#this guys hair in season something was funky as fuck
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-Been listening to this song like crazy bc I accidentally stumbled across the mlp version.
Ed the guy whos committed crimes-luke warm take: he was a musical kid
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
(wait for the season to come back to me tag | 1 | 2 | 3)
“Okay, so when you say you were a monster, what do you mean?” asks Robin.
“Ah-ah-ah, pay attention, Buckley. This is important.” Eddie kicks up his feet, arms stretched across the back of the couch. “I am a monster. Present tense.”
“What kind of monster?” Robin’s voice is very even, but Steve can see the way she’s gone still. 
“It’s funny,” says Eddie. “Harrington hasn’t asked a single question about that.”
Robin gives Steve a look. It’s not hard to guess what she’s thinking. She’s not wrong, but—it’s just seemed so much more important to show Eddie the photos, in case it might make Eddie smile. He'd just wanted to get Eddie to stick around a little longer. It had seemed important.
“So, here’s the rundown,” says Eddie. He’s still leaning back, eyes half-lidded, but his voice has sharpened to something firmer and more authoritative. “I’m basically a vampire. The labcoats gave me some kind of fancy official scientific name, but I drink blood and fly, so they can suck my undead balls. Animal blood’s okay to keep me going, but I need a hit of human every so often or things get funky. I’ve got a hookup at St. Joseph’s, which is why I’m in this damn city at all. Um, what else…oh, sunlight’s not great for me. I’m a bona fide card-carrying creature of the shadows now.”
“Shit,” says Steve. “Wait, where are you staying during the daytime? Is it safe?”
Eddie stares at him. “That’s your next question? What the fuck, Harrington.”
“Hey, hi, I have questions,” says Robin. “This St. Joe’s hookup, what exactly is he giving you? How did you find this guy? Have you ever killed anyone? How worried should we be?”
“Well, the answer to that last question is complicated.” Eddie winks at her, grinning. “But don’t worry, Buckley, I’m not gonna eat you.”
“Uh, good,” Robin snaps. “You’re not exactly my type, Eddie.”
“Oh!” Eddie clutches at his chest, draping himself over the side of the couch. “The heartbreak, the agony, how will I ever recover. ‘Tis a mortal wound, Lady Robin.” 
“So where are you staying during the daytime?” Steve asks again. 
Eddie sits up. There’s some fluff in his hair, because they don’t clean their couch basically ever. “There’s an empty building around Logan Square, think it used to be a hairdresser's or something. I just need somewhere with cover during the day, so I’ve been camping out in the back room. I’ve got—they’re giving me, like, an allowance as long as I come back in for testing every month, but it turns out it’s kinda complicated to rent a place when you legally don’t exist.”
“Stay here,” Steve says instantly. “You should stay here.” He glances at Robin to double-check it’s okay, but she’s already nodding.
“Yeah, Eddie, don’t squat in abandoned buildings. But first tell us some more about your secret blood dealer at St. Joe’s, because I think we need to have a house discussion before we start storing bodily fluids in the fridge.” 
Despite his best intentions, it’s been a long day, and Steve starts nodding off around midnight while Robin peppers Eddie with endless questions. 
He swims halfway back to consciousness at the low rumble of Eddie’s voice. It’s coming from above him, and he muzzily realizes that his head is on Eddie’s lap. Good. At least Eddie can’t leave without Steve noticing.
“So…don’t take this the wrong way.” 
“Eddie, nothing good has ever followed that phrase in the history of the world.”
“I just wanna know. It seems like Steve’s…like you’re doing a little better than Steve, with like, me coming back and all.”
Robin makes a considering noise. Steve can picture the exact face she’s making. He stays very still and keeps his breathing slow and deep. 
“It’s not that I didn’t…I think by the time everything went down, back then, I already hated Hawkins. I already knew I wanted to get out and see how much more I could learn about the world. Steve was still hanging onto this whole idea of being normal, you know? He still wanted to stay in Hawkins, raise a family, do all the shit his parents did.”
“Sure,” says Eddie. “Not exactly a surprise.”
“Right, but, the thing is…he would’ve been so, so miserable. I thought exactly the same thing as you when I met him: that he was just another dumbass who peaked in high school and didn’t have the freaking imagination to want anything more than pep rallies and a nice house. But Steve’s not like that at all.”
“I’m starting to see that,” says Eddie softly. His hand ghosts over Steve’s head.
“Yeah.” Robin sounds like she’s smiling. “He’s kind of a weirdo. Anyway, with everything that went down over that Spring Break, I think he finally realized that Hawkins was just a shitty small town in the middle of nowhere, and that if things had gone a little differently for him, he might’ve been Jason Carver himself.”
“Who? Oh right, the basketball guy.”
Robin laughs, still kind of quietly. “Hot tip: don’t say his name around Steve. I think he, like, embodies everything that Steve hates about Hawkins now. Steve totally blames him for your…you know. What happened to you.” 
“Shit.” There’s a rustle as Eddie leans back. “That week really made an impact, huh.”
“Honestly, if it weren’t for you—like, if Vecna had picked some other random victims, I think Steve would still be in Hawkins, married to some former prom queen and hating his life. I mean, obviously what happened fucked me up too, but it didn’t completely reroute my life the way it did with him. For me, you coming back is like, a big deal and amazing and great and also completely crazy. But it's like, an event, you know? It's something new that's happening. For Steve, it’s like one of the most defining moments of his life is suddenly getting a sequel.”
“Glad I could contribute to his character development,” says Eddie. 
“I mean, yeah? So did I? And he contributed to mine, too. That’s just…meeting people. That’s just letting people matter to you.”
“I’m not mad about it, Buckley, christ. It’s just weird to think about, that’s all.”
“Yeah, well, I’ve been platonic roommates with Steve Harrington for like eight years now, and you’re a vampire. I don’t think any of us really know how life’s going to go.”
Eddie hums in agreement, petting Steve’s head a little more. Steve lets himself sink back down into sleep, safe and warm and known.
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therosebunpost · 1 year
I’m on my Steddie x Reader idea BS again and i present you this:
Steve and the Manic Pixie Dream Couple
I just think the concept would be kinda awesome, you know? Like, Steve’s in a sad place right now. He’s got a dead end job, is unlucky in romantic love, and doesn’t really know what he wants in life. In comes Eddie and his girlfriend, this odd, mixed matched duo that just picks him up and turns his life around with their weird, plucky vibes. I’m thinking this could be set around season 3, but then again 4 could be interesting, but then again 3 has sailor Steve so…
I want Reader to be super colorful, with strange accessories and brightly colored hair. She needs glasses, but instead of wearing a pair, she made a strange necklace out of one of the lenses, and just uses that instead. Like a funky monocle. She’s a little on the ditzy side, and isn’t all that witty, but she’s sweet and kind, and adventurous.
Eddie’s obviously not as colorful, but he’s still decked out in a lot of accessories. He’s a little more cynical then reader, less friendly. Think of like, an actual pixie! He’s mischievous, loves messing with people, especially Steve. He’s very protective of Reader, and often kind of acts like her protector incase someone tries to mess with her.
Reader, upfront, is nicer to Steve. She meets him first, and her whole vibe caught his attention right away. I imagine she went into Scoops and just gets the weirdest combo of ice cream he’s ever heard. He just has to ask her why the fuck, and Reader is just like “I dunno, I was wondering what it’d taste like. It’s not very good.” And then she just straight up dips.
Then, when Eddie gets introduced, they share a few barbs back and forth before Eddie somehow convinces Steve to do something with them. What that is, I’m not entirely sure, but that’s how the ball starts rolling. They all hang out, Steve is slowly, but surely pulled into their relationship while simultaneously improving his life.
Just Some Guy Steve Harrington dating two of Hawkins’ weirdest residence just feels like a fun vibe, you know? Plus, I really wanna have a more eclectic style, so writing Reader with a similar style just sounds really cool for a Reader concept.
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Memorable moments, lines, and my observations from season 4:
-Howard saying “Jimmy, don’t” while standing in front of the coroner van right before it drove off made me gasp
-Jimmy’s reply to Howard bearing his soul about causing Chuck’s suicide sent a chill down my spine
-Lmao at Jimmy fawning shock over the printer being so good it could counterfeit money. Bob played that so well.
-Kim goes OFF on Howard, like DAMN. I would watch this woman scream the phone book
-Kim kissing Jimmy on the couch 🥹
Something Beautiful
-Me when Jimmy opened the door for the twins at the Vet’s 😳
-I feel confident the Vet saying “can you not hit every damn pothole, please!?” was a Joe DeRosa ad lib
-The printer shop guy sleeping in his office specifies he wants his pizza sliced- in my head cannon that’s a Breaking Bad call back to the pizza place that doesn’t slice their pie
-The cell phone store aesthetic is spot on. My dad had a few Nextel/Sprint stores in the early 00’s and like Jimmy I had to make my own fun while hanging out there for hours on end
-The twins raiding the compound was v Breaking Bad-esq
-Just realized the advice Mike gives Jimmy after Bag Man about realizing you can forget came from Stacy talking about Matty in group!
Quite a Ride
-We get our first flashback to the Breaking Bad timeline!
-Jimmy’s hair is SO fucking cute in phone selling montage
-I did not enjoy seeing Howard so broken in the courthouse bathroom
-Fuck you, Jimmy
Something Stupid
-The “Need to call? Buy from Saul!” business card we see in the opening montage is just the next step in his catchphrase evolution. I wholeheartedly appreciate the attention and care that went into showing us exactly how Jimmy got to Breaking Bad Saul
-I love that you don’t know who Jimmy is giving the office tour to and it’s Huel lol
-You’ve been selling drop phones? On the street?
-KIM’S FACE when Suzanne Erickson refers to Jimmy as a scumbag disbarred lawyer
-SO many silly one liners:
-I’ll leave the bottle
-Are you prosecuting Santa Clause!?
-Clarence is going at the organ, I’m gonna step into the vestibule
-I will be with you PRESENTLY!!!
-The fake donations on the church website is some tasteful foreshadowing/calling back to Saul laundering Walt’s money through fake online donations
-The staircase kiss!!
-I love the painting in the boardroom at Mesa Verde. It’s called The Blue Rigi: Lake of Lucerne Sunrise
-Overall this episode is a 10/10. It’s silly and entertaining but also feels so pivotal on a rewatch because it sets the stage for everything else that will happen. The entire show can kinda be divided into pre and post Coushatta
-Slow down, I’m wearin flip flops!
