Scott answers and Stiles shoots the gun at him, making you laugh. “What’d you find out?” Scott says, almost immune to Stiles’ strangeness. 
“Well, its bad. Jackson’s got a separated shoulder” Stiles responds 
“Because of me?” Scott asks.
“No, because he’s an idiot. He intentionally got your all riled up. If hes gonna poke the tiger, he better expect the tiger.” You say
“Well, is he going to play?” Says Scott
“Well, they don't know yet, now they're just counting on you for Saturday.” Says Stiles. 
That’s when you notice it, a shadow in the back of his room, Stiles notices it first and begins to tell Scott, but Scott starts to glitch out. Next thing you know you see Derek attacking Scott. You could recognize that back anywhere. Your senses begin to overwhelm you, you start to get mad, really mad. Your eyes shift to the bright white, nails digging into your palms, your breathing begins to get heavier. Stiles calls your name. You look at him, catching a glimpse of yourself. The newly grown nails begin to recede. Derek begins to release Scott, but as he is leaving he looks at the computer, looking at you with your white eyes. 
End of part 1 of episode 2... not going to lie, very nervous for this episode. Like always please leave feedback. 
Taglist: @bolaurel​ @iclosetgeek​ @cutiepiemimi13​ @stilessarcasmqueen​
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barnesthesarge · 6 years
Cold Cold Cold (Part 2)
Part 1
Pairing: Bucky X Reader
Summary: Bucky finds Y/N strapped down in a HYDRA base and doesn’t hesitate to help her.
Warnings: mostly just flashback stuff, message me if you believe I should add something!
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“Y/N! Wake up, time for training.” Bucky opened her door and watched her pull the blankets up higher.
Bucky chuckled and went to open the curtains, “No wait five more minutes, please.” She mumbled sleepily.
“That’s what you said five minutes ago, doll. We gotta train those muscles of yours.” She groaned loudly.
“These muscles need five more minutes Buck.” He smiled at the super soldier beneath the blankets.
Once Hydra lost him, they had no choice but to use their Plan B, Y/N Y/L/N. She was a special agent of shield, one that was determined to destroy Hydra once and for all, but it backfired once they found her address. They sent The Winter Soldier to retrieve her, and they decided death would be too good for her. So she underwent similar treatment as Bucky. Y/N didn’t remember much of her past, and Bucky barely remembered taking her, but he felt bad, because now she held the same burden that he did.
“Alright, five more minutes. If you’re not up afterwards, I’ll be dumping ice cold water on you. There’s a coffee pot ready for you.” He sat up at the thought of coffee.
“Coffee?” She slipped out of bed, wearing an old t-shirt that most likely belonged to Steve or Sam, thick sweatpants that were tucked into her socks, he wasn’t sure why she tucked her sweatpants into her socks, but he never asked. It was a famous morning look for Y/N, a look the team like to joke about.
Once she was out of her room, squinting at the bright light from the windows, Sam walked past her in his training clothes.
“Nice shirt, because it’s mine.” He chuckled and elbowed her arm, she looked at him with a mischievous grin.
“Is that why this shirt is so ugly? It makes sense actually, I figured it’d have to belong to you, you’re the only one around here not getting chicks.” Sam grimaced.
“Neither is Bucky!” He said accusingly while Y/N poured coffee into a mug and started adding creamer.
“He’s not looking.” Bucky replied, sitting down at the table.
“Okay it’s not easy getting chicks when you’re an Avenger. Plus most women my age have kids who just wanna meet Captain America, the Falcon isn’t cool enough for them. Bunch of little jerks.” Sam sighed.
“At least there is women your age, imagine how Steve and Buck feel.” Y/N teased.
Sam got a kick out of that, “See, this is why Y/N is the best super soldier in this compound. She’s actually funny.” Sam left the room for training.
“That was rude.” Bucky pretended to be offended, “You’re lucky I’m not concerned about finding a girlfriend, otherwise I’d actually be offended.”
“Yeah that’s true, you’d probably try to take it out on me during training. You’re too old for that Buck, you’d most likely break a hip.”
“And how old are you?” He challenged.
“Young enough to be your great-grand daughter.” She winked and drank her coffee in a couple gulps. “I’ll go get changed.” She left the room quickly.
Bucky wasn’t looking for a girlfriend for many reasons, one: how could anyone possibly want him after the whole winter soldier mess. Two: Y/N was right in front of him, how could he possibly go searching for anyone when she was right there, he couldn’t resist her. Three: again, Y/N. She was the one for him, and he was in deep for her, everyone knew but her.
“Alright lets go.”
After training with Bucky, Y/N always wanted to go out for breakfast with him. She was making an effort to better herself, but deep down she also realized she was trying to better him.
Steve was happy about it, he was glad to see his best friend leave the house, even if it wasn’t for long. Bucky had spent so long isolating himself, staying out of the spotlight, and brooding around the compound.
Y/N brought him down to a Denny’s today, a new place for both of them, she slid into one side of the booth and ordered a soda.
“Buck, Stark invited me to his party, remember when we sat on the roof, just above the party that neither of us were invited to? We should go.”
