#thought it would be funny if adachi put him in his place so
aakipple · 1 month
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cherry magic nation are we alive (happy birthday adachi!!!!!!!!)
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symphonxx · 7 months
So, in the midst of scrolling through tiktok nd waiting for kubosai content, i stumbled upon sumn I should’ve watched back during quarantine.
Cherry Magic. ( or Cherry Magic! 30歳まで童貞だと魔法使いになれるらしい )
It never occurred to me that i should watch it until two days ago, when a video a close friend of mine reposted came up. Despite having told myself that i might watch it back in 2020 when it came out, i never actually got to watching it but now that i did, I want to say that, its a fkin masterpiece.
Adachi nd Kurosawa have such a lovely relationship, that doesn’t necessarily revolve around sex ( something that i try to put off from most BL’s ppl around me have introduced ). The side characters are all well written and really memorable despite the little scenes they have with the main protagonists.
My favourites are definitely Adachi, Kurosawa, Rokkaku and Fujisaki! They’re all so sweet to each other nd their dynamic makes it more or less sweeter!! The way they ( Adachi nd Kurosawa ) inspire both Fujisaki and Rokkaku in their own ways. But despite the little ( i mean, does it count as little?? They do have alot of screentime together??? ) scenes they have, they do make their scenes worthwhile to watch and man they are js so adorable everytime they come up 😭😭
Adachi and Kurosawa on the other hand, are rlly rlly cute. Their relationship makes me crumble and fold.
Kurosawa is such a green flag. The way he wants to hold and kiss Adachi but holds back from his urges bcs he cares more abt Adachi than his own urges. Sure its basic human decency but seeing it actually being well-portrayed in a BL show ( not that I rarely see it, its more of most Japanese shows being weird nd stuff ykwim? ) makes it so much more refreshing to watch. Also the way he cares so so much abt Adachi? He could sense if Adachi is more gloomier, picks up on the lil quirks Adachi has, makes sure Adachi is smiling most of the time bcs he enjoys seeing him happy more than he enjoys seeing him being upset etc etc. It’s js so heartwarming and Kurosawa doesnt even have mind reading powers to do that. He supports Adachi all the way, even spending days trying to help Adachi perfect his presentation skills nd stuff nd js ughhhhh-
Adachi, is incredibly cute as well, his little bedhead, the funny monologues he does in his head, his existential crisis’ everytime he hears Kurosawa’s thoughts, the amount of “ Ehs “ he says and the way he thinks so lowly of himself makes his character relatable and endearing. He gets so excited about the thought of being popular or being an inspiration but immediately turns the idea down due to some unforeseen circumstances or js bcs of his thoughts. He sees himself as a normal boring person, doing normal boring things in his life. Hell, even we see that Kurosawa thought of him that way too before he fell for him. Everyday is the same for him etc, at one point when Urabe-san, his senior, suggests dating Fujisaki-san, he instantly turns down the idea. Even after thinking abt it, he turns it down bcs he thinks it would be impossible ( to an extent ).
But despite all that, Kurosawa and the others genuinely think of him as an incredibly hardworking, reliable and kind colleague to have around their work place. Even though he used to pick things up through his mind reading powers, he does show that, even without it, hes still as kind and reliable.
The show is so amazing and im planning to watch the others ( eg. the movie, the manga, the anime?? ) because i just cant get enough of them!!
Also i cant do reviews for the life of me so this would be the longest you get out of me yet. I usually attempt to ramble a whole abt my fav shows or anything but whenever i try, my brain melts or get all woozy at the thought of them bcs I JUST LOVE THEM SO SO MUCHHHH !!!!
Anyways, I’ll do another Kubosai post soon.
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korereapers · 1 year
Title: Don't go wasting your emotion
Fandom: Persona series/Persona 4 (the Golden?)
Pairing: Tohru Adachi/Dojima Ryotaro
Rating: Ex-fucking-plicit
Tags: SPOILERS, unhealthy coping mechanisms, canon typical violence, manipulation...
It may not seem like it, but this is kind of a happy fic. God knows Adachi doesn't deserve it that much, but eh, I love fucked up characters and I am also a believer that people can actually be better. So. Yeah
Adachi has never been too fond of… well, intimacy.
It’s not that he had bad parents while growing up, like many therapists theorize. He gets calls from them from time to time, but he doesn't really answer or call back. What is there to say, anyways? They probably feel like they failed as parents, and Adachi is inclined to agree. He ruined his own life, his job. And that was even before he murdered two people. He would laugh if he even found it funny anymore.
What a pain…
So, yeah, it's not that he had an especially hard life growing up. A regular kid, a smart one, top of his class, not too good at socializing. Increasingly good at pretending to be, while never getting too close at anyone.
"You're zoning out."
Dojima's voice is music for his ears, and he feels his lips tugging upwards. It's not happy, but it's… pleasant. That's a step, he guesses.
"Ah… sorry. You know how it is. I get distracted sometimes."
Dojima raises his eyebrow, disbelief in his features. He knows by now. He knows him, after all this time.
It has been seven years. Seven long years in which Adachi found even a duller place than Inaba. Calmer, too, in a way. He didn’t have to pretend anymore back then, didn’t have to deal with almost anyone, and that was fine by him.
Jail was a blessing, in some ways. 
“I don’t think anyone could get distracted while someone’s sucking their cock.”
Adachi’s lips turn upwards, in a small smile that Dojima easily recognizes. He has seen enough of these while he was visiting him back in prison.
“Is that what your detective intuition is telling you? Didn’t work that well last time.”
It’s such an obvious taunt, and yet, Dojima has to swallow his anger, knowing pretty well that the feeling will become more gray hairs, and maybe some muscular pain. He has gotten better at dealing with it, and he knows what Adachi is doing.
He cannot allow it.
“I thought you were long done with this game.”
The words are murmured against Adachi’s erection, and he can feel him tremble in arousal. Still, his eyes are blank when he looks at him, almost lifeless. He is good at this, at pretending, at putting a wall between him and the whole world.
“Aw. But I’m never really done playing, Dojima-san.”
Dojima’s smile is bitter, almost a little sad. There is still some fire in his dark eyes, though. He has known this man for years now. He knows how he works. He knows what he doesn’t want Dojima to see, what he wants to hide from the world.
“I am, though.”
And before Adachi can utter a single word, his mouth goes back to him, a calloused hand encircling him gently but solidly. He tastes him with his tongue, his gut burning when he hears the sound Adachi makes, when he feels his cock twitch against his palm.
“That’s… that’s not fair.”
A part of him becomes childish when Dojima plays dirty. It’s a dynamic they both recognize. It might have filled Adachi with anger and resentment, back in the day, but it was safer. Known. A painful solace in a world going to hell.
“Are you going to do something about it?”
Adachi’s eyes are piercing. It’s a miracle he didn’t notice, back in the day. They drill into him, clever and calculating, a timebomb ticking behind them. Maybe he is that good of an actor. Maybe…
“I thought I understood you. And yet you keep surprising me. Again and again.”
Dojima looks up, facing him. He doesn’t stop licking him, keeping him interested, the touch so light Adachi can only pant in frustration. He used to do this to Dojima, back in the day. Never truly wanted him to reciprocate, for reasons that now he understands. He doesn’t allow himself to be vulnerable, but Dojima has other plans.
“Is it that hard to understand? You’re dear to me.”
That’s when Adachi snaps, so suddenly that Dojima does get surprised. His tantrums come and go quickly, like a bored child, like an emotionally stunted one, incapable of dealing with his own emotions. Not that Dojima can say anything about the matter.
“I fucking killed two people. I could have killed more. I almost got Nanako dead, for God’s sake!”
That does sting. He feels tempted to punch him, right in the face, to break his nose, maybe split his lip. Make him bleed, make him pay.
“I made your life hell!”
That’s when Dojima stops. He stops, his body moving so quickly that Adachi does recoil, like in the old times, instinctively. That’s a man that doesn’t fear pain, and still…
Luckily for him, Dojima doesn’t hit him. His hands are on Adachi’s cheeks, keeping him close, breathing so angrily that he swears Adachi can taste it in the air.
“That’s it. That’s the Dojima I-”
But Dojima doesn’t allow him to continue. He stops his venom with his own lips, the kiss less and less angry, a thumb brushing against Adachi’s face, making his eyes show a hint of something. Something that’s not bitterness, or anger, or disgust. Something as true as any other part of him.
“You…” he murmurs against Dojima’s lips, and he swears that his voice is shaking. “You did it again… I severed this connection to you, and still…”
“You’re dear to me,” Dojima repeats, as if talking with an extremely difficult child. “You are dear to Nanako. You are family. I…”
Dojima has never been good at this shit. What is he going to say, anyway? That he loves him? That the feeling that burns inside of him, that threatens to make him explode, is the purest form of love? That he saw guilt in Adachi’s eyes, all of those years ago, even if it was only for a brief moment? Even if it was not for the victims and it was for him. And fuck it all, Dojima has always been a selfish prick. He would run to Hell itself only to be able to take his hand and save Adachi from his own misery. He already has.
“I don’t… I don’t understand. You keep coming back to me. You keep pulling me close… I…”
“I want you,” Dojima manages to say, a knot in his throat. “I want you, with me. Call me selfish, but I will never give up on you. Never.”
Adachi's grin trembles, a crack in his façade.
"That's not very smart, sir."
Dojima sighs against his lips, his hands cupping the back of Adachi's head, feeling his hair, strangely better kept after prison. Maybe he had finally started eating more. Maybe, for once, he could afford it.
"I don't give a shit."
The futon moves when Adachi shakes in place. Never too brave, not in front of the undeniable truth. He makes a sound when Dojima gets closer, and for a man so obsessed with lust, he can barely react to even the smallest amount of care.
"Why… why don't I just suck you off and-"
"Dammit, Adachi. Just let me do this."
The desire is clearly there, but there is also fear. Fear that Dojima sees him, the real him, under all of his layers. Finally, after all of these years.
"I know what you did. And you didn't do it for my nephew."
Adachi gulps, his eyes on Dojima's lips as he speaks.
"I know you were terrified for Nanako. I know you were worried about me."
"I never…"
"You cannot lie that well. I cannot deny all the bad. But I cannot deny the good either."
Adachi kisses him. If it's to silence him, or out of genuine feelings, Dojima doesn't know. Maybe a bit of both. He kisses him, and Dojima feels dizzy. They might be naked, but this is the first time Dojima feels that something truly intimate is happening.
"You do not want… what I can offer you."
"I do." Dojima answers, and damn, he is being honest. Yeah, he knows, he knows this is unreasonable and outright mad. But he wants it, he wants him, every nook and cranny, every dark bit, every lighter one.
