#this trial is gonna be so entertaining LMAO
luminouslotuses · 1 year
“three laws? oh, i only know, like, ten commandments. is that close enough-?”
“that’s– that’s gonna be even better”
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cryinhell · 10 months
so no one asked for this, but here's a post about my favorite Hazbin Hotel ships ( romantic and platonic) and what I hope they explore with them in the show.
1) Huskerdust/Angelhusk/Casino Hearts (Romantic)
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Obviously, I got to start with my favorite romantic pairing in the fandom. Angel and Husk are my favorite characters in the HelluvaVerse, and both mean a lot to me. They are both old men born around the same time with a lot in common, and I know they would be close buds. From everything we have gotten in canon( fake instagrams which are not canon but in character, the fun hunicast streams, viv admitting to shipping them and allowing huskerdust into the merch, the fact that Husk was made to be Angel's bestie, and a lot of unnecessary information I know lmao, I do not doubt these two will be canon. I can't wait to see their friendship grow and all the trials and tribulations they will go through to become better for themselves and each other. And hopefully, the fun shenanigans that they do because I love me some shenanigans.
2) RadioHusk (Platonic)
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Okay, so Husk's relationships with everyone interests me, but this one is probably the most after AngelHusk. It's clear these two have a past and that Alastor is comfortable enough with Husk to be incredibly annoying around him. Alastor is Husk's boss and most likely owns his soul, but there's also a strange bond between them I really want explored. I think Al loves Husk in a platonic and weird way because he's most likely his best friend, but Alastor may not be able to always express this normally. Husk is a good guy and a bit complacent, so he just deals with this shitheads nonsense and doesn't seem to fear him. Maybe there's some fucked up things between them and maybe their friendships has cons and pros. I'm not entirely sure, but I can't wait to find out
3) Angel and Vaggie (Platonic)
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Okay, most of these are platonic ships, but whatever friendships are important. I love these two judgemental assholes and the way they judge people together. It truly is gay and lesbian solidarity, heh. They are gonna be the best of frienemies, and I can't wait for their relationship to be explored.
4) Voxval (Romantic)
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Okay, I hate these bastards with a burning passion, but that doesn't mean their relationship does not interest me. Vox, Val, and Velvette are going to be the main villains of Hazbin Hotel, and without knowing too much about them, I'm excited. I want to know how Val and Vox are going to be as a couple. Since the instagram accounts are not canon, it is hard to tell if Val will be abusive or not. This is a possibility since the accounts seemed to be in character, but I want a different approach. I think it would be interesting for these two to genuinely love and respect each other and no one else. To see themselves as the true rightful kings of Hell and work together to destroy and belittle whoever they deem below them. It's an interesting dynamic that I prefer more than just "Val is abusive to poor baby Vox" cause Vox is also evil, and I want him to do evil shit.
5) Chaggie (Romantic)
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There's not much to say about these two. I just think they are cute, and I want to see more of them.
6) The Hazbin Gang (Platonic)
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And lastly, I can't wait to see how all of these fuckers get along and interact. As a group, I'm sure they will be very entertaining and I will enjoy every minute of it. Also, I am including Pentious because I know he's part of the main cast now, and I love that. Can't wait for these idiots to try and make this hotel work and hopefully grow together in the process.
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meggannn · 13 days
a brief analysis on hades npcs' favorite blood sibling
this is not a popularity contest. this is my attempt at analyzing if certain characters prefer a certain sibling based on the info we have now.
prefers mel:
artemis. she likes zag of course, but this is obvious.
this is sad and ofc horrendously unfair to zag, but as predicted, so far hades does speak to mel with more respect than he did zag for most of hades 1, as evidenced by him already calling her "daughter" not "girl." perhaps hades's relationship with zag has changed significantly post-game, and obviously the circumstances and baggage of zag's upbringing (which hades was responsible for) vs hades meeting mel for the first time as a capable young woman are very different, but. yeah.
this is a guess, but i'm gonna say hermes likes her more as well, although only just. he's eager to get her to olympus and they've just been in contact for longer as he's a friend to the silver sisters. however i do think that there's an argument to be made that zag prioritizes speed over mel, both in character and gameplay, so hermes might relate to that with zag more.
possibly charon. i might have put him in the "no preference" category, because i don't think mel being able to understand him better necessarily means he likes her more, but i do think that he might prefer mel juuuuuuust barely only because he offers her loyalty cards without her needing to beat his ass lmao. there is no shoplifting option for mel yet so if it is added, i might change my mind, but so far i don't think she'd be the type to do it anyway.
possibly aphrodite but if so, it's not by much imo. she definitely likes zag, but says to mel "you look like you can break some hearts even without my aid" which sounds like approval of mel's messy situationships lol. to me her nicknames "little godling" vs "gorgeous" kind of implies the slightest more fondness of mel but again, not by much.
prefers zag:
chaos. outwardly asked "where's your more fun brother :/" and explicitly once told mel to shut up lol. also because i think a being called primordial chaos is understandably more interested in a story of "snarky, rebellious kid runs away from home and shakes up family status quo while blasting his way through the underworld" rather than "perfectionist does what she's told/tries to set the world in order." obviously chaos still supports mel, but definitely finds zag more interesting. chaos had to specifically set up trials for mel to get entertainment out of her lol.
skelly. one of my theories as to what's going on with skelly is that he's cosplaying his living self just for shits and giggles because it's a war, but also like. it's skelly lol so who knows. i think his personality in 1 is more his "natural self" which so far we've only seen come out around zag.
cerberus. :/
no preference:
homer. i know homer describes them differently (zag as a lazy, responsibility-avoiding slob vs mel as a tragic duty-focused, orphan princess), but i think that's not because homer prefers mel, but because he's crafting his diction to the story being told. hades 1 is a story with a twist wherein he reveals a laid-back prince is actually just lonely and misses his mom (imo he describes zag much more sympathetically as time goes on), but hades 2 is a war story and mel has been raised as a soldier all her life, so his tone is just different with mel from the offset. it's not fun to make light of her because the stakes are higher.
demeter: the real answer is persephone, persephone is her favorite lol. imo she seems just glad to have alive grandkids.
poseidon and zeus? haven't seemed to notice a preference so far from either of them. they have a more pressing reason to support mel because war and all, but also artemis mentions they don't really believe she can do it, which makes sense, but it makes me wonder if their support with mel is a bit patronizing, or like "well what have we got to lose." they also don't seem particularly worried about zag missing of course but i think these two have so many nieces and nephews and relatives that any preference they have between mel or zag is miniscule.
theories on returning characters we haven't seen yet:
prefers zag: nyx (just due to her raising him... but a case can be made for mel due to the silver sisters/mel living in shadow/hecate's relationship with nyx), dionysus (party boys), achilles & patroclus (probably), sisyphus & orpheus (power of friendship), thanatos & meg (obvious), asterius (respect for their many battles)
prefers mel: athena (level-headed warrior women), ares (a witch assassin groomed specifically for war? "go ahead and torture my family, but i will still come back to kill you over and over again"? absolutely), eurydice (cooking gal pals), theseus (please god it'd be so funny)
no preference: idk dusa? and hopefully persephone. the kids need a parent who doesn't have a favorite. i do think she will always have a soft spot for zag because he found and brought her home, but also i'm sure persephone will also want to spend a lot of one-on-one time gardening with her daughter.
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strqyr · 8 days
Tbh of all the stories in Fairytales of Remnant, I think The Infinite Man is the most fascinating one bc it's such a good read into Oz's belief system (old and new), what he's asking for now, and overall character. Granted, all of the stories are, I believe, good reads into Ozpins character, cause the whole book seems to be one big character study, but The Infinite Man is so INTERESTING.
I think it's set before Oz found out Salem is unkillable and thus before he gave up on his task. And that's really interesting bc you kinda get an insight into how he thought during this time period, seemingly only doing it because it would allow him to rest and that it was the 'only thing' he was here for, aka the only thing he's worth without Salem (It's mentioned that they will "make way for the final judgement" and that, as their message spread through Remnant, "This was what he was here for, he thought. Perhaps, in the end, he would be able to rest." <- probably lying to himself, he wasn't here for the task, he was here for Salem. Without her, what is he worth?).
Also the Circle is repeatedly stated to be a mistake he made, and if he was Still working towards his task, I'm pretty sure he'd say it was his greatest achievement, not a huge mistake. Also, he acknowledges that his task isn't what people want by including in that it (at least likely) WASN'T Salem who sent people to kill him ("Did someone send you to kill me?" He asked through gritted teeth. "Your mere existence makes you a target.").
And. I just. Gestures wildly at this: "I can't help what you've heard about me." The man shot the woman a pointed look. "But in my experience, Gods are far less than the stories told about them. I assure you, I am no God, and I don't want to fight you."
ALSO loudly gestures at "Some people still worship Gods, while others insist we must be our own salvation. But the world doesn't work in absolutes, so why can't it be both?". Oz knows the world isn't black or white, he knows Gods are fallible and imperfect, and he knows humanity can accomplish great things and replace the Gods with their own creations and ingenuity [gestures at The Gift of the Moon as well as The Infinite Man].
Also. Points at Ozpins notes at the end of The Infinite Man. He's pretty blatantly asking for forgiveness, for hurting Salem and for getting people killed during his old crusade. He's trying to say that he doesn't believe in that anymore, that he knows he did wrong; he had good intentions, but he was a fool and still got people hurt.
Sorry I'm clinically insane over Ozpin. I'm gonna turn this into a post
honestly i have nothing to add to this, gotta just appreciate how the whole idea behind the fairy tale book is oz not only making a collection of fairytales that's included in the curriculum of the academies, but getting some of his friends / colleagues to record some of them as well, and then the whole thing is just. oz telling on himself in multitude of ways lmao love that for him ✌
even in the introduction of the book he's like "i have discovered in this lifelong pursuit that if you wish to fully appreciate a story, you should consider its source and attempt to unravel and understand the storyteller's intentions. why did they tell this story? why now? yes, stories may be shared for entertainment alone; however, they also can disguise lessons, moral guidance, important historic records, moon-shattering revelations—and even dire warnings of hidden dangers in the world and difficult trials yet to come." <- dude's literally telling everyone to bring an extra oxygen supply because we're going Deep with this one!!
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arlecchno · 2 years
mission accomplished [ scaramouche x reader ]
fourteen | look of love
prev masterlist next
life is like a coin, there's always two sides to everything. if there's good news, then naturally the other side of the coin would be the bad news, that will eventually hit you like a brick. problem is, will you be able to handle them?
warnings: alcohol consumption, swearing, death mentions, use of signora's real name, the tsaritsa the only wingwoman ever!!!
a/n: it's finally here lmao!!! i'm sorry if this chapter isn't even up to anyone's expectation, i've been really busy these past few weeks and this is all i could squeeze out if my tiny brain (you could call this a filler chapter if you may), i'll try to make it more entertaining on the next chapter. happy reading!
grammatical errors may occur so please let me know if i've made any mistakes!
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you couldn't believe what you just heard.
“we find the defendant guilty, full of charge.”
you couldn't have misheard what the sposkeman said, right?
but as everyone on your side of the court were now standing up and sighing in relief, you knew you heard it clearly. you and scaramouche were still seated, disbelief still evident in each of your eyes.
“... we did it?” scaramouche asked, voice low.
“we did it...” you replied. it takes a few second for the gears in your brain to get working before you burst out of joy. looking at scaramouche, you grinned with a smile as wide as the atlantic.
“dude, we did it!” you repeated your words once again, this time even more enthusiastic than before. you shook his shoulders violently to make him look at you, and he did.
he smiled. at you.
that damned smile that made your heart skip a beat just a moment ago, the exact same situation you were placed before was being repeated right now.
is your heart trying to kill you? what in the actual hell?
to shrug off those thoughts, you pulled scaramouche into a tight hug immediately, making him let out a huff of slight discontent.
“isn't that enough hugs for today? you're gonna make my shirt wrinkle like shit.” scaramouche complained, though his cold voice was contrary to his movement, given how he had his arms wrapped around your body to reciprocate your hug.
you smiled through his shirt. “now there's the scara i know. i was getting worried you were gonna do a 180 today and become completely soft.” you said, looking up at him.
“you're insufferable.” he remarked, leaving one of his arms from your waist to flick your forehead.
you groaned, rubbing the place he flicked at. “yup, you're definitely back.”
at the corner of your eyes, you could see the man getting his hands cuffed, his eyes staring daggers right back at you.
you stared at each other for a few seconds. 'this isn't over' he mouthed at you, before he was swiftly pulled away harshly by the respective police officers. eyes wide, you sat there in shock.
”you okay?” the ravenette asked.
“hm?” you blinked, eyes still trailing on the place the man told you those four words.
scaramouche raised a brow, confused at what's gotten you so focused for you to ignore him. he looked to the direction you were looking at, but grew even more confused as to why you were looking at an empty spot.
“what're you looking at?” he questioned, this time hoping you'd pay attention to him.
you looked back at him after a second. “oh, um...” you paused.
should i tell him?
“...it's nothing, there's no need to worry.” you shrugged off.
i shouldn't make him worry, you thought to yourself.
it's between me and that man.
it will always be.
scaramouche raised a brow, but didn't press any further.
dottore's loud voice across the now empty courtroom made you and scaramouche look at him. “what are you guys still doing over there? let's go and celebrate!”
huh, guess you've stayed for a little too long in court.
you swore you saw a glimpse of someone you clearly knew in the court halls before you were dragged away by dottore.
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the atmosphere at the local bar was something you definitely missed.
by the time you were finished with the trial, it was already so late in the evening. since dottore was the driver, he made the decision to have a quick dinner and hit the bar as soon as possible to celebrate the succesion of the trial.
while everyone else were elsewhere in the bar, you were seated alone at the bar counter, with only the bar attender there to accompany you, though he was busy making drinks so you guessed it's just you.
“are you not gonna join everyone over there?”
you turned your head slightly to look at the person standing next to your seat, drink in hand. “ah, no, not really. i don't really have the mood to be hitting up drinks and celebrate right now, captain.” you looked back to your drink on the counter.
she sighed, taking a seat next to you on the bar stool. “what's gotten into you now? i thought that once this trial's over, you'd be more cheerful and all, but now you just look helpless.” she stated, taking a sip of her drink.
