#this is actually a nice drawing exercise
jacrollart · 6 months
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They found some pokemon tracks and he INSISTED he can find the mon
I think Yuuji-pi disagree though....
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puppyeared · 2 months
When you go on walks, what’s your favourite part? Mine is when I find one of the rivers or small streams nearby my house. Or when I get to meet some new dogs- or when the temperature is just warm enough to bask in whilst the trees are rustling because of a strong breeze. Maybe my favourite part is the walk itself, I like walking places. Problem is I always need to have a destination in mind.
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the weather is getting nicer so its the best time to go outside and poke around for some new visitors ^_^
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lylethewaterguy · 2 months
87 for the LOCG drawing game?
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Decided to go for DCAU Giganta cause that’s where I recognise her from most
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
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As the much larger, more muscularly built and quieter batchmate of the Long Name Squad, people often think the stoic Olly (a riot trooper) is nothing more than a big meathead. Appearances often deceive however, and Olly is actually the most sensitive and artistic of the trio. He just can't afford to show it outwardly when his job is basically serving as a meat shield.
Olly's hobbies include playing guitar, dancing various forms of dance (such as Ballet, Georgian Traditional Dance and Poi) and skateboarding. He likes to keep his body busy on the better days where his body aches aren't as bothersome to him.
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teasemic · 2 years
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traditional sketches with a new brush 🖌️
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why cant i get paid to think of domestic arakawa family things huh. id be SO rich if that were a thing
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hpkn · 2 years
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@cat-skull-arts​, hope you liiiiiiiike 
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chaoticlycharlie · 10 months
Im trying to do some drafts of a vtuber model, and im just, why is everything suddenly so much harder to visualise. I keep flip flopping on outfit, on hairstyle, on eye shape; it's driving me insane. Aaaaaaa
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starkidmunson · 4 months
glitter & crimson (it has a title y'all!)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
Nervous excitement has Steve out of his bed 25 minutes before his alarm goes off to wake him. It’s not unusual on game days. He gathers ingredients in the kitchen until he hears Robin’s alarm, and then he starts making both their breakfast smoothies.
She fumbles down the hallway a few moments later with her eyes still closed, takes the cup from him, and sits in the middle of their living room floor.
“Pilates today? Or did you get a workout in at the show last night?” She asks after a few sips, and Steve joins her near their mats.
“It’s a tradition, can’t go changing shit now.” He teases, laughing as she throws her head back with a tired groan. Then she’s hauling herself to her bedroom to grab a hoodie.
They exercise on the balcony, like always, but keep it light. Steve tries to get plenty of stretching in on game days, making sure he’s loose and limber before he hits the ice. After about 30 minutes, Robin’s teeth are chattering in the cool morning air, so he calls it, and they head back inside. He gathers his gear while Robin showers, and then they make their way to United.
Steve heads to the locker room to gear up, manages to finish a whole bottle of water before he hits the rink. He takes a few slow laps around the rink as the rest of the team starts to roll in, runs through a few drills on his own before team practice starts.
They keep things minimal on game days; sprints and passes, shots on goal. Steve does a final lap backwards around the rink, before clearing off to the locker room to finish putting on his uniform while the other team takes the ice for their own practice. 
As he refills his water bottle, he gets whacked in the shin with the body of a hockey stick. He watches it happen, feels an echo of the impact on his shin guard, before turning to raise an eyebrow at Max.
“Hello to you, too.” He says through a little smile. She rolls her eyes, but smiles back at him.
“They’re here.” She says, in an ominous tone, despite her smile. “You guys seemed to hit it off last night, I’m glad you didn’t scare him away with your weirdness.” 
“I’m not weird, you guys are weird.” He mumbles back, kicking the stick from her hand but catching it before it hits the ground. “Last night was fun. I just hope he doesn’t hate the game as much as I think he’s going to.”
“Awfully concerned about him having a good time.” She leans in closer to him to tease, and while he feels his ears get hot, he shoves the hockey stick back into her arms and walks back toward his locker. “Dustin is working in the AV booth tonight, so be prepared for a lot of Eddie on the big screen.”
“You overestimate how much attention I pay to the overhead.” He replies, rolling his eyes and taking a big gulp of water. 
He hadn’t exactly considered the consequences of Eddie actually coming to the game. He was bound to draw a lot of attention, but what would that turn into? Steve had, smartly, elected to stay off the internet after he’d gotten home last night, and he hadn’t bothered to check social media before coming in. He was sure there were pictures and videos of him at the show floating around, insinuating things beyond what they actually meant. He was just as sure that there was at least one person who had taken to their feeds to report that Eddie and Steve had hung out after the show; never mind the fact that everyone else was there. Never mind the fact that they weren’t alone. 
Except they had spent most of the night alone. Other than a few interruptions, their time at Fatpour had mostly consisted of Eddie and Steve sitting at a high-top table close to the bar, munching on snacks and talking about everything and nothing and whatever crossed their minds. Eddie insisted he was going to make a playlist for Steve, and Steve offered to teach Eddie how to ice skate. And it felt… nice. It had been a while since Steve had that with anyone.
Max just moves on, reminding Steve of which stretches he needs to do now that he’s in his gear, and the coach and captain both give speeches in the locker room, before everyone moves out to the rink. They take the ice as the announcer reads off their name, and Steve taps his stick with the right wing who stakes up next to him.
He glances around, chewing on his mouth guard absently. A part of him knows that Robin and Eddie and whoever else from CC made the trip to the game are in one of the boxes around the upper level of the area, but he hadn’t asked which one when he had briefly texted with Eddie this morning, and now it was too late. But, he figures it’s probably for the best. Not knowing where to look keeps him from running the risk of sparking more speculation about nothing.
Even having heeded Steve’s warning to wear layers to the game, Eddie is freezing. He’s wearing a long-sleeved t-shirt under a hoodie under a leather jacket, but he’s still cold. And Robin is bouncing around the box suite in a t-shirt and ripped jeans, looking perfectly comfortable and Eddie doesn’t get it. He zips his leather jacket all the way up and sinks into his seat, bobbing his head along to the music echoing through the arena.
“You’re going to be cold when we’re leaving if you don’t take something off.” Robin chastises, and Eddie just rolls his eyes. Jeff, Freak and Lucas are chatting, sitting in the seats just outside of the box. Inside the box, Gareth looks just as cold as Eddie, chatting with Nancy and Will on a sofa.
