#thx for asking! hope you liked these
doki-doki-imagines · 7 months
could i please request fluff hcs w gintoki / hijikata sitting under sakura trees and just chilling. tysm :)
Gintoki Sakata:
-Ohhhhh Gin lives for this moment of peace and quiet.
-His partner head laying on his lap, petals flying around the air and often falling on your face making you look more like a deity than a human
-Gin has to keep himself from whistling at your beauty; he doesn't want to wake up a deity from their beauty sleep, he already has overpowered beings angry at him.
-His back is on the tree, his hands behind his natural perm, no kids, no problems.-If only his days could always be like this.
-When you wake up, you'll eat your sandwitches (Gin ones are signed because nobody could eat that dog food), chatting, but mostly enjoying each other presence.
Hijikata Toushirou:
-A day without Kondo and that walking red flag; is this paradise?
-You don't nap with him, you mostly spend the day chatting under the cherry tree, basking in each other presence.
-But you eat, and drink (more on his side) and enjoy the scenery (Toshirou relaxed face is something to be framed).
-"You have something on your face" Toshirou tells you, voice raspier than usual.
-Your eyes widened when you feel his dry lips touching the corner of yours, heat flood your face, while you feel your soul thanking all the gods for the liquid courage that inhibited your boyfriend shame.
-"You have something too-" Toushirou doesn't have the time to react, you lips plant on his ones and he reciprocated the moment the gears in his head started working.
-You spend the rest of the day in each other embrace, kisses planted on each other face, arms keeping you impossibly close.
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hotcat37 · 7 months
Allu hacker moodboard with themes of existential crisis 💖💖
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This'll be the last moodboard for today so I don't spam but I'll do other requests+a birthday one tomorrow :3
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coyotesinew · 6 months
helloooo!!! i love your blog so much, your doodles are amazing
it's fun to meet another autistic canine :D
could i request a brown and white english springer spaniel doodle if you would like..?
thanks for the tail wags :D
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🍂🌲 awroo!
Tip jar!
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axelaxolotll · 3 months
hi guys. at the time of writing this i have forty (40) mutuals, and yet, each time im added to a tag game, i tag the same five people. 3 of which do not want to be tagged most likely. guys pls lmk if i can add u to tag games PLS 😭🫶
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mars-ipan · 1 year
Ya got any rants stored up? Long-burning hatred?
i FINALLY found one i’ve been holding onto this ask waiting for the opportunity.
i HATE how people treat people with anxiety disorders. it’s endless pity mixed with complete incompassion
like ok. obligatory i have generalized anxiety disorder here. a lot of things make me stressed and when i’m having bad anxiety attacks (which can last days and sometimes put me into month-long spells of misery) i get physically sick, to the point of throwing up and fever. i also tend to go nonverbal/low-verbal during these periods of time (usually bc i’m nauseous.) i’m also very prone to migraines and have a tic and wear a night guard due to jaw clenching etc etc you get the point it affects me.
when i share these symptoms with people (assuming they don’t have similar symptoms) i get a lot of frowny faces. “owh i’m sorry :( that must be awful how horrible“ and the like. and it’s never said in a way that’s actually kind. it’s said in the way people talk about those aspca commercials. and it’s never actually come from a place of genuine concern- it’s superficial pity apparently meant to placate me. i hate it
and that’s assuming i even get that reaction at all! usually when i try to explain to someone that i’m experiencing symptoms of some sort like “hey i’m sorry i can’t really be productive right now, i’ve got a lot of brain fog” i am ALWAYS dismissed. EVERY time. maybe it’s because i’m quite skilled at coping and masking. maybe it’s because my panic attacks don’t (always) look like wailing and thrashing and choking on air. but for some reason people don’t seem to understand that yes my anxiety disorder is actually disabling for me sometimes. i will ask for an accommodation i need, be compared to someone else with different needs from me, and then be told i need to just suck it up and deal with it. and i am SO! TIRED! OF! IT!!!! the amount of times i’ve told people “hey please don’t say that to me i’m prone to paranoia about xyz” and then been yelled at because “it’s not that serious take a joke” is ABSURD. hey maybe stop telling me my cough is covid bc now i have to spend the next 3 hours reminding myself that i don’t have any other symptoms asshole!!! jesus
and THEN when i actually DO find a way to cope or utilize the way my brain works or god forbid crack a fucking joke about it people get mad at me. “see i knew it wasn’t a big deal” or “so you’re actually fine” or “that’s not funny” i am. so tired of it
and then i go online and see people saying that disorders like anxiety and depression have been destigmatized and we’re treated basically the same in neurotypical society. motherfucker i did not go undiagnosed for 17 years with several doctors telling me it “wasn’t anything to worry about” despite my family history and clear signs from a young age just to be told my disorder is respected. if i say my anxiety is a disability i get called dramatic and am told to stop taking attention away from people who need it- or not to call it a disability because “it’s not that bad” and i’m fine because clearly having a disability makes every second of your life miserable of course of course. hell anxiety is demonized too! not as badly as many other illnesses but it’s still demonized!!! if i tell people “hey i have anxiety so please be careful with xyz” they act like i just asked them to let me do anything i want without consequence. there’s literally a whole fucking stereotype of people using “anxiety” as an excuse to be lazy or an asshole or entitled. as someone whose anxiety manifests in depressive spirals (freeze response) and rejection sensitivity (doom spiraling) this is Not Great!!!!! like i am hypervigilant about enough things i do not need to add “will these people get mad if i explain how my brain works” to the list
and about the rejection sensitivity. i HATEEEEE when people judge me for crying because they’re upset at something i’ve done wrong. “mars if you’re in the wrong then you’re not the victim” who the fuck said i think i’m the victim???? i cry because my brain takes “can you pls stop doing this it genuinely bugs me” and turns it into “you’re a horrible person how could you do this to someone they hate you.” but just because that happens doesn’t mean i’m not capable of rational thought!!! i KNOW realistically that my friends are good communicators and share that stuff because they like my company. i just need to cry about it as well. that doesn’t negate my logic or say i won’t actually try to improve myself. i’m just upset that i made the mistake. obviously i’m gonna fix it. that one REALLY pisses me off esp when i warn someone in advance that i do that. like calm the fuck down i’m not even pointing out that i’m crying rn this isn’t about me stop making it about me.
ANYWAYS. it’s really frustrating to deal with this shit from nts and then go to an online nd space for community and hear people talk about anxiety disorders like we don’t face ableism. just because it’s quieter doesn’t mean it isn’t there. that AND the “it’s barely an issue” girlie i was told i wasn’t disabled enough by doctors my whole damn life i am NOT about to start hearing it from you too. you can drown in the ocean or a swimming pool or a puddle. doesn’t fucking matter. the hypocrisy irritates me so bad
#ask#ghost#marzirants#i am sick of being told i’m normal and then getting yelled at for being myself#if anyone is an ass on this post and doesn’t consider the context or nuance within i will kill :)#anywho thx ghost. that one’s been simmering for a but#a bit* whoopsies#once before i got dxed i was trying out a new therapist#and after an in-depth explanation of my fear around driving and the built up shame i had from still just having my permit#she told me to ‘just get in the car and drive’#girl do you think i didn’t try that. my whole issue is that i can’t ‘just’ do it i was hoping we could work on the THREE MENTAL BLOCKS there#anyways i never went back to her. i still seethe a bit when i think abt it#anywho. sick and tired of being denied help and then chastised when i survive anyways#like yeah i’m alive. be a lot FUCKING better if you just gave me a hand though#but noooo because i’m not falling apart in front of you clearly i’m dramatic#tbf i have an incredibly high pain tolerance and have been an expert masker since i was a child#but still. not all disability is visible asshat. am i supposed to be able to function on my own or not why is there no right answer#anywho i’ve always felt a lot of connection to those with chronic fatigue#probs bc we both have deal with ‘it’s not that big a deal’ or ‘you’re being lazy/sensitive’ or ‘just suck it up’#not to mention constant anxiety is EXHAUSTING. fight-or-flight takes up so much energy dude
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godsofhumanity · 1 year
I mean the hardest one to complete was almost Excalibur, but all that took was like leaving the house, so I guess it wasn't too bad. My follow up would be the cattle, wife and children, but again, was simple enough when I stole a cattle ranchers identity and assimilated seamlessly into his life, (easy enough having finally left the house). So I guess that leaves me with with yggdrasil. Now this one had me stuck for a bit. This one took me realizing my dream, or existing in a liminal space between realms, suspended, inverse, forever. Having come to realize my life's goal, I then pursued it vigorously, achieving inverse suspension post haste. The hard part? The hard part was getting a small taste of my destiny, and that bitch Fate ripping it from my hands and cutting my destiny short.
