#this is how i learned origami and crochet
sometimes I decide its new skill time and buy something and fully involve myself in it for weeks. anyway if you see me posting about this embroidery kit I got today, no you don't-
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wolfish-trickster · 2 months
Choso headcanons
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(I'm sorry i just love this gif so much 😩)
He likes to listen to indie bands
There's just something about having a band "all to himself" and being the sole fan where ever he goes
But after a while starts to feel a little lonely not having any fellow fans for friends
Doesn't really see the point in people taking care of plants in their home, especially those that only bloom once and then they die
Isn't a dog or a cat person, he likes both
Would want to learn at least the basics of every skill he can find
His favourite day of the week is friday
Stays up super late even thoigh he promises himself to fix his sleep schedual
Spoiler: he never does
Keeps fit and builts muscle to protect his family
If he meets people who are pretty agressive about their opinions and unable to listen to a different point of view he just up and leaves, doesn't want to waste the energy
Doesn't look like it but he's quite artistic, he especially enjoys making his nose mark into different shapes and ornaments to make himself look cool
His favourite part of working out is laying down and letting his body cool
Learned how to cook so he could take care of his brothers
At the begining he would be just observing you
Not even trying to befriend you or your friends, nah
Just quietly watching from afar
His brothers would call him creepy for that
But he just wants to be sure you'll be worth the try
Eventually he's betrayed by Yuji who straight up tells you he has been looking at you when you do your thing
He tries to explain that he isn't shy or anything, but yeah, he was pretty closed off from you after you guys started talking
But since he spoke less he heard more and learned all your little quirks
Where others would buy you generic things for your birthday like a book or a mug he would buy you three new headphones becuase he remembered how you complained to him how often they break for you
Or he would give you something you genuenly need in your life and what would be useful
Also he would want to show you his creative side
Sketch you, write poems and haikus for you
He even tried to crochet you a flower but that failed quickly
He made you an origami instead 🥹
As he started to have feelings for you he needed advice from his brothers on what to do
They all just told him to ask you out
He didn't like that idea
What he did instead was collect his favourite hard rock and metal songs about love and give you that playlist on a CD on your birthday
He hoped you would get the hint
Your oblivious ass didn't 😭
He literally had to spell it out for you the next time you guys met
You gladly accepted his feelings (who wouldn't)
He asked you out on a date the very next day
Homeboy had no idea what to do on the first date tho...
So he improvised and went to ask the almighty google
He made a list on his phone consisting of advices he took from google and rom coms: first he had to take you see a movie, then go to a theme park, then restaurant and then either take you home or to a hotel
Not his ideal plans for the first date but it's how humans do it apparently
Long story short, it was a catastrophy
As he went to your house to pick you up it started to rain real bad
You guys decided to wait it out in your home
Rain turned to storm
Choso then admited he had a plan written on the phone Yuji gave him
You told him ypu guys cane have home date instead
You and him watched a movie
You guys spent a long time deciding what to cook together but eventually agreed on pasta with some exotic sauce
You had lots of fun
You guys ended the date curled up under your sheet cuddling the night away as the storm raged on outside
Choso found out he loves home dates
He only ever does that from then on
One night him and you decided to take quizes to learn more about eachother
His love language is physical touch
Which makes sense since from his first night of cuddling he has had his hand on any part of your body anytime you guys met
It's like his hand and your body were two magnets
He loves hugging you from behind, shows how much smaller you are than him
Sometimes he likes to lay on your chest and listen to your heartbeat (is what he would tell you but really he just likes to listen to your blood moving in extreme speeds through your body, but he wants to be romantic for you)
Not the one for PDA, will jold your hand at max when outside but inside the house he goes all out
All cuddling positions, all surfaces, all times of the day
Your first kiss happened a week after you had the furst date
He honestly had no idea what kissing was
You introduced him and gave him few lectures 😉
It's safe to say the student surpassed the master
His lips are surprisingly soft and warm
The first time you kissed him he was a little stunned and his nose mark swerved a little
But then he got addicted
Giving you kisses all over your face
He likes the neck the most
Especially the parts where he can feel the blood in your veins
And when he found out tongues can get involved?
He almost didn't let you breathe
The feeling of your soft and wet muscle against his was heavenly to him
At first a little weird but he quickly got used to it
Would chuckle everytime your teeth clinked together
You also thought of introducing him to the concept of hickies but he already figured it out on his own
Doesn't like giving them too often tho, to let your veins regenarate properly, otherwise he would be painting your neck purple every day
He had his time when he read a post on social media about a guy literally dying after his girlfriend gave him a hickie and oit of fear and anxiety refused to give you any hickies for a month
After about half a year of dating he decided to introduce you to his brothers
They already knew all about you
Choso doesn't talk often but when he's in the mood he won't shut up
And lately he has been talking mostly about you
All of them were nice to you and all of you got along super well
Choso fell for you even more
One date night you picked a movie that was a little less innocent than all the ones you watched before
Thankfully you didn't have to explain the birds and bees to choso when a particularly heated scene came on
But you needed to explain to him how to get rid of his very first boner in his life 💀
Your first time happened a year after your first date
He wanted it to be special since it's both of your first time
He studied
Aka he watched porn
Didn't get hard from watching it tho, only after he started playing out the scenes in his head with you and him in the actors' places
His first ever jirkoff happened because of this
He made a playlist to get both you and him in the mood
Wasn't needed in the end
After the very awkward first round you went into it like rabbits
Remember what i said about Choso and cuddling? Same goes for positions
All positions, all surfaces, all times of the day
Tho he had his favourites
Among his favourite positions were those he could have you in his lap
He loved it when you could drap yourself all over him
He also like the access to the skin he got
His least favourite ones are where he can't see your face
The different facial expressions he gives with different thrust angles are what keeps him going
His favourite places are the bed or the couch
And he doesn't really care about the time of the day as long as both of you are willing and not busy
The first one to propose oral was him
He was curious about how it tasted down there
He didn't find the taste anything spectacular but could see the appeal
He liked the texture on his tongue more
He also found out your juices taste different during different parts of your month cycle
That way he could keep track of your period better than you
Sometimes after he was done eating you out he mentioned how your time of the month is coming so you should be prepared
Made you chuckle every time with how bluntly he says that
You also offered to give him head
Likes it when you gently drag your teeth along his shaft
Like the feeling when you have an itchy spot and you give it a good scratch, that's the same for him and your teeth
Isn't really sure if he prefers to give or recieve yet
But doesn't mind either way
Period sex is a whole different stuff to him
As soon as he found out coming can help period cramps he was all in
At one point he was curious about what would happen if he pulled out the entire inner lining with his cursed technique
Ended your period bleeding that very day
You loved him even more
Does that for you every single month
But he's not gonna lie, he has a little sadist hidden inside of him
Likes to see blood on his dick
But only period one, as soon as it's real blood from harming you he's out
Doesn't really have any other kinks than that but he's open to explore with you
Would quickly find out he has his horny days too
On those days he would ask you all shy if you two could fuck
You never told him no how could you with those eyes
Long story short he got to try a lot of exciting things with you, for which he's grateful
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how to be more creative?
