#this is just nfts part 2
mintchochipkookie · 1 year
kim namjoon for world president when
#half of my entertainment analytics class FOR SOME FUCKING REASON was about NFTs#these 2 bros from the industry talking about how nfts were the future of entertainment or whatever the fuck#pretending like it was good for fans and had nothing to do with corporations wanting to profit even more#they had the audacity to say that FANS ACTUALLY WANT TO PROFIT OFF THEIR INTERESTS#i was like have you been a fan of a single thing even once in your life#fandom is so special to me and it's one of the sincerest purest forms of appreciating something#i feel real anger at billion dollar companies trying to monetize this space till only the rich can afford to like things#like every other fucking part of society#this isn't even considering the negative impact they have on the environment#this is purely from a moral standpoint about appreciating art#anyway. all this basically to say that when hybe announced the bts nft thing last year#i literally felt a pit in my stomach like something i had just started loving was being taken away from me already#reading that namjoon made a presentation to convince their executives not to move ahead with the plan.....you literally don't understand#i owe kim namjoon my life lmao#i hope he knows how much i appreciate him i'm so glad i picked the right group to stan#anyway. none of this matters i'm just feeling a lot of things rn and i want to say once again that i love bts#every single one of them they just mean so much to me#ik it's some form of a parasocial relationship or whatever but i don't care right now#i feel so grateful to him ik it's dumb but it is what it is#to delete later
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nalver · 2 years
unfortunately for everyone i now have a random chance of posting about my students project
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almalvo · 10 months
About An Official Spiderverse Artist...
Please do not just scroll past this post; read it.
If you guys follow me on twitter, you probably already know.
But if you dont or still want to read this anyway - here you go:
I aint big, but I got a growing platform that I see as important for me to use as a force for things that matter.
So here I am.
And I got something to say about a certain "artist".
There are so many fucked up people who call themselves artists who are so heavily worshipped by us who both get and or dont get outed in the world for things they do and for their general piss-poor behaviours and persons.
Im here to talk about one in particular (and certainly wont be the last).
There is an artist that basically EVERYONE here has seen art from before, printed in the official Sony artbooks too.
If you have seen this:
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Then you have seen this artist before.
His name is Alberto Mielgo. He goes by @/pinkman_himself on twitter.
He is a HUGE part of the art direction and stylisation of the spiderverse movies, if that isnt already obvious. Because he was the former original art director of Into The Spiderverse.
Yes. Former.
Cuz he got "mYsTeRiOuSlY fiReD" from Sony 2 years into pre-production and completely removed from the project.
You may have also seen this character before:
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Yes. THAT asian character from Netflix's Love Death + Robots, from the episode "The Witness".
Familiar? Yeah. Because this episode was also made by the same guy, Mielgo.
I aint going to talk about what happens in that episode and hesitate to encourage anyone to watch it - cuz all it basically is is a megalo-misogynistic, assault "glorified for the sake of aRtT", racially fetishised showcase of this crazy makeup/haired bdsm stereotyped asian girl sex worker who essentially gets murdered over and over and over after running for her life completely naked through the city for all of us to see for some fucking reason.
BUt yeah anyways, you can see it in the first pic, but Ill put it here to show more clearly - this here is NOT the character from LDR. But I can understand why you might think so:
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Yeah. You read that name in the bottom right corner correctly. This is Peni Parker. His concept art of Peni Parker. A 13 YEAR OLD CHILD. Lookin suspiciously like and dressed as the adult person from LDR with ALSO the crazy hair, make up - WITH AN O-RING CHOKER AND BALL-GAG LIPSTICK (BDSM).
13. year. old. child.
This man only sees east asian women this way.
He likes them crazy, sexy, broken--
and young.
Cuz this man also wrote this on a now-deleted post on his website:
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Yeah. He, this whole ass middle-aged white cishet male spaniard thirstin for kids since he was 18 for 12 year old girls.
Cuz 12 year old girls are a fuckin "KNOCK OUT" when they grow up, when they ripen up into adulthood, to this man Alberto Mielgo, aka @/pinkman_himself, this creature.
And if auctioning NFTs isnt bad enough (cuz yes, ofc he does that too - its literally the first option on his website) -
His entire fucking portfolio is of drawing women he had sex with.
His fucking PROFESSIONAL PORTFOLIO is all of painting and drawing women in very compromising, questionable ways of the VERY SAME WOMEN HE HAD SLEPT WITH THROUGH HIS LIFE.
They look as creepy as they are.
But the scariest part?
While I myself had only just found out about this some days ago as of writing this, some of us have known about this man and his antics for years.
And he keeps getting greenlit by the industry, over and over and over; winning awards, getting respected, praised, admired, even by fellow at-home artists like many of you out there if you dont already do so.
And nothing will happen to him cuz he is a white cishet male artist who has money and a following and connections and influence and power.
So yeah.
I just wanted to talk about a certain official Spiderverse artist to just let yall know there are freaks everywhere, and that no matter how small it is, it's people like me and you who need to do what we can to keep up awareness and warn our communities and protect our most vulnerable.
My suggestion is to take heed of what I said, ask questions about everything you will ever see again from anyone around you, no less the industry, THINK for once, and actually give a fuck.
Keep away.
Do not support this man.
But the decision is ultimately yours.
Stay awake, yall.
(His face, publicly available as his imdb profile):
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sealpup9 · 2 years
The AI Lighting website is actively taking any uploaded images and training AI to make (edit: AI Generated art. Possibly NFTS, please see edit below.). I've seen some people talking on here about how there's no harm in using Clipdrop because it's teaching them how to properly light things, but nothing about how the program takes your artwork and uses it to make AI generated artwork/NFTs up to five years after you upload stuff.
Artists: do not use services like these. Always be suspicious of sites like these.
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I had major hesitation and suspicion upon seeing this as is and now theres actual proof, so....
