#this is just me scratching the surface of ramble
pencilofawesomeness · 7 months
*Taps fingers together* I come to bug you regarding the Secret Santa exchange!
I saw your character prompts and decided to try and mix all three. I wanted to ask if there was any Laxus + Cobra brotp, or Cobra + Thunder Legion friendship headcanons you'd want to see added?
If not headcanons, then anything in particularly you would like to see regarding the five of them?
Hahahah hello there, mystery person~
Oooo you bring to the table a tantalizingly interesting prospect. I do have waaaaaay too many thoughts, and many of them are admittedly steeped in my own AU because I accidentally sold my soul to it (as authors do) so by all means, do not feel encumbered by my thoughts/ideas. Treat them as a buffet to pick and choose and take inspo from, because unfortunately you just gave me license to ramble :D
(and this is going to be rambley; too tired to make this cohesive beyond bullet points)
(I love these idiots very much)
—Laxus and Erik brotp is so real to me, fam. It's the "hey we got a lacrima bestowed upon us, whoo" bonding, for one, but beyond that, the sort of....quiet mutual understanding of what it is like to have a "father" figure who is just treating them like a weapon, making them *stronger*, with a faux sort of affection. Beyond the trauma, though, they are both deadpan assholes and I love that for them. If Erik (and this is the htryds coloring) spends a good deal of time having the braincell, then with Laxus he can channel the little-shit-little-brother energy and bully him a bit, and Laxus can be grouchy back and know that Erik can parse through the emotions and figure out what's genuine or not without him figuring out how to put in the effort.
—Also, depending on the setting, they both have the tendency to pull the ~too good for you~ bad boy vibes as a defense mechanism, which makes it utterly unusable on each other, which is fun. Mostly, though, Laxus and Erik have the ability to enjoy a mutual quietness, so to speak; not trying to prove anything, but just leaning back and being normal young adults (with a little salt on the side) and doing whatever. That said, Erik is a bit too much of a dark mirror of how things could have been worse for Laxus, if Ivan was more involved, and this leads to Laxus winning the "big brother instinct" award of the two, which is an experience Erik is not used to but....does not necessarily hate.
—This is a fun headcanon that I haven't had the chance to incorporate into my series yet, but they have fun little music debates. Laxus got Erik into the magic of using music to calm the overstimulation, but they have wildly different tastes. Laxus loves rock and roll and metal, and Erik turned to liking types of bluegrass and straight up classical music. They meet in the middle at alt-rock. They are both always trying to win each other over on certain songs or genres. It works surprisingly often but it's part of the fun to swear undying rivalry to the other's favorite.
—For more Cobra-specific vibes (aka the canon edgemaster), I can see them being a bit more competitive with each other. Which quickly doesn't work when they have completely different specialties, but an effort is made.
—Also something I haven't had the chance to capitalize on outside of the scenarios in my head, but Bickslow and Erik definitely have a fun "we perceive you but we don't care" vibe that I love. Your secrets are obvious but not their business. Sometimes they people watch together for the fun of it, because all of the thoughts they *do* have regarding the things they know have got to go somewhere.
—Evergreen, being the queen of gossip, really really wants in on this. They tease her for it though, and purposely dangle that tea on a string. (Though sometimes Ever *does* get in on it, mostly when it comes to roasting anyone who was particularly rude or annoying, or the silly speculation at the expense of friends, like figuring out what job Nab will eventually go on or what animal Bisca will adopt next.)
—On this same note, Bickslow and Evergreen both have insufferable little sibling energy amongst the Thunder Legion squad, nevermind that Bickslow is the second oldest. Mostly it's just really fun to tease the more serious ones.
—Though Ever and Bickslow are also the most keenly aware of what it is like to be feared. Truly feared. Having eye magic that isn't quite controllable (as a kid, especially) will grant that experience. It is their unspoken agreement never ever to speak of this, of course.