"You can't save me," Adachi insists, his voice broken, "I am beyond that. I'm sure you've read the reports, and you have no idea of what I can-"
"Shut. The fuck. Up," he groans, and Adachi's eyes shine in something like recognition. Bad habits die hard. "I may not be able to save you. But I can at least try to be fucking supportive while you learn to save yourself."
Adachi blinks, and Dojima realizes, his eyes are a little wet. No matter the shit he has done, his actual age… he still behaves like an overgrown child, sometimes.
"I can destroy your life. I already did it once."
The insistence is almost endearing, but Dojima knows him better by now. He recognizes desperation when he sees it. And Adachi is currently reeking of it.
Dojima lowers his voice, speaking slowly, as if trying to make himself clear.
"First of all… no, you didn't. Second…" and he speaks with a small smile on his lips, "try."
Adachi seems surprised at his display of bravery. Cowards, both of them, unable to face their reality, their true feelings. Either always running away, or letting themselves sink with his darkest desires. Adachi's lips curl upwards, clearly amused.
"Didn't know you had it in you."
"I'm full of surprises."
But Adachi's smile turns less sinister, goofier. A middle ground between both sides of him. Dojima cannot have enough of it.
"Okay… okay."
Acceptance is more than good enough. Adachi seems to surrender, and Dojima takes that as a cue to keep going.
Dojima's mouth doesn't go back to him. Not yet. He pumps him with his hand after spitting on the palm. Adachi's ears become redder, his arousal so obvious it makes Dojima's head spin.
That’s when he tries something, the words burning in his throat before he even dares to say them.
"You are loved. Whether you like it or not."
Adachi's eye twitches, the words making him clearly nervous. He wasn’t expecting that.
"Deal with it."
A pause. And then-
"You? Love me?"
"Shut up. Don't make me repeat myself."
Adachi lets out a snort, and Dojima sees the headache coming yet again.
"Little old me? Aw…"
"If only you didn't hide behind that wall of yours, rookie…"
Adachi's smile turns sad.
"Not a rookie anymore…"
Dojima doesn't give a flying fuck. They may be older, more tired. Adachi may have been a deceiving piece of crap, but he is still that man, young and nervous, that entered his office one day after being transferred. The man who got his coffee right, only when it really mattered. The man who stayed when everything seemed lost. No murder can change that. Nothing can change his affection. Absolutely nothing.
"Still deserving of love."
Adachi says nothing, the gears behind his clever eyes working efficiently, but probably not enough. This doesn't really have a logical standpoint, after all. Nothing smart about it. Nothing Adachi can analyze from that cynical perspective of his.
"No need to overthink it. Just accept it as it is."
There is still some shadow of suspicion and disbelief in Adachi's dark eyes, but Dojima guesses that's more than good enough. Good things come for those who wait. And he might be getting older but… maybe even because of that, he can wait as long as needed.
"What about Chisato?"
The question is not meant to be cruel, and Dojima faces it as such. He sighs, his grip tighter on Adachi's cock, making him squirm.
"You sure make a handjob harder…"
Adachi laughs a second before Dojima realizes his own pun, and he groans deeply. Not deep enough to avoid the question, though.
"I will always love her. You know that."
Adachi grimaces, and Dojima swears he sees a glimpse of jealousy behind his eyes. But then, the feeling disappears from Adachi's eyes, almost expertly. Dojima cannot allow him to dodge the conversation.
"That doesn't mean that what I feel for you is any less important."
Adachi furrows his brow, finally sighing after a couple of seconds.
"Okay. I get it."
He looks convinced, even if still kind of annoyed. Dojima remembers how he stayed while he and Nanako were in the hospital, how he was genuinely worried about the little girl, how he almost didn't sleep to ensure Dojima was resting. He might be a piece of shit, but he cares about them. About Souji, too, even if he would rather die than to admit it.
Adachi fears the fragility of their link. That Dojima will sever it one day, like he did back in the day, either because of the memory of Chisato, or because he finally realizes he isn't worth it. Even if Dojima thinks he is. Even if this, having him under his body, naked and flushed, is everything he would have ever wanted. Even if he hasn't been happier in ages.
"Don't look at me like that," Adachi says, almost pouting. "You look like a romantic fool."
Dojima can only laugh at that.
"Aren't I, though?"
Adachi rolls his eyes at that, pulling him closer. He kisses him, mouth against mouth, breaths entwined. Until Dojima groans, taking him again into his hand.
"That's it…" Adachi mutters against his lips. There is a smile forming there, and no matter how dominant, Dojima finds himself liking it nevertheless. "I have been thinking about this for years."
That does make Dojima shudder, holding him closer.
"You have?"
Adachi lets out a small chuckle.
"Of course I have. In different ways… that I will show you in due time."
Dojima feels himself blushing like a teenager, burying his face into Adachi's shoulder. This time, the laugh is louder, and Dojima groans in frustration.
"And I haven't even told you how and when I want you to fuck me… oops."
His words go straight to Dojima's groin, making him moan, even if Adachi isn't really touching him. He got it bad… he really got it bad.
"Shut up…" Dojima complains, quickening the pace of his hand, effectively shutting Adachi's mouth. Or not, because that breathy giggle is nothing but annoying… and strangely endearing.
He licks a trail of sweat on Adachi's neck, and that and the constant attention to his cock seems to do wonders for a man that hasn't been touched in years.
"This is… kind of pathetic." Adachi mutters after a strangled moan.
"You're not," Dojima reminds him, out of habit. "We are still getting used to this."
He swears Adachi wants to say something, the words somewhere in his throat, but he doesn't. He just keeps him close while Dojima pumps him, and Dojima makes sure to watch him, every expression, every way his face and body contorts when Dojima does something particularly nice. Every sound. He puts it all in a small treasure chest in a corner of his mind, secret and yet accessible. This is the Adachi he wants to remember. This is whom he wants to keep from feeling lonely again.
Adachi moans his name, and Dojima has to try hard to relax and not to come, the soft spasms and ragged breaths making Adachi's orgasm even more beautiful. He has dreamed about this, he is sure. But nothing could ever come close to reality.
Adachi bends his head backwards, a tired laugh coming from his mouth. He seems to be amused, and genuinely… happy. Dojima kisses his temple, and Adachi complains wordlessly, more out of habit than anything. Still not used to genuine affection.
"You… you know I'm a piece of shit, aren't I?" Comes the question, with no real bitterness behind it. Just matter-of-factly. His expression so incredulous it would be funny, except it’s not. It's Dojima's time to roll his eyes.
"Yeah. But you're my piece of shit, and I still believe in you."
Adachi keeps him close, not trying to avoid his contact, which seems like an improvement.
"Figures… But. I still have so much in mind, Dojima-san…"
Dojima raises an eyebrow, feeling the itch of a well needed smoke in the back of his brain. He thinks about how Adachi will surely light his cigarette as soon as he manages to put it in his mouth, and the lingering memory makes him smile.
Adachi's smile looks downright mischievous. The kind of mischief that could make a series of murders out of pure boredom… and also the kind that could make Dojima harder only by thinking what he has thought for him. What that clever tongue can do and say to him to make him lose his mind.
"Oh, but I'm not going to ruin the surprise, aren't I?"
Dojima gulps, nervous and eager. He really has it bad, doesn't he?
He feels the smile on the corner of his lips, a clever tongue and teeth that grind against his skin a little too hard. Downwards, slowly, but still impatiently.
Dojima sighs, his fingers playing with Adachi’s hair. It’s going to be a long, long night.
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bjy-on-ao3 · 3 years
Hi, I really enjoy you writing, especially your Persona content. The way you portray Adachi is on point, at least in my opinion. So I'd like to request Adachi being visited by his s/o in Prison (during a conjugal visit) and they have sex, please?
Here you go, Anon~ I hope you enjoy!
I once was considering something like this in the past, but crushed my own hopes when researching stuff. Turns out only a handful of countries allow conjugal visits (Japan not among them), as well as only a handful of states in the U.S. and not for heavy crimes like murder (which makes sense considering) - and even then they aren’t exclusively for sex stuff. However, knowing that someone else wanted something like this lets me suspend my disbelief a little and write it, anyway.
(There’s still a LOT of stretch here though, so don’t take this as a source of information. For example, the visitor isn’t strip-searched - but it’s more fun to have that as part of the fic.). Also funny enough, this is the first non-dubcon/noncon Adachi fic I’ve written for some time. (As usual, you can find the AO3 version of all my uploads [and some things I don’t post here to tumblr] via my Masterlist blog page.)
Tags/Warnings Blow Jobs, Dirty Talk, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Slight Cockwarming, Vaginal Sex, Wall Sex, Begging, Established Relationship
Summary In which Adachi gets a conjugal visit in prison from his s/o for not-so-wholesome purposes.
Fic Friday
Pent-Up Penitentiary (F! Reader/Tohru Adachi)
Going through the long, tedious process of filling out paperwork and waiting for approval, you had wondered again why a conjugal visit to your boyfriend in prison sounded like a good idea. Not that sound decision making was your strong suit, considering you had chosen to stay with him after the revelation he responsible for the murders of two women. Maybe you secretly had a death wish of your own. Or you thought you knew him better than either of those women had and that knowledge protected you. That aside, you had spent a lot of time alone with him. If Tohru Adachi had wanted to kill you by now, you figured you would have already been dead.
The boring and seemingly endless paperwork had been a mild inconvenience compared to the next part of the process. A strip search was mandatory, they informed you, and you had hated every second. Sure, it was a fantasy you had played out before, but with Adachi, not some random idiot whom you barely knew and cared nothing about. ‘It’ll be over before you know it and worth it’ you had repeated silently, pulling a sour face the entire time. Finally, it had ended, and you let out a breath of angry relief you didn’t realize had caught in your chest.
The more difficult parts of the process behind you, they had escorted you to the designated area - a short row of plain, small single-story buildings surrounded by a tall, sturdy fence that towered oppressively on all sides. A reminder your visit served only as a temporary illusion of normalcy and when it was over the bars, bulletproof glass, and shitty phone systems would separate you all over again. Your face fell as you dwelt on that reminder, freed from your thoughts when the escort officer stopped by a door and cleared his throat,  nodding to it before returning toward the gate.
Taking a deep breath to tamp down the fluttering in your chest, you opened the door and stepped inside, taking a quick glance around the interior. It was much more than you expected - nicer than some studio apartments you had seen in Inaba, outfitted with a small kitchenette and bathroom, an archway with no door leading off into a bedroom. In the central area there was a coffee table and even a small television, sitting opposite a comfortable, but well-worn looking couch.
As you stepped further into the blandly decorated space, the sound of the door opening and shutting interrupted your inspection. You heard boots on the floor come to an abrupt stop and sensed a presence behind you. “This is… nicer than I expected.” You said casually, turning in place.
