#this kid is like sixteen and she already knows how to get that much across in silence? keep her in paychecks man
novelconcepts · 2 years
Dude, the fact that you can see Strazza putting KJ through all five stages of grief in that bathroom, landing on an expression that perfectly sums up the feeling of: THAT. That’s it. That’s the thing I’ve had at the back of my head all my life. You watch it click home behind her eyes. It’s in the leveling out of breath. The slight pull-back of her shoulders. The blink. The full range of human emotion spills out in the span of forty seconds, it is insane. This kid is an excellent performer.
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n0sewise · 9 months
look, I think Gon and Killua are well liked by their friends and loved ones, but I also think that they’d be just the worst couple on the planet.
like maybe Gon is cold because he’s not used to that type of weather, and instead of Killua giving him his hoodie, they both just wear it at the same time, and yes it looks weird and they’re walking awkwardly but obviously this was the best solution to the problem. and they don’t set out to be That Couple, but they share everything and of course Gon is going to hold out his bubble tea so Killua can try the flavour he got because he said he didn’t want mango, but Gon knows he’ll want to at least taste it, and they’re holding hands so there’s no way to pass it over without letting go.
they’re good friends to have around, great even, but sometimes it’s annoying to talk to them because Killua will just give Gon A Look, and he’ll smile back, and somehow a silent conversation is happening that neither one will elaborate on and it’s hard to talk to someone when their partner is draped across their shoulders and playing with their hair
their friends start specifying that the invite for Boys Night is just for Gon or just for Killua and Yes, they know they’re both boys but last time they just made out in the corner and forgot to socialize.
maybe Killua has come over after school every day since the sixth grade, and Mito loves him, she really does, but suddenly the boys are sixteen and Gon is no longer allowed to close his bedroom door when Killua visits because Gon is not a quiet kid and Mito knows they aren’t studying up there
maybe the Zoldycks go on vacation to the French Riviera for the holidays and Killua is absolutely insufferable the entire time because No One has ever been in love the way he is and How Dare they separate him and Gon, and he racks up an Astonishing phone bill messaging Gon about how stupid everything is and how it’s no fun without him, and here are eleven selfies of him on an exquisite beach Not Smiling because he misses him so much. maybe Gon is slightly better over the holidays but Mito notices he’s been awfully preoccupied with his phone this year and she leans over to look at what he’s doing and ends up seeing the most explicit message from Killua, and Gon is so focused on typing out a response that he doesn’t even notice his aunt reading over his shoulder in horror. Mito calls Ging for the first time in…for the first time ever, and demands that he have The Talk with his son because she can’t look Gon in the eye for at least a week. maybe Ging thinks it’s funny until she tells him what the text said and Ging goes a little bit greenish and mutters something about being thankful they can’t get pregnant
maybe Leorio decides it’s a good idea to gently hint at the possibility that most first relationships don’t work out, and it’s okay to break up before college and Killua is already on his phone playing a game and ignoring him, but Gon is paying attention and is so offended that Leorio could even Suggest that they aren’t soulmates who will be together forever. maybe years later when they’ve all grown up some more it will be cute and sweet how Gon was right, but at the moment it’s annoying and Leorio is secretly dreading the day they break up
maybe they do break up briefly and over something stupid when they’re seventeen and they make it everyone’s problem. the Zoldycks are a pretty emotionally constipated family and they’re really not prepared for seventeen year old heartbroken Killua blasting his breakup music from his room at an eardrum shattering volume. maybe Alluka is the only one who is allowed to enter his room, but Illumi tries it One Time because Kil, you need to turn down your music and come eat dinner with the family, Mother is worr- and he doesn’t get any further than that because Killua has hurled a textbook at his head and Illumi has to duck. the water bill for the next month is absurdly high because Killua discovers that he can lay on his back in his marble shower and stare up at the ceiling while he ruminates over his exquisite heartbreak, and Silva just pays the bill because he can’t deal with it. Gon is no better. he doesn’t stay in his room like Killua, but he finds a way to bring him up at every possible opportunity. he’s doing his science homework at the kitchen table and Mito is making spaghetti when suddenly Gon sighs Loudly and says, “Killua used to love spaghetti,” as if Killua has passed away, and when Mito asks if he wants to talk about the breakup he just sighs again and says no. then they’re eating dinner and Gon sighs again, staring out the window and says how blue the sky is and how Killua had blue eyes too, and when his grandmother asks if Killua died or something, he stands up dramatically and says he’s no longer hungry and leaves the room.
when they finally get back together everyone around them is relieved because they’re even worse when they’re apart
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viva-la-bohemia · 1 year
The Aftermath
“Come on, get up.”
Lark groaned and clasped the outstretched hand of g-man, his gun-buddy, the man he had done Fortnite dances with at prom while nick and marco laughed from the side Grant Wilson to pull himself up. He looked around slowly at his friends co-workers and made a mental note to take care of the definite concussion that he had. Grant was unloading and reloading his handgun, a nervous tick that had somehow become normalized over the years. TJ, the man who got drunk with him for the first time on the roof of DADDIES and took all the blame when darryl found them, the man that convinced him to be the Ryan to his Sharpay in bop to the top when they auditioned for mamma mia in high school Terry’s glasses were broken in both lenses somehow, and he was flexing his arm in the way that he had done ever since his elbow had gotten popped out of the socket, oh so many years ago.
Lark’s brother was sat on the stairs, twisting his ring and glaring at his shoelaces, for some reason, as if he wanted to ground them into next month. Lark couldn’t quite say he disagreed with the sentiment. The next time he saw his nephew, ooh boy. No more late night Uncle-Lark-Can’t-Sleep-And-You-Spend-Too-Much-Time-Hyperfixating-On-Random-Shit-So-We’re-Going-To-Get-Ice-Cream trips, that was for sure.
He was snapped out of his stewing by Grant lightly hitting him in the arm.
“What the hell even happened, man?”
Lark dragged a hand across his face. “Nick’s kid broke the glass on the Whale’s tank,” Sparrow and Terry’s heads both snapped to him. Lark winced. “And then I ran in, slipped, fell into the tank, and shattered it.”
Grant’s jaw was practically on the floor. “Holy shit dude, how are you even moving right now?”
Lark smirked. “Dunno, but what I do know is that I’m gonna kill that teenager.”
The walk to the parking lot was silent, none of them wanting to actually admit that they had gotten their asses handed to them by their own kids. Lark pushed the door open into the parking lot, sopping wet, sore, and pissed.
He locked onto the kids and opened his mouth, about to relish in the rare gift that was yelling obscenities and Sparrow not scolding him for it. However, his joy and anger vanished quickly and his mouth closed with an audible click.
From behind him, Lark vaguely heard Grant’s gun drop onto the pavement in surprise and Sparrow gasp out a “holy shit”. Then Terry let out an anguished sob and Lark thought that that about summed it up.
their captor, the mean one, the head purple robe, the one who forgot to feed them, the one that tried to kill their dads, the one that tried to kill “spare-ow” because having two backups was unnecessary, the one that gave him his first scar that even henry didn’t know about, ron’s deadbeat dad that tried to kill his own son, the one who killed a man in front of his nephew, the one manipulating terry’s daughter
Willy Stampler was holding the headless body of the very sixteen-year-old that Lark had been planning to yell at until he was blue in the face. Like watching a train crash, he followed the trail of blood to Taylor Swift’s head at the feet of Scary Marlowe, who was gripping a net so tight that her knuckles were white. Her jeans were splattered with blood. She looked horrified, and mere seconds away from sobbing.
Normally Swallows-Oak-Garcia normie, norm, his nephew, his star, his kiddo, his ice cream partner, Teeny the Teen was shrieking nonsensically on the ground, his knees appearing to have given out entirely, and he pulled at his hair as tears streamed down his face.
Lincoln Li-Wilson link, his godson, the kid who he’d watched take his first steps, the kid who’d somehow gotten taller than him in the years that he’d been banned from the Li-Wilson household, in all of his six-foot-three glory, was glaring at Willy with an intensity that could’ve killed a man.
Lark wondered why he hadn’t jumped at the man already, and then saw the cause. He was supporting the small DC-obsessed kid, the one that had spent two months monologuing himself into identity crisis after identity crisis and also apparently had a crush on his nephew? who was leaning his entire body weight on the taller kid, face blank except for a few stray tears working their way down.
Willy looked bored. Taylor’s body thumped on the ground as he checked his watch. “Ugh. I really thought that this would be faster, huh kiddo? Guess some parents just don’t care.”
Scary Marlowe teresa, terry the third, terry jr jr, the emo one, mini-him, edgelord supreme, the one he somehow knew the least even though they had sat at the same table at the wedding squeaked.
Her fingers flew free from their fisted prisons and Lark could see both the indent of the netting and the bloody crescents from her nails etched into her palms.
The net dropped heavily onto Taylor’s head (Lark choked back the bile rising in his throat) and his stupid pork-pie hat tipped off and onto Scary’s shoes.
Normal had stopped shrieking and was full-on sobbing into the ground. And then Row, his better side, his beautiful half, his twin, his six-minutes-older brother, the man that had saved his life time over time, the man that had taken him in without a second thought when he realized that Lark was sleeping on the streets, Sparrow Oak-Garcia stepped forward. His foot caught on a loose piece of gravel and it skittered across the blacktop, catching the attention of everyone.
Lark managed to drag his eyes away from the decapitated child in front of him and lock them onto Sparrow as he addressed the children with what he hoped would be their saving grace.
“Would this be a bad time to say I told you so?”
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jazzthatonewriterchick · 11 months
Here, Kitty, Kitty (18+ Fic)
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Pairing: Aizawa x Black!Catgirl!Reader
Synopsis: In which you find yourself in the weirdest predicament after you’re scooped up and taken to a cat cafe after you decide to take the streets to fight some crime, and you’re adopted by your very anti-social and hot coworker Aizawa aka Eraserhead.
Story Warnings: Smutty smut, 18+ (MINORS GET AWAY), Swearing, Adult!Reader, Ear and Tail Stroking, Light Degradation, Spanking, Exhibitionism, Multiple Positions, Creampie, Unprotected PIV Sex, Facial, Scent Play, Collaring, Deepthroat, Cunnilingus, Begging, Edgeplay, Power Play, Rope Play/Shibari, Master Kink, Some Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Some Action
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Read on AO3 here!
Other Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-One. Twenty-Two. Twenty-Three. Twenty-Four. Twenty-Five.
You decided you never wanted kids after working with the ones at UA, but little sleepy Eri curled up on the couch with you beginning to change your mind. 
“But I’m not even tiiiired,” she whines. Her head is in your lap, her silver locks of long hair splayed out on the couch and over your leg. On the TV, the movie “Sing”––another movie Eri is obsessed with––is playing on mute. “Eri, honey, you can barely keep your eyes open,” you giggle, stroking her hair out of her face. “C’mon and let your daddy put you to bed. Besides, Nea needs a sleeping buddy, doesn’t she?” 
Nea is curled up in a chair in the corner of the room, completely at ease judging by how quiet she is. You swear that you could die from cuteness right now. You knew Nea and Eri would get along well from the way she gave Nea her dinner of cat kibble before she made up a plate of pizza for her own. ‘Such a sweetheart!’ you had cooed in your head, pressing a hand to your heart. 
Tonight was by far the best night you’ve had in a while. Just spending the night watching movies with Eri, snuggled up with Aizawa on the couch with some pizza and wine for the adults, was enough to fill you with all the joy you’ve been craving for days now. You felt so complete with Aizawa’s arm slung around you, the other around Eri, and Nea racing across the floor with her new sparkly balls that Aizawa complained about stepping on later. 
With the three of them, you felt at home. You know that it’s stupid and way too soon, but you couldn’t deny the content feeling that washed over you when you felt Aizawa’s stubble when he pecked you on the head during the first movie and heard the giggle of Eri when Nea jumped up in front of the TV. You love seeing them happy and it surprises you how much you want to be a part of that happiness. 
“Are we still seeing Across The Spider-verse tomorrow?” Eri mumbles sleepily as you continue to stroke her head. “Yes, tomorrow afternoon; just like Daddy promised. He already bought the tickets.” You had also promised to go with them, pushing all of your errands to the morning just to go with them. 
Eri turns over, facing you now with her eyes closed. “Yaaaay,” Eri tiredly groans, raising her arms in the air. You giggle, seeing Aizawa exit the kitchen from the corner of your eye. “Here’s your daddy. Off to bed, you go.”
Aizawa approaches you with a wink and scoops Eri up into his arms with ease. “C’mon, pumpkin," he coaxes, earning the cutest little mewl in response as Nea jumps down from the chair and proceeds to totter after him. 
Once they are in Eri’s bedroom and the door is closed, you pause the movie and venture off into the kitchen. Your bare feet pad against the floor, your shoes set neatly beside the door. You came straight over here after leaving Nemuri’s dorm, not wanting to waste any time not being here. The kitchen is spotless and clean all except for the table where a half-empty bottle of wine sits and the sink which is full of dishes and utensils from dinner. You immediately begin working on cleaning them, squeezing some Dawn soap into a sponge and running the hot water. 
You start off on the utensils since they’re the easiest to do and are just about finished with them when you hear Aizawa’s footsteps behind you. “You ain’t have to do that,” he says disapprovingly. “I can handle my own dishes.” You shake your head, placing some squeaky-clean and wet spoons on the drying rack. “It’s no trouble. You were putting Eri to bed anyway.” 
He comes up beside you, taking his own sponge and squirting some soap in it. “How’d she go down?” you ask as he takes a plate streaked in pizza sauce and cheese. Probably Eri’s. You watch him as he cleans the plate, noticing the healed, white scars on his skin and the one vein in the top of his hand. It must be the wine, but you can't help but want them on you. 
“She was already out by the time I put her under the covers,” he chuckles. “She and Nea are snuggled up like they’ve known each other for years.” You smile at this, knowing deep in your heart that Nea was the one. “Thank you again for that,” he softly says, gazing at you as he runs hot water over the plate and then places it in the drying rack next to you. When he reaches his arm across you, his cologne drifts off of him, making your mind hazy.  
“Don’t thank me, Shouta,” you lightly laugh as you grab your own plate. “It was my pleasure to do that for you and Eri. I’m sure Nea will be a great addition to your little family.” You expect Aizawa to agree or say something more, but instead, he is completely silent. You also notice that he pauses in his dish-washing too. 
You lower your plate down into the sink as you glance at him. He is staring down at his hands, an unreadable expression on his face. “Shouta?” you softly ask, confused at his change in mood. He glances at you with those charcoal eyes, making your stomach flutter. He pushes himself away from the sink and runs a hand down his face, visibly conflicted. “Sorry,” he wryly chuckles. “I just can’t seem to shake the thought of you being here with us. It just feels…right somehow.” 
Your heart leaps at the saccharine words coming from his lips though you can’t believe he is really saying such things. This has to be a dream. It just has to be! You can barely believe it even when he takes your hands into his, holding them gently. “I don’t wanna freak you out or run you off, but I wanna let you know how I’m feeling,” he confesses. It was so hard not seeing you or having you here for all those weeks. I was so sure what we had was ruined.” The corner of his lips curl into a delighted smile. “But seeing that little fur ball outside my door was all the answer I needed to realize that things could be right between us again.” 
He leans in and presses a kiss to your forehead, making your eyes flutter closed and your ears twitch in delight. “I love having you here,” he whispers. A response is on your tongue before you can even think of one. It’s so natural to you. “And I love being here,” you whisper back. You can’t resist cupping his stubbled cheeks into your hands and planting one on him, his plump, pink lips irresistible to you. 
He groans appreciatively into the kiss as your lips dance with one another, no fight for dominance needed. He places his hands on your hips to bring you close, emitting a content and needy sigh from your lips. You didn’t realize how touch-starved you were until he stormed into Nemuri’s dorm earlier and kissed you so passionately. You’ve missed him, and you promise to show him tonight if he lets you. He suddenly pulls away, his eyes darker than usual and his lips plumper from the kiss. “Y’know, there’s still some wine left,” he murmurs, nodding at the bottle on the table. 
With a wordless nod and a grin, Aizawa grabs two wine glasses from the drying rack and the bottle before venturing into the living room with you in tow. When he goes to sit on the couch, you don’t follow him. As you stand in the threshold of the living room, watching Aizawa's giant self settle onto the couch and pour you a glass, you realize that this is the first time you’ve ever spent the night over at Aizawa’s dorm out of your cat form. You never once spent the night here when you first started dating in respect of Eri and his duty as a father. 
It was one thing to spend the night here as their pet, but now? As Aizawa’s girlfriend and rekindling your relationship with him? It fills you with a hint of dread and anxiety that continue to grow as you stand like an idiot near the kitchen as if you’ll jet inside of it any minute now. But when Aizawa gazes at you from across the room, you know that that isn’t happening anytime soon. He settles back onto the couch, his legs spread deliciously wide and his eyes hooded. “Come here,” he coos, his finger beckoning you over. “Come sit with me.” 
He could’ve asked you to help him hide a body and you would come running, ready to do whatever he asked of you. With your tail embarrassingly straight up behind you, you tentatively walk over and join him on the couch. He gives you your wine glass and you clink them against each other, toasting to whatever before sipping on the fruity liquid. 
You don’t know how long it takes you two to finish the whole bottle, but when you finally do, you’re feeling warm, tingly, and in need of him. He must feel the exact same way because he won’t keep his hands off of you, whether he is gently stroking your knee or brushing your hair behind your ear, chuckling when it twitches at the feeling of his fingers brushing against the fur. With every small touch, heat pools in between your legs and your senses heighten with the smell, taste, sight, and feeling of him. 
You don’t know when you two start kissing, but when it starts, you can’t stop. You’re now on top of him, your knees on either side of him as you straddle his lap. His groin presses against your pantyline that is rapidly becoming more soaked with every skillful move of his soft lips against yours and his large hands pawing at your ass. Your arms are wrapped around him tighter than a vice, refusing to let go even for a second. You’re so afraid that if you do this moment will disappear. He will disappear. No matter how solid and warm he feels against you, you need to know he won’t leave. You need so much more of him. 
He groans softly as he pulls away from your lips to take in a breath, his hooded eyes gazing up at you. 
“Bedroom?” he breathlessly asks against your lips. You press against them again, your kiss passionate and hurried like the two of you can’t get enough of one another. You frantically nod at his proposal, shamelessly grinding your hips against his groin. “Please,” you whimper, swooping down to press kisses against his neck and jawline. 
He moans at your lips on his skin, the sound traveling straight to your pussy. “Lemme just fix it up a bit and I’ll call you in,” he huskily whispers. You pause and lean away to look down at him, wondering if he’s serious. Your pussy is practically crying for him and he’s worried about cleaning up a bedroom? “Don’t be impatient, kitty,” he chortles, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. “It’ll only be five minutes.” 
You whine like a toddler as he places you off of his lap and on the couch, plopping you down. Though your body is flaring with impatience, you can’t help the adoration you feel for the man for wanting to clean up his bedroom before you dirty it up again. He gets off of the couch and straightens out his shirt before glancing at you over his shoulder, an eyebrow raised. “Five minutes,” you firmly say, playfully scowling up at him. “That’s what you said.” 
He smirks down at you, crossing his index finger in front of his middle one. “Promise.” Then he is off to his room and leaving you on his couch, hot, bothered, and in desperate need of water. 
Though the glass of cool water does wonders for your throat, it does nothing to soothe the ache between your legs. You realize how much five minutes can feel like five eternities as you sit on the couch, your fingers rubbing your panty-covered slit and your nose in Aizawa’s pillow, smelling his shampoo and cologne (much to your embarrassment). You become delirious, wanting to break down his closed door and drag him to the bed himself. Doesn’t he know not to make a horny woman wait? You’re just about ready to go feral on his ass. 
“Come on in, baby!” he finally calls through the crack in the door. A humongous sigh of relief leaves your body before you pop up as fast as a Jack-in-the-Box and proceed to sashay over to his bedroom door. You push open the door little by little, only seeing the dim light of the lamp by Aizawa’s bedroom. “That was six minutes, by the way,” you tsk. “Makin’ a woman like me wait for some dick is just plain evil, Sho. I’m startin’ to think you’re a villain in the making or…” 
Your words die in your throat when you get an eyeful of what waits for you behind Aizawa’s bedroom door. He lounges against his headboard, no article of clothing to be seen except for his briefs which have broken increasingly tighter due to the impressive, hardened bulge you see pushing against the thin, black fabric of his underwear. His black locks cascade down his muscular shoulders and pecs where ink stretches across his tanned skin. Your eyes trail across each vein his hands and arms; the pinkness and hardness of his nipples; the hooded, lustful nature of his gaze as he stares at you from across the room. 
You’re so focused on him that you don’t even notice his scarves folded neatly at his bare feet, waiting for use. 
You have to be dreaming. This is just too damn good to be true. You’ve had to have died at some point––maybe when Toyoma hung you off of that building or maybe when you fought Aqua Master and thought you survived––to be standing here staring at a piece of heaven. 
Aizawa raises his arm to place behind his head, causing his bicep to bulge deliciously. “Here, kitty, kitty,” he croons, crooking his finger at you in a “come hither” motion. You stand there, frozen, unable to move or speak. A knowing smirk curls onto his pink lips at your reaction. “C’mon now, I don’t bite…at least not very hard.” 
Still, you don’t move. Though your pussy is dripping like it’s a faucet, it’s like your brain has shut off and isn’t telling your limbs to move. Aizawa cocks his head to the side, raising an eyebrow at you. “Why so shy all of the sudden, kitty?” he chuckles. “You weren't this quiet when you were givin’ my lip just a few seconds ago. Such an impatient girl.” He tuts disapprovingly as he rises from the headboard, causing his muscles to ripple and flex with every move he makes. “Good things come to those who wait, don’t you know?” 