-I didn’t know I needed an origin story for that fucking bell until I got it
-The! … suspense… ! They really make you think Werner is gonna explode and then he does but not how you expected
-Jimmy driving like a bat out of hell through the S&C parking garage is a vibe
-The way Jimmy’s voice quivers when he says to Kim “you look at me and you see Slippin Jimmy” 😭I just want to comfort him
-ICONIC karaoke scene
-Mike’s gum trick was so slick. What can I say the man knows parking
-Two details about Kristy Esposito reinforce Jimmy seeing himself in her: Howard’s question to her was about working with elders and she’s the only candidate wearing a fun funky shirt
-Michael, is that you? 😏
-I’ll do everything in my power to be worthy of the name McGill… changes his name 5 minutes later
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I have no idea how long this will take me, just as a warning idk how long it will take me to watch and write all this, its about an hour long episode so
Woah, instantly, King's dad maybe?? Or just some other titan guy is telling Luz to wake up from maybe the mirror realm thing established? Cool!
Now Luz, how the hell did you get there? "How did I get here?" LUZ DON'T STEAL MY QUESTION
Oh fuck she is in the emporer's.. temple? Already forgot the name, but i assume its some sort of dream as, this was destroyed? By the collector? Who knows really
WOAH guys, Bump as stone ain't funky, i actually came around to liking that guy, they were dolls last time we saw them!!!! Definitely some form of dream
"Don't you remember?" From Amity CONFIRMED to me that its a dream, there is 0 way we are gonna witness a breakup this episode, I refuse
Amity looks so good with this hair I can't lie, idk if I have commented on this before, but if so, I will say it again, she rocks it! And I want her moon necklace and shoes, that's a given
"This isn't a dream, it is a nightmare!" Love that it took until her girlfriend was trying to kill her for her to realise, fucking love Luz man
EDA!!! LOVELY TO SEE YOU, as always. HARPY EDA`1 ...In prison. Well, it is a lovely call back to season 1 episode 1 so I will accept it!
AAHHHH Her first thought after seeing her mum and sister is "THANK GOD, now lets go find king" I LOVE TOH FAMILY
"Dangerous beasts need to be kept in cages" I know this is a dream, but Lilith queen, you ARE a DANGEROUS BEAST TOO, Eda come on, don't fall for this, have a lightbulb moment like Luz
WOAH DON'T BRING HER DAD INTO IT! DON'T DO THAT TO MY GIRL,, she will cry! Collector (I assume its you) THIS ISN'T VERY NICE
King: *gets jump scared by the guy who is trying to kill him and his species and who wear's his family's skulls"
Also King: "Bill! You crazy jerk! How did I get here?" THAT IS AN UNDERREACTION KING....... See, I TOLD YOU it was an underreaction! He is now trying to decapitate you!
WILLOW! Well. What else did you expect from a nightmare Luz?
GUS! GOD I love Gus, even mean dream Gus is iconic, what a performer
HUNTER! "He was more than a paslisman, he was my best friend." ....guys I won't lie, its a bit difficult to still be in denial about Flapjack, ngl.
.....The challenging to a witch's battle thing made the really intense moment, really not tense anymore because it feels like something out of like harry potter or something
"bip. boop." .....Luz, bestie, what are you doing, because whatever it is, its hilarious. "But you aren't amity!" WE ESTABLISHED THIS BRO, whether its a dream/nightmare or some illusion, IT DOESN'T MATTER, it still isn't real.... maybe she was making a joke when she said nightmare.
Woahhh rubix cubes exist here?! KING EDA AND LUZ REUNITED, "Are you both really here?" AHSUHDKLDF fuck I will cry
"King is going to hate me for this" AWWWWW, I mean. Totally not aww, the collector is doing evil things. "My powers don't work on king." "The dog?" "Yeah, cause he is a titan" the Collector just told Belos the biggest fucking news, but also Belos calling King the dog just makes me think that King is like scooby doo or somethin
HEY DON'T HIT FRANCOIS, fucking bully you are Belos, that was not cool!
"....Do you not understand what death means to mortals?" Well. As an immortal, probably not, but as a KIDDO, definitely not, again, feel bad for the Collector, if only we get just stick our heads back on after we chop them off (Eda can legit do that tho wait-)
RAINE you are back! Oh well, you were. "Annoying powerful" just say you are jealous broski, Raine IS great, love them
OOOO Amity is moving, slowly. Huh.
ARE THEY PLAYING PACMAN?! AND NOW MARBLES!? Awww, see, they are just a kiddo!
JENGA! Iconic group of games. Poor Collector just wants toys and friends bless them
"The archivists, my siblings" Man, TMA fan in me was like "JON IS YOUR SIBLING?! Makes sense."
......AWWW. WAIT WHAT NO. Okay. so BASICALLY, the Collector's siblings went "go play with the titans, we don't like you" blah blah, and THEN when the collector goes and plays with the titans (especially the little guys, like King) THE SIBLINGS GOT UPSET SO KILLED OFF EVERY TITAN?! But King's dad went to the Collector "YOU are the bad guy, I am hiding king from you and trapping you" DAMN IT
"I know its just pretend, but I don't care, i will pretend for as long as I want"...... Okay well again, THERE IS NO NEED FOR THE HARD HITTING LINES BRO
RAINE ARE YOU BACK?! Hell yeah, bard magic is sick, HELL YEAH, Raine pal don't injure yourself BUT GO SAVE EDA i think Belos means Eda anyway
...this isn't King's heart is it? Like, how would that work? Maybe its King's dad's heart? Idk
OKAY so it isn't King's heart, that's good, i was confused
NOOOOOOo STEVE IS A PUPPET, well the whole island is, but still, STEVE I MISS YOU
"None of us felt like we fit in. So we decided to not fit in together" GOD YOU ARE HURTING MY FOUND FAMILY HEART IN THE BEST WAY
Belos I am being deadly serious what is your plan, I don't get it, you wanna kill all witches and demons, sure, but this is just making the area ugly, turning it into the dead coral reef ain't going to help
...................Okay Belos you are just ugly now. How do you keep getting uglier, its shocking
....................."You just need kindness and forgiveness huh" COLLECTOR BESTIE, OUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE WHO THAT WOULD WORK ON, BELOS IS THE ONLY ONE WHO DOESN'T
"But i thought I was doing the right thing" OH MY DARLING COLLECTOR, MY KIDDO, how do you explain this to him, why is THIS the closest i have got to tears
LUZ BESTIE. If I had a nickel everytime Luz got almost turned to some form of stone in a season finale by Belos, I'd have 2 nickels, which isn't a lot, but its weird that it happened twice, right?
.......Alright so why is this not solving itself, am I going to have to wait until the finale minutes to see how Luz gets un-coral-ified?!
WHERE DID SHE GO, okay well now the Collector has a tiny sparkley thing of Luz she will survive, no idea how but still
DOES EVERYONE KNOW THIS IS LUZ, I would be mad as fuck if my ashes were being floated across the city, like, damn, do I not get privacy in death?!
Poor collector, he is just a kiddo, he doesn't understand, bless him
SEE! The little sparkley thing is vibing, in the mirror, realm bit
OH ARE WE AT THE BEGINNING AGAIN! WOO........ Okay why does King's dad have a mini Hooty in his eye and have a "Bad girl coven" t-shirt?! I LOVE HIM, but why is he so short? Is it because they aren't in normal realm so size is weird?
"I am both King and Queen, best of both things" IS THAT A HANNA MONTANNA REFERENCE?!?! IS KING'S DAD A HANNA MONTANNA FAN!? also does that mean gender is just, none existant here? SLAYY
"What? Have you been drinking Eda's homemade apple blood?" BEST RESPONCE TO THAT QUESTION
.....Does this make Luz a titan? Temporarily one. "Eda the owl lady? Send her my regards. Big fan" AKJFSNFJ:EDOFL
Okay so yeah, he is huge, did think so.
I will end it here for part one, its now been an hour and a half since I first started the episode and I am half way through so!
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theangiediary · 1 year
@stanfordsweater WW ask
Tumblr ate the original message, so reconstructing here.
happy wincest wednesday angie 🥳 what do you think is sam's favourite funky little costume that dean's ever worn, and vice versa?
Can I be contrary and say.. Sam doesn’t actually like seeing Dean in costume. At most, he’s neutral/occasionally spares a laugh to tease Dean, but it’s not really something he thinks about. Because really Sam delights knowing Dean and seeing other sides of him. Not a character. He’s so used to the mask Dean puts on everyday being the brave hero, brotherfather, etc, that there’s not much appeal to a fake character.
I’m thinking of several scenes: 
the (deleted, and then added in later seasons) scene where Sam says he doesn’t like Halloween for general “not a costume” fan
Fresh Blood where he tells Dean to stop acting like he’s not afraid of his upcoming deal because Sam can tell
Faith when he got to hen Dean for a change and took... a bit of an excessive amount of delight in that, imo*
soulless Sam’s reaction to Dean handling Bobby John (new paternal side)
in the renfest battle, Sam enjoyed Dean’s joy, not the costume itself (although it looked damn good).
*IF I was going to go into what headcanon personally delights me.... it’s not really a costume, but I would say Sam would get an uncomfortable boner seeing Dean in a hospital gown. Like, after knowing that Dean’ll be fine, visiting his hospital room and hnnng. It shouldn’t be hot! Sam knows that! But he’s laying there all vulnerable and grumpy and his dick’s this close to being exposed to everyone.....
Dean would notice. It’d take him a second to work out what was happening (he overestimates Sam’s emotional reactions so he’d first think his brother was just especially upset about the injury), but once he figures it out Dean would nick a couple from the room before checkout and instigate the roleplay with him. Something dumb like send him out for dinner, and then soak in ice water for a bit, make himself almost sick before slipping into the gown and waiting for Sam in their shared bed.
Because Dean however, does like seeing Sam in costume. He’s a simple guy- hot person + slutty outfit = yes. Also, opposite to Sam, Dean likes escaping in movies where good wins, evil loses, and so I think he likes playing pretend more overall.
angel/demon sex dream
comments about Jason Voorhees
cowboy fetish
renfest delight
thinking Sam was cute in Our Town
Dean Smith’s everything
So any of them that Sam looked good in, Dean is down. Doesn’t matter if Dean gets to dress up as well, or if Sam performs for him. Full gimp stuff probably not, and lawyer/cop might make him. I don’t know, sad? Reminder of Stanford; too close to what Sam almost is (when separated from Dean). Professor!Sam maybe, especially during the later seasons. They are both kinda booksluts. Naughty student roleplay definitely. He is. So weird. About high school😬. Ooh, spanking, anyone? 