Your eyes fell as expected on Tohru Adachi’s face. His lips were set in a small, bare smile that was tired, cynical, and, dare you say, a little happy, all at once. You knew if you mentioned that last emotion he would vehemently deny it and suggest you get your eyes checked. “Well, not the process, that was awful, but this,” you added with a wave of your hands.
“Go figure, even criminals get it better than hard-working people,” he answered, and you could hear his bitterness. Having heard his feelings before on how he seldom got what he felt was owed to him, it was no surprise. “Whatever, that’s not what we’re here for,” he dismissed, shaking his head as if to banish the thought.
You didn’t step forward to embrace or kiss him, simply waiting for him to make the first move. If you knew Tohru, a few months behind bars would not have turned into a ball of sappy emotions. Even if he had thrown himself at you, you knew he would have told himself it was all carnal need, not sentimental in the slightest. Besides, he liked to lead the show.  “Strip.” The word was demanding, and to almost anyone else, you were sure it would have sounded cold.
“Straight to the point,” you answered, unruffled. You knew the game with Adachi. Many months dating the man - from shortly after the murders, up to the time of his apprehension - had taught you a lot. “You never had any patience,” you ribbed with a half-smile, but didn’t move to shed any clothes. It was more fun if you didn’t make it that easy on him - especially when you had a good idea of how he might respond.
“Oh? I’m the one who has no patience?” He moved away from the door until he was so close you could feel the heat of his body and breath. “I don’t remember being the one begging all the time before,” he reminded you smugly, and you felt your face flush.
“Only because you-” you argued.
“Ah ah,” he touched a slender finger to your lips, cutting off your argument almost childishly, “enough flapping those pretty little lips.” You felt your skin heat further and a vague hum of arousal between your legs, catching an undercurrent of excitement beneath his condescension. “Get undressed. Now.” The last word was hard and low, but the glint in his eyes was more devious than angry. “Unless you want to be punished?” Adachi added, grabbing your chin in one hand and tilting your head to ensure you looked directly into his grey eyes.
You wet your lips involuntarily - a quick flash of pink that Adachi’s eyes followed - before swallowing thickly. “Like you won’t punish me anyway.” You countered, enjoying the expressions swirling in his gaze.
“Don’t act like you don’t like it.” In a quick motion, his hand swept from your chin to the back of your head, curling his fingers harshly in your hair near the root. You groaned in response, biting down on your lip at the sting that shouldn’t have been so pleasant. “That’s what I thought,” Adachi hissed cheekily, “Now don’t make me say it again.”
He released your hair and let his arms drop, taking a step back so you had space to undress. You rubbed your scalp gingerly before finally obeying, starting with your shirt. You unbuttoned and peeled the garment away, revealing the low cut cups of the bra you had bought for the occasion. You peeked at Adachi as you stripped, the tingling between your thighs quickly rising, joined by growing dampness that made you press them together for an instant of relief. Next came your skirt, which you shimmied out of as enticingly as you could, revealing panties to match the bra.
You reached back, undoing the clasp bra clasp and letting the straps slide off your shoulders until they caught around your elbows, the cups falling away. Your nipples, already half peaked from excitement, stiffened fully with exposure to the cool air. “That’s better,” Adachi said appreciatively. He stepped back toward you as you pulled off the bra and tossed it onto the floor, reaching forward and greedily filling both hands. “God, I’ve missed these tits,” he confessed, kneading roughly before he began to tweak and roll your nipples between his fingers.
You sighed and moaned at the rough touch you had craved since Adachi had been sent away. It wasn’t the same when you fondled yourself alone at night - the warmth of his skin and calloused feeling of his hands was impossible to replicate. “They’re all yours, Tohru,” you breathed, almost dreamily, eyes drifting shut, surprised by how much of a relief his touch on your body again was.
But Adachi wasn’t about to let your sudden compliance go unnoticed. “Look at you, acting like a brat before,” he pinched a nipple especially hard as if continuing to punish your previous defiance. “But you sure sing a different tune once I get my hands on you. What’s the change of heart, baby? Did you miss me?” The words were mocking, rather than sweet, as if the thought of missing someone was something to be humiliated about.
You fought through a whimper while Adachi continued to grope at your chest, attitude not entirely driven away by the thrill of having his hands on you again. “I don’t know, did you miss me?” You asked, imitating his tone.
He pressed in closer, dipping his head toward your neck and nipping it sharply. “The only thing I’ve missed is your body,” he said dismissively, squeezing your breasts hard enough you gasped and whined. “Your tits and that sweet ass and tight little pussy,” he growled in your ear. “I missed what’s mine.” His voice rang low and possessive, and he sealed his claim by latching onto the racing pulse in your neck and sucking a dark mark into the soft skin.
“Fuck you, Tohru,” you cursed, feeling your cunt throb in reply to his words. “I-I don’t even have to be here.”
Adachi straightened up, and when you met his eyes again, you recognized a dark tint among the hunger. “Oh? Then why are you? Admit it, you wanted this as much as me.” There was cruel delight in his voice. You knew he got off on putting you in your place as much as you did from agitating him. “Missed my cock so bad you were willing to let a stranger strip search you to have it again.” Your chest heaved as one of his hands drifted down your stomach and over your hip, and you couldn’t suppress another lewd sound. “Because you know no one else can make you feel as good as I do.”
His wandering hand stroked over your clothed cunt, before slipping to your backside and pressing your hips into his so you could feel his hardness through his slacks. “But it’s been a while. Maybe I need to remind you,” he mused.
The hand on your chest moved to your head, forcing you down onto your knees in front of him. You looked up, eyes half-lidded and pupils wide. You licked your lips again, eyeing the bulge in his pants. Even if you took pleasure in insolence, staring up at Adachi as he loomed over you like a starving beast was insanely arousing and you were willing to be compliant.
“I forgot how hot you look on your knees where you belong,” Adachi sneered. He wet his lips as you had, but the same action on him was hungry and predatory. Pinning you in place with his lustful stare, he reached to unbuckle and strip off his belt and unfasten his pants. He pulled out his cock, flushed and leaking, and stroked it for a moment. He didn’t miss how your gaze followed the relaxed motion or the way he smeared the pearl of pre-cum on the head over it. “Tell me how much you want my cock and maybe I’ll let you have it.”
You hesitated, running your tongue over your lips, eyes remaining on his cock. As much as your on-and-off bratty act irritated him, it made watching you struggle between it and your desire for him before eventually giving in so satisfying. He smirked as he spied the instant of resolution pass over your face. Your hooded eyes flicked up to meet his, lips wet and slightly parted. “Please, Tohru?” The words weren’t sickly sweet, instead oozing arousal. “I want your cock. I need it.” You continued to look up at him, lustfully and hopefully.
“Hmm,” he hummed, pretending to mull over your plea, “I don’t think you want it bad enough,” he said, and only your craving for what was in front of you kept you from half-heartedly rolling your eyes. Adachi always liked to push, and that hadn’t changed in your time apart.
But giving in to start made it easier to keep going. “Tohru, let me suck your dick, please. Don’t you want me to?” You did what you could to give him your best pleading expression to match your words. “I promise you won’t be disappointed.”.
The signs of Adachi’s smug satisfaction increased, your pleas stoking the rush of power and hunger he enjoyed so much. “There’s the little cockslut I remember,” the way he said it, the degrading name sounded almost like praise. “I guess you’ve earned it.”
He buried one hand in your hair, tilting your head back and pulling you toward him. You eagerly met him the rest of the way, slipping the head of him past your lips. You sucked lightly at first, swirling your tongue and dipping it into the slit before tightness in your hair urged you  forward. You gladly took more of him into your mouth, relishing the familiar taste and weight on your tongue. Letting your eyes droop nearly closed, a satisfied moan escaped your lips as you hollowed your cheeks and began a steady pace, loving how Adachi’s hand in your hair flexed.
There was a low, answering sound from above you. “Fuuck, I’ve missed this. You look so good sucking my cock.”
Eyes opening, you glanced up as best you could. Adachi’s intense stare met you, wide blown pupils rendering his stormy eyes nearly black and his chest rising and falling quicker. The tantalizing look sent a shudder through you, encouraging you to continue with even more enthusiasm. You lay one hand on the leg of his slacks, bracing yourself as you went on. Adachi cursed again, rolling his hips forward, and only the hand on his leg kept him from choking you on his dick in surprise.
Streams of swears and a few lewd names muttered under heavy breath drifted from him, accompanied by several more bucks into your mouth, until his pace was almost constant. After the first you had prepared yourself for more, knowing they would come, focusing on relaxing your gag reflex. You still choked a few times on his length, but reigned in the spasms, feeling a few tears well up and burn your eyes and a single stray trail of saliva drip down your chin.
The labored breathing above you escalated, as did the number of curses and obscenities until they seemed to blend. “Damn, you’re gonna make me cum if you keep that up. Shit,” he swore, and the strain in his tone was obvious.
His cock twitched on your tongue, rewarding your efforts with more salty pre-cum, before the hand in your hair stiffened. His harsh grip stopped you, sunk down on his cock as far as you could go, and you glanced up questioningly. The rock of his hips had come to a full stop, not the stuttering pace you were used to when he was about to cum. He tugged you off his cock completely and you whined in protest.
“Tohru, please.” Having gotten a taste of him again, you wanted nothing more than to finish what you had started.
He blew a quick puff of a silent laugh through his nose, his pompous expression marred by the lurid flush on his cheeks. “Who’s the impatient one here, again, sweetheart?” He teased. Your lips twisted in a frown and your brows furrowed, bottom lip sticking out sulkily. “Heh, you look so cute pouting like that. Don’t worry, I’ll let you have plenty of my cum later. But not yet.”
He pulled you up roughly, steering you towards a wall as soon as you were properly on your feet. You stumbled, your back hitting the wall with a thump that made you wince and mutter a quiet curse. The prick of pain was quickly forgotten as Adachi closed in, pulling your panties down so eagerly they almost tore, eliciting another sound of quiet protest before you kicked them away. He hiked your legs up around his waist, pinning you against the wall with the force of his hips.
When his dick slipped slickly against your pussy lips, your head fell back against the wall with another thud, a low hum coming from your mouth. You rolled your hips and pushed against him, admittedly just as impatient as Adachi was to have to his dick inside of you, but only brushed the swollen head over your clit.
“Bet you’ve been thinking about this as much as me.” His lips were warm against your ear, breath rolling over your neck in hot puffs. “Tell me you want it and I’ll give it to you,” he coaxed, wanting to hear you beg again now that he was pressed so close to your heat. You groaned, wishing he would just hurry and fill you up rather than play more games. “C’mon, baby, speak up. You went through all that trouble, didn’t you? Tell me how much you need my cock again.”
“I want it. Now,” there was an edge beneath the desire, the hint of your impatience and annoyance. “Fuck me, Tohru. I can’t take it, I need your cock. I can’t wait.”