He lets out of the bed and slowly walks towards you, taking his sweet time while he’s at it. Your mouth opens and closes as if you can’t get enough air in your lungs. Your brain desperately attempts to grasp for a word instead of silence, but all that comes out is a weak stutter of, “I-I…” 
Aizawa lightly laughs at your adorable reaction to his sexiness, stopping in front of you. “Damn, you think I’m that fine?” he snorts. “I’m flattered, baby, but if you’re not gonna talk, I’ll just have to make you, won’t I?” A dangerous gleam appears in his eye before he closes the gap between your bodies. His lips are on yours again and his hands find your ass, squeezing it. Your hands find his hair, your fingers stroking through the soft locks as your lips move hungrily against his. Though his kiss is passionate, it’s also starved. Feral. Sloppy. His tongue slips and slides against yours, saliva swirling in one mouth and slipping in another. 
When you pull away to breathe, he pulls you back in by his lips sucking gently on your tongue. You whimper, the act making your pussy gush and cry for more. Much, much more. Aizawa is ready to give all of that to you. Wordlessly, he pulls away and begins to strip you. He starts by taking off your blouse first, untying the string holding it together at the nape of your neck and then sliding the straps down your shoulders. He leans in to pepper your shoulder blades and neck in kisses as his fingers stroke your skin, pulling your blouse down your hips. 
Soft moans leave your mouth as you hold him close, your fingers enjoying the ripple of his back muscles. Every touch of his lips leaves a trail of fire in their wake. He then pulls away and unhooks your bra, groaning deeply at the sight of your breasts spilling out of the cups. He doesn’t touch or taste them though, much to your dismay. Instead, he busies himself getting you out of your bottoms. You kick off your socks as he works to pop the button and unzip the zipper to your shorts before pulling them down your legs. 
You are now left in your pretty, laced, black panties, your body hot and your heart pounding. Aizawa straightens up before you, his charcoal eyes searching your face. “Do you trust me?” he asks, his large hands cupping your face. Liquid lava is flowing through you, threatening to burn a hole in you as you stare into his eyes. All you see is safety. “Yes, sir,” you softly answer, a smile playing at your lips.  
Aizawa inhales deeply as if he was expecting another reply. “Then kneel on the bed with your arms crossed behind your back,” he orders. “I’m just gonna tie your wrists, but if you want your ankles tied, just let me know.” You nod, signaling that you understand. He gives your ass an encouraging smack and nods over to the bed. “Go ‘head,” he coaxes you. 
You do as he says, slowly walking over to the bed and climbing onto the cool, navy blue comforter. You know for a fact that you’re going to be staining it up and make a mental note to help Aizawa with dry cleaning later. You kneel on the bed and cross your wrists behind your back, your shoulders relaxed and your body trembling in anticipation. 
Especially when you hear Aizawa’s soft footsteps pad behind you. With every creak of the floorboards beneath him, signaling him getting closer to you, your ears twitch and your heartbeat pumps in your ears: Boom. Boom. Boom. The anticipation is killing you, slowly getting the best of you. 
Finally, Aizawa sits behind you, causing the mattress to dip slightly under his weight. He is silent as he takes his scarves into his hands and proceeds to tie your wrists behind your back. Though he is gentle and careful, you can’t help but gasp with each tug of the scarf on your arms. His fingers then work expertly to securely tie a finishing knot, successfully interlocking your wrists on top of one another. Once finished, you wiggle your fingers to make sure you can still feel everything and move. 
He sits up behind you, his hand brushing your hair away from your ear. “Comfortable, kitty?” he softly asks. You slowly nod, biting your bottom lip at the delicious scent of his cologne. “Good. Now bend over.” 
Trembling from the authority in his deep, baritone voice, you do as he says and lean down until you’re bent over for him and your ass is in his face. He groans appreciatively at the sight of your cheeks hanging out of your little, lace thong that you’re so glad you wore. He wastes no time pulling them down your legs and off of your ankles before pressing his face into your ass. And I mean, literally pressing his face into your ass. He stuffs his entire face between your cheeks and nuzzles them before peppering them in wet kisses, his fingers massaging the globes of fat to your liking. You moan and lightly laugh as he does so, not realizing how much of an ass man he truly is until now. 
He then pulls away and sucks on his index and middle fingers before lightly sliding them along your slit. You whimper at his touch, having no choice but to dig your nails into your palms. If your hands weren't tied, you’d grip the sheets. “Shit, babe,” he hisses, his hot breath fanning your ass. “You’re fuckin’ soaked for me. All of this for me?” 
“Y-Yes,” you whimper in response. “All of it, Master.” In response to this, he begins to rub your slit a little bit more, applying just the lightest bit of pressure that sends sparks of pleasure into your clit as his fingertips caress it. “Fuck, Shouta,” you moan, your voice bouncing off of the bedroom walls. You arch your back into his touch, pushing your ass out more for him. 
Aizawa chortles from behind you, still rubbing your clit and emitting wet sounds from your sobbing, wet cunt. “Impatient as usual,” he tuts. “That won’t do.” Before you can even sense it with your quirk senses, his hand is coming down to roughly smack you on the ass. A loud gasp leaves your lips and you quickly bite your lip to avoid getting any louder. You don’t want to wake Eri. 
Smack! His hand comes down again, causing your ears to raise straight in the air and your tail to curl in ecstasy. “Naughty kitty,” he chuckles darkly. “You’re gettin' off on this shit.” Smack! You bite back a moan, only a choked whimper leaving your lips as his calloused hand comes down yet again onto your behind. He groans at the way it jiggles from his hand’s aggressive contact with it and takes a handful of it to jiggle around himself. “Fuck,” he growls. “All of this for me? You’re too generous to me, baby.” 
You softly whine in desperation, your pussy screaming for attention. As if knowing how desperate your body is for attention, he moves in to swipe his tongue along your slit before swirling the muscle around your sensitive little clit. You gasp, pleasure coursing through you the more he moves his tongue and lips along your pussy, whether he swirls his tongue around your clit or nudges his nose against it as he slowly parts your lips with his tongue, gently fucking you with it. 
You immediately turn your face into the bed, muffling your screams of pleasure. “God, Shouta!” you whine, losing your God-loving mind. It’s even more intense from the fact that you can’t move your hands, the binds you’re restrained with adding to your heightened pleasure. It turns you on to be helpless like this, at the mercy of your boyfriend. 
That’s right…Aizawa is your boyfriend now. The idea of it is so absurd to you, like a dream that doesn’t quite make sense. Though it feels strange to calm him such a thing, especially after months of wondering if he’d ever look your way, it feels damn good. But you know something that feels even better: his mouth. He knows how to work it, alternating between tongue-fucking you and using his lips to gently suckle on your pussy lips, moaning as he does. 
“You’re so cute like this,” he says between flicks of his tongue, humming as he does so. “I wanna see more of this from you.” His hands then move to your ass, spreading them apart as you moan in response at the feeling. “You ever had your ass eaten before, baby?” he huskily asks. 
Your eyes widen immediately at the question. ‘Da fuck?’ you think. He’s an ass man like that? “N-No,” you stutter, moving to look at him behind you. His hands are gripping your ass for dear life, spreading them apart, his eyes almost completely black with lust and hunger. A crooked, devious smirk curls onto his lovely lips. “Well, you’re gonna tonight,” he tells you. “But let me know if it feels weird and I’ll stop, understand?” 
You lick your dry lips, your body trembling in anticipation. “Yes, sir,” you softly reply, earning a kiss on your ass cheek. Then he’s diving in and licking along your asshole, slightly stretching the tiny, puckered hole with his tongue. Your mouth falls agape at the feeling of being stretched there. You’ve never put anything in your ass for sexual pleasure before; let alone near it. You’re shocked at how good it feels; how it travels straight to your pussy and makes it gush along Aizawa’s fingers that rub against your slit. 
“It feels good!” you moan, grinding your hips shamelessly into his mouth. “Kinda weird, but such a good weird.” Aizawa chuckles, moving away from your ass with a soft, wet pop! “That’s what I like to hear,” he purrs. “Just relax, kitty. You deserve this. You’ve earned it.” 
With that, he returns to your asshole as he slides one finger into your pussy. You scream into the mattress as the long digit curls up to glide against your G-spot, sliding in and out of your pussy as his tongue flicks along your asshole, coating it in saliva. After several torturous minutes, he finally moves his mouth back down to your clit and gently sucks on it while finger-fucking you. All the while, you are moaning, whining, and gushing around his finger and onto his mattress. 
“I can tell you wanna cum,” he growls against your pussy. “Do it for me, kitty. Come on, you can do it. Don’t let me down.” His finger moves a bit faster, relentlessly gliding up against your G-spot until you finally can’t hold back anymore. That chord in your body finally snaps and a choked moan of his name passes your lips as you cum all around his mouth and finger. 
“Good girl!” he groans into your cunt, his words muffled. “Good kitty!” The praise only makes the orgasm more intense as wave after wave of pleasure passes over you. You toss your ass back and whine your hips back into his face, desperate to keep this feeling going for as long as your body will allow you to. You’re seeing stars and having blank thoughts, nothing but Aizawa and the feeling he gives you in your head. It is by far the best orgasm you’ve had. 
After what feels like forever, the feeling begins to fade and you’re filled with exhaustion as your orgasm pulls everything out of you. You plop facedown into the mattress, breathing heavily and twitching slightly as Aizawa gently removes his finger from your tight, cum-soaked pussy. “That was beautiful to witness,” he sighs, sucking on his finger. He then gently strokes your back and tail, repeating this process as you recover. 
After a while, your breathing finally levels out and you start to purr at the soothing feeling of Aizawa petting you. “Better now?” he chuckles from behind you. You wordlessly nod and pick up your foot to glide against his hardened cock in his briefs. “Want you in my mouth,” you murmur, salivating at the thought of tasting him. 
Though Aizawa likes the feeling from the sighs he lets out, he pushes your tiny foot away from his cock. “Uh-uh, baby,” he tuts. “Not now, at least. As much as I’d love to feel that pretty mouth wrapped around my cock, I’m more interested in this here.” He gently cups your overly-sensitive cunt, causing you to whimper at the contact. “I haven’t had this in weeks and I’m about to lose my mind if I don’t get it now.” 
‘God, yes!’ you think, wanting the same thing. You don’t care if you just came or that you're still tingly from your orgasm. You want all of him inside of you. You want to make up for lost time. You also want to make this a night you’ll both remember. “Before you do,” you softly say, “could you do something for me first?” 
Aizawa hums in agreement in response, swooping down you pepper your ass and lower back in kisses. “Could you blindfold me please?” you boldly ask, swallowing back the nervous lump in your throat. Aizawa’s kisses stop and you can feel his eyes burning a hole into you. “I’d like you to tie my ankles too,” you timidly add. “I just like being dominated by you, I guess.” 
You begin to feel your body flush with embarrassment at your naughty requests. You know you shouldn’t feel embarrassed as Aizawa has never judged you for what you liked ever since you first started being sexual with one another, but it's still a weird experience. However, he is loving it. With his hands on your sides, he sits you back up until you’re staring into his eyes that are gleaming with adoration. “You’re too good to me,” he murmurs. “I’ll give you whatever you want.” 
And he does. He wastes not a second more––he takes one of his scarves and ties your ankles first before moving onto your eyes. You’re instantly cloaked in darkness, unable to see even the dim light of the lamp. “I can’t see anything,” you tell Aizawa, not that he asked but just wanting him to know. Aizawa hums in approval. “Let me know if it’s too much,” he says, his deep voice relaxing your body and easing your anxiety.
This is the first time you’ve done something so daring, but it feels right to do it with him. You know for a fact that Aizawa will do anything to keep you safe and ensure that your protection is his utmost priority. You smell his cologne and naturally musky scent as he leans in to kiss you, the softness of his lips and wetness of his tongue making you moan longingly into his mouth. 
He then moves behind you and takes hold of your hips, coaxing you to lean forward until the side of your face is mushed into the pillow. You stay like that with your knees planted firmly on the mattress and your hands tied behind your back. Arching your back makes it more comfortable, and definitely more appealing for Aizawa’s eyes judging by the feeling of his bulge brushing against your thigh. “You sure you still want this?” he asks, sounding unsure. “You’re free to revoke consent at any moment, kitty, but I just wanna make sure before we do this.” 
You’ve never been more sure of anything in your life. “Yes,” you softly reply, the anticipation making you breathless. “I still want this.” You push your ass back into him, emitting a groan from his gorgeous mouth when your ass brushes against his hardened, fabric-covered cock. “Please fuck me, Master,” you mew. “Make up for lost time.” 
Aizawa doesn’t need to be told twice. With a feral growl that comes from deep within his chest and sends shivers down your spine, you hear the sound of fabric shifting as he takes his briefs down. You then feel his hard cock press against your entrance, his shaft gliding across your sensitive clit and every nerve of your pussy that screams with pleasure. You moan, loudly this time, and Aizawa shushes you. “You’ve gotta keep quiet, kitty,” he huffs. “You’ll wake Eri.” You frantically nod and bite your lip so hard that you swear you’ll draw blood. 
You nearly do when Aizawa finally pushes himself inside of you, stopping to let you get used to the feeling of him stretching your pussy out after weeks of not having him. “Take your time, kitty,” he says, his voice strained from the pleasure. But still, he resists and holds completely still. “There’s no rush.” 
It doesn't take much time for you to get used to the feeling of him again. You feel so full. And so complete. “Okay,” you exhale. “I’m okay.” He immediately begins to slowly rock his hips into you, causing your body to move with him. Your tits sway underneath you and your ass bounces against his lower stomach with every soul-snatching thrusts that has you seeing stars. “You like that?” he asks, gripping your hips a little tighter but not enough to draw bruises. 
You moan longingly in response, desperate for more. Though his slow, merciless thrusts feel good, you know that you need it rougher. Harder. Faster. You need him to put your ass to sleep. Aizawa leans down to grip your chin, forcing you to look straight ahead and his cock to sink deeper into you. A loud, strangled moan leaves your lips at the feeling of him now bottoming out inside of you. “Tell me what you want,” he growls into your ear. “Tell me what you need.” 
“I-I need…” It is difficult to form words when his dick keeps stroking the gummy, gushy walls of your pussy like this, his balls swinging against your clit. His hand circles your throat, squeezing it just enough for you to feel it. “Speak up,” he demands. “Tell me what you want, kitty cat.” You whimper desperately, conjuring every ounce of willpower to form a coherent sentence. “I want you to fuck me, Sho!” you sob out. “Please fuck me harder! I need it!” 
Aizawa doesn't speak. He just does. He is a man of action, after all, so when you say you want it harder, you get it. He grips your hips, yanking you back against him, and proceeds to pump your poor little pussy full of his cock. His thrusts are hard, rough, and merciless, his balls slapping your clit and his stomach hitting your ass, emitting slapping sounds that are heard throughout the bedroom. His cock reaches every part of your pussy, gliding against your G-spot and stroking your walls that are quickly tightening at the feeling of him. “This hard enough for you?” he grunts through gritted teeth. “Is this good enough, kitty?” 
You moan into the mattress in response, screaming with every thrust. You can’t keep quiet. You can’t even speak. Words are nothing, your mind too blank to even comprehend a single sentence. You feel a hand suddenly take a chunk of your hair and grip it, causing your face to lift from the mattress. You gasp at the sharp sting as Aizawa grips your hair, tugging your head back so he can reach you. “I asked you a question,” he growls into your ear. “Tell me what I wanna hear.” 
“Yes!” you cry out, tears pricking your eyes behind your blindfold. “Yes, it feels so good, Master! Please don’t stop!” Satisfied, he loosens his grip on your hair to lower you back down to the bed but doesn’t let go. He keeps a firm hold on your hair as he continues to beat your pussy black and blue until you’re babbling praise, encouraging him to keep going. “So good, s-so good,” you groan into the mattress. “Please, please, keep going, p-please, please, don’t stop, fuck, fuck, fuck!” 
Aizawa doesn't stop at all. He continues his consistent, merciless thrusts, his hips bumping against your jiggling ass. His moans and grunts mingle with yours and the sloppy, lewd sounds that emit from his cock plunging inside of your cunt again and again. “Listen to that pussy,” he breathlessly snarls. “It's so wet from me…so wet from this shit. Such a naughty fuckin’ kitty.”
He takes one hand off of your hips to grip your shoulder and lifts his leg up as he pounds into you harder, chasing his orgasm. “Look at what you’re doin’ to me. Got me actin’ a fool for you.” 
You suddenly feel something wrap around your neck, tight yet not enough to choke you. One of his scarves creates a makeshift collar around your throat, making the pleasure you're feeling even more intense.
"You've got a pretty lil' collar now," Aizawa growls. "This means you're mine. It's my scarf, so that makes you mine, you understand?"
You whine into the mattress as your own orgasm begins to quickly rise to the surface. You can feel it in your core and the way your clit is starting to swell. “Master,” you warn. “Shouta, I’m gonna cum soon. Gonna…gonna…” 
“Do it,” Aizawa grunts. “Cum all over this dick, baby. I’m right behind you.” He continues to fuck you into his bed, turning your legs to jelly and your pussy to mush. “Gonna cum,” he babbles in a rough, gravely voice that makes your orgasm come a lot faster. “Gonna cum deep in this pussy.” That sends you right over the edge and he isn’t that far behind. 
When your orgasm finally hits you, it hits you hard. It slams into you like a truck, the pleasure so overwhelming that you don’t make any kind of noise until a second later. “Fuck!” you choke out, your mouth full of cotton from the comforter. You babble and sob out nonsense into it, your testament to your overwhelm ecstasy muffled by the comforter. Aizawa grips your hips for dear life as his body tenses and he cums deep inside of you, a luscious, orgasm-worthy moan leaving his lips. “Fuck, Y/N!” he yelps, tossing his head back to the ceiling. Though you can’t see, he looks like Adonis with his chiseled pecs and abs glistening in sweat, his black hair cascading down his broad shoulders and back. 
You gasp, feeling his warm cum pouring deep inside of your soaked pussy. There is so much––it drips down your thighs and coats the comforter below, leaving a stain that neither one of you can care about right now. Exhausted, you lose your arch and slump tiredly onto the bed, your limbs giving out on you.
Together, you and Aizawa breathe heavily as if you share one body, recovering from your shared orgasms. After a few slow strokes, Aizawa slowly pulls out of you and you weakly moan at the loss, your pussy twitching from the constant stimulation. You feel his hand gently stroke your tail and backside, peppering your skin with soft kisses that have you mewing beneath him. You don’t move, too exhausted to do so, but he doesn’t make you. He knows he fucked the life out of you, but it isn’t without satisfaction or gratitude. You’ve never been more satisfied or happier in your life.
“What a way to make up, huh?” Aizawa breathlessly chuckles. You moan tiredly in response. 
The rest of the night drags on in flashes of consciousness as you fall in and out of sleep. You feel Aizawa untie you from his scarves and take off your blindfold. He holds your face as your eyes adjust and the sight of him as the first thing you see is nothing short of heaven. He presses soft kisses to your lips and whispers praise, talking about how good you were and how he’s never cum that hard in his life. “You’ll be the death of me,” he murmurs against your sweat-soaked forehead. You don’t have enough energy to tell him the same. 
At some point during aftercare, you feel him get out of bed to head to the bathroom and then return with a warm, wet, sudsy rag to clean his cum off of you. You want to tell him to leave it on, liking the feeling of smelling like him, but the warm water caressing your aching thighs and pussy feels too good to refuse. His fingers knead your ankles and wrists, rubbing out the ache that the binds left behind.
During all of this, you fall in and out of sleep, your body too tired to keep yourself awake for any of this. When he finally finishes easing your body down, he gets up again and returns with a soft blanket that feels like silk on your body. He also turns off the light, plunging you into blissful darkness. 
You feel the bed dip as he lays beside you, his arms wrapping tightly around your smaller form. “Thank you,” he whispers to you. “Goodnight, kitty. Have the sweetest dreams. I’ll definitely have them now that you’re here.” 
His sweet words cause a small smile to curl onto your lips, but you’re too tired to do anything more than that. Instinctively, you nuzzle him, marking him as yours as a cat would, claiming him all for yourself. He chortles, hugging you closer as you nuzzle your face into his neck.
When sleep finally comes again, you snuggle up close to your man and drift off with him, finally complete. 
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carcarcraziiv2 · 5 months
Hi! Oh, it's so good that I came across your blog! I would like to make a request. Kayn & Younger Sister!Reader. And the situation is like this. Reader is a teenager of sixteen and she has already graduated from high school. She's enrolled in college, but she'll have to move into a dorm. She begins to worry wildly, because she is afraid that she will not be accepted by completely new people for her, and also that she will be lonely and bored because Kayn is not around. You can even add scenes where Reader already lives in a dorm and communicates with Kayn via video link (for Kayn, this is a means to make sure that his sister is okay). Thank you very much!
Yay! I'm glad you came across my blog too!
I love this idea. I feel like Kayn would be an exceptional big brother 🥹. Lowkey winging it cuz I am an oooonly child hehe.
Here we go! I hope you enjoy!
P.S. Sorry it's kind of short, but I hope you like it anyway!
The days just keep getting more stressful.
At least that's what you thought- you hadn't even began packing for your move in date to the university dorms. At only sixteen you were going to be the youngest one in the sorority, and you weren't sure how the other girls were going to react to you.
As you walked into your room with a few empty boxes in hand, you sighed at the mess on the floor. You had been so busy with celebrating your graduation from high school and your scholarship that you hadn't had time to do anything- much less clean.
You were grateful that your big brother was home for the holidays, as he was helping a lot with the upkeep of the house while your parents were constantly off working.
Feeling defeated, you let yourself crumple to the floor, landing hard on your knees which only made you feel more frustrated. You tossed the boxes blindly, causing them to crash into a few items on your bookshelf- of course it did.
Reaching up to cover your eyes, you let out a pathetic sob before completely falling into belligerence. You were a heaving, snotty mess on the floor with no hope as to how to ease the anxiety coursing through your veins.
What if the girls don't like me?
What if the professors think I'm too young to be in college?
What about Kayn? Will he miss me? Will we even get to hangout anymore?
You trembled at the thought of not being able to see your brother. He was your rock, especially in tough situations. Even now, he was so busy with his band all of the time you hardly got to see him. With you going to college, you were certain there was no hope at all.
Soft footsteps patting towards you caused you to jerk your head up and quickly wipe away your tears and running nose.
