joon-bugs · 4 years
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irresistible you
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joon-bugs · 4 years
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big loml energy ♥
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joon-bugs · 5 years
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~I’m late (as usual) but this is in commemoration of Jungkook’s birthday! No matter what age he will always be our baby Kookie. Let me know if there are any ideas you guys have for future stories, and enjoy!~  
 ‘He looked so small kneeling at your feet. His grown out hair was pulled back into a low bun, a detail you had overseen previously. A few shorter strands hadn’t made the cut and were haphazardly strewn over his forehead, covering his wide doe eyes. The image would have been so innocent if not for your nakedness.’ 
word count: 3,268 
pairing: Jungkook/Reader 
genre: smut 
warnings: swearing, first time oral (male giving, female receiving), Taehyung being an ass, (more) couch staining, slight violence, baby boi Jungkook, slightly submissive Jungkook, unprotected sex 
If there was anything nice to say about Kim Taehyung, it was that he gave good head. Okay scratch that. He gave phenomenal head. He delivered toe curling pleasure like it was his damn job and knew it.  The only flaw with him was the fact he was a major ass. Taehyung or 'Taehoney' as he was dubbed, was a cocky bastard with a pretty face. He reveled in getting off men and women, collecting in the reward of bragging about it while receiving reverence and sometimes money from his classmates. Getting on his knees was a hobby that benefited him in more ways than one, and he was perfectly content to break down the recipient of his efforts. Today, it just so happened to be you. 
Honestly, you didn't know why Taehyung had given you the time of day. You weren't his type by any standard, preferring the silence and seclusion of the library to the rowdy atmosphere of your apartment. Having three roommates only sounded like a good idea from a money perspective. It didn't help they all liked to smoke and drink, which usually led to them inviting friends over. And being really really loud. So the library had thus become your hideaway, away from the world. 
Maybe one of your  roommates had told him about you, put you on his radar, painting a target on your back. That could have been the only explanation as to why he weaved through the rows of paperbacks, only to plop down at the furthest table, which you happened to be seated. All he had to do was smile and extend his hand. 
"I'm Taehyung. Nice to meet you." 
You were done for, caught in his net the moment he opened his mouth. 
Somehow in the span of an hour Taehyung convinced you to study at his place, ensuring you that his roommate would be out. Like a lamb to slaughter you agreed, your backpack seeming heavier as you followed him home. 
Taehyung was sly, quick to offer you a seat on the small loveseat, making no move to squeeze next to you. He instead crossed his legs, sinking to the floor by your feet. You were grateful for the space, the air already suffocating in the emptiness of the apartment. 
You'd just started to take out your things when a touch startled you, and you looked down only to see the red haired boy grinning, his fingers inching up your shorts. Maybe the whole situation would have been avoided if it was colder, if the weather called for sweatpants or a parka. Or maybe it was ineffable, fated by some twisted deity. Either way Taehyung had gotten between your legs, and it was taking all of your willpower not to scream. 
"Tae-Taehyung...I don't-understand." You panted through clenched teeth, tossing your head to the ceiling, your fists balled. He came up for air to bite a chunk of your thigh, and you released a sound between a shriek and a gasp. 
"There’s nothing to understand Y/N. Enjoy the ride baby." He laughed, enjoying himself. You canted your hips when he resumed his actions and latched onto his hair unconsciously. You glanced down to watch him work and marveled at the contrast between your skin and his fiery locks. The scarlet letter came to mind and you scoffed, thinking of the symbolism. Guess that made Taehyung a harlot. 
“What’s so funny hmm?” His eyes met yours and you turned red, noticing his dripping chin. Was all that really from you? 
“N-nothing. Just thinking.” You gave a half hearted reply, hoping it was enough. His lips poked out in a pout. 
“I would hope you were thinking about me..and I don’t think what I’m doing is very funny. I’d rather have you begging than laughing.” He sounded upset. 
“Time to work more of my magic then.” 
Taehyung grabbed your butt and yanked you closer, your thighs cradling his skull. He wrapped his lips around your clit suddenly and sucked hard. You yelped, back bowing off the couch, mouth open, eyes wide. He chuckled, the air stimulating you further. 
“That’s more like it sweetheart. Show me how you fall apart.” He lowered his voice, sending chills up your spine. The noises that followed were absolutely sinful, loud and obscene. Your legs were beginning to shake, the coil in your belly tightening. Taehyung’s nails dug into your thighs and you just knew there would be marks. You took in a big breath, the pressure rising. 
“I think I’m-“ 
“What the hell?! 
You shot up, pulling Taehyung’s hair to get him off. He resisted at first, content to continue despite the audience, until he realized you weren’t letting up. He sighed loudly and looked over his shoulder, still holding you spread eagle. 
“Oh you’re back early. Game finish early Kook?” Taehyung had a bored tone, a complete 180 from his earlier persona. You furrowed your brow at the nickname. Why did it sound so familiar..? You slowly scanned your eyes up the newcomer’s legs, taking in the toned definition of their thighs, all the way up to a pronounced chest and wide neck. You noticed the scar on his cheek and the small mole on his chin. Oh god. It was Jeon Jungkook. The best athlete on campus who so happened to be your biggest crush. Your crush who had just witnessed you getting tongue fucked by his roommate. You should’ve ran. If not for the mortification burning through your blood, you would have. 
Jungkook grit his teeth, glaring daggers at Taehyung who gave him a cheeky grin. 
“Sorry you caught me in the middle of something. Let me finish up then we can get lunch.” He talked as if he were discussing the weather. Jungkook dropped the duffel bag he'd been holding and charged forward to wrench Taehyung back by his shoulders. He fell on his back with a thud, the impact hard enough for a side table to shake. 
“What the f-” 
“You’re a real piece of shit ya know that?!” Jungkook yelled, standing over Taehyung with his hands in tight fists. You’d never seen the younger look so angry before. Taehyung scowled before standing to brush off his pants. 
“What’s the problem man? You act like this is the first time you’ve walked in on me working.” Working? It's not like I’m paying him. 
