#this is a bad joke I’m sorry I saw something similar on Reddit and it made me choke
alwaysahiccupandastrid · 10 months
Sorry but if I was paying $250k, I’d want the full Titanic experience, including being railed in the back of a 1912 Renault Type CB Town car by a young 90s era Leonardo DiCaprio until my hand leaves a print on the window
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sage-lights · 1 month
Hey, first off I want to say thank you for creating a space where we can have a respectful but honest discussion about everything that’s been going on with smosh. I just want to put something put there regarding Olivia. I’m not excusing her in any way, but I find it interesting how people bash her for things that other smosh members have done without receiving the same amount of criticism.
A lot of people are calling Olivia ableist, and she may well be, we don’t have anything to go off of apart from the handicapped spot l, but declaring that based only on the parking spot thing from who memed it seems unfair. First of all, while not an excuse, Olivia seemed to be trying to play up the clueless persona she has established and in doing so dug herself deeper into a hole the more she spoke. I actually saw the clip before they edited it out, and it seemed that she tried to make a joke, albeit an unfunny and insensitive one, but that does not necessarily make her ableist. Smosh’s pathetic attempt to cover it up by editing out the clip and deleting comments speaks more to how the company tends to sweep things under the rug. Also, it was mentioned in a funeral roast that Courtney has also parked in the handicapped spot in the smosh parking lot, which relatively few people have called them out on compared to Olivia.
I love Tommy, but in one TNTL he made a quadriplegic joke that he acted out that involved stiff limbs and head head lolling to the side, which no one had a problem with. Maybe it’s not the same, but it stood out to me. There is also the infamous OCD reddit stories, and while there was justifiable backlash, Shayne, Chanse, and Kimmy didn’t have people calling them out specifically as being ableist after the initial backlash and the fandom as a whole seems to have forgiven and forgotten.
Moving away from ableism, other cast members have said questionable things, such as Keith defending michael jackson on an old SmoshCast episode. I feel like if we call Olivia out on her bullshit (as we should) we should extend the same standards to the rest of smosh.
Regarding zionism (Free Palestine, always) Olivia is not the only person from smosh to say something in support of Israel on October 7. It’s not an excuse, but many of them may not have known the full story. American media on that day basically reported it as “terrorists attacked innocent people” and while that is a load of bs, without context, I can see how people might believe it. Again, I am not defending Olivia or any other smosh member who has stayed silent since then, I am only pointing out that people tend to jump to conclusions when it comes to Olivia while letting her cast mates off the hook for similar things. N*ah of course is a different situation I don’t want to get into here, this os long enough.
Again, I am not justifying Olivia’s actions and I am not saying we should not hold her accountable. I just wanted to point out the discrepancies between holding different smosh members accountable.
Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to hear your thoughts. Thank you!
hi anon! thank you for sending this! yeah, i don’t think i called olivia ableist in my post, and i apologize if i did. what she said did cause quite the stir but i completely forgot that part about courtney in the funeral roast too. after these past couple days, i have overall mixed feelings about olivia and i don’t think i’m going to avoid her in videos but you’re right, a lot of the cast has made some mistakes and said/done questionable things. i try to believe the best in people because again, we don’t know them irl but it’s the company/brand of smosh that i begin to get a little cynical about because businesses can be so okay with being gray most the time (if that makes sense).
and yeah, i agree with what you said about keith too. i’m not a fan of how he chooses to ignore all the bad that michael jackson has done so that he can keep idolizing him. but also, i’ve just never really been that big of a fan or keith (or noah) from the beginning.
again, really appropriate you leaving this long ask! the reason why i make posts about smosh and palestine (plus other discourse) is because it’s such tricky territory to navigate as fans. thank you to you (and everyone else) for sharing your thoughts and extra info!
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finalgirlbrainrot · 3 years
I have two unpopular opinions 1) if roles were reversed and Dean was the one drinking blood, Dean stans would have excused the shit out of it and even liked it. 2) if none of Dean's trauma was addressed and ignored (like most of Sam's trauma is) Dean stans would fucking riot.
intensely aggressively strongly agree | strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
(sorry in advance, I ranted A Lot)
2) I'm gonna start with this one. YESYESYES I mean dean stans are already constantly unironically whining that dean's traumas never get acknowledged (EVEN THO IT'S LITERALLY NOT TRUE, HIS TRAUMAS ALREADY GET ACKNOWLEDGED MORE THAN ENOUGH. EVERY TIME HE STUBS HIS TOE. EVERYONE IS CODDLING HIM AND ASKING HIM HOW HE'S DOING. HALF THE SHOW IS LITERALLY DEAN MANPAINING ABOUT HIS TRAUMAS - but apparently that's not enough for them, so I can't imagine the uproar if it was actually true). meanwhile sam's traumas either get ignored or they get treated like a fucking joke? well I guess it's just another tuesday
I've also seen a lot of dean stans moaning about sam "forcing dean to talk about his traumas", because apparently sam actually acknowledging dean's traumas and encouraging him to open up about them and being always supportive af because he actually cares is unacceptable (and I'm willing to bet that if he didn't acknowledge them, they'd still complain because sam literally can't win no matter what he does)
but dean ignoring and never acknowledging sam's traumas (not even when he's directly responsible for said trauma) or making them all about himself (mystery spot, hallucifer, soullessness, gadreel possession) or vilifying and victim blaming him (being force-fed demon blood, soullessness, gadreel possession) or using said traumas to justify his actions (hallucifer) or making cruel, disgusting and unnecessary jokes about them ("you had a girl inside you for a whole week" [meg possession] "you know how wrong that sounds, right?" "you've like an episode of teen mom" [gadreel possession - let's talk about how these two in particular are a thousand times more disgusting than the rest since he's actually joking about a violation he's directly responsible for] "smores foot" [bmol torture] "crybaby pie" [cole torture] "you saw the [devil's] john [or butt]?" [the cage] dick of death jokes right, left and center) is perfectly acceptable behaviour
1) again YESYESYESYES. I mean, this isn't even a hypothesis, we already have an extremely similar storyline for dean - the moc - and everyone made excuses for him and glorified him, even tho he was worse than demon blood sam in every possible way
actually I wrote a rant on reddit a couple of days ago about the awful double standards between demon blood sam and moc/demon dean. I'm gonna paste it here because I'm Bitter Af
comparing demon blood sam and moc/demon demon is ironically and hysterically bitter because, logically, no matter how you spin it, s4 sam is much more understandable and easy to sympathize with - both in intentions and actions - and should have the moral high ground, while s9-10 dean was flat out awful and damaging. yet both the show and the fandom crucify sam and treat dean as some poor victim or a great martyred hero who made some great noble sacrifice and I just... don't get it. so let's break it down:
> reason for drinking blood / getting the moc
- sam: exorcising demons without harming the host, thus saving people (which apparently isn't that relevant to dean) and killing lilith, first because she sent his brother to hell and then to stop the apocalypse and because she was an actual threat
- dean: because he couldn't face the consequences of his actions after the gadreel mess and decided he wanted to kill abaddon, who, at that point, wasn't even their problem (she only became a real problem in 9x17, when they learned about the soul harvesting, so unless dean has some sort of prophetic knowledge, he had no reason to take the moc in 9x11) and was a real threat to no-one but crowley
> trusting / working with a demon
- sam: I've already said this before, but ruby was a master manipulator and went to extraordinary lengths to gain sam's trust and even managed to fool every single demon (aside from lilith obviously). as far as both brothers knew, she's done nothing but help them, saved their lives multiple times and helped them save others, fixed the colt for them, was there for sam after dean died, is basically hunted by other demons for helping them, has risked her life for them several times and even got tortured for them and was helping sam to go after the demon who was trying to start the apocalypse. sam had absolutely no valid reason not to trust her. I'd really like someone to look me in the eyes and tell me that, if anyone did everything I mentioned above, you wouldn't trust them
- dean: trusted a demon who they knew is extremely untrustworthy and self-serving and only does what's in his best interest and has screwed them over one way or another every time they worked together and has hurt people they're close to
> level of manipulation involved
- sam: as I already said, ruby was a master manipulator and spent two years carefully manipulating sam to get him to do what she wanted. not the mention everything azazel did to get him there, lilith pushing his buttons at every turn to get him to kill her and the manipulation from heaven as well, who were lying to the boys at every turn
- dean: while crowley was manipulating him, the level of manipulation isn't remotely comparable to the one sam went through is s4. crowley saying “let’s kill abaddon” and pretending to be afraid of cain is not comparable to a plan that’s been set on motion since the beginning of time and crowley wasn't the only one involved in dean getting the mark. cain was involved as well and he wasn't manipulating him (unlike sam, who was being manipulated by everyone involved). on the contrary, he was completely honest with dean and even offered to tell him more about the mark and DEAN REFUSED (like can you imagine how many problems would've been avoided if dean sat on his ass for one minute and listened to cain's warning???)