"Oh, hey Kayn. I had something in my eye," you blurt out, smiling slightly as you quickly avert your gaze from his prying one. He leaned down in a squat to your level, grabbing your chin with his fingers and forcing you to look at him.
"What's wrong? Do I need to kick someone's ass?" He says, studying your face. You sniffle and shake your head slightly in response, trying really hard not to cry again. "Then what's wrong, kid?"
"I- I'm just really worried about going to school. What if people don't like me? What if I fail or what if the professors don't think I am good enough?"
"What?! You? Not enough?! And there is literally no way that people aren't going to like you. Either way, I'm always one call away from coming to back you up. You know that, right?" Kayn smiles at you kindly, standing and reaching his hand out for you to take to stand.
"Thanks, Kayn. Love you."
"Love you too sis."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Three Weeks Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Hi, I'm Y/N," You sheepishly reach out your hand toward your new dorm mate while tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
"Hi! I'm Sarah. It's great to meet you! I am so excited to be your roommate!" Sarah, the short red headed girl in front of you, grabs your hand and pulls you in for a hug. "I think we are going to have a lot of fun together. Come in, let's compare classes!"
The first week was a breeze, meeting a lot of new people and luckily finding your professors eager to have a younger student in their midst.
This particular day was a Friday, and during your last class your roommate texted you.
Hey, Y/N! Come to the rec center after class, I wanna show you something!
You raised your brow in confusion, texting her back hesitantly.
Should I be worried?
Hahaha, of course not! See you theeeere!
The rest of the class was hard to focus on, as your thoughts kept drifting back to whatever your roommate could possibly be doing. She has been very nice to you since the beginning, but you couldn't help but to worry that she was doing something shady.
After class you quickly dropped your books off at your room and headed to the rec hall. It wasn't too far, about a fifteen-minute walk from the building you lived in.
The door to the hall was closed, which was unusual especially for a Friday. You quickly looked at your phone to make sure this is in fact the place that she said to go to, and after confirming you reached forward and slowly pushed open the door.
You would hit with a sudden burst of light, then a loud booming sound. You flinched, throwing your hands in front of your face.
"What the..." You started but were quickly interrupted by a group of shouting people.
You jumped back, staring at the crowd in front of you while trying to make sense of it all.
Before you the tables were all decorated, multicolor balloons drifting from their tops. Above it all, ribbons hung from the ceiling, a big white banner in the center reading "Congratulations Y/N!".
Amidst it all you saw Kayn, his band, your mom and dad, and your roommate Sarah.
Your burst into tears.
In the short time you had been in college, you hadn't had any time to think about how much you truly missed all of them. Kayn, especially, as you hadn't had time to even consider grabbing your phone and calling them.
"Hey, hey now," You hear Kayn's voice beside you, a gentle hand rubbing your back. "Surprised?"
You nodded and lifted your head, wiping away your tears as you gripped him in a tight hug. "What the hell are you guys doing here?"
"Well, we realized we never really gave you an 'officially started college' party and thought we should probably do that. Plus, I missed my little sister!" He smiled, pulling away and dragging you towards everyone else.
Smiling, you enjoyed your evening, grateful for the best brother in the world. He always reminded you that everything was going to be okay, and he was always right.
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TW: This post discusses suicidal ideation of a fictional character
I’ve been rewatching Cobra Kai with my mom and I have so many thoughts about this interaction that I wanted to share because it’s this tiny moment I never thought about before but I feel like it has so many implications for Robby’s whole character arc.
So one thing that stood out to me specifically other than how much all the adults let all the kids in this show down was something Shannon said to Daniel while Robby was eating right before they called the police.
She says “he’s not right Daniel, he keeps talking like he’s gonna leave town or something” which struck me as odd for a few reasons which are all very speculative but whatever I’m sharing them anyways.
So first things first Shannon has been completely clueless and apathetic toward Robby throughout the entire show from blowing him off and leaving him home alone to completely abandoning him for weeks on end without power and getting mad at him for defending himself from one of her partners so it can’t exactly be said that she notices when things are bad with him.
Now it could be argued that going through rehab changed that behavior but she still chooses not to go after her sixteen year old son who is a homeless fugitive because her life coach said she shouldn’t look for him, if she’d wanted to actually do something for him that was her chance so she clearly hasn’t changed that much.
So it was weird to me that she suddenly seemed so much more worried after talking to him even though she had more information about where he was, think how wrong something had to be for her to notice and be that worked up about it. She literally begs Daniel to help Robby.
Then there’s the fact that she says “he’s not right” which is quite intense and comes across very dark in my mind like she’s not just saying he’s upset she’s saying there’s something seriously wrong and again she’s proven herself to be incredibly clueless so coming from her this statement is even more concerning.
Then she says “he keeps talking like he’s gonna leave town or something.” So the fact that she says like makes it feel like Robby didn’t just flat out say he was going to leave town he said something that made Shannon feel like he was talking about leaving town. This point is further highlighted by her saying “or something” at the end.
Between both of these uncertain statements it becomes clear that he didn’t say he was leaving town but said something about leaving and the rest of the conclusion Shannon drew herself. Technically he could’ve been just talking about leaving town but given the fact that it’s been weeks and he had a car previously it seemed like if that was his plan he’d have done it already.
So what we really have is a sixteen year old who was abused and neglected his whole life, who had been told every horrible thing you could be told by the people he trusted the most, has terribly low self esteem, has been abandoned by the only mentor he thought he had twice despite that person knowing he would be homeless, had been cheated on by his girlfriend and only friend, nearly killed someone, and has been living on the streets for weeks saying something along the lines of “I need to get out of here” and “I can’t do this anymore.”
Something that could be interpreted as wanting to leave town or wanting to leave something but he never specified what and his mom who is clueless about him in general is freaking out saying that he isn’t right. On top of this he has no one on his side in the world and has been through unbearable trauma.
You see after this how quickly he gives up fighting the cops is so out of character for him and thinking that he’s in this place of being so ready to just end everything makes so much sense for why he was willing to go with Kreese and join Cobra Kai. He’d already given up and the thought that he was in such a horrible place helps explain so many of his actions in seasons three and four.
So yeah that’s my thoughts on this, I’m super curious about whether this makes anyone else rethink this scene or the rest of Robby’s arc.
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barbiewritesstuff · 2 years
Church Encounters: Chapter 15
-- This chapter comes with a mandatory viewing ( https://youtu.be/rNIiO6_o8Gs ) for Coyote's wedding dance lol
This fic was written in collaboration with @lgg5989, who will be uploading this on her timblr and her AO3. She also made the beautiful moodboard you see below!!
(Glen if you see this... do you like it? Are we making you proud lol? Do you have requests)
Reblogs and Comments are appreciated!! We also take blurb requests!!
Previous Part
Taglist: @acarboni21 @unsurebuttrying @dempy @peaches-1998 @bbooks-and-teas @roosterscock @positivelyholland --
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“Right you miscreants, we’re off,” Bob shouted over the thirty teenagers chatting around the church parking lot, “I want you walking in a line, watch out for traffic and Michael, this one is specifically for you, we DO NOT push our friends onto the street, even as a joke,” he added, staring Micheal Watts directly in the eyes. 
Bob wasn’t supposed to be by himself with all the kids today, but Matt called him to let him know something else had come up, and Jake was busy preparing for his upcoming nuptials. So here he was, standing in the parking lot of St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church trying to corral thirty teens on to the sidewalk to walk to the park. 
The walk wasn’t far, but there was one intersection they had to cross and Bob just prayed to God that they made it there and back safely, or else he would never be able to do anything like this again. 
As the group slowly made its way down the street, towards the park, Bob spotted a familiar Bronco sitting in the parking lot of the Protestant church. The sight brought a smile to his face, maybe Rooster had taken his advice and was trying to get himself right with God.
He was torn out of his thoughts when the group came to a stop on the corner. Many of the kids had already hit the button for the walk symbol and the incessant beeping was still permeating the air around them, “Alright, that’s enough on the walk button, it knows there’s people here,” Bob called towards the front of the group, not surprised in the least to see Micheal Watts’ disappointed face as he was pushed away from the button.
As they waited for a few cars to let them out, Bob noticed Rooster coming out of the church. Before he could turn away and pretend like he hadn’t encroached on the man’s private matters, Rooster looked up, making eye contact with him. 
Bob nodded to him with a small smile on his face, holding the kickball up in the air like an offering, he asked, “You any good at kickball Bradshaw?”
Rooster let out a loud laugh, “I was, once. What’s all this?”
“Youth group,” Bob replied, “Another guy was supposed to help me but it appears that he had better things to do with his Wednesday evening. What do you say, you want to join?”
Just then, the group of teens started moving across the road, Bob raised an eyebrow at Rooster in an attempt to hurry up his decision. 
“Alright, I’ll join you,” he said, jogging up to Bob and crossing the street with the group of kids. 
“How’d you get into this?” he asked. 
“Well…” Bob started, not sure how much of his religious journey he wanted to share, “Cyclone really. He encouraged me to join the church and I was feeling in a volunteering mood that day I guess.” 
Rooster just nodded, pushing his Ray-Bans further up his nose. As the kids walked up to the kickball diamond painted on the blacktop Bob called out, “Alright everyone, this is my friend Rooster, he’s going to be our second team captain. Now let’s divide up into even teams, and let’s have a respectful game, okay?”
A chorus of voices answered back, “Yes Bob!”
With that, the kids divided themselves into two teams of fifteen, Bob and Rooster making it an even sixteen per team. The game went well, and by the end both men were laughing along with the kids while they played. As they walked back to the Catholic church, Bob turned to Rooster, “Thanks for hanging out with us, I really appreciate the help.”
“It’s no trouble,” he replied, “It was actually a lot of fun.” 
Bob nodded, a smile on his face, “Yeah, these guys know how to have a good time, makes me feel a little lighter sometimes you know?” 
Rooster nodded, before he could answer, Bob started talking again, “Do you want to grab a beer quick? It’ll be on me, since you helped me out.” 
“That sounds good, meet you at the Hard Deck?” Bradley asked. 
“See you there,” Bob replied as Rooster split off from the group and headed to his truck. 
Once all the teens had been picked up and Bob spoke to Michael’s parents for the third time this month, he left the church. He pulled into the Hard Deck’s parking lot forty minutes later, having seemingly been stuck behind every late night delivery truck San Diego had to offer. He had abandoned the idea of changing roughly ten minutes into his journey and walked into the bar still wearing his bubblegum pink ‘Saint Michael The Archangel Church Youth Minister  Of The Year’ shirt and jean shorts, looking dishevelled and exhausted. 
Attracting all sorts of looks, Bob slumped onto one of the barstools and raised a hand to Penny, she opened the minifridge below the bar top and pulled out a coke.
“Beer please, Pen,” he corrected her.
“Thought you didn’t drink?” she asked with a smile and a slightly confused look on her face.
“I don’t, Penny, but Michael Watts joined us at youth group today,” he told her, Penny nodded, no doubt having heard about the boy’s legendary lack of common sense from Amelia with whom he shared a school yard. She twisted the top off of a Coors Light and set it down in front of him with a pint glass before her attention was caught by a new group of patrons. Bob ordered two more beers before Penny could spare a minute to talk to him.
“What’s he done today?” she asked, wiping the condensation from another customer’s glass off the bar top.
“He tried, in his infinite genius, to fight a police officer… Lucky Rooster knew the guy because I would NOT have bailed him out. Fuck Matt for leaving me to deal with thirty kids by myself,” he told her, ignoring her slightly confused and highly amused look, “You know there’s a limit on how many kids we can watch right? Like, if the parents heard about it we’d all be in trouble,“ he added, too angry to care that he was swinging the bottle as he spoke, spraying his neighbours with beer, “He’s lucky I’m not ratting him out to Jake --” 
“Ratting who out to me? What happened? Youth group go okay?” Jake appeared behind Bob, his footsteps silenced by the song playing on the jukebox, “You drinking beer now Bob?”
“I don’t like it but today has not been a Pepsi Max day, Jake,” he said, thrusting his fist into his friend’s chest, the bottle splashing his white shirt, “Shit, sorry man.”
Jake ignored the stain, “Bobby are you drunk?” he asked with a grin.
“Absolutely not, just -- ‘m fine,” Bob replied.
“Right, sure. Who’s lucky not to be ratted out?” Jake insisted, bringing one arm to hold Bob onto his seat.
“Nope,” Bob replied, popping the ‘P’.
“Are you okay man? You haven’t been yourself lately…” Jake asked, worried. 
He had noticed how on edge Bob had been as of late, with a temper he didn’t think Bob had. The previous Monday, Jake had walked in on something strange too. Bob had been pacing in the base recreation room, whispering things to himself and checking it against the lines he had written on a piece of paper. When Jake had entered the room, Bob had turned beet red with embarrassment and refused to utter more than a few words for the rest of the workday.
“I miss Maria. ‘Been trying to work up the courage to ‘sk your dad for her hand for a month now,” Bob said, his voice thick with his Oklahoma accent. 
“That’s it?” Jake laughed.
His mother had been fishing for information on a possible proposal for Maria for weeks now, annoying him with so many questions that Jake now actively avoided her calls. She had gotten smart in the past week though, stealing Gio or Tony’s phones to call. It had been so obvious to him how much his family liked Bob that he hadn’t thought the man might actually have been worried. 
“No, you’re right,” Bob said, “That’s not it. Fuck Michael Watts!” he exclaimed.
“Yeah, Bobby. You’ve had enough for today, Michael is like, fifteen, okay, he’s a kid,” Jake said, wrestling Bob’s beer out of his hand, then, he turned to Penny, “How many beers has he had?” he asked. Penny raised three fingers in response.
“Jesus, Bobby, you’re a lightweight,” he breathed out, moving Bob off of his stool, lifting one of his arms over his shoulders and supporting his weight as they walked towards the door.
“Yeah I was, lightweight wrestling champion for like three years in high school, how’d you know,” Bob asked, looking up at Jake with glazed eyes. 
“You are so drunk,” Jake laughed, guiding the smaller man to his truck. 
“Please don’t tell Maria,” Bob said, “She doesn’t know that I drink on occasion.” 
Jake hummed, helping Bob into the passenger seat of his truck, closing the door as soon as Bob was seated and buckled up. Having lost the support of his friend, Bob fell to the side and knocked his head on the window. 
When Jake woke up the next morning, Bob was still snoring on the sofa. He’d never seen his friend drunk before and not knowing what kind of stupid stuff Bob could do by himself, he’d decided to bring Bob to your house, calling you on the way back to ask for your permission which you gave while trying to hold in a giggle.
You had already prepared a glass of water and a painkiller and set them by Bob’s side when Jake started on breakfast. He mixed the batter and left it to rest while he showered and drank a cup of coffee, all of it soundtracked by Bob’s gentle snoring. It was only when Jake started on flipping the pancakes that the WSO woke up with a start and a disorientated look. 
“Mornin’,” he greeted you with a wave and a wince.
“Good morning sunshine, how are you feeling,” you asked, trying to suppress a giggle.
“Please tell me I didn’t say anything too stupid last night?” he asked Jake when he appeared behind you
“Michael Watts apparently gave you trouble,” Jake said.
“Tried to fight a cop,” Bob groaned, “Ate a bug… You know… As Michael does,” he explained, leaving out the part where the only reason the teen didn’t end up in jail was because Rooster had been there to help because Bob couldn’t find a way to twist it so he wouldn’t be telling on Matt, “Did I say anything else?” he asked, hoping Jake wouldn’t have too much time to think about what he had said.
“Oh, not much… Something about marrying Maria?” Jake replied with a grin. You spun around, looking at him with eyes the size of dinner place, one hand flying to cover your mouth.
“Ah shit,” Bob swore, “Fuck,” he added for good measure.
“Bob,” you breathed out, looking at Jake to be sure you heard him right.
“I haven’t asked her -- your -- dad yet,” Bob replied, raising one hand towards Jake in a ‘don’t get ahead of yourself’ way as he pushed himself off of the sofa with a groan. Bob bent in half, hands on his knees and stayed there for a minute, then, when the stars left his eyes, he stood back up, picking up the pills and swallowing them quickly without touching the glass of water.
“Are you serious about wanting to marry her?” Jake asked him. 
Bob nodded, then winced, “Yeah, she’s it for me. Every day I spend without her presence is torture, and when we are together the time flies. She is funny and beautiful, and she is the only one who I’ve ever really felt comfortable opening up to.” 
You let out an excited squeal, dancing around the kitchen, “Bob you have to ask her soon then!” 
Jake nodded, “Why haven’t you asked dad yet?”
Bob let out a laugh pausing when you and Jake didn’t laugh as well, “Wait, you’re serious? Your dad and your brothers are all like you, man. Massive. I’m nervous.” 
“They all know what happened to me at Christmas, what if they think I’m like my old man? What if he doesn’t think I’m good enough for Maria?” Bob said, in a smaller voice than before. 
Jake shook his head, “Bob, my mom has been calling me twice a week to try and figure out if I know when you are going to propose. I think they like you.” 
“Really?” he asked, his face brightening as he looked to your for confirmation. With a smile on your face, you nodded, you had to sit through the conversations, getting any gossip out of Jake was like pulling teeth and you thought it was funny.
“I had an idea,” Bob said, making his way to the kitchen island, “I wanted to ask in Italian, but as you both know, I can’t speak it.” 
“Is that what I found you doing last week?” Jake asked, “You’re trying to practice Italian?”
“Yeah,” Bob confirmed sheepishly as you placed a plate of pancakes in front of him. 
He practically inhaled the pancakes while Jake spoke, “I can work with you on the Italian if that’s how you want to do it, then you should just call him. My mother has probably already made him promise to say yes. She says my sister is constantly talking to you at home.” 
Bob nodded, “Yeah, we talk. A lot. She’s my best friend, you know?”
Jake looked at you before nodding, “Yeah I know,” he pressed a kiss on your forehead before handing you a plate of pancakes. As you sat down to eat, you thought of how exciting it would be to be a part of Bob and Maria’s proposal in some way. 
Later that day, Jake sat down with Bob to work on the Italian for his permission speech. Bob paced the floor, walking around the living room, swinging his arms and downing coffees faster than you could make it. 
If you thought you were bad with nerves, you had nothing on Bob. Even without the five cups of coffee he had downed by the time he and Jake had sat down at the kitchen to practice, he had been practically shaking with nerves since telling you about his plan. Then, when Jake had managed to herd him into a chair to look through his script, he twitched his knee so badly he managed to tip over a vase of flowers. 
“Shit, I am so sorry,” Bob apologised as you ran to mop up the spilled water. 
“Bobby, buddy, I think you just have to bite the bullet,” Jake said, thrusting an already ringing phone in Bob’s hand.
The colour drained out of Bob’s face, “You bastard,” he whispered, bringing it to his phone on time for Giovanni Senior to pick up.
“C'è un problema?” Jake’s father asked, skipping the hellos and immediately asking if there was a problem. 
“Signore, sono Bob” Bob introduced himself with a shaky voice that made him cringe. 
Jake looked at him expectantly, unable to take any more pressure, Bob walked out of the kitchen and into the living room where he opened the french bay windows and walked out into the sunroom. He closed the door behind him and turned around so neither you nor Jake would be able to see anything he was saying.
Sadly for Bob, the glass doors weren’t as soundproof as he hoped as you and Jake heard Bob make his request in an accented Italian. As he did so, Jake whispered the translation into your ear.
“Maria is a truly remarkable woman. She is gentle, kind, clever, funny and supportive. She is my best friend, the person I want to wake up to in the morning and go to sleep with at night. She is the first person I would call with good or bad news, or just because. She is remarkable and the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love her, Sir, and if you’ll allow me, I would very much like to marry her. I promise I will love her, cherish her, care for her, and honour her every day of the rest of our lives. I will support her in everything she wants to do, I will cheer for her when it works out and I will hold her when it doesn’t. I promise sir, that I will do that now and forever. I promise I’ll take care of her sir.” Jake said, quickly standing straight and busying himself when Bob turned around to pretend he hadn’t just been eavesdropping on the most stressful moment of his friend’s life. 
Bob stayed quiet for a moment before saying goodbye and hanging up the phone. Then, he slid the glass doors open and walked into the living room. 
“So?” Jake prompted. 
“I despise you,” Bob laughed, pointing an accusing finger at Jake, “HE SAID YES,” he shouted, throwing his arms into the air and jumping so high he touched the ceiling. You and Jake erupted into cheers, the three of you jumping in each other’s arms in joy.
When the excitement had died down a little, the realisation of what he had done seemed to down upon Bob.
“Oh, God,” Bob said, sitting down on the couch, his smile fading only a little. 
“What?” you asked him, confused, “This is great, what’s wrong?”
“I need to get a ring…” he said, trailing off, “What if I don’t get one that she likes?”
And that is how the three of you ended up standing in the jewellers at three twenty-seven in the afternoon on a Thursday. Once the ring was found, Jake and Bob breathed a sigh of relief. Bob’s over the perfect ring now in his possession, and Jake’s for the fact that you had sisters who not only knew what you wanted, but gave it to him free of charge. 
“Babe?” Jake’s voice rang through the closed door of the room you were getting ready in. 
Your venue had fallen through two weeks ago, just as you were finalising the details. In desperation, Jake had called up a friend who had managed to pull some strings. The US Naval Academy had, by miracle, been free for the weekend and you and Jake had almost immediately packed up the truck with everything you had planned for your California Wedding and driven down to Annapolis to tour the place. Jake had been before. He had graduated there and been to a few of his friends’ weddings, but having almost sworn himself to a bachelor’s lifestyle, he hadn’t thought to take a good look.
It had been love at first sight. If the chapel, with its beautiful stained glass windows hadn’t been charming enough by itself, the grounds certainly did the trick. Jake’s friend, an instructor at the Academy had kindly taken the day off to show you around and provided you with a brief rundown of the events. After being married at the chapel, you would exit through an arch of swords, a long run tradition symbolising the military’s commitment to the protection of the couple, and make your way to the reception area. 
As much as Jake would have liked an outdoor reception, you had both decided to book something covered as Annapolis could get cold. The Naval Academy Club was the perfect reception venue and they provided catering, so your whirlwind change of plans wasn’t an issue for them. Their catering manager was a Godsend and she helped with every detail. 
