#thunder bringer
blue-raeofsunshine · 4 months
odysseus to his crew: hey don’t open that bag
odysseus: *falls asleep*
his crew: *opens the bag*
poseidon: *shows up to kill them*
odysseus to his crew: hey don’t eat those cows
odysseus: *goes to pray*
his crew: *eats the cows*
zeus: *shows up to kill them*
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epicthemusicalstuff · 1 month
PLEASE I'M SOBBING SHAKING SCREAMING THROWING UP AFTER UNDERWORLD SAGA do we know when the next saga is coming out? I only came across epic like two weeks ago and I need to devour this entire musical
We don’t yet know when the next saga comes out! The past few sagas have all been released a few months after each other, so I feel we might have the next one sometimes over the summer, but we have no actual date.
We do know though that it will be called the Thunder Saga, and will be the first saga in Act Two! It will have five songs, two of which we don’t even know the names of! (The only songs in epic that we have zero stuff on). The other songs though will be called Scylla, Mutiny, and Thunder Bringer!
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jarondont · 3 months
pride is a damsel
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nopenotmine · 17 days
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superkooku · 1 month
The next saga is the Thunder Saga...
We're so close to getting THUNDER BRINGER!! I'm hyped
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(also hyped for the two mysterious songs)
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yuzuyokoi · 9 days
yall are not ready for the person I will be when thunder bringer drops
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virginiaoflykos · 1 year
He extended a hand, not to shake mine, but to give me the ring he took from my finger the night Lorn and Fitchner died. I closed his hand back around it.
“That belongs to Julian,” I said.
He nodded softly. “Thank you…brother.” And there, on a citadel landing platform in what was once the heart of Gold power, Cassius au Bellona and I shake hands and say farewell, almost six years to the day since we first met.
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a1dropout · 10 months
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Yk what Cassius thank you for this
You can't tell me Darrow didn't need that. He lost a lot of confidence how could he not? He's taken responsibility for everything that has gone wrong and for every death of his people and friends. But he is Darrow of Lykos. A red miner who survived being carved into gold. Who worked his way into gold and broke the chains. Virginia will never lose faith in you baby boy.
Cassius also needed somebody to finally tell him stop trying to drink away his guilt. The honor of Cassius still stands.
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Yes, I am Back, and will update soon
Some Highlights:
Two poems published in a journal that is A Very Big Deal (will spill details in a separate post)
Yet another diagnosis to add to the slush pile
A nine-month migraine
More posting about my poetry outside of the fandom sphere incoming
Almost finished with the next couple of chapters for Clan Djarin: The Next Year
Drafting for the next chapter of The Thunder-Bringer's Daughter
I'm in my Simple Poems Era
Will be posting a longer update later 😊
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katsuki-king-of-twinks · 10 months
Darrow and Cassius are such stupid fucking himbos, oh my GOD..
(I love seeing them together again though, it's fantastic... fucking idiots)
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poshtearexdoodles · 11 months
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DnD Honor Among Thieves with its glorious character Themberchaud inspired me to run a oneshot with a big chonky dragon as the boss fight, so I created good ol Voltar the Thunder Bringer!
He has an open challenge thing where adventurers can come and fite him to test their strength, feel what it's truly like to do battle with a mighty dragon or just enjoy having a good non lethal rumble
(Lil more info bout him under the cut)
He has a kobold ask questions to adventurers who come in to fill out a form to make sure everyone has a good time
Like if they have a flashing light sensitivity he won't use his lightning breath, if they are sensitive to loud noises he won't roar during the fight and if they a bit emotionally sensitive he's not gonna play up the "Mwahaha you are too weak to ever defeat me you fools!" boss fight dialogue kinda thing
He's just a sweet friendo and it's very important to him this experience is as enjoyable as it can be for people
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Anyway, I’m back from the war (preparing refs for ArtFight), so here are my TGCF and Epic: the Musical thoughts: 
Xie Lian’s story is pretty similar to Odysseus’s imo
“The blood on your hands / Is something you won’t lose / all you can choose is whose” (The Horse and the Infant) - this entire plot point is pretty much the “two people and one cup of water.” Just like Odysseus must kill the son of Hector, Xie Lian can’t deal with the war and provide war to Yong’an, and he chooses to prioritize Xianle/the people under him 
“If I became the monster…” is a different reason for blackening - Odysseus wants to protect his crew and family while Xie Lian isn’t protecting anyone at this point - but that song feels MADE for him tbh. The point where Odysseus repeats, “Oh, Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves,” (a point made by Poseidon), where he’s repeating Poseidon’s logic of not showing mercy compared with Xie Lian believing White No-Face/Bai Wuxiang’s philosophy after those infected by the Human Face Disease killed him over and over again
The “Monster” clip could also work for Jun Wu / Crown Prince of Wuyong (even better than for Xie Lian because he was still trying to save the people of Wuyong by sacrificing lives while Xie Lian didn’t really make an active decision to harm anyone until he wanted to release the Human Face Disease, which, again, wasn’t to protect others), but I don’t remember enough to make more of an argument / animatic
Mu Qing and Eurylochus are pretty different yet similar as well - they’re both willing to use “unscrupulous” methods and leave behind others - albeit Eurylochus is talking about leaving their men to stay as pigs on Circe’s Island, I believe, while Mu Qing is not really as cruel or selfish as he’s portrayed; he was prepared to sacrifice himself to save Xie Lian and Feng Xin at the end. However, like, Eurylochus, he’s “not as moral” as Xie Lian and Feng Xin (Odysseus and Polities in Eurylochus’s case) and leaves Xie Lian and Feng Xin during their exile. 
