#these poses are so shaped..../pos
onewolfaday · 1 year
i absolutely adore the way you stylize wolves<333 theyre so simple yet expressive and the coats capture the detail so well- theyre also just so shape and your lineart is so loose and chunky /pos
would you ever do a tutorial or show some wips of your process? especially on how you stylize coats, i love the way you draw them-
if not, thats totally cool ofc!
thank you!!! :-) heres a little breakdown of my process + sort of a tutorial- i dont usually do art tutorials so im sorry if this doesnt make sense!!
a big inspiration for the way i pick colours for coats is actually this post by @/vhsdruid, so go check that out too ^_^
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more specifically for wolves, there are a lot of pretty consistent features that most wolves share, like having a black tip on their tails and having countershading, so just knowing about those can make it a lot easier to simplify a coat. wolves also break down pretty easily into 3-4 colours with transitional shades between.
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then all you have to do is break down the wolf into big colour blocks ^_^ ! it really doesnt have to be perfect, i mostly just make it up. i also add more colours in between because to me it always comes out looking like a husky when you have such clean distinctions of the pattern, but thats the gist.
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that wolf i was using as an example was also the reference for wolf 048's coat! so you can tell how my coat stylization goes from blocks -> in between shades -> final :)
whenever i start a new wolf, i find a reference image i like for posing AND a reference image for a fun coat (like, for wolf 048, these were the reference images).
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wolves also have this thing with their fur that makes it look like it has a Ton of variation in a small area which i sometimes stylize with wiggly lines, like this! vv
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also, here's a speedpaint of wolf 048, and the sketch + raw lineart!!
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im not really sure how helpful all that is, but im always open to answering any questions ppl have abt my art/tips for drawing wolves!! keep in mind im no expert haha (but, maybe by wolf 365, i will be?)
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llamagirl28 · 7 months
let me just start by appreciating the hard work you do for this IF. this is genuinely one of the few IFs that have given me brainrot (/pos), and im so excited to see how it goes! your writing is amazing and the characters are so entertaining! im not very good with compliments, but i just wanted to give some appreciation with your work <3
anyway, what are the family symbols/crests of the ROs (or anyone)? we know that the Pendragon's is dragons and red, Le Fay's is serpents and green, and Leudonus's is bears and moss green. and follow-up question, are there any symbolism to why you chose that particular symbol, or was it already predetermined in Arthurian legend?
Thank you so much! 💕
No, it's not predetermined from Arthurian legends, I honestly took a lot of liberty with the myths in general - Boc is inspired by them but very much its own thing haha.
Alright, so the crests!
Pendragon - gold dragon, red background. All the dragon bloods chose their crests based upon the dragons that gave them their powers. They all went with a gilded dragon in various poses, and the background came from the color of the scales. Fun fact, the posture of the dragon on the Pendragon crest was changed when they first came to sit on the throne - it was less threatening as it is now, rearing, claws ready to strike, maw open.
Le Fay is not actually green! It's serpent and azure blue, the color being reminiscent of the sea. In-story explanation: their fae ancestor first showed themselves to their human ancestor in the shape of a snake. As to why I chose it, I really like serpent imagery and symbolism and how it can be use in the game.
Leudonus have the moss green and bear because I wanted something you'd think of as big and strong and fearsome. The origin of it in game is not set yet.
Beauregard - swan and blue. Swan because the first of their family to sit on the throne is said to have arrived at the castle in a swan-drawn boat to dethrone the one who wanted the crown, seeing them as unfit to rule. This is loosely based on the tale of the Swan Knight/Knight of the Swan. Also swans because they're beautiful birds and they have plenty in Astolat.
Meier (Isac's family) have a stag and dark green as their symbol. They are descendants of the fae known as the Deer King, hence the stag, and their magic affinity is plant-based, hence green.
Hendrik (Guinevere's family) - Red tulip and black. Tulip because of the family business, back before they even got on the throne.
Allard family, after they stopped using the Le Fay serpent - the Royal Eagle, (what we know as golden eagle). It's supposed to be a symbol to evoke power, strength and determination.
Laurent family (the family of Elena aka Galahad's mother) - a bundle of lavender against bronze background.
Du Lac - apple tree with red fruit, light green background. Inspired by the association of Avalon with appletrees within Arthurian legends. Initially it was mentioned as a symbol of Avalon in the game but I later changed it. In my story, Avalon is based on Mediterranean islands so if there's any fruit emblematic to it, it should be something more citrusy.
These are the most defined at the moment.
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bluerasbunny · 11 months
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so. many things of note here.
the hands i could go on for years about the hands the way they're posed his fingers are tucked he's in such a non-aggressive stance please let him be friend shaped please steel wool come o
THEIR LEGS ARE BENT A LIL, LIKE HE'S TRYING TO BALANCE DESPITE THE LACK OF A FOOT ON ONE LEG (how is he MOVING how is he doing that i wanna see that animated so bad)
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chickycherrycola · 17 days
Happy SoMa Day to all who celebrate! A national holiday, as far as I'm concerned 😋I offer a fluffy, bite-sized little ficlet as my contribution, which features some of my favorite Soma tropes - grumpy Soul, domestic fluff, accidental cuteness, and BREAKFAST - all in less than 1k words!
Read it on AO3, or under the cut in its entirety!
“You’ll feel better once you have some food in you.”
Soul knows she’s right–Maka is almost always right, not that he’d willingly admit it–but still, he’s choosing to gripe about it.
He gripes about it all the way from his motorcycle to the glass entry doors of the restaurant, through the tightening of his meister’s grip on his wrist, until they're sliding into plush, squeaky booth seats and the hostess is shoving menus into their hands with a stifled smirk.
He bitches a little less, however, when his eyes fall upon the wide selection of food items displayed on the pages of said menus, as he flips through the smorgasbord of breakfast offerings. Banana nut pancakes and huevos rancheros, Belgian waffles and eggs benedict florentine. This place has every breakfast delicacy under the sun.
Unfortunately, the rest of the population of this po-dunk little Midwestern town must know this, too, as the restaurant is packed, and harbors every social annoyance under the sun as well. 
Screaming toddlers. Middle-aged brunchers clinking their glasses of mimosa too loudly. Elderly couples staring at him obviously, their expressions aghast with horror. A crowd of servers gathered around a nearby table, presenting a young girl with a stack of birthday pancakes as they sing to her. 
His head hurts, they got back to their hotel room after the mission way too late, and he’s running on a less-than-optimal amount of sleep. He wants to shovel a giant plate of scrambled eggs and bacon into his face and then promptly crash into the nearest sleep-able surface.
Soul groans and lets his head fall to the table, his forehead meeting wood with a heavy thunk. Moments later, there’s the all-too-familiar sensation of a pinch to his ear. 
“You’re such a grump,” Maka giggles.
“I’m allowed.”
“Never said you weren’t,” she replies. He waits for her to continue berating him–’sit up straight already’ or ‘stop breathing on the table, it’s disgusting’- but she doesn’t. He rolls his head around, angling his eyes up to look at her, and finds her attention focused elsewhere.
“Isn’t this place just the cutest?” she muses. “I love the décor. It’s so cozy and welcoming.”