“That’s what this is? Bullshit. You’re telling me she came to you? That’s low even for you.” Jungkook got in his roommate’s face, breathing heavily. You wondered why he was so upset. 
“What? Hard to believe miss goody two shoes would ask for my services? I mean-” Taehyung scoffed, looking proud, “Could you blame her?” The situation was getting way out of hand and you chatised yourself for ever coming to the apartment. You crossed your ankles and shivered, debating on snatching up your shorts, but too afraid to move. 
“Im gonna beat your ass.” Jungkook’s threat was quiet and firm.  Despite only being able to see the back of Taehyung’s head you imagined the giant eye roll he gave Jungkook. 
“Oooo what a tough guy. Grow up Jeon. Tell me the real reason you're mad. It's because I can do what you can't. Make a girl come on my tong-” Taehyung’s head quickly connected with the drywall as his body was slammed up against it. You felt the weight of the attack as if it was aimed at you. Fistfuls of Taehyung’s shirt was bunched and twisted in Jungkook’s grasp, the two roommate's faces nose to nose.                    
“You knew damn well I would be home early, I should-” 
“What? Hit me? C’mon show us what a real man you are.” Taehyung licked his lips, enjoying his taunting. You saw Jungkook’s jaw twitch and knew you had to step in. 
“Wait! Don’t..don’t.” You pleaded lamely, becoming red as the two men turned to stare. Jungkook seemed to soften and hesitated a moment before shoving himself away from Taehyung. 
“Cute Jeon. Real cute.” Taehyung chuckled, adjusting his clothes. He fixed up the mussed section of his hair and tossed you a wink, before turning towards the door. 
“Sorry I couldn’t finish you off Y/N. But maybe Kook could help you out..” He threw the words over his shoulder, slamming the door behind him, leaving the apartment silent once more. Jungkook’s gaze was glued to Taehyung’s disappearing form for a moment and you took this time to bend down to grab your pants, trying to be as subtle as possible. You began to undo the row of buttons on the front but paused after hearing Jungkook mutter. 
“Are you..okay?” You were hesitant to ask and flinched when the boy’s head whipped around and his eyes bore into yours. Your earlier task forgotten, all you could do was stare back, watching as Jungkook mumbled something else under his breath, seeming distracted. 
“S-sorry for being here, I’ll just go.” His attention was making you nervous and it didn’t help that your lower half was exposed. It was not how you wanted your first encounter with him to go. His look turned hard then and he clenched his jaw, approaching you swiftly. You jumped back, pressing your body further into the couch, head dizzy at the unexpected move. Oh god he must be really mad. You anticipated that he would yell and throw you out, never to speak to you again. Clenching your eyes you waited, breath held. 
“I’ll show him.” The words were soft, quiet. You slowly opened your eyes, confused for a second, not seeing Jungkook in front of you. It was only when you felt a waft of warm air graze your legs, did you realize where he had gone. 
He looked so small kneeling at your feet. His grown out hair was pulled back into a low bun, a detail you had overseen previously. A few shorter strands hadn’t made the cut and were haphazardly strewn over his forehead, covering his wide doe eyes. The image would have been so innocent if not for your nakedness. And his staring. Right at your crotch. 
“He did this to get back at me.” He said, leaning forward, letting his fingertips travel up your legs. You clenched them, keeping them closed for modesty’s sake. Omg Jeon Jungkook is touching me omg omg. You were internally losing your cool. Jungkook continued. 
“He can never just take an apology, always gotta act like a dick-” 
“Taehyung?” You were baffled at the lack of context to his rambling. He paused in his exploration, but his eyes never moved. 
“He knew I liked you Y/N. That’s why he wanted to get you here alone.” Shame flooded your face and you gasped audibly, realizing just how big of a dumbass you were. 
“You..like me?” Probably not anymore you whore. 
He looked up at you then and gave you a shy smile, looking much younger than you knew he was. 
“Y-Yeah. I was..too shy to tell you.” He looked away, reverting his attention back to your closed privates. Who would have thought someone as outgoing and sporty as Jungkook would actually be bashful? 
“I like you too Jungkook.” The confession escaped your mouth faster than you could think and you waited with baited breath, wondering how he might react. What you weren’t expecting was for him to heave a huge sigh and plant a kiss to the top of your leg. 
“Good.” He breathed, warming your skin, while his free hands circled your knees. You bit your bottom lip, trying not to release any noises. The warmth moved high, dangerously close to your core. You wrapped your arms around yourself, both embarrassed and turned on. 
“Can I make you feel good Y/N? Can I touch you?” Jungkook seemed nervous himself now, his voice wavering. Yes. God yes. Is what you wanted to say. You ended up with something a little less eloquent. 
“Um..sure. Make me feel good Kookie.” His eyes flashed at the nickname and he parted your legs open in a single move. Cold air assaulted your nether regions and you shivered, feeling your wetness already cooling. Jungkook hesitantly ran a finger up your folds, swiping some of the arousal pooling there. You flinched at his touch, watching as he brought the coated limb to his lips, poking his tongue out to taste. 
“Wow. That’s how you taste.” With his voice neutral you were unsure whether he was complimenting you or if he was disgusted. You soon got an idea of what his answer would be when Jungkook lowered his head, picking up where Taehyung left off. 
His inexperience was obvious by the hesitant flicks of his tongue and by the lack of rhythm in his ‘technique.’ Nevertheless tingles started to surface within you and you squirmed at the feeling. 
“Am I hurting you?” Jungkook looked up at you with a concerned expression, eyelashes nearly brushing the bottom of his eyebrow. You swallowed and shook your head, unbelieving of what was happening. How he could manage to look so cute while he was going down on you was a mystery. 
“I’ve never..done this before.” He admitted after a pause, his cheeks dusting with color. 
“I could help you, if-if that’s cool. You can stop-” 
“No. I want too Y/N. Just tell me what to do.” God you shouldn’t have felt such a rush at his compliance but you did. You guided him back down, finding enough confidence to place your hand on his head. A sudden thought popped into your mind. 
“Hey Jungkook? Could you maybe undo your bun? I want to touch your hair.” He’s gonna think you’re a freaking weirdo now great. 
