#to varying degrees of success
prattery · 1 year
ao3 first lines
tagged by the brilliant @queerofthedagger—thank you!
rules: post the first lines of your 10 most recently published AO3 stories. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
The door opens with a loud bang and Gaius jumps out of his skin, nearly dropping his brand new and very expensive vial. 
(Storm and Hellfire | wip | featuring: a kidnapped merlin, magic and scar reveal, and an awful lot of talking)
“They’ll go after you,” Arthur tells Merlin.
(The Heart of a Star | featuring: a losing battle, court sorcerer merlin, and arthur anchoring merlin to keep him from going full emrys™)
When Arthur was a boy, just on the cusp of adolescence, his nursemaid gifted him with a crystal vial.
(The Sword and His Shield | wip | au featuring: guardian!merlin, an accidental soul bond, and an arthur who knows of merlin’s magic from the very start)
Arthur is nine-and-twenty when he wakes by the lake alone. 
(A Line that Goes All the Way | featuring: a merlin who dies at camlann, a lifetime of love and grief, and a modern-day reunion)
When Merlin enters Arthur’s tent and says, breathlessly, “I found a way to end this”, Arthur can tell, just from Merlin’s expression alone, that he is about to say something stupid. 
(Baby We’ll Be Fine | featuring a self-sacrificing merlin and an arthur who is having none of it)
“Will you give yourself to the spirits to save your prince?” Merlin takes a good look around the ruins of the once-great hall, his gaze lingering on each one of his friends, strewn unconscious on the stone floor. 
(Flickering Embers | featuring a temporary death on merlin’s part, a camelot where magic is no longer banned, and arthur reminding emrys who he was)
They found Morgana’s remains in the woods. She’s not the only one they found.
(Stone Cold | featuring a magic reveal gone terribly wrong, merlin turned into a statue, and a grieving arthur)
Arthur spent what felt like centuries planning for this day, making sure that every single hour of his day would be occupied from the moment he steps away from that courtyard.
(Quiet Before the Dawn | wip | sequel to winning the battle and losing the war)
In a very typical fashion, they were on a hunt when they were ambushed.
(Live and Live Again | the one where arthur witnessed merlin dying and coming back to life)
Merlin is polishing Arthur’s armour in the corner of his chambers. It would be nothing unusual, except for the bit where Merlin is doing it in total silence instead of filling the room with his inane chatter.
(Quiet Light | what could happen post 407 if merlin stayed angry and arthur kept going after the traitor)
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sarafangirlart · 2 months
Ok so I remember at some point that Hideaki Anno said he hopes to make Evangelion a whole franchise with a bunch of reboots from different creatives to play around with this universe and make their own stories and here is an idea I thought of just now, and Evangelion series where instead of Christian imagery and inspirations, it’s Greek mythology.
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dittolicous · 3 months
Girl you liked their post about it! asdfghjkl I don't know if blocking keeps people from showing up on the 'for you' thing but it's worth a shot, you nearly gave me a heart attack 😱😮‍💨
my brain is not a trustworthy source, especially after work! im really bad about connecting usernames to art styles, i hardly ever pay attention to names, just going 'oh its [insert art style] person!' like i still think of them as the mha artist cuz thats where i saw their art first
idk how 'for you' works though, cuz it can show bangers but then sometimes... you get some very not bangers
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bobparkhurst · 9 months
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it's important to me that you know don and paddy's dog is a pomeranian/spaniel cross who looks like this but wonkier and every so often paddy's like "we need to get a real dog" but the fact that he's simultaneously feeding her sausage that he specially cooked for her (and don knows this for a fact because they're not even the same kind of sausage that he and paddy are currently eating) really doesn't do him any favours here.
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awritersbro · 5 months
my curse is that people would love to get to know me until they start talking to me and find out that I’m about as personable as a brick wall
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youngpettyqueen · 6 months
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what if an episode with a transporter accident and she got de-aged to 6
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scizorfilms · 1 year
you're welcome for that new flapplebee's ad btw. good luck getting the jingle out of your head because it sure as hell isn't getting out of mine
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eukaliptol · 2 years
songs to kill and maim and dice people up to - the collector inspired playlist
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deliriumsdelight7 · 2 years
I follow you because we are brain twins!
Yes we are, to a disturbing degree! (Said with the utmost affection)
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tanglesoup · 11 months
also i tried convincing my friend that silver’s catchphrase was “autism blast”
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sirencipher · 1 year
Please for the love of god I want a break and to live with my platonic other half while doing my dumb little crafts and experiencing small joys
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clown-paws · 10 months
> obsessed with these. obsessed with them.
