#they would adore getting to take care of babies
uluvjay · 18 hours
Please, please, please-L. Norris
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Lando Norris x fem! Reader
In which Lando takes care of you after a night out.
Warnings?: alcohol consumption, drunkenness, kissing, talks of sex, mentions of flashing, prob some errors, not the best ending, got the idea from tik tok so everyone say thank you Alix Earle for breaking my writers block!!!
Lando swore he was only turned around for a second, him and max weren’t talking for long before his best friend was laughing and pointing behind Lando’s shoulder with a shocked expression on his face.
Turning around Lando’s jaw dropped at the sight of you standing on top of the bar, your Louboutin heels stranded on the ground below you as you screamed the lyrics to Sabrina carpenter’s newest song.
With a laugh lando made his way back towards you, “Y/n!”
Your body spins at the sound of his voice, glazed eyes staring down at him as a large smile took over your face right as your favorite part played through the speakers.
“Heartbreak is one thing, my egos another. I beg you don’t embarrass me motherfucker.” You sang as your body swayed, foot pointing at lando as you sang the lyrics.
He couldn’t help but laugh at your shenanigans, his head shaking as you turned around again, your back once again facing Lando.
“Baby! please get down, it’s not safe up there.” He called once again.
“Fineee.” You whined as you turned back to him with a pout going to sit down on the bar in order to get down however the Brit found himself launching forward to stop your movements the second he caught sight of your panties due to your position.
Confusion grew on your face as he gripped your waist and pulled you off the counter himself, your hands shooting out to steady yourself on his shoulders.
“Lando!” You scolded as he placed you on the ground and picked up your heals from the ground along with your clutch.
However your drunken nature proved that to be impossible as you began to whine about your feet hurting leaving the boy no choice but to pick you up bridal style and carry you out of the bar.
“What was that for?” You groaned into his neck as you began to place sloppy kisses on the skin.
“You almost flashed everyone in our section darling.” He breathed.
“Oops” you spoke but the giggled that followed had Lando quickly realizing how far gone you truly were.
You were silent for the rest of the walk to the valet and as lando sat you in your seat before walking over to the drivers side of his Uris, making sure you were both buckled tightly before heading home.
“Can I see your phone?” You asked softly.
“Right in the console”
He laughed at the squeal that escaped you, watching for a second as your hand moved towards the volume nozzle and you turned it up almost as loud as his speakers would allow.
Soon the familiar tune of “Please Please Please” began to play throughout the car, your voice quickly following Sabrina’s as you serenaded your boyfriend.
Lando jumped at the feeling of your hand on his jaw as he rolled to a stop at the light, your hand turning his head towards you as you sang out to him.
“And I have a fun idea babe, maybe just stay inside. I know you’re craving some fresh air But the ceiling fan is so nice.” You sang, finger pointed at him as you leaned closer and placed a sloppy kiss on his lips.
Some people might have found you to be too much when drunk but lando loved it, he adored the way your affection was always on level 100, and how you seemed to giggle at every little thing, how you were unashamedly yourself.
Your small concert continued until Lando pulled into his parking spot in the garage and turned the car off, a cry of annoyance leaving your lips as the song was cut off.
“Sorry baby, time to go to inside.” He smiled softly as he unbuckled both of you and exited the car before helping you out and holding onto you tightly as he walked you into the house.
He walked you into your shared room, placing your heels down before coming behind you to unzip your dress.
“Ohhh, is it sexy time?” You smirked at the feeling of his fingers on your dress.
Lando giggled at the tone of your voice, doing your absolute best to sound seductive despite your slurring.
“Nah not tonight baby, but I promise to take care of you tomorrow if you’re feeling up for it.” He apologized, placing a soft kiss to your shoulder blade before allowing the dress to fall to the floor.
He moved across the room to the dresser to pull out one of his shirts for you to sleep in and by the time he turned back around you had already stripped your bra and had your arms raised in order for him to pull the shirt over your head.
“Are you sure we can’t have sexy time?” You pouted once you were dressed in his shirt, your arms wrapping around his neck as his came to hold your waist.
“I’m very sure, now let’s go take your makeup off and brush our teeth.” He spoke placing a small kiss to your lips before lifting you off of your feet and carrying you towards the bathroom.
Settling you on the counter he pulled out your makeup remover and cotton rounds, dousing two in remover he began to gently rub your skin.
“You looked so handsome tonight.” You spoke up.
“Mhm, love when you wear your shirts like that.” You nodded, lip pulled between your teeth as your eyes ran up and down his body.
“Thought I looked like a slut when I opened them like this?” He laughed, bringing up your joke from before you two headed out for the night.
“Well yeah but you’re my slut.” You shrugged.
He shook his head at your words, his signature giggle bouncing off the walls of your large bathroom.
“And that’s all I ever wanna be darling, all yours.” He cooed, lips connecting with yours once again.
“Good because I’m not letting you leave.” You replied, legs wrapping around his waist and pulling his body closer to yours.
“Nope.” You said popping the p, eyes locking with his, “Your stuck with me forever pretty boy.”
“I can deal with that.” He smirked before giving you a lingering kiss, the taste of your choice of alcohol for the night filling his senses.
“Mm, yep let’s get those teeth brushed, all I can taste is vodka.” He spoke causing both of you to break out in giggles.
Many people didn’t care for nights where they had to take care of their drunken partners but you’d never catch Lando complaining about it, even if you spent fifteen minutes with the same song on repeat as you screamed the lyrics, he’d never trade in moments like those for anything else.
After brushing both of your teeth Lando carried you to bed and tucked you in before stripping his own clothes until he was only in his boxers, your wolf whistle making his body shake with laughter before he joined you in bed.
“Get over here you muppet.” He smiled pulling your body closer to his, sighing contently as you snuggled into his side, leaving a small peck to his chest before he quickly hear your soft breathing fill the room.
He placed one last kiss to your head before allowing sleep to over take his own body.
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mrsparrasblog · 1 day
Take Me to Church
Summary: John MacTavish, the black sheep of his traditional chatolic family, hides his polyamorous relationship with his boyfriend Simon and you their pregnant plus-size girlfriend from his judgmental relatives. When you visit his family while being 9 months pregnant you need to face the reality of his cruel family.
Normaly I think his parents are the most supportive folks but this idea popped up in my head.
TW: Pregnancy, mention of labour, mention of homophobia, fat phobia and strong catholic beliefs, has a happy end
John MacTavish was always the black sheep of his family, and for most of his adult life, he was okay with it. Seeing his family only three times a year made him endure the hate he got from his brothers. In their humble opinion, he was wasting his life; a career in the military wasn’t sustainable. He would risk his life for what? For no wife to come home to and no bairn. If they had seen his single-room bachelor apartment in Glasgow, they would cringe even more. Moving to Glasgow was another thing they disapproved of. He could have lived on the farm like every other MacTavish, crowded with all his nephews. He really loved them, but coming back from every deployment to help on the farm left him with no freedom and several set-up dates with "proper" Scottish girls.
If it had been his grandma’s choice, he’d marry a thin, catholic Scottish girl. And despite the girls being absolutely beautiful, it just wasn’t what he wanted. John MacTavish only had four wants in his life, and his family could only respect one of them (the want for a good whiskey). Becoming a Military Captain wasn’t one of them, dating his Lieutenant (coming out as BI would be an early grave for his grandparents and dad), and his fourth want was you, the beautiful, soft girl who made him and his Lieutenant go crazy. His family would have approved of you being a girl, but you being an atheist, not from Scotland, a plus-sized girl (which he and Simon absolutely adored), and you being in a relationship with both of them at the same time, would be another matter. Sometimes he laughed thinking about what would scare his family more: him being bi, only dating soft, curvy women, being in a poly relationship, or dating two "foreigners." He decided the poly thing would be the final death blow for his family.
So he hid this side of himself for years, hurting himself and, more importantly in his eyes, hurting you and Simon. Both of you tried hard not to act hurt when you spent another Christmas without him because he needed to attend his family gatherings without his dark secret.
The thing about secrets is they can never be kept, especially if his secret was crying in his strong arms with the famous device with two lines in your hands. “Johnny, what am I gonna do?” you sobbed while he tried everything to ease your mind. He knew it was his, always knew. Simon couldn’t be the dad; he had decided as soon as he was 18 to go to the doctors and take the responsibility to never have children.
The first months of the pregnancy were beautiful despite all the throwing up. When you thought you had two guard dogs before the pregnancy, you were so wrong. You didn’t even know that people could get so protective. Simon was attached to your hip every second he wasn’t on deployment, shooting death glares at anyone who even dared to look at you. Johnny didn’t allow you to clean or cook. “Won't let ma pregnant girl cook. What kind of lad do you think I am?” Johnny huffed as you complained about being pregnant and not sick. Even the sex got better; you were living the life with your two perfect boyfriends.
To his surprise, Simon was happy about the news. A child wasn’t something he thought was in his cards, but with you and Johnny, it could be possible. Even if he had the fear that the baby would only accept Johnny as his dad, you immediately told him that he was an idiot—the child would see him as the dad he was. "Who cares about fucking biology?"
Until your last weeks of pregnancy, when it was finally time to drop the bomb on Johnny’s parents. You wanted grandparents and uncles for your baby so badly. In the end, you regretted your decision.
Scotland, Kingussie
You wore a cute sundress, one of the only things that still fitted you since the pregnancy. You looked radiant; pregnancy suited you. And Johnny’s hand in yours, waiting for his parents to open the door. Johnny told you only half the truth when he said his parents were happy to meet you. They were, they just didn’t know half of it. And you were long asleep when Johnny and Simon had a fight about him finally telling his parents about him and that he mattered too. This didn’t help you prepare for what would happen once you entered the cozy farm in Scotland.
The door opened, and an older woman hugged Johnny immediately. “We missed you, my sweet boy. Show me the lovely lass you brought home.” One glance at you was enough to make her gasp. “Dear God, you’re pregnant!” Her blue eyes scrutinized you. To her credit, she really tried to hide her disgust, not wanting to judge you. “Is it yours, son?”
“Mom, of course it’s mine.”
“Well, congratulations.”
She walked inside the house while you and Johnny removed your shoes. Both of you fell into an awkward silence. “Johnny, what the fuck was that?”
“Mo leannan, I’m sorry. They’re a bit catholic, but they mean well, I promise.”
“Please, give them a small chance, and then we can leave whenever you want.”
You sat down at the enormous table. Fourteen pairs of blue eyes stared at you like you were a foreign alien invading their beloved home.
“So, you’re Johnny’s lass?” his father asked gruffly.
