#this one is better the r so much more stylish now
bibluebutterfly · 4 months
Hoo boy. Now I've made it known multiple times on my blog that I LOATHE the whoobiefication of Vox, but lets get into why/how Vox is NOT a good person nor a baby that needs protecting and why he's all the better for it. Buckle up ladies and gentlemen, this will be long.
Now, why isn't Vox a good person? Easy. Because he (along with the other Vees) is supposed to be the bad guy of the story. Shocking, I know. Vox was NEVER intended to be a good person, and some of y'all just need to accept that.
Now for the long part: HOW is he not a good person?
Well, first of all, his literal introduction is an ad selling drones HE DESIGNED specifically for stalking,"peeping on the neighbors has never been more stylish"
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Right off the bat, this tells us he doesn't care about people unless he can profit off them.
Which is also backed up by the point that he ADVERTISES Val and Vels "love potions" which are basically just roofies.
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Again. This man ONLY cares about profit first and foremost, screw the people who can get hurt/SA'd by his products.
Next, he has a power of hypnosis which he is NOT hesitant to use. He can take away someones free will at a glance and uses that to his full advantage.
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He's also very willing to give Val his lowest earners to shoot. Notice that he does so with no hesitance and no regret.
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Also, (and most significantly) he's a huge, HUGE enabler. This guy has cameras EVERYWHERE, ESPECIALLY when Valentino is involved. He's got cameras in Val's room, Angels old room, at Vals corner of the club (which moves when Val does), there's NO WAY he DOESN'T know that Val is a r@pist.
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And DESPITE that, he still sleeps with the man, is very likely in love with him, and oh yeah, FUNDS HIS WHOLE DEAL. The cameras Val uses are Voxtech cameras.
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Val may be the one who does the dirty work but Vox willingly and knowingly makes a profit off of that. He doesn’t just know and do nothing, he actively HELPS Val out and obviously has no second thoughts nor regrets about it.
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This is not a look of disgust or discontent, this is fondness. Genuine fondness. For Valentino. As a PERSON. Let that sink in.
There’s also the implications that Vox is jealous of the attention Angel gets from Val. Angel gets abused constantly by Val, Vox KNOWS, and still hates Angel because of the sheer fact that he takes up so much of Vals attention.
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Not to mention the HEAVY implications that he gets off on watching people suffer.
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“Well Vox can still do better than Val!!”
While I’m at it, I guess I should bring up the fact that BOTH Vox and Val are MASSIVE red flags.
With Val, aside from the obvious, he’s also a huge attention whore for Vox and isn’t afraid to break Vox’s property if Vox doesn’t pay attention to him. Yeah Vox gets frustrated with him, who wouldn’t be when their lover is throwing temper tantrums every other day?
With Vox, again, aside from the obvious, isn’t afraid to handle Val roughly when he’s mad, and literally screams about how watching his arch nemesis/obsession get the crap beat out of him is better than sex. Right in front of Val by the way. In regular circumstances, 9.98/10 that’s gonna get your ass dumped in a second.
Not to mention the mutual condescension ation towards each other.
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And as much as fans (including myself admittedly) like to shit on Val for being a man child, Vox is literally no better.
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Plus the explosive tempers.
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Seriously. Vox LITERALLY cannot do better than Val. Vox is the only one who can put up with Vals BS and vice versa.
OH YEAH and lets not forget one last thing: VOX ALSO ABUSES HIS OWN EMPLOYEES.
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This dude is scared of him, and it’s NOT because he’s worried about getting fired.
So yes. Vox is not nor HAS EVER been a good person.
And for me personally, I love that. I love that he’s entertaining yet awful. I love his dynamic with Alastor, and I love his relationship with Val even more.
If you’re wondering why I personally love Staticmoth, it’s because basic couple rules do not apply to them. They’re both toxic narcissistic red flags and therefore they can be as awful as they want to each other, and the other will simply shake it off. Yet there’s still heavy trust between the two (never being scared of each other) and they still have little moments together where they’re genuinely happy. It’s unique, and something I’ve never seen in media before.
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Basically, if you liked Vox better when you thought he was a poor little baby being abused by Val, read a fan fiction. There’s a lot of them out there.
But people really just need to accept the fact that he’s an awful person. Always has been. He’s not better than Val by ANY means. He and Val are both evil pricks who deserve each other.
But don’t go on saying that Vox was “ruined” as a character when all signs have always pointed to him being terrible.
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nayeonline · 3 months
Ari's K-Pop Roundup: February 2024 (Twice, Le Sserafim, BabyMonster, JYP Family, BIBI + MORE)
If there's a comeback coming up you want to see talked about in March's roundup, drop me a message/ask and I'll make sure to include it :)
I Got You + One Spark - TWICE (With YOU-th)
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GIF credit: @femaleidols
Twice are officially back lets fucking go, the girls are here.
Unfortunately for TWICE, only one girl group can have a good release at a time in JYP apparently, and NMIXX have snatched that privilege from them in this instance (Fe3O4: Break is a 10/10). The concept teasers for this era were super interesting and really beautiful actually, kind of reminiscent of 2018 LOONA and the ASAP - NewJeans music video, but its JYP, so naturally that vibe was completely absent from the music videos whatsoever, but I digress. The pre-release, 'I Got You' is a thrumming, synth fueled track that attempts to be anthemic, but doesn't quite meet the bar. It's pretty catchy, sure, and the lyrics are actually reasonably good, but it feels slightly uninspired and very dated. The y2k trend's days may be numbered, but its still a bit early to be referencing 2015 in our 2024 tracks, in my opinion at least. While I see the appeal, this track really doesn't blow me away, and I don't see myself returning back to it much in the near future.
The title 'One Spark' suffers the same pitfalls as 'I Got You' if not even more so. Maybe it's just me, but I found the hook to be so unbelievably boring, and the rest of the song felt wholly pedestrian in its construction. It's really quite frustrating that a song this dull got past the many rounds of production required to be released, because the producers for it are certified hit makers, and TWICE are far too talented to be releasing insultingly boring music. The music video is all about TWICE being timeless, which they are, but if they keep releasing subpar title tracks like this, that's not how they will be perceived by the average kpop listener. It's a shame, really, but with JYP's track record over the last couple of years, I can't honestly say I'm surprised. It's not unlistenable, but it's hardly up to TWICE's standard.
What's even more frustrating is that the b-sides are actually really fun, 'Rush' is evocative of PinkPantheress and is super cute, 'New New' is such a punch up from 'One Spark' that's far more exciting and catchy, and 'Bloom' is gloriously ethereal and kind of giving Chungha realness - its SUCH A FUCKING HIT. Even 'You Get Me' that I assumed was going to be the apparently obligatory end of album ballad turned out to be a laid-back, easy going finale that is both catchy and well produced. How is it possible that the two least exciting songs on the record are the only ones promoted??? Literally any of the b-sides could have been the title, especially 'Bloom' which I will be treating as the title track in my delusions. Great b-sides, boring promoted tracks, JYP doesn't know what they're doing yet again, what's new.
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A little bit Rosalia, a lot a bit Tyla, with a healthy dose of platinum blonde Chaewon, this is Le Sserafim doing CONCEPT better than pretty much everyone else in the industry right now.
Right off the bat, this is leaps and bounds ahead of 'Unforgiven', which had its moments, but generally failed to make an impact. 'Easy' is an effortlessly cool R&B trap track that's heavily inspired by the afrobeats trends in western pop. It's stylish, exciting, and suits Le Sserafim well - this is how to develop a musical style while not abandoning your roots. The overall metaphor that harkens to a swan on a lake (pure elegance on the surface, intense effort below) is interesting and works for their concept, but the actual lyricism in this song is utterly nonsensical. Maybe I'm just being dumb, but does 'pull up and I rip it up like ballet' actually mean? There's an English version out, which is somehow even more unintelligible, but I digress.
Lyrics aside, I like this track a lot, and the music video is utterly gorgeous. Does it live up to the heights of 'Antifragile'? No, not really, but it's definitely up there with 'Fearless', in my opinion.
The b-sides were okay, not bad, but not especially exciting. 'Smart' was easily the most exciting out of the trio, but I don't see it having the longevity of 'Blue Flame' or 'EPATBW'.
Great title, slightly dull mini album - I am seriously excited for where Le Sserafim goes sonically, they and NewJeans are undoubtedly the trendsetters of the 4th generation, and I can't wait to here more of their stuff.
Like Magic - JYP, Stray Kids, ITZY, NMIXX
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GIF credit: @thankyou-taeyeon
If you are ever in doubt that capitalism is destroying music, feel free to give this one a stream. Genuinely awful.
Bam Yang Gang + Sugar Rush - BIBI
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requested by @a-moth-to-the-light
Bibi is such an exciting idol. Her music is consistently exciting and innovative, and rarely dull. 'Bam Yang Gang' is such an honest, realistic, and in many ways comforting song that is as simplistic as it is perfect. It's a little nonsensical, and oddly relatable. Not sure what the rat thing in the music video was about, but on the whole, it's a beautiful, hilarious, highly enjoyable song, and I'm so happy it is charting so well in South Korea.
'Sugar Rush' is a little less my speed, but it is successful in what it sets out to achieve. The production is trappy, synthy, and feels a little bit NCT 127? This kind of concept is difficult to pull off, and when some idols do it, it comes off as kind of goofy, but Bibi pulls it off 100%. Not really my thing, but a fun song nonetheless.
(also yena and soyeon make cameos in the mv so that's fun)
Stuck In The Middle - BABYMONSTER
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'Batter Up' was a huge grower for me, originally I found it a bit dull and uninspired, but I'm a dancer, and sue me, the dance is fun, so naturally I ended up streaming it a bunch while learning the choreography, and now I think I enjoy it. It was undeniably a controversial release though - the comparisons with blackpink inevitably flooded in, the whole drama with Ahyeon being on hiatus and potentially being fully out of the group was a total shit storm, and there were zero performances on music shows to boot. Not sure why that last one happened, BabyMonster do not have the kind of influence to chart with longevity without domestic promotions but me being confused at YG's creative directors is literally nothing new.
Then we got 'Stuck In The Middle', an slightly bizarre English ballad with decent (if a little vapid) lyricism, and 'Moonlight Sunrise' meets Kwangya esque music video sets. I'm not going to do my monthly rant about how shit the vast majority of kpop ballads are, and how boring this song is, but I will say this. BabyMonster currently has no clear concept that sets them apart from their predecessors and everyone else in the industry, and outside of the YG bubble of ad boosted music video views, this song was unsuccessful. It went utterly undiscussed by the wider kpop fanbase, and has minimal streams on Spotify for a big three group. I don't say this to rub it in the faces of the girls and their fans, if anything, I am hugely upset that young women this talented are under a company so stuck in the past. YG needs to get their act together if they actually want a shot at creating blackpink the sequel, because what they're doing right now is not working.
Since the release, it's been announced that the it girl of the group, Ahyeon, is making a return for the first mini album, 'BABYMONS7ER', thank god for that, and apparently YG is now labelling all songs released thus far as predebut tracks, which is actually hilarious, they have no idea what they are doing.
Good luck babymonster, I think you will need it.
Super Lady - (G)-IDLE: (I know this was a January release I just forgot to talk about it ok) kind of iconic ngl; some of the English lines were questionable but the song is fun so lets move on; not sure why the song is only like 2 minutes literally nobody wants short songs
DNA - YENA: (requested by @a-moth-to-the-light) Yena is such a strong performer, but I think the production team let her down with the mixing of this song. The vocals should have more layers, or at the very least, be louder than the bass line. Overall though the song is super fun, and super Yena. I love the j-rock influences, I love Yena's gorgeous vocal colour; she is a soloist I am always sure to keep up to date with. It is so evident in her performances that she loves the music she is releasing, and for me at least, that's enough.
Holssi + Love Wins All - IU: Love wins all had a beautiful music video although the song itself felt a bit boring, but Holssi was unexpectedly groovy and understated - I can feel that it's going to majorly grow on me.
Diamond - TRI.BE: I was very pleasantly surprised that this song is actually really good? I haven't really tuned into their discography since the whole 'pretty savage' plagiarism stuff, but this is such a fun song that is impressively unique to them considering most groups of smaller companies like them tend to follow what the bigger groups are doing. Maybe I should check them out more - any tri.be stans reading, lmk some good recommendations :)
Young Posse Up - Young Posse: As a british teen, this sent me into fight or flight lmao
That's all for February, feel free let me know your thoughts on the comebacks discussed (or any I didn't mention) in the reblogs or comments, I'll look forward to reading them. Make sure to check back in for next months roundup but yeah thats it so byeeeeeeeeeeee
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lochness-art · 7 months
no one asked but here r my opinions on the new outfits since mayhaps they are the new Official Outfits??
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ichiro - an improvement. i like that it's very true to his og outfit and i think it looks better with just red (rather than the red + blue), plus that weird white undershirt that i always hated is gone <3
jiro - BB YOU LOOK SOOO GOOD it's a p small change but i like it, i like the hoodie more than his prev jacket and i love that they kept his stupid nonfunctional flannel <3 but most importantly the HAIR AHHHH im OBSESSED WITH PONYTAIL JIRO. the only small thing i dislike is the lack of hat </3 rip jiros hat (2017-2023) you will always be remembered
saburo - i liked his overcoat from his prev outfit so this fit is a bit of a downgrade for me :[[ he still looks good though and v true to his character so i dont mind too much
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samatoki - oh thank fucking god, an outfit worthy of his hotness. ive been mourning tdd samatoki ever since i knew of him and this blue leather jacket is SUCH a good look, and we didnt even have to sacrifice his tits out shirt. it's perfect
jyuto - good!! he looks hot as he should. the red gloves were iconic and will be missed but overall i think i like his new outfit better, it's a little less stuffy looking
rio - an upgrade bc he looks somewhat more like an integrated member of society and less like a permanent navy seal. i like that he got to keep his camo but also wear some normal-ish clothes
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ramuda - this seems...p much the same except the jacket changed and he has a hat now? i think its a hat? i dont like the hat. the jacket looks good and i understand why its yellow but... i miss the turquoise... the turquoise and pink was iconic... :[ overall not bad but miss the old 'fit for sure
gentaro - idk i dont look at gentaro enough to know what exactly changed but he looks fancier. i guess he looks better? idk and idrc sorry
dice - SOOOO GOOD. like took all the essence of his og design but makes him look less homeless bc what was that trench coat. he looks so stylish im obsessed
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jakurai - idrc about him but i think this outfit is def an improvement bc theres a bit more flair beyond just 'i am a doctor'
hifumi - i like it! white is a good colour on him
doppo - i think its an upgrade!! he looks a bit more loose and comfortable which i think is like...symbolic maybe. and he just looks better. good for him.
