tinkerbitch69 · 6 days
Just watched Abigail and it’s kind of a sleeper hit. At least for me. The movie manages to combine the best kinds of suspense you get in both horror and heist films and even manages to flesh out a surprisingly likeable main cast to get munched on. Seriously builds a great atmosphere of paranoia, suspicion and mistrust all through the film. If it sounds like you’re thing I’d highly recommend checking it out. Was not expecting it to have such a good time and I’ll sing this film’s praise if no one else will lol.
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tinkerbitch69 · 2 months
The worst part of being trans on an English course is listening to people give Harry Potter a verbal tongue bath cuz it’s an ‘amazing and well crafted piece of literature’ prefaced of course by a completely vapid ‘fuck JK Rowling’ to show they are in fact… An AllyTM
But if you dissent from the popular opinion of 20 somethings who stubbornly refuse to move on from their childhood obsession or take off their nostalgia glasses and you dare to argue that actually on just about every level Harry Potter is kind of boring, uninventive and thoroughly uncompelling as anything other than indulgent wish fulfilment?
Then they look at you like you just spat in their face.
Anyway Fuck JKR AND Harry Potter! No death of the authoring your way out of this one 😒
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tinkerbitch69 · 7 days
The struggles of being a closeted trans woman in a writing class:
Teacher to me (visibly AMAB): I think you should rework the last scene. I think the female character gets too emotional. It’s too stereotypical, women don’t really act that.
5 seconds later…
Teacher to other student (visibly AFAB): I think you’re character (female) should be more emotionally intuitive. Maybe she asks her (other female character) if she’s ok ‘cause she’s clearly distressed.
For context my character was being coerced into a the position of condoning the murder of the first sentient android and absolving the cyberpunk corporation that created it of any ethical responsibility. She was (understandably) pissed off, upset, concerned for the android and even a little scared about what they may do to her for refusing to cooperate. She had also just had her worldview entirely shattered as she had built her whole career on arguing that A.I could never achieve consciousness. Suffice to say she was a little shaken up emotionally speaking. The character in the other script was just walking in on another student looking a little down in their uni dorms. (No hate to that writer, they’re very good)
Seriously maybe instead of saying ‘oh it’s too stereotypical’ for female characters to act emotional, we stop reinforcing the societal pressure to suppress our emotions and let characters (and people!) express intense emotional reactions??? Especially in intense emotional situations!!! HOW ABOUT THAT HUH???
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tinkerbitch69 · 3 months
I finished binging yellowjackets and I would just like to clear the air and announce that this is 100% a Lottie Matthew’s apologia blog now, if you take any issues with that you know where the door is
Thank you 💛
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tinkerbitch69 · 4 months
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I enjoyed flux.
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tinkerbitch69 · 4 months
To anyone who believes transmisogyny does not exist, the transphobes in my flat refer to trans men appropriately but refer to trans women exclusively as tr***ys.
They show trans men respect, complimenting them on their masculine traits whereas they regularly demean trans women, treating them as sex objects at best or freaks worthy of ridicule at worst.
Even when admitting they are attracted to a particular trans woman, they do so with a tone of shame and disgust. Meanwhile if a trans man can live up to their preconceived notion of masculinity, he is celebrated and admired by these same people.
This is not meant as attack on trans men or an attempt to belittle their struggles but an attempt to shown how trans women are explicitly targeted for being women as well as trans. They are seen as ‘shameful’ because to a patriarchal society nothing is more shameful than to reject its vaunted masculinity; its highest ideal.
To ‘choose’ womanhood, as they see it, is abhorrent. Especially when that womanhood is incongruent with how they define it. But to ‘choose’ masculinity is only natural. When trans men ‘choose’ masculinty, all the patriarchy hears is that it is right.
But trans men are men. They don’t ‘choose’ their masculinity and should not be ashamed of it. However, masculinity comes with privileges which are not enjoyed by trans women.
And that is the very essence of misogyny.
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