Paige returns a few minutes later with a bag of merchandise, courtesy of a voucher from the team, and drops it on Gareth’s lap. “Hoodie for you,” She declares, pulling out a black hoodie with the Blackhawks logo and throwing it into Gareth’s face. “Hoodie for you,” She adds, tossing a red one in Eddie’s direction. She pulls two more thinner zip ups out of the bag and drops them on Jeff and Freak’s heads. When she comes back in, she locks eyes with Eddie, who pauses as he unzips his leather jacket.
“What?” He asks, cautiously, and she grins.
“Got something else for you,” She says, and he’s instantly concerned.
“You’re freaking me out.” Eddie points out as he slips the hoodie he’d worn over his head and replaces it with the fleece-lined red hoodie with “Blackhawks” written across the back shoulders. Robin claps and jumps up and down beside him, concerning him further.
“They put one aside!?” She asks, and Paige nods, before tossing the rest of the bag to Eddie.
When he pulls out the contents, he can’t help but let out a little laugh. “You guys asked them to give me a Harrington jersey?” He raises an eyebrow at Robin, before pulling it over his head. It fits a little loose over the hoodie, but looks similar to how he’d seen other people wear theirs.
“Steve doesn’t know, but I asked. Figured you might like it.” She says, grinning as he turns a light shade of pink he fully intends to blame on the cold.
When the team introductions start, Robin drags Eddie out into the seats just outside the box, so they have a better view. While it’s colder out there, Eddie’s warmer in the new tops, and finds he doesn’t mind it as much. 
Robin and the members of the Party in the box break into cheers when Steve skates out onto the ice, and Eddie can’t help the little smile that crosses his face as he watches Steve interact with his team.
The puck drops and Steve manages to slip it away from the Kraken’s center, gliding down the ice effortlessly before passing it off. It’s a tiny thing, trying to pay attention to the puck, so Eddie finds himself just tracking Steve as he zips and twists around. After a few minutes, Steve skates back to the Blackhawks box and jumps in as another player hits the ice.
“What happened? Is he hurt?” Eddie’s confused as he looks at Robin, who gives him a soft smile.
“He’s fine. They only play for so long, before they switch out to keep them from getting tired.”
He tries to pay attention to what’s happening then, with Steve off the ice, but finds himself watching the other sit along the bench. He bangs his stick against the wall a few times, shouting things Eddie can’t hear. When he gets up to go back into the game, he pats the player he’s replacing on the back before hitting the ice. 
The next chance he gets the puck, he takes a shot toward the goalie, who stops the puck between his legs. Steve keeps skating, zipping around and getting back into the action. He gets the puck back, but is quickly checked by two Krakens who send him into the boards hard. Eddie grimaces, and a penalty is called on both Krakens for charging.
Steve scores a goal in the second period, and Eddie joins the Party in cheering along. He spots himself on the big screen and grabs Robin, pulling her into frame as she jumps up and down. 
The celebrations die down a little, and Robin scooches closer to him. “I can have them knock it off, if you don’t want to be up there. Dustin’s in the booth right now.” She offers, and he shrugs.
“I don’t mind. I kind of expected it, after the TikTok blew up.” He shrugs, tracking Steve back around the ice.
Blackhawks end up winning the game, 5-2, and while Steve doesn’t score again, he assists in each of the following goals. Each time, he has a different celebration with whoever he set up for the goal, and it’s sweet to watch Steve goof off, to hear his friends' excitement as he succeeds.  Walking back out of the booth, Eddie feels like his voice is more raw from screaming at the hockey game than it was from last night’s concert. 
“You shouldn’t skip the ice bath, Steve, you took a hard hit into that wall.” Max is lecturing as they move through the arena to where she says everyone is waiting. 
“I’m fine, I’ve taken worse hits and I stretched plenty. My shoulder just dug into the pad wrong. I’ll have a bruise, but it’s fine.” He insists, holding the door open for her then following her into the box where chaos immediately erupts.
Mike and Lucas are bouncing around, gushing about how great he played. Steve laughs, squeezing Lucas’ shoulder and ruffling Mike’s hair, before his eyes land on the band. They’re all wearing fresh Blackhawks gear, and Steve can’t help but grin.
“Oh man, I’m so glad you guys were able to come! Did you have a good time?” He asks, moving closer to them.
“Dude, I fucking love hockey. I haven’t been to a game in forever, this was sick. And you were killing it out there. I think I like hockey even more knowing someone who is playing.” Freak says, and Gareth nods along.
“Hockey is the only sport I’d ever really been interested in, so this was fun! Great game.”
“I have never had an interest in hockey before, but it was still cool to learn about.” Jeff admits, and then Steve turns to Eddie. His hands are tucked up inside the sleeves of the jersey, nestled in the front pocket of the hoodie beneath, but he grins.
“I concede, it was a lot more fun than I anticipated. I think it helps that you were awesome out there.”
Steve turns a soft shade of pink, shaking his head before nodding back toward the door out of the box. “Want to grab dinner with us? I’m starving.”
They’re in some bar Steve texted the directions to but Eddie can’t remember the name, when he catches Steve staring at him from his spot between Dustin and Lucas. Eddie raises an eyebrow and waves a little, which seems to snap Steve out of it. He blushes and waves back, before covering his face with his hands. Eddie snorts, before getting up and moving so he’s sitting across from Steve.
“You weren’t mad that I put you up on the big screen, right? I think the team actually put it up on socials at some point, so I hope you didn’t mind.” Dustin rambles at Eddie as soon as he sits, but he’s quick to ease the kid’s concerns.
“It was fun. Don’t worry about it, kid. Really.” He says, watches Dustin visibly relax, but then Robin carts him and Lucas away, giving Steve and Eddie space and tossing a wink in Eddie’s direction. Eddie finds himself growing to appreciate her more and more. “I really did have a good time tonight. Cross my heart.” Eddie says, before drawing an “x” over his heart with his fingers.
Steve laughs, and opens his mouth to say something before he seems to reconsider. He thinks for a moment, before leaning over the table. “Are you wearing my jersey?”
Eddie pauses for a moment, looks down and laughs. He’d forgotten he hadn’t taken it off, and Robin had said that Steve didn’t know about it. “I mean, it’s technically not yours. Just has your name and number on it.”