“Yes, Johnny and I have been dating for four years,” you smiled softly. Simon and Johnny were the best four years of your life.
“Four years, so I assume that bairn is yours, Johnny?”
“Of course it’s his,” you snapped, offended that he even asked. You would never cheat on Simon and Johnny. There wasn’t even a reason—the relationship and the sex were perfect.
“I didn’t talk to you, lass. I asked my son.”
“Dad, of course it’s mine.”
“So, you’re telling me that you compromised that poor girl?”
“Compromised?” you asked, confused.
“Not even English by her lack of vocabulary,” his grandfather chimed in.
“I told you, Johnny, you can’t just let your urges win. Look at you, knocking that poor woman up and not even asking for her hand in pòsadh,” his father gripped the table, trying to calm himself down.
“Do you know how much shame you bring to this family, Johnny? I would have given you your great-grandma’s ring, but no, you decided to take the MacTavish name even further into ruin. We accepted all your poor choices, lad, but now you’ve got a non-Scottish girl knocked up without any wedlock.”
“It’s not like the ring would have fit on her fat finger anyway,” his brother mocked, and that was Johnny’s final straw. He grabbed your hand, ready to leave.
“I won’t bother you with my shame anymore. Come, mo leannan.”
“Please, Johnny, stay. I promise Dad and Grandpa won’t say a word. We just never heard of you having a girlfriend, and now she’s pregnant. It’s a big shock.”
Johnny wanted to protest, but you really wanted your baby to have grandparents to love her. You whispered in Johnny’s ear that you needed to stay, at least try it for Sophia’s sake.
Another choice you regretted as soon as you saw haggis on your plate. “Johnny, what’s this?”
“I’m sorry, mo leannan. I told them you’re vegetarian,” he said apologetically.
“It’s good for the baby, lass. At least try it before you mock it,” she said, and you hated yourself for being a people-pleaser because the minute you tasted it, you ran to the toilet, throwing it up.
“That was a tad dramatic.”
“I get it, lass. When I was pregnant with my cute Johnny, I couldn’t hold anything in. Do you already have a name?” His mother really tried to make amends, giving you a bit of slack while his other family members couldn’t.
“Yes, we thought about Sophia.”
“That’s not a Scottish name,” his mother’s tone was full of disappointment.
“You cheated on John!” his grandpa started to scream at you.
“The MacTavish family has never born a girl. Never.”
“Grandpa, you better shut your mouth.”
“How dare you talk this way to me in my own house!”
“Mo leannan, start the car already. We’re leaving.”
You went as fast as your swollen pregnant legs could carry you, trying to close your ears to the conversation.
“You won’t see my bairn. You disrespected the fucking love of my life. Who cares if she isn’t Scottish, or not Catholic, or fat? I fucking love her like this. She is the most intelligent, funny, beautiful woman on earth, and I’m going to have at least three babies with her, and you won’t see any of them. Or me. And by the way, I also fuck a man too.” He ignored the screams of his grandfather, how he was disowned, the pleading of his mother to rethink his choice. All he needed was to get back to you, the baby, and drive you to Simon, his perfect family.
“Mo leannan, I’m sorry. I should have done this years ago.”
“I just want to go home, Johnny. I’ve had enough.” You weren’t sure if you wanted to be mad at him or thankful for protecting you and your baby like this. But before you could decide on that, your shoes were already soaked. “Johnny, the water broke.”
“Yeah, I’ll fix it at home.”
"Well, I don’t have a screwdriver here, and I won’t ask my dad for one."
"Why do you need a screwdriver?"
"To fix the car. You said the water broke; you meant the leak, right? Simon was already on it, but I guess it’s opened again."
"No, Johnny, my fucking water broke."
He stared at you in horror before he scooped you up and started to run. "Where are you running, Johnny?"
"To the hospital."
"We have a bloody car."
"But it’s leaking."
"Johnny, I’m leaking, not the bloody car," you screamed in pain after one of your first contractions.
"Fucking hell, I can bring that baby. I helped a cow with labor; it’s the same, right?"
"Johnny, you’re going to drive me to a fucking hospital. I’m not some highland cow."
After 16 hours of painful labor (MacTavish babies are huge), your sweet girl was finally born, and Johnny didn’t even faint, much to Simon’s surprise, who almost caused six car crashes on the way to you. And now you were lying in bed, barely awake, looking at your tiny bundle of joy in Simon’s burly arms. It was enough to make a grown man cry. Kyle, Johnny, and Simon were just amazed by the baby.
The door went wide open. "How is my girl?" John ran towards your bed, looking to see if you were injured, hurt, and alive, holding you tight in his arms. He didn’t even look once at Sophia; he was just too afraid about you. "Sorry, I was afraid something happened to you with these muppets." You always wished to experience a father’s love, and right now you realized you didn’t need to have Johnny’s dad or grandpa for this—you had Captain Price.
"It’s okay, Dad," and this was enough to make Price bawl his eyes out. He always wanted a daughter, but infertility was a cruel curse on him. He kissed your forehead. "Let me look at my granddaughter." He accepted this role without hesitation, when you saw your baby between her two loving fathers, her uncle Kyle, and her Grandpa Price, you knew she already had the family you were searching for.
A/N: I don't approve of anything his family said if this isn't clear, I was almost in the same situation (without pregnancy) meeting the strongly prejudiced grandma of my partner. So please don't come at me with hate, already have enough of it in my asks :)
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kisses4kaia · 3 days
i think…i think about art fucking me…but then patrick fucking art…sandwhich style…yk?
get out of my head anon.
it would be art’s idea, 100%. he’d be fucking you so stupid while patrick had you suck on his cock, getting it nice and messy and wet for him. the thought came to art as he watched patrick tap his cock against your pouted lips, mesmerized by the glossy coat of saliva dripping from the entire length.
“pat—pat,” art slowed down the movements of his cock into you, completely ignoring the whine and squirming of your hips and the begs to ‘keep going!. “what’s up, man?” patrick says, a little breathless but flushed in the cheeks, lips, and chest, turning him godlike in any mortal’s eyes.
“i want you to fuck me.” the blonde was blunt, unwavering as he stared stone into his best friends eyes. patrick doesn’t trust his own words after feeling his cock twitch against your face at the ask, so instead he just nods. slowly. “like—like at the same time?” he clarifies, hand moving down to massage at the fat of your tits, less in hopes to please you and more trying to keep himself grounded. “mhm.” art nods once, eyes fiery as though they were offering a challenge.
patrick cursed at his friend with a smile. his attention is drawn down on you as he placed a little peck to your lips, a promise to return, all before his weight is lost at the head of the bed. very soon, however, you feel it redistributed behind art, gentle kisses pressed onto his shoulder blade as patrick pumped two saliva-lubed fingers into his friends taut asshole.
gently, he eased the blond’s hips back into yours and encouraged the pistoning of his mean cock into your pussy through the push of his digits in and out of art’s ass. “so pretty,” patrick cooed at both of you into his best friend’s ear, forcing him to whine and nod as his eyes, glued onto the mesmerizing giggle of your tits through every pump, fluttered shut in pleasure. he found himself very close very quickly, warning patrick through breathy huffs and curses. “fuck, pat, i’m gonna—“ his sentence trailed off as all he could do was whine when patrick’s fingers found themselves missing from his hole, which now pulsed and breathed with want.
“i’ll take care of you, baby, don’t you worry. hey, dont stop fucking her, understand?” patrick placed a biting kiss onto the lobe of art’s ear which burnt bright red as he kept fucking into you with a certain and desperate rigor and adoration. it seemed art’s entire world flipped upside down as he let out the sluttiest moan probably ever conceived at the delicious stretch of patrick’s envy-inducing cock into his asshole. “god! please, fuck, i need it, need it so bad,” art begged as he pulled nearly all the way out of you and backwards onto patrick’s dick.
“i said, don’t.” thrust. “stop.” thrust. “fucking her.” thrust. patrick’s needy, incessant, sloppy, pounding into his best friend had the blond falling on top of you, sucking on your tits as the unforgiving ramming of his brunette’s hips into his did all the work for him. “that’s so good,” art whimpers at both you and patrick, practically drooling all over your chest.
cumming came fast for all three of you. you were first, and also priority for both the men. as art nipped at the fat of your areola, patrick reached around art’s body to make a mess of the arousal drowning your cunt. your orgasm came over you in twitches and tears, biting down on art’s shoulder—unintentionally triggering his own climax.
“gonna cum!” art hardly warned through the spurting of white ribbons painting your insides, washing over his body in shakes and tremors. “fuck, you’re so tight,” patrick’s voice is up nearly 2 octaves, his clearest sign of being close to his peak, and art swears he can feel his cock twitch inside of him.
“please cum, pat. for me.” your eyes were round and pleading, his fucking kryptonite, and you knew it—so it was no surprise that with a whine and a curse, patrick is pulling out and splurging his load onto art’s back.
falling down next to you and easing you in between the both of them, art and patrick don’t bother cleaning up as they let their exhaustion win and pull them under, responsibility a mere, distant, irrelevant, obligation.
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alottiegoingon · 2 days
hc!baby steps
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sam carpenter x fem!reader
summary: where sam takes care of her pregnant girlfriend
warnings: f!reader but no pronouns used, looots of fluff, established relationship, sam and reader live together, overprotective sam, ghostface!sam hcs at the end, mentions of murders and blood but nothing explicit, not proofread
୨୧ sam could not believe when you told her you were pregnant. for the first five seconds she was worrid about money and not being prepared to be a mom but she couldn't be more excited to start a family with you
୨୧ sam would be so careful to not overwhelm you with her protection and anxiety of keeping you safe all the time. she had learned her lesson with tara
୨୧ so, instead of asking you all the time if you were ok, she would stick to you like glue. it was weird to have an extra shadow following you everywhere but you didn't mind it
୨୧ you and sam decided that moving to a safer apartment in new york would be better for the baby. a better neighbourhood with nice schools around. you thought it would be easy, until sam started being a bit too cautious
୨୧ “this one is perfect. there's plenty of natural light," you look around the fourth apartment you visited in that afternoon, hoping that your girlfriend would approve this one. it was the perfect size too
୨୧ too small, too big, too dark, too smelly, noisy neighbours, too far from work. sam could be pretty demanding
୨୧ “it's great, sure,” judging by her voice, you could tell she had found something new to complain about, “but the windows are too big, it could be dangerous," she nods in disapproval, holding tight to your waist as if you were about to fall from the windows even if they were meters away
୨୧ “the baby is not going to be alone, sam. and we can protect the windows and add some nests or baby proof locks” you suggest but she didn’t seem convinced. she would fight the windows if she could!
