#this is not James or Snape slander at all but I’ll tag it as that at the end just in case
radiohead-spiderman · 4 months
Some of the marauders fandom makes me exhausted, you guys do know that the marauders were assholes right? The Snape thing wasn’t James and Sirius being sweet baby boys trying to protect themselves, it was a back and forth of bullying, they were rivals, Snape wasn’t just an evil greasy little man, and James wasn’t a sweet innocent can do no wrong little baby. It was a RIVALRY.
Let James Potter have flaws Jesus Christ. On that note, let Snape have SOME type of character BESIDES being bad. If your only take away from Snape and Lily’s relationship was that it was bad for Lily and that Lily was an idiot for not being able to see Snape’s red flags, you’re objectively incorrect.
This can also be said vice versa for Snape stans. James Potter was not an evil bully, he was a popular asshole, like MOST teenage boys are, however he grew and was objectively a good person.
To add commenting “Stan Bambi” on a positive Snape post does not make you cool or funny, it makes you mildly annoying at best, however commenting “James Potter was a bully” on a positive James post, makes you a mild annoyance at best as well.
Literally just let people like characters, this goes for both Snape fans AND Marauders fans.
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i-am-bri-bri · 3 years
Okay but can we take a moment to acknowledge some dumblewhore slander? Starting chronologically:
1. You cannot tell me that Dumblebitch couldn’t have found out who the spy was. They live in the wizard if world for gods sake. They could have used veritasium, mind reading, etc but because they needed a chosen one, the potters were put on the chopping block. Where were the Longbottoms? Were they in hiding as well?
2. Sirius Black, the boy James Potter was never seen without betrayed his best friend right? Well we never got to prove in court that it wasn’t him. Sirius was sent to Azkaban without a trial, most likely because the ministry was desperate to put on a show. You cannot tell me that Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, awarded the Order of Merlin (first class), Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, Supreme Mugwump, and man who had been offered Minister of Magic multiple times had no influence. You cannot tell me that he had no power, or no way to help Sirius. Once Dumblewhore had no more use for him, he left Sirius to rot with dementors for 12 years.
3. Dumblebitch supposedly put Harry in the Dursley’s house for his “protection”. In hat house, Harry was beaten, starved, emotionally abused, neglected and miserable. He was treated like a slave while Dudley got everything he ever wanted, and then some. It is obvious throughout the books how much lasting, psychological trauma Harry has. There is NEVER an excuse to leave a child in an abusive home. As aforementioned, if Dumblewhore had given two fucks he would have saved Sirius, and put him with his GODFATHER. Or even if he couldn’t be bothered to do the minimum, Harry could at least been placed with one of James’s other best friends, idk my Remus Lupin. Or, even then if you want to make the argument that Remus was not fit to care for a child (which is valid) you cannot tell me that McGonabadass would not have been a FANTASTIC guardian. She watched the Marauders grow up, and honestly is such a mother. Can you imagine all of the teachers raising Harry, and him sitting in on classes waving around a fake wand? Adorable. (Side note: not defending the Dursley’s but they woke up one day to a child on their doorstep that they never asked for and never wanted, and were expected to turn their whole lives upside down? Also Dumbledore didn’t even ring the doorbell he just leaves a baby on a doorstep for the whole night during October/going into November.)
3. Children were literally using magic to physically change someone’s appearance against their will, fight, slash people’s torsos open, and bully each other and Dumbledore just didn’t care.
4. In the Sorcerer’s Stone, the final tasks were perfectly tailored to each child. A crazy animal that just so happens to belong to one of the trio’s favorite adult? Check. A literal quidditch game for the youngest player in 100 years? Check. Methodical thinking and problem solving for the brains of the group? Check. A WIZARD’S CHESS GAME FOR THE KID WHO LOVES CHESS? Check. And I think that the Devil’s Snare was thrown in there in case Neville tagged along. Dumbledore couldn’t be completely sure who would go and who wouldn’t. Not to mention that he happened to be conveniently gone when everybody at Hogwarts needed him to be there. Dumbledore was testing his child soldiers at the age of fucking ELEVEN.
5. Decorating the Great Hall in all Slytherin colors just to get their hopes up, then dashing them because some dumb ass children played a game of chess well and could figure what potion would not kill them. Can you imagine how crushed those poor kids were? He could have started the feast with Gryffindor colors, or kept it neutral, but no he had to have his big finale.
6. Dumbledore literally had so many teachers on staff that were SO SUS and he was just like “guess I’ll have the grease head keep an eye on them.” Speaking of Snivellus, there is no way he didn’t know about Snape’s “teaching methods”. Snape was 1. A child’s worst nightmare, 2. Literally going to feed a most likely poisonous potion to a child’s pet and 3. Bullying children because of a childhood rivalry.
