#time and time again . . ( musings )
the-upper-shelf · 4 months
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"The intruder"
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khickuwa · 1 year
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a momentary respite.
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nothatsmi · 7 months
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This shit impacted me dearly. Lets say Andrew and I share some demons. I absolutely love the slow way Andrew manages to let his guard fall around Neil, how the trust grows between them, how Neil listens and care for him so much. It makes all the difference.
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Here's the Museless version, cause I honestly like both..
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acommonanomaly · 2 months
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I realized I haven't drawn Essek yet and that is just unforgivable here have some floaty hot boi
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septemberkisses · 6 months
this past year the most important lesson that i learnt was that there's literally no need to play cool, or act as if you don't care in order to please people. instead, it's so so so important to be insane and passionate and intense, and to be loud in your existence; and whoever sticks around is meant for <3
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ride-a-dromedary · 16 days
You ever just think about Halsin and Thaniel meeting for the first time and get all choked up because I do.
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kkildeer · 2 months
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what do you mean. mom what do you mean
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lgbtlunaverse · 10 months
I have been thinking on the nature of mdzs as a deliberately vague text that leaves many things up to interpretation, and how i've slowly come to understand "up for interpretation" less as "there is One True version of this story i must find" and not even as " Everyone has a different One True Version of this story inside their head be based on their interpretations and the differences don't make one wrong and the other right" but as "There is no One True Version. Even in my own subjective interpretation of the text multiple things can be true at once" specifically, in regard to Jin Guangyao and the many things which are left up in the air as to whether he did them or not, most notably killing his son.
There's evidence for this, but it's non conclusuve (jgy saying he killed him while also saying he killed Qin Su, who very much killed herself. The speculations on how he'd have killed him being sect leader yao just saying shit. ) it is, esentially, just up in the air enough that if you decisively fall on one side of the debate is probably says more about you and your general opinion of jgy than it does about the "true" events of canon.
I have, as a proud apologist, always fallen on the "he didn't kill him but felt in some way responsible for his death." Side but recently have become more okay with the interpretation that maybe he DID kill him, and that at the very least, that when he tells Qin Su their son "needed to die" he is being genuine. Which, once you look at it beyond. "Is jgy a poor lil meow meow who it is Okay to Like or an irredeemable baby murderer" becomes both INCREDIBLY tragic and deeply interesting. Because here is a man condemned for who his parents were and who wants nothing more than to live, saying that it is possible to be so cursed by your heritage that you need to die. There is no existence for you. The exact same thing that has been said to him.
Of course being born out of wedlock to a sex worker and being a product of incest are different things, but that begs the question: where is the line? What crimes of the father can mean death for the son? How cursed can you be until your existence is so incompatible with society it is you who needs to give? And if there is... where is it? Qin su clearly thought she was past it. Was his son really past it? Is he?
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morsesnotes · 6 months
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Mr. Booth, my neighbor in Leamington, said he called you.
Endeavour | Muse
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alvindraperzzz · 1 year
Thinking about everything that happened before and after Kon’s death… Is it any wonder Cassie was sucked into a cult? Cults prey on vulnerable people, and that period had Cassie at her most grief stricken and isolated. In a very short period of time, Cassie’s support system collapsed.
She was already on rocky ground with her mother going into the Crisis after the revelation of her father’s true identity.
The Amazons were massacred by the OMACs, and the survivors abandoned the mortal plane entirely.
Then Kon died. 
Infinite Crisis was a clusterfuck. A lot of heroes either died or went missing (and were thought to be dead), including several of Cassie’s friends and mentors. A lot of teams, including the Teen Titans, were left floundering in the aftermath.
Bart disappeared, and reappeared completely grown up.
Diana went AWOL
Tim went AWOL
A lot of traumatic, horrible things happened in quick succession, and she lost a lot of people close to her. Cassie had nothing and nobody to catch her when she fell. A cult promising to bring back one of her loved ones? In a world where resurrection is proven possible? Yeah, it’s not that surprising.
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
I should've been sleeping before my flight but instead I drew Seb as Antinous :D
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Reference + Commentary:
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But seriously I spent like an hour obsessing over statues of Antinous just thinking; "holy fuck, he reminds me so much of Seb???"
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Big, pretty eyes? Check. Magnificent curls? Check. Beautiful side profile? Check. Etc etc.
I read this description of a statue and was instantly struck with "this is so Seb.":
"The body and face of this sculpture are in idealized youth, with plump cheeks and round face, and his hair is usually unkempt. Antinous's hair has also been described as artificial looking, even wig-like, because of how similar the placement of his hair is across statues. His youthful appearance, large eyes, pouting lips, and layered locks of hair over his forehead are some of the iconography that can be used to identify him"(x)
Also which AU of mine is this hmmm. It can be either the Renaissance Muse AU(x) or the random Roman Caesar Fernando AU(x) I drew it with the latter in mind(bcs its basis is literally just Hadrian and Antinous), but it's fun to imagine the Martian version as well!! Maybe an AU of an AU, where Mark is Pygmalion, and Seb is Galatea 🤭🤭
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Something I appreciate about amphibia is that they do have very strong character designs and archetypes working for them, but their characters don't feel like stock ideas or concepts. I think it's very easy to fall into tropes, like the Lovable Nerd, or the Mean Cheerleader, etc, but Amphibia's great strength to me is the fact it plays humanity (quality) very straight. Everyone is just kind of a person. Most of the characters have control issues specifically, which is why their themes and lessons tie into each other so well
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softceleste · 2 months
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Christopher Briney and Suki Waterhouse in Dalíland (2022)
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woodblxssomcrowned · 5 days
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@imaginarianisms Traditional Clan garb + MMMMMMMM the senju-uchiha kids & the senju-uzumaki kids mayhaps??
meme (Please read meme instructions)
A bunch of sort-of Senju in Senju hakama.