> actions
- sam: in s4 sam was trying to use something that was forced on him when he was six months old, and that he hated about himself, to do good because he felt like he had to and was literally SAVING PEOPLE and trying to stop the apocalypse, I literally still don't get why he's vilified for it????? in s4 sam killed a total of one (1) person: the possessed nurse and while that was obviously bad, 1) he was clearly upset about it and 2) I still haven't seen one (1) valid reason for why she's any different from the demons dean drained and killed in swan song or from any of the other possession victims they killed with the demon knife or the angel blade
- dean: meanwhile dean was going around murdering people left and right (also another example of fandom double standards: everyone defends moc!dean and demon!dean because "he only killed bad people" - which isn't even true, but let's say he was - and yet, I seem to remember a certain kitsune named amy pond, who was ALSO killing bad people (and not for the lolz of it, but to save her son) and dean killed her and the fandom defended him back then as well. is killing bad people okay only if dean does it?), tried to kill sam, beat cas bloody
> keeping secrets
- sam: keeping his powers and the demon blood a secret was his god given right, since it affected no-one but sam himself and the demons he was exorcising. not to mention, he had pretty good reasons for not telling dean, considering his bigotry, black and white views and judgmental attitude. and yet, he was, and still is, vilified by both the show and the fandom for keeping secrets and dean even punched him for not telling him about his abilities (something in particular about this point that absolutely drives me up the wall: in 4x04 sam accidentally revealed that he knew about what azazel did to him and dean got mad at him for not telling him about it, even tho dean himself found out about it and didn't tell sam and no-one - not the show, not the fandom and not even sam and dean themselves - notices the hypocrisy. they're literally saying that it's okay for DEAN to keeps something about SAM a secret from SAM, but not okay for SAM to keep something about HIMSELF a secret from DEAN. if you don't think that's super fucked up, then I don't know what to tell you)
- dean: no-one says anything about dean keeping the effects of the mark a secret, even tho, unlike s4 sam, lying about the mark directly affected other people and put everyone around him in danger, including sam
> general treatment
- sam: everyone treated sam like a monster in s4, dean straight up called him a monster, told him he'd hunt him if he didn't know him, forced him into a torture-detox that almost killed him, tried to control him and refused to see his point. at the end of s4 sam apologized to dean. in s5 dean repeatedly told him that he doesn't trust him. sam was blamed for everything that happened in s4 and his mistake kept getting brought up even seasons later
- dean: everyone and their mom was coddling him and helping to get rid of the mark. everyone considered the mark to be the problem, not dean himself. sam was unconditionally supportive. dean never once apologized to sam for any of the awful things he said/did to him while he had the mark. sam never once blamed dean for anything that happened in s9-10 and instead placed the blame on crowley and none of the things dean did ever got brought up again
> at the end of each arc
- sam: paid for his mistake by sacrificing himself and jumped into the cage and saved the world and got tortured by the devil himself for centuries
- dean: paid for his mistake by having his mother brought back to life
send me unpopular opinions
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snkpolls · 3 years
SnK Episode 67 Poll Results (for Manga Readers)
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The poll closed with 254 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Manga Readers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll, click here.
RATE THE EPISODE 246 Responses
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The response to this week’s episode remains overwhelmingly positive, with 97.6% of responses giving it a score of 3 or higher. 
This is the first episode where I have absolutely no criticisms, so im quite happy with how it turned out.
Voice acting was top tier
Great Job! I'm glad my favorite character's death was so emotionally misered.
Forget Attack on Titans, this episode was Attack on my Feelings ! 😭
I want to rate it a 1 because of Sasha but a 5 because of how well it was done... so 1.5
Absolutely loved it
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Connie’s heartfelt admission to Jean seems to have stolen the hearts of the plurality of responders (36%). That is followed by a tie of 18.2% responses noting Eren’s breakdown or EMA’S tense reunion as the most emotional moment for them. In third place is Gabi’s tragic declaration about her struggles with 11.3%. Other responses were, in order, Jean lamenting all of the deaths occurring, Gabi and Falco realizing that Zeke betrayed them, Hange scolding Eren for forcing the SC to intervene in Marley and Levi and Eren’s confrontation.
Connie telling Sasha and Jean that they're special to him made my heart hurt knowing what was going to happen mere minutes after. I honestly saw me and my two best friends through them, and it was gut wrenching seeing Connie and Jean's reactions. Even Mikasa's reaction broke me, to be honest. They all lost a huge light in their lives.
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So this question was meant to only go on the anime watchers poll and ended up here somehow. Thanks to the 222 who were good sports and responded anyway! :P The most shocking moments that took place in this chapter/episode was the revelation that Eren went rogue from the Survey Corps, that Zeke was collaborating with the Survey Corps, how the Survey Corps treated Eren, and that some Paradisians seemed to be turning to nationalism, in that order. 
