#tmnt mutant explosion
iwasborn4this-art · 1 year
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dustyverse donnie and venus are making the rounds and wishing people luck on the iteration poll!!!
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they totally got this @whatinthefuckingninjaturtles
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kathaynesart · 3 months
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It is done! I feel both like I spent far too much time on this update yet not nearly enough. Some poses are a bit stiff but hopefully the battle itself still reads. I know not much progress was made plot wise, but trust me, there’s a few things in here that are going to become very important much later on in the story.
Leo’s Ninpo: The keen reader might recognize that a number of Leo’s attacks are ones he picked up from Gram Gram, but with a bit of that added portal flair. I really wanted to push the boundaries of where he takes his skills, but stay true to the belief that rather than becoming a heavy hitting powerhouse like his brothers, his strength lies in his ability to calculate and react on the fly. I also wanted to give some level of limitation to each of their gifts. For Leo, it’s less the number of portals he creates that exhaust him, but rather the size and amount of energy that passes through these portals and his ability to keep them stable during the transaction. He has also become much better at keeping his portals well protected (so that portal pirates can not interfere or rather, so that the pirates aren’t killed by stray laser beams rushing through). As far as the Portal Choppers, we’ll be coming back to those and how they work later on in the story…
As always, thank you for your patience, hopefully the next one won’t take as long to create haha.
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idiot-mushroom · 1 month
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they are besties, to me
venus on the right belongs to @phykoha
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seaghosst · 6 months
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ugh so very unhappy with this but idc i need it OUT OF MY BRAIN!! i’ll remake it later maybe
I have this au in my head where leo gets sent to neo edo after the kraang invasion cause portal stuff was happening in both worlds at the same time (mikey saving leo nd yuichi springing the trap) . shenanigans ensue. aka the unforeseen consequences of opening and closing inter dimensional portals at the same time
follow up here!
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sailorrdee · 2 years
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I wanted to test out their shell designs, and I am super happy with them!
This au was really well-received, especially on my Instagram and Twitter, so this drawing is also a thank you! :D 
Also, don’t worry, I see your asks piling up, and I swear I’m gonna answer them!! 
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renae-the-turtle · 12 days
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still playing around on krita but it's midnight now so i'm going to bed after i post this.
anyway, i had fun on this one! put a bit more effort into the drawing, and did some fun lighting!!! hehehehehehe explosion.
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faniestart · 29 days
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bella-studio · 2 years
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glytchedmuffins · 7 months
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Mr. "Has no idea what lab safety is"
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iwasborn4this-art · 1 year
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mutant explosion doodle n sketches dump in honor of my children getting into @whatinthefuckingninjaturtles
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ghostingink · 9 months
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Did this for @/coffeecoreee’s dtiys on twitter but I really like it and wanted to post it here
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idiot-mushroom · 1 year
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i love him so much ❤️
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bucketofbugz · 1 year
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Dannie ain't having this today
i will spread my Donnie and Raph closest siblings propaganda on ALL of my aus you cant stop me they're mine ❤️
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Winter-Themed Ask Game Pairing: Mikey/Karai Version: 2012 Cartoon Emoticon: ⛄
:) Feed me headcanons about my rare pair? :) * opens mouth like a baby bird * :O
Mikey definitely likes to snuggle up under Karai’s snakes length a whole bunch, pulling Karai's coils around him like a living blanket. She pretends to complain, but she likes the feeling of wrapping around him, and he also gives really good scritches, which is nice. When Mikey’s in a fight with his siblings he will hide there and she happily gaslight them about it while he smirks through a gap in her coils. 
They bond over cooking, particularly Japanese dishes that Karai remembers from home; she likes eating familiar foods and Mikey likes the chance to reconnect with his culture of origin. Karai never really had much of an opportunity to cook growing up--Shredder always told her it was "beneath her" or some such classist shit--but she discovers she actually has a knack for it. She's slowly growing to feel more comfortable with her weight and the possibly of gaining a few pounds, which Shredder had been a dick about in her youth.
They have a shared aptitude for chaos, even though Mikey's better at hiding it. There's something so soothing about knocking off a long day with a bit of destruction and light criminal behavior. Mikey's been helping Karai with her "who, me?" look while she gives him tips on his triumphant smirk.
Karai will eat anything Mikey cooks. Anything. Even if his most bizarre, alarming, ridiculous concoctions. She will pound his beef with jelly beans and peppers down like a motherfucker will look her incredulous clan members dead in the eyes. After eating garbage and live animals, she doesn’t even flinch.
She’ll pick him up and tuck him under her arm like a package in snake form if she feels like it. Mikey absolutely loves it; it’s one of his great joys in life to be slung around in a basketball, and if Karai’s in a generous mood he gets a free ride during long walks.
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emi-pello · 1 year
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So I'm back into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles again after like 8 years of not drawing or watching that much TMNT content.
Got into it again because my partner @lavs-odds-and-sods mentioned they had only watched the fight scene between Leo and Raph from the 2007 TMNT movie. So not long after that we decided to watch that movie together and the 2012 show after (on season 3 so far)😂
And to the drawing itself. This turtle is my sona Maximus (they/them/he/him)
They are inspired by how I tend to act when I play Red dead online. Maximus here loves explosives a little bit too much and have to count on their partner DC to patch him up when an explosion goes wrong.
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shironezuninja · 2 years
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I need to gather more data before I rant in my captions.
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