“i'm not sure what's wrong with me either.” you said, letting out an airy chuckle. “i should be happy, y'know? this thing has been eating me up for over a year, so i'm supposed be the happiest person alive once it's been dealt with, but i don't feel the slightest bit better.”
playing with the rim of your glass with your finger, you continued talking. “if anything, i feel even more worse than i was before.”
“and why do you think that?”
you looked at the tsaritsa. “i... i don't know. it's probably that stupid case i'm supposed to work on.” you complained, but stopped abruptly when you remembered something. “speaking of which, i haven't heard of childe nor arlecchino for the whole day. did you hear any updates?” you asked the woman beside you.
she folded her arms on the counter. “not that i am aware of, no. but they're most likely doing well, i've fully entrusted your duties to them, so i expect the utmost results.” she calmly said.
huffing at her answer, you turned your head towards your friend group who were a few steps away from you and the tsaritsa. dottore and pierro were talking with each other like old pals, and scaramouche stood there listening on their talk (you assumed it was boring given how dottore and pierro talk like old people), while holding onto his drink.
you stared at him for a few seconds, relishing in his surprisingly handsome self (you think it's the alcohol talking) until he tore his gaze away from the two men infront of him and landed his eyes on yours instead.
you put up an awkward smile for him, waving at the ravenette across the bar. he rolled his eyes at your giddy act, but he also had a smile plastered on his face while doing so.
the tsaritsa looked at you the whole time.
“well that's certainly the first time i've seen you smiled tonight.” she remarked, making you break eye contact with scaramouche to look at her. “surprising to see it only took him for you to do such a thing.” she said in amusement, clearly referring to scaramouche.
not even waiting for your response, the tsaritsa continued on. “you haven't harboured any feelings for him, no?” she asked all of the sudden, making you widened your eyes.
“you don't have hearing problems, detective. you clearly heard what i said.”
you laughed for the first few seconds, taking your sweet time. “pff— no.” you said strictly after your short laugh. and to make the situation less awkward, you gulped down your whole drink immediately, making the woman beside you sat in shock at your sudden boldness.
you winced from the alcohol quickly kicking in. okay, maybe i shouldn't have downed that all at once.
“th– there's no way i'd fall for the likes of him!” you rambled shortly after, the alcohol already starting to kick in. “imagine– imagine this, alright. me? and him? no way in teyvat would'ya ever see that happening— like ever!” you exclaimed in a sputtering mess, drunkness slowly engulfing you.
the tsaritsa only raised an eyebrow at you, though she had a smile on her face upon seeing your drunk form.
you were a lightweight, so it was only natural that you'd already be knocked like crazy with just a glass of alcohol.
“maybe it'd be best to get going before you do something reckless like last time.” the tsaritsa only sighed, thinking about the time you got drunk out of your mind to the point that you almost got run over by a dump truck.
she just needs more time, the tsaritsa thinks.
it's only a matter of time before you realise what you truly feel about him.
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“goodness, how much did you even had to drink?” scaramouche questioned, dragging your form across the dorm halls.
you hiccuped. “i– i don't know. one... err two? no idea...” you said, still tipsy from the alcohol you had a few hours ago.
you two were sent back to campus after you were done with the night, leaving only scaramouche to help you get to the dorms. you had one arm over scaramouche's shoulder, and he had his arm wrapped around your hip.
the only problem is that you were getting more annoying by the minute, and scaramouche just had the urge to just drop you and leave you be.
he sighed, wrapping his arm more tightly around you. “you're gonna be the death of me.” he muttered, stopping in front of your shared dorm.
he took a second to get his keys from the pocket of his pants before inserting one of them in the doorknob, the other keys jingling from the movement.
“but you love me, righhhtt?” you beamed, dragging the last word for dramatic effect.
he stopped, the door of your dorm now slightly open.
“what in teyvat makes you think that?” he asked immediately, looking at your slouching form that's leaning onto him.
you looked up, frowning. “i shee the way you look at me. rosalyne says das the way her hushband looksh at herrr.... the look of love, i heard.”
there's a saying that people would tell the most obnoxious stuff when they're drunk, but they'd be all straight from the heart.
scaramouche isn't ranked at six in the top detectives of the police department for nothing. he's solved cases more than sixty percent of everyone in the precint, he can even solve cases with just the tip of his fingers, hell, he's one of the most excellent detectives ever.
but at this very moment, he couldn't even figure out whether you were just saying some dumb stuff that always comes out of your mouth, or if you genuinely meant what you said.
either way, he did not trust it one bit.
“you're so drunk that you say the most bullshit words.” he mumbled. “let's get you to bed before you ask more idiotic questions from that brain of yours.”
he earned a playful glare from you before following him along in your shared dorm, with much reluctance.
love, he thinks. what a peculiar word.
too bad he does not have the heart to feel such foolish feelings.
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you woke up the next day with the most painful pang in the head.
it was already early in the afternoon by the time you woke up from your slumber, and the hungover from last night's drinking was kicking you hard.
“oh, good. you're finally awake.” scaramouche said from the couch he's currently seated at.
groaning, you stumbled over to the kitchen to get some water to drown out the headache. “i feel like shit.”
scaramouche hummed in acknowledgement. “you should be, i had to drag you all the way up here last night.” he complained, averting his eyes away from the tv screen to look at you instead. “you owe me a big one.”
you walked over to the couch, plopping right next to the ravenette. “whatever, you always drag me everywhere anyways.” you retorted, gulping down your water.
archons, finally something refreshing.
scaramouche was currently watching the television, the afternoon news was surprisingly playing on the screen. he wasn't a big fan of news, nor does he even watch them, so this was a bit of a shocking to you.
“the hell are you watching the news for?”
scaramouche shrugged. “all of the other channels were too boring.”
you raised a brow. “you don't even watch tv that much.” putting down your glass on the coffee table, you moved your gaze to him.
he looked at you in return. “this was the only thing i could think of to kill time, waiting for your ass to be up.”
huffing, you turned your head away from him and focused on the news in front of you instead. “did you hear anything from arlecchino and childe?”
scaramouche shook his head. “nope. they just said nothing much happened during our time away, and they took off the second we've arrived back at the dorms.”
huh, strange, you thought.
childe is usually a blabbermouth, and arlecchino is known for her constant teasing and bullying, so you'd have to have at least heard childe's whining or arlecchino's complaints after you were done with the trial. for them to just be silent without any stupid updates blowing up in your phone was something you never expected.
you decided to just hum as a response, unable to give out a reply.
after a moment of sitting in silence, with only the sound from the tv being the background noise, you once again leaned over to the coffee table and attempted to take your drink to have another sip. keyword: attempted.
your actions were interrupted when the ringtone of scaramouche's phone was playing on the coffee table, indicating that there was someone who was calling him.
taking a peek at his phone, you scanned your eyes to the contact name on the screen.
stupid bitch
ah, you know who that is.
“it's childe.” you announced, looking at scaramouche expectantly, waiting for him to take the call.
scaramouche rolled his eyes. “you can answer it.” he said, the very bland ringtone of his phone still blasting through the small living room.
you picked up his phone and slid your finger to the green circle, answering the call. your other hand went to grab your glass of water to finish off what you were doing.
“hey, it's y/n. was'up?” you started the conversation first, holding onto your drink.
you were about to drink up the leftover water in your mug when childe's serious voice immediately stopped you from doing so.
“he's dead.”
as if on cue, the news suddenly started informing about a man who was supposed to be sent to jail, was now found dead. the very man who had never failed to make your life a miserable mess.
the glass of water you were holding on to shattered on the floor upon hearing both his words and the news in front of you.
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laniemae · 7 months
for ask game: 1, 3, 5 for Es and 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 for Amane~
This took a lot longer than I would’ve liked it to be I think I just turned this into a massive analysis rather than a simple ask game lmao.
Es 1: definitely this line.
“Ravaging, brawling, losers please exit left
Even with accusations full of faults and mistakes
You will for sure, with a smile for sure 
Be pleased and satisfied”
This is clearly talking about the audience and it’s really interesting. I know the chorus does as well but how this appears in the scene where all the prisoners cover their mouths while their images are projected onto the rooms, then lift their hands down and smile is especially haunting. 
The idea of “ravaging, brawling, losers please exit left” has a lot of interpretations. It could be the prisoners fighting amongst themselves, or in my opinion the audience fighting among themselves over the prisoners verdicts and stuff. I still don’t really understand what “losers please exit left” means as it’s so ambiguous, it’s like I’ve got tiny little ideas of what it could mean but I have no clue how to say, or even properly think about it.
“Even with accusations full of faults and mistakes.” Is a lot easier to understand. It’s talking about how us, as the audience, can be heavily biased by stuff and make dire mistakes on the characters and how heavily that can impact the verdict. Like with trial 1 kazui the main idea is that he was cheating and that’s how the stuff happened, although we were wrong and it had nothing to do with his situation. Lots of verdicts on prisoners aren’t based off factual evidence but just “I think statements”. If I remember correctly alot of people were voting yuno guilty in the first trial not because of what she actually did, but because they thought her attitude was strange and that she was secretly evil or whatever. And the opposite happening saying the at she was completely clueless and innocent. So this line fits perfectly for everything going on.
“You will for sure, with a smile for sure 
Be pleased and satisfied.” This is probably the most chilling line to me. It straight up says how in the end, milgram is a piece of media meant to entertain people. You will be satisfied engaging in the media, even if you didn’t get your intended verdict. But this poses the question, is this ethical to the characters? Having fun judging them, theorising every little bit of their mind that was extracted through their MVs. The secrets they don’t want us to know, they’re online for millions to theorise about, and may make false accusations and mistakes in their judgment. Fuuta directly calls on this saying that es is the same as him, having fun analysing this prisoners and judging their morality, just like what he did online. 
These few sentences are easily overlooked and only appear for a little while but they are so packed with meaning and meta commentary it’s amazing.
Also side note I find it interesting how es speaks in “you” instead of “I” like the other prisoners, like they’re directly talking to us. It’s like the whole mv is directed at us, because it is. But does es know?
Es 3: ooh this is hard I’d have to say a tie between these 2.
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This is one of the commissioned fanart of the characters I think, and I love how menacing es looks here. If you’ve never seen milgram you’d probably assume that es is the main villain or whatever. And although es is technically the protagonist, it’d be really interesting for es to be a villain. A mysterious character who has no memory of their past and entire identity is being the guard of this mysterious prison. And their judgments aren’t even really their own, it’s the will of thousands of people who know the characters deepest secrets. This makes me wonder if we’re ever gonna have to cast a vote on es…
Ok rambling aside I really love the red circle and greenish background and mist (?) it just really gives off that iconic vibe that I love about the series.
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The other one I really like is this one from the app. It feels both peaceful and surreal of es asleep, with jackalope sitting on their cape and a water ripple which really shouldn’t be there. It gives a unique vibe to this piece and a side of es we don’t really see, and the full colours here fit really well. 
Es 5: ooh this is also pretty hard as es has alot of voice drama moments so it’s really hard to pick a favorite moment or line or whatever.
Definitely a longer scene but probably my favorite is near the end of baptism of fire when es expresses sympathy for fuuta and the other prisoners. Saying that since they’ve been by their side for a while and looked into their hearts they’re no longer strangers to them and seeing fuuta in pain makes them begin to regret their actions. Es says how they’re starting to think of the prisoners more as comrades than suspicious strangers. They say that it’s a pity, but the bell rings and their attitude completely changes. Es finishes off the sentence with “that I’m the warden” and says no matter how much pain fuuta’s been going through, he can’t escape justice. Acting a lot more “logical” (if that’s the right word) and saying that they don’t care about fuuta apologising. Fuuta gets extremely upset at this, as es, who was showing him compassion and sympathy earlier, suddenly changed and started putting him down, which lead fuuta to have a panic attack In probably one of my favorite scenes in all the voice dramas.
This is a really interesting scene for es’ character because we start to see a side of them we haven’t before. A more human side, as opposed to the cold, logical minded warden they were conditioned to be. But when the bell rings, everything changes and they go back to that state. Making me think that the bell could have some affect on es, as it reminds me of times when es starts breaking down when asked about the nature of their identity and the prison itself. This is such great characterisation I can’t.
Amane 5: “Furthermore, isn't it condescending of you to assume that just because I happen to be a child, I am incapable of hating someone enough to kill them?”
This line in Apostle and Death is really interesting, as despite how much Amane says but murder was purely of faith, she basically revealed part of her motive here. @purgemarchlockdown did a really good analysis on this line saying she’s presenting it as a hypothetical, but it’s what actually happened.
Amane’s murder likely has multiple reasons, yes faith is a big part in her motive but I think the main point that drove her to murder was pure hate. She’s trying to cover it up for whatever reason but the truth is revealing itself. She’s said a lot in the VDs and the interrogation questions that it was just a punishment in line with faith, but the purge march contradicts it with much more emotion heavy lyrics.
A honourable mention would be “You know, I’m aware that I’m out of the ordinary.” From of blessedness and punishment. I don’t know why but I think about that line a lot.
Amane 6: I already answered this question in a previous ask but to sum it up it’s Amane and fuuta because their characters have so many parallels to each other, and it looks like they’re gonna become friends in canon because they’ve been interacting a lot lately. And it appears fuuta is taking religious ideas from Amane which would be a really interesting plot point and would reveal alot about his mindset.
Amane 8: Amane’s crime is probably one of the hardest to grasp for me, like have general consensus on what happened but there’s a bunch of little tidbits and oddities that feel really important but I have no idea where they go in the timeline. I think it started with the cat getting injured, but magic makes it confusing as that cat didn’t have a collar, got injured on the head and was injured by a falling light (likely representative of the happy facade of the cult breaking, so I think how the cat got injured is very important). Amane seemed to always to go the place where the cat was, and she was spotted fixing up the cat’s leg. It’s very likely that this was her breaking the “'Tis ordained, thou shall follow thine destiny” rule. But what’s confusing that in the purge march is that in that scene she fails the flag throw for “'Tis ordained, thou shall discard vulgarity” and gets promptly punished for it. This happens before the scene with the cat, which ends with electrical torture, which would fit with the first rule as we see in magic. But we have no idea how she broke that 2nd rule, and it’s very likely that’s where she started building up hate. Magic also implies she broke all the rules but we only really know about the one with the cat.
