#thoughts on proshipping
Stance on proshipping
I know proshipping is a touchy subject so I just really wanted to give my stance in it therefor people who disagree with can know what I personally feel. To me its all about the mindset if your all like “🥺 i ship these 2 characters because it’s so sexyyy and idc if one character does horrible things to the other characters I think its hot” then I personally disagree then but if your like “ik these characters are bad for eachother but it’s interesting seeing a house burn down and see how the flames develop” as long as your not actively supporting the things IRL I believe its okay to see how characters can work together. Im gonna use Sebaciel as an example, Ciel has been through a LOT of trauma and therefor most likely never got to have a healthy romantic relationship (technically he wasnt supposed to be with Lizzy) and also with the shit that happened in the cult its safe to say that his relationships are kinda fucked. Now take Sebastian, he’s a demon who can do (basically) anything. He can’t lie to Ciel and has to take care of him (of course he is also a cheeky bastard) and of course Ciel can (and will) make him do anything with “this is an order” so what happens when you a get traumatized boy who isn’t always in the right headspace and a demon who has to follow his every command (basically)???????????? In all I believe proshipping is a way to see the dark twisted thing’s characters can do and just as long as your not supporting the actions and recognize “hey! This is fucked up!! These characters really shouldn’t be doing this since its both morally and legally wrong!” Then it’s personally fine to me.
also side rant: it seems a lot of people these days will call anything a proship (even once said that a mortal x immortal was a proship… like bitch??? Those have been around FOREVER) heres a reminder that just because you don’t like a ship that doesn’t mean its a proship. (Cough cough xioven cough cough) also no just because someone reads or writes about something doesn’t mean they support it (honestly that would mean no horror, murder mysterys or anything of the sort should exist since apparently all all the authors support serial killers)
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v1-kisser · 2 months
Maybeeee Imagine your F/O walking into the bedroom while they know you're in bed, trying to be quiet in case you're asleep... n smiling when they see you cozy under the covers...
Maybe they're just arriving home and they can't wait to join you, trying to get ready for sleep as quietly as possible. You can hear drawers opening and closing, the sink running. See the light from the next room cascading on the floor. Maybe you sleepily stare at the shadow of your F/O brushing their teeth or pulling off their shirt. Safe and warm. Almost nostalgic. Knowing that they're near. Sitting in the pleasant fog of drowsiness while someone you love is preparing to come lay with you. And then the distant light flicks off. For a moment you almost miss it, the certainty of where they were... the intimacy without touch. But the second that their weight sinks into the bed, and their warmth graces your back, those feelings dissipate like smoke.
They mumble a "goodnight" in case you're awake.
Talk to you in the morning.
proship/comship dni
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bornofhumanhate · 3 months
I saw a TikTok about OP getting older while their old anime crush stays the same, they were very sad about it. The comments were people freaking out about it too or how they “grew out” of their crush, which looked more like them trying to convince others or themselves.
These young people stressing over getting old and not being able to like their old fictional crushes, because… they don’t age?
I’ve always kinda thought some of the characters I like grow with me. I have fun time thinking about us being older together. Or I think about myself being younger.
So it’s just so sad to see these younger people having anxiety over what fictional characters they like.
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myfandomrealitea · 5 months
You can support something's right to exist and still personally find it weird/offputting/not understand it.
So many people act like to be respectful or supportive of something you have to throw your whole soul into enjoying or understanding it, and that's really not what it's about.
Sometimes, being supportive really is just;
"I find this strange as hell but you enjoy it and I'll support your right to enjoy it."
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carlosoliveiras-wife · 6 months
a bit of a personal post. taps chin. because i've been feeling highly insecure for an unspecified amount of time and so i thought i'd make an appreciation post !
putting this in big bold letters: PROSHIP DNI
shoutout to selfshippers with bottling problems and/or tendencies. to those of us who keep our feelings locked up inside until it pops and pours out when we least want it to. to those of us who bottle so much to keep others feeling happy. to the selfshippers who are so scared to voice anything about how they feel because they've experienced negative reactions from those they've trusted, just by voicing their emotions.
shoutout to selfshippers who can't properly gush because they often feel like a nuisance to others. whether it's the kinda gushing that's about your f/o's lore, your f/o in general, your selfships— to those of us who find it weird and at times a bit uncomfortable to gush because we're so used to feeling like a nuisance. or that we won't even be given the time of day to have our stuff acknowledged.