Steve squints his eyes before he leans back and takes a sip of his beer. Eddie seizes the opportunity to be chaotic, then, decides to take the leap. “I mean, I totally could be wearing your jersey, if you wanted me to. But you’re going to have to take me out of this one first.” 
It’s worth it, if for no other reason than Steve starts choking on his drink, coughing loudly and drawing everyone’s attention. He composes himself quickly, but his face is still bright red, and Eddie grins.
“You’re a menace.” Steve accuses, voice hoarse and thick, and Eddie shrugs.
“What are you going to do about it?” He challenges.
I'm going to try reblogging with a tag list this week because it's LONG and I have no idea how else to try to make it work without hitting a character limit. Thank you to everyone who is still reading! I've got so many ideas for this bouncing around in my head, I can't wait to flesh them out and I hope you continue to enjoy!
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traveler-at-heart · 6 months
Summary: You try to keep your relationship a secret!
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!R
It was fun at first.
The thrill of sneaking around, secret glances, hidden touches. It had been quite a ride to get to where you were with Natasha, and knowing how the team could be, you both wanted to keep your relationship to yourselves, at least for a little while.
One of your secret spots were the stairs. With a building so big, it was natural that everyone took the elevator. It was the perfect place to meet the redhead and more often than not, the conversation progressed into an intense make out session that left you breathless.
“Is the elevator broken?” Steve asks as you come back from one of your little escapades. You jump at his presence, your mind still thinking about the feeling of Natasha’s lips on yours.
“Uh… no. It’s working just fine. I like to take the stairs to… exercise”
“That’s a nice idea. Maybe I’ll try it one of these days” he nods.
Cap and his obliviousness, sweet old man. He has no idea you’re all flushed for reasons that have nothing to do with coming up the steps.
Still, you think nothing of it. He was probably trying to be nice when he said it was a good idea. The next day, when you’re lost in Natasha, intoxicated by her supple lips and the way they move against your own, you miss the sound of heavy footsteps and an off key whistle.
“Crap” Natasha is the first to react, breaking apart. You turn to look down, Steve taking the steps two at a time.
Fit bastard.
“Morning!” he says, too happy for your liking.
“Oh, hi, we were just…”
“We?” he echoes, and you look around. No trace of Natasha.
“I mean, me. I was just taking a break. I think I’ll go back to taking the elevator”
“You sure you’re ok?”
“Yeah, just a bit agitated. Nothing to worry, Cap”
Steve nods and smiles.
“I told everyone about your great idea. I think people will start using the stairs more”
“Oh, that’s just peachy”
Once again, he is oblivious to your actual feelings. After he’s gone, Natasha jumps from behind the staircase.
“Jesus, how did you manage to do that so quickly”
“Well, you always have to be ready for a quick escape, detka”
Natasha leans forward and pecks your lips, but before she can do anything else, you drag her back to the hallway.
“You heard Cap. Our secret spot is no longer secret”
So far, you haven’t found a decent replacement for the stairs, except for a supply closet. And by God, you are not that desperate.
As you cook dinner, Natasha comes up behind you, and you relax against her.
“I’ve missed you” she says against your shoulder, placing small kisses that tickle you.
“I missed you too, love”
A hand goes around your middle and she toys with the hem of your shirt, lips kissing your neck, and that sweet spot behind your earlobe that makes you shiver.
“Nat” you moan, and you don’t know if you want her to stop or keep going.
Yelena answers that for you as she steps inside, eyes widening. You draw blank, because honestly, how can you explain this?
Natasha takes matters into her own hands, literally, as she hugs you and pretends to do the Heimlich maneuver.
“She’s choking” Natasha says and Yelena scrambles around.
“Oh, my God, Y/N, please don’t die”
The redhead pretends to help you, squeezing your middle and you cough.
“I think I’m…”
Unfortunately, the blonde is too freaked out and pushes Natasha away, thinking she’s helping you.
As she presses against your sternum, you are suddenly out of breath and you swear you can feel your ribs cracking.
“Ok, I’m fine, Yelena, thanks” you break free of her hold, sure that your sides will be bruised next morning.
Yelena doesn’t let you cook anymore, so you end up with a dinner of mac and cheese, and Natasha’s sister sitting in the middle while you three watch tv.
“I’m sorry” Natasha says when her sister gets up to grab another soda.
“Just for the record, this isn’t the type of choking I had in mind”
“They’re gonna be here any minute” you say against Natasha’s shoulder.
“I know” she bites your neck and you sink further into her lap.
The Quinjet, out of all places is where you find some privacy. The rest of the team will join shortly, as you have a recon mission.
But you can’t keep your hands to yourself and you end up naked, straddling Natasha’s lap as she moves her fingers inside of you.
“God, you look so pretty like this” she says against your chest.
“Nat, more” you plead. It’s too much and too little at the same time. She listens, moving her hand faster and your hips match her pace.
“God. Yes” you collapse in her arms.
“Request to open gate” FRIDAY informs and you curse, because you want more than a second to catch your breath.
Sneaking around is getting old now.
“Come on, let’s get cleaned up” Natasha says, helping you up. She looks proud when your legs shake.
“Shut up” you say, which only makes her smile wider.
While the team enters the Quinjet, you go back to the bathroom with Nat as you hurriedly put your suits on.
“Red? Y/N?” Tony calls for you.
“Here” you raise your arm, feeling a bit tense. Maybe you pulled a muscle.
Stark nods your way and starts the Quinjet, while Steve goes over the plan with everyone else. You stay seated, vaguely aware that something feels different but you can’t tell what it is.
“Be careful” Natasha says when you part ways, squeezing your hand.
Your job is to keep an eye on the guards at the south gate and stop them if they are called to attack the intel team.
Which unfortunately does happen, so you run to shoot, kick and punch at every one of them.
There are two guards left, and as you reach for your gun, something incredibly unexpected happens.
Your suit opens right in the front, revealing your red lacy bra.
“What the fuck” you shout, looking down.
The guard in front of you opens his mouth, completely enthranced by your cleavage.
“New strategy?” Tony flies over, knocking him down. He sends the last man standing across the room.
“No! I don’t know what happened!”
You try to cover but the leather is not giving in.
“Ok, well. We’re done here so you can put all that” he gestures to your chest. “Back in the Quinjet”
Rolling your eyes, and with your arms crossed in front of you, you walk back to the jet.