She’s gazing out at the room beyond, a twinkle of delight in her eyes as she takes it all in. Soul notices, too, for the first time–opposite them is a flickering fireplace framed by a brick hearth, and whimsical works of modern art hang upon every wall. Strategically placed ivy plants bring some color to the dining room, their jade-green, star-shaped leaves cascading down in long, elegant tendrils. 
And on the wall of the booth they’re presently seated at, a lushly textured panel of artificial greenery. Maka’s flaxen head contrasts nicely against the darker shade, and–it would make for a lovely photo backdrop. 
“Hey.” He sits up, suddenly feeling invigorated, and reaches a hand into the back pocket of his jeans to retrieve his phone. “Smile for me real quick?”
Maka blinks at him. “What?”
“You heard me.”
“Are you… are you taking a picture of me?”
“No, I’m checking the weather for our flight home later,” Soul deadpans. In response, Maka sticks her tongue out at him and wrinkles her nose in an exaggerated grimace. Soul shrugs and hits the camera button, forever immortalizing the moment on digital film, and Maka blanches when she realizes he’s snapped a photo. 
“H-Hey! Delete that!”
“W-Well, take another one at least–”
“Pose nicely, then.”
Maka pouts, her cheeks visibly flushed and her brows cinched together, but before he can get that expression on film, she composes herself–adjusts her pigtails and straightens her spine, schools her face into a pleasant, soft smile. Soul lines her up in the viewfinder of his camera app, and–
He examines the photo for several minutes, eyes darting between his meister and the image of her on his phone screen, before nodding subtly to himself. 
“Well? How do I look?”
His fingers tap, tap, tap away as he uploads the picture to his story, witty caption and all–’She dragged me to a bougie brunch place instead of letting me sleep in’- and doesn’t realize Maka has fallen silent until he’s hit the post button. 
When he puts his phone down and looks at her once again, she's staring at him with a strange expression on her face, her bottom lip between her teeth and her cheeks a shade of scarlet nearly rivaling his eyes. 
“What?” he asks. 
Maka clears her throat, runs a nervous finger idly around one of her pigtails and looks down at her lap. 
At that moment, his phone pings–a reply to his story post from Black Star. 
“Bro, you’re such a sap.”
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jijidraws · 2 months
I just wanted to say I love your work! I am a plus-sized Trans Woman and seeing body shapes that resemble my own makes me so happy, especially drawn in such gorgeous, sexy poses. Keep up the amazing work! Please!
Oh my goodness..! ;o; ♡ Thank you for taking the time out of your day to write such a sweet message! ♡ Always so overjoyed when my work is loved. If you want more body pos art recs!!! @mayakern and @sergle have wonderful pinups and other lovely art. xx
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randomwriteronline · 5 months
If there was something Onewa would not neglect to mention, that was that the rest of the Toa Metru were wimps.
Another one of his qualities (if one could call it that) was his ability to explain, at length, each extremely precise and specific reason as to why the rest of the Toa Metru were wimps - which after a small amount of his rambling lectures could then essentially be boiled down to the singular problem of none of them being Po-Matoran and thus not having lived in Po-Metru.
Because that meant that they'd never spent hours working at an actual genuine real job - by which he meant carving, as everything else was too cushy and didn't make your hands hurt like hell once you finally finished nor force you to spend entired days outside with your scalpel and hammer several bio off the ground under the blistering heat of the twin suns in certain occasions; it also meant that they'd never forcibly shaped a cave into their own home by themselves, without any outside help, because that's how the Po-Matoran do it, and that just in case they weren't too keen on breaking their backs that much and joined a welder's village instead they'd never had to fight off wandering Rahi that decided to storm in out of nowhere to pick off a few neighbors just for the fun of it.
And that's how we liked it!
At least, he concluded each of his rants like that.
The first general silent consensus on the matter was that there was no way the Po-Matoran could actually honestly like living in what was essentially a smaller replica of Karzhani.
The second general silent agreement was that everybody would have very much liked for Onewa to shut up before they felt compelled to resort to the only other apparently available solution to the problem by tossing him off the Lhikan II and into the unknown waters.
Due to the whole "unity" thing, they were trying very, very hard not to do that.
Nuju most of all.
Not due to any affection towards him (Great Spirit forbid), but mainly because it would have been extremely easy for him to enact the procedure so quickly that the Toa of Stone wouldn't even have had the time to stop his rambling, and also the longwinded blatherings were very quickly depleting whatever reserves of his already barely existent patience for being around people he still had, meaning he was left scraping at the bottom of the barrel for just about enough of it in order to try to survive this blasted journey of theirs without infringing the Toa code.
They knew arguing would have solved nothing: Onewa would have just argued back even harder and louder, and that would have just made things worse.
But Whenua, in his infinite wisdom, figured out a plan at last.
So when during a rare moment of collective respite their brother of Stone began once more his unprompted tirade about the rest of them being good-for-nothing seat warmers who wouldn't have survived a day at his jobsite, whether due to exhaustion, poor safety conditions, or a wide variety of environmental hazards, the remaining four Toa quickly tuned out of his ranting in order to watch curiously as the former archivist approached the carver from behind so quietly that he might as well have been wearing a Huna instead of a Ruru.
Just as the other interrupted his endless complaint to take in a breath, Whenua struck: his arms rested oh so gently on his brother's waist to pull him a little closer in a sort of hug, surprising him enough to make him stutter a moment more.
"Then shoudn't you be treated tenderly?" he spoke softly, mask close to the other's, with the gentlest tone he could muster.
If Onewa's head could have exploded, it probably would have.
It was frankly mesmerizing to see him shortcircuit in real time. He was, suddenly, completely paralyzed in the slightly reclined pose within Whenua's embrace and totally incapable of speech beyond a few bewildered monosyllables such as 'what', 'wuh', 'who' and sometimes even just a plain old 'w'; his eyes were wider than the entire protodermis sea, frantically shifting from the Great Ruru to the complete void as though his desire to ask for an explanation for the Toa of Earth's unexpected behaviour was battling for dominance with cosmic forces far beyond his comprehension.
Matau understood the plan in the matter of an instant. His hand flew to Onewa's knee - the part that was closest to him from where he was sitting - and cupped it gently, stroking it with his thumb. He could have sworn the other had burst a brain spark the second the contact had hit.
"You're right, Toabrother," he cooed with a grin that hopefully came off comforting enough to hide his amusement: "He's had a rough life! It's our duty to easecuddle him up a little!"
Onewa's attempt at a reply came out as a warbled mess of phonemes.
It was distinctly not helped by Nuju of all beings catching his hand to nuzzle it against his mask, muttering: "Poor thing," in a rumbling tone.
Before he could work through the fog these puzzling interactions were muddling his neurons with and ask who exactly the three cuddling him were and what they'd done with his brothers, his thoughts were once again stunned into static by the pressure of Nokama's palm on the top of his mask and her voice worming into his audio receptor with unimaginable sweetness: "You've been through quite a lot and we haven't shown you nearly enough compassion for it, haven't we? Come, sit down, sit down..."