Wordlessly he removed the elastic without pause, flinging the tie across the room without coming up for air. You let out a trembling breath, weaving your fingers through his hair, marveling at its softness. Jungkook hummed, sending a shock of vibrations and you bucked into his face, nails digging into his scalp. 
“Oh!” Gasping for breath you tried to control the rocking of your hips, eyes swiveling in every direction to find something to lock onto too, until they settled on the man on the ground. His own body was reacting similar to yours, lower part pressing up against the couch. He was humping the furniture like a dog in heat and you felt your arousal grow at his neediness. When his lips discovered the small bundle of nerves and started sucking you hissed through your teeth, clenching your jaw so tight it hurt. At this rate you were going to come hard and fast. 
Jung-ah! Kook!” The heaving of your chest distorted your exclamation but he seemed to hear you. 
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” His pupils were blown, dark enough to match his hair. The ceiling light caught the reflection of your juices on his chin and you could only conjure up images of everywhere else you wanted his mouth to be. 
“N-no. Please Jungkook. I need you up here.” Now who’s the needy one? 
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea I’m..” Hard. 
“I know. I know.” You grasped his face and coaxed him to join you, bringing your lips together messily, not minding the taste of yourself on him. He was still before coming alive, grasping the back of your neck to intensify the kiss. It was sloppy and loud but you were burning from the inside out, Jungkook a craving you had dreamed of indulging in. You pulled him down on top of you, your head meeting the armrest. In this position you could feel his straining length on your bare thigh and you were grateful you were already prepped. Otherwise there was no way he was fitting inside you without it being painful. You reached down to palm him through the joggers, feeling him twitch and lean into your touch. 
“I know this is so sudden and I literally just confessed but can I-ah-fuck you?” He was huffing, breath raspy and hot on the shell of your ear. His politeness only made him more endearing, and you laughed. 
“Yes. Please.” 
With your spoken consent Jungkook hastily shimmied his pants off, revealing he wasn’t wearing any underwear. You stared at the mass before you, watching as it curved to rest on his hoodie. The tip was leaking, the rest of him red and ready. Jungkook saw your expression and froze. 
“If you aren’t sure Y/N-” 
You wrapped a hand around him to silence him and he choked, only coming back into himself when you positioned him at your entrance. 
“Fuck me or I’ll call Taehyung to do it for you.”  
Jungkook slammed home, spurned on by your taunting and your mouth fell open in a silent scream. He was big. Bigger than you initially thought, and tears sprang in the corner of your eyes at the harsh intrusion. Jungkook began to thrust sharply, couch groaning under the fast movements. He had his eyes closed, lip captured between his teeth, completely lost in the moment. You hit his arm until he refocused on you, blinking away the wetness in your eyes. 
“Ah-let me-ah-on top. You’re too big.” Jungkook looked apologetic and pulled out, rolling over quickly. His whole body twitched, as if he was still inside you, sweat caked on his skin.
You brought your knees onto the side of his and took him in your hands once more, easing yourself down inch by excruciating inch until he was bottomed out, and you were full. Jungkook jerked then, hitting a spot that had you cry out and you begged for him to do it again. He grabbed your hips hesitantly, only gripping you tighter when you rocked against him, desperate for the friction. Soon the two of you were panting and grinding, tugging on the tops that remained but eventually giving up because neither of you could stand to be any more patient. Jungkook watched through lidded eyes as you bounced on him, letting on high whines that mimicked your own. You were getting tired, nowhere near as athletic as he was and started to slow, panting but trying to reach your end. Jungkook seemed to know of your dilemma because he planted his feet and increased his pace, ramming into you harder and faster than before. You held on to the front of his hoodie, unable to meet his thrusts anymore, only holding on as he brought you both to climax. 
You came first, your inner walls fluttering around him as you threw your head back, letting the intense orgasm wash over you. You collapsed on Jungkook’s chest, body spasming as he let out a yell, thrusting two, three more times, before finishing deep inside you. You felt the warmth of his seed and thanked god for the birth control you had started taking on a whim. Not that having a child with Jeon Jungkook was an unappealing idea. 
Your mouth was lead, thick and dry in your mouth, your limbs jelly. Holy shit I just slept with my crush and it was amazing. You cuddled his hoodie, despite how hot you felt , sighing in content when his arm came to pull you closer. 
“Hey Y/N.” 
“Want to grab lunch after this?” 
“Is this you asking me on a date?” You smiled, suppressing a chuckle. There was a pause. 
“Yeah. I am.” He did laugh, and you silently thanked Taehyung for bringing you two together, even if it hadn’t been under the best circumstances. 
Written by Rose 
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joon-bugs · 5 years
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~Hello beautiful people. Sorry its been so long..but enjoy! ~ 
“Your body is beautiful. I love each and every curve-” His hands moved to fondle the round globes of your butt. 
“This part especially, is my favorite.” You felt your face heat up, the hairs on your arms rising. Okay, so maybe Jimin did have a bit of a thing for your ass. He squeezed hard and you gasped aloud. Okay, maybe ‘a bit’ was an understatement. 
word count: 1,763 
pairing: Jimin/Reader 
genre: smut 
warnings: biting, fingering, butt grabbing/spanking, overstimulation, language, thicc girl love ;) 
The nude figure in the full length mirror grimaced, the reflection reaching up to pinch at the pudgy layer of fat around the stomach. Tired eyes blinked and you came back into yourself, a frown on your face. 
You'd always had a rocky relationship with your body. Years of not watching your calories and binge eating had taken a toll on your current self image, leaving you in a state of deep self loathing and hate. Even despite your boyfriend’s protests that you were beautiful. You spent your days scrolling through your pinterest boards of clothing you would never feel confident enough to wear in real life, and gazing longingly at the unrealistic bodies of models in magazines ads. 
“Love yourself.” You scoffed, mocking the mantra that had been instilled into your head since puberty. It was easier to do the opposite if you were being honest. A pair of arms suddenly engulfed your waist and you jumped, before relaxing into the warm embrace. 