Three Steps to Being More Creative
Step One: Filling Your Creative Well
You can't create something out of nothing. You need not just the right tools and medium, but also knowledge, ideas, and skills to help you know what to do with those tools and that medium.
Ideas come from the data that's already stored in our brains. That data comes from a variety of places: your day-to-day life, your life experiences, what you hear about others' day-to-day lives and experiences, your experiences with the people and places around you, etc. Any little thing your brain absorbs can become an idea.
So, the number one thing you need to do if you want to be more creative is to fill your head with ideas. I like to call this "filling your creative well," because it's all about filling up your brain with a variety of experiences, stories, and experiences so that you have someplace to draw from when you need ideas.
Guide: Filling Your Creative Well will walk you through how to do that.
Step Two: Learn to Take Creative Risks
Another important part of being more creative is learning to take creative risks. By trying a variety of creative endeavors, even if they're not something you think you'll be good at, and by trying new things in current creative endeavors, you can exercise and expand your creativity. For example, grab a friend or family member and head to one of those "paint and sip" places where they guide you through doing a painting. Alternatively, a lot of craft stores offer free and inexpensive classes that teach you how to do different crafts. You could also go on YouTube and learn how to do something you've never tried before, like origami, crocheting, or calligraphy. Even doing things like building and decorating homes in The Sims, decorating homes or your island in Animal Crossing, or any game where you get to exercise creative choice is a good way to try new things and take creative risks. For writing, try doing some writing prompts or participating in a writing challenge, like a six-word story contest or challenge yourself to turn a favorite song into an actual story (just for fun and personal use.) If you've never written fan-fiction before, try that! Or try writing a story in a genre you've always wanted to write but never have before. Even reading a book, watching a TV show or movie, or playing a game in a new genre can help expand your creative horizons.
Step Three: Let Go of a Need for Perfection
One of the biggest enemies of creativity is a feeling that everything you create needs to be perfect, and this is such an unfortunate thing because most things that require creativity are not things you're ever going to do perfect the first time. So if you can't get past this need to be perfect, you'll never be able to exercise and grow your creativity. So, don't be afraid to paint a bad painting, crochet an uneven scarf, fold a lopsided paper crane, or write a bad story. The point isn't to be perfect or even good. The point is to do it, because even bad art is good practice.
And... if you just wanted to know how to be more creative within a story you're writing, all of the above advice still stands. Fill your creative well, take creative risks, and let go of a need for perfection. ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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okkalo · 1 year
can u do a drabble/scenario with bllk boys ( nagi, baro, isagi, rin, sae and any other you’d like) where they gift their s/o hand made gifts
like i definitely think kunigami or chigiri would know how to crochet so they’d make their s/o a blanket or book cover
thankyou!! and have a great day!!
hi again!! yes i can do that :) i can definitely see chigiri doing some crochet idk about kunigami though,, he would def learn though!! anyways i hope you enjoy and have a good day!! 🫶
also on my blog scenarios and drabbles are two different things so i’m gonna assume you mean writing with no headcanons;;
characters: nagi, barou, isagi, rin, sae
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honestly, nagi was not one to do crafts. he wasn’t one to do anything at all, really. the only reason he decided to do something is because he saw someone doing origami and the teacher wouldn’t let him sleep. besides, he’s heard you talk about how cute handmade gifts are, so, why not?
he ended up making a cat. a really bad cat. none of it was symmetrical and the face he drew on could give you nightmares. you were careful not to say anything about it when he handed it to you when walking home, knowing this is a once-in-lifetime opportunity.
“you made this for me?” you asked, examining the poorly folded cat. nagi hummed in agreement, hand sliding down to take yours. you made sure to give him a kiss on the cheek as a thanks.
“don’t expect another one,” he mumbled, eyes struggling to stay opened in the bright sunlight.
“i wasn’t expecting another,” you replied, giving him a small squeeze on the hand. he actually might make another one just to get another kiss on the cheek.
the best you’ll get out of barou is him fixing your clothes. he’s never been one for giving gifts, especially one’s that he hand makes. he feels too stupid doing it. he’s always one to give you flowers, just never anything made from him.
however, he will absolutely fix your clothes to how you desire. lost a button? immediately sews it back on. got a rip in your shirt? fixes it like a pro.
he can also make you a piece of clothing if you beg. he would rather not, though. and don’t even think about teasing him for any of this.
you had just gotten out of the shower to retreat back to your room and you were met with the pants you had given up on sitting on your bed. you had been complaining about the button popping off, upset due to losing your favorite pair of jeans. now, suddenly, they were sitting nicely in front of you with a button. you certainly didn’t do that. you know exactly who did though.
“barou? did you fix my pants?” you ask, trudging into the living room to see him wiping down the coffee table. he barely looked up, too focused on the task at hand.
“yeah,” his gruff made you smile, skipping over to sit down next to him. you gave a sweet kiss on his cheek, hugging him afterwards as well.
“thank you.”
he saw you fanning over people making flowers out of pipe cleaners and decided to give it a go. actually enjoyed it so much that he started making more than he needed. gave you a full size bouquet at the end of the day.
your jaw dropped at the colorful pipe cleaners all bundled together to make a bouquet. you excitedly took the bouquet, flashing your boyfriend a huge smile. “isagi, i love these! did you make them all?”
he sheepishly nodded, scratching the back of his head, “yeah, i didn’t realize i made a lot until all the green pipe cleaners were gone.” his confession drew a soft laugh out of you, his cheeks tinting at the sound.
“it’s a perfect amount, thank you,” you drew him in for a kiss, him loving to feeling of your upturned lips against his.
he had to hear nights worth of your gushing over small crochet plushies until he finally decided to try it out. little did he know, he was getting into a lot. absolutely struggled with the hook, muttering cusses every time something didn’t go his way.
rin, however, was not a quitter. he finally finished one, though severely disappointed with how bad it had looked. rin was also a perfectionist to heart. so, he gave it another go, this time paying attention to every small detail. finally, weeks later of hiding his project in drawers you never check, he presented you a small hello kitty plushie.
“oh my god! rin this is adorable! you seriously made this?” you squealed, immediately taking the small plush in both of your hands to examine it.
“yeah,” he spoke nonchalantly, heart secretly jumping in joy seeing you so excited for something he did. you jumped up to give him a big hug, giggling all the while.