Sources for the threads above: 1 2
So some people have been saying that just because the co-founder is an NFT bro doesn't necessarily mean that they are using the AI for that specific purpose and I think they're right it's just extremely scummy that they can use your art to create AI Generated images and NFTs are literally AI Generated images, so that's the train of thought that me and many other artists have been concerned about.
 I personally would not want my artwork to be used to teach AI how to make artwork or improve AI generation because i personally believe there's something extremely morally incorrect about taking art from artists, feeding it into an AI, using it to generate artwork, and claiming that artwork as your own. There are threads on twitter that discuss how AI is the creator, the person using the AI is actually the client, and the client in this case is absolutely horrific--
“The reason people are getting increasingly frustrated with AI "artists" is that no, they AREN'T artists. They're nightmare clients. They tell the AI what they want, demand infinite revisions of it, and once finally satisfied, claim the work as their own. I have painted characters and weapons for clients, and while yes, the cool designs they paid me to draw are THEIR concepts, they did not paint it, and they are not calling themselves the artist who did the commission!” - @Anodesu on Twitter
Recently, an AI Generated piece won a contest worth actual money, and many of the artists who lost were rightfully upset.
Something that we need to remember is to listen to artists when they talk about how AI could very seriously take over the market due to the fact that there are so little laws in regards to it, and jobs are already being lost in fields like journalism due to the use of AI generated works.
I think we need to be thinking about these specific questions?
Should it be legal for websites like this to put sneaky things in their TOS in regards to creating AI artwork using any uploaded images?
Should it be legal for creators of AI to feed their AI works that they do not have the rights to to make their AI create artwork?
How many artistic jobs are going to be lost due to AI taking the artwork of others without paying for it, and generating artwork that people don't have to pay for?
These are questions we just don't know the answer to, and with how slow lawmakers have been in terms of privacy laws online, and how slow they've been in regards to NFTs, it's going to be a while before we really see how much this will impact artists and freelancers.
To finish this off, I’d like to post this thread in regards to how AI generated art is art theft:
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In my opinion, I am fully against AI generated artwork unless the creator of the AI only feeds art that they have the rights to/permission to. That being said, I believe this kind of thing needs to be an “opt-in” sort of reasoning, meaning if you want to give your artwork to AI, then go for it. But things like Clipdrop and other image-uploading sites make very sneaky additions to their TOS that artists need to be aware of.
Edit (part 2):
I want everyone denying even the possibility of this being used for NFTs to start using your critical thinking skills for just a moment. Nothing in life is going to be black and white, and no company is required by law to say exactly what they are using their tech for. This post is a means to inform artists that their artwork can be taken and used to create AI-Generated artwork, and many artists have come out with information and concerns about this technology. Please make your own decisions, but do not call this information fearmongering, as it's simply information.
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machine-saint · 6 months
i think one of the fundamental problems with the word "techbro" is that it has multiple meanings, some of which contradict each other.
the original term brogrammer referred to programmers who act in a very stereotypical masculine way, as a pejorative. the word "techbro" was sometimes used as a synonym for this. this is why the word "bro" is there, because it's a comparison to frat bros. this is also the only sense mentioned on the wikipedia page. this is also the sense i see the least usage of on tumblr; it was really more of a thing back in 2012-2013 or so.
people also use it to refer to people who are pushing the latest fad; web 3.0, blockchain shit, NFTs, LLMs, whatever. this usage does not require that the person actually knows anything about programming. some of these people genuinely believe in what they're advocating for, some of them are just hopping onto the latest money-making thing. this is the y combinator set.
a third usage is to refer to people who are very into self-hosting, and "own your hardware" type stuff and don't understand that computing is a compromise and not everyone wants to spend all their effort getting stuff to work. this is the rms type. unlike the second definition, this one requires the person to have fairly deep technical knowledge. theoretically you could have someone who doesn't know a lot about computers but is real big into this kind of stuff, but in practice that never happens.
(i'm broadly sympathetic to this type; i avoid music streaming and sync all my music using open-source software, that sort of thing. the "techbro" part, in theory, comes when they look down on others for not making the same choices. of course, the line between "you're looking down on me" and "you're arrogant for simply believing that you're right" is thin.)
in particular, sense-2 and sense-3 "techbros" have very opposite beliefs! one wants to run everything "in the cloud", the other wants to run everything locally. one wants to let chatgpt run your life, the other hates the idea of something they can't audit be that important. both tend to be very "technology will save us" types, but the way they go about that is very different. one makes very sleek-looking but extremely limited UI, the other will make ultra-customizable, ultra-functional UI that's the most hideous and hard-to-use thing you've seen in your life.
and so you can see here the problem: what can we actually say about "techbros" that's meaningful, other than "techbro is when i don't like someone who likes technology"? if a word isn't used as a self-descriptor, but only as an insult, what stops it from becoming broader and broader until it loses all usefulness?
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ask-reject-room-64 · 1 month
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Scribble Tom
This is clone #S64-3, unlike his original counterpart, “Scribble” as we like to call him is quite cheerful!!! His speech is a bit limited, but that doesn’t stop him from talking!!! He is the easiest to deal with, but unfortunately has the bad habit of drawing all over my nice clean walls >:(
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Clone #T64-1, is an amalgamation of all 4 test subjects, and as such possess 4 different consciousnesses in one body!! How is that possible?!?? I don’t know!!!!! But that must make me a genius right!?!!!!! He prefers to be called “Tomatoredd”…. I think, when all 4 of them talk at once it can be hard to understand him sometimes. Clone #T64-2 refers to him as “Red” and tends to avoid interacting with #T64-1 whenever possible.
Clone #T64-2, is the most difficult to work with >:/, he is so rude!!!!! Originally part of a clone similar to #T64-1, but an unfortunate…. incident…. resulted in a split resulting in 2 clones!! I got two clones for the price of one!!! AREN’T I awesome?! He prefers to be called “Torm” and tends to make my life difficult!!!! SO DIFFICULT!! He keeps trying to ESCAPE!!!!!!! I NEED FREE LABOR DAMNIT!!!!