Considering the short time you had had to plan the wedding at the new location, you were impressed with how it had turned out. Of course, you hadn’t been able to book every vendor and service you had cancelled in California which is why you had stayed up late with Annie, Audrey, Maria, and Phoenix making table centres, bridesmaid bouquets, and your bridal bouquet on the floor of the bridal suite while Jake and his groomsmen set up the Naval Academy Club for the reception. It was also why you were now applying the final touches of the makeup you had luckily thought to practice a few times before the big day. 
“Baby?” Jake asked again as you applied your eyeliner, trying to stay as still as possible so as to not smear it everywhere. 
You put the pencil down, checking your work with a satisfied smile before answering with a hum. Noticing a trace of lipstick on your front teeth, you wiped it clean with a manicured finger. 
“Do you want to pray with me?” he asked, opening the door a crack to pass his hand through.
You stood up from your chair, careful not to step on your dress, and walked over to Jake. You interlaced your fingers with his and squeezed them slightly in excitement. 
“Do you mind if I lead?” he asked. You shook your head, forgetting he couldn’t see you. Instead of speaking up, you stayed silent, fairly certain that if you spoke the emotions you felt might bubble over and the happy tears that had threatened to spill since you woke up would ruin your makeup. 
You didn’t need to answer, however, as Jake correctly interpreted your silence, “ Our Father, Who art in Heaven; Hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil,” Jake finished.
He paused for a moment, as if gathering his thoughts before speaking again, “Heavenly Father, we come to you on the day of our wedding to pray to you. May you bless this union and fill our marriage with memories to treasure, with love, kindness and children. May we never waver in our faith, or love for one another. May we strive, together, to be better people in your image and may we raise our children to do the same,” he continued. 
You raised a hand in front of your face, fanning the tears away as they fell down your cheeks. Jake went on, “Father, thank you for bringing us together, for listening to our prayers and granting us one another. I pray that with every passing day our love grows stronger and the comfort we find in each other grows deeper. May our differences strengthen our bond. May we need one another, but not out of weakness. May we want one another, but not out of lacking. And may we feel the same towards one another on our deathbeds as we do now. Amen,” he concluded. Your body shook with an involuntary sob, your hand flying to cover up your mouth. 
“Baby, are you okay?” Jake asked, forgetting yourself again, you nodded in response. 
Feeling your hand tremble as you held his, Jake turned around and pushed open the door. He entered the room to find you standing a few feet away from the door, crying into your hands. 
“Honey, honey, I am so sorry I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he said, pulling you close to him so he could cup your face with both hands, gently wiping the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs.
“You’re not supposed to see me yet,” you mumbled, your voice thick with tears.
“Oops,” Jake replied with a teary smile. Seeing you cry had made him tear up. He tore his eyes away from your face, letting them roam over your face for a moment, trying not to look down at the dress too much “You’re so beautiful, baby,” he whispered, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss.
You resurfaced a moment later, when a knock echoed through the room and Coyote gingerly walked in, “Guys, 15 minutes.” 
“Right, yes. I better go and let you get ready,” Jake said, letting go of you and turning towards the door, “I love you,” he said before exiting the room. You were only left by yourself for a minute before your sisters, the flower girls and your bridesmaids walked in for last minute preparations.
The chapel didn’t have much additional decoration besides the few flower arrangements that you and your bridesmaids had prepared the night before. The space was beautiful in its own right, and you didn’t want to take away from that at all. As you arrived at the chapel, they guided you down the stairs into a basement room where you could wait for the rest of the guests to arrive. 
Sofia and Catalina were already in the room as well as Phoenix, Maria, Audrey, and Annie. When you came into the room, they all gushed over your dress, “Y/n, you look beautiful,” Annie said, brushing one hand gently over the fabric of your sleeve. 
“My brother is going to be speechless,” Maria said, her eyes filled with excitement, you weren’t sure if it was for the wedding or for Jake’s impending speechlessness. 
You let out a light laugh, “He was.” 
The rest of the room grew silent at your confession, “He’s already seen you? That’s bad luck!” Sofia said, looking at you with wide eyes. 
“Well, he didn’t mean to. He stood outside the door and we held hands to pray, but his prayer was so sweet, it made me cry,” you said, tearing up again, “He pushed inside to hug me, but I don’t think he will be any less surprised when I walk down the aisle.”
She nodded, “I think you’re right, you are truly stunning.” 
With a blush covering your face, and a quiet, “Thank you,” the girls began helping you attach the veil to your elegant updo, and soon after, there was a knock on the door, a deep voice saying, “It’s time.” 
Audrey opened the door and hugged the man on the other side. When she stepped back, revealing Beau in the doorway, you felt yourself tear up. You had seen him earlier at the hotel, but you were overwhelmed with Jake’s heartfelt prayer and you hadn’t thought about your walk down the aisle yet. 
Everyone but him left the room, making their way upstairs as the organ started to play. He was dressed to the nines in his dress whites, the heavily decorated man wrapped your arm around his as he stood at your side, waiting to escort you up the stairs and down the aisle. 
He pressed a kiss to the side of your head, through the veil before whispering in your ear, “The car’s running if you’ve changed your mind.” 
You let out a fully bellied laugh, pulling the man into a hug, “Thanks dad, but no, he’s the one for me.” 
“Well alright then, let’s get you to the altar,” he said, squeezing your hand with his before leading you up the stairs and into the chapel. 
The organ sounded through the chapel with the traditional Wedding March and all of your family and friends in attendance stood, looking at the end of the aisle. Beau guided you through the flowered archway that Audrey and Annie had put around the doorframe and a smile broke over your face. 
As he guided you up the aisle, you only had eyes for Jake. He was standing there, in front of the Catholic Chaplin, chin wobbling and a few tears streaming down his face. As you got closer to him, you heard him clear his throat. Jake pulled a familiar handkerchief from his pocket and quickly wiped his face before you and Beau arrived at his side. 
Beau gave you a kiss on the cheek before releasing your arm. He shook Jake’s hand, saying something to him quietly, before Jake’s arm was entwined in yours and he guided you the final feet to the edge of the altar. 
As you stood there, in front of everyone you loved dearly, you couldn’t help but think about how similar Catholic weddings were to regular mass. It made you happy to think that every time you went to church now, you would think of this moment. 
As the chaplin finished his homily, he turned to the two of you, “Lieutenant Commander Seresin, and Lieutenant Y/ln have decided to read their own vows today,” turning to Jake he said, “Mr. Seresin, the floor is yours.” 
Jake took a deep breath, slipping his hand into the pocket of his dress pants to pull out a crumpled piece of paper. Letting out a quiet laugh he said quietly, “I was a little nervous.” 
You laughed with him, gripping his hand tighter as he began to speak, “For years I was convinced that this day would never come, that I was destined to be alone. Then you walked into my life, and everything changed. 
We were standing on the hot tarmac after a long day of training, and I remember the kindness in your eyes that few had ever shown me during my time in the Navy. You captured my attention, the only woman to show me what peace could be like even in the midst of war. Your callsign should have tipped me off, Dove, the symbol of peace, love, and the Holy Spirit. 
When you ran into me leaving mass on that rainy day in September, I didn’t think it would change my life completely. With each date we went on, I found myself more and more enraptured by you. The day your jet went down on that tarmac, I thought my heart stopped. We had only been dating a few months, but I could have sworn in that moment, I knew exactly what you meant to me, you are my other half, the better, nicer half, of my soul. God sent you to me in a time when I didn’t feel like I deserved much of anything, let alone you.”
Jake paused, his voice had grown thick with the emotions he was desperately trying to hold back, “I promise to love and protect you, from now until the end of time. During times of war and times of peace, I will be by your side to face it all together. I do not know where the Navy will send me, but you are my lighthouse in the night, and I will always find my way home.” 
You pushed out a shaking breath as the chaplain turned to you, “Lieutenant Y/ln?”
Turning to Phoenix, she handed you the paper with your vows written on it. Unfolding the neat sheet, you took a deep breath before speaking, “Jacob Seresin, you have a habit of leaving me breathless and you have done it again,” you said with a small laugh, “From the moment I saw you on the tarmac, your golden hair and dazzling smile pointed in my direction, you took my breath away. 
I was surprised to see you in mass, and for a moment I found myself speechless. I had thought I was the only pilot in the Navy that was Catholic and I can’t tell you how happy I am to have been proven wrong. You cooked me breakfast the next week, and the week after that, and the week after that and I found myself excited with the end of each week, looking forward to seeing you each Sunday. I am so glad that I left my chapel veil in your possession that Sunday in September, it was God’s way of bringing us together.”
You paused for a moment, trying to swallow down the burning in your throat, “You are a proud man, and you should be, a highly decorated Lieutenant Commander, the best pilot the Navy has ever seen, and the most wonderful man I know. Many people only know you as being rather prickly, but you are so much more than that, and I am so glad that I get to see it every day. 
During high tides and low tides I will be there, as your anchor or tug to keep you steady and afloat. I promise to stand next to you and face the rough seas and storms that will come in our lives. I will love you on deployments, at home, and anywhere in between. You are the love of my life, soon to be my husband, and hopefully, the father of our children. I only wish you fair winds and following seas as we start our journey together,” you finished, a few tears finding their way down your cheeks. 
Looking up at Jake, you were met with red rimmed eyes and his own tears, he mouthed to you, ‘I love you,’ before the chaplain turned to him, “The rings please.” 
The man blessed the rings before handing your wedding band to Jake. Jake took the ring in his trembling hand and slipped it on your finger, leaving his hand there he repeated the words that the two of you had practised for days, “Y/n, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Turning now to you, the chaplain offered you Jake’s wedding band. You took it and pushed the cool metal onto Jake’s finger, “Jacob, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
The chaplain nodded before saying, “By the power vested in me by God, the State of Maryland, and the United States Navy, I pronounce you husband and wife. Lieutenant Commander, you may kiss your bride.” 
Jake pulled you to him, wrapping his arms around your waist in a tight hug, and pressed a passionate and deep kiss to your lips. The chapel erupted in cheers and whistles and when Jake pulled away from you, you chased his lips for one more kiss before the two of you separated so that the mass could continue. 
Jake still held your hand for the Our Father, and he pressed a kiss to your cheek when it was time to exchange peace. You smiled, it was the first kiss he had given you as your husband, well besides the kiss to seal the deal. The lighter than air feeling you had been experiencing all day became overwhelming, and by the end of mass, you could have sworn that you were floating on air. 
As the two of you walked out of the church, to the cheers of your family, you were greeted at the doors by eight Marines dressed in their formal dress blues. The men drew their swords and held them in the air above your heads as you and Jake walked under them. Your families followed you out of the chapel, and the photographer you hired started instructing people to pose for pictures. 
Finally, when your family and friends had been directed to the Naval Academy Club, the photographer had you and Jake pose for just a few pictures of the two of you. You knew, even before seeing the photos, that your favourite was going to be the one where she had Jake dip you in front of the chapel, the garden visible behind you as he pressed a kiss to your lips. 
When she had taken enough photos, Jake led you to the truck, helping you climb inside and driving the short distance to the Club. 
“I love you, wife,” he said, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand as he helped you out. 
“I love you more, husband,” you said back, leaning up to kiss him properly. Jake pressed you into the side of the truck, his hands wandering up and down your sides gently. Letting out a groan, he pulled away from your lips, “You’re going to kill me darlin’,” he said quietly. 
“We have plenty of time for that Lieutenant Commander Seresin,” you said, pressing one last peck to his lips before pulling him into the building. As the DJ announced you for the first time as Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Seresin, Jake pushed the doors open with his free hand, and the two of you entered the dining room. 
You stood at the door of the reception area for a moment taking in the scene. It looked exactly as you had discussed with Jake, except for a large projector screen at the back of the room. The tables and chairs had been assembled into an ‘U’ shape around the dancefloor, pointing towards the screen. 
“Hope you don’t mind, baby, I took some creative liberties,” Jake whispered into your ear, “I promise though you will love it.” 
The purpose of the screen wasn’t immediately obvious to you. It stayed unused through the speeches, and even through dinner. It was only when you stood up to cut the cake that it flickered to life. A home video appeared on screen. Cyclone waved at the camera standing next to Elisabeth in their own wedding clothes, holding the knife together much like you and Jake were doing at that moment. 
“Ready?” Someone on screen asked.
“3. 2. 1,” the crowd around Beau and his new wife chanted
A familiar little girl appeared on screen, barely tall enough to reach Cyclone’s hip. She raised her hands up to him, scared by the noise of the people around her. He let go of the knife and picked her up, sandwiching her between himself and Elisabeth, doing his best to wipe the tears away from your face with the sleeve of his dress whites.  
“Do you want to help?” Elisabeth asked. When you nodded, she waved over Annie and Audrey. Cyclone bent down slightly so the five of you could grab the knife together.
“Right,” Cyclone said, “Ready… Steady…Cut!” 
The five of you cut through the top tier of the cake, removing the slice and setting it aside on a plate. Elisabeth and Cyclone grabbed two small silver spoons and cut a bite of the red velvet cake. After having the first mouthful of cake, Cyclone went back for another spoonful, this time presenting it to you. You opened your mouth, but the camera didn’t capture much more as a guest bumped the videographer and it cut away to a black screen. 
You turned to Jake. He winked at you, “Ready,” he asked. You nodded, cutting your own slice and trying the first spoonful before distributing slices to the rest of the guests. He looked over at you when everyone was served, unbeknownst to him you scooped some icing off of the knife and wiped some on the tip of his nose. He let out a laugh before wiping it off with one of the Navy blue napkins sitting on the table. 
Before he could respond in kind, the screen flickered to life again. The sound of a song played through the speakers, On An Evening In Roma by Dean Martin immediately recognisable to you. A younger Isabella appeared on screen joining Giovanni Senior, almost unrecognisable without his usual Stetson and salt and pepper beard. Isabella took his hand and he pulled her close. They slow-danced through the song, not for a moment taking their eyes off of each other. As Dean Martin finished his song, the screen faded to black and the music of your own first dance started. 
“That certain night, the night we met
There was magic abroad in the air
There were angels dining at the Ritz
And a nightingale sang in Berkley Square”
As Frank Sinatra began his song, Jake wiped his nose and grabbed your hand, gently pulling you to the middle of the dance floor. He snaked his hand around your waist, pulling you close so you stood cheek to cheek. 
“I may be right, I may be wrong
But I'm perfectly willing to swear 
That when you turned and smiled at me
A nightingale sang in Berkley Square”
Jake whispered the lyrics into your ear, gently swaying you in time with the music. You closed your eyes, resting your head against Jake’s losing yourself to the music, trying to absorb as much of the moment as you could in the hopes of engraving it directly into your brain so you might never forget it.
“The moon that lingered over London town
Poor puzzled moon, he wore a frown
How could he know we two were so in love?
The whole darn world seemed upside down”
The song continued as the two of you danced. Through closed eyes, you saw a flash. The wedding photographer had graciously offered to travel to Annapolis for the wedding instead of making you cancel your session. You were glad of it, she had come highly recommended through civilian friends.
“The streets of town were paved with stars
It was such a romantic affair
And, as we kissed and said goodnight,
A nightingale sang in Berkley Square”
As the song came to the last verse, Jake pulled you even closer, effectively hugging you as you danced. You turned your head to be able to catch a glimpse of him. He did the same when he felt you move and you exchanged excited smiles as the realisation that you were married finally dawned upon you.
“The streets of town were paved with stars
It was such a romantic affair
And, as we kissed and said goodnight,
A nightingale sang in Berkley Square
I know 'cause I was there
That night in Berkley Square”
The song finished and the two of you stopped moving, standing in the middle of the dancefloor by yourselves for a moment more. Eventually, Jake let go of you, backing away to be replaced by a crying Cyclone as Little Girl by Calica started up. 
The projector screen that you could see behind Beau’s shoulder flashed with pictures of your and Jake at various points of your life. As the Admiral grabbed your hand, the picture of Jake standing proud in an Indiana Jones costume changed to Cyclone sitting on a couch, shirtless, holding a little baby. You seemed to be less than a week old, covered in a tiny, white baby blanket. Beau was smiling at the camera, cheeks red and hair dishevelled. You remembered the story, Annie had told it for every birthday since you were old enough to understand. 
Beau had been stationed in Alaska that month. He had heard of your birth through Annie a few days late. The man had cited an emergency family situation and left for Indiana as soon as he had been able to, hitchhiking the 61 hour trip to Indiana with nothing on him save for a backpack of clean clothes, a toothbrush and a tiny teddy bear to give to you. 
Calica finished singing and Mama’s Sunshine and Daddy’s Rain by Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors started. Jake and Isabella joined the two of you on the dancefloor, quickly joined by Elisabeth and Peter, Matthew with the triplets and Giovanni Senior and Nonna. All of you danced to the song, only breaking apart to laugh when Maverick dragged Rooster away from Annie to dance with him. To alleviate Rooster’s embarrassment, Cyclone let go of you with a wink and danced with Bob instead. 
The next song started, a gasp went through the crowd as Earth Wind and Fire came through the speakers, September. The trumpets rang through the reception hall and the rest of the guests joined the dancefloor. You elbowed your way to Jake. As you tried to make your way to him in the crowd, you glanced over and noticed Coyote. The man was dancing like his body had been taken over by the beat of the song. He was rocking his whole body to the music, moving rhythmically as he bobbed his head back and forth. His feet danced across the floor smoothly and you were impressed with his moves. He suddenly stuck his hand out and pulled a woman into dancing with him. The dress she was wearing was the same Navy blue bridesmaid’s dress you had picked. You were surprised to see Phoenix laughing at him as she began dancing along with him. The two of them shredded the dance floor with their boogie moves. 
The music died down as the DJ you hired came over the microphone, “Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for our favourite part of the night!” Beyonce’s Single Ladies started to play as he continued speaking, “Can we get all of the single ladies out on the dance floor for the bouquet toss please?”
There was a bit of a commotion as all of the single women made their way to the dance floor. You spotted Maria in the crowd, standing towards the back. She looked eager but like she didn’t want to push any of your sisters out of the way. You tried to give her a small smile, but she seemed to be lost to the moment. 
The song got a little louder as you pretended to throw the bouquet a few times, looking over your shoulder teasingly. You saw Jake and Bob standing at the back of the dance floor and you knew that the time was right. Turning around to face the group of women again, you started walking with purpose, the bouquet held out in front of you. 
The crowd split in two, and you walked straight up to Maria, placing the bouquet in her grip. As you reached her, the song changed from Single Ladies to Scotty McCreery’s This Is It. Maria looked at you confused before realisation crossed over her face. You pulled her into a hug and said into her ear, “Turn around!” 
When you let her go, she spun to see Bob, kneeling on the edge of the dance floor. The room got quiet trying to hear what he was saying to her over the music, but that was between them and God because even you couldn’t hear. 
Maria nodded, clearly saying, “Yes!” with her response, Bob pulled her into a hug, spinning her around. Her Navy bridesmaid’s dress spun around their ankles delicately. The photographer was alerted before the wedding that this was the plan, and she captured picture after picture of their joy. Bob’s head was buried in Maria’s neck and Maria was smiling wider than you had ever seen before. 
The crowd gathered for your wedding went crazy with Bob’s proposal. As he and Maria split apart, Bob was pulled away from her by Coyote and Rooster, who were patting him on the back and celebrating. Maria was swept up by your sisters-in-law and was proudly showing them her ring, one hand still pressed over her mouth in shock.  
You watched as Jake pulled Bob into a hug, saying something to him before shaking his hand and making his way to you. The grin that you had been wearing all night could not be wiped off, and seeing your husband wearing one too made you feel a little giddy. 
As the song faded out, the familiar notes of one of Jake’s favourite tunes came over the speakers, he always told you how much My Girl reminded him of you. He pulled you into his arms, starting the slow dancing on the floor. You were soon joined by Maria and Bob, your parents, and, surprisingly, Coyote and Phoenix. By the end of the song almost every couple in attendance at the wedding was on the floor. 
Leaning up into Jake, you asked, “What did you say to him?”
“Who?” he asked, feigning innocence. 
You rolled your eyes playfully, “Bob!”
“Just big brother stuff, you know, the usual, if you hurt her I’ll hurt you kind of thing,” Jake said quietly. 
“What did he say?” you asked, wondering how Bob was taking Jake’s brotherly teasing. 
Jake let out a quiet laugh before answering, “He said, ‘If I am stupid enough to hurt her, then I would find you Seresin. She deserves the best.’”
You nodded at his words, “I think she got one of the best.” 
Jake pretended to be shocked, “You don’t think I’m the best?” 
Your tinkling laugh answered him, as you continued dancing in his arms, “That’s a given, you are always my best.” 
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scarebats · 1 year
First Lines of 10 Fics Game!!
rules: share the first lines of 10 of your most recent fanfics and then tag 10 people. If you have written less than 10 fics, don't be shy and share anyways :)
tagged by: @babygirllinds (thanks for the tag!💕)
i have 37 fics, but i’m gonna mix up the fandoms a bit🫶
Across Your Shoulders and Chest (explicit, ongoing)
Ice is working late on base, Maverick is left alone for the rest of the afternoon and the majority of the evening. Finding something to do isn’t a problem; their laundry is overdue, as are the dirty dishes sitting in the sink.
When Maverick arrives home, he quickly changes out of his service khakis into something more comfortable. Throwing on a shirt that had been sitting on the floor, it’s probably Ice’s, it's too big on him, and a different pair of boxers. He lingers in his shared bedroom longer than necessary, just laying in their unmade bed. Relaxing his muscles that have been straining since he went under the pressure of flying. That had been ten hours ago, he managed to get a lock on Hades within a minute. Showering soon after that had let some tension loose, but not all of it.
Fifteen minutes later, Maverick feels his back starting to go stiff. He sits up with a huff of pain and annoyance, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. Now standing, Maverick stretches his back until it lets out relieving cracks. With a yawn, he slowly stalks out of the room with bare feet to go finish the chores from the weekend.
Full Cups (explicit, ongoing)
It was a joke at first. Something stupid that a mostly-drunk Slider babbled out at a bar. When it was first mentioned, it had been laughed at by their little group, all making fun of Maverick in a good light.
