#throwback to 2010 or something
caemidraws · 7 months
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pov: you’re watching adult swim in 2012 and aqua something you know whatever is on
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waffled0g · 11 months
how good is Hypnospace Outlaw at the 90s aesthetics?
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I haven't played Hypnospace! It looks fun!
But looking at the trailer and some gameplay videos... well, don't get mad, but this is exactly the kind of stuff I wrote my article in faux protest about.
It's not wrong, it's not bad, not saying that. There's truths in there about 90s design. But if you're asking me, the game has a thick layer of Vaporwave over everything. It just comes across as fake 90s to my tastes, personally.
But I think that was the point. I think that's what Tendershoot was going for. It's a surreal game about surfing the web in your sleep, right? So the design isn't going for accuracy, it's more that dreamy fantastical look people remember (or misremember.) It works for them!
Like, I like the key art! That's pretty good. CGI head in space would have been right at home on a Trapper Keeper. That USB cord should have totally have been a serial port instead tho.
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And this box art is chef's kiss. I feel like I'd see this on a textbook in computer class.
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What I've seen of the actual game though? Hmmmm. You're asking a web designer here for an opinion, and this is a game all about web design. Like they get some stuff right. UI is a lot of fun, down to the Winamp-style skeuomorphic buttons in some of the screenshots.
But for something that's supposed to be set in '99, that's a huge overuse of pastel pink and purple gradients. It's like an Instagram filter over the whole thing. That's Vaporwave, and while it looked cool in 2018 that's not really what was going on at the time.
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The MS-DOS sized pixel text bugs me when they should have gone with Windows 98-style higher resolution. They seem to run all their images through an aggressive dithering filter when in reality, JPGs existed too. But it's funnier to have all those crusty GIFs in there, that ages the art more. And is that a poop emoji button? An emoji in a 90s game?
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Sorry, that sounds like I'm picking on a game I haven't played. Not trying to knock down any Hypnospace fans. The game looks fun! I'm just being a design nerd and taking a magnifying glass to something I've never seen before today. If you love the look of the game, that's valid! I like Vaporwave too. But Vaporwave is its own separate thing.
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So, real quick, let's talk Vaporwave. It's important to understand Vaporwave is evocative of the 1990s, but wasn't an actual thing in the 1990s. The point of Vaporwave is it's meant to be a surreal parody version of the decade, as seen through the lens of the 2010s. I think what happened over the past decade was everyone forgot it was a parody and took it at face value. Vaporwave and 90s just became equals.
And that's how we got this:
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What I wanted to share with you all was Vaporwave and Memphis style graphics are starting to be like THE ONLY representation of the decade. I wanted to share that there's more out there to pick apart and use for retro throwbacks.
Maybe further into Hypnospace they get into that other stuff? Thanks for tipping me off about the game! I'll add it to my Steam list.
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ckret2 · 2 months
i know you’ve talked about bill’s music tastes before, but do you have any head cannons for other characters’ music tastes?
i.e. do you think mabel would listen to vocaloid?
Mabel: here's what we know about her tastes.
She loves Dream Boy High; Dream Boy High's VCR tape design has nods to Jem & the Holograms, which has a million songs per episodes; Mabel has Xyler & Craz play synth music to defeat Bill; Mabeland plays 80's music. She's into extremely 80's-sounding synth-heavy pop. The music she plays in dream realms is the music closest to her heart. This is the core of her musical tastes.
There's something subtly, inexplicably different about music made for cartoons vs contemporary popular music, even when they're trying to portray the same genres. I can't describe what that quality is, but it's there. Anyway, if the core of Mabel's musical tastes is rooted in or near Dream Boy High, then she probably listens to other 80s cartoon soundtracks.
She's into 2010s acts that are throwbacks to late-1990s boy bands. She'd probably also like actual 90s boy bands.
She's fluent in modern top 40 music—which is no doubt where she she picked up Sev'ral Timez. I see her as the kind of kid who just keeps the radio on all the time. (And I do mean the radio—she didn't get a phone til the end of last summer, we see her with CDs, she probably had a radio long before she tried streaming.)
She's also fluent in classic rock ballads, but it's not her preference. She's a "grew up listening to the radio stations her parents picked on a car ride" kid. I suspect her dad plays 70s/80s pop in the car (cementing her primary musical tastes) because there's another Pines into synth pop so I've decided it's genetic, and her mom plays the classic rock. Mabel knows Don't Start Unbelieving from Mabel & Mom karaoke nights.
Dipper: if Mabel grew up listening to her parents' picks on the car radio, so did he. This is where he picked up his love for BABBA. From this we can deduce that, if their dad is the 70s/80s pop music parent, their dad probably drives them around more than their mom. I think you could safely give him other disco bands as well.
He plays the sousaphone but every band kid I've ever known treats band more like a musical sport than like a musical genre—the super passionate ones might practice extra and might watch other bands' performances, but they didn't just sit around listening to marching band music for fun. However, he also practices during the summer, even though he's in another state and obviously not participating in any summer band activities, which suggests an unusual passion for marching band. I still don't think he just listens to marching band music for fun but he probably keeps hearing songs and going "oh wow I've never heard the original before, only the band version."
He picked up a couple of indie folk bands to try to impress Wendy but he's not super into them.
Ford: He was on the absolute cutting edge of new wave & synth pop in the 80s. He was into the obscure stuff. Somewhere in the shack is a pile of cassettes by new wave acts the rest of the world has completely forgotten. He and Mabel trade music recommendations: he gives her the obscure as hell stuff and she tells him about all the cool new* (*post-1982) bands he never got to see. Mabel prefers peppier songs and he prefers moodier songs but there's a HUGE overlap between their tastes.
In a better, portal-less world, Ford's taste in new wave would have had time to drift into dark wave and cold wave, and from there slid over sideways to discover goth rock. There's an unhatched trad goth somewhere in his soul. He should have been listening to Sisters of Mercy, Bauhaus, and The Cure. He should have gotten a black trench coat because he thought it would make him feel cool, not because he was an interdimensional criminal on the run. It's not too late for him to discover it now, but by now he should have made it miles beyond the major 80s goth rock acts, gone down half a dozen increasingly obscure genre alleys, and be burrowed deep into some weird sub-sub-sub-genre of EBM you and I have never heard of.
He has a love/hate relationship with All Star.
Stan: He liked hanging out at a 50s-themed diner in the 70s. He likes 50s music. I also think he picked up a fair amount of Spanish-language 50s rock-and-roll while abroad. Once like five years ago Soos overheard Stan playing a record and singing a song Abuelita plays and it cemented his ambition to reverse-adopt Stan as his dad.
Soos: Popular hip hop and anime/video game soundtracks. Every rap song he knows has been on the Billboard Hot 100 but on the other hand he has the demo version of the extended version of the ending theme of an anime from 2001 that was never fully released outside Japan and he's probably got a fifteen-minute story about why he knows this song even exists. He's puzzled through the shipping info of a Japanese CD website to get the official soundtrack of the most dogshit anime you could imagine. He's spent a week pouring through anime convention forums trying to track down a song he overheard someone use as their background music at a cosplay contest. Lots of 8-bit.