—On an individual note, it is worth it now to bring up that I am an avid fan (read: it's canon to me and sometimes I forget it's not real canon) of the theory that Bickslow was one of the kids experimented on by the Bureau of Magical Development. He's got that unhinged flavor that comes from straight-up trauma, and it does add more context to his otherwise creepy magic. I also hc that the babies are all deceased test subjects, and that is why they have stuck with him all this time. (I am very passionate about the babies as characters, unfortunately, and my little mini series I'm doing for them on tumblr is proof. I am soooo normal.)
—Another theory I love, and that I have somewhat brandished into my own spin, is that Freed is half demon. He sees this as an awful thing, raised by his human parent (mother, in my case), without any real context for demon culture other than the fear of it, so that's why he's super edgy and has locked all of his demon traits away into a single form he swear never to uses unless things are ~Dire~ or whatnot. It's really not that bad though lol.
—The fact that Erik will Know Freed's secrets bother him immensely. Freed is, unfortunately, *just* a smidge too dense to realize that Bickslow has also known all along, just because Bickslow is strangely very good at keeping things to himself, whereas Erik's magic is more obvious. In my au, Laxus knows too, and is literally just waiting for Freed to admit it, because it's not that big of a deal, really.
—Laxus is also the only one who (at first) knows about Bickslow's past, among the team. Mostly because of some variant of Laxus having seen/met him when it was all raw. Depending on the au flavor, this either is what gives the chaotic dude and the stoic dude a sort of mutual respect (closer to canon) or makes them the og best friends (htryds style). In the latter case, they are each other's impulse control and/or voice of reason, which is probably unfortunate because they're not great at it. This is why Bickslow has doodled drawings on half of Laxus's furniture and why Laxus gets away with avoiding his problems a little longer than he should.
—Freed is simultaneously the most responsible and the most edgy and ergo reckless of the crew. Everyone agrees he's got to value his safety just a little bit more. He's also the only one who consistently remembers the schedule/to-do-list.
—Erik shares the "living itinerary, doesn't have executive disfunction problems" braincell with Freed, and in the right conditions, they work very well together. Bonding over the experience of herding cats, that is their teammates.
—Not a headcanon but I want to whack all of them with sticks. The Sad Boi Stick, the Whump Stick... All flavors. Getting the ones who never fess up to their trauma a good thwack makes the trauma spill out, and I enjoy the possibilities that entails. Put them in Situations. >:D
—I do also appreciate them being silly-goofy, too, of course. No need to be angry all of the time, in some of their cases. (They all need affection so bad. The hurt/comfort allure of it all. Just sit down and admit they need it, etc etc.) Something that is conveniently done after a good physical and emotional thwacking— *gets dragged away forcefully*
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yuckydraws · 5 months
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Healing & Growth
(gif made by my friend @robanilla-arts is below - slight warning for flashing! Thanks again, Rob!)
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#if you feel like reading it - I'm gonna ramble in the tags.#Don't really feel like having it attached to the post for forever... cause what if i just wanna reblog some fairysona art??#anyways#this year sucked a lot. in a lot of ways. but im grateful for it.#healing is stupidly hard and annoyingly enough? not linear in the slightest. Yet infuriatingly - it is worth it.#I am far from done with healing. I've barely scratched the surface.#but im learning and connecting with myself along the way.#The biggest step I've taken this year is working on my people pleasing ways. it's a bad habit birthed from a lot of different traumas.#but it no longer rules my life.#I am not passive anymore - and surprise! that doesn't make me a horrible or evil person.#my kindness is no longer a weakness. its still a part of me and always will be. i won't let go of it.#but it is no longer to a fault#there are people undeserving of my kindness... i realize that now. I know what i will and will not put up with in every kind of relationshi#im still learning and exploring - and i've said a lot of goodbyes this year. I'm sure i will say more.#but that's okay.#some relationships are forever - some serve you for a while and teach you a lesson when they end.#and some relationships stick around and don't *have* to have a deeper connection#and that's also okay.#I didn't think I'd make it through this year in all honesty. I was very close to ending it all on multiple occasions.#But. for what it's worth - as of now im glad im here.#i will continue to struggle and have my hard times. im not naive enough to think depression just goes away.#but im okay for now and im moving forward.#there will be pauses and abrupt stops and likely some good ol' rotting involved. but when i can - ill be moving forward.#i will not speak a word of 2024 because no matter what it will have it's ups and downs.#but i will continue to keep working on myself. and that's all anyone can do in this weird life.#if you made it through all of that... uhhhh wow you got a crush on me or smth? /j/j/j/j#but fr - if you read this far... thank you. i hope you're faring well and that you have a happy celebration tonight.#sleep well and dream well when it comes to you#yucky draws#my art
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I love reading your asks, so I wanted to ask you if you had any favorite female characters from Rik and Ade projects?