The yogi look was hot, but idk maybe Sam needs to respect the character he’s dressed as to buy into it a little bit? Cowboys he’d put up with for Dean’s sake and yeah they’re rough and masculine, but for all his Organic Farmers Market arc of late seasons, he’d eyeroll “weed jesus” men hard.
Hmm, that might be my fun, totally unsupported scenario for Dean actually. First time he got his dick sucked by a dude was in highschool, high as fuck in the back of his friend’s van, Dark Side playing. Dean recreates this memory with Sam, who goes absolutely wild with possession, gonna drive any thoughts of Kyle or anyone else out of Dean's pretty little head. Funny version: Sam gets hit way harder by the weed (low tolerance) and thinks he’s championing this shit, but in reality his timing’s off, no suction, etc, while Dean’s fondly looking down at him in his lap and petting his hair. Uh. The costume part is tie dye t-shirts, a headband for Sammy, and hemp bracelets for Dean.
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lesbicosmos · 1 year
bbc merlin liveblog - s1 ep5: lancelot
damn merlin can't even do something cute and gay like forage for mushrooms without being attacked by some mythical creature smh
why did they cut lancelots hair in the later seasons, it looked so good in his first ep
people rly need to stop dying or almost dying to save merlin, no wonder the guys so traumatised
*some random thing is brought up about the running of camelot* gaius: MY TIME TO SHINE HAS COME
lancelots piece of the soundtrack is actually so good
merlin using magic to forge a seal of nobility is peak "i only just met this guy but i would already do anything for him" and honestly i don't blame him
convinced anyone who enters camelot just automatically feels they would do anything for gwen and merlin (same)
lance: are you two...? merlin: *laughs in gay* no.
merlin and gwen just being like 👍😁👍 you're doing amazing sweetie!!
why is arthur and lancelots swordfight in the town so... gay
the way arthur runs is so funny im sorry
i wanna know just how much of this show is dramatic swordfights
merlin looks so proud of lance im gonna CRY
"if you had to: arthur or lancelot?" first of all merlin why do you sound like you want to choose 👀
second of all "but i don't have to and i never will" oh gwen just you wait a few seasons 😭😭
oh no the illegal plan was found out to be illegal
arthur protecting lancelot <3
"how can you trust a man who's lied to you?" THAT LINE WAS MEAN FUCK YOU WRITERS
the griffin looks so funky
the "oh shit" look on arthur's face when the spear breaks 😭
arthurs fighting faces are so funny like why does he 😗 so much
people need to start believing gaius' hypotheses more often smh
"you are the only thing i care about in all this world. i would give my life for you without a thought." GAIUS BEING MERLINS FATHER FIGURE MAKES ME CRY
why does merlin never have any armour at all when he joins arthur on missions, like he should've been injured so many times...omg is it neckerchief? is it a magic protective neckerchief
*dramatic slow mo shots of a kinda shit 2008 cgi griffin*
surely merlin knew lancelot would figure out his magic after that, merlin was yelling incantations and the lance was GLOWING 😭
scenes where arthur goes against uther are just so good
lance's theme again as he's leaving 😭😭
why does morgana have to look so ethereal in every scene she's in even if the scene isn't about her, does she know how much it kills the sapphics
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harmonicabisexuals · 9 months
X Files Rewatch: Season 7
overall thoughts: I hate to say it but this might be my least favorite season so far? I still really enjoyed it for the most part and there were a few genuinely amazing episodes in here but i gotta admit the blatant flirting was one of the only things that kept some of these more mediocre episodes watchable
msr: the huge debate over when they actually became A Thing is kind of impossible to find a definitive answer for, but I tend to subscribe to the idea that "millennium" was their first kiss (bc it was awkward! but still sweet) and that things progressed quickly from there, bc there is no other explanation for their behavior in "rush" that makes sense in my mind lol. at the same time though, i can see the argument for "all things" being their first time, and i can even make a case for something happening post-"amor fati" or even post-"milagro" if I'm feeling especially silly. in truth though, the main reason why i don't want "all things" to be their first time (even though it makes narrative sense) is that i just want them to have as much time together as possible before mulder's abduction :(
writing: i am still in a committed loving relationship with vince gilligan and i loved all of his episodes with the exception of "hungry", but that was mostly for the lack of M/S interaction and the weird treatment of EDs. but "x-cops" was hilarious and so creative, and "je souhaite" is one of my favorite episodes of the series and honestly a microcosm of the thesis of the show. I also really enjoyed both david duchovny and gillian anderson's solo penned/directed episodes. "hollywood ad" is hilarious and sweet, and "all things" is so quietly introspective with some really beautiful things to say about fate and free will.
directing: one of my favorite sequences in the entire series is the end of "orison" when scully shoots pfaster, it's SO chilling, it makes me literally clutch my chest. rob bowman literally going out with a bang, if i chose to forget about "en ami" (which i'm still mad was his last episode of the series). sigh. "sein und zeit", "closure" and "all things" are also beautifully directed episodes, and i loved vince gilligan's funky directing in "je souhaite" i think his shots and camera angles really add to the comedic bits
hair: their worst hairstyles in the whole series 😭 by the end of the season they've grown out to a better length, but gillian's mid-season hair is especially tragic
favorite episodes: sein und zeit, closure, x-cops, all things, hollywood ad, je souhaite
68% of episodes worth rewatching, and that's being generous...yikes
individual episodes reactions under the cut:
The Sixth Extinction- wtf is happening…scully’s melodramatic letters to mulder tho <3
The Sixth Extinction: Amor Fati- YOU WERE MY CONSTANT, MY TOUCHSTONE
Hungry- the monster guy looks like a young christian bale
Millennium- I forgot the plot of the entire episode once they kissed
Rush- guys stop eye fucking you’re literally at a crime scene
The Goldberg Variation- scully smiling :))))
Orison- choosing to ignore that they made pfaster a demon, otherwise really good
The Amazing Maleeni- silly and smiley :)
Signs and Wonders- terrible terrible awful I hate snakes
Sein Und Zeit- :((( the spiritual successor to paper hearts
Closure- cried like a baby at the end bc I am a sensitive cancer <3
X-Cops- no one does meta humor like the x files
First Person Shooter- a more sexist, more boring kill switch. pass.
Theef- creepy but meh minus the blatant flirting
En Ami- disgusting, was literally dry heaving through the second half 
Chimera- one funny scully monologue but otherwise meh
All Things- beautifully quiet and introspective, also congrats on the sex
Brand X- boring
Hollywood A.D.- so goofy but really funny
Fight Club- terrible, unwatchable
Je Souhaite- amazing, adorable, hilarious, cried real tears at the end
Requiem- this whole episode was just one long Jesse from breaking bad screaming noooo gif
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tropes-and-tales · 2 years
I'm a whore for Angel Reyes but I hate what happened to his character. Any fix it you can offer me to help me feel better?
Honestly, I haven't watched this season at all. I've been too busy, and friends who've been watching haven't led me to believe that I've missed much.
That said, I think it's obvious that the drama around the show runners and actors has hurt the overall arc of the show. It's also hurt the character development, so my head canons probably vary wildly from the canon of the show.
I think the original focus of the show, from what I’ve heard, was supposed to be Miguel versus EZ, brother against brother.  Light and dark, with the light turning darker and the dark turning lighter.  A woman between them.  Both struggling with their identities as Mexican-Americans, and what it means to be a hyphenate.  Angel was allegedly supposed to die in the first season.  Adelita’s baby daddy was supposed to be Miguel.
So my fix-it head canons hew more to the original arc of the series.
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Angel has always struggled with being second best to golden boy EZ.
He loves his brother, but Angel is a deep sinkhole of no self-esteem and the resultant bad decisions.
He knows he’s a disappointment to his father, and Ignacio/Felipe has never given Angel the words of love and encouragement he needed.
He only ever got that from his mother, so when she was murdered, it sort of calcified him in an arrested development.
When EZ gets out of prison and becomes a prospect, Angel is 90% thrilled to have his little brother back....
....but he’s 10% resentful, especially when EZ starts to gain respect in the club.
The Mayans was Angel’s thing, and now it’s become EZ’s thing.
When EZ ropes him into his deal with the DEA...when Angel has to kill Kevin (RIP to Compte for another great death scene), it’s too much.
I picture Angel as having a dark night of the soul after he kills his cousin.  
He loves the M.C. life, but maybe Santo Padre holds too many ghosts now.
I imagine him transferring to another club, maybe more north in California.  Maybe he joins the Oakland charter.
Things move slower in the Oakland charter of the Mayans.  They are further from the chaos of the border, the chaos of the Galindo cartel.
It’s the mother charter too, so there’s a sense of history.  A sense of pride.
Oakland is a funky, arty city.  Not like Santo Padre at all.
Angel Reyes...without EZ and Felipe defining him, without the ghosts of Marisol and Kevin....he can discover who he really is.
One of his Oakland brothers had a girl who owns one of Oakland’s weird little art galleries.  He drags all the Mayans to an event when his girl has an art show.
That’s where Angel meets you.
You’re one of the featured artists.  You’re a sculptor—everything from delicate pieces carved from marble to big, nervy chunks of raw metal welded together.
You catch his eye immediately:  the rockabilly style of your clothing, the hair with a bright panel of magenta dyed into it.  The colorful tattoo peeking out from under your sleeve.
He catches your eye too.  He’s an absolute unit, tall and broad, and he has that lazy swagger as he walks around your piece, studying it.
You come over and introduce yourself.  Ask how he likes the piece.
“I don’t really understand any of this art shit,” he blurts out, and instead of being offended, you just laugh.
You take him through the show, explaining things with your artist’s eye.
You’re one of those casually touchy people, and Angel fucking melts under your tame touches on his arm, on his shoulder.
After the show?  The guys go out to a bar, and you join them.
You take him home with you, bold and assured in what you want.  You want him, and he wants you too.
Angel is—was—a complete fuck boi in Santo Padre, but he’s been changing over the past year.
It starts off casual with you, but it slides quickly into something more.
All that domestic shit Angel never cared about....he cares now.  With you.  He loves the life he’s able to build with you.
Sometimes he feels a pang for the life he left behind in Santo Padre.  He travels back, and he brings you with him:  you settled behind him on his bike, your arms around his middle.
Back in Santo Padre, you beside him, he realizes how much he’s grown.  How Santo Padre Angel was a screw-up and an overgrown boy, but how Oakland Angel is a man in the best sense of the word.  How much he’s laid his ghosts and insecurities to rest.