So here I am 🤪
Yggdrasil was nothing compared to the salad dressing for me... 😭
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sneasedtomeetyou · 1 year
Hey, new Sneasel owner here. Found this guy getting attacked by some Hisuian ones (he's a normal sneasel) and saved him, so he stuck around. He seems weirdly jumpy and on edge all the time though, and he was pretty far from their usual habitat here in Sinnoh.
Anything I could do to help him? Or just stuff I should know about caring for him?
In my experience, Sneasels that have been through negative experiences like that feel more confident when given a companion or pack. Solitary Sneasel aren’t uncommon and can live happy lives as a trainer’s only Pokemon, but they tend to do better as part of a group. That doesn’t necessarily mean you need to go out and get another Sneasel though! If possible, try and encourage your Sneasel to spend more time with the rest of your team, maybe start with only one or two at a time if he seems hesitant about larger groups. 
There likely won’t be a massive personality shift, but the goal is that he feels safe with you and your Pokémon. Sneasels often work together to hunt for food and accomplish other tasks so encouraging cooperative activities and games can be beneficial as well. Depending on the Sneasel’s age a comfort item might also improve things, but you don’t want him to become overly possessive over his belongings.
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jellyfilledeyes · 1 year
Hey bestie!!Do you have any Welcome Home playthrough recommendations?I really wanna get into it but i'm not good at playing scary games
OH welcome home isn't a game it was a website with info and secrets about the characters and the show the website is currently taken down due the creator updating it but theres alot of videOs going thru the websites secrets i personally recommend this video by night mind its kinda long but i liked it https://youtu.be/vBgFxv5n_WA thats the link ALSO HUGE WARNING if eye contact makes you very uncomfortable thread carefully otherwise enjoyy and thanks for asking me summer^^
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verstappen-cult · 22 days
Mad Max (angry kind of frustrated max verstappen) like barging through the paddock mad - when he sees her (reader) his anger falls and he gets teary and turns into clingy breakdown maxie
… just a cutesy idea i had
thx byeee💗💗
Max is having an awful weekend. The car is shit, and everyone is asking him why he didn’t participate in the run for Senna that Seb organized, and he is just so tired of repeating the same thing over and over again because, apparently, everyone wants to hate on him this weekend.
He just finished with an interview, very abruptly after the reporter acted unprofessional. He really doesn’t care that everyone is going to be talking about that for the rest of the weekend too.
“Max,” His PR officer says, touching his shoulder to make him stop walking. “the reporter wants to talk.”
Max scoffs, rolling his eyes. “About what? If he isn’t going to apologize, then I don’t have anything to say.” He walks away when from the corner of his eye sees a few reporters and cameras pointing his way. Max knows that he should apologize to her later, for leaving like that, but now he just wants to get the fuck out of the paddock and hope for the best for qualifying tomorrow.
He’s walking fast, very fast, avoiding eye contact and every fan that tries to make their way towards him. He doesn’t care about being disrespectful now, they need to respect him and his time too.
But then someone is grabbing him by his arm and he just can’t take it anymore. Max turns around, only to find his favorite person looking at him with a worried expression on her face.
“Maxie?” You ask, leaning a little closer and cupping his cheek. “Gemma told me what happened, you want to talk about it?”
And suddenly he is at a loss of words, the urge to cry making it hard to think straight.
Max can only shake his head, eyes filling with tears in just a couple of seconds. And, knowing him like the palm of your hand, you see right through him.
“You want to leave? Back to the hotel?”
Max nods, swallowing the lump in his throat. “I just need,” He bites his lower lip, noticing a few people around that can’t stop looking at you two. “to grab a few things from my drivers room.”
You hold his hand, squeezing slightly. “We can ask Gemma to do that.”
Max feels relieved because he really doesn’t have the strength to stay a second longer in this place.
The car is already waiting for you when you walk out of the paddock. You let Max get in first before climbing inside and sitting by his side.
No one says anything for the first half of the way, but then Max is turning around and looking at you with a pout on his lips. And you can only open your arms.
Max rests his head on your lap for the rest of the way, your fingers massaging his scalp as you patiently wait for him to start talking.
“I’m having a bad weekend.” He says after what feels like hours. “I don’t want to think. I just want to sleep.”
“You can sleep, baby. I’ll wake you up when we get there.” You lean down to place a kiss on the top of his head. “You need to rest.”
Max sniffs, “Would you hold me? Please?”
“I’m never letting you go.”
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atticrissfinch · 6 months
(His) Home for the Holidays: A Meet Me in the Back Christmas Special | (joel miller x fem!reader) (18+)
Part 4 of Meet Me in the Back
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pairing: sleazy gas station clerk!joel miller x fem!reader summary: joel texts you while he's horny during the holidays, and you decide to visit him at his house after work. warnings/tags: [18+ MINORS DNI] age gap (no specifics), size!kink, daddy!kink,  face-ridin', dick-ridin', ass-eatin' (Joel tosses reader’s salad and gives her a side of housemade ranch iykyk), kissing after said ass-eating, some nasty cumplay, brief fingering, kissing!!!, taking nude photos, unprotected PIV, pussy...job? idk reader strokes him off w her pussy lips, v brief mentions of cigarettes and weed, fluff??, characters actively avoiding Feelings™!!!, so many fucking stupid dirty christmas puns, reader can fit in Joel’s coat, has hair, and doesn't necessarily celebrate christmas, but is very familiar with it ig word count: ~5.2K | ao3 a/n: thank you guys so much for loving this fucker as much as me. we get into some real naughty list shit here!! i hope you like it, and don't be mad at me about the end ok thx <3 also s/o to @cafekitsune for the adorable divider! Taglist Update: I have decided to decommission my taglist in favor of an updates blog! Please follow @atticrissfinchupdates and opt in for notifications to get notified when I post a new fic! Series Masterlist | Masterlist | Kofi
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The days before the Christmas holiday are always the longest. The office is relatively empty, no real action happening, and yet you’re stuck here for eight hours a day regardless. You find yourself bogged down with busy work and rubbing at your eyes with the strain of staring at your screen. 
You hear a vibration on your desk and check your phone. 
Joel: Wat r u up 2?
You roll your eyes a little, but you won’t lie to yourself. You're glad for the distraction. 
You: Working
Joel: cum over
You: I literally just said I’m working dude
Joel: leave early. want u
You: I can’t just leave early. I’m stuck here. 
You huff and toss your phone on your desk, trying to get back into your flow, but your phone keeps buzzing. 
Joel: im so horny 4 u rite now
Joel: cock is all harddd
Joel: needs 2 be inside u
Joel: permishin 2 send pic???
You groan, your forehead falling into the palm of your propped arm. He has gotten much better at asking before he just sends full hog, and you’re grateful for that. 
You glance around quickly, ensuring that no one is lurking in the proximal area, and you give him the go-ahead. God knows you need a little excitement while you’re dying of boredom in corporate America. 
The picture arrives quickly, and you look around one more time before opening the text. 
He’s actually taken the time to set up his phone at the end of his bed, clearly with a timed shutter, because he’s naked, up on his knees, with one hand gripping his massive length and the other dangling a twig of some kind of greenery above it…is that mistletoe?
Joel: u gotta come kiss it now. sry I dont make the rules
Fucking mistletoe. 
You: Jesus. Did you buy mistletoe JUST for this little bit of yours?
Joel: no comment
Joel: cum over and suck it baby he needs it real bad
You don’t know what the fuck it is about this man, but he’s getting more and more dangerous for you. You’ve become much more inclined to jump when he says so. And the sight of his cock, thick and hard and ready for you has your body responding in kind. You squirm in your chair, pressing your thighs together and feeling the pressure building there. 
You sigh and respond. 
You: I’m off in three hours. Don’t you have to work tonight?
Joel: its my day off. let santa stuff ur tight little stocking real nice n full bby
You scoff at the cringey line, as used to his disgusting language as you are. 
You: Yikes
Joel: yikes what? 
You: Just everything about you. 
Joel: and yet u scream around daddys cock all the same every fuckin time dont u. dont kid urself. just cum get ur present
You drop your head back with a quiet whine, the arousal between your legs only intensifying as he lays out so plainly how deeply he’s come to own you and your desires. 
You don’t let yourself linger too long on your response, promising you’ll be there as soon as you’re off and requesting his address. 
The mobile home park where Joel lives is…not exactly well-kept, but you try not to judge. You get momentarily lost, but eventually see Joel’s beater pickup truck pulled up next to one of the trailers, and you pull in next to it. 
You: I think I’m here?
You confirm the number on the outside of the house and gingerly step out of the car. 
Joel: doors open
You steel yourself as you climb up the small flight of rickety, crumbling wooden steps and pull the clattering metal door open. 
“Joel?” You call out, taking in his living space for the first time and kicking off your boots. 