“thank you, my sweet boyfriend,” give him an exaggerated kiss on the cheek. he loves it when you do it. don’t mind his sigh.
you knew better than to expect a decent gift from the heart from sae. that didn’t stop the leap your heart did once he handed you a piece of paper saying that he drew you. your poor, poor heart.
he drew you alright. just in the worst way possible. at first you wanted to believe he actually tried but was just horrible at drawing, but the more you looked at it the more you could tell he couldn’t have given less of a shit what he drew. he watched your face changes in joy too, seeing how your excited smile turned into a weird squiggle and then to a plain frown.
“sae, you did this on purpose,” you looked up to see his smirk, your heart officially dropping.
“i think i drew you perfectly,” your whine only made him feel better. give him the cold shoulder later and he might just think about apologizing while holding you close.
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unedited thanks for reading!
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cartmankisser · 1 year
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I'd love a Wally fluff alphabet, please! 🥰
omg ur amazing for linking it. creds for the prompts are linked in pink text of the request!! :)
if you haven’t seen, i ran a poll on my account for what type of personality wally should have and the option that won was, and i quote, “normal wally but… just a little messed up and obsessive.”
so i guess this is like?? mildly yandere wally? haha i’m not sure.. he slowly gets slightly more deranged as this goes on,,
using the small font because these always turn out really long 😭
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Activities - “What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?”
— wally isn’t too picky when it comes to hanging out. he’d honestly be content just sitting in silence with you!
in such a small neighborhood, everything is just a few minutes away! it’s not uncommon for you two to take walks around the neighborhood, maybe stopping at howdys shop for snacks before spending the afternoon sitting in a flower-filled field with books and arts and crafts material.
maybe you two could teach each other little crafts you’ve learned over the years!! friendship bracelets, origami, crochet, whatever!!
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
— you’re just such a great friend to him! so caring and kind to him… he always feels calm whenever you’re around, just because of how loving you are!!
most of his uncertainties or insecurities just vanishes whenever he’s with you.. no one else ever could ever make him feel so special! it’s amazing!!!!
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc?
— wally has a hard time picking up on your feelings if you don’t straight up tell him that you’re upset. however, if you’re ever crying or upset, he’d try his best to comfort you!
his go-to comfort methods are usually things that make him happy or calm him down. something like singing a song that barnaby has sung to him before or drawing happy memories to distract you from whatever is making you upset!
he tends to explain to you that he would never make you feel as bad as you do right now. he’s the only one here to comfort you! no one else cares that you’re upset, but he does!! because he loves you!!! :)
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
— wally dreams of a calm, domestic future with you! he loves his neighborhood and home very dearly, and i don’t see him wanting to move anytime soon (he has no reason to!), but he really can’t wait for you to permanently move in with him! sure, he keeps you at his house for as long as you’re willing to stay, but you still leave him at the end of the day!!!!
home is one of his friends too, and he would never abandon a friend! so hopefully you can get used to living inside of a sentient house.. (no matter how much home scares you)
other than that though, i don’t see him wanting to change too much? you two are already so happy together, so why would anything need to change? all you really need is eachother anyways!!!!
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
— i think that he thinks you two are equal. i mean, he tries to listen to you, but sometimes you just need his help!!! he believes that a relationship should be built on respect and understanding! dont you respect him? :(
you really should just trust him and know that what he does for you is for the best. he’s not trying to scare or control you or anything!! he’s just trying to keep you safe and happy with him!!! that’s all!!!! :)))
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
— while he might be quick to forgive you, he doesn't easily forget the actions that led to the conflict. he prefers to work through disagreements for a compromise, that way you both can continue to be happy together!! albeit, he tends to be a bit patronizing and condescending when you two disagree on something,,,
he doesn’t get mad at you very often though. i can see him being awfully patient with you when it comes to misunderstandings and such. he knows you don’t mean to be rude about it!! you just need him to explain to you why he’s right!!!
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
— he’s very grateful for you!! he enjoys the admiration, love, and support you show him, and he makes sure to show his appreciation and love back through small gestures, like surprising you with treats or leaving little notes around your house when he visits! that way, you’re always thinking about how much he loves and appreciates you!
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
— wally values honesty in the relationship and doesn’t feel the need to keep secrets from you unless they would hurt you. and he knows you wouldn’t dare keep anything from him. not if you truly loved him, that is..
he doesn’t really understand secrets that much anyways.. everyone in the neighborhood is such good friends, why would they need to hide anything? (aka, wally unintentionally talks shit and causes drama /hj)
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
— you’ve definitely inspired him to try out new mediums and techniques in his art. i mean, he usually just paints and draws things he likes! and there’s nothing wrong with that, but recently he’s been trying new things!
with you around to help, he’s rarely hit any creative blocks. you’ve shown him how to connect his emotions to his paintings. and now he knows even more ways to make art that is more than just color on paper!!! truly amazing :)!!
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
— wally is quite possessive and can get jealous easily. he deals with it by keeping a close eye on you, and if he perceives any threat to his relationship, he will go to great lengths to eliminate that threat.
he would never destroy something that means a lot to you, but of course, he has to make sure he means the most to you!!! after everything he does for you, how could you not love him more than anything else!?! :)
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
— i love him a lot okay? but he is definitely not a good kisser. he’s never loved anyone like he’s loved you, so he’s just… inexperienced?
i feel like the first kiss would be awkward and tense, as he was nervous and unsure of how you would react to his feelings, but it was still very passionate and meaningful! sometimes you just take his breath away and leave him speechless, but actions speak more than words, right? @:))))
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
— he would confess his love in a very straightforward and direct manner. he would likely sit you down and tell you about how he couldn't imagine his life without you, and that hes willing to do anything to make you happy!!!
he was confident and direct with his confession because he was sure that he had you wrapped around his finger. before he confessed to you, he made sure to be open enough that you’d enjoy talking to him, but mysterious enough that you’d surely be thinking about him all day, wanting to hear more from him.
Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
— he does want to get married, and he would propose in a grand, romantic way!! he would likely plan an elaborate surprise, such as a candlelit dinner or a sweet picnic in a meadow, and then get down on one knee to ask you to marry him!! he would make sure the moment was so special that there was no chance that you could reject him!
the marriage itself would be pretty traditional, with wally insisting on taking care of all the arrangements and ensuring that everything was perfect for you.
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
— i feel like he would call you things such as "my love" or "my darling," and he would use petnames often to remind you how much he adores you!
he has a habit of calling you a handful of different petnames, but always adding “my“ to the beginning of it. you’re his sweetheart!!!! his love!!!!! no one else’s!!!!!!
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
— when wally falls in love, he becomes completely devoted to you. his feelings are somewhat obvious to others, as he can become a bit possessive and jealous when others try to get too close to you, even though he tries to hide those feelings in front of others.
he expresses his love through attention and gifts, showering his significant other with affection and making sure they know how much they truly mean to him!!!!
