#to be fair i LOVE hair on men like hairy chests make me crazy
eddie-rifff · 2 years
idk what it is about peter hammills scrawny ass but jesus.
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https-chaos · 11 months
Its 4am and I'm exploring my gender under the cut. I'm conflicted again <3 if any transmascs feel like reading I'd love to hear if you felt similar feelings before realizing you were trans or if I'm reading too much into it lol.
Just autism things
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So I don't really have feelings one way or another about my gender normally. I did have a significant breast reduction and would have had them removed if I didn't think it would make wearing clothes a challenge. I have a pretty dramatic waist to hip ratio and don't mind being perceived as feminine.
But. BUT. When I put on that fuckin strap. Ooooooohhhhhhhh that is simply not fair. Im addicted to the insane euphoric head rush I get when I see myself wearing that ridiculous contraption. The POWER. You feel like a ManTM. Every time I fuck a woman the ManTM feeling flows through me with a power I've never felt about being female.
It feels like this:
Having tiddies: eh. Sucks. Uncomfortable. Painful. But they are soooososososo squishy and make me feel sexy and good.
Having a vagina and all the related plumbing: neutral. I think having a dick would be easier for a lot of practical reasons but for sex purposes I have no strong opinions about genitals.
Having a traditionally "feminine" body and being perceived as female, having people who are attracted to women be attracted to me: love it. Desire me @ all lesbians. Men can look too I guess. Only downside is the horrors.
Presenting in a feminine way: neutral. I am really into fashion and makeup and hair, and if I had a different more masculine body I would just wear whatever styles and cuts looked best. I don't actively try to perform femaleness, I think it just happens. I don't have any real connection to feminine clothes or femininity in general and it doesn't make me feel good or bad about my gender. Wearing clothes that fit my body nicely feels amazing but not in a gendery way.
Wearing the strap: I AM A MAN. He him baby. Call me daddy. Grr. I feel the nonexistent testosterone coursing through me. Every time I fuck a woman I come even though it's not even touching my clit or anything. This is by far the strongest and possibly the only sensation or emotion of "gender" I have ever had. It's so overpowering that if I close my eyes I can imagine looking down myself at a male body and loving it. The second I take it off this feeling disappears completely and the whole time I'm never feeling uncomfy about my boobs or anything. Like I imagine having a flat chest and straight torso and it's awesome af but it doesn't make me feel icky about my actual body.
But GOD!!! The sensation of MASCULINITY that completely envelops me. Whew. It's so powerful. Let me ENTER you babe. Even imagining it is crazy. Quite possibly I'm just very attracted to women and also slightly a top. Where is the line between being a lesbian, wearing a penis, and being a man having one? Maybe my imagination is just too active.
Another facet of it: I write so much gay fanfic. I've been writing it since I was too young to be writing smut. Over the years I've built a little gay man in my head. He's so so sosososoo attracted to men. He's masculine and hairy and he helps me capture the feelings for my fics. (To be clear, this isn't a hallucination or anything. It's more like a really well fleshed out OC. I just visualize him when I need to write from the perspective of a man attracted to men.)
But then sometimes I'll be doing something and get a little wave of attraction to a man in a very distinct mlm fashion. There's a powerful sensation of not being a woman attracted to a man in a straight way, but of a man being attracted to a man in a gay way. To me, it's always seemed to come from this character I created, like my fanfic character was popping in to point out some guy's abs or ass. I don't have any idea how to tell if that's MY attraction and gender or if I'm just habitually in writing mode. Was that a bit of dialog I just came up with or my own thought? It's hard to tell.
Anyway, when I write I sort of become that detailed character I made. When I'm deep in writing a fic, in my mind, I'm 6' tall, hairy, a little chubby, and could probably lift and throw my real body across the room. I get the ManTM feeling and again it's an abnormally strong gender feeling for me. Again it stops without causing dysphoria as soon as my attention is broken, but I will say it's quite the whiplash to switch in your minds eye like that.
I don't think I'm capable of gender dysphoria. The strongest gender sensation I feel regularly is highly masculine, but I don't have any particular objections to being perceived as a woman. But I have never, ever felt WomanTM in the same way. Why do I connect so strongly to masculinity in specific circumstances? It's not all the time which is why I get confused. Atm I don't feel like a man or a woman.
Also I'm not hip so idk if you're supposed to say you're non-binary when someone asks "are you a man or woman" and you go uhhh,,, neither? Both? But they them feels exactly like she her and he him. They all feel equally neutral. The neos too. I imagine people talking about me on a stage every time I see a new pronoun set and none of them illicit a response.
Except of course when I'm wearing the strap. Infernal contraption. Stop making me confused.
Actually I'm being a little dramatic about the conflict. I'm not sitting here being upset that I have no relationship with my gender. I'm simply autistic and study myself like a lab specimen 24/7 and people always think my observations are complaints. I'm not complaining; in fact, this is great fun to me! That ManTM feeling is so powerful and so intensely pleasant and I enjoy it when it happens.
Anyway it's. 5am now. I barely proofread this let's hope it's coherent <3 goodnight
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
for the meet uglies, sternclay 60 sfw? OwO
Here you go!
60 Sterncly SFW. we’re both on a reality show (like the queer bachelor) where we’re told to be friends but the first time we met, you were incredibly rude and judgmental and I don’t know if I can do this for the damn cameras
“So, Barclay, now that we’re a few days in, what’s your impression of the other contestants?”
“They, uh, they all seem like great guys. We come from a lot of different backgrounds, so that’s kind of interesting to be around but, uh, I live in a place that’s like a big, chosen family, so being in a house with a bunch of types of personalities is kinda, uh, homey.”
“There’s no one you think you’ll struggle with?”
“Uh. Well. I, uh, I don’t like Joseph too much. He came in and he’s so, like, phony from all the years in the FBI. It’s like he’s trying to be polite and charming but really he thinks we’re all idiots for being here. Which, like, buddy, last I checked you signed up for this the same as the rest of us.”
“Joseph, any worries about the other contestants?”
“No. I mean, we’re competitors on a dating show, not enemies. I think we’re all trying to show Vincent the best versions of ourselves.”
“There’s no one you’ve had conflicts with?”
“........I, um, Barclay and I got into a small argument earlier about the house rules. But I’m sure if we both stick around long enough we’ll come to an understanding.”
“Gentlemen, this cannot continue.” Ned, the producer, sits on the couch across from them. Barclay glares at Joseph, but the other man keeps a cool demeanor. Great, he’s making Barclay look like the big, angry mountain even off camera.
“I thought reality shows needed conflict to thrive.” Joseph cocks an eyebrow.
“They do, but about big things, like love and rivalry. Not how to properly load a dishwasher.”
“I’m just trying to be efficient.”
“My way is perfectly fine.” Barclay snaps, “jesus, I worked in kitchens for years, I know how to get clean plates.”
“That doesn’t make it optimal.”
“Do you have to be right about everything?”
“Gentlemen, you recall we have a housekeeping staff, right?”
“It doesn’t matter” Barclay doesn’t take his eyes off Ned, “we’re supposed to all get along, not all try and prove we’re the smartest guy in the room.”
