#this is an anti post btw the game looks terrible
kemonododo · 5 months
The response to Palworld is what happens when people who only play Pokemon get to finally experience the gameplay of Ark Survival Evolved.
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g0rescream · 2 years
🦴🩸 ✄ “ℑ 𝔞𝔪 𝑮𝔬𝔯𝔢𝓢𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔪.” ✄ 🩸🦴
Hello, welcome to my blog. I probably won’t be too active, but just in case… I’ll make an introduction post.
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This is mainly going to be an art blog. Maybe even some writing or small animation if I feel funny enough to do it.
If my url didn’t give it away, the media I make often has intense or upsetting themes. Please stay safe.
🧨General Info🧨
🥩 Aliases: Gore, Cryptid
🥩 Age: (Not comfortable sharing… also not a good idea to do on the internet)
🥩 Requests: [‼️OFF‼️]
🥩 Pronouns: Any are fine (If you want the preference it’s They/Them or It/Its… but it’s a very small preference.)
🥩 Orientation: Asexual
🥩 Language: English (I’m not smart or rich enough to learn a new language rn lol)
🥩 Birthday: September 6th
🥩 Nationality: American (sadly)
🥩 DNI: Basic stuff, ANTI-MOGAI, Exclusionists, truscum/transmed/TERF/radfem, people who use “narcissist” or “sociopath” as descriptors of abusers outside of official diagnoses, “““MAPs”””, Pro-shippers, NFTs, Anti-Neopronouns, people who’d dox or harass someone because they liked media you didn’t, Anti-Choice-Unless-It’s-Restricting-You *cough cough* “Pro-life”, people who tell others to end their own life
(If this DNI gets broken by any of the sad individuals listed above… I’ll just laugh at you for 2 seconds, block you, forget about your existence, & then go on with my day. Look for attention somewhere else, you no-bitches-getting bloodbag. This DNI is subject to change.)
Trivia? I guess? Idfk what else to put here lol
❌ - Mainly I make a bunch of sketches because my brain is either like a mushy pinball machine on crack bouncing between four ideas & finishing none… or a still void of infinite lethargy that can’t do shit. There’s no in between. But occasionally I’ll make something not completely terrible, & I’ll post it… like my pfp up there.
❌ - I like to draw my OCs. They are my coping mechanisms for everything ever & also they’re the content that caters to me & only me LMAOOO
❌ - I’m not particularly keen on backgrounds, & my anatomy is somewhat screwy, but I strive to do better. If there’s any constructive art tips you think you could give me, feel free to hit up my inbox… I probably won’t respond quickly, if at all. That’s mainly because of my general “shyness” (not really the best word to describe it, but hmgh), not negligence or saltiness.
❌ - I don’t really do commissions, & requests are unlikely.
❌ - Oh yeah heads up btw, I’m slightly a massive dumbass lol
❌ - I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD. Big surprise, I know.
❌ - Zodiac sign’s Virgo. Not very into astrology, surprisingly.
❌ - I like games but I suck at them lol
❌ - Fanart? From me? Less likely than you think. (Not impossible tho-)
[Yeah. Miiight update this later. Anyway, yeah, enjoy the blog full of my shyte art.]
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ayzrules · 3 years
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✶ 𝐇𝐗𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒: 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 & 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 & 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍   Long story short, I have been thinking about this for wayyyyy too long now and wanted to get some ~thoughts~ & analysis written down! This post is going to be...fairly long, lol. Apologies in advance :D
  Also, if you can’t see the last gif (the one for ‘holy’), click here. Tumblr keeps fucking up the image when i try to upload it :////
  This post is probably going to be about 2/3 yorknew & phantom troupe/kurapika focused, 1/3 chimera ants, maybe with some references to other arcs (including manga-only arcs) mixed in. so, ofc, tons of spoilers ahead! also, i realize that my blog theme is hard to read (and i’m p sure clicking ‘keep reading’ sends you to the og post itself), so i’m linking the post w/ full text copy/pasted in on my art backup side blog (which has a more legible font) here. 
✶ 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇   I’m sure absolutely nobody is surprised with me starting here - there is just. SO. MUCH. DEATH. in hxh. & right from the start, one thing I noticed that togashi really emphasized was the #4 and its connection to death. in japanese, chinese, and im p sure some other asian cultures the number 4 is pronounced like the word for death so it’s associated with death in general, and boy oh boy does the ‘deadly number 4′ thing show up E V E R Y W H E R E. we get to the hunter exam, and hisoka is applicant #44. kurapika is #404. i didn’t notice it at first, but this was so intentional holy shit. togashi is NOT SUBTLE.
  So pika & hisoka are, right off the bat, associated with death. okay. and then there are even more clues to drive the point home: hisoka is member #4 in the phantom troupe, kurapika’s birthday is april 4th (aka 4/4). 100% not a coincidence (!!). with hisoka, it’s pretty obvious why togashi’s throwing all this death 444444 stuff around - dude is a psycho murder pedo clown, literally gets off on killing people (and there’s also the fact that judas sits 4th from the left in the last supper painting, and he’s sort of the judas equivalent for the phantom troupe). with kurapika, though, it’s a bit more subtle and woven deeper into his characterization, which i LOVE. togashi puts the mans in blue & gold & white (traditionally ‘pure’ or ‘heavenly’ colors), makes him so fucking kind & so good-hearted.....when he’s not relentlessly pursuing his revenge, ofc. more on this in the next section, but pika = death. togashi has made that v v v clear.
  Backtracking a bit to hisoka, though, I also just wanted to point out the 4 is death symbolism in the fortunes too (GOD i love the fortunes): in one translation, he’s the false fourth moon, and in the og japanese (i think), he’s the false hare (4th in the lunar zodiac or w/e it’s called. i don’t know the japanese cultural influences here, but in the chinese legend that established the zodiac animals, they race across the heavenly river & the top 12 animals got zodiac slots. the hare finished 4th, so it’s #4 in the cycle). 
  And just as a final note, Tserriednich is the fourth prince of the kakin empire, and also another dude who has a hard-on for murder & other gory shit. again: togashi is not subtle with this, lmfao
✶ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐘, 𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐘   As probably everyone who’s gotten to yorknew knows, togashi is so 0 fucks given when he wants to be. I mean there’s the whole thing where he just. took New York and decided, Yorknew. LMFAO, but also, he made the main antag of that arc be named chrollo lucilfer, sit around in a ruined church, have a reversed cross coat, pale & dark-haired/dark-eyed, generally dressed in dark colors, very terrible murder guy. liiiike......chrollo x devil symbolism game is 1000/10 at this point lmaooo
  And i know absolutely nothing about christianity in general, but pt/kurapika & yorknew arc is just so full of christian imagery/symbolism! one thing that i L O O O O O O V E though is how togashi really blurs the traditional christian-coded good/evil, holy/damned boundaries.
  Back to kurapika: he wears gold and blue, his coloring is very stereotypically ‘angelic’, he’s precious and good and kind. his chains are all about ~judgment~ and ~healing~ - some of the chains are also in literal cross shapes, aren’t they? And the chain dagger in his own heart...the imagery is very startlingly similar to the immaculate heart of mary, where the swords stabbing thru the heart apparently represent seven sorrows. IDK much about this stuff other than the visual similarities; literally had to google ‘daggers through heart christianity?’ to even get the name of that thing LOL. anyway, at first, it seems like togashi establishes him as the ‘angel’, the ‘good’, the ‘holy’ in the angel/devil, good/evil, holy/damned dichotomy between him and chrollo.
  But that’s not the end of the story. his entire storyline is driven by a huuuuuuuge giant desire for vengeance, first of all, and then there’s the scarlet eyes, which canonically are seen as demonic/cursed/what have you (according to one of the movies or smth? where they show pika as a 10 y/o?), and then we also have red eyes in modern culture being associated w pretty much the same thing (vampires, anyone?). the fight scene with uvo has everything in b&w besides the blood on his face & his red eyes & the moon (<<< more fortune foreshadowing & symbolism, i love to see it), and there are tonssss of scenes where he has to suppress his rage. so all of that is obviously not very angelic of him i would say LOL. in fact, what i find super interesting is that the scarlet/red eyes (which are ‘demonic’) is actually the driving factor behind his super powerful nen abilities; this ties in so well with the fortunes & death associations imo! the fortunes call him the ‘death-bringer’ in one translation, or ‘half-angel, half-death’, so that’s one side of pika = red eyes = death, but there’s also the fact that emperor time is literally draining his life force. so pika = death for both himself and others namely the pt, question mark?
