#theres so many cats i hate but hes absolutely one of then
artoutoftheblue · 7 months
Dddid I hear Berrynose slander???
Because fuck him. He sucks
Yeah you heard correctly
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quakes-of-cragclan · 3 months
“On that half-moon night, everything changed”
Cragclan was once one of the most influential clans in the spring territories. Living in an area surrounded by geysers, hot springs, and other openings from deep below the surface, tremors were not unusual within their territory, but recently, those tremors picked up their pace. Many believed it was just because of the local geysers, or because of a migrating herd, but others had a feeling this was something beyond natural causes.
It’s possible they were right.
In a single night, the clan of nearly 20 cats is wiped out. Whether it was an earthquake, an eruption, or something much more malicious was never found out before almost all of Cragclan was buried alive in their own nests. A massacre by the hand of a higher force.
Leaving only three.
Important information:
Hi! It’s me: the owner of this blog (Nana. He/him). I recently went back into my warrior cats hyperfixated mode and now it’s all I can think about, so I made a clangen blog :D
Here’s some important stuff:
This is not a scheduled thing, I’m honestly just uploading whenever I have time/motivation because I’m still in school.
This is indeed an ask blog! Feel free to leave questions or stuff and my characters can answer.. if, of course, this ever actually picks up lol
I’m not all that experienced at this, and at the time of writing the story, I am maybe like 25 moons in tops. Tbh I’m kind of brainstorming as time goes on because I absolutely hate pre planning and I have inspiration NOW and NOW ONLY. Feel free to point out if there’s ever any mistakes or contradictions in the story and I honestly probably won’t fix it <3
Please be nice, unless I’m actually ASKING for it I would prefer people not criticize my art ability
Uuughhb bubigiuhugibbuubv I think that’s it
Anyways, here’s our three starting cats!!! Some of the story will probably have a little flavour of each of them unless I end up doing a really poor job :D
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guesst · 2 months
i finished catching up to this like 2 minutes ago [EDIT: WROTE THAT THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAYM NOW ITS 2 DAYS AGO] and i genuinely really liked this. for a manhua its amazing!! the plot is unique and keeps you guessing, the characters are entertaining and NOT cookie cutter cutouts of isekai tropes, theres been some interesting reveals and a lot of people in the comments were hating on ml but personally i found him super fun; hes very morally grey n has definite flaws but thats what makes him a good character to read about !! not to mention the main character herself is great. i hate that my bar for good manhwa/hwa characters has gone down to 'has more than 2 personality traits' but she is leaping over it for sure
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i dont read yaoi i dont read bl. i have never ever read it . however the vibes were so strong that i had to go back and check the tags because.. if you read it... you will see. its so strong. it radiates. (all that aside i really like the relationship btn the mains i think its really fun. they may not be gay (????🤨🤨🤨🤔🤔) but its still highly enjoyable i love it)
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ive read 2 chapters but i just think the 'evil character reincarmates into the pinnacle of goodness' trope is the funniest thing in the world. i have no clue if its going to be a generic collect the characters take over the world type of thing but i just think its funny and its the newest one ive read.
i have been waiting for aomethinf like this for SO LONG hahah the main character is so diddly darn confused the entire time cus in her past life shes read too much rofan etc and now cant figure out what novel shes trandmigrated into. regular manhwa reader fr,, anyway theres a strong case for second hand embarrassment in this one, especially in the first few chapters or so, but i genuinely really like this just cus its so self aware, it keeps poking fun at all the tropes and its a nice lighthearted read. also theres a decent amount of plot despite it all and OH I ALMOST FORGOT the male lead is an absolute 10 personalitywise i genuinely love him. hes here for drama and thats it its amazing. so yea id say tropey but Well Written super fun 👍👍👍
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i think this is the first manhwa ive read where the ml pisses himself in fear the first time he meets fl (theyre both children)(hes scared of something else not fl but still). anyway its nothing particularly unique but its pretty fun! its one of those novel isekai where mc reincarnates into a little kid and the structure makes it a sandwich which has been keeping me very invested. this isnt a very good advertisment but its a good way to pass the time i think. heres a nice reaction pic
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oh my god??? just binged this whole thign in one go. first of all ots complete, second of all i guess you can say tjis is a character study in manhwa form. there isnt a particular overarching antagomist, its the characters learning to grow and face their own personal issues. but its also a slice of life, and lighthearted family drama, and comedy. its not a rofan this time lol. also the sibling relationships in susu, han are so good !! and theres so many lovely platonic relationships too. i really really enjoyed it.
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WHOLESOME !!! WHOLESOME WHOLESOME WHOLESOME absolutely adorable, centres around a black cat that gets adopted by a young noble in ancient? old? korea. so so cite, read to soothe your heart
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olay ive hit the image limit again. would yall like more
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golden-buddle · 2 years
Hay question about your cryptid au! What do the rogues think of the batfam? Because there’s quite the difference between fighting a man in a bat costume vs an actual inhuman cryptid!
Since theres way too many rogues, I'll just do the Big Ones:tm:
*glances at list* ...augh this is gonna be a long one.
Pissed the f off, since Cryptid!Batman is already supernaturally strong, Bane needs quite alot of venom to be able to match the Bat's strength.
Amused and very frustrated. Since the Bat isn't human- her flirting doesn't really do anything. The only reason she was lured to the good side was because of Robin and Batgirl. Both of them were fascinated by this weird human and her cats, and she can never say no to kittens.
Harley Quinn
Very very frustrated. At this point in time, she's fully under the Joker's grasp. And she hates that everytime they fight- it ends with her being dropped off at Poison Ivy's.
The Joker
Angry and frustrated. He's made it his life goal to make the Bat laugh/crack. Thing is..
I don't think the Cryptid!Bad has the capability to laugh. His kids, yeah, but as an adult? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Killer Croc
Out of all of them, I.. don't think Waylon's opinion changes that much. Maybe a bit more frustration? But that really depends on if he knows that the bat feeds on fear.
Mr. Freeze
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't really know Mr. Freeze's personality that much other than he's filled with grief because of his wife. He's probably in the same boat as Waylon with opinion changes.
The Penguin
Absolute FRUSTRATION! And fear :) Cryptid!Bats doesn't really wait for legality to nab Oswald like the original Bats does. So the Bats is constantly mucking up his plans as soon as they start.
Poison Ivy
Honestly? I feel like Poison Ivy would like Cryptid!Bats. Not anything romantic or sexual, but just like she's a force of the Green, he's a force of Fear. I can see them working together somewhat. The Bat does stop her if she goes too far, which ends up with them fighting a bit, but with Cryptid!Bats she's probably much more chill.
Ra's Al Ghul
They actually don't interact at all! Ra's isn't interested in Bats as a heir because, well, two completely different species.
The Riddler
SO much anger!! He doesn't understand how this 'lesser being' can manage to solve all of his riddles. Its not actually the bat, its Gordon lmao
He's So Pissed Off its not even funny. Because the Bat feeds on fear, the fear gas doesn't even affect him. So their fights always end quickly with the Bat winning.
In this world, Dent actually got help with his DID- So while Twoface does exist, he's less a Persecutor and more of a Protector.
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rise-my-angel · 4 months
On a much lighter note, do you think Jon would like cats? I have a hard time imagining Jon not liking any animal. I mean his relationship with the bird is tense but clearly he actually loves this animal. I love cats and wish they were more present in the story and I like thinking about my favorites playing with cats. We know Sam loves cats and I can imagine him introducing Jon to some kittens he found and insisting they keep them to control the mice in the library. I think Jon would worry Ghost might be unkind to the cats but it’d be cute if they curled up in his fur and Ghost didn’t mind at all. Man I’ve never written fanfic but maybe I should write a fluffy little one-shot about this.
I’d also like to know who your favorite asoiaf characters are aside from Jon
Jon is the biggest dog person, he is built for loving dogs. But there are absolutely spaces in his heart for all animals. He only hates Mormonts Raven because it steals his food, pecks at his head to wake him up and screams at him for no reason throughout the day. But its still technically his pet now so he begrudgingly cares for it despite wishing he could turn the other way and let Ghost eat it.
Jon at first just looked at the cats and was like "They're cute Sam, sure I mean Ghost seems to like them". Only to routinely go to feed them and leave fresh water and then he returns and Edds like "Jon where do you keep disappearing to for half an hour and coming back covered in fur?" Because each time he spends more and more time with them because hes a big softie when alone with animals. The second Jon is petting a cat and it starts to purr and nuzzle their head against him, Jon's heart is stolen forever.
I feel like Jon would be hard pressed to find an animal he doesn't like, it would have to be something really vicious or symbolizes something which has wrong him or his family (I.e lions or dragons).
Aside from Jon, Ned and Robb are favourites which are fairly obvious on my blog. I love Jaime, and Theon. I love Euron from the books specifically too. I tend to love characters who are either more stoic and quiet or loud and unhinged. Theres so many but those are the ones I could talk about endlessly.