It definitely seems from interrogation question trial 2 no 17 she killed her mother, as she said “my mother should have kept her faith until the very end.” This could imply that Amane’s mother disobeyed the cult in one way or another? I’ve seen speculation as that killing the cat is again also interfering with destiny, that could be what amane means. But the way she worded it implies that her mom was actively trying to leave the cult somehow. 
Another thing I think is interesting is what amane said in interrogation question t2 no 17 
Q: what do the people you respect think about your sin?
A: I just followed what I’ve been taught, so obviously they’ll praise me and tell me I did well.
I’ve already stayed that I think amanes murder is mostly emotion driven, but also has aspects of her religion in it. I’m not sure if she’s trying to convince herself that’s the case or something like that actually happened. But it’s interesting to think that she’s lying about it and trying to say that she did it for he faith to not beat herself up over it.
Amane 9: personally I’ll forgive her crime on its own. She’s only 12, and had a clear motive that stems from abuse even if some themes of her “needing to do it” were involved, but I suggested that could be a coping mechanism. Amane’s had a very hard life and we know that she can lash out at people in rage, as seen in the second voice drama in which she got so angry she attempted to attack es with scissors she bought in earlier. I’m not gonna talk about that because it’s somewhat off topic, but the environment that lead up to Amane killing is understandable. She’s not malicious in her intent at all, she’s broken by the people around her, and this is her lashing out at one of her abusers. Punishing her for what she did is only going to make things worse, so id forgive her murder on her own.
Amane 10: it’s kinda confusing. In trial 2 I’d still forgive her, both with the reasoning I gave in the previous post and how subjecting her to more mental torment will completely break her to no return. 
In trial 1 it’s a lot more difficult because even though I was not there, the choice is really hard. I’d still say forgive, as looking back on it we’ve uncovered how bad it was to Amane’s mental state and our hypocrisies in voting. But if I was there back then I probably would’ve voted her guilty. When I was watching milgram for the first time in chronological order, I somewhat agreed with that because she was so expecting that she’d be forgiven and it’s just another trial to get through, and we assumed at that point it was purely due to religious motives.
Again looking back on it now after the purge march, I would forgive her back then but it’s still a difficult choice.
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moonchildreads · 10 months
and now that we're on it, i was actually thinking about dot and eddie last night. i remembered the first time they meet thanks to hellfire and dot proves eddie's expectations wrong by showing that she's not just a cute and pretty face, but she knows her dnd shit.
now i know that i'm bringing you a bit of an au here but i was wondering how do you think things would have progressed between them if dot hadn't had a background that made her know this stuff? like, everything is the same but james and his friends met for different reasons so she doesn't know much of dnd? how would she and eddie meet and fall in love? or if she'd gone to hellfire without knowing much bc dustin was very nice when he asked her to join their club? how would their story go without that? bc my original theory was "no, dnd is an intrinsic part of their relationship, it's an unskippable part of their story together" but then i entertained the thought and said "ok but what if???"
okay babes buckle up i'm off work now and this is gonna be a wild ride.
full transparency here, i hadn't thought about it before but now that you bring this question to me i realise that i've always known the answer so thank you for that insight into my own story? lmao i love you. anyways, short answer: if dustin hadn't invited dottie to hellfire, they wouldn't have interacted with each other at all. end of story. dot has no desire to buy weed from eddie, and eddie isn't exactly in the business of talking to random girls (he's bitchless, let's be real here). the long answer is, however, much more intriguing which i'm guessing is what you're here for so i'm gonna spill my guts here for you under the cut about what happens if dustin invites her but she doesn't know dnd:
if dustin invites dot and she goes without knowing what dnd is, here's where it gets interesting because you mention that dnd is intrinsic to their relationship but it actually isn't. it's not dnd what brings them together, it's dottie's eagerness.
[...] “Do you want to watch today, see how everything works?” “If you think that’s the best, sure,” she said, and he noticed she looked a little deflated. “Or not. Trial by fire,” he smiled. [...]
in that bit from chapter 3, eddie doesn't know she knows her shit yet. all he knows is that a pretty girl is in front of him, treating him nicely and wanting to learn about something he loves. he doesn't know her, she's a new student he hasn't really paid too much attention to, but he sees that she's nervous and notices that she doesn't seem to have an ulterior motive: she walked in, asked for dustin and didn't realise he was the dungeon master until she saw his supplies on the table. so she's not here for him, she's here for the game. she wants to learn. now, eddie could go about it two different ways: 1) he gatekeeps like he tried to do with erica until she knocked him down a few pegs, or 2) he acts calm and tries to make her feel at ease like he did with chrissy in the woods. i think in this case, knowing what happened after he was friendly with chrissy, he'd go the same route because not only does he explicitly think dottie's enthusiasm is adorable, he's also been proven wrong twice by women he's recently met (erica and chrissy).
and here is where it gets interesting, because now we have dottie recognising that he knows his shit and wanting to learn from him, and we have eddie getting something he normally doesn't, which is someone who doesn't judge. someone who wants to get to know the ins and outs of the very thing that he loves, who doesn't care who he is, or who anyone in hellfire is, she just wants to learn. and we see this time and time again throughout small town, because dottie doesn't know anything about metal music, but she still accepts donny's mixtape and listens to it during the weekend so she can talk to him about it on monday. we see dottie being interested in gareth's background as a jazz drummer, she switches seats to sit with all of them during shared classes after knowing them for one single day. eagerness is all dottie knows, because she's used to molding herself to what everyone else wants her to be in order to have friends. so she asks questions, she learns about things because if she shows interest, then maybe others will show interest in her too. it hasn't worked for her so far, but she's never met anyone like the hellfire boys before.
see, this story doesn't work if both sides aren't equally eager. they are all desperate to fit in somewhere, and the boys have found that they fit into hellfire and with each other. so dottie coming along and not only asking to be let in, but also putting in the work to get to know them feels so special to all of them. here comes this unasumming girl that was deemed so fucking uninteresting that hawkins high forgot she existed two weeks after she transferred and she's actually so goddamn awesome! she comes from the big city! she doesn't care if they are a bit of a weirdo bunch, she's not poisoned by the hawkins rumor mill, and quite frankly, she's a freak herself! she has her own opinions and will voice them, she enjoys high fantasy, loves music, and is kind of a nerd! she's just so desperate for love and the only way she knows how to ask for it, is to throw it to everyone who so much as looks at her, and the boys in hellfire reciprocate so easily because this never happens to them! no one treats them like they are normal but she does! so the way eddie falls in love with her is the same way all of hellfire falls in love with her: she loved them first and kept loving them so hard they had no reason to doubt her.
yeah, she doesn't know how to play dnd. it might be a little bit annoying for a table of experienced players, but eddie takes the outcasts in and dottie has spent the last two months eating lunch alone with her headphones on. they are all the same kind of broken people, searching for someone to look at them and tell them "i see you, because i am you, and i get you". so for eddie to not fall in love with her, no one in hellfire should love her, and that was never going to happen because she showed up with snacks to a club she knew nothing about because a fifteen year old told her it was cool. eddie never stood a chance.
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immobiliter · 5 months
okay i still need to do her sq ( tomorrow's job! ), but some furina cliffnotes for how i want to approach my portrayal just as a heads up:
so i'm purely just writing furina, not focalors. i may entertain the idea of an AU or verse depending on how any plotting might develop, but aside from the fact that furina is focalors' human counterpart and the two undoubtedly bear similarities, furina still had 500 years to develop her own ( if flawed ) sense of self without any intervention from focalors whatsoever, so the two are certainly different entities in my mind.
i'm gonna be a lil picky about shipping ? i'm not opposed to it but honestly i think what furina needs above anything else is a friend lmao. i think she's going in the category with flint & villanelle where i'll probably only ship her if i know you well or if it happens organically through writing/plotting. also i don't ship her and neuv, i love their dynamic but platonically pls lmao.
as i say, i haven't done her SQ yet but i can kinda tell from the 4.3 event ( and ambient NPC dialogue ) that it seeeeeems the general consensus is that furina gave up her powers to stop the prophecy or some variant of this story is told to explain why she is publicly tried for being a fraud and then... doesn't die when the oratrice determines she should die via death penalty ? and just leaves the palais mermonia to live in a swanky apartment in town ? i am happy to roll with that or some variant of it ( i feel like sometimes genshin's quests are tied up a little too neatly and conveniently ) although i am also interested in exploring ramifications for the fact that the trial likely left furina's reputation in tatters and with a lot of ambiguity as to whether she's "guilty" or not and whether she can continue living in fontaine.
in that vein, i also want to explore a potential exiled verse, which is likely how i'll manage to cross her into other regions and over into other universes ( hi, if you don't play genshin and i've talked to you about furina, i am about to make her your problem lmao )
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seelestia · 2 years
yesyes a thousand times better--
omg wait. pause. halt. an idea just hit me.
genshin hp!au. rex lapis as the headmaster of liyue schools of wizardry. he disappears after being in the position for thousands of years, and everyone is scrambling over trying to look for him or someone to take over his position. meanwhile, a handsome professor gets admitted into the school to assist in the lack of manpower (the previous headmaster used to teach all sorts of subjects himself but now that he's gone the school is literally lacking teachers), and he seems to be very knowledgeable in all things.... plus, he gives off the same vibes as the previous headmaster too.... hmmm..... *finger snap* could it be??? rex lapis' son???? that has to be it, right?! you, a fellow professor, are determined to get the truth behind this! everyone tells you you're crazy but no, you know this man has got to know something about the headmaster's disappearance! zhongli is very thoroughly amused and decides to entertain you. but jokes on him because he didn't count falling for this stubborn but endearing teacher. 
hehehehehe you changed your theme i see. very very pretty!!! loving the soft aesthetics and ayato on the headers + icon!! heizou theme, you will be missed, sorry but ayato's taking over for now!!!
to be fair i'm not as good in photography, it's just bc hubby is so handsome the picture turned out great slkdsldklskd I WILL for sure lolol it sounds like it's gonna be fun (fingers crossed i don't die too much)
right!! sheesh he acts as if he didn't fanboy over the pretty mercenary lady (she is super pretty tho)... lol do what your heart tells you to do, sweetie!!! al haitham would be good too, i'm sure. and even if he's not, he's a total eye candy soooo win-win situation lmao
we'll see, we'll see~ hehe~
i'm happy collei likes me enough to come home so many times but also. sheesh. she's a testament of how stubborn zhongli is ;w; IT IS VERY FANCY indeed!! i'm gonna start leaving zhongli there whenever i log off. i'm sure he needs a change of pace from always sitting on third-round-knockout lol
gosh, imagine sitting in a fine dining establishment with zhongli, in some fancy restaurant high in the sky overlooking the city. live jazz music playing in the background, sipping osmanthus tea while talking and enjoying each other's presence..... sighhhhh
gosh i have been benching kazuha since sumeru bc i added zhongli to the party and i wanted at least 1 dendro character for convenience. i can't swap out xiao bc he's my main dps, and shinobu is essential cause she's healing xiao every time he does his burst....... 'zuha i'm so sorry ;w; random thought: if zhongli has his shield and he does plunge attack shouldn't he basically be immune to the damage also?????
*announcer voice* welcome to sumeru! here we have: the spiderman zipline, very convenient, makes you feel like a spiderman, zipping around the map with ease! weird t-rex monstrosity which might eat you alive! cliffs to climb, slip, and fall to your deaths! how exciting! heart-pounding! book a tour with us now! 1-800-rex-lapis-holdsmyheart! #notascam #realnotclickbait
can you blame me tho angst is so *chefs kiss* when written perfectly!! i still remember that fic, hhhhh so beautiful and heart-wrenching </3 don't you love it when your faves suffer heehee
YES, I HAVE BEEN HALTED AND PAUSED AND AM LISTENING INTENTLY. genshin hp!au, but it's zhongli doing the liyue trial all over again and the reader always has the sherlock holmes sixth sense. (a student from house slytherin, shikanoin heizou is the only one to share your sentiment.)
something about this man is enigmatically off and... familiar. oh, but you've never been the type to rest well until you've uncovered the truth! you'd scrutinize him up and down at any chance you get, either unintentionally or not; when he is in the great hall, when he gives a speech, when he talks with students and other teachers alike — to the point your own colleague, ganyu has to snap you out of it. zhongli, on the other hand, finds your tenacity quite charming. after all, he is the very own truth lying behind the walls of deception you seek to destroy, so will you? will you be the one to break them? the stubborn endearing x calm endeared trope is SOOOO <3 (it's zhongrin in a nutshell /j)
nyehehe, ty! how do you feel as the person who gave me the last push? 🎤 (/j) i saw the header on pinterest and i SWOONED. the white + soft blue palette just immediately comes to mind! aha, now that theme has been made reality thanks to you >:)
nahhh, the model may be the subject of beauty in the picture but the lighting and angle are things decided by the one behind the camera, me thinks! ;D hoping i win the 50/50 with alhaitham because i did not expect to get c1 kazuha when pulling for heizou cons last time <//3
the bgm in the tavern literally makes me wanna have a slow dance??? it's fitting to have zhongli greet you when the bgm plays, hehe <3 THE PORT ORMOS BMG THO. WHY DOES IT SLAP SO HARD. (/lh) but liyue bgm's still and always have a soft spot in my heart, especially 'foxes at play'! speaking of, what is your favorite bgm from liyue, rin jie??? >:) liyue is your nation, after all~
when sumeru dropped, everyone rushed to get collei which is understandable because it's a free character of a new element !! i just utilize the dendrogram, so i keep my team per usual: it's currently ganyu, kazuha, heizou and klee for better exploration! but i switch out ganyu for kokomi when i clear out a withered zone <//3 but collei is in my teapot now since thoma already reached friendship lvl 10 and she's so nice :( <3
THAT RANDOM THOUGHT, HELP. iirc, in his second story quest when we encountered the possessed miners, his shield is naturally lateral and doesn't protect the head so if we ask him to extend his shield into a cylinder, maybe it'd work??? 🤔
the numbers look like an invitation to a marriage to me. (/j) and rin jie, i am still an avid member of ruin machines slander club but i have unsealed the t-rex monstrosity once out of pure curiosity.... 0/10, do not recommend. all that moving around and having to defeat said monstrosity for an exquisite chest 🕳️🚶 ruin hunters are definitely worse tho fjejskksk #ruinhuntersdonotslay
a beautiful kind of pain <//3 you really chose violence that day and that was the first request i received too. so, you can imagine the way my jaw dropped 😭 (/pos) but your request was the first ever angst content on this blog! so, the balance was well-needed and plus, your request was actually one of my favs to write too (it got a special mark on my masterlist) <3 my faves suffering??? *nervously reaches out to ayato and heizou* both of them are people who hide their weaknesses, so to see them break... IS NOT VV GOOD FOR MY HEART 🏃 but for starlight anon, i shall take a headfirst dive! 🤝
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elliebear666 · 7 months
People that are LOOKING for something will create the proof they need even if there isn't any in reality.