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Realistic Matt
Clone #M64-4, POSSESSES A GHASTLY APPEARANCE!!!!! DO NOT REMOVE THE BAG!!!! I have no idea how he came to have such a horrid appearance despite his original DNA!! He is quite sarcastic at times and tends to be quite snarky!! Not as bad as #T64-2 though, and it seems he has more intelligence than his original counterpart!! Quite nice to chat with :) (Scribble drew the mouth on his bag)
Not Funny Tom
Clone #T64-5, the black sheep of the clones!!! HE SUCKS!!! HE DOESN’T LIKE MY MOVIES!!!!!!! He has no taste!!!! Not to mention he is a bit… creepy… He doesn’t emote much and sometimes he just stares… blankly… into the cameras….. He seems to get along well with #S64-3 though!! The others usually steer clear of him, and I don’t blame them!!!! Other clones call him “NFT” for some reason, or was it “Nerd”? I don’t remember!!! or care!!!
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It tis I! Bing!!!! EVI- *cough* I mean- GENIUS DIRECTOR!! Using the power of SCIENCE and MONKEYS I have created films like no other!!!! Ask me questions!!! Ask LARRY Questions!!!! ASK MY CLONES QUESTIONS!!!!!
This is Larry, my faithful assistant!!! Despite his grumpy attitude, he is really reliable when it comes down to it!! I still wonder where he got those monkeys from?? oh well!!!! 
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karatam · 1 year
Top 5 video essays. Go!
oh this is such an interesting questions hmmmmmmmm
(my problem is that I'm an idiot who has not maintained a playlist or anything of my faves, which I'm going to do starting now lmao)
not in any particular order, though I ended up with more than 5:
Line Goes Up - The Problem With NFTs by Folding Ideas. Does a great job at explaining what they are and how they work, and particularly how they don't work. Talks about the toxic culture that surrounds them and now they're often just scams. I've rewatched it twice.
ROBLOX_OOF.mp3 by hbomberguy. Starts off as a light-hearted look into who made that ubiquitous sound effect. Goes right off the deep end into the teeming insanity of the liar at the centre of it all. Incredible and utterly unhinged.
Disney Channel's Theme: A History Mystery by Defunctland. Related to #2 in general idea, but totally different in execution. Starts off by trying to find who composed a short little jingle used by the Disney Channel. Ends up a study of being an artist and what that means. I cried.
Disney's FastPass: A Complicated History by Defunctland. A truly interesting look at the history of the management of queues at amusement parts, culminating in the FastPass, for better or worse.
The Church Play Cinematic Universe by Jenny Nicholson. Not a video essay like some others on this list, but simply one of the most entertaining 80 minutes I've ever spent. A weird church puts on incredibly elaborate plays based on existing IP by twisting every story into a christmas or easter play.
The Rise, Lies, & Demise of Jan Hendrik Schön by BobbyBroccoli. Actually a three part series about a man who almost faked his way to a Nobel Prize in physics.
The Bob Emergency: a study of athletes named Bob by Jon Bois. Another two-parter. This is exactly what it says on the tin. It looks at the rise and fall of the number of athletes named Bob.
Into The Omegaverse: How a Fanfic Trope Landed in Federal Court by Lindsay Ellis. Truly batshit, truly incredible. Everyone needs to watch this at least once.
The Failure of Victorious and The End of Victorious by Quinton Reviews. These are a combined 13.5 hours about a show that I only kind of watched. And yet I was fascinated.
An appropriately unhinged recap of Pretty Little Liars by Mike's Mic. Like above, a truly batshit recap of a batshit show that I didn't really watch. Honestly it's more fun when you haven't seen it, because every new plot point is like being hit in the head by a baseball bat.
I Debunked the Entire Manosphere by munecat. A terrifying but funny examination of that part of the internet that I've been trying very hard to avoid.
The Making of Horizon Zero Dawn by noclip. One of my favourite games and a very interesting look at the process of bringing a video game from pitch to end product.
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venacoeurva · 11 months
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I will be opening 2 slots for this style! Please specify if you want the regular cel shaded one or the old print style one (Wren threateningly in his undies is the best example of the textures and inking I have 🥲), prices are the same. One image per person sans minor alterations. Please read the rules below.
They’re first come, first serve--Contact via IMs only, asks are tedious and difficult to navigate back to to get refs, and idk if asks still get eaten but I'd rather not give it the chance.
These commissions are NOT permitted for commercial use, use in training AI, NFTs or any involvement in cryptocurrency, campaigns, or promotion that contributes to financial gain. This includes assets such as icons, banners, character art, and similar for streaming, Youtube, blogs that make a profit, and other websites. If there’s a chance you will profit financially from its use, that falls under commercial.
You will get 2 minor to moderate fixes in your commission past the sketch phase. Be prepared and have your resources and ideas ahead of time and if you remember any changes please tell me all of them at one time as one fix. I will not practically or actually redraw or recolor a commission due to customer negligence.
You are not permitted to remove watermarks on the pieces.
I must know ahead of time if you intend on creating physical objects using the piece.
There is not a contractual forfeiture of rights from me to you, I extend them to you. I retain a right to use commissions for promotional and portfolio reasons.
Payment must be up front in full via Paypal invoices (so I need your associated email, NOT a paypal.me link).
When describing things such as the poses and scene, please break the text up into smaller chunks. Also, please don’t tell me to just do whatever, that isn’t helpful at all, stressful, and odds are you know these characters more than I do!
Must have a visual reference for any OCs or character who are difficult to find good references for (such as for a very niche series). I need as neutral lighting in screenshots as you can manage, if you want color accuracy I need accurate colors for colored pieces or the ability to infer what they would be in the lighting of the commission. If the screenshots are too bad I will say no until you can get a better one.