As you lock eyes with Natasha, you finally notice how her own suit is loose on the shoulders.
You switched when you were getting dressed.
“I like this new look” Sam wiggles his eyebrows and Natasha sends a widow bite straight to his ass.
“Oops” she shrugs her shoulders as he glares.
Feeling a little better after that, you go inside and find a t-shirt to cover up.
When you leave the bathroom, everyone is silent.
“Ok, it’s not like you all haven’t seen boobs before. So get over yourselves. Except Steve, he gets a pass” you bark at them.
“I’ve seen boobs before” he tries to say but no one pays attention.
Natasha stays silent and you think she might be upset or reconsidering this whole thing.
You expect the worse as you land and she leads you back to your room.
The redhead holds her finger up, taking your shirt off and sinking her face in your breasts.
“Mine” she grumbles, her hands squeezing possessively.
Well, at least some good came out of it.
The atmosphere is tense.
Clint, Wanda, Peter and you are playing Jenga.
Honestly, you are the one at a disadvantage here. With Clint’s aim and the enhanced individuals, you don’t stand a chance.
The way Natasha looks at you from across the room doesn’t help either.
It’s been a few days since you were together. Fury called her for an urgent mission and you had to resist the urge to sneak into the Quinjet and beg her to fuck you against the console.
And now, she’s back and you can’t wait for the night to wrap up so you can wrap your legs around her while she eats your…
“Gah!” Wanda screeches, knocking over the tower. “My mind, my eyes”
“Wanda, a word?” you plead, dragging her out of the living room while Clint and Peter stare.
“You” she slaps your arm. “And you” she glares at Natasha as she approaches, pushing you both to her room.
“Sorry, we are keeping it a secret for now”
“But your thoughts are so loud” she massages her temples, clearly distraught. “I was so focused on the game and still I could hear everything, see everything”
“Sorry” you grimace. “Do you think you could… not tell anyone? For a bit”
“Oh, trust me, I’m very eager to pretend none of this happened”
“Thanks, Wanda” Natasha says and the girl nods.
“It’s nice to see you both happy. Just try to keep your thoughts to yourselves”
“We’ll try”
Wanda nods, walking out. Natasha’s quick to push you against the wall, eyes darkened by lust.
“Wanna tell me what was on your mind?”
“Can you at least wait for me to leave the hallway?!” Wanda screams from outside.
“You have ten seconds, Maximoff”
“Thanks, I hate you”
You figure a little distance from everyone will do you good.
So, you get tickets to a Yankees game and spend the day in the city with Natasha.
Even if you are only a half hour away from the Compound, among the sea of people, no one looks at you when you hold her hand, or share a kiss in the middle of your walk.
“This is nice” you smile, bringing her hand to your lips.
The first half of the game is slow, but you enjoy the time eating popcorn and making comments with Natasha about the score.
During the break, several people in the audience are featured in the screens. A girl chugs an entire beer while the crowd goes wild.
“Damn” you laugh, but the next image you see is you, next to Natasha.
The kiss cam.
“No, we’re fine” you wave your arms and the crowd boos. “Ok, not nice!”
“Don’t be such a baby” she smiles, pulling you closer.
“Pretty sure Steve and Bucky are watching the game back home”
“You jump, I jump” she leans forward, allowing you to decide if you wanna do this or not. As your lips meet in a short kiss, everyone starts clapping and cheering you on.
“Are you sure about what we just did?”
“Very. I’m tired of hiding. You make me happy. What’s wrong with that?” Natasha says and you smile against her lips.
“You are so getting lucky tonight”
But before you can kiss her again, both of your phones go crazy with texts from everyone on the team.
Tony: Is this why Wanda asked me for a way to erase her memory?
Sam: Now I know why you electrocuted my ass, Red!
“Still think we made the right call?” you roll your eyes as the texts keep coming.
“Absolutely, detka” she says before kissing you softly.
Yeah. It’s gonna be ok.
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k1ngpin42 · 27 days
I actually love jealous abs/ abs after you’ve been teasing her typa shit 🙏😔idk if this makes sense but I WOULD GO FERAL if u wrote more of those
𝕁𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝔸𝕓𝕓𝕪: “ᴀʀᴇ ᴍʏ ᴍᴀꜱꜱᴀɢᴇꜱ ᴀ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘʜʏꜱɪᴏ ɢɪʀʟꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?"
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More jealous Abby for one of my fav supporters @mitski-lovesems
Warnings: 18+, (all receiving) strap on, fingering, cunnilingus, thigh riding, masturbating, accidental squirting, rough Abby, edging, overstimulation, minors DNI
In the WLF base, there was a rule of thumb among soldiers that if you returned from patrol without a sore back, arm, leg, or any other part of the body, you hadn’t been doing enough. While in essence, a joke, the amount of times you had personally been launched from high places, stabbed, shot, beaten up, etc was a proper issue. Thankfully, the medical team had a trained physiotherapist to ease the pain. A slightly older woman was your favourite, she would dig her thumbs into the knotted muscles in your back, help you stretch, and give you exercises to ease the pain between visits with her. She always drew cute little drawings on your exercise notes. Her writing was beautiful, too, not unlike her face and figure, with a beautiful complexion of subtle freckles, pretty black hair with waves up to her shoulder, and a smile of perfectly in tact teeth that only illuminated how little she was in danger compared to the rest of the WLFS.
You were sort of oblivious to her flirting with you, mistaking it for friendliness. When your girlfriend and number one scar killer discovered your exercise instructions, written so sweetly by said physiotherapist, covered in hearts and little drawn cats, she was less than impressed.
“The fuck is this?” Abby practically spat, stalking towards you, note in hand. You looked at her blankly. 
“My exercise instructions? They’ve actually been helping quite a lot, not as much as the massages though-“ 
“Massages? The fuck are you talking about?” You eye her softly, not understanding where her anger was coming from.
“You know Miranda?” Her eyes darkened.
“The one half the men and their girlfriends want to sleep with? Yeah, I know of her.” You tilt your head in confusion.
“Oh, I didn’t know that…anyway, you know how I was telling you about that shooting pain I get in my back? She rubs out the muscles, it feels really g-“
“Take off your fucking clothes.” Abby interrupts. Your eyes widen, a small smile fighting to appear on your face at the anticipation of what she could and would do to you. 