Case in point:
Just because an adult person games with younger people, even kids, does not mean they are a groomer and a kiddy fucker lmao. Gaming with anyone and everyone, and being okay with them wanting to keep gaming is not weird.
I have played with old people, I have played with kids, I have played with teens, young adults, middle aged dudes having mid-life crises. I have played with mom's and their kids.
If y'all wanted a response, here it is. I am so annoyed rn lmao
If you're uncomfortable because I'm okay gaming with anyone, and not booting people from my party when they join? Too bad? I'm gonna keep gaming, and if a lil dude/dudette wants to join my party, I'm not gonna kick him or her.
If my response gives you "not all men" energy then good honestly lol. I literally stated the statistical reality that women aren't often seen as child predators simply because they are women lol and apparently THAT was suspect too. Like that's a valid statistic. "If a man games with kids he's a kiddy fucker!" Literal paraphrased quote.
I honestly think it is y'all out here accusing people of being pedophiles and groomers when they're just playing video games that is the problem. I hope you people see this too because it is absurd. I felt put on trial for saying, "I game with kids sometimes and sometimes they even confide in me and I listen." Why is that wrong? Older people confide in me too. I don't see the difference? Sometimes these kids have no one to fucking talk to.
There is no winning with people like you. You'll find what you're looking for even if you have to reach, gaslight, and twist people's words to create it lmao
When did platonic connections with people younger than us become something that makes you uncomfortable? That doesn't make sense. Not everyone is trying to fuck your kids, dude.
Also, inappropriate joke incoming: Your fat, ugly kid isn't exactly prime meat for pedos XD
Now that I said that, let's continue.
I'm not going to kick kids from my party if they wanna game. I'm just not. If a lil dude wants to join with me, fine.
If the kid starts saying weird, inappropriate shit, I'm not gonna entertain it. I've had dumbass teen boys say all kinds of fucked up shit to me. Block. Ignore. Move on.
I genuinely and truly don't understand why gaming with anyone is an issue?
If someone's implications, insinuations, and literal word twisting is their proof, believe whatever. Defending oneself isn't wrong. If I protest too much, it's apparently sus. If I ignore it entirely, it's sus.
There is no placating people that want to see shit that isn't there.
Y'all are wack as fuck
"I wOuLd FeEl uNcOmfOrTaBlE iF YoU gAmEd WiTh mY KiD"
The only reason you do is because you are ASSUMING that older people that are okay with gaming with lil people are monsters that want to groom your fucking kid lmao
So cancel me for gaming with anyone that wants to game
Absolutely wack
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zwei-rhunen · 10 months
 context: i am not a tank
i am barely a PUG tbh lmao
So i woke up today and chose violence tanking :)
first we run like two trials that i felt were pretty straightforward, to gimme a taste of dat tank cuisine, and both went well
> i was OT and both MTs were great and like. OT didnt have much other responsibilities outside of being emergency tank tbf, but still, i get confident, and i’m ready for a lil more chaos
me: how complicated is tanking nidhogg? 
@lord-kefka-palazzo​ the healer: not that complicated. just keep adds separate, faced away, etc
the game plan for Nidhogg: i’m gonna off-tank! and then maybe the next fight i will consider being main tank. no promises, tho
> totally not me, entertaining myself with trying to get the perfect lil’ jumpy twirl and not paying attention to the rest of the party that’s already running into battle bc ppl already finished their cutscenes
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/goes a lil too hard
/goes so hard, in fact, that i do my rotation. my fingers hit the two buttons to /stance, and i dont notice bc I’ve been treating it as part of my tank rotation, and not like, its own separate rotation
(i’m getting the feeling that its more of an opener, since it seems that tank stance is situational)
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/ ???? i have stance on???
/oh fuck, i have stance on
/hurriedly looks for stance buttons b/c i suddenly have no idea where they are b/c its not the beginning of the fight and my brain has already filed that information away into its proper cabinet b/c i dont need to recall it anymore b/c battle already started and i have the monke neural pathway of smth like
“DEF tanking():
IF fight begins THEN tank stance; IF fight in progress THEN take boss, go north, dont die, win fight ELSE panic and pray; ” seared into my skull bc dungeon-brain
the next bit took like 20 seconds to play out even though it seems hella longer, ik:
“wjhu-why is my stance button over here”
/turns stance off
/still MT’ing
>its off, right??
>squints at button in confusion. it’s blue. idk what the color means. i think it means tank off (no it meant i had it “on”, and pushing it again would turn it off.) i flip it a few times, like the way your annoying sibling does when they flicker the light switch in your bedroom.
>??????? why is it on a cooldown??? stance has cooldowns??????
> mouse-over, look at description- oh wait i’m pressing the wrong set of button combos lmao
> take stance off
/still have aggro
/looks at party list
/MT has also toggled stance off, since i’ve done the animal-kingdom strut that means “i want to tank” (i actually do not, silently hoping to please take him back :’) )
/ MT is being very chill and a team player and letting me have at it
/boss begins targeting other people
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/flips stance back on
exhibit A: me, panicking :)
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Exhibit B: trying to assume my MT role and also trying to signal that “THIS WAS NOT MY INTENTION and also uhhhh MT is NOT taking it BACK, WHAT DO I DO” -
except i dont have time to type all that
so instead, i put everything into one heartfelt line and hope it gets the same message across:
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> and at the same time, hydaelyn appears before my mind’s eye with a very important message for me - she says,
 “congrats, you are the Main Tank now :) “
>okokok FUCK it, i’m MT now, lets go nidhogg
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> ....
>it was not fine (the stars aligned and a chain of other unfortunate events also happened lool)
>we get to the dragon phase! but end up wiping and try again
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> i am determined to not stance this time. i will not touch stance. we are going to run in and DPS and let the other tank be MT and i will SIT HERE, happily doing DPS and tanking during adds.
> lol so THAT lasted like 10 seconds.
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but its okay we passed the second time wahoo
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thank you, kind PUG, but i definitely did not deserve that LMFAOOOOO
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oh hey, i forgot about these nine other buttons, what do they do-
-flashback to when it was me, the other tank, and the healer remaining for a good, 30 looooong seconds-
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and also sitting next to it:
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Finisher move:
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/checks journal
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(listen PLD was so boringggg i dragged myself to 50, stopped and haven’t looked back LMFAO (don’t kill me tho i’ll get to them!! at some point ) )
Bonus: The Limitless Blue (Hard)
me trying to be good and dodging splash AOEs
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and then i remember wait a MINUTE i’m A
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!!!! SO CAN I? CAN I???? I CAN
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THEM RIGHT?? probably???? idk probably yeah
/chills out and stops spinning things b/c im not dodging the splashing AOEs anymore
-proceeds to get my ass thrown into the air, b/c twisters believe in humbling everyone equally-
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kitawarheit · 3 years
Hey guys! I decided to post it here too~ Anything this is some Frank x Danny x female reader insert hella self indulgent smut~ Ngl, had someone ask me, "how far do you take your dirty talk?" aaaand here's the example I guess?? lmao Either way it was fun as hell! Enjoy! <3 Can also be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31056830
Tags include: dub-con (ish), verbal humiliation, dirty talk, name-calling, spitroasting, f/m/m threesome
The Fog had been a living hell, for sure. You dare say you were getting used to this “Entity” and its foul games. The pain didn't seem to feel as bad as when you first got here—or maybe that was just your mind knowing you wouldn't truly die? Your cruel resurrection was inevitable in this hellscape. But, you found solace in the small things. To start, you had the other survivors. The companionship was at least enough to keep you sane (for the most part) until you found a way out. But was there?
Trial after trial, your morale drained slowly—that is, until your curiosity was piqued. Some of these vicious killers were... well, human. For the most part, maybe. Take The Legion for example: although they switched off, they were all still four human punk-asses. Sure, being cat called while chased by Frank or having insults hurled at you while Julie choked you to death wasn't the most ideal thing... But it was a breath of fresh air. There were others, yes, but the most talkative or entertaining ones were primarily Frank and Danny—The Ghostface, as they called him.
Speaking of those two—back to the predicament at hand. How the fuck are two killers allowed to be in a trial at the same time!? It wasn't fair! Not only for obvious reasons but more personal ones... Sometimes, you wanted to punch Frank in his stupid face for his chastising, filthy mouth. But, that was only really because of how hot and bothered it actually made you. You knew back before this shit, you were really into dirty talk and stuff, but here? Now? Surely, The Entity knew and was doing this on purpose.
No, you were absolutely sure The Entity was doing this on purpose when you saw the second killer was Danny. He had a nasty mouth on him too—a bit more aggressive than Frank overall, but it still didn't help you not be affected by his “teasing”. But why? Sure, you enjoyed their talk, even if your brain tried to yell at you that they were there to murder you, not sweet talk you to bed. But did The Entity even give “graces” like this? No, no—it must be for the killers. After all, they were the ones that essentially gave power to this thing.
No matter why or for who, it didn't matter. You weren't going to look this gift horse in the mouth. You deserved a slice of pleasure too, right?
So, here you were, being dragged into the old ski resort lodge, two sets of hands moving over every inch of your body, making you squirm between them.
“Hey, hey,” Frank cooed in a smug tone as you were turned to face him. “Settle down, kitten, we haven't even started yet!”
“She can't help it,” Danny mocked behind you, grabbing your ass, which made you give a squeal of surprise. “She's gonna get double fucked! Any slut would be excited by that.”
“You're right,” Frank practically purred, sliding his hands under your shirt and making his way up to your chest. “I'm surprised she's not already trying to tear out of her clothes.”
“Fuck you,” you hissed weakly, trying to squirm from their grasps—but, the both of them proved to be too strong and they kept you firm in place. “Let me go...!”
“Oh, don't worry, kitten,” Frank said, lifting his mask to sit on the top of his head as he eyed you over. “You'll fuck me soon enough~”
You were too busy examining the details of a face you hadn't seen without the mask to notice Frank giving a nod at Danny. There was a chuckle behind you and, suddenly, Danny had his hands over your torso, ripping open your shirt and pulling the ruined garment off, letting it fall to the floor. Another squeal escaped you as you tried to cover your arms over your chest, face flushed. Of course, Danny wouldn't let you do that as he gripped your wrists and held you in place.
“Fuck, she's got some nice tits,” the man behind you mused.
“Hell yeah, she does,” Frank agreed, brandishing his knife. “Let's get a better look, though...”
Before you could make a protest, Frank's knife slipped under the front of your bra, harshly tugging upwards to tear it in half. Quick on the move, Danny let go of your wrists to let your arms hang low so that he could swiftly tug your destroyed bra off and down to the ground.
“D-Don't touch me,” you shrieked, only to have them do just the opposite. Danny's hand cupped one of your breasts, while Frank toyed with the other, causing your breath to hitch in your throat. You were trying so hard not to make noise, but the look on your face must have given you away.
“What a slut,” Frank laughed, making you jolt as he pinched your nipple. “Hmm? You like having killers play around with your tits?”
“Look at her face,” Danny cooed. “She totally does! Nasty bitch~”
Your mind was failing to think of words to says, insults to hurl, threats to make. But, it didn't matter, they were too strong for you and you had nothing to fend them off with. And if the heat pooling in your core had any say in the matter, you were likely going to break anyways. Sooner, rather than later, if they kept this up.
You tried to at least keep quiet—if you couldn't make threats, the least you could do was not make any moans. Your focus was brought back to the situation as Frank cupped your chin, forcing your head up to look at him. For the moment, he had let go of your breast and Danny took full advantage of that by cupping both in his hands, squeezing them.
“Fuck,” Danny grunted behind you. “I've gotta get my dick between these sometime...”
Frank seemed to be searching for something in your face as he looked you over, yet abandoned that endeavor rather quickly. He let go of your chin and scoffed, grabbing hold of your hips now.
“I bet you anything she's already fucking soaked,” Frank mocked, emphasizing his last word as he popped the button of your jeans. “Let's just check that... 'Kay, kitten?”
Frank slipped his palm over your stomach, making his way down as you squirmed in Danny's grasp. He slipped past your pants and toyed with the waistband of your panties briefly before finally slipping his hand down over your folds. There was no warning when Frank brought his head closer, dipping under your chin to bite harshly into your neck, at the same time he pushed two fingers into your pussy. You were already losing yourself, but there was no way you could hold back the moan that ripped past your throat at Frank's actions. You could practically feel his smirk against your neck...
“Ho~ly fuck,” Frank cooed as he released your neck, pulling his head back to look at you while he pulled his fingers out from your jeans, just to hold them in front of your face. Of course, Frank was right —you were already wet by now. “This bitch is a total whore! Look at how wet she is already!”
“Damn,” Danny laughed, pinching both of your nipples in an attempt to draw noise from you. “I guess we got lucky with this one, huh?”
You whimpered softly as Danny pinched again, squirming as you watched Frank make a show of licking his fingers clean. Your mind teetered on the edge between wrong and right, just a touch away from going over and begging for them. In some pathetic last attempt to escape, you tried to pull away again. Frank clicked his teeth and gripped your hips again to hold you in place, Danny giving a light grind into your ass. Fuck, you could already feel how hard he was.
“Please,” you spoke softly, trying not to look Frank in the eye. To this, he roughly grabbed your chin and forced you to look him in the eye, a smirk tugging his lips upwards.
“Please what, kitten,” he sneered, bringing his face even closer to yours. ...That was it. That was the tipping point and your brain tumbled down the wrong side. But, you didn't give a hot damn. You needed this... and you needed it now.
“Don't tease me,” you breathed out, flashing Frank a look—oh, did he know that look well. The look of letting go and giving in to carnal desire. It was show time.
“That's what we wanna hear,” Danny chuckled, his voice more clear now and you could only assume he took his mask off as well. “A slut in the end—can't resist having some cock in you, right? Even if it's from a killer?”