It is sketchy and messy and not my best work by any means because I feared that if I put more time into it I would get overwhelmed and never finish it at all :')
I hope you like it tho
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vaguely-concerned · 9 months
I am so mad about how desperately into pan I am. he was specifically made to fuck me up. they dangled him in front of me like 'hey would you like to see a sad clown trickster with emotional intimacy issues and a heart of, if not gold, then some mysterious alloy with qualities not at all unlike those of gold at the end of the day?' and I went 'boy would I!' and now I'm lost. I'm on my knees he's like if reyes vidal was actually redeemable instead of just a 'release my man he did do all of that but I don't care' situation
#the way he seems so genuinely *delighted* by grace finding her voice and wants her to be able to make her music again#even when she's not the muse anymore............ what the fuck that is the sweetest thing I've ever heard in my LIFE dude#low-key grace's biggest fan musically at least fhsajkd#stray gods#stray gods pan#(this is not a slam on reyes btw the fact that he's unconscionable is part of the appeal in that specific case lol)#I went into the game mostly blind and from what I had seen I fully intended to romance freddie#and then... this bitch shows up for literally one song and I have to restart the whole thing before I even get to challenging a queen#because I now desire the goat guy carnally and I want to duet with him for the rest of forever thank u#also I don't think I can ever not romance him now seeing the contrast between what he gets up to in the endings#what do you MEAN if you don't romance him he just goes off and no one knows where he is. he's still just so alone??? no not on my watch#(if freddie is dead ( :( ) and you romance him there's an *adorable* part in the epilogue where he tells you hekate has him running around#getting lost relics back in a series of distinctly indiana jones-esque misadventures and it sounds like he's having the time of his life#if this is what it takes for him to actually talk to his family without anyone being complete dicks about it I must solemnly accept#the terrible burden of kissing him on every single run through of this game. it cannot be helped it's out of my hands now)
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ride-a-dromedary · 8 months
Again I know it's supposed to be a haha reference to the turns into a bear when he's too aroused thing, but in again refusing to brush just over the surface of this character: "I must be careful or I'll lose run of myself again. An Archdruid should show *some* restraint." comes across to me as more melancholy than perhaps intended when a. You take it into consideration that several lines imply that Halsin has issues with self control and self servitude, and presenting an "acceptable" version of himself as an outwards facing authority figure, to the point where he brushes over his own feelings, or pushes things that he wants down in the effort to reflect better what others want from him.
And b. Remember that Halsin was essentially just an apprentice when he was forcibly situationally promoted to Archdruid - he wasn't taught *how* to be an Archdruid or trained for it, or mentored; he was thrust into it because they didn't have any other choice. But they needed someone, so he stepped up. Halsin has spent the last century studying and learning things on the fly or through trial and error, and in a position of leadership like that, he is aware that every failure to uphold that mask *counts* and others *are* very much affected. How many times has he muttered that same mantra? Or heard it thrown around? An Archdruid not having control over their own magic is a big deal. Even when he is no longer Archdruid, he still grumbles it to himself. He's been at it over a century and he *still* doesn't feel like he's gotten it right. Even when he is in a place of progression, of trying to gain hold of himself again, those wisps of failure and self doubt still creep into everything. And that's sad to me.
#BG3 Musing#Halsin Posting#haha funny line in response to saucy line that man is about to go feral ooh se- HEY TRAUMA#it's like a med student being promoted to the head of emergency#or an admin assistant suddenly being put in a ceo role#like i know it's a meme scene!! but halsin sounds *humilated* when he accidentally wildshapes during his romance scene#he sounds flustered and embarrassed and is so quickly launching off excuses with a tone that indicates *he thinks it's over*#like he fucked up he fucked this up just when he was *starting* to come into himself again and it never stops#i keep thinking of that one lyric from big thief 'i can't find surrender/and i can't keep control'#and again i'm reading too deep into it but halsin's struggle with failure really is embedded here you just have to...like listen to him#Even when he *says* that there's little point in denying oneself#he does it literally all the time - he did it for a *century*#and i'm not saying he doesn't have fun or not enjoy things but he cuts himself off so early at the root#or buries himself so thoroughly in a self indulgence until it wrecks him and neither of these things are healthy#note that he says as long as others aren't affected - he doesn't say as long as i'm not affecting *myself*#anyway i'm unwell#maybe i was never meant to be archdruid - you weren't! you were meant to protect nature's spirit and roam with the wilds#and yet he still did the best he could and people *admire* him and followed him but he may never come to see it that way#you ruined a perfectly good wood elf - look it's got trauma and anxiety (and larian turned him into a meme and i won't forgive them)
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