Not sure why we're being asked as manga readers which moment shocked us the most since we already knew everything that was going to happen this week
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When it came to Sasha’s death, it would appear that it broke the hearts of the overwhelming majority of responders, with 81.1% giving it a rating of either 4 or 5 on the tragic scale. 
Broke my heart and I'm still crying over it three days later. Honestly though, it was greatly done. 
3 years later it hit me, Sasha is dead ;_;
Cried my whole soul and body. Rip sweet Sasha
I thought Sasha's death would've been more emotional.
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Sasha’s death elicited various reactions from the main cast. Two different responses tied at 36.4% noting Connie and Mikasa’s reactions to Sasha's death as the one affecting them the most. This was followed by Eren’s at 13.2%. The rest were, in order, Armin, Jean, Levi and Hange. 
I don’t cry at fiction much, but Sasha’s death got me more than I thought it would. I feel like seeing Armin and Mikasa’s reactions in particular is what got me.
The way they animated Armin and Mikasa bawling over Sasha's body and the inclusion of Call Your Name made it all the more emotional. I think by "Assassin's Bullet" they also meant a bullet through my heart because man did that hurt to watch. 😭🤧
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A bit of a joke question, but we wanted to know if Levi appeared as threatening as he seemed. 80.2% seems to think so, admitting their incentive to piss their pants. In contrast, 19.8% don’t think the Captain’s such a scary guy!
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“Ashes on the Fire” has been released to rave reviews, with 88.1% of responses giving it a 4 or a 5. Nobody gave it a 1, either. Yamamoto-san, thank you!
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In spite of the relatively vocal complaints about the adaptation of certain elements of the Marley Arc, it would appear that the overwhelming majority of responders seemed pleased with it, with 51.4% giving it 5 and 37.1% giving it a 4. 1s not present. 
I've been a bit bothered how Mappa follows the Manga like a slave, using the panels as scenes and not adding anything in between. Sure it works for Manga, but it feels weird to me to watch in Anime how Eren grabs Armins hand and they don't give a transition where Armin pulls him in, but just show him inside the airship next. Just little things, but bothers me a bit. Overall I'm really enjoying their choices.
The show looks BETTER
I was fine with the episode. The quality of animation dropped but I understand that every scene cannot be animated on highest level. MAPPA has done a great job with the Marley arc. They shown the character development and bonds between the warriors perfectly. We had some cuts here and there but overally was okay: 8/10 for me. 
I’m so pleased that MAPPA has taken the anime. I’m still more of a fan of this particular series’ manga than anime though.
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As noted above, Sasha’s death seemed to be a hard hitter for most. Comparison of the adaptation vs the original allows to discern which hit the readers/watchers the hardest. Just one percent shy of a majority (49%) thought that the anime made it much more tragic. 30.9% noted that the impact was roughly similar across both mediums. On the flip side, 10.4% thought that the initial depiction of it in the manga was the hardest hitter. There were also a couple of write-ins. 
I dont remember I sped run reading the manga, kinda regretting it
I knew it for the first time in the manga, so it had a more powerful impact (I cried for a whole week. Not kidding) and the anime managed to make me cry as hard as in the manga. Though, I already was aware and grieved so it wasn't as bad
Got Spoiled :( so kinda meh, saw it coming
When the music kicked in after Connie announced she was gone, my heart broke into a million pieces. 
Let's be honest, Sasha's role was over after she killed the titan in the village and saved Kaya. After that she was just there. She got zero development, zero important moments, zero depth. Her death effected many characters and helped them to develop. Sasha's death was sad but at least brought some important changes in others. 
Not a Sasha fan so I was not really that affected but having a death in the series always feels sour
I think for me, they're both even.....mostly. There's just something about having been waiting for the chapter leaks on reddit with a bunch of other people and most of us collectively grieving at the same time. Once bigger pages of the chapter started coming out, it made me cry. I didn't even cry during serumbowl when I first read it and that had plenty for me to be even more upset about.
Honestly while reading manga I hated that Sasha’s last word was „meat”, it seemed so ridiculous. I’m happy MAPPA made it look more serious with music. Actually everyone’s reaction for Sasha’s death had more impact on me than the death itself
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Gabi is perhaps the most controversial character introduced post-time skip. Whether you’re a proud member of the Gabi Gang, proud hater of the 12 year old or just a neural party, everyone can admit that. With Sasha’s death at her hands, many seemed to offer up their opinion on the kid, back then and now. A slight plurality, 31.2%, stated that they did not hate her back when 105 first released and they don’t hate her now. 23.1% note that although they were rather upset with her back down, they are not (upset/angry) any longer. On the flipside, 25.5% state that they still hate the kid, as they did back then. Finally, some were simply neutral. Classic. 
Quite a few write-ins, as well.
I hated her in the manga but after watching the anime, I’m not happy about it but I understand why she did what she did and don’t hate her as much anymore.
I was extremely upset about it before and am still extremely upset about it now, but for different reasons. I hate her less but am not any less annoyed by her brainwashed hatred of the Paradisians, although I understand her much better and realize and empathize that she's just a kid who's been used by her country in the worst way.
Gabi Braun Must Die
Broke my heart and was upset, but understood where she was coming from (thought about her perspective only)
Sasha shoulda killed this cunt while she had the chance
It’s war, she did as she needed to.  Her arc is fantastic 
love hate relationship 
I didn't like her but not because of Sasha death (that's war consequence) and it's the same now
I really hated her with my whole heart and soul, but now that it has been all explained, that she had character development, I even like her now
I used to be angry about it but I understand why now, Gabi is just a victim of Marley’s control just like anyone else is, it’s a shame this is the results of it. She’s still at fault but I can’t hate her so much for it
I feel tired of Gabi hate. I disliked her in the manga back then but now I feel neutral towards her, because she has changed. Yet, I wish she took less screentime. 
SORRY for ranting! I don't understand the hate on Gabe. Yes, I know she killed a Paradise character which was present in series since its beginning and I understand Sasha's fans are upset Sasha is not here anymore because of her. but those people do not analyse Gabe as they should be. Every character belongs to a different side and each side is blinded by what heir belives in. It is okay to not like Gabe but I don't tolerate hate on her. I THINK THIS QUESTION SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN INCLUDED AT ALL.
Initial hate, understanding after some thought
Understanding her situation I know I shouldn’t hate her, but I’m choosing to be petty and hate her anyway 
I liked her much more than I like her now. She was a much better character back then, her killing Sasha (a one-note comedic relief) was cool and brought some spice to the story. Now she just exists to spout themes and convenient exposition and to be an aimbot
i dislike her, even if i understand her
I dont like Gabi. Never did. It isnt because she killed Sasha tho. I just dont care for Gabi tbh BUT i can totally understand her actions and do not blame her for it after seeing the destruction and killings
I was and still am upset about Sasha's death, but from the start I blamed it more on the circumstances than Gabi.
I loved her then, I love her now and it probably wouldn’t change even if she killed my favourite characters. She’s my cinnamon roll
Gabi did nothing wrong, killing a soldier in the battlefield is not a crime.