Idk if Mu Qing would confront Xie Lian the way Eurylochus confronts Odysseus in Mutiny though. He was weirdly excited about Xie Lian maybe killing someone (someone mentioned it a while ago; I don’t remember exactly) and seemed to want Xie Lian to be less “perfect.” Plus, Eurylochus is confronting Odysseus about running away from the sea monster Scylla, which I don’t see Mu Qing condemning. HOWEVER, Eurylochus’s doubt in Odysseus's leadership and ability to keep the crew alive is something I could definitely see in Mu Qing (source: just trust me, bro)
(To be honest, I don’t really get Eurylochus’s character that much - he’s upset Odysseus chose to run from Scylla, but he was all for leaving their men to Circe? - but those albums aren’t fully out yet, so it may make more sense later)
I refuse to believe Feng Xin would work as Polities though. It makes sense in all senses of morality, character function, and plot, but Feng Xin would not sing “Open Arms.” I refuse to believe it. 
Pei Ming has the same vibes as Hermes (“Wouldn’t You Like” and “Dangerous”) actually. I don’t have any clear reasoning, but it makes sense to me, yanno?
Speaking of which, while Jun Wu has similar vibes and ideologies to Zeus (“it is the will of the gods”) and Poseidon, if I had to cast anyone as Poseidon, it would HAVE to be Shi Wudu. 
“His title of ‘Water Tyrant was earned due to him capsizing any ship that did not give him offerings” (TGCF Wiki; Book 1, Ch.13) and “When a god comes down and makes a fleet drown, is he scared that he’s doing something wrong? Or does he keep us in check, so we must respect him, and now no one dares to piss him off?” (Monster)
“Shi Wudu considers death better than experiencing or watching prolonged suffering and pain” (TGCF Wiki; Book 3, Ch.124) and “I mean, you totally could have avoided this / Had you just killed my son” (Ruthlessness)
There’s probably more to say, but it’s ~5 am. I was prepared to sleep, like, 3 hours ago. If there are mistakes, no there aren't
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epicthemusicalstuff · 3 months
Hey! Just a question, in the somg Thunder Bringer, do you know why Zues is mad at Odysseus? I’ve only read bits of the odyssey so i’m kind confused….
Okay, so, I’m not 100% sure this is what happens in Epic, as I have a feeling it would be in the two unknown songs if it were to happen (or perhaps mutiny?), but in any case, I know why in the Odyssey. Basically, Odysseus and his men land on an island full of Helios’ sacred cattle. They are warned not to eat any, however, when Odysseus turns his back, the crew eat them anyways. Helios goes to Zeus, and has Zeus deal out the punishment for this act. Zeus then destroys the ship, and all the crew, leaving only Odysseus alive to drift of Ogygia, the home of Calypso.
In Thunder Bringer there is the line ‘since hunger was far too great’ further suggesting that this is indeed what happens in Epic also!
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nizotine · 1 year
I'm curious...
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mikahorror · 4 months
i've been listening to the thunder bringer clips on repeat & it's really sinking in that (so far) after hector's son odysseus won't kill anyone & he only did that because his life was going to be in danger, but wouldn't kill to avenge his crew.
if i were to make you choose, the lives of your men and crew or your own / why do i think they'd lose
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(i haven't been this deep in a fandom so quickly in a minute lol)
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lifewithoutrainydays · 7 months
thoughts on roman and remus: harbinger and herald
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