“See, this is your problem, you need everyone to like you, to see you like a big brother, but you’re missing the fact that at least three of them have decided your gentle giant persona is a threat and they’re trying to oust you.”
“It’s not a persona, it’s just how I am. We aren’t all government shams disguised as men.”
Joseph’s facade cracks for a moment, blue eyes trying to light Barclay on fire.
“Enough.” Ned shakes his head, “you may despise each other as much as you please behind the scenes. In front of the cameras, please try to act as if you’re not ten seconds away from coming to blows. Agreed?”
They trade a final, furious look.
They’re a little over three weeks in; Vincent is still doing lots and lots of short, individual dates between the group outings, so the contestants have ample time to hang around the house and get on each others nerves.
Case in point: Joseph was right when he warned Barclay that others saw him as a threat. Chad, Alex, Nico, and Rich have all decided to go after him. Just this morning he’s been told he’s not man enough for Vincent (he shooed a wolf spider out of the kitchen with a broom instead of squishing it), too girly (he offered to make cupcakes if people wanted), and too big (who'd want to fuck a six foot tall puppy).
His mood is not helped by Joseph chatting away on the couch about his former job with the FBI. Barclay swears it’s all the asshole knows how to talk about. Maybe it’s time for Barclay to play a game of his own.
“Hey, Joseph.”
The other man turns, black hair perfectly slicked back like he thinks he’s some kind of movie star.
“I bet you ten bucks you can’t make it until eight tonight without talking about your job.”
The other contestants in the room snicker, several even giving Barclay a thumbs up.
Joseph adjusts his shirt sleeves, “You’re on.”
Ten hours later, Barclay is forced to get his wallet. The other man never mentioned the FBI once. In fact, he did Barclay an even bigger favor; he didn’t talk at all.
He finds the agent sitting on the back steps leading into the garden. Stays standing as he holds out the cash, “you win fair and square.”
Joseph looks at the money, then looks away, “I did it to show I could, not for the bet.”
“I mean, you didn’t have to go, uh, quite so hard on the silence thing.”
“I didn’t mean to. But, um, every time I was going to open my mouth, I realized it was somehow related to work. So I kept quiet.” He sighs, stretches out his legs. He’s in slacks, because of course he is, “I must have been so tedious to listen to, no wonder I was driving you up the wall.”
“I really am married to my career. I guess it’s not surprising my last chance for love is on a T.V show.”
“Hey, I get it.” Barclay sits down next to him, “when I was first working in commercial kitchens my hours were crazy; I barely saw my apartment, my friends, my boyfriend who pretty quickly became my ex. But it was what I needed to do to build the career I wanted for myself. To do what I loved.”
Only the crickets and the distant waves reply. Then, “You said you were a private chef now, right? Along with writing cookbooks?”
“Yeah. Kinda surprised you remembered.”
“Listening is a major skill in my profession. Besides, it’s polite to pay attention to what people tell you.”
“What’s your job now? You only ever talk about the FBI stuff?”
“Paranormal investigation. I never bring it up because people assume I’m out chasing Bigfoot with a shaky-cam or trying to communicate with haunted dolls.”
“So...what is it instead?”
“Helping people figure out they’re homes aren’t haunted or the monster on their property is just some owls. I like the challenge of solving the mystery, and I like helping people feel safe in they’re homes.”
Loud voices form inside; the caterers must have refilled the bar. He doesn’t really want to go in. It’s too nice out here.
“You wanna hear about the restaurant my coworkers swore was haunted?”
Joseph perks up, turning to face him, “Yes, please.”
He’d been really looking forward to beach day. Six guys are already gone, and Vincent has taken his fleet of suitors to the sunny San Diego shores. Barclay is dismayed to find all but three of the other guys have waxed their chests. Joseph hasn’t, but his happy trail is nothing compared to fucking black forest on Barclays torso. Nico’s gotten half the guys to call Barclay “bigfoot.”It makes him feel like he’s back in high school P.E freshman year, and his body image is rapidly sliding into that of a shy fourteen year old.
“Barclay!” Joseph comes jogging out of the surf towards the towels they lay down side by side when they arrived, “you should come in, it’s really the perfect weather for swimming.” He drops onto his towel, black hair a bit mussed. The swim-shorts that he thought were blue with green spots turn out to have not dots, but tiny UFOs on them.
“I, uh, I’m good. I, uh, I burn easily and I don’t think anyone wants to rub sunscreen on my hairy back.”
“Hey, Bigfoot, what’s wrong? Scared of what’ll happen if the cameras get a load of your gut?”
Barclay growls, stares at his toes. Joseph tracks Nico as he finishes jogging by. Then he calmly picks up a frisbee, aims a throw, and knocks his snapback off his head. He’s sitting down before the other man can work out who threw it. Barclay chuckles, but doesn’t get up.
“Bigfoot’s my favorite cryptid.”
“Uh, thanks?”
“And who gives a shit if you have a stomach.”
“Easy for you to say, you’re cut.”
Joseph grabs his sunglasses, “because I like that for my body. I happen to like yours just as much. Um I, I mean, it seems like Vincent likes it.” He tips his head towards the Bachelor, who gives them both a long once-over.
“...Will you do my back?”
“Of course, big guy.” The nickname sounds so right on his tongue it makes Barclay want to set his head in his lap and ask him to pet it.
It’s late afternoon when Ned herds them all onto a boat which promptly steers towards some cliffs. Joseph stays close to Barclay, pleasant expression noticeably tightening the closer they get to the rocks.
“I’ve been dreading this. Cliff diving is not something I’d pick to do on my own.”
He shakes his head, “Deep water. I know it’s not rational, and I even checked to be sure there hadn’t been large shark sightings in the area, but I can never shake the feeling there’s something waiting just out of sight, ready to surge up and eat me.”
They all climb up together, Vincent staying on the boat to watch them jump (this is technically a friendly competition to show off how brave they are). As they’re turns get closer, Barclay sees Joseph doing deep breathing exercises.
They hit the edge. The agent freezes.
“Shit. I don’t think I can do this.”
“C’mon, where’s my daring special agent?”
Joseph still doesn’t move.
“You, uh, you wanna jump together? Maybe the megaladon or whatever will eat me instead.”
“Megalodons are extinct; we’d know if they weren’t, same as we know Whale Sharks aren’t.”
“They you are.” Barclay murmurs, smiling.
Joseph manages a smile back, “On three?”
“Yep. One, two” he grabs Joseph’s hand “three”
The water rises to swallow them with terrifying speed, but nothing is waiting for them except one very startled fish. They surface together, Joseph laughing triumphantly, hair plaster to his head and sun shining in his ocean eyes.
If Vincent doesn’t pick him, he’s out of his mind.
“Ohmylord, we have to play this.” Joseph cannot believe his luck; he figured the barcade group date would mean a lot of solo time, but here’s his favorite game in the whole wide world.
“Monster Hunt?” Barclay laughs as he lets himself be lovingly shoved down into the seat of a cut-out Jeep, “very on brand.”
“They had this at the bowling alley near my house. I’d play when my parents had league night but couldn't get a sitter. I never could beat the Mothman level without a player two.”