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yeagrave · 2 months
hi op….i ADORE ur art & perchance would u ever drop some hangster cooking together sketches …. 🫶🫶🫶
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cooking together (sort of...)<33
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jizung · 1 year
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shivroy · 8 months
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HIBERNIAN ROY-WAMBSGANS!!!!! literally why have a succession oc if im not gonna make a season 4 promo pic of him. this is how hibs can still become canon
bonus: given the slightest opportunity hibs will steal tom's clothes, especially ones that have a nostalgia factor from his dad's college days & how tom dressed when hibernian was naught but a tiny pink fetus. check out the tomshiv nightmare interaction white sneakers
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How do the boyos react to a breakup? :3c
Not... great.
I've answered this before, but it doesn't hurt to do it again, does it?
Sans: There's a split second, after she breaks the news, where he stares at her with no expression on his face. It looks lost, perhaps... blank? Totally unreadable. But to someone who knows him very well, like Papyrus, Sans just did his version of breaking down in hysterical tears and begging her not to leave him.
... Just like that, he defaults to what he always does when faced with a deep emotional wound- the mask comes back up. He doesn't even try to resist the breakup. He perfectly plays the part of the understanding, emotionally mature ex, he agrees that they 'just aren't compatible that way'. He doesn't ask how he can change, he doesn't try to come up with ways to make things work. He just rolls over. Of course he's happy to stay close friends. Of course she's still welcome at their place. Of course she should still come over for spaghetti and videogames on Friday evening. Anything to get her out the door as soon as possible.
He seems completely unaffected. They continue being friends... but part of him is now permanently closed off to her. He never gives casual touch, he doesn't text her jokes that made him think of her. Their texts become a repeating pattern of her longer messages, his simple 'ok 👍' replies, then the little grey timestamp of several days passing. Outside of the usual Friday, he never asks to come over, he never invites her anywhere. Even if she can't read him, she'll definitely see how massively their dynamic has shifted- she'll realise just how important she used to be to him.
... And suddenly... she gets the sting of realisation that she'll never see that side of him again.
Red: It depends on how far they are into the relationship. If it's early, he does what Sans pretends to do- he cuts off the romance but remains completely chill with her. Her breaking up with him is the sign his hyper-vulnerable subconscious was looking for to pull his budding feelings for her right out by the roots; now he has the concrete proof he needed that he shouldn't invest his Soul into this. He remains an easygoing, casual friend who's eager to be one with benefits.
If it's later in the relationship... after a long time with one another... if flat out denial that she wants to break up doesn't work, he tries bargaining. He tries promising he'll change, promising everything under the sun in the hopes that she'll stay. He tries begging her not to go. His last-ditch is trying to explain that he loves her, and he doesn't know if he can love anyone else. He can't be alone after he thought he'd never be alone again.
... If all else fails, he pivots to his old friend anger. He thought they were going to be together forever, buy a house, have kids. He genuinely can't handle watching that all slip away from him. He feels like it's all his fault, he fumbled the love of his life; so now she never loved him, now she's a liar, now she's been planning this for months and dragging him along out of pity. Now she's probably cheating- anything he can get his hands on to make it make sense. Nothing can calm him down, not even her, he storms out and gets into vicious fights and spitefully watches the missed texts and calls rack up. He immediately falls back into old addictions- when Papyrus finds him two days later, the stench of whiskey is almost too much.
If we're looking for a silver lining here, it at least brings the brothers closer. Papyrus misses his sister, but he firmly takes Red's side (as he's done his whole life) and wants nothing to do with her anymore. It hurts to watch Red unravel again.
Skull: Skull's concept of a 'relationship' is slightly skewed. He doesn't really understand it, he never has... his mind doesn't work like that, and neither does his idea of love. If he loves her, he loves her, that's all there is to it. Because of that, ironically, there's a chance that Skull would take the breakup the best out of all of them, because to him love is just as sweet regardless of whether they can or can't kiss. He really doesn't care what label is on what they have- if he can still see her, still cuddle her and touch her hair, he doesn't mind. Romantic, platonic, sure, whatever sweetheart says. If she doesn't want to be romantic anymore that's fine. So long as she'll still hold his hand. So long as he can still turn to her when the nightmares are too loud; so long as he can still watch the corners of her eyes crinkle when she smiles.
... There won't, however, be any new lovers.
The thing about Skull is being with him comes with the unspoken agreement that there'll never be anyone else. He's completely attached to her; and now that the affection as gone as deep as it has, no matter what Mc says or how much they talk about it, the sight of anyone else being with her fills him with so much instinctive rage and hatred it just isn't safe. There will be blood.
She can break up with him, sure. That's fine. Whatever sweetheart wants.
But nobody will ever take his place.
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