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flydotnet · 6 months
"Fatigue" is French for "Fatigue"
WHUMPTOBER 2023, DAY 26:26: “Sometimes I get so tired; I don’t even know myself.” Seeing Double | Working To Exhaustion | “You look awful.”
…yes, it's another HSAU flashback fic. Funnily enough, like "Crimson Shards", it's actually part of the official timeline, as it was mentioned as early as the very first entry of the series! To be exact, it's based on two different dialogue bits from two different fics, which you'll find quotes for in the end notes for this fic.
You know the gist: French AU, all characters live in honhon northern land, and stuff. This time, we're only a couple months before the start of the main timeline! Which I think is really neat.
Anyway all prompts are very HSAU Hikaru-core, so you know I had to do it to him. All of them. Yolo.
"Fatigue" is French for "Fatigue"
Summary: Hikaru is tired of exam season. Jun is tired of his best friend.
Fandom: Captain Tsubasa (funky French college AU edition)
Word Count: 1K words
AO3 version available here.
There are a lot of good things Jun can say about his best friend: he’s earnest, he’s altruistic and he’s hardworking. In fact, that taste for hard work and pushing limits always further may be his main trait, at this point; because once Hikaru is focused on something, it’s close to impossible to push him out of that mindset.
It’s not such a good thing, sometimes, and this is one of those.
He hasn’t heard from Hikaru in quite some time, because the fool doesn’t check his phone anymore, it’d seem. None of his calls have gone through and none of his text messages, no matter how the app, have gotten any sort of response. This man has gone into laser-focus and left everyone on read, sometimes even less; and with Yoshiko busy with her own exams, it’s up to Jun to see if that guy hasn’t died yet.
To his relief, his numerous rings at his door haven’t gone unheard: soon enough (which is already late, coming from Hikaru and his usually quick reflexes), the door opens and he’s very nonchalantly greeted by none other than his good old pal.
“Oh, it’s you, Jun.”
The first thing that comes to his mind slips from Jun’s brain without any forewarning:
“You look awful.”
It’s an understatement: Hikaru is pale as a painkiller, his face is flushed with an obvious fever, he has rings darker than a squid’s main means of self-defence under his eyes, his hair is sticking out of every possible side, and he can’t settle between hot and cold, because who even wears such a thick plaid on their shoulders in June?
“Love you too,” he replies, snickering, but coughs almost immediately.
“Can I come in?”
“Oh, sure. Just don’t mind the mess around the place, cleanin’ would’ve meant losin’ time.”
They both enter the place. It’s just as much as a mess as a student flat can get, with papers strew all around the place, opened food packaging still lying in the unemptied trash bin and, of course, a bunch of empty energy drinks piling on in the kitchen.
“I thought you hated those,” Jun points out, pointing to the pile.
“I do, I just needed to stay awake longer,” Hikaru replies between two coughing fits.
“Ah, exam season, isn’t it?”
“Oral exam season. ’t was the fuckin’ worst.”
Another coughing fit erupts from him, this time much harsher, and Jun can’t help but seriously worry: Hikaru doesn’t just look awful, he sounds and act like it, from the slugging way he moves to their conversation that should be a lot more informed than that, not to mention the bazillion empty energy drink cans that can’t be good news.
Something must be done; Jun decides on the fly.
“Let me examine you.”
“What the fuck?”
“You look absolutely exhausted, Hikaru, I’m worried you may have something worse than overwork and a little cold going on.”
His friend glares right back at him, beyond unpleased at the turn of events – because of course he’d be – then sighs, shoulders dropping, tears at the corners of his eyes.
“You wheeze when you sigh. Your lungs may be flooded.”
“That sounds bad.”
“Then sit down and let me do my thing.”
To his surprise, and surprisingly to a little bit of displeasure, Hikaru does just that: he sits down on his bed with an undisguised urge to lean against the wall. Jun may’ve seen it coming, considering he kept his personal medical tools with him and disinfectant to go along with it. He can only give it to Hikaru: for once, he isn’t resisting a check-up that isn’t some thinly veiled excuse to be in extreme proximity to Yoshiko.
His fears are confirmed as soon as he takes his friend’s temperature: the oral thermometer beeps with a 40 on display. None of the following routines he follows are any better: his heart beats way too fast, his lungs are crackling, and all cycles are overall in overdrive. That all sounds like textbook pneumonia to Jun, but he doesn’t even want to entertain the possibility, let alone how Hikaru somehow let all of that happen to him (or maybe he does, at least to appease his wild, wild imagination).
Speaking of Hikaru, he’s only mildly bothered by it all, since he continues talking as he examinates his eyes.
“I dunno for you, but…. Sometimes I get so tired, it’s like I don’t even know myself.”
“What do you mean?” Jun asks as he moves on to the ears, the only thing left remaining.
“I dunno… It’s like I’m not really here, at times. It’s not like I’m sleepy, I’m just not in my body anymore.”
“That sounds like dissociation, Hikaru. It’s a state beyond exhaustion.”
That barely affects him.
“Huh? Interesting, I guess.”
“How did you even get this drained? I’ve seen you tired before, but this is beyond anything you’ve pulled before.”
This question grounds Hikaru back down to Earth, it’d seem, because his gaze is suddenly slightly clearer.
“My exams,” he says, his voice as limpid as can be with vocal cords sore from excessive coughing. “That exam’s the hardest fuckin’ thing ever, and if I fail it, I dunno what I’m gonna do. I don’t have much money anymore and I don’t wanna be Yoshiko’s burden.”
“It’s the agrégation that got you in that state, huh.”
“Yeah. It’s over now, but… Fuck, it was shit.”
“Weren’t the results today?”
“Yeah, they were.”
“Did you pass?”
A slight smile purses Hikaru’s lips.
“Congratulation are in order, then. Now…” Jun has one last question – or couple of – to ask. “Does your head hurt?”
“How long ago have you last taken a painkiller?”
“Uh… I think that was three hours ago. When I came back from the store.”
Jun puts away his whole armada of tools.
“I need to bring you to a hospital,” he then announces.
“Why though…?”
“You may have pneumonia and I don’t want to risk it. Beside,” he tests something out on Hikaru’s arm, “you’re severely dehydrated. The only place you should be in is a bed.”
“No buts. I’m the med student here and I’m not letting you do that to yourself again.”
Hikaru sighs, breathing still wheezing.
“Fine… I don’t have enough energy to fight you back anyway.”
“Good, a compliant patient is a good patient,” he tells him with a smile. “Come on, let’s get you some help, okay? You did all that you had to, now you can – and should – rest.”
“If you say so.”
“I’ll drive you there. Just think of your success for now, got it?”
Despite it all, by the time they reach his car, they’re both smiling like fools.
0 notes
satanruz · 3 years
Historia x fem reader pt 1
If you guys want part two comment “pt 2”
⚠️Warning sexual activity
You go to a very wealthy school, but you have a little problem there, Historia the rich cheerleader who’s your bully. But she doesn’t seem so tuff with her lips connected to yours.
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Well it’s finally football season, people have been waiting for the school year to start since historia broke up with our famous football player Reiner . It wasn’t a surprise to me, but everyone else thought it was a rumor. As for me, I’m not happy that school started, I have to deal with her everyday. “Hey y/n” a brown hair girl coming up to you. “Oh hey Sasha wait we have the same lunch together”?
Ya I changed my schedule, I didn’t like it he was in most of my classes and sometimes Nicolo can be annoying. “But I really wanted to change it because I want to hang out with my bestie”. You and Sasha been childhood friends since birth, she knows you the best. “Aww, you missed me already”? You said with a sweet tone “shut up, let’s go to lunch”. You both head your way to the cafeteria.
“Wow, I’ve never seen so many people in the lunchroom”. Sasha was right it’s oddly packed today, I wonder why. While standing in the doorway you get pushed from behind making you fall to the ground. “Watch where you’re going, I don’t want your funky clothes on my designer bag". Before you could even say something back, the lunchroom filled with laughter.
“HEY Y/N YOU OKAY”? Sasha grabs you by the wrist, lifting you up back to your feet. I’m sorry y/n are you okay”? “Ya I’m okay, let’s just go okay”. You both leave navigating through the school, you and Sasha open a back door leading to the school parking lot. You both end up at your house, trying to forget what happened an hour ago. “I hate her so much, why does she do this to me”?
“I don’t understand, do I really deserve this”? You rambled to yourself while Sasha listened. “Why don’t you get her back at the game”? You pause your rambling, making you look at Sasha with a confused face. “What do you mean”? You asked I mean get her back, do something that will shoock her. “Okay” as you both waited for the game to start, you put a different outfit on before leaving. Wearing a tight black spaghetti strap cropped top with black baggy jeans that’s revealing your stomach.
Putting a black race car jacket over your torso to finish it off. Singling Sasha that you’re ready to go, you both head out the door. It was a silent drive, Sasha wanted to know what was going through your head, but she just couldn’t read you. Finally, making it to the back of the school entrance, you find a park and get out of the vehicle. Making your way to Sasha you walk beside her, you both paying for your tickets and finding a seat in the bleachers.
Sitting in the middle of the bleachers giving you a good view of everything. “Oh it’s tied up I thought we had the lead” you agreed with Sasha, looking at the field you spot all the cheerleaders heading towards the bleachers our whole school sat at. Hearing the crowd get louder you knew who was in the front, it was pretty obvious. They all head to the back, where the girls' locker room was located. You waited a fewer minutes only having a couple more minutes till halftime ended seeing’s most of the cheerleaders leaving the locker room to go back in the field.
You get up and tell Sasha I’ll be back, she asked “where are you going”? I’m going to confront her before letting Sasha speak, you jog down the bleachers making your way to the locker room. finally making it into the room, seeing the navy blue walls and light brown floors. Walking passed the individual mirrors, you make it to the bathroom. Seeing historia fixing herself up she looks up to the mirror seeing you behind her. “So you’re stalking me now”? You roll your eyes, getting closer to her.
We need to talk you asked in a serious tone, making historia turn your way. “And what exactly do we need to talk about”? “You know exactly why I’m here don’t play dumb with me”. “Okay ya whatever, have fun talking to yourself” historia walks around you grabbing the bathroom door. “Why is the fucking door locked”? She mumbled to herself hearing a pair of keys shake, she quickly turns to the direction it’s coming from. “Like I said we need to talk” as you said that she answers back “how the hell did you get the keys to the bathroom”?..
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
(wait for the season to come back to me tag)
It takes them nearly two hours to get to Dustin’s place. Steve’s never really understood how Dustin can stand living so far out from the city, after growing up in a small town like Hawkins, but Dustin seems pretty happy with his yard and his dogs and everything.