He doesn’t have that problem tonight, even with Barclay distractingly delighted and handsome in the seat beside him. After that, they make it their mission to find every two-player game in the thrum of flashing colors and tinny music. He finds they both like the Bowser Bourbon Smash, and somewhere around their fourth, heated game of air hockey they each polish of one too many of them to stay upright without the support of a game, a helpful show staff member, or each other.
When they get back to the house (their fellow contestants all in a similar state to themselves) they manage to make it to Joseph’s room before collapsing into a giggling heap on the bed.
“That, hic, that was fun. Games are, hic, fun.” Barclay blinks at him, “what’re you laughing, hic, at.”
“You, you got the hiccups. S’funny because you’re so big, like, like watching a, a pitbull with a, um, a” he makes a squeezing motion that his sober self would recognize as “squeaky toy.”
“M’not big” Barclay pouts, “I, hic, maybe everyone else is, hic, just small. Ever think of th--hic--at.”
“S’not a bad thing.” Joseph shifts so they’re facing each other, “like how big you are. Makes you sexy.”
Barclay blushes, “you’re, hic, one to, to talk. You’re hot, so, hic, so fucking out. Got, got those eyes. That, hic, that face” He touches Joseph’s cheek, “love your face.”
“Love yours too.” Joseph says, stroking his beard. Then they’re moving in inelegant tandem, grabbing at each others shoulders and faces as their mouths find each other. Barclay is so warm, whimpering when Joseph rolls him on top, nipping his lips and pawing at him like a puppy hoping for a treat. Joseph is going to hold him close and let him have it.
A clatter from below, one of the other men knocking something over in the kitchen, breaks the spell.
“Wait, wait” Joseph reluctantly slides his hands of Barclays ass, “we, drunk, we’re drunk, too drunk.”
Barclay blinks down at him, pouting a little even as he groans “fuck, you’re, you’re right. Wanna, gotta remember this. Don’t wanna” he yawns, “regret it.” The instant he flops onto his back Joseph climbs into his arms and falls asleep to the slow rhythm of his breathing.
After that night, they agree to be more careful; they’re here for Vincent, to see if one of them is his true love. That’s what the contract they signed says.
“More careful” turns out to mean watching their alcohol intake around each other and only touching platonically (including falling asleep on the couch together. They wake up to cameras recording their nap. Barclay isn’t sure what Joseph threatens Ned with, but the footage never sees the light of day).
But unless they’re on a solo date with Vincent, they’re by each others side. Barclay teaches Joseph dominoes and how to make biscuits. Joseph introduces him to terrible old horror movies that they watch on his laptop and compliments his cooking every chance he gets.
They must be doing something right, because they move to the next round week after week, Vincent clearly enamored with both of them. Barclay certainly understands the feeling. Just not for the person who he’s supposed to.
“Joseph? If, uh, if neither of us win, what are you gonna do after this.”
“Go back to work. Maybe pitch my book about U.S cryptids.” Joseph’s smile goes shy for a moment before recovering, “but I wouldn’t worry, big guy; I think you’re the front runner for sure.”
Barclay knows for a fact that Joseph is a fan favorite and the suitor most people think will win. Which is why, when Vincent selects his final four, he’s not surprised Joseph gets the first rose. Then everyone but Barclay is holding one and Vincent is touching his shoulder.
“Barclay, please don’t take this as a sign I’m not deeply fond of you. This wasn’t an easy choice but I, well, I feel like your heart may not be in this anymore.”
He takes Vincent’s hand and squeezes it, “It’s okay. It was wonderful just to get to know you. All of you.” He looks at the final four, at Joseph’s calm, polite expression. He meets blue eyes as he says, “I hope you find someone who makes you happy.”
With that he turns, all too aware of the cameras tracking his exit, his face, how he’ll have to do a final interview and not reveal that he’ll hate Vincent forever but not blame him in the slightest if he marries Joseph.
Every eye, lensed or no, turns back to the gazebo. Joseph is at the edge of the steps, poised to run. When he sees Barclay stop, he turns to Vincent.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t accept this.” He hands the bachelor the rose, “I hope you understand.”
There’s no soundtrack on set, but strings swell in his ears all the same as Joseph descends the stairs and leaps into his arms, kissing him so hard he still has stars in his eyes when he opens them.
“It’s not a marriage proposal” Joseph whispers, kissing his cheek, “but I do have a question for you.” He pulls back, all cameras on them but his attention for Barclay alone, “would you like to be my boyfriend, big guy?”
Barclay rests their foreheads together, “Yeah, babe, I really, really would.”
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niyascribes · 5 years
 i thought you were his.
summary: you’ve been put with the avengers to watch over Wanda but no one but you knows that. One brunette super soldier has a secret crush on you and gets jealous when one of your old partners comes to visit; Wade Wilson.
information: WOC!avenger
warnings: angsty, descriptive fighting, Stevie being a bootyface, and language (duh it’s Deadpool)
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I was sitting on the balcony when I heard FRIDAY call out
“Ms.L/N you’re needed in the commons, you have a guest.”
My eyebrows screwed together I never get visitors. I close the book I was reading and walk into the living room, where I saw a horrifying site. A familiar man in a red and black suit with a katana holster on his back, being surrounded by the rest of the Avengers
“Wade?” I asked tilting my head slightly, causing the group to get behind the mutant.
“No, it’s David Beckham you shit face.” He says in his natural taunting tone.
“I told you not to find me, why are you here?” I say walking closer before straightening out my stance getting ready for a fight.
“Ah, now you know I couldn’t stay away from you sugar tits,” He says being the annoying little shit he always is. I shoot him a death stare motioning that I mean business.
“Alright, it’s about Erik Lehns-” I cut him off before Wanda could hear him any further.
“Let’s talk about this in private,” I say turning on my heels walking back to the balcony.
I hear Steve clear his throat causing me to turn around. Steve’s hands are placed on his hip, with his left foot turned outwards.
“You gonna tell us what’s goin’ on here Y/N?” He asks.
I mumble to a quick ‘Wait for me outside’ to Wade so he doesn’t see me put his ‘man crush everyday’ in check.
“No, I’m not. I don’t think it’s your business to know why he’s here.” I say getting defensive about my partner. 
Steve lets out a sigh, I see one of the hardest eye-rolls in history provided by Tony and eyes of disappointment and anger from Bucky, which made my skin crawl. 
“Listen Y/N we live here and I think it’s only fair we have a say who comes and go in and outta here,” Tony says standing beside Steve. 
Tony’s comment leaves Steve to continue on with his annoying rant “We all want what’s the best safety wise for the team.” He says giving me the concerned eyes he plays so well with people, but not me. 
“Do you know how he even got in here?” I paused waiting for an answer. “He surely couldn’t have buzzed up, because doesn't work here. So, before you nag at me about the safety of the team make sure the building is secure so something like this doesn’t happen again.” I end with a toothless smile before turning on my heels to walk to the patio where Wade was waiting looking through the window with his eyebrows raised. 
I hear Steve’s dominant voice boom before I could even take a step “If you walk out there I will have to talk to Fury about termination.” He says which makes me stop in my tracks and a smirk slithers its way on my face. I turn around sharply to face him.
“I would love to be terminated. Call him.” I say boldly before storming my way out.