Adachi didn’t make you beg further, pleased with the filth he had drawn from your lips. He adjusted the angle of his hips before lining up with your slit and pushing inside. You groaned and he sighed as his thick head slid past your opening, each hot inch of his cock stretching you in a way you didn’t realize you had missed so much. He pulled back a few inches, before rocking his hips back and smoothly sinking into you completely.
A growl met your ears before his lips touched your neck, sucking hard. You gasped and cried out, hips reflexively grinding against him as you basked in his lips and the fullness from his dick. “Ah, fuck, better than I remembered,” he breathed when his lips left your skin, giving a languid thrust out and back in, to the delight of you both.
You hooked your ankles together around his waist, urging him closer, deeper as his thrusts became more steady. His lips returned to your throat, peppering your skin with nips and sucking more small marks into it. Hands clenched around your thighs, Adachi shifted you against the wall, the new angle letting his cock stroke you in a way that elicited even more excited sounds from your lips.
“Yes, fuck, Tohru. More, more, harder,” you pleaded.
“Fine, sweetheart, I’ll give you more,” he answered, the force of his hips driving harder until each thrust left your head feeling thick and foggy. “I’m gonna fuck you until you can’t think about anything else,” Adachi promised. Sure enough, all you could care about was the pleasurable ache each time he pounded into you and the cruel, seductive rasp of his voice.
“Yes, yes, please. Fuck me until I can’t think of anything else!” You echoed, again pressing him forward with your heels and trying to meet each brutal thrust. Your mouth hung open, every sound unrestrained and wild. “More, more, more,” you repeated like some obscene chant.
“Just can’t get enough, can you? You asked for it, sweetheart. I’m gonna fill you up again and again and you’re gonna love it,” he said, his bawdy words reaching through your lust-addled mind, making your cunt clench more greedily around him. “Maybe I’ll just keep fucking you until you pass out. I bet my little cockslut would love that, wouldn’t you?”
“Aah, fuck, yes!” All you could do was agree with him, your stubbornness long forgotten in the throes of the ecstasy you hadn’t been able to relive in months.
“Fuck, almost there,” Adachi breathed when your cunt contracted around him extra tight, as if trying to force him to fuck you even harder to draw out of its embrace. “I wanna feel you cum on my cock first. Touch yourself for me,” he compelled you, how close he was getting plain in his husky voice and labored breathing.
“Fuck, Tohru, yes, anything for you,” you agreed, in a tone even further gone.
You reached down almost mechanically, fingers clumsily reaching just above the place your bodies met and rubbing your clit urgently. Already awash with pleasure from Adachi’s rough pace and dirty words, your body reacted swiftly to the new attention, the buzz of pleasure in your gut transforming into a hot coil that threatened to snap.
“That’s right, anything for me,” he agreed possessively, his eyes glued to where your fingers worked feverishly and his cock disappeared into your body. “Who do you belong to, baby? Who’s the only one who gets to fuck you like this?”
You struggled to answer him with coherent words, the spring in your belly reaching its breaking point and bursting in ripples of heat. “You, Tohru, I’m all yours. Only, aaah, you, you, you,” your speech melted into an incoherent jumble of wild cries and expletives, unable to focus any longer on anything but the delicious clenching of your pussy and the electric waves of pleasure crashing over you.
“Fuck, that’s right. So here’s a reward for my sweet little whore,” he degraded, leaving sloppy kisses and more bites on your neck, his pace spurred on by your cries. “Just the start of how much I’m gonna fill you up tonight.”
With his promise, he stiffened against you, bucking especially hard several times into your trembling heat. He came in hot spurts, filling your cunt with warmth until it seeped out around him. He murmured your name low, before biting hard into your neck, a yelp interrupting your moans.
When Adachi was completely spent, he withdrew, easing you back onto your feet and stepping away. Legs weak and threatening to buckle, you stayed against the wall for much-needed support, eyes closed and panting heavily. Nearby you heard the rustle of fabric and the soft sound of more clothes hitting the floor.
Before much longer, you were yanked away from the wall, nearly falling. You opened your eyes to see Adachi stripped down to nothing as well, and despite how tired you felt, you couldn’t help but linger for a moment on his cock, still half-hard.. Adachi pulled you through the open archway to the bedroom, dragging you down onto the bed. He pulled you roughly against him until your back met his chest, both damp with sweat.
“Tohru, let go,” you complained, feeling overheated and sensitive. Surprise jolted another moan from you as he groped your thighs, spreading your legs long enough to bury himself in your heat again.
“Weren’t you listening? I’m gonna fuck you until you pass out, sweetheart.” he reminded you snidely, curling his arms around you. One splayed across your stomach, the other squeezing a breast roughly, but almost absently. “I just need a little more motivation first.”
You rolled your eyes, knowing he couldn’t see. “Sure, motivation. Can’t just call it cuddling like a normal person, can you?” You accused dryly.
“Shut up,” he snapped. You had a feeling his face was flushed with a mixture of anger and humiliation at your words. Whatever he wanted to pretend, his actions spoke louder than his defensive words. “You sound a lot better when your mouth is stuffed with my dick. Maybe I should just put it back to better use instead,” he threatened.
“Well, I am still waiting for that taste, Tohru.”
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bethd0456 · 3 years
hellooo lovely! i loved reading your response to my last ask - apparently tumblr is messing up my asks bc a lot of them haven’t been going through :( but let’s hope this one does! i’ve been seeing that you watch cherry magic, and it’s one of my favourite shows at the moment!! 💘 who’s your favourite character? mine is kurosawa personally, i relate so much to him and his gayness. also udon chan, the cutest little cat! what did you think of the last ep, wasn’t it so cute!!! (1/2)
i hope you’re doing well!!! i also wanted to ask what your favourite shows and ships are! i already have a vague idea formulating just by browsing through your blog and over our shared love of cherry magic, but i’d looove to hear your thoughts and your favourites!! wishing you the bestest day! 💘 - your secret santa (2/2)
Hiiiii!!!! I hope life is treating you well!
Omg I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it! I hope you're ready for this MASSIVE answer and you don't get too bored reading this one!
CHERRY MAGIC!!!!!! It instantly became a comfort show for me, as it did for many others!
ADACHIADACHIADACHIADACHI. Adachi is 100% my fave. I never fully understood what a comfort character was. I was like, "yeah! I love Tine also!" But. Adachi is the definition of comfort for me. I see so much of myself in him! Everyone sees him and is like "babie. Must protecc." And honestly? Me too. How can one character be so damn CUTE??!?!? One of my favourite moments is him seeing Kurosawa after the almost-kiss. He just like, sees him, and gets so panicked 🥺 the way his arms just flail about makes me smile like an idiot.
But like, on a deeper level, this drama makes me believe I'm worthy of love. The idea that someone like Kurosawa could be THAT infatuated with you, even though you're an awkward virgin lmao. The point of watching these dramas is to get lost in a story, right? See a situation you want so badly but you know will never realistically happen? The entire premise of the show is just really enticing to me. I am Adachi, Adachi is me. Also, the thing he said in ep6 about not having a clear dream in life? Yeah. I felt that. I'm so envious of people who have passions they work so hard for, it gives them a form of purpose. Like Adachi, sometimes I feel like I'm living in a "daze". I feel like I don't really have any specific passions or skills that I want to develop into a career. Sometimes I just wish I had ambition. Adachi makes me feel so seen and like I'm not the only person who feels like this. The kinds of characters that usually make good protagonists are characters with a clear goal/passion. In most shows this obviously really works, but I can never relate to them personally. It's really special for me to see a character who's similar to me in this way.
Kurosawa is such an amazing character too!!!!! His gay little heart 🥺 on another level, he's just so?? Respectful??? 7. YEARS. 7 years of pining and he holds himself back so well!! He's been waiting for this relationship for so long but is so patient, willing to take things slowly for Adachi. He flirts shamelessly (as he should) but never to the point where Adachi was too uncomfortable.
He cares so much about Adachi :(. But also, even before he liked Adachi, he could tell he was uncomfortable with the drinking thing, so he DOWNED the wine lmao. Clearly he's just a lovely person all round who's really socially aware.
As for other characters:
• Udon my baby!!!! The cutest cat ever!! I love animals sm :(((
• Tsuge's chaotic energy is iconic
• Minato a lovely little dance machine :))
• Rokaku deserves the world, my excitable kiss interruptor :(((
• Fujisaki my love! She's so soft and cute!! Also ace coded how iconic
I ADORED ep8!!! I LIVE for established Adasawa! Adachi coming out to Tsuge :((( I'm so proud of Adachi coming to terms with his feelings and being confident enough to share his relationship with his closest friend. Coming out is not easy and he did so well 🥺
Adachi and Tsuge are so useless bless them 😂 Kurosawa really said "well I guess I have to take these two socially awkward disasters under my wing." Adachi and Tsuge are such a chaotic duo, I love that they can communicate just by touching each other, and omg when Kurosawa said his name Tsuge was "wait maybe I know everything about you already" and if that isn't friendship idk what is
Also Kurosawa making up a poem in his head about Adachi???? Peak romance. Also iconic. I'M A SUCKER FOR HAND HOLDING SCENES SO I DIED. "I like him. I like him. I like him!!" HOW CUTE CAN YOU GET FJKHDSHSKSK
I also got another arm flailing moment when Kurosawa almost got the wrong idea about Adachi and Tsuge!! CAN ADACHI STOP BEING SO CUTE MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT. How on earth his boyfriend is still alive I have no idea.
There are so many other shows and ships I love. I feel like I'll probably miss some, but here we go. These aren't rankings at all, just like, lists lol.
Show list:
1. 2gether
This show means so much to me. It was the first time I watched a bl week by week and it made it so much more special?? I valued scenes so much more than when I binge shows and they would like, look at each other and I'd have a heart attack. They made the first part of my quarantine bearable bc I always had something to look forward to every Friday. I actually really enjoyed quarantine overall as an introvert (not to be insensitive about the literal deaths the pandemic has caused), but I really enjoyed constantly thinking about how long it was until Friday. I'm massively emotionally attached to all of the characters in this show you have no idea. Every single one. The found family of it all,, the way all of the characters have relationships. Still2gether did a phenomenal job of showcasing all of the unexpected but very welcome dynamics and relationships, platonic and romantic alike. I could blabber about this show for so long I'll spare u for now
2. YYY
Is it well written? No. Did I enjoy it anyway?? You know it! I told you how much I love the found family trope. UGH. THIS FAMILY. Also, seeing the feminine side of the LGBT+ community represented positively warmed my heart. There needs to be more bls that do that! Celebrate femininity!! There's nothing wrong with being camp as fuck! It's so much fun!!! This show made me so happy :))
3. Start up
I'm currently obsessed. It's my first Kdrama and holy shit this is what the hype is about. The budget!! The acting! Top notch. On a sad note I really wish bls got that much funding behind them. My heart aches for a complicated story with fully developed characters and plotlines, that just happens to have a gay main couple/character. Wishful thinking for now at least. Anyways, I'm massively emotionally attached to Halmeoni and Jipyeong. Team Jipyeong all the way (even tho Dalmi's obviously gonna end up with Dosan, and I'm happy for them!). All I need is a happy ending for my darling Jipyeong. Please give him one. Also, if anything happens to Halmeoni I will WEEP.