“Jimin.” You sighed, leaning back into him, relishing in the way his hair tickled your bare skin. A voice in your head reminded you of the slim definition of your boyfriend’s body and the comparisons between you two flooded your mind. You shifted uncomfortably and moved to remove his arms from you. 
“What’s wrong baby? You feeling okay?” Jimin asked softly into your neck. 
“Yeah I just..need to get dressed. I’m cold.” You lied. Jimin only held you tighter and let out a low chuckle. 
“Cold? I’m sure I could fix that.” He whispered, beginning to kiss down the side of your throat. His hands opened to splay across your exposed abdomen, the tips of his fingers swirling near your belly button. You shivered at the sudden shift in his attitude and felt your insides flip. 
“Jimin I should really put some clothes on.” 
“Why? I think you should walk around the house like this more often.” His touch had traveled lower, his nails lightly scratching the trails of stretch marks adorning your hips, before pausing at the edge of your underwear. 
“The windows are open Jimin. Someone could walk by and see.” You looked to the side nervously, watching the curtains flutter as a breeze went through them. Jimin pressed his pelvis closer to your behind and that's when you felt the prominent bulge. It didn’t take long for him to get excited. It was astonishing really. 
“So? Let them see how gorgeous you are.” His breath tickled your cheek and you shuddered, your arousal beginning to dampen your underwear. 
“I’m, I’m not-” 
“Don’t even think about finishing that sentence.” He threatened, squeezing the flare of your hips. Your pulse was loud in your ears. 
“Haven’t we been over this before baby?” And you had. Time and time again. Your insecurities would rear their ugly heads and Jimin always seemed to be there for the moments they did and would in turn, remind you of how wrong you were. How wanted you were. 
“Your body is beautiful. I love each and every curve-” His hands moved to fondle the round globes of your butt. 
“This part especially, is my favorite.” You felt your face heat up, the hairs on your arms rising. Okay, so maybe Jimin did have a bit of a thing for your ass. He squeezed hard and you gasped aloud. Okay, maybe ‘a bit’ was an understatement. Any chance the man got he was sneaking touches or smacking it (loudly) in public. You had to admit it was a turn on. 
He bit down on your shoulder, before running his tongue over the spot. Your hands were shaky as they found his hair, using it as an anchor. 
"You like that don't you? When I touch you here?" His words rumbled in your ear, his palms kneading the plump flesh of your bottom. You wriggled in his grasp, aware of your nakedness. His hips began to move in a circular motion, his erection pressing insistently. You bit your lip to stifle the whine that threatened to come out of your throat, and tugged on Jimin’s hair. 
"Answer me." A sharp stinging rang in the silence, followed by a burning sensation. He'd hit you. Your butt was on fire, no doubt a bright red. A trail of arousal slipped down your leg, seeping through your underwear. 
You lurched forward to escape but Jimin caught you, cupping one of your breasts in its confinement. The fingers of his free hand  ghosted back around to your front, teasing the fabric's elastic. 
"Y/N.." You licked your lips, remembering his question. 
"Y-yes. I do." Your voice was wavering, quiet in its hushed tone. You felt him smile against your skin. 
“Good girl.” He murmured, slipping a finger past the cotton barrier and parting the folds within. A shudder  rippled through you, your knees threatening to lock. Your body was putty, pliable in his hands. The sound of your wetness was loud, the noise meeting your ears almost immediately. 
“Yes, baby?” You could hear the teasing in his voice, and clenched your thighs around his fingers, trapping them as you became undone. 
"Please.." You left the word hanging, knowing that Jimin would understand. The wide expanse of his palm rubbed your already swollen clit, as he began to pump his fingers in and out of you slowly. 
"Please?" He nipped your earlobe and you bucked unconsciously, causing his fingers to slip further into you.  
"More.” Your gasp was desperate, bordering on a beg. You felt the breath of his laugh, testing your patience.
“So greedy.” Jimin growled, the pace of his hand increasing tenfold. You panted in short spurts and clawed at his shoulder before slumping forward onto the mirror, the glass a relief from the high temperature of your body. You felt Jimin shift, before he removed his fingers and gripped the base of your neck. 
“Ohhh look at you. All your curves, your softness. All mine.” The presence of his lips ghosted in the dip of your spine, moving lower. Unsteadiness plagued your frame and you pressed your palms flat against the mirror as support. 
“Look at yourself Y/N. See what I see.” 
“I-I can’t.” Your voice wavered, eyes already beginning to water. 
            “You can. And you will if you want me to continue touching you.” Jimin knew your weakness and was playing on it like a drum. However it was more for your benefit than his own. 
            “I can wait baby. Can you?” Your throbbing core was a reminder that you couldn't. You bit your lip and forced your eyes to meet the reflection. Your face had taken on a dusty rose hue, light but still noticeable. Your hair was wild, curls sticking to the sweaty sheen of your skin. You looked utterly fucked without having been. 
            "Oh.." The noise left your throat unexpectedly. You saw Jimin grin behind you, his tongue flicking out to taste your bare back. 
            "What did I say? Gorgeous." He whispered, both of you staring at one another intensely. You wriggled your behind to remind him of his promise. Jimin's smile grew wider and you heard him mutter a word that sounded like 'greedy', while he quickly pulled down his sweatpants. You couldn't see but your body knew all too well what would follow and prepared itself tenfold. You rubbed your legs together, uncomfortable at all the fabric still in the way. You pressed your forehead to the standing glass, hands shaking in anticipation.            
"You're so good for me baby..so so good." Jimin moaned, the tip of him pressed to your entrance. 
"What are you waiting for hmm? An invita-" You were cut off by his slow pushing, his movement only hindered when he was completely bottomed out, his hips flush to your butt.. 
"Ohh fuck. Shit. I could die happy right here, god how do you still feel this good?" Jimin panted out, throwing his head back, silver hair a sharp contrast to his dark hoodie. A deeper longing for Jimin overcame you and you arched your back and called out his name. He withdrew only to slam back home, pushing your face into the mirror. You would have complained if not for the sharp tingles rushing through your nerves. He pumped into you quickly, his hands gripping your hips for stability. Your mouth puffed out hot air onto the glass, fogging it up almost immediately. You tried to meet Jimin’s thrusts by pushing back onto him and was rewarded with a slap to one of your cheeks. You laughed, breathless and felt the sting of another hit. The heat in your belly flared at once and you bit down on your lip at the feeling. 