Helloooo! Thank you, that's so sweet. ❤️ Let's see... I'm going to single out some TYO characters specifically and then talk more generally. This post is absolutely going to become a big, incoherent mess. 😂
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Sue from Sociology is my favourite minor TYO character. Don't get me wrong, I love Helen the Murderess too, but there's something that draws me to Sue. To be fair, I'm just seriously weak for Jennifer Saunders in general, and she's basically done up as a female Rick here, if Rick was actually cool. I like inserting her into fanfic sometimes (okay, once... but I have plans). She's very much a background character for the majority of Interesting, but Interesting itself is one of the first (and only, possibly the only?) time there are lots of women in a TYO scene at once, even if they're not getting to do much. Shout out to Dawn's Christian who gets crushed by the gigantic sandwich too, of course! (As an aside, I find it funny that both Jennifer and Dawn got to strangle/smother Mike on the sofa on different occasions.)
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Vyvyan's mum. Pauline Melville pops up a couple of other times in TYO as well, and she's just very good whenever she does. I believe she gave French & Saunders a bit of guidance when they were all on the standup circuit. Vyv's mum is a great character because she's just SO awful. Let female characters be awful! She's so spiky and sharp in every way, and she's probably the only semi-developed female character who appears on the show. I think letting the audience meet her gives Vyvyan a bit of texture and depth - sure, we could imagine any family background for any of them, but we're being told THIS HERE is Vyvyan's. Poor Vyv. Pauline Melville herself, of course, is a prize-winning writer now! The dream.
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The devil and her condemned soul is one of my favourite TYO cutaway segments. The condemned soul is Helen Atkinson-Wood, who is most well-known for playing Mrs Miggins in Blackadder the Third. She also has a small role in the Comic Strip episode Consuela (and possibly others, but I looked up the cast list to that one yonks ago because it's my favourite). I wonder if Lise wrote this sketch, considering the subject matter. Either way, Dawn and Helen's delivery is great, especially the faux discrete way Dawn says "period pains". I hope it put stuffy men's heckles up.
Aside from TYO, Jen and Dawn were often the only female presence in the Comic Strip episodes, particularly the earlier ones. Of the first two series, Dawn wrote Summer School and Jen wrote Slags - neither were standout episodes of their series, the kind often recalled today, but with Slags especially, the female characters within them were given more agency and stake in the plot than usual. Jen played five different characters in Happy Families in 1985 - a little gem written by Ben and also starring Ade.
I'd like to give a little shout out to Helen Lederer, who popped up a lot in Rik and Ade's - and French & Saunders' - comic output, while never really being given her own opportunity to shine on TV. Oh, and I'd also like to give a shout out to Marsha Fitzalan, who played Sarah B'Stard in The New Statesman - she did such a good job of playing an intensely flawed, funny female character. There are countless male characters who are basically terrible people - I mean, Alan B'Stard for one - and it's vital women are also allowed to be that awful in comedy.
Comedy has always been a pretty male sphere. Even these days, there are definitely still men Ricky Gervais who believe women can't be funny. Misogyny is still massively prevalent in society. Male comics attract female attention; female comics attract male abuse. That's a simplification and generalisation, of course, but it's broadly true. And I don't see younger generations of men getting better with this, to be honest. Actually, I see them getting worse (thanks, Andrew Tate). Sorry to be all doom and gloom!