It’s pretty small, but you suppose that’s fitting for a man living alone. A minimal kitchenette cluttered with food items and dirty dishes, a shrunken living room with a ratty couch and a recliner set in front of a television with a chipped coffee table littered with beer cans, cigarette butts, an overflowing ashtray, and a bong. A skimpy fake Christmas tree adorns the far corner of the room with cheap ornaments, some tired-looking garland, and flickering multi-colored lights, but it does have a certain charm to it. 
“Back here,” You hear him call out from the end of the narrow hallway to your left. You shrug off your purse and coat and hang them on the hook by the door, next to his coat. The same coat you’d wrapped around yourself when he helped with your tires. 
Curiosity gets the better of you, and you lean in to take an exploratory sniff. 
It still smells like him, of course. His cologne, his cigarettes, his weed. But there’s something else. The very subtle aroma of your perfume. An indulgent smile bleeds across your face. Sure, maybe he’s just lazy and hasn’t bothered to wash it. But you like that you’re there. That it’s not just him leaving bruises and ink on your skin and a deep aching between your legs every time he fucks you, but you’ve also left your mark on him. 
Your reverie is interrupted by Joel’s voice once again from down the hallway. 
“Come see what Santa brought you for Christmas, darlin’.”
You shake your head, but your smile is still intact. 
The floorboards creak under the shag carpet as you make your way towards his voice. His door is only partially shut, so you slip yourself inside tentatively. 
And he’s there, just as you’d suspected. Naked as the day he was born, lounging on top of his sheets with hands clasped behind his head. He's got one leg extended and the other bent and spread wide to showcase his hard cock slapped against the pudge of his stomach. He's still got that tacky gold cross around his neck. But the pièce de résistance is the goddamn Santa hat placed jauntily on his head. 
“Knew you’d come runnin’ when I called.”
You click your tongue dismissively against the roof of your mouth and curve a hand around your hip. “Please. You had to beg to get me here. You and your Discount-Strip-Mall-Santa ass.”
Joel’s face pinches, tugging at the rim of his cap, “Ouch, baby. This here’s the finest quality Santa hat that money can buy at the dollar store.”
You snort, wetting your lips against your tongue as you banter back, “Shouldn’t you be ringing a shitty bell at the local grocery store panhandling for donations or something?”
“Nah,” Joel refutes, scrunching his nose in the most annoyingly adorable manner, “Gave me the boot after I fucked all the lady clerks in the break room.”
“Ah, naturally,” You nod, stifling a giggle. 
You watch as his eyes give you his customary scan from head to toe. 
“Goddamn. Look at you, all done up.”
You glance down at yourself and lift a brow at him as you jog your memory of your chosen outfit for the day. Black trousers, a button-up blouse, and a simple blazer. Nothing you’d normally bat an eye at, but you guess Joel has only ever really seen you in casual clothes. “This? Really?”
“Mmhm,” Joel hums, scraping his teeth over his lower lip as his gaze heats up. “Daddy likes.”
“Wait, I’m confused,” You joke as you crawl onto the bed, Joel tracking you with his eyes along the way until you’re straddled above him. “Are you ‘daddy’ or ‘Santa’ right now? I’m a little lost in this roleplay.”
Joel chuckles, pinching your chin in his fingers and angling you down toward him. “Come on, now, ain’t you ever heard that song? ‘I Saw Mommy Kissin’ Santa Claus’? We’re one and the same, darlin’.”
“That mean I’m supposed to kiss you now? I thought that only applied to your cock, Mr. Mistletoe,” You laugh. 
Joel shrugs, leaning his head up closer to you. “I’m not picky.”
You stare at his lips and weigh the decision. You’ve never kissed him before. He’s kissed parts of you. Possibly every other part of you. But never your mouth. And since you know very intimately what he smells like, you have a good idea what he’ll taste like as well. 
You sigh, meet his eyes for a beat, and then press your lips against his. They’re soft, faint remnants of chapstick clinging to the crevices, serving as a gateway to his already searching tongue. You welcome him into your mouth and he strokes at yours with an unexpected tenderness, tasting how you’d imagined. The tang of his most recent cigarette, the depth of every smoke he’s had every day prior, a hint of mintiness from either gum or toothpaste. And the weight of his tongue in your mouth…it rivals what you’ve felt of his cock when you’ve tasted it. Maybe not in size, but in sheer magnitude. 
You lock your fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck and drop down to grind your crotch against his cock, your nice dress pants be damned as his dripping head soaks into the fabric and you continue luxuriating in the feel of his tongue filling your mouth. 
Joel grunts at your movement, tugging at your hair enough to lift your lips from his. “Sweet as a fuckin’ sugarplum, baby.”
“And that’s not even where I’m sweetest,” You whisper, smiling against his lips. 
“Don’t I know it,” He mutters, capturing your lips again and squeezing at your ass to kickstart your grinding again. “But how about you remind me?”
“Mmhm. Come ride Santa’s face.”
“I don’t remember that part in The Night Before Christmas,” You tease, twirling the ball on the end of his cap. 
“Probably stuck it in them footnotes,” He chides. “Take off your pants.”
You dismount to shuck off your trousers, and the rest of your clothes just to save time and not feel so overdressed in comparison, and he manhandles you until you’re situated directly above his waiting mouth. 
“Take a seat, darlin’. Might not be Santa’s lap, but it’ll be just as comfy, I promise.”
You don’t take much convincing, to be completely honest. You very willingly subscribe to the philosophy that if a man suffocates on your pussy, well…there’s not much of a better way to go. So you sit until Joel’s facial hair scratches and prickles at your skin, and you feel the broad length of his tongue stroking up the line of your pussy. 
You moan out a breathy sigh and settle yourself onto his face, your hands stabilizing on either side of the pillow cradling his head, and start to roll your hips against the graze of his tongue. He’s attentive and thorough as he works at you, alternating between lavish licks to your folds and circling your clit with the point of his tongue, making you gasp and your stomach tighten intermittently. 
It is a little weird not having him spewing heinous shit into your ear as he pleasures you, but you’re certain his brain is actively crafting more bizarre turns of phrase to plague you with as he eats you out from below. 
His tongue spears and you moan out as he penetrates you with the muscle, fucking into your slick entrance as you rock down onto him harder. Joel moans in return, his brows drawing together as he strives to fuck you as deep as possible with his chosen tool. 
“Oh, fuck, Joel, that’s…god, that’s so fucking good,” You whine, raising a hand to squeeze at your tit and steadying yourself against his wall above his head with your other hand. Joel must get inspired, because his own hand comes to grope at your unattended breast, working it in tandem with yours. 
His other hand presses upward lightly on the back of your thigh, and you lift, looking down with a shred of concern. 
“Just wanna knock at that back door a bit, baby,” He reassures. 
“Huh?” You ask, brain a little fuzzy with arousal. But then his nose is nudging at your pussy and his tongue is prodding at your asshole, and your voice cracks mid-moan at the blissful sensation. You’ve never had someone eat your ass before, never really cared, but holy fuck. “Oh my god, Joel.”
“Call me ‘daddy’, sweetheart. Or ‘Santa’ if it gets you off,” He offers before diving back in on the tight ring of muscle with his lips and tongue. 
“Fuck. Daddy…” You whimper as you feel the tip of his tongue breach the pucker of your asshole. The whole “daddy” thing is a losing battle at this point if he’s just going to push for it each time, and you might as well lean into it. He sucks lightly at the ring of you as he thrusts it inside softly. “D-daddy, that’s…”
You swear he laughs against you as the hand on your breast slides down to your hip. And you can’t help yourself, you dip your hand below your stomach to play with your clit to build upon the pressure Joel is stoking in your belly. The hand on your waist inches inward until his thick, wide thumb is sliding into your cunt, fucking you in time with the thrust of his tongue in your ass. 
“Oh, god, daddy, I’m gonna come,” You whine, increasing the pace on the sensitive bud of your pussy. Joel growls between your cheeks, sucking and fucking you until you buck up into your hand with a shout and your pussy beats against the pads of your fingers. You feel your ass squeeze around his tongue, your cunt around his thumb, and Joel grunts as he coaxes you through your orgasm. And he doesn’t stop until you physically pull yourself off his face and fingers and collapse onto his chest. 
“Oh fuck,” You pant, your mouth agape and dragging against the sheen of sweat on his skin. “No one’s ever done that before.”
“Not one goddamn motherfucker has eaten your ass?” Joel asks, his voice appalled but delightfully raspy and wrecked. “That’s a fuckin’ crime against humanity. That’s a perfect fuckin’ ass.”
“You probably wouldn’t be surprised how many men don’t give a fuck about going down on a woman’s pussy, let alone their ass.”
“Fuckin’ absurd,” He mumbles, smacking his hand on your asscheek and gripping it under his fingers. “Ass deserves to get fucked every which way.”