“I love getting this view of you Y/N..I love how you fit around me..I-” Jimin’s confession was the breaking point for you, setting you off. A series of high whines spilled from your throat, before you collapsed forward, twitching at the aftershock, while Jimin continued pounding into you, his skin shiny, hair wet. Jimin always lasted longer than you, which was a blessing and a curse. Your legs were starting to grow tired, the creeping of another orgasm building. A whimper fell from your lips when a finger rubbed at the swollen bud between your thighs, forcing a painful pleasure to rise. 
“J-Jimin I-” 
“Come with me baby. I know you can.” Tears rolled down your cheek freely as you tried to focus on the underlying pleasure building once more. You dug your nails into your palms and sucked in a heaping breath, bracing yourself mentally. How could you deny him? 
You tumbled over the edge once more, crying out at the overstimulation. Jimin was right behind you seconds later , twitching and releasing deep inside you, before taking you down to the floor with him. You both heaved in lungfuls of air, you convulsing, and Jimin holding you close. You felt the tension in your worn body slowly ebb away, replaced with the serene feeling of a post orgasm glow. The beat of Jimin’s heart was thunder in your ears, strong and comforting. You buried your face in the heavy fabric of his hoodie and murmured something he couldn’t quite hear. 
“Hmm?” He asked quietly, swirling lazy patterns on your shoulder. You groaned before lifting your face up. 
“I said-remind me to never question you again.” You muttered, brain still foggy. Jimin gazed down at you, a warm look in his eyes. He kissed your forehead, tucking you closer. 
“I would..but where’s the fun in that?” 
Written by Rose
303 notes · View notes
joon-bugs · 5 years
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2K notes · View notes
joon-bugs · 5 years
Such a cutie 😍
177 notes · View notes
joon-bugs · 5 years
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Taehyung is the biggest mood 
11K notes · View notes
joon-bugs · 5 years
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if it’s love, I will love you ♡
6K notes · View notes
joon-bugs · 5 years
I don’t have separate videos of them breathing only hoseok but fuck look at him 👀👀
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joon-bugs · 5 years
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bts favorite brat
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joon-bugs · 5 years
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model babies students 
and then there’s jin
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9K notes · View notes
joon-bugs · 5 years
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~This is a fic that’s been in the making for about two months and I finally got it finished!~ 
“Want to continue the game?” You dug your nail into your palm. Jungkook was gonna get a talking to later. Maybe you should have told Hoseok to leave. That you were tired and had to work the next day. It would have been the smart thing. The safe thing. But a low buzz had already settled in your chest, warming your skin. 
word count: 4,290 
pairing: Hobi/Reader 
genre: smut 
warnings: swearing, multiple orgasms, hair pulling, face riding, intoxication 
“You're up next birthday boy.”
“No way. I swear you skipped your turn Y/N. I'm not that drunk.” You rolled your eyes. Leave it to Jung Hoseok to call you out on your bullshit.
“Damn, I thought I had boozed you up enough.” You took a swig of your half empty beer bottle and scowled. You hated beer. But it was cheap, and you were poor. Hoseok cleared his throat and raised a brow.
“Alright, alright. Fine. I choose..truth.”
“Ugh, lameee. You’re no fun.” Jungkook piped up from the couch. He swung his leg in your direction, attempting to hit you.
“Hey watch it you little shit! Or I’m calling Namjoon and outing your ass.” Jungkook sputtered, almost choking.
“You wouldn’t.”
“You wanna try me?” You held his glare until he sighed, waving his hand dismissively.
“Alright Miss Truth.” He looked thoughtful.
“Done any butt stuff?” You nearly threw your bottle at him.
“Well? You have to answer the question Y/N. It's the gameee.” You opened your mouth to abuse the brat when Hoseok chimed in.
“Yeah Y/N. It's the game.” You turned to look at him and blushed at the playful smirk on his face. Damn him for being so attractive.
You took an absurdly long drink before answering. Jungkook sat up, leaning until he was on the edge of the couch. Oh you were going to get him back for this.
“Yeah. I've done some..butt stuff.” Jungkook fell to the floor laughing, and rolled around until he could catch his breath to wheeze out-
“Oh my god really? I honestly thought you were gonna say no. Holy shit.” He was crying now, wiping  the obnoxious tears from his face. You didn't find it that funny.
“How did it feel?” Jungkook had managed to calm himself down and was pulling himself back onto the couch.
“Well if you must know it felt fucking awful. There wasn't enough lube but he insisted we go for it. I was stupid enough to let him convince me. Never again. End of story.” You finished off the rest of your beer and reached over to grab another one from the side table. You noticed it had grown silent and looked up to see Hoseok and Jungkook staring at you.
“What?” Your skin prickled nervously at the quiet.
“Wow. What a dick. He’s supposed to make you feel good too.”
“You offering Kook? Sounds like you know the area.” You spat out, still a little upset. He scoffed.
“No offense Y/N but that's disgusting and..you're not my type. Maybe Hobi would be so kind. He's got lots of experience from what I've heard.” He nudged the man in question with his elbow, wagging his eyebrows. Your eyes went wide. Hoseok was still for a second then propped his chin on his hand and stuck the tip of his tongue out.
“Well if you want to see how things are done right Y/N, give me a call.”
You squeezed the neck of the new bottle and coughed, disguising your embarrassment. Maybe you'd all had too much to drink.
“Isn't it your turn Jung Hoseok?”
He chuckled, leaning back to rest on his elbows and jutted his chin up, a signal that he was ready.
“Truth or dare?”
“Dare.” Wow. That was quick.
“See? Hobi knows how to have a good time.” Jungkook threw his hands up, flopping onto the cushions with a thud.
You bit the inside of your cheek, thinking over your options. You held a lot of power in that moment and needed to use it wisely.