When Rik and Ade started out in comedy, women getting to play characters other than wives or the like - that is, straight characters and caricatures there largely for the male characters to bounce off of for their laughs - was still uncommon. Despite the existence of successful female comics across the pond like Lucille Ball, and beloved 1970s sitcom The Good Life having a main cast split evenly gender-wise (I know Richard Briers technically had first credit, but Penelope Keith as Margo Leadbetter was absolutely the funniest of the four of them), there was a genuine belief that women couldn't (and maybe shouldn't) be doing comedy.
Women like Victoria Wood were pushing boundaries in important ways around the time of the alternative comedy boom by writing specifically about women (and, quite often, northern women - which I personally think is important, since Last of the Summer Wine had such a chokehold on portraying almost all of its female characters as ostensibly the same). Her sitcom dinnerladies was both melancholic and hilarious. Her sketch shows and other comic output, quite often featuring Julie Walters (her friend and muse), Celia Imrie, and many others, were all written entirely by her. She was also a gifted pianist and wrote several comic songs.
All of this is to say, Victoria Wood definitely helped pave the way for French & Saunders. She even referred to herself as an alternative comedian in her material. But honestly, I don't think it was until much later that women stopped being regularly restricted to straight roles in comedies created by men (which, of course, most comedies were). This was part of why Absolutely Fabulous, written by Jen, was such a breath of fresh air in the 1990s. For once, every single major character was a woman - men were the scarcity! And Jen has mentioned before that producers would constantly pressure her to write more roles for men. Meanwhile, we can observe that Girls on Top (dubbed the female TYO, which is... sort of true and sort of not), which Dawn and Jen starred in with Ruby Wax and Tracey Ullman in the 1980s, isn't very well-known today. I'm not 100% sure how well it was received at the time, but clearly it wasn't as popular as TYO had been before it. Ruby Wax and Tracey Ullman have both also had successful careers in comedy, but I'd argue that's mainly thanks (particularly in Tracy's case) to opportunities in America.
So I'm not saying women never got to be the funny (also I'm just talking about the UK), but the fact is: if your comedy has a completely/majority male cast, with women only popping up in supporting roles or in guest appearances, it's obvious which characters are going to be better developed, more beloved, and just funnier. I mean, even the Vicar of Dibley, which was obviously written for Dawn and showcases her comic prowess, features a supporting cast of funny men (there was also Emma Chambers as Alice and Liz Smith as Leticia - before she was killed off - but the women were outnumbered by the men). I get that this perhaps fits with the idea of a tiny, slightly backwards village in Oxfordshire - and the fact Geraldine was a female vicar shocking these men was very important to the premise - but still.
We know certain men just REALLY struggle at writing women, too, so they've either done a really bad job or just avoided trying altogether. I do have an example for this, but I don't want to name them since I do love the show they created - it's just, y'know, writing women is definitely not their strong suit! And I'm really not trying to poo poo any shows here by pointing this out. I'm just making observations. All of these comedies I'm referencing here are very old now.
So! To get back to where I started with this!
I love that Lise Mayer was one of the writers of The Young Ones. In some ways, the fact one of the writers was a woman feels pretty incredible for 1982. At the same time, though, it's not surprising that she's often the forgotten one when people talk about who wrote TYO.
Rik and Ade were/are feminists, and it obviously wasn't their fault as individuals that comedy was so male - comedy was also restrictive in other ways before them. In terms of social class and political attitudes, they were definitely something refreshing and new. That said, it wouldn't be until later, with people like Caroline Aherne (who really changed the fundamentals of the sitcom genre with The Royle Family), that working class voices who weren't fucking Bernard Manning actually got some notice in comedy. And I've not even mentioned race in this ramble. If comedy was male, it was even more pale. There were comedies starring black and Asian comics in the 1980s and 1990s that started to break through - The Lenny Henry Show, Chef!, Desmond's, The Real McCoy, Goodness Gracious Me - but there's no denying BAME people, BAME women especially, have had to struggle a lot for a voice in comedy. Comedy is more diverse today than it was 40 years ago. There has been progress. But it's absolutely still male dominated, and still very white, at the top.