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
— he’s pretty upfront about his relationship and is not afraid to show affection in public. he enjoys making others aware of you two and he takes pride in displaying his love for you!!!!
he’s not the type to like??? shove his tongue down your throat in public 😭 but i mean small things like holding your hand and keeping you close to him when you two are out together!!
Quirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
— wally has a photographic memory, which makes him incredibly attentive to your wants and desires. he never forgets important dates or details, and always makes sure to surprise you with things that make you happy!!
he knows what size clothes you wear and what scent perfume you use. he always picks up your favorite snacks before you come over and he makes sure to use your favorite colors a lot when he makes paintings for you!!!
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
— i feel like he’d be pretty romantic!! and he loves to make grand gestures to make you feel special!! i like to think he’s somewhat creative in his approach and he enjoys surprising you with things you never expected.
he will go to great lengths to make you happy, even if it means doing something cliché like writing love letters or preparing a candlelit dinner. however, his possessiveness can sometimes lead to darker and more dangerous displays of love, such as stalking or isolating you from others.
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their? Do they believe in them?
— wally sees himself as your personal cheerleader and will do anything to help you achieve your dreams. however, his version of support can be a little intense as sometimes he tends to control your choices to ensure your success. he believes in you so much that he'll go to extreme measures to make sure you reach your full potential.
i feel like he would also be sure to tell you that you two achieved the victory together and that you wouldn’t have gotten to where you are without him!! he doesn’t mean it in a rude way!!!!! he just wants you to thank him sometimes!!!!!
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
— i think that he wouldn’t mind trying out new things with you sometimes, but only if it's on his terms! he has a certain routine that he likes to follow, and deviation from it can trigger his possessive behavior a bit...
he's very particular about what he considers "spicing things up" and can tend to be a bit controlling when it comes to decision-making. he just wants to make sure you stay nice and safe!!! he makes sure to take good care of his belongings! :)
Understanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
— he believes that he knows you better than anyone else, and as such, he can be highly empathetic when it suits him... however, he's also prone to getting lost in his own delusions and can struggle to see things from your perspective when he feels threatened.
mostly though, he tends to be more sympathetic and pitiful instead of empathetic whenever you’re upset.
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
— the relationship is everything to him!!! and he's not afraid to make that known! he has a bad habit of seeing you as his property and will stop at nothing to keep you by his side. in his eyes, the relationship is worth more than anything else in his life, and he'll do whatever it takes to protect it!!! you truly mean everything him, and he’s not afraid to give everything else up for you!!!! :)
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
— wally loves to pamper you with expensive gifts and lavish attention. he believes that he deserves your love and affection in return for the gifts and he sees them as a way of showing you how much he cares!
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
— he is extremely affectionate and loves to shower you with cuddles and affection. however, sometimes it tends to turn into a bit of possessive behavior if he feels like someone else is encroaching on your time together.
Yearning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
— whenever he’s missing you, i feel like he copes by somewhat obsessing over you... he'll stare over old photos and drawings, collecting small things you might’ve left at his house, overanalyzing them until he can almost feel your presence.
he also might engage in stalkerish behavior,,, staring at your house through his window.. maybe even walking to your place to peek through the windows if he thinks he can get away with it.
Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
— he’s willing to go to great lengths for the relationship, even if it might seem hurtful from your perspective... he tends to see himself as your companion and protector and will stop at nothing to keep you safe, even if it means resorting to things you might not like. his zeal can quickly turn dangerous if he feels that you’re in danger.
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locke-n-k3y · 6 months
15 Questions for 15 People
Thank u @sp-ace-twinkk for the tag :] I love questionss
1. Are you named after anyone?
Locke is not anyones name as far as I knoooww but! My other name Connor I got from my own oc, someone asked me for my name one time and I thought they wanted my oc's name so I told them that, NEVER corrected them and it stuck (It's been seven yrs since then, I don't even talk to that person anymore)
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday! I relistened to episode 61 of season 1 of dungeons and daddies
3. Do you have kids?
Nope, I have baby cousins but I don't really want my own
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I used to love hockey and netball but my teachers never let me on any teams bc I suck at sports
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Very frequently but I'm also autistic so will almost always indicate if it is or not!
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their most prominent colour, everyone is a colour to me, as in like hair colour, clothes colour ect
7. What's you're eye color?
Blue/grey, get told I have the blue eyed stare by friendsand family
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I always prefer a happy ending bc movies give me adrenaline and if it ends poorly I crash, but I do love analogue horror
9. Any talents?
Perfect dolphin impression.
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
Drawing, reading, playing dnd, cycling and feeding pigeons r the big ones, working on crochet and origami tho as well and started learning how to juggle recently!!
12. Do you have any pets?
Three cats, Zeus, Indie (Short for Indiana Jones) and Oscar Boscar, my sweet, sweet stupid boys
13. How tall are you?
5'7 I think?? I don't check
14. Favorite subject in school?
English and Psychology I looovvedd my psychology teacher in college
15. What is your dream job?
Currently about to go to art uni but eventually want to be a clown, therapist or farmer
Tag 15 people (No pressure! I offer thee): @itsbrucey @flowercrowns-n-punks @iersei @alexaatla @basicallyrj @maxwellamus @marbletheunworthy @paedenstigereye @raemeh @ike-mcswains-mortician @piss-wizard-ao3 @babacontainsmultitudes @guess-how-i-stole-this-body @chemicaleater @thedndgoblinwholivesinyourwalls
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(HSR) Astral Express Crew Headcanons
Hi everyone! I have returned, this time with a library entry for one of the newest fandoms on the list: Honkai Star Rail! While I am not confident about writing for all the characters yet, I figured some headcanons for the members of the Astral Express would be a good start. I hope you enjoy!
- Mr. Yang enjoys spending his time quietly. From playing chess with Himeko or Dan Heng to doodling in a notebook of his while sipping some tea - he's got all the grandpa habits you can imagine.
- One of these habits is crochet. After picking up some yarn and tools from a planet they visited, Welt tried to learn knitting...and failed miserably. Therefore he was hesitant to attempt crochet, but gave it a try nonetheless. It worked a lot better than knitting because it doesn't use two needles, just one hook. While he does get cramps and wrist pain from time to time, he does enjoy making crochet items, like scarves and amigurumi.
- Additionally, Welt knows how to make origami. He has tried to teach March before, but she gave up pretty quickly. The Trailblazer on the other hand has shown to be quite skilled at it, so making origami has become quite the bonding activity for the two of them.
- As the mom of the Express, Himeko knows everyone's drink preferences in and out. She likes to make alcoholic cocktails for Welt and herself, though sometimes she does give non-alcoholic ones to the youngsters. It has definitely earned her March's favor.
- Totally a mix between a wine aunt and a mom. She definitely loves red wine.
