Hi. I'm going to send this ask to more than one blog because I want to check if I get different types of answers. (Please make sure this ask is anonymous) Do you have any advices for plurals how to clean / tidy your room/house and manage to not make it messy again? Important: nay tips for how to not regret getting rid of items you think aren't important now but still be able to get rid of many items to finally make your house clean?
Hello, this is an excellent question. Maintaining a clean living space can genuinely help improve and maintain positive mental health, but it can be challenging keeping up with these things as a system. We certainly do not keep our own home totally spotless, but here’s how we go about keeping our living space clean.
1) Chore Chart
We’ve made a list of all the chores we’d ideally like to get done, and assigned one or two chores to each day of the week. We’ll put a big chore list at the bottom of this post under a cut, so you can get some sort of idea about the amount of chores your system might need to do in order to keep your space tidy. Our own chore chart is written on a whiteboard left in our kitchen so we can see it every day.
2) Checklists
Many parts of our system are incredibly motivated by checklists. It feels amazing and productive to be able to check things off as you accomplish tasks. Individual chores can even be broken down into multiple steps so you can have more items to check off, if you’d like. Our chore chart mentioned above is in a checklist format, so parts can cross things off the list as they do them. If your system feels like a checklist might be useful, we cannot stress enough how incorporating a checklist into your routine might be beneficial.
3) Putting things away
This one is tough, particularly for the littles in our system, but putting things away when you’re done using them can have a huge impact on keeping your space clean. Things like:
- Hanging up coats and putting away shoes when you take them off
- Keeping dirty clothes in a bin or hamper
- Returning toys/art supplies/electronics/etc. to where they belong after using them
- Taking dishes, cups, and silverware to the sink/kitchen after eating or drinking
- Throwing away empty wrappers, broken things, and other trash items as you encounter them
And so on. This may be a difficult habit to get into, but if a few of your members who front in your home can commit to keeping this up, your whole system will start to feel the differences.
4) Divvying tasks
In all honesty, our system has a chores part who handles most of our housework. Soft likes it and it works for fluff. However, not every system has a specific headmate who handles or wants to complete domestic tasks. So dividing responsibilities among the willing members of your system can lighten everyone’s workload a bit. You can try making different charts or checklists for different headmates, or include those who want/are able to help out on any sort of chore chart or list you create.
Now, when it comes to getting rid of items… our system is POSIC, and can establish connections and relationships with all sorts of items which can make getting rid of them challenging. Still, this is a necessary part of life. Some things that have more or less worked for us are:
We’re not big minimalists, but we like Marie Kondo’s advice when it comes to getting rid of things to ask yourself: what sparks joy? If an item doesn’t spark joy for yourself or your headmates, consider getting rid of it. We like the idea of thanking the item for its service before letting it go.
We also have one alter who likes to take pictures of things before we get rid of them. Pup then makes little edits of them, pasting little digital stickers, and for us it works as a good way to keep items in our memory without keeping them around physically. This may be weird, but it works for us, so we thought might as well include it.
Also, donating items to thrift stores or charity causes may be easier and more fulfilling than flat-out throwing them away. In this way, you’re parting with items that can still find a good home with someone who could get more use out of it, and not sending a once treasured object off to a landfill.
Goodness, this post got quite long. We’ll go ahead and call it here so it doesn’t get even more carried away. We do hope that something here will be useful for your system. Good luck with keeping your home tidy in the future!
And here is a list of chores that might help you get a feel for how to create your own chore chart:
- Doing dishes
- Wiping countertops
- Scrubbing the sink
- Cleaning out the fridge and/or pantry
- Doing meal prep
- Making the bed
- Doing laundry (step one: gather clothes, step two: wash them, step three: dry them, step four: fold them, step five: put them away)
- Washing and changing out bedsheets
- Scrubbing the toilet
- Scrubbing the sink
- Scrubbing the shower or bathtub
- Washing the mirror
Misc/Any Room
- Sweeping
- Vacuuming
- Dusting
- Mopping
- Washing windows
- Putting away anything that isn’t where it belongs
We hope you and your system can brainstorm to figure out what chores will benefit your home life best. Again, good luck with your endeavors to maintain a clean space going forward!