Rik was pegged as the golden boy of the alternative comedy movement, and he was and is undoubtedly remembered for so many different comedies. But in terms of pure success and fame? Actually, I think Dawn and Jen have been the standouts of their cohort. I don't think anyone would've predicted this 40 odd years ago - I mean, Christ, Rik had to speak up just to ensure they got equal pay at The Comic Strip. The boys were given their chance to shine first, there's no doubt about that. But it was Dawn and Jen who were the subjects of a BBC documentary last Christmas.
...Maybe there is hope for funny women, after all.
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wynandcore · 1 year
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I am very not normal about Beck yet I can’t possibly convey how many thoughts I have,,, just know there’s a lot
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suntails · 11 months
I saw your SilRuggie post and I feel you on the "Silver and his many boyfriends" part.
Idk what it is about Silver but he's so... Shippable?
Like I ship SilVil, KalimSil and JadeSil which are kinda popular. But it's also stuff like RidSil and LeoSil (oh so much brainrot currently about LeoSil,) Which aren't as popular.
He's probably my most shipped character like... EVER.
(I may have gotten some ship names wrong)
IT’S THE CHEMISTRY IT’S THE WAY HE HAS CHEMISTRY WITH SO SOSOSO MUCH OF THE CAST!!! he’s so deeply just…good, and he cares so earnestly, and he has examples of interactions with almost fuckgng everyone at this point. like i can understand why someone would ship just abt any silver ship, i GET it, bc theres so much potential. i think i have like…3? that im neutral on? maybe?
also hearing u associate silvil with the kinda popular ones, im fuckign weak at the knees. that is incorrect but im pretending ur right bc it makes me oh so happy
#ask#nervouslywaitingforlife#its the way i like all of em. i love him he deserves love#silvil i have a manifesto abt#silkali i think they are best friends in LOVE with each other but specifically as friends. not that they love each other tho. theyre IN LOVE#does that make sense. IN LOVE as FRIENDS. IN LOVE. theyre married#jadesil gives me ‘theyll take rugged nature walks together’ and jade is so refreshed to have someone so sincere and sweet in his life#someone u can read like a book someone who will earnestly appreciate u. silver will love jades dedication and isnt put off by him like most#bc he sees ppl for the good in them. wipes a tear#silrid i feel so strongly abt. i firmly believe theyd be very sweet and good to each other. horse girls. riddle picked sil specifically for#his master chef partner. he chose him intentionally. silver acknowledges and appreciated riddles dedication and work ethic and talks highly#of him. in book6 ch6 iirc thats when riddle gets taken by styx and the way silver SHOUTS in worried fear. he LOVES him#i do think theyd get divorced but not in a funnt leovil way in a sad ‘things just arent working despite us loving each other’ way. adult yk?#leosil should take naps together. those are my thoughts. i want ruggie and sebek to find them passed tf out in the gardens on a reg basis#and this only scratches the surface of dear catríonas thoughts on sil ships. u didnt even mention silsebe and thats his most popular ship#i like him w ruggie too and jack and jamil and and and and AGGHHH dies#ADDING TO MY TAGS. FORGOT TO MENTION SILIDIA TOO. OH MY GOD THE FUCKING POTENTIAL AAAAAAGGHHHH take me off the stage i could ramble forever#me violently pointinh to my conspiracy board and detailing his chemistry with every single person in the cast
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selkies-world · 7 months
OK so I got a birthmark on my ribs removed on Tuesday & Holy fucking shit these dressings are annoying, and removing the dressing last night ended up ripping the scar off & it was bleeding like a pig, but the blood was really gelatinous & colder than my skin, which was weird. Now it's been maybe 19 hours since changing the dressing, and the tape / dressing feels really warm over where I packed it out.... and I wanna take it off. But I know I need to keep it covered, partly to help it heal but also because some part of my brain wants to dig my fingers into it (the same part that tells me to dig my tongue into the hole in my gum after getting my back teeth removed. That bit of the brain) and obviously that isn't great.