Wendy: You know the stomp clap hey genre? That. I have nothing further to add, you know what I'm talking about. Her heart yearns to escape to hipster city. She didn't even like Robbie's music when they were dating, she just thought it was cool he made it.
I'm not gonna go through every character I have headcanons for, you don't need all that on one post. Anyway, have a work in progress playlist. It's rigorously organized. "😀😀😀 Character Name 😀😀😀" is what each character would like listening to, "😀 Zodiac Symbol 😀" is songs about each character, "🪐🪐🪐 Flatland 🪐🪐🪐" is backstory stuff, "🌎 Earth 🌎" is either songs I need on this playlist for the vibes or songs that belong in one of the other categories but I haven't sorted them yet. Some of the sections are still empty. I think this is forgivable since the playlist is already 11 hours long.
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foxes-that-run · 2 months
MH cried on stage about haylor?? I need to see this give me link
The TLDR is that the meltdown video: ramps up at 3:49, there is also this tumblr post by someone who was there about it and this news about it.
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Maylor/Haylor storytime with too much info
Matty Healy's parents are actors Tim Healy and Denise Welch, overseas 1D fans may know his mum from this Loose Women interview with 1D. His parents had a messy public divorce covered in Tabloids.
1999 - When his mum was featured on This is Your Life, in this clip, 10 year old Matty said he wanted to be "a popstar and top class musician" with his mum looking tense.
2002 - the 1975 was formed with school friends in Manchester, it will be 10 years before they have success.
2009 - 1975 met and was unsigned by every major label. Their manager formed an independent label and signed them for £20.
2010 - One Direction is formed on X-Factor with Harry, 5 years younger also from Cheshire, 30 minutes drive from Mattys hometown of Wilmslow, both near Manchester. 1D becomes a national sensation and sign a £1m record deal with a major label.
2011 - One Direction continues to grow with the X-Factor tour, records Up All Night and starts their own tour.
2012 - What Makes You Beautiful is #1 in 16 countries including the UK and US. Harry starts dating Taylor Swift and the world loses it's mind over them and the band.
2013, February - 1975 get their first top 20 song, Chocolate that reaches #19 (Teenage Kicks was on #6 in the same chart, on it's way down from #1).
2013, September 3 - Harry tweeted that he downloaded the self-titled 1975 album. Matty Healy told an interviewer that he went from 4k followers to 15k followers in 10 minutes. Matty said they became mates, he texted Harry to thank him. The 1975 covered What Makes You Beautiful:
All fab, or so it seems.
2014, February - Taylor finishes 1989, Harry and Taylor start dating again and seem to for the rest of the year.
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2014, March 20, fallout boy shares this photo of Matty Healy, fallout boy and 1d minus Harry to instagram captioned “London hangs.” I don’t know when the photo with Harry is from, the jacket is St Laurent 2014 and it first appeared on live journal June 2014. Harry wore the coat again in September.
2014, March - MH plays call or delete with Harry's BFF Nick Grimshaw and calls Niall and Harry, he says he has Niall’s number because he is writing a song for one direction and that he had never spoken to Harry before (but had his number and Harry recognised his voice and/or just would know Nick had the show on and who was on it.) MH asks to borrow £5k and Harry agrees. Harry probably knew he was on Nick Grimshaw.
2014, April - his mum says MH is writing a song for 1D and talks about Anne.
2014, May 8 - One Direction record Change Your Ticket in Fasano Hotel, the TV Special includes footage (2:12) of Julien and Niall figuring out the lyrics and melody in Rio De Janeiro. The band then toured
2014, May 24 - One Direction and the 1975 both play the Glasgow Big Weekend, though 1D fly in for just their show they are then in London.
2014, July - Anne tweets Denise with a throwback photo
At some point they play Change Your Ticket for Matty who Later said:
“They got me in and they said, ‘We really like your band. Would you write a song for us?’,” Matt revealed to Spin. “[But] they didn’t seem to be actually that interested. They just wanted to play me this song that they said was really, really inspired by us.", “Listen guys, fill your boots, the song doesn’t sound that much like ‘Girls’. But the guitar and the whole vibe of it is a complete lift, So take the guitars off and we’re good." “It would have been a bad 1975 song.”
2014 - October 27 - 1989 released. Taylor says to Rolling Stone that her publicist has said a relationship is not a good idea:
‘How long do we have on the clock — before something comes along and puts a wrench in it, or your publicist calls and says this isn’t a good idea?'” (bless you @cntfightmydemonsthyknowhowtoswim)
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2014 - November 8 - Matty Healy wears a 1989 T-Shirt, Taylor likes a Tumblr post about it.
2014 - November 17 - FOUR comes out with Change Your Ticket including the 1975-esq guitar. In the Four Hangout Harry says "well done Tyler" (32:25) and Niall adds "your Boyfriends back", Liam adds "Your gonna get in trouble" Tyler is Taylor's name I n the Man video, the 1D band had rhyming or celebrity code names for themselves that they used in interviews (Harry = Susan Boyle etc)
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2014 - November 19 - Harry, Taylor & Selena go to a 1975 concert together. This is often cited as the Maylor starting point, Harry was there and called her boyfriend by Niall 2 days before. Taylor posts a video of her, Selena and Harry is briefly seen. Video of Taylor and MH backstage.
2014 - December 2 - Harry and Taylor at Victoria's Secret After party and leave together in London. First time Style performed.
2014 - December 4 - Taylor at a 1975 concert in NYC.
2014 - December 5 - 1D in London, appeared on Graham Norton. Rumours Taylor dating Matty, he tweets they got his name wrong.
2014 - December 6 - Taylor has laryngitis at Jingle Bell Ball. Matty Healy does this on stage in Boston, crying and yelling at the audience:
8 December - Blind "The B- list celebrity offspring of two of the worst celebrity parents ever has been hooking up the past few weeks with the lead singer of the band that Taylor Swift loves. Apparently they sent Taylor a pic of themselves naked in bed together." (Ali Lohan (Dina and Michael)/Matty Healy “The 1975″)
2014 - December 9, after Twitter ran with the meltdown, coupled with Matty being linked to Taylor who the band knew to be with Harry. They go on more Four promo. One Direction was not getting on, Harry had broached the topic of the Hiatus a few weeks earlier. They appear on RTL in the Netherlands. Liam seems drunk and makes a beard joke at Harry.
24 December - Tabloid media about Ali Lohan/MH
And that's the end of the 2014, interaction, between Matty appearing in the 1989 t-shirt and the meltdown was 1 month, and Harry and Taylor were seen together in that time. Taylor did go to one 1975 concert without Harry, 2 days before Matty melted down.
13 December Taylor tweets asking the media to stop accusing her of dating her friends (kk & MH)
In this time Matty was also smoking heroin, from the New Yorker in May 2023:
In 2014, amid the early rush of fame and steady touring, Healy began smoking heroin, the only substance he found that could pull him down from the stratosphere. It was a secret, for a while; then the band staged an intervention. Healy resisted: he was the star, and the rest of them would have to get on board.