You shake your head vehemently. “You’re not fucking my ass with that third arm between your legs,” You shut him down immediately. “I’d never shit normally again.”
Joel rolls his eyes and waves his hand dismissively. “We’ll just table that for now.”
“No,” You protest, slapping his chest, “Not tabling. It’s buried. Six feet under.”
“Alright, alright,” Joel concedes with a chuckle, gripping the back of your leg and hitching it at his waist. “Guess that snatch is still plenty tight for me, ain’t it?” He says, latching onto your lips, sucking your response off your tongue. It’s only after he’s invaded your mouth entirely that you recall where he’s just been, but the dizziness in your mind has you shoving that knowledge as far back as you possibly can. 
“And what about me?” He nips at your lip with a grin. “You wanna lick Santa’s big candy cane?”
“God,” You huff out with a smile of your own, your forehead dropping onto his chest. 
“Or would you rather just take a ride on his North Pole, huh?”
“You know, I almost respect your commitment to this bit.”
“What bit? Can’t a guy just get in the holiday spirit with his little hoe, hoe, hoe?”
“Ok,” You groan, pushing yourself off of him to get up from the bed. 
“Woah, now, hold on,” He protests, a strong hand circling your arm and gently tugging you back. “You ain’t goin’ nowhere yet.”
“Why? I got what I wanted,” You shrug, sitting back down beside him and laying a hand on his chest. “Santa is seeming a little selfish right now. Isn’t it the season of giving?”
“Season of givin’ you this dick, maybe,” He retorts, pulling you onto his mouth again, and you groan against him. He croons at you as his lips brush yours, “Let me fill that stockin’ like I said I would. Show you what Santa’s got for you in his big sack.”
“I already know it’s coal. Can’t be anything else when I’ve been letting a strange old man hit it this often,” You say, wending a hand down south to wrap around what you can of his cock, and grinning with pride when you see his eyes pull toward the back of his head as you start to stroke him. 
“Well, that’s because I know all the best puss is on the naughty list, don’t I?” He groans, thrusting into your hand. “You don’t think Santa gets his little helpers from the Nice List, do ya?”
“Guess you got me there,” You concede, leaning down to taste him again. He moans into your mouth as you jerk him, and the sound of him so desperate and horny has your pussy thirsting after him again. 
“Climb back on top, little sugarplum. Let Santa deck those fuckin’ halls of yours,” He breathes over you, and you don’t even question it, you just swing your leg over his hips and settle the lips of your pussy onto the length of him. You skate your soaked core up and down the underside of his cock as it rests against his stomach and dip your thumb into his tip to simultaneously massage his frenulum with his own wetness. 
“Christ,” He pants out, clamping a hand onto your hip to push and pull you up and down the outside of his cock. “I could fuckin’ come from just this, baby. But I need to fuck this nasty little slit.”
“What, no dirty holiday-themed pun for that one?” You smirk as you take hold of his length and position him at your entrance. 
“Just eager to fill you with all my Christmas spirit, darlin’,” He rasps, squeezing at your hips and stroking the creases of your thighs with his thumbs. 
“There it is,” You quip as you sink down onto him slowly, your mouth dropping open as he…well, he does a damn good job filling you with that colossal Christmas spirit. And as your ass sits flush with his thighs and his cock kisses your cervix, you have to admit…you’re feeling pretty goddamn jolly. 
The ease of which your body welcomes Joel inside you now has you equal parts comforted and terrified. If you’d have told that naïve, reckless young woman who flashed her tits at a convenience store clerk that you’d soon be hurrying over to that man’s dilapidated single-wide in a sketchily quaint trailer park, sitting on his monster of a cock like it’s an old friend, bantering with him about his stupid fucking puns…you might’ve had to admit yourself somewhere. 
But the way he fills you, makes space for himself within you, makes you feel like you’re the most velvety, divine cunt he’s ever sunk into, it sends tingles up your spine and a pulsing in your pussy. 
“Shit, baby. Lookin’ like a star on top of a goddamn Christmas tree with my big trunk shoved up inside you. ‘Cept you got these sexy little ornaments,” He coos, cupping your tits again and fiddling with your nipples between his knuckles as he gropes at them. 
“Play with them a bit more,” You moan, grinding on his cock and feeling it drag against your walls, “Maybe I’ll light up for you.”
Joel smiles wide, massaging your breasts with rough, dexterous hands. “Look pretty bright already to me with this cock rammed up your tight little cunt. Got you glowin’ with it, baby.”
“Shut up,” You brush off, embarrassment heating your cheeks as your hips begin to rise and fall onto him. “The glow just comes naturally. Nothing to do with you.”
“Sure, sugarplum. All you,” He placates, leaning up to suck one of your peaked buds between his teeth. You gasp as he grazes over it, pinching the other in his hand as his upward movement causes his dick to drag along your cervix. 
“Oh my god,” You keen, toppling forward onto his chest and burying your face into his neck. Joel’s hands glide around to your back, holding you against him and using his new leverage to thrust into you from below. 
“That too much cock for you, baby?” He sings in your ear as you clench around him. “‘S it overflowin’ your little stocking? Rippin’ at your seams?”
“‘S deep,” You manage to whine breathily. “So fucking deep, daddy.”
“I know, little sugarplum. Daddy gets real fuckin’ deep, don’t he? So good at takin’ all this cock, baby.”
You whimper into his neck, your nails scraping down his back as he fucks you open on his lap. Your clit grazes against him and you can feel your release climbing again as he continues to pound into you. 
“You’re not gonna come again are you? Slutty fuckin’ thing. Can’t help but squirt all over this massive cock, huh?”
“C-can’t help—fuck, daddy, I can’t,” You cry, your teeth scraping at his neck as you grind your clit against him. 
“Yeah, fuck, baby. Make a mess around daddy’s cock,” He orders as he thrusts, pulling your hips down onto his length. 
Your vision starts to shimmer around the edges as he slams into the end of you, and you feel yourself splintering open, losing all grip you have on yourself. You burst apart around him with an inexcusably loud, animalistic scream, one sure to spark gossip among Joel’s neighbors for days to come. 
“Fuck yeah, such a nasty fuckin’ slut. Feel you soakin’ my cock, baby,” He grunts, your juices flowing out of your pussy and down his balls as he fucks you through your orgasm. 
And you can’t seem to get anything else other than “Daddy, daddy, daddy,” for a good thirty seconds. Joel seems to revel in that, encouraging it as his cock keeps splitting you open. 
“Yeah, that’s right, tell me who’s makin’ you feel so fuckin’ good. Who’s big dick keeps you fallin’ apart like this. Good fuckin’ girl.”
Joel has no intention of letting you rest as he chases after his own completion, and his hips start to hammer up into you as he edges closer. 
“Fuck, I’m close. You want me to come down your fuckin’ chimney, little sugarplum? Give you a real fuckin’ white Christmas?” He grunts as his fingers dig into your hips and his cock pounds against your walls. 
You squeak out some semblance of an answer, unintelligible, and bear the brunt of his cock seeking its release. 
“You know what I want, darlin’? Want you to jerk off my cock with those pussy lips like you were before. You do that for daddy?”
You whimper and nod into his neck, and you gasp when his length slips out of you entirely and he drops you on top of him. 
“Grind on it, baby. Stroke daddy off with that drippy little fuckhole,” He instructs, helping to guide your hips back and forth. 
You undulate your hips on the exterior of his cock as you stay buried in the crook of his neck, breathing heavily into his sweaty skin. 
“Let daddy see you, sugarplum,” He urges, pushing you up by the shoulder until you’re upright. 
You position your hands behind you and fall back onto them, giving Joel an unobscured view of your movement on him with the strength you’ve regained since your disorienting release. Your lips glide along him effortlessly with the ample supply of your own slick and come. Joel starts to jerk you forcefully back and forth on his cock with hands on your hips, like a ragdoll, until his grunts morph into deeper moans. 
He finally comes with a slew of curses, his spend spitting from his cock directly onto his stomach and throughout the hair smattered on the skin there. You slide on his length until his hips buck with sensitivity and you slow to a halt, panting and staring down at the mess you’ve both made on his abdomen. 
“So fuckin’ good for me, baby. Shit,” He groans out, stroking his hands down your slick thighs. 
“That was…kind of incredible,” You breathe, wiping your forehead with the back of your hand. 
“‘S’all you, baby. ‘S’all you,” He praises, and actually seeming to mean it this time. 
You smirk slightly as you swipe a finger through his semen and pop it into your mouth, moaning around it. 
“Fuck me, sweetheart. That’s…that’s a fuckin’ sight,” He sighs, dimpling your thighs with his fingers. “How about you go for another little ride on daddy’s tummy, huh?”
You quirk a lazy eyebrow at him and then drop your gaze to the mess on his stomach. 