The dogs in question start barking up a storm as they walk up to the door, Eddie trailing behind a few steps. He’s not subtle about how nervous he is, hood pulled up and hands tucked into his pockets. Steve’s sort of worried that he’s going to bolt, just disappear into the wilds of Wilmette, and Steve is never going to see him again.
Steve can hear Dustin getting closer to the door, yelling over the ruckus, “Jeez, settle down! It’s Steve, you know Steve!”
The door swings open, and Steve grabs Eddie’s sleeve to haul him inside before Dustin can get a good look, or react, or anything. Just, it’ll be better not to do this on the front lawn.
“Wow, Steve, rude. This is what you were being so mysterious about, a new girlfriend?”
“Not exactly,” says Eddie.
Dustin whirls around to look at him, really look at him beyond the mass of hair and slim build, and falls completely silent. Eddie lifts a hand in a weak little half-wave.
“It’s Eddie,” says Steve, unnecessarily.
“Steve,” says Dustin. “This isn’t funny.”
“See why I couldn’t say anything over the phone?” Steve huffs. “He’s right here and you don’t even believe it. He was—uh, actually, maybe Eddie should tell this part.” Steve hasn’t let go of Eddie’s sleeve, and he tugs at it. Eddie shuffles a little closer.
“Hey, buddy,” says Eddie. “Sorry about…leaving. Jesus, you got tall. Think you might be taller than Steve, now.”
“I’ve been trying not to take it personally,” says Steve.
“Prove it,” Dustin snaps. “If you’re really Eddie, tell me something only he would know.”
Eddie pushes a hand through his hair. “Fuck, I dunno. Um—oh, after our first Hellfire session together, you stayed behind to tell me I was running the game wrong. You had, like, an itemized list. Nearly kicked you out right then and there, but you said you'll get there in this super condescending way and I actually thought that was funny as hell."
Dustin’s eyes get wide. “What the fuck! Eddie? I mean—Eddie?”
“Yeah, man.” Eddie’s smiling; he looks like he might be tearing up.
Steve decides he probably isn’t needed for this part, and slips into the kitchen. The radio on the counter’s already playing, so he turns it up a little. He putters around, looks at the new backsplash and grabs a beer from the fridge. Dustin always has the weirdest freaking beers. The label on this one says it was made in some kind of European monastery. Steve doesn’t hate it, and he can tell it’s different from a standard-issue Heineken, but he doesn’t really get what Dustin likes about it. He thinks he might be too uncultured to appreciate the monks’ hard work, or something.
Steve’s just about finished the beer, all the way down to its funky sediment, and is trying real hard not to want to turn the radio down and eavesdrop, when he hears a crash from the living room.
He rushes in, heart racing, to see Eddie sprawled on the floor and rubbing his head. The ceiling lamp is swinging wildly.
“Guess what!” says Dustin. “Eddie can totally fly up to at least six feet if he starts from higher ground. We’re gonna try this outside next time and really figure out his upper limits.”
“Jesus, Dustin,” Steve groans, slumping in relief. “Give the guy a break. He’s been having tests run on him for the last decade, you don’t think they’ve figured out everything there is to figure out about…” he waves a hand in Eddie’s direction.
“It’s fine.” Eddie climbs to his feet. “I wasn’t the most cooperative subject for those dudes, so I don’t know how good their tests were.”
The word cooperative settles like monastic sediment in Steve’s gut. He’d been assuming that Eddie’d been at least sort of going along with the whole thing willingly, which in retrospect had been such a stupid thing to assume. He wants to set the whole fucking Hawkins Lab on fire. He wants to take a sledgehammer to every goddamn inch of the concrete that kept Eddie trapped and hurting. He—he takes a breath and unclenches his fists.
“Okay,” he says. “No more flying tests indoors, though. And, and definitely nothing else before we get some damn food in us. We having dinner tonight or what?”
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amazingmsme · 2 years
I’m watching Queer Eye & I just had this thought that I absolutely can’t get out of my head. So the Fab 5 have been in an episode of big mouth & I was like. You know who could really use a week of self care & working on her issues? Reagan Ridley. I just NEED someone to write this.
Brett would be the one to nominate her because he was watching the show & thought that she was a lot like the people they help. Spoilers under the cut, & I mean right under. & just so y’all know this got way longer than intended.
So after her dad swoops in and steals her promotion, Reagan throws herself into her work, even more so than usual. Her circles are worse, she snaps at everyone, & every waking moment is dedicated to her job. & Brett knows she has a lot of insecurities & family issues & thinks she could really benefit from the experience.
So Brett & the gang make a video to nominate her for a makeover & the Fab 5 know they got their work cut out for them especially with the way her coworkers stress how harsh she can be & her strained relationship with physical affection.
Ever since Rand took over the company, he’s made his daughter’s life a living hell, & totally on purpose too. Poor thing has just been so frazzled & angry because she’s been stretched so thin. He just loves using his new power to torment her constantly & not give her a moment’s rest. He gives her way more work than JR ever did, he degrades her in front of others, basically turned her into his errand boy, but the worst thing by far, at least in Reagan’s book, is forcing her to spend time with him instead of getting her work done. Which in turn makes her fall farther behind & has to work harder to keep up. But Reagan is a machine fueled on spite, so she throws 200% of herself into her work.
It doesn’t take long for the gang to notice that it’s taking its toll on her, but she adamantly denies the fact that anything is wrong. Her hair is always frazzled & messy, even more so than usual, her skin is dry & cracked with extremely dark circles under her eyes, even by Reagan standards. Her clothes have an increasing number of stains, & as nice as her work family is trying to be, they can’t ignore the funky smell wafting from her.
After the incident in the 80’s town, she tried to make it a habit to hang out with Brett, have dinner, & watch something with him. Now by this point, he already sent in her nomination tape so he needed her to warm up to the idea of the Fab 5 before they barge into her life. They end up binging the entire first season at once & he other seasons shortly follow when she manages to drag herself away from work long enough.
Reagan falls in love with the show & is amazed at the transformations they make to people’s lives. She even joked that “I think I’d break them if they ever got a hold of me.” Que very nervous laughter from Brett & he’s like “but it would be nice, right? To let people help you for a change & to open up?” She just shrugs & goes “yeah I guess, but that could never happen. Those guys help people who actually need it, and who’re good people.”
Brett gets all sad like 🥺 “you don’t think you’re a good person?” 🥺 & Reagan legit laughs in his face until tears well in her eyes & she wipes them away & just goes “I know I’m not a good person. I’m my father’s daughter after all.” & that just makes our favorite himbo to fucking sad he starts crying & clings onto her & tells her everything. About how him & the gang are so worried about her cause she gives every part of herself to the company & doesn’t take care of herself. About how they all put together her nomination tape & sent it in & how their Queer Eye marathons were in case she got accepted & needed to know what was in store.
At first she was pretty pissed- not because she was insulted that they thought she needed the help or anything- but because of what that meant for the company. She would be gone from Cognito for an entire week, her father would be left to his own devices, but above all that meant five total strangers & a fucking film crew would be prowling around her things & might even go inside the company building. Basically the opposite reaction he wanted her to have because in her panic induced rant not once did she mention herself. It was all about Cognito Inc.
He manages to calm her down & talk things out because no one can deny she needs this. She agrees on that at least, & Brett manages to convince her that it could even be good for the company to get some press. Make them seem like a normal, innocent & good company & less like a shady corporation that no one knows anything about. Have an episode of a wildly popular show dedicated to one of the most powerful people in the company. It would be a good look for all of them & could douse some rumors that were starting to spread about their shady practices.
Of course when the Fab 5 sees her nomination they’re like damn we gotta help this girl ASAP. They let Reagan know she’s been accepted to be on the show & she puts the whole company on high alert, ready to switch to the Field Trip Mode at a moment’s notice. A dude in the watch tower spots their car & alerts them to switch. Time to hide all the weird, shady shit or anything that could be construed as evil.
Now the guys are used to surprising whoever they’ll makeover, so they’re expecting to crash in on some important meeting & whisk her away. Instead they’re greeted with an enthusiastic, but clearly tired & erratic woman talking 90 to nothing about how honored she is to have them there. Launches into her regular spiel for investors & touring school children about the company, boasting of her accomplishments to try & hide the person that’s barely clinging on. The Fab 5 are barely able to refrain from their signature group hug upon meeting her, but they were well warned. After initial introductions, Karamo asks if it’s okay if they hug her. She’s clearly trying to act normal, but the question makes her nervous. But she’s trying to to be better about it so she says yeah, but only if it’s quick.
The gang of course fucks some shit up, giving the 5 a good idea of what she has to deal with on a daily basis. Brett is the only one actively trying to help Reagan & make things easy on her. & the source of all her fucked up problems walks in all smug & trying to be charming like the massive dick he is.
“Reagan where the fuck are those reports I asked about a week ago? Oh, and about five of our robots are malfunctioning, you’ll have to fix that as soon as possible.” & she’s trying to signal for him to shut the fuck up & leave when he notices them all. He just smirks like “Are these the fairy gaymothers come to try & make you look halfway presentable?” & yeah none of them like him & they instantly start to understand why she is the way she is.
They go back to her house & she’s a frantic mess scrambling around & trying to hide classified stuff for work while they “raid” her house & have fun.
Her kitchen couldn’t be more sparse, there’s more lab & robotic equipment than there is actual decor, & there isn’t a single skin or hair product in her bathroom. Jonathan pulls her in to ask what her routine is & sheepishly says she doesn’t really have one. Uses 2 in 1 shampoo & conditioner & washes her face with hand soap. Antoni asks about her relationship with food & is appalled when he finds out she doesn’t have any regular eating habits & oftentimes works for hours at a time, forgetting to have meals. If someone doesn’t literally drag her away for lunch she’ll forget about it but at least she drinks water & has supplement shakes on occasion.
Bobby asks her if her home actually feels like a home, & she hesitates before answering no. She said she’s never really felt at home in a house, but that’s mostly due to the fact that her parents fought constantly & turned the house into an active war zone. She built a coping habit of working & staying away from the house & now she feels more at ease in a cold facility than her own home. & she’d be lying to his face if she said she wasn’t trying to avoid Karamo, because she knows there’s so much emotional trauma & baggage that she herself of scared to actually examine. So he has to start chipping away at her walls to gain her trust.
Ok but at least 1 of the 5 is a lizard person & was at the gala & saw Reagan’s freak out. Watching her tape & hearing about the company rang a bell but it wasn’t until they started talking with her did they realize she’s the poor fucked up sap who couldn’t even hug another person & accidentally ripped off their leader’s arms. Imagine whoever you want but just like, Jonathan or one of them being like “so honey, I was at the gala & I know what happened. Care to talk a little more about why that happened?”
