#to anyone who missed it!
So, just to share a summary of the TNBC news we've gotten from San Diego Comic Con this year:
-There will be more Nightmare Before Christmas comics and graphic novels releasing in 2024, published via Dynamite Entertainment.
- ^ Torunn Grønbekk will be writing the first project.
- ^^ No further information about the titles was released at their panel, but further details were said to be "released soon."
-Megan Shepherd, the author of the recently-released TNBC Novelization, has announced that she will be writing a sequel to Shea Ernshaw's Long Live the Pumpkin Queen.
- ^ There is no synopsis, cover, or any further information released about the "original series" yet, except it will be out in 2024 via Disney Publishing.
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erzvolnes · 13 days
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wu-does-art · 4 months
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thinking about Nico adjusting to letting himself miss and long for the people he loves. based on these bits from the sun and the star:
" As Nico and Will followed the trogs, he thought about how much he missed Hazel. He was learning to make peace with that feeling. It was okay for him to miss people because that meant he wanted them around in his life. That idea was *very* new for him- he was used to either pushing people away or watching them recoil from his presence." *
" That was the most surreal thing of all... Was he happy? Nico wasn't very familiar with the sensation, but he couldn't deny that he felt wonderful in Will's presence. He even longed for the son of Apollo when they were apart. A funny thing had happened as the two grew closer: Nico suddenly understood all those cheesy, sappy love songs he'd always hated."
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ph-cutie · 28 days
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inklore · 20 days
can we bring back fun fics? ya know when they weren’t taken too seriously, where we were simply writing them to feel that ooshy gooshy feeling and laugh and feel. nowadays i feel like all that matters is how intense the smut is, and trust i love smut. i am its number one fan. but i feel like its become a means to popularity, only writing it because it’s following a status quo of readers who only care about fics when it includes filth. like its not wrong to want the filth. we all love the filth. but please bring back the silly little plots. give me one bed, give me unrealistic fake dating, give me a wild crossover with fandoms that shouldn’t work together but do, give me something crazy like aliens invading or dinosaurs! like all of those things can lead to tooth rotting fluff or shaky knees smut. just bring back the feels! the silliness! the reasons why we all stay up until all hours of the night devouring these works of art!!
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deancaskiss · 8 days
dean thinks cas likes him… he’s pretty sure… he thinks so anyway…. but he wasn’t going to be the one to make a move on a freakin’ angel. he’d let cas make the first move if that was something cas wanted. but days turned into weeks and months and then years with no attempts from cas to pursue dean. so dean buried his feelings. it was probably just his own unrequited desires reflecting back at him. he could live with pining and yearning.
it wasn’t until late one night, the two of them researching in the bunker library together with glasses of scotch next to each of their hands, that cas said something.
cas looked up at dean, darted his gaze down to the tomb in front of him, and looked back up at dean again. the flickering movement made dean glance up, and he locked eyes with cas; raising an eyebrow to silently ask cas what was up.
“we should get married,” cas said.
dean grinned.
yes. cas definitely liked him.
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3ksdee · 9 months
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sorry guys dtiys will be on hold for now (cause idk what i wanna draw for it yet😭) but..
I love this duo soo muchh seeing them work together in the trailer is making me soooo happyyyy😭😭😭
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morii-moth · 5 months
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heart foundation... save me..., heart foundation, save me heart foundation,,
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Words Collide
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sophiathetrainwreck · 11 months
RIP to the icon Dr. Meredith Blitzmeyer
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So sorry you didn't make it into the movie bestie
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silvermoon424 · 6 months
I'm convinced I have the worst vibes detector of all time. I used to be a fan of Creepshow Art, iilluminaughtii, and James Somerton- all high-profile creators who got their careers tanked because they're bad people. Given the absolutely huge number of creators I subscribe to it's not surprising that this has happened multiple times, but still.
Then again, when I expressed this sentiment in the past and kicked myself for not being more aware of the red flags, someone told me that means I just want to see the good in people and am more willing to forgive faults than others are. I think that's spot-on tbh; I'm a very naive and forgiving person, which has often been taken advantage of. But it's just my nature, I can't help it.
This will inevitably happen to me again, but I'd rather not beat myself up over not constantly being attuned to every red flag people give off.
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arotechno · 5 months
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these tags have been bothering me for a few days now. i understand wanting some private time at home with your partner, but can you not see that this is EXACTLY the attitude i'm talking about?
does your third housemate ALSO get an allotted time where you and your partner have to leave, or is it only for you? is this something you coordinate on days when your housemate is already independently making other plans, or are you just expecting to be able to kick them out of the house at will like this is a college dorm room?
this isn't a situation where you are three equal parties building a life, this is you and your partner treating someone else like a third wheel you wish would go away and a money bank to help you pay your bills. if that works for all parties involved then it's no skin off my nose, but can't you see that this is literally not at all the situation that i was describing? i'll make a very personal post about how it hurts when people act like my housemates would be justified in trying to get rid of me and alloromantic people will literally be like "this sounds great—as long as i can get rid of you!" like do y'all hear yourselves. do you actually see the words when aros post or is it just static for you.
this is the way people talk about their children, how they want their children out of the house so they can have some alone time. not the way you should be talking about a fellow adult who literally pays for and whose name is on the deed of the house you all live in. aro people aren't housepets.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 158
Klarion is on a mission. A very important mission of the utmost importance! 
He, as the oldest of the family (at least sibling-wise) has been given the sacred task of bringing his baby siblings to find their own familiars! And nothing is going to stop him from seeing this task through! He’s not going to get distracted playing with the Justice League’s Baby Team, nor is he going to try and kick Stupid-Helmet-Head-The-Despised. 
He’s going to help Jordan and Ellie find their own familiars, and Phantom-Dad will be so proud of him! Tucker-Dad will be proud too, and his Moms would as well! He’s going to absolutely rock this older-sibling thing! 
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goodkenji · 27 days
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james-beaufort · 29 days
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tag rules: select 13 horror films that at one point in time terrified the hell out of you (gifs optional)
i was tagged by @pascow @ethan-hawke @clubglee and @dushku (thank you guys for the tag)
tagging (if you have already done it or simply don't wanna do it feel free to ignore): @kitherondale @ncutisgatwas @shockygobsmocky @davinaclaires @elena-gilbert
@after-glow @patrick-stewart @queencalanthes @userboo @firstapo
@narliee @magnusedom @lisa-swallows @thesoldiersminute @miwtual
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Ozpin is straight up the funniest character in rwby I don't care what ANYONE says
Dude delivers a heartfelt graduation speech and is immediately like "now get out of here"
Not to mention all the Other Shit. Like immediately embarrassing Oscar, giving Ironwood hot chocolate from a tea kettle (and not blinking when Ironwood spikes it), his stupid chair, his dumb ass glasses, the fact that he's dressed for winter in the summer, the fact he throws his students off of cliffs, the sass
Like sir. Who are you
Literally no one talks about how fucking funny Ozpin is and it's so sad
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