I let out a sigh when I get outside with Wade. “I don’t even know what happened in there but by the look on Cap’s face which is very hot by the way, it was not pretty.” He ends with a low whistle escaping his mouth. 
My eyebrows shoot up when I remember I’m mad at him. I quickly snatch a katana out of its holster on his back and chop him in the hand causing it to detach from his wrist then slamming it into his stomach backing him up in the chair I was previously in.
“Why the hell are you here?” I asked still holding on to my end of the katana giving him a deadly look. 
Even under the mask, I can tell he’s in shock “Numer one: Ow that was rude and Number Two: I bet you’re happy I taught ya how to use that thing. You know for an extreme assassin I would’ve thought they taught you about how to use katanas rather than guns and-” He rambles but I cut him off.
“Wade not the time, you said something about Erik?” I ask, losing my grip on the sword. 
“Ah, yes I did but I would like for you to pull this out before I start buttercup.” He passive-aggressively demands. I let out a sigh and give him an eye roll before yanking out the weapon roughly handing it back to him. 
“Right Erik, yeah he doesn’t know about the mutant kids,” Wade says bending down to pick up his severed hand.
My mouth parts in surprise “What?” I exclaimed.
“You know the twins-” He says and I cut him off
“No shit the twins. I spend my time looking after both of them and he doesn’t have the decency to remember.” I say leaning backward on the railing.
“Well, you’re not doing a good job seeing that one of them is,” Wade says finishing off his sentence dragging his thumb across his throat.
I crack a little smile at the dark joke “Ahh that’s the smile I was looking for.” He says coming over wrapping his arms around my waist lifting me off the ground. My arms fly to his covered neck.
“Wade put me down!” I say with a smile on my face as he spins me around. He drops me on my feet.
“By the way, they all verbally gang raped me I suppose they don’t know why you’re here?” Wade asks.
As I open my mouth I’m cut off by Natasha “Coast is clear, grandpa went to go tell Fury, were in the conference room.” She says quickly eyeing Wade. I separate myself from him and roll my eyes knowing what it meant when Steve ran to Fury.
“No, they don’t,” I say walking back into the compound.
Wade follows me in “Since you cut it off you wanna keep it?” He asks. I shake my head with a smile on my face.
“Put it on the coffee table, let’s hope it gives grandpa Steve a scare,” I say walking to the elevator. I hear a thump from the room and I feel Wade next to me. I push the elevator that comes freaky fast.
“Conference room A,” I say unto Friday and the elevator moves promptly.
Wade gives an exasperated gasp “Daddy Stark got moneyy…” he says extending the ‘y’ which makes me chuckle while shaking my head.
I take a deep breath before walking out “Put your business face on babe.” I say walking out the elevator.
Wade follows closely behind me as we approach the blacked out office. He opens the door allowing me to walk in first. Everyone is already seated when we walk in.
“Y/N please make this quick, I’m tired of Steve calling me about every little thing you do.” Fury sighs out placing his hands on his head rolling his eye.
I let out a little laugh “With pleasure. I am not an Avenger. Never will be. I am an Ex-Assassin turned mercenary and Wade here is or was my partner.” I say with a smirk that slowly turns into a smile when I see the color drain from Steve’s face.
“I’m here because I was assigned as the guardian of Wanda on behave of Charles Xavier, I’m just here to protect Maximoff. Wanda was the only one that knew why I was really here.” I say adding a little nod at the end of my sentence. 
“Oh so when Wanda was laughing at you and Steve argue it wasn’t because she was crazy,” Sam adds with a grin and Wanda snickers across the table. 
I nod with a smile“So, when I would pick fights with you Steve it was because you’re not my boss and I didn’t like you bossing me around, besides that you’re a good captain.” I smile at him. Steve gives me a toothless smile 
“Good now that’s settled. What was it about Erik?” Fury asks disregarding the speech I just gave. I turn and look at Wade who is starring heavily at Steve. I hit him with the back of my hand.
“Sweet baby Jesus, you know how to make men.” He says almost in a yearning tone. Wades outburst makes Steve pipe up.
Steve clears his throat before speaking “Excuse me?” He asks in his deep tone which causes Wade to lose his shit.
“I think I stopped breathing. I just wanna-” He says breathlessly before cutting him off before he says something too vulgar.
“WADE! Fury was asking about Erik, but I think we should discuss this in private, without Wanda around.” I mumble the last part.
“No, Wanda needs to know about her stupid son of a bitch father who’s trying to make mutants take over the world,” Wade says slamming his wrist on the table, revealing where his hand was severed off.
I place my hand on my head and let out a large sigh. Everyone is looking at Wade's hand well wrist with horror and confusion.
Bucky speaks up first “What happened there.” He asks pointing to Wade's wrist.
Wade groans “Miss wanna be Uma Thurman cut it off while we were arguing.”
“That’s not the point”
“My god Y/N you cut off the mans hand,” Natasha exclaimed crunching up her face.
“He must have deserved it,” Bucky says coldly.
“Bucky.” Steve warns while Bucky just shrugs and crosses his arms across his chest leaning back in the leather chair.
I shake my head and put my head in my hand.
Fury jumps in “I have been wanting to talk about your anger issues.”
I quickly get offended “I do not have anger issues.” I said crossing my arms across my chest.
Wade lets out an over exasperated laugh “That’s like saying Chewbacca doesn’t have a hairy ass.”
I scoff “Oh fuck you, overgrown genetically modified avocado.” I say flipping my hair over my shoulder. Wade's mouth hangs open and I hear muffled snickers from the team.
“If we can get back to business, that would be appreciated,” I mutter out seeing that I just proved their point.
Fury nods “We should find him before anything-”
I cut him off wanting the conversation to end “We will stay put. Wanda is in the system and she’s one of the most powerful mutants documented he’ll come looking for her, and that’s my order as her guardian.” I say giving a nod “If anyone disagrees come find me later.” I say about to walk out but I quickly stop myself “Oh, and Wade stays.” I say before walking out of the conference room, not before catching the annoyed eye roll from Bucky. 
Wade catches up quickly to me “You where so dominant in there, you usually like to be dominated.” He says which causes me to pinch the bridge of my nose knowing were not too far from the door and not one but two super soldiers were in the said room.
“Shut the fuck up Wade.” 
All was smooth sailing, I was keeping tabs on Erik, Wanda was safe and I went back to staying to myself and being quiet. Well, it’s hard to be quiet with Wade the loud mouth rooming with me. He won’t stop talking about Steve or his new friend Cable who he says is an off-brand, Bucky Barnes. 
I told him to shut up numerous times and even begged for him to shoot me so I wouldn’t have to listen to his mouth. After I threaten to cut off this tongue he started to talk to the Avengers, forcing them to listen to his rants on why Crocks pose as his masturbation shoes. After Tony begged me so I finally took Wade out. I took him to the only place he could wear his suit and have some fun. A gay bar.
I get all dressed up in a plain black mini bodycon dress and silver hoops and silver bracelets. 
“You take longer than Vanessa to get-holy shit balls,” Wade says barging in with a cleaned up suit and wide eyes. 