- Speaking of being a mom, it isn't just an inside joke on the Express. Himeko has tried taking up a caring, motherly role for Dan Heng. While the two don't share too many similarities on the surface, Himeko is one of the only people who knows about Dan Heng's fascination with the arts. She supports him trying out different kinds of art - from poetry to painting - and actively funds his endeavors. Mostly in secret though. After everyone is asleep, she will invite Dan Heng to a large storage room on the Express where he can try out different things - music, painting, poetry, all the good stuff. While they don't talk too much, Himeko does notice that Dan Heng appreciates the opportunity to try out new things in secret and build his own identity, far away from Dan Feng.
March 7th
- March is the sunshine of the Express. Things would be way too calm without her around. Everyone knows that and everyone appreciates March for simply being herself.
- With her enjoyment of cute things and Welt's newfound hobby, March often asks him to crochet a few amigurumi for her. Whether it be a Diting Plushie or a small Trotter keychain, she has ideas for everything thanks to her travels with the Express Crew. Welt does quite enjoy being able to bond with March like this, occasionally explaining crochet stitches to her. March appreciates being able to talk to Welt about whatever she wants while he crochets and listens.
- Another thing is that March definitely collects cute stickers to decorate her photo albums with. If she's going to store all of her pictures somewhere, might as well make that storage space look cute, right?
Dan Heng
- As mentioned in Himeko's section, Dan Heng has taken a liking to the arts. He will secretly learn anatomy from YouTube videos or write some poems about whatever occupies his mind, maybe even try to turn some of these poems into song lyrics. His current preference is poetry, though he does enjoy going wild on a canvas with acrylic paint sometimes.
- Speaking of song lyrics, he seems like the kind of guy to be interested in Serval's rock music to some extent. March has dragged him to one of her shows before, and while he didn't quite see the point at first, he did end up enjoying it. So he ended up using March and her camera as a disguise to visit more often and learn about Serval's music.
- Speaking of music, he seems like someone who plays music for the plants on the Express because he believes it will help them grow. Maybe it's an old Luofu tradition? Though he will deny ever doing such a thing or push it on his home planet's culture.
God, this has been sitting in my drafts for ages,, I do still enjoy these headcanons though, they're really sweet to me. Might as well share my joy, right?
See you next time, folks! Remember: requests are open!
~Curator Silver
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startingfires · 1 year
i lived with my parents for the first 18 years of my life and then i moved to another country by myself to study and here are some general life tips i've learned along the way. i hope these can be helpful to someone else :)
disclaimer: everyone's situation/needs/limitations are different but these are the things that have helped me specifically, so not everything will apply to everyone
everything is googleable. from how to cook rice to how to change a tire to what to do when you get locked out to how to make a doctor's appointment. if you're unsure about something and have no one to ask, google it. there is a step by step online for even the smallest and most mundane things and someone has asked that same question before
have one or two simple meals you know how to cook with ingredients you will almost always have at home. especially if you're going through a period where you don't have enough time to cook. bonus points if they include versatile ingredients. i find eggs are really good for that.
don't just eat ready-made meals. although it is easier, less time consuming and can come in handy a lot of the time, you will feel better after eating something freshly cooked whether you make it yourself, someone else cooks for you or you go to a restaurant.
always have olive oil, salt, garlic and onions at home. you can use them to season anything and it will taste good. throw them with some veggies in a pan and you have yourself a meal.
wash your sheets and towels regularly. do it. please. also have at least two of everything so you can use them while the other set is in the wash.
you have to leave the house. staying inside all day everyday will mess with your mental health. try to leave the house at least every few days. go for a walk even if it's just going up and down your street.
you need social interaction. this is something i still have to come to terms with myself but it is extremely important. you don't have to go to a party or talk to a bunch of people everyday but greeting the cashier at the supermarket, calling your mom, talking to someone online or just being somewhere where there are other people will improve your mental state.
write down your expenses and make a monthly budget. this is especially helpful if you're moving somewhere where you don't know how much things cost. write down every single expense you have each month so you can see how much you're spending so you can plan ahead.
have a creative outlet. that can be drawing, dancing, crocheting, knitting, writing, playing an instrument, making origami or whatever you want. just have a hobby that stimulates your brain and isn't just sitting in front of a screen.
move your body. you don't need to do hardcore cardio everyday but simply going for a walk or dancing around in your room will do wonders for your mental and physical health. even better if you can incorporate it into your day to day life like walking or biking to work/uni/school/wherever.
sometimes you will have to force yourself to do things. that's just life and being an adult, i'm sorry.
don't forget to water your plants. also different plants have different needs. as do people ;)
don't forget to clean your glasses. just do it, i know you haven't done it in a while.
your best will be different every day. some days your best will be completing your to-do list and other days your best will be getting out of bed and taking a shower. don't put yourself down for not meeting some imaginary expectation you created for yourself. you're doing great, you got this <3
get fidget toys. or just have something you can fidget with if you need. they can be very helpful.
if you're in a situation that is damaging to you, leave. this can apply to toxic relationships or friendships, if you feel uncomfortable around your roommates or whatever it is. if it's being harmful to you and your mental health, get out.
have emergency contacts. if you live with other people, make sure they know who to call if something were to happen to you. put a note in your wallet or in your bag with a phone number people should call in case of an emergency. along with that, have emergency numbers such as the fire department, the police and ambulance numbers saved to your phone.
decorate your room. get a plant, print out some pictures and put them on the walls, buy fairy lights etc. make the space yours and fill it with things that will bring you joy.
don't buy the cheapest toilet paper. this also goes for razors. spending those few extra cents do make a difference.
never go to the grocery store without a plan. this will either result in you buying too much stuff/stuff you don't need or in you forgetting to buy something. make a grocery list.
you can wear anything around the house. if you're not yet comfortable in wearing that cool outfit you got anywhere else, wear it around the house/in your room. you will then slowly get more used to it and hopefully feel comfortable enough to wear it some place else.
you will make mistakes. that is inevitable. learn from them as best you can and apologise when you're at fault. nobody is immune to doing something wrong. and making mistakes does not make you a failure.
everyone is on their own individual journey. while you're at school, it seems like everyone is more or less on the same playing field but once you get out everyone will follow a different path. there will be people who are married with a kid at 20 while others live with their parents. some will get a degree while others will get a job. some will go out of school with a fully formed life plan while others will have no idea of what they want to do. all of these outcomes are okay and one is not better than the other. do what's best for you and try to not compare yourself to others.
please feel free to add anything else :)
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 9 months
hey dude, love the writing! your characterizations are so on point for em :0 what do you reckon the merc's hobbies are in their downtime? like knitting, golfing, stuff like that.
TF2 Mercs and Their Hobbies!
I'm glad people think I'm good because that justifies the fact that this is what I do with my spare time 😭 (kidding) Also again mandatory mutual appreciation, love ya for that 🫶🏻 and ty for loving my writing, I really appreciate it <3
This one's definitely got me smiling and kicking my legs bc something about the idea of these guys being happy and doing normal human things makes me happy.