See, I WANT to like Gabi since she's obviously changed, but knowing she killed Sasha nonetheless will ALWAYS prevent me from having any love or respect for her. She will always be my most hated character
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MAPPA added an extra scene of Floch and Friends raining down copious amounts of gratuitous violence upon two 12 year olds (MAPPA is pro-child violence???????? Find out when 111 is adapted). 48.8% seemed to think that it was a decent addition, even if just for the SC’s characterization (or perhaps you enjoyed seeing that?). 22.5% thought it was a bit over the top to feature. Finally, 16.7% did not care. 
I didn't like it. But, it was def a believable reaction from them.
I just wish it was enough to kill her
I liked the additional characterization of Floch & co.
Great addition, it was implied in the manga so the scene fitted well. Still, it was horrifying to see how vile the scouts were to two kids
How about an option where we're glad Gabi got beaten to a pulp but not when Falco was?
ORA ORA thing, but we viewers get hurt too. 
Didn't feel bad about Gabi getting beat up, but I did feel bad seeing Falco get beat up. Poor boy didn't deserve that
A nice addition 
I thought it was a great choice to highlight the continuing violence and feelings of vengeance from both sides even more. and I thought it contrasted really well with Jean's decision not to throw the kids out of the airship.
The people glorifying this scene annoy the shit out of me
It's a good way to hint the "Yaegerist" perspective to anime onlies
The Gold Experience memes are funny
It was an IC scene for people like Floch + I feel bad for the kids
The way they shot that scene made the recruits seem like mindless, gross-faced animals storming towards the kids to beat them up. I liked how they were dehumanised like that, considering that most faces amongst them belonged to the ones who support the rumbling. 
It hurt to see that but good scene though
Feel empathy for Gaby. Violence don't solve problems
Now THAT'S what I call fan service! Who needs big-boobed, big-ass females or shirtless guys with and when you can just have the most hated character get the tar beaten out of them xD
I can see why they did it. MAPPA's not dumb and I'm sure they anticipated a massive onslaught on hate towards Gabi specifically, so it was their way of trying to satisfy the haters. Falco didn't deserve it tho.
It was a good addition
I hate Gabi too but that was too much beating up a child, yet it also showed how shit Floch and the others are.
Apparently some people never noticed that Gabi and Falco got beat up, probably because it happened in the background. So it was good for MAPPA to call attention to it.
I love Gabi but she had that coming. No need to hurt Falco though. :(
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The reveal that ZOOK has been working against Marley for years on end is one of the most important ones in the series, really. So it was important to have it be executed in a rather decent manner. The vast majority of the fandom thought that MAPPA did a fine job. 52.1% gave it a rating of 4, 27.5% gave it a 5 and 17.1% gave it a 3. The couple of the other respnders gave it a 2, with no 1s.
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A question to remember… Were Eren’s actions in Marley ultimately “justified”? A plurality, 44.6% seems to think so. In contrast, 24% disagree. And 31.4% still aren’t sure to this day.
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When it comes to the SC treating Eren as they did, the division is much less pronounced however. The majority, 60.7%, think that the SC had quite the justification for treating Eren as they did. On the flip side, 19.7% think that there was such justification for behaving in such a manner towards Eren. Finally, the same amount of responses stated that still can’t be sure to this day.
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YELENA is here. Queen 👑. Or well, maybe not. Who am I to say? In any case, her appearance was received well. 52.7% thought MAPPA did very well and 33.7% went on to declare their love for her. Just shy of 10% noted that MAPPA could have done a little better though. 
Kinda wish her hair was like neon or something idk
Need more eps of her to decide, she didn't get much screentime and lines here. 
I don't like Yelena, but yeah I guess they did good.
In the manga she was a creepy-looking person. MAPPA made her unique, interesting and mysterious. I love her voice and her stoic, relaxed self. MAPPA did a good job.  
Great adaptation but I still don't like her as a character
Don’t care about her 
don't really care
I hate her and I don't care about her.
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Such a colorful chart for this one. It would appear that slightly over a quarter look most forward to seeing Crykasa at Sasha’s grace. Slightly less (21.9%) want to see Sasha enjoying Niccolo’s cuisine. In third place is the scene with Connie, Jean, Mikasa and Niccolo at Sasha’s grace. The rest are, in order from most to least, Onyankopon and Yelena teaching the Survey Corps about the Port, EMA talking at the shooting range and Hange and Armin learning about Marley’s technology.
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The time skip flashbacks seem to be a hit. A little over 51% are super stoked about seeing them animated. Slightly under 24% state that they’ll enjoy them, but are looking forward to other things more. In contrast, 22.6% are ready to go crazy (from a positive standpoint)! Wooo! 
Enjoying AND dreading it at the same time
I just want the centipede
Boring. The only thing what interests me is Historia teasing Mikasa about her crush on Eren. The rest is too jolly. 
I'm looking forward to see Yelena's insane self be animated. That, and more Zeke.
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The manner in which the Season will end is a mystery to even the manga readers. Where will it end? Will it have many cuts? These are the questions. 36.6% seem to think that MAPPA will somehow manage to both end it at Chapter 122 and cut as little as possible. 26.5% don't believe ending on 122 is possible. 12.2% do believe MAPPA will end the Season on 122, but only with many notable cuts. Finally, just a little under 20% are simply not sure. There were a few write-ins as well. 
I hope not, too many cuts would be required 
The is no way they're making it up to 122, at first I thought they were going to finish it off with Eren's head getting blown off in 119, but now that seems like a reach too. Now I think MAPPA is probably going to end this first half of the season with Eren and Pieck's "where is the enemy?" and the warriors arriving to Shiganshina 
I’m not sure right now so I’ll have to see for later episodes for the cut-off point, if it isn’t the Rumbling then it’ll be when Gabi shoots Eren
I'm conflicted. I'm sure they'll end at rumbling because it's the only reasonable point to cut it, but I feel like they're running out of episodes. Then again I'm feeling the same about the state of Manga, there's just too little chapters left to end things up well.
I don't really want to think too much about it, I just want to enjoy the anime lol
I fully expect 119 to be the end
What was the point of rushing Reiner's chapters if you are going to slow down later. Goddamn it MAPPA. 
It'll really depend on the pacing for the next couple episodes, but I'm with a bulk of the fandom that see Chapter 119 Two Brothers being the end point for The Final Season. IF they were to skip the opening and maybe the ending, I can see them transitioning from Eren's head getting blown off immediately into his transformation and the beginning of the Rumbling. But even that is quite farfetched. 
I have no idea, I'm a little worried now. Wouldn't be the first time a lot of content gets cut but if they insist on reaching ch. 122, I just don't see how you do that without butchering a lot. If that happens, it would probably lessen my enjoyment of the season.