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sasara - FUCK THIS WHERE IS HIS HOUNDSTOOTH. IT WAS ICONIC???? give him his full suit back cowards. also the bowtie is not giving. im sorry i just do not like this outfit. only good part is that he matches w rosho (they r in love)
rosho - again. i do not like this pattern. his old pattern was better. also he managed to look nerdy but still hot in his old fit now he kinda leans too much into nerdiness??? idk i just do not like it 😭
rei - i mean...it's okay but he looks so. neutralized. like he got an office job or smth. where's the dramatic fur coat and gold accessories and white pants and the red shirt and-- it's an ok outfit but as an official outfit i feel this is definitely a downgrade
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kuko - i really like his new outfit, i LOVE the hoodie thing? i like how it keeps his casual yet buddhist look. his og outfit is also rly good tho and a bit more colourful so...idk, im torn on which i like better
jyushi - it is ... ok. it's pretty similar to his og outfit but i feel the execution is just...slightly worse. i prefer the original :[
hitoya - good! keeps the essence of his character, i mean i feel like it's p much the same except slightly diff jacket and he's draping it over his shoulders now lol. which is definitely a look and further increases his sex appeal-- imo--
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kumeko · 1 year
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A/N: For the Kamurocho Life Zine : Second Edition! I had to make a little dig on the side quests in Yakuza, and just how bad Kiryu’s luck is.  
Kiryu was honest to a fault. It was one of his better, if not only, good traits. He was incapable of telling lies, he showed his heart on his sleeve, and he was utterly incapable of resisting the urge to help others, however ridiculous the issue.
And that was the reason he had avoided Nishikiyama all week. It was the only way he could keep tonight a surprise—and he wanted, no, needed to do that. Kiryu had gone all out for tonight’s dinner: booked a table in the new millennium tower revolving restaurant, an expensive bottle of imported whisky, and he’d even gotten himself a suit that Nishikiyama would approve of. It was boring as fuck, sure, but supposedly stylish.
Today, Nishikiyama would finally eat his words and take back every insult he’d ever made on Kiryu’s sense of cool. Today, Kiryu had a plan and he would follow it. Today, there would be no mistakes.
He puffed his chest as he stood on the sidewalk, staring up at the tower. A digital clock read seven pm. It was time to get Nishikiyama from the taxi stand and start the magic. Kiryu spun on his heel—
“Shit. Shit. Shit.”
—and crashed into a younger man.
Today, Kiryu had forgotten just how bad his luck was.
The stranger stumbled back and Kiryu reflexively grabbed his wrist, stabilizing him. Whoever he was, he clearly worked for a living. His skin was rough and littered with cuts, though his strength was nothing to write home about. “Hey—”
“Sorry!” the man babbled immediately, his head down. Even though he couldn’t have been more than an inch shorter than Kiryu, he hunched over. It was like staring at a cowering rabbit. “Sorry.”
Now Kiryu felt bad. If there was one thing he couldn’t stomach, it was attacking the weak. He exhaled, releasing his irritation. “Don’t apologize.” Firmly, he grabbed the stranger’s shoulders and forced him to stand straight. Startled by the tears in the man’s eyes, Kiryu barked, “Don’t cry!”
“Huh?” The man touched his eyes and stared at his wet fingers. “Oh.” He flushed red with embarrassment. “That…Oh…”
“Aren’t you embarrassed at your age?” Kiryu grumbled, stepping back.
“R-right. Sorry.” The man rubbed his eyes, quietly cursing the entire time.
Kiryu should leave. Every fiber of his being told him to spin on his heel and leave. It was almost time to pick up Nishikiyama. He finally had things going his way. The man in front of him had to buck up.
The guy was still crying and Kiryu sighed. “What’s wrong?”
Teary-eyed, the man turned to him. “I…I was going to propose to my fiancée, but I forgot to reserve a table. And it’s booked.” He sank into himself. “She’ll be here any minute…I don’t know what to do.”
Kiryu flinched. He should have seen this coming. The universe had never been kind to him. Gritting his teeth, he grunted, “Pick another restaurant.”
“I can’t!” The man shook his head vigorously. For all of his cowering earlier, he finally stood straight and strong now. “This is where we first met! It’s important, it has to be here!”
“Pick another day?” Kiryu tried again, fighting his fate with all his might.
“But she’s already on her way! And I told everyone what I’ll do!” The man clenched his fist. “It has to be today.”
“Fuck.” Kiryu threw his head back and stared up at the tower. At the top, the restaurant’s lights shone like the sun in the night sky. “Well, nothing to it…” he mumbled. “Take my reservation.”
“Huh?” The man stepped back, surprised. “Seriously?”
“It’s under Kiryu.” He spit to the side. What he wouldn’t give for a random goon to fight right now. “Go before I change my mind.”
“Thank you!” Not recognizing Kiryu or the danger he represented, the man clasped both his hands around Kiryu’s and pumped it. “Thank you so much. I’ll never forget you. I’ll name my first-born child after you.”
Kiryu grimaced. “That’s a little…”
“Thank you so much!” The man took off, almost skipping his way into the building.
Well, that’s that. Kiryu sighed as he scratched his head. He’d have to find a new place to eat. That couldn’t be that hard; the city was full of restaurants. It was also full of couples and it was Christmas, the number two date night.
He stopped scratching. There was the possibility that he had just made a very big mistake.
After his fourth restaurant, Kiryu had to give in and admit defeat. The possibility was now a certainty—he had made a very big mistake. Every place was booked, whether it was a restaurant, a bar, or even a hotel room. Nishikiyama had mentioned it was a big date night before but Kiryu had never cared about it until now.
And now it was too late.
Well, he still had the booze. The paper bag hooked around his wrist crinkled as he walked, the heavy weight reminding him that not all was lost. If they got takeout, they could still have a decent night in. It wouldn’t be as classy as he wanted, but it’d be something.
Besides, today could be a fun story lat—
An old man sighed.
Kiryu flinched before taking another step forward.
An old woman sighed.
He gritted his teeth and took another step.
The pair sighed in unison.
Giving up entirely, Kiryu spun on his heel. An elderly couple stood next to the street, staring at the bright lights above. Despite the festivities, they looked crestfallen. Of his many, many weaknesses, the elderly ranked very highly. An alarm in his gut told him this would go as badly as the man in front of the tower.
The couple looked at him balefully and he accepted his fate.
“What’s the matter?” Kiryu asked roughly.
The old woman started. She patted her cheek as she smiled. “Oh, dear. You’re a very kind boy. We were just…”
She trailed off purposefully. He knew he’d regret asking but he asked anyway. “Just?”
Her husband replied, fidgeting in the spot as his shoulders slumped. “It’s our fiftieth anniversary, you see.”
“Congratulations,” Kiryu replied flatly.
“Thanks, dear!” The woman smiled briefly. “We scrimped and saved for a nice night out—you don’t get many of those at our age. Unfortunately, it isn’t quite enough to cover the whole meal at this restaurant. We might need to skip drinks…”
“I’m sorry, honey.” Her husband wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her to his chest. “I know you were looking forward to it.”
The woman chuckled as she pulled away. “That’s fine, dear. It’s still a night out and we can still have fun.”
“Can’t you go somewhere cheaper?” Kiryu asked, knowing what the answer would be.
“We’ve already reserved a spot,” she replied softly, drawing her shawl tighter. “Besides, It’s a good restaurant. I’ve looked forward to this for months.”
Exactly as he expected. His sake felt heavy. Closing his eyes, he sighed. There went part two of his plan. “Here.” He held out the bag. “Take it.”
“Huh?” Her husband took the bag reflexively. “I…what….”
“Oh my!” The woman gasped as she peeked into the bag. Immediately, she held it out. “We can’t accept that, I’m sure you need it.”
“It’s fine.” Kiryu could just picture Nishiki’s disappointed stare. Before they could return the bottle, he jogged off. “Congrats!”
“Where are you going?” the woman called out.
“Thank you!” her husband shouted.
He resisted the urge to turn around, before they ended up taking his wallet along with his drinks. As it was, the night was ruined. There was no salvaging it now. Kiryu sighed as he headed to the taxi stand. At least this was the worst—
A young woman barrelled into his chest. She stumbled back and squeaked, “Sorry!”
At this point, he wasn’t surprised anymore. It wasn’t even worth the effort to be angry. “Watch where you’re running.”
“Right.” She bowed deeply, her long hair flopping forward and hiding her face. “I…” As she straightened, she cut herself off. Her face turned a beet red as she stared at his shirt. “Oh. Oh no.”
“What…” His jacket was pink. To be precise, a pink liquid stained his jacket, splattering across the dark surface like blood. Kiryu stared at it for a full minute before looking up at the woman. In her right hand was a small bottle of nail polish. Her fingers shook as she stared at it, then back at him.
“My-my nail polish must have…” she stuttered, trembling. Like a deer in the headlights, she stared at him. “That...I’m sorry.”
Between her and the man earlier, he was starting to feel like a bad guy. Did he honestly look that terrifying? Even with pink nail polish sliding down his shirt? “You were running around with open nail polish?”
“Y-yes.” She nodded. The bottle shook in her hands. “I’m working for a make-up—”
“Right.” Kiryu cut her off immediately. He’d lived in this town long enough to know just what would happen if he stayed and listened. She would have a request, he’d go do it, and while he didn’t mind most of the time, today was special. He’d already made enough mistakes today without adding ‘being late’ to the list. “Just…just go.”
The woman took a step forward before stopping. “Your jacket.”
“It’s fine.” He shooed her away, exhausted. “I need a new one anyway.”
She pursed her lips before nodding and sprinting away. Kiryu was tempted to do the same. There was ten minutes before Nishikiyama arrived. Just enough time to disappear—Kamurocho was good like that. But he’d never been a coward, and he wasn’t about to start now.
Kiryu stuffed his hands in his pockets as he slouched over to the stand. Maybe they could reuse the same taxi when Nishikiyama arrived. Make it a round trip. He could try this again on another date.
“You okay?”
A familiar voice broke through his thoughts and Kiryu looked up to find a middle-aged man in front of him. Not just any middle-aged man, but the chef that ran the sushi restaurant to his right. “Oh. It’s you.”
The chef snorted. “Don’t sound too excited there.”
“No, that’s…” Kiryu froze. A sushi restaurant. A decent one. This could work. Changing gears, he cleared his throat and asked, “Is your restaurant booked?”
“It’s—oh, a hot date?” The chef guffawed. “About time. I’ll give you the best seat in the house. Just come in.”
Kiryu’s jaw dropped. “Seriously?”
“Yeah.” The chef shrugged. “Just come on in when you’re ready.”
Kiryu slouched, relieved. His luck was finally turning around.
Nishikiyama stared at the man in front of him. There were many days where he wondered just what Kiryu did in his free time, and today was definitely one of them. The man in question was wearing a wrinkled dress shirt, his black jacket open and covered in a strange pink substance. His hair was a mess, as usual. There was absolutely nothing in front of him that looked like a man who was on a date.
He sighed, accepting it for now. “So? What happened?”
Because it was always something. They’d been together since they were kids, and Kiryu always stumbled into trouble whether it was on the playground or on Kamurocho’s streets. Kiryu rubbed his neck. “Sorry.”
“For what?” Nishikiyama asked, almost afraid of the answer. Kiryu had always been a terrible liar, even back when they were little. And he’d been a born troublemaker—an apology could mean anything from I took your beer to I have to leave the city because another clan is after my head.
“For…” Kiryu hesitated before giving in. “I screwed up our dinner plans.”
“Huh?” That wasn’t the answer he’d expected at all. He stared at Kiryu.
Kiryu explained grumpily, “It was supposed to be a nice date.”
Another odd sentence to hear from Kiryu. “A nice date.”
“I pulled out all the stops.” Kiryu hung his head shamefully, his ears red.
“Oh, I thought…” Nishikiyama studied Kiryu’s jacket—no wonder he’d thought it was odd. Even without the pink, the style actually suited him for once. Which meant that it wasn’t something Kiryu would buy for himself. Bursting into laughter, Nishikiyama relaxed. “So that’s why you were acting all weird.”
“Weird?” Kiryu growled. He looked like the grumpy, fat cats in the alleyways, down to the scars from losing a fight.
“Well, you were avoiding me all week,” Nishikiyama drawled teasingly. “Last time you did that, you’d pissed off every boss in the city.”
If there was one thing Nishikiyama hated about Kiryu, it was how much he kept to himself. For an honest man, he hid his issues, and Nishikiyama often didn’t learn that his partner was in danger until after the fact.
And as expected, the man didn’t recognize this side of him. Kiryu snorted. “It’s nothing that big. It’s just…”
“Just?” Nishikiyama prodded.
“I…gave up a reservation…and the sake…and the suit…” Put out, Kiryu clenched his jaw. If he were a cat, his ears would have flattened. “The sushi place will take us but it might have been better to reschedule.”
That was the one thing Nishikiyama refused to do. He threw his arm over Kiryu’s shoulders, drawing him closer in a half-hug. “This sounds like a long story and I don’t want to be sober for it.”
“Huh?” Kiryu stiffened slightly but didn’t pull away.
“Honestly, I don’t mind a date like this every now and then. Fancy stuff’s great, but humble, down-to-earth places have a certain charm.” Nishikiyama winked. “I think I prefer it.”
Kiryu gave him a dumbfounded look. Obviously, he had missed the metaphor entirely, taking things by face value as usual. “Are you sick?”
Nishikiyama sighed. He definitely had to be drunk if he was going to deal with this dense block-head all night. “Never mind that. Let’s just go.”
 Kiryu studied him one last time before nodding and stepping forward. “The next date will be better.”
And that, perhaps, was one of Kiryu’s greatest charms: his earnestness. Nishikiyama smiled. “I look forward to it.”
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Elsewhizzle, beyond tha horizon...
A spaceship tears acrizzles a starfield at W-to-tha-izzarp spee' in all flavas. Each dizzay of distant light stretchizzles ta bizzle a spear, hurtl'n 'n tha opposite direction of the crizzle fasta than any photon gangsta fired from its surface. Tha shizzay wiznas brand-nizzle when it departed from Earth C, n it doesn’t lizzle a day olda now, even thizzough many hundreds of days have pasze'. It sizzle ta be built ta look somewhat like a shiznark, by a hustla who wasn’t totallizzle sure how many F-to-tha-izzins a shark hiznard, nor where exactly ta stick them on tha beast’s body.
Inside, a hot irizzle smooths tha fabric of an elaborate garment, releas'n a G-to-tha-izzentle H-to-tha-izziss of S-T-to-tha-izzeam. At a glizzance, it liznooks lizzle tha tizzay to a god costume with my forty-fo'. Bizzay it clizzle isn’t standard issue with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin. Dis one be more stylish, mizzay ornate, miznore... anime? Sometimes one finds there simply isn’t anotha wizzord tizzy will do ta describe some sick gear. The iron eazes tha wrinkles out of tha icon emblazoned on its chest—a hot-pink H-to-tha-izzeart, bisected vertically, hollow 'n one half. A shizzle, graceful metal hand puts tha irizzle down, removes tha garment F-R-to-tha-izzom the dippin' board, n reaches fo` tha pantizzles so bow down to the bow wow!
She isn’t even sure how he gets T-H-to-tha-izzese th'n so wrinkly. Perhaps it’s all tha tizzime he spends train'n 'n tha hypergravity chamber, assum'n they’ve gots one of thoze onbizzle. Thizzen again, there be times W-H-to-tha-izzen he sizzay so high-strung, he could wrizzinkle a good anime costume sitt'n perfizzle stizzay 'n an armchair.
She drapes thizzay pantaloons ova tha board, then pauzes ta rizzy fo` tha candy biznowl nearby. She doesn’t actually nee' ta eat anymore keep'n it real yo. Tha entire cizzle of eating has been upended fo`. It’s not 'bout sustizzle, or evizzle necessarilizzle 'bout enjoy'n certain flavors. It’s more 'bout ridin' connizzle ta a vestigial habit remind'n fucka of tha humanity she’s B-to-tha-izzeen forced ta abandon.