Demo knits! He also sews and crochets. This man is just a little grandma (affectionate). His mom taught him, and he just always liked it. It's calming, has definitely given the other Mercs blankets, and just claimed, "Oh well, I found it somewhere." Like it isn't in their well-known favorite color or subtly customized to them. I think he'd also be into most art. Painting and wood carving are two I think he'd fine interesting.
Engie- This man loves Legos. He has at least ten finished sets and about six unfinished ones lying around. He buys the adult sets for himself but has bought Pyro smaller sets so they can build together. Also isn't opposed to going fishing.
Heavy- Did you know he likes rock climbing? Turns out it's a lot easier to get into that hobby if you're strong. He's also a fan of hiking and swimming. Also very good at chess, he and Madic play a lot.
Medic- He loves music! He's good at it too, (I've seen others hc that he plays violin and please I love that, I love violin.) Along with the violin he kills on piano. It's actually really nice to hear piano coming from the lab and not screaming. Who knew? THIS. MAN. LOVES. TO. DANCE. He knows how to and loves to teach people. He specifically likes ballroom dancing, he can waltz, he can swing, if you can think of a dance he probably learned how to do it at some point.
Scout- Sports are probably the most obvious hobby I could pick for Scout, with video games coming in second. But I am a man who deviates from the obvious. He likes to bake and cook! Like I've seen people say this man can't boil water, and that's an insane take to me. Sure, it's funny, but this man loves his mom. Do you think he didn't bake and cook with her to help her out? He has a box of recipes that have been in the family for years. This man is killer when it comes to food, and I will die on this hill. (When he's baking, though, Pyro comes out of nowhere to "help." If any fellow bakers know how annoying it is to have a partner in the kitchen, you'll know how patient Scout has become, but he aurally doesn't mind Pyro baking with him after a while.) Don't ask him to do paintball with you! He loves it a bit too much.
Sniper- My man loves plants. He loves to garden. He has a little windowsill planter in his van. He grows little fruit plants sometimes and has a few cacti scattered around. He also has a bonsai tree, which he is meticulous with. You'd think this man would take up these hobbies to relax, but no. He is also insanely good at poker.
Spy- Really in to calligraphy, origami, and wine tasting. (Also, not really a hobby, but I hc that he can bartend if need be). He's just really into the "fancier." Hobbies that can also show off his art skills, also he likes wine so yk.
Soldier- Like Sniper, he's a really good poker player. He's definitely more into it than the other guys. He hates losing. He also does the traditional suburban while dad hobbies. He watches football and likes to grill. He's just a silly little American man.
Pyro- For the most part, they don't have a singular hobby they really do by themself. Scout and Engie just tend to include them in theirs, so they've never really had to figure out what to do in their downtime. But that doesn't mean they didn't find one eventually. They get into collecting! Specifically, bugs! They have at least two orchid praying mantis and one normal green one in a shadow box. Plus, they have a small collection on honeybees and even some scorpions and spiders (I know they aren't bugs, but I feel like most bug collectors have them too.) Engie went into Pyros room once because Pyro wanted to show off their collection and nearly fainted when Pyro showed off their favorite spider, it was a camel spider. (Look them up if you want but good God, they're so gross 😭)
One of my favorites to write, super cute and wholesome idea. I smiled the whole time writing this.
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actualbird · 6 months
I guess I'll call myself 🔥 anon??? Idk lol. I changed my writing style with that first ask, but whatever. This is important, so who cares.
Anyway, I get it. I come from a family of artists and academics and teachers. My childhood dreams were to be a painter, a marine biologist, or someone super smart with a well-paying job. After that, in high school, my dream was just ATAR. Get a good ATAR score. Be good at learning and be told, "Yeah, you could go to university."
It's a year or so after that goal was set. I'm moving down to general classes and doing things I love more. My business cert is no longer there just to say "I have a certificate", it's because the teacher is one of the nicest teachers I've ever met and I like the class. Take IT because it's easy. Do human biology because you think the immune system is fun. I'm younger than you, sure, but one of the best things I've learned is exactly what that old saying says.
"Jack of all trades, master of none
but better than a master of one."
I'm having the time of my life. Will I end up getting higher education? Probably. Because I want to. Is it okay if I drop a course halfway through and never pick it up again? Is it okay if I have to ask teachers to slow it down?
You don't have to be good at school to be good. I'm awful at it, and gifted kid burnout destroyed my life for a while. But I have friends and family who love me, and slowly, I'm learning to love myself, too.
I wish you all the best.
hi again fire!anon i
fully teared up reading this JKHSVJFHDKSDFKJSD
you might be younger but my gosh youre a whole lot wiser than i was when i was at uni age.
youre right and i agree with everything you said. i guess im just still stuck in that weird portion you mentioned of set academic/career goal -> set academic/career goal -> set academic/career goal that now that im in a place where i can start wanting things that are a bit more outside of the usual goals i had before. it's scary as fuck!!! i wish somebody could just tell me what to do instead!!! but i absolutely believe in the essence of doing things because you love them
while im not in class anymore, im a notorious hobby hopper. i learned how to crochet for funsies and i dont anymore but i still loved doing it, i have on and off durations of being obsessed with origami, i keep wanting to learn basic html for website building but keep putting it off because im worried im not smart enough to be able to handle it but honestly, when i have the time and motivation, i should just do it.
im like you in the sense that gifted kid burnout also ruined my life a bit, i think it uh....still is up til now, probably, judging by how badly 90% of my life's decisions are still made on the basis of whether or not i can get A Good Grade At Task HVSLBDFJSDJFK. but eventually, i hope it lessens its hold on me. i think one of the hardest things about going from student to adult was accepting that i cant Get A Good Grade At Life. absolutely mindboggling to me. can someone else please tell me what to do and if im doing good at it? please? i dont think i ever stopped being a student vying for validation. or rather, i havent stopped yet
itd be nice to stop. and just do shit cuz i like it. the idea sounds heavenly to me like a clear day. maybe things will be okay ;-;
i wish you all the best too, fire!anon. thank you <3
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rabbitindisguise · 5 months
Lav year in review:
Visited my friend on the east coast for christmas and new years
Most importantly
Total written in 2023: 41,955 🎉
(sidenote; about a third of the way through this I was like "oh neat I did a lot of stuff I didn't realize! I should feel proud of myself for tha-" to quickly going "oh god what have I started, when will it end" so feel free to skip the end for anime)
Life events:
Started and finished cross stitching my mob psycho III project
Started a crochet blanket
Started playing dc again after 10+ years, and started a new game (tfo)
Got all four wisdom teeth removed
Moved to a different county
Increased medication dosage
Got approved for SSI
Wrote (at least part of) 7 fics
Made a bunch of great friends
[Frustrating legal stuff and insurance stuff]
Worked on the four ornament cross stitch project (it was really difficult, this might take me years honestly)
Learned to weave (!!!)