୨୧ "right. but what if the baby learns how to open them? or what if the safety net is big enough for our baby to go through it?”
୨୧ "is our baby a genius or the ant-man?" the joke relaxes her just enough so you can see a shy smile growing on her lips. “i’m sorry, i just want us to be safe.”
୨୧ “i know, and i’m very grateful for you,” you hold sam’s face, stroking her cheeks, “but i promise that we are going to be safe. i’m okay, the baby is okay and you’re okay. it’s all good.”
୨୧ “i may be worrying too much again,” she admits, leaning into your touch, finally relaxing
୨୧ “just a little, yeah,” giggling, you draw closer to kiss her
୨୧ sam wouldn’t panic over every single thing that happened, at least not out loud, so it was very easy for her to get anxious about her own feelings
୨୧ trying to not make you anxious as well, she would just swallow all of her worries away and hope for the best but you’d always notice how the look in her eyes changed when she’d get nervous
୨୧ “what’s going on, baby?” you’d often comfort her with reassuring words, tender touches and lots of kisses, making sure that sam knew you were completely fine and always by her side
୨୧ sam would be the perfect partner when shopping for baby itens. she’d be sooo happy to pick some adorable baby clothes or whatever you needed and would even try to find matching clothes for you three
୨୧ no matter how many things you had bought, she’d carry all of it and would beg you to not carry any weight or move an extra muscle
୨୧ “give it to me, love, i’ll do it,” sam grabs the water bottle from your empty hands, fighting for her life to open it and carry all off the at least five bags in her arms while doing so
୨୧ “are you sure? cause you already have a lot of-“
୨୧ “it’s fine. i can do it, don’t worry,” she offers you a comforting smile that lasted about a second before going back to duel with the bottle, cursing it while trying to balance the bags
୨୧ you had the weirdest cravings ever and when going out for dinner once, you asked the waitress if they could bring you tuna and ice cream for dessert and it took a weirded out look coming from the woman for sam to intervene
୨୧ “yes, she asked for ice cream and tuna. do you have any?” and she’s all over her like 😡🙄
୨୧ at the supermarket, you were by the sweets section trying to choose a chocolate you liked for a movie night with sam and you gasped when you found your favorite one for sale
୨୧ you were ready to grab one or two when sam showed up with a different cart so full of it that a few ones were about to fall
୨୧ “oh, god,” you mumble, widen eyes incredulously staring at the mountain of candy
୨୧ “i know right? i’m so glad they have your favorite” 😁😁
୨୧ sam would get some good hours of sleep at first but as the baby’s arrival date was getting closer, she would spend almost the entire night just watching you sleep and making sure you were 100% safe and sound
୨୧ sometimes you’d wake up to sam whispering the most adorable shit ever to your belly and calling herself mommy. you were dying there, trying not to bawl your eyes out, but you pretended to be asleep every time, not wanting to interrupt the moment. eventually you’d fall asleep again to the sound of her voice and gentle touches
if ghostface was out there,
୨୧ sam would be extremely overprotective. no going out alone, no talking to any neighbors, no answering phones or getting too close to windows. doors would always be locked. if she could, she would lock you in a tower just like rapunzel
୨୧ sam had to leave for work but leaving you alone was the worst of her nightmares, so she found a way
୨୧ “don’t you think this is a little too much, sam?” you ask, frowning at your girlfriend as she introduces you to a intimidating strong guy wearing a suit. you could swear that he had a gun hidden in there but wouldn’t be surprised if he actually did, sam protectiveness was no joke
୨୧ that was supposed to be your new bodyguard, who would follow you around everywhere. including the shower you were about to take
୨୧ “don’t worry, gorgeous,” she grins, assuring you. “he’ll stay outside”
if sam was ghostface,
୨୧ she would kill everyone that had been rude to you. literally. even the slightest unusual look or barely rude tone would be a great reason for anyone to make it to her list of names
୨୧ if she was ghostface, that waitress that was surprised by your weird tuna-ice cream order would definitely have a surprise visitor waiting for her at home later
୨୧ while shopping for clothes for yourself, a miracle now that everything was about the baby, a woman refused to let you have the last gorgeous dress of your size, even calling you a bitch when all you did was ask her if you could have it
୨୧ sam was furious and you had to hold her back to avoid the other woman to get beaten up and the police to get called
୨୧ the very next morning, you woke up to the news of the same woman found dead in her apartment, her exact face showing up on your tv
୨୧ "what the…" you immediately get up from the couch as you heard the news, looking back at sam who was at the bathroom taking a shower or something. "sam, come here! i think that woman from yesterday got killed.”
୨୧ "really?” she yells from the bathroom, fingers firmly rubbing the blood out of a small cut she had on her cheek, that would later be covered with makeup.
୨୧ "that's awful,” she quickly walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body, stopping right next to you. “i mean, i wouldn’t be surprised if her attitude was what got her killed" she casually comments, eyes attached to the television
୨୧ "sam!" you slap her shoulder and she groans in response. "the woman was killed, don't say that."
୨୧ "you’re right, im sorry," she smiles, reaching her free hand towards you and holding your chin to turn your face to hers so she could place a kiss on your forehead. "it’s a shame she can’t use that dress anymore.”
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rinneverse · 3 days
@mydiluc this is dedicated to u bc you put this evil evil thought in my brain. cw for f!reader + daddy kink + creampie :)
the first time you call chifuyu matsuno “daddy,” it takes all of his willpower not to spill his load inside you right then and there.
his hips stutter and his hand, interlocked with yours, squeezes just hard enough that your eyes flutter open to look up at him. they’re foggy with lust, drunk on the taste of him, and if it were humanly possible he thinks that your pupils would be in the shape of hearts with how much adoration swims in your gaze.
he’s breathless as he asks, “what did you say?”
you grow shy, taking your bottom lip in between your teeth as you look away from him.
chifuyu suddenly stops. his blue eyes narrow as he leans closer to you, chest pressing to yours as the hand holding your hip squeezes gently.
you’re cute flustered, but he wants answers. he asks again, lips brushing yours: “what did you say, princess?”
“f-fuyu…” you whine in embarrassment. when he clicks his tongue, you squirm even more before you relent. “daddy, please.”
“please what?”
chifuyu rocks his hips slightly, keeping you on that precipice of pleasure that draws a hazy fog in your head. the way you grip his cock makes his eyes furrow with pleasure; it’s taking all of his strength just to keep himself from fucking you into the mattress beneath you already.
“need you, daddy. please—fuck me, i was so close, need your cock to fill me up—”
he makes a satisfied noise in the back of his throat at your desperate plea, lips attaching to the column of your neck as he finally pulls out far enough to thrust into you again, long and deep strokes that send you reeling. you keen as your back arches into him, broken sobs of “more, more, daddy, please” tumbling from your lips.
“again, baby. call me that again.” chifuyu murmurs, breath catching as you squeeze deliciously around him.
“daddy, m’ gonna cum…!”
“that’s my girl, taking me so well—fuck—gonna pound you until you’re filled up with my cum. how’s that sound?”
and when you tip over the edge, cunt pulsing around him as your orgasm hits you hard, he falls over with you, hips pressing flush to yours as he cums deep inside you.
as he comes down, his lips press gentle kisses up the slope of your jaw, works his way along your cheeks, the bridge of your nose, until he finally presses them to yours, sweet and loving.
when the pleasure-filled haze in your gaze lessens and you cup his face adoringly, he smiles down at you. he hasn’t pulled out yet, too content wrapped up in the embrace of you to even care how wet and slick you may be together.
“i didn’t know you were into that,” chifuyu hums, pressing a chaste kiss to the palm of your hand. you swipe your thumb across the apple of his cheek slowly.
“i didn’t know either,” you respond, bashful. “it just kind of slipped out.”
he chuckles, pressing his forehead to yours. “well. dunno if you could tell, but i liked it.”
you titter. “i know, baby.”
he nips at your lips playfully, drawing another giggle out of you. “would you be mad at me if i wanted you to say it again?”
you smile coyly. his hands wander your body, gentle caresses that hold the promise of a second round—you know chifuyu, and you know how insatiable he is once he gets started.
“‘course not, daddy,” you purr. “and you promised to fill me up, didn’t you?”
“i did, baby. i promise you’ll get exactly what you want.”
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cupidcures · 3 days
When Tulips Kiss | Hwang Hyunjin SMAU
CHAPTERS: 𝜗𝜚 eight | nine | 𝜗𝜚 ten
WORD COUNT: 3.5k (not proofread)
CONTAINS: implied sexual intercourse, very brief mention of an insecure body image (only once), it gets a little toxic towards the end
happy birthday
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March 19, 2020 - 06:30.
It was that time of the year when the weather would fluctuate vastly, going from perfect during the day, to chilly when it was the moon’s time to shine. It was that time of the year when the South Korean winter finally began its time to thaw out, revealing the longer-lasting days, giving proper energy from the sun for the first bloom of the spring flowers. March was always the start of a beautiful spring, and it was home to the birthday of a person you cherish and love very deeply. Waking up with the sun peeking through the sheer curtains, you roll over to find your boyfriend lying there, sound asleep, and you find yourself staring at his sleeping figure for god knows how long. Eventually, you decide to get up from the bed, but not before you plant a gentle kiss on his forehead. Yours and Hyunjin’s articles of clothing decorated the floor of his room as memories from last night flashed through your mind. Standing in front of the full-length body mirror, your fingertips traced and connected all the love bites that adorned your skin. You weren’t sure how long you were standing there, but it wasn’t until the man you love, who was now awake, spoke, and snapped you out of your trance.
“You’re so perfect,” Hyunjin muttered softly before standing up and embracing you from behind.
“I love you my honeybee, but I have to disagree with you, I haven’t been feeling the best about my body lately.” you sighed, and before you knew it, you were thrown onto the bed and attacked with his hands tickling your sides.
“HYUNJIN NO STOP!!” You cried out in laughter as you squirmed around, trying to get away. The sound of Hyunjin’s laughter blended together with yours, the both of you were being so loud that you were sure his neighbors were able to hear. But you didn’t care, they were probably used to it anyway.
“Take it back and I stop!!” Hyunjin giggles as you thrash around.
“I take it back!!”
“Yes!! Yes, I’m perfect just the way I am now please stop before I pee myself!!!!” You plead with laughter as the boy on top of you finally stops with a smug grin on his face.
“Damn right you are, you’re gorgeous and I wouldn’t change a thing about you.” Hyunjin leans down and places his lips on the tip of your ear, kissing down to your jawline, then your neck, then your shoulders and collarbone.