4. Cherry magic is obviously here but I've ranted about that enough already 😂
5. 3 will be free
I would never have expected gmm to make a series like this! But they went and did THAT. Wild. It was such a healthy representation of a poly relationship. The themes of feminism were so well handled and powerful, the chemistry was off the CHARTS, I was hooked from start to finish! Time for a rewatch? I think so.
6. Feel good
Not an Asian drama, but still gay as FUCK. It's written by my wife Mae Martin who also stars in it, and I have to say, it blew me away. Story time!! My friend irl recommended it to me without saying it was Mae, so I was like "okay sure I'll put it on my to watch list I guess" without much motivation to watch it. But as soon as I found out it was Mae I watched it and I've never looked back lol. Once I finished I sent my friend a splurge of messages about my feelings. The series touches on issues like addiction, sexuality and gender. "I'm not a boy. I'm not even a girl. I'm like a failed version of both." That shit HURT.
There's a scene near the end which has really stayed with me. So Mae's character is a comedian and she does a set making jokes about the stuff that happened in the series and oh my GOD. The way I CRIED. It made me realise that people who make jokes about their experiences are using humour as a coping mechanism and when people say "Haha I have daddy issues isn't it funny" we have to remember to be respectful. It's never okay to make jokes about someone else's trauma. Don't make a big deal of it but just don't be a dick.
Anyways I could go on but would 100% recommend this series!
7. HIStory 2 crossing the line
My first bl! This series is the reason I'm so obsessed with bl lmao. The main couple are so soft :( this little series will always hold a special place in my heart!
8. Sotus
My first gmm series, we've come a long way. I miss Kong and Arthit :(
9. Dark blue kiss
Such a brilliant series. I trust P'Aof (director) with my life. This series touches on issues that are so important and deserve to be talked about so much more in bls. This is what happens when you let LGBT people tell LGBT stories! They do it with such care and love!! One of my favourite lines is "I may like men, but I'll never like your brother." One of my biggest let peeves is "I don't like men, I only like x." Like, I get the business behind it, they don't want to make the character gay to make them available for girls to fantasise about. Which is disgusting. But Mork really said "no. ❤" and I LOVE IT.
10. The shipper
I could go on and on about how underrated I think this series is. This series took over from 2gether on Fridays, and while I didn't think about this series constantly like I did with 2gether, this series made my quarantine brighter. Fridays meant I was gonna laugh at least once and forget about life just for a short while. The humour in this series is so fucking dumb lmao, but I'm here for it.
I've seen people talk about the shipper as a bl but I disagree. I think it's better described as a series with bl aspects. The main themes are friendship, family, dealing with loss, respecting boundaries of people you admire, and one of the main messages is about making sure the people close to you know how much they mean to you. Don't get me wrong, the majority of the series is over the top humour, but by the end of it I was personally really attached to the characters and their feelings. Overall I really enjoyed this series but I don't see anyone properly talk about it :(
11. Gaya sa pelikula
A series made by gay people for gay people. Shows like this are so important. This show really healed my soul with how brilliant the representation was :(( "remember we talked about microagressions" the way that means Vlad is constantly educating Karl about LGBT stuff, UGH. SO GOOD. Also this show has the most realistic representation of a crush I've ever seen lmao, soft Vlad is the best Vlad.
12. My engineer
My happy little Saturday show :( I miss the shit writing, shit acting and soft story of this series so much. I'm so fond of this series, I watched it after the horrible ep12 of 2gether and it really made me happy. I'm looking forward to season 2, but Ramking's novel goes DOWNHILL from here on. I know tricreation wouldn't allow the final chapter's scenes, but the entire story is so problematic and unenjoyable :(. The only valid scene is King's coming out scene but that's literally it. And the collar scene can stay lmao.
13. Oxygen
Another soft saturday series! I love this series so much, all of the couples are so bloody healthy and it makes me so happy. The communication is amazing!! THIS is how you show healthy relationships!!!
14. The gifted
S1 was so amazing!! I loved all of it! The only part of s2 we'll talk about is timegracethird. Time best boy!! Grace a feminist queen! When future Grace said they would be friends for a long time that made me so happy :(( also pangwave canon
15. Until we meet again
So I talked about the healthy relationships in oxygen. But uwma really showed the healthiest relationship ever. DeanPharm are just the softest little humans :( I would die for Pharm. He's the closest I got to a comfort character before Adachi. I just have to PROTECT HIM. My motherly instincts really kick in when I see him lmao.
The storyline of this series is just breathtaking. And the ending? I don't think I've ever cried that much. At all. It was so fucking beautiful 🥺
16. My gear and your gown
I really liked this show! Honestly I don't think I'll ever rewatch it but I definitely enjoyed it. The way Pai just seemed to breathe freely for the first time when his parents accepted his sexuality :(((( my baby :( also purefolk were brilliant
Ship list:
1. Saratine
These two are the definition of romance. They mean the fucking world to me. The fact that their story is apparently gonna be continued in some form makes me so. So. Happy. I cannot begin to describe it. My bet is on a special episode and ugh I'm so EXCITED.
2. Aini
Thonhonchonlatee in general is enjoyable but I don't like Thon at all. It's such a shame bc I was so excited for Khaotung and Podd to be in a series together :((. BUT. Aini have grabbed my heart. I knew they would bc miketap are brilliant, but wow. They're so gay my little babies :( miketap are just so natural and comfortable to watch. I love their chemistry so muuuuuuch
3. Sunmork
Coffee boyfriends :( I miss them so bloody much
4. Ramking
One of my fave ships. As I mentioned, I'm apprehensive about s2, but s1 ramking is such a beautiful story. It's just about 2 boys falling in love, no complications. Plant boy who's afraid of dogs falls in love with quiet boy who loves dogs but is afraid of children. Iconic. Also chemistry outsold, I THINK ABOUT THE KISS CONSTANTLY. When I mentioned the acting is shit in this series (shit is harsh, I mean awkward), I did not mean Perth and Lay in the slightest. They really nailed their roles and I loved it.
5. Professor Layton x Claire
You 100% won't get this reference but I grew up with the Professor Layton games and holy shit do they hold up. They're so amazingly written with beautiful stories and the most lovable characters in the world. Layton's intellect, loving nature and surprising athleticism are admirable. Adachi is the character I relate to most, but if I was gonna choose a character to comfort me irl, Layton's your man. His voice is so comforting by nature. I'm blabbering at this point but the point is him and Claire are the only het pairing that matters.
These are just the ships that I felt should be separate from their shows. I love all of the ships from the shows I mentioned.
Oof this got horrifically long, I haven't had a proper chance to rant about most of these shows so I really let it out lol. I hope you've watched at least some of these shows and I didn't just rant to u about 12 shows you've never heard of 😂
I hope you have a wonderful day love!!!!
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putschki1969 · 5 years
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2019/06/29 Blog post by Wakana 『VOICEツアーラスト!!~日本特殊陶業市民会館ビレッジホール編~』 
『VOICE Tour Final!!~ Nagoya Civil Hall Edition ~』
The other day, I had dumplings. First I had gyoza, they were huge! Then I had some xiaolongbao. The soup inside was hot, juicy and thick. Hot, juicy and thick ... (о´∀`о) When they are almost bursting with soup it’s the best thing ever ... (о´∀`о) Ah ~ I want to have some today as well! Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
Recently I have been slacking when it comes to my gyoza activities. I have just started again. I am in the stretching phase right now. By the way, my「Wakana LIVE TOUR 2019~VOICE~」 which started on April 4 was finished successfully in Nagoya on May 15. (Let’s go back in time a little, please join me.)
The venue Nagoya Civil Hall has tatami mats in the waiting room ... I forgot to take a picture (TдT) How do I describe it? It looks like the entrance of an old-fashioned restaurant or inn. There is a wooden entrance and a place to put your shoes. Once you cross the genkan step you are in the tatami-styled room. I hope you can somehow imagine what it looked like... Anyway, it was a wonderful room and any moment I expected someone to serve hot tea and onsen manju.
What we did end up having in the room were bananas.  These are very important and I can’t do a live without them ♪(´ε` ) The hall looked like this. This angle from behind the stage is rather unfamiliar isn’t it (^_^*) And this is how things look like on the stage. These pictures were taken by my drummer Tsuruya-san! I will use the opportunity to introduce the band members who have supported me during all seven performances of my tour.
I would like to start with my drummer Tomoo Tsuruya-san since I just mentioned him. From the first day of rehearsal Tsuruya-san has been a mood maker, he always makes sure the atmosphere is relaxed and he has been very gentle and kind with me which was a huge help since I was very nervous. The rainstick I am using during one of the songs actually belongs to him. In those seven performances I got to borrow two different kinds of rainsticks〜 . And then there is the shaker I used during the live. He gave that to me as a present at one of our studio rehearsals. I had been practising a lot at home and in the car with a borrowed one so when I saw the present it felt surreal to me *laughs* Next up we have the bassist Takashi Adachi-san! (btw, all the following pictures were taken by Tsuruya-san as well) Adachi-san and I have actually appeared on stage together several times in the past and we have also done various recordings but it was our first time to talk properly and to go on tour together. When I met him during the studio rehearsal, he came across as quite silent and modest but on stage he is completely different. He is super carefree and happy, he plays the bass with so much joy! Then at our first live after party we really hit it off, he is so funny! Sneaky, you really fooled me! *laughs*  That’s what I thought ^ ^ Then we have the guitarist Koji Ueda-san! Ueda-san, just like Adachi-san, is completely different on stage. I thought he was pretty reserved and quiet but I was totally wrong.  He is a real rockstar and he makes the coolest faces while playing his guitar (I have been watching the live footage over and over again so all the unique performances by the band members are still fresh in my mind.) Being on stage is really a weird experience (^-^) Anyways, I think that generally, Ueda-san is a very laid-back person. The last one to introduce is Kuraaki Hori-san, my pianist (↑ isn’t that the best expression ever!) Hori-san’s piano playing is very impressive. During all the lives, we would often change up a few of the piano and singing parts, we would improvise a little. He is the kind of person that is very much aware of all the feelings being born out of the moment, he does his best to cherish every second of it in order to elevate those feelings. Our final encore which I performed alone together with Hori-san is probably the song that changed most throughout our seven performances. Soon all of you will be able to watch it too so I hope you will enjoy it. *Bonus pic 1 * A picture of Shigeta-san who is responsible for the sound. Not quite sure what kind of pose this is suposed to be. Shigeta-san is a wonderful man, he is super playful and kind. * Bonus pic 2 * Yours truly. I don't even know when it was taken, some time during the rehearsal. After dress rehearsal probably when I checked out the curtains. I would usually wear my stage dress for that. Looking back at the tour, I remember all kinds of things and my eyes start watering. I remember all the laughter, the embarrassment, it really was an emotional turmoil. And then let’s not forget about the huge mishap during my final performance in Nagoya ~ Singing the first encore song TWICE ~. *laughs* I literally sang it twice *laughs*. I couldn’t sing it the first time .... My manager and staff members later told me, "for the first time in a long time we felt the need to send a prayer to heaven when we saw this!” Haha, indeed, there is not much you can do in a situation like that except pray. *laughs* I am so sorry, please forgive me ( ;∀;)
[A friend of mine provided a thorough report of this particular incident during the Nagoya live. Thank you so much for sharing that moment with me! It seems like Wakana started tearing up towards the middle of “Hikari Furu”, her voice kept breaking and while she tried to continue singing, her tears just wouldn’t stop and at one point she had to give up and lowered her mic. The band continued playing and the audience cheered and clapped so Wakana wouldn’t feel bad about the little hiccup. She eventually started singing again but she wasn’t really able to compose herself throughout the rest of the song. She had two more hiccups where she just lost it and couldn’t sing a few lines. Once the song was finished the entire audience stood up and gave her a huge round of applause. She apologised and turned around to go to her little table and dab her face, you could also see her talking with the band members deciding what to do next. She eventually turned back to the audience, apologised once more and asked if it was okay if she tried singing the song again. The second time she nailed it, it was a flawless performance.]