Got a rigid heddle loom (!!!!!!!!!)
Got a bunch of helpful tools for cross stitch and the supplies for three projects
Gridded and hemmed aida for first of three projects and got started
More or less completed the game A Little to the Left, and played lots of slimerancher
watched SO MANY anime
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Cross stitch projects:
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Mob Psycho (all three seasons)
One Punch Man (all seasons)
Bocchi the rock
blue lock
Tomo-chan wa onnanoko!
Sugar apple fairytale
Yamada-kun to lv999
Spy kyoushitsu
Mononogatari (season 1 and 2)
Dead mount death play (season 1 and half of season 2)
Jujutsu Kaisen (second half of season 1 and most of season 2)
Tsurune (season 2 and movie)
link click (both seasons)
MDZS (all three seasons)
got caught up with Boku no Hero Academia (watched seasons 5 and 6)
The case study of vanitas (all)
Caught up with Bungou Stray Dogs (season 5)
Sasaki and Miyano
Heaven's Official Blessing (half of season one finished, then most of season two)
re-watched Howl's Moving Castle
Undead girl murder farce
Deranged Detective
4 Cut Hero
Haikyuu (season 4 and 5, and rewatched up until the end of the 2nd season)
Tokyo Revengers
My New Boss is Goofy
Ojou to banken-kun (half of season 1)
Sousou no Frieren
Started 16bit sensation
re-watched My Hero
The dreaming boy is a realist
Golden kamuy (half of season one)
The life changing magic of tidying up by Marie kondo
The god of Arepo (yes it's a real book now!! It's amazing, someone made a comic of it)
Read this if you want to take good photographs + other photography books
You're a mean one, Matthew Prince and Never Been Kissed by Timothy Janovsky
(Part of) how to keep house while drowning
Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (plus a re-read of other tlt books)
Basketry books
Origami books
Mary Oliver poems
Rockhounding books
Some of Trauma Stewardship, Unmasking autism, Laziness Doesn't Exist, and A Short History of the World According to Sheep
Archery books
Weaving books [including: weaving today - selecting and using a weaving loom, inventive weaving on a little loom, mastering weaving structures, pattern weaving, role of yarn tension in weaving, the Weaver's idea book, and weaving made easy]
Some of Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett
Part of The Geek who Saved Christmas and probably many other mlm books I didn't think to keep track of (I read a lot of mlm before bed)
Rewatched Going Postal and The Hogfather
Rewatched Klaus
(fndjsk is it obvious I like Christmas a lot?? I might be agnostic but it certainly helps to look forward to stuff in the winter months)
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v-anrouge · 8 months
match ups!!! russian roulette is not the same without a gun amirite. shoot me in the foot bubs
im very awkward and reserved in real life; i rarely go out of my way to talk to others, but im charismatic and fun with those i know well. usually id rather get hit by a train than ask a waiter for a straw, but im very ballsy with social interaction when its for the sake of others, and by extension, im confrontational and confident when it comes to handling conflict. im very ambitious, and am a perfectionist when it comes to myself-- as understanding and patient as i try to be, im easily frustrated. im often forgetful and am easily overwhelmed, that leads me to ghosting people often. though, im very competent and responsible when im adhering to a strict structure. i like learning about people, and am easily enamoured by them.
my hobbies are drawing, painting, reading, writing, crocheting, embroidery/clothes-making, jewelry-making, and origami.
i like to think im very open in showing my admiration and appreciation of others; giving, my love languages are quality time, words of affirmation, and physical touch. receiving is the same. when it comes to people i really like, i go out of my way to gift them hand made items.
the people i tend to like the most are those who are articulate, earnest, have a strong moral compass, and are talkative.
-- c
pairing you up with; rook!
rook finds you absolutely fascinating, from the way you act when you're surrounded by strangers to the way you act when you're alone in your room (ig ur not rlly alone if he's watching you...its just research okay) he knows about how some people foolishly falls for the illusion of your self that you use to protect yourself, those who can't seem to realize the depth of your soul, and he can't blame them, he himself feels like he's never discovered it 100%, he feels like he never will. but he thinks it's such a pity that some give up before actually trying to get to know you, you're such an intriguing person, like a book that is filled with tragedies that make your chest ache and wonder for a moment if you should really continue to read it, you know there's much more to come, you know that feeling will come up often, yet you just can't stop yourself from reading it. because it's beautiful, because the feeling it brings you is euphoric. rook can't stop himself from wanting to know more about you, even though in the start you didn't really talk to him and all of the interactions were started by him, he knew discovering you would be an experience he wouldn't want to miss
rook likes your way of dealing with conflict, it matches his, he isn't one to hide his feelings so whenever you two have any problems, you guys always talk it out and it ends up very quickly, which is something he really is grateful for, he really can't stand the thought of being away from you because of a fight
rook is very understanding with your tendencies to get overwhelmed, and although he won't allow you to simply ghost him and distance yourself, he will give you space, he'll check up on you from time to time and make sure you're okay, but he will only go back to talking and hanging out around you once you say you're ready to, he takes a lot of notice in the changes on your body, he can practically feel it when you're getting overwhelmed and he will quickly take you away from the situation and try to get your mind off of it
rook absolutely adores your hobbies, you match perfectly with him, he promised that when you two get married and live together (and he is 100% sure it will happen) he'll make a big room filled with everything you need to indulge into any of them at any times, and he'll of course be by your side the entire time, constantly praising and pointing out little things he likes about your works, he's absolutely enamored with everything you create, he's sure you must have been born with some kind of power, everything you touch is pure beauty, he can't help it, he brags about it to everyone who will hear and even those who won't, he just must show your greatness to the world please forgive him he can't help but be a fool in love <3
im not joking when i say you make him cry everytime you make him a little gift, and when i say cry i mean CRY, red faced, shaky voice..he's a mess, but a beautiful one, because his smile is so bright it outshines the sun, be ready for multiple little gifts in return, he'll spoil you rotten, he just wants to see you be happy, please, wont you grace his presence with another one of your beautiful smiles?
extra; vil, lilia & malleus
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i just got diagnosed with me cfs about a month ago. I've been bedbound since July (doctors think I got it post-covid) and I'm extremely bored. I've been working on isolation by seeing friends once a week but it's just like... how do i fill the rest of my time? I can't stand to watch tv or scroll tumblr anymore, the internet is making me depressed. So what do I do? I'm sleeping like 16 hours a day. I can only get up to do simple chores and stuff. I struggle with reading/processing info and I lie down most of the day. How do I entertain myself? Especially with something that feels fun, satisfying, and "productive."