“Come on, sugarplum,” Joel rasps, nudging your thighs forward until you’re hovering over the puddle of his come, “Dip your cookie in Santa’s milk. Just like that.”
And you’re too far gone to even unpack the weird shit he just said, you just lower yourself down onto his soiled belly until you feel it seep through your folds. Your hips move almost on autopilot, dragging through the mess and honestly…feeling fucking heavenly. The slick slide of it over your core, the slip of his hair swirling in his own spend on each pass of your lips, the low rumble of Joel’s voice as he coaxes you on. 
“That’s so fuckin’ pretty, baby. Seein’ my nut coatin’ that beautiful snatch. Can I take a picture of it?”
You nod, leaning back on your hands again while he retrieves his phone from his nightstand. 
“Spread those messy lips open for the camera, sweet little sugarplum.”
You do as you’re told, tilting your hips up and using one hand to part your lips. You hear him snap a couple of photos and then he turns the phone around to you for your inspection. And it looks hot as hell. Your puffy cunt drenched in both of your fluids, his hairy, curved stomach very clearly soaked with the evidence of your activities. 
“Send that to me.”
He smirks up at you and you watch his fingers move on his phone until you hear a buzzing in the heap of clothing on his floor. You lean down and put your weight on your elbows on either side of his head, lips ghosting over his mouth. 
“Thank you, Santa,” You whisper, sealing your lips together. 
He moans into your mouth as your tongue strokes along his. You suddenly feel something plopping onto your head and your eyes fly open, hands shooting to the top of it. Joel’s grin is incandescent as you realize he’s rehomed his Santa hat. 
“Gross,” You groan, flicking at the fuzzy white ball at the end of it. “It’s all sweaty.”
“So that’s where we’re drawin’ the line now?” He jokes, stroking his thumb down your chin. “Looks better on you.”
“I dunno,” You impart nonchalantly, avoiding his gaze. “Didn’t look so bad on you.”
“I’ll be damned. You think I’m handsome, sugarplum?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Y’did. I heard it loud and clear.”
“Hearing things, old man,” You dismiss, dropping one more kiss to his lips and unstraddling his lap, your pussy making an entirely unsexy suctioning noise as you extract from the stickiness between you. 
“That was fuckin’ hot,” Joel remarks, rolling onto his side and hauling you back towards the bed by the back of your thigh. You yelp quietly as you stumble forward on the carpet and feel Joel mouthing at your messy cunt. 
“Ok, Jesus. Down, boy,” You giggle, shoving Joel’s head from between your legs. Joel’s smile doesn’t budge as his mouth shines with your shared spend. 
“Sorry, baby. Just too fuckin’ tasty. Irresistible.”
“You’re ridiculous,” You mumble. “Where’s your fucking bathroom?”
“Door on the left,” He answers smugly, settling back in against his pillow with his hands clasped behind him, just as you’d found him, only sans his festive hat. 
You roll your eyes, maybe with a smidge of affection, and head off to clean up. 
“Mmm. Hate to see you go—”
“Don’t finish that,” You cut him off, not even looking over your shoulder as you go. 
“Give her one Santa hat and suddenly she thinks she’s got allll the power,” He calls out after you as you slip into the bathroom, and you can’t wipe the stupid fucking grin off your face. 
When you’ve relieved yourself and tidied up a bit, you re-enter his room with a clean washcloth. 
“Don’t get any funny ideas,” You raise a brow at him as you throw your leg over his thighs again and begin softly wiping at his belly. 
“Ain’t nothin’ funny about this, baby. Just a nice view,” He says, unbothered against his pillows. “I could get used to this.”
“Don’t,” You say as sternly as you can, but you can’t rein in your smile entirely as you do. 
“I won’t,” He pauses, eyes flicking to your hat, “Mrs. Claus,” He ends with a smirk. 
“Okay, we’re not…” You head him off, plucking the hat from your head and chucking it at his chest as he laughs and you try not to smile. “Keep that shit to yourself, please.”
“Whatever you say, sugarplum.”
You wipe at his stomach as the conversation settles, but not for long. 
“Thanks for takin’ pity on me this joyous holiday season. Fuckin’ an old man and all.”
You glance up at him long enough to see the sly little upturn of his lips, his heavy, sleepy eyelids, and shake your head a bit as you focus back on your current task. 
“You’re not so old,” You utter quietly, but you’re sure he hears it. “As far as I know, anyway. And you can still get it up. That’s what I care about.”
“Yeah? That all?”
You jot your eyes up to his face again, then quickly back to his stomach. “Yup.”
You see him stick out a lip and nod out of the corner of your eye, securing his hat back on his head. “Fair enough.”
You sit back on his thighs and toss the dirty rag into his overflowing hamper. “Well, thanks for my gift, Santa. I’ll forgive you for not wrapping it, I guess.”
Joel scoffs, squeezing at the side of your thigh. “You ain’t ask me to wrap a goddamn thing since the first time. Haven’t heard you complainin’ ‘bout it.”
“Guess not,” You muse, your fingers subconsciously filtering through your folds for a moment. “Anyway, I should go,” You mutter as you come back to yourself. 
“Or you could stay,” He poses, gliding his thumb over your thigh. “Could play again later. I got all night.”
“I don’t think so,” You mumble, maneuvering back onto the floor and pulling your clothes on. 
“Hey,” He calls softly, and you look up at him as you do up the fastenings on your trousers. He’s got a crease between his brows. “This is just fun. You and me. That’s all it’s gotta be, yeah?”
Your fingers stumble as they button up your blouse. “And that’s all it’s gonna be. Yeah?”
You smooth out your collar and take a deep breath. “Yeah. So. Thanks for the fuck. It was good. Really good.”
His eyes roam over you and settle on your face. “Anytime, sugarplum.”
You nod once, resolutely, and head out the door.  Next
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YALL WE HAVE FANART!! Please check out this adorable depiction of Sleazy Santa Joel 😭😭
Taglist Update: I have decided to decommission my taglist in favor of an updates blog! Please follow @atticrissfinchupdates and opt in for notifications to get notified when I post a new fic!
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itsascreambaby96 · 9 months
I saw you were taking asks,
Could you do Billy Loomis smut with impregnation/breeding kink? Maybe some pregnant reader stuff as well?
It's fine if you don't it's just a silly little thought I have. Thx!
Gosh I love a good breeding kink! I hope you love it! Please leave feedback!
Warnings: 18+ MDNI! Smut! Mention of pregnancy. Breeding kink. Having a baby. Possessive Billy.
Pairing: Billy Loomis x fem!reader
You are mine
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You would have never thought you'd end up like this. Never in a million years did you think your boyfriend of 3 years had a raging breeding kink. Yet when you told him to just fuck you raw when you two couldn't find a condom you could see something change in his eyes.
"Are you sure?" As much as he wanted this, he wanted to make sure that you knew what you were asking for. And you did. You weren't stupid. You knew it was risky. But you were so horny and really needed him. You laid on your back, as naked as Billy in front of you. He had been looking for condoms. You spread your legs wider, beckoning him back to you.
"Please Billy. Need you." Your eyes were pleading, trying to pull at Billy without much success. He in return threw his wallet to the side and stalked over to you. His eyes were as dark as you had ever seen them. As he got on top of you, you eagerly wrapped your legs around his waist. Billy's cock was already leaking precum.
He rubbed the tip over your glistening cunt, always pushing in a little but pulling back again, making you whine.
"Billy please... Please fuck me. Wanna feel you inside of me."
"Yeah? Want my bare cock inside of you? Letting me fuck you raw? That what you want?"
You nodded eagerly and clawed at his shoulders. He gave you a passionate kiss and with one swift movement he was inside of you. Your mouth dropped open, letting out a deep moan. It somehow felt much more intimate having him bare inside of you.
"Fuck you are so warm and soft." Billy's voice was impossbly deep. To be fair that was not the only thing that was deep.
He didn't give you much time to adjust as he started to move. Snapping his hips against yours.
"Never thought sex with you could get any better." His eyes were wild but you could barely keep yours open. He set a ruthless pace. His hair hung in his face and he looked at you with hunger. Only getting more ruthless as he looked between the two of you and saw his bare cock entering you over and over again.
"Fuck babe! Gonna fill you up real nice." The idea of Billy filling you with his hot cum made you clench around him. Billy grinned at that.
"Yeah you want that? Want me to fuck it in nice and deep? Get you pregnant?"
You whined at that, clenching even more around his dick.
"Oh you really want that. Fuck- gonna be all round and full with my baby. Gonna let everyone now that you are mine!" He quickend his pace.
"Billy-" Wanton moans escaping you. Your pussy squelching as Billy snapped into you over and over again. It was music to Billy's ears.
A particular hard thrust made you arch your back. "Fuck Billy!"