I laugh while I apply lipgloss to my lips “Pick your jaw off the floor, Wilson and give me those heels on the floor.” I say pointing to the open toe stilettos sitting by my closet. He brings them to me and I slide my feet in buckling the ankle straps. 
“I haven’t dressed up in forever,” I say smoothing out my dress over my thighs. 
“You look great, you would make drag queens cry. Can we go now I wanna see the fireman striptease.” Wade wines tugging on my arm. 
“Fine, fine let's go,” I say walking out of my room.
I walk out into the common room and was welcomed by whistles from Tony and Sam who were accompanied on the couch with Bucky, Steve, and Rhody.
Tony’s lips quirk his smile “Where are you two going with Y/N looking like that.” I smile bashfully playing with a stray curl.
Wade jumps in “The club.” He says placing his red cloth covered arm around my waist. I laugh smiling at the floor.
“You should keep good eyes on her, so you don’t lose her tonight,” Sam suggests with a wink. 
“I think she can handle herself, with her mediocre training.” Wade jokes. Everyone lets out a chuckle except for Bucky who looks sick with anger. His eyes dark while scaling up me and Wade's bodies who are pushed together. Bucky’s eyes finally meet mine and they soften a tad but the anger was still prominent. He excuses himself to the kitchen so we wouldn’t see us leave. I shake off Bucky’s peculiar behavior and bid adieu to the Avengers.
The night was fun but drawn out. Wade had many drinks only when I had a few. It was fun seeing Wade flirt with guys and guys do the same to him. All was good until the fourth hour at the club. Wade decided to fulfill his lifetime dream of being a stripper. That’s where I stepped in.
“Shows over boys,” I say dragging Wade down from the stage.
Wade's face looked shocked but I can’t really tell with the mask “Boo you’re no fun.” I nod and mutter agreements.
We get in a cab and go back to the compound. It was hell trying to drag Wade around the compound quietly. Once we got off the elevator I didn’t expect anyone to be up, but low and behold my savior Bucky Barnes sitting on the couch watching The Office. His head turns when I enter.
“Help, please,” I beg trying to keep Wade's dead weight from falling on the floor.
Bucky lets out a chuckle causing a beautiful smile to spread on his cheeks “I gotcha doll.” He rushes over picking Wade off of me and throwing him over his shoulders as if he was a bag a potato’s.
I let out a breath of relief “Thank you.” I say pulling down my dress that had risen from the pushing of Wade's body.
“You two had fun,” Bucky said more than asked with an eyebrow raised. He didn’t seem genuinely interested he just wanted to talk.
I nod “Yeah, it brought back memories from when I was working with him.” I smile while I and Buck walk back to my room.
We get to my room quick. Bucky plops Wade in the center of my bed and Wade immediately sprawls out taking over the entire bed.
Bucky lets out a sigh “Thank you again Bucky.” I say putting my hand on his back smiling up at him.
“It was no problem at all.” He says before walking out closing the door behind him.
I stare at the door momentarily. Something is wrong with him I just can’t put my finger on it. I think hard about it while I change into some spandex shorts and an old thin college shirt.
‘Maybe him a Steve got into a fight again, or maybe Natasha and him had a disagreement.’ My mind trails off.
Wade snores on the bed and I shake away my thoughts of Bucky. No way was I was going to fit in the bed with him taking up the whole bed. I roll up his mask just to expose his lips and nose (so he could breathe) reviling the scarred skin I came to love.
I walk out of my room into the silent corridor.
Bucky must have gone in his room. I walk over and knock before coming in. Bucky was laying face up on the bed with his hands covering his face.
“Got any room for me?” I question which makes his head shoot up.
His face grows red “Y-yeah, come in.” He stutters looking at me.
“Wade took up the whole bed,” I admit walking to the bed timidly. He was shirtless with dark grey sweats settling on his hips.
The small smirk he teased me with made me bashful. I looked down at the floor.
“Don’t get shy on me now darlin’” Bucky continues to tease scooting to his claimed side of his bed.
I pull back the covers and lay on the opposite side of him, while newfound butterflies make their way in my stomach. Bucky didn’t move stayed still on his side of the bed.
“I don’t bite Buck,” I say jokingly, he chuckles and leans into me a little relaxing.
My mind trails back to how he’s been acting “Bucky are you ok? You’ve been acting weird.” I say propping my head up on my elbow turning towards him.
He avoids my eyes at first biting on his lip a little. “It’s ok you can tell me.” I comfort him.
He looks at me and sighs “There’s this woman. She’s beautiful, confident, pretty much everything I’m not. I want her so bad not just sexually I want her as a person. She rocks my world and doesn’t even know it.” Bucky confesses.
I feel a fire in my chest, after his confession I don’t know why. I’m angry but I won’t admit it. “Sounds like you have a crush.” I barely get out sounding slightly believable. Why am I acting like this?
“I think I love her.” He blurts out and looks like he immediately regrets it. I nod forcing a smile on my face.
“Then why don’t you talk to her?” I ask softly trying not to sound hurt.
He shakes his head “I’m stupid, and I think she has a boyfriend.” He sadly says looking at me with his baby blues.
No, it’s not right. I shouldn’t care if he admires someone or not. “Just be there for her Buck, she’ll eventually see you,” I say before closing my eyes wanting to forget about this conversation.
I woke up with my face pressed against a bare chest and a hand tangled in my hair and my pelvis connected to another. Buckys heartbeat is strong I could hear it. My hands lay flat on Bucky's chest as comfort fills my body he made me feel warm and well. I tilt my head up to see his sharp scruffy jawline. The dull sunlight from the windows highlights his face making him glow. I raise my hand and trace my finger along the rough surface of his jaw. He looks so calm with his pink lips slightly parted. His soft breaths match mine as I admire his face.
Barnes. I’ve never thought about his last name since yesterday. I wonder if the girl he fonded over first name went with his last. And I also wondered why my first name went so well with his last. Y/N Barnes. It has a nice ring to it. I thought about that all night, I even dreamt about it. I bring my face back into his chest and close my eyes. Maybe just maybe I could pretend for longer like I didn’t care he admitted feelings for a woman I do not know. Just maybe I can forget the jealousy I felt bubble in my chest last night. But I open my eyes and realized that I do care. He was sweet without trying. Making sure I returned my library books on time, making me my favorite tea when I was to busy to make my own. He was always there for me and maybe I took it the wrong way. I always admired him though he wouldn’t even notice, I was fine with that knowing that my glances from behind my book were secretive. It felt good having a crush on Barnes like I was back in grade school.
I took one last look at his face and I found myself memorizing it like it was the last thing I would ever see. I let out a sigh before gently removing myself from his embrace and his bed. Before I leave I share a confession with Buckys sleeping body.
“I wish I didn’t have feelings for you Barnes.”
We caught Erik by me speeding up the mission and telling the Avengers to move in. Everyone was surprised by my actions even me. I had to keep myself busy after hearing the confession from Bucky. I didn’t wanna think about him and another woman it made my skin crawl. Sp i stayed up 42 hours straight making a plan (that kept me and Bucky away from each other you at all times). Now that Erik was incarcerated, Wanda is safe meaning I could leave. Mission accomplished.
“You sure you wanna leave with me kid? You gotta good thing going on here, free real estate, a job that’s lleagle.” Wade asks sitting on my bed.