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missionkittyroyal · 2 years
replaying fe3h and i firmly firmly believe that it is a crime thay sylvain doesn't get more a-level supports--though i'm sure this has been said before
and yeah, something something analysis of his character and how he tends to keep most people at arm's length and has trouble with true sincerity (just watched sylvain and lysithea's b support where this is briefly addressed) but like...
maybe they could have added a mechanic after a certain support or an additional part 2 paralogue for sylvain where a supports could be locked off until they're completed because he's not mature enough, willing enough, responsible enough, etc to connect with the people he engages with. but after the paralogue or whatever (really keen on the paralogue idea though) he starts that growth that leads him to become margave gautier
listen...homie doesn't even have an a support with dimitri and he grew up with him, right? how messed up is that? surely the major beats of their relationship doesn't end with sylvain hiding dimitri from a girl???
hmm hmm anyway i've grown very attached to sylvain and his untapped narrative potential and also he's my dancer on this playthrough plus rng somehow managed to turn him into a magical dancing monster and he always ends up on the front lines because i know he'll wreck everyone
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feralghxuls · 1 year
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WELL. since you asked so nicely.
(and ofc i gotta tag my co-conspirator @citruspuppy bc without them these vicious little freaks wouldnt exist as they are uwu)
long story short, maybe alpha needed some behavioral correction, and maybe swiss was looking for a brat project, and maybe alpha likes it a little too much how swiss breaks him down to his very essence and then has the nerve to make him talk about his ~feelings~ afterwards. and maybe swiss ends up falling in love with the little freak. and maybe alpha realizes that somehow swiss is the only one who knows him at all beyond surface level and maybe he hates that enough to lash out at swiss, only for swiss to take control of the situation like he always does and put alpha right on his ass (and really thats what he was looking for after all, he just still doesnt know how to ask for what he wants)
and yeah maybe they both know who's gonna end up on top but they fight it out anyway, cause sometimes alpha is just too wound up and swiss cant turn down a good fight, esp when he knows how brutal it'll be if alpha tackled him in the middle of the hallway and went right for the throat for it. and it kind of really pisses alpha off how swiss lets him get away with that and makes it look like alpha wins that fight until theyre alone later, because how dare swiss know alpha and his life well enough to know that how much shit he'd cause if he disciplined him in front of his pack, waiting instead until no one else is watching to unleash the fury that alpha pulled that shit. and it really pisses alpha off (read: he loves it so much it rolls back around into anger bc he doesnt know what else to do with an emotion so strong) how he knows that the more vicious and nasty swiss is with him, the sweeter he'll be in the aftercare and the tighter he'll hold alpha while he purrs all over him and drags his most deeply buried feelings up out into the open, makes them both look at it raw and bleeding in front of them
and i mean, come on. absolutely no one (read: rain, because he's the only one swiss told) believed swiss when he swore up and down he wasnt gonna fall for alpha, he was just a project, he hasnt had much opportunity since dew has shaped up so well but the first time he had alpha bleeding and ragged before him and he saw the pleading in his eyes, he knew he had something so very precious wrapped up in explosive spikes and he'd dug his way right to the middle of it, had his thumb on the trigger and he'd never press it. he'd come close, sure, he'd taunt alpha and wave it around in front of him, but he'd never really do it. but man...something about the impossible level of trust alpha places in his hands, and how he sees that he truly does want to be better, he just has no idea where to start, has never had any kind of guidance to untangle the everything thats gone wrong his whole life, how alpha had started out seeking destruction but had never bothered to think about the rebuilding...yeah. it gets to swiss. right in the soft spots of his heart
and maybe this is going somewhere. probably not, though. probably if no one intervenes they'll destroy each other. but maybe not, maybe this has a happy ending somewhere down the line
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zombiesama · 1 year
I have opinions about allergies being disregarded as a disability and not taken seriously
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scattered-winter · 1 year
also: top 5 composers!