shoutout to selfshippers who are genuinely not understood. who's reactions at times are viewed as unnecessary or overdramatic or illogical for reacting the way we do when we're scared of opening up.
your f/o(s) wouldn't treat you like that. they'd listen to you oh so intently, to whatever you'd have to say.
if you've been bottling for so long, whether it's emotions or interests, your f/o(s) wouldn't let you keep that up. they'd gently encourage you to express yourself, even if it starts out small. they reassure you that they won't get mad about speaking your mind, that're you're not an asshole for how you feel, especially if your f/o(s) understand what cause your reactions and why you keep things inside.
your f/o(s) will do everything in their power to make you feel safe in being you, you who expresses yourself, just like every human should be allowed to.
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starseverance · 2 months
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Age Gap F/O Asks
How big is the age gap between you and your F/O?
Did either of you hesitate getting into a relationship because of the age difference age?
Do you like the age gap, or are you indifferent/unhappy with it?
Does the age gap have a big effect on your relationship?
How would your relationship change if you were the same age?
How would your relationship change if you switched ages?
Do you notice any big generational differences between you?
Does the age gap in your relationship lend itself to a power dynamic, or are things balanced between the two of you?
Have you ever faced judgement for your difference in age?
Has your relationship ever been mistaken for something other than romantic?
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Please do not copy/repost <3
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sukei-dot-exe · 7 months
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freakkisser · 1 month
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reblog game!
send me a picture of your f/o, their name, and what your relationship is (or exactly what text you want) and ill make you a banner like these!
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lunerium · 1 month
Hunger as Sexual Desire
Food as sex is a metaphor that is embedded in the language of literature. It’s a metaphor that’s been used since humans learned to write, and one is still used today. Yana didn’t base their whole dynamic on desire and hunger just for fun or by accident. It’s supppoused to be erotic, and the erotism between Sebastian and Ciel is a theme that she employs throughout official works and the story itself.
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lick-yourwounds · 25 days
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Imagine coming home and seeing 2 (or more) of your F/O's cuddled up in bed together, waiting for you to come home and join them.
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v1-kisser · 4 months
Proship dni for my comfort thanks.
I feel like everyone portrays F/Os as these romantic, perfect all around lovers, and while that's all well and good! I prefer F/Os who are flawed, who don't always say the right things. Who can sometimes be petty or selfish. F/Os who have a habit of seeing conflict as a contest on who can talk the loudest, instead of a conversation. F/Os who run out of patience sometimes and have to go cool off mid-conversation, even if they're right. F/Os who struggle to communicate their emotions.
I find comfort in the idea of a relationship where mistakes like that are allowed and given room to breathe. A relationship where, no matter what the conflict is, the walls eventually come down. Maybe it takes hours, maybe days until you're both calm enough to work it out. Maybe it takes several conversations to solve it, but each end in Hey. I love you. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
You're not perfect, and neither is your F/O. That's okay. That can be beautiful, too. There's not a hug that's more comforting than the firm, tearful one after reaching mutual understanding. Knowing that you didn't mess it up too much, you didn't break things permanently. You couldn't if you tried. They missed you... and you've got some serious affection to catch up on.
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justproshiprants · 6 months
Antis will repeatedly scream about being jumpscared by "'proship"" content and I'm just like. Where??? Where are you finding the hordes of people in this relatively small, anti-filled fandom posting about a comship? Everytime I try to look for a comship in a lot of the fandoms I like, at least half of the posts aren't about the actual ship, but rather people complaining about the ship, while all of the ship content is months or even years old. WHERE IS THE CONTENT YOU ARE SPEAKING OF?
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sourisking · 5 months
Reminder that Harm Against Minors is a tumblr report option that should be used!
[Reminder that harm against minors is a tumblr report option that should be used!]
I’m so serious when I say this but if someone says they want to rape children fucking report them. Instantly. Tumblr will request an email response with links, and I’d suggest using a third party archive source if at all possible.
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fenrir-wolf-of-gotham · 4 months
You ever see someone’s f/o and just immediately be like
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Like you’re already familiar with a character and you’re like “o damn girlie you got the motherload they’ll treat you right”
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si0writes · 1 month
gonna try my first self ship game!!
been really into aesthetic station vids lately so reblog with your f/o and I’ll assign them a piece of stationary!!
example with my bby boy 💙🪼
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pen link
antis pls be respectful, this post was made by a proshipper!! don’t like, don’t look!
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sukei-dot-exe · 1 month
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