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gayspock · 1 year
okay girlies trek movie marathon ahead go go go we're starting with the final frontier
so to set the mood its 10am and i have hot cocoa (fancy one i got for chrismas + marshmallows (vegan ones i got for chrismas)
goodness fucking gracious they really put the budget into this one again didnt they. i mean i know they do for the trek movies in general in comparison to the shows but fuck me this feels like a step up even from tvh
okay girlie pops lets do therapy in the desert . practice mindfulness with me really think about the sand on your feet ow hot hot hot
i wish someone would do this to me to be honest i take the piss but cant some beardy vulcan cunt come up to me and chat about starships and the whatnot
ISNT THIS SYBOK BTW. spocks first retroactively added sibling. btw i wont share how much i hate that fucking choice in so many ways and how theyve done it fucking twice n- sorry seeing red breathe deep. hesgot a good presence t-
i sometimes think theres no way ppl read these lbs but if theres one person there hi the credits are rolling
guys the hot cocoa is making my tummy hurt btw but that might also be okay so i got this vegan kebab meat and i didnt know you meant to cook it so i ate the whole pack raw and it was already expired but its like vegan so it cant like be like meat levels of insanity right..... right like im not getting worms am i its. uhm. whatever guys hesclimbing
wheres he going .
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okay ffucking hell the way william shatner still says "spock" i forgot it was like that
"1200 points of interest in yosemite and you pick me" right i forgot they were like that
his spoots.........
that made me laugh i wont even lie the way the cunt just feel
can we get a close up on the dancer cat woman please just for uhm my own . purposes interests i dont - OH HERE WE GO- THREE TITS?
CAITLYN KATELYN KAITLYN whichever its spelled- also romulan??? i assume that there's been some cultural mingling but imagine if you met a fucking cunt from mars called Sarah.
anyway shes beautiful as hell . for what reason.
seriously the dusty desert planet in scifi they all look the same its so funny
right the prblem is syboks actor is charming as all hell. fucking divert that smoldering gaze i feel fucking weird as hell
oh my god she looks so good she LOOKS SO GOOD ... ahh nichelle 3: ... shes got such a good onscreen presence though man HELL its a shame they didnt utilise her more earlier
okay so they decided to put them together i forgot about that im not mad i gues
sulu and chekov hi guys theyre just vibing in the woods HI GUYS SORRY IM NOT IMMUNE TO NOSTALGI AND SEEING MY FAVOURITE GUYS
"ive always known i'll die alone" ALRIGHT GIRL...
this is actually so cute i wont even lie im not endeared im not (is endeared) theyre on freaking holiday together
except for mineeeee that i have om nom nom
afterthe ritual camp sing along we all have insane freaky gay sex onscreen for the rest of the movie. its normal. it would also be less gay than them singng row row your boat like this
im absolutely ctazy for the sfx in this movie like it feels like half of them are pretty solid but theres just random bits that look so janky this is exactly how i want my star trek i wont even lie to you
also i cant tell if this klingon part is meant to have subtitles or not
ok i found the script online + im following along iwth that LOL ... i guess it makes SENSE why the actual subtitles arent like on the video itself but its still funny
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sorry to be crass but i know someone somewhere has edited this to say spock (goes off to do that)
the way it takes me 10 million years to watch a movie you have to understand theres sidequests in every movie for me to do
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i love it when the enterprise is busted to be honest its so good i hate functional ships i love it when theyre breaking- fuck me i wanna relisten to wolf 359
i already know the plot twist of that being his brother but its very fucking funny nonetheless that spock just sees his broth-
by the way ive actually heard a lot of bad things about this movie and im absolutely agreed that this is corny as fuck but frankly when it comes to tos movies... im actually on board if its corny, even if the story might suck in the end. i mean granted- im hardly into the meat-meat of the movie yet. i dont doubt people slate it for NOTHING, and i presume i'll understand the problems better the more i watch (after all i am already kind of irritated with syboks existence even if i do quite like the actors vibe) but its like... hm how do i put this...
im not actually ever against, like, "nostalgia bait" stuff , i guess, and having fun with things if its kinda a) self aware enough and b) well earned. does that make sense? if it isnt taking itself too seriously and bigging itself up in a dramatic way, AND there's a solid foundation to actually have fun with then im okay with a movie that kind of only spins on the funnier, more casual moments and is somewhat self-indulgent in terms of how it panders to fans with, like, showing them all having fun camping .
the issue for me is when its either, as i said, unearned or trying to take itself too seriously... or maybe, like, when it does veer too close to flanderisation or even just spinning the wheels on the characters. its why i think a lot of chibnall doctor who doesnt realyl work when its trying tobe "fun" or "goof off with the fam" like... you guys never really did the legwork to establish these characters well enough to have that, you know?
and im not saying tos has marvellous character work- we can be honest, and say that outside of the triumvirate theyre all over the place- but i do think theyre solid enough to crry and im well okay with that yeah?
and anyway thats all to say. ive known too many pretentious types disavow all sorts of media that does kind of act a bit self-indulgent or does something fun/stupid and i dont know man i do agree in many ways but also, like, entertainment is sometimes meant to be entertaining and its hardly the worst ever if a star trek movie just fucks about a bit instead of doing some epic space opera every single time, nor does it ruin the entire franchise or work that came before it. its why i really fucking rate the voyage home- because it lets itself take the time, take the breather after the other three movies. like i understand if it does purposefully undermine something else but like... i dont know i feel like some people ironically have such a shallow mindset sometimes where theyre likt, fucking hell, its the death of all media because they were silly 1 time and did something a bit funny/had fun (esp if it isnt just to their tasts)
(adnd yeah its also like... i dont know you know osme ppl who seem to have 0 media awareness in terms of like.. yeah man you can wax pretentious gobshite all you want but also its star trek man and thats not to belittle the franchise in any way but also manage expectations of what youre going to be consuming AND also realise that its not BAD that not everything is, like, you know some high calibre art and that actually that diversity in art is kinda better for your media diet tbh like they all serve a diff purpose like- you know so unrelated its also like im sorry it reminds me of all the discourse around knives out and the such and people not taking that movie into context and whatever the fuck or ALSO how im watching bsg lright now and i know im tempering my expectations interms of what that will deliver, what it will do and even further than that the actual politics)
( BC THAT ALSOOO is a whole other thing im so off topic here where its like im obbiously not talking about genuinely harmful media here but ive seen some ppl online kind of assume that media has to cater to their exact political alignment or else it isnt good and its like i absolutely agree you can analyse/dissect that and with bsg i do sort of like look at it and think well are we being serious with what we're doing here but also like eh shrug its kinda weird when you go in with the intention that apiece of art has to come to your exact own personal conclusions about the world by the end of it do you know what i mean . like i dont even mean tht in terms of like.. trying to defend things, but i mean that in terms of your own personal growth and open mindedness and appreciation for others' worldvew... anyways im so off topic im so so off topic this is literally the final fontirer 1989 here)
anyway im like
my point is i feel like what ive seen so faris kinda fun and the dialogue though corny and whatnot has made me smile enough that i feel like if this is gonna be sustained throughout im not gonna be mad if the overall plot does suck which idk is contrary to what i thought before i started bc ive heard such bad things about this one
which hey i guess theres other stuff behind that too because going back to that self-indulgent part.... it is obvious billy shits is, as i said, having a long self pleasure session . i also know theres other problems there tbh too-yeah...
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can someone edit in them kicking their legs and giggling 👆
also my god i eed to stop pausing ive been watching for almost 2 hours and im 40 minutes in thats so fucking funny
sybok: "ok but dude i didnt want anyone to dieeeee i was joking"DUDE PLEASE
the catgirl is feral i repeat the catgirl is feral
oh so it turns out the hostages are rather cheeky
WHY DID THEY HAVE TO CHANGE THEM OUT OF THEIR GOOD OUTFITS UGHHH BOOOOOO LOSERS BOOOO at least sybok is slaying does he have long hair? i do like that; i do appreciate that
"which will take...?" "exactly 15.5 seconds" "AN ETERNITY, DURING WHICH-"
can i also say i think i said this when watching bsg but i love how many scifi ships have a lets fuck off really fast mode. its so fuckinh funny.
can i also say . sarek is a right fucking whore. how many wives did he have . like after amanda how many human women did he go through exactly
okay so round about this point i got distracted for another half fucking hour guys its so ufnny how long it takes me to watxh movies
jim being tired climbing up when he literally beasted that mountain come on behave
the way they all got on together.... please... i will say BOTH times ive expected spock to straight up bridal carry kirk somehow
also i will say god . throwback to pk wars; im still laughing at how farscape presented the eidelons as, like, the answer to peace when its literally brainwashing just like this and its totally unacknowledged. anyways
its so funny with bones they just give some random horrors to him whenever the fuck you know and then its never brought up again god love god bless
sarek can be so....
sarek can be so funny im sorry i know this isnt the time im watching him reject infant spock but do you remember in tng when he and picard were... well... they were well acquainted pen pals werent they if you understand me . its like hes a whore . hes a terrible father. hes like the worst. but hes kinda funny sometimes.
igotdistractedgaian guys btw this is so bd its like 1pm i started this at 10am but do you know what i need some new shoesso i needed to go find some and research do you know what i mean
i focus now i focus
i always find it outrageously funny whenever they meet god or go to eden in sci fi . beyond hysterical. why not guys hes just been chilling somewhere why not babes .
