#they're dumb enough to
jagalart · 1 month
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sockeye salmon
And the final guy in the new gouache fish gang is here! I mean I painted him months ago, but then, as always, I forgot to post him :'D The in(famous) horny fish!
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morallyambigous · 1 year
it drives me bat shit crazy when people compare helnik, kanej, and wesper and say that helnik and kanej are so deep an profound and all “i would’ve come for you” and “only in death will i be kept from this oath” but then say oh lol wesper is such a dorky quirky disaster, he kissed the wrong boy. when people say like “kaz reunited inej with her family, matthias gave up his religion for nina and jesper kissed the wrong boy” like there is something so reductive and infantilising about it that just drives me nuts. its crazy how the only queer couple in the series so far is reduced to made to feel silly and stupid compared to the depth and meaning of the hetero couples. like wesper is just as deep and meaningful and beautiful and does not deserve to be treated like a joke or less than. kanej, helnik, and wesper are all silly and deep and incredible and shouldn’t be compared. stop reducing the only openly queer couple in the whole series to the butt of a joke. 
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murderofcrow · 2 months
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Aaaand they're smooching again! 😘
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canisalbus · 11 months
What?? Why on Earth would they bloodlet Machete when he's already anemic?
Anemia wasn't discovered until 1852, so his physicians have no idea. He's just moody and achy and visibly unwell and bloodletting happens to be the cure-for-all fix at the time.
I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say it was one of the most used treatments in western medicine from ancient Greece to 19th century (and even earlier than that in Egypt, for example). There weren't many ailments that a little bit of breathing a vein wouldn't alleviate, supposedly. This whole concept is based on humoral theory which is a fascinating cornerstone of medical history and also completely unfounded nonsense, look it up if you haven't, it's interesting. People believed that blood didn't circulate through the body, it was created, used up and then the bad blood would stagnate in the extremities. Having too much blood would disturb your humoral balance and create illnesses so removing it was beneficial to your wellbeing. Even completely healthy people would sometimes go get themselves bled a bit just to be sure.
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You kind of need blood for your body to function so this treatment was completely pointless at best and life threatening at worst. If you were sick to begin with it would only weaken you further (and expose you to potential infections, which in the absence of antibiotics, wasn't great). The only viable use for it would have to be rare blood disorders where your body produces too many red blood cells, like polycythemia vera, essentially the polar opposite of anemia.
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spellboundcities · 1 year
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They are revising the script to The Film Ever....
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wellthatschaotic · 1 year
whenever i see someone who is like "yes but [x] isnt as oppressed as [y]!!" or "[x] is widely accepted now!!" as a way to like. disregard queer people's experiences. i'm just like. have you been outside? have you been in the real world?
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hajihiko · 2 years
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ya ever think about how Chiaki and Hajime had a Thing and Fuyuhiko is implied to have a crush on Chiaki and Fuyuhiko gets pretty romantic to Hajime in his extra content and Hajime had a confirmed crush on Peko and Peko and Fuyuhiko have a complex devoted relationship
Love,..... squuaaare??
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I feel like we are too harsh with the game sometimes. Especially since we ARE getting constant updates, the game is only ONE YEAR old atm and it's A KIDS GAME. The last past is what I think many of us are forgetting.
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mispatchedgreens · 6 months
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drift compatible bitches bc like knows like
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iqmmir · 3 months
The thing about milgram girls is that they are all Pathetic and Stupid and Idiots . Yes even amane .
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sadlynotthevoid · 4 months
I want to read an og AlbeCale fic where someone or something doss Alberu with an aphrodisiac. He manages to get away but passes out near Cale's house (or crash right to his balcony), who nurses him. Not smut involved, because og!Cale A) it's not going to do that with a drugged person, and B) for some reason knows a lot about poisons— aphrodisiacs included— and their cures.
So, basically a sick fic, except Og!Cale has to hide the sick person until he recovers. Plus, they have to plan how to catch the culprit.
Maybe the house where Og!Cale is at that moment (and therefore, where Alberu crashes) is the one at the capital. Maybe he went to pick up Bassen or maybe in this AU Bassen, Lily and Og!Cale went all at the capital together.
Maybe there was a swordmanship competition/event that Lily really wanted to go to. And og!Cale decided to accompany them because Lily will go alone if not.
Maybe Violan came too because og!Cale just got injured a few days ago. (Deruth cries bitter tears over his paperwork. He can't join his family and leave the territory unsupervised from suddenly).