Frank gave a vicious grin from ear to ear, letting go of your chin to dip his head down against your neck.
“Good girl,” he purred, giving another firm bite before working on pushing your pants and panties down. This time, when he bit into you, you let out a soft whimper, wiggling your pants and panties down the rest of the way to help, then stepped out of them.
Behind you, Danny removed his gloves, letting his bare hands slide down your chest, savoring the warmth of your skin as he kept moving further down. Sure, he knew Frank was right—but he couldn't help to feel for himself as his fingers dipped between your damp folds, his fingertips gliding up and down some. Your breath had already started to become labored from his small actions alone, surely stroking his ego more than it was. You wanted to savor the moment, but Frank seemed a bit impatient.
“Lemme have her,” Frank spoke, a bit of a grumble behind his tone. “I got an idea~”
Frank seemed to enjoy simply tugging you along and keeping you out of the loop. Throwing you over his shoulder like he would to carry you to a hook, that instinctual fear almost began to rise. As Frank started to climb the stairs with you, Danny followed behind, looking just as impatient as the other man.
“Don't worry, baby girl,” Danny cooed, patting your cheek some. “You're not going on a hook. We got something better in mind for you!”
On the second floor, there were a few empty rooms with faded memories of what this place once was, long ago. In one of the rooms, there was a large mattress and pillows, cigarette butts littering the ground with the smell of smoke still rather fresh. This was probably Frank's sort of make shift bedroom, if you had to guess... You almost wanted to ask (why, you weren't sure), but the wind was briefly knocked from you as Frank threw your body on the mattress with ease.
“You're gonna love this, kitten,” Frank hummed as you coughed a bit. “All just for you! I know a little whore like you can probably take more... But we'll start here, okay?”
You weren't sure what he meant and you weren't given any time to dwell on it before he rolled you onto your stomach, just as Danny came around to sit on the mattress, close enough to your face that you could practically feel the warmth radiating from his body. Grabbing your hips, Frank lifted your bottom half up to meet his crotch as he let his erection rub against your ass through his jeans. With a chuckle, he shoved his hips forward, forcing your face into Danny's crotch, making you both groan.
“I know you're excited, kitten,” Frank sneered, giving a harsh slap across your ass. “So get to work! I'm sure my friend here would love to see how talented that slut mouth of yours is~”
Propping your torso up just a bit, you looked up at Danny as he began to unfasten his pants, pushing them down a few inches just to make it easier to take his aching erection out. You couldn't help but stare for a moment, impressed by his girth. Damn, were all the killers like this...? Taking your distraction as hesitation, Danny ran his fingers through your hair, gripping tightly as he tugged your head forward a bit.
“I'm not gonna wait all day, bitch,” Danny sneered, purposefully rubbing himself against your lips. You whined a bit at the tight grip he had on your hair before obeying—placing one hand on his thigh to steady yourself as the other gripped the base of his cock. You gave one long, broad lick along the underside of his cock, dragging your tongue up until you flicked it off of the tip. Frank rubbed the side of your ass he slapped earlier, as if silently giving praise at the little show.
“Ohh,” Danny groaned, flashing a smirk down at you. “I can already tell she's used that mouth well before. Think she's tried to use it to bargain for the hatch?”
“Probably,” Frank said with a laugh, giving your ass another slap, causing you to gasp out. “At least, I wouldn't put it past her.”
You could feel yourself throbbing, started to become impatient yourself. But you weren't going to beg—oh no, not yet. To keep yourself quiet, you took a few inches of Danny into your mouth, sucking lightly as if to savor him. Danny groaned and muttered small praises to you, so focused on him that you were deaf to the sound of Frank's zipper being pulled down behind you. When you felt his rubbing the tip of his cock against your slit, you gasped, but were unable to stop the soft moan you gave.
“Oh, you're gonna feel so good around my cock,” Frank cooed, rubbing a bit more incessantly. You started sucking harder around Danny's length, trying not to give in to the feeling of Frank rubbing against you. Trying was the key word, but your body acted first, trying to rub back against him for more friction. He gave a click of his tongue and used his free hand to keep your hips still.
“You want it, kitten,” Frank asked with a mocking tone. “You gotta beg for it~”
Danny yanked your head up and off his cock, making you wince as you glanced up at him. Seeing the smirk on Danny's face made your heart jump and you were all too sure that Frank had the same look on his face. Flushed, you chewed your bottom lip a bit, as if a bit embarrassed to say it out loud. Frank gave you an encouraging, yet hard, slap across your ass, making you squeal out and tremble a bit.
“P-Please,” you squeaked out, whining as you tried to press back against Frank. “Fuck me, Frank...! Please...!”
“You want my cock in you,” Frank chuckled, giving another smack to your ass. “Say it, bitch!”
“Y-Yes,” you moaned out. “I want your cock in me, Frank! Please!”
“What a total cock slut,” Danny laughed as he brought your face close to his cock again, making sure you had him in your mouth before releasing his hold on your hair. You felt Frank lining himself up, pushing just the tip in before gripping your hips with both hands. Without warning, he suddenly gave a single, sharp jerk of his hips, thrusting himself inside you to the hilt, causing you to lurch forward and deep throat Danny. You almost gagged on him from the sudden force, but Danny only groaned, cursing under his breath.
“Fuck,” Frank groaned, keeping still a moment. “She's tight, too... Damn, she feels good!”
Frank pulled you back some, letting you off of Danny's cock to catch your breath, watching you cough a bit from the surprise forced deep throat. Once you were mostly settled, Danny gripped your hair again to guide you back to his throbbing length, rubbing the back of your head encouragingly. Frank pulled out most of the way before speaking up again.
“That was your warning,” Frank taunted, rubbing his thumbs over your hips. “So you better get ready—'cause I'm not stopping until I've filled you up, got it?”
“Do anything you want to me, Frank,” you whined out, glancing over your shoulder at him as your mind clouded with lust. “Please use me...~”
“Damn,” Danny scoffed, turning your face to him again with an amused grin. “She's a compliant little cock sucker.”
“Ohhh,” Frank cooed, fingers digging into your hips. “You just sealed the deal there, babygirl~”
Listening to Frank, you knew this was your one second to attempt to brace yourself. Taking Danny back into your mouth, you pressed your tongue against the underside of his cock, but let your jaw hang slack. If Frank's “warning” was anything to go by, you wouldn't need to be doing much head movement, anticipating his thrusts would be enough to do that for you.
And that it was. Frank showed no mercy, no easing you into it—no, he immediately started with a rough, somewhat quick pace as each thrust would push you back down onto Danny. You had let yourself go well before this point, so there was no trying to suppress your moans, loud and needy as they were. The small vibrations from your moans sent a shiver up Danny's back as he gripped your hair tight again, seeming to be holding back the urge to straight up fuck your mouth.
“Shit,” Danny hissed, leaning his head back some as he savored the feeling of your mouth. “It's gonna feel so good to cum down your throat!”
The anticipation and promise of his words excited you, more so than you thought as your inner walls clenched down around Frank, drawing a low moan from him.
“Easy, kitten,” he groaned, the bruising grip on your hips never letting up. “I know you're a fucking cumslut—nghh—but no need to rush it~”
Frank's pace started to deepen as he was back to burying himself all the way in with each forward snap of his hips. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as everything started to become overwhelming—the way Danny almost hit the back of your throat every time you were shoved forward, the lewd sounds of skin slapping skin from the force of Frank's hips, the pleasurable throb that came each time Frank's cock rammed against your cervix. You were a mewling, moaning (and if you could move, you'd probably also be writhing) mess between the two men.
You could already feel that familiar heat starting to coil down in you as you practically drooled onto Danny's cock, doing your best to rock your hips back against Frank. His grip was stead-fast, but he seemed to let up just a tad to enjoy you trying to fuck yourself back onto him. It earned you a groan from the man behind you, your wet walls throbbing around him in a pleasurable thrum. You were close, you knew it—but it seemed Frank knew this too.
“What a whore,” Frank groaned as he stilled his hips, swatting Danny's hand away so he could grip your hair instead, wrenching your head off of the other man so you could speak properly. Danny made a groan of protest, but allowed it as he was just as eager to hear your cries. “You wanna cum, bitch?”
“Yes, please,” you whined out, frustrated from being so close to your blissful high.
“Yes, what,” Frank sneered.
“I want to cum...! Please, let me cum!”
“And you wanna take our loads like the good little cumdump you are, right?”
“Yes! Fuck, yes, I-I want to be filled by you both...!”
“Atta girl~”
Frank promptly shoved you back down on Danny as he went back to his brutal pace, close to his own release. As you were shoved down and fucked hard, you finally snapped, your orgasm tearing through your body like a tidal wave. You moaned loud around Danny's length and your pussy clamped down and convulsed around Frank, both being the final push they needed to fill you. Frank bit his lip as he moaned behind you, burying himself all the way before cumming hard inside your willing cunt. Danny gave a few thrusts into your mouth, hand back in your hair, and held your head in place while he released in your mouth, groaning low.
“Swallow you fuckin' cumslut,” Danny growled, keeping a firm grip on the back of your head. You didn't need to be told twice as you swallowed a few times, making sure to take down every last drop. Satisfied, Danny pulled you off of him and released your hair from his grasp. Behind you, you could feel Frank pulling out, taking a moment to admire the view as his cum dripped from you, a few drops hitting the mattress below.
“Damn,” Frank hummed, giving one side of your ass an appreciative rub. “Now that is a good fuck!”
“Fuckin' right,” Danny concurred with a laugh before lifting your chin to meet his eyes. “Give us a sec and we'll get you ready for round two, babygirl. Don't think we're done with you yet~”
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kashikore · 3 years
Oh I’m sorry I’ll write that right now sorry to make you mad I didn’t mean to do that :( Sorry again 😟
I’ve been called worse things by better people 😒
look hun you calling me a bitch is not gonna make me say yes you asked me the first time and what did I say...........
go to a NSFW page if you want that shit I’m sure they will gladly write it for you
But what you’re not about to do is come on my page and attack me because ya making a fool of yourself babe and it’s not cute
Don’t you have a life to live so go do that instead of attacking minors on the internet
You’re sick in the head because the first time you requested it you said you wanted sukuna , toji, and Gojou to call the slave reader “the n word”
Why didn’t you just say nigga?
Why are still on my page?
Block me hoe 🤨
It’s pathetic honestly
And in your other asks I didn’t post you asked for smut KNOWING DAMN WELL THIS IS A SFW BLOG AND I AM A MINOR
Another thing asking for smut implies that you are hopefully 18+ if you are than I’m guessing you have no dignity or self respect if you keep making a fool of yourself
Send as many of your lil friends as you want babe and I promise you I’ll air them bitches tf out too
Don’t think because I’m 14 won’t argue with you on here cuz I will. My mutuals might be above arguing with hate anons........
But I certainly am not 😁
Let’s get one thing straight IM THE QUEEN and you’re just the Jester, entertain me pls the Queen is bored
Anyway stay tf off my page peasant
Thanks - Management 😘
p.s if you wanna keep arguing just know I don’t argue for free but I’ll drop my cash app $20 dollars per hate anon 😋 this was just a free trial it’s ova now 😚
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whumpzone · 4 years
Tomas and Rowe - Part 8
this chapter was a trial and a half to clean up but the support from you guys gave me the final boost i needed! youre all the best
also… no harm to people with eyebrow piercings. i personally really like them lmao. i just needed an example of something that would be considered a bit ‘out there’ in your typical boring office :’D
taglist: @sola-whumping @just-another-whumper @oceanthesarcasamfox @looptheloup @briars7 @black-polarf @zipadeedooda-drabbles @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @rosesareviolentlyread @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @jazz-0307 @kestrelsparverius @whumpsy-daisies @whumpersworld @memoriesneverforget @sky-or-something-idfk @ghostcomit (just ask if you want to be tagged!)
CW: pet whump, dehumanisation, alcohol + descriptions of being drunk, swearing 
‘’Ah, fuck,’’ muttered Tomas, his eyes hovering over the calendar pinned to the fridge with a magnet. Rowe looked up from where he was kneeling on a thin cushion- a compromise since he wouldn’t sit on the furniture.
‘’You know when you get so used to seeing something that you stop really looking at it?’’ he said as he picked up the two freshly-made mugs of tea and walked over to Rowe, ‘’Turns out my old workmate is coming over for drinks tonight. Totally forgot.’’
He set Rowe’s mug on the floor beside him, looking over his shoulder at the paper he was writing on. ‘’Good work. That R is backwards though, watch out for that. Easy mistake to make.’’
‘’Th-thank you, Master, I’ll do better.’’
‘’You’re doing fine,’’ he said, patting his shoulder gently. Rowe flinched, as always, but only slightly. ‘’I’ll have to see what the booze situation in the fridge is. I hope I don’t have to go to the shop. I just made tea.’’
‘’Is he coming for food too, Master?’’
Tomas shook his head, looking at Rowe. What the fuck am I going to do with you tonight?
Ever since he had seen those cuts on Rowe, standing out against the myriad of fading bruises, scarring wounds and old burns, he hadn’t been able to let him out of his sight for very long. Luckily, Rowe hadn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary. Tomas supposed it was perfectly natural to keep your Pet near you, ready to submit to any command or punishment demanded of them.
‘’Nah. If it’s alright, Rowe, I’d like you to stay downstairs while he’s visiting. I might need you.’’
Master wants to show me off, thought Rowe proudly. Finally, this was something he understood. He was trusted to entertain Master and his friend! This was a chance to prove what a good Pet he could be.
‘’Of course, Master.’’
‘’You don’t mind?’’
Master Tomas asked the strangest things sometimes, Rowe thought. Not that he would ever dare question his Master. But he didn’t understand the point of asking for his opinion like it mattered. Still, he was good at giving the right answer and making Master happy.
‘’No, Master.’’
Sure enough, he smiled, and gave Rowe another pat on the shoulder. Rowe tried not to squirm too much- Master couldn’t have known that he was touching Rowe right where Kasia had cut him, and the pain was a good reminder that no matter how happy Master seemed with him, he wasn’t to get complacent. He did his best to smile back, and Master looked even happier.
When his old master hosted parties, it was always understood that Rowe would serve everyone present. Anyone was able to give him orders, regardless of whether or not his master was in the room. He could only assume it would be the same here.
