#he has many more freckles than shiv because he goes outside a lot
shivroy · 7 months
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HIBERNIAN ROY-WAMBSGANS!!!!! literally why have a succession oc if im not gonna make a season 4 promo pic of him. this is how hibs can still become canon
bonus: given the slightest opportunity hibs will steal tom's clothes, especially ones that have a nostalgia factor from his dad's college days & how tom dressed when hibernian was naught but a tiny pink fetus. check out the tomshiv nightmare interaction white sneakers
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kingsroad · 2 years
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Since I’ve got my fingers dug into Cyberpunk 2077 right now and I have a brand new V who I’m obsessed with and it’s Friday, I thought I’d make a post to introduce her. This is Josie Vaughan! She goes by any number of nicknames on the side -- Jos, Posie, Vaughan, and, most regularly, V. No one called her that until she started working with Jackie, and what he called her around them stuck like glue. During one-on-one time, though, she’s almost always just Josie. Her folks were both Aldecaldos, and she was, too, until she got into some major trouble with them for getting rid of a problem they’d been having and ignoring for a while. The problem just so happened to be her partner at the time, and rather than letting them shove her off onto the Raffen Shiv for betraying the family, she took what little she owned and ran, scrounging up what she could to set up a single job that was big enough to get her into Night City. Everything from there on out aligns pretty cleanly with the game. Interactions with the Aldecaldos are kinda messy, though. Random info under the cut!
Uses mostly pistols & some light hacking, which she mostly picked up from various fixers during her time in NC. They encouraged her to be more flexible; she took their lessons under advisement.
Is an extreeemely adaptable cook after growing up outside of the city. Her stomach still can’t really deal with all the super processed food.
She comes off as abrasive, but in reality, she’s just very shy and finds making connections with people difficult. Rather than uwuing her way through conversations, she just comes off as a little mean. After all, she only really knew her Nomad family until she was in her early thirties.
Her body type is very much not like the one in-game. She holds a lot of weight in her hips, thighs, and tummy, with strong arms from lots of physical labor and lots of freckles and stretchmarks.
As for other physical differences from her in-game appearance, I picture her with thicker hair, always pulled up - like Claire’s. She also wears big, round glasses, though they’re mostly for show now that she’s got the money for fixing her farsightedness.
She has no tattoos, no piercings, and limited visible chrome. She doesn’t care if anyone else has it. Josie doesn’t have any weird hang-ups or worries about cybernetics in general, but she’s got concerns about the potential body dysmorphia that might come from modding.
Romance? God, I still haven’t decided. There are too many good options. Hmu with any ideas you might have because I am STRUGGLING.
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