I was able to collect lots of precious memories during my VOICE Tour which lasted about 1 1/2 months. I am motivated to continue onwards. Everyone who came to the lives, everyone who supported me on my blog and social media, I am truly grateful. From now on I will tackle the challenge to create new music. Please look forward to it! The next thing coming up is my fan club live on September 14! Please come and have fun with me ♪ I will be waiting for you ♪ 「Wakana Botanical Land "Music Party Vol.1"」 ■ September 14, 2019 (Sat) Daytime performance Opening 14:30 Start 15:00 Evening performance Opening 17:30 Start 18:00 Venue: Hamagin Hall Viamare Minami-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken Minatomirai 3-1-1, Yokohama Bank Main Store Building 1F http://www.yokohama-viamare.or.jp/access.html ※ Please refrain from direct inquiries to the venue
Last but not least, here is a picture I took of the hitsumabushi I had on the shinkansen on my way back home. It was super delicious! Well then, until next time 〜☆(*'▽’*)/ *** Wakana ***
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shinwonsaysomething · 5 years
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A Late Night Confession - Yuto Adachi 🌱🌸
Words: 860 Genre: Fluff, OneShot & Love/ Romance (for @yutos-laugh)
It is 1 am and you are wide awake in your bed. Scrolling through all the picture of you and your boyfriend, Yuto. You couldn’t sleep and thought that he might help you calm down a bit, but he only made you feel happy and more awake. You roll in your bed smiling like a total idiot. You put your hands to your head to calm down, but you can’t stop smiling. You really want to see him again, but you don’t want to wake him up at 1 am. You roll back to your phone, that lights up out of nowhere. It is Yuto. He is calling you?
“Heey baby? I didn’t expect you would pick up, did I wake you?” Yuto says softly. “No worries I wasn’t able to sleep, I was actually very busy missing you” you say. You hear Yuto laugh through the phone. His laugh is just so cute that it makes you laugh with him. “That is very funny, because I was honestly still awake because I miss you too” Yuto says. Your cheeks turn light pink and you smile. “Heey this might be a bit crazy, but… Nevermind”. ”No Yuto! Tell me! You know I don’t like you when you don’t finish you thought” You say. You hear Yuto laugh and he continues “I was thinking if you wanted to go out on a date, but I mean like right now”. His request took you by surprise but you could only answer with a “Hell Yeah”.
You jump out of your bed to get ready. It feels weird going out without being prepared for it. Yuto will pick you up in 15 minutes and will take you a bar he wanted to take you for so long. You made sure he didn’t have anything important in the morning, before you really said yes to the date. You put on a cute outfit and get ready.
The bell rings and you open the door. In front of you is your boyfriend. The tall boy has a huge smile on his face when he sees you. His brown eyes even sparkle. He is dressed in all black, but still looks fancy. “You look stunning baby” he says and kisses your cheek. You hug him. He takes your hand and walks you the cab he ordered.
“So what is this bar you have been talking about?” you say as you two sit in the back seats of the cab. Yuto has his arm wrapped around your shoulder and you sit close to him. “It is this beautiful bar where they have food and drinks from all around the world. Their Japanese drinks are the best, Yuto told you.
Around 1:30 am you arrive at the bar “Trip around the World”. You and Yuto take a seat near the window and Yuto orders some food and drinks for you both. As you wait for the food to arrive, you two just talk about everything and nothing as usual. That is the amazing thing about dating Yuto. He is very talkative when he is with you. His low voice is very comforting and great to listen to.
“There is another reason why I wanted to take you there though” Yuto says a bit out of the blue. You take a sip of your drink and look surprised at him. You can see him smirk a bit. “What is it, baby?” you ask. “Remember the first night we met?” he says.
Of course you do. You two met at your favorite bar not far from “Trip around the World”. “Well, I already saw you, before meeting you” Yuto starts, “One week before I met you I was drinking at this bar with some friends. I looked outside and saw you with some friends and was just blown away”. Yuto stops and laughs remembering something funny. “I can clearly remember Wooseok waving before my eyes and telling me that staring is rude” he says and laughs. “This might seem weird, but I really wanted to meet you. Your smile was what really got me hooked you know… I came back every night that week in the hope I would see you again. On the last night I did see you again. That time at your favorite bar. I was so happy I found you”.
You are absolutely speechless. You can’t stop smiling. “Why didn’t you tell me this story before” you ask and grab his hand. “I was afraid if I told you and you didn’t like me you would find it very creepy” Yuto says and looks down shyly. “You really are the sweetest, aren’t you?” you say. “This place means a lot to me, because I spent a lot of time here, but also because I found you because of it”. Yuto bends over the table to kiss you. Just a sweet and soft kiss. One that tells even more than a thousands words. “I love you, baby” Yuto says. “I love you too”.
You talk all night and enjoy the amazing food of the “Trip around the World”, a place that you two decide to visit even more after tonight.
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A story for @yutos-laugh​: Heey honey, I really wanted to make you something special. I saw your post last night that you couldn’t sleep because of all the yuto fluff and it inspirted me to make this story. I hope this helps you when you can’t sleep again or I hope you just like it. Let me know what you think. Thank you for all your love and support for my work.
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theundergrounddog · 6 years
Kenny Omega at DDT (Part 2)
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Interviewer: “How was it for you adjusting to the Japanese culture?”
Kenny: “Uh well… I was lucky that I sort of had a good introduction to DDT. I mean I made that YouTube video of the anywhere match where I’m wrestling around my cottage and DDT fans are kinda wacky so before even like arriving to DDT they were already really excited to see me. So I sort of had that little bit of buzz. The adjustment was really easy to do in ring and in the match. The more difficult adjustment was adjusting to the actual culture and the food and the language and that was sort of like, you know a really long slow process.
Cause I mean it’s… you’re on your own to learn the language, you’re on your own to figure out to eat properly and maintain your diet and maintain your conditioning and that took about three years to balance it all out and to get to like a level in my Japanese where I could converse and sort of survive.
So yeah, the matches and stuff, that was easy. It was the other stuff, the after/before match type of things, the time when I wasn’t wrestling that was most difficult.”  Under the Mat (podcast) 2014.21.04
(Quick disclaimer: I just want to make it clear that translation-wise I’m operating on google translate and common sense only. I cannot speak or read Japanese. If you can and you notice any issues where the meaning is drastically off, I would really really really like to know!  Thank you!)
Kenny has 9 matches on his first tour in Japan however, 6 of these were during the beer garden shows which were over and done with by the 10th of August.*
At the same time, Kota was working other promotions aside from DDT including competing in Pro Wrestling Noah’s Junior Heavyweight tag league near the end of the month. This despite perhaps not being at 100% health-wise. There are reports on the blogs of him going to hospital to get checked out after his match with Kenny. The story is that he hit the back of his head when taking the Michinoku driver to the chairs and doesn’t remember the match clearly after that. Given that my main source for this is Takagi’s blog, he may be slightly exaggerating it for kayfabe’s sake however this wasn't the only place I saw the rumor that he was made to go to hospital after the match. 
Kota works a match on the 9th for K-DOJO 3 days after his match with Kenny but doesn’t wrestle the final night of the beer garden shows on the 10th. He is at the show, but he just takes part in a comedy skit and works at the shop rather than doing the tag match originally advertised.
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Kenny has a street fight against the president Takagi himself! Unfortunately, apart from the Kenny vs Ibushi match and the tag match he had before that, none of the rest of Kenny’s matches from this tour are available online as far as I can find.
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(Source) (Source) 
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After the match (which Kenny loses) Takagi calls him “the best foreigner” and promises to call him in one year. The crowd chants ‘please come back’. And Nakazawa translates a promo from Kenny for them.
Kenny: "My wrestling career was so blessed to contract with WWE so that I could finally join ROH and finally come to DDT. Whatever anyone says DDT is the best company, with the best wrestlers and the best fans, as long as you want to see me, as long as Mr. Takagi asks me, I will definitely come back because this is where I am." (source)
So now the bulk of the wrestling was over. Kenny stayed in Japan for another three weeks, but only performed on three more shows.* One on the 17th in Nagoya, one on the 27th at Shin Kiba 1st ring again for another promotion called Great Pro Wrestling and one on the 31st at Korakuen Hall.  
Tagaki’s promise at the end of the beer garden show hopefully eased Kenny’s mind a little but his initial concern to prove his worth so that DDT would bring him back was not unfounded. DDT was a small promotion. They didn’t have a huge amount of money to spare flying in and hosting talent from across the world.
The dormitory where Kenny stayed was in a quite run-down state. Matsui, one of the DDT refs, actually writes on his blog that he was impressed Kenny stayed there the whole time without complaining. It was in an industrial area outside of the center of Tokyo. The residents were mostly elderly with little or no English and they often crossed the street to avoid him. When he got lonely, he used to go talk to the staff at the local convenience store. It was a 45-minute bike ride to the closest internet café. (If you want to know more about this, the Japanophiles documentary is probably the best thing to watch. The other tidbits of information are scattered about on various podcasts and shoot interviews.)