“I love and absolutely ADORE everything about you. You’re so perfect, inside and out.” He mumbles against your warm and sunkissed skin. He moves down to your waist and gives kisses on each side before caressing them, and you can’t help but let out a small whimper as he chuckles.
“I love your personality, I love your voice and the sound of your laughter, I love the way you get excited over every little thing, I love your curves. I love the curves on your body but I love it on your lips the most. My flower, you are so perfect and I can’t stand the thought of you feeling like you’re anything less than that. Now let’s get up, yeah? Let’s get you dressed and we can go downstairs and cook some breakfast.” He lifts himself off of you and reaches out his hand for you to grab and pull yourself up with. As his back turns to fetch you one of his shirts from his closet, you smile to yourself subconsciously. You and your loving boyfriend have been together for 2 almost 3 years since the beginning of freshman year, and now you guys are juniors who soon have to bid goodbye and greet your senior year instead. You couldn’t have asked for anyone better, because there’s nobody else for you but him.
“Lift your arms, Baby.” Hyunjin's softspoken tone soothes you and you do what you’re told so he can dress you in his shirt. Holding your hand, he leads you to the door and downstairs to the kitchen. “Now let’s cook, I’m fucking starving!!”
March 19, 2020 - 12:30.
“The bell needs to ring already… I hate this class so much like SERIOUSLY!! I hate history!!” One of your best friends, Jisung, groaned and slammed his head on the table, causing a loud thud noise. You winced just from hearing the impact and tilted your head in concern.
“Are you…. Okay?” You asked as he groaned even more while rubbing his head before hesitantly nodding, paying his attention back to the teacher, who had then just started explaining that she will be assigning a new project, a project that she will be assigning partners to. Everyone in the class collectively expressed their dismay but the teacher shushed everyone, proceeding to pair students up. You and Jisung looked at each other and rolled your eyes, before laughing to yourselves. Everybody hated this class, and it was hard to defend it. The two of you talked to each other about basically anything until she finally called your name to be paired up with someone.
“Song Y/N, you will be paired with Lee Heeseung. One of you, please grab your stuff and move next to each other.”
You sighed and pouted as Jisung pouted back at you, your hopes of being paired with someone you know, gone. Right when you were about to get up to move, Heeseung had already stood up and moved next to you with a flashy smile.
“Hey Y/N!” Heeseung greeted you and held his hand out as you shook it, “It’s so nice to meet you. I’ve heard about you before! Hyunjin’s girl right? He never shuts up about you. You’re as pretty as he describes.”
You nod as a light blush dusted your cheeks. Even 3 years after you guys became official, you still get shy and surprised whenever people mention that Hyunjin talks about you so much. “Thank you. Heeseung right? It’s nice to meet you too.” After the small talk and greetings, you guys proceeded to talk about the dreaded project that your teacher assigned up until the lunch bell rang.
“I’m assuming you’re going to meet up with Hyunjin right? Can I come with? I gotta give him the notes he missed yesterday.” The boy you just met asked with a shy grin and you agreed to let him come. The walk to the library, the place you always meet Hyunjin at, was awkward and you guys didn’t really talk, and if you did, it would just be simple one-word answers that you couldn’t continue a conversation with. It felt like an eternity until you guys FINALLY reached the library, and when you guys did, you took a seat at an available table and tapped the seat in front of you, signaling for him to sit down too.
“Soo… How do you know Hyunjin?” You questioned, wanting to know more about this friend? Acquaintance? Whatever he is to Hyunjin because, well, he knows Hyunjin!
“We have chemistry together! OH! I just remembered something but you can’t tell Hyunjin.” Heeseung stood up from his chair and leaned down to your ear.
“There’s a surprise party for his birthday tomorrow, I’m sure you already know that though. BUT I need help picking out a present for him. I was talking to him the other day and he said that you were the one who knew him best.” He whispers in your ear before straightening his back then rests his arms on his hips, “So I thought maybe you could help me with that too!”
“Oh, I’m down! When did you wanna do it?” You ask so you can make sure that you tell Hyunjin that you’re going to be busy.
“Let’s go out later today just you and me, but you have to make sure not to tell Hyunjin. Make an excuse or something!” Heeseung gave you a thumbs-up, and you copied his gesture with a smile.
“Okay, can I get your number so I can text you when we can go?” He gives you his phone shyly and you take it, inputting your number in.
“I should get going, I didn’t think it would take Hyunjin this long to come and I gotta meet up with my friends for lunch. Cya! Thanks for the help!” He waves goodbye and you wave back, but what he said has you thinking. You look at your phone and the time. 20 minutes have passed and he’s still not here? And no notifications either? You decided to wait a little longer, just in case something came up and he had to be a little late, but you couldn’t help but worry so you text him just in case.
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March 19, 2020 - 16:00.
The tuned melody of the dismissal bell rang throughout the school as the chatter of students quickly rose and flooded your ears. You would usually be happy and peppy by now, joyous that the school day had ended, but you didn’t have a good feeling and it felt as if something was wrong. Hyunjin hadn’t gotten back to you, not even a single text. The thought of something possibly happening to him made you sick to your stomach, but all you could do was pray that he would meet you by your locker. So there you were, waiting for your boyfriend to come by and tell you that everything was going to be okay and that you were just worried over nothing. You were constantly scanning your surroundings in hopes of seeing the boy you love so much as you anxiously bounced your leg on the ground at an impressive rate of speed.
You look at your phone, and it’s blank. It’s 16:15 and the halls are nearly empty, as most of the students have already left the school. Fuck. Where is he??? You look around you for the thousandth time today and you finally lock eyes with him.
“Hyunjin!!” You practically lunged yourself at him and clung onto his arm, letting out a sigh of relief that you didn’t know you were holding in. “Jinnie I missed you so much I was worried sick! Why weren’t you responding to my texts?” You interrogated in a slightly joking manner but at he did was stare at you with a blank expression and shove you off of him as you lost your balance and tumbled back, only to leave you stunned.
“Fuck outta here.” He scoffed and continued on walking as you stood there, shocked at what just happened. All you could do was stare at the back of his head, watching his figure slowly walking away.
What the fuck?
March 19, 2020 - 19:30.
“Maybe something happened and got him in a really bad mood? BUT EVEN SO, that’s no excuse to be rude to you, and especially not to swear at you!!” You were at Chuu’s house now, and you had explained to her what happened and what Hyunjin did to you after school. Just then, you hear a notification go off on your phone, and you immediately go to check if it was Hyunjin who texted you, only to be let down after seeing that it was Heeseung who texted.
“Why won’t he even text me?” You sniffled and covered your face as more tears ran down. “We’ve never had trouble communicating what was going on in our lives before. Why now??”
Chuu immediately wraps you into a tight hug and pats your head. “Maybe he’s really stressed you know? I don’t blame you for feeling frustrated and upset about this because I would feel this way too, but Hyunjin loves you so much Y/N. There’s no doubt about it, and he’ll come around eventually so you two could talk things out. But for right now, let’s call the rest over, okay? Sleepover at my house!!” Chuu smiled the brightest she could to cheer you up, and you choked out a small laugh and laid your head on her shoulder.
“You’re the best.”
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March 20, 2020 - 06:45.
Waking up to the sunlight shining on your face, you found yourself trapped between Seungmin and Chaewon’s arms, with Jeongin and Jisung sleeping at the bottom of your feet. The sight was…. interesting but it made you laugh to yourself a bit. No matter how weird and chaotic they are, there’s no doubt that they all love and care for one another like blood. You carefully slid out of your friends’ arms and reached for your phone for the time, but mostly to check if Hyunjin texted. It was morning time now, and still no texts or calls from your boyfriend. You can feel yourself starting to cry again, tears threatening to fall from your eyes as you walk yourself to Chuu’s bathroom to splash cold water on your face. Closing and locking the door behind you, you give your face a gentle wash. You turn your phone on again just to admire the candid picture you took of Hyunjin during one of the many arcade dates you guys went on. You smile a sad smile, looking at the picture fondly.
I hope he’s willing to talk to me today, it’s his birthday after all.
Despite him ignoring you, you decide to still send him a Happy Birthday text anyway, you love him after all, and you guys will overcome this.
Knock knock knock.
“Y/N you in there???” It was Seungmin, though he tried to keep his voice down so as to not wake the others up, you were still able to tell that his voice was laced with worry and urgency. The last thing you wanted was someone to be worried about you right now, so you stood up and opened the door for him with a smile that didn’t reach your eyes.
“Yeah, I’m okay. I think I’m gonna skip school today though.” You spoke in a soft but raspy voice as Seungmin slowly nodded in acknowledgment.
“Well if that’s the case, then I’m skipping too. No way in hell I’m gonna let you be by yourself. I trust you to be alone, but I just don’t want you to even FEEL alone.” He held your hands and wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
“Hyunjin’s being a little hardheaded and stubborn right now, but I know he loves you. We all know he loves you. HELL, even people who don’t know him could just observe the way he looks at you, and they would know that he loves you. So don’t be too sad alright? Not only does Hyunjin love you, but so do we.” He pinched your cheek as you whined and laughed for him to stop, alerting the others that you two were awake.
“Huh…. What time is it…” Jeongin mumbles sleepily and rubs his eyes, while the rest slowly wake up one by one.
“Me and Y/Nnie here aren’t going to school today. Are you guys gonna be losers and go to school or will you be cool and stay back with us?” Seungmin raised an eyebrow with an expecting look while Chuu, Jeongin, Jisung, and Chaewon shared a look before smiling.
March 20, 2020 - 18:30.
You were nervous, to say the least. Here you were dressed up with the rest of your friends stepping foot in Hyunjin’s house. You were supposed to take part in the group that surprises him when he comes home, but you didn’t feel confident enough to face him yet. How could you feel confident? There was something wrong between the two of you and you weren’t sure of what it was. And you weren’t even sure if HE wanted to face YOU. He hadn’t responded to your happy birthday text, so you could imagine that he’s still upset, for whatever unknown reason, but you’re putting your foot down. You’re going to ask him what’s going on today. You looked around in hopes of finding Hyunjin amidst the crowd, and luck happened to be on your side today because there he was, staring right at you. Even if he was ignoring you, he couldn’t stop himself from admiring your beauty. Even after you guys made eye contact, he didn’t look away, so you did. You looked at Seungmin as he nodded and patted your head before giving you a thumbs up. “You’ve got this!” He encourages and pushes you towards the birthday boy.