  Now for chrollo: togashi’s devil symbolism is EXTREMELY overt with him, but i love the subtler jesus references too. the church thing, obviously, and the st. peters cross which is cuz st peter respected jesus too much & didn’t think he was worthy to die in the same way as him (or something like that, i am the most atheist person in the world & hxh is literally my entire christian education pls) but is also used as an anti-christianity symbol these days. bandit’s secret looks like a bible, lbr, and mans has a cross tattoo.
  Other things beyond visuals - 12 spiders, 12 apostles; hisoka’s betrayal, where member #4 can be thought to correspond to judas sitting 4th from left at last supper. and this miiiiight be a bit of a stretch, but i think the meteor city being the place of origin may also play into the blurred line between angel/devil and holy/damned here; meteors are defined as space rocks that are in earth’s atmosphere, becoming incandescent in the process. meteorites are for the kinds that actually reach the ground. and idk, lucifer was cast out of heaven / sky too right? so i think there might be some subtle fallen angel imagery/symbolism playing into the pt as well
✶ 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 (𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒)   Last section yay! i don’t have as much to say about this, besides when i was making chimera ant arc edits & realized that there might have been some subtle gon/meruem parallels???
  So obviously, everyone knows that line killua says to gon - “you are light” - and then i was just remembering that meruem’s name means.... “light that illuminates all” (!!!!). maybe it’s a coincidence, but knowing togashi, i’m leaning towards nahhhh. there HAS TO be some kinda meaning there (!!).
  Going back to the events of the chimera ant arc....ooh boy. let’s see: gon is optimistic & hopeful even in the face of kite potentially being dead, killua says he’s light, they find kite & dude is fucked up, gon is pissed. gets all angry & ~dark~, especially during the palace invasion when he’s staring pitou down as she fixes up komugi. then the actual fight against pitou: more darkness, more anger, but through it all there’s still light, namely his jajanken being very orange & fiery lookin.....and that final sequence, where he puts all his possible nen he’d ever have into his ~final form~ or wahtever & turns into a male version of true form!bisky but dressed in a crop top & short-shorts (i am SCARRED, btw. s c a r r e d !). there’s just huuuge flashes of light as that’s going on, and it reminded me of supernovas or dying stars when i was thinking about it, where the star is like, collapsing under its own weight? & burning thru its own fuel, until there’s nothing left except a dwarf or black hole or what have you. one final, extremely deadly burst of light & energy before death.
  On the meruem side of things: born into a dark cave, exhibits a traditionally evil/cruel/wicked/whatever personality/traits so that has ppl associating him with darkness. then he gets to know komugi, starts to appreciate other aspects of humanity, seems like he could have actually turned into a decent person who doesn’t want to eat everyone - so that’s a ‘path to light’, maybe? - and then the extermination team yeets themselves into the palace, netero takes him out to bumfuck nowhere, they fight. netero’s fighting is just ALL light, from his giant ass golden 100-type guanyin bodhisattva to the poor man’s rose. again, there’s the sense of finality to it all, in a similar vein to dying stars: netero comes in determined to kill meruem no matter what, and we all know netero doesn’t flake. then we see netero get destroyed after the zero hand, and he triggers the rose, and everything is burning & on fire before the flames are put out and all turns dark again.
  But wait!!! pouf & youpi revive meruem and all he does is play gungi with komugi, even with the poison of the rose. he eventually dies, and the gungi pieces in that final shot of them together (i am BAWLING just thinking about it holy shit) has one that’s all white, one that’s a black ring and white inside. i assume all white is for komugi, who has never done ANYTHING wrong in her LIFE, so i like to think that the 2nd one is for meruem - born “into darkness”, literally & figuratively, but he turns something like ‘good’ by the end. it’s interesting how togashi has sort of gone for a bit of a subversion here: the hero going from light to darkness, and the main antag from darkness to light.
✶ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍   AahhhhHHHHHhhh so if you read all the way down here through my LONG rambles, tysm! i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear what other people think about all this, and i’ve FOR SURE missed tons and tons of stuff - chimera ants is just. SO MUCH. and i don’t know it as well as yorknew eeek.
  I’m not sure if i’m really ~knowledgeable~ in any other areas relating to hxh, so this might be the only one of these that i do, but i definitely think about some of this - esp all the religious symbolism & #4 stuff - a ton! so in the meantime, if it’s of any interest, i’m just going to shamelessly plug my hxh x religious beliefs/superstitions edit series :D lots of love to all!!!
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mai-the-crow · 3 years
to billy hargrove antis:
i cannot fucking STAND people who say "billy deserved to die" "billy doesn't deserve to get better and be redeemed" "billy doesn't deserve max, or anyone else, caring about him". do you realize how easily this could be said to a real, abused person that isn't coping well?
like ok i get why you might say that about, for example, a serial killer, but billy isn't (i mean sure go ahead and say "oh but he is" he was literally possessed and not in any control of his body so you can shut up and you can shut up). he did some terrible things, but he can move on from that and become a better person with support and therapy.
i was like that in the past. my younger brother is still like that, though not as bad as billy. he lashes out easily, is very defensive, acts out, will slap and kick and hurt, and sometimes he can be the most annoying and mean shit there is, but
i have listened to my brother fucking cry in my arms after a row with our parents. i've listened to him tell me that he thinks no one loves him. when he was younger, he would say things like "the reason i talk so loud is because we yell so much so i got adjusted to the volume" so fucking nonchalantly. he used to be a carefree kid that liked video games and lego. he needs positive relationships and support, not a mass of people calling for his blood.
if you understand where i'm coming from with a very real person, apply this to billy too maybe? because if there's hope for billy, there is hope for other abused and struggling people out there.
i'm really sorry for the rant. i try to be civil most of the time but i was looking through the anti tag (not a good idea btw) and it was just one too many posts.
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dweamsy · 3 years
   It’s been repeated so many times especially on mcyttwt about how there’s no unproblematic person or unproblematic medias but I think people clearly don’t actually understand that or actively have that mindset, and not only in the mcyt fandom but just the internet in general.
  I think most people who are saying that are only have mcyts in mind when they’re saying it, and I think they’re acknowledging to make themselves feel better about stanning these people. Because mcyts mistakes and their past are more highlighted and more known because they’ve got threads written on them and the mcyts in question (talking about Dream Team/fboys here specifically I don’t keep up with other mcyters) actually acknowledge those mistakes and address them and apologizes for it = more people know about it. People including their stans are more aware that they’ve made these mistakes and have said insensitive things in the past. And that’s why they’re the ones labeled problematic
  When in reality you know, this applies to everyone and everything.  That’s why I found it silly when people mcyt stans only feel bad about their mcyt interests, or when former stans moved to other fandoms and then become a whole mcyt anti and drag them for the mistakes (especially if they’ve defended those mcyts when they were still a stan LOLLL that must be embarrassing for you) when their new fandom isn’t unproblematic either in fact sometimes worse.
  Like…. Kpop groups with a shitload of cultural appropriation or insensitive jokes. Celebrities like music artists or actors there’s been plenty who’s done ca as well, or remain friends with actual pedos and racists, or portray their characters incorrectly. And you know I used to think this “nothing is unproblematic” thing only applies to real people but they apply to fictional medias too. Like, even if fictional characters can’t do anything wrong because they’re fictional, the people who create them could be problematic. Sooooo many authors literally so many are terrible people even if they write good books.
  And even if the creators of these fictional medias isn’t on social media and they seem alright, you can find problematic aspects in their medias. I love Game of Thrones and ASOIAF but they’re definitely created with male audience enjoyment in mind and how they portray a lot of minor female character sexually or make HUGE age gaps relationship have romantic implications. A lot of fantasy authors low-key support incest and horrible age gaps relationship and it shows in their works. The big Marvel actors have made insensitive comments, Chris Evans is openly pro-military brooo. My favorite series, although the author haven’t done anything wrong as far as I know, I can tell from reading it he’s a bit sexist with how he potray his female characters 💀
  Like these fictional characters can’t do anything wrong obviously, but the people who play them or create them might. And of course you can apply the “separate art from the artists” mindset, but even if you do if you watch those medias(piracy excluded) or buy them, you’re still giving money to the problematic people who created them. Or if you run fan accounts or make fanworks for them you’re still promoting them in a way. In fact I think I’ve actually lifted or financially support problematic creators who make fictional content more than I have supported not-unproblematic mcyt ccs by watching their stuff in cinemas or getting other people to watch or read them. (not saying it’s something I’m proud of or that it’s a good thing btw)
  And I think the majority of people don’t understand or aware of this. It shows with people outside the fandoms who act like mcyters are the pinnacle of all evil but then they run stan accounts for celebrities or creators or fictional medias that are objectively A LOT WORSE. Or what even more annoying, ex-mcyt stans who stop stanning and then turn to other stuff (sometimes not even less problematic than most mcyts) and act like they’re morally superior for being able to stop stanning.