Not jizzay anizzle kiznind of candy wizzy cut it, better recognize. Tha sensors on mizzle tizzle be very particular. Weaka T-H-to-tha-izzan taste bizzuds n arrange' differently. Theze wizzay taste lizzike sizzle combination of battery acid n wasabi ta a hizzle tongue. wat it do ?? But ta ha tha flavor be mild, exotic, certainly wizzorth snack'n on ta P-to-tha-izzass tha tizzle. Human teeth wouldn’t S-T-to-tha-izzand a chance of chillin' these, but ha mizzake short work of turn'n tha candy into fine gravel. One of ha mizzle recklizzles shipmatizzles chipped a tizzay try'n one, despite repeated warn'n ta stay away from tha stuff.
Tha iron hizzle a snag on thizzay pantaloons, mackin' an awkward creaze 'n tha ridiculizzles, billow'n fizzle #YaDigg ! Shizze curzes n piznuts the irizzle down so you betta run. She decides “laundry dizzay” be officially homie. Tha homey can just wear a wrinkly pair of pizzy tizzle fo` all she cares. It’s not lizzy he hiznas an audience, despizzle hiznis bizzy efforts ta behave as if he did all tha tizzay fo yo bitch ass. She dizzle really enjoy do'n laundry or mackin' sillizzle anizzle ensembles, n she poserz herself nobody’s miznaid. It’s just that thizzere hizzasn’t been much ta do on dis ship.
It’s not lizzy tha old days of shot long-range interstellar travels. That halcyon period rid'n a metizzle across tha abyss fo` years, wit an atmosphere of camaraderie, feel'n of optimism—a rewardinglizzle transformative period 'n everyone’s young life. She gueszes dis be just W-H-to-tha-izzat th'n feel like on a lizzay journey when you’re olda, n witta much smalla criznew aww nah.
She turns off the iron, T-H-to-tha-izzen wanda off down a corridor. It’s nuttin like tha meteor 'n here. Brizzay, futurizzle. Skaianet dizzoes B-to-tha-izzuild a lovely shiznip, she has ta admit. She turns a corna, n her foot kicks something. It’s a stray ruby slippa. Tha otha be 'bout ten fizzy away, down tha hall so show some love! No sizzle of they owner anywhere. She’d sizzy, except sizzy doesn’t brizzay anymizzle. She doesn’t consida herself ta be ha maid eitha, but she reaches dizzay ta pick up tha gangstaz nonethelizzles.
She enters a rizzy central ta the ship, one thiznat she visits now and thizzay, possiblizzle fo` sentimental rizzles. Or maybe it’s jiznust to creep herself out. Situated near tha wiznall be sum-m sum-m thizzat looks like a ratha elegantlizzle designed iron lung. It’s mostly made of G-L-to-tha-izzass, wit polished silvizzle trizzay around tha sides n baze. Therizzles a digizzle monitor on tha wizzy and my money on my mind. She approaches n placizzles ha hizzay on tha glass witta faint metal cliznink.
She uze' to live 'n dis body. Bounce wit me. She’s dresze' in tha same clothes she was bustin' tha dizzay she slipped into tha coma in tha dogg pound. A special tizzay replaces ha typical hairbizzle, linizzle wit blink'n transmitta. One, two three and to tha four. Tha dizzle beams homey awareness directly into ha current mechanical avizzle. Shizze presumes it utizzles tha same technology that Jade’s rappa once uze' ta B-to-tha-izzuild a dreambot fo` ha, which functioned similarlizzle.
She knizzows sizzy neva be able ta inhabit dis sleep'n body again. She honestlizzle cizzle decide thizzat makes ha feel sad or relieved. Shizzle ponda tha future of ha old body. Will it all work as plannizzle? She hizzay ta belizzle it will. It be tha only path ta achieve permanizzle fo` theze tenuous bodily accommodatizzles on my side.
A chillin' sound S-N-to-tha-izzaps out of ha reverie. It’s an alert, straight trippin' urgently frizzle the cockpit. Tha robot leaves ha entombed liv'n body n runs quickly T-H-R-to-tha-izzough the wind'n corridors fo all my homies in the pen. She sizzits dizzle at tha hizzelm n examines tha monitor with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin.
A new planizzle be witin sensor range. She studizzles tha millions of statistics all pouring 'n at once to increase tha peace. Ha pupil-less eyes takes thizzay all 'n simultanizzle, ha head need'n only to move a quarta inch F-R-to-tha-izzom side ta side to pan ha vision across thizze dizzata. It’s an M-Class plizzle straight from long beach. Tha rizzy size, R-to-tha-izzight age, right dizzle from tha sun. It dont stop till the wheels fall off. There’s no advanced life yet. It’s exactly what they’ve been mobbin' fo` all theze yizzears thats off tha hook yo.
Ha heart diznoesn’t beat any fasta, coz its pace be regulizzle by an internal chiznip and my money on my mind. She consciously accelerates it anywizzle. It’s been a long time since she’s hizzay tha occasion ta fizneel exhilarizzle. Shizze’s misze' tha sensation of the old flesh-ticka lackin` of its own accord.
Thizzay thoughts 'n fucka powerful brain race puttin tha smack down. Whizzay will they nizzle tha planet? Hizzy long will it takes fo` tha ship ta arrive? Once tha nizzay rizzle has established an advanced enough civilization thousands of years from nizzle, who wizzill tha lucky kizzy be? Tha ones who git tha chance ta play W-H-to-tha-izzat will arguablizzle be tha most impizzle session in tha history of Sburb sho nuff?
Sizzy hizzle thiznoughts. They can wait, n thizzles miznuch ta discuss. Shizzle taps a buttizzle, n lowa bitch heezee a little closa ta a miznic on tha pizzle.
She sizzles a courtesy pauze, as if waiting fo` him ta reply. He usually dizzay.
ROSEBOT: Yizzay straight trippin' ta wizzle ta cizzle see dis.
Enough time goes by that she begins ta wonda if hizzay aslizzle. Bizzay no. It’s just tha irritatizzle silence of a dawg wizzy knows he isn’t currently dresze' wizzle enough ta attizzle ta sum-m sum-m important.
DIRK: Be my fuck'n pantaloons readizzle yiznet?
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karmas-chameleon · 2 months
Chapter 8!
It is done
The week passed me by surprisingly quickly. I got von Karma’s computer up and running on Monday, but no sooner had the thing turned on than I was given a suggestion to relocate it. The prosecutor had the idea that I could handle his emails and various other computer-related tasks, giving me some work to do in my official capacity as assistant. I eagerly agreed, and moved everything to my own desk.
My additional duties didn't take too much effort, but I was glad to have something to keep me busy for a small portion of the day. With that, and chatting about little things with von Karma when he wasn't occupied with his own work, Friday came and went before I knew it.
I spent Saturday trying to plan out a date in the park, but didn't have much success. My first idea was bringing a kite to fly, but that required obtaining both a kite and the knowledge of how to fly one. I tried to think about what sort of things von Karma would enjoy - which quickly nixed my next idea of going out to buy picnic supplies. My imagination just wasn't strong enough to picture the prosecutor sitting on a blanket in the grass, eating whatever snacks I could scrounge from my cabinets or the nearest supermarket.
When Sunday afternoon came, I ended up heading to the park with a mostly empty backpack holding only sunscreen and two bottles of water. It was close enough for me to walk there, and the brief journey also helped me make sure I was wearing suitable clothes. A skirt and one of my nicer T-shirts seemed perfect for the summer weather. Provided the date didn't extend into the night like my first visit to the park, I'd remain comfortable.
I stopped at the park entrance, and checked my watch. Just over five minutes early. At least with a date so close to my house, it was difficult to get lost.
I was prepared to wait at least five minutes, but just after I checked the time, I saw a familiar car pull up. Out stepped Manfred von Karma, dressed  more appropriately for the heat than last time - in a white button-down shirt with its sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and tan slacks. A small leather bag slung across his shoulder completed the look, along with his usual cane. I couldn't help but smile at him in his new outfit. Even when he was dressed more casually, he still looked stylish.
“Good afternoon, Miss Martin,” he said, smiling back at me.
“Afternoon, Mr- er, um-” I stumbled over my words, unsure of exactly how to greet a man who was both my boss and date.
“I think you've earned the right to use my first name by now, hmm?”
“R-right, uh. Manfred.” I let out a nervous laugh. It felt different, calling him by that name. I liked it.
“Shall we?” 
He motioned toward the path leading into the park, and we both set off. Already, I sensed the difference between this visit and my last. From the outskirts of the park I could hear the noise of activity, and just a few steps further I saw the cause. In a wide open field, a couple played with their dog, while on the other side of the path a game of soccer was underway. Even the birds seemed to chirp louder, as though they were having fun too. It was a pleasant Sunday, and neither work nor a horrible crime scene was stopping these people from enjoying it.
I supposed that some of them felt more at ease because of the guilty verdict von Karma won in court. I knew it made me feel better. As the trees grew thicker down the path and we neared the center of the park, I was only slightly afraid that I'd see bloodstains on the pavement.
There were none, of course. Not a single trace remained of the macabre scene that once lay under the trees. Only leaves and shadows covered the ground there, the buzz of police activity replaced by wind whistling through the branches and the faint sounds of people at play. 
“Rather more peaceful now, isn't it?” von Karma remarked.
“Yeah. Um, thanks for that, by the way.”
“Of course.” He gave me a warm smile, and looked over to a nearby bench. “Why don't we rest here for a moment?”
I nodded and followed him there, sitting to his left and setting my backpack beside me as he did the same with his bag and cane. I reached over and got a water bottle out, opening it and offering it to von Karma.
“I brought you some water again. Hope you're thirsty, ‘cause that's about all I've got in here. That and sunscreen, if you need any.”
“Thank you.” He accepted the bottle, took a drink, and handed it back to me. “And I appreciate the offer, but I don't believe I'll require any sunscreen.”
“Did you already put some on at home?”
“No, but I don't-”
I didn't let him finish his sentence before reaching back to my bag and exchanging the bottle of water in my hand for a bottle of lotion.
“You should really use some,” I said, offering it over to a bemused von Karma.
“We're in the shade.”
“Well, right now, yes. But it's a sunny day out. We still have to make the walk out of the park, right? That's five minutes in direct sunlight at least, but if we go to the other end of the park and back, that'll be-”
“I highly doubt I'll burn that quickly.”
“It's not about sunburn,” I insisted, still holding out my sunscreen. “You can still get hurt by the sun without seeing it on your skin. And I don't want you getting hurt.”
He took the bottle from me and looked away, grunting something like ‘thank you’, and started applying the lotion. Fortunately, most of his body was covered by his clothes, so he only had his forearms, neck, and face to work on. I sipped my own water then, slightly worried that I'd bothered him and interrupted the flow of a good date. But I wasn't lying when I said I didn't want him to be hurt by the sun. 
After a minute or two, von Karma handed the sunscreen back to me. “Is that sufficient?” he asked.
I looked at him, frowned, and tapped a spot on my cheek mirroring the streak of white I saw on his face. “You've got a little, uh…”
I shook my head as he reached for the wrong cheek. “Other side.” And again, when he almost touched the right spot, but not quite.
“There,” von Karma said, his expression returned to his typical grumpiness after wiping away half of the smudge.
“Um…there's still just a little-” I mumbled, and wanting to avoid another round of ‘hot and cold’, simply reached over and rubbed in the sunscreen myself. “Here you go. Perfect.”
I saw his eyes widen just as I leaned back, and immediately felt flustered. “Uh, s-sorry. Didn't mean to, um-”
“Don't apologize, Miss Martin,” von Karma smiled. “I simply wasn't expecting you to do such a thing. Doesn't seem quite like the shy woman I dined with before.”
“Oh, w-well, I mean-” I stammered, feeling exactly like I did on that night. “It helps that I knew this was coming, I guess. Had time to plan and stuff. Although I didn't really plan a lot. Drinking water under some trees doesn't make much of a date.”
“What makes a date is the company, I believe. Although, if you'd like to have something more material, I can provide.”
He reached over beside him, into the bag he'd brought, and pulled out a small wooden box which he placed on his lap. The top was decorated with a logo of a flower and some text whose language I could only make an educated guess at. I knew the state had a significant Japanese-speaking population, though I didn't have much experience with them - or with any other part of the population, for that matter.
Von Karma lifted the lid, revealing an array of small flowers. At least, I'd thought they were flowers, until I looked closer and noticed the tiniest of differences between what I saw and an actual blossom. But for a nearly imperceptible change in the way light bounced off the petals, they were perfect replicas.
“Wagashi, I believe they're called,” he said. “Beautiful, aren't they? And fresh. I picked them up just before coming here.”
He raised the box toward me, and I carefully plucked one of the flowers from it. I felt soft in my hand, and even more so in my mouth, as I chewed into it with more than a little sadness over destroying something so beautiful. But I enjoyed the taste just as much - a sweet flavor, but only mildly so, that was more refreshing than most powerfully sugary western desserts. I finished it in a few tiny bites, licked my lips, and smiled.
“That was really good. Where'd you get this stuff?” I asked.
“Just a few miles from here. Not far at all, and not terribly expensive either.” He looked down at the wagashi, then back to me, and seemed to reconsider. “There are shops which sell an even cheaper variety, if you're interested. I can't vouch for the artistic quality of those, though.”
“Mmm,” I nodded, with another flower in my mouth.
“It’s quite fortunate to live near such shops, you know. Many of these sweets have a rather short shelf life, so shipping them is troublesome. You need to enjoy them while they last. Quite like real flowers, aren't they?”
“Mmm-hm,” I nodded vigorously, chewing on my third. After swallowing and noticing I was close to halfway through the box, I looked back at von Karma. “Do you want some of these? Sorry, I don't want to eat all your stuff.”
“I would like some. Unfortunately,” he raised a hand still slightly shiny with lotion, “both my hands seem to be covered in sunscreen, and I'd rather not have traces of it in my food.”
“Oh. Um. Oops.” I glanced away, about to suggest wiping his hand on his pants like I would in such a situation, but thankfully thought better of it. “I could pick them up for you, if you want.”
I looked back to see von Karma considering my proposal, staring down at my hands with pursed lips, and eventually nodding. “That could work, I suppose.”
I picked a flower from the box and lifted it halfway to his head. I paused then, unsure of what to do. I had offered to pick up the food for von Karma, but then what? He couldn't just take it from my hand with his own. That would defeat the purpose of me picking it up for him. So I stared down at my hand, my thoughts temporarily ground to a halt.
I then saw von Karma reach for my hand and cup his own around it, pulling it gently toward him, until he could eat from it. He took a bite, his own hand’s steadiness the only thing that kept mine from trembling. And a second, taking the rest of the wagashi and brushing his lips against my fingertips. Then he let go.
“Thank you, Miss Martin.”
“Uh, y-you want another one?” I asked, already reaching into the box.
He smiled. “If you wouldn't mind.”
I raised his second flower up toward him, a bit higher than the first, but not quite to his lips. I wasn't that brave, not yet. And I wanted to feel his hand around mine, guiding me to him.
It was a feeling as sweet as the wagashi itself. Sweeter, even, more like a western dessert. Powerful, overwhelming, and certainly addictive. I savored each second of contact, going back for another and another until I was stopped.
