#Sebaciel is a bit cute ngl
Stance on proshipping
I know proshipping is a touchy subject so I just really wanted to give my stance in it therefor people who disagree with can know what I personally feel. To me its all about the mindset if your all like “🥺 i ship these 2 characters because it’s so sexyyy and idc if one character does horrible things to the other characters I think its hot” then I personally disagree then but if your like “ik these characters are bad for eachother but it’s interesting seeing a house burn down and see how the flames develop” as long as your not actively supporting the things IRL I believe its okay to see how characters can work together. Im gonna use Sebaciel as an example, Ciel has been through a LOT of trauma and therefor most likely never got to have a healthy romantic relationship (technically he wasnt supposed to be with Lizzy) and also with the shit that happened in the cult its safe to say that his relationships are kinda fucked. Now take Sebastian, he’s a demon who can do (basically) anything. He can’t lie to Ciel and has to take care of him (of course he is also a cheeky bastard) and of course Ciel can (and will) make him do anything with “this is an order” so what happens when you a get traumatized boy who isn’t always in the right headspace and a demon who has to follow his every command (basically)???????????? In all I believe proshipping is a way to see the dark twisted thing’s characters can do and just as long as your not supporting the actions and recognize “hey! This is fucked up!! These characters really shouldn’t be doing this since its both morally and legally wrong!” Then it’s personally fine to me.
also side rant: it seems a lot of people these days will call anything a proship (even once said that a mortal x immortal was a proship… like bitch??? Those have been around FOREVER) heres a reminder that just because you don’t like a ship that doesn’t mean its a proship. (Cough cough xioven cough cough) also no just because someone reads or writes about something doesn’t mean they support it (honestly that would mean no horror, murder mysterys or anything of the sort should exist since apparently all all the authors support serial killers)
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