Michael Nakazawa was a busy guy who appears to have been holding down multiple jobs, but he still finds time to hang out with Kenny often during his stay. 
From his blog entries, it’s clear that Kota and Kenny’s connection was more or less instant. The day after the beer garden shows end, Nakazawa and Ibushi take Kenny to Akihabara and they play arcade games.
Ibushi vs. Omega, rebound match suddenly broke out! (August 12th)
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“It's a game though. (^ _ ^;)
Today we have come to play in Akihabara in a group of three.
A splendid O Mega revenge with an initial D! Happy.
Silent Hill played alongside teaming together. I heard that I have not seen Silent Hill's gun shooting in the USA. You are pretty enthusiastic.
Even so, both of you are considerable gamers .... There is no language barrier in the game. That’s a relief. (^ O ^)”
From an interview with Kenny in November 2008 (August 17th -ish)
“-Then, if there are memories etc in DDT?
Omega: There are lots of memories and it is difficult. If I had to give one, I guess it's the hot spicy challenge with Ibushi. We went to a restaurant in Nagoya. There was a Russian roulette pizza in that shop, and one of the 6 piece pizza had hot sauce on it. Me and Ibushi are poor at eating spicy foods and can not eat them at all, but decided to do the challenge because it would be funny.
Eating with us was a rookie from Nagoya. He ate first but there was nothing. And then we ate, but there was nothing at all. Why?
'The truth is that mine was hit.' The new guy turned white, the Russian roulette pizza was over. But then it's not fun, right? So Nakazawa passed a spicy sauce to Ibushi, and Ibushi made the sauce for my pizza. In return I put sauce on Ibushi’s pizza, but I slipped and put it all over (laugh) But, for the time being, I handed it to Ibushi and decided to eat that pizza quickly. 
Then it's hard to do anything! The two of us drank water, I put ice in my mouth, but I still felt like drinking water. Ibushi cried tears it was so spicy. So, Ibushi wiped the tears with his hands, but his hands actually had hot sauce on and so more and more tears flowed. So, both of our tongues are still burning, I asked for ice cream, but my tongue was still burning, still continued drinking water and then it took a long time to settle out. That was a good memory.”
Kenny’s match on the 17thwas a triple threat with Kudo and Masa Takanashi which Kenny actually won! Kota has a match with Dino in the main event. Can’t find either match online but the latter looks like its pretty standard fare for a Dino vs Ibushi match i.e. a copious amount of non-con kissing and heavily dick centered offense.
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Ibushi wins but the Extremeparty recapper still notes some concern over his physical wellness. 
Today's Ibushi & Kenny Omega (22nd)
The events of this day were recounted in both Nakazawa’s and Matsui’s blogs.
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Nakazawa: “We joined with Mr. Matsui and Mr. Ibushi, who didn’t play at Noah today, we went to Ikebukuro. When people went to America with ROH before, people who became indebted people are connected, but the barbecue has become a treat for everyone. Well I have not eaten such good meat after a long time Nobunashima ....
Street brothers Kenny and Ibushi-san were playful while eating ice-cream. Good relationship. In this case you do not need an interpreter anymore.
What close friends you are, before they leave the office, they say they say "Hado-ken!" Or something like a fireworks that happened to be sandwiched with both hands and shoot it with you. Ah Ibushi I'm burning a hand. f (^ _^;)”
Matsui: “Tonight, Ibushi and Michael were invited by the mother who took care of me during the expedition of ROH. Ibushi, Michael, Kenny, and me got to eat meals.
It was delicious!
Also moved to the shop that they are doing.
Despite the fact that Kenny did not drink a single drop, he sang English songs for a long time without giving up the microphone, and it made me drink.
Love song sent to Ibushi was sweet and painful.
So, now we will return.
Kenny wanted to stop by the arcade,
"If you play now, the train will be gone!" I said in Japanese.”
Kenny Omega Night (August 24th)
Ibushi’s Noah matches start on the 23rd. Meanwhile, Kenny and Nakazawa hold the first Kenny Omega Night at Dropkick! He squishes the grapefruits with his bare hands apparently. They play street fighter with customers + other DDT wrestlers.
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Then they play strip street fighter. Which goes badly for Michael.
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They do a little Q&A with Michael translating:
"The reason that I came this time was to fight Ibushi. The fight against Ibushi was the most important match. I did not expect it, but after fighting we got along well. I want to do a rematch with Ibushi when coming next time, but, only if Ibushi has the same idea, it is possible we could tag. "
"It's boring to stay in the dormitory, I’m a rarity in Adachi-ku so it is not very pleasant. It’s not like that in Akihabara or Shibuya. I like all Japanese food, but I have to ask Michael and Matsunaga to explain all the menus. I was surprised by the Moss Burger Rice Burger. How does rice replace the buns? I thought it was delicious when I ate it. I had an image of Japan as the advanced country of technology, the impression has not changed since coming. "
There is more strip-Streetfighter and Michael loses again.
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Yesterday appeared in the S Arena! (August 27th) 
Nakazawa:“Yesterday, Mr. Ibushi & Kenny appeared on the S - Arena on Samurai TV, so I was present as an interpreter. I wonder if I can translate properly. It's my first time to interpret something on TV. It is not bad usually as usual.
However, it was a big pinch before recording. We were meeting at the studios at half past eight, but no one had come yet. Well Kenny I know was at Great pro's match at Shinkiba from 7 o'clock before this recording, but Ibushi-san was late for no reason as usual (lol). What should I do if they never turned up? He was not upset but upset. Actually, Ibushi-san arrived after broadcasting had begun. f (^ _^;)
If you were watching the broadcast yesterday, you will understand, but there are not any words such as the language barrier, they are really good friends. They are is about the same age, and wrestling is a person who can respect each other, both of them are fond of games, they cannot drink alcohol or spicy food. They like the streets, and like indies. I guess there are things that germinated through fierce fighting and sympathies that they both feel.”
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“After that, we went to eat Okonomiyaki by three people, we cooperated together and breathed in briefly and baked over with one more thing! Another photo was baked by Kenny: Smiley Okonomiyaki It was my first taste & mischievous but it seemed like it was.
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Kenny's last match in Japan for the time being is 8.31 Korakuen convention, please come and watch! Without business, Kenny Omega once I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.”
The match Kenny has before going to the TV station on the 27th is a bit of a mystery. It’s for a promotion that isn’t DDT called ‘Great Pro Wrestling’(?) but it was in the Shin Kiba 1st ring which was the same place the beer garden shows were held. I didn’t find out about it anywhere the rest of the match recaps are, but from our old friend Griffon591! The match was against JOM Taro but I’m struggling to find much information on it. Griffon591 did however take some really cute photos of Kenny standing about.
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Before Korakuen (August 29th-30th) 
Everyone is busy in the run up to the big DDT show at Korakuen Hall. Kota is also in the middle of the NOAH Junior Heavyweight Tag League at this point, fighting guys such as but not limited to: Daniel Bryan, Davey Richards, Kenta/Hideo Itami and Taiji Ishimori.
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(source) (source)
Matsui: “Yesterday I made a mozzo in my office, and I drank with Kenny and others. I nearly missed the last train.
It looks like Kenny managed to learn how to get back to the dorm from here by train.
Korakuen is nearly here so today I stayed at the office for a while. There was one meeting and two meetings. I will return from now. The office has always had a high population density in the production of DDT. About 9 o'clock, Ibushi, Kenny and Michael came to the office, but of course he was playing.
However, the way of Ibushi and Kenny's communication is quite creepy. Words are hardly exchanged, communication is measured only with a smile. Surely, I wonder if there is something known only to crazy people.”
DDT Summer Vacation Memories (August 31st)
The big Korakuen Hall show finally comes and Kenny has his last match of the tour was against HARASHIMA.  
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Promos after the match:
HARASHIMA: "Kenny Omega! Your last trick, it worked ... Damn, I lost, as you know, Kenny will return to Canada at the end of the game, but I will not allow running away. We will play with this DDT ring!"
Kenny: "HARASHIMA-san, Thank you. Korakuen Hall, DDT, DDT fans, This is my dream. And my dream has come true. For you fans, I gave 100%, I gave everything in every match I had in DDT."
“(He did not have an interpreter this time, but chose language that was easy to understand.)”
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There’s also much amusement from Yukihiro Abe (another DDT wrestler) that Kenny has the [for private use] copyright warning on his gear. 
Kenny’s knee was apparently injured during this match but it’s not so bad that he doesn’t keep wrestling on it.
Saying goodbye (September 1st-3rd)     
Kenny leaves on the 4th but it looks like he probably says goodbye to Ibushi on the 1st. This makes sense considering Ibushi’s Noah matches. He has one on the 2nd and one on the 4th both of which are outside Tokyo, so maybe he just wasn’t coming back in between.
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Matsui: “Today, slowly to the office from the evening.
I was thinking that I would normally take a day off but I decided to go in because Kenny is coming by.
Kenny is going to return to Canada on the 4th.
We may meet again tomorrow or the day after tomorrow but we may not meet with everyone so we took a photo.
He wasn’t selfish, even though he lived in a dorm for a long time he did not complain, but it was a truly wonderful foreign player who performs great in the ring (even on the street).
Good bye Kenny.
Until the day we meet again!”
Nakazawa: “Since from today Ibushi-san has matches with Noah, campground, SEM and so on, we will have a memorial photo with everyone as this is probably the last chance we can meet with all of you. Mr. Ibushi must also be missing. It will come back again soon.”
Nakazawa (in a later blog entry): Kenny says, "It is a funny thing, as returning to Canada comes closer, it becomes a bit sad every time people say: "Kenny, today is probably the last day to see you before your return." Yesterday is really something I (almost?) cried, I rarely get such a thing. I finished playing games at the arcade and it's about time to go home and say goodbye to Ibushi. I came back to sleep with an attitude almost incomprehensible because it was difficult to cry.
See you! (September 4th)
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Nakazawa: “Yesterday was the last chance to see Kenny. Today I work in the gym so I cannot go to the airport to see you off ... I'm sorry. 
At night I went for dinner with Mr. Matsui and Inokuma but I had my two-shot taken at the end. Double Hadoken! (Why naked and in the station premises) 
We shook hands and hugged and parted. It was a busy month after Kenny came, but it was fun. I am really looking forward to seeing you again and again. There are also opportunities to have a match against you next time. See you!”
And that’s the end! Spoilers: Kenny does come back in January 2009 and many more times after that. Lots of cute shit happens then too. Go out onto Michael Nakazawa’s blog and discover it for yourselves. 
*I say at the start that Kenny had 9 matches, but earlier this week I thought he only had 7 so there could easily have been more. I was going off cagematch’s results and then found the mystery 2 with blind luck lol. 