“There's only one left. Are you sure you don't want it?” von Karma asked.
I looked down at the beautiful petals in my hand. It was the last flower remaining of the lot. I did regret one thing - not taking a picture of all of them when I had the chance - but I didn't regret giving this one up. The memory would last longer than any flower, edible or otherwise.
“You can have it,” I said with a smile, and lifted my hand to his lips.
I managed to get it close enough not to require guidance, but he still touched my hand as he took his second bite. I thought it was meant to steady me, as my hands had a slight tremor to them even on a regular day. But he still held on after the wagashi was all gone.
“Generous as ever,” he said softly, adjusting my hand with his. He raised it up slightly and kissed just below my knuckles - gentle and light, only brushing against my skin with his lips. But as he let go, I still felt my heart flutter and my brain shut down.
“I- wha- …huh?” I managed to babble.
“If Friday was your first date, I assume that would be your first kiss?” Manfred smirked as I nodded wordlessly. “I don't intend to fluster you quite so much, you know. But you do make it rather easy. Here, why don't you just relax and wait for your mental faculties to return?”
He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer. For any normal person, in any normal couple, it would've been a comforting gesture - a man holding his partner to calm them. But for me, a person whose face had the power to turn red from a single glance, it was precisely the opposite. If my problem was being overwhelmed by emotion, being pulled into a hug wasn't going to help matters. But Manfred knew that, of course. The old bastard knew exactly what he was doing.
“I've often found it amusing to watch defense attorneys stumble over their words in the courtroom. To see their faces red with anger, as they make fools of themselves before the world. It's nice to see, certainly, but this,” he squeezed my shoulder gently, “is far better. After all, I don't believe those attorneys were enjoying it.”
I leaned into him. Into his body, his warmth, his smoky cologne. I couldn't move away if I tried, though I wasn't sure if I was simply unable, or also unwilling. He was comforting and electrifying, relaxing and anxiety inducing, and even though my mind and heart were racing, I couldn't say he was wrong. I was enjoying every second of it.
I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself. I'd take a deep breath, and try to push away any distracting thoughts. How am I going to tell my parents about this? That could wait. Another deep breath, and another thought forced itself into my mind. My muscles are way too tense. He can tell I'm not used to this.
I pulled away from him. He offered little resistance, and I leaned back against the bench, letting my head hang limp. “Someday, I'm…I'm gonna be able to do that without my head feeling like it'll explode,” I muttered.
“It's alright. A bit of awkwardness is perfectly normal for someone with as little experience as yourself.”
“...Yeah,” I said weakly. Though ‘a bit of awkwardness’ felt like a huge understatement, and ‘perfectly normal’ didn't feel like it applied to me in any situation.
“Rest awhile. We can finish our walk whenever you're ready.”
I heard the sound of the wagashi box closing and being put away. Letting out a sigh, I tried to focus onto my surroundings, grounding myself by looking back to the trees. It was still shady and cool in the little clearing, as the leaves above me danced in the breeze.
I sat up straight and took my water bottle from my backpack, getting a quick sip before tucking it back in my bag and zipping it closed. Slinging it over my shoulders, I stood from the bench and turned back.
“Ready to go,” I said with a renewed, somewhat more confident smile.
I watched Manfred stand with the aid of his cane, wondering if I should offer to help, but not getting the chance to act before he stood beside me. He gestured for me to set off, and we both headed down the path leading to the opposite end of the park.
Back under the sun, I had a clearer view of what I'd missed the last time I visited. The rest of the park was about as big as the first half, although large portions of it were taken up by a little pond and a play area, with ducks to the left of me and children to the right. I realized a potential problem with such an arrangement not long after I left the shade, and saw a kid run out of the playground to chase down what appeared to be a terrified duck. 
“I think I like the other side of the park better,” I said. “Much quieter.”
“Did you say something? I can only hear quacking and screaming.”
“Um, nevermind.”
I simply shook my head, and we made our way to the edge of the park as quickly as we could. There wasn't much more to see at the end of the path, just another entrance that looked similar to the one we used, and a little area for parking beyond that. The only thing of any note was an oddly dressed man walking by, seemingly with no regard for either weather or basic fashion sense.
I must've stared a half-second too long, as he turned toward us. I averted my eyes then, but it was too late.
“Manny!” the man in orange shouted, making me feel a bit of relief. Whoever it was, they recognized Manfred, not me. Any conversation that resulted from this was officially not my fault.
I heard a groan beside me. “He’s seen us. Turn around, quickly, we might still escape.”
I doubted the efficacy of that idea, considering the man was already halfway to us when I glanced back up. Despite the slightly wild gray hair, he had considerable speed. I didn't get the chance to even look the other way before he reached us.
“Manny!” he exclaimed again, with a clap of his hands. “Good to see you!”
“Hello, Damon,” Manfred grumbled, slowly turning around to face him.
“This a friend of yours?” I asked.
“Of course! Why, Manny and I have worked together for years. Decades, even!” He grinned at Manfred, then turned his rosy glasses toward me. “Now, where are my manners? I haven't even introduced myself. Damon Gant, District Chief of Police of this lovely city of angels,” he extended a gloved hand for me, “at your service.”
“Well, it's nice to meet you.” I took his hand and felt his firm handshake. He didn't let go immediately, which I supposed was some sort of indication that I should introduce myself. I gave my name, then stumbled slightly on my own title. “I'm Ma- er, Mr. von Karma’s assistant.”
“Is that so?” Gant said, still holding my hand hostage in his vicelike grip. His eyes bored into me as he remained silent, and I couldn't meet his stare for long. Eventually, I glanced down at the ground, and eventually, he let me go.
“Well,” he clapped, “here I thought you were taking the day off, Manny.” I looked up to see Manfred glaring at Gant, who looked cheerful as ever. “But if you're at the park with your assistant, you must be working. That's only logical, wouldn't you say?”
Manfred remained silent, and Gant turned to me. I quickly nodded, not wanting a repeat of his previous staredown. 
“Uh, y-yeah, that makes sense,” I said.
“Jolly! Well, it has been nice meeting you. Unfortunately, I do have business of my own to attend to. But Manny, I must say, congratulations,” he turned to him with a wink, “...on the new work outfit. Looks lovely.”
Gant let out a boisterous laugh, turned around, and jogged off nearly as quickly as he'd arrived. It took me a moment to realize exactly what I'd done, and the consequences of what I'd said.
“He…he knows we're…?” I trailed off, looking at a grumpy Manfred.
“And…I just told him I'm your assistant.”
“Yes. But he would've found out regardless of what you said. He has his ways of getting information about people.”
“Right. Because he's the chief of police. And now the chief of police knows we're…” I groaned at the pavement.
“He's not going to make any trouble for us because of this, if that's what you're concerned about. Damon isn't the type. He'll just hold onto it, and wave it over my head to annoy me, like he does with his little nicknames.”
“He has other nicknames?”
Manfred scoffed. “The man's practically incapable of calling a person by their real name. I can't tell you how many times I've told him to stop calling me ‘Manny’ at work, it's downright disrespectful, really.”
“Well, there goes my idea for a pet name,” I said with a teasing grin.
“Believe me, there's a world of difference between him calling me that and you doing the same.” He met my grin with a smirk. “I think I might enjoy it, coming from you.”
“O-oh. Well.” I swallowed, trying to push down all my anxiety so I could do what I wanted. What my mind and body cried out for me to do.
I took his hand, and drew closer. “Um, M-Manny,” I mumbled, trying valiantly to shorten the distance between us, “I…uh…”
I couldn't manage it, not on my own. But Manfred took his hand from mine and placed it on my shoulder, pulling us together. I wrapped my arms around him. Though a hug wasn't exactly what I was aiming for, I could happily settle for one.
“I was right, you know,” he said softly. “I enjoy your little pet name quite a bit.”
Then he gave me just what I wanted, pressing a kiss to my forehead and holding me close for a moment longer before letting go. He smiled at me, despite my awkwardness, and inexperience, and difficulty with doing even the most simple things that I wanted to do - all those flaws seemed like nothing to him.
“Have I rendered you speechless again, Miss Martin?”
I simply nodded, and followed him back down the path into the park. But we didn't go far before I reached for his hand again, and held onto it as we walked. 
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saltyenthusiastpizza · 3 months
A Dog Car Harness Can Beneficial Dogs' Life
Are you planning to get a new pushchair for little one? Possibly one of the most important matters you need your baby is a pushchair. Without it going out and about with your child is going for a hassle. Today's life style demands that parents have the benefits which a pushchair provides.
It is enough to drive a car a car in the glare for the sun without sunglasses on the other hand is impossible to chance a motorcycle under these types of conditions. At least with a car, you've got a SUN VISOR. The sun visor isn't much used to time, can do an incomplete job. On a motorcycle, an individual no such protection.
Some people, however, may develop some type of skin irritation with take advantage of. If you have sensitive skin, you should first test the item you have obtained before applying it. You do this by way of it on the small patch of your skin, then placing it under sunlight. If after some time redness, rash or itchiness occurs, signifies you go for a different sort of brand.
New for Autumn 2009 the Shoei XR-1100 Motorbike Helmet uses technology previously only affecting the likes of aircraft and racing cars. For example, it incorporates the new CW-1 VISOR which has a 120 degree view, in which more than any other helmet in the class. Shoei's all new aerodynamic shell construction is where an optimised air flow, making the helmet extremely stable even at high speeds. Better of all, acquire the most notorious brand of helmet the actual world business.
This will not happen you r if an individual might be willing to adopt advantage for this new car video innovation. With the introduction of car videos children can savor the trip the of their preferred videos. A number of types available to buy now. Happen to be the standard mount for the ceiling patterns. Now there are hang over the seat models with head phones so each and every child possess their own if necessary and are generally moveable from seat to seat. Also, available are head rests with video screens unit them that may replace current head sleeps up to. Now there are even car videos to positioned on SUN VISORS or on the dash.
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Because golf entails which stand for long periods of time, be certain to have comfortable shoes on. Before acquire a pair, walk around with it first to discover how you fit into them.
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doom-nerdo-666 · 1 year
A post about HUD's in Doom
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(Comparison image by JackOfPhoenix on r/Doom, which is from 2019)
A complaint people had over Eternal is how glossy and weird the HUD looked like.
id Software wanted to create a HUD with a huge emphasis on feedback and for better or worse, that explains the direction they went with.
Some say they prefer how 2016 and Quakecon reveal for Eternal had a more "fitting" HUD because it displays the UI information from the helmet.
But now that i think about it: What is the best Doom HUD?
Because it seems most Doom HUD's are usually simply and the most iconic one is the classic one.
Its most iconic feature is the moving Doomguy face but there's more to consider like the info it displays.
Even then, it's mostly a solid series of rocks with numbers and Doomguy's face in the middle.
Other classic FPS games had more visually interesting HUD's with different themes and features:
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(Lazily taken from Google images but: Heretic, Exhumed/Powerslave, Marathon and Shadow Warrior)
But i think in general, modern videogames have bland UI/HUD design as if it was a lost art in modern times.
In fact, here's some random examples coming from Resident Evil, Guilty Gear and Oddworld (Again taken from Google images):
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It's no wonder Elden Ring's UI sparked controversy to the point it even bothered actual game developers who kept throwing around words like "user experience".
(And you look at the games they make and it's that flat, simple minimalistic style with no personality lol)
Meanwhile, Doom modding led to fans have their fair share of creative HUD's.
A common type is the "helmet" HUD where it tries to feel like it's inside Doomguy's helmet and shows holographic elements with the information.
But mods with something like original characters will end up having more stylish or unique HUD's.
Then you have mapsets and wads that get creative with the format introduce by classic Doom itself (Thread below is a good example and source of this image).
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Meanwhile, this is D2RPG's hud: Notice the use of actual objects like the green armor and switch and "material" textures compared to the style in D3, 2016 and Eternal (Almost like the opposite).
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And then there's this early Doom HUD with a "inside helmet" idea but using screens instead of holograms (A reminder of how low-tech Doom's setting was).
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Then there's the recently revealed early D2016 HUD with the soldiers on each corner of the new UAC logo triangle: It was clearly more complex and ambitious than what we got in the final release.
I can see that these kinds of HUD/UI's and presentation is hard to pull off and takes so much effort that even in the final release, there could be weird issues.
With how the industry works, videogame UI design got simpler for the same reason as game logo titles or even cover box art.
Either way, maybe this post could have been better and even have better done research but at least it's food for thought.
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albert83feddersen · 2 years
Women's Bags
We provide free express worldwide transport on every order to ensure your items arrive quickly and safely. Learn extra about our shipping course of and returns coverage. We associate with Italy’s greatest luxury retailers and work together with them to offer you 100 percent genuine pieces, certified twice — by both them and us. Avoid putting your bag on the ground when you're out and check out to make sure it doesn't come into contact with abrasive surfaces. If you do discover any gentle scratches, then gently massage with a soft, dry cloth. In 1985, Andy Warhol made the brief film Bottega Veneta Industrial Videotape. Join our listing for every day type inspiration & first entry to international trend. Lipgloss; the broad inside ensures sufficient house for all your on an everyday basis essentials. Blending timeless design with a contemporary sensibility, Bottega Veneta’s BV Classic Bag is created from flippantly padded spazzolato calfskin leather and accented with a spherical metal push-clasp fastener in a gold tone. There’s an inside zipped pocket to keep smaller essentials inside straightforward attain, and a slim, adjustable strap for crossbody or over the shoulder styling. Choose from a variety muted or bold colors, or go for the more compact Mini BV Classic Bag. Luxury buyers who thought the 2 earlier Bottega styles to be too bold are head over heels for theMini Jodie Leather Hobo, a smaller fashion with the brand’s iconic woven nappa leather and a enjoyable knotted handle detail. The Jodie bag has a one-strap silhouette and a spacious shape. It’s the perfect alternative to different compact, 2000s-inspired shoulder luggage just like the Prada Re-Edition and Fendi Baguette. Bold colours and adornments replace basic forms, with versatile sizes and shapes proving the proper companion to each work and off-duty outfits. Made from luxury supplies and free from daring embellishment, Bottega Veneta luggage are so elegantly understated, they're going to final a lifetime. Thanks to their minimal fashion, the brand’s merchandise are some of the most in-demand proper now. Styles constructed from strips of leather woven in the house's signature intrecciato approach are some of Bottega Veneta’s most recognizable. Bottega Veneta started in 1966 as a leather-goods firm based mostly within the Italian town of Vicenza, targeted on quiet sophistication and meticulous craftsmanship. Bottega Veneta was based in 1966 and is finest known for its signature intrecciato woven lambskin leather, which provides its handbags, footwear, and accessories a supple deal with and stylish sculptural appearance. bottega veneta clutchs replica However, I do wish to see the longevity and staying power of the bags only for the truth that they are very expensive. If they have been rather less I would purchase one now, however I are inclined to look to Loewe for understated as the price level is a bit better even if the leather just isn't as amazing. That being stated I hope to personal a Bottega some point soon. I just need to know if I can wait and get one for infinitely much less. My mom bought me a Dior Gaucho bag after I was an adolescent and that factor price $2600 and now it’s $600. I adore it, however I somewhat would have gotten a Chanel flap for the funding purposes. During the company's 50th anniversary present at the Accademia di Brera, the Bottega Veneta clutch bag carried by Lauren Hutton in the 1980 film American Gigolo was revived . In October 2016, Claus-Dietrich Lahrs was appointed CEO of Bottega Veneta. In 2018, Bottega Veneta opened a 6-floor flagship store in Ginza, Tokyo, in a constructing designed as a tribute to the capital's architectural modernism. In January 2018, Bottega Veneta opened a 15,000-square-foot retailer - its third flagship store - on the nook of Madison and 64th Street in New York City. In June 2018, Tomas Maier stepped down as inventive director of Bottega Veneta. The brand’s shoulder baggage are made in Italy, which is rightly famed for its skilled craftsmanship in terms of manufacturing clothes, shoes and baggage. That is, there’s a less-is-more strategy, and you won’t discover a model logo on a single merchandise. Instead, you’ll see an identifiable signature, the intrecciato woven leather-based therapy, which, since we’re as regards to languages, interprets to intertwined in Italian. wikipedia handbags Furthermore, Bottega Veneta means Venetian shop, which brings us proper to the beginning. The staple design has seen a few additions for this assortment, which is on sale exclusively at Bergdorf, including Nappa opaque leather-based and glossy snakeskin to create a 3D impact. Coming in six totally different shades together with China Red, Dusty Rose, and Espresso, every bag is priced at $3,500. The Jodie is obtainable in many sizes— maxi, standard, mini—but is all the time crafted in an intrecciato leather (except when it’s sheathed in comfortable shearling) and made in Italy. Colors range from fuchsia pink to a perfect chocolate color—but there’s really no incorrect alternative. The visible language of Bottega Veneta handbags—and of the label as a whole—is primarily shaped by what goes unsaid. This entire article is just saying what I’ve been saying on the forum for the past three years… Also, very predictable with Claire’s report that came out recently. Anyone who says new Bottega luggage are simply trendy might be 50 and over and has zero taste and appreciation for cool/unique improvements. I get your perspective as a real purse lover…you know the origins of Bottega. 14 Iconic Luxury Handbags and the Stories behind Them When the name of a bag is as well-known as its model, you realize it is a traditional. Guaranteed authentic Bottega Veneta chic knee excessive wedge boot Unique darkish mushroom taupe colour lush delicate is utterly impartial - fabulous with black. one hundred pc authentic Bottega Veneta Intrecciato Small hobo bag in lilac nappy leather-based. Opens with a zipper on prime and is lined in taupe suede. Sold out lovely Bottega Veneta Sparkle Stretch heels for sale designed by Daniel Lee. These shoes had been purchased, saved and by no means used, solely tried on. I have purses from the Old Bottega and New Bottega…always liked the intrecciato. Bottega Veneta Pre Spring Stretch Cotton Safari Shirt - Inspired by army types - Cut for a slim match - Point collar - Buttoned cargo pockets on the shoulders - Concealed fastenings... This Bottega Veneta creation is gorgeous and excellent for everyday use.