Keep it SFW, suggestive at most for adult characters only (vulgar dialogue or text allowed as long as it's not bigoted or in poor taste). Upper nudity is fine for adults. You must be an adult for that. Fetish content that wouldn’t be clocked from an outside perspective is not allowed. I can also tell when people try to stealth fetish art out of me.
I will not emulate other online artists’ styles, and this commission opening is for the above style only.
If you want me to illustrate part of your fic, do not expect me to read it. Give me a description of the scene as you would any other illustration. If you try this, I will reject your commission.
Shipping is fine (OCXCanon, OCXOC, CanonxCanon) provided it isn't incest or adult/minor. If I'm skeeved out by a particular one you bring up I'll also let you know if I won't do that one.
I won't draw other peoples' OCs that are not yours unless you know each other. People do that without consent, it's weird!
Nonhuman/elf/other humanoid characters are fine, including furries or monsters.
No real people other than cases such as your fursona, etc. and no real person shipping/fanfiction or fanart.
If you're being unprofessional via playful rudeness, flirting, bigotry, demanding I prioritize your comm in the queue or to work faster I will refund you and immediately stop working on your commission. You will be blacklisted.
No politics, no bigoted content (including transphobia and exclusion), no shitty tired jokes like farm tools, rape jokes, pedophilia jokes, or anything involving F/yr unless it’s him getting being obliterated into a fine paste. You get the gist, he makes me uncomfortable and I refuse to draw him, and poor enough taste concepts will get you rejected and blacklisted.
There are some series I refuse to draw for full stop. If you ask for one, I’ll let you know.
I can say no to any commission for any reason.
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unichrome · 7 months
AI and the value of labour (but only if it's yours)
Few of you have missed the whole AI/AI-art/ChatGPT-debate by now and even though few have the technical literacy to actually know what it is and its implementations, it hasn't stopped people from having opinions on it, and wow they sure are Opinions. It's mainly about how it's art-theft and will put already struggling artists out of business because now there's a chance that their dandelion found in a deviantart furry artwork they made using GIMP once will now be seen made sort of in the same style on a 250x250 pixel generated picture from a free online generator. And now I'm going to be snarky about it but also highlight a problem seen from the other end of this - the value of labour, and I'm not talking about the artists labour here.
But first let's look back a little bit for some well-needed perspective:
The logic for this is nothing we haven't seen before; you can't copy art and have it made available for just everyone to use like this! In the early 2000's it put musicians out of business and destroyed music forever with the introduction of napster. Pirate bay is why movies no longer are being made. It has destroyed art as we know it when people tauntingly right-clicked on a cryptobro's NFT and clicked "save as" (which I assume is also very problematic for the people who are vehemently against AI art? It's a literal 1-to-1 copy of your work). Media corporations are dying because intellectual properties are no longer protected under the copyright laws after 70 or so years. In the 90's there was even some video star who literally murdered a radio star. With the introduction of vinyl, it even killed live music forever.
So technology has been destroying just about all forms of art as we know it for a while now and each time it's the same doomsday predictions from the newly formed kind of art-christianity where some art has soul (Good, Skilled Laboured artists) and others hasn't (Evil, of course).
Now for the informative part of the post:
In the 1970's, computers as we know them today began forming, and with it, the value of a computer programmers skill and labour. Alongside with this, they saw a growing problem: Corporations owned everything they made, and corporations will also have the whole say about what will be present on a computer and the price of everything present on it.
This was not very appreciated by neither the programmers, and nor the customers (although few saw this growing problem coming). So in a weird twist of fate, programmers became one of the most left-wing labour-rights occupation you could find by forming Free Software Foundation, GNU, and essentially setting the stage for you to be able to use the free GIMP software instead of buying a staggering price for Adobe's Photoshop. It enabled you to download firefox instead of buying a copy of internet explorer. Because yes, before this kind of software activism formed, and the general environment of software development became to make it as freely available as possible - and having an outright despise for corporations like Novell and Microsoft for taking such huge amount of money to their own pockets instead of the developers, literally every piece of software cost money. A LOT of money.
This kind of 100% for free software usage we're used to has also led to us no longer being appreciative of the work and skill that goes behind keeping a software not only developed and updated continuously for decades, but also spending money on keeping it hosted and delivered to you for free. We even joke and scoff about the mere thought of having to pay 0.99 Euro for an app we'd use daily and a developer spent 2 years in the making. Meanwhile, when someone offers to pay someone merely 10 euro or so for a handmade blanket, there's an outrage about the value of labour and skill. And rightfully so! I support that, and so should you, even if it's labour that you weren't the one making.
And it doesn't end there either - we all know corporations has no trouble finding new ways to charge you money. Organisations like Free Software Foundation, various Linux projects and Mozilla have campaigned for a freer usage in general, leading to fair-use laws, campaigning for the right to repair your technology instead of having to buy new one all the time, as well as preventing corporations from banning every other piece of software on a computer that they don't want you to have (from a competitor or free alternative of their software).
I mentioned Adobe specifically, because in the wave of anti-AI-art outcry, artists are campaigning for a ban on making software that uses other peoples artistic similarities (not copies mind you, similarities, meaning making it a copyright infringement to have art that is similar to yours, since that's what AI-art algorithms create), and I'm sure right off the bat many of you can see the huge problem with that, but Adobe sure isn't. They're also gladly in on this, because that would mean that free alternatives of Photoshop like GIMP would also become a copyright infringement. So would a lot of our other free software we use daily and take for granted.
That's all I wanted to say about this I think. The TL;DR version is basically to value labour even if it isn't yours, and to not take it for granted. As a final part to remember about AI is that it is a tool, and like any tool it can be used for good or evil. AI is what made it possible for us to make sense of the large hadron collider data and made enormous leaps in scientific discovery in just a few years, that would otherwise had taken 500 years to sort through by humans, and with a much higher rate of error.