“It feels really nice with her thumbs on my bare skin.”
“Bare?” She demands, ripping the jeans off of your body.
“Yeah, I have to take my top off-“ She shuts you up with a deep kiss, her tongue so deep inside you that a desperate whine ripples through you. She breaks the kiss right as you thought you would lose oxygen. 
“Lie down.” Your cheeks flush, she’s always been so damn sexy when she’s all authoritative like this.
“Here? Right on this bench?” You question while she pulls apart your button up shirt, leaving only the bottom half of it on you and showing your pretty bra.
“Right. Here.” Abby groans, sucking on your neck and immediately leaving a dark mark there. 
“Abby it’ll show…” You exclaim, and she gives you a warning look. You know her when she’s like this. Barely talking, only taking what she fucking wants. You shouldn’t speak, shouldn’t ask questions, all she wants it to fuck you into a new plane of existence. You really didn’t understand what brought this on though, you truly didn’t think of your physiotherapist in any way other than a good physio. 
“Good. It’ll teach that perky little cunt who you belong to. Lie down, I don’t like repeating myself.”
“Yeah…yes, Abby.” You comply, lying down and causing several condiments and decorations on the bench to crash onto the floor. 
“So fucking sexy sprawled out for me. Fucking touch yourself. Show me how wet you are.” Your body feels like it’s on fire. You feel nervous as you bring your fingers to your clothed cunt. She rolls her eyes.
“Take that shit off, pretty girl. Need to fucking see you.” You nod, pulling it down to your ankles which she helps take all the way off your feet, tossing it into the pile on the ground. 
You let out a high pitched moan as you rub your clit a little faster. Abby smiles, bringing her hand over your body. 
“Good girl…” She coos, pulling you onto her lap. She puts her own fingers into you quickly and without warning, immediately finding your clit and making it feel 10 times better than with your own fingers. 
“What was that moan baby?” She teases. “Are my massages a little better than your little physio girlfriend, huh?” You let out a whimper as she puts her two middle fingers inside, all the while rubbing your clit with her thumb.
“Holy f- fuck….” 
“Stuttering only over my fucking fingers huh? My girls so needy.” You feel so good you want to fucking cry when she removes her fingers and slows the speed on your clit to an almost non existent pace. 
“Abby…” She ignores your complaints, picking you up off of her lap and walking towards the bedroom. Still shaky from the stimulation, you watch eagerly until she returns with a large strap.
“Jesus Abby….” You begin to say, watching the determination on Abby’s face.
“She’s just my friend- she’s not even my friend she’s just my doctor…Abby-“ 
“Don’t waste your breath when you could be using that pretty mouth of yours for…better things. Open up.” She commands, effortlessly attaching the strap to her waist. You stand up and she just laughs. 
“Where you going sweetheart?” You exhale sharply. 
“The bedroom…I thought-“
“Now why would you deserve the comfort of a nice soft bed after keeping this from me hm? My girl needs to be fucked, hard and good, remind you who you belong to.”
“But I didn’t even-“
“Uh-uh. No talking.” She says, lifting your mouth open with her thumb.
“Tap on my hip if it’s too much okay baby?” She asked, her voice coming out sweeter than the vulgar shit she’s been saying thus far. You smile comfortingly at her, nodding. She grabs the bottom of your chin, pushing the tip of the strap into you and coating it with your saliva. 
“Fuckk.” Abby remarks, feeling heat grow at the sight of you.
“I’m gonna push a little more into you.” You hum into her as she says this and she laughs, teasingly.  “Aww, it’s okay, you can take it.” You nod, feeling it near the back of your throat this time. 
“Fuck…I’m gonna fuck your face harder just- fuck- deep breaths for me…” She says, thrusting in and out of your mouth.
“Fuck….that’s really….get it really nice and wet for me so it’s ready when I fuck you.” She says, barely able to contain herself from how horny this was making her. 
You pull away, revealing the soaking strap.
“Perfect baby. Now I know you were mad I didn’t let you cum before so I’m just gonna give it to you, okay?” Fuck. You could have cum just from her words.
“Answer my fucking question.”
“Yeah- yeah that’s good Abs…” You say, dumbly. What you would say if you could, is that “yes Abby, it’s okay, in fact I want you to use me for your own pleasure like I’m a toy and treat me like I’m fucking nothing,” but a simple affirmation of this being “okay” worked for you both. To those who say jealousy is a red flag clearly hasn’t seen how good red looks on Abby fucking Anderson. 
“You know what? I don’t think you deserve my cock yet.” She says, taking a seat on the bench beside you. 
“Sit.” Abby beckons to her large thigh. To save you from your gawking, she pulls you onto it herself and starts bouncing her leg up and down innocently. 
“F…mmm~” You say, closing your eyes as the vibration of her bouncing ripples through your cunt. 
“What’s that sound baby?” She questions. You roll your eyes at her act. 
“Why are you…mmm~ teasing me?” “Because. I don’t like the idea of anyone fucking touching you. You’re gonna cum over and over until I’m done with you and only when I want you to.” She explains, increasing the pace.
“Oh fuckfuck Abby…”
“Shh…it’s okay.” She coos. The friction of your bare cunt on her clothed muscular thigh makes your head go fuzzy.
“G’nna cum…” You slur your words, making her give you a cocky smirk as a result. 
“Oh yeah? Gonna cum hm?” She says before stopping her bouncing. You let out a whine.
“Abby what the fuck?” You demand, clinging onto her. She kisses you playfully. 
“Oh baby, you think I’m just gonna give it to you? You’re not being very convincing that you’re mine yet. Hump my thigh yourself. I might even let you cum if you do a good enough job.” You groan in irritation, but comply, slowly moving up and down the clothed skin. It feels good, but nothing like what she could give you. 
“Please…want you so bad…” You beg. She smiles lovingly at you.
“Aw, I know baby, I know. But look at you. Going so slow f’me, acting all shy when I know my girls not shy is she?” You let out a shaky breath as the fabric hits your clit just right. 
“No Abby.” She tilts her head in amusement at your struggle to get off.
“Fine, do you need my help?”
“Can…” You stop yourself, remembering how unappreciative Abby is of your manners and shy demeanour. 
“Put your hand on my neck…please.” You ask, softly. She nods, putting one of her large hands on your throat.