OHHHH THIS WAS A HARD ONE ,,, these aren't in any particular order because if I had to first choose only FIVE favorites and then put them in order of most -> least favorite I would simply CRY
sarah schachner
her most notable work for me is the reboot call of duty: modern warfare soundtracks <3 here are some of my absolute favorites from her <3
modern warfare main theme (2019)
into the furnace (2019)
modern warfare II (2022) (I LOOOOVE the difference in instrumentation between the two main themes <3333333 they're both soooo good in their own unique way <33333)
hindsight (2022) (2:12 to the end is my favorite section of it)
the bitter end (2022)
john paesano
soooooooo many things. he's done the maze runner trilogy, ps4 spiderman, daredevil, and soooo much more, and every single one of them fuck severely. some absolute musts from him:
battlin' jack murdock (daredevil)
fogwell's gym (daredevil)
the maze runner (the maze runner trilogy)
finale (the maze runner trilogy) (bro when those STRINGS COME IN!!!!! LEAVES ME IN SHAMBLES EVERY TIME)
what's next (the maze runner trilogy)
i'm sorry (the maze runner trilogy)
spider-man (marvel's spider-man)
make it right (spider-man: miles morales)
steve jablonsky
if you've been around for very long you've probably heard me ramble about the transformers soundtracks. they're what made me watch the movies in the first place and by god if the movies were as good as the music they would be absolutely phenomenal. but alas. I'm sure jablonsky has more work outside the transformers franchise but I haven't expanded my reach beyond them just yet.
the all spark (transformers)
optimus (transformers)
bumblebee (transformers)
arrival to earth (transformers)
sam on the roof (transformers)
prime (transformers: revenge of the fallen)
NEST (transformers: revenge of the fallen)
i claim your sun (transformers: revenge of the fallen)
i rise, you fall (transformers: revenge of the fallen)
sentinel prime (transformers: dark of the moon) (spotify is SOO winterphobic so hardly any tracks in either this album or age of extinction are actually on spotify :(
it's our fight (transformers: dark of the moon)
our final hope (transformers: dark of the moon)
tessa (transformers: age of extinction)
hunted (transformers: age of extinction)
autobots reunite (transformers: age of extinction)
leave planet earth alone (transformers: age of extinction)
sacrifice (transformers: the last knight)
history of transformers (transformers: the last knight)
your voice (transformers: the last knight)
did you forget who i am (transformers: the last knight)
sir edmund burton (transformers: the last knight)
seglass ni tonday (transformers: the last knight)
we have to go (transformers: the last knight)
henry jackman
my favorite works of his are from captain america: the winter soldier, but I also really love what he's done with x-men: first class :]
lemurian star (captain america: the winter soldier)
project insight (captain america: the winter soldier)
fury (cptain america: the winter soldier)
taking a stand (captain america: the winter soldier)
time to suit up (captain america: the winter soldier)
end of the line (captain america: the winter soldier)
cap's promise (captain america: civil war) (shitty movie. great soundtrack.)
first class (x-men: first class)
rage and serenity (x-men: first class)
x-training (x-men: first class)
hans zimmer
I know he's like. everyone's favorite. but it's for a good reason because goddamn
dream is collapsing (inception)
one simple idea (inception)
dream within a dream (inception)
paradox (inception)
time (inception)
a watchful guardian (the dark knight)
why do we fall? (the dark knight rises)
now we are free (gladiator) (its worth mentioning that zimmer collaborated with quite a few people on this one)
at wit's end (pirates of the caribbean: at world's end)
up is down (pirates of the caribbean: at world's end)
one day (pirates of the caribbean: at world's end)
drink up me hearties yo ho (pirates of the caribbean: at world's end)
i'm spider-man (the amazing spider-man 2)
my enemy (the amazing spider-man 2) (pharrell williams put his entire PUSSY into this one btw)
you need me (the amazing spider-man 2)
i'm moving to england (the amazing spider-man 2)
i chose you (the amazing spider-man 2)
the rest of my life (the amazing spider-man 2)
no place like home (the amazing spider-man 2)
and as a nice lead-in to the next composer, here's a choral piece from zimmer that I really like: aurora (peaceful choir: new sound of choral music)
eric whitacre
one of these is not like the others <3 whitacre doesn't do movie soundtracks, because he's largely a choral composer who creates pieces for choir groups to perform. his work is very special to me out of everything else on this list because I've performed a lot of it onstage, and they all hold very special places in my heart because of the memories I have practicing and performing those pieces with my choir that was practically family to me <3 he uses cluster chords in his music a lot, which basically means the notes clash together in a very specific way to create the most gorgeous overtones and atmosphere and it's just oughghghghghghghh <333
lux aurumque (light and gold)
five hebrew love songs: temuna (a picture) (light and gold)
five hebrew love songs: larov (mostly) (light and gold)
the seal lullaby (light and gold)
sleep (light and gold)
i carry your heart (i carry your heart) (the lyrics from this one come from one of my most favorite poems of alllllll time btw)
sing gently (sing gently)
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You'll never find a bitch more obsessed with catholic imagery than a former catholic, bonus if Italian.