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sn4pozu · 1 year
my headcanons of Eddie Gluskin if he had a twitter :
he'd repost those RETVRN incel trad memes where its like a woman doing house chores & man doing job stuff
would get into arguments with a woman and subscribe to her onlyfans at the same time (gets mad when blocked)
tries to be professional and a know-it-all but also his entire likes tab is porn (he doesnt know it shows publicly)
calls someone a whore & drops a bible verse in the same thread arguing with them
idk if he'd be delighted with minion memes or viscerally hate them
If twitter bans his account mid argument he'd flip the fuck out and make 3 gmails & alts at the same hour
100% posts creepy comments under peoples post and gets upset if it gets hidden
flirts so much you'd think hes a bot but no he's just sending random women his number (does he care if they're married or not is completely dependant on his mood)
uses the nice guy card whenever shit starts going south
he gets doxxed he goes like "that's not me" (lies, is scared)
either that or he lashes out and start sending them death threats who knows
menace with the twitter Voice Note feature
not even a mutual KYS no hes going to write out his whole murder fantasy in a person's DMs and blocks them before they could respond
gets IP banned on twitter like, weekly, he just figures out VPN apps and finds a way to harrass people constantly
media tab is his breakfast and someones mutilated genitals, bi-weekly photo updates maybe
im not saying he would complain about hairloss but he would complain about hairloss
"i got declined by the pharmacist for asthma medication, fucking bitch *insert something mysogonistic*"
thinks bitcoin is stupid and not a real "manly job" so he dogs on them pretty horribly
thinks tech jobs are for NERDS and says it outloud whenever them NFT bros are commenting under his shit attacking him for calling them nerds
Cracked phone screen with blood in the cracks (he tried to clean it with soapy water on a towel but it just ruined the lcd now its forever stained yellow) ((free bluescreen eye protector mode ?)) (((also has to violently tap the home button because its already broken & that part of the screen died))) ((((has an odd smell))))
he wishes he'd have glasses for the phone screen but all he does is squint
would post dress updates though <3 maybe retweets sewing patterns and videos of old women knitting and go "my grandmother used to do that pattern, ❤️ Wow."
goes back to shitting on women
*posts black coffee with 2 fruitflies in it* "A Good Way To Start A Morning ☕"
posts half eaten food and the dirty plate and would be like "Delicious food today 😋 i almost forgot to pots." -- deletes & reposts because of the typo. PEOPLE CANNOT THINK HE'S WEAK.
His vest would 100% be posted on those gimmick accounts and gets picked on for it being crusty & grody 😔
DMs like multiple women at the same time and either gets immediately blocked or ghosted after a face reveal
he Has cried because of twitter comments before, never again......
has twitter warning threads made of him and has tried to draw a stupid fucking wojack on paper with pencil & pen because he doesnt know how to edit photos but he still wants to own the haters
posts gore to own the haters as well and then got mass reported to death when people found 0 similar images of the gore he posted
'A Thread On @/Eddie287367927 TW: Gore, Mutilation, Harassment, Transphobia, Misogyny'
probably had a youtube documentary made about his twitter acc and all the drama he got himself into (either by accident or for fun)
ok this idea kinda came up to me after i saw a trad meme come up on my tl and i just HAD to dump this all out somewhere
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daybreak-mun · 6 months
Commissions Open
So long story short, I fucked up and I need to open emergency commissions. Since I'm in a pretty massive bind, these are going to be a bit different than what I normally do.
So, good news! It looks like the dispute I put in with my bank went through. I'm no longer in a financial emergency!
I'll still be keeping commissions open for a bit though!
It's a first-come first-served deal, with payment expected upfront. There are no numbered slots this time around, and instead will go until I have enough to cover the bind I'm in. I will update this whenever I decide to close commissions. There is the option to back out if the list is too big and you don't want to wait.
If you would like to claim a spot in the queue, please send me a DM here or anywhere I have an account. Just please let me know who you are before sending me a friend request out of the blue on places like Discord. I've been having quite a bit of trouble with bots on there.
Commission TOS:
Prices may fluctuate based on complexity and difficulty.
Please provide me all the necessary details that I need, including providing references for who/what you want drawn.
I will DM you regular progress updates at certain points of completion.
More simple backgrounds that aren't solid/gradient will use a percentage of the "complex background" price.
I have the right to decline a commission, either because it makes me uncomfortable, or if I don't think I could do it justice.
If I find you're lying about your age to get an NSFW commission from me, I will permanently block you.
You are not allowed to mint my artwork for NFT/crypto, nor are you allowed to use it to train AI datasets.
If a refund is requested, the amount will be lowered based on the completion at the time of the request.
If you request a change that requires me to redo a major part of the commission, I may charge extra for the work.
I can only take payment through PayPal.
There are a few things I won't draw:
Heavy blood and gore - I'm just not comfortable drawing it
Hate speech / hate art - This should be obvious
Complex mechs / machines - I wouldn't be able to do them justice
Commission Prices:
Note: There is a $10 surcharge on commissions. Sorry I don't really have a graphic. This is kind of on short notice.