thats funny as fuck
"but captain we're firing directly on your position" can you have a little fucking fun for once chekov light it up bitch
woah he said damn... he said damnnnn
are you about to say sorryyyyyyyyyy
"i lost a brother once. i was lucky i got him bakc" you guys remember when kirk actually lost his brother like hsi real life brother who died
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barbieb0y · 11 months
going through it rn (it: stardew valley brainrot. i can see why people are obsessed with this game)
i have. so many thoughts a whole fanfic is being written in my head as we speak i am serious about an oc for once and so i have to put it down somewhere but like this is kinda cringe so im putting it all under the cut LOL
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i want to say meet me but atp he feels like an oc that vaguely resembles me so. he has my name and bits of my traits and experiences tho so lol. meet my farmer oc safar but also i wished i named him link instead
hes supposed to have glasses why does this picrew not have glasses i wished i was good at drawing
hes a twink. thats literally the first thing that pops up in my head when i think about this guy. friendly, easy-going twink who was a bit nervous when he first arrived in pelican town but now hes always bothering people
literally prefers doing anything else but actual farming but everyone calls him farmer anyway. loves fishing especially and is #besties with willy (not actually canon ingame bc i keep neglecting willy IM SORRY) tho he absolutely despised it at first bc he found it hard + had a bad experience with fishing when he was little (this is actually true. this is canon irl safar lore i just buried it in the depths of my mind bc it hasnt been relevant until now)
married to elliot bc he is a disaster gay who put in all his goddamn effort he could muster in his tiny body in wooing the hermit writer by the beach when he realised he's actually attracted to him and that hes not just platonically-inclined to him bc he lives on the beach and therefore a potential fishing buddy
also besties with penny bc idk i like penny
just wants to get along with everyone but damn some bitches do be bitches
has a grey tabby cat named pumpkin :D
wants to blow up joja mart
also chose to have fruit bats over mushrooms for that cave thing
this is just me being delusional but one time i fished beside leah at the pond near her house bc i thought itd be funny but then i had this vivid scenario consisting of this dialogue:
"wow, you really are good at fishing. no wonder elliot's got a thing for you"
"he WHAT now"
somehow forgot elliot's birthday in year 1 and now hes all dramatic about it while elliot himself doesnt really mind but im like "BUT BABE"
refuses to upgrade the farmhouse for the 2nd time. a nursery is the last thing he wants. robin refuses to replace it with anything else
games on lazier farmer days (they do have good internet in sdv right. right)
elliot was on tour during new years and new years eve and hes somewhat still salty about it and pretends to sulk when elliot finally came back a few days into spring
elliot is a bit concerned with his husband's naming scheme for the ducks. one is named duck. one is puck. one is buck. he fears what the next one will be named
favorite gifts would probably be pink cakes (or anything pink really), pizza, apples, snails and tulips
hated/disliked gifts would be all vegetables. and joja cola
will add more if i come up with more shit (pretend theres a saluting emoji here my phone doesnt have it help)
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this is what he looks like ingame. btw bc that picrew isnt really doing him justice lol
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lecliss · 2 years
Rook almost has me convinced to watch ben 10, like he's a little😳
Hes perfect man, oh god hes perfect. Hes a genuine sweet friendly slight naive alien catboy man who goes :3 Hes such a little tech nerd sometimes. Hes tall as fuck. Like that man is absolutely over six foot. Hes new to earth so he gets all confused over Ben's funny earth sayings. Starting at season 5 he gets widdle cat fangs. When he says "I am cat-like, yes. But no." I love his relationship with his siblings. Hes a good big brother!!!! He and Ben become really good pals and besties. He has women swarming him all the time and he wants nothing to do with it. Hes fluffy!!!!! When you see him as a littlw kid he has a tail!!!! Its so cute!!! Bumper Robinson just has such a good voice too, it really adds to the experience of enjoying Rook. Just everything about him hhhhhhhhhhhhgjgkfnfofj I want to hold his hand so bad
Like the only downside is hes only in the 3rd series so youd have to go through EVERYTHING ELSE first to get to him. But at the end of the tunnel Rook shall be the reward!!!! You will receive fluffy alien catboy man!!!! What could be better than that?!?!
For real tho, Rook is one of the best parts of Omniverse and, to me, one of my best parts of the series as a whole. But considering how much you have to go through to get to Omniverse, if you're really considering giving the series a shot for Rook, you gotta get committed to something else first. He's a long ways away. Like you gotta actually be interested in like, Ben and Gwen and Kevin and the Omnitrix and Vilgax and Alien Force and Ultimate Alien and the three actual canon movies that you need to understand for plot later on in the show. There's a lot is what Im saying!
And that's not to scare you off or anything, I just need to drive home the fact that theres a lot to watch before getting to Rook. AND there's a lot to enjoy! Its a genuinely good series! I think sometimes I have it in my head that since its a kids show it should be for like, five year olds, and then Im constantly reminded that sometimes the series gets a little fucked up and that, oh yeah, the target audience is like. Twelve. And 12yos are not stupid. So the show is very competent. The whole series is. There is plot, there is character development, there's some fucked up shit sometimes. It's amazing for a show who's sole purpose is to sell action figures to boys. Like, actual love and care and heart is put into the series. Like, Man of Action fucking cares bro. And regardless of any viewpoints on UAF and OV, its still apparent that in many ways, they care about what theyre making. Every installation in the series has made me cry at some point just cuz of how much I've grown to love the cast and they go through some genuinely emotional shit sometimes and it gets to me!
I know theres so many times Ive said UAF sucks and seasons 7 and 8 of OV suck and the end of the show just fucking beats you to death with how much its decided it hates the audience, but dude. Fucking. Thats the only reason I hesitate to recommend the series and even then I think it's worth it. Regardless of my opinion on some parts, regardless of what I think you or anyone new who gets into the series will think of the low parts, I think Ben 10 is worth it. I think the highs and the mediums are absolutely worth the lows. They frustrate me to no end, but that's cuz of how much I care about the series, and I wouldnt care if it wasn't good.
Rook is the tip of the iceberg of things to enjoy my dude. I would genuinely honestly say give the first season of the original series a shot just to give it a try, even without any Rook in it, and I truly believe you'll have way more than just Rook to get attached to.
People like to call 10yo Ben a brat but hes fucking 10 ya know. Hes babey. 10yo Ben might be my fave version of Ben. And Gwen is so fun and awesome and she kicks ass all by herself and her development in OS is incredible. And Kevin and Charmcaster are really good hooks. Every time they come back you get excited to see them again and especially in the case of Kevin he has even more incredible development and I think his change through the series is one of the best parts about it. And Albedo in UAF, c'mon, its Albedo. Stupid little frog man who actually makes me cry cuz hes such a tragic character that deserved a chance and oh goddddd. And genuinely Save The Last Dance in AF, you will not come out of that episode the same person. That episode will have changed you. That is a life altering episode. And Julie!!!! Julie's a great girl! She's a great character! I love her! She's doing her best!!!! And Argit is a delight! I love every episode hes in!!! Hes fucking awful! And Octagon and Rhomboid Vreedle and the Vreedle family in general are highlights of the series too!!! And Attea's a great character! Gaslight gatekeep girlboss as they say! Also, Ship and Zed??? Best pets in the world. They deserve all the love and head pats and huggy wuggies!!!! Duuuuuude, just fuckin do it!!! Start for Rook and keep going for everyone and everything else!
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mojaves · 2 years
🌹🌱🍀🌙🌈 for jason my beloved jason AND marcus
OURGRTGHF AAAA banner time again (^:< eheoeheehe
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🌹- What's this oc's biggest fear
well one of them is definitely just. ruthie in general. she had far too much power over him + damaged him beyond repair so now he's just stuck with the pieces trying to glue them back together,, every time he thinks about her he's like a terrified little kid all over again. as big and intimidating as he is, she can very easily make him want to curl up in a ball and disappear completely from the world never to be seen again. he's not as brave or as confident as everyone thinks he is and he does NOT want people to know that. losing control of himself is another Big Fear bc there were many moments where he felt like he wasnt even part of his own body when ruthie was there, he was just a bystander who was frozen and couldnt do Anything which is <3 not very nice
🌱- Does this oc have any pets? Do they have any pets they want?
🍀- Around when does this oc get up in the morning?
he doesnt need to sleep so he doesnt really get up he's just On His Bullshit 24/7. but on the rare occasion he DOES sleep, it takes him a million years to Wake Up and Get Out Of Bed. and by that point it's probably 1pm and he doesnt know who he is or where he is. good luck trying to make him wake up early it wont happen <3
🌙- Does this oc have any unusual hobbies?
i think killing people is a bit of an unusual hobby. maybe. not for him though thats just Life baybeyy. he collects bottle caps but thats one of the more Normal things he does actually
🌈- What does this oc like and dislike about themselves?