After they’d eaten, Master went upstairs to ‘get himself looking presentable’, as he described it, and Rowe tidied up. Catching himself in the mirror by the staircase, Rowe swept his hair out of his eyes and brushed down his shirt with his hands like he’d seen Master Tomas do on occasions. Master’s friend was due any moment, so Rowe settled himself down at the back of the room, and focused on being blank, obedient, and well-behaved.
Out of the corner of his eye, Rowe could see Master straightening his shirt one last time before going to open the front door. He heard various pleasantries being exchanged, and the door clicking shut.
Rowe wouldn’t dare look up, but he couldn’t ignore the way the footsteps suddenly stopped as Adam entered the house.
‘’So what have I missed since y- whoa, you have a Pet?’’
‘’I- uh,’’ Master began. Rowe’s eyebrows twitched. He didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but it was impossible to ignore when it was the only sound he could hear. ‘’Not really, I mean, okay, I might have. He’s not really a Pet, per se, I mean, he’s-‘’
‘’Mate, that is obviously a Pet. Don’t be embarrassed!’’
Master sighed. ‘’Okay, yeah, I’ve got a Pet.’’
Was Master ashamed of him? He shouldn’t have even listened, but something in him sank nonetheless. A pair of feet appeared on the floor before him, and then a hand grabbed his cheek, pulling his face up. He kept his eyes on the ground meekly as Adam looked him over, turning his face side to side.
‘’A real-life Pet. Never thought you were the type, Tomas.’’ Adam peered over Rowe’s shoulder. ‘’Err… no collar? He must be, uh, well trained.’’
His voice was heavy in sarcasm and questioning, and Rowe felt like he’d done something really, really, bad.
‘’He is.’’ Master Tomas said. A warning, Rowe thought to himself. He didn’t need to be told twice. He wouldn’t do anything to upset his owner on an important night.
‘’How on Earth did you afford one? Is it second-hand?’’
‘’Yeah. It was an- uh, impulse decision. I bought him off Kasia.’’
‘’That lowlife?’’ Rowe could practically see Adam’s raised eyebrow in his tone.
‘’Hey, he’s my friend!’’
‘’Come on, Tomas, we’ve all heard the rumours. He could well have sold you a defect.’’
‘’Don’t be rude. And don’t call him a defect,’’ Master Tomas gestured to Rowe, and it took everything in him to not flinch. Tonight was a test, he reminded himself. ‘’He’s right there.’’
There was a pause, and Rowe’s eyes flicked up just enough to see Adam giving Master a very disrespectful look.
‘’It’s only a Pet, mate. You’re spending too much time indoors if you think it’s gonna get hurt feelings.’’
‘’Whatever.’’ Rowe was probably mistaken, he was only a Pet after all, but something in Master’s voice sounded… shaky.
Adam laughed, and tightened his grip on Rowe’s face. ‘’Hey. You’re not listening, are you, Pet?’’
Rowe shook his head desperately, wishing the attention would shift onto something, anything else. He could feel Master’s eyes on him. Adam released his grip and patted Rowe’s cheek roughly.
‘’Go and sit down, Adam.’’
‘’Don’t have to tell me twice. I’ve been looking forward to getting some drinks in me.’’
‘’Yes, yes, hint taken. Coming right up,’’ Master laughed tightly. Rowe dropped his head back down, but Master’s feet lingered in front of him for a few seconds. Long enough that a prickle of fear ran through him. What? What is it? What have I done wrong? Is Master displeased? Do I look ugly? Is that why Master is ashamed of me? I’m not a defect, I promise. Please don’t throw me out.
Eventually, all Master did was ruffle Rowe’s hair, and walk over to join Adam.
The night drew on, and the neat lines of empty bottles by the sofa grew longer, and wonkier. Tomas’s head felt ten times as heavy as he slumped back, holding his newly-finished bottle of cider upside down in triumph. Adam cheered and quickly finished up his lager, clinking the two bottles together and messily trying to line them up with the rest on the floor.
‘’What else have I missed at the office?’’
‘’Ahhh…’’ Adam grunted as he thought. ‘’Georgie pierced Dennis’s eyebrow after he lost a bet.’’
‘’Oh my god.’’
‘’He looks awful!’’ Adam cried with far too much force. He fell back laughing at his own loudness, reaching for another bottle but grabbing thin air. ‘’Wuh- got any more beers mate?’’
‘’I….. think so?’’
‘’Pet!’’ Adam shouted suddenly. Tomas would have jumped if he wasn’t so drunk. Rowe appeared by Adam’s side, dropping to his knees once more. Adam batted a hand around in annoyance. ‘’Don’t bother kneeling mate, you’re just about to get back up again.’’
‘’Sir?’’ Rowe asked evenly. Tomas watched Adam warily.
‘’More beers.’’
Rowe nodded and rose gracefully. Adam turned to Tomas as he left and snorted.
‘’Its not bad, I’ll give that to you. I wish people at work called me sir.’’
‘’He’s not an ‘it’,’’ Tomas mumbled, rolling his eyes.
‘’Huh?’’ said Adam, leaning in. Before Tomas could answer, though, Rowe returned with two bottles in his hands. Tomas faltered. He knew the opinion people like Adam held on ‘Pet libbers’. Some people even considered trying to treat a Pet like a human akin to abuse. Went against their ‘natural role’, apparently. Tomas thought it was a load of shit.
‘’I said people at work call you a thick bastard,’’ said Tomas, reaching over Adam to grab the drinks from Rowe, nodding at him while he did so. Rowe retreated back to the corner of the room. Adam grinned at Tomas’s joke and playfully snatched the lager from Tomas.
‘’Well they’re about to start calling you… fucking… Pet having wanker,’’ slurred Adam, howling and fumbling with the bottle opener.
‘’Fuck you,’’ Tomas laughed, wagging a finger at him. ‘’One more crack outta you sunshine and I’ll give you an eyebrow piercing.’’
Adam snorted and the two of them fell about.  Adam’s head slumped to the side, and he suddenly sat straight up.
‘’Where’s your Pet gone?’’
‘’Out of our way, idiot.’’
‘’Dude, I never even thought I’d see a Pet. At least let me have a bit of fun with it.’’
‘’What does that mean?’’
Adam ignored him. ‘’Pet!’’ he called, trying unsuccessfully to snap his fingers. Rowe again appeared and knelt among the discarded bottles.
‘’You’re drunk,’’ Tomas groaned.
‘’So are you. And I wanna put my feet up.’’
Rowe complied without hesitation. He got on his hands and knees in front of Adam, keeping his back straight and not making a sound as Adam roughly slung his legs over him.
‘’Wow, he already knew what I wanted. I bet you do this shit all the time,’’ Adam said, raising the bottle to his face. Tomas looked between Adam and Rowe. He knew Rowe’s back was still healing from the wounds his old owner had given him. Should he say something? Rowe’s face didn’t betray any pain- he looked blank, and calm, and Tomas considered how humiliated he might be if Tomas tried to step in and protect him. He’d take it as his Master not thinking he’s useful.
‘’He just-‘’ Tomas mirrored Adam, taking a drink, although his head was beginning to pound and his eyes kept closing by themselves. ‘’He mostly just helps with chores and stuff.’’
‘’Are you for real? I thought the whole point of a Pet was that you didn’t have to do any chores.’’
‘’A Pet does whatever their Master wants,’’ slurred Tomas, unsticking his lip from the inside of the bottle neck. ‘’And I want him to just- fuckin’- help.’’
‘’I’ve wanted to ask this all night,’’ Adam interjected suddenly, ‘’and now I’m drunk enough to.’’ He rolled onto his side, his feet still weighing on Rowe, and pointed his lager at Tomas. ‘’Do you- oh, I’m so embarrassed- do you torture it real bad like those people on the news? Cause, listen, no judgement if you do, I actually have a lot of stuff annoying me and it seems like a great way to get it off your chest, so…’’
Tomas grimaced. ‘’I do not.’’
‘’Alright, alright, I figured you weren’t like that. You’re a diplomatic guy.’’ Adam leant forward and slapped Rowe’s head roughly. ‘’You’re a lucky mutt! Now, let’s have another drink.’’
Adam dragged his feet off Rowe’s back to let him get up, while his latest empty bottle rolled along the floor. Tomas glanced at the clock. It was two in the morning.
‘’Here, are you tir-‘’ he was cut off as Rowe, on his walk back to Adam, caught his foot on a rogue bottle and fell crashing to the ground, the bottle in his hand smashing and beer foaming everywhere. Tomas and Adam staggered to their feet, Tomas pushing past him to pick Rowe up off the floor. He almost fell over himself; standing up suddenly had made him realise just how drunk he was. He could hardly see as he held Rowe’s elbow and lifted him up.
‘’Rowe, you good? Did any of the glass cut you?’’
‘’N-no, I’m s-s-so sorry M-Master-‘’
‘’Butterfingers!’’ howled Adam, delighted. ‘’That is gonna be a bitch to clean up. Cute nickname too. Rowe? You’re soft as hell.’’
‘’He’s hardly got butterfingers you pisshead, my whole floor is covered in bottles. I’d like to see you not trip.’’
‘’Calm down,’’ scoffed Adam, now satisfied that Rowe didn’t have any exciting injuries. He sat back down heavily. ‘’How’re you gonna punish it?’’
‘’Ugh, fuck off.’’
‘’I’m serious, mate. There’s glass everywhere.’’
Tomas’s head was ringing, his vision was blurry at best and he was pretty sure he was going to throw up.
‘’Why are you so keen to get involved?’’
‘’Because frankly Tomas you’re acting like a fuckin’ wetwipe,’’ Adam snapped, ‘’I mean, Christ, I’ll do it if you can’t.’’
Tomas had hoped Adam wouldn’t reach the point in the night where the booze made him aggressive. There was no way he was letting him hurt Rowe. An idea came to him. He knew it was a bad idea. But he was so drunk, and so desperate to sleep, that he couldn’t think of any other option.
‘’Oh I’m going to punish him alright,’’ he slurred. Rowe froze under his grip. He led him away from the glass, to the clear floor behind the sofa. ‘’I just didn’t know if you wanted to stay or not.’’
‘’Mas-Master, I-I-I’m sorry, I’m s-s-orry, please f-forgive me-‘’
‘’Be quiet, Rowe,’’ he said firmly. Rowe fell silent with a whimper.
‘’Pfft. You said you don’t torture your Pet.’’
‘’I said I don’t-‘’ Tomas fumbled with his words, ‘’-I said I don’t do it to let off steam. Rowe, take your shirt off.’’
Adam’s smile faltered as he saw the state of Rowe’s chest. Tomas tried to ignore the way Rowe was quivering below him. So there are more cuts, he noted hazily. I will deal with that….later.
‘’Turn around. Let Adam see your whip marks.’’
Rowe obeyed and Adam’s face fell.
‘’What the fuck?’’
Tomas pushed Rowe as gently as he could and Rowe sank to his knees immediately.
‘’I think I’ll find the biggest shard of glass that he just smashed and reopen some of these cuts here,’’ Tomas said, staring hard at Adam. He took a fistful of Rowe’s hair, trying his best not to yank it too hard, guiding Rowe’s head back. He could see the whites of his eyes as stared up at him in terror. ‘’You’re lucky I’m too drunk to take my belt off,’’ Tomas said to him. ‘’Since I can’t whip you, I’ll have to improvise. Adam, you got a lighter?’’
Adam didn’t answer. He stood up, taking a shaky step backwards.
‘’No lighter? No problem. I can just turn the hob on and hold his arm over it. Can’t I?’’ he let Rowe’s hair go and he bowed his head forward, trembling. ‘’Can’t I, Rowe?’’
‘’Y-yes, Master,’’ Rowe whimpered.
‘’You’re fucked up,’’ Adam said.
‘’You said it yourself, mate, that’s gonna buh- be a bitch to clean up. So you staying to watch or not?’’
‘’Fuck that. It’s late. I’m off.’’
Adam grabbed his coat and left without another word. Tomas watched him leave, then stumbled to the front door and locked it behind him.
‘’Thank fuck he’s gone.’’
He grabbed a bottle of water and gulped it down desperately. He would have given anything to just pass out, but the thought of leaving Rowe as he was didn’t even cross his mind. Looking over, he saw how hard he was trembling. His eyes were tightly shut, and he was still kneeling obediently with his arms behind his back. He looked achingly vulnerable.
‘’Rowe-‘’ he started, walking towards him. At the sound of his voice Rowe cried out, collapsing onto the floor with his hands propping him up. As Tomas drew closer, he weakly pulled himself away. It broke his heart to see him so scared. ‘’Rowe, it’s okay, I-‘’ oh god, he was so drunk. Rowe scrambled away from him until he was curled in the corner on the room, his knees tucked up under his chin and his arms hiding his face. Shit.
‘’Rowe, Rowe, I know how that sounded, but please listen,’’ he began, knowing there was no way in Hell Rowe was in any state to listen to reason. Rowe only curled further into himself when Tomas sat down beside him.
‘’I-I’m so- s-so sorry, Mas-Master, I’m s-sorry p-p-please forgive me, pl-please f-forgive me it w-will never happen ag- again I swear, I swear Master, I’m s-sorry, please I’m so sorry…’’ he whimpered, his voice barely audible.
‘’Rowe,’’ he said weakly. Rowe whined in fear and Tomas had never felt more inequipped to handle him. He felt like someone had grabbed his head and was pulling it around with every little movement, making the room spin.
‘’I’ll d-d-d-do anything, anyth-thing just p-please, please f-forgive me, I know I d-don’t deserve it I’m a w-worthless Pet I do-don’t deserve a-any mercy, Master, but please, please, I’ll do anything, I’m sorry, pl-please punish me-‘’
Tomas frowned. He had thought Rowe was so desperately afraid because of the punishment. ‘’Rowe, please, look at me.’’
An order was an order. Rowe lowered his trembling hands just enough to let Tomas see his wide, twitching eyes. ‘’I’m sorry, Master,’’ he whispered. ‘’I was careless.’’
‘’You weren’t, you were obeying an order, it wasn’t your f.. wasn’t your fault. I didn’t mean it.’’
‘’I w-was stupid and I didn’t pay pr-proper attention and I-, I’m sorry, it w-was unacceptable, please- please punish-‘’ Rowe faltered, covering his face again. His last few words were no more than a whimper. ‘’Please punish me, Master.’’