“Fuck~” You moan loudly, the word coming out barely audible with the little amount of air you have. Abby’s practically gleaming and you can tell she’s wet over this. 
“My pretty girl begging for my hands like a fucking slut, huh? So fucking sexy.” She coos, and it’s not long before you’re cumming, with slick lining her pants. When you finally open your eyes, you blush at the sight of them.
“S…sorry” You blurt out. Abby just smiles.
“It’s okay, something to remember you by, hm?” She picks you up, taking you to the bedroom and planting you, sprawled out on the bed.
“I thought I didn’t deserve a bed.” You say, starring up into her watercolour eyes. She nods.
“You weren’t, but you impressed me with that little show before.” She says, matter-of-factly.  “I was going to tie your hands down, but I want them clinging onto me and digging into my skin while I fuck you. I think the straps wet enough still.” Your cheeks flush crimson and she tilts her head, eyeing your body. She takes off your bra effortlessly and immediately goes down to suck at your nipples, moaning as she flicks her tongue over the sensitive buds. You bite your lip. Once she’s satisfied with sucking and marking the top part of your body, she begins lining herself up with your cunt.
“Deep breaths baby, I’m not gonna stop unless you use our safe word kay? So you can beg and cry as much as you fucking want to. You can pull my hair or dig into my skin, but I won’t relent okay? I’m gonna-“ Abby says all at once, so fucking obsessed with you. “I’m gonna fuck you into next week just- can I? God please let me fuck you.” Your thighs quiver as she speaks, and you nod eagerly. 
“Please do, I need it.” You say, and with this she pulls you towards her by your legs and thrusts almost the entire strap completely into you. You let out a cry. It stings so fucking good. She edges the last bit into you, moving hard and fast inside.
“Fuckkkk ohmygod thank you- thank…fuck….”
“Tell me that fucking….” Abby grunts, titling her head back while continuing to dick you deep.
“Slut…means nothing to you.” You moan, your eyes rolling back.
“Fucking look at me.”
“S- sorry I’m sorry.” You moan. “She means nothing to me…it’s you…it’s only you, ohfuck-“ You could tell it was almost enough, but not quite. 
“Tell me-“ Abby sighed, looking a little guilty.
“Can you tell me you hate her?” You look at her, surprised. 
“Just….just this once…it doesn’t have to be- true I just….” You let out a small laugh. 
“So insecure toda-“ She playfully hits you, thrusting in deep.
“Okay sorry- I hate her Abby, you’re the only one for me.” She nods.
“Good fucking girl.” She remains true to her word, fucking you over and over until you can’t even form a fucking sentence. You’ve lost count at which orgasm this was, it didn’t matter, but you felt your stomach yearning for the release that made your legs shake with you collapsing into her. 
“Ab- mmm” You hum out. She smiles, finally going out of you and admiring your fucked out body. You were glistening with sweat and a combination of your slick and hers. 
“You did really good. Sorry if I was…too rough.” Abby says as she runs her fingers through your hair. You shake your head.
“S’good.” You say. You’re too tired to notice her moving down the bed, that is until you feel her between your thighs.
“Ab- what?” You exclaim. She rubs your thigh fondly with her thumb.
“I’m just gonna clean you up.”
“With your tongue? Abby I came like 10 times…” She laughs at this. 
“I’ll be gentle.”
“Oh my god…fine but none of your usual shit” You banter. She gasps, pretending to be offended.
“What usual shit?”
“Don’t give me that, when I’m just relaxing on the couch or I’m writing at a bench and you eat me out for like 20 minutes straight.” She smirks.
“Don’t know what you mean.”
“You’re all “mmm, ahhh you taste so good” like is it my pleasure or yours at this poin-“
“Okay, okay. I’ll be gentle.” She says, more convincing this time. You nod, spreading your still shaky legs.
She licks a stripe up your soaking cunt and you let out a deep breath. Then, she kisses your clit, sucking on it and tonguing between your folds at the same time. You let out a loud moan, already so fucking sensitive. You were so fucked out you were screaming, and instead of feeling like you needed to cum like the previous 10 or so times, you felt like you were going to pee, pass out, and cum all at once.
“W-wait Abby I- you should….mmm…st…stop I might pee Abby st- mmm” Abby had already warned you earlier though that she wouldn’t stop unless you used the safe word, and at this point you didn’t know if it would be worse to pee on Abby’s face or be denied an orgasm.
Thankfully, (and surprisingly, you might add) you didn’t pee, though, instead something miraculous happened, and Abbys face was completely soaked as you squirted all over her. You were frozen. Stunned. Embarrassed. Surprised. You wanted to kill yourself, that had never fucking happened before. You waited for Abby to come back up and she looked at you fucking awe stuck.
“I am so sorry…I’ve never squirted before that was so disgusti-“
“That was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.” Abby admits, interrupting you. You blush, covering your face with your hands.
“Holy fuck baby, we’re doing this every day….I need that to happen again.” “I was just…it was so much and I…”
“Fuckkkkkk I think I came I was that aroused.” You laugh at this, not believing her. She smiles back, thankful you feel more confident now.
“I’m serious, look.” She reaches down and her hand comes back up, dripping in liquid. You nod.
“Well alright then.” You laugh and she brings you into a hug.
You stand up and she looks betrayed when you do so. You laugh at her facial expression.
“I’m showering, need to get cleaned up properly this time.” She smiles.
“Ooh, can I come?” You sigh. 
“This is going to be a long night.” You remark as you both head into the nearby bathroom.
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north-noire · 2 months
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I just had an urge to make my own designs/redesigns on TSE charlie and henry (ofc it's them), so feel free to read my notes/general character designs I had about them! (a little messy, but whatever)
also thought that drawing them with my designs from Hidden Hands AU would be a fun little compare and contrast!! (as my FNAF AU is more game-universe adjacent but still have a few of the novel elements such as Aunt Jen = Jennifer Emily, etc. Tbh I generally treat the FNAF novels and games as NOT the same universes at all, they're completely separate universes in my mind, I feel like it makes the fandom's interpretations a lot more creative/interesting in my opinion since there's really "no canon" universe, I mean we have THREE canons to work with now come on xD)
TSE Character Design notes and my own ramblings below the cut! I mostly just relied on the book descriptions of them and nothing much else other than my own inspiration gathering from 2000s fashion/horror games/media.