It's me I'm the former catholic. And I'm Italian, a southerner even.
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bytebun · 2 years
hm… although i more or less stopped progressing (purposefully) in my technical art skill, id reached a point where i could easily “see” ways to improve - like if i wanted to work on any particular aspect (perspective, anatomy, style, comic pacing, etc.) i’d know exactly how to go about it
I’d… like to reach a place like that with my other abilities - programming or engineering or design are all just so big that i don’t even know how to identify what i should be pursuing. the sort of stuff i’d really like more experience with (firmware & hardware development) only seem accessible through doing actual jobs involving those skills. i cant see the ”path” to improvement; i dont know what resources i can access (most of the stuff online seems too basic, aka for complete beginners, or too expert level)
but like, ”art” is also such a broad category of skill… maybe its because i know what i want from my art, and not at all from my tech skills…
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jmrothwell · 9 months
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astaraelthesnek · 10 months
Time zones
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
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Firstly: North America. Why? Canada isn’t too bad, the lines are just a bit off, apart from stupid Island of Newfoundland that decided to be -3½ hours when it is clearly all in -4. But generally, not too bad. Again, most of America isn’t that bad, with the lines going a bit wonky, until you look at Alaska. Alaska is almost all in -10 or -11, but no, they just had to be in -9. Hawaii is also wrong, but they get the benefit of the doubt for spanning three time zones and just picking one, apart from the fact that some of the islands are in -12, so they could have picked -11 to use the centre one. The Aleutian Islands are worse, which span +12 to -11, but are in the time zone of -10. America, stop trying to be special, just follow the lines. Then we move down to Mexico (I know it's more in Central America, but geographically it makes more sense to include it here), which again, for the most part is OK. The lines are a bit off, but its fine, except for that tiny little eastern bit that claims to be -5 when it is clearly -6. The rest of Central America is great, with an honourable mention to Panama and Costa Rica for the perfect split down the time zone, and a questioning look at the Dominican Republic who are claiming to be in -4 instead of -5.
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crowtobio · 1 year
in a perpetual state of insane over kagehina
#please talk to me about them oh ym godhrhrhfgjhhhhh#sometimes i come on here and try to ramble about why i love kghn but jts just so hard bc there r so so many aspects of them that i adore i+#just cant express that succinctly idk#their unwavering faith in each other#the belief they both have that theyll both make it to the world stage one day#they both struggle so much to accept their strengths and try so hard to be something they srent#tobio trying to emulate oikawa as a setter and shouyou trying to become the little giant#and its only because of the other that they can finally accept their actual strengths#and understand what they are and how to utilise them#without the other neither of them wouldve made it anywhere idk#like it goes deeper than just without the quick shouyou wouldnt have been put on the team or w/e#theyve just both had such a profound impact on the other in pretty much every way possible#you really cannot discuss one character without mentioning the other#like if u want to go into any depth on either of them you HAVE to mention the other#this is not coherent they drive me insane they are everythign to me#please talk to me about them jm so AAAAAAAAAAGGGHRNNHGGGGHHHNNGRGRHHRHGRRRAAAAAAAAA#also like this really is just scratching the surface#there is just so much to talk about with them#if u follow me and u havent read haikyuu…. please…..#the last 70 or so chapters are just#incredible#nothing will ever top that for me i think#no i still have not recovered from ch 387 thanks for asking
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combeauferre · 1 year
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