Now, Ice doesn’t exactly know how the topic of conversation came to that exact thing. He had been a bit tipsy at the time. But as he woke up with a headache drilling right into his brain to nestle in for a long while, he tried to remember the events of the night before.
They had been celebrating Slider’s promotion to commander, hence the embarrassing toast that Ice recalls giving his RIO. Then Maverick went to fetch some drinks, then Slider brought up… that. Some time later. Whatever the taller man had said went through one ear and out the other with a laugh in between. Maybe a few of those things had been stored away for later to dwell on with a more sober brain.
Uniform (Booty) Shorts (teen, finished)
Pete walks down the beach, his bare feet digging into the wet sand while he talks with Nick. They’re heading into junior year of high school in August, a whole sixteen years of life already gone by. It sure as hell doesn’t feel like it.
“So, I’m going to be with my mom for the rest of the summer. Leaving Miramar on the weekend and flying out to Texas. You’re gonna have to find someone else to complain to about your aunt and uncle, bud.” Nick is explaining his summer plans. Pete hasn’t really been listening, much too upset that one of his only friends is leaving him when they have free time for the next two months.
“Why can’t she come here? I mean, it’s the least she could do after barely taking care of you for the first nine years of your life,” Pete mumbles the second part, not wanting to get another lecture of Nick defending his awful mother.
“You know she can’t, Petey.” Nick gives him a stern look.
“Whatever,” Pete scoffs frustratedly. “When are you coming back home?”
Teenage Drama (teen, finished)
Tom is sitting in Maths class, paying attention to the lesson—or trying to, his friend Leo is attempting to start up a conversation with him. Leo huffs out a breath, giving up and then turning to Ron.
The teacher, Mr. Hadder stops speaking when he turns around. His eyes land on a student whose head is buried in his arms on his desk, Tom moves his gaze towards the student. Mr. Hadder clears his throat. “Peter,” the kid’s head lifts to look at the front of the classroom. “Pay attention.”
The kid, Peter, simply rolls his eyes and lets his hands rest in his lap and slouches in his chair. A small group of girls sat near the back of the room giggle quietly and share hushed whispers with one another. With the new angle of Peter, Tom is able to get a better look at him.
Reflecting Thoughts (explicit, finished)
It’s warm outside when the rain falls, padding against the house lightly. Maverick smiles at the soothing sound but closes the kitchen window.
The coffee maker roars to life while the water starts heating up. Maverick retrieves two mugs from the cupboard above the sink. He hums a tune he’d heard on the radio the day before as he sways his hips ever so slightly to whatever song may be playing in Mav’s head.
Suddenly, an arm wraps around his waist and startles Mav out of his thoughts. Maverick whips his head around. A soft smile settles over his lips when he recognises Ice leaning most of his body weight on him.
“‘Morning Ice,” Mav chuckles. His boyfriend’s head is pressed in the crevice between his neck and shoulder. The fact that he has to bend down to do so must make it uncomfortable.
The Rock Show (teen, finished)
“Come on, Tom! I promise you it’ll be fun! It’s only for one day.” Ron, his best friend, begs him over the phone.
Tom groans from his side on the line, he picks at his fingernail. “The whole day? Who wants to spend an entire day at some music festival? Let alone a month and a half,” Tom argues back. The last time he let Ron bring him to a concert he had a pounding headache the next day.
“First, it’s the Warped Tour, not just a random music festival, and I want to spend an entire day there, maybe even a week. You don’t have to be there the whole time, and I’m meeting up with some friends from my old school at around six. Maybe you could meet them!” Ron sounds too excited for Tom to deny him this. He falls back on his unmade bed.
So, reluctantly, Tom agrees. “Fine. I’ll go. I’ll meet your friends, too. I’ll be there at around four-thirty, just so we have some time together before we meet them.”
It’s Something Unpredictable. But In The End, It’s Right. (teen, finished)
Pete had been in an argument with Bradley; something about pulling his papers back at the Naval Academy. Though that had only happened just minutes ago, Pete could hardly remember what was said.
He was just about to retaliate, then Warlock burst through the door. Pete watched his eyes flickered between himself and Bradley, they had gotten closer, physically, during their quarrel. He said one word. One word and a nod, that’s all Pete needed to know; his wingman is gone.
His breath got caught in his throat, he silently nodded and walked out the door past Warlock, leaving Bradley confused and angry. Pete’s hands were in loose fists staying strictly at his sides as he walked alongside Warlock towards Cyclone’s office.
Hotshot (teen, finished)
“Dismissed,” Jester finally announced. Ice had stopped paying full attention by their fourth class, it seemed like all of the other aviators had a similar idea, as it took a few seconds for them to register what Jester had said. “I’ll see you all at seven tomorrow at the hangar.” Jester and Viper walked out of the classroom.
Slider rested his arm over Ice’s shoulders, letting out an exaggerated yawn as they stood. The RIO flops his head over to speak to his pilot, “Come on, at least show some sort of emotion! You’re literally the best pilot here.” Iceman rolled his eyes.
“Yes, I’m immediately the best pilot at TOPGUN after a day of briefings and no flying.” Ice replied sarcastically, shooting a glare at his best friend. Slider’s comment only made Iceman’s ego bigger than it already is; he doesn’t want to sound like a complete stuck up asshole on his first day.
Cute Customer! (general, finished)
Steve sighed as he leaned against the counter, he just gave Erica free ice cream, again. Usually he’d just roll his eyes as the bratty girl grinned smugly and walked away.
Today was different, nobody remotely attractive had come in while Steve was up front. Robin probably had a lot of pretty and hot customers come in while she wasn’t in the back.
Steve looked at his watch, still another half hour until he switched with Robin again. He groans and lets his head fall back.
An adorable, quiet giggle brings him back to the present. He snaps his head over at the front counter, his eyes widened.
You’re Better Than the Stars (general, finished)
It’s a Thursday night. He and Peter don’t have school tomorrow, but they have to get up earlier than they usually would on a day with no school, for a dumb meeting with Tony and some no-name company.
It’s now 9:16pm on a chilled winter night, they could see their breaths in front of them with every exhale. They were going to head to bed soon, they had to wake up at six in the morning for a meeting at eight.
Both of them were outside for the main reason of wanting to get sick so they didn’t have to go to the meeting tomorrow.
Peter was wrapped up in a blanket with a toque covering his ears. His nose and lips are red, his fingers probably are too. Harley was wearing a simple hoodie and toque, his right hand in Peter’s lap.
i have no idea who has been tagged already, but here are the no pressure tags! 🏷️ @semperhuggs @blazingstar29 @dannykaffee @lightsabersandpens @callsign-crow @skiddit (i unfortunately cannot tag 10 people💔)
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oh-hush-its-perfect · 2 years
It's Never Too Late to Come Back to my Side
A (very short) Fierrochase fic, inspired (very loosely) by "Dorothea" by Taylor Swift
Pairing: Magnus Chase & Alex Fierro, Magnus Chase/Alex Fierro
Summary: Decades after getting together and years after breaking up, Alex and Magnus take a tiny step towards rekindling their friendship.
Word count: 703 (Hence why I'm publishing on Tumblr rather than Ao3).
Alex’s door was already open, which made this a whole lot easier for Magnus. He peered inside, listening to the music she was playing on the speakers he had gotten her for her nineteenth birthday. It didn’t feel that long ago, even though it was— fifty-three years whisked by as a series of seconds. Time flies when you’re having fun. Maybe that’s why the last five years had dragged so much.
Alex sat at her pottery wheel, shaping some odd lump. A similar odd lump started forming in Magnus’s throat. It had been half a decade since their break-up, but she still looked so pretty. Of course, he had seen her in the interim. They’d met every day for the daily battle. They sat at the same table at dinner. And they avoided eye contact as if their lives depended on it.
Magnus knocked on the doorframe. “Alex?”
Alex stopped turning the wheel and turned to look at him. Her face hadn’t changed. Of course her face hadn’t changed; she was immortal, forever stuck at sixteen. She quickly glanced away, leaning over and shutting off the power on the speakers.
“Hey.” Her voice was a little surprised, and a little delicate. At least she didn’t sound angry like she had when he tried talking to her in the first year after the break-up. “What?”
Magnus pursed his lips and looked past her, trying to figure out how to phrase his request. On the back wall of her room was a painting that hadn’t been there when they had been dating. It was a gorgeous modern art piece, like something from the Harlem Renaissance, featuring people playing trumpets in bright, vibrant colors.
“Where’d you get the painting?” he asked.
Alex glanced behind her. “Oh. It was a gift from Badr.”
Magnus smiled. “I love Badr. It’s crazy how her kids are our age now.”
“You keep in contact with the Fadlans?” Alex asked.
“Of course I keep in contact with the Fadlans,” Magnus said. “Samirah is old and decrepit now. I like making fun of her.”
“Hey, she ain’t bad for 71.” Alex’s smile eased Magnus’s nerves a little bit.
“Yeah, she really isn’t,” Magnus agreed.
There was a somewhat awkward silence.
“Well?” Alex asked. “Did you just come here to hang out, or…?”
Magnus bit the inside of his cheek. “I have a favor to ask, actually.”
“We’re having some trouble at Chase Space.” Magnus leaned against the doorframe.
“What kind of trouble? Monster trouble?”
“No. See, we’re kind of short-staffed since—” since you left, Magnus thought, “— since Hearth retired.”
“Oh.” Alex looked down at her creation on the wheel.
“Yeah,” Magnus said. “Look, I know it’s a lot to ask, but if you don’t have anything going on… do you think you could come in and help out? You’ve always been great with the kids, and—”
“Yeah, of course,” Alex said.
Magnus blinked. He hadn’t expected her to be so easily convinced. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure. I always loved working with the teenagers. Also, I miss Hearth and Blitz.”
Magnus cracked a smile. “How long has it been since you’ve seen them?”
Alex thought about it. “Jeez, I haven’t met up with them since my going-away party at Chase Space. I feel bad now. I should have arranged something.”
“Don’t feel bad,” Magnus assured her. “They’re old, anyway. They don’t have a lot of interesting things to talk about.”
This time the joke fell flat. Alex looked at her hands, covered in clay. “Yeah. Well, I’ll see you… when? Tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow would be great, if you don’t mind,” Magnus said.
“I don’t.” Alex gave him a little sarcastic smile and waved her hand. “Okay. Bye.”
“Bye,” Magnus said.
He leaned out of the doorway and walked across the hall to his own room. Unlocking the door, he wondered if Alex still had a copy of his key. What would she have done with it? Turned it back into the hotel staff? Sold it to someone out of spite?
Magnus slipped into his room, still very conscious of Alex’s open door behind him. Just as he closed his door, he heard the music from across the hallway start back up.
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pheita · 1 year
Flash Fic Friday: You are not alone
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So, finally I make it to write something again @flashfictionfridayofficial This is just some little backstory piece for my MC Aleena, namely how she got her full nymph powers. Tagging @kainablue @bloodlessheirbyjacques @jezifster @eternalwritingstudent @ashen-crest @weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables @zmwrites @queerlilchinchin @pen-for-sword @violetcancerian
Nervously, Aleena entered the nymph clearing. Her aunt Fiona just smiled encouragingly and reached out to her. "Don't worry, this won't hurt. You might get a little dizzy and have strange dreams for a few days." Aleena rolled her eyes. She'd gotten that explanation twenty times that morning alone, starting with her grandmother and then from every half-nymph in the house she ran across. From the side, Cleo's golden mop of curls came into view. "By mother, Aleena! You've grown so much!" "That's what happens when you don't see each other for three years," Fiona commented sarcastically, getting a smack on the arm from Cleo. Aleena took the moment to reacquaint herself with the clearing after the time.
"I know that myself." A moment later, Cleo stretched Aleena by her long arms and looked at her questioningly. "Yes, aunt Cleo, I know. It's time for me." Unconsciously, Aleena rubbed her ear. Sometimes it was annoying that every nymph in her family immediately sensed the state of her powers. "How old are you, fifteen? Sixteen?" "Seventeen..., I'm seventeen, so next year I'll be able to go to the Shieldmaiden Coming of Age Ceremony." Visibly, Cleo exhaled, only to stiffen immediately. "Have you been to the bathhouse yet?" "Yes, Master Swea brought me here when it became clear that my abilities were breaking through. Gwen and I went there yesterday. I'm completely energized." Inevitably, Aleena laughed as she saw the two adults look off to the side, a little embarrassed. No matter if human or mystical being, no one likes to admit their teenage kids have sex. "We did everything right with you," Cleo sighed in relief, kissing Aleena on the forehead. A moment later, she stepped aside and made room. The birth tree stood unobtrusive yet present in the center of the clearing. Ever since they had entered her grandparents' house two days before, Aleena had felt it calling her. Uncertainly, she looked once again at Fiona, who had gone through the same thing only a few years ago.
Cautiously, she stepped toward it and placed her hands on the trunk. A moment later, she felt the familiar warmth flood through her that she already knew from Mother Earth. Immediately after, Gaia appeared in her mind with a smile. "Welcome, child. It's time for you, is that right?" "Gaia! I didn't know you could be here." "I am only an image of Gaia to welcome half-nymphs into our circle. It's time for you?" "Yes, it is." "Come here, let me do everything. Relax. From now on, you won't be alone. The memories and experiences of all the nymphs and half-nymphs who came before you will be with you from now on. You will be a part of all nymphs and half-nymphs around the world, just as you will be a part of nature, and all of it will be part of you. Part of a whole, intertwined with and for each other." Little by little, millennia of information flowed into Aleena's mind, flickering like the memory of a dream in the morning and then disappearing again. How long it lasted Aleena could not say, but eventually she was back in the clearing. She looked down at her hands, which were still shimmering a little brownish-green, and then that was gone, too. "Wow, that's a rad feeling," Aleena giggled. "It really is," Fiona confirmed with a laugh, wrapping her arm around her. "But why did Swea bring me here..." Before Aleena finished speaking, a thought popped into her head and she gasped painfully. "First time accessing the hive knowledge." Fiona's knowing grin inspired Aleena's inner serial killer. "That was quick, but we were expecting it," Cleo took Aleena in her arms, "But come on, the rest of the family is waiting, and I think your mum wants to give you a hug." "If I get pizza from grand-père in return, it's all good." Shaking her head, Fiona led the way. Aleena waited another moment until she was out of the clearing. "Something's bothering you," Cleo observed. "I owe mum a lot, deservedly so, for letting me join the Shieldmaidens. If I'd known how hard it was for her..." "You work it out with her." With gentle force, Cleo pushed Aleena out of the clearing. "Yes, but there's one more thing you need to explain to me?" "What is it, little one?" "Why did you expect me to access the hive knowledge so quickly?" Cleo stopped abruptly and giggled in that slightly insane way that never boded well. "Because you're too ¾ nymph. We figured you'd handle it better." Thoughtful and open-mouthed, Aleena looked at her, but then nodded. "That makes sense, oddly enough." "Now come on, before the tuna pizzas are gone."
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radioactivepeasant · 2 years
Snippet Friday: Faulty Info au Strikes Back
Jumping back to the first chapter I'd posted, this is the immediate follow-up. Warnings for mentions of medical trauma (via the Dark Warrior Program)
The scanner the young woman waved over Jak's body was old technology by the standards of most. Cast-offs from Haven, welded together with bits and curses. But to Jak, it was as strange and new as the vehicles he'd seen since his rescue. What was the woman looking at on that screen? What could she see? He craned his neck, trying to see.
"Keep still, young'un," the woman scolded.
She waved the boxy device close to Jak’s ribcage and it sounded a long tone. The medic frowned at the readout and tapped it a few times. Periodically, she stopped to write something on a notepad. Jak watched the medic get a little more tense with each note, and her eyes darkened a little bit more. He knew by now that when someone's eyes looked like that, pain was sure to follow. 
They hadn’t strapped him down, though. And the door was unguarded. Weary though he was, Jak was pretty sure that he could escape the woman and the king both if he had to. The question of where to go after that was shoved away, to be dealt with later.
The medic returned and sat down on a stool across from Jak. "How old did you say you were again?" she asked.
"Fifteen." Jak closed one eye to think. "Maybe almost sixteen? I don't know what season it is."
For some reason, that seemed to be the wrong answer.
"You're sure?" The medic pressed, "That's how old your parents say you are?"
The dark eco throbbed, hot and acidic, against Jak’s ribs. His mood darkened with it.
"I never had parents," he signed, and not very politely, "Uncle had to guess."
An expression of understanding crossed the medic's face. "Ah. Were you tall as a little tot?" she asked.
Jak shrugged. "I guess so."
He'd always been taller than Keira and Daxter, anyway. There weren't many other children to compare heights with in Sandover.
"Why the questions, Maud?" Damas asked from the back of the room. He folded his arms and raised a brow. "Do you suspect his age is incorrect?"
The medic, Maud, leaned back to retrieve her notebook and flipped through the pages. 
"My lord," she said, "this young'un's physical development has been altered slightly by the dark eco poisoning, but not enough to change the development of his bones."
"My bones?" Jak was alarmed. "What about my bones?!"
Maud didn't look up from her notes, missing Jak’s question. "Comparing average Spargan and Havenite skeletal development to the eco scan, this boy has barely entered puberty. He can't be older than thirteen, by my calculation."
There had to be some mistake. Jak wasn't that young! He was just a late bloomer, that's what Samos always said. 
Samos wouldn't have sent a thirteen year old kid to fight Gol and Maia and all those Lurkers alone, right? 
Damas reached out and took the notes from the medic, and a chill ran down his spine. Only thirteen. This child was only thirteen and he had already suffered so much.
Please, Precursors, Winds, Volcan- anyone: don't let Mar suffer the same-!
Dark eco had been pumped forcibly into the boy's body for several months at least, according to the scan. Oddly, where most poisoning cases would have already had the unstable eco spreading through their body, Jak's case was isolated to his torso.
"How is-" Damas's voice betrayed him, weakening to a croak. He swallowed, cleared his throat, and asked, "How severe is the concentration of eco? Will he require an antidote?"
Maud sucked on her teeth and grimaced. "Ayup, I think so. Don't rightly know how he's keeping it from getting into his muscle fibers right now, but I doubt he can keep it up forever."
That, at least, Damas knew how to fix. Wordlessly, he moved to the shelves full of jars and boxes and began hunting for the ward's carefully conserved supply of light eco. The search, at least, could hold his attention and keep his mind from wandering too far from the matter at hand.
"What of his immunizations? Has he had any?" He asked over his shoulder.
"He said they didn't have a doctor in his village, just a green eco sage," Maud answered, "Which suggests he hasn't had many of his shots."
Jak immediately recoiled at the mention of shots. They were going to inject him with something! Blind panic seized him, and he bolted.
No more! No more pain! I won't let you!
"Hey, no-!" Maud skidded around the bed and jumped in front of the door. "Dangit, kid! You're still poisoned!"
Wild-eyed, Jak tried to shove her aside. The young woman barely budged. Spargans, it seemed, were very solidly built. Maud raised her hands and spoke quietly, trying to calm him, but the words seemed to float above his head as if he was underwater. Maud stepped closer, hands coming too close to Jak to feel safe. Panicking, he snapped at her fingers; she pulled back quickly. The dark eco boiled in Jak’s blood, and he could feel it spreading, seeping deeper into him. 
With all his might he pushed at the chaotic substance, forcing it back into the wounds. 
His emotions were raw, and at any moment he felt he was about to snap. The medic still blocked his escape.
I don't- I don't want to hurt you! But- But you need to move!
With a silent snarl, Jak drew back and tensed to charge the woman, fist raised.
For years after, he would wonder how the king had moved so fast. One second he was peering into a glowing jar behind the counter, then within a heartbeat his arms were around Jak, restraining him as gently as he could manage against his chest. 
Jak thrashed in his grip, desperate to escape, but Damas held firm.
"Stop," he grunted, trapping Jak's arms beneath his own. "Stop, child! She will not harm you! Be still. Be still, Jak."
Jak couldn’t speak like this, hands pinned to his sides. He shook his head violently and tried to force a word -- a sound, anything -- out of his throat. A rusty, scratchy, cry faltered and trailed off between gasps for air.
Damas tightened his arms. "Be still, child. Be still," he whispered, over and over until at last the boy went limp. His heart still hammered against Damas's forearm, and the king frowned. He doubted the boy had calmed. More likely he feared the consequences of further resistance.
"Poor kid." Maud shook her head and slowly relaxed her guarded posture. "I'm betting he doesn't have any kinda good association with doctors. Lemme make a chart up for him, and we can figure out immunizations later. I think for now the light eco is the most we should do."
She crouched in front of Damas, trying to look into Jak's eyes.
"Hey, hey there, soldier. Breathe, breathe in now."
She waited until Jak had sucked in a ragged breath, then gave him a sympathetic half-smile. "Now breathe out, nice and slow. Easy does it, eh, kid? No shots today, it's okay."
Suspicious, Jak narrowed his eyes at her. The medic didn't seem to be offended. She stood and offered the glowing jar to Damas.
"I'd rather counteract the worst of the dark eco exposure and let that settle before introducing anything new to his system. For all we know about dark eco, it could exacerbate any potential diseases instead of inoculating him."
Damas sighed heavily. 
"Boy," he said, "I am going to let go now. Do not try to bite the medic again. She opened the clinic in the middle of the night to help you, is that understood?"
Oh, Jak understood. But that didn't mean he believed it.
He nodded and waited for a chance to run.
Before he could try, the jar caught his attention. This close to it, he could feel the contents being drawn towards him. It was...eco. Not dark eco, but warm, bright, good eco! Even after the experiments, he could still feel it!
It wasn't quite like green, nor blue or red or yellow. It was...it was all of them at once, just like during the battle against the Acherons. Was it really, truly, light eco? All the way out here?
Damas opened the jar and dipped two fingers into it. Light swirled around his hand, not quite liquid, but not quite vapor. 
He was channeling! Was the king a sage as well? Was that possible? Jak couldn’t stop himself from reaching out for the ball of light. 
"Don't-!" Damas tried to pull it out of the boy's reach. 
Only a trained channeler could use eco to heal another. Without training, it could end up doing far worse damage than the wounds it was meant to heal.