TSE charlie character design notes: in the novels' description, TSE charlie had frizzy hair and it was light brown. I found it strange that the graphic novel design overlooked that, so I had to add that in (nothing wrong with charlie's design, I actually quite like TFC Charlie). anyway, my TSE charlie design wears a patchwork denim because I thought it'd give her a little bit more character (and I like the symbolism of patchwork for her - being a person that Henry stitched up together with memories, etc etc. Although I don't like the TSE Charlie = robot twist, it just kinda grew on me) I also wanted her to have a 2000s horror protagonist vibe - although most of the characters I looked at for reference/inspiration had short skirts, so I did a "skirt-like" vibe with her tying TSE henry's flannel to her waist. I like the idea that she kept something of a memento from her father's stuff with her :]
TSE henry notes: his pants are pajamas. man is the ABSOLUTE face of depression. also wanted him to have not seen better days and really look like he's just wallowing in his basement with greying hairs and wrinkles and eyebags and definitely hasn't gone out in weeks, probably a month or so. also thought that glasses would suit him nicely - and I thought him having a long-sleeved flannel and his fit makes him look pretty much from the 2000s/Y2K era. Personally I feel like TSE Henry looked too plain and a problem I had that I had while reading the graphic novel is that they tended to make William and Henry look similar (I straight up thought that one William scene with Elizabeth's memory was Henry. That's how ungodly confused I was) which made it really look uninteresting to me, so I tried my best to make his design describe him a little better.
If you've read this far, thanks so much for reading this! It's just a little fun character design exercise I did and it was really fun having some creative freedom with these two characters!
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maes-chocolate-cookie · 4 months
Coping mechanisms the 141 + König have
Ghost binge eats and use bulking as an excuse to feel less worse about it he tries to get something that won't harm his health too much and will spend extra time in the gym to make up for it
Soap lits things up to see them fall apart, most of the times writes detailed letters containing all of his feelings, drawing of what's bothering him, just so he can watch it fall apart and dissappear, alongside his worries
Gaz either does extra training (he actually exhausts himself on purpose under the excuse of wanting to get better) or play some random game, when he's at home he will make bathroom, food, exercise and sleep pauses, anything else is out of question, if he could he would put down exercising but he doesn't want to have to work twice as hard when hes back on the fiels
Price is workaholic, got the point where laswell had to sedate him so he would stop working, lost so many men that he can't really bring himself to enjoy a nice moment without remembering seing all of their dogtags on his table or their wounded lifeless bodies
König also carries the weight of having to take responsibility for every dead teammate, he became a maladaptive daydreamer when he's not on the battlefield, his daydreams involve being able to save his teammates or live in a world where we wasn't bullied and where wars didn't exist
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art-res · 3 months
quick tips: motor control drills
This really isn't a guide but more of a ramble lol.
I haven't done this in forever but I did it this afternoon and highly recommend spending a little bit of time just drilling hand eye coordination. I think it helped, and was nice to do when I wasn't feeling particularly inspired.
Focused on fast and smooth, but also wasn't afraid to draw over the shape until I was happy with it
draw circles as fast as possible using the shoulder as much as possible
draw ovals and for a few of them, I tried to draw them from every angle as clean as possible
draw lines radiating from the center and try to draw the same line as straight as possible.
parallel curved lines
cubes from different angles if you are feeling wild
Here is just one page of some of the exercises I did today, messy chaos but ended up being kinda fun actually
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Hope this helped!
best, AL
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yukidragon · 4 months
May we have a story about Jack's clingy side and uses his puppy dog eyes to make MC to cuddle with him longer? (He uses the puppy dog eyes whenever he wants something and it works 100% of the time) Jack kind of reminds me of a giant puppy.
I love this idea! Jack definitely knows how to channel puppy energy to his advantage, and my MC Alice definitely falls for it every time.
In fact, I love this idea so much that it inspired me to turn it into a quick writing prompt. I also remembered that I owe everyone a nice little Jack x reader fic from the poll I made last year, so I wrote this writing exercise in 1st person gender neutral perspective.
So here it is, just a short but sweet first draft story about clingy Jack giving his sunshine some puppy dog eyes and pleading to get a bit more cuddle time. I don't think any real warnings apply, though it does get a little suggestive. Also, I think this might count as GrovelCore?
Anyway, I hope you enjoy my writing, and consider leaving a comment please!💕
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur @kurokrisps
It was nice to have moments like this, just the two of us on the couch cuddled up together. The way Jack wrapped me up in his big, strong arms made me feel so safe, so content. Even though I was tucked comfortably in his lap, he practically surrounded me with his warmth. It was the perfect way to spend a day off from work.
The show on TV was entertaining, but it wasn’t enough to draw my attention away from Jack for long. He didn’t seem to be paying attention to it at all. Every time I looked up at him, I never failed to see those beautiful dark brown eyes of his gazing back at me. His mouth was shaped in a gentle curve of a smile, his expression almost dreamy as he admired me with so much love and adoration in his eyes that it sent my heart racing. I had to look away when the butterflies in my chest fluttered so hard they were ready to burst out of me.
Fuck, I was so down bad for this man, I was down atrocious.
A gloved finger brushed against my cheek, slowly tracing the contours of my face until reaching my chin. The sensation sent a delicious shiver down my spine, and my eyes returned to Jack as he gently guided my face back towards him.
“Looks like the show’s over,” Jack said. I blinked, caught off-guard, before my eyes darted to the screen to see the credits scrolling by. His honeyed voice drew me back before I could get distracted from his loving gaze for long. “What do you want to do now, sunshine?”
The first thought that popped into my head made my cheeks burn and brought back those damn butterflies. The second thought reminded me to check the time.
Ah damn it. Curse must-watch binge-worthy television. Why must I always fall for your siren song of “just one more episode”?
“Not run errands, that’s for sure, but it’s getting late,” I said with a heavy sigh, banishing the butterflies and steamy thoughts to whence they came. “Groceries aren’t going to buy themselves, and I’ve got a bunch of other stuff I should get out of the way while I’m out too.” I sighed again, shoulders slumping.
Being a responsible adult dealing with all the responsible adult bullshit sucked sometimes. A lot of the time. Actually probably most of the time considering how many hours in a day got eaten up by a cringy job and entitled customers.