2015, November - Matty said to the Guardian:
On 6 December, onstage in Boston. “There was girl stuff,” he says. “There was family stuff. There was financial stuff. There was drug stuff. I remember hearing the crowd and having an identity crisis. I thought: ‘If you want to see a show, I’ll give you a fucking show. If you’ve come to see the jester drink himself into a slumber, I’ll give it to you.’ I felt like I’d become an idea as opposed to being a person.” At one point, a fan shouted, “I love you, Matty!” He’s ashamed of his response. “What did I say to the poor fucking girl? ‘You don’t have the right to love me. You don’t know me. I love you but you don’t get to love me.’ Jesus. Can you imagine your favourite band shouting that at you? What a dickhead. What a horrible thing to say to a kid who fucking does love me.”
2015 - January - Matty also does this interview where he says it was all fake that he dated Taylor and there is noone in the world he knows less than Harry Styles
2015 - February 26 - Taylor pictured hugging Nick Grimshaw, Harry’s BFF, next to Matty Healy at the 2015 Brit awards after party. Harry was in Australia, he and Taylor had broken Up and this is the night she met and seemed to immediately start dating Calvin Harris’s
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2015 - April - Matty Healy and sources close gives a lot of interviews saying he is angry about Change Your Ticket and that One Direction stole the 1975's sound.
Love Me
2015 - October - 1975 Love Me came out which is a rather direct Harry diss:
the lyrics reference Blank Space "Rumors Fly": "You've been reading about yourself on a plane".
"caught up in fashion, Karcrashian panache" a style reference and a diss to Kendall
music video where Matty makes out with the cardboard cutout of a 17 year old Harry Styles.
on stage he copies Harry's dancing in this song.
In the BTS Matty says "I just wanted to make a video that was about some kind of sexually confused rockstar type that who buys into his own nonsense really"
he also wore Chelsea looking boots and pointed them out in the BTS
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2016, March to Q Magazine, (and widely reported) Matty said:
“I feel like I’m not very good at relationships,” he’d said, and I wondered why. Healy explained the jumble of reasons – insecurity, self-obsession, a fear of misrepresentation. Was it also, I asked, a fear of losing himself? He nodded. “Absolutely. And the reason I mention that is because if I had [properly] gone out with Taylor Swift the first thing I would’ve [thought was] ‘Fucking hell I am NOT being Taylor Swift’s boyfriend.’ You know, FUCK. THAT.” Then he had added an afterthought: “That’s also a man thing, a de-masculinating, emasculating thing.”
I'm skipping ahead a few years, Matty brings Taylor and Harry up alot, like in random interviews with Zane Lowe, Nick Grimshaw etc. But the vibe is often separating him from success. I wonder if he is also reminding others he knows them.
2022 he works with Jack Antonoff. There are rumours of a collab which Matty both says it is fake news he worked on Midnights and then that he did but it wasn't used. Taylor never acknowledged.
2022 - midnights comes out, no 1975 collab.
2023 - 12 January - Taylor performs anti-hero and The City at 1975 concert, multiple rumors Harry was also there: x, x, x
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2023 - 15 January - MH invites HS to perform, H declines. MH makes inappropriate comments accusing Harry of Queerbaiting.
2023 - 11 February blind item:
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2023 - March - Reps for Matty Healy's girlfriend Meredith says
“She did not see this coming at all. All the time Matty was in the studio with Taylor, she thought nothing of it. He’d spend the day in the studio and then come home to her. “Things were going well until around March 29 then, out of the blue, he stopped replying to messages and calls. “He just ghosted her and that was it. Then, four weeks later, he went public with Taylor.
2023 - March/April/May/June - Taylor touring the US. The 1975 touring Latin America in March, Asia and Australia in April and May, Europe in June. The only times they would have seen each other are the handful of times they were photographed.
2023 - 10 April - Taylor and Joe's separation press release. MH delete socials said:
"everything happens in eras. The 1975 is a very eras band. The era of me being a f***ing a***hole is coming to an end. […] I can’t perform off the stage any more.”
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2023 April 14 - MH cries on stage in I always wanna die, and puts his head in his hands during Love it if we make it in Sydney. Saying “You changed all the words on my set list to rude words,” he says, pointing off-stage, before admitting the culprit is “trying to cheer me up because I’ve been going through a bit”. Covered in news
2023 April 24 - MH introduces 'She's American' in Tokyo with: "When I picture it, there's like three places I picture people listening to it, there's Manchester, Pennsylvania, that’s a whole other thing don’t worry about that and Tokyo” 1975 was formed in Manchester. Matty and Harry are from nearby Wilmslow or Cheshire respectively.
2023 - May 3 - TS & MH mouth "this is about you, you know who you are. I love you" on stage.
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2023 5 May - MH at Eras tour, Sparks Fly and Teardrops on my guitar. He joined Phoebe Bridges on stage.
2023 6 May - OOTW/Fifteen. MH attends again
2023 11 May - MH and Taylor hold hands in NY
2023 12 May - Gold Rush & CBBH, Philli. MH on stage at Eras in skeleton costume. MH and Taylor at group dinner hold hands.
2023 13 May - TS This Love, no intro/Forever and Always (Philli) MH attends eras and seen with Scott Swift.
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2023 15 May - Taylor leaving Electric Lady with MH
2023 24 May - People reports Taylor kissed MH at Zero bond, no photos of them arriving, no photos allowed in club. Last time reported to be seen together. 50 days since his ex said they were good.
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2023 27 May - during the Radio 1 Big Weekend at Glasglow, a broadcast event, Matty Healy acted unusually and said "Try romanticising your life for a job, see how you like it". This section is cut from the BBC's official video of About You. Harry was also in Scotland in Edinburgh.
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2023 June 5 - MH break up reported by TMZ later confirmed no longer speaking
2023 August 16 - MH back with the girl he dumped in March for …. That.
2024 February 15 - MH said on stage “Do not come for me. Trust me. You know who I’m talking to. Honestly, you know who you are. I’m as mental as I seem. I have the receipts. Don’t f**k with me. Trust me.”
I have no idea what happened in 2023, but I think the blind is correct.