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Shoulders up: $7.50 (+3.75/extra)
Knees up: $9.50 (+4.75/extra)
Full body: $11.50 (+5.75/extra) Up to 4 characters $8.50 for complex background +15% for shading
Flat Color
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Shoulders up: $11.50 (+5.75/extra)
Knees up: $14.75 (+7.50/extra)
Full body: $17.75 (+8.50/extra) Up to 4 characters $13.50 for complex background
Single-tone Shading
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Shoulders up: $17.75 (+8.50/extra)
Knees up: $22.50 (+11.25/extra)
Full body: $25.00 (+12.50/extra) Up to 3 characters $20.00 for complex background
Multi-tone / Experimental Shading
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Shoulders up: $25.00 (+12.50/extra)
Knees up: $30.50 (+15.25/extra)
Full body: $37.50 (+18.75/extra) Up to 2 characters $32.50 for complex background
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annabelle--cane · 11 months
pls I need episode sources for the true ones in the wtnv polls
this is about my "which of these is a fake fact about welcome to night vale" poll and ideally one should take that before reading these answers. having said that, let's go:
NVlians have to fill out triplicate sex paperwork with all potential partners: canon in the novel it devours! a few paragraphs from chapter 13,
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2. cecil is an avid tiktok user and regularly records dances at the radio station: this is the false one, it's actually carlos who is the wannabe tiktok star. from episode "218 - the sitter cancelled,"
I tried to get Carlos to take Esteban to the lab, but apparently today they’re doing a dangerous experiment and he doesn’t want our son to get hurt. I’m not sure I believe that. I think Carlos might just want some time alone to work on his Tiktok dances. He’s obsessed these days with getting one to go viral, and he’s putting a few too many hours into choreographing and filming these things. 
3. k[h]oshekh the floating cat is a misogynist: from 195 and 196, silas the thief parts 1 & 2. these episodes are told from the perspective of silas, a former successful art thief who used to work with a partner called sandrine whom he never got on with, largely due to his self-centeredness and misogyny never letting him see her as a full person. it all came to a head when sandrine, as an act of revenge, cursed him to be an immobile mutant cat for the rest of his days, and this is the cat we have known all along as khoshekh gershwin-palmer. however he has mellowed since then and his misogyny has kind of cooled, having kids really changed him.
4. cecil turns a recurring nightmare of his into an nft: I feel the need to say he turned the nightmare itself into an nft, not an artistic representation or anything. from "199 - guidelines for retrieval,"
And thus ends the new Guidelines for Retrieval. Aw, that’s such a nice offer from the Sanitation Department! A little long winded maybe, but I don’t want to be too critical. I know their public communications department has had a lot of turnover lately. Anyway, I definitely will be taking them up on that offer this week. There’s a super vivid recurring nightmare I used to have that would make a great NFT.
5. cecil doesn’t know what fridges are: this one comes from the 2017 live show "ghost stories,"
Cecil: Oh yeah! Carlos and I have one of those humming closets, and when I open it up, there’s a light inside and cool air washes over me and I’m just like – what is this thing? Earl: Well, that’s just your refrigerator, Cecil. Cecil: Wait, that’s a refrigerator?! Earl: What have you been using as a fridge? Cecil: [beat] So tell us more about this master class um, Earl.
6. carlos climaxes in person in voice on podcast: from the patreon bonus episode "holiday." thinking or talking about science at too great length has a long canonical track record of getting carlos hot and bothered, and in one passage of the episode he starts talking about how much he loves doing science with a romantic partner, and, well. I'll just link the clip.
7. a big villain is defeated by getting squashed under a falling cow: major spoilers for very recent content here. in episode "230 - carlos explained," right as dr janet lubelle is giving her big villain monologue, this happens,
DR. LUBELLE: Now you’re starting to understand. There is no defeating me. No trick to wriggling out under my thumb. I’ve gamed out every gambit. Foreseen every fumbling, sweaty strategy. You have lost. And now…now Carlos, I will explain you away. You, Dr. Carlos Robles, were the son of [WHISTLING SOUND OF SOMETHING FALLING FROM THE SKY. LOUD SPLAT] [LONG PAUSE] CECIL: And that’s when the Glow Cloud dropped a dead cow on Dr. Lubelle. I sure hope she wasn’t injured. We should definitely check on her at some point, you know, eventually.
8. joseph fink, irl writer of the podcast, has been a NV radio intern twice: once, in the live show "the investigators," an intern played by joseph fink introduces himself as intern joseph fink. in all fairness, he could just be playing a character with his exact name, I mean, that's what maureen johnson does. however, from episode "188 - listener questions" onward, our world has in-universe been merging with the night vale world, and the actual writer joseph fink has been trapped in the town of night vale for over two years, at one point doing a stint as an intern.
9. a big villain is offered “an extra hour in the ball pit” as a bribe to go away: this one's about dr janet lubelle, again. in the last couple of seasons, tamika flynn has been feeling like she's outgrowing using violence as a tool to solve her problems, so in "228 - diplomacy," she tries the following,
Frustrations have swelled to a new high in Night Vale after Councilmember Tamika Flynn’s failed diplomatic attempts with the University of What It Is. Tamika tried offering them everything from limitless use of the scrublands to a coupon book full of cute tasks like free backrubs. She even offered an extra hour in the ball pit at the Night Vale Convention Center. But Dr. Lubelle and all of her henchmen will not budge.
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animefeminist · 5 months
Love Y’all: Lonely catgirl seeks decently written anime polycule
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Content Warning: objectification of women, nudity
Spoiler warning: In Another World With My Smart Phone (Season 1 finale), Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Ohki (season 5), Girlfriend, Girlfriend (season 2), Maoyu (ep. 7), Chainsaw Man (Quanxi’s arc)
Many of Anime Feminist’s articles are couched on the idea that a piece of media has somehow spoken to a writer in such a way that they felt an intimate relationship between it and their own identity. After all, part of the early appeal of anime and manga for foreign markets was the way it broached tropes and values missing from domestic mainstream storytelling. 
Yet, it’s hard out here when you’re looking for something that fits exactly what you idealize for yourself or even have as a lived experience. Manga and anime, although relatable in many ways, are not “literally me fr fr.” To find something that so-perfectly encompasses every fiber of my being, but in anime, it would require me to essentially become the next Kizuna AI or something, but just not get into NFTs. 
Still, it’s worth seeking what speaks to me in the media I consume and I usually must allow good to be a suitable substitution for perfection, and settle for aspects of what I wish to see reflected in media, rather than the whole package. 
