#thief talks
tansypawz · 3 days
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nice try chester
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paranoidbluthief · 24 days
Hello you! How's you?
"I'm doing just fine, stranger! How are you?"
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murasaki-cha · 9 months
I'm rereading TLT because I have horrible impulse control and i will never get over the stark contrast of the Lotus Casino scenes of both the movie and book
Because movie Percy's like:
Percy: *high on lotus flowers having the time of his life* This is amazing~
Poseidon: *godly whispera in his brain* Percy you're in trouble get out of there
Percy: Oh sh*t he's right! We gotta go
Meanwhile the absolute perfection book Percy goes:
Percy: *while playing games* Oh man I having a great time! I feel warm and happy and relaxed and safe and enjoying life! I have not felt this amazing in years!
Percy: something's horribly wrong
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skullsandcorals · 5 months
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"I'm dyslexic. I'm not stupid."
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mydairpercabeth · 5 months
Annabeth has been told her entire life she needs to earn love and glory and respect. Her father neglected her and her mother makes her earn her love. She has been raised to believe she has to be the best or nothing at all. She was told love was conditional. And then she meets Percy and in less than a WEEK she is questioning her beliefs, the gods, and learning that other people can and will put her first. Percy jumped for her. Percy got in the chair for her. Percy sees her. There is no limit to how much they will do for each other.
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mo-mode · 5 months
FUN FACT if you go to 20:01 in ep. 6 right when Augustus jumps on the table, you can hear a guy in bell-bottom jeans say “That is not groovy, man” this is completely true
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toherlover · 5 months
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life imitates art or something like that
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buddie-buddie · 1 month
“So,” Buck says, blinking up at Tommy. He still hasn’t gotten over how good that feels– looking up at his partner. Being with someone whose warm, protective hand settles on the small of his back and nearly spans the distance between his hips. Someone whose big, strong arms envelop him when they hug, someone who can tuck Buck into his chest almost effortlessly. Someone who makes him feel grounded, protected, safe. In more ways than one.
“So,” Tommy returns the word, accompanying it with a warm smile, the kind that reaches all the way to his eyes and makes them sparkle as he looks down at Buck. 
“You met my parents,” Buck says with a laugh, because really– how could he not? It’s a little ridiculous, now that he’s saying it out loud. “On our third date.”
Tommy nods, leaning against the wall outside of Buck’s front door. “Mhmmm,” he hums, watching Buck with a fond smile as he fumbles for his keys. “Sure did.”
It takes a minute, but Buck finally manages to get his keys out of his pocket and into the lock. Tommy is nothing but patience and fondness, watching him with a sparkle in his eye that makes Buck feel warm all over. When he finally gets the door open, Buck’s chest swells as Tommy’s big hand comes out to hold the door open for him, nodding for him to head inside first. 
That’s a first. Buck’s stomach flips, a warm, pleasant feeling skating across his skin as he pulls his key from the lock and steps inside. It’s the same feeling he had on their first date when Tommy pulled out his chair before he sat down. The same one he had the first time Tommy texted him Be safe at the start of a shift. 
A smile tugs at his lips as Tommy follows him into his apartment and the door clicks shut behind him. There’s something so simple about it, something so mundane and normal and domestic that it makes Buck’s head spin and his heart pound against his ribcage in the very best way. He wants this again. And again, and again, and again. Wants to come home with Tommy. Come home to Tommy. Wants the door to close behind them, wants to leave the world outside and exist only in this world here, in the one with the warm glow of the kitchen lights casting shadows on Tommy’s face as he toes his shoes off beneath the bike that hangs on Buck’s wall. The one where he pulls two beers out of the fridge and sets them on the counter, and Tommy opens them wordlessly, the silence comfortable as it stretches between them. The one where the necks of their bottles clink and their knuckles brush and Buck’s skin hums and his heart sings from just one small taste of Tommy’s skin against his. 
Buck’s the one to break the easy, comfortable silence. He does it with a small laugh, just shy of a giggle, as he thinks back to the look on his mother’s face when he walked into Chim’s hospital room with Tommy by his side and she connected the dots. “You were covered in soot.”
“Wasn’t the only one,” Tommy points out, grinning against the lip of his beer bottle as he takes another sip.
keep reading on ao3
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chrisrin · 1 month
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still a wip but umm ^_^ chrisrin boatem persona 5 crossover arc the sequel?
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ruegarding · 6 months
i don't really think of percy as cynical or a pessimist bc he's so bad at it. like, even when he's at his lowest, when he's lost everything in tlt, he looks at the world and is angry bc it's so beautiful.
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hayaku14 · 6 months
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tansypawz · 22 days
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LINK TO THE PICREW IS HERE GO GO GO TAGGING MY MOOTS THAT INTERACTED WITH MY PREVIOUS POSTS @picklewednesday @salachy-part-two @mxmc13 @pageofthemicocee @timeshift-playground-sys @shitpostingsystem @tiredtommie
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paranoidbluthief · 30 days
How do you feel about your team (and in extension if you want to answer; the Red team)?
Hmm.. The medic in my team is.. Okay, i guess.
And, Soldier.. He's a bit too.. loud.
Scout's too cocky for my liking.
Poisoner's okay, i suppose. She's nice to me.
And well... As for the others, i have no actual opinion on them.
As for the RED team.. i just think they're wacky. And scary. Both at the same time!
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mindlessmedic · 2 months
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More platonic jondaisy propaganda 💥💥💥
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energeticwarrior · 5 months
my girlfriend just said "i think the lightning thief is annabelle"
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mydairpercabeth · 4 months
New hc: The thunder was a reminder to Poseidon that Zeus could easily do to Sally and Percy what he did to Maria Nico and Bianca.
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