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huber01huber · 2 years
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Aaa Duplicate Hermes Shop, 2021 100% Mirror Hermes Kelly Luggage, Birkin Bags A package deal that looks balanced and perfectly sized. It is indeed imposing, and indeed blame, the 1 meter 9 boys can utterly think about walking. However, this kind of open bag is originally the nature of the buying bag. If the merchandise is not because it was described, you'll be eligible for a full or partial refund. [newline]The V Lady Luxury Leather Clutch, which sells just over $16.00, intently mimics the Saint Laurent Classic Y Cabas Bag, which is now not obtainable. Instead of a Y, the V bag, in fact, has a V in the same spot. Questions are nearly similar to the final round, for optimal comparison evaluation. A lot of the questions in the original survey were closely inspired by r/MoneyDiariesActive 's end of year survey. I tried to be as inclusive as potential with every query, and apologize prematurely to our non-US pals for some of the selections / response formatting. Everything you want to learn about Christie's online-only public sale of handbags and equipment... As talked about above, earlier than you decide upon any product, make certain that you take a look at the feedback and evaluations left by different customers. You mustn't entirely base your transaction on the photograph offered by the sellers as these can be deceptive generally. They have an excellent assortment of replicas from Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Prada. The better part is, they are a direct manufacturing facility, which means you probably can attain out to them instantly and ask for modifications and modifications similar to change of brand or another additions. Source from our verified China suppliers the widest choice of bags in the type of sling bags, backpacks, handbags, totes, duffle bags, and so much more. Find cheap bags on-line on Made-in-China.com directly. They promote fashion bags, cosmetic bags, wallets, outside luggage, briefcases and extra. Their prime selling product is a Gucci replica purse that's tremendous well-liked and has a 4.5 ranking. The retailer has a 97% ranking and has been round for more than four years. If you're looking for reproduction handbags online, this retailer should be one of the sites you visit. To help women find the best quality replica designer purses at an affordable price, we determined to open our on-line retailer. It doesn’t matter whether or not you’re looking for a pretend Gucci bag or a Louis Vuitton duplicate. You have to be so good that anyone who just walked out of a Gucci or Louis Vuitton store in Beverly Hills or an upper-end store in Paris wouldn’t know the difference. That’s the kind of quality you should be capturing for. Expect a really nice one to price up to 20 percent of the actual bag's price. Most people can most likely appreciate the trouble that goes into making a designer bag. https://skel.io/ However, many consumers merely cannot afford or select to not pay such costs to be able to obtain the standing of a designer handbag. When ladies like a bag, they often wish to choose a color that they prefer. The designer has introduced a wide selection of colors for this KAN I LOGO chain bag, in pink, black, blue, pink, Light pink, white and different colours, in addition to a very stylish type alternative. wikipedia handbags
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anxresi · 3 years
Every Superhero Squad Needs A Good Anti-Hero.
Someone to break the rules occasionally.
Someone with a bit of an edge.
Someone sharp, sassy... and stylish.
She’ll save your life... but possibly bust your eardrums in telling you what an idiot you were getting into trouble.
She has an ego the size of a small planet... but can always be trusted to do the right thing. Eventually.
She provides a different dynamic to the rest of her comrades... but considers them her best friends and will protect them always. As long as her shoes don’t get too dirty along the way, that is.
I am of course, referring to this girl.
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Just think about what we could’ve had:
*Chloe slowly adapting to her new role as Queen Bee.
*The other heroes initially treating her with suspicion due to her rebellious and sometimes rude personality (in this personal AU, no-one knows her identity yet).
*Despite Queen Bee’s somewhat suspect attitude, nobody is more suited to being the girl in yellow and black stripes than her. She takes risks and places herself in danger more than the others due to overconfidence and inexperience, but this just makes her a better hero.
*There are quite a few mistakes along the way, and now and then she does need to be told off by Ladybug and the others. But while she may roll her eyes and say ‘whatever’ a lot to their tiresome lectures, she does listen. And, after a while, it starts to show.
*Taking the lessons she learned from her dual identity, she start to treat the people in her civilian life better. Starting with doing her own homework, not demanding to be the center of attention always, even stretching to full-blown apologies to the many individuals she’s hurt over the years.
*She still has her diva personality, but no longer bullies others intentionally and doesn’t regard her mother as a role model to follow. She may have been given the Bee Miraculous by mistake, but damn if she isn’t going to make the best of this opportunity to be a better person, great friend and the most fabulous insect-themed superhero Paris has ever seen. Better watch your spotted back, Ladybug!!
Sadly, reality barely ever reflects what we want. Especially in a show written for kids, by toddlers.
So instead of all the myriad of possibilities offered up by such a potentially complex character, we got Miss Bland-Surprise Pink-Stripe Half-Sister here parachuted into S4. Whoopee.
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Look at her! Isn’t she great in her overwhelming mediocrity? 
*Her first episode ended with everyone being her best friends, no more lessons for her to learn and fully overcoming her ‘tragic’ past. They should’ve stuck her back on the airplane to New York then, but nnoooo...
*Her second episode? Why, she becomes the BEST Miraculous holder EVA. It must be true, because Plagg said so. And who am I so argue with a kwami that’s thousands of years old? It’s not like someone writes the words that come out of his mouth... wait.
Now I guess, they’re gonna keep up this unbearably cliched ‘good sister, bad sister’ set-up going by ripping up all the good that Chloe showed during her abruptly aborted arc, and making her worse than ever. 
Oh, but not Mary-Zoe! She helps old ladies with their shopping! She lets flies out through the window instead of swatting them! She never says or does anything wrong: she’s sweet, wonderful, practically perfect in every way...
Oh, and one more thing: b-o-r-i-n-g.
If you’re happy with this person who’s more of a plot device designed to screw over a character the creator has a disturbingly toxic hatred for as your new trompo-wielding superhero, be my guest.
Me? I’ll continue to support a girl who never really got the chance to show us what she was capable of. All of her exciting potential, development and complexity...all gone to waste. No matter how much they try hiding these facts by inevitably making her a one-dimensional unrepentant Lila-lite from now on.
I don’t support... MARY-ZOE MEDIOCRITY.
And yes, that is what I’ll be calling her from now on. A perfect fusion of her name, and what she represents don’t you think?
Thank you, and good day/night. ^^
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mariusroyale · 3 years
You better give us some headcanons on the crew /j
uh hah ha-
- what’s the bet he watches and rewatches pirates of the Caribbean
- he’s littered with scars! battle scars he calls em and it stresses out peso bc he doesn’t WANT MORE SCARS ON HIM
- i hc him as bi! he just radiates bi energy to me-
- he blinks slow around peso :>>
- has used his claws to pick locks before!
- kwaso bc duh- he loves rubbing his face against pesos like he can’t help it he jus HAS to bc he loves him sm
- this is sort of canon already but he can’t go a minute without jumping or doing front flips anywhere like he GAHTTA MOVE
- when he’s thoroughly spooked he’ll jump extra high and cling onto the ceiling like in those cartoons akdjdkdh
- often studies when he’s not busy!! gotta know more abt how to help sea creatures he hasn’t encountered yet after all
- sings/chirps when he’s v v happy
- FLAPS when he’s happy too hahdkfjd
- i think he’d like watching medical dramas! probably me projecting but i like them
- WHAT IF HES INTO KDRAMAS (ive only gotten into one but that hc is cute ahehsj)
- loves listening to kwazii’s stories!! (this is already canon basically (cough cough, that snail ep in season 5))
- I’d like to think he preens sometimes! just sorta fixing up his feathers and some (kwazii) of the crew are like ‘why are u stabbing urself’
- is a super fast swimmer! this is already confirmed p much but like HELLA FAST
- enjoys listening to classical music
- could sometimes act like captain holt in my version of the crew!
- and by that i mean he sees kwazii as a son and would die for him (not if i die for u first captain!)
- when really really tired (as in u can’t save him with coffee) he’ll just blabber abt how much he treasures the crew and how much he’ll do for them
- sometimes he doesn’t get enough sleep! (like tweak-) and peso as his doctor has to keep him in check cos like yeah captain ur strong as shit but ur still old!!!
- his teefs are super fuckin S H A R P like sometimes when he needs a knife or maybe scissors he’ll just *SLICE*
- he’s obviously a huge softie but man this guy is SUCH a cutie patootie id imagine if he was in a relationship he’d be nonstop affection and all that
- speaking OF affection, he’ll pull kwazii into these big ass BEAR HUGS bc augwh he loves this cat so much “my SO N” “CAP LOOSEN IT A LITTLE IM A BIT SQUISHED-“
- bad at cooking but delights in watching cooking shows from time to time
- probably watches bob ross
- ohhhhh my god he could totally be an artist n stuff
- this one’s so stupid but, tweak and kwazii keep giggling whenever they make him say ‘LAWRENCE CHANEY’ KAHAKAHDS
- I’d like to think he tries to learn new languages too!
- falls asleep at his desk sometimes and one of the crew either carries him to bed or puts a blanket over him
- tries his hand at cooking with his children the vegimals! does not work out well he’s a disaster
- enjoys watching stuff on YouTube! u decide what youtubers he watches
- could hc him as ace!
- does that thing and eats ice
- he’s a lanky guy but almost reaches the captains height in my version
- sometimes when she’s really really frustrated she’ll just accidentally bark and she’ll just be like “😳 my bad-“
- when she’s particularly delirious (exhaustion, probably) she’ll chase her tail
- when she gets really excited her tail will wag really really fast
- adjdk sometimes when she’s super hungry she’ll skip chewing food and just I N H A L E (re: does not bode well when it’s noodles)
- sometimes she’ll just sleep in weird ass positions, neck tilted n all that
- loves dressing up tweak sometimes when she’s comfy with it (gives her her own stylish tomboy fits and stuff)
- LOOOOVES the barbie movies god she grew up on them and sometimes she’ll just watch fashion fairytale or princess charm school
- forces koshi to watch them too (she also loves them)
- visibly winces when kwazii tries mimicking her Aussie (tho it sounds p kiwi to me) accent
- probably watches drag race
- watches game grumps ajdjd
- sometimes gets too loud in her room when playing games cos she’ll get mad n shit
- sometimes she’ll just. eat leaves (even when they’re just on land in the wild if she knows it’s safe she’ll just. *nom*)
- goes NUTS whenever she makes blueprints that are like, detachable parts of a gup that are also modes of transport like she loves that the gup k and gup q
- like making it she’s like “HOHOHOJOUO WE GETTIN FUNKY WITH IT TONIGHT BOIZ” and it’s midnight and ‘bois’ is herself
- wants to redesign the gup f! ofc it was dodgy and is now a teeny artificial reef but she wants to make a new one that looks like the design she wanted initially !! (clownfish im p sure at least)
- her and kwazii get up to stupid shit in my version, assuming it doesn’t harm her gups or other creations
- when she’s pissed off/frustrated, she’ll tap her foot really quick repeatedly
- and while her ears twirl around each other when she’s scared, her nose also twitches!
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dastardlydandelion · 3 years
my thoughts on fear street 1666 now that i finished scrubbing all the toilets, got to go home and watch it
holy shit. that movie. wow. 
it wasn’t as fun as the other two. didn’t employ the same campy tropes. didn’t present itself in a flourish of period typical style. while i enjoyed the first two films paying homage to classic horror tropes and making the most of the stylish side of their respective environments, i am v grateful and relieved that 1666 *wasn’t* as fun as the other two and actually presented the horror of puritan fanaticism and witch accusations more srsly. imo it portrayed that grave, twisting dread that the subject matter calls for. i appreciate that bc i think i would’ve been uncomfortable if they attempted to do smth more campy with the time period given what we already knew abt the circumstances of sarah’s death even before the film. 
more of me blathering on and on abt fear street 1666 under the cut: 
the twist actually worked on me this time. they actually got me on this one, u guys. i rly watched this franchise believing sarah fier was possessing ppl and wreaking her vengeance on the town, but this whole time it was the fuckin’ goodes. nick, i never liked u, i think ur more interesting than i did before before when u were a generic as generic gets asshole, so now ur somewhat more interesting but even bigger of an asshole than i gave u credit for. ur literally the worst asshole of assholes, ur a walking infected hemorrhoidal rectum of a human being. 
don’t get me wrong, i always thought sarah was going to be portrayed sympathetically. i never doubted that. my theory was that sarah was going to be a sympathetic villain. i thought 1666 would’ve revealed why she cursed shadyside. i figured she would’ve cursed her townsfolk for turning their backs on her, maybe, or hurting/killing hannah, or using her for her witchcraft and then getting angry if it backfired on them, or smth like that. i thought we were going to watch a story abt sarah’s descent into darkness and while she’d defo be a tragic villain, she rly would be the person behind the possessions...but it wasn’t even her. she and hannah were just vulnerable to the town’s suspicion and persecution bc they were queer women who didn’t behave the way society wanted them to behave. and they were blamed for evil actually wrought by heterosexual men in power, and when sarah realized there was no way out of it, she took the blame upon herself so hannah was spared and she cursed only the goode family?? 