To his bewilderment, the light eco all but leaped from his fingers to the boy's outstretched hand. It jumped from finger to finger in sparks before being absorbed into the skin. Jak yelped in surprise and shook out his hand, then blinked down at his torso with wide eyes. One cautious hand pressed against the skin over his ribcage, gently prodding.
When Jak looked up, the shock was evident on his face.
"It...can heal?"
It took a moment for the medic to answer, as Damas was still staring at the boy with a perturbed look.
"Ah...that is, yes, yes it does. But you- kiddo, how'd you-" Maud scratched her freckled nose and squinted at him. "Only sages and the king can float that stuff around like that."
"Yeah, and me." Jak shrugged in a distracted fashion. "I think Samos wanted me to be a sage, but he gave up."
After a moment, he realized the sage's sign nickname wouldn't mean much to people from another city, and amended, "the Green Sage tried to train me to be like him, but I was too wild."
Damas and Maud exchanged a meaningful look. 
If the boy was claiming to be a channeler, that could explain the Baron’s interest in him. Channelers had become rare in the last two generations, and now only Sages remained. If word got out that a young boy had begun channeling light eco-
Like Mar? Like I can?
Stop. Don't do this to yourself. Focus on the task at hand. Focus on preparations for tomorrow's tasks. Focus on the next breath, the next step. 
"This visit will remain confidential," he announced. It was not a question, nor a request.
"Of course, lordship." The medic saluted him gravely. "He's one of my patients now. Would help if I had a responsible party to schedule with, but I s'pose it can't be helped."
Damas glanced down at Jak, who watched him with a mixture of curiosity and caution.
"I..." Damas blew out a breath. 
"I intend to declare the boy a ward of the city until his last known relatives or connections come forward. Winds know we've had our share of them in the years after Atys. Until a guardian can be appointed, I will handle matters for him to preserve confidentiality."
The medic made a little "hmph" noise and bobbed her head. "Makes good sense t'me, sire. The whole city don't need to see his chart, after all."
She pivoted on her heels to face Jak.
"You take care, kid. When you've gained some weight, and the light eco has been fully integrated into your system, then we can talk about vaccines."
"What's V-A-K-S-E-E-N-S?" Jak spelled out the unfamiliar word as best he could. 
Maud cracked a smile that was considerably easier in manner than her earlier ones.
"What's a vaccine? It's...think of it like a medicine where we take a tiny, weak, itty-bitty form of a really nasty disease -- like Dune Pox, or White Flu, or Crane Cough -- and we inject it into your bloodstream. It's not enough to make you sick, it's just enough to teach your body what those germs look like. Then your blood cells learn to hunt down and destroy those diseases."
Jak remembered Samos talking about germs once or twice as a little kid. Nobody else in the village ever seemed to know what he was talking about. Little beasties too small to see that made you sick? Equally tiny bits in your blood that hunted the little beasties? It all seemed like a silly story for children. Something to make sick days easier to bear.
"That sounds fake." He narrowed his eyes skeptically. "Blood doesn't fight, it's just blood."
Maud blinked several times. She glanced up at Damas. "Remedial classes?" she guessed.
"I suspect so," Damas agreed.
Maud picked up the medical scanner again and took it back behind the sandstone counter. "I'll be running some tests on these results in the morning. Should I contact you if I find anything of note?"
With a sharp nod, Damas answered, "You have the palace frequency should the need arise." 
"Understood." Maud dragged her stool back and took a seat. "I'd have liked to keep Jak for observation after that light display, but I doubt that would be good for his emotional state. Will you alert me if there are any changes?"
Ah. Damas hadn't anticipated that. The boy would require supervision for the next few hours to ensure that the light eco was working as intended. Usually, patients remained in the medical ward until the observation period was over. But Maud was right: the longer Jak was around medical equipment, the more agitated he was becoming. High levels of stress wouldn't help his case much.
Well. You did say you would look out for the boy until a place could be found for him. It's not Sig or the boy's fault that you didn't fully think that through. 
Damas gave a short, sharp, nod, then guided Jak out of the clinic. The boy was decidedly more subdued than he had been a moment ago, and thanks to the light eco, his breathing had finally calmed. Between streets, he periodically glanced up at Damas, then away just as quickly. By the time they'd gotten to the palm row, Damas had had enough of it. He stopped and turned to look down at Jak. Jak winced and hung his head, signing a contrite apology.
"I am not the person you should be apologizing to, young one," Damas answered. He clasped his hands behind his back and clicked his tongue. "I understand that you panicked. I understand that you feared for your safety. You do not know us, why would you trust strangers? But fear dulls the senses, Jak. You must learn to breathe first, and act second."
Jak fidgeted with his fingers and stared down at his feet. None of the twisting motions were words. Just the awkward fidgeting of a frightened boy. He nodded miserably. 
Damas stepped closer and crouched slightly to look him in the eye. Don't think of Mar. Don't think of him, he told himself, no matter how much it felt like a betrayal.
"Every person in Spargus has a part to play and a job to do," Damas gently admonished the boy, "Maud's role is to ensure that our citizens are safe and healthy, and to treat them when they are injured, not injure them further. That's her job. If you had managed to harm Maud back there, she might have had difficulty caring for other citizens tomorrow."
Ashamed, Jak hitched his shoulders. He knew the man was right. And it wasn't like he'd even wanted to hurt Medic Maud. But he almost had, anyway, hadn't he?
"I'm sorry I tried to bite her," he signed again. "I'll...Should I go apologize?"
The king shook his head. "Wait for the morning. When the clinic is officially open, then you may apologize. If you are reminded of something that happened in Haven, or something she is doing causes you pain, you can tell her, or me. But I will not have you attacking my people, is that clear?"
"Yes sir." Jak's hands moved so little that he was barely above a whisper.
Damas nodded curtly and straightened. “Good. We wish to see you recover from your trials, Jak, but there will be rules to follow in this city. For the sake of clarity, consider "no biting the medic" your first rule."
Not that having such rules had prevented little ones from occasionally biting Maud and the pediatrician, Petros, before. Jak certainly wouldn't have been the first to try to take a chunk out of the person with the needle. Damas knew it was a little too optimistic to hope he would be the last.
The remainder of the trip to the palace was unnervingly quiet. The boy stole glances periodically over his shoulder, in the direction of the clinic, with a perturbed expression. Perhaps the details of his moment of panic were beginning to set in. Or perhaps he was stinging from the scolding. He walked with the body language of a younger child, fidgeting with guilt. It was a blessing that the dim torchlights did not illuminate them enough for Damas to see the color of Jak’s eyes. The reminders of his son clung to his ribs and ached with every breath.
Please be alive, my son. Be strong, for me. I will find you, I promise. 
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moonxbat98 · 7 months
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Before The Dawn
Three months before the Thompson family move to Scotland sixteen year old Alice Ellington is the new kid in town and no one has ever seen her out with her parents, or knows where she lives; except for Gregory. He knows her parents are dead and she’s a street kid, living like a squatter in an old house on a hill. What he doesn’t know is that she isn’t as fragile as she looks, or that she’s not human. But that’s a secret Alice intends on keeping for as long as she can.
A/N: Will contain graphic depictions of blood, gore, violence, and death. Will notify readers of any changes within the ratings of nudity, sexual themes, and strong coarse language.
F Is For Friend or Foe
Song for the chapter: Never Know by Bad Omens
Alice’s POV
A sharp, brief gale of wind blew dark–colorful curls into her glowering face, followed by a spray of dirt kicked up by the tires of the Kawasaki motorcycle careening to a stop in front of her. The driver’s headlamp blinded her momentarily before the light and engine cut off completely.
It was the man who spoke first in a rough voice, a toothy smile stretching across his rugged shadowed–face, “Hello there darlin’. Haven’t seen you in so long and you gonna greet me like this? Holding that pathetic thing in my face?”
She held the sawed–off steady in one hand, it’s barrel aimed between the eyes of the haughty newcomer. A muscle in her jaw twitched. “The bullets may not be real asshole, but they’ll still hurt like a son of a bitch. How did you find me anyway?”
“Tsk, tsk, tsk! You should know better by now, love. I can find you anywhere on this earth, remember? There’s nowhere in this realm or the next I won’t be able to track you down.”
He rose from his bike, towering over Alice by a foot and a half. His shaggy, shoulder–length wet hair fell over his face in clumps as he bent over to gleam at her – completely and utterly ignoring the shotgun barrel staring him down.
“You must be looking to get your ass whooped, huh Azriel? I told you last time before we went our separate ways that if you came after me I was going to find a way to end your sorry ass.”
“Aw, is that how you really feel? I’m hurt. Honestly. I helped create you and you don’t want anything to do with me?”
Alice snorted, “Hell no. Not behind the pearly gates of Heaven, even if you was allowed back in there, or the deepest depths of the underworld.” She shifted her stance, putting her feet shoulder–length apart, and Azriel laughed.
His eyebrows shot up, hopping quickly from the space he was standing in front of her to her left. “If you were going to shoot me, dear, you would’ve done so already.” A hop to her right, grinning like a mad hatter. “So why don’t you go ahead and get it out of your mouth? Ask me the question that’s on your mind right now.”
The barrel followed his movements with ease, her finger moving to lay over the trigger. “What question would that be? How much of a pain in my ass you’ve become? I ran from the States for a reason, you shithead. It’s been rather peaceful here without you and don’t you think for one second I’ve forgotten about what happened in California.”
Azriel scoffed and rolled his eyes, shoulders sagging as he retorted, “I didn’t think you would. But the question I was hoping for was ‘why have you been here in Scotland for two weeks and haven’t popped in to see me until now?’ You know, a guy just can’t catch a break with you.”
Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “You’ve been here for two weeks?”
“Uh, duh! You seem so surprised. Did you not sense I was around? You know, that’s very sloppy of you and I’m disappointed to say I did not expect you to be slipping up.”
Alice snarled in annoyance, flipping the shotgun around in her hand so that she was holding the barrel and wielding it as if it were a baseball bat. “I sensed something was wrong, but I was holding out on the hope I wouldn’t have to look at your stupid face again.”
The man chuckled, leaning in close and puckering his lips playfully, “You weren’t complaining about my stupid face when we were together so many years ago. In fact, I quite remember you used to enjoy my stupid face when it was between your legs.”
She released an enraged scream, swinging the sawed–off at Azriel, but missed as he blurred to his motorcycle. His movements were fast enough that human eyes would’ve only seen a quick glimpse of shiny leather and black. Azriel sat on the bike again, chortling with glee as she flipped forward into a roll to stop from making a complete fool of herself.
The shotgun was twice her size, just as heavy as it looked, and the awkwardness threatened to drag her to the ground as she missed her intended target. But she had caught herself and was left on her knees, clutching the sawed–off to her chest as she stared daggers up at Azriel.
“What the hell else do you want from me?”
“Oh, honey, I didn’t come to Scotland for you. I came to visit an old friend of mine, actually. You just happened to be in the neighborhood too and I finally decided to see what you was up to. Still playing human, I see.”
Alice huffed and rose to her feet just as languidly as she had been leaning against the store counter, with the elegance and grace of a queen. “I didn’t even know you had friends.”
“Says the woman who has no friends. But anyhoo, as much fun as this little reunion has been, I gotta run.”
She spun on her heel to stomp off, grunting. “As long as you don’t hang around me we’re cool.”
“Don’t walk away too fast, love, I got a great view from the back I don’t wanna miss.” Azriel waved after her as he turn the key in his motorcycle, smiling like the cat that got the canary. “I’ll be seeing you around!”
Alice burst through the door of the smoke shop and slammed it shut behind her with an irritated growl, leaning quickly against it’s cool glass as the sound of the bike engine sat there for a minute with a steady thrum.
She didn’t want to look back over her shoulder though she could see the angry glare of the motorcycle’s headlamp through the dimly lit store. Instead she focused on a nearby lava lamp, watching the purple ooze inside as it drifted up and down it’s glittery bottle.
Then, just as fast as he’d shown up, the Kawasaki sped off and took it’s looming beam of light with it.
Gregory’s POV
Gregory slunk low through the aisles in the oddly decorated shop, watching the youthful–looking woman as she raised her foot and slammed her boot against the glass door.
His floor–length trench coat grazed along the checkered tile as he crept closer, hidden behind statues of various deities and dream catchers. There were lava lamps of all colors spread throughout the little store, neon signs and posters colliding with each other on the walls.
Being in much closer proximity to her the girl appeared to be close to his age rather than the twenty–something he had assumed, although that man who was harassing her had acted as if she were much older than even that. The way he spoke to her was rather vulgar though, like they had once been something to each other.
It seemed as if they had years of history between them.
Gregory inhaled slowly as he came to a stop at the end of the shelves, crouching down to his knees. He smelled rosemary and peony.
“Hey! Who’s there?”
He startled, eyes widening as he jumped back a few feet. There was no way she heard him, as feather light as his footsteps had been and as careful as he was not to knock over anything.
And of course, his lack of heartbeat.
Then the young female appeared in front of him, brandishing the sawed–off in her hands aimed right for his face, and if looks could kill Gregory would’ve died on the spot. His hands automatically flew to protect his chest, shouting, “Put that thing down! Whatever it is I don’t want to be licking any wounds later.”
He doubted the weapon would kill him, it didn’t appear as if it held stakes, but Gregory didn’t want to find out.
“How the hell did you get in here?”
“The door was open, miss. This shop is open right?”
“Oh… right.” Alice lowered the weapon to her side slowly, while sizing him up, and offered her hand; raising a curious eyebrow. “Did you drop something on the floor or do you want some help up?”
He gaped at her for a moment, then collected himself and scoffed, “No I did not drop anything and I most certainly do not need your help.” With one swift, languid move Gregory was on his feet again standing over her by a good three feet.
She didn’t even flinch, her expression changing from curious to annoyed. “Look, dude, either pick something and pay for it or get the hell out.” Alice spun on her heel and began stomping towards the glass box, still talking as she walked away from him.
“At this particular moment I am not in a good mood, I’m wielding a shotgun, and I am seriously tired of dealing with male ego.”
Gregory sped past her, moving fast although not as fast as Azriel had been, and was blocking her path as her hand reached out for the knob of the door that lead into the protective room with the glass windows. He bared his fangs, snarling, “I’m not a customer. I have no money to give you nor would I want anything out of this business!”
She skid to a halt in her tracks before she could collide with the strange boy, but still was unfazed. Alice threw the shotgun aside as Gregory’s hands clamped onto her upper arms and with both hands she grabbed a hold on the edges of his trench coat, lifted him off the floor with ease and made to toss him aside.
He let out a startled gasp, but dug his fingernails into her skin and as she swung him he pulled him down with her. Both of them rolled across the floor until they hit a shelf, halfway across the room. Hookahs and bongs rattled, a few grinders hit the ground, but the shelf wobbled until it became still.
Alice on top, glaring daggers as her hair hung around her face. Her legs trapped his legs together and his face, he was sure, would be red had he fed earlier tonight. Gregory, on bottom, heaved an irritated breath and snarled again. His hands moved from her upper arms to wrap around her throat, “What are you woman?!”
She drew back one of her hands from his coat, fingers already curled into a fist, “None of your business!” Her knuckles made contact with his nose and in anger, he bucked his hips rolling the two of them around so he was on top.
He felt the bone in his nose had broken, but no blood poured out, and Alice gaped in surprise. Only a little drop of thick, blue–black liquid leaked from his nostrils. “I have not the energy to fight with you, lady, so can we please call a truce? We are obviously evenly matched..”
“Get your hands away from my throat and you got yourself a truce, bloodsucker.”
Gregory scowled down at Alice, reluctantly pulling away and getting back to his feet. “How do you know what I am?” His head tilted as she bent her knees, bucked her hips, and flipped onto her feet like a ninja. “You aren’t human.”
“What gave it away? The fact I picked your ass up like you weighed no more than a newborn baby? Or the fact I sensed you before you knew I was even aware of you lurking between the shelves?”
He grinned slowly, toothily, and let out a laugh. “And here I had thought my hunting skills were starting to get rusty. You felt I was here before I saw you?”
“Yeah. And I also smelled death.”
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lgg5989 · 2 years
Church Encounters Chapter 15
Hey guys! Thanks to everyone for your continued support of this fic, @barbiewritesstuff and I are having a great time writing it. She is posting this on her tumblr as well so jump over and give her a like or a comment. We have had a few requests for side drabbles and stuff about these characters and we will be happy to answer them! Just send us asks :)
You can find the previous chapters on my Masterlist, and you can read the whole series so far on my Ao3! I made the moodboard, I hope you enjoy it! :D
Comment on my post or @barbiewritesstuff’s post to be added to the tag list.
PS. If Glen is reading this, do you like it so far?
Tagging: @roosterscock  @sydneyhlove
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“Right you miscreants, we’re off,” Bob shouted over the thirty teenagers chatting around the church parking lot, “I want you walking in a line, watch out for traffic and Michael, this one is specifically for you, we DO NOT push our friends onto the street, even as a joke,” he added, staring Micheal Watts directly in the eyes. 
Bob wasn’t supposed to be by himself with all the kids today, but Matt called him to let him know something else had come up, and Jake was busy preparing for his upcoming nuptials. So here he was, standing in the parking lot of St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church trying to corral thirty teens on to the sidewalk to walk to the park. 
The walk wasn’t far, but there was one intersection they had to cross and Bob just prayed to God that they made it there and back safely, or else he would never be able to do anything like this again. 
As the group slowly made its way down the street, towards the park, Bob spotted a familiar Bronco sitting in the parking lot of the Protestant church. The sight brought a smile to his face, maybe Rooster had taken his advice and was trying to get himself right with God.
He was torn out of his thoughts when the group came to a stop on the corner. Many of the kids had already hit the button for the walk symbol and the incessant beeping was still permeating the air around them, “Alright, that’s enough on the walk button, it knows there’s people here,” Bob called towards the front of the group, not surprised in the least to see Micheal Watts’ disappointed face as he was pushed away from the button.
As they waited for a few cars to let them out, Bob noticed Rooster coming out of the church. Before he could turn away and pretend like he hadn’t encroached on the man’s private matters, Rooster looked up, making eye contact with him. 
Bob nodded to him with a small smile on his face, holding the kickball up in the air like an offering, he asked, “You any good at kickball Bradshaw?”
Rooster let out a loud laugh, “I was, once. What’s all this?”
“Youth group,” Bob replied, “Another guy was supposed to help me but it appears that he had better things to do with his Wednesday evening. What do you say, you want to join?”
Just then, the group of teens started moving across the road, Bob raised an eyebrow at Rooster in an attempt to hurry up his decision. 
“Alright, I’ll join you,” he said, jogging up to Bob and crossing the street with the group of kids. 
“How’d you get into this?” he asked. 
“Well…” Bob started, not sure how much of his religious journey he wanted to share, “Cyclone really. He encouraged me to join the church and I was feeling in a volunteering mood that day I guess.” 
Rooster just nodded, pushing his Ray-Bans further up his nose. As the kids walked up to the kickball diamond painted on the blacktop Bob called out, “Alright everyone, this is my friend Rooster, he’s going to be our second team captain. Now let’s divide up into even teams, and let’s have a respectful game, okay?”
A chorus of voices answered back, “Yes Bob!”
With that, the kids divided themselves into two teams of fifteen, Bob and Rooster making it an even sixteen per team. The game went well, and by the end both men were laughing along with the kids while they played. As they walked back to the Catholic church, Bob turned to Rooster, “Thanks for hanging out with us, I really appreciate the help.”
“It’s no trouble,” he replied, “It was actually a lot of fun.” 
Bob nodded, a smile on his face, “Yeah, these guys know how to have a good time, makes me feel a little lighter sometimes you know?” 
 Rooster nodded, before he could answer, Bob started talking again, “Do you want to grab a beer quick? It’ll be on me, since you helped me out.” 
“That sounds good, meet you at the Hard Deck?” Bradley asked. 
“See you there,” Bob replied as Rooster split off from the group and headed to his truck. 
Once all the teens had been picked up and Bob spoke to Michael’s parents for the third time this month, he left the church. He pulled into the Hard Deck’s parking lot forty minutes later, having seemingly been stuck behind every late night delivery truck San Diego had to offer. He had abandoned the idea of changing roughly ten minutes into his journey and walked into the bar still wearing his bubblegum pink ‘Saint Michael The Archangel Church Youth Minister  Of The Year’ shirt and jean shorts, looking dishevelled and exhausted. 
Attracting all sorts of looks, Bob slumped onto one of the barstools and raised a hand to Penny, she opened the minifridge below the bar top and pulled out a coke.
“Beer please, Pen,” he corrected her.
“Thought you didn’t drink?” she asked with a smile and a slightly confused look on her face.
“I don’t, Penny, but Michael Watts joined us at youth group today,” he told her, Penny nodded, no doubt having heard about the boy’s legendary lack of common sense from Amelia with whom he shared a school yard. She twisted the top off of a Coors Light and set it down in front of him with a pint glass before her attention was caught by a new group of patrons. Bob ordered two more beers before Penny could spare a minute to talk to him.
“What’s he done today?” she asked, wiping the condensation from another customer’s glass off the bar top.
“He tried, in his infinite genius, to fight a police officer… Lucky Rooster knew the guy because I would NOT have bailed him out. Fuck Matt for leaving me to deal with thirty kids by myself,” he told her, ignoring her slightly confused and highly amused look, “You know there’s a limit on how many kids we can watch right? Like, if the parents heard about it we’d all be in trouble,“ he added, too angry to care that he was swinging the bottle as he spoke, spraying his neighbours with beer, “He’s lucky I’m not ratting him out to Jake --” 
“Ratting who out to me? What happened? Youth group go okay?” Jake appeared behind Bob, his footsteps silenced by the song playing on the jukebox, “You drinking beer now Bob?”
“I don’t like it but today has not been a Pepsi Max day, Jake,” he said, thrusting his fist into his friend’s chest, the bottle splashing his white shirt, “Shit, sorry man.”
Jake ignored the stain, “Bobby are you drunk?” he asked with a grin.
“Absolutely not, just -- ‘m fine,” Bob replied.
“Right, sure. Who’s lucky not to be ratted out?” Jake insisted, bringing one arm to hold Bob onto his seat.