I nod folding my clothes on the floor. “Yeah Wade I can’t stay here any more.” I say getting off the floor. Wade shrugs and goes into my closet.
I let out a sigh walking to my room door opening it to see Steve.
“So you’re leaving?” He asks which I only reply with is a nod. “When were gonna tell us Y/N?” Steve says in his captain voice.
I stutter not knowing the answer “T-tonight, or tomorrow it depended on how I felt.” I say playing with my fingers. Steve lets out a scoff getting annoyed “This is hard ok I swear I’m gonna tell them just let me do it.” I say placing a hand on his arm.
“You better.”
He walks away from me and I go back in my room. “Wade I’m gonna get food you comin?” I yell through my room.
“Yeah meet me at the elevator.” Wade says which was suspicious but I brush it off.
I throw my leather jacket over the plain black shirt and black jeans and make my way to the front.
“You gotta be kidding me.” I hear Bucky exclaim from the kitchen but which makes me wanna go see what’s wrong but Steve’s voice stops me.
“Maybe you can move on from this.” Steve comforts. It sounded like a personal conversation so I continue my walk to the elevator. Wade was taking a long time but he’s a grown man he can make his way.
Minutes pass and no Wade so I went to go get him. I was walking back to my room when I heard a loud Bucky “No, I don’t even care anymore.” He storms out the kitchen. He locks eyes with me. He looked angry and the hurt kind of angry. “You.” He says walking towards me eyes straight and determined.
I take a few steps back as he gets in my space. I hear Steve telling Bucky not to do it. But Bucky doesn’t listen. Bucky wraps his metal arm around my waist and pulls me into a hard kiss. I grab on his bicep to brace myself. The kiss was needy and it felt so good. I felt like I found something I didn’t know I was missing. His hand came to caress my face as I leaned into him. I felt tingles cascade down my body reaching the tips of my toes. I was in heaven.
“I think I found something that could- damn it I’m late!” Wade finally shows as me and Bucky breaks the kiss. I look at Wade who has Sam, Natasha, Wanda, and Tony on his heels who are all wearing smug looks.
“So, that girl, It was me?” I ask looking up into his mesmerizing eyes. He sheepishly nods acting all shy like he didn’t just give me a kiss of a life time. “But I don’t have a boyfriend,” I say.
“I thought you were his.” Bucky admits looking at a shocked Wade.
I smile in disbelief “God damn you’re stupid.” I say shaking my head.
“So, I guess this means you’re not leaving?” He asks giving me a smile.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
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stereksecretsanta · 5 years
Merry Christmas, @yogi-bogey-box!
The Prince And The Knight
Once upon a time lived a prince in a castle far away. The villagers whispered of a cruel uncle locking away the king’s sole living heir as to keep the precious crown of power on his head. A crown that was tarnished with neglect and lost over time. The cruel uncle was loving and warm in his life. The only cruelness was the hollowness he left in the aftermath of his death. No, it wasn’t the uncle that locked the prince away but himself.
All through the kingdom rang stories of a beast holding the royal hostage. “It’s not real,” scolded parents while children laughed about pet dragons curled around turrets. Three brave knights were sent to rescue the boy.
Not a boy no more he killed them. Or so whispered the village with fear as the only trace of the knights were their armor covered in blood and shredded like silk.
The days have been colder lately. The rusty wood stove leftover from a different time cranks out warmth yet only a breath reaches the tiptop of the old farmhouse leaving a chill in people’s bones.
“Everyone, get your ass down here,” comes Cora’s loud mouth. The stampede of feet down the stairs pulls Derek from his thoughts. He loves his life but honestly, five more minutes of sleep would be nice too. “That includes Derek too, you lazy ass.” She honestly knows him too well.
Stumbling down the stairs Derek is greeted by an army of teenagers. I guess this is his life now. Raising children who have no other home.
One little boy, in particular, was fascinated by the rumors surrounding the prince. They had met once about a year before the King had died. The little boy was the son of the constable and while being dragged along on very important business the two boys met. The one and only time they thought yet marks started to form on their arms linking the soulmates together by the universe.
Years later, not a boy no more but a man on the cusp of freedom the Constable's son risks becoming the fourth victim to the cruel prince in order to discover the secret behind how their souls became intertwined all those years ago. His father kind yet broken from the death of his wife only gave him a solemn nod and good luck as he ventured into the woods with only his closest friend to protect his back.
“Come on, Scott. We’ll go look around a bit and come home. Nothing to worry about.” Scott raises a perfectly plucked eyebrow at Stiles. (Allison and Lydia dragged him on a spa date last week.)
“Nothing to worry about? We’re going to snoop around the house of Derek Hale and his merry band of recluses.” Derek was known around town as an oddball with a screw loose. He does odd jobs to pay for the repairs on his decrepit farmhouse and all the teenagers he’s taken in but other than that not much is known about him.
“He’ll never catch us. Besides, it’s for my dad and he’ll be disappointed if I don’t investigate.” Stiles has started helping out around the station since he graduated a month ago and he’s very hands-on when it comes to mysterious cases.
“Fine, I’ll go but if it turns out that he’s a vampire or something I’m bolting before I’m bitten.”
“Smart one,” he corrects. Well, he’s not wrong.
“Sometimes the turret dragon disappears,” whispers the brave knight to his friend.
“Of course. It has to hunt.” He doesn’t believe in Dragons and crazy uncles. He’s way too boring to believe in fantasy.
“But it changes colors.”
“And sometimes it blends in with the castle.” He points to the towering structure leaning from neglect. There’s no dragon.
“Maybe the prince is the dragon.”
The Wolf is hurtling itself towards Stiles before he can think to run. One second he’s gripping the mysterious birthmark on his arm in pain and the next he’s being mauled by an animal. As its fangs sink into his throat it lets go and sniffs Stiles arm in wonder. Slowly the animal licks the dark brown swirl on his forearm causing it to shimmer gold before turning black as the wolf’s fur. As quickly as the attack had begun it was over.
Weird. He still has nasty bite marks so he goes to find Scott who’s sitting on the ground in bewilderment. “Wolf. Smell. Golden mark. Somethings seriously messed up here.” Stiles kneels beside him.
“Were you bite.”
“No. It was more concerned with the mark on my hip.” He stares at Stiles’s neck. “You’re bleeding and hairy.”
“Yeah. Hairy like one of those cheesy old horror films about werewolves.” It dawns on them. “Dude. They’re werewolves. You must be going through a mild transformation since you were bitten on the full moon.”
“Probably. Let’s get home and we’ll call Allison in the morning to help us investigate since her family is into that mumbo jumbo.”
The companions stumble back into the village promising never to whisper a detail to anyone. Fair maidens giggled about how brave they are while young men scoffed in disbelief at their tales yet no one noticed the soul marks glimmering like liquid onyx tainting their skin. The marks are covered with shame. No man wants a mark of the dragon for only soulmates are branded with the mark.
There’s nothing more undignified than waking up naked with an acorn lodged up your ass. “Damn full moon,” Derek mutters to himself trying to locate how far he is from the house. Luckily only over the hill. He starts the walking trying to cover his dangly bits as gracefully as he can muster. As he opens the front door Cora and Isaac both gasp. “I know I’m naked. Leave me alone.”