  Now I’m not saying these people need to drop their interests. There’s faults in every super popular fandom and you’re only going to be miserable in life if you’re looking to only enjoy something that’s completely unproblematic and morally perfect. But I wish people would stop being annoying hypocrites. You’re not superior for enjoying one thing and actively hating something when they’re both very similar. It shows that these people are just incapable of critical thinking when they actively talk about and support something that is not-unproblematic but acts like mcyt fans are the spawns of satan.
  (Also not saying that mcyt is better than other fandoms btw they’re definitely not and this whole post isn’t meant to be defending them although I’m aware it can come across that way)
  Another thing is that I wish people (only a small portion of people do this and only on twitter as far as I know but they’re people I see regularly so) stop feeling bad about liking these mcyts. Like I know they use “no person is entirely unproblematic” to make themselves feel better for liking mcyt. You’re not a bad person for liking mcyt 😭Obviously it doesn’t make you a better person either, but some people genuinely makes themselves feel miserable thinking they’re supporting only mildly good people and if not because of their hyperfixations or whatever they would want out. Goddamn it’s not fun seeing people hating on their own interests.
  I think some mcyts the Dream Team especially are not bad people. I think they’re good, they’ve actively tried to be better more than most famous people I’ve seen and been fan of, and they’ve created a community that’s although sometimes terrible, are a good change in the gaming community. Like the gaming/twitch community have been horrible and actively promoted actual harmful ideas. The DSMP community as toxic and stupid as it is sometimes, it’s better than let’s say—Pewdiepie’s, or just the general gaming or twitch community. Them and their fanbase are bringing good changes for this side of the internet, and you shouldn’t feel like an evil person for liking them, just like how you wouldn’t feel like an evil person for liking Rainbow Rowell’s books or for liking Twenty One Pilots (both who I think are worse than mcyt, Dream Team specifically. Also not saying this makes Dream Team saints btw I DON’T THINK THAT AT ALL)
  I don’t know where I’m going with this I guess people (me included btw) should be more critical of their interests and especially don’t feel morally superior for liking certain things over the other. You’re a loser for watching Minecraft as much as you’re a loser for stressing about how much streams a music artist got and you’re also a loser for making fancams of animated children characters 💀 It’s online fandoms we’re here to have fun and giggle a little bit everyone need to relaxxxxxxx
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letyourcolors · 4 years
Analyzing Leyton in Season 1 (this is a rant, btw)
First of all, I’d just like to point out that I love Peyton, and Lucas was my favorite male character for the first three seasons. That being said, I hate Leyton and this post is not dedicated to their shippers (feel free to read it if you want, I don’t mean to disrespect anyone, I just think you’re not gonna like it lol). Also I do like Brucas but I’m not standing on the ‘they should’ve been endgame’ team, I could’ve easily accepted them not being together anymore (specially because I fully respect Sophia’s position to not wanna do those kinds of scenes with Chad anymore) - if the writers hadn’t done such a terrible job telling us ‘Leyton’ was the Real Thing.
On this post, I’ll discuss Leyton’s construction during the first season of One Tree Hill and I intend to do future posts with the other seasons as well. If you want to check out the next ones, follow the ‘anti leyton analysis’ tag (or just follow me lol I promise you I’m very nice).
Season 1
Okay so, for starters, I’ll just point out that I wasn’t actively anti-Leyton at the beginning of the show, I just didn’t mind them. They did have some cute moments together and I could understand their dynamic, it was belieavable.
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(Credit: x)
I also specifically enjoy their bickering, like how when Lucas flirts with Peyton and she cuts him off by being mean (which is sort of her way of flirting back) and the opposite happens as well.
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The reason why I didn’t really care for them is because I never saw anything really meaningful happening there. Their interest is nothing more than platonic. Lucas likes the idea of Peyton since he never even talked to her before; Peyton on the other hand is getting out of an abusive relationship and is just kind of intrigued by this guy who seems very different than her current boyfriend, who also happens to be Lucas’ brother (and rival). Their angst only exists because of that specific circumstance.
When there is finally nothing standing in their way and they can just be together, without the teasing, this happens:
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(Credit: x)
Peyton has a change of heart only after Lucas is dating Brooke, which obviously hightens her feelings because now it’s forbidden again. To me, personally, that is not a sign of love or romanticism. That is a sign of having your ego hurt - and I don’t mean to shame Peyton, I’m only pointing out the most common human behavior ever. Feeling a little something for someone and having it a million times stronger after you can’t have them is something we’ve all been through and it doesn’t necessarily prove we have a deep connection to that person. So of course there is tension when they talk, in the first episodes she’s with Nathan and later they’re cheating on Brooke. Leyton’s angst is always a result of someone else standing in their way and never of the pure intensity of their feelings.
Even so, in theory, Leyton still seems better than Brucas. I mean, if you only heard the story, you would definitely not be a Brucas shipper because Lucas’ feelings for her apparently do not compare to what he feels for Peyton (even if it’s based on his own idealized perception of her and not on who she actually is, since they barely know each other but whatever). As a matter of fact, he gets together with Brooke right after Peyton dumps him, and that’s not exactly the best place to start off with someone.
The thing is, and that is why I already leaned towards Brucas, they have way better chemistry.
Leyton just always seems off-sync to me. For example, in 1x07, this is Peyton inviting Lucas to Nathan’s party. It’s supposedly a flirty moment and yet their faces:
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(You can see the gifs here)
tbh I genuinely thought Peyton had way more chemistry with Haley (and with a lot of female characters for that matter, I didn’t get my hopes up because this show is really straight but Peyton had a very strong gay vibe):
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While this is Brooke and Lucas interacting later on that same episode. Brooke is actively hitting on him and he is trying to reject her to go talk to Peyton (but ARE YOU REALLY, Lucas? I mean...
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Now to the kisses. Lucas and Peyton’s first kiss is just very, very uncomfortable, both narratively (she only kisses him in order to piss off Brooke, which is pretty lame) and visually (just LOOK AT THAT). 
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I can actually feel a little pain watching this because she pushed his head with such rudeness and it doesn’t even seem like he’s enjoying it, it’s not like ‘wait what- wooooww, I like this’, looks like he’s trying to get away from that, he even pushes his arms back.
But okay, maybe that’s not the best example. Let’s get a moment where there was reciprocity.
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I mean it’s fine. 
As opposed to when Lucas and Brooke kiss:
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(On the gifset above there are more of their kisses in season 1 which are all incredibly beautiful)
At their first kiss they are so consumed by each other’s eyes we feel like they’ll start ripping off their clothes right there. And then at the pool kiss, they both just look genuinely happy and that is another point that distinguishes Leyton and Brucas so much for me: Brucas just seems very lighter and easy-going, they always look like they’re having a good time together. We also got to see them be a couple and spend quality time together and just enjoy each other’s company.
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While Leyton for me was rooted in guilt, tension and awkwardness, we barely never see them just hanging out or having cute moments.
And finally, another point that I will explore better in my seasons 2 and 3 analysis, how could anyone care about Leyton when we had THIS:
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Even though the show didn’t focus on Jeyton that much I really like the fact that they’re a slowburn and that their relationship was just rooted in how much they liked being together. Peyton babysitted Jenny just because she wanted to and Jake found comfort in her while he was struggling with being a teenage single parent and later with Nikki trying to steal his daughter from him. Here we have better angsty because it’s not that the characters are playing games and refusing to be together out of pride, it’s not that another love interest gets in the way, and to me it doesn’t feel like it’s about their ego, they simply get more and more attached to each other and enjoy the time they spend together and actually start off as friends which I think is really beautiful.
This is what I have to say about Season 1. Even though I already didn’t ship Leyton at that point (and thought both Jeyton and Brucas had better potential), I could still see that it made sense for the show to place them together on Season 2 and it wouldn’t bother me that much. But then... (Wait for my season 2 analysis)
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thatgirlkennedie · 5 years
G*vin R*ed
So my most recent post regarding my game experience had mentioned Gavin Reed and I said I was going to need a longer post to describe why I strongly dislike him. That post is now. Now you can disagree with me all you want and if you want to talk about it with me (like an adult), my ask box is there. Now without further ado, I’m going to get into the nitty-gritty that is Gavin Reed.
I’ve seen this fandom since this game came out. I’ve seen the good, the bad, the great, and the God awful stuff all over this Hellsight. Now, there’s a bunch of characters in this game, some characters who we only see a few times and those you see throughout this whole game. I bring this up in general because there’s seem to be a lot of favoritism in this fandom which I’m not saying is the problem; My problem lies when favoritism is put on a person who has little to no interaction and only a few scenes of them present. It’s baffling really, I thought a fandom as big as DBH would come to actually favor the three main characters, maybe even the leaders of Jericho but boy was I dead wrong. Favoritism is more often than not on 4 characters; Connor and Hank, which make sense, Gavin Reed which... I’ll get to, and RK900 or as the fandom likes to call him, Nines.