7. Not even trying to make reparations with Hagrid after ruining his prospects and his life when Hagrid was 13. No “I’m sure I can find an adult magic class for you” or “Let’s go get you a new wand”. Literally just completely glosses over the fact that he ruined a child’s life, and poor Hagrid is too blindsided to see it.
8. Raising a kid so he can die at the right time???
9. Dumbledore believed in doing “bad things for the greater good”. He never stopped believing in that philosophy, as evidenced by all of his actions. Also the only reason he was set on the “right” path was the unfortunate accident where Ariana died. It’s likely that had that not happened, he would have gone through with his plan to literally enslave muggles.
Maturing was realizing that Dumbledore wasn’t the hero everyone thought he was.
Please feel free to add on ANY sort of Dumblewhore moments that I might have forgotten.
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friendlyalien · 4 years
already asked some of these but how about s through z for the fandom meme
S - I'll probably grossly misunderstand the question but here goes I always thought that Lucius and Narcissa would be a-okay with Draco being bi or gay. Don't ask me to explain why because I have no clue but I had this idea stuck in my brain for as long as I can remember.
Oh, and something about the way Christophe acts makes me believe he is hella insecure. Actually, I have planned out a 50ish chapter story about it, but I refuse to even touch the behemoth before I deal with my WIPs.
T - unless stated otherwise, everyone is bi. Yes, I am a multishipper, why do you ask?
U - I don't have 5 fandoms fucking hell! The last one is a character I find severly underrated.
Pokemon - James, itsyaboi Guzma, Paul, Barry and Nando (fun fact: Nando has only one (1) entry on Rule34 and it's not even sexual. Don't ask questions.)
Yuri on Ice - Yuri, Emil (!!!), Chris, Phichit, Georgi (the boy is underrated). Yea I know it says five but JJ.
Harry Potter - Draco (duh), Remus (duh!), book!Ginny, Neville, and not really underrated but Snape
Beastars (haven't finished reading yet) - Legosi, Louis (bastard twink grew on me), I can't think of her name but the hen that lays eggs for the sandwiches Legosi eats on Wednesday-then-Friday, that badass panda whose name I won't even attempt writing down, and the cheetah girl (names are hard okay?)
V - Pokemon - you want me to pick one, huh? Rocketshipping.
Yuri on Ice - fuck the canon, Michemil.
Harry Potter - I believe you can parse the answer yourself at this point
W - Drarry - hatefuck. It was my first rival ship for a reason.
I won't disclose the name of the ship because it's RP (real people) and I feel bad for liking it - corsetry
Fucking Victuuri got me into foot stuff (Victor's feet thing is a legitimate tag on AO3)
I have seen too much praise kink in the Otayuri tag to not be into it.
X - Jean-Jacques Leroy is a precious cocky boi and shall not be slandered the way he is.
Georgi deserves therapy and a happy ending.
Isabella doesn't. Deserve. The. Bashing. She. Gets. (And yes I like to pair her fiancé with literally anyone else but she doesn't have to be a bitch. I am a sucker for supportive!ex.)
Same goes for Anya, and I don't really like her to begin with.
Emil is a baby but I think that's the general belief.
Y - to all the people that are trying to get me into Sherlock - stop. To all the people that are reblogging Star Wars fanart - the art is beautiful but won't happen.
And I used to have a shitton of Voltron fanart on my dash like 2 years ago but never got into the show. Dodged a bullet there, lemme tell you.
Z - okay, I love Yuri on Ice with all my heart. I think the characters are all interesting and they make me wanna explore them more, in different settings. This anime got me back into writing.
But hell, does it make an injustice for the girl part of the show. Like, I was making myself height and age charts of all the characters so I won't have to go on Wiki and get lost in Georgi's beautiful eyes for ten minutes every time I needed a reminder that he is older than Victor. The girl skaters (the whole two of them) have no canon height, and the only reason we know Sara's birthday is because she's Michele's twin. Like come on. I am not even that much of a femslash shipper but... would it hurt to have more than, what, three major background characters?
That rant over - man I hate that I have gotten myself into a RPF. I am not (and will never) be writing fics about them but I feel like that even the fact that I read what is out there (not) and comment and encourage is bad enough, especially when they have partners. Nobody is pretending that it's real and I haven't seen anyone slandering their spouses (I'd go fucking feral if that happened) but... yeah.
I'd love if they put out a statement about their feeling about shipping (I remember one of them joking about what their ship name with another member was, so there is a good chance they are aware) because I am conflicted as hell.
I used to be involved in the Smosh fandom like decades ago and rememeber they even used to read fics, and that was fun and kind of reassuring. You know, that they knew and didn't mind/care enough to try and say "hey, stop that". That it didn't affect their lives in negative way, because that is the last thing I'd want to be a part of, even passively.
Rant over, everyone go home.
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