Yeah, I think it will have a lot of cuts, but I believe that it will get there because Ymir falling in the tree was in the trailer
It's amazing seeing how each week, something with SnK trends! ^^
It still baffles me just how much people insist on hating Gabi, especially when her arc has shown tremendous growth in the manga. Reiner was no better than her when he was a child and continued to insist that Paradisians are devils and chose to further destroy their lives even after sleeping under the same roof as the 104th for 3 whole years and forming personal bonds with them. Yet, his actions are forgivable but Gabi's are not? Both characters have shown remorse for their former beliefs and misdeeds against Paradisians. Both realized that they were in the wrong. The characters have forgiven Gabi. Why can't y'all do the same? People who want Gabi to suffer are no better than they accuse her of being. 
Well done episode which managed to capture the emotions of sasha's death perfectly
I really appreciate Gabi as a character. She has spunk and a strong character arc in which she changes and grows more than anyone in the last 30 chapters of the manga, save maybe Mikasa (ignoring how Eren, Reiner, Armin and maybe a few others changed during the timeskip). It makes me sad seeing people wishing for her to die and praising Floch and the others for kicking her.
Gabi absolutely deserves the hate she gets
I absolutely love to see the anime-onlies mass hate of GabBitch, does my heart good xD
Boring ,too much Gabi she is annoying
Time to strap in: wild ride ahead!
Gabi Braun is the WORST character, her arc was poorly written and the moment she kills Sasha solidifies her rightful place as most hated character
No development has made me stop hating Gabi. The wound of Sasha's death will ALWAYS overshadow any crocodile tears Gabi may cry.
Kudos to Jean's and Connie's voice actors. Emotions were so raw and natural.
so good! they're really nailing down the emotional beats so far!
Dialogue-heavy but still amazing! Also the music was great
I didn't felt anything when Sasha died. Even the first time, in the manga. She hasn't enough personnality for me to care. Erwin and Bertolt's death were more saddening for me. Stop hating Gabi. She was in grief and she did what Marley brainwashed her to. And Sasha killed people right in front of her, so…
1 chapter was too little to be adapted for an episode, you could tell some scenes were stretched to fit the runtime
The music they chose for the scene of Sasha passing was also the same music they used when the Survey Corps first donned their capes and Eren found out Marco was dead... man, that song is gonna hit harder than ever now
It didn’t help with the overwhelming amount of hate Gabi is getting. I hope Mappa does her justice because she’s a great character but the Anime only seem to hate her because its a “funny” “popular” thing but it really isn’t... shows who really is paying attention to the story and the people who are watching it because it’s popular and trendy 
People who are hating on Gabi do not understand the themes portrayed in AoT
Pretty solid overall. Wonderful bits of animation such as the ODM bits and the solid character acting from Sasha going down, Mikasa and Armin is distress, personal highlight being Gabi's reload animation. Good ost choices, nice addition of Samuel and Daz to foreshadow their conflict later on in the story, and great work from Connie, Gabi and Eren's VAs.
Friendly reminder that just because we hate Gabi does NOT mean we don't "understand" the story or themes. We just don't care because Gabi is a bad character.
U mad at Gabi for what she did ? Did she kill Potato girl for no reason? Imgine a kid, at least 3 years younger than the 104th, made fighting on WARS and praised for it, brainwashed by Marley that Paradisians are devils, and these devils came in her home, killing her friends and this WOMAN killed in front of her eyes two people who tried to protect her. Don't be mad at Gabi. Grieve for Sasha, okay, but stop hating Gabi. You're the worst when you do it
Hey Gabiatans: as long as you're not threatening the VA or other RL p olle, it's PERFECTLY fine to hate Gabi. Period. We don't have to like her, and it's not like we don't "understand" her just because we hate her. I "understand" a lot of Germans were forcibly coerced into joining the Nazi regime, but I don't have to pity then for any consequences that came for them.
I was surprised that Mikasa and Armin crying over Sasha had no voice over. I thought it was still effective but I'm not sure if I prefer it. Other than that, the character animation was amazing this episode. Gabi's hands as she reloaded the rifle and Armin crying were my favorites. Overall, everything was pretty perfect and I love it when a chapter gets adapted in full with basically no cuts. One of the best episodes in the series and a proper send off for Sasha.
Wonderfully done episode! They truly did Gabi and Falco's perspectives justice. Also, seeing Eren's expressions and reactions in animated format was clarifying and super well done, too!
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Thanks again to everyone who participated! 
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Work in Progress
(I’m sorry if I don't catch all of the times that Timpa was autocorrected to Tampa)
I was inspired to write this after seeing posts on reddit saying that no one cared about Tony Timpa because he was white, and seeing how on the wikipedia page for Police brutality in the United States, Tony Timpa’s name was shoehorned in a paragraph about May 2020. 
Timpa was a victim of police brutality, he deserves to be treated with respect instead of having his murder used as justification for pushing a racist agenda.
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I’m copying and pasting the paragraph: In May 2020, the issue of police brutality saw a surge in public response following the police killing of George Floyd. Protests occurred nationwide and internationally beginning in Minneapolis, Minnesota on May 26, 2020. In 2016, Tony Timpa was killed in the same way in Dallas.[26]
That is the laziest thing I have ever seen, it doesn't even flow. It doesn't mention it happened in August 2016, It happened chronologically before George Floyd was killed so why is it after talking about Floyd. Further more it says that Timpa was killed in the same way, I don't remember reading news articles that said the police were on Timpa’s neck for 14minutes, I only remember reading how police were holding him face down with a knee on his back. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/aug/02/dallas-police-officers-video-bodycam-tony-timpa
Heres a link to a picture of Timpa that the Timpa’s family lawyer says that Floyd probably has similar (but not exact) marks on his body.: https://twitter.com/geoff_henley/status/1268182203919405056?s=20
I highlighted a better location where it would made sense to insert information about Timpa’s murder in the same wikipedia page. It seems like someone just wanted to use Timpa’s murder for not a good reason, but if they did any effort whatsoever they could have also mentioned that mentally ill people are likely to be victims of police violence but they didn't mention how Timpa called the police for help and told the operator that he had schizophrenia and didn't take his medication.
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If someone claims that no one cared about Tony Timpa I think they are being disingenuous, ignorant and appears to be trying to further a racist agenda. Just look at how many people cared here: https://twitter.com/ESOP_STL/status/1156586732302798850?s=20
In 2019, I was at the dentist getting cavities filled when I watched Vicki Timpa on the news. She was talking about finally getting the bodycam footage released after 3 years of fighting in court to get justice for her son. Timpa was a real person who deserves justice, not to be used as an example to shut the people up who talking about police brutality. https://dfw.cbslocal.com/2019/08/02/tony-timpa-mother-reacts-dallas-police-video-son-death/ 
Before writing this I only knew about happened was that Timpa called the police for help and that he was murdered by in a horrific way. 