The closer you get to him and the more steps you take, the more you feel uneasy and queasy about it. His eyes were still on you, never leaving, and you felt small under his gaze. It’s hard to read his emotions right now. Is he mad? Upset? Why is his expression so blank??? You finally stopped right in front of him as he looked down on you, waiting for you to say something. Yet, the longer you look at his face, the more noticeable his eyebags are and how bloodshot his eyes are.
“Happy Birthday Jinnie. Have you slept?” You asked with genuine concern, lifting your hand to his cheek and stroking it in a gentle manner, and you could almost feel him melt into your touch before he pulled your hand away, his gaze sharpening.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Hyunjin clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth to make a tch sound and rolled his eyes, and that was when you decided that was enough.
“Hyunjin I really don’t understand what’s going on. I love you and I care for you and I want to be there for you when you need it. You always let me before, why won’t you let me now??” You exhaled, frustration and sadness evident in your voice, and for a second, you felt his attitude falter. And for a second, he just wanted to fall back into your arms and pull you into his embrace. For a second, he wants to pull you in for a kiss and tell you how much he loves you and beg you to stay with him, but he can’t. So he shakes the feeling away, ignoring the heartache he’s feeling in his chest.
“I already know, you don’t need to play dumb.” He shrugs and it upsets you even more. Why is he being so nonchalant about this?? And what is he even talking about?
“I don’t know what you’re talking about? So please just make it clear to me because I want to fix this, fix us. I don’t know what I did but I would do anything to fix it.” You held his hand and pleaded, bringing his hand to your chest. “Please tell me what’s going on Hyunjin.”
The two of you managed to grab the attention of a few people, who then started whispering and watching what was going on, and Hyunjin noticed. He couldn’t embarrass himself in front of all these people and take you back, especially not on his birthday.
“Bullshit. You know what you did so stop playing innocent Y/N. You’re a piece of shit and I regret ever dating you.” He spat out as your eyes widened in shock, then welling up in tears.
“This,” Hyunjin points at you and then at him in a continuous motion, “was a mistake. You were never worth my time and I can’t believe I wasted 2, nearly 3 years of my life on somebody like you. I wonder just how long you managed to hide it from me.” He scoffed and began walking away from you, just like he had done yesterday. You could hear your friends calling your name and tugging on your arm, motioning for you to just leave it at that, but you tuned them out. Then, with tears spilling down your face, you caught up with Hyunjin and spun him around to get him to look at you, and it worked. You were unable to read what he was feeling when he saw you as a mess, but what he felt didn’t matter anymore. If he wants to paint you as an asshole, then you’ll be the asshole.
The loud slap that you gave him in front of everyone echoed through the house as you threw the gift you got him for his birthday at his chest. “Happy fucking birthday Hwang.” You spoke through your teeth before turning your back on him and walking out, never looking back.
Hyunjin held his blushing cheek and winced before picking up the gift that you had gotten for him. It was in a small velvet box with a note stuck inside of it. Opening the box revealed a silver heart-shaped locket that held a picture that was taken during their very first date. He gulped and closed the locket back up before turning his attention to the note. It wasn’t a big note that was in there. In fact, it was really small, only being able to hold the words ‘Thank you for showing me that I’m capable of being loved! I’ll always love you Jinnie!’ and Hyunjin’s teardrop right next to it.
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a/n: ummm… sorry guys i’m a little iffy on this one LOL. as you can see… i’m not the type to write angst i’m not very good at it HAHA. anywaysss i think this chapter made it more clear as to what hyunjin thinks y/n did, but i didn’t wanna spoil his EXACT thought processing yet! i’m sure most of you guys are smart enough to figure it out tho lololol
𝜗𝜚 WTK series masterlist
TAGLIST (OPEN)! @jeonginplsholdmyhand @jeonginsgirl @mlrroh @mafiulaputaama @seungzsmin @hannie-bees @skz1lov @porang-poranglinos @sillyhal @mitchii @nessas-archive @soulphoenix1618
if your blog was italicized, it means i wasn’t able to tag you :’(
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hocuspocusbabyy · 2 days
I’m sorry but just IMAGINE Eloise and Cressida as parents?!
Cressida would 100% be a full blown PTA mum, planning all the best events for her children’s school.
Eloise would inevitably be dragged along to help decorate and somehow end up agreeing the directing the school play - because she’s read the book a MILLION times! And “Couldn’t possibly let them butcher it.”
They’d have two daughters and a son. Aged, 5, 3 and 6 months. Lunet, Maeve and Benedict Jr.
Eloise would try sneaking treats that Cressida had baked for a fundraiser. Getting caught with frosting on her mouth, she swears blind to her wife she a no idea where it came from.
Cressida baking special cookies just for Eloise to eat! 😭
Eloise would read to the children every night, Cressida insisting she’s just there to tuck them in but ultimately sat across the bottom of the bed to listen too.
Cressida will often insist Eloise continues reading despite the fact the kids are already asleep, and they will have to reread that chapter again the next evening!
Uncle Benedict would love taking care of the children so their mothers may enjoy a walk or weekend alone 🥹 “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do! Though I suppose that doesn’t leave a lot.”
Uncle Colin and Aunt Pen would already arrive with an array of wonderful gifts. Eloise has a shelf of trinkets, many from Cressida and her family. Stemming from rocks, sea shells and pressed flowers to tiny figurines and bottles of sand from Colin’s travels.
Eloise secretly adores that Cressida insists on hanging Benedict’s painting’s in their home.
Eloise will often return home to Cressida and Violet sharing tea in the garden - Violet cannot go more than a few days without visiting her grandchildren.
Aunt Daphne and Cressida would take great pride in buying the children the cutest shoes and outfits - much to Eloise’s dismay when she finds her youngest in a ‘hideous’ bonnet. “Well what has she got this monstrosity on her head for? Oh my sweet girl don’t worry mummy will protect you from the taffeta.”
Eloise often getting emotional when spending time alone with her wife and children, free of any distractions. Forgoing her book to simple watch Cressida and their toddler play in the grass with wooden blocks.
Cressida tired at the breakfast table a child on either knee, as Elouise and their eldest read the newspaper out loud. Gently kissing their temples and stirring her tea.
Eloise and Cressida often indulging in a sneaky cigarette together at the end of a long week. Hidden out on the balcony to their room - their children fast asleep in the next room. Often shushing one another when their giggling threatens to wake them.
Eloise nearly having a ‘heart attack’ seeing her child on a horse for the first time, insisting her wife is insane and she’d prefer both ‘her girls’ back on the ground.
Cressida being the good cop, Eloise bad cop in many matters. I truly believe Cressida would be the biggest softy towards their children.
Eloise helping the children with their school work, whilst Cressida knits across the room (Cressida is utterly no help academically.)
Violet often insisting on taking the children for the evening because her home is simply ‘too big’ and Cressida and Eloise are ‘still young’.
Cressida and Eloise often opting to enjoy their meals in the form of picnic. Packing up the children to spend the evening down by the river.
Cressida rolling up her sleeves and teaching the children to skim stones.
Eloise sat waiting to aid them all in drying off when they’re done. The baby resting upon her chest.
Eloise often scolding Cressida more than the children, her wife simply brushing her off with terms of endearment or a kiss.
Cressida taking birthdays very seriously, waking up early to decorate the house. They keep Violets birthday hat tradition well alive. Eloise made her one their first birthday spent together and she still has it. Violet cried when they did the same for her.
The entire family often visit for long weekends and dinners - Eloise and Cressida opted to live in the country where there is more privacy and space for them.
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pupyuj · 16 hours
wony’s such a cutie i can’t 😭 like imagine her wanting to switch roles and be the one TO pleasure — and since its her first time, you’d have to teach her how to use her tongue and fingers 😭
short n sweet little thing but i hope this was still enjoyable! i know i had fun picturing this in my head, it was very cute~
so true anon! 🫶💕 she would see how much you’re taking care of every time you fuck and would definitely want to pay it all back by making you feel good! 🥺 sweet baby shyly making small commands in bed like “take your shirt off, please” with the cutest pleading look and that was when you realized what she wanted to do! and she has never done it before so why not? 😋 but as eager as she is to have her way with you for once, wony’s still your sweet baby so she’s very careful and gentle with you! 💕 pays super close attention to your reactions to her touches and all the things she does, knows immediately when you don’t like something even when you’ve only barely showed discomfort, and keeps alllll of your good spots in her head bcs all she wants is to make you feel good ☹️💞💞
and that’s all she really does! you’d be teaching wony about fingering you from behind while you’re bent over your bed, and she’d be all up in your ear asking for reassurance, praises, etc. 🥺 “is this good?”, “does this hurt?”, “am i doing well…?” UGH SHE’S ADORABLE 🥰🥰 wony growing super obsessed with the way your cunt is clenched around her long fingers, damn near abusing your weakest spot just to hear you scream her name so sweetly… oh, and baby would totally apologize if she thinks she’s going too hard but you’d tell her that it’s okay and that you like it and she’ll be soooo flushed but she’s glad you’re having such a good time bcs of her 😵‍💫
wonyoung definitely gets pussy drunk and literally begs you to sit on her face and have you teach her how to use her tongue that way 😭 sweet naughty baby gets so drenched at the sight of your cunt up close, practically pulling you down and eating you out like some hungry beast… ofc she doesn’t know how to do it properly so you’d tell her to slow down.. but wony’s having too much fun :(( and it somehow works?? she’s not necessarily doing anything wrong with her mouth, she’s just… intense and she’s making you feel so damn good that you don’t even care that you’re barely teaching her shit 🤭 all that left your mouth is her name, praises, and countless “good girl”s that turned wonyoung on so much that she came untouched.. 😳
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idontego · 2 days
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Kaji x Reader- Let Me Take Care of You
Summary: Kaji comes to you after a fight and seeks after care.
A/n: enjoy the read, let me know what you think. REQUESTS OPEN!
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“Kaji! What are you doing here? What happened?”
“What’s it look like? Don need t’ explain.” Kaji said coming to you with a bloody nose and a swollen eye. You winced at the sight of his injuries.
“Let me take care of you, Kaji.”
“Lets get you cleaned up. I’ll grab my first aid kit.” You started making your way to grab the small red and white box. Dating Kaji came along with signing up to help patch him up, naturally. “Come, sit here.” You said, pointing to your desk chair in front of you.
“You don’t need to do this ya’ know.” He scoffed, sitting down. “I just wanted to come see you, sorry, it’s been a long day.” He continued. He sat down on your chair and watched as you grabbed the essentials to relieve him of his injuries. As much as he’d never admit it, he loved when you tended to him. He learned early on to trust others and count on the friends around him, but he liked playing this game with you. Even though you knew deep down he liked being babied.