“Nope,” Bob replied, popping the ‘P’.
“Are you okay man? You haven’t been yourself lately…” Jake asked, worried. 
He had noticed how on edge Bob had been as of late, with a temper he didn’t think Bob had. The previous Monday, Jake had walked in on something strange too. Bob had been pacing in the base recreation room, whispering things to himself and checking it against the lines he had written on a piece of paper. When Jake had entered the room, Bob had turned beet red with embarrassment and refused to utter more than a few words for the rest of the workday.
“I miss Maria. ‘Been trying to work up the courage to ‘sk your dad for her hand for a month now,” Bob said, his voice thick with his Oklahoma accent. 
“That’s it?” Jake laughed.
His mother had been fishing for information on a possible proposal for Maria for weeks now, annoying him with so many questions that Jake now actively avoided her calls. She had gotten smart in the past week though, stealing Gio or Tony’s phones to call. It had been so obvious to him how much his family liked Bob that he hadn’t thought the man might actually have been worried. 
“No, you’re right,” Bob said, “That’s not it. Fuck Michael Watts!” he exclaimed.
“Yeah, Bobby. You’ve had enough for today, Michael is like, fifteen, okay, he’s a kid,” Jake said, wrestling Bob’s beer out of his hand, then, he turned to Penny, “How many beers has he had?” he asked. Penny raised three fingers in response.
“Jesus, Bobby, you’re a lightweight,” he breathed out, moving Bob off of his stool, lifting one of his arms over his shoulders and supporting his weight as they walked towards the door.
“Yeah I was, lightweight wrestling champion for like three years in high school, how’d you know,” Bob asked, looking up at Jake with glazed eyes. 
“You are so drunk,” Jake laughed, guiding the smaller man to his truck. 
“Please don’t tell Maria,” Bob said, “She doesn’t know that I drink on occasion.” 
Jake hummed, helping Bob into the passenger seat of his truck, closing the door as soon as Bob was seated and buckled up. Having lost the support of his friend, Bob fell to the side and knocked his head on the window. 
When Jake woke up the next morning, Bob was still snoring on the sofa. He’d never seen his friend drunk before and not knowing what kind of stupid stuff Bob could do by himself, he’d decided to bring Bob to your house, calling you on the way back to ask for your permission which you gave while trying to hold in a giggle.
You had already prepared a glass of water and a painkiller and set them by Bob’s side when Jake started on breakfast. He mixed the batter and left it to rest while he showered and drank a cup of coffee, all of it soundtracked by Bob’s gentle snoring. It was only when Jake started on flipping the pancakes that the WSO woke up with a start and a disorientated look. 
“Mornin’,” he greeted you with a wave and a wince.
“Good morning sunshine, how are you feeling,” you asked, trying to suppress a giggle.
“Please tell me I didn’t say anything too stupid last night?” he asked Jake when he appeared behind you
“Michael Watts apparently gave you trouble,” Jake said.
“Tried to fight a cop,” Bob groaned, “Ate a bug… You know… As Michael does,” he explained, leaving out the part where the only reason the teen didn’t end up in jail was because Rooster had been there to help because Bob couldn’t find a way to twist it so he wouldn’t be telling on Matt, “Did I say anything else?” he asked, hoping Jake wouldn’t have too much time to think about what he had said.
“Oh, not much… Something about marrying Maria?” Jake replied with a grin. You spun around, looking at him with eyes the size of dinner place, one hand flying to cover your mouth.
“Ah shit,” Bob swore, “Fuck,” he added for good measure.
“Bob,” you breathed out, looking at Jake to be sure you heard him right.
“I haven’t asked her -- your -- dad yet,” Bob replied, raising one hand towards Jake in a ‘don’t get ahead of yourself’ way as he pushed himself off of the sofa with a groan. Bob bent in half, hands on his knees and stayed there for a minute, then, when the stars left his eyes, he stood back up, picking up the pills and swallowing them quickly without touching the glass of water.
“Are you serious about wanting to marry her?” Jake asked him. 
Bob nodded, then winced, “Yeah, she’s it for me. Every day I spend without her presence is torture, and when we are together the time flies. She is funny and beautiful, and she is the only one who I’ve ever really felt comfortable opening up to.” 
You let out an excited squeal, dancing around the kitchen, “Bob you have to ask her soon then!” 
Jake nodded, “Why haven’t you asked dad yet?”
Bob let out a laugh pausing when you and Jake didn’t laugh as well, “Wait, you’re serious? Your dad and your brothers are all like you, man. Massive. I’m nervous.” 
“They all know what happened to me at Christmas, what if they think I’m like my old man? What if he doesn’t think I’m good enough for Maria?” Bob said, in a smaller voice than before. 
Jake shook his head, “Bob, my mom has been calling me twice a week to try and figure out if I know when you are going to propose. I think they like you.” 
“Really?” he asked, his face brightening as he looked to your for confirmation. With a smile on your face, you nodded, you had to sit through the conversations, getting any gossip out of Jake was like pulling teeth and you thought it was funny.
“I had an idea,” Bob said, making his way to the kitchen island, “I wanted to ask in Italian, but as you both know, I can’t speak it.” 
“Is that what I found you doing last week?” Jake asked, “You’re trying to practice Italian?”
“Yeah,” Bob confirmed sheepishly as you placed a plate of pancakes in front of him. 
He practically inhaled the pancakes while Jake spoke, “I can work with you on the Italian if that’s how you want to do it, then you should just call him. My mother has probably already made him promise to say yes. She says my sister is constantly talking to you at home.” 
Bob nodded, “Yeah, we talk. A lot. She’s my best friend, you know?”
Jake looked at you before nodding, “Yeah I know,” he pressed a kiss on your forehead before handing you a plate of pancakes. As you sat down to eat, you thought of how exciting it would be to be a part of Bob and Maria’s proposal in some way. 
Later that day, Jake sat down with Bob to work on the Italian for his permission speech. Bob paced the floor, walking around the living room, swinging his arms and downing coffees faster than you could make it. 
If you thought you were bad with nerves, you had nothing on Bob. Even without the five cups of coffee he had downed by the time he and Jake had sat down at the kitchen to practice, he had been practically shaking with nerves since telling you about his plan. Then, when Jake had managed to herd him into a chair to look through his script, he twitched his knee so badly he managed to tip over a vase of flowers. 
“Shit, I am so sorry,” Bob apologised as you ran to mop up the spilled water. 
“Bobby, buddy, I think you just have to bite the bullet,” Jake said, thrusting an already ringing phone in Bob’s hand.
The colour drained out of Bob’s face, “You bastard,” he whispered, bringing it to his phone on time for Giovanni Senior to pick up.
“C'è un problema?” Jake’s father asked, skipping the hellos and immediately asking if there was a problem. 
“Signore, sono Bob” Bob introduced himself with a shaky voice that made him cringe. 
Jake looked at him expectantly, unable to take any more pressure, Bob walked out of the kitchen and into the living room where he opened the french bay windows and walked out into the sunroom. He closed the door behind him and turned around so neither you nor Jake would be able to see anything he was saying.
Sadly for Bob, the glass doors weren’t as soundproof as he hoped as you and Jake heard Bob make his request in an accented Italian. As he did so, Jake whispered the translation into your ear.
“Maria is a truly remarkable woman. She is gentle, kind, clever, funny and supportive. She is my best friend, the person I want to wake up to in the morning and go to sleep with at night. She is the first person I would call with good or bad news, or just because. She is remarkable and the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love her, Sir, and if you’ll allow me, I would very much like to marry her. I promise I will love her, cherish her, care for her, and honour her every day of the rest of our lives. I will support her in everything she wants to do, I will cheer for her when it works out and I will hold her when it doesn’t. I promise sir, that I will do that now and forever. I promise I’ll take care of her sir.” Jake said, quickly standing straight and busying himself when Bob turned around to pretend he hadn’t just been eavesdropping on the most stressful moment of his friend’s life. 
Bob stayed quiet for a moment before saying goodbye and hanging up the phone. Then, he slid the glass doors open and walked into the living room. 
“So?” Jake prompted. 
“I despise you,” Bob laughed, pointing an accusing finger at Jake, “HE SAID YES,” he shouted, throwing his arms into the air and jumping so high he touched the ceiling. You and Jake erupted into cheers, the three of you jumping in each other’s arms in joy.
When the excitement had died down a little, the realisation of what he had done seemed to down upon Bob.
“Oh, God,” Bob said, sitting down on the couch, his smile fading only a little. 
“What?” you asked him, confused, “This is great, what’s wrong?”
“I need to get a ring…” he said, trailing off, “What if I don’t get one that she likes?”
And that is how the three of you ended up standing in the jewellers at three twenty-seven in the afternoon on a Thursday. Once the ring was found, Jake and Bob breathed a sigh of relief. Bob’s over the perfect ring now in his possession, and Jake’s for the fact that you had sisters who not only knew what you wanted, but gave it to him free of charge. 
“Babe?” Jake’s voice rang through the closed door of the room you were getting ready in. 
Your venue had fallen through two weeks ago, just as you were finalising the details. In desperation, Jake had called up a friend who had managed to pull some strings. The US Naval Academy had, by miracle, been free for the weekend and you and Jake had almost immediately packed up the truck with everything you had planned for your California Wedding and driven down to Annapolis to tour the place. Jake had been before. He had graduated there and been to a few of his friends’ weddings, but having almost sworn himself to a bachelor’s lifestyle, he hadn’t thought to take a good look.
It had been love at first sight. If the chapel, with its beautiful stained glass windows hadn’t been charming enough by itself, the grounds certainly did the trick. Jake’s friend, an instructor at the Academy had kindly taken the day off to show you around and provided you with a brief rundown of the events. After being married at the chapel, you would exit through an arch of swords, a long run tradition symbolising the military’s commitment to the protection of the couple, and make your way to the reception area. 
As much as Jake would have liked an outdoor reception, you had both decided to book something covered as Annapolis could get cold. The Naval Academy Club was the perfect reception venue and they provided catering, so your whirlwind change of plans wasn’t an issue for them. Their catering manager was a Godsend and she helped with every detail. 
Considering the short time you had had to plan the wedding at the new location, you were impressed with how it had turned out. Of course, you hadn’t been able to book every vendor and service you had cancelled in California which is why you had stayed up late with Annie, Audrey, Maria, and Phoenix making table centres, bridesmaid bouquets, and your bridal bouquet on the floor of the bridal suite while Jake and his groomsmen set up the Naval Academy Club for the reception. It was also why you were now applying the final touches of the makeup you had luckily thought to practice a few times before the big day. 
“Baby?” Jake asked again as you applied your eyeliner, trying to stay as still as possible so as to not smear it everywhere. 
You put the pencil down, checking your work with a satisfied smile before answering with a hum. Noticing a trace of lipstick on your front teeth, you wiped it clean with a manicured finger. 
“Do you want to pray with me?” he asked, opening the door a crack to pass his hand through.
You stood up from your chair, careful not to step on your dress, and walked over to Jake. You interlaced your fingers with his and squeezed them slightly in excitement. 
“Do you mind if I lead?” he asked. You shook your head, forgetting he couldn’t see you. Instead of speaking up, you stayed silent, fairly certain that if you spoke the emotions you felt might bubble over and the happy tears that had threatened to spill since you woke up would ruin your makeup. 
You didn’t need to answer, however, as Jake correctly interpreted your silence, “ Our Father, Who art in Heaven; Hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil,” Jake finished.
He paused for a moment, as if gathering his thoughts before speaking again, “Heavenly Father, we come to you on the day of our wedding to pray to you. May you bless this union and fill our marriage with memories to treasure, with love, kindness and children. May we never waver in our faith, or love for one another. May we strive, together, to be better people in your image and may we raise our children to do the same,” he continued. 
You raised a hand in front of your face, fanning the tears away as they fell down your cheeks. Jake went on, “Father, thank you for bringing us together, for listening to our prayers and granting us one another. I pray that with every passing day our love grows stronger and the comfort we find in each other grows deeper. May our differences strengthen our bond. May we need one another, but not out of weakness. May we want one another, but not out of lacking. And may we feel the same towards one another on our deathbeds as we do now. Amen,” he concluded. Your body shook with an involuntary sob, your hand flying to cover up your mouth. 
“Baby, are you okay?” Jake asked, forgetting yourself again, you nodded in response. 
Feeling your hand tremble as you held his, Jake turned around and pushed open the door. He entered the room to find you standing a few feet away from the door, crying into your hands. 
“Honey, honey, I am so sorry I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he said, pulling you close to him so he could cup your face with both hands, gently wiping the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs.
“You’re not supposed to see me yet,” you mumbled, your voice thick with tears.
“Oops,” Jake replied with a teary smile. Seeing you cry had made him tear up. He tore his eyes away from your face, letting them roam over your face for a moment, trying not to look down at the dress too much “You’re so beautiful, baby,” he whispered, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss.
You resurfaced a moment later, when a knock echoed through the room and Coyote gingerly walked in, “Guys, 15 minutes.” 
“Right, yes. I better go and let you get ready,” Jake said, letting go of you and turning towards the door, “I love you,” he said before exiting the room. You were only left by yourself for a minute before your sisters, the flower girls and your bridesmaids walked in for last minute preparations.
The chapel didn’t have much additional decoration besides the few flower arrangements that you and your bridesmaids had prepared the night before. The space was beautiful in its own right, and you didn’t want to take away from that at all. As you arrived at the chapel, they guided you down the stairs into a basement room where you could wait for the rest of the guests to arrive. 
Sofia and Catalina were already in the room as well as Phoenix, Maria, Audrey, and Annie. When you came into the room, they all gushed over your dress, “Y/n, you look beautiful,” Annie said, brushing one hand gently over the fabric of your sleeve. 
“My brother is going to be speechless,” Maria said, her eyes filled with excitement, you weren’t sure if it was for the wedding or for Jake’s impending speechlessness. 
You let out a light laugh, “He was.” 
The rest of the room grew silent at your confession, “He’s already seen you? That’s bad luck!” Sofia said, looking at you with wide eyes. 
“Well, he didn’t mean to. He stood outside the door and we held hands to pray, but his prayer was so sweet, it made me cry,” you said, tearing up again, “He pushed inside to hug me, but I don’t think he will be any less surprised when I walk down the aisle.”
She nodded, “I think you’re right, you are truly stunning.” 
With a blush covering your face, and a quiet, “Thank you,” the girls began helping you attach the veil to your elegant updo, and soon after, there was a knock on the door, a deep voice saying, “It’s time.” 
Audrey opened the door and hugged the man on the other side. When she stepped back, revealing Beau in the doorway, you felt yourself tear up. You had seen him earlier at the hotel, but you were overwhelmed with Jake’s heartfelt prayer and you hadn’t thought about your walk down the aisle yet. 
Everyone but him left the room, making their way upstairs as the organ started to play. He was dressed to the nines in his dress whites, the heavily decorated man wrapped your arm around his as he stood at your side, waiting to escort you up the stairs and down the aisle. 
He pressed a kiss to the side of your head, through the veil before whispering in your ear, “The car’s running if you’ve changed your mind.” 
You let out a fully bellied laugh, pulling the man into a hug, “Thanks dad, but no, he’s the one for me.” 
“Well alright then, let’s get you to the altar,” he said, squeezing your hand with his before leading you up the stairs and into the chapel. 
The organ sounded through the chapel with the traditional Wedding March and all of your family and friends in attendance stood, looking at the end of the aisle. Beau guided you through the flowered archway that Audrey and Annie had put around the doorframe and a smile broke over your face. 
As he guided you up the aisle, you only had eyes for Jake. He was standing there, in front of the Catholic Chaplin, chin wobbling and a few tears streaming down his face. As you got closer to him, you heard him clear his throat. Jake pulled a familiar handkerchief from his pocket and quickly wiped his face before you and Beau arrived at his side. 
Beau gave you a kiss on the cheek before releasing your arm. He shook Jake’s hand, saying something to him quietly, before Jake’s arm was entwined in yours and he guided you the final feet to the edge of the altar. 
As you stood there, in front of everyone you loved dearly, you couldn’t help but think about how similar Catholic weddings were to regular mass. It made you happy to think that every time you went to church now, you would think of this moment. 
As the chaplin finished his homily, he turned to the two of you, “Lieutenant Commander Seresin, and Lieutenant Y/ln have decided to read their own vows today,” turning to Jake he said, “Mr. Seresin, the floor is yours.” 
Jake took a deep breath, slipping his hand into the pocket of his dress pants to pull out a crumpled piece of paper. Letting out a quiet laugh he said quietly, “I was a little nervous.” 
You laughed with him, gripping his hand tighter as he began to speak, “For years I was convinced that this day would never come, that I was destined to be alone. Then you walked into my life, and everything changed. 
We were standing on the hot tarmac after a long day of training, and I remember the kindness in your eyes that few had ever shown me during my time in the Navy. You captured my attention, the only woman to show me what peace could be like even in the midst of war. Your callsign should have tipped me off, Dove, the symbol of peace, love, and the Holy Spirit. 
When you ran into me leaving mass on that rainy day in September, I didn’t think it would change my life completely. With each date we went on, I found myself more and more enraptured by you. The day your jet went down on that tarmac, I thought my heart stopped. We had only been dating a few months, but I could have sworn in that moment, I knew exactly what you meant to me, you are my other half, the better, nicer half, of my soul. God sent you to me in a time when I didn’t feel like I deserved much of anything, let alone you.”
Jake paused, his voice had grown thick with the emotions he was desperately trying to hold back, “I promise to love and protect you, from now until the end of time. During times of war and times of peace, I will be by your side to face it all together. I do not know where the Navy will send me, but you are my lighthouse in the night, and I will always find my way home.” 
You pushed out a shaking breath as the chaplain turned to you, “Lieutenant Y/ln?”
Turning to Phoenix, she handed you the paper with your vows written on it. Unfolding the neat sheet, you took a deep breath before speaking, “Jacob Seresin, you have a habit of leaving me breathless and you have done it again,” you said with a small laugh, “From the moment I saw you on the tarmac, your golden hair and dazzling smile pointed in my direction, you took my breath away. 
I was surprised to see you in mass, and for a moment I found myself speechless. I had thought I was the only pilot in the Navy that was Catholic and I can’t tell you how happy I am to have been proven wrong. You cooked me breakfast the next week, and the week after that, and the week after that and I found myself excited with the end of each week, looking forward to seeing you each Sunday. I am so glad that I left my chapel veil in your possession that Sunday in September, it was God’s way of bringing us together.”
You paused for a moment, trying to swallow down the burning in your throat, “You are a proud man, and you should be, a highly decorated Lieutenant Commander, the best pilot the Navy has ever seen, and the most wonderful man I know. Many people only know you as being rather prickly, but you are so much more than that, and I am so glad that I get to see it every day. 
During high tides and low tides I will be there, as your anchor or tug to keep you steady and afloat. I promise to stand next to you and face the rough seas and storms that will come in our lives. I will love you on deployments, at home, and anywhere in between. You are the love of my life, soon to be my husband, and hopefully, the father of our children. I only wish you fair winds and following seas as we start our journey together,” you finished, a few tears finding their way down your cheeks. 
Looking up at Jake, you were met with red rimmed eyes and his own tears, he mouthed to you, ‘I love you,’ before the chaplain turned to him, “The rings please.” 
The man blessed the rings before handing your wedding band to Jake. Jake took the ring in his trembling hand and slipped it on your finger, leaving his hand there he repeated the words that the two of you had practised for days, “Y/n, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Turning now to you, the chaplain offered you Jake’s wedding band. You took it and pushed the cool metal onto Jake’s finger, “Jacob, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
The chaplain nodded before saying, “By the power vested in me by God, the State of Maryland, and the United States Navy, I pronounce you husband and wife. Lieutenant Commander, you may kiss your bride.” 
Jake pulled you to him, wrapping his arms around your waist in a tight hug, and pressed a passionate and deep kiss to your lips. The chapel erupted in cheers and whistles and when Jake pulled away from you, you chased his lips for one more kiss before the two of you separated so that the mass could continue. 
Jake still held your hand for the Our Father, and he pressed a kiss to your cheek when it was time to exchange peace. You smiled, it was the first kiss he had given you as your husband, well besides the kiss to seal the deal. The lighter than air feeling you had been experiencing all day became overwhelming, and by the end of mass, you could have sworn that you were floating on air. 
As the two of you walked out of the church, to the cheers of your family, you were greeted at the doors by eight Marines dressed in their formal dress blues. The men drew their swords and held them in the air above your heads as you and Jake walked under them. Your families followed you out of the chapel, and the photographer you hired started instructing people to pose for pictures. 
Finally, when your family and friends had been directed to the Naval Academy Club, the photographer had you and Jake pose for just a few pictures of the two of you. You knew, even before seeing the photos, that your favourite was going to be the one where she had Jake dip you in front of the chapel, the garden visible behind you as he pressed a kiss to your lips. 
When she had taken enough photos, Jake led you to the truck, helping you climb inside and driving the short distance to the Club. 
“I love you, wife,” he said, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand as he helped you out. 
“I love you more, husband,” you said back, leaning up to kiss him properly. Jake pressed you into the side of the truck, his hands wandering up and down your sides gently. Letting out a groan, he pulled away from your lips, “You’re going to kill me darlin’,” he said quietly. 
“We have plenty of time for that Lieutenant Commander Seresin,” you said, pressing one last peck to his lips before pulling him into the building. As the DJ announced you for the first time as Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Seresin, Jake pushed the doors open with his free hand, and the two of you entered the dining room. 
You stood at the door of the reception area for a moment taking in the scene. It looked exactly as you had discussed with Jake, except for a large projector screen at the back of the room. The tables and chairs had been assembled into an ‘U’ shape around the dancefloor, pointing towards the screen. 
“Hope you don’t mind, baby, I took some creative liberties,” Jake whispered into your ear, “I promise though you will love it.” 
The purpose of the screen wasn’t immediately obvious to you. It stayed unused through the speeches, and even through dinner. It was only when you stood up to cut the cake that it flickered to life. A home video appeared on screen. Cyclone waved at the camera standing next to Elisabeth in their own wedding clothes, holding the knife together much like you and Jake were doing at that moment. 