I’m not sure why I’m adding this since some people keep claiming that no cared (or cares) about Timpa because he was white but Timpa’s birthday was June 5, 1984, his murder occured on August 10, 2016, and his middle name was Alan. He grew up in Rockwall. He loved model trains as a boy and became a popular football player in high school. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/dallas-police-officers-under-investigation-following-death-of-unarmed-man/40744/
Three officers from the Dallas Police Department were involved when Timpa was killed in August 2016. https://www.boston.com/news/national-news/2019/08/01/police-laughed-and-joked-as-he-lost-consciousness-in-handcuffs-minutes-later-he-died 
When people bring up Timpa to complain that people didn’t care because he was white, I haven’t seen a lot of them also mention that Timpa had schizophrenia. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/vb54bx/this-video-shows-a-mentally-ill-man-who-called-the-police-for-help-now-hes-dead
So why are they just bringing up the white “angle” instead of pointing out that mentally ill people are common victims of police violence?
Did you know his mother’s name is Vicki Timpa? Did she not care? So, whenever someone says that no one cared because he was white, you are intentionally ignoring his mother crying in press conferences, you’re ignoring how she suffered through a lawsuit (honestly, I’m not sure if it should be considered as multiple lawsuits but that doesn’t detract from my point) and had to fight for 3 years until the footage was released.
https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/13515242/timpa-v-the-city-of-dallas/ This link to the court history shows a fraction of how much Vicki Timpa cared about her son. 
What I'm saying to the people who claim that no one cared about Tampa because he was white: You might be going “yeah, why does that matter, it was just his mother, she’s supposed to care, but I was just referring to the people protesting with and involved with Black Lives Matter”.
My reply is that saying “no one cared” is literally incorrect and ignores everyone who spent YEARS fighting to get the bodycam footage released. The whole reason why we have the horrific footage of Timpa being killed is because someone CARED.
Do you want to know what Vicki Tampa said YEARS before the video was released:
"Why can't they take their badge? Why can't they turn in their badge? Why can't they call me? Why can't they make me whole? Why?" she asked, as tears streamed down her face. "I will keep going until I get those answers." source: https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/dallas-police-officers-under-investigation-following-death-of-unarmed-man/40744/
I want everyone to respect Timpa’s family privacy but other evidence of someone “caring” is how on a complaint filed in District Court on November 3, 2016, Vicki Timpa is listed as a “next friend of K.T., a minor child”, so it sounds like Timpa had more than one family member who “cared”. So, that’s at least two people who “cared”. Please don’t be rude and dismiss Timpa’s family by saying that no one cared. source: https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/13515242/1/timpa-v-the-city-of-dallas/ 
Have you ever heard of Cary Aspinwell? She is a reporter who has been publishing about Timpa since at least 2017, I think she might care about Timpa since she acknowledged Timpa’s birthday yesterday on June 5.
The Dallas Morning News, Inc. “cared” enough to “respectfully request that the Court” … to “direct the clerk to file TDMN’s amicus brief at that time.” 
Amicus curiae means “friend of the court”, so that means that a major newspaper cared enough about what happened to Tony Timpa to want to file a brief with the court, as a 3rd party. So, anyone who says that no cared seems to be saying that newspapers just pay lawyers for fun. https://twitter.com/caryaspinwall/status/1156543499958935558?s=20
I think it’s safe to assume that Geoff Henley cares too. Henley is the attorney who represented the Timpa family, I think its very possible that Henley can take a job that is more profitable. I admit this is a very low bar but Henley might care about what happened to Timpa since he still tweets about Timpa. https://twitter.com/geoff_henley?lang=en
It was kind of sad how on June 5, 2020 I saw people using Timpa’s name to say that no one cared when police killed a white person, but  from the people who posted things like that, I didn’t see any birthday tributes talking about wanting justice for Timpa at the same time. To be clear I’m not claiming that there wasn’t any or that no one cared about Timpa’s life.
Other evidence that people cared about what happened to Timpa was that Dallas officers claim that they got death threats after the video was released. https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/dallas-police-officers-receive-death-threats-after-viral-video-of-in-custody-death/287-8067c53c-f9e2-46cb-a531-ee1466770512
I’m tired of seeing people use Tony Timpa’s name to further their agenda to try to further divide people, which I honestly don’t really understand why when Timpa’s murder should be used as a reason why no one is safe against police brutality, so everyone should be against police brutality.
Timpa’s murder by the Dallas Police Department shouldn’t be used to distract people into being against Black Lives Matter, it should be used to say that we can’t forget about any victim of police brutality. Timpa’s murder is as an example of when police departments get away with murder with minimal or no consequences.
What happened: Timpa was the one who called the police the night he was held down for 14 minutes and died. I want to mention that he was handcuffed while being held down.
The three officers from the Dallas Police Department involved are Keven Mansell, Danny Vasquez and Dustin Dillard. They were indicted in 2017 on charges of misdemeanor deadly conduct, but the Dallas County District Attorney John Creuzot dismissed the charges in March 2019.
I don’t understand how the police managed to kill Timpa when he was already handcuffed by private security guards before they arrived on the scene. It sounds like this should have been an easy night but someone still died.
Mike Mata, the president of the Dallas Police Association, said the officers are not to blame.
In my mind, it makes logical sense that if you have bad performance on your job then it makes sense to get fired, they weren’t fired, in fact Dallas spent $11 million in ONLY five years to settle more than 20 lawsuits against police. https://www.insurancejournal.com/news/southcentral/2017/08/16/461283.htm
If someone believes in government fiscal responsibility, then they should be against protecting police officers who make cities waste so much money because of unneeded violence.
My impression is that the Dallas Police Department only wanted to protect officers from consequences.:
“On the eight-minute recording, the head of the disciplinary hearing says that if the officers learned something from the incident they'll probably be able to continue as city police. They then received written reprimands.
"I personally believe you guys are better than that," the commander said. "But I still need you on the force. So if you learned something from it, most likely we can move forward from here."”
Source: https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/dallas-officers-jokes-during-deadly-arrest-were-strategy-1.4535309 
I have a question for everyone who brings up Timpa to point out some so-called “hypocrisy”: Have you ever heard of Eric Garner, Kelvion Walker, Genevive Dawes, Deborah Danner, Tony McDade, Atatiana Jefferson, Willie McCoy, Sandra Bland, Bartholomew Williams, Spencer Mims III, Christian Chavez (killed in 2012 at age 18), and so many other people.
A small-time newspaper named The New York Times wrote about Timpa. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/01/us/tony-timpa-dallas-police-body-cam.html
When someone says that no one cared about Timpa because he was white, are they saying that Vicki Timpa didn’t care?
I’ve seen people who are using Timpa’s name in their bad faith nonsensical statements that no one cared that he died because he was white. How is it possible that statement is relevant? We should this time to shine a bright light on every victim of police brutality, not use another victim to try to shut down people who are trying to advocate against police brutality.
On the website of Black Lives Matter, it says their “mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.” Also, on their website it says that: “We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people.” 