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positivegreenford · 2 years
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I can't remember the last time I saw a sign telling me to keep off the grass but there aren't many companies left in Greenford that have lawns maintained to this standard or that haven't built on the whole of their site. Oldfield Lane North, Greenford, London Borough of Ealing, London, UK, June 2022. #rules #tidiness #Greenford #LondonBoroughofEaling #London #UK #June2022 #suburbs #suburban #suburbia #photography
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wachinyeya · 5 months
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cleanlinessexpert · 6 months
The Psychology of Tidiness
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phonemantra-blog · 7 months
Benefits of Manscaping Manscaping, a term that refers to the grooming and maintenance of body hair in men, has gained popularity in recent years. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the benefits associated with manscaping. By exploring the advantages of this grooming practice, we hope to highlight why it has become a significant aspect of personal hygiene and self-care for many individuals. Improved Hygiene Manscaping plays a vital role in improving overall hygiene. By removing excess body hair, particularly in areas such as the underarms, groin, and back, men can effectively reduce sweat and odor. These areas are prone to excessive sweating, which can lead to the growth of bacteria and unpleasant odors. Regular manscaping helps to combat these issues, leaving you feeling fresh and confident throughout the day. Enhanced Comfort One of the key benefits of manscaping is the enhanced comfort it provides. By trimming or removing hair in sensitive areas, such as the groin and buttocks, men can experience reduced friction and irritation. This can be especially beneficial for athletes or individuals who engage in physical activities, as it minimizes discomfort caused by chafing. Additionally, manscaping can contribute to a smoother and more enjoyable intimate experience. Improved Appearance Manscaping can greatly enhance your overall appearance. By grooming body hair, you can achieve a more polished and refined look. Well-maintained body hair can accentuate your physique, making you feel more confident and attractive. Whether you prefer a clean-shaven look or a neatly trimmed style, manscaping allows you to personalize your grooming routine according to your preferences. Boost in Self-Confidence Regular manscaping can significantly boost self-confidence. When you feel good about your appearance, it positively impacts your self-esteem and how you present yourself to the world. Manscaping helps you feel more comfortable in your skin, allowing you to embrace your body with confidence and pride. This increased self-assurance can have a profound effect on various aspects of your life, including personal relationships and professional endeavors. Improved Skin Health Manscaping promotes better skin health by preventing the accumulation of dead skin cells, dirt, and bacteria. Shaving or trimming body hair can help exfoliate the skin, leading to a smoother and healthier complexion. It also reduces the risk of ingrown hairs, which can cause irritation and discomfort. By practicing regular manscaping, you can maintain cleaner and healthier skin, minimizing the chances of skin-related issues. [caption id="attachment_81433" align="aligncenter" width="1920"] benefits of manscaping[/caption] Manscaping offers numerous benefits, ranging from improved hygiene and comfort to enhanced appearance and self-confidence. By taking the time to groom and maintain your body hair, you can enjoy a range of advantages that contribute to your overall well-being. Remember to personalize your manscaping routine according to your preferences and always prioritize proper hygiene practices. Embrace the benefits of manscaping and experience the positive impact it can have on your life. Frequently Asked Questions about the Benefits of Manscaping 1. What is manscaping? Manscaping refers to the grooming and maintenance of body hair, particularly in the genital area, for men. 2. Why should I consider manscaping? Manscaping offers several benefits, including improved hygiene, enhanced appearance, and increased comfort. 3. Does manscaping reduce body odor? Yes, by removing excess hair, manscaping can help reduce body odor as hair tends to trap sweat and bacteria. 4. Can manscaping improve intimate experiences? Absolutely! Manscaping can increase sensitivity and pleasure during intimate moments by reducing friction and enhancing stimulation. 5. Does manscaping help with hygiene? Yes, manscaping promotes better hygiene as it reduces the chances of bacterial growth and makes cleaning easier. 6. Will manscaping make me look more attractive? Manscaping can enhance your physical appearance by providing a cleaner, more groomed look, which many find attractive. 7. Is manscaping only for athletes or bodybuilders? No, manscaping is for any man who wants to groom and maintain their body hair, regardless of their profession or lifestyle. 8. Does manscaping help with itching and irritation? Yes, by trimming or removing excess hair, manscaping can reduce itching and irritation caused by sweat and friction. 9. Can manscaping help prevent ingrown hairs? Absolutely! Proper manscaping techniques can significantly reduce the occurrence of ingrown hairs in the pubic region. 10. Is manscaping a long-term solution? Manscaping requires regular maintenance, but with proper care, it can provide long-term benefits for hygiene, comfort, and appearance.
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khayalli · 3 months
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I'm Dubbing today as Mikey day, actually, so here's some tactical-esque Mikey. He's fun!!!! He's a fun guy to draw!!!
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rongzhi · 6 months
A winter reminder
English added by me :)
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bopinion · 1 year
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Classic misunderstandings
Childish behavior is only for children
Someone must have a plan
By "soon" everyone means the same
Freedom and democracy are guaranteed
Believing a woman claiming that "nothing is wrong"
Hearing and listening are basically identical
There will be salvation
There is a fixed standard for tidiness
"No" can mean something else than "No"
Going naked to a gender reveal party.
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dallycatstrike · 1 month
big boys in undies 🔥🔥🔥
Yes I was watching myself 😛 been posting daily belly on instagram ~ dallycatstrike
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oh-wow-im-still-here · 2 months
Luo Binghe pov fics that have him be amused or confounded by his silly shizun are the best actually. I know his rose tinted glasses of affection are basically opaque, but you cannot tell me the silly goofy wackiness that is shen yuan does not peak through and throw binghe off his rhythm at times. During his disciple days he definitely thought "he's so smart and yet so dumb at the same time. Is anyone gonna take care of him?" And didnt wait for an answer.
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sailorstarfire · 3 months
Grian Learns American History: A Story in Two Parts
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niceusername · 1 year
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Chainsaw man ch. 119 leaked ((NOT CLICKBAIT))
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rocktheholygrail · 3 months
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1x10 || 2x12
#excuse you mason #only WILL is allowed to sit there
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clouvu · 7 months
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Offering lil doodles of them bc my eyes have been opened
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euniexenoblade · 5 months
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gabelew · 8 months
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a quick sketch of sidon's office and the absolute state of his desk
he's doing taxes but like. from the other end i guess. probably. who can tell, really ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i just know it's something extremely unfun
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