GOING TO MAKE ME ABSOLUTELY INSANE WITH THIS ONE. the damage has already been done and it's taking Forever to try and undo it all, if it's even possible. so. he has 0 self esteem whatsoever. there is not a single thing he likes about himself. your bf cheating on you and then Killing You definitely doesnt do a whole lot of good for your self-worth. he's still trucking on regardless bc, if he doesnt wipe all these shitty people off the face of the earth, who will?? yknow. at least he's using the skills he has For Good instead of his own personal gain. he's got 0 sense of self preservation either so he just does whatever whenever. he acts confident and definitely Looks the part considering what he wears 99% of the time, but thats nothing more than a front he's putting on as part of the job - it lures in victims easier. like who's going to be drawn to a guy who is on the floor crying about how much he hates himself?? No One! anyway where was i going with this. Ah., yes he doesnt like himself. thank you
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🌹- What's this oc's biggest fear
he doesn't want people to think less of him because he's kind of shy and very much Struggles to hold conversationd with people sometimes. yes he has a lot of self-confidence but he also worries Far Too Much about first impressions and other people's opinions about him. we love a walking contradiction <3 idk if this is even much of a fear but this is the only thing i can think of qjhfeghg. also public speaking. he can talk to a camera but put him in front of hundreds of people?? he will disolve right then and there thats TOO many people all at once
🌱- Does this oc have any pets? Do they have any pets they want?
not necessarily his pets bc they're lou and morgan's but he lives with them. so theyre basically his too. butterbean and barry are the cats. and they also have a lizard called walter. i KNOW their names have changed a lot over time but this is it now ive decided. im stamping it im sending it off theres no going back now. also he would like a small dog of some sort one day perhaps
🍀- Around when does this oc get up in the morning?
he wakes up around 8-8:30 he is a very Up and Go person he hates being in bed for longer than he has to be. earlier is good but any later and he feels like his whole day has been thrown off
🌙- Does this oc have any unusual hobbies?
not so much now but he and morgan used to collect worms. like actual worms. they had a little worm farm. now they both collect worms on strings instead
🌈- What does this oc like and dislike about themselves?
he likes his hair + his silly little moustache bc he pulls it off very well and he's SO SO SO happy about it. he likes that he's good at art and very kind. he does NOT like his laugh though bc he snorts but it's a fun laugh and everyone tells him that all the time but he is Still not convinced. also with what i said earlier he doesnt like that he's worried about what other people think of him because he knows it doesn't matter even a little bit but he can't shake it
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Wow! So it’s been almost 2 years (like literally almost to the day) since I posted "Update 1″, and boy oh boy did a lot of shit happen.
- I went back to work - I never got that internship that woulda changed my life (oh well) - I’ve gotten to travel way more than I woulda thought possible 2 years ago (not the traveling itself, I love to travel and have access/ability to but moreso in terms of the pandemic/state of the world) - I still don’t have a great grasp on my depression. I know I have it. I know. And its definitely a rollercoaster but shit triggers me and idk what to do ya know? I end up feeling like a zombie. - I almost got my dream job. But didn’t. When I say dream job, I mean I have literally been dreaming about it since I was 12 or 13 years old. I reapplied when a reopening was posted but I think I’m just not meant to be. Like that scene in La La Land (god I love La La Land, like its my favorite movie of all time kinda love) when Mia is explaining that maybe her dreams will never pan out bc maybe shes not good enough? Or maybe she’s just one of those (many) people who has always wanted something but its just a pipe dream that needs to be moved on from. Its not like thats what I want, but its whats realistic and you cant be disappointed if your expectation is disappointment, ya know? - My sister moved out and I’m really happy for her but things seem to be happening for her and other people and it feels like everyone around me and I’m just stuck??? I’m not sure theres a better way for me to explain it other than that. Its no ones fault, but everyday of my adult like theres this slight, nagging feeling that my life is simply one long series of unfortunate events. And yes, good things are woven in and its not like everyday is some big, unbearable catastrophe but some days definitely are. I really don’t know how else to explain it. I think its beyond depression. I’d never hurt myself or someone else but I had this shit realization the other day that I don’t remember the last time I was like really, truly, unbelievably happy (not just with one thing, or day, or event) but like GENUINELY happy in life. And I don’t know that I ever will be again. Idk I sound so shitty rn. - I hate my job but love the people. I also have no other options in life it feels like. WHAT DO I DO?!
Anyways the absolute lunacy of the bullets above, I’m trying to move on in/through life as well as possible. And I wanna become better. In all facets. I gained a lot weight back. Which makes me angry and disappointed. My highest ever was 197 and the other day I was 195 again. Again. Can you believe that shit? My family while I love them are bad influences and have been for a really, really long time. I feel like I just give in bc 1) their expectation is that I’m fat and thats never gonna change so who are you kidding and 2) were all doing it (eating and being fat) so who cares? and 3) its like they think im judging them or being unfair to them when I wanna better myself. Idk. Its not intentionally malicious but the consequences feel dire.
SO ANYWAYS!!!!!!!! God I need to learn to shut up. I’ve lost 3lbs in the last week and back to 192. Slowly making progress but FOR REAL THIS TIME. And I know I said that last time, but circumstances are different and theres no more excuses.
On that note I’m gonna go to Safeway rn and go buy some fruit bc I’m hungry and if I wanna eat thats what I’m gonna let myself eat. I know I shouldnt starve but also eating like a piggly wiggly has so far gotten me no where.
I’m gonna end this here. This is therapeutic for reezie and I feel better just reflecting on this insane rambly episode I’ve just had. Yall pray for me for reezie and I shall be doing the same. LETS STOP WEIGHTING FOR CHANGE YALL!
P.S. My cat keeps walking across my chest and around the room yapping to be let out but I don’t get why he doesn’t get that I love him too much and I wanna be around him 24/7 bc he makes me feel better. But also he’s a cat and a dummy at that so I guess I should be happy he spends any time indulging me at all.
P.P.S. I, like the rest of the world, am in the middle of a Stranger Things Binge and volume 2 of ST4 was released today. V1 was released at the end of May but I waited til now to watch bc I wanted to rewatch and I wanted to be able watch all of ST4 at once and not have to wait which was deff the right call. I started V1 yesterday and finished it this morning and am now on ep 8 of 9 and idk WHAT I woulda done if I woulda had to wait a month to continue, like fuckkkkk that lmao. But anywho I’m gonna continue but I want some fruit to have so I’m gonna finish the other half of ep 8 and then ep 9 when I get back from the store (also holy shit ep 9 is apparently 150 mins???? thats 2 and 1/2 hours thats a fucking movie bro!!!!) but yeah. I’m lowkey stressed to finish it though bc 1) i lowkey dont like this whole steve/nancy plot. I know a lot of ppl do but I really like her w jonathan so yeah. and 2) I’m scared Eddie will die. He’s a really great character and I think hes really cute and its not fair that the worst has been assumed of him. I relate to that. I know some major character is expected to die in these final two eps and I really hope its not him, but also I really hope they were just lying to us bc I literally dont want anyone to die. I mean mike is prob my least fav but still i love mike and dont want him to die. also theres no way in hell theyd ever kill off finn wolfhard so thats an unrealistic expectation anyway. So heres to eddie, steve, and all those mfers bc I really do love this show and these crazy ass characters. But most of all, to my fav character, erica. BC YA CAN’T SPELL AMERICA WITHOUT ERICA BITCHHHH.
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moss-sprouted · 5 months
Lets say.... even numbers!
thats so many and this took so long but i mean if you want it here ya go
0: Height
5'4 last i checked
2: Shoe size
uhhhh 7.5-8?
4: Do you drink?
absolutely not i think id die
6: Age you get mistaken for
i think i mostly just get that im 18+ so not really mistaken for much
8: Want any tattoos?
i think id like a memorial to my animals one day but i have no idea what style or where
10: Want any piercings?
i would like to get my septum pierced but but my body hates fun so who knows if it would take
12: Relationship status
in a non romantic relationship but also polyam
14: Biggest turn offs
uhh probably just focusing on yourself or sending unsolicited personal pictures if i dont have an established relationship with you
16: I’ll love you if
you make an effort to talk to me a decent amount, it just makes me feel like you want to spend time with me and think about me, doesnt have to be everyday but i usually am in peoples lives longer if it is almost everyday
18: Most traumatic experience
theres a lot of them,physically traumatic would be getting bronchitis, the most psychologically would be probably be a couple different relationships and how they ended
20: What I hate most about myself
how bad my mental health is
22: What I want to be when I get older
it'd be nice to eventually be in a job involving animals
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
nonexistent but also bad
26: My biggest pet peeves
people no longer wanting to engage with me when i dont want anything to be sexual
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
i cant remember any facial features of him but hes older than me and a pedophile and a groomer lol
30: What I hate the most about work/school
not having a strict schedule or days off
32: What words upset me the most
honestly nowadays its just being referred to as a girl or having majorly feminine words applied to me
34: What I find attractive in women
honestly anything i can find attractive in women i can usually find in anyone,and physical features barely matter to me cause if i become attached to you and youre nice then i usually find you attractive, it rarely comes before that
36: Where I would like to live
somewhere that the people i care about also are, but i think it needs to be sunny and warm sometimes because im a lizard and will die otherwise
38: My childhood career choice
i think i would always choose vet when in asked but i dont think id really enjoy that since the animals would be hurt
40: Who wish I could be
myself but less fucked up lmao
42: The last thing I ate
i think chamomile tea and some sourdough, have not had anything today
44: A random fact about anything
one of my childhood cats had thumbs
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alienaiver · 8 months
I'm now imagining Shinsou, hearing all those tales about your cat, being more nervous about meeting him than about meeting your parents.
Like he's read more than one book about cats by now, gone through all the forums to find tips and tricks on how to get the cat to love him, fully prepared to be dropped by you the second snøfles decides that he's not worth it.
So when the day comes and he arrives at your doorstep, you can be sure he's sweating bullets, cursing the world that his quirk doesn't work on cats.
The question is, however: will snøfles let him into your life?
