#this was unnecessary
lovingdabeessss · 5 months
The most consistent thing about RWBY is that in order to be in a romantic relationship the relationship MUST be doomed explicitly
Jaune and Pyrrha only kiss after she knows she’s ABOUT TO DIE
Ren and Nora only get to kiss during an argument where ren slightly expresses his paranoia and reasons he refuses to be with her, then he immediately gets proven right and then Nora gets almost electrocuted to death
The only reason clover and qrow get to flirt for essentially EVERY scene they have together is that they’re EXPLICITLY doomed (it’s about how their individual relationships with luck have led them to be intensely loyal to authority. Qrow in a sense of gratitude, clover in a sense of privilege. they’re both the best huntsman of where they were and most trusted warriors of their leaders. however qrows life has had his team fall apart and has gotten the appropriate amount of disillusionment from ozpins lies. This is what saves him. But clover has been left to be doomed to death because he cannot believe a system he was built for could be anything but inherently correct. Qrows misfortune had saved him clovers luck killed him. And despite how hard anyone could’ve tried their was never anything that could have saved him from being gods most perfect soldier. Or idk something like that I don’t think about them enough)
Tai summer and raven. Raven was always going to leave to go back to her tribe. Summer was always going to be murdered by Salem. Tai was always going to be left. They all knew they all probably tried to deny it. They all walked backwards into their own narrative. Their ship name is apparently str crossed lovers. Which is genius.
Ruby and penny got their whole thing because penny died TWICE and now she’s permanently haunting ruby’s lil narrative so good for her
and that’s why chronic runaway and abandonment issues personified are CANNON SOULMATES (I could go on several rants I adore them)
So yeah if you want them to be cannon they just have to be more doomed but it’s kinda hard for that cause they had a little reversed doomed situation where they’re relationship was always going to get better because they were kinda enemies at first
Anyway good luck to whiterose shippers I wish you all a very happy only team partners that haven’t kissed yet
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stripysockstumb · 6 months
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I will never forgive Jon for this
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inittosinit · 5 months
Pretty much the new tsams episode
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sailor-aviator · 7 months
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Don’t read it then??
It’s literally fiction, my guy. I wasn’t exactly going for complete historical accuracy, and why are you looking for that in fanfiction??
Like the AUDACITY of some people is astounding. Do you think if I was writing for real it would be in 2nd person with y/n? What?
Fuck outta here with that bullshit. Idk why you felt the need to actually comment something except to be mean.
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arliedraws · 5 months
Rewatching the PoA movie as I do chores, and I gotta pause while I’m thinking about this.
People who know me even slightly understand that this is my least favorite HP movie. In my opinion, it totally misses the point of the book and tries to simply hit plot points without understand what ties them all together.
If this is YOUR movie and you LOVE IT, this post is NOT for you! Save yourself some grief and don’t click the ‘read more’ below.
Here’s what the film does right:
- Wise/playful Sirius. We get a wink and nice touchy moment with Harry, and I see a glimpse of the Sirius I love here. This is good! The quiet moments with Gary Oldman is Sirius are VERY good. As time goes on, I am much more confident that Oldman would’ve made a very good Sirius given the opportunity. That intimate scene with Harry and Sirius at the end is a good cinematic interpretation of the internal longing Harry expresses to the reader.
Okay, that’s it. That’s all I like.
Nitpicky bits:
- The editing is just. Weird. We see ONE dinner scene with Marge and it seems like Harry just blows up one night (or blows her up lol) as if he’s just got a short fuse. Harry is a quiet person. He watches, he listens, he puts up with shit until he breaks. This scene needed to be longer, it needed to have more tension. We needed to understand the deal between Uncle Vernon and Harry + signing the permission form for Hogsmeade. One way this could have been shot with Harry at the table with everyone and slooooooow down the conversation. Build the tension. Close-ups, shots of Harry trying to pretend he doesn’t hear her. The book scene is very tense because Harry is quiet as they are talking about him as if he’s not there. THEN, he quietly speaks, drawing their attention.
- Don’t get me started on the Firebolt scene.
- Sirius saying when Remus is transforming “OH NO HE DIDN’T TAKE HIS POTION” as if Remus regularly took Wolfsbane back in the day? And then Sirius pleading with Remus not to transform??? Like Sirius, I think you know werewolves don’t work like that.