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eeeeuuughggg · 5 months
nina the killer hcs
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nina is a MASSIVE kleptomaniac. she steals whatever she can get her hands on, and is rarely caught. whenever she is, she runs like her life depends on it - heels rapidly clicking on the surface of the malls linoleum floors.
her stealing habits have led to her being a little bit of a hoarder, but nonetheless her room is still mainly clean. it's semi-messy, stolen things like stickers, accessories and shitty kmart piercings and jewellery in the corner of her room. she doesn't have enough boxes to throw them in and put under her bed. 
her LED lights are always on a hot pink, otherwise theyre flashing rainbow colours to the beat of her music. 
several band posters and just general posters of things she likes. hello kitty posters, graphic design that suitors to her taste, whatnot. 
has a flip phone that's seperate to her cellphone, and when she hangs up a call she dramatically slams it shut. 
speaking of, her phone has hundreds of stickers under and on the case. these stickers are accompanied by a cute little beaded keychain she made herself. 
she also has one of those cute little digital cameras, she goes to kmart often and when she's not stealing, she's printing out pictures to put on her wall. (she has a photo wall)
she makes lots of loomband and kandi bracelets and accessories in her free time, usually friendship bracelets to give to her friends. 
on her social media, she posts her 'borrowing' hauls. (she has a whole private story on snapchat just for her stolen goods.)
she also has a whole pinterest board dedicated to tips and tricks for stealing or other illegal things. she loves tagging, her little calling sign is a skull wearing a pink bow. 
nina is SO loud. she just talks really loud, and swears like a sailor. she'll drop something and in the midst of bending over to pick it up, she'll shout 37 curses. "oh fucking whore, dumb cunt, i dropped my fucking-"
adding on to her being loud, she's unbelievably good at singing. if you go out drinking with her, it's not uncommon that she'll beeline for the karaoke machine and unironically still sing amazingly despite the fact she's totally wasted. 
her music taste is also really good. it's not a WIDE range, but it's a range of similarity in certain ways. she's a hardcore ayesha stan, fight me. she really gives off 2010's myspace. she's a walking throwback. 
if you ever feel down about yourself, she'll TOTALLY have a girls day with you. doesn't matter your gender or anything, it's a girls day and you're not getting out of it. she'll do your makeup, you'll go shopping, get manicures together.
or, if you prefer something more quiet and cheaper, she'll doordash the two of you snacks and you're gonna watch twilight while gossiping and doing each other's nails. 
she's kind of a smoker mom.. but like, she unironically gives really good advice and takes care of you like you're her child. (that is, if she likes you.)
nina is SUCH a cat. like a hyper ass cat. u could distract her with a laser pointer and it would work. 
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luckycheesefoodie321 · 7 months
Non-spoiler review: Very wholesome. Arguably you could pick this up without prior knowledge of the past series and understand it perfectly fine. A good throwback bite sized adventure with our OG trio, literally adventuring on weekends style. Strictly within New York (and the surrounding suburbs but I know nothing of New York geography).
Such a familiar voice to ease back into and feel so at home with. Percy is Percy and will never stop being Percy.
The domestic demigod scenes were so wholesome and heartwarming, further proving Sally and Paul have created the ultimate safe space and Sally is the best mom to mom and why all demigods, gods, and other traumatised individuals just love her upon meeting her.
A LOT of wholesome interactions within the Jackson-Blofis household, between Annabeth, Percy and Grover, Annabeth and Sally, Annabeth and Paul, Paul and Percy, Percy and Grover. The family was family-ing.
Zeus continues to be supremely disgusting. In such an open way which is the closest true acknowledgement to the mythology we will get in a book series largely targeted to a younger demographic. Rick has come such a long way in how he frames his characters, acknowledging the world they live in, touching base with reality quite often in a way that feels like “yeah ofc Percy would see all this and realise this as a traumatised 17 year old living in New York City”.
At times, Percy’s rampant sarcasm throwing around all this commentary felt a touch on the nose and like “Percy Jackson is an eternal 17 year old but the world around has been adjusted to make sense for the current day and age and not the mid-2000s-2010s”. But this feeling didn’t occur very often.
But Percy looking at Ganymede as this traumatised kid who was plucked from his life to serve as Zeus’s eye candy for the rest of his immortal life. Him embracing Gary, the god of Old Age (who was giving me strong Cupid energy in terms of his metaphors and language use and general aggression), because immortality had never tempted him and being an older demigod who can actually look forward to the future is something to celebrate and cherish. Him feeling guilty about exploding on Elisson (when he was literally so overstimulated and experiencing some major sensory overload and the fear and disorientation that comes with that - like he was literally gonna die so go figure he’d let rip his powers in what was like… the most effective and helpful way possible) bc Elisson was clearly stressed out of his mind and two stressed people exploding on each other, with one being an exceptionally terrifyingly powerful demigod and one being a god who wants peace and quiet and for his river to not be polluted, is not in any way productive or healthy.
Dark!Percy stans tho, you ate. That scene was for y’all. Annabeth tho, just vibing acting as a therapist for Elisson.
But I just think the stories Rick has woven have matured in such a wonderful way, as reflected through his beloved main character, Percy. Percy has taken every turn possibly to make sure he doesn’t turn out like Luke, he doesn’t hit that point between jaded and hateful, that he doesn’t ever stop cherishing and valuing his mortality and the people around him. Him being such a rare example of a positive home life, arguably on both his mortal and godly side (see his slightly more stable relationship with Poseidon than most big three or indeed regular demigod children) allows him anchor himself and remind him exactly why he’s doing what he’s doing.
The fact that he can sway the sentiments of minor gods like Geras, or make those “small waves” with people like Barbara, or help out his friend Grover as well as reassure him of their friendship and bond without hesitation, shows time and again why Percy Jackson is such a beloved character and the blueprint of a good boyfriend. Him being so devoted to Annabeth, so delighted for his mom and Paul having a baby, him being upset about not being there in the early stages of Estelle growing up. I was fully expecting there to be a flashforward to her being born but alas not.
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lonelyroommp3 · 16 days
would you share the video essay? i also would like to be doing nothing rn
honestly it was not very good so i won't share that particular one lol but my favourite casual watch channels in general include -
if you want to get a recap of drama you would otherwise not know or care about:
emma in the moment - craft/fibre arts related drama (think dodgy yarn dyers, crochet plagiarism accusations, etc)
treacle tatts - tattoo related drama; mix of longer drama recaps & tiktok reaction vids. you could definitely waste an entire afternoon just watching the tattoogate series
izzzyzzz - very much in the sarah z/strange aeons school of "old fandom drama i almost forgot about" but i find izzzyzzz's videos tend to focus more on fandoms i'm not as familiar/don't have history with (my little pony, creepypasta, deviantart in general, etc) so it kind of fills a different niche for me in terms of learning something new as opposed to getting a cursed nostalgia hit. their mary sue video is a particular fave
if you like messy pop culture drama throwbacks:
casey aonso. honestly one of my fave youtubers in the game atm as someone with a big interest in 2000s/2010s pop culture, i've mentioned it before but her fifth harmony video is quite possibly my number one comfort watch of all time. cracks me up every time without fail
if you are a public transport enjoyer:
both geoff marshall and jago hazzard do very interesting & informative videos mainly focusing on the transport for london network but also going further afield. mostly shorter form content but there are a couple of interesting longer ones like geoff's video about riding every tfl bus
i find noel phillips' videos interesting from a pov of exploring various niche airlines but i can't lie him talking to camera on an otherwise silent plane & also surreptitiously recording his interactions with airline staff DOES give me potent second hand embarrassment and genuine moral qualms respectively so tread carefully on those ones i suppose
if you REALLY want to turn your brain off and just have some background noise i am a big fan of 1) level crossing videos. just search "uk level crossings channel" and go wild. 2) livestreams of planes landing in various airports. pairs well with flightradar24 in another tab especially if you happen to live somewhere underneath an airport's flight path so you can get what i like to call the "dual monitor experience" of seeing the plane irl and on the stream
if you want oddly satisfying content
HOOF TRIMMING VIDEOS!! if you just want something clean and satisfying watch horse hoof trimming vids. if like me you don't mind or arguably even prefer complex & occasionally graphic medical cases then cows are where it's at. the big two cow hoof youtubers - mootubers, if you will - are the hoof gp (scotland based, mix of straightforward short form trims and longer vlog style videos, more comedy & banter sprinkled throughout) and nate the hoof guy (usa based, more straightforward and calm delivery, come for the hooves stay for his commenters' absolute vendetta against the hoof gp under nearly every single video)
i love girl with the dogs for dog/cat grooming videos. she has two channels, one with very short (2-5 min) grooms and another with longer (15-20 min) more in depth videos
back in my last year of undergrad i got really into soap making videos. mainly watch royalty soaps who can be... a bit gratingly cheerful in her delivery but if you don't mind that the actual content is very relaxing to watch
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taylorswiftstyle · 9 months
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Heading to a recording studio | Los Angeles, CA | August 2, 2023
Gerard Darel 'Mini Raffia Crossbody Bag' - $275.00 Rag & Bone 'White Retro Runner 2.0 Low Top Sneakers' - $275.00 $124.00
I was personally wondering when (not if) we would see Taylor en route to a studio in L.A. now that she's relocated to the west coast for this final run of U.S. Eras Tour shows.