I am a fucking idiot. I am a fucking idiot. What the FUCK was I thinking.
‘’Sit up, pal, sit up. No more kneeling tonight- your legs must be aching. Sit cross legged like me.’’
Normally this would have resulted in at least ten minutes of negotiations, with Rowe protesting, convinced Tomas was issuing him with a test of obedience. But tonight, he complied without a word. Tomas realised he could ask Rowe to stand on his head right now and he would do it without a second thought, if it meant not angering his Master any more.
. . .                                                                                                                  
Rowe had never felt the floor drop away from him the way it did when Master Tomas described his punishment.
He had finally pushed Master Tomas’s infinite patience too far. He had already got away with so much- all his crying, pleading, flinching away, struggling with the simplest order, actually injuring Master, screaming every night. No Pet owner should have to put up with such disobedience.
Master’s kindness was a privilege, and Rowe knew he could revoke it at any time, he knew that everything he had, his bed and food and gentle touches could be snatched away if he did anything to displease his Master.
But then Master had been so forgiving, and gentle, and Rowe had started to think that maybe this could go on forever. But he had fucked it up, he had embarrassed Master in front of his guest, he couldn’t even complete a simple task, Master had given him so many chances and still Rowe had fucked up.
I’ve done it now. I never deserved a Master like him. He’ll toss me out. I’ll be put down for sure. No Pet gets tossed out twice. I’m going to be beaten raw and thrown out.
He couldn’t bear to open his eyes. Instead he listened helplessly as Master walked to the kitchen- to pick out the best bit of glass, Rowe assumed. The fall played over and over in his head: if he had only looked where he was going, if he’d walked slower and been more graceful and less twitchy, if he’d taken another route around the empty bottles. It occurred to him that by the time the bruising on his head formed, he’d either be shivering on the streets, or dead.
He heard his name and irregular footsteps approaching him and Rowe still jumped when Master spoke. Why couldn’t he stop being so pitiful?
Looking up, he saw that Master Tomas’s eyes were half-lidded, and tinged red. Drunk eyes. A drunk Master was always the most frightening kind. A drunk Master couldn’t be predicted. Rowe’s hands hit the floor and he dragged himself away, hardly knowing why. This is why I should be properly restrained, he thought weakly. Maybe he just wanted to draw out the punishment, to put off the far worse fate awaiting him once Master was done.
‘’Rowe, it’s okay, I-‘’
Rowe’s body hit the wall and all he could think to do was curl up and beg. He hadn’t even realised Master was speaking to him until he interrupted him. His stomach flooded with a deep, freezing terror.
‘’Rowe, please, look at me.’’ Master ordered, forced to repeat himself, and this time Rowe managed to shut up and look. His heart was pounding as he let Master see his miserable, apologetic eyes.
‘’I’m s-so sorry, Master. I was careless.’’
‘’You weren’t,’’ said Master. His usually soft voice had a rough, intoxicated edge to it. And what did he mean? ‘’You were obeying an order, it wasn’t your f… wasn’t your fault. I didn’t mean it.’’
Mean what? Why wasn’t Master grabbing Rowe and forcing his face to the ground, screaming at him for even daring to disobey him after what he’d already done? Why wasn’t he cutting him? Rowe suddenly remembered to look at Master’s hands. No glass. Maybe Rowe would have to pick it out himself.
‘’I w-was stupid and I didn’t pay pr-proper attention and I-, I’m sorry, it w-was unacceptable, please- please punish- please punish me, Master,’’ he begged, hiding his filthy, insolent face.
Master was speaking, he realised, and he’d missed half of it, oh god oh god, he couldn’t keep his breathing under control and he knew he should be kneeling but something in him wouldn’t let him move and he was going to get chucked out and he was so so sorry-
‘’-legs must be aching. Sit cross legged like me.’’
Rowe obeyed without hesitation. Whatever Master wanted. Maybe this was important for his punishment. He felt like he might throw up.
‘’Fuck, I’m the one who’s sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m not angry. Look at my eyes- I’m not angry. I just wa- I just wanted him to leave. He was being a fucking twat. I am- I’m so drunk, Rowe. I’m so drunk and I handled that so badly and it wasn’t right. I just wanted to frighten Adam off. But I know it frightened you as well. Is that a fair assum- assump- is that fair? Are you quite frightened right now?’’
‘’Y….yes, Master.’’
Why was Master asking this? Was it not enough to see him trembling, on the brink of tears? Was it not enough to be almost stripped bare, open and exposed before his Master, submitting his body to his owner to punish as he saw fit? His mind was whirling with ways he could explain Kasia’s cuts, dreading the time Master asked where he had got them. He felt so useless. The punishment hadn’t even begun yet and already he was about to cry. His old master would add an extra beating if Rowe cried prematurely.
‘’I won’t hurt you. I promise. In fact-’’ Master reached for Rowe’s t-shirt, like he’d read his mind, ‘’-put this back on, please. Don’t get cold.’’
Rowe obeyed, his hands trembling almost too badly to take the t-shirt from Master’s hand. Master would have to cut him through his t-shirt, then. Perhaps then he’d beat him for ruining his clothes. Master could do that, he could do whatever he wanted. Rowe was just grateful to have his awful cuts covered up. Perhaps- he dared to hope- perhaps Master was too intoxicated to see properly? Perhaps he hadn’t seen them?
Then he remembered that it didn’t matter, anyway. Master was throwing him out. The remembrance was like a stone suddenly sinking into him.
‘’Rowe- why are you frightened?’’
What game was this?
‘’B-because of th-the punishment, Master.’’ He knew that being afraid of a punishment would only get him hurt worse, but he would take any pain, any pain at all, to stay as Master’s Pet. Rowe couldn’t even mention being tossed out. Stupidly, childishly, he didn’t want to say it out loud. Didn’t want to make it real.
‘’But aren’t you used to punishments like this? Do you get this scared every time?’’
‘’N-no!’’ Rowe burst out, pressing his head to the floor, trying to find something in his training to fall back on to navigate this. He couldn’t give Master any more reasons to throw him out. ‘’No, Master, no, I d-don’t, I c-can be good, I can t-take it well, I c-c-can be blank and quiet a-and not m-make a fuss, I promise!’’
‘’It’s okay, it’s okay. I know that. I know how good you are,’’ Master said. Rowe couldn’t understand why his tone sounded so soothing. ‘’But what I wan… want to know is- why is this time different? What’s scared you this time?’’
Before Rowe could even think properly, he whimpered out, ‘’Please… please don’t make me s-say it, Master.’’
Master Tomas’s eyebrows drew together. His eyes blinked open, and he stared at Rowe hard, like keeping his eyes open was a real effort. Rowe felt powerless, cowering in his Master’s gaze. But then the moment passed, and Master closed his eyes and put a hand on Rowe’s arm. Rowe waited for the moment where his Master’s grip would turn painful, but it never came, and when Master took his hand away Rowe found that the absence made him ache.
‘’Rowe. Rowerowerowe. I… I’m sorry. I am not a mind reader. You are gonna have to tell me what else is spooking you. Is it… are you scared of Adam coming back?’’
‘’N-no, Master.’’
Why did Master insist on Rowe saying it?
‘’Then what? How about this- if you tell me what’s wrong, I won’t punish you. How about that.’’
No punishment. Master would go straight to throwing him out. This was what he got for being disobedient. As if he had any right to argue with Master. Rowe scrambled to his knees and ground his forehead into the floor.
‘’Please- please, Master! Please, I d-deserve to be punished, please p-punish me, please!’’
‘’Rowe!’’ Master’s voice cut through him. Rowe had never heard his Master shout like that. He whimpered, keeping his head down. ‘’Rowe, you want to be a good Pet, yes?’’
Rowe nodded desperately.
‘’Then,’’ Master sighed heavily. He sounded so fed up with him. ‘’Then I need you to start cooperating, okay? We can- we can do this slowly. Sit up for me. Good. Now, I know you don’t want to, and if I could avoid it I would, yeah? But you have to tell me what’s wrong. You have to.’’
Rowe felt tears pricking his eyes. ‘’I don’t… I don’t want to be thrown out, Master,’’ he whispered.
There was a long pause. Rowe felt heavy with dread. Was Master going to laugh at him? Or would he order him into the cage he arrived in without another word?
‘’You think I’m going to throw you out?’’
‘’I-I’m a use-useless Pet, Master, I’m sh-shameful and I ca-an’t even follow a s-s-simple task and you don’t-‘’ Rowe began to cry as he forced himself to say it. In a way, it felt cathartic to get it out. ‘’-you don’t n-n-need a broken Pet. I’m no- no good for a-anything, a-a-and you g-gave me so many chances, I’m no good…’’ he choked on a sob and finally, blissfully, broke down entirely. ‘’I can’t e-even answer m-my Master without crying,’’ he moaned. ‘’Serving y-you is a privilege and I haven’t done anything to- anything to earn it.’’
Rowe’s raw, vulnerable cries had pulled Tomas out of his drunken haze. The fog in his head was lifting as Tomas began, uncomfortably, to sober up.
‘’What will happen if I throw you out?’’
Rowe looked at him fearfully, and Tomas realised too late that a Pet owner would be expected to know that. This must feel to Rowe like Tomas cruelly reminding him of his fate.
‘’I’ll- I’ll be put down, Master.’’
‘’Ah. Right. Right… okay, Rowe, I know you’re listening. You’re very good at that. I need you to know what I’m saying is all the absolute truth, okay?’’
‘’Yes, y-yes, Master, of course,’’ Rowe replied miserably.
‘’Firstly, I won’t hurt you. I won’t. I made up a punishment to freak Adam out. I’ve never hurt you before so I won’t start now, okay?’’
‘’Okay,’’ Rowe sniffed, glancing up at him with huge wet doe eyes. ‘’Okay, Master.’’
‘’And secondly, I’m not going to throw you out. I care about you, okay?’’ Tomas decided to phrase this in a way Rowe could understand. ‘’If I were going to throw you out, I wouldn’t have spent so much time teaching you to read, would I?’’
Rowe stayed silent, weeping softly, until Tomas pressed him and he choked out an agreement.
‘’Okay. And I wouldn’t have made sure you were eating each day, if I didn’t care about you. If I didn’t want you to stay with me and get better.’’
Get better. Something flashed in Rowe’s eyes and Tomas knew he’d struck the right chord. He was making him good, like Rowe always begged for.
‘’And now that I work from home, you can be my top priority.’’
‘’But I’m…’’ Rowe sobbed, his voice cracking. ‘’I’m j-just a Pet, Master.’’
‘’Nah. You’re Rowe. You’re important to me. I couldn’t just toss you out, you understand?’’
‘’Tha-thank yo-‘’
Before he could finish Rowe was in floods of tears once more, clutching his face and curling in on himself. Tomas’s heart broke and without thinking he pulled Rowe into a hug, the first since he’d got him.
It felt surprisingly normal to be holding his crying Pet, taking care to avoid touching the worst of his injuries. Placing one hand by his shoulder because by now it felt familiar. Slow, gentle movements, keeping his hands flat, keeping his arms loose enough to not constrict him.
‘’It’s okay. I’ve got you.’’
‘’Thank you, yes, I’m yours Master.’’
Tomas smiled weakly. Hundreds of tiny misunderstandings every day, and yet they were coping somehow.
And then Tomas’s body finally gave up and he slumped over, asleep.
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juneviews · 3 years
Ngl though I kinda wanna know more about the girl from across the globe who was in love with you and who you dreamed of kissing 👀👀 (Only if you want to though of course)
oooh, okay I'm gonna keep it brief bc when I say we could've made a movie about her story, WE COULD'VE MADE A MOVIE ABOUT HER STORY. so yeah we met bc we were big klaine fans & she liked my fanfictions about them lol, and we started talking every day & sending each other pictures and even facetiming sometimes so we got very close VERY fast. she was pan & in love with another girl from the klaine fandom who wrote fanfics (guess she had a type huh LMAO) but that girl was super toxic so very early into our friendship she dropped her & then coincidentally fell in love with me. I won't go into details but she had a VERY hard life, like genuinely all of the tropes you can imagine coming from a show like skins, she had them. and I was there for her during every trial & error she had. so she told me she loved me & me being v confused about my sexuality at the time I rejected her but we stayed super close. she started making inappropriate jokes with me (that I entertained bc they didn't make me uncomfortable) & even talking about kissing me when she'd visit, AND I WAS DOWN. like I was like "I don't know about sex but kissing a girl is fine, maybe I'm bi-curious 😜" which... we all know where this has lead me to LMAOOOO, but anyways we had SUPER SAPPY moments where she'd send me videos of her crying like "I still love you" like... the epitome of a cheesy teen romcom, only gay & from across the globe lol. but anyways long story short after a couple of years she met a guy on tinder & fell in love with him, and she's still with him to this day :') I was definitely jealous at the time but I didn't realize it. like this whole story was about me clearly having feelings for her bc I stuck by her in infuriating moments, but not realizing it. and like she knew tbh, she was always telling me my behavior wasn't straight AND SHE WAS RIGHT. so yeah that was the story of the girl I most certainly had at least a bit of feelings for, v dramatic, v sappy, but hey thinking about this months ago was the thing that made me finally realize I'm bi so yaaaay ✌️
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ectora · 3 years
took me some time to actually get into that review lmao But i really loved the episode. I know some people will probably have complains about it, but as someone who absolutely loves Abigael, I really liked it. And honestly the fact that abigael was finally included in the main story is not even the reason why. I loved the pacing, it actually felt like Charmed. The stakes, the construction, the format, it was all on point. It was genuinely their best episode alongside 307 (two episodes related to the tomb lmao) and one of their best in the show imo.
I've put it in "hidden" cause it ended up being so long I did not expect that im sorry 😭
Maggie: 29m20s
Macy: 27m36s
Mel: 25m39s
Abigael: 20m17s
Jordan: 10m32s
Harry: 47s
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Not gonna lie, I did not miss Harry this episode. Maybe it's just cause I don't like the way they have been writing both him and Macy this season, way too focused on the relationship, but his story does not really interest me. And I enjoy watching Macy interact with other characters a lot more. I think we could have had a little bit more of Jordan as well.
What I liked
where do i even start. I genuinely enjoyed so many things in this episode.
