#to take painkillers with your
silliestofbilliest · 2 months
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In honor of Merlin trending today (That’s actually MENTAL to me-) He’s a redraw of this masterpiece 🤍🤍🤍
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artieststuff · 9 months
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jegulus: touching foreheads
me: turn that shit up!
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slunch · 7 days
what's with the sudden romanticization of ibuprofen. you guys should try drinking more water
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evilcyclopsxmen · 7 months
1. Uncanny X-Men #127
2. Wolverine #101
3. Wolverine Origins # 5
4. Wolverine (2010) #7
5. Wolverine # , X-Men (1991) #70
6. Schism/ prelude to schism
7. Astonishing X-Men (2004) #44-47
8. X-Men (1991) #7-8
9. Secret Wars (1985) #1
10. Death of Wolverine: Life after Logan
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pixelatedraindrops · 6 months
Makoto Doodles
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(spoilers below unmasked makoto)
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a tired and overworked CEO...😵‍💫
who's hopelessly bad at self care...🌡️
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Occasionally chronic pain comes with a side serving of being able to swallow 15 pills in one go.
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hungryhorsey2 · 11 months
when you feel a headache starting... and you think "oh its fine, its not bad, ill manage".... DONT TRUST IT DONT TRUST THAT VOICE
take your meds take your meds take your painkillers care for yourself
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trafficpan-ic · 3 days
don't take my pain medication for 1 day and can't handle it
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dixons-sunshine · 1 month
Not a request, just a reminder that you are amazing and your writing is fantastic :)
try not to stress over requests too much. Write what makes you happy.
- @dixondystopia
You seriously have no idea how much I needed that today. I'm a little overwhelmed by the amount of requests I got in a matter of 12 hours but they're all amazing so I wanna write them. I was gonna try and write all my requests today since I have the day off, but that was when I thought I only had four requests lmao. So now I'm gonna pick a few requests that really call to me and work on those today. My main priority is one that one of my favourite mutuals sent me about Daryl making a stressed out reader slow down and destress, then I'll see where I go from there.
Thank you so much for this. I really appreciate it. ily 💜
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algrenion · 4 months
oh, Endometriosis? that bitch is no sis of mine, (disowns my reproductive system)
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simptasia · 5 months
look at me, listen to me, trust me:
as somebody who is currently living through the worst trauma and depression of my life, i gotta tell you:
you cannot live on coffee
coffee cannot be your replacement for sleep or nutrients. it will become less effective over time and mess up your endocrine system (the system responsible for hormone and sleep regulation). your stress and anxiety will increase and you may put your heart and kidneys at risk. you also might shit yourself sometimes
this may all seem very obvious but its possible to be in the mindset where Living On Coffee makes sense to you
what i'm saying is coming from a place of experience. and love. you cannot live on energy replacements. no matter how tasty
eat veggies. drink water. sleep. you can do other things, you can indulge, i promise! just please, do basic self care too
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wolfofcelestia · 4 months
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savetheghost · 3 months
save do you have any tips for managing migraines
uhhhhhh lessee
personally i have prescriptions for it cause mine screwed my brain up but obvious ones like proper rest + maybe log what you eat and see if theres any correlation + general put nutrients in your body stuff which is actually kind of hard to keep track of
i have some REALLY WEIRD scent based triggers so i have to stay away from ammonia-like scents and eucalyptus cause those will put my ass out flat IMMEDIATELY, thats not an everyone thing but maybe note if theres sensory stuff around you that might be a trigger
for me warm toned lights and screen tints are way better than cool tones/white light and if youve got light colored eyes wear amber tinted sunglasses outdoors
water + salty snack > pedialite > gatorade and depending on caffeine sensitivity maybe moderate that cause it can either help or hurt, kinda depends on the person, but water and saltines will get you electrolytes and its cheap as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck even if it doesnt taste as great as gatorade
sunlight on your skin and not in your eyeballs
also vitamin d just in general helps but its way better to actually use the sun for that than trying to digest it so like just 10ish minutes in the sun is what my neurologist recommended on top of taking 2000mg tablets
thats what ive got off the top of my head
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feytouched · 11 months
had the most absurdly infuriating interaction with an ER doctor telling me that "we rate pain based on a facial expression scale and you're clearly only in mild discomfort." while 2/3 of my face were covered by a N95 mask
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jorvikzelda · 7 months
stomach hurty? don't own hot water bottle? simple. gaming laptop.
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