She looked very Laidback Athleisure Barbie with her combination of soft pink bodysuit, relaxed cut offs, and crisp textured white sneakers.
The choice to opt for a textured, raffia bag here instead of something more obviously prim or prissy to coincide with the pink feels like a way of bringing the 'fit back down to earth and preventing it from feeling too overtly Stereotypical Barbie.
Seeing her carry something from this particular brand actually brought me back so many feels as she primarily carried bags (and a few very cute beanies) from Gerard Darel back in 2010. What a throwback!
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leopardom · 8 months
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joelhokka 10 years:
I don't know where it all startedWhat was the first spark to start a band & rule the world (or at least aim for it). Maybe it was just pure insanity from the start. A force nature or something like that. It was quite a hard to get friends & start a band to play music that wasn't a) puritanistical metal or b) indie rock (which was the coolest thing in early 2010's)But somehow we got it all together. First it was just me & @/joonasbc but very quickly we found the other members as well. Going solo wasn't (and is still not) an option (it feels like you have to pay your band to be your "friends" if you know what I mean?)So It had to be a band. I've always been a team player I'd go insane alone (and my ADHD is just too bad for handling everything).
Looking back the journey it all feels like yesterday but on the same time only like 100 years. Weird1/3 of my life has been just aiming towards the impossible. Learning, grinding, struggling, travelling, failing, sweatin', bleeding and then finally winning. But as long as we decide to do this the fight will go on. As I've got older I've realized that the numbers will drive you insane in a long run. So I've dived back to the square one what was the reason to start it all in the first place? For me the reason is fans. 100%.
In one week we'll raise the bar higher than ever. Carry on & thank you for reading this!
Pic 1: first festival shows ever
Pic 2: yung lads
Pic 3: first festival shows ever
Pic 4: winning @/ylex band competition & first show in legendary @/tavastia
Pic 5: first show outside Finland: Wacken Open Air 2014
Pic 6: yung bous with their first punk album Pic 7: First EU "tour"
Pic 8: First time meeting real rockstars & supporting @/hollywoodundead
Pic 9: yung boys in Germany
Pic 10: @/alexmattson accidentaly joined the band
Pic 11 (couldn't do more than 10 but as you know things got pretty wild after 2020...)
#Blind Channel #Anniversary #Throwback #2010s
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artist-issues · 8 months
What do you think about Disney's Wish?
The movie will be an eye-candy with beautiful 2D and 3D. (But going by the trailer it's not as impressive as the Puss in Boots the Last Wish or Spiderverse. We need a better name for that animation style. How about 2/3D? ZED? I don't know.)
The music will be great. (But after listening to the song from the trailer that is supposed to be the ''I want song'', oh my God the lyrics are so generic and bland they can fit practically any main character ever. And it's just a lot of singing about nothing.)
The Star character, Valentino or both will be annoying.
Valentino will be funny and marketable but the movie could've worked without him.
The world will be huge, beautiful, and interesting and we explore none of it.
The protagonist will be bland with one obvious flaw or a dream which will be related to the message of the movie.
The message will have all the subtlety of the hammer in the face.
Inconsistencies, contradictions, and random stuff happening because funny/the plot.
References to older classics that you wish you would be watching. (You saw how many references they cram now into their other movies? And now it's one of the things they talked about the most!)
Death is funny until we have the fake-out death then you need to care.
No love interest because love makes women weak apparently. Or no love interest because the actress is a lesbian and she talked about how Asha ''looks like her'' because modern acting isn't about pretending to be something you're not, it's about showing who you are every chance you get. And for those who think they might make a lesbian love interest, I would like you to take a look at the gay ''romance'' in the Strange World. But if by some chance they do I doubt it will be any good. When was the last romance in Disney, Frozen 2 (2018) and that's a holdover from the first movie (2013) and the last good romance was Tangled (2010).
Lame villain! It's supposed to be a throwback to the older Disney movies and that includes its villains but Disney is so incompetent with their IPs I wouldn't be surprised if they get their own villain ''formula'' wrong. I swear if they try to make him a twist after spoiling that Chris Pine will be voicing the villain and his evil laugh in the teaser trailer, or ''redeem'' him after he did unspeakable evils. And no villain song. Can Chris Pine sing? Please no terrible auto-tune!
Making jabs at old Disney tropes even tho this movie isn't even half as good as the movies that came before it, uses a bunch of other modern tropes or straight up the same ones that it mocked earlier and completely misinterprets them and uses them even worse! Modern Disney seems to hate its past and does everything to show how ''better'' they are now. Which is untrue in most cases and just smug and annoying!
I'm sorry for being so pessimistic but that's how jaded I become and only towards Disney. It might be their greatest hit that will make people think ''Disney is back''. But Disney needs to change. One good movie will not save them if they keep making remakes that lose money.
I don't know; some of the things you've listed are likely, but I doubt all of them will be true!
I think the animation looks...unfinished. Isn't that odd? It looks like there's not a lot to fill in the scene, and what is there didn't get done rendering.
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See these are pretty, but there just isn't a lot going on in the backgrounds--it's very icon-y. Maybe they're going for a storybook-look, but...a very minimalist, simple storybook? Not like Snow White:
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Or Pinocchio
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I can see that there are 2D textures on the trees and grass and stuff, but I wish there was just more there. Like all these pots and all the stonework in the background, in the screenshots from classic Disney above. Where’s the stuff; it would look even better if there was stuff. You know usually when Disney tries a new technique or look, they show it off. In Moana, they’re like we animated water, and as a result, we are going to show you SO MUCH WATER. In Tangled, they were like, we nailed the hair, and as a result you get to see Rapunzel’s hair do SO MUCH. In Wish it looks like the artists were shy about showing off the painterly stuff. But I’m no expert.