Maybe they eventually find out and the talk that follows leads them to discover about og!Cale's act. Whatever shenanigans he stumbled into when pretending to be trash and all that this implies included.
All of this happening through Alberu's eyes, who is absolutely confused but so warm. He was drugged as fuck when he ended up here. He felt horny and dizzy and wanted to cry, but this guy here just treated his fever and waited until he woke up. He gave him water and asked a few questions. Then he got him medicine, telling him exactly what it is made of.
He even was careful when giving him meals, making sure nothing would react wrong with the poison on his system.
Cale Henituse, the person rumored to be trash, was more kind and considerated in a pair of days than most nobles can expect to be in their whole lives.
After witnessing the conversation between og!Cale and his family, Alberu realizes that he is just like that. This is not special treatment nor pity. This is who he is when his mask doesn't reach to cover him up fully. It's just a part, but is more than most people get to see.
Soft and warm.
Once Alberu heals and can go back to his palace, he still comes to visit og!Cale many times.
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rosetowers · 12 days
"Hamas are using their own kids as human shields! Hamas are using hostages as human shields! Hamas are using aid workers as human shields!"
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eliiasjames · 4 months
Headcanon (if the boys had lived..rip) that Paul, after discovering the wonderful world of Spotify, plays Like Whiskey every time Marko walks into the room, singing along dramatically in the most over the top, obnoxious way until Marko retaliates by playing Good Lookin' even louder and singing even more dramatically, throwing down a whole damn performance, like..bro is such a Theater Kid, turning it into a war of who can play it the loudest and sing the most dramatically, with props and everything. Every single night. On repeat
David and Dwayne are over it on day one, so Dwayne confiscates all their music and hoards it for two weeks, refusing to let them have it
Marko and Paul bitch the entire time until David gets tired of the constant whining and makes Dwayne give everything back just to shut them up...which then prompts them to duet both songs. Every night. On repeat. As loud as they can as payback
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spicerpuffs · 8 months
"But, he's so ugly!" "I have no hands"
"But she's a freak!" "My skin is fucking grey"
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coldshrugs · 3 months
triple play
pairing: io laithe / estinien varlineau setting: modern au word count: 2.2k [divider credit]
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February 7th - Estinien
The first baseball game of the season is fast approaching, and the Knights buzz with a mixture of excitement and anxiety.
The locker room is louder than usual, but Estinien doesn't mind. He likes this part. It's the same every year: the giddy tension, the unconditional camaraderie before the finger-pointing starts, the desire to do well and, maybe, catch an eye or two in the process...
Only a week away now.
What he doesn't like is the feeling of Aymeric's glare boring into the back of his head.
"What?" he asks, trying his best to sound even, unbothered, as he puts away his gear.
Aymeric makes an evasive little sound. "Just thinking. Musing, if you will."
He punctuates this with the sharp sound of his locker closing.
Estinien sighs. This is bait. Somehow, this is bait, and he will take it and most likely regret it. He shuts his own locker with a metallic clang and drops to the bench between them.
"Fine. What's on your mind?"
Aymeric tosses a towel around his shoulders, beaming triumphantly and pausing for what Estinien can only guess is dramatic effect. "Did you ask her?"
If Aymeric's stare needled his skin, that is nothing compared to the itch caused by the sideways glances thrown at him now.
This is the same year after year, too—the whispered locker room gossip, all of them eager for some minor detail about so-and-so's tits or who the hookup of the month is. He's never been one to share that much; besides, there's nothing to tell.
Still… another kind of anticipation swells in his chest, similar to the usual pre-game nervousness, but one he doesn't share with the others. He wishes the 'her' in Ayms' question wasn't so readily implied. Anyone else would've needed a name, but after knowing her only a few months, Io is an assumption.
Most of the others are minding their business again, so he answers:
"Yeah." He keeps his voice low. "I asked her. She's coming." Then he adds, "She's bringing someone."
Aymeric leans against the row of lockers. "And? You brought me to her concert. Don't worry too much about it."
But he's not worried. There's nothing to worry about, is there? It's pretty cut and dry. "I keep telling you... me and Io, we're friends. That's all she wa—"
The voice comes from a few people away. Maybe he wasn't as quiet as he thought.
Haurchefant leans past a set of shoulders before pushing over to them. "You know Io? Laithe?"
"Might just be a common name," Ayms shrugs, but anyone can see he's already enjoying whatever this is.