Eight hands moved him around without him being able to do anything about it, and when he blinked he was indeed sitting down, fellow Toa all around and over him: Whenua was pressing him to his sternum while still loosely hugging his waist, Matau had crawled closer to take over one of his arms and placed a hand on the side of his chest, Nuju had shifted his gentle grip to raid along one of his legs and Nokama had instead taken his place nuzzling one of his palms.
To say this felt immensely unnatural would have been an understatement of planetary proportions.
Actually scratch planetary, these were downright universal proportions.
What in Mata Nui's name was happening?
Why were they so nice? Why were they agreeing they had it easier than him? And why in Karzhani were they cuddling and comforting him about his (to be honest fairly turbulent) Matoran life?
At least the firespitter hadn't joined in, he managed to think in short spurts while the gentle words and motions flustered him to no end, making his heartlight bloom brighter from the weird feeling - he'd been nothing but rude and condescending to him, certainly he wouldn't dream of pitying him or coddling him or lifting a single finger on him kindly, and why did that thought actually kind of hurt all of a sudden when just earlier today it would have had no effect on him whatsoever--
A caress on his mask fried any last working neurons he still had going for him, which was why it took him a few moments to realize there was also a hand tenderly wrapped around his calf.
"You don't have to go through something like that again," Vakama's voice reassured him before he managed to focus once again on his vibrant yellow eyes. His thumb stroked his cheek slowly, making Onewa almost shake in his hold before he continued: "We'll take care of you. That's what a team does, isn't it?"
The Toa of Stone barely managed a peep back.
A gentle laugh at his speechlessness made him almost very visibly self-combust.
The rest of the team cuddled a little closer to him, not once stopping their affectionate touches, humming or murmuring little things he couldn't hope to process within the swelling swirl of feelings agitating through his entire body.
It was just...
It was just too much!
Who were these people? Why were they caring about him so much? He could have had this his entire life instead of rolled eyes and angry looks and envy and hatred and loneliness? And where had that last thought come from?
Someone nuzzled his mask. Then someone else, and someone else again. And again. And again.
Soon enough Onewa was completely silent, still tense and yet also somewhat slack in his team's hold as the gentle thrumming of five bodies wrapped around his own completely erased his thoughts in a storm of fluster and embarrassment that made his heartlight flutter in a fast paced but overall stable manner.
Peace at last.
The unspoken plan could now be archived a resounding success.
If the five of them detached from him right now, they each reasoned separately, he would have probably sat there for a few hours trying to digest the sudden tornado of care slapped right on him. Who knows? He might have even stopped screaming his life story to the sky and stuck to mumbling it instead. There was no chance he'd shut up fully about it, of course - but at least he would have been much quieter.
That sounded perfectly reasonable.
For about a good five minutes, none of them made any attempt at moving from their positions.
They could leave him there.
Seriously, they could.
Nothing was stopping them from doing so.
Literally nothing.
Matau leaned a little closer to rest his head on his brother's chest. Vakama raised his leg to rest it on his lap, absentmindedly running his hand over it. Nokama whispered another reassurance.
Oh, screw it.
They could cuddle a little more.
Just a little bit...
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vaultlinkvt · 4 months
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This is the first proper thing I've drawn in ages (and first are I think I've posted in over 5 years?) I just needed to draw the opening to Act 5 and my reaction to it.
Nothing has gripped me in such a way and forced me to finish an art piece like this in so fucking long. I see far too much of myself in him. I just want them to be ok after this is all over. STARS, this is just Asriel all over again isn't it. But WORSE!/pos
…I guess that could make this vent adjacent? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I also made a shitpost edit that I posted separately here.
There are so many things covered by each other and I just need to share and talk about them. Bonus details and rambles under the cut.
Siffrin's expression was like the first thing I drew and if it didn't turn out as good as it did I probably wouldn't have spent almost 10 days slowly adding to this and I just need to show it because his hands/arms end up covering most of their face.
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Nothing much else to say about him, I'm just super happy with how everything about him turned out (I did have to go back and redraw some of his hair towards the end because the line thickness wasn't consistent with everything I drew after.
Next is ME yippeeeee. I have no idea why I spent so long adding details even tho I knew alot of it would get covered by Sif 'cause of how I was posing this.
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I even designed a little button based on the Change Ornament + Star (the Change Belief and Lost Belief in The Universe really spoke to me in so many ways)
The gloves are an Archery Glove on the right hand and a Drawing/Writing Glove on the left.
The cloak is based on the style of cloak my mom made for my family for SCA events when I was young. It's just a simple hooded cloak but it has a slit in each side so you can stick your hands threw without needing to open up the cloak. I imagine it being stylized like, the opening doesn't exist until you stick your hands threw and then it can just freely glide around the face of the cloak to wherever it's needed, stopping at the elbow only letting threw the forearm, below the slit beginning to hang off the elbow with gravity while the part above begins to move with the upper arm.
I didn't even try to draw the outfit under the cloak because dealing with the folds of a thick wool cloak was enough for me (you can see how I gave up at the knees because I KNEW Sif was gonna cover them up). What I imagine the outfit being is this big baggy tunic and pants that are tied down at the forearms/calves to keep from getting in the way, it's also supposed to have a big baggy turtleneck thing that can be pulled up as a(nother) hood (iirc, this sorta thing was used so someone could wear a chainmail hood without it grabbing your hair(there ware also like stand alone cloth hoods that did the same thing too but eh, my memory is bad I might just be misremembering this)) but I couldn't figure out the folds and ended up just doing a simple button up thing (which then got covered by Sif's big head anyway.)
I spent soooo long trying to draw my eyes, trying to figure out the shape, and ended up just doing a bunch of small tests to the side before finding one that actually looked right. Drag it over the face and see that it fit EXACTLY, didn't even need to redraw it or anything.... unless you're talking about the other eye in which case I just duplicated it, flipped, and did some perspective warping until it looked ok because I could NOT draw that again especially at a different perspective (can I just say I have no idea how I drew that creepy eye but I love it, it was the first eye I drew and I just threw 4 lines down what the fuck how. Also the Mira-ish one looks cute too but didn't fit the expression.) I also needed to figure out what the hell was wrong with the expression I had before so you get 2 faces from me figuring that out (turns out I had the eyebrows facing the wrong way.)
I ALMOST FUCKING FORGOT MY FRECKLES TOO AAAAAAAAA (they're actually missing from the version I posted in the official ISaT server.) It was super weird trying to add them at the obscenely low resolution I was drawing at and they're probably gonna get compressed to hell and back but I think they're cute.
final thing.
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Why is my hair so similar to Sif's but longer? Like, you can see I was sketching over my drawing of him to make sure I'd keep the proportions right when I started working on myself but in the process I realized that I was basically drawing over his hair but longer for mine (drawing I was using as ref here made by @leemak)
Add that to the uncomfortably long list of things I have in common with Siffrin I guess.
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kariachi · 1 month
Some more commissionwork! A 3k prequel to @thenixkat's last commission- Guzma's run-in with Nihilego goes a whole lot differently, to pretty much everyone's distress.