If someone feels uncomfortable with the statement that “white supremacy should not exist” then they should examine why they feel so insecure. Timpa shouldn’t be used as an example of why someone should be critical of today’s protestors who were galvanized by the murder of George Floyd.
In my impression, people have brought up Timpa’s murder to say that the Black community is full of hypocrites because they didn’t protest police brutality after three officers from the Dallas Police Department murdered Timpa. 
If anyone feels that way then they should protest for Tony Timpa right now instead of complaining about people who want to make sure what happened to Timpa doesn't happen to anyone else.
Also, I think it's relevant to point out that a lot of people are unemployed right now so they have more time to protest and organize themselves.
And if someone is complaining about why did they not protest after Timpa died, are you criticizing Vicki Timpa? (I honestly don't know if she organized protests), 
Or are they trying to say that Vicki Timpa didn’t do enough to get justice for her son after she got the body cam footage released after 3 YEARS of trying?
Vicki Timpa still cares, and she's doing more for his memory then people using the murder of her son as an excuse for racism. https://starlocalmedia.com/rowlettlakeshoretimes/news/tri-east-naacp-launches-movement-to-get-controversial-restraint-method-removed/article_c424b738-a478-11ea-93f6-3bea447001ae.html 
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eightarmsnohands · 6 years
Hurried, panicked, sandalled feet echoed down the ivory hall and screeched as the angel Erathol rounded a corner and nearly collapsed into a chamber, where another angel, Thadrian, stood over a table of light.
“Literal fuck and shit, this is bad.”  Thadrian grimaced at the table, which was flashing pastels in various places.
“How bad are we talking?” Erathol wheezed.
“It’s bad.  Remember when we sent Moses that incomplete species list?  Multiply that by a fuckin’ septillion.  I was supposed to just archive the last century and delete the original files but I accidentally dumped all of them.  I get the joke but why the FUCK would you put the Trash icon right by the Earth icon?”  Thadrian tapped the table in several places frantically.  
“Balls.  A river of hairy balls.  I’m so sorry man.”  Erathol joined him at the table.  “After the Moses fiasco I had to spend eons bringing The Message to a species with two million genders that had colonized an entire solar system.  That was a lot of fuckin’ prophets, dude.”
“At least they had written language.  And spoken language.  I spent that time working with species that communicated chromatophorically.  Well, nothing we can do about it now, just see how this shakes out.”
“The Boss already knows though.”
“The prick is probably just drawing it out.”
There was no real explanation for it, nothing that satisfied everyone.  “Strange influx of litter” and “the biggest art project/social experiment/hoax of all time, orchestrated by a network of anonymous people from all faiths” didn’t even come close.  But the world changed after that.  History would come to call it The Great Leap Upward.
Erathol and Thadrian ascended the Billion Cosmos to the Forge of Creation and presented themselves to God a week after the Great Leap.  Its prismatic shimmer and formless undulation blinded and bewildered even them, who had seen staggering impossibilities.  They knelt and averted their eyes.
A sound, the simultaneous crumbling of mountains, the breaking of chapel windows, the crashing of endless waves, a giggle, an imperceptible sigh, the snap of a branch in an empty forest, passed over them and they came to understand it:
God’s formless stupefaction ceased and before them was a mortal man, a vision of him.  His name was Ted Charlebois, he was 42 and he lived in America, California specifically.  He was standing in line for coffee and preoccupied with many things.  But beyond his smartphone, he noticed something stuck to his shoe.  It was a Post-It note, rather several, almost a stack.  They were covered in sentences written in marker.  The first one read, “Please let Mark get fired.  It’s the only way I’ll get that promotion.”  Below that was a date, a time, and a name.  Ted Charlebois.  He paused for a moment.  It wasn’t his writing.  He did not write this.  And yet, a ghost of a memory began to haunt him.  He remembered, perhaps a year ago, saying these very words in the dark, to the dark, with his eyes shut and his hands on his chest.  And he did get that promotion, because Mark did get fired.  
Stuck to that note was another, dated almost thirty years ago, again with Ted’s name on it.  It read “Please make Mommy and Daddy stay together.”  Horrified, Ted dropped the note.  Almost immediately he snatched it back up though, because he absolutely needed to know what the others said.  
The next one he didn’t recognize, but that’s because it didn’t have his name on it.  “I want to wake up tomorrow.”  Maya, in November of last year wrote that.  “Take me away from this place, take me somewhere where I don’t have to hurt people.”  David wrote that ten years ago.  
Ted kept flipping through the notes.  
“Kill me, God, please kill me.  I don’t want to be without my daughter.”
“Make the bombs stop.”
“Take the hunger away from me.”
“If the soldiers come tomorrow, let them take me, just keep my family safe.”
“Cure my cancer, you fucking bastard.”
And Ted’s eyes filled with tears as he realized what the notes were.  In the maw of nauseating impossibility, he knew.  And his mind begged him to think more about it, to just cobble together an explanation.  But his heart whispered over and over to him, over and over, to let go and submit.  People turned to look at him as he began sobbing in line at Starbuck’s.  He got out of line and left and began running.
The vision of Ted went dark for a brief moment, and the angels sighed in exasperation.
They saw Ted again in a lobby of an office.  The logo on the wall behind him read “United Humanitarian Initiative.”  He was shaking his leg, a briefcase sat between his feet.  All the seats in the lobby were full.  Next to him was a woman who also had a briefcase but as Ted glanced over her, he noticed a handful of crumpled notes in her hand.  His eyes traveled up to hers and he reached into his pocket, sensing her confusion.  He held out the notes he found.  She nodded solemnly, then smiled faintly.
When their eyes returned forward, they saw other people in the room with shocked expressions.  One by one, they reached into their pockets, their bags and briefcases, and pulled out similar notes.
The vision faded again and the angels shielded their eyes as God fluttered back into chromatic fire.  Again, innumerous thunder claps filled their ears.
“I dreamt this, I knew this day would come to pass, but how...that was up to them.  Tiny apes, so selfish.  All the others like them destroyed themselves long ago.  But as I gaze across their history and their future, this is the moment they changed their path and truly took responsibility for each other.  And it was thanks to a fuck up of Biblical proportions on your part.  There is no number that yet exists that describes how unlikely this was.  In nearly infinite dreams, they ignored their own cries to me, laid bare in front of them, every time.”
And then a new sound, like every mortal newborn screaming, every sigh of death, every sob of happiness, the breaking of strings, feathers falling one by one on still water, molten chaos collapsing onto itself in a cacophonous loop, lasted for the briefest of moments...God laughed.
“You may go.”
As Thadrian and Erathol descended the Billion Cosmos, they took turns sighing.
“You know,” Erathol broke the silence.  “They’re going to need guidance still.  Do you think we should go down there and get a little more hands on?”
“You know what happens when we get involved…”  Thadrian smoothed his hair.
“Fuck no.  Not us.  But we have to try, right?  We have to do something.  We’re all in this together.”