“Y/N, Tony has been inviting me to those things for months, there’s a reason I don’t go. I don’t think you should either. It’s just full of high class people and reporters, and everyone just gets drunk and dances and eats weird fancy food. The music isn’t even good.” She started fiddling with her fingers, something she did when she was nervous.
“Maybe so...but, I kinda want to go, and just see what it’s like. Maybe it’ll be fun? I’m going dress shopping with Wanda later. You should come with me, to the party.” Bucky rolled his eyes.
“Get Thor to bring some of his Asgardian alcohol and I’ll consider. Those parties couldn’t possibly be fun unless you were drunk.” She sighed.
“Buck, you don’t have to be drunk to have fun. We could dance and make fun of the posh people, and eat weird fancy food and drink expensive whiskey. What could go wrong?” She smiled innocently, it made Bucky wonder if she was ever even used for violence.
“I’ll think about it. I have a reputation of being antisocial, I have to uphold that doll.” Bucky teased and she rolled her eyes.
“You can pretend to be a bad boy all you want, Barnes, but me and you both know how much of a teddy bear you are. Cuddling me while watching my drama shows? You treat everyone around you nicely, and how often do you sneak stray animals into your room?” She grinned at him, a smile he knew she reserved just for teasing him, which she did a lot.
“Yeah but posh people don’t need to know that, keep your voice down!” He joked, grabbing both her hands from across the table. He noticed her cheeks turned pink, so he dropped them.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you, I know you don’t like affectionate contact.” He smirked.
“Bucky, for the last time, I told Sam that so he’d stop hugging me, the last time he did I body slammed him, he didn’t like it. I’ll do the same to you in a heartbeat.”
“I’d love that, but in a more, erotic way.” Y/N slapped him and he winced, “Fuck me sideways it was a joke!”
She giggled, “You’re a joke. And I’ll find someone to fuck you sideways if you’d like.”
“Only you my dear.” He smirked and she smacked him again.
“Y/N, what about this one?” Wanda held up a dress with emerald green fabric, she shook her head.
“I’m honestly thinking a blue would be nice.” Y/N loved Wanda’s company, she was sweet and her closest friend, besides Bucky.
“Like this?” She held up a dress that was lace, ruffles, sheer, and sequined in all the right places. Wanda pulled the dress off the rack just by looking at her friends face.
“Just like this. I’m gonna try it on. What about you? Are you gonna get anything?” Wanda shook her head.
“I might get shoes but I have plenty of dresses. If I bring home anymore, Vision will insist on getting rid of his clothes just to have room for mine. He’s too sweet.” Y/N smiled, she loved the relationship between the two, both so caring for one another, Y/N longed for that.
“Alright, I’ll go try this on and then we’ll look at shoes.”
“You sound rather sure you’ll like it.” Wanda teased.
“I think I will.”
She tried on the dress and smiled, the lace reached the sleeves, going down to the elbows, sheer fabric plunging between the the top of the breasts, the dress went to her mid-calf, the blue matching her skin tone perfectly.
“What do you think?” She stepped out and Wanda gasped.
“Yes that’s the one!”
Y/N hung the dress up in her closet, the party was Saturday night, it might’ve been a stupid reason to want to get all dressed up, but she was going to go, she couldn’t remember the last time she got dressed up and went out.
There was a knock at the door, Y/N opened it and Bucky stood there, “Ah just the girl I came to see.”
“Well you knocked on my door so I sure hope your here to see me.” She booped his nose and stepped aside to let him in.
“Actually I wanted to invite you to the roof with me, I got takeout for both of us so no pressure to say yes or anything but I got you dinner.” He smirked, Y/N had it registered in her brain, it was flirtatious, it never failed to make her weak in the knees.
“Hmm, no.” His mouth opened in an ‘o’ shape, and she giggled, “I’m kidding, lead the way, Bucket.”
She shut her bedroom door behind her and followed him into the elevator, “So how was shopping with Wanda?”
“Good, the dress I have is perfect, like I could wear it to a ball. Goddamnit why don’t we have balls anymore?” She cursed.
“I have balls, so I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Y/N smacked his arm, “Okay okay, did you take any pictures in it?”
“No, if you wanna see me in a dress, you’ll just have to come with me.” She crosses her arms, waiting for his response.
“Y/N Y/L/N, are you asking me to be your date?” Her cheeks turned deep red.
“N-no! You fucking walnut! That means come to the party and hang out with me.” He chuckled.
“Well now I’m just disappointed.” Deep down he really was, he couldn’t help but imagine a night of dancing with her, sneaking kisses on the balcony, giving her his jacket.
“You should be. No man will ever own me, especially not an old man like you.” She gibed him, she looked into his eyes and saw a flicker of sadness, it lasted only a moment.
“Own you? Why would you wanna be someone’s pet? I prefer saying that my heart will never belong to someone.”
“Edgelord.” She mumbled.
“I told you, I have a reputation to uphold, doll.”
Once the two were on the roof they sat down on the lawn chairs that Sam had brought up in an attempt to woo a girl, which backfired on him, she was afraid of heights.
“Alright here’s yours, and a fortune cookie, for my favorite cookie.” He grinned waiting for her reaction.
“That was cringy.” His grin widened.
“And you wouldn’t have it any other way.”
A/N: I’m reallllllly liking this one so far, I’m thinking maybe 3-4 parts for this.
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