Guzma hadn’t expected it to be so dark through the wormhole. Dark, enclosed, a trailing cave lit with the strange glow of what seemed like it should have been plantlife, the sense of being watched constantly itching up his spine. Lusamine hadn’t seemed concerned, but then she had been the one who’d had some idea of where they were going, had wanted to go. He had just, followed after her. The one who acknowledged his power, the one who kept his crew fed. Between the two he’d have done about anything.
Though the wormhole closed behind him, another remained flickering in the distance of the cavern, passed a group of the strange creatures Lusamine was so enraptured with. More were scattered about, just at the edge of his line of sight, but these few were highlighted by the glow of the wormhole. Almost like they were curious, like they were inspecting it. Lusamine cooed even as she spared them but a glance, her full focus on following the one they entered after. Guzma, loyal if nothing else, had trailed behind her.
One of pokemon had noticed them. Approached them. Approached Guzma. He’d tensed, dropped into a fighting pose.
The creature surged forward-
He was-
The wormhole closed behind them.
You’d have to have been really out of it not to realize something had gone horribly wrong. Plumeria had been back at Po Town with the grunts Guzma hadn’t taken to the Aether Foundation when the sky filled with thick, storming clouds. When a hole opened over Ula-Ula Island. The sudden midday darkness had been enough to leave the whole house quiet, and her stomach dropped on looking out and to the sky.
Without a second thought she’d run out the door, shouting back for the grunts to stay inside and that Peni was in charge until she or the boss returned. She couldn’t have told you how she knew that whatever was happening was centered on the Aether Foundation, at least no more than her brain screaming on repeat how she had never trusted that woman, but something had insisted she go to get her idiots, weak and strong, back safely home. That she had to. Whatever had happened was-
It wasn’t natural. It was viciously unnatural.
With the grunts under her care as safe as she could make them, nothing mattered more than getting to that floating ‘sanctuary’. Not the panic of the people she passed, not the strange shapes along the skyline as she raced a rental Tauros through Malie City, nothing. She’d gotten to the Aether Foundation as fast as she could, found Momo and Taro huddled together beside a cluster of fidgeting Aether workers, anxiety in the air.
There’d been no Guzma.
All the grunts knew was that the brat had beaten him again, that he’d let them and their friends enter the lab as a result. Had run in after them once his team was healed. That was the last they’d seen. The kids had left, the lab, the property, but Guzma was nowhere to be found. Neither was the bitch, but Plumeria found she didn’t give two shits about her. Let whatever trouble she’d led her boss into kill her, it was him she worried about.
They worried about.
It, he, they were scared.
Diglett’s Tunnel. If he could have done anything, if the struggling and the screaming worked, Guzma could have told you they were in Diglett’s Tunnel. Just about. The beast knew this. Given the way his memories of training there with Wimpod and Surskit flashed back and forth through his brain, it knew because he knew.
Diglett, ground-type, fear determination fear.
Local kids jeering at his team, hurt anger hate.
Coursing through the beast, through him, back and forth.
Tremoring around him, the beast made an unhappy noise. Even with how strange it was, Guzma knew plenty enough about pokemon to know that, even as he sat in a chaotic film of memories, helpless panic, and the gelatinous feel of it encasing him. It, he, they didn’t like where they were. It, he, they didn’t like those kids…
“What the fuck are you?” The sound of a human voice trickled in, and Guzma wanted to scream as the beast turned to them. Wanted to kick his legs, beat against the bell of the beast, call for help.
It’d been so long since he was willing to give in to a want of help.
His body harshly twitched for his efforts, no sound left his mouth. He could barely even see the worker freaking out, same as he could barely see the tunnel, through the haze of the beast’s flesh and memories rifling through his, it, their mind. The beast, it was sorting through, looking for something. It had to be.
Guzma tried to screw his eyes shut, to focus on shoving the alien mind away. Those were his memories, not for some fucking- Some fucking- Why couldn’t he-?! He was stronger than this-!
‘Damnit Guzma!’
Pale skinned adult man. Dark hair. Damnit Guzma.
It wasn’t him. It wasn’t him, but there was never any way Nihilego could understand that. Not when it had only seen three humans so far. Not when it had never fully merged before, had control before, didn’t understand why its host had begun to struggle harder. Not when it was itself scared and confused by this strange new place full of enemies. Not when it was so deep in his head, in his memories, trying to understand what it was dealing with.
Not when those memories had one most prominent creature that looked enough like the one in front of it for it to understand. Not when those memories came in a rush of his, it, their pain, fear, anger, hurt, threat-
Nihilego charged.
It was on the ferry back to Ula-Ula that they got their answer.
Plumeria sat with her eyes on the ominously clear sky, one arm each around Momo and Taro. Her foot had tapped a quick beat as it tended to do when there was a problem she couldn’t do anything with. She wasn’t as bad as her boss, more patient by halves, but you didn’t become and stay second in command by sitting on your ass.
There had been nothing else to do, though. They hadn’t known where Guzma was, hadn’t been able to get a hold of him. If anybody else knew they weren’t saying, or at least weren’t there to say. She had every intention of tracking down the brat, or Gladion, or whoever she had to to get answers. But before she could do that, she had to report back to the others. Let them know the boss was missing, get the two with her safely home.
“Breaking news from Akala Island!”
And then had come the emergency alert, drawing everyone’s attention from the brand-new gossip to the small television.
“A mysterious, unidentified pokemon has appeared in Heahea City! Reports say this pokemon was first sighted in Diglett’s Tunnel, having since gone on a rampage through the caves and now into the city itself! Authorities request citizens avoid-”
She didn’t hear any more than that, her eyes blowing wide as the creature came onto screen. A great black mass of spiny tentacles, refracting light like an oil slick, launching attacks and throwing everything from benches to people about. Her heart hurt for them, in spite of her status and reputation, but couldn’t focus there.
A familiar pair of legs stuck out from under its bell, she could just make out a shock of white hair though its translucent skin.
“Sis!” Plumeria didn’t look at her little siblings, just clamped a hand on Momo’s shoulder as she got to her feet, eyes narrowing. The rest of those on the ferry stumbled away as she set Golbat and Salazzle loose, passengers and workers both staring wide eyed and scared as she stared them down. A rush of pride rose in her chest as a second Golbat and Trubbish joined her team.
With all the confidence, pride, and authority that came with her position, she looked to the captain, met her eyes through the window.
“Full speed to Heahea, now!”
It was like an awful loop. As if that first memory of his father the beast had drug out had opened a spiraling whirlpool beneath his feet.
Heavy hands, harsh words. Nothing had ever been good enough, Guzma had never been good enough, and it had shown in dismissal, in insults, in bruises and blood and broken bones. With each memory came another and another, from as far back as he could remember to the day he’d finally had enough. They played in the forefront of his mind, digging, burning into his gut even as he tried to push them away. How his father had abused him, how his mother had lived on denial, how no one had done anything, how they had pitied the man when Guzma failed the Island Trials, how he was a failure failure failure and failures didn’t matter-
With each memory the beast grew fiercer, more brutal. Crushing cars, flinging people and pokemon the same. Spraying poison, generating and throwing stones. Shattering windows, twisting signs and lampposts both. The authorities, the local trainers, stood no chance as it lashed out like a creature in pain. All its actions visible, hazy, for Guzma’s view.