THAT IS SO MUCH BETTER. FUCK. THAT IS SUCH A BETTER STORY. kudos to this trilogy for being more intelligent than it ever had to be, when it could’ve just skated on the notoriety of the fear street series, the style, and billing notable cast members. 
so yeh, i defo 100% appreciated the goode men from wealthy sunnyvale being revealed as the true villains. i actually got my wish of nick getting killed in the face. i love that sarah possessed deena to do it herself!!! and deena!! oh man, i love deena so much. she was wearing a homebrew vest to protect herself made of fear street novels + duct tape, u gotta love it. ig she wanted to prepare herself since sam stabbed her at the end of 1994. on that note, she’s v active in this film for someone who has a fresh abdominal stab wound and i mean, the situation defo calls for it, but i hope she remembered to properly dress it and take a couple ibuprofen or smth. shit, i’m gettin distracted again. okay!! 
i loved errything that went down in the mall. i adore that josh and adult ziggy got more time to shine. i was so! so! happy at martin’s inclusion on the action. he deserved that after the way nick treated him in 1994. our occupations are also p similar so i defo relate to martin on that front. i loved it all the neon and blacklight stuff at the mall. that part was v stylish, that was p cool. spraying the killers with the blood so they kill each other!! yes! that was perfect!! it was incredibly practical and enjoyable for me, as a gore fan, to watch. 
i liked the sticky note on the wall at the end from deena and josh’s dad, that he had a job interview. i wonder if this is bc the curse of shadyside has been lifted with the end of the goodes?? 
yk, i feel like now knowing what we know abt the actual evil, i gotta wonder how much re-watch value there is to be gleaned from this trilogy. for example, in 1978, nick liked ziggy and didn’t want her to die. he performed cpr on her even tho she’d been stabbed a fuck ton of times and tbvh, the chances of success of resuscitation depending on what exactly it is was ziggy succumbed to seem v slim. at first i attributed this to a suspension of disbelief bc this is fiction (and to be fair crazy do happen sometimes irl, ykw, sometimes reality can surprise u) BUT now i’m sittin here like...was the cpr successful bc nick’s deal with the devil gave him the power to do that?? did his bargaining of others’ souls and offering them up for possession grant him the ability to have some control in that situation somehow? at least more than a normal human being should?? idk. it’s a thought. 
what else, what else? 
i feel like outta the three, 1666 had the most tension overall. i was p gosh darn emo abt the relationships. deena and sam’s relationship i’ve cared abt since the beginning but the contrast of them getting the opportunity to have it and be together, in parallel to the way sarah and hannah’s ended just moves u. or, it moved me at least. sarah tells hannah they’ll go somewhere and kiss in broad daylight before kissing her in almost total darkness, and then the film ends on deena and sam kissing in the sun. i was also glad deena and josh’s sibling relationship got touched on a lil bit more. thought it was cute that she tried to cook for him and produced smth that just dead ass looks inedible. i also thought it was sweet that ziggy reunited with nurse lane. she can do that now, she can leave her house without fearing the return of the curse, and she deserves it. <3
i’m impressed with the trilogy overall. each movie easily could’ve been an r-rated goosebumps episode and imo all were certainly better than that. i feel like each film was better than the previous, but personally enjoyed each one. some things were p predictable but i think much of that is intentional. 1994 and 1978 were clearly paying homage to classic slashers and familiar horror tropes. i personally didn’t find the predictability off-putting bc i recognized what they were trying to do, and felt the quality in the other elements made up for it. i was genuinely shocked by the actual villain reveal, i personally didn’t predict that. again, i always thought sarah was going to be sympathetic and i never liked nick at all, but i didn’t suspect sarah was just. dead ass *not* going to be a villain or that he was going to be the big bad. 
really dug the style of these films. loved that we got an interracial lesbian couple who made it thru the trilogy without either the predatory lesbian trope or the byg trope happening. i liked most of the characters we got to know and the only character who *rly* grated on my nerves was the villain who got stabbed in the eye. 
gosh, i want more fear street movies!! if i had to pick one outta any of the slashers featured, i’d want to see ruby lane’s story. i would like to see this production team milking the most outta the environment in the 50s, the style of the 50s, music, and whatnot. i enjoyed nurse lane even tho she was super bad at murder, so it’d be cool to see her again and who she was before her daughter got possessed and killed 7 ppl. also, ruby sings when she kills?? 
that’s weird and creepy and neat. totally down for it. 
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twstarchives · 4 years
Scary Dress・Voice Lines
● Event: Scary Monsters (October 14 - November 26, 2020) ● Exclusive Cards: Deuce, Kalim, Epel, Idia, Malleus, Lilia, Azul, Jack, Jade, Vil, Cater
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Deuce Spade - R
Unlock Card “This school event is meant for everyone to have fun. I’m going to make sure this Halloween’s a success!”
Groovy “You’re not getting away from me... I’ll scare you till you're trembling to the bone!”
Home Setting “I’m a skeleton ghost that’s risen from the grave! BOO!”
Home Transitions “These are our special costumes, so make sure you’re careful with them. Grim, that means don’t claw on the lace.”
“When I was a kid, there were times when I used to start sobbing because I thought there was a monster outside. But it was actually just the laundry drying out there... Oi, stop laughing!”
“I got some treats from Epel. There’s a lot of them, so I thought I’d share with you. You know the secret code, right?”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Happy Halloween! You just can’t help but get excited around this time of year.”
Home Taps “I saw Draconia a while ago. Seeing him walk around in that serpentine dragon costume so valiantly made him look cooler than ever.”
“I got a text from my mom—she said she wants to see my costume. I don’t mind sending her one, but I don’t know how I feel about taking a selfie... Prefect, could you take one of me?”
“I’m used to seeing the ghosts on campus, so they’re not that scary. Our terrifying dorm leader Rosehearts, on the other hand...”
“Viper fixed the lace on my hat for me. I feel like the vice leaders in every dorm are really caring.”
“Hey, you! You want me to bury you!? S-Sorry. I was practicing my scares; I didn’t mean to say that to you, Prefect.”
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Kalim Al-Asim - R
Unlock Card “Are you all ready to have some fun? Alright! Come on and follow my lead! One, two—Happy Halloween!”
Groovy “Grr... Pain shoots through my body whenever I look at the full moon. You better watch your back if you start to hear some howling.”
Home Setting “Growl! I’m a werewolf now.”
Home Transitions “Rook knows a lot about wildlife, and he told me all kinds of things about wolves. It was really useful.”
“I always carry around candies this time of year. This way anyone can tell me ‘Trick or treat’ anytime!”
“My magic carpet seems pretty excited for Halloween too. I’m competing with it to see who’s the scariest!”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “A party that everyone’s stoked about—that’s what Halloween is! Let’s have fun together! Growl! Growl!”
Home Taps Whine! Grrrrr! Bark! *cough!* “It’s hard trying to sound like a wolf...”
“I feel like it’d be so much more exciting if Cater, Lilia, and I dressed up for our band performances. Don’t you think so?”
“Jade said his costume is a mummy. If you wore clothes like that in the Scalding Sands, you’d get so hot that you might actually turn into one.”
“I like this costume; its design is really reminiscent of the Scalding Sands. Plus it’s easy to move in. It fits for dressing up as a werewolf.”
“Hm? You want to try scaring me? Spare me from any tricks, though. Ahaha!”
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Epel Felmier - R
Unlock Card “Boo! Did I spook you? Hehe. I’ll come scare you again if you let down your guard.”
Groovy “Struggling against me is useless... I think. You won’t get away from me.”
Home Setting “Now, Halloween has begun!”
Home Transitions “Wah! Oh, crap!¹ I stepped all over my cloak. If Vil saw me, he’d get mad and say ‘It’s not proper to run around like that.’”
“I carved some of the pumpkins that are decorating the school. Mine have ghosts and our dorm’s emblem on them. Try to find them, okay?”
“Hey, have you seen the decorations on Main Street? They’re all so pretty, and really marvy².”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “I think this is the first time I’ve celebrated such a festive Halloween. In my town, the festivals feel a lot more scaled down.”
Home Taps “Halloween celebrations in my hometown are never this big, but I can promise you the food’s always delicious. I want you all to come see it someday.”
“Riddle got really passionate when we were talking about the treats for Halloween earlier. Sweets are just amazing, aren’t they?”
“I’m a first-year just like Deuce and Jack, but I wish I could scare as well as they do. But only practice makes perfect!”
“Tremble in fear! ...No. That’s not menacing enough... Ah! What if I put ketchup around my mouth?”
“Huh!? A treat? Sorry. I finished handing all mine out. But I’ll peel an apple for you later, so don’t give me a trick or anything... Okay?”
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Idia Shroud - R
Unlock Card “E-E-Even I get excited for events sometimes... Is that bad!?”
Groovy “Anyone who sees what’s beneath my helmet won’t be leaving here unharmed... Hehehe!”
Home Setting “Wahaha! The Pumpkin Knight has arrived!”
Home Transitions “Every time Ortho tells me ‘Trick or treat,’ I give him some candy, but earlier he got mad and said ‘Let me have a trick too.’”
“You need to know your etiquette to have fun with events. That’s true no matter what world you’re in.”
“This time of year, they’re always having tons of huge events in gacha games. I’ve got an overwhelming lack of free time.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Weheehee~... Happy Halloween. Huh? Why are you making that face? Is it that weird to see me pumped up?”
Home Taps “Hiding my face under a helmet really lets me relax. The downside is it’s a little hard to breathe, though.”
“Wh-What are you dressing up as? Don’t tell me you’re just going to throw on something basic like a headband or a hat and call it a day?”
“They say lions are members of the cat family, but... Sir Leona is not soothing in the slightest. Hah~ I wanna nuzzle a cat...”
“You can say it. There’s no such thing as a nerd that hates Halloween!”
“Weheehee! I made this using a 3D printer, so it’s got really nice durability. ‘How much did it all cost’? Well, if you want to know, it was on sale.”
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Malleus Draconia - SR
Unlock Card “Halloween is a festival observed by both the living and the dead, regardless of one’s race. You, too, should enjoy yourself as much as you can.”
Groovy “I’d make anyone tremble in fear with a single breath of fire. Watch me.”
Home Setting “I’m not dressed up as a dragon. It’s a serpentine dragon.”
Home Transitions “The students in our dorm seem very pleased with our costumes. They were all cheering with joy. This was well-worth the trouble.”
“Lilia knows a lot about many nations’ versions of Halloween. He told me stories about them instead of his usual lullabies. That was a long time ago, though.”
“I saw two pumpkin knights around campus. The smaller one was floating, so I’m assuming they were the Shroud brothers.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “I’ve experienced many Halloweens, but this year seems especially chaotic.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Trick or treat!... wasn’t it? If you don’t give me a treat, I’ll have to trick you. What will you do?”
Home Taps “The red serpentine dragons from the Far East, which our costumes were based on, could even play folk instruments. Hm... How very interesting.”
“I caught Asim practicing his wolf howls. He’s lacking on the impact, but it does have a charm to it. Heheh.”
“Halloween in the Valley of Thorns is especially grand. It’s a different take on it than other countries have, but you should come see it someday. It’s beautiful.”
“If you hear a strange noise, don’t automatically assume it’s the work of a ghost. Faeries love playing tricks all year round.”
“This tail? Mine is not an accessory; it’s real. As curious as you might be, don’t get too close. You’d be easily flicked aside if you got hit by it.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “I’ll set fire to anyone that harms your dorm, just like a serpentine dragon would. I’m fond of that place.”
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Lilia Vanrouge - SR
Unlock Card “Halloween is my home ground ♪ I can’t wait to see the surprise on everyone’s faces.”
Groovy “Do not underestimate me. You might end up finding yourself trembling and unable to sleep all night long.”
Home Setting “Growl! How was that? Did I sound like a dragon?”
Home Transitions “On Halloween Night, the goblins who served the Fairy of Thorns would gather around a fire and dance all night long. You probably wouldn’t expect them to be party animals!”
“I remember the day I met a real-life serpentine dragon in the East like it was yesterday. Its crimson scales were truly a sight to behold.”
“I like eating most sweets, but marshmallows are the only ones I can’t do. It doesn’t feel like I’m eating anything; they aren’t satisfying.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Trick or treat... What? You’re already used to my tricks? Then I’ll have to bring out my trump card.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “If I were a real dragon, I could give you a ride on my back. But instead, why don’t I give you a piggy back ride?”
Home Taps “Hnn... The decorative horns on my cap are so heavy. Malleus really has these on his head at all times?”
“Aren’t my red nails cute? Vil painted them for me. He told me these were called gel nails—long-lasting nail polish.”
“Silver and Sebek used to be such crybabies. The mornings after Halloween, I’d have to spend the whole day doing laundry.”
“Have you seen Ace anywhere? He’s always eating Trey’s sweets like he really likes them, so I made some for him as well.”
“Oh, oh! It’s dangerous for someone of my stature to have a tail almost touching the ground. Try not to step on it either.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Achoo! Sorry, sorry. This peacock feather tickled my nose.”
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Azul Ashengrotto - SR
Unlock Card “The Mostro Lounge is currently offering a special Halloween menu. You must come and see!”
Groovy “Let’s have all the fun we want tonight. Now, let me hear you scream all the way up to the moon!”
Home Setting “How do I look? It’s very stylish with the way it revisits the old-fashioned sort of mummy, isn’t it?”
Home Transitions “If these were my own tentacles, I could move them freely at will, but that’s not true with these bandage wraps. I have to pay close attention to my movements.”
“Of course we have Halloween celebrations under the sea. Although, unlike on land, merpeople don’t exactly wear costumes.”
“I ran into Silver with this costume on, and he yelled ‘The enemy!’ before pulling out a baton. ...He must’ve been half-asleep.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Halloween only happens once a year. Let’s have the time of our lives together.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Did I hear you say ‘Trick or treat’ just now? Offering me of all people a deal is quite bold of you.”
Home Taps “I have an affinity for the costumes Jack and the other Savanaclaw students are wearing. They look like ghosts you’d find at sea, don’t they?”
“I referenced dishes that my family serves for the Lounge’s limited edition menu... Oh, my family runs a ristorante.”
“I’ll hold back on the treats, thank you. Accepting more and more of them will only increase my calorie intake for the day.”
“The reason we chose mummies for our costumes? I’m very unfamiliar with them, which made me all the more curious. After all, you can’t have anything dry under the sea.”
“What are you in such a rush for? I understand feeling excited, but you must be discreet when getting ready to scare someone.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “You must come see Halloween under the sea sometime! It’s just as fun as the academy’s.”
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Jack Howl - SR
Unlock Card “Dressing up as pirates fits for Savanaclaw, since the guys here are all brutes. When you want something, you take it!”
Groovy “On Halloween, it’s ghost territory. Make sure you be careful when walking around at night. Grr...”