“You know i’d always take care of you, Kaji.” You walked over to him with your hands full. Closing the gap between his legs, you stood in between them. You pushed his icy blonde hair back and began dabbing at the dried blood dripping from the top of his head. Kaji closed his eyes and gritted his teeth at the bubbly sensation of hydrogen peroxide.
“Let me know if the pressure hurts. You got pretty beat up.” You continued wiping and started to clean around eye brows.
“The hell is that supposed to mean? I won!” He pulled away from your grasp looking at you with a straight face.
‘I’m messing with you Kaji, of course you did. You need to be more careful. You know i worry about you..”
“Well at least i always come back in one piece.” He retorted.
He looked up at you and admired how concentrated you were. He loved looking at you and admiring you in his head but would break the stare when you looked down at him. He wrapped his arms around your waist and a blush started to spread across your face. You could feel the warmth of his hand radiating on your sides. Touching you was something he didn’t do frequently yet so he tried to conceal himself wiping the sweat from his hands briefly, luckily you were too focused on your task.
He was so adorable and you love how he slowly opens up to you more and more everyday.
“Open your mouth.” You said, going to wipe his bottom swollen lip.
“Take the sucker out first, dummy!”
“Here, you hold it for me instead.” He responded and swiftly placed it in your mouth. The sweet flavor melted on your tongue and also a slight metallic taste from his busted lip. You pursed your lips around the sucker cupping your right hand under his chin.
Placing the last bandage on his face, you felt his hands go to the small of your back.
“Alrighty, all done.” You took a depth breath, sighing, and turned to return your things in the first aid kit and throw away what remained. He stopped you from leaving his grasp and you turned back around to find him with a determined look on his face, which perplexed you. You were both engulfed in each other’s gaze, this time he didn’t look away.
“Do you know what would really feel better?” He asked, flaring the top right corner of his lip revealing his fang.
“What?” You responded, eyes wide.
He focused his gaze to your lips and then back up to your eyes and then snagged the sucker out of your mouth and pressed his lips against yours. You were engulfed in the euphoric feeling of his lips on yours and the placement of his hands. Without hesitation, you wrapped a hand around the back of his neck to deepen the kiss. Out of all the times that you’ve done this for him, how long has he been wanting for this moment to happen? It didn’t matter now. You were both were trapped In each others touch.
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dianadiaries · 2 days
→ warrior seonghwa.
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➠ disclaimer :: any minors who interact with my page will be blocked! Thank you! You are what you consume!
→ warning : warrior!seonghwa beginner katnana user!reader BACK IN THE ERA OF WHEN THEY USED WARRIORS ETC. !!
|| use of the words "little girl, baby, seongy, etc." now this is a smut so we all know what's in it!
Everyday was a hard day for you. Ever since you decided to become an warrior. You have always adored the idea of helping out others especially people in need. That was all until you meet Seonghwa. Seonghwa was your instructor, he was also a big pain in your ass and not in the good kinda way. But, if you wanted to be a better warrior you needed to get some type of training.
"God did your father make you this dumb? Or are you naturally like this?" Seonghwa questions you. You rolled your eyes and made a little puff. But you could of swore you heard him say under his breath. "don't roll those eyes back for the wrong reasons". Although you were tired and thirsty so maybe just a delusion. As yalls katana's clashed together, you got weaker and weary. "Fuck.." You tremble as you fall "That's the fifth time you fell. Maybe little girls like you shouldn't fight." Seonghwa snapped. It was like full on venom coming out of his mouth. For some reason it turned you on.
A new day, a new night. You have came to your senses and realized that you weren't gonna have Seonghwa walk all over you. So in that case you trained harder, till your body was shaking. Today you had another fight with Seonghwa for your annual five rounds to see who would win. When you arrived your palms were sweaty and you were nervous, but more than usual. "Hurry up little girl, we all know how this ends." Seonghwa shouts at you from a far. You rush over there and stand in your place. But you felt off, your body was overheating.. next thing is next you drop your katana. You get closer to Seonghwa, and pull him in to a heated kiss. You thought he would back away but he didn't. Hands reaching for each other clothes trying to pull each other closer. You were so hot, from the interaction.
By the time you knew it Seonghwa, had you on a table. He started to take off your clothes one by one. "Really no panties? Damn if only I knew how much of a slut you were." He mumbles under his breath. Your face starts to heat up from embarrassment. Seonghwa lifts your legs up to your neck, and gets on his knees facing your dripping cunt. He teases you by using his toung to toy with your clit. "Seongy!! Don't tease" you plea to him. But he didn't stop, he instead continued to tease you. You got sexually frustrated. So, you placed your hands in his hair and pushed his head down. "Whores always want something." Seonghwa mutters. His lean tounge entering your gummy walls. He really knows his way with his tounge, because he has you squirming around already. Seonghwa's tounge swirls around and laps up your cunts pretty leaking juices. Next thing you now your up your high. His tounge lapping up everything like a good little puppy! "Seon-seonghwa! Seongy!!" You whimper. Your moans getting louder and prouder by the second. Finally you felt your release, your milky juices covering Seonghwa's face. He didn't seem to care he just had a smirk on his face. The same smirk he would give you if you fail in a challange.
Seonghwa takes off his clothes, and holy shit he was big. "It's okay baby you can take you can't you like a good cock slut?" He says rubbing your worried face. Seonghwa mushroom tip slowly enters your cute little cunt. You let out a breathy moan when he enters you. When Seonghwa fully enters inside of you, he let's you get used to him. "S-shit baby your so tight." He says husky. When you give him the all clear he starts to thrust in and out of you. You would giggle at his appearance but your eyes are rolling to the back of your head at this point. With Seonghwa going in and out of your squishy walls, like a animal in heat you knew you wouldn't last long. "F-fuck!! Seonghwa I need to cum p-please!!" You beg to him. "Wait for me baby okay, we can cum together." He said. Although you don't know if you could hang on. You waited a bit more and after he hit your one spot. It was over, you came all over him. Shortly after he cummed inside of you. Seonghwa slowly pulls out of your sopping cunt. Both of you out of breath.
"why can't you be that good when we are fighting..?" He says
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hi!! i saw you were doing matchups! (i really love your work btw❤️)
a little about me:
- 5’4, she/her, Black, im pretty small, no ass no tiddies (okay a little tiddy but. theyre small.) just vibes LOL
- personality wise, i’m very quiet, more of a listener, unless you get me talking about something im super interested in. im a bit of a space cadet, pretty forgetful & distractable but I try my best to pay attention, and I write down important things about people I care about to help me remember things. i’ve been told I have a bit of a RBF, but I become very bubbly once i’m comfy with someone. also I love to laugh, once i’m comfy I tend to make a lot of jokes with people.
- hobbies: crochet, cooking, gaming (I love a good visual novel or an RPG, depends on my mood), & reading books & comics/manga
- im a programmer for work, so im very into coding/tech
- style: I have to “dress up” for work, so during the day im in pretty basic office attire, a blouse + skirt combo or some nice pants, maybe a dress if its nice out. I love gimmicky/cute accessories, so I have lots of earrings shaped like frogs, vegetables, butterflies, etc, I love me some cutsey stuff. but my preferred state of being is pretty casual/comfy, usually a crop top or a hoodie + sweatpants/baggy jeans.
You sound absolutely adorable
I am going purely based on vibes 🔮 buttttt I think you would look absolutely cute with🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
Suguru Geto!!
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I feel like since Sugu is also quiet and a good listener you two would work really well together. I really think he prefers a bubbly and cute partner and he wouldn’t mind guiding you and reminding you of things bc bro you’re his baby girl😭
I think he’s one of the characters that also prefers someone shorter than him and he’d find your height difference and overall physical differences to be adorable. He’s definitely picking you up and slinging you over his shoulder if you catch an attitude with him.
I don’t know why but I’m really thinking cult era Suguru😭 if he calls you a monkey you better pop his ass tho🤨 cause we don’t play that around here
I’m thinking cult era particularly since he’s making a lot of money and he’d definitely want to fund your hobbies and need for cute things. His card is your card. I could also see him getting you a lot of custom kimonos because you gotta match his fly bbg😭
He’s buying you the nicest computer on the market for your coding and gaming. No you can not refuse, he will make you take it.
His casual style is also very comfortable as we’ve seen in the manga/anime so when he’s not before his followers I think you two would have a lot of matching sweatsuits and pajamas inside the house.
Activites you do together…
•I’m seeing a lot of parallel play, after a long day of killing people he just wants to curl up in bed with you while you two read🥰
•he’s taking you anywhere you want to go on rainbow dragon. You just gotta say the word, you could be in Paris for your lunch break and back at the office with ten minutes to spare😭
•shopping!!! This man is completely at your service, you just gotta take his card while he holds your bags.
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centuryberry · 2 days
I left this question on QOTM in the comments on AO3, I left it in Chapter 1, but I didn't really thought much about it. What if there's an AU where Yue was abandoned as a (sorta) newborn on FFM? Like, either her father, out of jealousy, decided to leave her there, or acting on her mother's wishes to protect Yue, Shanzha breaks through the wards, leaves Yue in a basket and runs off before she was caught. How would that work?
Who will be the one to find her? One of the Generals? A soldier? Wukong himself? And if someone does find her, perhaps they find a note by Yue's mother asking for Yue to be cared for, while also saying that her father's clan will most likely be cruel to her? If a soldier or one of the Generals find her and bring her to Wukong (and possibly Macaque?), how would Wukong react to baby!Yue? What about Macaque? Would they adopt her?
Who knows, but I'll admit that I'm especially curious how would the Brotherhood would react, especially DBK, PIF and Red Son when she's slightly older. Speaking of, how different would Yue be like if she was raised by Wukong on FFM?
Oh wow, I must've missed this one! Well, it's a good thing I'll answer this here!
(More below)
So, I can't imagine a likely scenario where Shanzha just up and leaves Yue at FFM's doorstep. Come over there with Yue? Yes. Leave her there and go back to LoES? Very not likely. Also, Yishen would've rather dropped Yue off a cliff instead of going through the effort of safely leaving her at an island paradise.
The best scenario I can come up with would be Sangshen, knowing that she didn't have much time left in the world and not trusting the Zodiac Clan at all, taking the initiative to send Yue away somewhere safe with the help of some artifact. Maybe some one-way transportation circle type thing. Either way, baby Yue ends up on FFM's figurative doorstep with a blanket, a milk bottle, and a note.