- I hate the werewolf design. It doesn’t HAVE to look like the wolf in canon (which is nearly indistinguishable from a regular wolf), but damn, it just didn’t do it for me.
- When Harry sees Peter on the Map??? Dude that was so dumb.
- The scene with the animal noises? Why? I don’t care about the other boys in Gryffindor. Show me why the trio are close other than out of loyalty (something that the books honestly miss out on)
- Remus being so upfront with Harry that he knew his parents and then focussing on LILY??? And also, part of what we learn over time in the book is that Remus knew James but refuses to indulge Harry. He keeps all of that secret—the mystery of Remus is completely wasted in this movie. I would have personally played this up in the film. Build him up as the “cool” professor who holds back emotionally. The payoff when he shows up at the end at the Shrieking Shack would be like, “Oh shit! I knew there was something off about him!” when it seems like he’s helping Sirius. Then, he would have to earn back the audience’s trust just like he does with the trio.
- The Aesthetic: this movie relies on aesthetic so much more than “what makes sense narratively.” There is so much winking at the audience by the filmmakers it drives me bonkers. Anytime something weird happens, they’re like, “Haha this weird thing is NORMAL in the wizarding world! Look at how weird it is! But for them! It’s normal!” Like jfc we get it. I know the first two movies are like, “look at how beautiful magic and cool is” but GOD. This is the film where we need magic to be “normalized.” We get it. We’re three films in. This is a magical world. These cheesy, winking-at-the-camera moments aren’t even like…cute or fun. They’re boring and uncreative. “Oh, how about a maid opens a door and a monster screams at her and she’s bland about it.” Like. Is it supposed to be funny? Because…it’s boring.
When you’re focused on Vibes rather than Character, everyone turns into a cheap, bland caricature. The filmmakers do NOT understand who the characters are. Even in Sorcerer’s Stone, Ron is the comic relief but we understand that he is fiercely loyal. In PoA, he is pure comic relief. They don’t even understand Harry. Both his and Ron’s lines are given to Hermione in the Shack scene which is like…why????
But this is the problem. At the heart of every scene, it was as if the filmmakers didn’t understand why the scene was there. In the film, Harry is an angsty teenager and things happen TO him. Oh sure, they want to show that Harry feels something but…we don’t really, as an audience, FEEL it. They TRY to force that emotional tension by rushing events along and then showing Harry crying sometimes and yelling his feelings. yawn, honestly.
- There is SO MUCH SHOUTING in this film. Harry screams about killing Sirius when he hears the Minister/McGonagall/Rosmerta talking about the betrayal. This was so…poorly done. This boy needs to close himself off from his friends and stew in his hatred, not scream about it. We need to be angry with him, not feel sad for him. We need to want to kill Sirius too.
Look, it would’ve been a boring movie scene if they’d done it like the book. This is not an adaptation-friendly book, and I’ll be the first to admit it. BUT. What they could have done was this: use flashbacks and montages. They do it in Sorcerer’s Stone when Hagrid explains how the Potters died and it’s effective—you see Lily panicking, dying, and then you see cute little Harry with a wand in his face. That’s emotional!
This scene in The Three Broomsticks should have been a flashback with voiceover from Fudge/McGonagall/Rosmerta/Hagrid. It should have shown us Sirius and James being best friends at Hogwarts. With them, we could see Peter and Remus (who we wouldn’t know was Lupin). Then, we should have seen Hagrid arguing with Sirius about who gets Harry (the little devil in me wants to hear Sirius’s voice break, but also, we should feel like Sirius is going to harm the baby Harry). Thennnnnnn we should have seen what the Muggle witnesses saw — Peter crying that Sirius betrayed Lily and James, a misleading explosion, and then Sirius laughing. Thennnnn a close-up of Peter’s finger. Back to present.
Why is this effective and why would it build tension? As the audience, we need to be presented with proof that Sirius is a bad guy. We need to understand why this guy’s gotta be caught!
Also, show us how scary Sirius is by reeeaaaallly playing it up with a scene with the Minister in Azkaban—quiet, sinister Sirius please. Again, give us the tension! (Sirius acting all crazy in the wanted posters instead of the book’s slow blinking, empty-eyed prisoner totally misses the mark for me.) Then, show us him sleeping and talking in his sleep.
This would have been effective becaaaaaaause you could have brought back this flashback in the Shrieking Shack scene.