His body twitched with his own wish to do something, wish for all of this to stop, it was too much, too much, and he, it, they were hurting- But it was only at the will of the beast he moved, shifted alongside its own movement in a mass of jelly that felt endless from within, like a hopeless fate, like there was nothing else despite the world being right there-
Distant, dripping in like a light rain, Plumeria’s voice was unmistakable. In a heartbeat he froze, instinct as much as anything recalling the first response to his struggling for help and refusing to tempt fate with her. The beast turned and he could just make her out, alongside two grunts- Momo and Taro, it had to be, of course she would go get them, he’d left them alone he’d thought they were safe thank fuck they were safe-
Filtering through his memories again, playing them at the head of his mind, the beast found the trio quickly. His second, his grunts, Team Skull, home- Guzma tried to latch onto those memories, gatherings at the big house, those rare full meals-
Even as his crew called out to him, the good times slipped away into the depths of his breakdown- superseded by that familiar gnawing anger and memories of the ways they’d also been wronged, cast aside like so much trash. Plume and Momo’s families with their judgement and impossible expectations, the rampant derision towards Taro’s ‘scatterbrained’ energy and enthusiasm.
The beast shivered again, made a sound lower and rougher than he could have expected, and shot off to continue its destruction.
Throwing out an arm to block Taro from running after the pokemon, Plumeria cursed under her breath. The sight of her boss, her friend, trapped in that thing- The way he’d gone so still. She’d never seen him that still. But he had been awake in there, a spark of him in the depths of otherwise hollow eyes. Behind her, Momo and Taro talked over each other.
“What even is that thing-”
“We have to do something-”
“There’s got to be-”
“It fucking has the Boss-”
The grunts startling at the sudden call, Plumeria turned on her heel with a stressed glare. Running up the decimated road was the brat that kept beating everyone, without their group of friends and looking as confused as they were tense.
“What are you doing here,” she demanded as they skidded to a stop in front of them, worry for Guzma gnawing at her nerves. They dropped their chin, looked at her through their lashes, and gestured to the black mass destroying the city.
“There’s a rampaging pokemon, at this rate I figure maybe I can help,” they said. “What are you doing here?”
“It has the Boss,” Taro blurted out before Plumeria could say anything, her hackles raised. It was to the brat’s credit that their face immediately fell, screwing with honest worry as they looked out at the pokemon.
“He’s still conscious in there,” Plumeria said, unable to help a twinge of guilt at how quickly their attitude had turned, after all the trouble they’d given them, “you can see it in his eyes, but…. We don’t know what it’s doing with him.”
“Okay,” the brat said with a slow nod, fidgeting with a pokeball as they turned to meet her gaze. As they came to attention. “Have we got a plan?” They didn’t, they hadn’t had the chance and information to form one, much as the fact burned.
“Maybe we can talk it around?” Blinking as one, everyone turned to Momo, who blushed but stood up straight. Another trill of pride went up Plumeria’s spine. “It turned when Big Sis called, and it didn’t try to hurt us. So…the Boss might have some control of, whatever this is.”
“He wouldn’t do anything to this scale though,” Taro countered, “even if he does have some, it’s not a lot.”
“Oh, do you have any bright ideas then?!”
“Quiet,” Plumeria ordered before the two could work themselves up. Each immediately dropped the hard looks they’d formed and turned back to her. “Momo’s right, and he is still in there, it’s worth a shot.”  Steeling herself, she turned to the brat, who threw her a tight smile.
“He’s yours,” they said. “Lead the way, I’ve got your back.”
Nihilego did not understand the chatter of the humans following it. Their calls were concerned, that much it could glean, but that was fine. Of course they were concerned, surrounded by enemies as they were. It was dealing with that though, and soon everything would be safe, none of them would be in danger. Even its host seemed to have finally calmed, no longer trying to lash out in fear now that they were present. There was safety in numbers, Nihilego had enough power to protect them all, and once the threats were gone it could figure out how to return to it, his, their home.
A plan cut short by a cry of fear behind it.
Nihilego flared as it twisted around, searching for the cause of the alarm. The bench that smashed to the ground behind those trailing it failed to register when compared to the being that had their hands on one of them. The memory of that one came quickly and with ease, fighting fighting fighting and now they were here, attacking his, its, their kin from behind.
With a call of wrath it charged the threat, his, its, their kin bolting aside as they surged back in response. There was a flash of light, a call from the interloper, and an enemy of blue and white suddenly appeared. Nihilego drew up short, just in time to be driven back by the powerful blast of a fairy move. The interloper looked to his, its, their kin, gave another call.
The other pokemon aimed at them with a spray of bubbles.
They turned to flee.
The threats gave chase, and so did Nihilego.
Momo had been right, there was something of Guzma in there. Something that seemed about ready to kill the ‘threat’.
“I think,” the brat called from the back of the crowd, recalling their Primarina and dodging attacks as they went, “we’re gonna have to fight this thing!”
“What if we hurt the boss though,” Taro called back, and Plumeria made an immediate decision, grabbing a pokeball.
“What if we hurt the boss, you two are staying out of it!”
“No buts!” She called back to the brat- “You got anything that can handle this?”
“Think so! Three on one?”
“You need two?”
“Having seen your team!”
“Fuck you!” Stopping on a dime, Plumeria turned to face the pokemon as the brat skidded to a stop beside her, flashing a wide grin. She threw out her ace as the brat released their selection.
“Raichu, Salandit!” To their credit, none of the pokemon shied away from the great beast barreling down on them. “Psychic and Dragon Rage, aim for the tentacles!”
“You heard them, Dragon Rage, Salazzle!”
Stopped with a fierce jolt by the Psychic, the pokemon gave what could only be described as an approximation of a screech. A sound that only worsened as great twin bursts of dragon fire scorched along its tentacles. For all people talked about Salandit not being able to keep up, all people had said Dragon Rage wasn’t a move worth keeping, the fire-types certainly did their fair share of damage. They had to, for the way the pokemon burst away from Guzma, shrinking to something small and white and graceful as it threw itself to the side.
There was no stopping the grunts from charging towards their boss then, even as the brat and pokemon had to throw themselves between the lot and the still attacking creature. In truth Plumeria didn’t even try, too busy leading the charge as Guzma fell from the air to his feet, to his knees. Light faded back into his eyes as he wavered on the ground, reaching out for them with a smile.
He half mouthed her name before collapsing into the trio’s arms.
Guzma woke to a sterile white ceiling, scratchy sheets, low snoring, and Golisopod’s familiar weight at his side. Blearily, with more effort than normal, he dropped a hand on his ace’s sleeping head and tried to remember why he was there. It was a tough gig with the way his head ached. The way everything ached. What the fuck… He hadn’t been in the hospital since his father- His father-
Gut falling out of him, Guzma grit his teeth and resisted the urge to lash out, unwilling to risk harming his pokemon. That thing, it had, he’d been- It wasn’t there, he was out, but-
As if it sensed his upset, Golisopod burbled into wakefulness beside him, raising its head in tired curiosity. He turned in time to see it realize he was awake, to cry out in joy and fling itself forward, nuzzling under his chin in a mass of chittering burbles. A weight lifted from him with its presence and comfort, not enough to fix the tattered hole in his chest- it would be months for that to scar over- but what was needed to bring out a small laugh and half-smile. He recognized a sigh of relief at his other side enough to breathe easy as he turned again.