As said earlier, I really enjoyed the structure of the episode, to me it finally really felt like charmed. The way the episode was done was beautiful and I LOVED the trial in a general manner. They're terrible lawyers, but still loved it lmao
Ok hear me out, the fact they had abigael and macy say what the fan had been saying but reversing the roles was actually sent me lmao
I really enjoyed that they balanced the rights and wrongs of abigael. I'm part of the people who think that overall, most of what she did was not that deep tbh, but the episode allowed to have nuances and hold her accountable for things she did while also recognising that she did good things.
Abigael finally interacting with the sisters. To me, that's the sign of good characters tbh, how they can interact with different other leads/mains and such relationships being interesting. Abimel, i'll talk about it a bit later cause i have lots to say. But AbiMacy ? I absolutely always love their scenes, one of the reasons being that I genuinely think they're the two best actresses in the show and you can really feel it when they're on screen. They have easy chemistry and whatever they are doing, they just work. They also had one of the best potential of the show in terms of dynamic and I will never forgive the writers for ruining this, especially because it's in part because of a man. Anyway, their scenes were amazing to watch and I need more. I was especially happy because let's be honest, if Macy has valid reasons to dislike Abigael, they often miss-portrayed that in the show and it often came across as being mostly based on the whole love triangle between Macy Abi and Harry. But this time it really was not and Macy was quite fair, even reaching the conclusion Abi doesn't belong in there - she does not- and I liked that they actually were fair on Macy's dislike and distrust. Then there was AbiMaggie. Honestly, it's not a relationship i expected to enjoy that much but oh god i love them. I loved them in episode 207 and I still do. They just have such a funny dynamic, I can't even explain it correctly but it just work. They're throwing remarks at each other sure but it's almost in a sweet funny way. Abigael calling Maggie 'Legally Brunette" was so funny and cute at the same time.
Talking about Maggie, I really liked her this episode. I love how she reacts in situations where they need a cold head. She takes the lead, she does what needs to be done and she reaches the goal. I really enjoy seeing her taking that role a little bit more. Especially because to me Maggie was always the one with the most nuanced view on the world which I really appreciate. I loved her speech at the end and she grew so much since season 1, she's really so great. The more we advance in the show, the more she shines.
I really liked what happened at the end with the sisters recognising that they are themselves not perfect and are even chaotic. I have a point about being chaotic for later but anyway. Yes the sisters are not perfect. Honestly, they have done questionable things in the past themselves and often are the cataclysm of new things happening. I think it just makes them more interesting and better characters. Black and white can only get so long. Nuanced, imperfect, that's where the complexity lies and what is more interesting imo.
The perfecti really are good characters. I mean their logic was completely f*cked, but they are so entertaining to watch, it's actually great. I like also that they continued that idea that logic without emotion is dangerous. But in some ways tbh, the Perfecti are not even logical. They want to think they are, but their own logic is flawed and like Macy said, completely lacks context.
Finally the power of three and FINALLY, the plot goes forward. Maybe that's another reason I really enjoyed the episode, the fact that it actually had a good flow, it felt like one constructed episode and it actually advanced the story which cannot be said about a lot of the episodes. So I'm happy that happened.
And finally Abimel. I mean, no one can be surprised Abigael has feelings for Mel tbh, girl has not been subtle about it lmao But that declaration was actually cute and their scene at the bar ?? paralleling the one in season 2, it was so sweet. I just love them tbh, and I really think they could have been the ship a lot of us were waiting for in the sapphic community especially.
Abigael's past. Like I loved learning more about her past and her mom. Obviously her traumatic past does not exempt her from her own actions but I do believe it give strong grounds for redemption. it also gives us a lot of insights in her character. Her mom was an absolute monster and what she did to her was terrible. There is no surprise in Abigael's absolute lack of self worth and her unhealthy coping mechanism. Like her mom basically spent her life telling her she was deficient and then punished her for something she had no control on whatsoever. She punished Abigael for her own action and her own liaison with a demon. She probably projected her anger about that relationship on the child that came out of it and it's absolutely horrifying. Like no wonder Abigael is not fond of witches and went into the demon side tbh. Like that's not surprising at all. It also explains why she was so against the idea of witch = good that the sisters keep perpetuating because that's simply not what she experienced. Again, it does not excuse everything she did but I do believe it helps understand the character better and that ultimately, it gives space for a redemption. And again, kuddo to both poppy and the actress who played her mom. First that was great casting and it was really well played.
To be honest, I don't really have things I genuinely disliked so I'm more gonna do like a section where i could criticise some of the aspect which to me did not necessarily made sense but were often still funny, and who knows maybe done on purpose. It's gonna be a mix of a little bit of everything.
One of the first thing I was kinda confused on was their use of the term chaos. Because, well, chaos doesn't equate evil. But that's the angle they started taking at the beginning which to me was confusing. It didn't make the episode bad, but the more I think about it, the more I'm like the defence they were going with had nothing to do with the charges 😭 Like, the sisters tried to prove that basically Abigael was a good person. But the charges were that she was chaotic. and by the end of the episode we did reach that kind of point where they said everyone was chaotic and everything - which i liked - but also didn't really match the angle they took the entire episode. Because, I personally never saw Abi as evil. But she is 100% chaotic like that girl is the definition of chaotic and I love her for it. But her doing good or bad is not necessarily what makes her chaotic. Good deeds can be as chaotic as bad ones. For example, Abi binding her own power could be considered as good by some people (it's not really but you see what I mean) but by doing so, she would lose the title of overlord and therefore end the treaty. In that case the war would start and that would definitely be chaotic. If she was to stay overlord however, and control the demon world, which can be seen as bad i guess, she is keeping the war from happening and stopping attacks toward witches and innocents, which is the contrary of chaotic. So yeah, the angle they took did not actually make that much sense cause the two are not the same.
Not gonna lie, bringing Godrik up was so weird to me cause like he tried to kill her first and they all know it, yet she was the one said to try to murder him and I was like ? did we all forgot what happened ? 😭
Some of the things brought by the perfecti - such as her killing those humans or demons - seemed weird because like, the sisters did the same in the past 😭 But also that's part of the whole lack of context aspect I guess.
No they really used Francesca as a witness out of all the people in the world like the woman is a whole child abuser who asked help to the elders, which have been established as like, not good people lmao I know it was part of the whole the perfecti are very selective on the information they actually take into account and they use the information as well as twist them to fir their own narrative but still it came across as weird because that woman was the definition of evil. But that's also what ticked the sisters so well.
Why did they not call Harry to testify was also kinda like ... weird. I mean at the same time I can't really complain but still, it was a bit odd. Also the fact they never thought about showing what was abigael actually doing with Jordan lmao I mean it wouldn't go along with the plot but still.
Ok, that take is subject to controversy and I know it but anyway : to me, Abi stealing Macy's power was ... not that deep. Don't get me wrong, the story was bad. The execution was even worse. In the show itself tho, objectively, as an act, it was not that bad. It actually made a lot of sense for Abigael to take it for herself. Macy wanted to get rid of her demon powers, no one was forcing her. And Abigael actually asked her multiples times if she was sure. Macy definitely had her reasons to do so. But at the end of the day, Abi picking them up when they were gonna disappear in thin air is really not that bad. It's logical. Don't get me wrong I'm glad Macy is getting them back, but I also think there has been a lot of mix up between the actual act of stealing the powers and the way it was done/optics ( I still don't understand how anyone wrote that scene and was like, yeah kneeling is a good idea ??? Like what's wrong with you 😭). But like ultimately, the act itself is not bad. questionable ? sure. Evil ? really not. Like let's be honest here. Abigael never hid who she was (past ep3 obviously). She did not pretend to be an angel, nor that she was a good samaritan. At the end of day, the sisters knew who she was and how she worked. They came to her knowing this. At some point, there is a need to acknowledge that, she was no angel, but they knew that and still went to her. She said it herself, she is used to fight for herself, and she'll sting to protect herself first - which i personally don't really hold again a character. If you go in bed with a scorpion, you can't ignore the fact there is a chance you're gonna get stung. Plus, when Abigael "stung" she also actually still gave them what they wanted/needed. I personally never saw self interest negating a good action. I don't really care if she gets something out of helping. Like at the end of the day, why wouldn't she take them ? In some ways however I do understand why Macy would be mad, she asked for help and she didn't realise Abigael stole them and she doesn't like abigael in the first place so why would she be ok with Abi taking them. That's valid too. But objectively, it was more a she was offended and mad that Abi herself had them more than a it's a terrible thing to do kinda feeling. So like it's a bit of a weird situation because Macy being annoyed and mad is valid but at the same time, it's really not that bad in itself. But overall that story should have never existed in the first place. And certainly not happen like this.
Abimel. I loved it but I also have issues with it. Mostly based on the fact we learned Poppy was leaving the show. And not gonna lie, I cant stop myself from feeling like it was almost a bit .. baity if I dare say. They had basically admitting having feelings for Mel and low key hoping it could lead somewhere when honestly, if she's leaving, they did not need to make it romantic. Because honestly, watching this episode not knowing she would leave ? You'd definitely could think it's happening, especially with all the other hints in the past. They could have made it like more about how Mel was the one giving her a real benefit of the doubt and they had a connexion and she wanted to be worthy of that. It would not be romantic. Especially cause she admitted caring about all sisters so it would have worked. Again, don't get me wrong, I want the most Abimel i can get lmao but also it feels a little weird. It's complicated. 😭
Jordan is definitely coming back, I just wonder what are going to be the circumstances. I completely understand why my boy needed a break. Like their time in the tomb was long. We don't exactly know how time works there but remember, in episode 7 when the sisters were stuck, the normal time was like what ? hours ? while in the tomb it was days for Maggie. So there it was days in normal time so in the tomb ? could potentially feel like weeks, months even. So yeah, give him a break and some time to breath. I know they're dragging this whole Joggie thing but because of Covid i also understand and will let it go. I really like them tho.
Abi has some alcohol problems I feel like should maybe be talked about. Like she uses it as an escape, as a way to numb her feelings. There is a reason it was used to symbolise her submitting herself to the tomb. And her first reaction after leaving the tomb was drinking. When she feels unhinged or vulnerable ? She drinks ? When she lost the title of overlord ? She drank. Alcohol is her escape which is a bit worrying.
Not about the episode but I think it needs to be brought up. I've seen people trying to say they brought up the abuse storyline for abigael out of nowhere and like. Listen I completely understand not trying to give more thoughts to a character you dislike, that's fair enough. But saying that storyline is out of nowhere is just a lie. The only new elements we had here were the details of the abuse she went through. They showed the clip again in the episode, where Abigael talks to Mel about her mom. She rejected her, she made her felt, deficient, wrong. All that is emotional abuse. She said her mom tried to fix her which can easily be thought about physical abuse. Like none of these things were new. To be honest, not a single thing they clarified/established for abigael this episode does not follow up with what was in the show in the past. Her feelings for Mel were honestly rather obvious at this point. Her not wanting TCO to get hurt ? There is literally a scene where Godrik tells her it's her head or the sisters and she never really even thought about throwing the sisters under the bus. She even asked who knew and it's easy to think it's because if no one knew she could put it under the rug. Again, it's fair enough for people to dislike her to not try to put more thoughts into her motivations or scenes in a general manner, but then you can't really say things are out of the blue.
And most importantly, I'm sorry, I don't care if you dislike the character, but if you dismiss the abuse just because of the dislike, that's a problem. What a character goes through in her past does not, in any way, have to change your opinion about them. Whatsoever. However when it comes to issues like child abuse, the bare minimum would be to be respectful of the subject and not say "she deserved it", "should have done more" or just say you don't care cause that changes nothing. Again, it doesn't have to change anyone's opinion at all and it does not excuse behaviours, but man, minimal respect is not that hard.
This episode genuinely had such funny moments, i loved it.
« Is this a hard time to admit I failed debate in high school ? » and « could the defendant keep her commentary to herself » competing with each other for the funniest part of the episode. The delivery was perfect on both part. And Abi and Macy interactions are always so good and them bantering more or less seriously all the time is sending me. Macy was just so annoyed with her, i loved it.
« Need something legally brunettes » I said it already but I loved that little scene between AbiMaggie and that line particularly.
Abigael went from saying "I could care less about any of you" to "because I deeply care about her" followed by a whole ass declaration AND admitting she does actually care about all of them. My girl got absolutely played and it was genuinely so funny. Like Abigael was so freaking smug about testifying against herself and she got played so hard, she was SO annoyed it was actually hilarious.
"Every battle I fought, I fought alone" like excuse me while I'll go cry in a corner. Again, Poppy has been absolutely killing her role this season.
"Your arguments are illogical" the perfecti have such audacity like girl have you heard yourself ? 😭 no one is being less logical than you right now.
Lmao when Macy said Abigael belonged into the tomb, Mel was not agreeing 😭 And Maggie was having none of the drama either she just wanted out.
The sisters realising they had to be Abi's character witnesses lmao it was hilarious pleas idc.
With Poppy Drayton leaving, there are two theories I kinda have. Obviously Abigael is either gonna die or leave. Ngl, I can feel the dying one coming more but well, that brings the two theories.
Abigael would sacrifice herself. Which I don't like but honestly let's be honest, there are 95% chances of that happening. I could see her sacrifice herself for Mel or for the sisters in general. But that's where my abimel issues are coming. I love abimel. I want the most abimel i can have until the end. But Abigael admitting have feelings for Mel just in the purpose of having her sacrifice herself for her and to be 'worth it' ? that's not only a byg trope, it's also lazy.
If she just leave, which wouldn't really make sense to be honest cause why would she just leave, would she give up the title of overlord (why even) or would they bound her powers (i would hate that) ? but anyway, if that's the case, I could actually see her learn Waverly is not actually the one rejecting her. Waverly could very possibly not be the one who communicated with Jordan and the sisters. No one ever saw her, the letters are only signed by her name. It's a bit sus tbh, so nothing stops it from being Francesca actually impersonating her daughter to keep her away from Abigael.
I want to know more about the perfecti. We know they killed charmed ones before, and it doesn't seem like charmed ones existed when they were created ? Maybe the charmed ones were created after they went into the tomb ? I still am not sure about them going into the tomb by themselves tbh. But also they don't seem to be evil in the sense they want power or whatever, more in the fact like they consider themselves perfect and that if someone stands in their way, they'll just get rid of them.
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