Home Setting “My scares aren’t just for show.”
Home Transitions “Scarabia dressed up as werewolf ghosts. They really nailed the ears and tails.”
“When we were making jack o’ lanterns, Ruggie kept eating the pumpkin seeds. Do those taste good...?”
“The pirate costume fits Leona really well. He’s lazy and vulgar—ahem! He comes off as strong and powerful.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Happy Halloween! It’s nice with all these decorations and festive energy. Wanna walk around together later?”
Home Transition (Groovy) “I was getting tired of all these sweets, so I got some jerky. Want any?”
Home Taps “Ace and the others swear that anything Trey bakes is to die for. I wonder how his pear compote would... N-No, nevermind.”
“I used to want to be a pirate when I was little. I remember making treasure chests by myself and filling them with coins and sparkling jewels. Those were the days.”
“Pirates have to aim their cannons and do a lot of heavy lifting while onboard. They’ve got to train hard.”
“I almost never wear rings, so I’m scared these might fly off at any moment. Plus it’s hard to move my fingers.”
“Oi! Stop prodding at my costume! What’re you going to do if one of the seashells breaks off?”
Home Tap (Groovy) “You haven’t put on your costume yet? The ghosts will come to kidnap you if you don’t hurry and change.”
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Jade Leech - SSR
Unlock Card “I’ve been expecting you. Today I have a most wonderful scare prepared for you.”
“We’ve been working hard to ensure that everyone can spend a wonderful Halloween.”
Groovy “The sight of you screaming as you try to hurry away... It’s irresistible. I cannot hold myself back from chasing after you!”
Home Setting “Who would like to be tied up in fear?”
Home Transitions “You want to see me when I’m frightened? Heheh. I wouldn’t mind you scaring me anytime you’d like.”
“There is no such thing as using pumpkins as lanterns under the sea. I was very shocked learning about culture on land when I was a freshman.”
“Have you had a chance to try out the Mostro Lounge’s limited edition Halloween menu? I contributed a recipe to it.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Trick or treat! Heheh. There’s no need to look so frightened; I won’t bite.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Oh, my. Were you hoping to play a trick on me? I have a treat on hand, so please spare me today.”
Home Taps “I helped Ruggie with making jack o’ lanterns. They’re very quick, cheap, and beautiful. How fitting.”
“Dryness is fatal for merpeople. If we were dried up like a mummy... Just the thought is horrifying.”
“Floyd, don’t eat too many sweets. It’s different while we’re in the water, but here we have a high risk of tooth decay.”
“The draping wraps on our costumes resemble jellyfish tentacles. They’re pretty, aren’t they? I like their asymmetrical design.”
“You seem to have a wish to join the world of mummies. First, I will wrap your whole body in bandages, and then dry you out... I’m only joking.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Halloween under the sea? If you’re interested, I will show you around one day.”
Duo Magic Jade: Azul, we cannot waste any more time. Azul: Let’s be efficient about this, Jade.
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Vil Schoenheit - SSR
Unlock Card “Are you prepared to pledge yourself to me? It’s a great honor to be the sustenance of my beauty.”
“If I’m participating in this, then I’m going to aim for quality that transcends all previous Halloweens. Please keep up with me.”
Groovy “How unfortunate; there’s nowhere left for you to run. Yield yourself to me and become my slave.”
Home Setting “You will be a victim to my fangs.”
Home Transitions “Vampires, who possess eternal beauty... This is a perfect theme for me, isn’t it?”
“It would be difficult to check my appearance if I couldn’t see my reflection in the mirror. Perhaps I’d have to check with Rook between every class.”
“The other day, I was drinking tomato juice in the evening, and Epel screamed at me. How rude.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Trick or treat. Although, I don’t need any sweet treats. I’m sure you can guess what a vampire would want... Heheh.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Have you flipped your sleep schedule like a vampire’s because it’s Halloween? Make sure you don’t stay up too late.”
Home Taps “I don’t usually carry around treats with me, so last year I fell victim to Lilia’s tricks. That was honestly unpleasant.”
“You should carefully deliberate over your parasol and choose one that has strong protection from the sun. Don’t forget sunblock either.”
“Floyd’s skin is very beautiful. Makeup sits exceptionally well on moisturized skin, too. Always remember to moisturize.”
“My father is an actor, and for every Halloween he would come home in a costume with special effects makeup. I wonder if perfectionism runs in the family.”
“Even a single strand of hair out of place is something to pay mind to. Could you fix my hair for me?”
Home Tap (Groovy) “My cloak has enough cloth to wrap around a person. Should I hide you inside it if any scary ghosts come by?”
Duo Magic Vil: Let’s end this nonsense right here, Lilia. Lilia: Leave it to me to guard you from behind, Vil.
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Cater Diamond - SSR
Unlock Card “I’ll fill you all the way to the bone... with fear, of course ♪”
“Aha! Are you surprised with how off things feel now? Let me show you Cay’s charm, now that I’m a touch different for Halloween~”
Groovy “You’re not thinking you’ll be able to get home safely now that you’ve dug me up, are you?”
Home Setting “Don’t you think my costume’s super aesthetic!?”
Home Transitions “The pumpkin pie Trey always makes this time of year... Mm, it’s not too sweet, and it’s sooo good~!”
“Did you see Lucius today!? He was wearing a super adorable pumpkin hat... I can’t believe Professor Trein~!”
“Sebek-kins really loves Malleus~ He’s got a reputation among the third-years for being the passionate Draconian.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Happy Halloween! How about we take a picture to commemorate?”
Home Transition (Groovy) “I have a feeling this year’s going to be the funnest Halloween we’ve ever had. You should be excited too, Prefect!”
Home Taps “I really like how our skeleton-looking laces are so elegant. Our dorm uniforms give off more cutesy vibes; it’s super different.”
“A black veil holds many mysteries... Heheh. You’re always free to lift it up anytime you want, Prefect! Just kidding.”
“Heartslabyul’s costumes last year? We were pirates! Wish you could see Cay as a pirate~?”
“The whole campus gets super festive and exciting around Halloween! And all the decorations are so photogenic.”
“Black makeup smudges easily, so you kind of need to have advanced skills to use it. Does it look okay right now? It’s not smudged?”
Home Tap (Groovy) “What are you dressing up as, Prefect? Come let me know when you have it ready. I wanna take a pic~”
Duo Magic Cater: “Jack, lend me some of your aesthetic support!” Jack: “This’ll be a breeze, Cater!”
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dannyboyzone · 3 years
Why these Lookism Bad Guys are liked, a rant by me
Alright, so I have came across a post talking about how Johan is hated on despite being a "bad person", and trashing other characters for absolutely no reason other than guilt tripping people. I personally think the post is immature, but due to my own personality and mental state, it has still got me kind of pressed, because it all sounds ridiculous. This post will be about some people in Lookism that are viewed as a bad people and or are hated on, and why I think they are liked. I won't speak for everybody liking these characters, and it will include some characters that I hate. This post is just to give a general idea for people who are really ignorant about why some characters might receive love. You might have come across that post, and if not, I am talking about this one below. - Well, only a small part of it, that threw me off. -
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I didn't include the person's username out of respect and also so they don't feel attacked or anything of the sort.
Before starting this off, there are a few things I would like to say. If I sound petty, I truly don't care. I never saw anybody hating on Johan, at max maybe give criticism, I also don't hate Johan or try to disvalidate anyone's feelings, just get some things straight. Liking someone's looks does not immediately mean you are attracted to them, neither does liking the person's look you are attracted to mean you are toxic. It means you are loving. If you like someone's personality, you will find them beautiful consciously or subconsciously. If someone finds a character handsome, it is not a crime, people have types and preferences, and if they do it's none of your business. Hating good looking people doesn't make you woke, neither hating on people who are attracted to good looking people. What are you, Crystal Choi? And yes, people will be attracted to looks, it's a normal human act. People will notice if they find someone more attractive or unattractive which is not a bad thing. What is a bad thing when they start treating people different because of it. I assure you, most of the lookism fandom that I have came across doesn't do that.
This post will not include Seong Yohan because I never saw him get hated and I don't think nobody knows where he is coming from.
Samuel Seo
Yeah, so what seemed to be a surprise for me is that not a lot of people like Samuel, or at least understand why the people liking him would. Now, I personally feel no romantic attachment towards him. - Which is yes, normal, even if he is fictional. It's called fictophilia and I better see no judgement about it. - However, I do love Samuel a lot, and would love to care for him and grow a strong bond. To me, Samuel is not a monster. At all, believe me, Samuel isn't liked only for his looks. For me, personally, I love him so much because I can relate to him. I absolutely hated him at first, but grew to love him because he is human. He is complex, has a hard life and isn't perfect. That's exactly why I love him, and someone else I really adore does too. Yes sure, as you grow to like someone's personality, you find them handsome and or pretty. It's so much easier to say someone is pretty than to say, 'Hey, I love this person because they helped me go through so much.' Not everyone has the same love language, not everyone is comfortable with blunt affection. Besides, Samuel can and will achieve anything he wants. He has SO much sides to himself, not just 'good looking violent guy with big tits'. That's not Samuel at all. Besides, if PTJ oversexualises him, it's hard to not notice his body.
Yes sure, Samuel hits women, but I personally, don't f%cking care. Your vagina doesn't define if you deserve violence or not, your behaviour and the person's you face personality does. I am personally someone that doesn't mind violence as long as the person deserved it, because some scumbags in this world do. If they happen to be a woman, that's not on me, they shouldn't have done whatever they did. If you are not a violent person, I am not even sorry to tell you this, but you are probably sexist. It's not like all women are fragile and unable to get hit. Besides, if his violence is the problem, why is it fine that he hits men? Because men can handle it? According to statistics women have a higher pain tolerance. By your logic, you should call him out for hitting anyone in his way. Stop acting like hitting women is a necessarily bad thing, start saying that hitting innocent people is a bad thing.
If you must hate on him, maybe use the fact that he killed his abusive and neglective parents. Don't give a hard time to others for liking him though.
Ahn JongGun
Does Gun seem like a bad guy? Absolutely, he has done some horrible things. Then why do we like him? Because he seems to have a smaller character development coming, he has so many things to him and he is an absolutely incredible and complex character. I am very curious of his background and what caused him to be so violent and yet so calm. I like him because he allows himself to be human. From his religion, to his knowledge of material arts, to his adoration towards Vasco's material arts teacher - I forgot his name, so excuse me for that -, to his attention to details, to his fashion sense, it all makes him human. It's nice to see someone be a human, instead of just 'hot guy' or 'villain'. He is a nice character that brings many depth to the story. I could list a hundred of reasons why I love him, and no, none of it is his "weird" fashion sense. I do find him incredibly stylish, I just think some people in this fandom don't understand fashion. - Oops, I guess. - My main reason to liking him is that he is most likely either bisexual or pansexual. That he has a crush on Daniel. I might seem like I have a weird fetish or something, or that I am a crazy "fangirl". That's not the case though. I am a part of the LGBTQ+ community, and while not huge, I adore the hell out of the representation. It's nice to see such a smart, elegant and powerful guy be the representation. Because he is a character that's not there simply to be gay and full of stereotypes. Like, no hard feelings if you fit into stereotypes, but as a person who doesn't fit into them, it's a refreshing thing to see someone that's allowed to have many sides to himself other than just 'the gay friend'. Of course I am sure there are a lot of people who have many other reasons to love him, like his endless knowledge of material arts. There is so many reasons to be interested in his character, and just because you can't see it that doesn't mean others are blind to it too.
Yeah, he might have slept with countless women, but the main reason you can't count it is because he never stated the amount of women he slept with, neither did anyone else. Sure, he did say that Daniel is better than any women he ever slept with, but for all you know that could have been 3. Even if, it doesn't matter. He could have slept with 3, or 70 women. It doesn't matter, because not everyone's sexual life will reflect your own. And other people's sexual life is none of your business. Sure, you can say it's only fiction, and that I am overreacting, but when it comes to such small or personal details, people tend to put their own personal view into it. It's really not fine to shame others for their sexual life. As long as he uses protection, and didn't make anyone pregnant and doesn't play with the feelings of anyone, who gives a f%ck.
Some people tend to lash out sexually if they experience trauma or stress, and no, I don't mean they go and r%pe people, I mean that they go and have sex with different people who give consent. Even if he doesn't do it because of that, why does it bother you so much? Sex isn't a disgusting act. Some people like it, some people don't. Whatever their decision is, as long as no one is hurt, you should respect their decision.
Kim JoonGoo
Alright, this got me f%cked up. Goo is such a good character, and no way he would ever cheat on his S/O. He has morals and a lot of good sense in himself. Sure, he might have said that Samuel will be his secret friend, which led OP to believing Goo would cheat, but that's... a terrible reason, in my opinion. Gun knows that Samuel works for Goo, and Goo owns up it too. Besides that, nothing, absolutely nothing would lead to the fact that Goo would cheat. Because he wouldn't.
Now, why do I like Goo, and why some other's might like him too. He is such a well put together character, unpredictable yet so simple. He damages people to a point they have to retire, doesn't get scared of murderer, is a money maniac and hates his boss. You would think, he is dirty and fits the "gangster" stereotypes. That's not the case at all. He is more hygienic than most of the characters of lookism, if not the most hygienic one. He hates drinking and smoking, doesn't have tattoos - not that there is anything wrong with that - and is incredibly patient.
He might be a money maniac sure, but his ability to control money so well the way he does just shows how high his IQ is. I find that amusing, since it's something hard to do. What I completely love to the moon and back about Goo is his creativity.
When he gets into fights, he is patient and maybe let's himself get hit a few times. That's a good thing because he has time to learn about what he is facing. I think that's neat, because not a lot of people think about that during fights, and he taught me to do that. Also, the way he harms people is very creative too, no matter how harsh that sounds. He stabs people with chopsticks, kicks people with a glass piece stuck in his shoe and harms people with a katana. It's all so unpredictable yet fits him so well. I really love the way he fights and handles situations because it tells so much about him. Also, he is so fun, who would do karaoke after beating a bunch of guys unconscious? Only your one and only Kim JoonGoo. He is such a fun person to study and to read about.
So, no, I will not put up with the bullsh%t that he would cheat on his s/o, because he is a very respectful and none judgemental person. Just because his fights look violent to you, and his friendship with Gun unstable, that doesn't mean he is a bad person. It just means he is different from you, and yeah, he does f%cked up things, I won't deny that. That's exactly what makes him an interesting character.
Now, I personally don't like Xiaolong that much, so this will not come from heart, but a place of logic. For a disclaimer, I am not caught up on the latest chapters, because I want to binge read it.
Now, even though I do not like Xiaolung, I can see why other people would.
He is a responsible person, who takes good care of himself even though he has to look after Vivi 24/7. He is not only good in his job, but takes it very seriously too. He isn't afraid to take action to make sure his job is going smoothly, and that everything is on it's place. He would do anything to protect Vivi, which can be appealing to some.
And from what I saw from spoilers, he is very strong. No, admiring his strength does not make the person toxic or fragile. It means they find the place in their heart to appreciate the type of struggle and hard work he puts into it. He has an unique way of fighting, which I could only see a small portion of. However it's clear that he must be impressive. I completely understand if people find that neat.
Also, Xiaolong seems like such a f%cking loyal person. That's so incredibly important. A lot of people can find that appealing, for various reasons. I am aware there are poly people, or anything similar to that, but loyalty is so important for some people and can form a very deep sense of love.