But yeah it ends up with her explaining how her dad never hugged her growing up & made this giant & terrifying robot to do it so he wouldn’t have to. Like she literally talks to Karamo for hours about all the layers of shit that Rand has put her through. From Bear-O, to the boy repelant perfume, to using her as insurance as a way to get back in the company if he ever got pushed out. & a whole lot more.
They jump into the makeover & Bobby takes her shopping to fill her home with nice things that she can see herself wanting to go home & relax to. What furniture speaks to her, what decor she likes, & just getting an overall sense of her vibe. Next up is Tan & he is so ready to help boost her self confidence in her appearance. She’s said how she’s always felt like an outcast not only because of her lack of social skills, but because she knows she’s not the prettiest. She’s been told so countless times & yes that includes her parents. She’s well aware that society views a woman’s value based off looks, so she feels like she has to work twice as hard to prove her worth in life. & that shit’s exhausting so she just stopped really caring about how she looked because that’s just “wasted effort.” But he starts pulling outfits that he knows she’ll look good in, & that he thinks suits her style.
A sexy pants suit paired with a low heel for work, ripped jeans, combat boots, halter top with a leather jacket for a more dressy casual look. He even shows her a big purse that she can store weapons & gadgets in. & it’s stylish but just tacky enough for her taste because let’s face it, our weird girl likes weird, somewhat tasteless shit & that’s very cash money of her. She says she kinda wants to dress like a lowkey but still snazzy evil scientist. Cause she realized she really did look fire in Skullfinger’s getup. & you best bet Tan hooks her up.
Next up is Antoni & he really tries to instill a passion for food in her because you don’t only need it to fuel your body, but good food can bring people together. & when she has Brett over they always have something frozen or easy to slap together or they just get takeout. He really tries to make the process of making a good meal therapeutic for her. It’s something you can use to release anger when chopping veggies or tenderizing the meat & the act of cooking can calm her down after a long stressful day at Cognito Inc.
Karamo reaches out to Rand to talk about what it was like raising Reagan. & Karamo is a very mild mannered, peaceful, & respectful man. He’s seen his fair share of parental issues & tries to help sort them out for whoever they’re helping & he does a great job being understanding to both sides. Usually. But even he can’t hide the horror & outright disgust when listening to the way Rand talks about raising his daughter. He doesn’t actually talk about Reagan herself, only her accomplishments that he’s proud of. & he loves to laugh about & mock her failures. Karamo is being extremely patient & tries to get through to him that he himself doesn’t have healthy habits & coping mechanisms & passed those onto his daughter & how he doesn’t see her as her own person, but just an extension of him by his own design to manipulate & control. So Karamo tells him that he’s going to have a day in a lab to work with Reagan rather than boss her around or work against her. & he tells him to his face that he is a bad father & needs to apologize to his daughter if he wants any hope of salvaging their relationship.
Of course she’s not thrilled when she finds out what Karamo has planned because she always gets this nervous sinking feeling whenever she has to try to work with her dad. But despite everything, she is still desperate for his love & approval so she agrees. It starts out very tense & awkward as they both try to one up each other with their inventions. At first, Rand was being very bossy & controlling & Reagan snapped at him about how he tries to manage every aspect of her life. It turns into a fight that Karamo has to break up & has them try to talk it out & bruh. My guy. It’s fucking heartbreaking. Reagan immediately went on the defensive asking him why she was never good enough to warrant his attention as a child & he shot back that it was because she could always have been better. & he said that his shitty parenting is the only reason why she’s as successful as she is because he taught her to constantly push herself to strive for nothing less than perfect. & if he had been loving & encouraging then she would’ve been just another weak, washed up secretary at some tech company because she would be “content with mediocrity.” Karamo shuts that shit down like “can’t you see how much you’ve hurt your daughter, and continue to hurt her?” & he’s able to calm them both down enough to have an actual conversation instead of a screaming match. Because Rand will actually listen to him because he’s a man & admits he can see their side. Karamo asks Reagan if her dad’s ever told her he loves her & you can see the moment that it dawns on her that he’s never actually said that he does. There’s just so much potential for this section of the “episode” & holy fuck I wanna open that can of worms so bad. But after they talk things out (sort of) Rand agrees to step back & watch her work building whatever it is that she decides to make & he finally starts to see her in a different light after watching her be completely in her element. & he helps her with some more difficult stuff & gives her tips & it becomes a pretty sweet & tender moment.
Jonathan is so ready to boost her self confidence cause he knows Karamo’s day was really rough on her. He shows her a quick & easy skin routine that she can do in the mornings & evenings. & he’s so excited to get his hands on her hair because he has plans. He’d spend the whole time chatting & talking up how great she looks & how well her hair is gonna frame her face now. He adds layers to give it some volume & some cute, kinda whispy bangs. He leaves the shorter pieces in the front that hang out of her ponytail cause it’s just such a cute look. The end result is very polished & professional but still fun & youthful, & she can’t stop running her fingers through it.
When they show her her house she can’t believe it’s the same place. It has a modern & technical aesthetic with a rich, darker color scheme & Bobby made sure to include some elements of dark academia cause it really seems like her vibe. & they gave her lab a huge upgrade with tons of new equipment so she can work at home instead of staying at Cognito for ungodly amounts of time. Made her a secret filing cabinet to store government secrets too. Bobby even went through the trouble of making her a hidden room that’s a fully functional panic shelter but also a place that just for her & where she can relax. She’s absolutely stunned & at a loss for words when she sees it.
She’s cried more times this week than she thinks she ever has because her life needed a purge to give her a fresh start. She’s the first to initiate the hug with all of them, which is a huge step for her. She thanks them for everything they’ve done for her & admits that at the start of this, she didn’t think she deserved this kind of treatment. But thanks to them, she realized that she is a good person who helps others & is deserving of help & just skajsnkakd. Her end of the week celebration thing is probably like a company wide party or some kind of fundraising event & the gang barely even recognized her- not only from her looks but her sense of confidence & self worth changed her demeanor almost entirely. Brett is absolutely thrilled that she seems healthier & less frazzled than before & can’t help but be overwhelmed with emotions.
& she’s still the witty, smart ass, powerful & brilliant woman she always was, except now she actually believes it. This is way longer than I intended, but I got carried away. I just. I really need a Reagan Ridley Queer Eye episode. So uh, if someone wants to turn this into a full fledged fic please let me know
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princessphilly · 3 years
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CW: Angst, angst, angst. 
Word count: 2916
Nina sighed as she snuggled her pillow. It sucked watching Sidney shake hands in the handshake line, the disappointing end to a good season. She sniffled as she watched Sidney stoically shake hands with the Flyers, disappointment and anger on his face.
This season, the Penguins had drawn the Islanders in the divisional semi-finals. After a hard-fought seven game series, the Pens had finally got past the Isles. However, the Flyers, surprisingly, made it past the Canes and the Battle of Pennsylvania was on. Unlike 2018, the Flyers won this time, in five games. Nina put her phone on vibrate, just in case Sidney called her.
However, Sidney didn’t call that night or for a fucking week. Nina was understanding at first but understanding turned into annoyance when pictures were posted of Sidney golfing with Kasperi, Brandon, and a couple of the single players. Nina just was glad she had the foresight to limit comments on her IG to approved commenters because she had no interest in people asking questions about him.
Scrolling her phone, Nina read a text from Marisa: has he called u yet?
No, Nina simply responded. She wasn’t going to call him first either. Let him have his bitch fit and golf. He didnt tell me he was going to go do that n im not his wife.
Nina’s phone rang and she answered. “Yes, Marisa?”
“Oh, Nina, he’s a douchebag. I can ask Kevin to slash him a couple of times next season,” Marisa commiserated.
Nina replied, “He hasn’t called me or texted me since that night. I haven’t tried to call him since Sunday because fuck that. I know he got his superstitions and everything but, no. Hell no.”
“I agree. Have you been out?”
Nina shook her head before saying, “I was finishing finals so I haven’t been out. Karesha told me we’re going out this coming Friday and, you know I don’t party like that but I will.”
“Give him something to miss,” Marisa advised.
Nina scoffed, “Something to miss? He’s lucky if I let him talk to me whenever he gets back.”
Sid groaned as he turned in his bed in Cole Harbour. He was so fucking pissed about the way the season ended; they finally got past the Isles only to get tripped up by fucking Giroux and his Flyers. Fucking Hart was a damn brick wall and fuck, Sidney could sense that his time in the game was coming to a swift close soon. For the past week and in a half, he had been in a funky snit, annoyed and needing to be away after golfing with the boys.
At the same time, he felt like shit. Sidney knew he shouldn’t have avoided Nina’s call; he was still raw from the loss and he didn’t want to expose Nina to that side. But, she hadn’t called or texted him since and Sidney didn’t know how to break the silence that he had created. Picking up his phone, Sidney blinked when he saw all of the messages on his lock screen. The team’s group chat had been busy last night.
Unlocking his phone, Sidney’s eyes bulged when he saw the messages. There were pictures of Nina out, with one of her friends, wearing a dress that was barely there. Her hair was falling straight over her shoulders but what really got Sidney’s attention was the fact that there were guys all around her. Then Nate sent a text; i guess ur single now. Told u not to go home without talking to her
“I’m a fuck up,” Sidney moaned.
“Yup, you are.”
Sidney blinked as he looked at his phone. He managed to call Tanger and Tanger didn’t look pleased.
“Sid, we’ve been friends for a long time but, I didn’t think you were this stupid,” Tanger scolded. “Really?”
“You know with the way the season ended,” Sidney began before Tanger cut him off.
“Nina knows that. She respects that. Nina’s not clingy or needy like some of the other girls. But, Cath told me you haven’t even called or texted her? Wow, Sid, wow.”
Sidney blushed as he listened to one of his closest friends berate him. Tanger was right. But how was he going to even apologize without looking like a bigger dummy?
“Well, you’re already acting like a dummy, Sid, so you might as well look like a bigger dummy,” Tanger snarked. “Nina isn’t like the other girls. She doesn’t need you.”
Sid gritted his teeth at that statement, especially since he knew that it was very true.
Sidney heard French yelling in the background before Tanger stated, “Cath thinks that despite being so good at hockey, you suck at being a person. And you made Nina cry when Cath last talked to her.”
Sidney wanted to slap himself. He made his pretty girl cry. “Fuck,” he yelled.
“Yeah, fuck. Fix it, Sid, instead of fucking yourself over forever.”
