#this was really fun ehehe
lylahammar · 4 months
Randomly thinkin about Chilchuck today, and how he tries sooooo hard to self sabotage
like for example, other half foots on the island think that he's a greedy asshole who only cares about money, and he does nothing to try to disprove that
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but then there's this omake at the end of book 9 that shows that people treat half foots fucking TERRIBLY and chilchuck started a union to protect them
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and then in the bicorn chapter, he doesn't want Marcille to keep digging into his personal business so he tells her he CHEATED ON HIS WIFE
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but he just COMPLETELY fuckin lied about that and made himself sound so much worse than he is bc he's afraid of being vulnerable with people and would rather everyone believes he's a shitty person so he can keep them at a distance
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and the thing that's memed so often is that he refuses to help with fighting most of the time because it's not part of his contract
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but if you take this lore into account (not gonna add those particular images to this post simply bc I've used them in so many posts already LMAO) along with this tidbit from the world guide:
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then it's like. yeah he has to keep his weight low so if he gets killed or severely injured and has to be healed, that could be really dangerous for him. and even if he was healed at that point he'd end up being a burden to the party after that point, he would be too dangerously thin/sickly to be able to help.
Like, Chilchuck has so many things about him that APPEAR to be character flaws, but every single one of them has a very reasonable explanation. He just leans into the mischaracterization bc he's emotionally withholding and can handle people thinking he's an asshole more than he can handle opening up to anyone. he's such a well thought out and interesting character
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sensitiveheartless · 8 months
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cappydoodle · 1 year
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rereading my own fic and yeah I'm a comedic genius I think
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artsy-n-smartsy · 2 months
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the Luigi
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entomolog-t · 7 months
when the giant holds the tiny. it is good.
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Very good.
Very good indeed.
This is a theme constant in almost all G/t works, so while it may seem incredibly simple, it is more so fundamental- and a great jumping off point to examine the genre as a whole.
Lets start by examining collective imagery/symbolism (ie symbols that are closer to being universal rather than heavily impacted by our own experiences).
The main symbol would be hands, but we can also further examine the symbolism in being held.
Hands are what we use to manipulate and control the world around us. They are the primary way in which we directly interact with the world. They can symbolize control, power, and change, or contrarily they can symbolize comfort, nurturing and companionship based on context and emotion. The combination of both sides is very much an image of protection and safety.
Being held is a sort of surrender. Physically losing contact with the ground, and being in the care (or at the mercy) of whoever is doing the holding. Again, context is key. Surrender can be a beautiful moment of giving someone else your trust, or is can be a moment of fear and hopelessness- of being forced to surrender to someone else.
The perspective is also key as well. Do you envision yourself as the giant or as the tiny?
Wishing to hold someones entire being in your hands, as a giant, can show a variety of internal wants and needs based on the context. A need for control, a longing for someone to trust you, fear of loss and a yearning to protect others.
There are so many exciting avenues to explore when discussing fantasy imagery and what that may imply subconsciously.
Thank you for stopping by for today's appointment. While I am still on vacation *cough* hiatus *cough* I'll be able to make a few odd sessions. It's a pleasure seeing you again, please make sure to book a follow up with my secretary
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aroninshonour · 1 month
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The boys went out for a little rainy day chat (They forced Jay to come and he's upset his underwear is wet) they tried to get Zane to go with but he was busy(I didn't wanna take him from his action packed get away scene)
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Also some Lava moments because uhm, yes <3 (they totally kissed in the second one)
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Anxiety and kisses
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itsmariejanel · 1 year
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🃏 leave your witch hat at home loser, we’re going to the arcade 🃏 ft. past teens and present teens 
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cyellolemon · 11 months
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Pink and Black Lewis and Roman!! :> this color duo will never not be one of my favs
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peanutseagle · 1 year
For the Color Pallette Challenge: Bill Watkins in "#112 - Sober," PLEASE.