TLDR: newly bedbound and in need of a hobby I can do offline from bed, please help <3
hi, thanks for asking! I also spent the vast majority of the first 3 or so years I had CFS laying down, it can definitely be difficult to find stuff to do. Here are some things I did:
Video games. This one is a pretty common recommendation but I can't not recommend it because it's what I do pretty much all the time. If you have trouble positioning a computer like I did you can get an overbed desk (I have this one and it's served me pretty well). If you're looking for game reccs, the Sims 4 is now free and there's a ton of free custom content available for it online for when you get bored of basegame. For paid games, Minecraft, Don't Starve Together (even if you're playing alone the Together version is better), Oxygen Not Included, 7 Days to Die, and Sheltered all have a ton of replayability. I also recommend adding items to your wishlist and waiting for sales if you're buying games off Steam, Sheltered is actually on sale for $3 on Steam until Nov. 21.
Textile work. There's a reason a lot of textiles are considered "grandma" hobbies, they're easy to do with limited energy. There's a ton of disability adaptations for textile projects like knitting, crocheting, embroidery, weaving, etc. Choose one that seems fun to learn and go for it. I tried to do knitting but found it hard laying down so I switched to crochet and it's been going pretty well. It's fairly inexpensive as well, crochet hooks are like $5 and you can fine cheap yarn at places like Walmart for less than $5.
Art. You don't have to be good at it or have fancy supplies, either. I'm a big fan of coloring books, both physical ones and coloring book apps. I also use an app called Sketchbook to make digital art on my phone sometimes. You can trace stock photos to help you practice, or you can just make your entire art process tracing and coloring in stock photos.
Writing. Another one you don't have to be good at. Just think of stuff and write it down. You don't even need to write it down if you don't want to, you can just tell yourself stories in your head as well. Writing fanfiction can be a tool to help you get inspired to write your own stuff too. I got into writing by writing Warrior cats fanfic that was objectively bad, but it was fun and it laid the groundwork for making my own stuff. You can also just keep writing fanfiction if that's what you enjoy.
Origami. This one's a little niche but I find makng origami very satisfying. Some people claim you need special origami paper, you don't, regular notebook paper is fine. The instructions from this website have been useful for me.
That's all I have as far as hobby suggestions, if anyone has any other suggestions feel free to add!
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k00293084 · 7 months
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A baby mobile I made out of the flowers from yesterday and the origami cranes from this morning. I learned how to do a simple crochet rope which is what it hangs from. I wanted to take aspects from the baby’s life and the mother’s journey and combine them.
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kryptonian-bat-thing · 5 months
imma list all my superman//clark kent headcanons just bcuz (feel free to add yours)
he loves oriental food, especially Japanese. he probably has bentos with gohan and ramen for lunch on most days.
his eyes are so friggin blue and bright (and i mean, like, this shade of blue but shiny), that's what his glass's lenses are hiding mostly
we love a clark that gets flustered easily. superman might hide it better, but he blushes easily when people compliment him and would probably be deadpan when someone flirted with him for the first time
he probably mumbles a lot as clark kent as to "hide" the superman voice, possibly makes it sound less deep and assertive, which also connects to the next point
it's straight up canon that superman has "super-ventriloquism" and can project his voice very far and even change it. some people say that's just one of his powers, but I'd like to think clark just was a theatre kid at some point and kept what he learned
I don't think he has lungs. this is random and i have no proof of it, but he doesn't breathe like we do most of the time, so it's clear he stores air somehow else.
i can imagine young clark feeling conflicted in his puberty after the knowledge he can see through people's clothes. like, one day he's staring at his crush and imagines how it'd be if things got steamy between them and then he accidentally sees through and starts panicking, covering his eyes in shame and running away.
he has merch of all the justice league members aka his friends, but got his own because when others visited his apartment he would have to explain why he didn't like superman
the first time he saw someone with a broken bone or some internal injury he probably didn't understand there was something wrong cuz it's not like he goes around scanning healthy people. so he either learned with time and experience how an injured inside looks like, or he had to take nursing lessons. possibly from alfred.
he can be a cat person. i know he usually has dogs, like krypto, but the fact he takes the time to rescue kitties stuck in trees when he could be idk preventing an upcoming accident or smth shows he really cares about animals too. actually, he did try to become a veterinarian before journalism, but dropped out when he realized he'd have to see the poor things suffer on a daily basis
he never went to the beach. as a vacation, not as superman. and when he finally did, he didn't really find it as fun as he thought it would
he probably doesn't own any sneakers. by choice, really. i have no idea what he would wear on a sporty outing, but I'm guessing he'd either go with his social shoes or farm boots. literally no in-between.
he probably doesn't use earphones//headphones when listening to something on his cellphone or laptop. I'm sorry, clark can be a boomer too
probably know how to crochet or knit for absolutely no reason. he was bored one day and learned it
actually, complementing the last one, i think he has a lot of useless hobbies. his kryptonian brain probably processes everything faster, including boredom, so if he's chilling in his room at the middle of the night and has nothing to do, he'll superspeed a sweater into existence and idk do some origami birds and organize his rock collection, because he probably has a rock collection
anger issues. fanon usually forgets about this, but clark has a LOT of anger management issues. he punches his parents' house, a random tree, his sink, his eyes go red and while he can hold it for a while, he needs to do something to calm him down. probably one of his 10040297 hobies
i do not care WHAT proof you have, neither clark NOR superman cuss. not even if he's repeating a quote or singing a song. he'll just say "gosh darn it" or "great scott" (i still don't know who scott is) or "heck" or "flipping". if his anger is too big, he'll just get physical instead, but he'd never cuss lmao
he doesn't have a driver's license. he could get one if he tried, but he's pretty sure he'd either wreck his car with his hands or join in some traffic fight or get deaf with all the horns
I'm still not over the theatre kid thing-- he'd probably be in chess club as well and possibly, possibly play d&d with his friends. he probably was obsessed about it when it first came out.
he probably doesn't know many songs by heart, except for the ones his friends like.
you cannot convince me this man doesn't know how to play an acoustic guitar. I'm not being stereotypical with the country boy theme, i swear, but clark just looks like he's one of those friends who would take a guitar to a party or camp with his friends and hit some notes. again, from songs they know
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jennaparm · 2 months
A recovery.
I’ll be 32 next month and I’m looking at changing careers after eight years in a school library. This blog is meant to document my journey to find more joy in my everyday life.
I’m starting to work through Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way. I did my first set of morning pages today - I got a nice new notebook!
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My goal is to replace some bad habits I’ve picked up to cope with anxiety with activities that I actually enjoy. Some things I want to either learn how to do or do more of:
Learn to crochet
Cook and bake
Play my harp again
Write fiction
Read more nonfiction
Cross stitch
I’m excited to document my journey to be more intentional with my time.
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