JAJSJWJWW PLEASE 😭😭😭 im so sorry to my beloved shinsou but my cat would absolutely hate him 🤡💀💀💀
i think he'd be okay in the beginning. for some reason snøfle has a higher affinity towards people with higher testosterone levels (i have that too, and another friend with pcos does so as well, and he loves them!) especially first time he meets them but usually its down-hill from there 😭
the worst part is that i barely think he'd appreciate the effort shinsou put in because the problem at hand will not be his affections: hes taking me away from him. so im cuddling shinsou now instead of HIM? we cant spoon if theres another! treacherous! what a fiend! how will we watch tv together now! our time is compromised!
also especially if shinsou slept over. snøfle and i share a pillow and if i change which way im facing during the night, you can be sure that snøfle follows me so that we can continue spooning. imagine if a MAN got in between that 💀 (my friend took these when they were sleeping over once)
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and thats every night! but i do think theres hope. but its waaaay far ahead 👀 i think if shinsou practically moves in and learns to live with the on-slaught of abuse (luckily snøfle has no canines! 👍🏼) for a while, snøfle will begrudgingly get used to him and may even accept shinsou! but its almost like saying 'we have to be together for many years for this plan to work' and that might feel like im coming on too strong! i hope he wouldnt think that 🙈✨ almost like a twisted marriage proposal! ✨
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t4tdanvis · 8 months
I care I are so much tell me
i have so many fankids who Suffer 😁😁😁 aurin astyanax aster why do all their names start with an a what is this roman/greek mythology
rose is the only one who doesnt suffer that much. this is because she has no siblings and also her family is normal
aurin on the other hand. so hes the son of laurance and gene but then they got divorced. even in mystreet aurin still hates laurance for some unknown reasons he just does not like the guy. hes like my play by ajr. hes such a pathetic wet cat of a man in mys absolutely terrible that buff chaotic confident mcd aurin could never happen in mys
aurin is six years older than his half-sibling aster (child of gene and vylad). aster is perfectly fine in mystreet however their mcd version got their arm consumed by The Void
speaking of mcd version. so echo. shes a silly little catgirl who has trauma like u wouldnt believe (plus shes the reason for laurgene divorce ❤). shes raised by her mother but eventually leaves to go find her half-siblings (its funny how he has two half-siblings. both of whom are with completely different people. like ok DAMN gene). hes my little silly what can i say
theres also a completely separate mys universe where my wonderful twins astyanax and vee exist (two types of trans names ig) and their older half sister katana tries to keep them from fucking Dying. also astyanax is being haunted by the mcd version of his father zenix who is trying SO hard to get him to kill people (especially gene he wants that man DEAD)
they exist in the same universe as carter and sam. yes carter named himself after a fictional character. yes that character was carter kane. yes this is because he relates to carter kane on a spiritual level hes like carter kane if he was trans and gay
these are all of my main ship children there are TOO MANY oh well 😁😁😁
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solomons-poison · 1 year
my mc is EVIL. the moment he got pulled into the devildom its was immediate plots on how to one up this oddly handsome kidnapper. admitted he understood he wasnt actually a kidnapper by week 2 but still plays that card when putting a bucket of water on top of lucis cracked door. i think lulus conflicted on him... on one hand luci likes the rebels (mamon...) but on the other hand he Really dosent love him poking him when bored.
also the moment he got assigned to mams to be babysat you better BELIEVE he was trying to sneak off. wouldnt be surprised if my mc wasnt allowed to walk around without one of those toddler leash backpacks. Probably has bitten mams more than once and told mams that he has rabies... probably friends regardless tho mams just as chaotic.
i dont think him and levi really even meet. realistically levis holed up and my MCs not the type to start convos with Kidnappers people who dont start convos, and by time he figures he can chill its wayyy too awkward to try and be buddy buddy. missed connection via social awkwardness. Probably at least nod at eachother in the hallways though.
satan.. ok hes my fave so i want to say dating and bffs forever. being unbias is hard so i wont be <3 both are aloof and outside of causing problems, quiet. so between the terrorizing of luci and being able to sit in the same room four hours doing their own things without speaking and calling it bonding, they get along pretty well. Also my MC was raised with cats so he unintentionally does the slow blinky and headbutts . you know itd kill him. fostering kittens together saying its good looking for the exchange program but "secretly" just wanting to coo over kittens
azzy... it can go one of two ways. theyre either IN LOVE with eachother or REALLY want eachother dead. both are flamboyant. both can and will rock heels. both probably will kill a man in the name of love. makeup nails ect... they all share same interests even if only in passing, any hobby they share. now we know azzy loves himself, but it could wayyy easily be seen as trying to steal eachothers things and getting mad jealous over it. literal catfight. hard to say.
beel.. distant but still closer than levi. my MC isnt really a food person, nor a working out person. HOWEVER he does appreciate someone he can sit quietly next to. Also my mc would love to buy him snacks. always fun to pick up snacks when you rember someone likes that snack. might go on a jog with him once or twice and then 10 mins in act like hes dying just to be carried by the hunk tho.
belphie. ok . look assuming theres a proper redemption for the murder thing. like not just jumping from i hate you to i love you. theyd probably get along... both youngest... both EVIL... and again mc loves a good quiet time with someone. might get annoyed at all his sleeping,,, my mc isnt that energetic no, but still wants to like. do things. theres only so many times you can handle nap dates. also the "im the youngest baby me" rivalry would be something to behold.
i could do dateables too but we will be here All day.
anyways this is all to say in NB he's immediately abandoning the babysitting job to go do whatever he wants. once again luci has to bring out the toddler leash. also hes just an actual demon j with the soul of an angel. fills the role of mechivious non violent demon perfectly hence why no one ever stopped to ask if this dude that fell out of a hole in the middle of a tour is really a demon.
Your MC is a creature of chaos and I highly respect that LOL
Imagining him possibly biting Mammon is so funny, being absolutely feral, and the toddler leash, I love it so much
I think my favorite thing in the original Obey Me was finding out that (if it's true, I never ended up redoing my choices to see a difference), you would gain more intimacy points with Lucifer for choosing rebellious responses, versus obedient or neutral responses?? That was so funny to me. So you mentioning that Luci is conflicted on how to feel about your MC totally tracks. Like he doesn't really want some goody two shoes, but also he has his hands full with his brothers already, does there have to be another troublesome person to deal with?
My MC was also raised with cats and is a cat person, so I totally get the bonding with Satan very well. I love the idea of terrorizing Lucifer together with Satan haha
I love all of these and your reasonings, thank you for sharing ❤️
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ess-presso · 1 year
ess! <3
last night i went stargazing to see that comet that hasnt been visible since 50,000 years ago and it was pretty cool. the moon was out & i saw sirius too so i took a pic of them together #wolfstar5EVERRR
ur so right james would absolutely use duolingo to learn french for reg. that man is WHIPPED hed do anything for him.
tay time! you belong with me, style, & london boy <3
chat chat!
timmy and flo my absolutely beloveds. i think id probably watch anything theyre in (except maybe dont worry darling, even if it feels like a "movie". idk maybe its hilarious.)
tourists piss me off SO much sometimes. especially when theyre taking pictures of random shit like. clouds or trees. girl you dont have clouds or trees where you live???
i think a lot of cats are predisposed to be heinous bitches tbh. i can always count on my cats to be blunt when i need them to be <3
and wait blaise/luna.... i kinda love this too. adding those fics to my tbr, ty <3 i have another fic rec, lessen my load by moonymoment (wolfstar muggle au, remus finds sirius having a breakdown in a laundromat cause he put a red glove in his white wash)
if u do end up trying out the incest chronicles, giving u a fair warning that the first books are like so cringey. they were written in 2007-onwards and u can definitely tell. theyre def not for everybody but the prequel/sequel series are SO good. but godspeed anyways.
ben barnes in podg is SO sirius idk what it is abt him hes great. when people use his scenes in edits with sirius i eat it up every damn time.
handing in ur paper 8 mins before its due? u know what, u deserve a drink for that. drunk procrastinators never miss fr.
and yes im very excited to read that whenever u get around to writing it! no pressure ofc take your time <3
and damn ROYAL butter? okay i understand now. 4 tubs is very fair. and TOBLERONE on god is one of my fav chocolates. second maybe to terrys chocolate oranges imo.
dancing in the kitchen to jazz does sound super peaceful. sometimes moments like that feel like theyre straight out of a cute little movie and it makes life feel a little happier <3
please try poutine. its so good. and ur right jello salad is a crime. feels like a hate crime tbh.
colourful cars will always have my heart fr. leaving a tip after being driven around is a good idea maybe i should start doing that.
ill let u know when ive started the apprentice, im excited to see the hyde guy now. and kim kardashian lady too.
platonic soulmates>>> i think we lucked out with our best friends. lu walking through the rain for ur turnover? i love that sm. ur right L names do have some spice in them.
and yay geoguessr! i was shit at first too. but i got sucked in and like studied license plates and fucking road lines and signs so id be good. it aint much but its honest work. (i graciously thank u for the apple turnover. ur too kind)
i hope i dont have a gay realisation superpower. thats like having anti rizz. everyone whos liked me turning out to be gay? like yes im glad i could help but. as long as my soulmate likes me ig.
i love ur james fc sm. i love that theres so many different james fcs too like hes just everywhere <3 andrew & ben will always be remus & sirius but at the same time, they still dont look quite like how i imagine them to be. i think likeafunerall's art is as close as anything has ever gotten to them so ig theyre just too pretty in my mind for a real human to look even close to them. good for them.