Which brings me to: The Shrieking Shack scene.
The most disappointing part of the film, in my opinion.
This is supposed to be it—the built-up tension (which never actually happens) finally explodes here. But the movie holds no tension so this scene is reduced to a lot of yelling in the movie. And of course Hermione taking everyone’s lines for some reason.
As as audience, we can’t just be scared. We should be angry. Sirius needs to be quiet, softer. He’s lured Harry away from safety by kidnapping his friend. He needs to be grinning, taunting Harry (I mean, he’s not, but it sounds like it). We need to feel like Sirius is just fucking AWFUL. Sirius MUST compare Harry and Ron to James and himself. Stretch this out like a rubber band until it snaps—until Harry snaps. GOD THIS COULD HAVE BEEN SUCH A JUICY SCENE.
The explanation should have been all voiceover—Remus explaining what happened over shots of the Marauders’ time at Hogwarts. Otherwise, it’s weird that we don’t have an explanation of the Marauders…at all??
When Sirius explains what really happened November 1st, we would see shots that the original flashback didn’t show (Peter looking miffed/jealous/“suspicious” behind everyone’s backs, Peter becoming Secret Keeper, a shady glimpse Peter kneeling before a faceless Voldemort or some shit, and then finally—the missing shots from the explosion in the flashback from earlier in the film.) Then, let’s see Sirius wasting away in Azkaban, growing older and older. Give us the EMOTIONAL WEIGHT. Then, Sirius’s voice breaks and we cut back to the present. We see the trio fighting with their own interpretations with close-ups.
(I also wanna see Sirius seeing the photograph of Pettigrew when he’s explaining how he knew Peter was alive.)
Also, also. Peter needs to be the Gollum of this film. Gives us watery eyes, precious. There has to be a reason he isn’t dead, and it’s because he’s so pathetic, no one can kill him. As an audience, we need to be like, “GOD, he is SO PATHETIC and defenseless!” The idea of killing Peter should be like killing a really ugly puppy. Like…ughhhh, I just can’t do it! Show us why Harry saves him. We need to see gross begging, manipulative sobbing, and completely emotionless Sirius and Remus, watching and getting ready to kill him.
Why does the film miss the mark? Because it’s about friendship, and the filmmakers had no idea.
The subplot of the book is seemingly Hermione and Ron being on the outs because of Crookshanks and Scabbers, but like Peter does with the Marauders during the war, Scabbers drives a wedge between the trio. He seems so innocent and we think CROOKSHANKS is the problem, but it’s the quiet spy. (Sure, Hermione was a dick about her cat and if Scabbers hadn’t been Peter, it would’ve been different—I get that. Not excusing Hermione. But stick with me). Up until now, the trio’s friendship hasn’t been tested by personal problems, and now, we see how Harry and Ron respond to a challenging situation with a friend.
Which. I don’t think that’s the subplot. I think this is the crux of this book.
Harry and Ron fail very hard at friendship in this story. They fail Hermione who, while extremely flawed and misguided, has good intentions. Harry treats her with indifference and then ignores her; Ron treats her with outright antagonism. They fail Hagrid miserably when it comes to Buckbeak, and we find out that Hermione has been doing her best to help Hagrid despite being rejected by Harry and Ron. And this is important to the overall situation with Sirius Black because before we find out the truth, we think Sirius was a bad friend.
Okay, let me talk about the Firebolt now because the Firebolt was never really about Sirius.
The Firebolt plot was so crucial to the story that it’s outrageous they cut this out of the movie. (But the filmmakers had no idea PoA was about friendship so I guess whatever.) When Harry loses his Nimbus to the Whomping Willow, he expresses that it “felt like he had lost a friend” so when he gets a new broom that he really wants, he’s willing to sacrifice his true, human friend for it. He rejects Hermione because she told on him to McGonagall to keep him safe—not her best move but honestly, if Sirius had really wanted to kill Harry, it would have been very easy for him.
When you are making an adaptation of a book, you must ask essential questions. What is the POINT of this film? What is the lesson we are showing? Every part of that film should be building up to demonstrate that point. Trying to hit every plot point without knowing why is so lazy. “I want to make a Harry Potter film—but the tone has changed. It’s DARK now. You gotta know—he’s an ANGSTY TEEN!” Yeah, that does nothing for me, dude.