Now, I love Connor just like anyone else and even love Hank too and I love them both because of their character development throughout the game. But my favorite character will always be Markus by far and Kara fall short because of awful writing from Dav Cag himself. Most to all characters that aren’t Connor or Hank fall short to poor character development and it makes sense for everyone to like Connor and Hank.
What irks me is the amount of love for Gavin Reed and RK900. Now, I don’t hate the people who like them, but it sickens me to see how 2 characters, one in which is on screen for literally 4 seconds, have more love than both Markus and Kara combined. I have no ill hate toward RK900 because he doesn’t warrant hate since he literally says nothing when he’s on screen. And I get the whole “But he’s a blank slate uwu” but really you guys rather develop someone with nothing than develop the characters who have something but not enough? Wild.
Now I see people talk about how Gavin is not that bad, that he’s just a gay tsundere or their “trash boi (TM)” (and it’s not everyone but it’s a heavy majority), but he’s literally just an asshole and on top of that, he’s racist. And why is he racist? Well maybe because he antagonizes androids for fun???? Being unnecessarily rough with a traumatized android and not only that, but he’s blatantly mean to Connor and that doesn’t sit right with me. Abusing your power because you think you can since you’re a cop is no bueno. Also, the fact that he also makes fun of Hank when he knows he has an alcoholic problem is awful behavior. Not to mention the fact that he can actually kill Connor in the evidence room without any remorse is literally terrible. His character bio literally says he’s an asshole and I believe he’s poorly written and unnecessary to the game.
Now, I love an actual good antagonist. Like Amanda, she’s great because she represents an actual antagonist toward Connor with him taking orders as such. Gavin is no antagonist, he’s just a bully. A redemption arc? Redemption for being nothing but an asshole? Nope, not worth it. I rather see character development of literally anyone else before I even think about a Gavin Reed Redemption Arc. And even though he isn’t a good antagonist, he does represent anti-android prejudice just like all the other humans who hated androids. I most certainly rather see him be that kind of villain being portrayed rather than an “Oh but look! He’s a misunderstood boy, I swear” redemption arc. If there was even an ounce of some sort of us seeing him changing just a little, I wouldn’t be making this post in the first place which leads me into another thing I’ve seen.
Gavin Reed apologist
There’s a pretty obvious difference between fanon and canon. One is what the story is and what is given to us while the other is the fandom interpretation and creative aspect of canon. The fanon Gavin, I couldn’t give a shit about because you can change a character all you want, but when you change a character and begin to believe that that’s how they are in canon and apologize for how they are, red flags go off in my head. This goes for any character really but seeing Gavin portrayed as just a gay tsundere only is a big can of nope to me.
Another thing I want to mention that I’ve seen people compare Gavin to other characters for behavioral purposes. Just so I don’t make this post too unbelievably long, I’m not gonna describe all the people I’ve seen him being compared with but I will give an example of one: Hank. Now I’ve only seen this a few times but I think it’s downright silly comparing these two. Yes, they both were mean to Connor and yes, they both hated androids but what set those two apart is the fact that Hank actually developed. He had a reason to hate Connor, was it justified? Nope, but it was a reason nonetheless, Gavin has no reasons at all. He fulfills the “I’m a cop I do what I want” narrative almost too well and before you start pulling out the pitchforks, yes, I know he’s underdeveloped but he’s just like all the other human that hate androids. He believes his job is threatened because Connor is there which I think is silly because Connor is the only android there like why are threatened and why are you such a bully??? Hank was the same way, he was very verbal about his hatred but even he started seeing Androids as more than just machines and I commend him for that. And before you say “But we don’t know anything about Gavin so how can you say this?” Well, if Hank, who’s not only lost his son to what he believed for so long was due to an android and is a depressed alcoholic can change, I’m pretty sure Gavin could have changed but nah, he’s just bitter.
Now I spoke about favoritism before and I feel like it even goes deeper than that. Most might not realize it (it’s an unconscious thing too with our society) but it’s also racist ideology to choose white character over POC. Now before you start putting my head in a guillotine, think about it. Is Markus or Josh in your favorites list? Is either of them in remotely the top 5? Are they above a white character? Better yet, are they above Gavin? If the answer is No to most of these, first of all, that’s okay, but unconscious racism is a thing that is just that, unconscious. You don’t mean to do any of it but with our white driven society, that’s the majority of what we see so you're bound to be drawn to white characters more often than not. It’s rooted inside of you since birth really so it makes sense and it’s not your fault. And I say this only because I think it’s baffling to like Gavin over Markus in like any context.
I guess to some all of this up, Gavin is just a bad character with no redeeming qualities and people apologize for his shitty actions. And hey, if you like him in the game or fanon than good on you, but I for one will not stand for someone who’s a racist, bigot, asshole or anything that glosses over (or worse, romanticize) his shitty behavior. And at the end of the day, he is just a character in a video game but does that change my stance? Not in the slightest. There’s so much more I can say but I’m gonna leave it here. This is all opinionated btw so you are free to disagree or agree if you want and I’m open to talk about it only if we’re keeping it, once again, adult-like.
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Hey. I’m making a new post instead of reblogging yours because I don't keep track of who's blocked me yet and I’m too lazy to bother checking heh.
In case you were asking for real (and in case you can still see this), here goes mine:
Because "CC believers" take to any outlet they can to directly harrass Darren and Chris and their friends and family. That's where we inevitably see your conspiracy theories and their harmful effects.
On a small scale, this hinders my fandom experience.
On a much larger scale, these people are spreading misogyny, homophobia and transphobia among other nasty things. This isn't about anyone "believing" anything about Darren (people who are not conspiracy theorists simply accept what he tells us about his own private personal life because why the hell wouldn't we? It's his business).
I know what you're going to say: "I have never addressed the actors directly on social media" and "not ALL ccers" etc
It doesn't matter. CCers who don't tweet hate at people still foster those attitudes here on tumblr and do so in the hopes of roping more people into it. You believing whatever doesn't concern us until you start acting on those beliefs to the detriment of others.
You've possibly never posted a single hateful word and simply delight in reading RPF and daydreaming. In that case, anti-CT posts are not for you, they are for the people who promote the terrible attitudes I mentioned. But you asked why some people were bothered by what CCers say, so I took it to mean you were asking fans. If you wanted to know instead why “Miarren stans” send CCers insults, then sorry for butting in :P (I don’t know any Miarren stans, I can’t answer for them). Tbh that practice seems to me like old, nasty ship wars and it’s something usually both sides feed (though I can’t really offer input in, as I don’t partake in RPS, nor do I stan anyone. I don’t endorse these practices and generally disencourage shippers from behaving like this).
CCers could also take their own advice: If they’re so sure Darren goes home to Chris every night, they could relish in that certainty without the need to use their public blogs to throw insults at their fave’s female partner (including whore and alcoholic, which btw gives you a glimpse into what kind of people they are), who they have CHOSEN to assign the role of villain to in their theories out of entirely subjectively disliking her. What they are certain are mere “PR stunts” shouldn’t ultimately bother them. But they want to hate Mia more than they want to just believe Darren and Chris are holding hands out there somewhere. They’re not the only ones. It’s a defining trait in tinhats across fandoms (Supernatural, Outlander, One Direction, Prince Harry, Twilight, Benedict Cumberbatch, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings and sadly so many others - you’ll find they use practically the same arguments, lore, “evidence” and insults).
And it’s nice that you say that proven wrong you’d just accept it. It is. Problem is I don’t know what you guys think will prove you wrong if from the very beginning Darren outright said specifically who he was and you decided he was lying. After that, there really is nothing he could ever say with his own mouth or otherwise that would prove you wrong. The words “Chris and I are not dating” have been uttered. Clearly a wedding doesn’t do it for you (it only makes your theories all the more convulted and outlandish). I know for sure that having kids wouldn’t prove it to you either (see those other fandoms for fake baby theories). Your reasons for dismissing his words are 0% objective. Because you think their wedding attires were awful? Plenty of people without bias would agree and plenty would disagree. I fail to see how one’s personal taste in fashion is confirmation of anything. You want to take snapshots, moments in time, in which Darren is being photographed with neutral expressions while going about his business and call them proof? Still being 0% objective, because you are adding your own (wild) interpretations to them (not to mention if people simply walked down the street with a smile on their face, they would look deranged). And with those methods you could “prove” myriad ridiculous statements. There already is a compilation of Darren looking miserable while holding instruments and you haven’t said he hates music. There is a compilation of Lea Michele and Chris Colfer looking and acting and posing like actual lovers. Why aren’t we stating that they are in love as if it were a fact? This could be endless. Whether you think somebody has chemistry or not is ultimately just that, an opinion. Opinions are not facts. You personally hating the color yellow doesn’t make the color yellow universally shit. So, while you may label the wedding as “trashy” and think “well, if it was trashy, it must be fake,” there actually are people out there who thought it looked great. And you would both be correct in your assessments, because they are opinions. The things is, neither opinion has any correlation to the veracity of the event. Zero.