“I dare you to chug that whole thing.” You gestured to the drink he had barely touched, deciding to play it safe. Steer the conversation away from anything remotely sexual. Alcohol mixed with hormones was like playing with fire. Sure it was hot, but someone was always bound to get burned.
He glanced down at his hand, then back at you. Then a wide grin appeared on his face and his throat was suddenly blessing your vision. Oh shit. So much for it not being sexual. His head was tilted back all the way, the long curve of his neck golden and shining. Was he sweating or was it just your imagination? His adam’s apple bobbed as he gulped and when he was done he wiped the remainder with the back of his hand. A droplet escaped his mouth, glistening as it trailed down his throat. You swallowed, not realizing you were staring until Jungkook reminded the room of his existence.
“Woo! My man!” He clapped Hoseok on the shoulder excitedly, shaking him enthusiastically. Hoseok gave a toothy grin in response, his eyes on you. When had it gotten so hot? Jungkook’s turn went by in the blur, and then it was yours again.
“Alright Y/N. If you don’t choose dare this time I’ll make sure to pick a really embarrassing question.” Jungkook seemed giddy at the idea. Was the last one not embarrassing enough? You really needed to find other people to hang out with. You swiped your sticky palms down your jeans. I’m gonna get you back for this kid.
“Ughh. Dare then.” It couldn’t be that bad. Could it? Jungkook kicked his lips, a wicked glint in his eye. Maybe there was no god. Your muscles tightened, preparing to bolt.
‘Just take it off now girllll, just take it off. Uh. I'm a master baby with your bra.’
The familiar chime of his ring tone had you flinching, your heartbeat thumping loudly in your ears. Jungkook glanced down at his cell and recoiled, jumping up.
“Ahhh shit shit. Its my brother. Oh man.” He paced around the room, taking in deep breaths. Your covered your mouth, holding in your laughter.
“Hey Namjoon. Where am I? Uhh I went out. To the store. For snacks.” He cringed at his own lie and you smiled at his turmoil. You heard the yelling at the other end of the line and saw Jungkook swallow. He was already pulling on his jacket, and glancing at the door. He looked back at you and Hoseok, embarrassment clear on his face. You blew a chaste kiss at him and waved him away, reminding yourself to tease the younger at a later time. No sooner had you done this was the boy gone, whirling out the door with the quickness of a trained athlete. With him he took the light joking atmosphere and you felt immediately uncomfortable.
It wasn’t as if Hoseok was a bad guy. He was originally Jungkook’s friend, the two meeting through their love of dancing. (That and chasing tail.) Being close to Jungkook you were soon introduced to the man in question and had fallen down the dark rabbit hole of attraction. If it was a small interest, you could have easily brushed off how his eyes would linger longer than necessary, or how he would make himself seen when you were around. No, you were hopelessly crushing on Jung Hoseok and couldn’t stop how tense your body got when it was just the two of you. You crossed your legs and  examined the chipped polish on your fingers, trying to avoid any eye contact with the man across from you.
“Hey.” You paused, whipping your head up at his voice. He mimicked your pose, his knees peeking out of the strategically ripped holes of his jeans. Why did his freaking knees have to look good too? You coughed, the dryness of your throat blocking your airway.
“Yeah?” You tried not to make the word a squeak.
“Want to continue the game?” You dug your nail into your palm. Jungkook was gonna get a talking to later. Maybe you should have told Hoseok to leave. That you were tired and had to work the next day. It would have been the smart thing. The safe thing. But a low buzz had already settled in your chest, warming your skin.
“Truth or dare?” Hoseok looked thoughtful, tilting his head.
“Dare.” Maybe it was the alcohol making you brave. Or it could have been the roar of blood pounding in your ears.
“I dare you to take off your shirt.” You weren’t sure if you had really said it out loud, but by the look on Hoseok’s face..you had.
“Huh.” He clucked his tongue, keeping his eyes on yours. This was so stupid. And inappropriate. Now he was gonna think you were a pervert. Great. You shook your head, holding the weighted alcohol bottle in a tight grip.
“Sorry, you don’t have to do that.. I think I’m just a little dru-“ In a flash Hoseok had lifted his arms, his shirt finding its new residence on the floor. Holy moly. You weren’t expecting that. Your face burned at the newly exposed flesh and you pretended to scratch at your eyebrow as an excuse to look away.
“Is this what you wanted?” His voice was lower than you remembered it to be before. You chuckled awkwardly and cleared your throat again, not knowing how to respond.
“My turn now, right?” He filled the silence after a moment and ran his hand through the curtain of hair that framed his face. You followed his movements like a hawk, marveling at how soft his locks looked. How would it feel under your own fingertips? You wondered. You nodded silently, giving him the go ahead. Your heart was loud in your chest, drumming a steady beat in your ears.
“Truth..or dare?” You knew you were walking into dangerous territory now.
“Kiss me.” You blinked owlishly. This was not happening. You had to be dreaming.
“Excuse me?” His face remained impassive. Unchanged.
“Kiss me.” You considered throwing yourself out of the window. But honestly..would kissing your crush be the worst thing in the world? Your eyes gravitated to the deep cupid’s bow of his lips. No. No it wouldn't.
You got onto all fours, making a decision before you could think better of it. You slowly crawled over to where Hoseok sat, trying to avoid staring at his chest for too long. It wouldn’t make what you were doing any easier. His eyes were lidded when you approached, almost closed. And you could hear how measured his breathing was up close. His eyelashes were long, framing his feminine shaped eyes and high cheekbones. For someone so hot he was...pretty.
The lit lamps in the room cast soft shadows on his skin, painting him in tones of muted gold and chocolate browns. It felt really intimate like this, in the silence and closeness of your apartment. Like lovers stealing away into the night. But you knew that you weren’t lovers. You were two almost strangers only brought together by the coincidence of Jungkook. You clenched your jaw and stopped in front of him. This was just a game. Silly. Something to be laughed at later. It was wishful thinking to believe it was anything else. Feeling your body sink into the carpet you sighed quietly, before pushing your upper half forward.
