#this is unfair smh
duckieschweetz · 21 days
somewhere out there, there’s the most beautiful piece of art that I’ll ever see. The most gorgeous person. The most stunning song. and, I probably won’t find it.
and I hate that.
and I hate that everyone else probably won’t find theirs either.
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crystal-mouse · 2 months
out of curiosity (and to test my theory)
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crystallinemoonlight · 5 months
still not over the fact korn murdered porsche and chay's family and then planted some lousy gambler as their guardian who ruined their lives and put them into constant debt that drove porsche to risk his health and life street fighting. it's insane. especially bc in the later episodes arthee showed a scary lack of care towards porsche, calling him naive and stupid, trying to extort him using his dead family, he did not give a shit. people don't just change like that overnight, he didn't just get evil and uncaring, that stuff was already there. and he was picked to look after two traumatized children??
korn must have done that on purpose, either to put porsche in a constantly vulnerable state he could later exploit, or to keep him busy so he'd never have the time or capacity to think too much about his family's past. there's no way he didn't know.
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riddlerosehearts · 9 months
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why is rollo's card art so fucking gorgeous and detailed. i don't even like him that much and i'm obsessed with it like they really went above and beyond for the angry little french catholic anime boy!!!
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hms-incorrect-quotes · 4 months
heart: Help! I’m drowning!
mind: Calm down. We’re only in six feet of water!
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0xeyedaisy · 6 months
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God I wish that were me
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goldensunset · 2 months
i made this post before but what’s up with paldeans and destroying the environment. the player character hops on a plane to travel between spain japan and new york whenever they feel like it to run minor errands. the area zero team went into an ancient crater and found this otherworldly paradise and started building a bunch of giant research stations. the professors thought it would be cool to use a huge machine to either bring the dinosaurs back or summon a bunch of murderous robots and let them loose upon the world. the league is using cryptocurrency. geeta please something has to be done
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eucacici · 1 year
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Doodle of ES screamer + lipstick ig
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liebelesbe · 8 months
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[ID: The word "egg" written in all caps in a yellowish white. There's an eggyolk dripping from the G in the middle.] @quezify
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blmpff · 4 months
Today on Baking With My Brother:
a) fociaccia with cherry and dried tomatoes, green olives, garlic confit, and rosemary
2) donuts (rum and vanilla in the dough) with 3 different fillings: - nutella - plum jam - pistachio&white chocolate cream, all dusted with powder sugar
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duckieschweetz · 1 month
when you just have a revelation about yourself and you’re just supposed to. continue your day as normal? hhhhhhuh..?
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slowestlap · 1 year
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not sure if ao3 or gq [x, x, x]
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snappy-nametag · 7 months
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Some fnaf sketches for your viewing pleasure
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carrotsnake · 20 days
dungeon meshi fandom rant
i usually stay away from fictional autism headcanons or indulging in them wholesale because i'm more on the 'characters are constructs' side of things. some may exhibit traits we relate to but placing real-world diagnostic labels on walking metaphors makes things too nebulous. however laios touden is an exception to me since autism allegories are pretty hard-wired into both his arc and dungeon meshi's core themes. so for once the fandom autism memes feel genuine to me lol. it doesn't feel as fanon-heavy or platitudinous, actually it's pretty uplifting. i appreciate the positivity.
that being said the most dogshit dunmesh take i've seen lately is the assertion that laios and falin show us autistic men are villified for things autistic women are accepted for. the fuck are you people smoking? some rebranded MRA-pilled bullshit? log off tumblr and go outside, then point and show me where this is the truth. i don't know if you guys are all living in a feminist utopia that i'm not privy too, but if so send me the address because things couldn't be less like that everywhere i've ever been.
countless times i've been told 'oh you're exactly like a female copy of [socially inept male friend/co-worker/family member who shares my personality] and then i gotta watch them get special treatment as i get left behind and scolded for not being normal enough. him being blunt is rebellious & brutally honest, me being blunt is just being a b*tch with no filter. how many times do you see autistic women reaching high positions of power and being revered as a misunderstood genius.
how about everyone reminding us to 'be nice' to the supposedly harmless awkward guy who keeps making sexual comments & invading our boundaries because he can't help it apparently. but strangely enough, i have gone my whole life without creeping on others. only to be called creepy and off-putting by these same social equality preachers for not applying makeup or styling my hair right. autistic women are more likely to be sexually harrassed and/or abused than neurotypical women and no one gaf (let's b real they don't care when it happens to neurotypical women either if the man has a good enough sob story.) shit like walking strangely, having a speech impediment and talking too much about esoteric topics was enough to be outcasted for us. once more, with feeling: what are you people smoking?
and critically, falin is pretty. she's conventionally pure, self-sacrificial, beautiful with hollywood curves, soft-spoken, and never questions anyone nor asserts herself over others when her needs aren't being met. her dislikes in the adventurer's bible are 'nothing in particular', she never spoke out against her village's bullying even when she had it worse than laios, quickly forgives her parents for exiling her, and never shows any opinion on marcille's use of dark magic. she's a paragon of femininity. anything less than that, and she would probably invoke similar if not more disgust from her peers than laios through the audacity of not conforming to gender expectations. but she likes holding bugs or whatever so...whoa! she's so feral and subversive amiright guys. but crucially she looks cute while doing it so we're not too uncomfortable to stan.
i love laios so much, he's in my newest blorbo collection for sure but calling the female characters who don't like him judgemental is not a good look. we as the readers who have been inside the main chara's head know he's a good guy - but in the context of dungeon meshi's world, where sexism is as prevalent as stranger danger, it's fair for them to assume bad intent and keep their distance. they're looking out for their own safety and you're mad about that because, what, it makes your 2D nigel sad? cry about it.
so quit using anime characters as fodder for your thinly-veiled 'everyday men milk themselves' preaches. the touden siblings are not a good example of this. if you unironically agree with that take: it's time to go talk to some real women broski.
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allerod · 23 days
you dont eat and your tummy hurts. you do eat and your tummy also hurts. is there no winning in this world
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