“It’s not that,” Cora looks away in disgust. “You’re soulmark has darkened. Sometime last night you found your mate.” Derek only vaguely remembers meeting some boys in the woods last night and in his rage biting one of them.
“Shit. It had to be the Sheriff’s kid. He and his little friend were snooping around outside.”
“And what happened to his friend?” asks Cora causing Isaac to go flush. He suddenly lifts up his shirt to reveal a delicate vine pattern extending from his right hip to his left shoulder. It’s ebony like the keys on the dusty piano in an untouched part of the house.
“I did. I wasn’t really aware that I had feelings and I can’t control myself in wolf form and-“
“Is he a werewolf?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Well fuck. While I don’t condone biting-“
“Even though you did,” smirks Cora.
“Fuck off. I was going to say that dating non-werewolves are a complicated matter.”
“Because you’re ex might be a werewolf hunter.”
“Shut up. Shit, we’re in trouble. Isaac, go put on shoes because we’re going to sort this mess out.”
A decree sent by royal doves was delivered to the constable’s son. He and his brother in knighthood were to return to the castle for once mates are bonded they become deathly ill if divided for long.
So the men started into the woods not confining in a soul other than one fair maiden who comes from a long line of dragon slayers for She foretold of an age of peace between the beast and the peasants. The only people who could bring upon this age being the knights themselves.
Stiles, Scott, and Allison are sitting on Stiles’ bed trying to figure out what everything means. “So what does the mark on my arm mean.”
“And my chest,” adds Scott.
Allison leans forward tracing the marks on Stiles. “Anima mea marcas.”
“And that means?”
“Soul marks.”
“So we’re soulmates because I really don’t want to marry Scott.”
“No. These are werewolf marks. Stiles’ are alpha marks. You can tell from the placement and style. And Scott,” She reaches for Scott. He lifts his shirt in curiosity. “Scott’s are from a beta which is odd considering they seem to be a strong one at that.”
“How do you know?” There’s a knock on the door downstairs cutting off the conversation. Peeking through the curtains they can see Derek and Isaac. “Shit.”
The Knights' arrival at the castle is met with hostile stares from the Knights lost so long ago. The rumored kindness of the Prince is gone and left in its wake is a hollow coldness.
So Scott and Isaac are making out in a bathroom leaving Derek and Stiles to sip coffee in silence. “So. Scott and Isaac seem to be getting along well. I thought I heard something about how both mates needed to be werewolves ”
“You’re incredibly young,” growls Derek in disgust cutting off Stiles’ ramble.
“I’m eighteen.”
“Barely. Why is my soulmate a fucking child?”
“What are you going to do about it. Sourwolf?”
“I’m really uncomfortable with you being so young so I have a deal. We give ourselves a year to become friends then we’ll date.”
“What if we hate each other?”
“Doubtful but it doesn’t matter. For our health and the happiness of Isaac and Scott we have to get along.”
“So if we don’t date we’re going to turn into bitter divorced parents.”
“Okay. Meet you back here in one year for our second date.”
The prince isn’t cruel but misunderstood. He never had someone to talk to once his uncle passed until his soulmate came along. The pair explored the castle and the Prince’s heart too until his frozen heart grew puddles.
Turns out Derek Hale can be kind if he chooses. From watching bad romcoms to learning to play the piano together he’s warmed up to Stiles. To bad Stiles is slowly falling in love.
The prince and knight danced the nights away pretending they attend balls among foreign monarchs for the knight never knew what royalty was like. Though they knew it was wrong the pair started to grow closer than friends.
They were slow dancing in the living room when it happened. Derek had claimed that it was unrealistic for the people on the TV to find dancing in their living room normal and Stiles wanted to prove to him that it was cute. Well, Derek was being a little too cute and Stiles made the mistake of following his impulses and kissing him.
The knight flees on horseback ashamed of his actions. He should have never kissed the prince. Still, he can’t forget how his heartbeat when their lips touched and how it stopped when the prince ran his fingers through the prince’s hair so it wouldn’t fall in his eyes. He can’t forget what it’s like being in love.
He’s crying in his room and pigging out because he’s fallen in love and it hasn’t been a year.
“I’m just a child,” he groans. The knock downstairs frightens Stiles. He didn’t order pizza and Scott is on his weekly date night (Not that Scott knows how to knock.) He drags himself from his pity party to answer the door. On the other side stands Derek. He’s out of breath like he ran a marathon and he has flowers.
“May I come in?”
“I don’t care.” Lies Stiles.
“Actually I’m not going to come in because I only need to do one thing.”
“Kiss you.” They’re pulled together like magnets. Hands are everywhere yet everything feels gentle and loving when it should be rough. Neither one of them wants to hurt the other. Derek pulls away slowly. “God I’m an idiot for making a stupid rule. I’ve fallen so madly in love with you I feel like I’m going to go insane at how much I love you.”
“Derek. I-“
“Make it quick Stiles.”
“No. I feel the same way. We’re such idiots.”
The knight and prince lived happily ever after. The end.