All of this to say, while I find aspects of myself in the media I consume, I often end up asking: “why couldn’t this be better?” And what I mean by that is: while I’m pleased to report that there is an unprecedented rise in representation for non-traditional, queer and polyamorous romance in Japanese anime and manga, I must regretfully report that we still have a ways to go before I get something that I truly want as a trans polyamorous pan and demisexual catgirl on the Internet. 
Read it at Anime Feminist!
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screwpinecaprice · 1 year
Ko-fi commissions? UNAVAILABLE (Reserved slots for June if you're interested!)
Wanna order a drawing from me but you're on a tighter budget? Perhaps you'd like to consider my Kofi commissions instead?
Ko-fi commissions are the cheaper options among my commission list! ^^
>> My Ko-fi account here
if you're unable to use ko-fi, you can use direct to Paypal or Payoneer. See, I actually just keep calling it "Ko-fi doodles" just to differentiate it from my much more casual personal doodles. 😅
Style A Ko-fi doodles:
flat colors / simple gradient overlay filter
Won't be a multi-paneled comic
$2 will be busts but we can work around more body parts shown if I feel it's needed to convey the message of the drawing, or if it's a simple chibi.
Only applicable for $5: I do best with thighs up/knees up visible so that’s my standard. But it can be full body if the scene requires it or if requested.
Can be up to two characters; additional character will cost extra.
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It's basically the same as above but added a little embellishment for added atmosphere or for (relatively) more detailed environment.
Can be 2-3 paneled simple comic (Simple as in few details and/or characters shown are just head/bust.)
For comics, you must provide dialogue.
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Style B Ko-fi doodles:
The anatomy is a simplified version of my regular commissions, but can be in style A if specified.
$10 - single image
Flat colors / simple gradient overlay filter
Can be up to 2 characters. (Additional character will cost extra.)
I do best with thighs up/knees up so that's my standard. But it can be in full body if the scene requires it or if requested.
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$15/20 - single image
Same as above, added a bit of embellishments for atmosphere/ if there's a lot of details/ for a more detailed environment.
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[note: You'll notice the last sample had more rendering than the other ones, and it's simply because this is on the max $20 price without extra elements such as heavy details, additional character/s, and/or background. Basically I had more time to spend on it. In case you do like to have more rendering while having extra elements, it will cost extra.]
$10+ comic !!! Under price reorganization... or whatever you call it. 😅 The old prices were too vague, I will have to make it more specific!!!
Can be a multi-paged. (But still limited number of panels per page.)
You must provide dialogue (if there is any) for comics, specially the longer ones.
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If ko-fi is inaccessible we can use Paypal or Payoneer directly.
If you're interested and would like to discuss details before tip, hit me up with a DM. (Recommended, tbh.)
I will not do complicated/detailed drawings. Any backgrounds would most likely be super rough ones with monotone colors or no colors at all. (Remember this is a doodle! Drawn casually; rough and simple.) If, say, the background or little/extra details are a necessary, it would cost extra.
There is no deadline.
I can also do suggestive, NSFW, Grimdark, blood, and gore.
If it's a major nOTP, I can't do it. 😅 (Ask if you're uncertain.)
For NSFW/suggestive: Nothing that depicts the character/s as minors. No incestuous and/or adult X minor themes. No explicit feral or softcore porn feral. There are certain fetishes I can't do like scat, inflation, etc. (Ask if you're uncertain.)
I may draw subjects that makes me uncomfortable if I'm desperate enough for cash that day. But the specifically stated on the last two bullets are always a no.
You must be 18+ if you request NSFW.
No NFT or AI use. No claiming you draw it yourself. No monetizing the doodles. No refunds.
I'll credit you as your ko-fi username by default, but let me know if you like to be credited in a different name or be anonymous.
By ordering a Kofi commission, you have read the above and agreed to the terms.
Interested in my Regular commission?
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thehealingsystem · 8 months
Hey natewantstobattle fandom, I think there's something we need to talk about with the new v1r@l music video
It is highly likely (honestly it obviously is) that the art found in the video is AI generated. Now, this isn't me accusing nate of anything, as there's a possible chance that he is simply not aware of it being AI art. He's an artist himself (albeit a musical one), I doubt he would be in support of such theft, and he was smart enough to call out the whole NFT scandal as well.
When I first watched it it had stuck out to me that the anime artstyle found in the video seemed out lf the ordinary, but I brushed it aside automatically. I went to go see who created the art, and noticeably the only thing they had linked to was a video producer
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I normally don't question give hearts when it comes to crediting, so I assumed that the person who made the video must ALSO be the one to make the art. But from observation, that must not be the case
This is not a company who has workers of different skill sets, which one could possibly be digital painting. This is one person, from the looks of it, who uses AI generated artwork. Looking at their website, there's a section exclusively for digital art. While these certainly do fit the common AI generated artstyle, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was, they don't have any inconsistencies and errors that AI art may hold, so no proof there. BUT there are certainly errors found in the music video itself that no one other than an AI 'artist' would make. My apologies if I don't point out all of them
0:38 - The boy's head resting on a vaguely shaped, stubby, backwards hand. It was no distinct structure to it, the fingers look half cut off, and no one in their right mind would twist their arm and hand like that to rest on it
1:08 - Nitpicky but this guy has the WEIRDEST hair texture I've ever seen. The parts in the light do not match the shaded parts of the hair. They're like...odd blotches of fire
2:38 - There's this out of place hood-headphone cord. It looks like it comes out of and goes to nowhere behind the old man, and attempts to be a headphone wire and a hood strap at the same time
2:57 - It may not be obvious at first but the girl's sleeve is not correctly attached to or shaded in with the rest of her shirt. Like. Just look at it
(Note: A person has said that there's one scene in which a character has five and a half fingers, but I haven't been able to spot it yet
The video also noticeably tries to hide the hands A LOT, whether that be blurring or cutting it out entirely. Considering the mistakes we've already found with the hands, and AI art commonly not being able to get hands to look right, it's very possible it was purposeful)
Now, more about what I said in the beginning about Nate possibly not knowing:
Another thing to point out is that give heart has worked with this producer before. But the past videos that were made by them don't seem to involve any AI art at all
Nate's cover for "The Day." The art found in it is from the manga/anime My Hero Academia, created by Kohei Horikoshi. This is art that obviously can't be stolen and taken as one's own
"A Taste of the Flame," Hazbin Hotel song by Shawn Christmas. This time, there is an actual person behind the art in the video and rightfully credited in the description
A normally trustworthy video producer, who is not even open about admitting that they use AI art (not stated anywhere on the business site). So, this is my good faith assumption that Nate is not aware of this. He has a team of people for his videos, and considering is personality, it's very likely of him to overlook what this mv consists of. I don't know him personally, obviously, but considering how he presents himself in his content, past opinions, and the definitely normal behavior of wanting to believe in the best of someone you're a fan of, I don't think he would support the use of AI art. He's an artist who also doesn't like his work being stolen, and I can imagine if there was (and oh dear god if there already is) an AI that generates music scrapped from him and other musicians, he would not be happy.