"You would look so good all pregnant!" He wasn't letting up. You didn't think he would be so keen on the idea of having a child with you. But the way he talked about it made you all hot inside. You felt like your whole body was aflame. It felt like he was everywhere all at once.
"Never gonna fuck you with a condom ever again. Gonna keep you full with my seed forever." Billy snapped his hips at a percise angle, making you see stars.
"Close! So close Billy!" You could feel yourself reaching your end. Just a little more.
Billy's hand moved between the two of you staring to rub circles on your clit. You let out a pathetic moan as your orgasm crashed through you, making your vision blurry. With a few more thrusts, Billy made good of his promise and came deep inside of you. A warmness spreading inside of you.
After coming down from both your highs he stayed put just a little longer than usual. As he puller out of you he watched intently as some of his cum spilled out of you. He groaned at the sight.
Then he went to spoon you from behind. One arm placed around your boobs his other hand placed on your lower stomach.
"Can't wait to see these swell." He queezed your boobs for emphasis.
"You really want that? A baby I mean."
"Course I do. Makes it all the harder for you to leave me." Billy's possessiveness was something you had noticed very early on in your relationship with him. It was hard to deal with sometimes, but you made it work.
"As if I would leave you." You turned your head and gave him a soft kiss.
"Yeah you better not, because you are mine." He pulled you closer as he said that, his grip tight around you. You nodded.
"All yours Billy."
This wasn't the last time you talked about the topic. And Billy never fucked you with a condom again, just like he promised. So it is no wonder that you ended up pregnant a few months later.
Ever since you told Billy that you were, in fact, pregnant he was seemingly horny 24/7. He couldn't keep his hands to himself. His possessiveness doubled as well. Someone just looked at you the wrong way and he was in the persons face.
It wasn't always easy especially when your hormones were all over the place. Billy knew how to put you in your place, as he likes to put it. Though you did fight from time to time, and you were the one apologising most of the time, you actually liked being pregnant with his baby.
Once you hit the 6 months mark you grew incredibly horny, much to Billy's delight. He has been eagerly waiting for this moment, as he might or might have not read a few books on pregnancies and babies. Of course every pregnancy was different, so Billy was delighted to know you were just as horny as he was now.
The sex was amazing as always. Billy's new obsession were your boobs. He had loved them before, obviously, but now that they became larger he couldn't help himself. Most times when you were sleeping you woke up with his hand on your boobs, his other holding your pregnant belly, as if to hold the baby.
During sex he loved to slap them, squeez them and litter them with hickeys. You told him time and time again to be more careful as they were far more sensitive now, but the guy just didn't listen. Like he ever did before.
He also started to call you "Mama", which both made you want him but also made your heart swell.
"You want a sandwich too, Mama?"
"Let me carry this for you Mama."
"Hey there sexy Mama."
You even heard him call you a Milf once, when he was talking to Stu.
And he never failed to make you feel so sexy, even on your worst days. Your favourite has been when he sat behind you, with you in front of a mirror, completely naked and legs spread wide. His hands were running over your curves, telling you how beautiful you are. How much he loves you and his baby inside of you. How amazing he thinks you are for growing a whole human being inside of you. And of course telling you how "bomb as fuck" your boobs were.
Once you were even further along, the sex didn't stop but you noticed Billy becoming a little softer with you during the act. He would always kiss your belly beforehand. Before he ravished you with his eager mouth, claiming that "Fuck you somehow taste even sweeter now." Or with his cock. He also loved trying new position that made you more comfortable, as you hated being on your back the bigger your belly got.
Once it was time for her to be born, Billy was freaking out on the inside but kept calm for you. He even insisted on being in the delivery room with you. It surprised you.
After the excruciating pain you went through, which was definitely worth it, you held your baby in your arms. A beautiful little girl, which Stu had said, looked like a wrinkly little piglet, as he came to visit. Billy had almost ripped his head off. Now after having fed her for the first time, with Billy watching you two like a hawk, she slept peacefully in your arms. You couldn't stop looking at her. She was the cutest thing you have ever seen. Billy had squeezed himself into the hospital bed with you, looking at his daughter.
"So when are we making the next one?" Billy couldn't even blink before you jabbed him with your elbow, hard. He let out a grunt but laughed anyway. He knows that as soon the doctor has cleared you for being able to have sex he would have you on your back in seconds. Especially knowing what cute babies you two make.
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vampirehoon · 1 month
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w.c. ⟢ 1.1k
pairing ⟢ husband!sunghoon x fem!reader
synopsis ⟢ it’s been a battle between your new kitten and your husband, sunghoon being bothered by the bundle of joy and him not understanding “shoo” and understanding “play”. one evening it is apparent that sunghoon wasn’t adoring his son which you have to make him understand that he is a cat dad now.
a/n ⟢ hi! i’m new to this fanfiction world on tumblr but from the looks of liking of my last post i thought to try and post a longer fic i’ve been working on. thank you so(x2) much for the likes and i hope i can create some more content for the engenes to read. thx again! ✮⋆˙
“love, could you grab this cat?” your husband calls from his office, his voice communicating irritation.
you head into his office from the kitchen to witness the cutest interaction. sunghoon is trying to shoo away your new family member but the kitten thinks he’s playing with him.
you make your way over to them, kneeling beside sunghoon’s arm chair.
“you know,” you hold the kitten in your hands. “he is your son.”
sunghoon scoffs. “he looks nothing like me.”
“oh really?” you turn your head, repositioning yourself to be turned towards him.
the kitten sits in your hands as you raise him to be right up to sunghoon’s cheek. their cute faces are identical. you fond over the resemblance.
“identical.” you smile ear to ear.
sunghoon watches at you, admiring secretly. he doesn’t let that adorable smile on your face ruin his stubbornness.
“son’s take after their mothers.” your heart flutters, only slightly, as sunghoon takes the kitten into his hold. His hands could almost crush him but his hold is gentle. same as you did to him, he presses the cat up against your cheek, amused already.
he nods to himself while he ping pongs his eyes between you two.
“same nose,” He taps both of your noses.
“same eyes,” He looks at both of your eyes.
“same whiskers.” he plays with the kittens, and pretends you have them as well.
“whiskers?!” you scoff, which sunghoon broke into an adorable laugh when he realized he teased you successfully.
you steal the kitten back.
“you meanie.” you give his shoulder a soft push before striding away, offended.
“you enjoy it.” you hear the smirk in his voice as your back is turned.
“yeah right.” you return back to the kitchen, definitely sulking, and letting your kitten sit on the counter top with you. you pet the kitten and he purrs as you mumble that you don’t and will never have whiskers.
later in the evening, sunghoon had finished his work in his office and came out to find you preparing dinner. you looked huggable but he knew he couldn’t startle you so he asked what you were making before he approached.
“something simple.” you kept it simple in replying as well. sunghoon could tell he bothered you earlier and eased his way over behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on the shoulder.
“forgive me, my love.” he says this with a deep sigh. the last thing he’d want to cause is an argument between the two of you or a distance. he loves to get a rise of you and see your cute reactions but he knows he can be unaware of how it affects you.
and that is why you’re always back in his arms every night, kissing his moles and insisting that he’s the most perfect human being. you turn your head to meet his lips, kissing him sweetly. a kiss where you close your eyes to really feel each other’s lips. you speak over his lips, the breath tickling his lips. “i always do.” and another peck, just for good measure.
sunghoon knew you were watching what you were cooking but couldn’t help wanting to kiss you longer and somewhere more comfortable.
his hands took your legs to lift you on his hips. you held your legs around his back and had your hands grip the back of his neck. he walked you from the kitchen to the couch, ignoring the dinner plans, and made you lay down below him.
you looked unreal. the moonlight shined through the windows of the living room and painted you a soft blue with the moon in your eyes. he wouldn’t have been able to let himself stop if it wasn’t for a cry from the bedroom.
groaning, sunghoon drops onto in the couch, letting you run to get him but you dragged him with you. sunghoon and you end up at the door, your kitten was crying for his parents. sunghoon focused his eyes on where the kitten was and it was crawling from his side of the bed with what looks like a small blanket covering him.
to say he was unimpressed that a cat got its own blanket before he fully ever got one at night was an understatement. H
he scoffed at the kitten’s baby treatment.
“he has his own bed, love.” and in your defense, you let sunghoon know it was just this one time.
you go claim your kitten and hand him over to sunghoon.
“take him to his water bowl or our dinner is going to be ruined.” you smiled softly at the two of them and patted sunghoon’s shoulder as you walked past him in the doorframe to get back to the vegetables.
now father and son are sitting at the water bowl. sunghoon watches as the kitten’s tail wiggles when he drinks. sunghoon laughs to himself, pulling out his phone to take a video. dinner is ready and you wipe your hands dry and go to call over sunghoon but catch the cutest thing you’ve ever seen.
sunghoon’s tapping his nails on the ground like a spider for the kitten to attack. smiling brightly at the cat he, earlier, wasn’t the biggest fan of. this sure brings tears to your eyes. you speak up a big grin.