I twisted away from Jack and tried to stand, but his large muscular arms kept me locked up tighter than iron bars. I turned back to him with a questioning look, only to see him pouting at me.
“I know it’s important to be responsible, sunshine, but don’t you think you’ve been pushing yourself too hard lately?” he asked. “We have plenty of food to last a few more days, and you’ve been working overtime for the past five nights in a row. You come home too exhausted to do anything but sleep, then you go right back to work. It’s not good for you.”
“I know,” I said with a helpless shrug. “But what can I do about it? Bills aren’t going to pay themselves either.”
Jack adjusted his hold on me, not enough that I could slip free, but I could feel his hands glide slowly along my back, sending a shiver up my spine. “I know, but it’s just been so long since we’ve had any cuddle time,” he said, his pout making its way into his voice now.
I couldn’t help but chuckle a little at the way his lower lip jutted out just a little further. “You see me every day,” I teased, trying to lighten up the mood. “Besides, we woke up cuddling this morning, didn’t we? You sleep with me every night.”
“You’ve been too tired to cuddle lately,” Jack said, whining a little. “Even this morning, you didn’t really wake up until halfway through breakfast. This is the first chance in days that I’ve had to really have you all to myself.” He dipped his head down, closer to mine, and I couldn’t help but notice the way the TV’s gentle glow made his dark eyes shine. “I missed you, sunshine.”
His big soulful eyes tugged at my heartstrings, and his gentle caress along my back made me want to melt into him. “I missed you too,” I admitted after a moment. We couldn’t exactly talk when other people were around, and work had been too busy for us to even sneak a kiss without the risk of getting caught in the act.
 I was pretty sure Jack wouldn’t mind even if someone else could see him making out with me. In fact, I had a sneaking suspicion that he might even enjoy getting caught. Sometimes this man acted like he had no idea what it meant to feel shame.
Then again, Jack was always painted up like a clown 24/7. If he wasn’t embarrassed by the bright face paint or his silly jokes, then he probably didn’t know the meaning of the word.
Sometimes I wished that I could say the same. The idea of being seen making weird faces while holding onto the air left me feeling a level of cringe that not even the greeting at my job could match. It probably would be a kiss with tongue too knowing Jack.
The thought left me burning, both with mortification and the memory of the way his kisses made me feel.
Maybe it would be worth the embarrassment considering how good of a kisser Jack was.
As if reading my mind, Jack brushed his lips against mine, just a peck, but it was enough to snap my attention entirely to my boyfriend. “Then stay with me,” he said with a hint of desperation to his breathy voice. “Please?” He planted another kiss on my lips, just a little longer but still only a tantalizing taste of what he could offer me. “I need you.”
Jack finished off the last of my resistance by saying my name in that same pleading tone while looking at me with so much love and need in his beautiful dark brown eyes. His desperate voice and puppy dog eyes made me melt like cotton candy in water.
I gave in to him. I couldn’t help it. I was weak to him when he begged me like this, and I needed Jack just as badly as he needed me.
“Jack,” I sighed as I looped my arms around his neck and drew Jack in for another kiss. I could feel him smile against my lips, and he murmured my name again before his tongue slid into my mouth to get a taste of me.
Soon I was pinned against the couch, breathless and panting, with Jack looming above me. His arms were a cage that secured me there and ensured that I wasn’t leaving anytime soon. Not that I wanted to with the way his mouth moved along my neck, hot and wet. I couldn’t help but moan his name as he sucked on my skin, arching up into him.
Even before Jack started tugging at my shirt, I had a feeling that I wasn’t getting any errands done today, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. Every touch, every kiss, and every murmur of my name along with sweet praise made the world around us fade away, until nothing else existed but the two of us and our love.
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meruz · 1 year
sorry if this has been asked before, but i wanted to ask about your lineart! the weight and line economy are just so nice, i get stars in my eyes looking at your lineart and doodles. could i ask what your approach to lineart is and what tips you might offer?
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Wow I love these questions - Line is so interesting!!! It's a really big topic so I feel like any tips I give will be just barely scratching the surface. It's like deceptively simple...any given line drawing is essentially taking all the information we glean from seeing something irl ie light, shadow, dimension, texture, perspective, etc and boiling it down to the simplest possible visual information.
I think most commonly my line is informed by light source so like. thicker more continuous lines face away from the light and thinner more broken lines towards. and a lot of my spot blacks r simply cast shadows.
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here's a more extreme example
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BUT like everything to do with art there's no hard and fast rules. I use blacks when I think it'll be effective or interesting and I leave them out when I don't need em. umm couple things I find myself doing a lot... using spot blacks to make the separation between characters clearer. I like casting shadow in between characters so its easy to separate and read their silhouettes even when they're mashed together.
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u can go even further to purposely create a silhouette like
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to draw attention to a finger or tongue LOL. There's some comic book artists who are absolute masters at this type of stylization. Alex toth and his spiritual successor Chris samnee come to mind for me right away.
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I feel like I'm also often using line weight to separate planes receding in space
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im naturally a really heavy handed and scribbly drawer(...?) draftsman. and im nearsighted so when i see things i percieve and break it down into big shapes over thin contours. so stuff like spot blacks and shadows came easy to me, the tricky part was making the rest of the lines lighter when they needed to be so the blacks could actually have impact LOLL. a lot of effective visual communication is about balancing contrasts. like I had to really train myself to press less hard on the pen. I think this is actually really evident if u go back in my archive to older sketches LOL
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I actually feel like a lot of how I trained my hand to tackle line weights was thru stuff like hand lettering where you rly have to focus on being sensitive to that kind of thing.. contrasting strokes etc.
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also exercises like figure drawing will have you flexing those muscles constantly
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I'm starting to just regurgitate lessons from freshman year of art school so I'll stop here with the demos but yeah...I hope this was helpful!? I love line!!! I want to get even better at line work so I can feel confident posting work that's only line no color or value... I'll leave you with a bunch of artists who I think have particularly expressive and beautiful linework (not including toth and samnee who I already mentioned and who's work I love so much). You can probably learn much more from them than you can from me...!
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Charles dana gibson LOL
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Matias bergara
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tonci zonjic
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naoki urasawa
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Daniel warren johnson
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shiyoon kim
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michel breton
also yoji shinkawa, tomer hanuka, leo romero, I feel like I'm gonna post this and think of so many more. there's so many good artists...!
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