“Ready?” Someone on screen asked.
“3. 2. 1,” the crowd around Beau and his new wife chanted
A familiar little girl appeared on screen, barely tall enough to reach Cyclone’s hip. She raised her hands up to him, scared by the noise of the people around her. He let go of the knife and picked her up, sandwiching her between himself and Elisabeth, doing his best to wipe the tears away from your face with the sleeve of his dress whites.  
“Do you want to help?” Elisabeth asked. When you nodded, she waved over Annie and Audrey. Cyclone bent down slightly so the five of you could grab the knife together.
“Right,” Cyclone said, “Ready… Steady…Cut!” 
The five of you cut through the top tier of the cake, removing the slice and setting it aside on a plate. Elisabeth and Cyclone grabbed two small silver spoons and cut a bite of the red velvet cake. After having the first mouthful of cake, Cyclone went back for another spoonful, this time presenting it to you. You opened your mouth, but the camera didn’t capture much more as a guest bumped the videographer and it cut away to a black screen. 
You turned to Jake. He winked at you, “Ready,” he asked. You nodded, cutting your own slice and trying the first spoonful before distributing slices to the rest of the guests. He looked over at you when everyone was served, unbeknownst to him you scooped some icing off of the knife and wiped some on the tip of his nose. He let out a laugh before wiping it off with one of the Navy blue napkins sitting on the table. 
Before he could respond in kind, the screen flickered to life again. The sound of a song played through the speakers, On An Evening In Roma by Dean Martin immediately recognisable to you. A younger Isabella appeared on screen joining Giovanni Senior, almost unrecognisable without his usual Stetson and salt and pepper beard. Isabella took his hand and he pulled her close. They slow-danced through the song, not for a moment taking their eyes off of each other. As Dean Martin finished his song, the screen faded to black and the music of your own first dance started. 
“That certain night, the night we met
There was magic abroad in the air
There were angels dining at the Ritz
And a nightingale sang in Berkley Square”
As Frank Sinatra began his song, Jake wiped his nose and grabbed your hand, gently pulling you to the middle of the dance floor. He snaked his hand around your waist, pulling you close so you stood cheek to cheek. 
 “I may be right, I may be wrong
 But I'm perfectly willing to swear
 That when you turned and smiled at me
 A nightingale sang in Berkley Square”
 Jake whispered the lyrics into your ear, gently swaying you in time with the music. You closed your eyes, resting your head against Jake’s losing yourself to the music, trying to absorb as much of the moment as you could in the hopes of engraving it directly into your brain so you might never forget it.
 “The moon that lingered over London town
 Poor puzzled moon, he wore a frown
 How could he know we two were so in love?
 The whole darn world seemed upside down”
The song continued as the two of you danced. Through closed eyes, you saw a flash. The wedding photographer had graciously offered to travel to Annapolis for the wedding instead of making you cancel your session. You were glad of it, she had come highly recommended through civilian friends.
 “The streets of town were paved with stars
 It was such a romantic affair
 And, as we kissed and said goodnight,
 A nightingale sang in Berkley Square”
As the song came to the last verse, Jake pulled you even closer, effectively hugging you as you danced. You turned your head to be able to catch a glimpse of him. He did the same when he felt you move and you exchanged excited smiles as the realisation that you were married finally dawned upon you.
 “The streets of town were paved with stars
 It was such a romantic affair
 And, as we kissed and said goodnight,
 A nightingale sang in Berkley Square
 I know 'cause I was there
 That night in Berkley Square”
The song finished and the two of you stopped moving, standing in the middle of the dancefloor by yourselves for a moment more. Eventually, Jake let go of you, backing away to be replaced by a crying Cyclone as Little Girl by Calica started up. 
The projector screen that you could see behind Beau’s shoulder flashed with pictures of your and Jake at various points of your life. As the Admiral grabbed your hand, the picture of Jake standing proud in an Indiana Jones costume changed to Cyclone sitting on a couch, shirtless, holding a little baby. You seemed to be less than a week old, covered in a tiny, white baby blanket. Beau was smiling at the camera, cheeks red and hair dishevelled. You remembered the story, Annie had told it for every birthday since you were old enough to understand. 
Beau had been stationed in Alaska that month. He had heard of your birth through Annie a few days late. The man had cited an emergency family situation and left for Indiana as soon as he had been able to, hitchhiking the 61 hour trip to Indiana with nothing on him save for a backpack of clean clothes, a toothbrush and a tiny teddy bear to give to you. 
Calica finished singing and Mama’s Sunshine and Daddy’s Rain by Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors started. Jake and Isabella joined the two of you on the dancefloor, quickly joined by Elisabeth and Peter, Matthew with the triplets and Giovanni Senior and Nonna. All of you danced to the song, only breaking apart to laugh when Maverick dragged Rooster away from Annie to dance with him. To alleviate Rooster’s embarrassment, Cyclone let go of you with a wink and danced with Bob instead. 
The next song started, a gasp went through the crowd as Earth Wind and Fire came through the speakers, September. The trumpets rang through the reception hall and the rest of the guests joined the dancefloor. You elbowed your way to Jake. As you tried to make your way to him in the crowd, you glanced over and noticed Coyote. The man was dancing like his body had been taken over by the beat of the song. He was rocking his whole body to the music, moving rhythmically as he bobbed his head back and forth. His feet danced across the floor smoothly and you were impressed with his moves. He suddenly stuck his hand out and pulled a woman into dancing with him. The dress she was wearing was the same Navy blue bridesmaid’s dress you had picked. You were surprised to see Phoenix laughing at him as she began dancing along with him. The two of them shredded the dance floor with their boogie moves. 
The music died down as the DJ you hired came over the microphone, “Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for our favourite part of the night!” Beyonce’s Single Ladies started to play as he continued speaking, “Can we get all of the single ladies out on the dance floor for the bouquet toss please?”
There was a bit of a commotion as all of the single women made their way to the dance floor. You spotted Maria in the crowd, standing towards the back. She looked eager but like she didn’t want to push any of your sisters out of the way. You tried to give her a small smile, but she seemed to be lost to the moment. 
The song got a little louder as you pretended to throw the bouquet a few times, looking over your shoulder teasingly. You saw Jake and Bob standing at the back of the dance floor and you knew that the time was right. Turning around to face the group of women again, you started walking with purpose, the bouquet held out in front of you. 
The crowd split in two, and you walked straight up to Maria, placing the bouquet in her grip. As you reached her, the song changed from Single Ladies to Scotty McCreery’s This Is It. Maria looked at you confused before realisation crossed over her face. You pulled her into a hug and said into her ear, “Turn around!” 
When you let her go, she spun to see Bob, kneeling on the edge of the dance floor. The room got quiet trying to hear what he was saying to her over the music, but that was between them and God because even you couldn’t hear. 
Maria nodded, clearly saying, “Yes!” with her response, Bob pulled her into a hug, spinning her around. Her Navy bridesmaid’s dress spun around their ankles delicately. The photographer was alerted before the wedding that this was the plan, and she captured picture after picture of their joy. Bob’s head was buried in Maria’s neck and Maria was smiling wider than you had ever seen before. 
The crowd gathered for your wedding went crazy with Bob’s proposal. As he and Maria split apart, Bob was pulled away from her by Coyote and Rooster, who were patting him on the back and celebrating. Maria was swept up by your sisters-in-law and was proudly showing them her ring, one hand still pressed over her mouth in shock.  
You watched as Jake pulled Bob into a hug, saying something to him before shaking his hand and making his way to you. The grin that you had been wearing all night could not be wiped off, and seeing your husband wearing one too made you feel a little giddy. 
As the song faded out, the familiar notes of one of Jake’s favourite tunes came over the speakers, he always told you how much My Girl reminded him of you. He pulled you into his arms, starting the slow dancing on the floor. You were soon joined by Maria and Bob, your parents, and, surprisingly, Coyote and Phoenix. By the end of the song almost every couple in attendance at the wedding was on the floor. 
Leaning up into Jake, you asked, “What did you say to him?”
“Who?” he asked, feigning innocence. 
You rolled your eyes playfully, “Bob!”
“Just big brother stuff, you know, the usual, if you hurt her I’ll hurt you kind of thing,” Jake said quietly. 
“What did he say?” you asked, wondering how Bob was taking Jake’s brotherly teasing. 
Jake let out a quiet laugh before answering, “He said, ‘If I am stupid enough to hurt her, then I would find you Seresin. She deserves the best.’”
You nodded at his words, “I think she got one of the best.” 
Jake pretended to be shocked, “You don’t think I’m the best?” 
Your tinkling laugh answered him, as you continued dancing in his arms, “That’s a given, you are always my best.” 
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Chasing Fires - Brian ‘Otis’ Zvonecek: Chapter Twenty
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Tagging: @justmeandanoverdrive​   @cosmic-psychickitty​   @shay-o-fiction​   @k-k0129​   @brianbabygirlzvonecek​   @ikbenplant​   @ortega29​     @crazy4chickennuggets​   @neapolitantoebeans​  @he11queen     @cixrosie​    @bradshawsdarlin​​​
Brian Zvonecek has spent most of his adult life fighting fires, now it’s time to chase one.
Follows on from Million Reasons but is a stand alone fic.
Tagging   @orileyfiction for all her help and support! Also @me-ladie​ for being the wonderful person she is and betaing.
- Chapter One
- Chapter Two
- Chapter Three
- Chaper Four
- Chapter Five
- Chapter Six
- Chapter Seven
- Chapter Eight
- Chapter Nine
- Chapter Ten
- Chapter Eleven
- Chapter Twelve
- Chapter Thirteen
- Chapter Fourteen
- Chapter Fifteen
- Chapter Sixteen
- Chapter Seventeen
- Chapter Eighteen
- Chapter Nineteen
Jordan didn’t look like anything special, in fact he looked like a senior in high school because that’s exactly what he was. Seventeen and suspected of a couple of murders already, this would be the first one he was going down for though. There was an absence behind his eyes when he spoke, an inflection in his voice that was devoid of emotion. She wasn’t sure if it was something he had been born with or the way he had grown up, but she was sure that this was the man who was responsible for the bullet in Noah Johnson. 
She was glad she wasn’t the one interviewing him, she didn’t think she could have faced that kid without wanting to smack the life out of him. She could tell Antonio was struggling with the same, persistent urge from the way he tensed his jaw, the muscle in his cheek twitching. She was glad that Voight was there, a cool head under the mounting pressure because she wasn’t sure that Antonio wouldn’t snap. 
This case had burrowed under his skin, raking across his heart, and shredding it to pieces. The longer it went on, the more it wore on him, dragging him down, suffocating him. He hadn’t been sleeping, she could see it in the dark circles under his eyes, the five o’clock shadow marring his jaw. He’d been living off granola bars stored in his desk, selecting his meals for sustenance as opposed to pleasure. 
The door to the room opened and Kat glanced to see Kenny closing it behind him before stepping up beside her and staring through the mirrored glass, his thumbs hooked through the loops of his jeans. 
“How’s it going in there?” Kenny asked. 
“They’re just getting started.”
She could feel his gaze on the profile of her face as she crossed her arms over her chest and stared straight ahead. This was the first time the two of them had been alone in years and it made Kat feel self-conscious, she wondered what he was seeing when he looked at her. 
“I tried to warn you,” he said quietly. 
“I know,” Kat bowed her head. “That’s on me. I just don’t get why you’re here, specifically in my unit.”
Kat tilted her head towards him. Their eyes met and she was transported to that night a few years ago. Him propped up in bed leaning against the headboard as she told him it was over. It wasn’t his fault; it had never been his fault and she thought she ought to tell him that at some point.
He still had the audacity to look as good as he had back then. His hair was shorter these days, cropped closely to his head with a side parting. It made him look neater, tidier than he had been before. He still had the goatee; it accentuated his chiselled features.
There were creases at the edges of his eyes, the faint line of crow’s feet but he wore them well. The top two buttons of his maroon shirt were undone, allowing a tiny glimpse of the silver chain he wore around his neck. A St Michael’s medallion, given to him by his father on the day of his graduation from the police academy. 
“It’s complicated,” he told Kat, averting his gaze back to the interrogation room. “Let’s just say there’s not going to be a place in the Gang Unit for me very much longer.” 
“How much trouble are you in?” She asked, drumming her fingertips upon her bicep. 
“Enough to reach out to my ex,” he said pointedly. “Trust me, contacting you again wasn’t easy.”
“I was dealing with some shit.” 
“So, I heard,” he said, his palm rubbing over his jawline. “What happened to you back then with IAB, it’s happening to me too.”
“Which is why you wanted to get my take.” 
“My boyfriend owns a bar, a good one. We all go there after work.” Kat told Kenny; her attention fixed on the opposite side of the glass. “We can talk more about this there.”
Inside the interrogation room Antonio was losing it. Kat could see it by the way he jammed his hands into the pockets of his jeans, rocking back and forth on his heels. His muscles were coiled, like a spring so tightly wound it would take just the slightest exertion of pressure to set it off. The more Jordan talked the worse it got. It was like watching a train crash, you knew what was coming but you were powerless to stop it.
It was when Jordan revealed he’s forced his twelve-year-old brother to shoot Noah that Antonio snapped. His red rimmed eyes turned glossy, his voice breaking as he got in the other man’s face and screamed. Voight was already in front of him, using his body to urge Antonio back towards the door of the interrogation room. He wasn’t even trying to hold in his emotions anymore, tears were openly rolling down his cheeks as he jabbed his finger at Jordan cursing.
Kat was already leaving the room and pulling open the interrogation room door. Her hand came to rest on Antonio’s shoulder, her thumb smoothing over the knotted muscle. 
“Come on Toni.” She said softly when he turned to face her. He looked wrung out and harrowed, the rage and grief leaking out and bleeding into the atmosphere as Kat guided him into the corridor. “Let’s take a walk.”
Kat made sure that the door to Voight’s office was closed when Antonio collapsed inside of the guest chair. His elbows came to rest on his knees, his hands rubbing over his exhausted features. His chest was heaving, she could hear his ragged breaths emitting through his fingers as she crouched down in front of him.
“I can’t do this anymore Kat,” he murmured. “I can’t keep seeing all these dead kids. I can’t keep coming home to my own children, carrying this weight on my shoulders.” He wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand, smudging tears across his cheeks. “I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, they are in my head all the damn time. Maggie thinks I need to take a break…”
He pressed his palm to his mouth to stifle the choked sob that vibrated through his chest. 
“The last time it was like this…”
He trailed off because she knew. His thumb rubbed over the scars on his wrist from the razor wire that cut into them, requiring surgery to fix the damaged tendons. He had almost self-destructed back then. 
“Ok,” Kat said softly, reaching out and grasping his hand. “Ok.”
He grabbed onto it tightly, clutching it like his life depended on it.
“I got your back,” she said quietly. “Whatever you want to do. I’m here for you. Always.”
“I know,” Antonio told her. “I know.”
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thewatercolours · 2 years
King's Quest Ficlet: "And More"
Follow up to "More."
“Tell me more,” Graham says. “If you know more. About Dad’s… life.”
Years ago Madeline broke herself of making her hands into nervous fists by doing the opposite – splaying her fingers out as far as she can. Ginger figured out what it meant last year, and now she must hide it if he doesn’t want to annoy or concern her siblings. There is plenty of room in her huge pockets to spread her fingers discreetly. But following the track of Graham’s eyes, she wonders if he’s on to her. She smiles her brother’s favourite smile. “I don’t know if there are any more of his stories mom hasn’t told you.”
“Maddie,” he saws, pulling himself up to sit on the counter. “We don’t lie.”
She sighs, and takes up the dish towel again, leaning over the sudsy basin on the cool part of the stove. “Who’s lying? I don’t know. Mom could have told you everything, for all I know.”
He’s not even eight. He should have had a few more years of dad living in his head as a folklore hero. What has he already overheard from those hateful people in town? Why do stupid people have to talk in range of a little boy’s hearing? How much larger had the rumours around her father’s “treachery” grown as the years went by?
“What makes you ask today?” she asks at last, scrubbing the pot lid with a sudden ferocity as though she meant to rub right through it and out the other side.
“Did he really do all those things?”
She won’t, won’t grit her teeth. He’ll think she’s frustrated with him, not the busybodies. “Which things?”
“Just… all the stuff.” Graham covers his mouth while he talks, the way people unconsciously do when they’re fibbing or taking a risk or confessing an old guilt, as though they can’t bear for the words to come out and would like to shove them back in. “Like beating the skin-walker. And the skeletons. Or bringing back the white crystal. And saving you from being carried off by the fairies as a baby. That stuff.”
She drops the dish cloth in surprise, and rounds on him. “Yes, of course he did all that! He was a great knight. It was his calling!”
This... wasn’t the angle she was expecting.
Graham hasn’t looked up. His gaze is still fixed on the cold-warped kitchen floor.
“Did someone tell you he didn’t?” she says quietly.
He still doesn’t look up.
She doesn’t even dry her hands. She throws her arms around her little brother. As her cheek squishes against his, she feels a dampness. Her heart sinks.
“You can cry,” she says. “It’s fine to cry. But maybe when you’re ready you can tell me why you’re crying.”
“I’m not crying.” He wipes a sleeve across his face. “Hugh says my dad can’t be a knight. He says a knight’s kids wouldn’t live here. So we’re not really a knight’s kids.”
The particular phrasing is unfortunate. Something rises in Madeline that she wasn’t expecting to rise today. Something she’ll have to untangle soon, so it doesn’t keep rising at inconvenient moments. But her problems are not the moments problems. She’s sixteen, and her part is to understand.
She takes hold of his shoulders, and smiles at him. “Graham, I remember when you were born. The maids couldn’t get me out of the house, because I wanted to stay so badly. The minute the midwife said you were born, I ran right into the bedroom where Mom had you. I was so excited I got a brother. I wanted to see if you were purple – some girls I knew had told me some babies are a bit purple when they’re little. But I couldn’t see you very well, because Dad was holding you because Mom needed to rest a little. He couldn’t stop kissing you and talking to you. And when you got a little bigger, he would balance you on his hands, and his feet, and swing you around and around like a yo-yo, and later he would throw you up high and let you land on a mattress or a big pile of pillows. When he would come back from quests and missions he sometimes didn’t want to let you go. If he were still alive, yeah, we probably wouldn’t be living in a place like this. But hat doesn’t change the fact that he’s our dad. Lots of kids lose their dads, and it’s hard, right? But he doesn’t stop being our dad.”
He looks up at her. “What else did he do when I was a baby?”
She grins. “You two had many renowned adventures.”
“Tell me more.”
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moonbeam-dragon · 2 years
Positive Charge Part 4
Moonrise! Another quick flashback. We’re going all the way back to middle school, when these dorks first met. So like- sixteen years ago. Something, I’m not gonna be specific. This is probably going to be really brief because it’s just a quick moment.
Elmo kept his eyes in front of him, ignoring the people giving him weird looks. It wasn’t easy to be the transfer student in the middle of the school year. But his last school was really making it hard on him. He was constantly bored and nothing moved fast enough. So he was sent to St. Canard middle school instead. He couldn’t help being jealous of Mary. She was at the old school, doing perfectly fine. She wasn’t struggling to focus in class. Mary was doing just fine with everything. But here he was, walking through the new halls, just trying to go to lunch.
When he found the cafeteria, his heart fell. Great. Now he had to find a seat. He was probably just going to eat alone. That was certainly not ideal. But it was better than sitting with someone who scared him, which, right now, was just about everyone. He found an empty table in the corner. He sat down, setting his lunchbox in front of him.
He sat alone for a minute, poking at the lunch he’d been packed. He didn’t quite like all the meats, cheeses, and lettuce on his sandwich. He just couldn’t stomach that right now. He would have packed himself something, but Mary insisted. The problem was that she was super healthy and things. He unwrapped the one cheese stick in his bag and took a bite out of it. Either he’d force himself to eat his whole lunch, or not eat it. Neither sounded pleasant.
“Hey, you’re the new kid, right?” a voice asked. Elmo looked up at the person standing there. The first thing he registered was that he didn’t need to look very far up, as this guy was short. His dark eyes just radiated friendliness. He had shaggy white hair, falling around his head, framing a rather cute face- wait what? “Mind if I sit here?”
Elmo looked arround him really quickly, to make sure he was the one being addressed. There was nobody around for a few meters, as this was the part of the cafeteria that was less populated. “Uh- Sure,” he said, gesturing to the spot across from him.
The guy sat down, smiling. “I’m Drake Mallard. They introcudced you earlier, sorry I don’t remember.” He set down his lunchbox and scratched the back of his head. “What was it?”
Elmo remembered how his science class had made fun of him. “Did you just move here from Seasame Street?” “Can you tell us how to get to Seasame street?” “I thought you were supposed to be red?”
He cleared his throat, bracing himself for that same reaction. “My name is Elmo Sputterspark,” he said.
Drake smiled, “Nice to meet you, Elmo.” He didn’t say anything more. He didn’t quip or laugh or anything. He just reached into his lunchbox, sighing. “PB&J again?” he said, grimmacing. He just couldn’t stand the feel of all the sticky ingredients in his mouth. Plus he wanted something more fresh and nutritional. It would be nice if his mom let him pack his own lunch for once.
Elmo looked up at that, pushing over his own wrapped sandwhich. “Mine has all this lettuce and stuff. Wanna trade?”
Drake looked at the sandwich, with the different colors around the edges, and nodded, sliding over his sandwich. “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it. You’re doing me a favor,” he said, taking the sandwich out of the bag.
“Dito. We’ll call it even,” Drake said.
As lunch went on, Drake started rambling about something, like a class. Elmo felt like Drake was already pretty comfortable around him. It made him a lot less self-conscious about being new here.
Elmo had a feeling that they’d become really good friends.
Yeah, Elmo. Something like that. Sorry this was short. I have another story to get to. I’ll update Positive Charge in a few days. As always, I hope you enjoyed, and thank you so much for reading! Remember to like and comment to let me know what you think.  What was your favorite part, what was your favorite line? I want to hear your opinion! Farewell, best of luck, avoid roasted cabbage, don’t eat earwax, and look on the bright side of life!Moonset!
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