“father-son bonding time i see?” you tease, expecting sunghoon to get defensive but he picks up the kitten and makes his way over to you.
“i guess i never understood cats. they are quite cute.” he places the innocent fur ball on the counter and watches it walk, being extra cautious of the edge of the counter.
you have never been so proud to see this flip in him. you come around the counter and plant a kiss on his cheek.
“i knew you’d come around, you’re a natural.” sunghoon kisses you back and you two begin dinner.
the night ended with sunghoon putting the sleeping kitten to bed, placing the tiny blanket over him. he crawls into bed and into your arms. like tradition, you run your fingers through his hair and kiss his moles.
“i. love. you.” spacing the sentence with kissing a new mole. sunghoon hums with a soft smile. he opens his eyes slowly and gazes up at you. adoring his wife in front of him, he takes his fingers behind your ear to push back your hair and gently rubs your cheek.
“i love you so much.” “and your ability to keep me this in love with you.” sunghoon said as he leans into you. your noses brushing against each other as you stop right before connect his lips with yours.
“you’re the hottest cat dad i know.” you say, to possibly continue the kiss that could have happened on the couch.
“oh really?” the way he spoke those words sent chills down your spine and giggles up your throat. he meet your lips, kissing them satisfyingly.
𓉸ྀི ©vampirehoon
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goldsainz · 9 months
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pairing: charles leclerc x reader
taglist: @lorarri @lpab @noncannonships @lunnnix @elliegrey2803 @schumacheer @saintslewis @leoramage @ellswilliams @toomuchdelusion @anthonykatebridgerton @enhacolor @gulabjamoon @woweewoowa @forza55
summary: you’ve slowly consumed charles’s thoughts, and he doesn’t mind it.
request: “can i request ✒️ ❛ you’re my family too. ❜ + charles ?? thx in advanced hehe <3” by @ssainzz
warnings: pure fluff
NOTE: i was listening to margaret by lana while writing this and i just though it was so perfect for this fic. trying to get back into writing after a pretty uninspiring (and quite rough) few weeks. hope you enjoy bc i sure enjoyed writing this!
[ word count: 748 ]
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Charles adores his job. He loves the sound of the engine, standing on the podium, seeing all the excitement the fans have to give and he adores travelling the world. He would never complain about the amazing things he is doing, but if there is one thing he has learned to cherish even more than all of that, it is you.
You’ve become an integral part of his days. Whether it’s waking up next to you or calling you to check in, he knows you’ve become home to him. When people ask him how his family is doing, he never fails to mention how you are doing.
He can’t help but admire you every time you walk by him, you’re a ray of sunshine in his life; at least that’s what everyone tells him. He hasn’t heard the end of it since he revealed you were his girlfriend, from his teammate to the fans, they can all see how much you’ve brightened his soul.
“Charles?” You softly say, snapping him out of the daydream he was in.
He glances up at you, watching as you move around the room. You’re packing your suitcase, clothes thrown around the room, you’ve most certainly overpacked for the race weekend. But Charles won’t tell you. He’s tried before and it’s a lost cause.
“Do you think I should take the maroon or vermillion?” You muse, grabbing two different types of dresses and placing them against each other.
Charles furrows his brows, he glances between the dresses and tries to make a decision. But if he’s honest, he doesn’t know what the difference really is. The cuts of the dress are practically identical, and the length is the same in his eyes.
“The maroon?” He says doubtfully. You screw up your nose at his decision, apparently not being what you wanted to hear.
You look at the dress Charles picked once more, and with a shrug you throw it onto the ever-growing pile of clothes in your suitcase.
“I was thinking that for your family dinner we should bring something, right?” You ask him, organising some of the mess you’ve made.
“Our family dinner,” He tells you, a soft smile resting on his lips.
“Huh?” You manage to say, dropping the clothes you were folding onto the bed he’s resting on.
“You said that it was my family dinner, but it’s ours.”
“Oh,” You exhale, taking notice of the deep sentiment behind his words.
It takes you slightly by surprise, it’s not unlike Charles to be sweet, to reassure you with words when things get hard. But this time it is almost out of nowhere. You didn’t really mean anything by your words, yet it seems they touched him in a way you’re not even sure how to describe. The one thing you do know though, is that at the end of the day, he comes home to you. Because home is wherever you are, and that is bigger than anything else.
“You’re family to me, chérie.” He says after the smallest beat of silence.
“You’re my family too.” He doesn’t waste a second in getting up from the bed and kisses you grabbing the nape of your neck and pulling you into the kiss like he won’t ever get to do so again.
There is a pause in time. While his lips are on yours, it seems like everything just stops. Leaving you to breathe in the moment, cherish the feeling.
When you pull away from the kiss, the crinkles in Charles’s eyes from the soft smile he gives you melts all your insides. You’d be a fool not to give him the same sentiment back, and so you do.
“You’ve got the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen.” He whispers, his hand caressing the side of your face.
“And you’ve got the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.” You say back, admiring the depth of the green in them.
Though neither of you say it, too lost in the moment, it is evident that the love between you is sparkling. And you know, you just know, that Charles is the one for you; just like he knows you were made for him.
If there’s anything you know, it is that he is your family. That he is the one you love. The one you’d come home to every day and never be bored of it. Because monotony with Charles is impossible, and if there ever is, you’d still want it.
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bby-deerling · 1 month
Your Headcannons and fics are amazing, I love reading them so much. I’m wondering if you could do a HC of them walking in on YOU Naked for Zoro, Law, Ace, Luffy, and Kid? Thx!
YES let's gooo! i only did some of these characters, i hope that's okay! might do a pt. 2 in the future :)
them walking in on you naked (nsfw)
ft. luffy, zoro, law
cw: suggestive content, luffy is oblivious and weird, zoro is awkward, law is also awkward
tagging: @willowbelle @eelnoise @fanaticsnail @indydonuts @sanjisprincesswifey
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when luffy catches you in the bathroom, not quite fully dressed, he doesn't really see what the big deal is; in fact, he treats it just as if he had walked in on usopp or zoro, and acts accordingly.
this includes stretching his arms out to playfully tweak your nipple.
"luffy, what's wrong with you!" you squeal, covering up your chest with your towel defensively as he laughs.
"usopp always complains when i do it to him too!" he giggles, a wide grin on his face as he stares at you with his signature wide-eyed stare.
"well you can't do that to girls!" you snap, crossing your arms as you glare at him.
"how come? did it hurt or something?" he asks curiously, tilting his head and letting his head stretch just enough for the angle to become slightly unnerving.
face flushed, you begin to stammer. "no! it's just—it's sensitive, okay?" you admit, averting your eyes from his.
luffy erupts into laughter once more, turning into a snickering mess as he responds to your confession. "that kinda thing really turns you on? you're nuts y'know that?" he says, amused as his arms stretch out once more and he tries to repeat the action, this time with the intention of riling you up.
after all, he might as well get dirty before his shower rather than after.
zoro knows he shouldn't stare when he walks into the girl's quarters to come grab you for a sparring session, but he just can't help himself; he feels filthy, like that stupid moron cook as his eyes trace along your curves, but he's now been there too long that calling attention to himself or turning and leaving would both somehow make things more awkward.
the squeak you let out when you pull your shirt over your head, turn around, and realize zoro is in the room with you is downright adorable, both of your faces burning bright red with embarrassment. trying to diffuse the situation, the swordsman decides the best way forward was to change the subject and hope that the weirdness would melt away gradually. "hurry up. we're losing daylight." he spits out roughly, cringing at the way his voice cracks a bit as he speaks. silently agreeing to leave this unaddressed, you nod and follow him to the observation tower, color still deeply embedded in your cheeks.
for the first time in a while, you get the upper hand when training with him; you don't win, but you land a bunch of blows that he was incapable of defending himself from, his mind still stuck on the soft, plump flesh of your ass and the curve of your back.
he really should have knocked.
law should have known better than to just walk into your room, intending on asking if you were ready to head out to the local bar with the rest of the crew; admittedly, with you and ikkaku being the only girls on the ship, he sometimes forgets to give small little things like that extra thought and consideration. if it was ikkaku, he could've handled a yelp of surprise followed by her making fun of him for the next week or so, but with you he's reeling, apologizing awkwardly as he turns around and waits for you to pull your dress over your head.
"sorry about that, captain. i should've yelled out that i was getting changed. i heard the doorknob and froze up." you say sheepishly, unable to make eye contact with him.
he's equally unable to meet your gaze, the image of your bare chest burned into both his retinas and the back of his mind. "don't worry about it; it was my fault. i was just coming to get you, we're all heading out for the night." he says, swallowing hard as your lips ease into a soft smile.