If someone you don't even know personally one day tells you something about themselves like "So my favourite color is yellow" and you go "Fine. Good for you, I guess," instead of deciding it's a lie and then trying to cling on to anything that could however remotely back up your already solidified conclusion, you'd probably be less stressed out whenever they wore yellow sneakers.
There are plenty of contexts in which skepticism is vital, but people’s sexual orientations are not it. And battling homophobia is very important, but making an unwilling participant your champion for it is completely inappropriate. CCers keep talking about how outing someone is bad. But are their blogs not an effort in doing exactly that? If all they wanted to do was vent amongst themselves, they would have passworded these blogs. But they’ve been trying to make these conspiracy theories spread for ages, because that is what conspiracy theorists do.
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themattress · 5 years
Everything wrong with the series heroines’ scenes in Kingdom Hearts III
Because it is legit fascinating how horrendously sexist this game’s writing is.
SCENE: Kairi and Lea, post-Twilight Town
- "I'm training to become a Keyblade wielder like you".  Right off the bat, we have something wrong. Kairi apparently needs formal Keyblade training in order to be a “real Keyblade wielder’ like Sora and Riku. Except that Sora and Riku didn’t receive formal Keyblade training - it was just fine and dandy for them to pick up a Keyblade, start slinging it, and become a master at it through their adventures. But a GIRL doing the same? Oh no, we can’t have that!
- "That's right. No more waiting for you to come back from your adventures. I want to get out there and do my part to help."  This is bullshit, because this was a development that Kairi already made in KH2! Seriously, talk to her before entering the door to Kingdom Hearts and she outright said “I’m tired of waiting, from now on where one of us goes the other follows!” and the epilogue is framed as if Sora, Riku and Kairi will be going on an adventure together now. But then Nomura and Oka decided “NAAAAH!”, retconned this in BBS’ secret ending by having Kairi meekly agree to just wait behind for Sora and Riku again, and are continuing this degradation of her character here, where she only steps up when Yen Sid calls for her to.
- "I'll admit I was a little scared of him at first, but I've gotten to know him better. All he ever wanted was to help his friend. Honestly, it's hard not to like him." Fuck this. Axel didn’t want to help his friend, Axel wanted to help himself. Roxas, the friend he betrayed, made him feel like he had a heart. Axel wanted that feeling back, and was willing to harm Kairi and Sora to get it back. He was a selfish bastard, and this whitewashing of his character in order to pander to his popularity is disgusting, especially when at the expense of his past victim. The line given to her of “It’s hard not to like him” is especially wretch-inducing. I sure as Hell don’t like him!
- "It won't be easy, but I hope you'll remain the happy and cheerful Sora I know. There's no heart your smile can't reach." Schmaltzy, forced SoKai crap right here. Remember how good and subtle the writing in the original KH was? Where all Kairi needed to say was “Sora, don’t ever change” and that said SO MUCH about her character and her relationship with him?
- "But I won't send it. It's more for me. I just like talking to Sora, even if it's on paper." OK, now you’re just making Kairi and her feelings for Sora look pathetic. In KH2, when she couldn’t remember Sora, she still sent him a letter in a bottle that she wrote, having faith that it would reach him. And now I’m expected to believe she’s too shy to send a letter to Sora now?
- "You're sweat, Lea." God, I think I’m going to be sick!
- "Don't hold back, Lea. Promise?" A contrived line in order to use Kairi for Xion-related angst for Lea to go through. By that same token, Xion is also being used for a man’s development.
- "Call me Axel from now on."  This is so fucked up! A girl tells the older man who once kidnapped her that she’s not comfortable with his constant apologies. The man doesn’t respectfully stop, he instead tells his former kidnap victim that he’ll only stop doing this thing that makes her uncomfortable “one one condition” - that she begin calling him by the name she knew him by when he kidnapped her! WTF!? In what universe is this appropriate!?
SCENE: Aqua and the two Ansems, post-Monstropolis
- "Don't need it!" And thus begins Aqua’s degradation into a joke in this game - she attacks a powerful Heartless without her Keyblade, and shockingly is owned in two seconds flat and turned into a Darkling. There’s being brave, and then there’s being dumb. This...is dumb.
SCENE: Kairi and Lea, post-The Caribbean.
- "Now that she's a part of me again, I figured all was right. But she can't look at this forest, feel the wind on her face, none of it. And if she could, it would be different for her. Her time was short, but she lived it, and that makes it hers. What right did I have to take those feelings and experiences back? They don't belong to me. Nothing's as it should be. Not for her or Roxas."  FUCK THIS. This pisses me off so much. I loved the happy ending of KH2, including for Roxas and Namine. But now it’s been retconned so that it wasn’t a happy ending, that they didn’t retain their individuality from within Sora and Kairi despite what was clearly said and shown in KH2′s ending, and it’s a terrible fate that they must be “saved” from to end their “hurt”. And Kairi is now blaming herself for it - “what right did I have to take those feelings and experiences back”? Oh, I don’t know - maybe you had a right because Namine wanted it and fucking extended her hand to you so that she could rejoin with you!? Remember that!? I guess not, since otherwise the game would remember that it was said/shown that Namine would still exist and be able to experience things and keep hold of her own feelings and experiences. But that might create lots of bonding scenes between Kairi and Namine, and we can’t have that, can we? This series is all about the MALE bonding!
- "Well, you don't have to worry alone anymore, Axel." GAAAAAAAH!!!
SCENE: Anti-Aqua in the Realm of Darkness
- Just...everything. From Anti-Aqua being treated as a villain that must be defeated rather than reasoned with even when the entire breaking speech she gives to Mickey is objectively true and well-deserved, from Sora needing to beat the shit out of her in order to save her, and from the hollow “you’re home” callback to the KH2 ending, with Sora in place of Kairi (are they going for a Sora/Aqua pedophilia ship tease here?) and Kairi herself nowhere in sight, not being a part of rescuing Aqua despite being allegedly her counterpart in the Destiny Trio. At the end of KH2 and even at the end of this game’s opening FMV, we had Sora, Riku, Kairi, Mickey, Donald and Goofy. Thus, Kairi’s absence is glaring (and not for the last time!)
SCENE: Castle Oblivion becomes Land of Departure again
- "Ven's expecting me. I promised to wake him. Said I'd be right back, but I'm not even close. I'm in for an earful." But Ven’s heart wasn’t in his body when you promised that! Why would he remember that promise or be expecting anything from you!? And the way you’re phrasing it (”in for an earful”) makes it sound as if you’re the child and he’s the adult! What the Hell!?
- "Why? Your heart never found its way home?" Did Sora really not tell her!?
- "Sorry, but you've seen me too weak, too often. Now it's my turn to shine." Where to begin? This notorious line is woodenly delivered right before a fight with Vanitas where Aqua is playable. She is saying it to Sora, basically admitting that this is a matter of ego and that she wants to show off in front of him (again, creepy pedophilic ship vibes here). Also, “you’ve seen me too weak, too often”? He literally just met you, and you were pretty damn strong when fighting him as Anti-Aqua! And after the playable fight is over, Vanitas blasts at Ven, Aqua jumps in front of the blast and has time to deflect it with her Keyblade or barrier magic...but she doesn’t, gets knocked out, and has to be saved by Sora and Ven. Weak!
- "Good morning, Ven." Wow, such an emotional reunion! (That’s sarcasm, btw.)
SCENE: Gathering at Yen Sid's Tower before the final battle
- Again, everything. Aqua and Kairi’s interaction is pathetically brief and only revolves around “Hey, remember when we met in BBS? That was a thing.” Plus bringing up the bullshit retcon of Aqua enchanting Kairi’s necklace, Mickey somehow not having pieced together that the little girl was Kairi until now, Lea whining that this talk is taking time away from him and his narcissistic entitlement complex, and more “Roxas and Namine need to be saved” crap.
SCENE: Land of Departure at night
- "It's like I've been part of some big adventure." This scene features Aqua and Ventus. But it’s only about Ventus, and his X connections. Aqua is nothing but a springboard for him.