and HUGH! hugh and lil timmy tim are like the only PERFECT fcs in my mind. everyone else has some wiggle room but not evan and reg. theyre just perfect.
ur so lucky to be a gryffindor. how does it feel to live my dream??
orpheus & eurydice </3 "if u must die, let love be the reason why" ARE U TRYING TO KILL ME?????? ill never get over them ever.
tbh i think soldiers are cool af. i saw a tiktok that said sirius would be the soldier (remus = poet, james = king) so thats also cool .
and no way u were listening to work song . i listened to that like 10 mins ago. hozier my beloved <3
athena kids are cool as hell. like go off smartypants! but yes raising the dead sounds cool too. idk what id use that power for cause i definitely dont need an undead army to fight for me so. maybe i can use it to talk to like. julius caesar or something.
and yes bowie for LIFE. also knee socks>>>> love that song sm. AM changed my life too. HS1 def altered my brain chemicals too (i got to see him in concert. it changed my life fr)
erudite !!!! <3
and yes its barbaric as fuck. if ive learned anything from studying ancient history its that humans have always been fucked up. so thats always nice.
silver jewellry is so cool . goes so well with my black leather jacket & docs cause im nothing if not channelling sirius black energy into my appearance at all times <3 u loving gold cause its expensive is so real. like yes its bougie as hell. and? also v gryffindor of u. cause its gold. u just need to wear red and ur set.
ur right tay does have that range. still love lana but she just has an overall darker tone which isnt always the vibe. miss taylor never misses.
LISTEN IM SORRY!!!! I LOVE CRUEL SUMMER SM. theyre both completely tied for me but i was just in a dont blame me kinda mood ig.
and yes the great war is very much a cr song. theres a chapter named the great war so its just a lot. so heartbreaking but SO beautiful. but my tears ricochet <3 like u know what taylor, ur right. i DIDNT have it in myself to go with grace.
lilac candles <3 theyre so nice. and yes. it did smell like piss. not sure what i expected tbh. but yeah
slow walkers are the worst and i agree people blocking hallways????? so annoying. especially when they walk slowly in these big groups that span the width of the hall and theyre too busy talking to notice EVERYONE trying to get by. UGHHH
having 2 middle names is so cool i wish i had 2 tbh.
on GOD that hc kills me. every time i watch poa i think of it and i get so sad.
i love winter sm too. personally im an autumn girly but winter is a close second. i love the festiveness sm <3
i loved chemistry too. yes i did drop it for bio cause im shit at math and bio has less numbers but idc it was still fun. and we do NOT talk about physics i hate that subject with my whole heart.
id pick hogwarts too honestly. i just wanna be magic u know.
and a coin collector thats so cool. i love unique coins sm. we had some here in canada a while ago that had the northern lights on them and GLOWED IN THE DARK (pic here)!! they were so cool i think i still have a few.
cardigan has my heart. but i think if i had to pick id choose mirrorball BUT only because i personally relate to it more. cardigan will forever be more heartbreaking and ofc, i cant listen to it without thinking abt wolfstar so.
a fellow erudite! we're superior for sure i just know it.
unicorn is such a good choice. theyre so cool and being able to grant wishes would be so fun. i think id choose a phoenix cause theyre fiery and cant die. also cause i change my appearance all the time so in a way its like a phoenix rising from the ashes all funky and brand new.
the vibes in the 50s was so cool i agree (minus the racism sexism and homophobia fuck that shit!!!!) . all i want in life is to go to a cute little 50s diner and drink milkshakes and listen to 50s music. i would love to go to ancient rome or greece but purely for the vibes and aesthetic tbh. id hate to go there cause im a woman and women werent generally considered people in the greek world </3 especially ancient athens, women were discouraged from leaving the house & if they did they had to cover their entire body head to toe. (to preserve their dignity and whatnot). i personally like a little more freedom than that so, no thanks <3
ur ideal first date>>>> literally perfect ideas. ESPECIALLY the bookstore i just love the idea of a cute lil bookstore date. & of course just walking and talking i feel like is so necessary to get to know someone yk?
being rejected from netball and taking it as a personal attack i feel u so hard. id be pissed if that happened to me.
and game night! monopoly game night sounds so fun. i actually cant play monopoly anymore cause i get so competitive and it makes me mad and it pisses everyone off LOL so ive been banned. i do love me some chess though.
art <3 omg have fun on saturday that sounds awesome. the closest art gallery to me is pretty lame most of the time which sucks cause i only get to see cool art when i travel which isnt a whole lot lmfao. cafe terrace at night is such a gorgeous work of art. i love van gogh sm. my mom is actually a painter and van gogh is her fav artist so she paints van gogh recreations its pretty cool.
answering qs!~
ideal first date: either art gallery or museum. there is nothing in this world i love more than art and history and humanity so being able to see it with someone i like & being able to infodump random fun facts about history would be the dream. ofc we have to stop at a bookstore (ideally we pick out books for each other cause i love that idea its so cute) and stargazing. i love the stories behind the constellations so its always fun to talk abt them.
rep vs lover: i think lover. its just so good and the vibes are astronomical. dont get me wrong i adore rep too but i think rep is better for when im feeling vengeful <3
hozier vs am: god this is so hard but i think im gonna have to say hozier. hes just such an incredible songwriter and his music i swear i can feel it in my BONES its so visceral. his lyrics rip me apart too theyre just so good.
i dont play sports. in general i hate sports and physical activity (except i do on occasion fuck up a game of badminton) i used to be a dancer and gymnast but that was a long time ago. i did a bit of volleyball when i was like. 11? 12? but i hated it.
fav board game: prob settlers of catan! idk what it is about it but i love that game. i love chess too but i get too competitive sometimes so.
take me to church vs work song: work song. "no grave can hold my body down, ill crawl home to her" ARE U KIDDING???? such a perfect song. i love tmtc so very much too. "i was born sick" hits different when ur a closeted little kid whos figuring life out
fav season: autumn forever. i just love the vibes and the temperature is usually perfect, not too hot not too cold. cozying up with a sweater and tea and a book is all i need. ofc winter is a close second cause christmastime.
fav food: probably pasta. my dad is from italy so i eat a lot of pasta. bolognese, chicken cacciatore, & penne alla vodka are personal favourites & my comfort foods.
fav marauder hc: i have a few random ones i love, like that james sings really loudly in the shower, that sirius was left handed (bc im left handed and i say so), also that regulus would be a black cat if he was an animagus. hes just got sm little black cat energy i love him. also lily being a night owl & james being an early bird, lily getting annoyed cause james is TOO happy in the early morning and shes just done w him.
one ship i hate: i HATED dorcas/peter in atyd. i know it was written way before dorlene got really popular but it was still such a jumpscare to read. also i know a lot of people seem to like them but regulus/remus?? personally no thanks. i can see why theyd be cute but sirius is the ONLY one for remus imo. i much prefer regulus and remus to be besties and talk shit ab sirius together cause they love him <3
patronus: ive done the test a few times and ive gotten rattlesnake, grey owl, & raven. personally i wouldve loved a cat but sadly no
favourite piece of art: ive got a few actually ( i love art sm.) loch lomond by gustave dore, wheat field with cypresses by van gogh, and hygieia by gustav klimt❤️
ginny or luna: luna. i love ginny SM but luna was my fav character as a kid so she has my heart. i also have her wand so its only fair i pick her <3
favourite restaurant: probably this one thats out in the city, theyve got the BEST gyoza ive ever had in my life. and they make good martinis so. but you cant go wrong with mcdonalds late at night when u need something greasy. also dairy queen (do u have those in the uk? i feel like theyre just in north america) has some good ass ice cream sundaes.
fav beverage: i love coffee, iced coffee to be specific. root beer and cream soda too. red sangrias and espresso martinis are top tier too.
qs for u!
whats one song ur convinced was written abt u?
if u could only listen to 1 song for the rest of ur life, which song would u pick?
if u could have a superpower, which one would u want?
messy or organized?
favourite candy/chocolate/sweet?
if u could meet one dead historical figure, who would u choose?
take me to church vs work song.
whats your go-to hype songs when ur getting ready/going out?
fav type of weather?
fav thing youve ever dressed up as for halloween?
thats all for now! till next time <3
bee hi ! I thought you'd abandoned me , and I'm so glad you're back , I missed you !!!
OH MY GOD ??? you were star/comet gazing ??? that's so cool and so sirius of u !!! (also yes , take the photo , even the universe ships them, wolfstar 5ever.)
YES !!!! get u a man who learns French like James Potter would for regulus black !!! he is amazing , stellar , the one , the only , there is no one like him.
tay tay time !!! -
you belong with me - JEGULUS - I can see it as wolf star too , but I'll give it to regulus. like an au where reg and sirius and James were all best friends , and reg had a little crush on mr James the jock , but him having a gf , and regulus being all 'you belong with me' THEM
style- JILY- this could go for literally so many ships. like wolfstar , jily, anything. I chose jily , simply because i feel that just like the hook , james and lily never go out of style. and also lily would ask him about reg , and he would tell her the whole truth & nothing but the truth. in a muggle au i totally see them as on and off and on and off until they’re finally on again and this time it sticks forever.
london boy - WOLFSTAR - listen , I know remus is welsh (or half , at least) so I think of him meeting sirius in an au in some au , and being all 'DIMPLE' 'ACCENT' 'GOD I LOVE THE ENGLISH' (au/oneshot idea??) 'in the pub watching rugby with his school friends ??? yes yes yes , them them them !!! so them , I could cry !!!
chatting time <333
I too would watch anything and everything. save dwd , its reviews are terrible and I cba to check for myself.