I really agree about the music. Like I really agree. I have only heard snippets. But I remember seeing the trailers for Frozen when a little bit of the music would play and immediately wanting to hear more. Looking it up like “Frozen trailer music” because just the snippet was enough. In this movie, I like the trailer until she starts singing, and then for some reason my whole brain rolls it’s eyes. Why does it do that for this movie? I love Disney music. I listen to Disney Princess Christmas album every season even though it’s not amazing, because I just like hearing characters sing. So why should I be exasperated by new feature-film Disney music, even if it does sound just like the others? I don’t know. I am not a music expert, either; I’m just telling you who I am (a Disney lover) and how inexplicably I reacted to Wish’s little music thing. Chris Pine can sing, but just like everything he does: he sounds like Chris Pine singing.
I think you’re right about Valentino; I don’t know if that’s a fair criticism, though. The Little Mermaid could’ve worked without Flounder. Mulan could’ve worked without Cri-Kee. Cinderella could’ve worked without Jacques. Moana absolutely did work without Pua. But in the new movie’s trailer I did feel like, “this feels like a pointless character.” Don’t know why.
The world actually looks empty to me. See points about the art style above. I don’t want to explore what I’ve seen of it, because it looks like an unfinished Open-World game that someone wants me to stream walkthroughs of on YouTube, and I’m like “no thank you, that looks boring.” But maybe that’ll be the point. Maybe in the story, the Wishing Star deepens and fills up every piece of scenery it interacts with! That would be cool. Maybe there’s a story-reason for the world.
I don’t know about the protagonist being bland. To make a good character (particularly in a kid’s movie) you need one big flaw (to make the character believable) and one big strength (to make the character compelling) and then little flaws and strengths surrounding that. For example, Aladdin’s one big flaw is his insecurity, and his one big strength is his compassion. You can file smaller traits like “trust issues, impulsivity, defensiveness, dishonesty” under the Insecurity flaw, and you can file “generous, insightful,” under the Compassion strength. His compassion makes him help and connect with Jasmine in the marketplace even though his Insecurity leads him to think he needs to be a Prince to re-connect with her after she turns out to be the Princess, etc. So it’s fine if she has one obvious flaw. She just really needs it to be relatable. All Disney characters wish for something. But every single one of them typically learns that the thing they were wishing for isn’t what they thought it would be, and to have what’s worth wishing for (love, usually) requires sacrifice. It’s a formula, but it’s a tried-and-true formula. It’s a multi-faceted formula. If they pick a new facet but remember the good, plain, common sense in the same formula, everything will be fine.
Their messages have been less and less subtle. In general I don’t mind when messages are obvious, because (you know me) I think that’s what movies are for. But! I will admit that movies like The Little Mermaid or Beauty & the Beast or Lilo & Stitch, where the messages are wrapped in layers of compelling character arcs and feel more character-driven, are better than movies like Raya and the Last Dragon. No shade, Raya, but how many times can you say “trust” in the same movie? Aladdin did it in two.
I don’t mind references in movies. Worked for Frozen. But there’s a difference between having Anna excitedly see the sails of a ship entering the harbor as a callback to Pocahontas, and having Rapunzel ask Vanellope if people assume all her problems were solved because a big strong man showed up. One is respectful (hey, let’s parallel Anna seeing the start of a new chapter in her life the same way Pocahontas did with sails!) and the other is sort of poking fun at the audience for ever liking what Disney made. Basically I’m very tired of meta-references.
I think this movie has potential to treat death with the weight it’ll need. After all, if it’s about wishes, one of the very easiest but most emotionally-engaging things they could do is have the main character (or the villain) be wishing to bring someone who’s died back. Then the message could go hard.
I totally agree about romance. The thing about romance is, it is a great way for one character to self-examine and confront their issues, as well as move into a place where they’re willing to sacrifice for others. Having a young, naive character set out to get their dreams, and then run into another character and start to care about that character? It forces conflict and tension, and again, it’s a formula, but it’s a formula that makes sense and shouldn’t be fixed because it’s not broke.
What I really don’t like about this villain is that he just feels bland, like a rockstar character who turns out to be a jerk. Surprise, surprise. And Chris Pine plays Chris Pine in everything he’s in, so I’m not thrilled by that either. But whatever.
Yeah, this last point goes back to meta-humor. #NotMyDisney thinks it needs to acknowledge what’s being mocked in order to trick the mocking audiences into watching their new stuff. “If we just own up to our formulas with a joke, they’ll see we’re self-aware and they’ll come along for the ride!” No, actually, you’ll just take them out of the movie mentally and emotionally to hit them with a fourth-wall slap. And then they’ll mock you because that’s cringe. The truth of the matter is, Disney responded to their haters best with Mary Poppins, and then again with Enchanted, and should’ve left it at that. Don’t say “yeah I know we have princesses and cute animals in our movies, aren’t we silly.” Say, “yeah I know we have Princesses and cute animals in our movies, but that’s because life is dark and hard, and hopeful young women with lowly but loveable creatures are inspiring & important. Kids need a spoonful of sugar to HELP the MEDICINE GO DOWN. But it's still MEDICINE that we're making, you're telling us we shouldn't give kids medicine that tastes good?" That’s what they used to say. Now they just…agree with the haters? Because it's a popularity contest, not a responsibility, anymore. Like that’s going to help.
Anyway, I don’t have set-in-stone thoughts about Wish, because Wish hasn’t come out yet. I agree that actors and actresses can give you some idea of where a movie’s headed and sometimes that’s disheartening, but I haven’t seen anything that makes me worry about Wish—except that it looks bland.