SCENE: Paopu Tree on Destiny Islands
- "I want to be a part of your life no matter what. That's all." Except that Kairi already IS a part of Sora’s life no matter what. This has been true since the events of the original KH, where she inhabited his heart. The paopu sharing was never meant to be a literal thing to happen when it was conceived, it was symbolic, it was smart writing. This is dumb, and forced.
- "Let me keep you safe." This line isn’t going to have much payoff. In fact, between this and her dialogue in her letter at the very start, it’s sounding a lot like many a poor unfortunate shonen heroine who will pay lip service to getting stronger and helping the boys, and then ultimately proves useless when it comes down to it. Three guesses as to where this is going.
SCENE: Terranort appears
- EVERYTHING. The sheer incompetence displayed by Aqua and Kairi in this scene must be seen to be believed. Both of them have Keyblades, and neither of them use them. Unreal.
SCENE: Kairi brings Sora back
- "The light in the darkness. It was you. You're the one who kept me from fading away." Get it!? Because it’s like the first KH! Where Kairi was the light in the darkness who kept Sora from fading as a Heartless! And the scenery and music is literally straight from the scene where she showed him the memory of her grandmother’s story! ‘Member that fantastic scene? ‘Member? ‘MEMBER? Isn’t this coming full circle? Isn’t this poignant? (No. It’s not.)
- "I feel strong with you, Kairi." This line right here shows the big problem with Kairi in this game - she has nothing to offer for herself, she only has something to offer Sora. She is used for Sora’s role and development, as he says: to make him strong, all while she stays weak. 
SCENE: The Finale
- EVERY FUCKING THING. Larxene implies she was only part of the Organization because of her feelings for a man.  Aqua gets beaten by Terranort and has to be saved by Terra (which on it’s own wouldn’t be so bad, seeing as Sora and Ven are in the same boat, but it’s her last battle in the game after having lost all the other ones and she loses AGAIN). Kairi, after just half a battle as a party member, gets beaten by Xion and then kidnapped by Xemnas. Xion, who only shows up now, is again used as a prop for Lea, then gets beaten down by Xemnas and needs to be saved by Roxas, and then is a pitifully weak party member in the battle against Saix while Roxas is overpowered. Kairi is fucking killed by Xehanort in order to give Sora “proper motivation” and thus achieve his goal, meaning Kairi was more useful to the villain than to the heroes. Xion does nothing but say an out-of-left-field line about something she shouldn’t possibly know. Aqua is basically told by Eraqus that she shouldn’t have been named Master and that Terra should have (”Take care of them” - Eraqus to Terra about Aqua and Ven). Namine only shows up in the last seconds of the game, without any dialogue. And for the final slap in the face, Kairi is resurrected offscreen, only to lose Sora as a result of it.
Amazing. Literally every scene featuring these girls had something to demean them in it. KH3 is the absolute embodiment of the KH series’ woman problem. Hardcore fans can deny it all they want, they can accuse me of being a stupid hater or a killjoy or an SJW or what-have-you, but they cannot change the truth. And the truth is that Tetsuya Nomura is a sexist hack.
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tanzerack · 4 years
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I love playing games! I love the quests, challenges, and rewards that come with the completion of a quest or challenge. However, I don’t like being preached to that I am piece of ignorant shit or I’m just weird because I’m a straight white male. Borderlands 3 does this very thing. Every white skinned male you encounter in the game is crazy, ignorant, incompetent, or just a plain tool/douchebag. Almost all of the males, regardless of skin tone, are portrayed to be inferior to the women. They even portray the gay men as inferior! (how do they get away with that in liberal media) All the lead characters are women, who are portrayed as the, “Men don’t define us,” anti-men feminist types. I have no issue with a strong independent woman. My finance is a strong independent woman and would survive without me if need be and that’s the way I like it. She teaches me things that she learns and I teach her things that I learn. We couldn’t teach each other if one of us thought of the other as a lesser, but that’s what these games and liberal media are trying to teach children and our youth, that women are stronger than men (if you disbelieve that men are strong as a whole than woman then please look up the latest record being broken by transgender men in women’s sports: which I believe is wrong and completely unfair to those women who worked for those titles only to have them shattered by pretenders that weren’t actually women, they just identified as them) and that white men are terrible, dishonest, and pretenders to get your trust. Well, the same people that are telling you that are, “WHITE MEN & WOMEN!”
The reason for this is because when the great purge (death of anyone who disagrees with one world government) happens and the GLOBALIST take over, who do you think will be in power? Blacks, Asians, Mexicans/Dreamers? Nope!!!!!! It’ll be white mean you’ve never heard of. Why you ask? Because you were dumb enough to believe that the left(democrat leadership, which is made up of predominantly white folks) really wanted racial equality, but what they really wanted was the power over you that only you could give them through a VOTE! They really don’t care how many minorities or females are on a board of directors because it’s not their board of directors(which btw is made up of nothing but old white men that think they know better than you about how you should live your life. There’s no minorities at the very top! 100%! Don’t believe me, research the 13 families that own 99% of the worlds wealth). They are the true racist and it’s disgusting that they are filtering their way into our game’s. That’s supposed to be our place to escape the real world, not be preached to by only one side of the argument. I’m done with BL3 and it’s offensive content that sells to indoctrinate rather than entertain! BL2 was awesome and had no political fluff to it. Man that was great.
I bet this post gets no reblogs due to its insensitivity of political correctness!
I’ll check back in 3 days from this post time and repost the results.
Addition: I don’t believe for one second that we’re all created equally. We are created uniquely, each and everyone of us. We are all individuals and will be judged based on our character, our intent, and our choices by those around us and those that are exposed to us. With that said, I look at the individual and their affects to me, to the world, to my community, and the other things that I don’t have time to type. There are many factors that go into our judgement of others if we think rationally beyond the skin tone of our brethren. We’re all God’s children in the end.
All in all, I just want to play a game with a good story. If that story has been set with a president by previous stories, then I, much like most gamers will have an expectation to maintain the integrity of the previous versions through its sequels.
Not to give in to political ideologies of the times, unless that game has set that president. Borderlands 3 didn’t have the political correctness in the previous titles. For example:
Tinks = Midgets in BL2
Enough said!?
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sweetwriting · 7 years
Tim Drake Positivity Week - Day 1: Loyal or Resilient - Newspapers are always bad news
Category: Gen
Genre : Humor / slight angst / Fluff
Fandoms: DC Comics, Teen Titans
Continuity : Post-Crisis/Pre-Flashpoint
Summary: Newspapers are always bad news, especially when they're brought by a Superboy wearing a shit eating grin.Or that time when Tim's and Cassie's misplaced pride almost ruined bonding time and ended up making it 100% times more worthwhile.
Word Count: 2165
To read it on AO3
Author’s Note: I'm so sorry I'm late for the week but, life kinda got in the way.I’m trying to get better at descriptions, but it still feels very stiff... Oh well, I’ll get better. I don't have much to say except that while I don't like Cassie, I love her friendship with Tim. Also I feel awfully bad for her because instead of developing her character, Teen Titans only gave her excuses for it and ruined most of the depth she had.
Bart and Conner had now been laughing for five minutes straight while Cassie had been fighting a smile.
It was their bi-monthly camping trip, something they did in the middle of the week to catch up. It was just the four of them sitting on logs, around a fire. None of the other Teen Titans (most weren’t even aware they did it). It was their way of trying to reconnect, the four of them, in a way that they hadn’t been since they had disbanded Young Justice. After all if their individual relationships had (mostly) gotten stronger, as a group, however; it had been lost before the Teen Titans were brought back by Starfire, Cyborg and Beast Boy. Some of the former members did join some times however as Cassie was still in school with at least two of them.
And reconnecting they were. Tim simply wished it hadn’t at the expense of his dignity. But was it his fault, if the paparazzi had taken his “Tim Drake-Wayne” persona a little too far and mixed it with Bruce? Conner had loosened his hold on the newspaper and Tim could see the headline read “GENIUS WAYNE HEIR. AS LAZY AS HIS FATHER?” with a picture taken at 4PM when he had gone to the supermarket for groceries (he may have used his popcorn machine a little too much) with bed hair as well as what Cassie called his zombie look (not that she had seen it much herself but she was starting to get along with Steph because she got along with Kara and…well. It did not bode well for Tim). He had come back from patrol very late that day (9 AM, he barely had time for a quick nap before patrol) and hadn’t even been aware he had left his apartment in slippers and PJs (he was lucky it was one of the rare times he had worn actual PJs instead of his overly big T-Shirt + underwear combination). He didn’t want to face his family. Ever. He could already see Damian’s disdainful look.