'girl you don't have clouds or trees where you live ?' HOWLING THIS IS SO FUNNY. and true , honestly. what's so English and special about our clouds and trees?? if u show someone back home will they go 'ahh yess , this is an English cloud , native to the England !'
cats just tell it like it is. it's just the truth. cats for the win , I love cats u love cats we all do. we are humans and they're gods.
ik ik blaise/luna is a funny little side pairing and I love them they're actually so cute!!! (the fics are dhr and drarry so do take care of that !! but they're there. I love the little hints.)
LESSON MY LOAD OH MY GOD !!!! ON MY LIST , DOWNLOADED. (I love the sound of it. very interesting. I would also cry because of a red sock. I WOULD SUE. SUE.)
cringey series. hmm. I think I'll take a crack. I've braved through wattpad , I can brave through this too. I am a soldier after all.
drunk procrastinators forever !! (me because I have an exam in 45 minutes and I'm writing this rn instead of doing last minute revision ! but at least Lu's coming to pick me up !!!!! drivers r so good for ur health.)
I'm excited to write it. but I must get ahead with my writing of doa and sito. I'M SO EXCITED. it shall hurt ! it is fake/secret dating ! it is the bet trope !
IT'S ROYAL BUTTER INDEED. I have no idea why I felt the need to do that. but we shall march on and ignore the royal butter in the fridge.terry's chocolate oranges stay winning though >>> (did u see that video of the American/australian BITING into one ?? I almost cried like what the fuck u bitch u should be banned from Europe for this crime) TOBLERONE. MY DRUNK ARSE WANTED TOBLERONE. so does my sober arse though. so fair. fair. I see u drunk me. I see u.
it's so peaceful. straight out of the movie . (especially because it was raining too) and he was laughing whenever I stepped on him , and it was so sweet and ahhhhh !! try it , 'tis a remedy for all the types of pain ever !!! get u a best friend (liz would do it maybe ?) and dance. just dance , quite literally !!!!
jello salad is a hate crime. war crime. whoever created it should go to hell. with the salad. (I WILL BE TRYING POUTINE. IT SOUNDS SO GOOD OMG.)
colourful cars >>>> (remember to only do one cent. after all , they should be happy to have you in their car. really , you're doing them the favour.)
yes!!! lmk !!! I must know your opinions on them !!!
I keep getting like 3.2 km away from the actual answer and it's so annoying. like I'm sorry I guessed Ithaca and not buttfuck , usa.
WE DID LUCK OUT WE DID. they're actually the best people ever. no one will ever be better than them.(though , they lucked out too.) L NAMES 5EVER. LU AND LIZ 5EVER ACTUALLY !!!!!
LMFAO NOT THE ANTI-RIZZ.ur soulmate will like u !! I know they will !! and u have liz for now !! let's vibe and be drunk with our L best friends !! romantic love will come in its own time :))))) (also for me when I liked Victoria , it was me being like 'is she gay/queer/likes women ??? and then it was like - she did. but I found that out because she had a girlfriend. and she's kind of a bitch now that I don't like her. I hope she fails her exams , damn.)
omg likeafuneralls art is fucking magical !! I worship the art so much. I was actually thinking of printing them out and sticking them up on my wall !!!! and yes , so many James fcs !!! (my James is my personal favourite , but I'm biased) I adore all of them !!! (and omg I so get not having an fc too !! they're just ethereal .... no human will ever be good enough for them.)
HUGH AND TIMMY TIM TIM >>>>>>>>>> (I love them sm sm they r my heart. did u see the Apple TV ad where Timmy sees Gary Oldman ?? look it up you'll get what I mean.)
DUDE ME NEITHER. WE CAN BE SAD OVER THEM TOGETHER !!!!!! ( I was secretly trying to kill you, u figured out my plan !!!)
DID YOU SEE LIKEAFUNERALL’S ART OF THIS EXACT SITUATION?????? IT’S SO GOOD (she has soldier sirius , poet remus & king james)
WORK SONG MAKES ME CRY A LOT. "no grave can hold my body down , I'll crawl home to her" has been engraved into my brain. ENGRAVED I TELL U.
if u talk to caesar ask him how he felt before he died. was it like a Jesus style betrayal??? like did he at least get a little kiss before ??
tay I love tay tay changed my LIFE.
BOWIE BOWIE (STARMAN STARTS PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND) knee sock was so funny because when it started playing yesterday , I was wearing my knee socks under my t-shirt dress , and lu was wearing his sky blue Lacoste ??? like Alex turner was watching us fr fr.
here's my concert story - my best friend went to the 1975 concert. and he went , and he came back , and he said 'Matty had a special guest on tonight' and I was like 'who' and then he whipped out a tissue and gave it to me and was like 'Taylor' I SOBBED. SOBBED. (also will harry ever stop touring??? is he not tired??? and also I'm pretty mad at him for the 'never leave America' thing. bitch forgot where he came from.)
at least we're a different kind of fucked up now though ! that's good !
u r so very sirius. I dress in red and gold a lot , actually?? but I have a lot of colours. rn I'm in white and green !!! I love gold jewellery with all my heart it just hits different for me <33333
u better love cruel summer. but I SO GET BEING IN A dbm mood , because that's so real. poison ivyyyyy now I'm your daisyyyyyy.
bro now I'm scared. now my timbers have been shivered. (I'm on chapter two still for reference.) I LOVE LOVE LOVE . (and I heard them stolen lullabies all right)
gonna go buy one from the big Tesco 2nite , now you've convinced me. (Rome , the great city. of piss. and gladiators. but mostly piss.)
HALL BLOCKERS WILL GO TO HELL knock them bitches over like do u even know how many times I've been late because of them ??? little bastards.
two middle names is kinda fun actually. I can go by them if I won't (I don't want) and I just have more names in my name , yk?? ( one middle name is ALSO cool btw. )
it makes me cry a lil. (professor lupin???? no , uncle moony !!!!)
winter for me , because in England , even when it's summer , it's winter !!! (also thank u for calling it autumn , not fall.) BUT I LOVE AUTUMN TOO , PUMPKIN LATTES ARE STELLAR !!!
I have my chemistry exam tomorrow !! and I do bio too unfortunately. (I have the bio exam today. I feel queasy. ) BUT YEAH FUCK PHYSICS FUCK NEWTON FUCK ELECTRICITY !!!!!
I so get u bee , I too just wanna be magic.
eruditessssss!!! erudite erudite erudite !!!!
I love coins omg. I want them all. I'm on the lookout for the paddington one , and I feel it in the air. I think I'm very close to it. (also glow in the dark ??? that's so cool???)
nah , I get relating to a song so hard. I too relate to songs. ( u relating to mirrorball is so fucking real of u. so real.)
I know , if not for the racism and other shit , I'd so visit the '50s. honestly , the old-times vibes and the dinners and just- ahhhhh. (damn misogyny is everywhere.that fucking sucks I hate that sm)
I KNOW I KNOW. the bookstore thing is so so so cool for me. (closest I've ever come is the grocery store at night with lu , but also we were drunk and also we bought so so so many things) and yes!! just chatting and laughing and having fun and - being , yk???
I did take it hard. I took it so hard. (I scored , but I still didn't get in?? well bitch damn I hope u lose every single game !!)
getting competitive with monopoly is something different (I've stolen some money before , and now I'm not allowed to be the banker !! so that sucks.) I'm going to learn chess one day. I will. I want to play. I shall learn it.
OMG SISGDLIWQHVDJLWQVCBX your mom sounds so cool???? Van Gogh recreations ??? I salute her she sounds fucking amazing (cafe terrace at night is just it for me. I love it. I even have a notebook with it on the front !!!)
---- I'm taking a break from answering because I have to go do a fuckin exam now give me a second ----
back now lmfao totally fucking flunked fuck biology & fuck life , but at least my arse is being warmed and i’m listening to taylor. (i think i’m being driven to the bakery. i think. he won’t say anything. but we’re not going home for sure.)
YOUR MOM JUST GETS IT FR FR. van gogh is my favourite artist too , so she understands. he a tortured soul me a tortured soul. done & dusted.
reviewing your q’s
OMG THAT’S SO CUTE ????? I’M IN TEARS ????? that’s so romantic omg i hope u get that one day i really really do.(feel free to info dump on me anytime.) AND YESSSS ART AND HISTORY AND HUMANITY STAY WINNING ALWAYS (my favourite art museum is tate and fave history one is the natural history museum in central london i love it so so much.) AHHH OMG PICKING OUT BOOKS FOR EACH OTHER ??? (and annotating them and talking about them and showing each other and oh my god romance romance 💘) I LOVE CONSTELLATIONS TOO. as an ex-astronomy student , i understand the stories and fucking love info-dumping about them. (lu has been the unfortunate victim of most of this dumping.)
rep for when you are in ur rep era is so real. I need that album for killing and revenge and shit. lover is the vibe i want my life to feel like , so i’d pick lover too.
i hate physical activity too , mate. . I LIKE BADMINTON TOO SOMETIMES THAT SHUTTLECOCK IS FUN TO BAT AROUND. (only sometimes.) all i shall do is watch lu do his sports. i shall do nothing else. (hating sports is so valid of us !!!)
take me to church hits different but work song >>> no grave can hold my body down FUVKING CHANGED MY LIFE. i will rise from the dead for my other half when i die.
u described it so right , autumn is like that. just right. very remus of you , methinks. BUT CHRISTMAS FOR THE WIN , I’M SORRY !!!
ooh , an italian *does the hands* (sorry but you know i had to) you said a lot of pasta i will have to now eat. i will eat all of them. me , personally , my dad is portuguese a so i got a fucking range of food when i was a kid . like francesinha , bacalhau , caldo verde >>>> (sandwich , fish , soup in that order. all vv spicy.)