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dreamsy990 · 2 months
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prophets and mindreaders for your troubles
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 month
Dark Frontier should have had an ending scene where after Seven returned to the ship and she's self-conscious about having 'betrayed' Voyager and whether or not the crew trust her (they retrieved her on Janeway's orders but her orders don't always match the feelings of the crew itself), thinking of Tom's comment, thinking of what she was a part of, she stumbles upon B'Elanna. They're both working well past the time to do so. Seven tenses up because B'Elanna looks irritated but she just goes into business as usual about mistakes in Seven's work (probably because she needs to regenerate!) and how much time and energy it took to find her and Seven apologizes for the inconvenience (sarcastically) and B'Elanna accepts her apology then she smirks, staring at Seven. Seven looks unsure about what this means. B'Elanna reaches up and clasps her shoulder. "Good to have you back, Seven." she says. Upon Seven's nod of acknowledgement, she leaves, calling over her shoulder "Get some rest!" threatening that she'll be back in the morning with more corrections if she doesn't. Seven stares after her for a moment. She continues to work. She pauses. She turns around and gets onto her alcove, beginning to regenerate.
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real-life-cloud · 9 months
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Hanagami Ishi ♥ she's a bnha OC i made for a fanfic, but then got super attached to !! it's a shinsou centric fic, but if you'd like to read it then click riiiight -> here !
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ariapmdeol · 8 months
Pale (arc 2)
this is my liveblog post arc 2 thoughts and rambles! I took longer to read this arc (alas. IRL things meant i took a break in the middle), so thoughts are more scattered. Hopefully I get through Arc 3 faster? Tucking it under the cut for length, Spoiler warning!
this arc was fun!! the faerie are FANTASTIC and i love the traps. I think the whole... pulling strings to lure the story in a direction that you find interesting. All of that is SOOO fascinating to me because yes! Otherverse magic system is STRUCTURED around this... kind of half meta way of magic working. The Spirits make things stronger when they're narratively significant. Three is a powerful number and makes things STICK. If you break your oaths after you've sworn that the spirits can trust you (Awakening) then the story isn't fun anymore, and you're forsworn. Symbolism implies things both in a Narrative sense AND in an Other sense. I'm having fun :D
I like how much the Kennet trio feel like teenagers. The awkward dancing around romance and relationships sticks out to me in particular. Very 13 year old and very cute!! Their dynamics with the other kids in their grade are really interesting; I like how they have history with them. Mentioning Gabe only to have no one recognize his name is SO fun too. It separates them from their Innocent friends. I wonder how this will get worse as the story progresses? As Avery, Verona, and Lucy get more involved on the Other side of things, they'll leave the Innocent side of things behind... That division is present in Lucy's family relationships too.
Lucy's struggles are REALLY interesting. I like the layers. A bit of the way she talks makes me feel... I guess she feels very firm in her convictions. In Justice, in an Eye for an Eye, almost. Maybe not quite that extreme because. She's 13. but it's there!
Verona wanting to become an Other... Searching for an escape from the life that she's expected to live. Leaving the mundanity of ordinary life to experience something more interesting. Reading her thoughts on it during the Cat chapter was kind of bittersweet? She doesn't want to grow up or change. She'd rather have sleepovers forever.
Victor of the hungry Choir! Victor of the Hungry Choir! I have nothing to say here, I'm just really excited.
SNOWDROP. I've seen that little critter around and i love her,, I would die for her.
Interlude chapter was FASCINATING. GOD I love how the interludes so far are pushing things forward, giving insights and outsider POVs of the girls! It's so so cool!! I love how the Augurs don't know what's going on with the Kennet Trio, too. Very Very fun to Know things that the characters don't, and seeing them try to puzzle it out was fun. Nicolette doesn't know how to handle this at all! I love how fleshed out her life is too-- A lot of really fun worldbuilding details. This is typical of Wildbow's writing, but I love how many moving pieces there are.
Alexander.. This is the Augur who got Charles forsworn, right? (no need to confirm/deny this, i'm just thinking out loud).
anyways! Yeah. Pale is fun <3
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turnaboutchaos · 2 years
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99probalos · 1 year
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beach episode!
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