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She was lovely, even prettier than her photos and sporting the suitcase we had talked so much about. If you have any inquiries pertaining to where by and how to use hairy pussy pics porn, you can get in touch with us at our website. We started dating a month into university, and at the time she was 'straight'. Before I could pull out my phone, I spotted Freya not ten paces away. I live abroad, so when I went home for Christmas we would quickly whip each other into a frenzy of sex-starvation. ) To briefly catch you up, Maria and I have been together for more than four years. After a year or two together, we began to explore when we had time. It was on, and all three of us smiled. One last thing is that I write in my spare time, so this may end up quite long and literary. (Maria as she reads this: I said that first! Half the fun is in the context! We had had two threesomes before this story: the first was fun but we didn't click much, and the second was incredible but could never happen again. While the three of us were at work we'd play games, like Never Have I Ever or Two Truths and a Lie. As Maria and I ascended the steps from the tube up to the train station, we surfaced into a bustling crowd. I remember sneaking off at work, at home, and at drunken house parties. The girls have encouraged me to write this, so I have to impress them too of course. In discussing our fantasies, as you might guess, threesomes became a common theme. "There she is," I said. Maria and I were five minutes late (behind a tourist topping up his Oyster card) and the first text that came through read "please please don't stand me up". By the time we met in person, we knew a fair bit about each other and more or less had the whole weekend planned out. I'll put a line break below for readers who want to skip down to the sex. That was the start of our late celebration of Maria's birthday, 24 hours of utter bliss. Unfamiliar with the area, I then worsened the scenario by walking us in a couple circles on the way to brunch. I'm aware that this community likes a cursory description. We had been flirting heavily with Freya for weeks over Facebook. My wonderful Maria is mixed-race, 5'2" and petite with long brown hair, perky breasts, and a disproportionate booty that makes men and women weep. Brunch was good, involving Eggs Benedict and sunshine playing on the canal. The first to five 'drinks' would have to send a naughty photo. I had sat down across from Freya by the window, and I saw a flicker of calculation before Maria sat down next to Freya rather than turn us into an interview panel. I'm 5'8" and slim, brown with medium-length black hair. Stone-cold stunner Freya is blonde with big blue eyes, shorter than you'd imagine her at 5'3". The name that the girls have chosen for me is Dickhead and Lord Cockington, respectively. As we put it - we need to check if you're a murderer first. Her statuesque curves, tattooed and pierced, had both my girlfriend and I flabbergasted. There was a quiet, palpable cocktail of confidence and impatience. This seemed unlikely and we were clearly getting along swimmingly, so we didn't linger. Off to a slightly rocky start but laughing about it, we finally sat down at the gorgeous little place on the river that I had booked. We knew what was going to happen, but didn't exactly say it directly for the sake of sussing the other party out. At my house, I was quickly sent to make tea. The playful dynamic between three people that want each other is one of the most exciting parts of non-monogamy. Maria told me the next day that they were discussing my equipment at the time. " Freya had revealed a purple bar through her right nipple, and a tattoo up the same waist. "We'll just have to pack in really close," I replied. Tea hadn't finished brewing before we decided we wanted a shower. It would have to come with us in a thermos. We climbed upstairs and funny enough, weren't shy about stripping. Normally Maria would kiss our guests first, but she was unwilling to put her face through the stream of water. We had seen these both in the photos we had won, of course, but they were still exciting. Initially, the form that this tension takes is often me serving the girls, ganged up on in a tongue-in-cheek way. Feeling comfortable, I took the opportunity to break whatever ice remained by savouring the novelty of Freya's soft lips. They made fun of me a bit, of course. "Sorry, the shower's a little small," said Maria. We three would kiss at the same time when we shuffled into the right positions, which worked surprisingly well. For a while, we all explored each other's bodies with soap. The girls paid particular attention to each other's boobs, praising what was different from their own. I remember standing at attention with a lady on either side, attempting to keep my cock positioned between the two girls rather than accidentally poke everything. My girlfriend and I laid Freya down and agreed to treat her first. Her little bush was as neat and trim as her pussy, with everything tucked into a single line. Freya had waxed, as she had warned us. I spread her lips with one hand and delicately inched my tongue upward. Maria, whose easy-access clit poked out, would envy her this. Downstairs, we threw back the freshly-laundered sheets and dimmed the lights down to what we affectionately call 'sex-mode'. I felt quite good about that. " "Someone's taught him well. " Maria and I have a thing for casual conversation during sex now and then, so it was unsurprising when she began to explain how because I had only been with one woman before her, she had been shocked by my talents during our first time together. I slowly teased Freya's inner thighs. At first I let her music wash over me. I took special pleasure in interrupting their conversation that night - in this case, Freya would break off mid-sentence as I circled her clit. (Maria: Yeah she has such a pretty one…) "He's so good," moaned Freya into my girlfriend's mouth. I immediately turned to the slightly darker pair of legs to my right, and dove into my girlfriend. When I had a feel for it though, I slipped a finger into her and reached for her G-spot, playing her like a pale violin and ekeing out notes for Maria to hear. We both knew that she was a joy to go down on: as long as her legs were straight, she finished in under a minute. It was Freya’s turn to tease her top half. "I think we should thank him," huffed Maria. Of course, I was deeply familiar with Maria’s pussy and it couldn’t have been thirty seconds before she was flushing and biting Freya’s lip. I built faster and faster, learning what made her tick. Cool, wet skin pressed against me from all sides. Maria would suck on her nipples, kiss up her neck, and gently make out with her. " Maria knew that a double blowjob was pretty much my favourite thing ever. Better still, they were genuinely hungry for it. " I collapsed backward and let my girls crawl up to me. Meanwhile, I got to work. Tongues danced up my shaft and around the head; lips enveloped my balls and slid further down to my perineum, and in Maria’s case, further still. A lot of this weekend is a blur of pleasure and laughter, but this I remember clearly. Freya’s legs shook as she orgasmed. I can’t say for how long that lasted, but before it went on for too long, I stopped them. One mess of brown hair and one mess of blonde bobbed up and down, and everything was slick and warm. "I think we should," said Freya. We needed to fuck before that happened. "Are you ready for your fantasy, baby? At one point, Maria rode me cowgirl while Freya sat on my face. My view was limited, and while it was a beautiful sight, it would be nothing compared to theirs. As I gripped their surprisingly similar asses, I could hear them kissing above me. "I’m not complaining," I said. I relished every slap of their tight behinds, cracks and moans echoing, and before long they were spanking each other too. After that they switched places. I bounced my girlfriend vigorously, reaching up to stroke breasts and faces. Oh also, I had been "saving up" for this occasion for the past week, driving myself half-crazy, so I was expecting a bit of an eruption. None of us can really remember what order things happened in. There were dozens of other positions, beautiful little moments and fragments of conversation. The suitcase was opened up and an impressive collection of toys was thrown about, including a strap-on. I felt immensely powerful. Their hands pushed on my chest, supporting themselves. When I finally had their appetites held at bay, the girls asked me to finish for them. It was utter sensory overload, and I was very vocal about it. Freya is nasty, in a good way, and her big fantasy for this weekend was the idea of one girl licking up my cum and feeding it to the other. Freya can orgasm internally, which she demonstrated after a thorough ramming - that was a novelty to me. I went back onto my back and allowed them to lick me clean. Everyone went down on everyone. It felt like Freya’s tongue was pushing right through me. Maria began to glide down me, teasing my frenulum but leaving the glistening head exposed. Nipples tickled my legs. They’re the best physical sensation possible, the very opposite of being tortured and the crown jewel of hedonism. That’s where the eruption comes in. As a writer, a big fan of sex, and let’s be honest an expert masturbator, I’m always interested in describing orgasms. The heat was stifling. They would go on to have innumerable orgasms this weekend, but I had a very limited supply. It built, rising up like roiling waves. The pressure began to build inside of me excruciatingly slowly. I took a deep breath in. It has to be worded properly. Then I released, and screamed. For a moment the universe was only my cock. For the most part, Freya sucked on my balls and below this time, while I jerked myself through Maria’s lips. The tension soared to impossible heights, tightening every fibre of my being until I threatened to snap. My groans were punctured with giddy laughter. " "He’s going to be like that for a while," Maria laughed. " That, and I was seeing spots. I can’t even begin to recount half of it, but we all clicked marvellously. For a while, I remained in the throes of a seizure of pleasure. I wrenched my eyes open in time to see Maria lick half young and atk hairy pussy pics the heavy spatter of cum off my chest. "I can’t feel my hands. Our guest whimpered, thirsty. I vaguely registered a splash across my chest, past my head and off the bed. We’re talking about this story right now, and here’s a lovely review from Freya: "I've masturbated so much today that my room smells like I've been burning a pussy-scented candle". Anyway, round 2 of 6 began with spanking and it kept escalating from there. Haze crept up and pulled me into the depths of the sex sleepies. That was just the first part of Saturday afternoon. I’ll ask Maria to comment below, and Freya as well if we can show her how to use Reddit! I heard my voice rising with it, carried from high and breathy to rumbling and back again. Then, searing it into my memory, she grabbed the back of Freya’s head and gave her a passionate kiss. LondonMedicCouple . Harder than anything ever had been, it pulsed, gushing my essence.
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