"i'm ready! do i look alright?" you ask, smoothing out your sundress as you take one last look at the state of your hair. law gives you a terse nod and motions for you to grab your purse and follow him, which you do without complaint.
he's wholly unable to express it verbally, but the thinks you look gorgeous with and without the dress.
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slasher-cam · 4 months
Hii! I saw you were doing Poppy playtime and i was wondering if you could do a smiling critters x caretaker/worker reader? I was thinking about if reader was always super nice and caring towards the smiling critters and one day they go missing and a new toy suddenly shows up and the smiling critters realizes it it reader who has no memories of them thx :)
Frightening Transformations
{Pt. 1 of ?? (will possible make this into a mini series if this gets enough likes)}
Request? [ yes ] [ no] Notes|| Aww Thank you so much! I hope I can fulfill what you wanted :) Also you guys made it!! Thank you so much for 231 notes in one day enjoyᡣ𐭩 Synopsis|| As a worker for Playtime co. you could help but adore the little toys that made going to work worth it. Though as you discover something you were never supposed to find the owners at playtime co. can't risk you running your mouth and telling all of their secrets Warnings|| SFW-♡, ANGST- 🥀?, PLATONIC-❁,ASKS-✰ Word count|| 2,343 characters
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You were a worker for Playtime.co
Yes things felt off about this company but so does everyother one. If they want to admit or not, all companies have some sort of secrets they want to keep out of the public eye but some secrets are darker than others.
You were assigned as a caretaker of sorts to help keep them in tip top shape by making sure they were clean, had no rips or tears and just overall made sure they were interacting okay with the children
And the smiling critters appreciated this!
They were always treated distantly and alienated so it was a good change to have someone so genuine and kind hearted towards them actually be nice than just tolerating them for obligatory sake
Being introduced to them for the first time was a whirlwind
"It's nice to meet you Ms./Mx. (lastname)! I'm DogDay and these are all my friends!"
You were soon crowded by all the smiling critters towering over you who were excited to meet you, except for one..
DogDay was excitedly introducing you to all his friends but you couldn't help but notice a giant purple cat who was lurking off in the distance on top of a building. As soon as he realized your gaze was on him his hopped off the building and disappeared behind it.
"How strange.." you thought to yourself when it seemed like dogday read your mind
"Oh! That was CatNap! He's a bit shy but he'll warm up to you soon enough"
DogDay said patting your shoulder.
And so your job begun..
Everyday you would watch over the smiling critters as they played with the children making sure no accidents occurred
Everyday you learned and connected with the smiling critters learning all that you could and truly make everyone comfortable
But when the smiling critters get a little too comfortable around you that management surely won't like..
。 ˚ ︶︶✩︶︶‌ ₊ ˚。 ˚ ︶︶✩︶︶‌ ₊ ˚。 ˚ ︶︶✩︶︶‌ ₊ ˚。 ˚ ︶︶✩︶︶‌ ₊ ˚。
Hope you enjoyed xoxoᡣ𐭩
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neuvistar · 11 months
— featuring ┊blade x f!reader
— warnings / content warnings ┊both suggestive + kinda fluffy yup yup ! use of nicknames, oral (m!receiving), pathetic loser gamer blade is my favourite blade, he spits in ur mouth.. like once, mentions / implications of vaginal fingering, overall suggestive content | 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
— a/n ┊thx 2 the anon who sent an ask abt gamer blade, ily mwah </3 this is inspired by ur ask angel ! ♡ whaddahell it didn’t work the first time let us pray it works this time
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GAMER ! BLADE who would have an adorable girlfriend like you. honestly, he didn’t expect to have a girlfriend because of how pathetic and how much of a loser he is. you’re probably his first relationship too because he’s a loser who can’t communicate with women but that’s besides the point! i t’s his first time, give him a rest! for his first time being in a relationship, blade would surprisingly be a good boyfriend to you, he’s trying his best, really. he wants the best for you and him so he would try his best to spend time with you rather than his pc, bladie has such a huge puppy dog crush on you he probably kisses the ground you walk on.
GAMER ! BLADE who is actually pretty clean and organized, he’s a total hottie too.. that’s a bonus. his desk and room is always clean, and he actually looks hot for a pathetic loser. blade would get flustered every single time you called his loser ass hot because in all these years of his life he’s never been called such thing, and being called hot by you? that’s a blessing to him. i think he’s not confident about his looks much since he’s pretty much.. a sore loser! but when you came into his life, he changed his mindset about himself! a lil realization in his head while looking at the mirror after a long shower like.. “.. oh. i’m kinda attractive.” he would say, looking at his reflection with a towel around his waist. i bet he’s pretty muscular too, extra bonus points!
GAMER ! BLADE who would try and be secretive about his relationship with you from his viewers (if he even streams) but if the time comes that you both are ready to reveal your relationship, his viewers are sending shocked and funny comments, half of them saying how they never expected blade to even bag a pretty girl like you, hyping him up and telling him how lucky he was (he really was! he really was lucky to have a pretty girlfriend like you).
there are times where he likes showing you off and flexing to people how pretty his girlfriend is while sometimes there are moments where he doesn’t like showing you off, ooh. possessive much. i mean, can you blame him? he can’t have another guy trying to win your heart over! this isn’t a video game, he thinks!
GAMER ! BLADE who would spend hours on end playing games, maybe even streaming as well. he would take his sweet time on his games that he wouldn’t even notice how much time passed already, how late he was to dinner with you when he promised to be down in a few minutes. well, i hope he likes his food cold because you’re not making him more as payback for making you wait so long. blade would apologize to you by dropping his games and devoting his whole time on giving attention you, a lil bonus if he fucks you too as an apology, consensual ofc!
“that’s it, angel.. fuck.. you feel so good.” he mumbled against your neck, biting down and digging his teeth into your skin. “‘m sorry, baby. fuck! how many times to i have to say it, hm? mmh.. can i fuck it in your pretty head? mhm? ‘wanna make you realize just how sorry i am.. cmon.”
GAMER ! BLADE who would ask you to play horror games with him, i mean.. it’s not like he’s afraid he just wants you to accompany him. most of the time, it’s you screaming on his lap with your hand clasped around your mouth nuzzling against his neck, trying your absolute hardest to stifle any more screams from leaving your throat! he would tease you about it nonstop.
“why were you so scared? it wasn’t even bad.” if he’s feeling a little extra, he would ask if he could.. calm you down in a more intimate way.. of course you’d accept! but there’s something so erotic about how he slides his fingers inside your shorts while teasing your slit with the base of his fingers, trying to calm you down while he whispers praises and dirty things in your ear, so erotic. there’s something so good.. so erotic about that. “calm down, will you? that stupid monster’s not gonna get you, baby. i got you.”
GAMER ! BLADE who would ascend to heaven the moment he sees you kneeling under his desk, resting your cheek on his lap. he knows this, he knows your tactics.. he knows what you want from him. he would have his dick sucked under the desk from time to time, running his fingers through your hair.. it’d be even more riskier if he was streaming, trying his best to stifle his moans and hold himself back from completely fucking your mouth. it’s embarrassing enough that some of the viewers noticed his odd behaviour and commented if something was wrong. fuck, he knows it’s hard when you’re there swirling your tongue around his cocktip, stroking the parts of him you couldn’t reach. blade couldn’t take it anymore.
he would mute his mic and turn off his camera, grabbing a fistful of your hair while bucking his hips against your mouth with such force, tears beginning to form on the corners of your eyes because of how rough he is with you! “that’s it, sweet thing. keep sucking me off like that.. fucking naughty girl you are, huh?” he pulled you up from the ground, forcing you to open wide for him before spitting in your mouth. “you’re such a slut for my cock, aren’t you? couldn’t even wait when i was done streaming, hm?” he forced you down on your knees again, cupping your cheek. “you want me to fuck you infront of everyone, angel? you want everyone to see how much of an impatient whore you can be, hm? is that what you want? because i’ll gladly show every single one of these fuckers how much of a slut you are for my cock.” damn. he’s so.. mean sometimes.
GAMER ! BLADE who would finger you occasionally while he streams to ease up a bit! he knows it’s risky, you know it too. but he just can’t get enough of the feeling of your hole pulsing around his digits, he just.. can’t control himself when your hands are roaming all around his body, caressing his toned stomach, his biceps, everything. you sat on another chair, legs spread with your sweet pussy displayed for him, plunging his fingers inside over and over again, hitting your sweet spot. he’s so.. mean! blade told you to keep quiet.. he doesn’t want a sound to even leave your lips. but you know it’s impossible, he knows too. but.. i guess you have to try, you wouldn’t want his viewers finding out what he was doing to you behind the scenes, would you? </3
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