“Plume.” She returned his smile as she straightened in her chair, bags under her eyes. “The fuck you been staying up for?”
“Like ya didn’t just wake me,” she said, rapping a fist against his arm. “How ya feeling?”
"Like I made friends with a Bewear," he groaned, scratching Golisopod’s head. He was never leaving Po Town again, and never trusting anybody Plumeria hadn’t already vetted. “Who’s keeping an eye on the grunts?” She snorted.
“Why the fuck you think I’m so tired.” Looking down, she kicked out at something and raised her voice. “Yo! The Boss is up!”
In twos and threes, the grunts popped up from the floor like Watchogs on alert, some swaying a bit with what had only seconds ago been sleep. They had even, he noticed as he watched them rocket to their feet, busted the footboard off the too short bed so he could stretch out. If anyone had the balls to ask, Guzma would first deny and then blame on what had happened the fact that he teared up.
“Boss is awake!”
“Mr. Guzma are you okay?”
“How do ya feel?”
“He’s probably starving- go grab him some food!”
“Why me?!”
“‘Cause I’m older than you!”
“Don’t worry, Boss, you’ll never see that, thing, again- the brat caught it and promised to keep it far, far away!”
“Do you want us to grab ya something? We can do that!”
Guzma just laid back and took them in. Masao and Garish bickering while Peni just sent their Golbat to grab something. Ami and Ruki damn near falling over trying to check he was okay. Okazaki grinning like it was his birthday, while Nalani elbowed the others aside so she could be closer. Momo and Taro-
They could have not been. They should never have been in danger in the first place. If that beast had left the lab- It could have been one of them instead of him. And that rampage, they’d only been there because he’d fucked up. They could have been hurt; they could have been killed. And Plume as well, if that final fight hadn’t ended so quickly who knew what that thing would have done-
He’d failed them. He’d failed as their leader, as their protector. It wasn’t enough that he’d failed to ensure they were fed, had the basics of survival reliably available, but his attempts to fix that had caused him to fail them even worse. To put them in harm’s way. It was more than worth blackening his own eyes over, if only he’d had the energy, if only everything still didn’t hurt. The shake of his head he managed wasn’t enough.
“You’re all a’ight?” The talking stopped, a sea of soft eyes that left him warm and spooked and guilty turning to him in near unison. Plumeria laid a hand on his shoulder, smiling.
“With you up, we’re all set.”
He’d never be able to tell you whether he or the beast came away from that mess in worse shape. According to the brat they were going to have to unteach a lot of threat responses, and work their ass off to convince it humans besides his crew weren’t immediate enemies, before they could safely decide what to do with it long-term.
But, with the grunts and Plume refusing to leave his side or shadow, driving off problems and standing with him as he struggled- Even when he tried to disband, as soon as he was well enough to give orders, even when he claimed he’d lost his right to lead them. Had failed them more than could be accepted. Still, there they’d been with him.
Guzma was damn sure he’d won this round.
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skgtp-vn · 10 months
Interesting thing to pick Vix's brain over, a friend who's not here on Tumblr posed a question back about how Vix says his feelings go beyond looks and interactions and the like -- he says he doesn't believe Vix. Because if we changed our looks and personality entirely, he wouldn't react the same to us as before. Anyway, feel free to ignore, just wanted to see what he'd say to someone who flat out said they didn't believe him over it
Woah we made it outside of Tumblr? /pos
Believe it or not, but it really does not matter how you look or act to him. He’s got this thing going on where he senses vibes/auras, so as long as yours stayed the same (the only reason it wouldn’t would be like if you had DID/OSDD so you were literally a different person), he’d feel the same about you no matter how you looked or behaved. (A bit of background on this: this is based off of how I perceived people when I was a kid. I had face blindness back then [and I still do to some extent] and for some reason I couldn’t understand body shapes or anything like that. Everyone just looked like a different color to me and I could only differentiate between people based on voice and aura colors. My sister was lavender, my mom was bright yellow, etc.). The only thing that matters to him is that you’re you. He might get a bit frustrated if you didn’t understand, but he’d try to explain because he wants your approval and acceptance.
Even Vix does that understand why he likes Starshine, he just knows that he does. And I’m pretty sure Vix doesn’t even know what you look like or what your personality is like tbh… he’s way too overwhelmed in your presence to comprehend such things. You’re basically like- the sun to him. It’s hard to look directly at it. And even then, his brain is completely fried the instant he thinks of you so he wouldn’t be able to process it anyways
But once things calmed down, his eyes might adjust and he’d be able to appreciate your appearance (and no, he wouldn’t hate how you looked no matter what, he’d love it because it’s you. Nothing could change how he feels about you)
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ch0cocrave · 6 months
how do you draw them LEGGIES
the way you draw legs genuinely has me impressed, PLS TEACH ME UR WAYS 🙏 (just make some references or tell me how you practiced or what u used for reference.. ONLY IF U WANT)
(also im a horrible teacher so i will just draw lots of hair and let you study it and use it for reference hehhehe)
First of all, I DIDN'T KNOW ANYBODY WOULD EVEN BE INSPIRED OR IMPRESSED WITH ME/pos, AND SECOND, Of course i can give ya a quick tutorial<3
SO, first off I kinda start with the thighs, ( ignore the weird body shape this is just for the legs ) to get like a feel for the pose and stuff,
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And then I kinda build the heel off the thigh, to really make it look like the leg!
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Then the toe beans are added, to fully make the leg well, look like a leg!
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I know i can't do tutorials but i rlly hope that this helped!
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okay that was fucked /pos
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before I can process any of this I need to stop just. cracking up over the Evas t posing to assert their dominance. i know it’s a cross shape but fucking. they look like glitching character models and it’s so funny to me. yes that was a profound both in a fucked up and beautiful sense examination of the human condition but also t posing evas are inherently the funniest fucking thing in the whole world.
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greasby · 3 months
hi your art is such a huge inspiration for me!!!!!!! i love it so much, the dynamic poses and coloring scratch my brain /pos... do you have any tips for a good anatomy? yours is impeccable!!!
hi, thank you so much for your kind words ^_^ im always surprised and happy when people like my art enough to ask for advice and ill try my hardest to share some tips that have helped me.
im sorry if this is unhelpful or incomprehensible, as ive never done any type of tutorial or anything ^_^' (ill also only rlly be focusing on chest/arms as examples but most of this is applicable to anything. also srry for the shitty drawings LOL)
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finding the simplified shapes of bodies and learning how to layer them is key, and i like to visualize that by defining the chest/shoulders as the top layer. the chest connecting to the shoulders and making that "hook" shape defines the shoulders as well as helping with shaping the rest of the arm. connecting the tops of the shoulders into the collarbone helps with anatomy when it comes to perspectives as well.