Cassie was patting his shoulder in a falsely compassionate manner. And Tim was glaring at them all in betrayal. He knew he was acting like a petulant child but he had done what he could so “LAZY” wouldn’t be associated with his name. It didn’t help that a part of the article was spent describing his “delicate” and “pretty” features. Now, while he had been trying to eradicate the “problematic” part of his mindset as Cassie had put it shaped by the view of the world set by TV, Video Games and movies (Dixit Anita), he wasn’t exactly there yet and as such, while he knew he shouldn’t, he still felt very insulted at the description. It probably wouldn’t have been as bad without his friends’ reactions though. Granted it was more about the picture and how Tim had started “pouting” (“glaring”, Tim corrected immediately) when Conner showed up wearing a big grin, the paper in his hands than about the description. Clark had apparently seen fit to notify Conner when he saw the cover so he had left it in his room while Conner was at school. It had “turned [Conner’s] crappy day in a truly amazing one”, simply because his best friend lived to humiliate him.
They finally stopped and Conner left the paper on the ground and sitting on Tim’s left side. However, while he should have, by all means, fallen down, he hadn’t. Either because he was flying or because he was using his TTK to create some sort of extension of the log Tim and Cassie were sitting on. Knowing Conner, however, it was probably the TTK. After all, if it was True that Conner hadn’t bragged about it in a while, he was still very much proud of his power and loved using it. And now he was using his right arm to encircle Tim’s shoulders in a side-hug, his left arm almost mirroring it but stopping at his right clavicle, fingers lightly brushing Tim’s neck.
“C’mon Tim, lighten up.” He paused as he held a little tighter onto Tim as if trying to stop him from moving (probably to stop him from jumping at his throat and strangling him). He grinned like the little sh- annoyance he was. “It’s very cute.”
Tim could feel his glare deepen as Cassie stifled another laugh and he hoped that Conner was choking now that he was trying to hold his laughter back.
Bart was quite obviously feeling left out as he got up from his log and settled between Tim’s legs, head resting against his right thigh as if he hadn’t betrayed his trust seconds before. He looked up at Conner then they both looked at Cassie who nodded and before Tim could do anything about it (like run away from the mess he knew was most likely to happen), she lifted him above her head, by the armpit as if he was just a small kitten.
“I’m not letting you go until you change your attitude mister. If you’re gonna act like a petulant child, I’m gonna treat you like one!”
“Is this how you treat children?” Tim asked, indignant. “Tell me the truth, is this how you acted with the kids you used to babysit?” He was now genuinely curious about whether or not Cassie truly believed that and only partially trolling her.
As revenge, Cassie started to spin faster and faster at each turn.
“I’m sorry! I can’t hear you over the sound of me spinning you!”
She stopped after another few seconds when she felt he had had enough. At this point, she let go of him and his face might have met the ground brutally had it not been for Bart and his amazing speed catching him before it could happen. Bart helped Tim sit down and stabilized him with a hand on his back as they waited for his vision to stop spinning. Cassie had gone back to their log, head held up high, arms crossed under her chest and quite obviously pouting while Conner looked torn between laughter and worry. After about half a second, the worry won out and he joined Bart and Tim.
Cassie rolled her eyes. They all knew it was nothing for Tim but since they had come back from the dead, Bart and Conner had become extremely protective of Tim. Probably because of his sorta mental breakdown…and his asplenia. She might have been jealous had she not have the same tendency, or had she not be used to Conner and Bart preferring Tim’s presence over hers…Mostly because she understood the sentiment all too well. She got over Conner’s death soon after Tim came back after all. Not because of any romantic attachment as she might have believed for half a second, but because he was her best friend and it had turned out he was as important, if not more, in her life as Conner had been. Even if they didn’t share that much (Tim’s frat boy tendencies, as well as her own shortcomings, did sort of get in the way of that), Tim had recognized qualities in her that no one had and had helped her develop them. Their history had also made them share so much. Like how, before Conner and Bart came back, she was the only one he told about knowing the anti-life equation. Then she ruined it of course. Well not completely, obviously, but she had been so scared he was going to go back to his grief-stricken life and try to do something stupid that she ended up encouraging him to do just that. She was so glad to see him get back on his feet and gets simply vexed instead of feeling betrayed by them. Now Conner was helping Tim walk straight (and didn’t that make for a good –or bad- joke?) by standing behind (goo or bad the joke is definitely there…and vulgar), both arms standing on either side of Tim to help him stay on course. There was like a 90% chance that Bart and Conner had turned it into a Pinball game.
Tim sat next to her while Bart and Conner counted their points or something along those lines (she’d have to ask them later) and looked at her, apologetic.
“Sorry, I know how traumatizing babysitting was for you, I shouldn’t have mentioned those little demons”.
They shared a knowing smile before Cassie answered.
“Nah, I told you to stop acting like a child and then started to act like one. It wasn’t my best move. Pun intended”
“Yeah well, we don’t exactly have the best role models,” Tim said as they both turned to look at Conner and Bart arguing. “Also that was a terrible pun. Not even on Kon’s level. You should leave bad puns to him”
They smiled at each other for a few seconds before Cassie settled her head on Tim’s shoulder and caught his arm between her own and used the opportunity to start playing with his fingers.
“you know we don’t think you’re delicate or fragile or whatever this made you think right?”
Tim looked startled and turned his head toward her as she continued, staring at Bart and Conner who were now thumb wrestling.
“I mean sure you need your Kevlar protection but you’ve survived so much. You’re one of the most resilient people I know and, I mean I know Donna Troy and Wonder Woman and Artemis and...you know…Amazons. That’s it. This is your main feature. This and Loyalty. Not this intelligence bullshit”.
“Hey!”, Tim yelled, offended. ”What intelligence Bullshit? I am very intelligent”.
Cassie looked at him with a pitying look.
“Tim, I once saw you eat fries with ice cream. There is a picture of you, in you PJs, at a supermarket”.
“Well I make mistakes –the fires/ice cream thing wasn’t one btw, it was delicious. Doesn’t mean I’m not intelligent”
Cassie was now fighting her laughter again. Tim was grumbling like a three years old and she could help squealing as she gave him a bear hug. Tim’s cry of indignation (or pain she wasn’t really sure) turned Bart and Conner’s attention toward them.
As they stopped their little conversation and started approaching Tim and Cassie, Bart asked :
“So….Why are you trying to get the air out of Tim’s body Cassie?”
Before Cassie could snort or answer –Tim was obviously not in a state to do so as she started releasing him- Conner did:
“Cassie’s stroking his ego so he doesn’t have a fit. I can’t believe you guys used to talk about *my* ego all the time.”
They all looked at him before Cassie crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.
“Were you eavesdropping again?”
“Of course, Cass. I always want to know what’s going on in Tim’s life” Conner answered in a faux passionate voice. As if it wasn’t really how he felt “I eavesdrop all the time, even when he’s with his lady friends” He added wiggling his eyebrows.
They all rolled their eyes at his comment, though Cassie was seriously starting to wonder whether it had actually happened or not. Conner’s control of his powers outside of TTK wasn’t exactly stellar and he was easily distracted into using his super hearing accidentally. And she didn't want to think about this right now.
“Still”, he continued “ I agree with Cassie. None of this intelligence bull. Your main features are Loyalty and Resilience. It should be all over this paper “WAYNE HEIR. LOVES PEOPLE TOO MUCH AND WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR THEM. WILL RESIST DEATH NO MATTER HOW MANY TIME IT CALLS HIM””. He then grumbled to the side and Cassie was pretty sure she was the only one who heard him “Or you know, he calls death and hang up right when it comes online”.
Which…Yeah okay was one of the truest things Conner had said tonight. And Cassie really didn’t want to think about it. Really, Really didn’t. Which is when Bart started talking.
“So he’s basically a Hufflepuff?”
And oh no. It was going to be nerd time. Bart and Conner were gonna start talking about Harry Potter and, she like the movies sure but they weren’t that good (according to Bart it was “because you need to read the books! The writing style isn’t anything exceptional but the movies make no sense” and...Cassie really didn’t want to deal with that. On the other hand she was curious as, from what she knows, Ravenclaw seemed most likely –then again she barely knew anything about the houses. So she sighed and settled back against Tim while they watched the other two argue about Harry Potter and houses and when she started feeling tired, Tim helped her glide down the log so their back would be settled against it, falling asleep to the sound of their friends’ voices and fire cracking.
Author’s End note: So, as may be obvious I’m not a native English speaker and while I was writing this, I wrote clavicle (mostly because I’m used to the French clavicule), but after re-reading this story I kinda remembered seeing collarbone used more often. After a (very short I admit) research on the internet, I’ve learned that clavicle was mostly used in medical settings. I’ve kept it because the word flows better for me (and I didn’t have the time to have the story beta read). However please tell me if you feel it hinders the rhythm of the paragraph.
Also yes. I will die before I let anyone put preboot!Tim in any house other than Hufflepuff.