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loveislandthegame · 14 days
thoughts on today's volume ! sienna is annoying, and it's even worse because she'll continue to harass you regardless of whether you're pursuing your OG LI or not . i'm not trying to get back with jin (unless claud's somehow still unavailable at the next recoupling)
MC needs a "leave me alone, bride of chucky" option. moving on
next up is snog marry pie. once again, theo is flirting with me despite MC showing no interest in him ? i'll talk more about this later. for now i had to let him know that i'm Mx. Steal Your Girl
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my wife !! i'll be wearing a wedding suit though, don't get it twistedddd 😏
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i snogged kyle, married claudia, pied liam, then used the bonus pie on sienna. hazel pied off jin for some vague reason, "you know what you did," type stuff. and i mean ... sorry to the loyal girlies, but i actually hope OG LI did something major. it'd be sad & frustrating among other things if FB decided to set up yet another black woman islander as a petty, jealous villain
i can't lie, this argument was funny af. bonus points for this actually being unique dialogue (i think they should kiss...👀)
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and what is this black swan (2010) halloween costume from shein-looking ass dress ???!!!! i think this rivals the season 7 suggested prom monstrosity as the fastest "see other options" selection i've ever made. this outfit is not the one, two, three, or four
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next challenge is "couple goals 2.0," a bit lazy there😖
for the most part i've glossed over liam's dialogue cus he genuinely has nothing of value to say, but what ?? i've never gotten steamy with theo . in fact, i barely see the dude because (outside of casa amor) him and claudia share the same "slot" for private chats and alone time. not to mention the only person in this entire villa who's ever done anything with MC outside of a challenge is claudia (my MC didn't even go in the hideaway)
once we came back from casa theo began having a really obvious crush on my MC (don't get me wrong, i think he's gorgeous. i just avoid him specifically because the overlap of his & claudia's routes) and i know some people have complained about claudia flirting with them in casa amor on a straight theo route. i don't know if this is intentional, or if this is just the game falling apart. knowing FB it's probably the latter
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venus girl you're so messy ... (acting like i didn't choose these options😭)
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speaking of mess, i did expose sienna for hooking up with oakley . (mainly because she had the nerve and audacity to insinuate that i did bits with kyle in casa when we didn't even sleep in the same bed) i didn't reveal that it was theo who caught them, tho people should put two & two together based on him trying to get MC to stop talking lol . i kinda regret it, because oakley is trying to spin it as MC being the one that's somehow "out of control," but i'll just see how the next volume goes before i decide to do a replay. if they're exposed during movie night i'll go back and keep it a secret 🤷
enough of that though, we got a steamy scene with claudia 👀 plus some more confirmation that she's 100% focused on us ... i don't know when the next recoupling is but hopefully within the next couple of episodes, i'm tired of being forced to lead people on 😩
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next volume is movie night ! i pray for some branching here, but i wouldn't be surprised if it was some ridiculous clip that can make everyone, even the loyal girlies, look "bad." throwback to vicky getting pissed at my movie night clip of giving bonnie a hug 🙄
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panelshowsource · 3 months
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have you tried checking a comedian's profile on british comedy guide? they're not totally conclusive the way imdb can be for movies/tv, but for a big radio panel show like just a minute, their episodes should be there. here's paul merton's profile, for example, and if you scroll down it shows you all of his appearances in chronological order :)
alternatively, you can look at the profiles for any series you like on BCG and browse the lineups, like just a minute here :)
lmk if that's not helpful for any reason and we'll try to find another resource!
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it's really overwhelming!! 😅 it's hard to make a recommendation when i'm not sure what kind of comedy you prefer, but a few umbrella faves that people of all tastes seem love so much include greg davies - firing cheeseballs at a dog, bill bailey - part troll, and james acaster - repertoire. personally, i think alasdair beckett-king, larry dean, and fern brady are amazing up-and-comers (for lack of a better word; you know, the youths~), simon amstell's standup is so touching and engaging and uniquely and hilariously introspective and so nostalgic to me, and i also think it's worth checking out the 2010 stephen fry special because that man is, of course, a national treasure. if you give some of these things a watch, come back w your opinionz, and even lmk if you have a better idea of what kind of comedy you like if you'd like recommendations round 2!
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OMG a throwback!!! i remember watching the first episode like a million times because of the richard/jimmy dynamic as well as the episode with robert<3 heh
david was such a good host!
but omg i love that you know which series was your rabbit hole 😏
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if it's not for you then that's okay! roisin brought them on for the very first time as her mascot, and people thought it was hilarious watching sean zap her, and they've since done it a few times. something jackass-y about it. it cracks me up!
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ooo omg perf i'll work on that today!
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twwpress · 2 months
Weekly Press Briefing Double Edition: #87 and #88
Welcome back to the Weekly Press Briefing, where we bring you highlights from The West Wing fandom each week, including new fics, ongoing challenges, and more! This briefing is a double edition and covers all things posted from February 18 – March 2. Did we miss something? Let us know; you can find our contact info at the bottom of this briefing! 
Do you have a challenge or event you’d like us to promote or know of one we’re missing? Be sure to get in touch with us! Contact info is at the bottom of this briefing.
@thefinestmuffin and @JessBakesCakes are hosting the 3rd Annual Josh/Donna Rom-Com Fest. The fest revealed on February 14, but prompts and claims are still open and fics can still be added to the collection. Details here.
This Week in Canon:
Welcome back to This Week in Canon, where we revisit moments in The West Wing that occurred on these dates during the show’s run.
Season 1, Episode 16: 20 Hours in L.A. aired on February 23, 2000.
Season 2, Episode 15: Ellie aired on February 21, 2001. 
Season 2, Episode 16 :Somebody's Going to Emergency, Somebody's Going to Jail aired on February 28, 2001.
Season 3, Episode 14: Hartsfield’s Landing aired on February 27, 2002.
Season 4, Episode 16: The California 47th aired on February 19, 2003.
Season 4, Episode 17: Red Haven’s On Fire aired on February 26, 2003.
Season 5, Episode 14: An Khe aired on February 18, 2004.
Season 5, Episode 15: Full Disclosure aired on February 25, 2004.
Season 6, Episode 16: Drought Conditions aired on February 23, 2005.
Season 6, Episode 17: A Good Day aired on March 2, 2005.
Here’s what was posted from February 18 - March 2:
Allison Janney posted a video promo of herself in Palm Royale, which premieres on Apple TV+ on March 20. 
Amy Landecker posted a photo of herself kneeling on top of Brad while he’s stretching. 
Bradley Whitford posted a video with Wis Dems announcing the winner of their Dinner with Brad contest. 
Janel Moloney posted a video of her dog Ollie barking at a squirrel.  
Josh Malina posted a photo of himself with a trumpet from 1986. 
Josh Malina posted a throwback photo of himself and a friend. 
Josh Malina posted photos from his 2010 web series Backwash: 1 | 2 | 3
Josh Malina posted a video of his son Avi skateboarding. 
Peter James Smith posted a still from and link to his deleted scene in Superstore. 
Peter James Smith posted photos from a play reading he is doing. 
Rob Lowe posted a video of himself petting his dogs. 
Donna Moss Daily: February 18 | February 19 | February 20 | February 21 | February 22 | February 23 | February 24 | February 25 | February 26 | February 27 | February 28 | February 29 | March 1 | March 2
Daily Josh Lyman: February 18 | February 19 | February 20 | February 21 | February 22 | February 23 | February 24 | February 25 | February 26 | February 27 | February 28 | February 29 | March 1 | March 2
No Context BWhit: February 18 | February 19 | February 20 | February 21 | February 22 | February 23 | February 24 | February 25 | February 26 | February 27 | February 28 | February 29 | March 2
@twwarchive: February 18 | February 19 | February 20 | February 21 | February 22 | February 23 | February 24 | February 25 | February 26 | February 27 | February 28 | February 29 | March 1 | March 2
#CJTOBY: enigma by lady gaga by @cjcreggswifey [VIDEO EDIT]
Editors’ Choice: 
In honor of the anniversary of the premiere of “20 Hours in L.A.”, here are some of our favorite fics based on/centered around that episode!