It's Beng who finds her. As he is in charge of patrolling the kingdom's borders and being a father himself, he was able to recognize the faint cries of a baby monkey even as the sounds of the forest almost completely drowned out her voice.
Yue's six ears almost immediately gain the General's attention and she's brought over to Macaque. Everyone by that point is convinced that Yue is his. While insistent that he's NOT the father, he still takes her as his own and accepts single fatherhood.
(Lol not on Wukong's watch.)
Wukong is super curious and definitely not-at all jealous about Macaque procreating without him involved, so he comes to meet the baby.
It's love at first sight. Baby Yue is so, so cute. Her little nose scrunches up so adorably. Everything comes out of her mouth in chirps and squeaks. Her ears were darling. And she looks so much like Macaque! Wukong eagerly helps out with child-rearing (since he's such a good friend) and unofficially takes the role of another father. They're both so disgustingly domestic.
All of FFM would hear about Yue's achievements and everything she did would be hot news. She grabbed Wukong's finger! She ate her solid foods for the first time! She's babbling! She's crawling! She's-
You get the point. Wukong even commissioned artists to make multiple paintings of her.
The Brotherhood would be far less antagonistic and threatening in this scenario though Azure would be salty as hell to see Shadowpeach live the domestic dream without actually being married. Yellowtusk would congratulate the new parents and look to Yue very fondly. Peng would be ambivalent.
The Demon Bull Family would react very differently. DBK would cry and hold bb!Yue so tenderly. She's so tiny! And PIF would spoil her with all the baby toys and clothes. Red Son would think she's pretty useless and boring at first but that changes as she grows.
Yue in this scenario would still grow up to be endlessly curious and super responsible, but she's also less tense and paranoid. She's a bit cheeky too. She would be so loved and so happy.
(Shanzha and RinRin would come to FFM for sanctuary one day but that would be another story...)
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bellaxgiornata · 9 hours
OH MY GOD OKAY- so hang on- first off, BELLA, how are you? how's the newborn? how are the kids in general?! i'm happy to hear the birth went well, i hope you're recovering well and that you're not pushing yourself too muchhhhh
ANYWAY. i just found out how my godfather/uncle met his wife and- HOLY SHIT it gives me SUCH Frank or Matt vibes (more frank than matt in my opinion, but 100% either of them) and i had to tell you about it to see if you agreeeeeee (+ it could be a cool oneshot idea if you want it hehe, i'll give it for free)
OKAY SO for the purposes of clarity, my uncle/godfather's name is now Peter, and his wife's name is Molly, because why not?
Peter is invited to his best friend's wedding, and the bride at that wedding warns him "hey, don't you dare talk to Molly" (while pointing Molly out in a crowd) "she just went through a really difficult breakup and though you guys are 100% eachother's types, she is absolutely not ready for another relationship and i don't want you to break her heart if the relationship isn't going to last."
and Peter respects that. except the bride wasn't clear about who she was pointing to. so Peter was avoiding another random girl in the friend group he'd never met and had been talking and flirting all night with Molly without realising it was Molly and he legit spent the whole ceremony and most of the reception sitting right next to her and chatting.
and then during the reception, the bride realises that Peter and Molly are talking and she tells Peter like- "why are you talking to Molly, I told you to stay away from her!" and he's like "that's Molly? well you were right then" and then the bride is like "about what?" and he's like "that we're eachother's types. I gave her my phone number an hour into us meeting and I've already asked her out on a date and she said yes."
and now they've been married for 10 years or so and have two daughters
LIKE IT'S ALL SO CUTE- when i found out i wanted to die because of how adorable it is- like it's genuinely the meet-cute in a rom-com kind of shit- and to me it's SO Frank or Matt-coded (helps that my godfather/uncle is military and is built nearly exactly like Frank- like seriously shave frank's head, make him look slightly less worn out and traumatised and you have my godfather/uncle + they have the exact same sense of humour and stuff).
Hey, friend!! 💖 My response is a bit long so I put it below the cut. But enjoy this Frank gif to break things up (and because I wouldn't be able to resist that man looking at me like that at a wedding...).
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I am doing well! I've had a cold shortly after coming home from the hospital which has been rough on top of everything else, but I feel a little better today and I have been taking time to try to take care of myself. Our little baby is doing well, boy can down milk like no one's business and he's generally a pretty happy little guy all the time. My toddler absolutely adores him already, but he's been an only child for almost 4 years so he's been having a hard time sharing our attention. The birth had some scary ups and downs last week, but things ended up okay and both baby and I are alright! I will say that I've had enough experience with child birth and don't want to do it a third time after that, though 😅
Ahhh!! OMG! I love stories like this! I used to be a wedding photographer for about 11 years before becoming a stay at home mom and I LOVE hearing stories of how couples met (or got engaged) because it's so interesting to hear about! And I can actually see a story for either Matt or Frank so I may keep that in mind for a one shot now, thank you 😆
But yes! I could absolutely see an innocent Frank at a wedding getting the women mixed up and genuinely talking to the "wrong" one and they end up hitting it off in the end and he sticks by her side for most of the night. Sweet Frank would soothe anyone's broken heart. As for Matt, well, I could see him making an innocent mistake, but truly I could see Fog warning him to stay away from a family member or friend and Matt "accidentally" talking to her and pretending he thought it was another woman Fog warned him to stay away from. I mean, it's Matt and he's a little shit sometimes 🤣
But that's so crazy!! Thank you for sharing this story with me!! I always love taking real life moments and then thinking about how the guys might react if it had happened to them! But I do agree that this screams more Frank than Matt (unless it was about intentionally ignoring the friend's warning because that screams Matt).
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First of all, despite what some TFE fans have said, I gotta say, S2A has heavily exceeded my expectations! I was nervous because it did not get marketed enough (wtf Paramount+??!!) and because of the early rumours regarding certain things happening. But I thoroughly enjoyed most of the episodes (even the trailer filler episode). It really felt like I was watching S1A all over again. I found S2A refreshing and wholesome.
Here is a scattered list of some of the many moments/things that stood out to me...
AHHH! MO'S BRAIDS! Gah! I love them so much! I absolutely love her new hairstyle in season 2. Okay spacebuns! 🥰 Our little sweetie has grown up a bit and her new hairstyle looks so nice! I really like the attention to detail on her braids, her edges and baby hairs. You can tell that the character designers actually did their research on black hairstyles, and I really appreciate that because so many shows get it so wrong and they are just downright disrespectful.
I was wondering how the weird tension between Shockwave, the Terrans and Malto Kids would be resolved. In S1C we see Shockwave working with the Terrans and Malto Kids to help take down Croft and her army. But you can tell that this was mainly because they shared a common enemy and because the season was ending.
But now even with Shockwave working under Starscream's command, he still hesitated and just let Twitch and Robby pass. He had the element of surprise, he watched them steal the shards and he could have easily ambushed them. He just...didn't. I am hoping that this gets explored further in the season and we get more of Shockwave.
BREAKDOWN CALLING AFTERMATH 'SON'!!! 🥺🥺🥺 And calling him kid!!! 🥺🥺🥺 I don't know, this is just so adorable to me. Regardless of the faction, clearly all the Cybertronians view the Terrans as children. Even though I found Aftermath to be very irritating, I thought it was really sweet how fast Breakdown tried to protect him and how he had grown to care for him. That fake father/son montage and the 'son' bomb took me out. I was laughing so hard. 🤣
I kid you not, I had to pause the episode because I was laughing so hard! I could not breathe! 🤣 It was so sudden! It was so smooth! Alex was READY! You know he's been waiting for the day that he can finally reveal his Magical Boy uniform! I love it! Everyone's reaction was perfect! Megatron was so done with Alex. 🤣
And Nightshade giving their father a boost after Alex struggled to climb up the wall during the race is just so wholesome! 🥺 I'm so glad we got to see more of Alex interacting with his children in this batch of episodes. He gave so much enthusiastic, concerned, loving dad energy in this batch of episodes, it was beautiful.
That was so intense! It was really cool seeing them fight and use their different abilities against each other. Seeing Twitch get competitive with her basically evil twin sister was fun to watch. Twitch's competive nature really came out because THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!!! Loll despite how hard Twitch had to fight, she definitely proved to Spitfire and to herself that she is the 'better drone'. I found it interesting that instead of Robby being the one to point out that Twitch is really Spitfire, it was actually Wheeljack. It was nice that he used his Dad 2 nickname to confirm his suspicions. He's clearly taken a liking to it. ☺️But I'm glad that Robby had his moment to determine which Twitch is the real Twitch.
Swindle interacting with a human and not trying to squish the human??? Yeah, I was shocked when I watched 'Control Alt Delete' and saw Swindle interacting with Fairmaestro. But then seeing Swindle basically try to swindle Fairmaestro was the perfect 'Aha!' moment.
I really like TFE's version of Cosmos, and I wish he had more than one appearance in this batch of episodes! He just disappeared after his debut episode, but I wanted more of him! His design is very nice too. He is a perfect round boi. But how the heck did he get captured by Fairmaestro? How long was he under his control? If he joined the Autobots after the Maltos rescued him, why wasn't he in any other episodes with the other Autobots? 🤔 But also, I love the way he handled Fairmaestro and dumped his ass in the dunk tank. Since Fairmaestro easily escaped Jon's custody, I wonder if we'll see more of him.
Starscream as the main antagonist. Hmmm. I gotta say, while it's refreshing that we finally got a new main villain, it's also disappointing that it ended up being Starscream. Starscream caused so much chaos in S2A and sure, it's Starscream. What do you expect? He's always been untrustworthy, violent and unpredictable. But really? Did he seriously have to go back to being the villain after he had a bonding moment with Hashtag? After he worked with the Malto family because he realized that there are much larger threats out there. I'm assuming that he had to fuck up shit in the beginning of season 2 to make way for a serious redemption arc later on. I assume an even bigger threat will enter the scene soon. I sure hope so, because Screamy hit an all time low when he brutally took out the Chaos Terrans. That was just...wow. 😨
Dot Malto being the 'villain' and spraying her kids with the hose during the competition was hilarious. We love a good badass mom moment. 🤭
Contrary to what some people have said, I actually don't mind the Malto Kids at all, or their new power upgrades. They've dealt with so much shit in S1, so it only makes sense that they will eventually get some upgrades and powers to help protect themselves. They act like how kids their age would act irl, so of course they're going to have their annoying, problematic moments where they get themselves into a lot of trouble. The only difference is, they have a lot more sense and they acknowledge when it's time to stop and get serious. Even though it's really obvious that TFE is marketed towards kids, I like that it puts emphasis on family, teamwork, and it has its fair share of cheesy moments. It's very reminiscent of TFA.