Estinien shoots him a dark look—great, thanks, this is exactly a conversation I wanted to have—then nods to Haurchefant.
"Not super well or anything."
"Oh, come on." Aymeric laughs. "Hasn't known her long, but definitely knows her well."
Estinien wipes a hand over his face. "Don't say it like that. She's a friend from—" Hm, he doesn't want to put her life story out there to some guy on his baseball team. "—we're in a club, I guess, outside of school."
"Oh," Haurche glances between Estinien and Aymeric, and his tension fades when the latter doesn't react. "Sweet. We, uh, dated for a few months a while back, but I haven't heard from her in over a year. After the—" his voice breaks, and Estinien figures he doesn't want to drag her painful history up either. "Well, anyway... How is she?"
For the briefest moment, their eyes lock, and they have something else in common. Something outside of this team. The warmth he felt at the thought of sharing something more about himself with her, that almost pleasant anxiety, it starts to blister, flashing white-hot across his neck and climbing to his face.
His eyes narrow. He doesn't want to say anything.
Io trusts easily, even when she's hurting (especially when she's hurting). If she wanted Haurchefant to know how she was doing, she'd have talked to him by now. There must be a reason she hasn't.
His chest tingles again, fluttering with something tiny and warm—he is the person she talks to, confides in. Sure, they both have Haven, but outside of that... Well, maybe Aymeric isn't wrong for assuming.
Estinien stands from the bench and peels off his soiled shirt. Before he heads to the showers, he gives Haurchefant the only answer he thinks is warranted. "Doing better."
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February 10th - Haurchefant
He met Io at a Spring Break party in freshman year, where he spent far too much of the night watching her quietly hold up the corners of some upperclassman's rented condo. He felt like he knew everything there was to know about her right away, a symptom of that bright melancholy distinctly found in art school girls, like she was only waiting on fate to catch up to her. Maybe the reality of her was less interesting than his half-baked conclusion, but god, her smile.
He was so nervous to talk to her.
They hit it off, in a careful way. Started dating, started kissing, fooled around a bit. But it was so... polite. Almost obligatory. Maybe they wouldn't have lasted anyway, but then, whether she wanted it or not, fate caught up to her. Her whole family was lost in the crash, and she ghosted him.
A slow fade.
Haurchefant has never had trouble with moving on. He finds the bright side and forgets the rest. No, this is unlike him, still thinking about something long in the past, even with such a hazy ending.
But Varlineau?
Haurchefant always found him tactless and a bit fumbling. And he had no right to pull his smug avoidance thing right after downplaying whatever point Aymeric was trying to make. A "club?"
Estinien Varlineau is not in a fucking club, extracurricular or not.
Haurchefant pulls out his phone and stares at the long-dead conversation thread between him and Io. He was the last to text, of course. Some cliche "I realize this is over, but I wish you the best" thing. He meant it. He still means it.
And that's why his unsure fingers dart across the keyboard now, typing and deleting the words until he has something fairly neutral.
He's surprised when she replies almost immediately.
HG: hey io. haven't heard from u in literally a year. i've been worried. u okay? IL: haurche, wow. it's actually really good to hear from you. IL: i'm not exactly okay, but i'm trying. getting help. HG: glad to hear it. i'm so sorry for ur loss. i don't think i can say it enough. IL: i think i've heard it enough for a lifetime, but thank you ♥ IL: and i'm really sorry for the way things went down. that was unfair. i think i knew that at the time, even in the depths of the pit. we were only together for a few months. it felt like putting too much on your plate HG: so u took away the plate. IL: so i took away the plate. like i said, unfair to you IL: i understand if there are hard feelings, but it means a lot that you're checking in. HG: no hard feelings, no grudges. i wish u would've let me be there for u, but i guess we won't know just how much my plate can handle. HG: unless... u want to grab coffee sometime? IL: lol, i'm deeply flattered you still consider me a viable dating option after witnessing me in a nearly catatonic state. IL: but i think i might be seeing someone? maybe? hard to say tbh. i've got valentine's plans tho, so we'll see. HG: yeah? we've got the same plans. i play baseball too, remember? HG: listen... just don't make too many assumptions with him. given the context, this sounds shitty, but he doesn't seem super into it IL: okay... thanks for your insight. and for the perspective on who you're actually worried about here. later.
His leg shakes hard enough to quake his bed. Fuck. That wasn't how he wanted this to go.