His mouth was pliant, coming alive at your small pressure. They were smooth, sliding over yours as butter would on toast. You hummed, relishing in the pleasant feeling. The lips pressed to yours were surprisingly hesitant in reciprocating however, and you pulled away as that twinge of doubt resurfaced.
Hoseok’s hand shot out to grab your arm, startling you.
“Kiss me again.” He breathed, his exhale puffing onto your face. You licked your lips, savoring the taste of him. Cheap beer mostly, but there was something else there too. Something dark and forbidden.You gripped a patch of carpet, uncaring of how damaged it would become.
“Unless you’re scared.” You floundered, your mouth opening and closing. Hoseok’s fingertips rubbed the crease in your elbow and you let out a shudder, your nerves trembling. Hoseok too was soon on his knees, moving to mimic your position. You were going to remark how it was your turn to ask him but found your body moving by itself.
You placed your hands on his bare shoulder, hoping he wouldn't notice how they were shaking. His fingers traced up your sleeve until they came to rest on the underside of your jaw. You came close to his ear, close enough to touch. You wet your lips.
“Truth or dare Hoseok?” It was a whisper.
“I choose you.”
He tugged you forward, pressing his lips into yours insistently. Your chest came flush with his as he fell back on his knees and you tried not to topple into him. He laughed lightly, adjusting himself until his arms were secure around your waist. You sighed into his mouth, playing with the hairs on the back of his neck. They were as soft as you expected. Hoseok groaned, pulling you down onto his lap so that you were now straddling him. This position brought your crotches level to each other and he took full advantage of this by digging his nails into your hips and grinding his pelvis into yours. Your legs tightened on the side of his and you whimpered, biting his lip to stifle the noise.
“Oh Y/N..I’ve waited so long for this.”
Hoseok’s hand came up to rest on the curve of your back, angling you until his mouth could be latched on your chest. You squeaked at the unexpected wet tongue and gripped his shoulder blades, trying not to completely dig your nails into his skin. Your thin sports bra was no match for the persistence of Hoseok’s tongue and soon the material was soaked from his attentions.
“If your goal is to make this bra completely unwearable then I’d say you were successful.” You laughed breathlessly. He paused to give you a simmering look.
“Glad you finally caught on.” He grinned. Oh. Said bra was off of you quicker than you could comprehend along with your top, with Hoseok clinging to your now bare skin. You bowed your back when he started to suckle a nipple, the vibrations of his humming sending jolts of pleasure to your lower region. The hair along your body prickled, alive at the erotic sensation. You pressed yourself down on his jeans, unable to help that you were basically dry humping him like a cat in heat. The noises you made were sharp and jerky, reflecting your desperation.
“Oh god-Hoseok. Please I-.” He nipped at your collarbone.
“Careful. You’ll make me come in my pants.” You stopped abruptly and gave an apologetic look.
“Sorry.” You muttered, panting.
“Here. I have an idea that will help you unwind. Lay back.” You raised an eyebrow at him. He gave a small smile in return.
“Trust me. It will be better for both of us.” He tilted you back slowly, until you were on the carpet, your legs still wrapped around him. What the hell is he doing? You tried to keep the thought from reflecting on your face.
“Relax. I’m not gonna hurt you.” You swallowed back a twinge of fear, choosing to grip the soft flooring to contain your shaking. Hoseok pressed light kisses down your body until he reached your bottoms. He looked up at you for permission and it was then you finally understand his intentions. You jolted upright and pushed at his shoulders in a panic.
“No no. You um, don’t have to do that.” The sentence fumbled out, your cheeks flaming. Hoseok let out a full bellied laugh then and you just wanted to recede into a hole.
“You really are something Y/N. You’re the first girl I’ve ever met to say they didn’t want to get eaten out. That’s cute.” He shook his head, eyes twinkling in amusement.
“Don’t laugh at me you ass! It’s just-just that no one has ever done that for me before.” You slipped out from under him and curled into a ball, tucking your head into your knees. After a moment you heard Hoseok curse under his breath before you felt a touch on your shoulder. You lifted your head up hesitantly.
"Y/N. Hey. I'm sorry. Really. I was just surprised is all. It’s okay if you don’t have experience with it.” He looked sympathetic and thoughtful.
“Here, maybe this will be easier for you.” He said after a pause. You glanced over at him warily, only to see him lay flat on his back.
“Um..what are you doing?”
“Come here.” He beckoned, waving you to his side with a curl of his fingers. You sighed, rubbing at your eyes and obeyed him before you could think better of it.
“Okay, now what?”  
Hoseok splayed a hand on your thigh, rubbing the cloth material.
“First you gotta get these off.” He smiled, not moving to do so himself, but letting you make the choice. If I do this I’ll be almost completely naked. Your nerves were starting to get the better of you again. You covered your chest self consciously. Hoseok’s face took on a serious expression.
“Y/N. We don’t have to do this. As much as I would nothing more than to have you screaming my name, I’m not gonna force you into anything.” The sincerity in his voice made you feel like an ass for thinking badly of him and you nodded your head before slowly slipping off your pants. You glanced at him to see his attention fully on you. With shaky hands you made to remove your simple panties when Hoseok protested.
“Leave those on actually. Just put your legs on either side of my head.”
“Umm what the hell?” You hadn’t meant to say that aloud.
Hoseok rolled his eyes before pulling you on his chest. The skin to skin contact made you gasp and you braced yourself on his pecs, feeling lightheaded. Hoseok's large hands roamed up the back of your thighs, urging them into position around his head, his eyes black and shining. This was beyond strange to you. It seemed..rude to have your vagina so close to someone’s face.
“Relax baby.” Your muscles clenched at the nickname. You felt the probing of a finger around your pantyline and could feel the sharp inhale of air from the man underneath you.
“Mmm you have no idea how good you smell Y/N. I’ll have to thank Jungkook later for inviting me.” At the mention of the kid you scoffed but the noise turned into a shuddering gasp when Hoseok moved your underwear to the side and flattened his tongue to swipe along your folds. You nearly fell over but caught yourself by grabbing onto Hoseok’s hair. He repeated the action, eliciting a moan from your lips.