Sidney scrolled his phone after Tanger hung up on him. It looked like he was flying into Pittsburgh asap.
Nina sighed as she padded in her apartment. Last night was fun, going out with Karesha. They had just gone out to dinner, a jazz lounge, then ended the night at a rooftop bar. Nina knew people had been taking pictures of her all night and that people were wondering where Sidney was but that wasn’t her problem. There had been plenty of guys willing to take her home but Nina wasn’t interested in any of them either. She still wanted Sidney but fuck him too.
Her doorbell rang and Nina looked at the panel. It was Sidney with a pastry box and a wide grin on his face. Nina opened the door with a smile.
“Hi, pretty girl-”
Then she slammed it in his face, her grin growing wider as she loudly locked the door. Just like a man, coming back right when they realized she was getting attention from other men.
“Go away, Crosby, unless you want attention because you’re knocking on my door,” Nina yelled from the inside. Putting her earpods in, Nina cleaned her apartment for the umpteenth time, singing along.
Sidney gritted his teeth outside of Nina’s apartment. He was expecting her to let him in, yell at him, then he would charm his way back in. He didn’t expect to get the door slammed in his face and being told to leave. His desire not to gain extra attention was the only reason he left.
Nina sighed when she heard Sidney stomp away. Her anger was starting to change to sadness, again. She had hoped this would be different but Sidney was just like every other man; ain’t shit at the end of the day.
“Take him for all his cash, girl. Then tell him, maybe I'll take you back.”
Nina rolled her eyes as she listened to Jamila. “For someone so wealthy, you sure like to talk about taking men for their cash.”
“It’s like this; men figure out their self-worth by how big their dick is, how many women they fuck, and how much money they have. You don’t want to go to jail so you can’t cut his dick off. So, fleece him and then dump him for good,” Jamila advised.
Nina sighed and Jamila groaned. “Oh my God, please don’t tell me you miss this dumbass. Dude didn’t contact you after losing in their playoffs! He ignored your call! He only contacted you in person after you and ‘Resha went out! The dick can’t be that good!”
Nina sighed as she listened to Jamila. Over the past couple of days, there had been Edible Arrangement deliveries, lunch bought for the staff, cards proclaiming that he was dumb as hell and sorry for being an idiot. And Nina still didn’t respond. No calls, no texts, Nina was still upset and feeling raw.
“Jamila.. Glass houses remember?”
Jamila sighed over the phone. She didn’t really have that much space to talk but she persisted, “You let him off easy, he’s going to walk all over you forever. I know I’m a fuck up but I never let a man walk all over me. Don’t let Mayo Boy, no, he’s Miracle Whip because that shit is disgusting and he hurt you. Don’t let Miracle Whip think he can apologize a couple times and you’ll come running back.”
“I haven’t made any decisions yet. Plus, I’m going away with Desi, Sio, Lauren, and Kim to Phuket. You know, that trip you helped plan but you can’t go on now,” Nina said as she logged into her workstation. Work had become a refuge of sorts. Everyone was pretty much professional, no one brought up anyone’s personal life. It was all about work and the patients and it made Nina happy. “I gotta go, I have a patient at 8:30.”
“Bye girl, and remember what I said,” Jamila replied.
Nina hung up and pulled her earpods out of her ears. It was time to focus on another day of work. Before Nina realized it, it was lunch time. Rubbing her temples, she sighed as she thought about lunch. Grabbing her purse and her keys, Nina made her way out of her office. “Rita, I’m going to get lunch,” Nina called out to the receptionist.
However, as soon as she left, Nina saw the infamous Range Rover in the parking lot and she closed her eyes. She wasn’t in the mood and it looked like it was going to get embarrassing for Sidney.
Luckily, it wasn’t Sidney who came out but someone totally different. Nina let out a breath she was holding and walked to her car. Her vacation was coming up in three days and she would be away for two and a half weeks. Sidney would probably leave her alone once he realized she was out of the country. Nina was sure of it, he had to have been icing her out to dump her anyway for the offseason.
“Still no call?”
Sidney sighed as Geno plopped in the chair across from his. He had put on his best smile today for Nikita’s birthday but he was feeling the strain.
“None,” he finally replied. Sidney felt so tired and such a fool. The best thing in his life had slipped out of his fingers and it was all his fault.
Geno snickered as Anna strolled in, holding a box. “Zhenya,” she asked before rolling her eyes at Sidney.
“Da,” Geno replied.
Anna started speaking rapid fire Russian, too fast for Sidney to even attempt to keep up. Geno started to laugh when Anna pointed to Sidney before pointing to the box. Then Anna abruptly turned on her heel and left the room.
Confused, Sidney asked, “What was that?”
Anna hadn’t been talking to him and Sidney felt like he was part of the subject of that conversation. Geno chuckled before replying, “Anna said that it’s a shame Nina isn’t here but she made sure to at least have a gift sent for Nikita before going to Thailand.”
Geno didn’t add the rest, which was Anna saying Nina had better manners than his captain, to at least send a gift that she didn’t have to send, before disappearing. He wasn’t interested in kicking his captain when he was down.
Sidney winced. Part of him felt a bit happy that Nina was somewhere, having fun but it was without him so it was his fault.
“Oh, look at this, Nina’s riding elephant,” Geno crowed as he looked at instagram. Sidney looked at the picture. Nina was riding an elephant, making some kind of triangle symbol with her hands. Then he looked at the comments and the first one said: look at you, dropping baggage and having fun.
Geno snickered before saying, “Poor Sid.”
“Not supportive, Geno,” Sidney remarked, closing his eyes.
There was a pause before Geno replied, “Maybe donate money to things Nina likes. Maybe she’ll talk to you when she gets back.”
Sidney checked his phone for what seemed like the umpteenth time. “Cros, she’s not going to text you.”
Sidney rolled his eyes at Tazer’s annoyed tone. Webs, Pricey, and Tanger laughed at him. They were all in Toronto together for a team Canada thing but that was over and they were out for drinks.
“Heard you fucked up, badly,” Webs stated in a dry tone. “When in doubt, always apologize first and buy the woman her favorite thing second.”
“Nina’s not big on buying stuff,” Sidney absentmindedly replied. Getting Nina to splurge on herself was like going to the dentist. It wasn’t fun.
One thing Sidney did realize from off and on monitoring Nina's Instagram was that she was big on helping out at the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, she liked volunteering at the Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh, and every year, she volunteered at a pop-up shop for girls who wanted to go to prom but couldn’t afford it.
Sidney wrote five figure checks to each organization, in Nina’s name, no strings attached. Sidney was serious about trying to get his pretty girl back and he knew that Nina was serious about volunteering and giving back. Now, he was just waiting to see Nina’s reaction. If Nina told him thanks but it was over, Sidney would be upset but he could accept it.
There were no texts that night but that morning, Sidney woke up to a text from Nina. It was a simple thank you but it meant more than anything to Sidney at that moment.
Nina sighed as she looked at the thank you cards that had been waiting for her when she returned home. This was so out of the ordinary, she had to text Sidney when she saw them. It was more meaningful than gifts.
The trip to Phuket had been amazing but there had been a tinge of sadness for Nina. She enjoyed riding the elephants, experiencing the beaches, going diving, everything. It was truly the vacation she had been waiting to have, after Covid and then switching jobs had pushed everything back. Despite her best efforts, Nina missed Sidney. She missed that dumbass hockey player, he had wormed into her heart that easily. She missed him and was still supremely angry at him. Nina felt like the biggest dumbass on earth. As she waited for him to show up at her place, she wanted to bang her head into the wall. I fucked up by dating him, Nina said to herself.
Her doorbell rung and Nina opened the door. It was Sidney, hands in his pockets, no gifts this time. He ached to bring her into his arms but Sidney wouldn’t touch Nina unless she gave him permission.
There was a stony silence after Sidney closed the door, neither willing to say the first word. Nina tried to summon some of the anger she had but all that was left was pain and sadness. Before she even realized, a couple tears had slipped. Sidney saw them and his composure completely crumbled. He did the one thing he swore he would never do; he made his pretty girl cry.
Nina hiccupped as Sidney pulled her into his arms. He just held her as she cried. “Fuck you, Sidney Crosby. I felt like you were icing me out before dumping me. Fuck you, you fucking jagoff.”
“I-I should have said something but I was so pissed and I didn’t want to lash out at you. Then it just snowballed,” Sidney said, heartbreaking as Nina sniffled.
“You’re such a fucking dumbass. I don’t even know why I’m even considering taking you back.”
Sidney said, “I just didn’t want to burden you with everything I go through at the end of the season, especially when it’s disappointing.”
“Fuck that, Sidney.” Nina glared up at him, the big dummy. “Communication, it means that if you say you’re in a relationship, you communicate. You should have even sent a text, ‘I’m pissed as fuck, going golfing with the boys, be back soon’ or even just periodically texted those stupid hi and good morning beautiful texts. How would you feel if I didn’t call or text you and went away?”
Sidney paused as he considered Nina’s point. He was unhappy he didn’t know that Nina had gone away without telling him but he couldn’t say anything now. “Your face says it all, Crosby,” Nina snarked.
“I’m sorry, Nina,” Sidney said, deep from his heart.
Nina sighed, she could tell he was truly sorry. “Those donations… they were a total surprise. They all needed the money and are dear to me. But the Pittsburgh Prom Dress giveaway, we always need more funds since it doesn’t get as many donations around the year. Your donation not only allowed us to provide more dresses this prom season, it also allowed us to expand our collection so that we could provide suits as well as dresses. Thank you, Sidney.”
“You’re welcome,” he sincerely replied.
Keeping her cheek on his chest, Nina said, “I’m dumb because I really am considering taking you back. But don’t ever do that again.”
Pulling away a bit, Nina looked deep into Sidney’s eyes. “I’m serious. I don’t think I’m clingy, I don’t require much, but don’t even do that again. I don’t need you to call me everyday but don’t ever ignore me like that again, Sidney.”
“I won’t, I swear,” Sidney promised, happy that his pretty girl was talking to him again.