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this is probably the first anatomy trick i ever learned, and while i dont need to use it constantly, its still massively helpful when im having trouble with arms. the trick is to draw circles for the shoulder and the wrist/hand, connect them with a line, and then from the middle of the line you can extend to your discretion to draw an elbow circle. connect all the circles and you have an arm guideline ^_^
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an important part of anatomy is learning how skin and fat work- when the arm/leg bends the fat and skin push together and "pudge" a bit. i literally cannot put it in words properly so im just gonna pray this drawing gets the point across enough
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my ultimate advice- PRACTICE !!! i draw a lot of miniature naked people, and while im still practicing anatomy and poses and perspective, the small scale lets me be less worried about messing up, making it look good, and spending too much time in one place. anatomy is hard and not everything is gonna look good, so dont worry too much about everything looking perfect, just get practice in and DONT BE AFRAID TO USE REFERENCES !!! look hard at your reference photos and think about how the fat and muscles and tendons are layered and connected. good luck!
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biframes · 1 year
grahh i love your art sm like your artstyle makes my brain go 💥💥 /pos
not me being down bad for your hox interpretation
i’ve actually been trying to study your artstyle bc i just really like it and i think it may go well in some of my animations
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if you’re comfortable , could you do a tutorial or give a few tips on how you draw ?
Thank you so much for your kind thoughts on my art! It made me smile! I'm glad you like Hoxton too, I worry that my interpretation of the characters might not be accurate enough, but since it is very self indulgent art anyway I decide to just have fun.
Your drawings are beautiful! Your expressions are very good, they convey the characters' emotions well, and your anatomy is excellent too. I like how powerful the last character looks, I definitely have a crush on them.
I will put the rest under a read more to save space.
In terms of tutorial... I spent a lot of time learning to draw using ink, so I don't actually draw that many lines. For example, this recent drawing of Sokol and Jacket
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The earliest version of it looks like this (please don't laugh!)
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That is my habit, so please don't feel the need to emulate it. Use lots of lines and sketch layers if it helps! My friends say I am strange for not sketching as much as them.
The most important thing, I think, is to get the shape of the characters down before you add the details. I knew that I wanted Sokol to be over Jacket, so I arranged their silhouettes before I began to add in details like Sokol's arms. (I also had to shrink Sokol's head... embarrassing) I will usually draw a very simple human form before adding details, just to be sure that the pose is how I want it to look.
Also, if you struggle with drawing bodies, I cannot recommend life drawing enough. I was lucky enough to be able to attend a class with a live model, which massively improved my skills at drawing anatomy, but don't feel defeated if that's not possible. Even something as simple as using a photograph as a reference for a pose helps! If you can't find a photo with the pose you want then make one yourself, or pose 3D models. Art teachers sometimes say to take a sketchbook out with you and draw strangers, but that sounds scary.
Personally I struggle with faces the most, so I don't feel confident to give advice on them. Not that it is needed, yours are already wonderful!
I apologise if this is all advice you have heard before, I'm happy to answer more specific questions if they would help. Thank you again for your lovely message, you are too kind. I would love to see more of your art, it is so charming and full of character!
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artwithoutblood · 10 months
I’m looking at the First Six and trying to piece it all together. *wild theories begin*
We all know Dorian /pos (bottom right).
The entity above Dorian (middle right) wears a veil so I’m wondering if that’s Delusion.
(middle left) They look like Eri with the bob, pose and clothing/silhouette but have wavy hair instead. I think I saw Aeron putting on this appearance like a mask when they said they could look like anyone. I wonder if this is the original demon of Delirium that gave up the mantle? Or maybe it’s Delirium themselves rather than the previous holder or the Eri we know. Delusion being there too might support this.
(top left) I’ve seen her face and hair before when Aeron was wearing them, switching rapidly between many who were probably these guys. I’m not sure yet who she is.
(bottom left) She looks oddly like Iris who I think will become a recurring character. Will she perhaps undergo the demon process to try and cure her of the parasight then, and take a demon mantle?
I don’t think I’ve met the Fog before, not sure which one she is. Perhaps she’s from God Is In The Radio which I still do need to check out.
Other thoughts -
I’m wondering if the actual demons are the entities with the D names/titles, and the characters we know are more like their representatives on the physical plane. Who have nicknamed and visually customised themselves to their taste. Kind of like angels do the ‘form you can understand’ thing.
This is maybe why they need to fuse their matter with human bodies, it’s material required for embodiment on the physical plane. They literally need to be made flesh. (And it’s why Genesis still needs hair conditioner. He’s a physical avatar. Or do I have this the wrong way around and Delusion, Delirium, Dissonance are the physical manifestations affecting the world? Dissonance isn’t seen when Genesis kills you but it seems it is heard - is it acting through Genesis as a vessel?)
And maybe the ones that were once human need to mesh rather than just be taken over like a shell. So it’s more complicated and painful - if it fails they are destroyed or die. They could retain a fragment of their old consciousness (Eri is still traumatized from life and so is Dorian) and prefer to retain some resemblance to their form in life.
(I wonder if I am looking at the wrong demon for Delirium? Going by the hair the demon I think is them had dark skin and a wavy bob when Aeron wore their appearance. Pre-demon Eri was pale and had long straight hair before cutting it. But Delusion does look different to Aeron.)
Maybe the form we’ve met is just chosen by Eri who kept and hates too much change from his original body. Or maybe there’s a limit on how much you can change an original human body and he just made a few adjustments to feel more comfortable in his gender, plus adopted the haircut (but he did that pre-demon?) and dressed in the archive style.
Dori does still look mostly like he did in life too, aside from the demon eyes and muzzle. (Did Delusion punish him with the muzzle in the same mocking way they pranked Eri with the snake demon eyes? Did silver tongue Dori try to manipulate or lie to them? 👀)
I can’t find the post with the timeline of when they all met though, I don’t remember it matching up like that. And Dori must be extremely forgiving if they’re besties and get intimate. But then Dori does expect forgiveness and intimacy of the murdered Fallen so… When he says he doesn’t know who has the key, is he lying? Aeron does make it look like the muzzle is off. Casanova has a key around his neck. Maybe God did it when Dori went to Hell or maybe Dori made a bargain with Aeron/Delusion during or after being killed. Do you need to still be alive to become a demon?
Idk how the demonification process works or what the rules are. I’m just busily looking for clues and grasping for the lore of the little guys.
My concepts of all this are also somewhat shaped by the Endless from ‘Sandman’. ie. Death appearing as the mortal Didi, or demi-mortal Daniel inheriting the mantle of Dream/Morpheus but slightly altering the form. Morpheus also had a supernatural accessory as keeper of his realm (helmet).
Not a comparison! AWB is its own new thing. Just saying I’m coming from some preformed understandings about archetypes/gods/angels and demons that might not be true here.
[gets out my reading glasses]
the middle-right is greed. she lives in opulence, and i based her design partially off mourners. greed, named prudence, likes her luxuries quietly. she decorates her hands in gold, but the paint melts off. she likes it that way. gilded. she doesn't flaunt it, and she prefers to keep to herself.
gluttony is the one to the middle-left. they're a hunter who likes fine things. i dont know why i gave them a long, fur coat. i think it's because it was cold. it rains with freezing rain, and he indulges. he does not discriminate in the flesh he salivates over.
top left is limbo. i wrote something about her that i can't remember now. there are lots of lost souls in her caverns. she walks with a lantern and cares where she can. there is a lively community of souls in the caves of limbo.
you are correct about what will happen to iris. bottom left is anger. he hurts himself and others in his rampages, sinks into the swamps and swims around. he just loves to fight.
top right is lust. she walks along the water, strolls through the sand in a long, white dress. references to the birth of venus. she is a virgin of eternal light.