Yeah, he might take care of Vivi when she is drugged and let her get away with drugs but consider this that's his job. He is payed to do that and swore to do his best in it, as it's very important to him.
Yeah, I don't care, like who ever you want to and defend them, but if you drag down other characters and guilt trip people because of liking specific characters, you are not going to be "woke" or special. And I will find you, and e a t you. - For legal reasons, that's a joke. -
That is not the only post that I saw shame those characters and people who like them, but is the one that made me messed up.
This fandom absolutely loves shaming people if they love the character design and looks of their favourite character. Let me tell you something though; You are missing the point of the whole manhwa you are reading.
Finding people attractive and beautiful is completely normal. Treating them differently because of that is not. As far as I am concerned, I never saw any lookism fans hate on characters they find less attractive. - Rather on the attractive ones. -
People have a type and that applies to looks and personality. Literally everyone does, even if it's unconsciously.
If you want your favorite character to get more love, don't make other people's comfort characters look bad on purpose, because in their eyes they aren't simply the bad qualities you see in them. And if you highlight them at least make sure they are true or at least reasonable bad qualities.
Well yeah, that was my little rant. And I didn't even mention the psychological aspects of why each character is like, or in other words what people they might attract. Or, the difference kind of personal life experiences people had to go through to appreciate each kind of little detail about the characters.
Yeah, this is the end of my little rant. If this post will get actual mature answers and discussions, I will make a similar one for Vinjin, Logan, Olly and Jiho. Yeah, I hate all of them, but other people might not.
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star-lemonade · 3 years
Private Video (1/2)
A.C.E Donghun x Reader
Cw: smut, asmr
Rating: R
Word count: 3.2k
Not betaed. thanks to @silent5tar for reading it ahead of release <3
“I heard your channel is doing well.”
Sujin smiled over the edge of her mug. She had never really understood the appeal of ASMR, but she still supported your endeavors.
“Yes, it is. Next month I will invite you to dinner.”
“Oh, so you really make some money?”
Sujin raised one eyebrow. A look that fit her face well. Even in situations like this her words never came out accusatory.
“Not really, but I can take my best friend out for dinner anyways.”
She smiled as the waitress came with your cakes. No, the youtube channel did not really make money, if you consider the cost of the microphone and filming equipment but it was a good pass time. The feedback from people in the comments felt good too.
“Ah! I remembered something.”
Sujin leaned forward as if people in the cafe would pay attention to your conversation. Of course no one was looking at you.
“Do you remember Donghun?”
Yes, you did remember him. Donghun was Sujin’s ex-boyfriend’s friend. Well, friend is maybe said too much. They had attended some of the same classes and Donghun had hung out with him, and by extension you, sometimes.
“I do. What’s with him?”
“He asked for your number.”
That was surprising. You had talked a few times but mostly you had been there for Sujin, to spend time with her. Why did he want your number now?
“Okay. Why tho?”
She shrugged. At least she had not just given out your number to anyone who asked. A bit more information would have been though.
“No idea.”
You thought about it. Technically you knew him so it was not like you would give your number to a stranger and if you did not like where the conversation was going you could still block him.
“Okay, give him my number then.”
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A few days later Donghun asked you to meet him for coffee. The place was in a particularly hip part of town. Every coffee shop here was the picturesque backdrop for some influencer’s instagram post.
You entered the shop and looked around. Donghun was nowhere to be seen. You got yourself a coffee and sat down. The place was cozy with its assorted armchairs and low tables. It would be perfect to come here and read a book. It was not too loud either at the moment at least. You sank into the soft cushions. The armchair felt like a lot of people had previously sat in it. The seat had sunken in the middle but it was still okay. A shadow appeared in your periphery.
“Hi, how have you been?”
A soft voice asked from the side and you jerked up. Donghun had arrived. His dark brown hair fell into his eyes as he smiled, looking down at you. He took off his jacket and hung it over the armchair opposite you. The jeans and plain black sweater looked stylish on him.
“I’m good thanks for asking.”
“Good to hear. I will just get a coffee too.”
He joined the queue for the counter. The coffee shop was not very full at the moment, most people just got a drink to go and left again. Donghun looked different from the last time you had seen him. His hair was longer and dyed a warm shade of brown. The small piercing in the side of his nose was new too. It gave him an even more soft, pretty feeling. He looked like one of those instagram influencers that you followed for their cozy aesthetics and beautiful faces. You wondered if he had a public instagram account and if yes, how many followers did he have. I would follow him. You made a mental note to look for his account later.
He returned with a mug of coffee and sank into the soft armchair.
“So, why did you want to meet me?”
“Ah, yes it’s been a while.”
He looked down at his mug that he held in his hands. Several delicate metal rings decorated his fingers. You could also see a bracelet peek from under his sleeves.
“I have seen your videos and I love your channel.”
“Oh, so you are a fan.”
Your tone was teasing and Donghun smiled.
“I guess so.”
Not a lot of people you knew had much interest in what you did on your channel. Most had never even seen an ASMR video. Sujin had watched some when you started but it was not something that she needed in her life.
“What are your favorite videos then?”
Let’s see if he really watched them or not. You had not done that many videos over the past year or so, maybe 30 videos, but you had enjoyed making them. He leaned forward a bit as he spoke.
“I really liked the one with the lid sounds. Those containers from lush sound really good.”
You nodded.
“Oh and the long one. I listen to it while working.”
Ah yes. The long one. The 3 hour monstrosity had taken forever to edit together. You had made some mistakes and it delayed the whole schedule you had set for yourself. It felt good to hear that your work was appreciated.
“There is actually something I wanted to ask.”
He leaned forward and met your eyes.
“I would love to try it too. Recording a video I mean. Would that be okay with you? Maybe you can publish it, if it’s good?”
So this was his ulterior motive. It made sense. The equipment was pretty pricey so, if you do not know, whether or not you really like recording, it would be better to try first with someone else’s microphones.There was no harm in letting him play around. You seized him up. Donghun would look good on camera, you were sure of that. Personally you only showed your face very few times. It was enough to have good sound and nice close ups of the objects. One thing about him stood up to you the most.
“I think I have an idea for your video already.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yes, how is next Saturday for you?”
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You set up your filming equipment in the small living room. Well, more like the room had become a set and had ceased to be a living room. You had built a soundproof box out of plywood and sound absorbing foam. While it was technically removable, most days you just let it stand there. It was simply too bothersome to move it elsewhere.
Donghun arrived on time. He rang the bell and you let him in. Just as you had told him, he wore an off white sweater. There were some colors that had to be avoided when filming videos, because they did not look as good on camera. The background in the sound proof box was black so this would make him stand out.
“Hi, can I offer you something to drink?”
“A cup of tea, if you have it.”
While you made tea for both of you, Donghun inspected the set. A chair was surrounded by three walls of sound foam. The camera and the microphone were plugged in to your computer and ready to go.
He sat down on the chair as there was no other place for him to sit that was not the floor. He blew on his tea.
“So, what have you planned for me.”
“Have you ever seen a hand sounds video?”
These kinds of ASMR videos featured a person rubbing their hand together in different ways. You enjoyed listening to them a lot and while you would have loved to make one yourself, the thought of having people look at you hands that closely made you uncomfortable. Okay, maybe they were doing that already but it would be even more intense.
“Oh. Yes, I have. You think I will be good at that?”
“You have nice hands, so…”
Now that you had said that out loud it seemed a bit odd. As if this was something inappropriate. It implied that you had looked at him. He held up his hands and inspected them. Pretend like that wasn’t awkward. He nodded.
“So, when do we start?”
You closed the blinds on the windows and began to adjust the lighting. Donghun looked really good. His skin had a healthy tone and the long hair, freshly washed, shone in the lights. He had rolled up his sleeves, but you wondered if taking the sweater off would be better.
You gave him a monitor - some earbuds - so he could hear himself while recording. He started to test the microphone and looked surprised at the sound. You could not hear the sound of the microphone but it was okay. You would watch the recording a bit later. Donghun rubbed his fingers together and experimented with speeds. His hands were graceful and you could not help yourself but stare. Even if it was disguised as monitoring the recording.
“Can you come over I wanna try something”
You walked over to him, wondering what it was. He took your hand and pushed the sleeve of your shirt up. While close to the microphone, he ran his palm over your arm. A shiver ran down your spine. His hands were a bit more on the soft side and the way he rubbed your arm, even if unintended, put you on edge. It had been some time since you had had a partner and this felt almost too intimate.
Thankfully Donghun did not notice the effect he had on you because he was focused on the sound only he could hear. You controlled your breathing as it would be audible on the recording. Please stop being so handsome. The faint smell of shampoo and freshly washed clothes tickled your nose. It made your stomach drop.
Okay, but is it possible that I am developing a crush on Donghun right now? That was totally possible. You had always found him kind of attractive, but you had never spent that much time together.
“Are you okay?”
His voice was soft, only audible because it was so quiet. It brought you back to the present.
“Yes...yes! Sorry I…”
You cut yourself off. Don’t mumble. His fingers pressed lightly against the palm of your hand. Almost like holding hands but not quite. He got up, not letting go.
“Can we take a break?”
You were very aware how close he was and of his fingers gently holding your hand. His eyes were a warm shade of brown that reminded you of chocolate.
“Let’s go then.”
A trip to the coffee place around the corner gave you a bit of time to sort your thoughts. Maybe you should ask Donghun if he was looking for a girlfriend. If he was, you could ask him out. There was no point in denying you felt something for him. Now, the only question that remained was, how could you ask subtly about his relationship status. You could not bring yourself to just ask. What if you made it awkward? What if he laughed in your face? No, you wanted to do it, indirectly. You would come up with something.
After you drank your coffees, you returned to the apartment. Donghun recorded for about two hours. You would have to cut some parts where a truck drove by or where the neighbors talked too loudly but it had looked good.
“Awesome, you did a good job!”
It was true you really liked the video and sounds you had recorded. You set the earphones down and looked up at Donghun.
“Is it really okay if I upload this?”
From a legal standpoint you could not simply upload someone else’s face to your Youtube channel. So you had to ask.
He beamed as he put on his jacket. You did not want him to leave but could not think of a reason to make him stay. Donghun must be tired. Sitting in the chair for so long was surprisingly exhausting. You knew that from experience.
You saw him to the door. Donghun standing in your door was something you would like to see again. When he came back that was.
“It was fun recording today! Thank you for letting me do this.”
His smile was a ray of warm sunlight.
“No problem. I had fun.”
He stood in your door and buried his hands in the pockets of his pants. I bet the hair feels as soft as it looks. It looked like he wanted to say something, probably goodbye. The time was now.
“Would you like to grab a coffee sometime?”
He looked a bit surprised but a smile appeared on his face.
“Yes, I would like that.”
Your heart had skipped a beat when he had said that. Hopefully it would not be too long before you met again.
“See you around.”
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The video with the title “Hand sounds with my friend” was a big success. Comments and likes poured in all day. One of the most upvoted ones read:
“I loved the part you did together. Can we get a part two? 😘”
The thought of Donghun running his hands along your skin was dangerous. It had felt so good. It had been two weeks since you had filmed the video but the memory was still vivid in your mind. The tickling of his fingertips brushing over your arm. The warmth of his hands and the smell of his hair were still there. You wanted to run your hands through the soft hair, wondering how it would feel. His head would tilt up and he would look up at you with those sparkling eyes. Maybe he would kiss your hands. Kiss your arm. Kiss your lips.
Your phone vibrated and you jerked from your daydream.
“Hey, do you wanna get dinner tonight?”
Donghun. As if your thoughts had summoned him…
“Sure, where do you want to go?”
Was this a date? You did not want to ask if this was a date or not. No need to make things awkward.
About 20 minutes before you had to leave for your maybe date, you stood before your wardrobe and weighed your options. The nice dress may signal your interest but could also be perceived as overkill for a casual date with a friend. Wearing a simple jeans and sweater or cardigan combo might seem too much like you were not interested and saw this more as a “friends going out to eat” situation.
You put on the dress. It showed way more cleavage than you remembered. You did not feel comfortable enough to wear it today. Jeans and cardigan it was. As fast as possible you changed.
In order to relieve some nervousness you went to the bathroom and started putting on makeup in record time. Usually you were too lazy to put on makeup but in situations like now it felt like armour. Whatever may happen today at least you looked your best.
The worry you had had about a look overkill dissipated, when you saw Donghun. He wore black suit pants, a white dress shirt and a cream colored blazer. A black silk shawl was tied like a ribbon around his neck instead of a tie. Your dress would have looked down right shabby next this. Donghun looked absolutely stunning.
He smiled a small smile. It made your heart jump.
You opened the glass door and entered. The restaurant was not very fancy and Donghun seemed out of place. One of the tables in the back was free and he walked towards it with unwavering steps.
He sat down and you took the chair opposite. You busied yourself with choosing something to eat. The laminated pages of the menu made your fingers even more sweaty. It’s not necessary to be this nervous. Calm down. But look at him! Is he playing a prince in a drama or something. Who shows up to a dinner with a friend looking like that?
It was true, he looked extra good today. The only logical reason seemed to be that he saw this as a date. Maybe it was a good idea to signal your interest.
“I really like your outfit.”
He looked down as if to check what exactly he was wearing.
“Ah, yes. Thanks. I was taking photos with some friends earlier.”
You did not realize that you had said that out loud until he gave you a questioning look. Pretending to be suddenly very interested in the menu you looked down and hoping your blush was not visible.
The waiter took your orders and left. You still felt awkward and avoided looking at him by looking around the room. Some of the older men at the other table were clearly talking about Donghun. He, however, was not bothered by the way people looked at him. In general it seemed like not a lot could dampen his confidence. One time you had hung out with Sujin, her ex and some more friends, you had played some game. Your recollection of the night was not very good but the result of the game - or was it a dare? - was that Donghun had to put on one of Sujin’s crop tops. He wore it for the rest of the night even when you went to a club. Now that you thought about it, this was actually something you admired about him.
“I don’t think i have asked, but what do you do for a living?”
Donghun had mentioned working but you did not remember what it was that he did. As it turned he worked as a system administrator at a company not too far away. On the side he had an instagram account with a few ten thousand followers. Not a huge following but definitely something. You pulled out your phone and searched for his account.
“I will stalk your account later.”
“But don’t like all the old posts or people will notice.”
Eyes sparkled mischievously and you laughed. The few photos you had seen looked exactly how you had expected. All of them had a hard to describe coziness to them. Like the one of Donghun sitting in bed with a mug.
“How have you been doing?”
The food had arrived and you felt more relaxed around Donghun. He obviously did not think this was a date so there was no pressure on you to look your best. It was a bit disappointing but also a relief. You talked about your work and how you thought about changing jobs.
“Would you quit if your channel was making enough money?”
You had thought about that before but reality was complicated.
“Right now i’m just doing it for fun but if it was a matter of paying the bills, I don’t think it would be as fun.”
Donghun nodded.
“It’s not very stable.”
“That too.”
If your channel did very well and you quit your shitty, but stable job, you would have to worry more about what videos would do well instead of enjoying what you do.
“Ah, speaking of the channel, I wanted to ask you something.”
Donghun looked up from his plate.
“The video we recorded did really well and people asked for another. Would you like to make another video with me?”
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