I wrote this based on a writing prompt I found on Reddit, Heaven accidentally leaks everyone’s prayers.  Hope you enjoyed it!
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geek-gem · 6 years
Sonic Movie Fan Casting
Well was thinking what the title should be and I'm at Target right now. Yet yeah titles like fan made Sonic movie casting and Sonic movie casting choices. But wanted it to sound just what it is. But not a bad thing.
Honestly started making just on my blog. But okay just I've been thinking about this for some time. Along with the Reddit leak of the movie whether real or not. I might as well make this. Including seeing two comments by the same person on a video by Sega Collecting someone finally made a video in the leak. Reception some what seems mixed or how I hope and want it. But I remember me going NO NO NOT THE MCU yet me realizing just I was talking to myself and saying I just want a good movie or a damn good movie or both. I'll find the video.
Including I have a post I reblogged showcasing the leak. Along have linked it before on a post talking about character. Including paused the video twice just I'm in public but not many people just a man and woman at another table and some kid far away.
I'm just saying sorry to take long. In fact I'm gonna tag this and gonna be quite some tags so sorry to bother. But some of these choices are by me. Including this one guy who I watch on Deviantart who makes movie casting choices. Along with for movies based upon video games. He's done some Sonic ones and I honestly like the choices yet some I'm not with on. Including a Eggman one because of some recent events I've heard and had my own ideas. So I'm gonna be taking some of his choices yet I wanted to mention him. But not his username.
Including even those comments I mentioned below the Youtube video you can find them. The mention of Finn, Scarlett, and remembered JK that guy's idea. The other two I even thought before even with Finn as a joke.
Along with some will seem type casting like Scarlett and just I wanna share these. Including I'll be using Google to find some names from some movies. You guys can give me your opinions on these almost left the word my. Yet what I mean I want some opinions from you guys if you want. Because I'm gonna be putting some names but only one piece of work ether a show or movie they've been in or are in working on.
Along with the jokes of oh that character is playing that character. I'm rambling but I wanted to talk about this first. Even thought of Deviantart but can just put the names I'm just explaining this shit okay. Almost put the first name but these are some choices I've had for even the games. So I'll just get started again.
Ryan Reynolds(Deadpool 2016), Josh Keaton(The Spectacular Spider-Man), Elijah Wood(The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy), Rami Malek(Night At The Muesum Trilogy), Carlos PenaVega(The Loud House), Erza Miller(Justice League 2017) as Sonic. Just saying this isn't all of them and some I don't go with. But also that Erza Miller is straight type casting shit which is silly but okay. Yet might not fit yet just they need to pick a good choice maybe someone I didn't consider or know. On the next choice but almost forgot as Sonic. Including put the characters name first for next one but deleted it just I'll keep going.
Jeffery Dean Morgan (The Walking Dead), John DiMaggio (Gears Of War series), JK Simmons (Sam Rami Spider-Man Trilogy) Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad), Vincent Donofrio (Law And Order Criminal Intent), as Dr. Eggman/Robotnik. That JK Simmons cast is okay thought in my head sounds awesome. It was an idea from that guy in the YouTube comments and I even was talking to myself making jokes GET ME PICTURES OF SONIC HE'S A MENACE or some shit. In fact I can hear a similarity to Mike Pollack which is another reason I like him.
Anna Kendricks(Pitch Perfect Trilogy), Catherine Taber (The Loud House) as Amy Rose.
Grant Palmer(The Loud House), Collin Dean( The Loud House), Finn Wolfhard( It 2017) as Miles Tails Prowler. I made a wonderful and beautiful joke post of imagine Finn as Tails.
John Boyega (Star Wars The Force Awakens with it's new trilogy), Liam McIntyre(Gears Of War 4) Ray Fisher(Justice League 2017) as Knuckles. The last casting I just thought of that at McDonald's which was some what an hour ago or more. Including I'm not talking about it much but I really liked Ray Fisher but just haven't said much.
Sebastian Stan( Captain America Trilogy) Tim Phillips( DMC Devil May Cry 2013) as Shadow. Including I wanna talk about Tim as Shadow because kept forgetting to make this post I forgot about it. While I mentioned about Kirk Thornton approving as Shadow. But hearing him in the Twitter takeover. I honestly just don't like like Kirk voicing Shadow and that can we get someone that can kind of make Shadow sound kind of normal that fits him. Someone who was as good as David Humphrey and even Jason Griffith. Basically can we have Tim please.
Scarlett Johnason ( The Avengers Films) as Rouge. Now theirs some typecasting bullshit but not bad honestly.
Aulii Cravalho (Moana) as Tikal.
Paul Bettany ( Avengers Age Of Ultron) as E102 Gamma. I wanna talk about this. For characters like Big and E123 Omega I didn't really choose any actors because I kind of want just...John St John while okay any of Big's voice actors are alright but just I didn't wanna just put any actor. Even Gamma I thought some seconds ago when typing about this seems typecasted. Basically it's weird I wanna be careful when choosing actors. But also I remembered it's difficult kind of. Yet I just realized or something I'm taking this a bit too seriously but I do take these casting things seriously at times. Despite some jokes. Including remembered John St John voiced all three of these guys woo and just thought oh my oh lord imagine Paul Bettany as Big and now thought Omega quite silly.
Talitha Bateman( Annabelle Creation) as Maria Robotnik. Just seeing this was basically the reason I suppose trying to think of other stuff...but yeah the reason I saw this film. Because of the casting choice by that guy on Deviantart.
Jeremy Irons(Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice and fine Justice League 2017) Gerald Robotnik. Oh holy fucking shit to the yes I've had this casting for maybe months ago. It's just a casting I really like and enjoy and his voice with lines whether from the games or new. Been wanting to share that. Including I thought now yeah jokes that it's Alfred.
William Hurt(The Incredible Hulk), Ben Affleck( Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice) as GUN Commander. Honestly the choice with Ben Affleck is a bit too young. Despite right now Ben is 45 and in sorry to say age but in 2022 he be 50. Basically some silly ideas like okay how am I gonna get Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman from the DCEU in the Sonic movie franchise. Mainly as GUN sergeants and Ben as a captain meh sorry just...the others are cool too. Yet the GUN Commander was a choice that popped up. I even thought Shadow but I'm sorry but no I don't think he would fit. I'm not trying to sound stupid but trying to be reasonable.
Honestly I wanna get this done. For Blaze it's difficult. Now for Metal it would be the same voice actor as Sonic if Metal Sonic ever spoke. But in more serious and kind of robotic voice.
Theirs one for Chip but yeah casting by that guy on Deviantart but I honestly want to finish this. Even with my last reblog.
Along with theirs no Infinite yet love his voice actor. Theirs even a idea for KJ Apa as Buddy/Gadget/Rookie The Wolf even though it's an avatar character and even if I like that character. Including even thought of KJ for that role of Grant mentioned in the leak yet I am thinking of others but don't want to.
Got tags done gonna get pizza now and a drink
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