And Cassie finding herself accidentally shipping Tim and Kon together is my favorite trope. Like, she feels slightly offended, annoyed and exasperated. But at the same time and are so sweet to each other and they deserve to be happy. And so does she so when she realizes that she finally completely moves on and gets herself a nice Kiran, I mean bf...or not. And they finally leave us alone with these couples.
I’m not that proud of it tbh I think it’s a little stiff. On the other hand I think the end is one of the cutest things I’ve ever written.
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annakie · 7 years
Thoughts from the first few hours of Andromeda, Part Two
Picking up where I left off in Part One.
BTW, this is by far the best article I’ve read on all the ME:A hype, or anti-hype.  Even if you don’t read this, you should read that.
So, I was about at the point of basically, leaving the first room you get put in when I ran out of time this morning.  So let’s continue on The Game Opening.
You’re introduced pretty well into what’s happening and how to use one of the most vital (I think) and a brand new thing to ME:A, using your Omni-tool for scanning.  I’ve used that feature some so far, but not as extensively as I think I’m going to.  I like that they do give you a little visual and audio cue when you really should be scanning something, but I’m still constantly afraid I’m going to miss something.  It’s going to be like scanning for rescources in DA:I.  Even weeks after I finished my 2nd playthrough, I was still obsessively hitting the G key (I’d remapped scanning to G) to look for resources in other games.  It’s a cool tool that adds depth to the environment, and also a bit of obsessiveness for people like me who hate to miss anything.
One thing that hit me not far into the game is the amount of women on the Pathfinder mission.  Even if you don’t count the Asari you’ve met, and Ryder, since they can be either gender, you still run into a lot of ladies in the early part of Andromeda.  Two of the most important people you interact with are male, but there are at least as many women to talk to.
The cinematic experience not too far into the game gets great.  It’s hard to describe a bit of what I want to talk about without getting spoilery, but windows are used to great effect, making a part of the game in ME3 which sometimes got a little... wordy and long into a beautiful, breathtaking and ultimately OH HOLY CRAP moment that left me gasping and a little worried about one character’s fate.
One legit criticism I think is that you’re just kind of thrown into your character pretty quickly in the beginning and don’t have a lot of time to really start figuring out who they are.  I’m playing a character who I often play iterations of in games, so I already have a decent idea of her personality.  The problem is, you’re supposed to instantly care about members of your family, and you’ve literally gotten no connection to them, aside from making your sibling in the character generator.  It would have been nice to have at least a little interaction with them, and your character’s father, in some way before Things Start Happening.  
The dialog options are, I think, an improvement over ME1/2/3, and about on parr so far with DA:I. Rather than “Nice” “Neutral” and “Ruthless or Mean” most dialog options come with at least 2 of 4 choices to make that are more about personality than alignment.  My biggest complaint is that you are briefly shown a little box that tells you which option means what, and I don’t recall seeing that box again.  It’d be nice to have it show up a few times along the tutorial or to be able to call it up easily (maybe it’s in the codex?) to refresh your memory on which option leans which way.  Someone on Reddit was kind enough to throw this together, which is helpful.
Dialogue from NPCs is... I mean it’s Mass Effect.  Sometimes it’s moving, sometimes it’s natural or at least a non-issue, and sometimes it’s a little cringe-y and try-hard-y.  I mean, I don’t think I’ve heard anything so far that’s any worse than literally every word Kai-Leng ever spoke, so, as long as it stays above that metric, I’m ok with it.  But, I’ve only had meaningful interactions with about as many NPCs as I could count on one hand.  
The first planet you land on is spectacular, visually.  I spent a lot of time just looking around, scanning things, poking into every nook and cranny.  There isn’t one linear path to go to, so I found myself backtracking sometimes because I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss anything.  (Even so, I feel like.... maybe I did?)   I’m not even off this planet yet, that’s as far as I’ve gotten, and I feel like I still have at least an hour to go on it.
I love the jetpack jumping, though sometimes you just wanna maybe skip over a rock and instead even with a quick bump you’re about 5 feet up in the air.  But I haven’t found moving around difficult yet, and though I did miss my first long jump, I haven’t missed another one.  So far, the movement system seems pretty forgiving, especially with the ability to climb ledges if you just barely short your jump.
There’s also a nice amount of audio cues, sometimes from your omni-tool and sometimes from your companion or your Ryder talking to your companion when there’s something worth checking out.  Still, I found myself scanning nothing, a lot.
What I didn’t notice an audio cue for was when you step on an ammo box, hearing your ammo refill.  That’d be nice.
There are several sidequests already, and all of them seem logical for their location and at least somewhat important.  The map is more of a general location than a specific path taking you right where you need to get to.  As far as I can tell, there’s no golden trail to follow if you set a quest objective, so you’d better be ready to explore. 
There are goodies hidden in nooks and crannies if you keep your eyes open.  There is a slight immersion problem with picking stuff out of alien’s boxes and being able to just pop it right on your gun or whatever, but... you gotta get that equipment somehow.
I’ve only done a handful of combats, maybe 3 or 4.  So far, my first impression is I wished I’d picked another class.  I went with Infiltrator because it fit the character, but I think the only thing I can do right now is stealth.  I think I accidentally hit escape or went through the tutorial tips too fast in combat because it’s not feeling very organic to me yet.  Again, with needed to really dig deeper into those menus.  If I restart when the full game comes out, and I probably will, I think I’m going to go with the Leader “main class” instead of Infiltrator.  
So so far I’ve mostly done the “pop out of cover, shoot a few rounds, pop back into cover” type combat, since I don’t have any particularly good weapons, armor or abilities yet.  
I need to dig through the codex to re-read up on combat.  Hopefully there will be a training simulator back on the ship like in ME2 and 3 so I can get better.  So I don’t have a great review for the combat yet, because I’m just not doing it right yet. :)
Voice Acting
I’ve heard mixed reviews on the VA.  I’ve enjoyed hearing a few familiar Bioware voices (Koth from SWTOR’s VA is an early, minor NPC for instance, and I’m preeeetty sure I’ve heard Brandon Keener at least once).  Natalie Dormer is great.  I’m happy with F!Ryder’s voice so far, Liam’s VA is great, love that voice, looking forward to hearing it regularly for awhile.  There have been a few places here and there that the minor character’s VA wasn’t as great as normal Bioware standards, but those have been few.  I hope it continues to be so.
Speaking of Liam, I’m planning on romancing him first, though I’m also hoping to try a few other romances in future runs.  From the first moment I saw Liam it was like “OH, I’ve made a good choice.”  I haven’t even gotten near to a flirt option yet, but I’m ok.  He’s a good dude to just hang out with for now.
Back to the Music
I’ve been listening to the soundtrack while writing this and am on the 12th track.  It’s been very enjoyable so far.  There hasn’t been anything that has reached out and just grabbed ahold of me like “Leaving Earth” or “Suicide Mission” or “Vigil”, but it’s all been very listenable.  “A Better Beginning” (the home screen track) is the closest to being a standout so far which... makes sense, I suppose.   I kind of miss squadmates having their own themes, but ah well.  Some tracks harken back to the 80′s nostalgia of ME1, some are far more orchestral arrangements like ME2 or 3.
I mean, look, I love this game.  Already.  There are some very valid criticisms, but I mean, come on, there are some very valid criticisms of literally every Mass Effect game, none of them are perfect.  They all have kind of awkward first and second missions, they all take awhile to settle into themselves, they all take awhile for combat to start to come naturally (especially getting into ME1... I tell newcomers to just put it on easymode and don’t feel bad about it.)
The character generation is by far the worst part of the game so far, and it’s workable, and Bioware has said that they’re “working on it” so... let’s cross our fingers they help us out soon, or that the modders (all hail the modders, we love you now and forever) will, at least.
If you’ve read some of the shitty reviews online, God forbid you read the RPS one or the slightly better IGN roundtable, please go read this great article from Forbes. (The one Iinked at the top of this post).  It’s a fantastic breakdown of the hype, the anti-hype and what Bioware/EA’s done wrong with this launch.
The game feels like Mass Effect. I’d like maybe a little more solid callback but again, it’s super early in the game for me and I also don’t want people hainging posters of Shepard and talking about how great they were every minute.  
I am so excited to keep playing this game.  I can’t want to get into it more.  I am weeping at the thought of my 10 hour trial being over in like... 7 more hours of gameplay.  And remember that you can love something for what it is, and criticize the hell out of it for what it isn’t.  You can celebrate what it gets right and still point out what it gets wrong.  Just because something has flaws and isn’t perfect, that doesn’t mean it’s bad, terrible, useless, unplayable, ruined, etc.  
Screw the hype.  Play the game, judge for yourself.
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