“Not so bad is it?” He asked when he came up for air. You quickly shook your head, not able to form a response. You pushed your pelvis down on his tongue, riding the wet digit as his fingers dug into the meat of your behind.
"Oh Hoseok...oh god."
He hummed, holding you closer to his face, not letting up until your legs began to shake. Your body was pulsing, alive and burning. You rotated your hips, letting out a squeal when Hoseok gave attention to your clit. You yanked hard on his scalp until he gave a short shout.
"Sorry, sorry. I got carried away." He let out a breathless laugh, massaging the outside of your thighs.
"Its okay Y/N. I don't mind a little pain." He winked, before flicking his tongue out, resuming his attentions. You rocked against him, moaning in high pitched whines, feeling a familiar stirring below until you could take no more.
           "Oh ah-ah! I think I'm gonna-"
"Come all over my face Y/N." His voice was husky, the demand giving you the push you needed to tumble over the edge. You screwed your eyes shut, mouth open soundlessly as your hips chased the electric tingling coursing through you. You felt your release slick down your thighs, and shuddered violently as Hoseok lapped it up reverently.
Soon his touch became too much however, and you weakly rolled off of him, your body jelly on the floor. Your chest heaved and you briefly wondered how you had never done anything like this before. You felt in a way, cheated.
A shadow passed over your face then  and you glanced up to see a grinning Hoseok, his chin glistening. Mother of God. He ran his tongue over his mouth, collecting the remaining juices, before placing a light peck to your lips.
"You still alive?" He laughed at your disheveled state.
"Just get down here and kiss me again." You grabbed him by his shoulder, satisfied when he was tightly pressed against you. You were both panting, pawing at every inch of skin until Hoseok pulled away to fumble with the button of his jeans. He seemed to struggle with the material, from nerves or drunkenness you couldn't tell. He cursed under his breath after a third attempt, frustration evident in the heavy breaths.
"Here let me." You deftly undid the clasp of his pants, surprised at the steadiness of your hands. Hoseok seemed sheepish, not looking at you when he tugged the item down his lean legs. You sat transfixed, watching as his boxer briefs came into view, the front bulging. Well shit.
You were both now in only your underwear and stared at each other in silence. You swallowed loudly and flicked your eyes down to the mass before you, both intimidated and aroused. You could tell he was big, the tent in his boxer briefs leaving nothing to the imagination. You reached for them but was stopped by Hoseok. He cleared his throat but his sentence still came out hoarse.
“Another time, Y/N. I just...want to be inside you. If uh, you still want to.” He quickly added, scratching his head with his free hand. You smiled at his thoughtfulness, and leaned back to mimic his position earlier.
“I’m all yours.”
Teeth clashed together in a frenzy, tongues teasing and tasting sweaty skin. Remaining undergarments were ripped off, hands only briefly exploring before impatience got the better of you two. Hoseok held himself in his hands, and suddenly rubbed the tip on your clit, shocking you enough for a thought to cross your lust clouded brain.
“Hey Hoseok, do you have any protection?” It came out almost incomprehensible you were breathing so hard.
"Ah shit. Yeah I do. Sorry I almost forgot." He patted the area around him with one hand, still holding himself in the other. His dick was stiff and bright red, leaking already. Curiously you swiped the top of it, hearing a loud hiss  from Hoseok.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." He swore, finding the condom in the back of his jeans and ripping it open with his teeth. He rolled it down on himself in one fluid move before he slid between your legs, fitting himself in the v shape. He stared at the inviting image of you for a moment before using a hand to grasp your hip.
"Can I-?"
As if he needed any more permission.
"God yes."
He entered you fast and you flinched, the stretch instantly painful.
"My bad my bad, here I'll be gentler." He promised, pulling out and pushing back in at a much more comfortable pace. He stopped when his hips were flush with your thighs and took in a shuddering breath. He waited approximately five seconds until he began to thrust sharply, causing your body to slide up and down the shaggy floor. What an embarrassing way to get rug burn. You thought, reaching for Hoseok to ground yourself. He got the hint and intertwined one of your hands with his own, leaving the other to control his movements.
He wasn't overly thick but he was long, reaching places deep inside you that soon had tears springing to your eyes.
"Are you-ah, okay Y/N?" He'd noticed your emotional reaction and slowed.
"Ye-yes! Don't stop. Don't stop please!" You arched your back, shutting your eyes against the red hot sensations burning through you. You clawed at the carpet, feeling your stomach twist and your toes curl. You were already sensitive from your previous orgasm and a second one was coming fast. ��You threw your head to the side, feeling utterly taken and oh so wanted.
Hoseok’s body stuttered then and his hips started to lose their rhythm.
"I don't know how much longer I'll last up here. I was already hard at the thought of seeing you tonight and then we kissed and-ugh you're so hot and wet. I just want to stay inside you forever." He was gasping, his words tumbling out in a slur, sweat caked on his tanned skin.
" I-I want to see you come again." Hoseok said suddenly, and you felt him rubbing erratically at your engorged clit.
You fell apart at his touch, bucking to meet the pleasure as your rode out your second high, only noticing that your partner was finished when he gave out a yell and was on top of you. You held him close, ignoring the twitching of your muscles in favor of burying your nose in his hair. Hoseok sighed and nuzzled your neck before pulling out of you and discarding the used rubber. He flopped down on the couch and waved you over, which you obeyed happily. You lay your head on his chest and listened to the strong thumping of his heart, wondering where in the hell you two would go from there. His fingers played in the curve of your back and you shuddered. You decided that maybe that thought could wait. 
Written by Rose 
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joon-bugs · 5 years
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~For all my fellow long haired Tae enthusiasts~ 
“I’ve noticed how much you enjoy playing with it Y/N. Even pulling it.” He had caught you, found out your little secret. It was evident in the sparkle of his eyes and the tilt of his mouth. Teeth scraped your skin gently and you jumped, the thumping of your blood loud, so loud you thought Taehyung could hear. 
word count: 1,913
pairing: Taehyung/Reader
genre: smut 
warnings: swearing, praising, hair pulling, dirty talk, oral (f receiving), handjobs, couch staining 
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