I really enjoyed Hashtag and Mo's bonding episode. Even though Robby and Mo have a strong connection to Twitch and Thrash because they are the first Terrans that were born, it's nice to see the Malto Kids interact with their other Terran siblings as well. We almost always see Mo with Thrash or Robby with Twitch, so to see different dynamics among the Terrans and their human siblings is refreshing. And yessss! Hashtag calling Mo her little big sister and Mo calling Hashtag her big little sister is just too great!
Hashtag's new alt mode is so shiny! I love it! It's a nice upgrade, and I like her new root mode design too. I thought it was interesting that she got a new virtual assistant with her systems upgrade.
Cyber-syncing!!! I feel like it was only a matter of time before it was introduced. Something tells me that we're going to have more moments when cyber-syncing will be needed to take down a foe. It was an interesting addition to the Terrans and Malto Kids' existing abilities. I wonder if we'll see more cyber-syncing combos, like maybe a Hashtag/Nightshade/Robby/Mo combo. Or a Jawbreaker/Twitch/Robby/Mo combo. Or just more cyber-syncing in general. I did find Jawbreaker's sync with Aftermath to be very forced and unnecessary. I get that he felt left out in that episode, but it just feels like it was so unnecessary to the plot and it just felt like bad comedy relief.
Overall, I actually really enjoyed S2A. There were only a few episodes and moments that I found meh, but for the most part it was a good watch and it's about to be on repeat while I patiently wait for Transformers One and S2B to come out.
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Ghost Of Men: Call Of Duty Fanfic Prequel Part 1
Simon 'Ghost' Riley XOCWife
Trigger Warning: War, Violence, PTSD, Mention Child Abuse, Anxiety.
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Okay is the prequels for my DadGhost Story. Want to give a big thank you the love that I got from my first story, and made me want to work more this since I love writing for Ghost.
So Thank taking the time to read this and enjoy.
8 months ago... The morning winter rain was coming down very hard this as Simon was getting ready to go to the base, he hand on a black shirt, and green army pasts, he was putting his Ghost mask, and walked out the master bedroom. He walked the stairs, turn a right, and walked down a longer hallway where the living was. It was larger room, with wooden flooring and dark green wallpaper. It had a large glass sliding door that looked out the back yard, the black curtains were covering the door. In the middle of the floor was a large dark green rug, and pretty old cozy black couch, with red pillows on the side and large Tv that was on the wall, the tv was on playing some calming lofi music, and there was dark oak coffee table. On the couch at Ellie, wearing light blue flea PJ's with Pokemon characters on them, and oversize long black sleeve shirt that was to big for her. Ghost stood there in the door way, watching as Ellie was reading a book about baby care and motherhood. He leans against the door frame watching her. It had been about a few months since the two both found they both were going parents, how they found wasn't the best way to find out. That mission nearly went south, Ellie was only shot in the right shoulder and she and the rest the rest the squad made out alive, however Ghost couldn't help but think about how could have been worse. So much worse. The idea of something worse happening made his heart stop, since that day Ellie had been honorably discharge Ghost and Simon made their mission too keep her safe. More than ever. Right now all that mattered to him was the family he was about to have. Ellie noticed that Ghost was standing in the door and she looked up from her book. "Morning, Simon." "Mornin, Ellie." Ghost said, giving a sweet soft expression. "How ya feelin'? Still feelin' ill?" "N-No... I'm feeling a lot better." she said, putting the book and onto the coffee table, and getting to her feet. Ghost took a few steps closer to her looking down at with a soft warmth, then looking down at Ellie's baby bump showing from under the oversize shirt. It was amazing sight to be hold. Ghost gently places both his hands on Ellie's belly and rubbing his thumps. "And how is our lit' dove doin'?" "She's good." said Ellie placing a hand on her belly. "She's making mommy eat things that I think is pretty much humanly impossible." Ghost laughs a little. "Haha. I know." He kneels own eye with the baby bump. "Ya makin' mummy eat all kinds of odd foods?" He rested his forehead against Ellie's belly. "Such a funny lit' thing you are, eh?" He said, sweetly. "Alrigh', darlin'. Daddy's gotta to work today. But don't you worry, I'll be home later in the evenin'. So ya be a good girl for mummy, yeah?" He gives the baby bump a kiss. His smile slowly fades a little then looked up at Ellie. "I-I'm gonna be gone all day." "Yeah. I know." Ellie said. Ghost lets out a deep sigh has to he stood up. Ellie could tell by his eyes he didn't want to leave her alone. She moved closer to him and wraps her arms around his his middle, giving him that smile that he adored to death. "Don't worry, Simon. I'll be fine." 'Ya sure? You've been having bad morning sickness and headaches for the past few days. I'm sure Price and the rest the lads would understand if I don't show today." Ellie nod. "Yes. Besides you really can't take off that. Captain said he needs you. Along Gaz and Soap." said Ellie. There was long pause and in annoyed tone. "Fuckin' hell." He he arounds his around her and. "I know Price needs me there, Luv. B-But... I'm not keen on living you here on your own." "It's fine." said Ellie, with reassuring smile. "I'm not going away, I got all the foods and snakes I need right here, and you'll be back this evening. And baby and me be waiting right here. So don't worry." Her light gray eyes looked in dark brown eyes. Ghost lets out small chuckles and lifts up his mask, and he smiles down at her. "Alright." And the two shared a sweet kiss.
After a few moments Ghost had on all things that he needed for the meeting and for the rest the door. He was in the kitchen with the electric kettle on, and was waiting for the water boil. As he stood there he slowly reached into his uniform breast packet and pulled out an ultrasound picture of the baby. He stared it for a moment lost in his in own thoughts, he could smile forming under his mask then putting the picture back into his breast packet, just as the door bell started to to ringing. As as he heard it, Ghost then reach for his phone that was in packet and checked the ring door camera, and there standing there was Johnny Soap MacTavish, wearing a dark green rain couch with the hood up. Then Ellie's voice could heard call out. "Be right there, Soap." Ellie rushed over to the front door and open it and smile. "Hey there. Come in." Johnny smiled back as he walked into the parlor closed the front door behind. "Ahh, thank ya, lass." Johnny ask. "Unsgeachadh mar ifrnn." Ellie blinks and said: "... What?" "I said it was rainin' like 'ell." said Johnny, with laugh. "Anyway good to see ya, Ellie." said Johnny holding out his arms and he and Ellie shared hugged. "How ya feelin'? Any better?" "Much better." she said, hugging him back then pulling away a bit. "It's been rough few days. Had an awful headache the last days and morning sickness didn't help at all." "Oh. Sounds like rough." said Johnny, with a sympathetic look. "I remember meh old sister went through same thing when she was pregnan' with meh nephew. Poor lass had the worse 'eadaches she ever 'ad, said it was the one the worse part being pregnan'." Ellie blinks her face went a little pale, and Johnny changes the subjects when he say the look on her face. "B-But she's healthy and so my nephew. Heh. Anyway, where's L.T.?" "He's in the kitchen making his tea." said Ellie. Johnny rolls his eyes. "Fuckin' Brits..." "Language, Sergeant." said Ghost's voice from the hallway. "There's a child in the room with ya. SO WATCH IT." Both Johnny and Ellie look down at the hallway and each other. "Um... Would you like a coffee, Soap?" Ellie asked. "No thanks, we gotta get wee a bit of a move on." said Johnny. The two chatted for a few minutes as Ghost from the hallway with a black coffee thermos in his right hand. "Sorry, Johnny, if I kept ya waitin'." "No problem, Pa." said Johnny, with grin on his face. Ghost gave him a look, and Ellie was puts both her hands over her month as she was shaking with laughter. Ghost moves his gaze too her, and saw her cheeks puffy and was still giggling. "... Fuckin' hell..."said Ghost. "Ahah. Simon, language." said Johnny, with grin, making Ellie laugh harder. Ghost then lets out a small, too. After that Ghost put on his boots he grabs his backpack and his thermos of tea. Ghost stood up and saw Johnny and Ellie hugging each other goodbye. "It's always great to see, Soap." she said.
"Aye." said Johnny, with smile taking her hands into his. "Miss havin' yea 'round the base, Ellie. And if ya need anthin' ol' uncle Johnny and Kyle will be there." "Aww, that's sooo... sweet..." Ellie said, in shaking voice and began sobbing slightly. "You have no idea how much that mean to me...! Y-You guys so sweeeet~!" Johnny stood there blinking awkwardly looking over Ghost who came walking over and pat Ellie on the back. "There, there, Luv." She turn to him and hugs, sobbing into his chest. "... I-I.. Um... Is she gon--." Johnny began. "Yeah. Don't worry. Meet you in the car. "Sure... See ya later." "B-Bye... Soap." said Ellie, with sweet smile eyes puffy. Johnny nods gives Ellie one last smile before pulling up his hood over head and walking out the door, closing being him. Ghost stared at the door, then at Ellie, who was calm and said: "S-Sorry..." "S'right." He amused, the two gave each a goodbye kiss, the picked up his bag and placing it over his bag. "R-Righ'... Should get going then, eh?" Ellie nods. "Have a good day, babe." He hums. "... I'll try to get home as soon as I can.” "Take your time." He hums again stood there looking at her for a few moments. "... Remember, if ya need anything jus'---." "Let you know though phone or texts. And I will. Don't worry." He hums again paused and then said: “O-Okay...Love ya, Dove." he said. "I know, Simon. And love you, too." Ghost looks at her then began slowly walking over to the door and opening it and looks back at Ellie. "Ya sure you'll be grand without for a while?" "Yes. Simon, don't worry about me. I'm going fine. I promise." Ellie gave a smile. "Now don't keep Soap waiting." "Ghost nods and then walks out the door looks at Ellie one last time before slowly shutting tightly and locking it behind him. Ellie stood there letting a sigh and her smiled fading a little. "Well, he's gone for the day." She thought to herself. "I really do feel bad for making him fussing over me for the past fews. But hopefully spending time with the guys will help relax a little." She then pats her belly and said: "... Well, kiddo how about we get something to eat and watch some hunterxhunter the day?" She rubs her baby bump and began making her to the kitchen. Then her phone started vibrating in her pj's packet and Ellie reach for and pulled it out. (Text From CoolSkullMan) just in case you need too reach me, here's Price, Luka, Kyle Johnny and Becca's numbers* And it was all the contacts that they both new. (Sends Text To Coolskullman) *Okay* *have a good day.* Ellie shakes her head. "Poor guy really worries too..." And she walked too the kitchen.
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impossible-rat-babies · 3 months
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