Harry’s willingness to sacrifice himself for his friends in the Shack is supposed to show that he is capable of growth and that friendship/love should come before all else. You need to be able to forgive (Snape subplot/Hermione subplot), and you should be willing to set aside petty quarrels/greed for your friends (Firebolt subplot/Peter subplot). Sure, the plot is that “a murderer breaks out of prison and wants to kill Harry Potter” but it’s not what the film is ABOUT.
If Sorcerer’s Stone is about making friends and building a friendship, Prisoner of Azkaban asks the question, “What happens when the honeymoon is over? What happens when my friends reveal glaring flaws? What happens when those flaws affect ME?”
Anyway, I really tried to give this movie another chance (I’ve seen it about 6-7 times since it came out), and it STILL does not do it for me. I’ve come around to Gary Oldman as Sirius (but not when he’s yelling or hysterical—does he EVER yell in the books?), but that’s it.
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fiesty-fishbiscuit · 9 months
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sikoazayn · 6 months
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ik we all think its becky but like WHY WOULD SHE SAY NO
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rrwalters14 on imgflip
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httpiastri · 8 months
Jackie… I’m devastated, I’m so done… why can’t we have great things?? The race broke my heart and I don’t think I’ll service the two weeks we have for the next race….🥴🥴 I need LOADS of content to be cheerful again!
:(((( this sucks….. i mean tbh maybe we were spoiled with the last few races before the summer break, but still 🥲 i hate it when there’s potential for better things but it just slips out between your fingers!! but i guess that’s racing 😪😪 at least you’ll be able to watch freca next week since it isn’t the same time as f1 🤣🤪
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genshin-side-piece · 9 months
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Things I did not think would happen today: getting drop kicked into sub space by a 2D character
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pollenallergie · 3 months
my types (men edition):
bernie sanders when he was in his 20s
winston duke
men who look like members of the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team/men who look like mildly masc lesbians (ex. barry keoghan)
men with big noses
men with curly hair (literally any curl pattern, all curl patterns, loose curls, tight coils, doesn’t matter, i am on my knees)
men who remind me of this emoji -> 🥺
men who are ditzy
men who can do impressions (god idk why but that fucking enbenensnsnsn like yes you fucking dork [affectionate] do your little impressions… ugh it’s so unreasonably charming??)
men who are funny but like they don’t totally realize just how funny they are??? so you genuinely teehee at something they say, like a lil quick witty quip they make, and they’re like *shocked pikachu face* like wait really? because 1) they weren’t totally consciously meaning to be funny?? like they were just saying shit like either to fill the silence or accidentally just saying their thoughts out loud (we’ve all been there lmao) and/or 2) they have no clue just how funny and charming they are. and you just get to see this like look of like awe?? or like not awe but like shock but also unexpected joy just light up their features because like hey you laughed at their sort-of-kind-of-joke and it’s like this little like ‘they think i’m funny ☺️😊😁’ type moment for them!!! and it’s just like awww yeah, baby, you’re funny!!!!!!
men who just look like some fuckin guy but have like the most fucking amazing personalities!! like so genuine, wears their heart on their sleeve and like actually shows their emotions (in a healthy way!! no punching holes in walls here!! not ever!!! fuck that!!! that’s [usually/most of the time] such a massive fucking red flag imo), super intellectual but not in an obnoxious or pretentious way, super funny (also not in an obnoxious way), super nerdy, and just like the most respectful, amazing sweethearts you’ll ever meet!!
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autismcreature7 · 7 months
! 10v3 +4!$ v!d30 bu+ +43 13m0nc3$+ f@/n@/r+ w@/$ $0 unn3c3$$@/r7.
Translation: I love this video but the lemoncest fanart was so unnecessary.
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girasollake · 2 years
st4 spoilers
eddie would have loved enter sandman by metallica and i am so mad he won’t hear it….. nobody touch me.
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221b1tch · 1 year
I think the key part of “playful bullying as a form of showing love” that some people need to understand is that you can’t joke about things that might even be perceived as true.
You have to joke about the silliest stupidest shit that is so obviously false.
jokes about friend’s unstable home life: NO
jokes about friend’s appearance: NO
jokes about friend’s “rare form of genital warts” (that does absolutely not exist and is entirely made up) : YES
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jesenslapetitemort · 1 year
Yayyy @grumpiicries is awake.
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alextturcotte · 2 years
ok so what is this???
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you fucker-
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