HE SO HAS THAT BLACK CAT ENERGY. regulus black is a black cat 2023 spread the word. as a shower singer , i vv much agree james would do that. oooh sirius is a left-hand. yk what i actually like that one . JILY AGENDA WHERE SHE’S THE SLEEPY ONE AND HE’S THE GET UP AND GO ONE <3333
I too do not much rate the dorcas/peter. it’s surprising now especially because of the dorlene and how i think they’re perfect for each other. so obviously , i don’t want them to get with anyone else . and reg/remus ??? that’s odd. i might be hoodwinked into reading a one-shot here & there but nothing more than that.
rattle snake , grey owl and raven ??? that’s a slytherin if i ever saw one. (also ravenclaw potential tbh.) and what a range of animals ??? fabulous.
u have luna’s wand. i am very jealous rn. (love ginny but i agree with your decision to pick luna. i love her too much to pick anyone else.)
gyoza sounds so good. i could really go for some rn. (late night mcdonalds SMACKS.) and no we don’t have dairy queen in the uk. is that like an ice cream thing ?? sounds like that?? i want to try that now.
iced coffee >>>> AND OH MY GOD THERE’S THIS SODA AT THE CORNER SHOP ‘BARRS CREAM SODA’ I GET IT SO OFTEN IT’S MY FAVOURITE FIZZY DRINK EVER AHHHH. (i need 2 try sangria. i need to. ‘tis on my list.)
my q’s. -
this is me trying . there’s probably more that I can’t think of rn , but this is me trying. I am this is me trying. i used to be the one gifted kid who got rlly high scores without trying and now i have to do twice as much work for a fucking B. which is annoying. but yeah! ( I might tell u more if I remember them next time.)
black swan! i think that’s pretty cool actually !!!!
my tears ricochet. (or cruel summer) but if i had to choose , my tears ricochet. EVERY FUCKING TIME. ‘STOLEN LULLABIES OOOWIWOHOOO’
shapeshifting !! i think i’d love to shapeshift. it’d be so fun , i’m a snake , i’m a lion , i’m an old woman , i’m a muscle man. FUNNNN.
messy as fuck. 90% of the time my socks come back from the wash and at least one is missing at all times. fucking dk where they go man.
YOU HAVE UNLOCKED SOMETHING HERE.okay , terry’s chocolate orange & smarties. I fucking LOVE smarties (& toblerone of course , we mustn’t forget the Toblerone.) AND ALSO JAFFA CAKES. CANNOT CHOOSE ONE.
SHAKESPEARE. need 2 ask about the ‘fair youth’ and also about his wife & about his plays and ahhhh. i love his plays sm and i just really would love to meet him<333
work song. i love take me to church sm , but work song . why??? “NO GRAVE CAN HOLD MY BODY DOWN , I’LL CRAWL HOME TO HER.”
promiscous , worth it , one look , knee socks , jealous (nj) , & …ready for it ? THESE ARE CLASSICSSSS . HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS MIX.
snow. by far. love making snowmen , n dressing them up and snowball fights. love it so so so much.
i did lady macbeth (n lu was macbeth) at a halloween party once!! I loved it vv much the fake blood and the scorpion prop , and the crown i made for lu. very realistic. (second is it and georgie. u know who it was and who georgie was. take a guess .)
q’s for u -
fuck marry kill - lily , pandora , marlene.
fuck marry kill - regulus , barty, evan.
what do you love spending money on ?
tell me one inside joke you have with liz (or just anyone, i only assume you’d have more with liz)
one weird fear you have?
weirdest dare you’ve taken in a game of truth or dare?
worst random impulse buy?
your favourite quote ever ?
your favourite quote from a fic ?
ever met a celeb ? (which one if yes?)
favourite snack ?
do u have a crush on anyone ? (skip this one if you don’t want to answer it & I’m terribly sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable!!!)
Who knows you best ?
lover (the song) vs getaway car?
all time favourite moment in your life ?
what’s your favourite moment with liz ? (curious to cut into that bff dynamic)
r(egg) or r(edge)?
do you speak any other languages (except english)?
bee bee bee <333 until next time , my friend. come back soon , or else i’ll start worrying.
0 notes
sxlver-sweet · 3 years
Cat!hybrid!Kazutora who gets into heat and normaly he would just lock himself away but this time it get's really bad and he just NEEDS Y/N. (Hybrid thing is a must)
bengal hybrid!KAZUTORA, who, after entrusting you with his vulnerability and warming up to you, is usually always so considerate of your comfort—who’s so grateful that you swept him off the street and into your embrace that he would willingly walk in the rain rather than upset you.
bengal!kazutora, who’s a mess when you return home from work. he clings to you the moment you cross the threshold, barely allowing you enough time to lock the door behind you. his knees are rubbed raw, impressions and divots from the carpet etched into his skin as if he’d been kneeling for an excessive amount of time. his face is flushed, skin feverish and so sensitive to the touch that he impulsively flinches away from you when you try to press your palm to his forehead. his legs are clad in nothing but a pair of grey boxers, and your eyes widen when you spot the bulge of his hardened cock illustrated in the cotton fabric and the damp area near where you assume the head of his cock to be. his eyes are lachrymose, bleary and pleading and repentant and ashamed as he scrabbles desperately at the jacket thrown over your shoulders.
bengal!kazutora, who mutters nothing but pleas and apologies as he strips you of your uniform with trembling hands and cumbersome fingers. he shakes his head and squeezes his eyes shut, dismayed and disgusted with himself for having “jumped” his precious owner despite your cooed reassurances and constant verbal consent. still, as much as he hates himself for “violating” you, he hates even more than he can’t stop himself. the addicting smoothness of your skin beneath his wandering, sweaty hands… the way you blink up at him, smile so trusting and body so pliable and accepting of the wild positions he flips and folds you into… the way you keen and thread your hands through his two-toned locks as he roughly gropes and fondles and plants rows of messy, sloppy kisses along every inch of your bare skin… the way you drag your panties to your ankles and beckon him forward, allowing him to shove his head between your thighs in an unfocused, half-assed attempt at preparing you… there’s absolutely zero hope for his self-control.
bengal!kazutora, whose feline ears flatten against his head when he first slides into you in one unbroken, aggressive thrust, a low hiss filtering through bared fangs and hands maintaining a bruising grip on your hips. when you yelp and try to squirm away from the abrupt intrusion, he swiftly pins you to the mattress with a hand splayed across your back, forcing your spine into an arch that accentuates the curve of your ass he adores so much but would never tell you. every apology withers on his lips at the feeling of your gummy walls buckling and clenching around his cock; and, for a moment, he fears being milked dry on the spot.
bengal!kazutora, who still considers your pleasure, but just not at first. his default pace is brutal, your body lurching and fingers clawing at the sheets with each slap of his heavy balls against your clit. the tip of his engorged cock bullies and pounds away at your cervix. before he cums for the first time, it doesn’t matter how desperately you beg him to slow down or how many light scratches you score into his arms when you reach behind you in a poor attempt at deterring him. he’ll just keep fucking into you—abusing and brutalizing your cunt until he paints your walls white and pumps you so full of his cum that all you can do is slump into the mattress and let him empty his balls into you.
bengal!kazutora, who always feels bad when he assesses the damage inflicted by the first round. he’s always quick to pull out and apologize, the guilt gnawing at his heart numbing the feeling of his shaft hardening in preparation for a second round. with your explicit approval, he’ll roll you onto your back and slide into you again with the promise of pleasing you properly—this time, his movements far more tentative and eyes locked attentively on your expression to gauge your reactions. his long locks tumble around you, brushing your sweat-stained cheeks and tickling your nose until you’re laughing and looping your arms around kazutora’s neck. it’s this reassurance that encourages him to lower his chest to yours, his hips gaining a steady rhythm. his pace is slow and deep, allowing you to feel every curved vein, every twitch of his shaft, and every gentle kiss of his tip against your battered cervix with each drag of his cock along your walls. only when you kiss his cheek and ask him for more will he alter his pace, shifting from slow and deep to deep and hard. guided by your feedback, he drives his cock into you with smooth, sharp rolls of his hips, relishing the way your head lolls against the pillows and your legs coil around his waist as his pelvis slaps against yours. even if the insatiable lust roiling in his stomach is beginning to cause him to sink his claws into the mattress, he won’t allow his pace to falter, dead set on making you cum around his cock before he dares to pursue his own desires again.
bengal!kazutora, who just wants to repay your kindness.
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