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geometricalien · 2 years
idk what fandom it is but. the funky lil split-color hair dude in ur icon. tell me abt that blorbo + his fandom
that would be dr. stone!! i love talking about this guy fjdsa
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) Asagiri Gen my icon he's got all my love. i bought an ADORABLE plushie of him and am just waiting for china to ship to the us
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) Doctor Xeno motherfucking Houston Wingfield. that man's pompadour could've done a solo space mission if they gave it enough time. i love the cute chibi manga portraits they do in the manga. also just Senku he's the mc with white and green hair name a more iconic scientist duo with wacky hair one who wants world domination and the other who wants ... to go to space- fuck Senku is wholesome fkdsalfj
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) Sai Nanami!! he's a certified mathematical genius! as a math major i simultaneously love and hate him for being so unbelievably good at math. and Matsukaze! I wish he had a bigger role and we explored his character more :( we haven't seen him in ages
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) hmmm Kinro and Ginro, i love them both so much. like, in season 1 when Kinro fights against magma?? thats some good shit, give him the watermelon cowards and as for Ginro he had great character development in s1 and the later arcs showing how much he cares about people. ALSO HE LOOKS FINE IN A DRESS so does Senku and Gen but that's neither here or there
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) hmmm this is a bit harder bc all of dr stone characters are pretty acceptable by everyone except Hyoga but I don't like him either jfkldasj sooo i guess i'll say Luna Wright because i do imagine there are or will be fans who don't like her because of spoiler shippy reasons, but she's trying to brand herself as a girlbossTM and i respect it
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) Suika. i know she's a child like a literal child and she does something HUUUGGGEEE in the manga but fuck her. try watching dr stone dub 4 times and hearing her whiny high pitched voice say "i need to make myself useful!" and proceed to put herself into life threatening danger to prove this over and over again
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) Hyoga enough said fjdklafj i would've said Whyman literally 4 days ago though so jfasklfj
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom episode 4-7 Thoughts: (under a readmore because, these got kinda long!)
-the outfit danny had to buy for dash's party. CLASSIC 2000S i cannot stop laughing. And also showing up to the party and everyone is dressed like the trio is hilarious. and further proof that everyone looks good dressed goth.
-dash has a closet full of cute lil bear plushies?? LOVE that. adorable. also his response to danny trashing his room fighting a ghost was SO valid if somone BROKE MY BED IN HALF ID BE PISSED TOO.
-technus being like 'oh smart, u should be a tutor!' then later being like 'forget tutor, be a teacher!' :) supportive king <3 I also really like his upgraded suit/design. AND SPOCK CAMEO??? HELLO??
-the music in this show is super. its so funky. I looked it up and the guy who does it, guy moon (awesome name) also did music for other cartoons like fairly odd parents, barnyard, chalkzone, billy & mandy, AND some actual movies like FIGHT CLUB??? the whiplash I got from reading that)
-sam being rich explains a lot about her, actually.
-I know the moral of the episode was supposed to be 'dont ditch your friends for popular people/spend a lot of money on clothes that arent You to Fit In'. but tbh. it wouldve been easy for danny to have been like 'well, okay, ill come but only if my friends can!' but I get. that hes 14. so. not a lot to say there.
-BOX GHOST IS BACK!!!!! also, danny sitting up and wearing the dress/wig/makeup. umm thats how I dress everyday LMFAO. unironically me. (hate the jokes that boil down to 'haha funney man in dress' tho. but this is a look)
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-jazz being protective of her brother once again being like NOOO YOU GUYS BETTER NOT STAKE OUT HIS (actually haunted) LOCKER!! shes aware of how people perceive him and she wants to help :( which is also probably why she told dash to invite him to that party even tho she had no interest in going!! she wants to help him out :(
-gotta say im with tucker on the whole 'should danny use his powers to get back at bullies' debate. 100% yes. let him teach kids to fight back. making dash throw his food at paulina out of the blue? no. but when hes actually about to pick on someone? yeah! for self defense? YEAH! if dash and his friends just threw food at him, I think rather than. idk doing sneaky shit with frogs he couldve just threw it back and not pulled punches if they tried to fight. I kNOOWWW its a kids show so they are like 'if u fight back ur just as bad!! violence bad!!' but. theyre HIS POWERS. WHO CARES.
-like my only gripe is that dash really isnt LEARNING ANYTHING WHEN DANNY GETS BACK AT HIM IN THE MOST PETTY INDIRECT WAYS. whatever they had to add a bully psa episode I guess. I hate it and I hate the way cartoons usually handle it because these methods simply Do Not Work. 'aND YouRE USinG YOur poWErs FOR EVill???!' this is Not Evil. even when poindexter takes dannys body, theyre only being 'nice' bc hes stealing soda for them!! bitches deserve what they get (nothing too brutal bc theyre high schoolers but damn, if they pick on danny he doesnt need to be the 'bigger person' he needs to start biting people)
-SAM TRYING TO SMUGGLE FROGS OUT OF THE BIO LAB?? girl in middle school when we had to dissect frogs we could opt out, also, they came to us already dead and preserved...
-sidney's lingo and the fact hes in black and white is sending me. also, danny is a ghost celebrity apparently for being a halfa?? ok. thats interesting to know
-I LOOOVE the trope of 'wishes gone wrong'. not crazy about the stereotypical genie, or the use of the dreamcatcher looking design. (also, I KNOW theyre scientists but the way theyre handling a cold...are the fentons ANTIVAX)
-the genie. she. whitewished paulina. JKASDFHKJ. (the ghost literally just being hello kitty???? im dying) 'why do i feel that im special and wonderful? because I AM! <3' paulina ilu self worth queen. felt bad for her also getting possessed by (2) boys later who were arguing INSIDE HER. WTF.
-imagine being the guy trapped in his now flying car. he thought danny and tucker were HALUCINATIONS. imagine being trapped in a flying car with two, what you think are imaginary arguing 14 year olds convinced ur gonna die. i WOULD say this dude is gonna need so much therapy, but he seemed totally fine and excited when they landed (I would be happy too if a chicken was on my head. chickens rule) stoner rights
-sam's bat slippers??? iconic. SO cute.
-I think desiree's backstory is so :( do all ghosts have messed up sad backstories?? poindexter's was sad too...cannot imagine box ghost has any kind of fucked up backstory. but what if. his mom got pushed off cliffs by boxes...........a la cruella... anyway her 'no man may lay a hand on me' iconic. ilu
-I know danny has no concept of how much bras cost but my god dont attack tucker with some girls bra. those are so expensive.
-its really. well its not a GOOD THING he went into the portal and got fucked up, but its good danny was the one to do it rather than sam or tucker. because even tho he was being influenced by desiree and kept getting more malicious and it prob wasnt 100% him...he sucked as a ghost like most the people he 'pranked' were innocent ppl just Chillin and he didnt want to help anyone at all. I think danny is the most responsible out of them but also, hes 14 and shouldnt HAVE to feel obligated to fight every ghost. hes a good kid and wants to, but I also feel like he feels like...responsible for the portal turning on?? because his parents did give it up,, but it was an accident and not his fault (if anything, why was the on switch on the inside. why was it that easy. why was there no safety measures. that seems like smth OSHA needs to hear about). like thats my son. hes a good boy. and hes never done anything wrong in his life, ever. if anyone hurts him im killing everyone in this room and then myself. etc.
-danny's curfew is 10PM????? DUDE. when I was 14...shit I couldn't be out that late, I had to be back at like, 8 at the latest, and my parents had to know exactly where and who I was going with, AND i had to call/text them regularly...is this a case of my parents being overbearing, or the fentons sucking??? the only time i could EVER be out that late was if I was at an overnight sleepover or smth...
-the vultures have lil fezes. why do they have fezes...theyre so fuckin funny 'ask him for directions' 'I KNOW WHERE IM GOING' these ghost vultures are my new grandpas. pick them up, put them in the adopt box.
-'I wonder why those guys were trying to waste dad!' THEYRE GHOSTS. YOUR DAD HUNTS GHOSTS. why is that not a conclusion you'd immediately jump to??
-*jazz voice, clearly disgusted* WISCONSIN???
-mrs fenton with the lab coat and leg warmers and PERM. YESSS STYLISH.
-was going to say 'ew billionaire' @vlad but. super valid he used his powers to assumedly steal and cheat to get that money, thats how all billionaires do it! but ew hes a SIMP. and spending your billions on FOOTBALL STUFF?? you are Not Valid overall. I DO respect the fact you have a castle instead of a mansion. in wisconsin. if youre going to be stupidly rich might as well go all out, torches on the wall and all. I DO like his ghost form's little kitty ears. catman. and his cape! every design can benefit from a cape. and how different his forms look, like danny looks the EXACT SAME IN BOTH FORMS ASIDE FROM COLOR CHANGES. vlad's is like,, I could believe they were different people!! also I love the drama. but dude you are fighting a 14 year old. lame. also he was like, telling danny he wanted his mom and him and like, wanted him to renounce his dad?? WHAT ABOUT JAZZ?? bitch. those r MY kids and they are both important and special. I do agree they need better parents but thats not u sir <3
-I thought vlad's 'little badger' nickname for danny came from the football mascot of the packers, but google says they have NO MASCOT?? so now I'm like?? is it because his hair is sometimes black and sometimes white?? I hate to give him props but thats a PERFECT NICKNAME. theyre also tiny and vicious!
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-why did I get so excited that Skulker is back!! its been like. 2-3 eps LMAO. AND THE DAIRY KING. ICONIC I LOVE HIM. hes the nicest guy ever :) more nice ghosts please. danny cannot be fighting alone everytime with no ghost buds like every ghost being hostile sucks :(
-mr. fenton knew vlad was controlling him, but a few episodes ago he had no clue danny was doing the same thing...is it something about how malicious the ghost is?? he just seemed to think his memory had gaps the first time, this time he was INSTANTLY LIKE 'GHOST'. then again in this ep when danny did it again he was just slightly confused but not immediately freaking out like he did with vlad possessing him!!
-'my parents will accept ME NO MATTER WHAT' so. so why haven't you come out to them yet, danny?? if you really think that?? if theres no harm, and you're sure??? if vlad is a real problem, wouldnt that make dealing with him easier, to expose him???? SO WHY HAVENT YOU COME OUT YET?? COULD IT BE,, MAYBE YOU HAVE DOUBTS ABOUT WHETHER YOUR PARENTS ACTUALLY WILL ACCEPT YOU??? 🤔 ... 🏳‍🌈 I get why people say He Is Trans. I totally totally get u danny.
-sorta unrelated, but it just occurred to me in one of these eps they go to casper HIGH not casper middle school??? theyre 14?? dont highschools usually do ages 15-18? (I didnt go to hs so I might be wrong, if I am ignore this...) freshmen are usually 14-15, could just be a case of them not turning 15 yet but they will sometime in the school year (I say they because tucker said he was 14 too)? I know the show has 3 seasons, so by the end of it will they be older? thatd be neat but usually cartoon characters stay the same age...I love shows where you can see the characters age and grow up, though...three seasons seems like a long time to spend on like, 1 year...
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