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February 14th - Estinien
From his place in the outfield, Estinien can't make out the faces in the stands. It's something he always tries to avoid anyway. Easier to imagine the crowd as one rippling, noisy entity instead of hundreds of people there to watch them perform. Even better if he pretends they're not there at all.
But today he can't keep his eyes from darting around the stadium in his downtime, hoping to catch a flash of deep blue. It's a distracting task, one that oppresses the next crack of the bat and when he sees the ball going long it's almost too late.
Oh, shit.
Shit, fuck, shit.
He tears after it. Faster. Faster than that, until he's feet away from the wall.
One more look up. He dives with an outstretched glove…
He crashes into the padded wall and doesn’t give himself time to react to the sharp little aches burning through his muscles. The weight in his gloved hand is all he considers—it’s an out. He slings the ball to Haurchefant at third and they take a second.
Now there’s time to feel it. His lungs are on fire. There’s a dull throb in his shoulder that will show as a bruise tomorrow. This game is the same as any other, he reminds himself while he catches his breath, hands on his hips. Doesn’t matter who’s watching.
The next batter is their third out and they’re off to a decent start. They run in, and there she is, grinning brightly as she waves to him.
Io sits next to Thancred, hands cupped around his mouth so his cheers carry farther, and something like relief swells in Estinien’s chest (not that he has any reason to be relieved). Estinien’s met him once, decent guy. One of her close friends.
He smiles back, throws his hand up as he heads into the dugout.
The rest of the game feels too long, but his focus returns. They win by two runs and it feels good to start the season on a high.
Afterwards, Io waits on the other side of the chainlink fence. She’s wearing a red flannel over a black dress and boots up to her knees, her hair falls messily out of its bun. He walks to meet her, lungs burning like he’s running again.
“Hey,” she says with a smile, elbows against the fence as she leans into it. “You were awesome out there.”
Estinien shakes his head. “We did alright.”
“You don’t like compliments.” Not a question. Io pauses, eyes darting around the stadium for a moment before falling back to him. A strand of windblown hair catches between her lips (he doesn’t look at her lips), and she pulls it away. “Thanks for inviting me. This was fun.”
“Yeah, I liked seeing you here. Thanks for coming.” He shifts his weight, leans against the fence next to her. “Where’s Thancred?”
“No idea. Probably saw someone cute with no Valentine’s date and decided to shoot his shot.”
Oh, god. Today is…
Estinien reigns in his expression before glancing over to Io. She doesn’t seem any different than the other times they’ve hung out. Her smile is as soft and warm as ever. As usual, her presence is comfortingly familiar, and just looking at her causes the sudden spike in his anxiety to ebb away.
Then her eyes flit down. 
He doesn’t think about why.
He can’t assume anything. That’s not fair.
He opens his mouth to ask if she wants to get out of here, grab some food, let him show her around his campus—anything—but someone walks by. Too close. Close enough to be on purpose.
“Varlineau,” Haurchefant grunts as he passes, and Estinien ignores a flare of annoyance in favor of a nod. Then Haurchefant's gaze slides to Io and darkens. “Io.”
“Hi Haurche,” she sighs, watching him go. The mood shifts, like all the warmth has been sucked out of the air around them, but he can't figure out why. If personal interactions were as easy to call as baseball, he’d guess she just lost this one.
When Haurchefant is gone, she stands from the fence. “I think I need to get back across town. Just remembered I’ve got a quiz due by midnight.”
“Oh,” he whispers. “Yeah, sure. Don’t drop the GPA on my account. I’ll see you later this week?”
“For sure. And this weekend, too, if you want to catch that movie I told you about.”
“You said I’d hate it,” he laughs. 
Io shrugs, walking backwards. “And don’t you want to prove me wrong?”
He shakes his head again. “No, I know you’re right. But whatever, we can watch it.”
“Nice. I’ll text you.” She beams, and that tightens his chest too. “It’s… not a date, right?”
Estinien watches her go, and maybe the little rush he felt before Haurchefant passed by was a fluke. The adrenaline after his win tangling with the weird sense of contentment that comes from simply being around Io. Those things must conflict somehow.
“Right,” he says to himself, resting his head against the cold metal fence (and there’s no reason to be disappointed).
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snowyfrostshadows · 1 year
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My one and only personal headcanon is that Luigi will consume THE most disgusting **** known to man with ZERO side affects due the whole. Perfect Vessel for the Chaos Heart thing he's got going on
Mario, meanwhile fears for his brother's life each and every time he catches him with one of his Death Concoctions
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