There are other possibilities if he DOES know it's AI. One being that he doesn't know that AI art steals art from other artists, and the second being an AI that takes from fully consenting artists. I 100% doubt both of these
If he truly does not know, I will be pretty relieved. But I will still hold him accountable for negligence on his part. It's his channel and content, and even if he overlooks some of the stuff in it, he still has full control of what gets posted there and is responsible for it. I won't be as upset, but he should've known better to not let this fly and investigated more on this VERY overtly suspicious artwork
Okay, now getting to the main point and what you should take away from this; we need to be letting Nate know what's up with this, bring it to his attention or at least ask him of what AI art is doing in this video (whether he supports it or not). Because it's important for us to know, AND if this truly was done without his support/consent, he NEEDS to be aware so he can fix it. I'd rather have no mv for v1r@l rather than one that promotes art theft
TL;DR: NateWantsToBattle's new music video for "V1r@l" consists of AI generated art theft, we don't know whether he consented to this decision or not, and as a community should let him know
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Nothing gets me into a fiery rage more than thinking about 343 has handled the Halo series after Bungie left it off on such a high note. 1, 2 and 3 were good, ODST and Reach were godlike, and they expanded on the universe quite a few times with books and comics and all that. And then 343 came in and just completely gumbled most of it up. CEA was cool, but basically just kitbashed Reach and upscaled Halo 3 assets together and lost some of the original touch the game had back in 2001.
Halo 4 was, ok? The best part was Cortana's story, going into more depth about rampancy and how it affects AI, especially one that we've known and loved for over a decade at that point. The Forerunners were fucking stupid personally, it's hinted to and LITERALLY SAID IN HALO 3, that humans are forerunners, just after the shitshow that was all the rings firing off. 343 Guilty Spark literally says that Chief is a forerunner, and then they just whipped it around and said "well actually he's a reclaimer because blablabla" ok whatever, they do flesh it out more in expanded works and explain it in Halo 4 so atleast theres that. Del Rio is an asshole to the savior of humanity for no reason. The sudden art style change that makes no sense is stupid, like you could've delayed the change until the Infinity rolled around. The Diadact is just space voldemort turning humanity into NFTs after being on r/nofap for 100,000 years, who then dies pretty unceremoniously to a shit ass grenade in a quick time event.
Halo 5 is.... fucking just Halo 5. The Cortaba story is so bad, why did you bring her back as an antagonist? Why didn't you stick to the marketing that was actually a really cool idea about Chief going rogue and hunting the truth. Where are the Marines? Why do I have to fight the Warden Eternal like 20 times? Better balancing than 4 i guess, but god the plot is just all over the place. And that fight scene with Chief, Chief was abducted as a child and forced into the spartan program and trained to be a cold brutal killer of the UNSC's foes. Without Mjolnir armor he straight up merked 2 ODSTs in hand-to-hand combat. This 7-foot-augmented-out-the-ass man had an equal match in a mass produced Spartan 4? Sure Locke is ONI so he's got some spice to him and he's still a Spartan wearing similar armor to Chief, but come on, you can't tell me a guy who saves humanity for breakfast is on a similar level to Halo Nightfall guy.
Infinite is strange. They basically drop Halo 5's characters for the most part, give Chief new (remastered Mk.6) armor, bring back older models of guns and stuff with a new coat of paint (Reach AR, Battle Rifle, now the DMR) and blow up Cortana and the Infinity within the first like, 30 minutes of the game. Ooooo the Banished except wait after Atriox's not-death they're pretty incompetent and are gettinf roflstomped by Chief and are really only good at killing UNSC off screen. The open world shit was ok, but for Halo i dont think its entirely the best idea to go for whatever Far Cry ass shit they pulled. Bringing back the old designs was really cool and much better than the sterile, clean, sharp edges of 4 and 5. Their armor and weapons looked like brand new toys while Infinite's look more realistic and have a bit more wear and tear to em. But its also missing a ton and just kind of ends off on a weird half note for the story. Like where are they gonna go with this? Idk, its just weird.
343, make more stories without Chief. I know Chief is the figurehead of the franchise, but for god's sake please please please make side stories in the universe. I want to see how humanity recovered after the war, how the different species in the Covenant took the end of the war. Exploring Forerunner sites? Side stories in the human-covenant war with ODSTs and Marines! You could totally make the Harvest campaign into a game! Give us the origin story for Sgt Johnson and how he and others did during the opening months of the conflict! Give us more on the Insurrection! You've done it before, Halo Forward Unto Dawn was actually a really cool movie, why don't you do some more stuff like that??
Idk, I love Halo but 343 gotta step their game up
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