I’m wondering if the actual demons are the entities with the D names/titles, and the characters we know are more like their representatives on the physical plane. Who have nicknamed and visually customised themselves to their taste. Kind of like angels do the ‘form you can understand’ thing.
you're more or less correct. the D names was just because having three with the same letter was satisfying on my tongue. they can change their forms at will. aeron does it more often. genesis does it when he feels he needs to. erebus refuses.
This is maybe why they need to fuse their matter with human bodies, it’s material required for embodiment on the physical plane. They literally need to be made flesh. (And it’s why Genesis still needs hair conditioner. He’s a physical avatar. Or do I have this the wrong way around and Delusion, Delirium, Dissonance are the physical manifestations affecting the world? Dissonance isn’t seen when Genesis kills you but it seems it is heard - is it acting through Genesis as a vessel?)
in ways they're vessels. due to story reasons, the only entity you see in awb is delusion. for delusion, it lives in aeron's chest. they're the same entity. they act separately but together. aeron can cut their chest open to allow "delusion" more control. they blend together when aeron spaces out. delusion observes life through the eyes of everyone it has ever come in proximity with. it is looking through your eyes right now. it lends aeron with the ability to scan for people to find them, as long as they know who the person is.
dissonance for genesis is used more as a tool. like a weapon fused with his spirit. it is in his music, in his instruments. genesis can use it to create awful sounds in certain proximities to find things or to wreak general havoc. but it's used mostly for the love of music. it's also a bit harder for me to design dissonance. i'm already redesigning delusion. delirium doesn't really need a physical form because it's in the words. you picture delirium yourselves when you read.
the entity and the body are the same, but it comes down to the love of the human world for how they present. the molding with flesh stuff i added just because i thought it was cool, but it can also be because the entities are sort of manifestations. they cannot make physical interactions. you will make a contract with something that looks human, not a ball of energy.
And maybe the ones that were once human need to mesh rather than just be taken over like a shell. So it’s more complicated and painful - if it fails they are destroyed or die. They could retain a fragment of their old consciousness (Eri is still traumatized from life and so is Dorian) and prefer to retain some resemblance to their form in life.
the ones that were once human were chosen by forces they can never hear in more than screams. it is painful. dorian cares little for his time as a human. he remembers it, but he knows that is not the person he is now. erebus is just mad at the world and how it has treated him every step of the way.
delusion and dorian look similar (in delusion's current form, which i may redesign) for other undisclosed reasons. aeron and dorian met when dorian was still alive, but aeron had no say nor any involvement over dorian becoming a demon. no one has a say unless they force it. their meeting was accidental.
genesis does mention he once tried to turn a human into a demon who ended up going insane. brutus hungers for flesh and the sinews in your shoulders like a rabid dog. if the person does not erupt into gore, they erupt into hysteria.
just as limbo must always be in gloom, just as lust may never touch another person with her skin, dorian must be chained. i have no reason for this other than "muzzle look cool" and angst. i do not know who has the key. it doesn't matter for dorian's story. he is fine as-is.
casanova shoutout btw i love cannibal sweetheart he just jumpscared me in this.
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dayfalwastaken · 1 year
-Chomps on your fanfic-
-FancyGhost anon
Bon appetit! Hope you are feeling better ^^!
I'm running a little late(well, more than a little) behind schedule with the next chapter, but it's not gonna take much longer. Thank you for your patience.
Here's a little preview:
With that, the boy headed for the counter, wanting to waste no time earning his tickets. Evan however decided right then and there to jumpscare the boy by passing in front of him, appearing dead-set on doing… something. Matthew raised a brow at the piece of paper in his hands. Noticing that he’d stopped, the Afton whipped around to apologize.
“Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you.” Matt brushed it off, motioning to the paper instead.
“I’m good. What’s that?”
Evan rubbed his elbow at the question, trying to hide the blush that was creeping on his cheeks.
“Um… it’s just a little drawing I did for- here!” gaining courage out of nowhere, the little boy thrust the paper into Matthew’s hands, looking up at him expectantly. Matt smiled for a moment at the cute sight, before checking out said drawing.
A colored sketch of Mari greeted him, who coming out of its box while hanging from a marionette’s cross, present in hand. The box itself was a proper cube, Mari’s face shape was that cheeky circle he’d grown accustomed to, the pose wasn’t butchered, and even the stripe count was right. And the whole thing was heavily stylized as well, to Matt’s pleasure. He wouldn’t have thought Evan to take after his brother and have an artistic inclination, but he more than impressed with the young boy. There were a couple of erased lines here and there, but besides that the sketch was clear, as was the line art. Technically Mari’s first ever fanart, and an awesome one to boot- oh, he just knew the Puppet would love it. How amazing was it that Evan had been the one to draw this, and that he’d done such a good job? The kid was so precious Matthew was sure he’d melt on the spot. Though, thanks to the mask he wasn’t far from it, as his clear mind enable him to better appreciate the drawing. Part of it had been colored with markers- Mari’s main body- while crayons and pencils had been used for the box, makeup and cross. It also seemed like Evan had been inspired by the Puppet statues they’d seen the previous day on the shelves, which… To draw that from memory with no reference... Wow. Matthew was more than a little envious. Ready to geek out, he handed the fanart back and proudly patted Evan’s shoulder.
“Dude, dude, this is so very well made, and I’m not just saying that! Like I’m genuinely shocked- I didn’t know you were so good at this type of stuff! I- I don’t even know what to say, it’s just- uh, props to you, man. If you keep practicing, you’re gonna be able to do some jaw dropping art.” Evan’s blush intensified at his words, unused to the praise. The boy glanced to the side before biting his lips and speaking in a hushed tone.
“A- Actually, Mikey helped with the lines and the er- the po- position. I did the colors and… yeah. It was mostly him.” oh. Matt deflated a bit hearing that, but he still gave the Afton a thumbs up. It was nice to hear Michael was being decent to his sibling. That was the least he could do.
“Hey, don’t sell yourself short. I stand by what I said, this is awesome. The fact that you didn’t go over the outline and that you weren’t afraid to mix things up is great. Good on Mike for lending you a hand, but I’m guessing you were the one with the idea to draw this, right?” the other nodded. “See? What counts is the intent. This’ll make Mari’s day if you plan on showing him, trust me.” He assured kindly.
From the look on his face Matthew got the impression Ev wished to refute the praise, but he opted otherwise, choosing to flash him a small smile. He hugged the paper to his chest.
“I wanted to make something for Mr. Marionette since he gave me my torch. It’s been helping me with my dreams and mum said that when someone’s nice to you, you have to be nice to them too.” Behind his mask the older boy made an ‘aww’ sound.
“Don’t let me stop you then. Go on.”
Wish you a great day, and sorry again for the wait!
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cherrylimon · 1 year
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