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taizi · 7 years
we’re the lucky ones
@natsumeweek 2017 (Bonus) Day 7; Favorite headcanon
Headcanon: Everyone loves Natsume. Everyone.
Continuation of this fic because I have no control over my life :')
When Natsume and Nishimura finally show up, almost two hours later than they said they'd be, they're soaking wet and smiling sheepishly and—
Holding hands.
Katsumi freezes, watching them amble carelessly in from the light rain. Nishimura's jacket is draped over Natsume's head, and Natsume's jacket is wrapped around a disgruntled-looking Nyanko-sensei, and they only seem to have eyes for each other.
“Sorry we're late,” Natsume says, accepting the towels Katsumi hands him. “We missed our bus.”
“No thanks to Nyanko-sensei,” Nishimura adds smartly, and pretends not to hear the cat's annoyed reply. He reaches for Natsume's hand as they follow Katsumi down the hall, as casually as anything, and adds, “D'you think we could order some food? I'm starving.”
Katsumi says sure, and let him just go find the house phone, he'll be right back and they can just make themselves comfortable.
Two rooms away, he yanks his cellphone out of his pocket and stabs viciously at the screen.
What the hell is this?? Since when are Nishimura and Natsume a THING??
His reply comes fifteen seconds later.
Since now, apparently! It's about time!!
Taki you TRAITOR
Hey, we all agreed to be fair to each other! Don't be all sour because you didn’t get what you wanted!
Easy for you to say, he sends back bitterly. You have *Sasada*
A string of heart emojis is all he gets back, and he puts his phone away with a scowl. Snatching up a handful of takeout menus from the table in the hall, Katsumi follows the sound of conversation back to where he left his friends in the family room.
Great. Now he's gonna have to deal with this all night.
They're sitting on the same side of the low table, watching a video on Nishimura's phone. Natsume's head is resting comfortably on Nishimura's shoulder, and the look on his face is far too affectionate to be for anything that he could possibly be watching in a video. 
He looks happy, though. Really happy. 
Shoving a mess of complicated and painfully unrequited feelings to the back of his mind, Katsumi steps into the room with a bright grin and a flourish of the takeout menus.
“You guys are hungry, right? Let's eat. Well, first let’s get you some dry clothes. And then we’re cramming for your mock exam tomorrow, because something tells me you’ll need all the help you can get.”
Nishimura groans and sets his phone aside, and Natsume says warmly, “Thank you again, Shibata.” 
And it's wildly unfair that his smile should still be allowed to do melty things to Katsumi’s heart. There’s no justice in this world. Katsumi is calling Tanuma tonight in formal protest. 
But for now, for Natsume, he waves it off and says, “Yeah, yeah. No problem.”
“Poor Shibata,” Tooru says sympathetically, laying back on her bed. “He's been really unlucky in love so far, hasn't he?”
She knows about the yokai he fell for—he told her about it himself, with a nostalgic ache in his eyes. She can't share as much with Jun, but she feels for him, for the way he constantly reaches for things that can't be touched.
“From what I've heard of him, I'm sure he'll bounce back,” is Jun's dry reply. “Guys like Shibata don't stay single for long.”
She tucks a long lock of hair behind her ear, warm and lovely in the low lighting of her bedroom, and Tooru's heart flutters. She's glad they're only Skyping, because she isn't quite sure yet how not to blush when Jun does something pretty, and that would probably be a lot more embarrassing in real life where she can't blame it on poor camera quality.
“What about you?” Jun asks suddenly, the wry humor in her eyes fading into something warmer. “You're okay, too?”
“Oh, I'm fine,” she says, too fast. “Don't worry about me!”
Maybe there is a tiny ache in her chest where a what-if used to sit, but it's a good little hurt. She'll look back on the feeling fondly, she knows, and maybe tease Natsume about it in the years to come—when they're all happy and they're all settled, and they're all comfortable with where the future found them. 
She rolls onto her side, and tucks her knees up by her chest, and changes the subject to the friends Jun has made at her new school.
They've been dancing around the idea of Tooru coming to visit—Jun will bring it up in a hypothetical, “There's an ice cream soda that you just have to try if you're ever here,” and Tooru will say, “Oh, that sounds so good! It's a date!” and they'll giggle and Tooru's heart will weight fifty pounds by the time they say goodnight.
But that's okay. If Jun doesn't invite her soon, Tooru will just have to invent reason enough to cross all these miles between them, to talk to Jun again without a screen in the way.
Tooru cradles her phone close and smiles—and feels something beautiful bloom to life inside her chest when Jun stills, as though stunned by what she sees, and then smiles sweetly right back.
Kitamoto thinks he handles it pretty well, when his name is yelled from the opposite side of the hall and someone slams at full-speed into his side. He nearly falls over, and has to grab his assailant by the arm to keep himself upright, but he doesn't scream or anything.
“We gotta talk!” Adachi says hotly, bright eyes snapping. He grabs Kitamoto by a fistful of his sleeve, and hauls him away.
Kitamoto tucks his diploma into his pocket, and weaves after him through the tight crowd, bemused. Adachi stops short around a corner, and then turns to Kitamoto and points behind him with a wounded look of outrage on his face.
“What is that!” he hisses. Kitamoto blinks at him, steps past him, and leans around the corner warily.
And whatever he expected, it wasn't to see most of his immediate friends. So this is where they went. Tanuma is holding Natsume’s cat and having a complicated one-sided conversation with it—of course he is—and Taki is giggling behind her hands at Nishimura and Natsume, who are—
“That, Kei-chan, is what us grown-ups like to call a kiss,” Kitamoto says mildly, looking down the four inches he has on Adachi as obviously as he can. “What's your problem?”
If Adachi is trying to start something, he picked the wrong people to mess with. Natsume and Nishimura, two of Kitamoto's favorite people in the world, aren't ones he'll stand by and let someone cause problems for. And considering how hard a time Adachi had when he transferred into this school—trying to drag up Natsume's past and make his life difficult and only alienating himself in the process—Kitamoto is surprised he hasn't learned his lesson by now.
Adachi's glower, if anything, only darkens.
“I thought you liked him,” he says, fists folding tight. “What's Nishimura doing with him if you like him?”
After a moment or two of initial shock, Kitamoto can't help but laugh. He muffles it behind a hand, trying not to give their position away, but it's enough to annoy Adachi regardless.
“What's so funny!”
“You have no idea,” Kitamoto says. He reaches over to mess up Adachi's hair, grinning when he squawks and shoves his hand away, and says, “You've kinda got the wrong idea, Adachi. I don't like Natsume like that. I mean, I love him, don't get me wrong—but not like that.”
The anger in Adachi's face is slowly fading. If Kitamoto knows him as well as he thinks he does, something flustered and mortified will very quickly take its place.
So he ropes Adachi in with an arm around his shoulders before he can make his panicked escape, hauling him in close against his side and parading around the corner with a “So here you guys are!”
“Acchan!” Nishimura scolds him immediately, spinning away from Natsume to jab a finger at him. “We texted you, like, a hundred times! Where have you been!”
Kitamoto rubs his head sheepishly. “Oh. My phone died.”
“Ugh,” Nishimura says with feeling, and Taki giggles again.
“Hi, Adachi,” she says brightly, and Adachi says “hi” back in a tiny voice. He's bright red, and Kitamoto notices his friends noticing—Tanuma has that worried wrinkle in his brow that always precedes a concerned are you okay?—and abruptly realizes that the actual last thing he wants is for Adachi to be made miserable.
So before anyone else has a chance to say a word, Kitamoto blurts, “Natsume, your parents wouldn't mind if Adachi came with us to dinner tonight, would they?”
Natsume looks surprised, but he recovers with barely a pause and says, “Of course they wouldn't. You're more than welcome, Adachi, if you don't have other plans.”
“Oh, uh. My parents are working,” Adachi says, more to the floor than anyone else. “If you don't mind, then—”
“Then it's settled,” Kitamoto says, and his arm stays around Adachi's shoulders when their group heads for the door. Nishimura mutters something to Natsume along the lines of “oh, great, the last one he adopted was you, and look how long you've been around.”
Taki smacks him, Tanuma and Natsume trade a long-suffering look in perfect unison, and Adachi buries his face in his hands.
Kitamoto grins at everything and nothing in particular, keeps a firm hold on Adachi so he can't scamper away to preserve the remaining tatters of his dignity, and meets the sunlight and the future both brightly as he steps outside. 
“Please? I promised Katsumi,” Kaname says, with just the right amount of earnest in his voice to break past his friend's stubborn defenses.
Sure enough, Takashi sighs in defeat a moment later, and Kaname hides a smile as he gets the camera on his phone ready. Impossible fondness folds like fingers around his heart as Takashi opens his arms for Susumu, and Susumu climbs into them right away.
With his son tucked under his chin, Takashi says, “Alright, take your picture.”
Kaname starts to record a video instead. Satoru reaches over to tuck a long piece of Takashi's hair behind his ear, and Kaname says, “So when are you two gonna make this official anyway?”
Takashi splutters, blushing red to the roots of his hair. 
“What—Tanuma! We live together, we have Susumu! Satoru was adopted into my family, so they even have my name. How much more official can you get?”
“Way more official,” Satoru says, never one to let an opportunity pass him by. He's looking Takashi dead in the eye as he leans in and says, not for the first time, “I want to marry you.”
Takashi, with nowhere to run, hides his face in Susumu’s hair. Susumu, a solemn and thoughtful child when company is present, turns very fierce brown eyes up to meet Kaname’s and then Satoru’s in turn. He’s frowning at them both and clinging protectively to the front of Takashi’s shirt. 
“He's my papa,” little Susumu says severely, to Takashi’s continued embarrassment and Satoru’s utter delight, “and if anyone's gonna marry him it's gonna be me.”
Kaname doesn’t wait a second to send the video to everyone in their group chat. Two phones in the living room chime, and Takashi shoots him a knowing glare even as Satoru snatches his phone up eagerly. 
The first, immediate reply is Katsumi’s: 
Kaname you went ABOVE AND BEYOND!! I owe you dinner a dozen times!!  ゝ◡╹)ノ♡
“Dude, Shibata is so in love with you it’s sad,” Satoru says, shaking his head with a put-upon sigh. “Make that guy’s life easier and just move in with him already.”
“And what would you know about making someone’s life easier?”
As the Natsumes bicker on the other side of the low table, and Ponta comes in from the bedroom to see what all the noise is about, Kaname sends Katsumi a private message that says 
I’ll see you tonight. 
He gets a string of heart emojis in return. 
There’s a rolling, stretching happiness inside him that only yawns wider and wider with every day that goes by that he can spend with these people; and there aren’t words big enough to contain how much Kaname loves Takashi for being the one, albeit unintentionally, who brought them all together in the first place.
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