Go to Sleep by AndAllThatMishigas | Rated G | Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet | Complete | Post-ep for 20 Hours in LA of red dresses and things unsaid by JediAnnieScrambler | Rated T | C. J. Cregg/Toby Ziegler | Complete | “CJ,” he managed, voice tight and strangled. Her dress was soft and silky under his fingertips, her perfume stronger than ever. “Are you drunk?” “No, Tobus, I am not drunk.” (20 Hours in LA missing scene) Gathering Rosebuds and Mixing Metaphors by Lily_Padd_23 | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Sam Seaborn | Complete | Alternate ending to 20 Hours in LA gather ye rosebuds by thefinestmuffins | Rated E | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | “Gather ye rosebuds,” she’d said, all impetuous, up on her knees on his damn bed, and it’s so confusing, the way he’s almost positive that’s she’s flirting with him sometimes, even as she actively pushes him towards other women. Gather ye rosebuds. Joey’s door is within sight now, but Josh turns around without knocking, without pausing or even slowing down, driven by something sharp and immediate that seems to be lodged directly behind his solar plexus. ** A one and done smutshot, canon-divergent from 20 Hours in LA, in which Josh realizes where his rosebuds are and goes back to his hotel room to gather them. **
Fics from the past two weeks coming in the reblog!
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murumokirby360 · 3 months
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Title: Another 90s Camera: Olympus Camedia C-2000 Z
DeviantART Version [CLICK ME!]
Hello, January! Sorry for the long delay, though. Because I have a lot of things that happened at the beginning of 2024. And GOOD NEWS, I've bought something that makes my PC bring back to LIFE, after 7 months of being inactive (since Jun 9th, 2023)! 🖥️🔧😀 Although I'm still working on the topic, maybe I'll submit it this Feb 2024! 😁
Right now, it's time for my 1st throwback item share of 2024, with this neat-old camera (as my improvise).🙂
• Here's another '90s camera, this is the Olympus Camedia C-2000 Z 📷 inherited from my late grandpa named Jim, who passed away on Jun 6th, 2020 owing to complications, as well as the victim of the COVID-19 virus. Once again, R.I.P, grandpa Jim. 😔⚱️🥀 Believe it or not, I used this '90s camera for submitting on dA, back in Jan 2010. 🙂📸🖼️
Here are my snapshots from the 2010s, so far using the 90s Olympus cam: ○ Jan. 4th, 2010 #1 - [CLICK ME!] ○ Jan. 4th, 2010 #2 - [CLICK ME!] ○ Jan. 19th, 2010 - [CLICK ME!]
BTW: #1: All these three we're stored to my dA private storage, but at least I've already posted on tumblr, couple of years ago.
(and) #2: Also, picturing & submitting these photos on whole "January" calendar was utterly coincidence. 😊📸
1st & 2nd Image(s) [took photos on Jan 19th, 2023]: ↑
• Anyways, the 90s Olympus cam possessed 2.1 megapixels of camera 📷✌️, which was pretty clear & and crisp at the time. However, as of 2024, it is considered a pretty low megapixel that no other modern high-quality companies make that, anymore. 🤷‍♀️ Except for cheap gadgets, of course. And when you compare to your (flagship/mid-range) smartphones 📱/digital cameras 📷 that possessed a whopping 150+ Megapixels, and sometimes 200+ megapixels for the Pro-DSLR camera brands 📷🖼️ speaks volumes to the consumers. It was simply an evolution of the camera lens. Today, like the brick phones from the 90s, the 90s cameras we're now a relic status of the past, meaning no one's using them, anymore due to outdated hardware. They now act as a throwback collection, which simply refuses to throw the trash 🚯, like this ancient 90s Olympus camera. 📷🫳 But hey, if your 90s camera still functions, then you're lucky to used it, but please be careful. 😉
• So, what about the "Olympus" 🇯🇵📷 brand? What happened? Are they still producing cameras? 🤔 Well, according to "quora.com", quote "Olympus has announced in June 2020 that it is selling its camera division to Japan Industrial Partners (JIP) and will exit the camera business altogether. The sale to JIP was completed in January 2021, and the new company created from the sale is called OM Digital Solutions." This means the Olympus camera brand is already off the camera wars; with Canon, Sony, and other Japanese camera brands still running the camera business. However, the Smartphone cameras became more advanced than the old-style digital cams. Here's hoping, that the digit cams will have the same treatment, or maybe still be around in case the smartphone's camera pixels weren't enough, in terms of the raw image.📷🤞
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3rd & 4th Image(s) [Took photos on Jan 29th, 2024]: ↑
• Uh yeah, I forgot that the camera includes a soft case fitting for this model. And look, my paper dolls were delighted to see a throwback camera & they wanted a snapshot using it. 🙂📸 Yeah, but it's no longer working 📷❌, and I tried (using 4 Eneloop AA Batteries) 🔋🔋🔋🔋🤷‍♀️. So much so, that I decided to pretend to take snapshots with the old cam while taking photos with my actual camera from my current smartphone (Honor 8C). Was that a coincidence? 🤔 I'm not so sure 😅, but they're delighted. 😊
Well, that’s the end of my topic, more things to come this 2024. 😊
And if you want to see my Yearend Items Summary - 2023, then please → [CLICK ME!].
Tagged: @lordromulus90, @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @leapant, @paektu, @rafacaz4lisam2k4, @alexander1301
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do-you-have-a-flag · 8 months
my chemical romance a fav band for me ever since their 2nd album/when i was 13
and by a fav i mean listening to entire albums as opposed to the 2-4 songs i usually enjoy per musical artist casually.
that sort of active engagement and seeking out of media/quotes, drawing them, printing out pictures and collecting magazine clippings to put in the back of my school diary, applying their music to other media i like- it's all stuff i did for a handful of artists at the time
and not all of them are musicians i liked every album of, i dropped off with green day and p!atd and fob due to disinterest in their sound after a specific point.
in the 2010s i had a lot of typical early 20s teen nostalgia where mcr's music became a throwback, partially because their last album was danger days/i was not immersed in fandom enough to seek out the eps and b sides, and partially because pop culture had shifted and i had other artists to listen to
so when they announced their return back in 2019 it was in that exact mindset of throwback casual nostalgia enjoyment that i was excited.
and over the years between then and actually seeing them live for the first time in 2023, i slowly shifted from that surface level interest to actively following the fandom and diving back into the details and deep cuts and both refreshing my memory and gaining new experiences and associations with the group
it's such a different vibe now- it feels vindicating to see wider praise for a band that it very much was NOT cool to like when i first listened to them- and the way people engage with their music and entire history is so fascinating as a kind of next gen musicology. it's so funny and kind of good to experience something i grew up with discussed in the same way i saw bands who had their heyday before i was born discussed.
i don't seek out live experiences for every artist i enjoy or have nostalgia for, but it was extremely fun to do the active fan thing and watch the livestreams and get hype over the little details of the tour and line up all day with other fans and see them live with the anticipation only to be had by having expectations from shows i wasn't even at as a reference point!
it was so good and i may not be super active in the fandom circles but i am sooooo glad i decided to get back into being a fan in the here and now rather than a fan who was only nostalgic, either way would have been a blast but it truly feels like i'm unlocking secret bonus emotions this way
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