#there's so many more but I'l stop here
inked-up-gentleman · 5 months
Which book will you always recommend?
I have a lot of those, but here are a few that I absolutely loved.
The Hobbit
Lord of the Rings (all three)
The Sword of Truth series
World War Z
Sigma series (I love the mix of action with strange unexplained facts and that the author lists all the weird facts at the end of every book)
48 Laws of Power
Rich Dad Poor Dad
The Richest Man In Babylon
Never Split The Difference
Scary Stories (all 3 of them)
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des-no9 · 2 months
Des' Githyanki Genitals HC
Hey and welcome to another lore dump of Des' githyanki HCs!!! As usual, we're all about sex and fucking in here, and githyanki are aliens. So we gotta make their bits fun.
Also, they lay eggs now (never used to apparently, we'll get to that). So I've accounted for that in their genitals.
Also!! I'l got different HCs for the Older generation githyanki -think Voss and Orpheus age- as I HC the githyanki that were alive during their rebellion, and not long after it, differ somewhat to modern githyanki like Lae'zel, and one of my OCs who will be modelling, Tuj.
Gonna go chronologically here, and start with the oldies. Voss is my model for this (obviously).
This is a long post btw lol. Also disclaimer: I'm only talking about the githyanki mostly. Thinking about the githzerai and their reproduction is a whole other beast LOL. Enjoy <3
Obvious TW for talk of slavery, breeding, eggs, violence, rape, lots of genitalia talk and art by yours truly
Older Generation Githyanki Genitals - during ensalvement to early Vlaakiths.
So the vague general consensus in the lore seems to be that the gith originally descended from humans in the very beginning, and this makes me think that their genitals early on during their enslavement and early in their freedom were closer to what we know our human genitalia to be.
But, then we have the illithid's experiments and how that changed their physiology quite vastly over the X number of years.
I HC that many of the illithid colonies varied, and so therefore so did the githyanki (shall be using githyanki to refer to them then even if that wasn't their name then). Some colonies were more focused purely on the numbers, breeding, breeding to send to other colonies for X purposes in their slavery. (I HC Vlaakith I was a branded breeding slave). So would have efficient genitalia. Maybe very little sexual dimorphism. Maybe closer to the modern githyanki like now with asexual breeding.
Some other colonies (like one I HC Voss came from) were bred purely as soldiers, attack and guard dogs. So they refined their physiology very strictly to breed the best, the strongest. Bearing in mind the need for the best warriors and breeders, so therefore keeping their genitalia tucked away and protected when not in use was essential.
It also makes me think things about some of the illithid colonies essentially neutering the githyanki in gestation and only keeping a select few breeders (much parallels to modern githyanki lol) basically to stop their slaves having sexual desire for each other or anything else, cutting it off and only having necessary urges. But I digress.
Basically during this era and the early years before they started breeding through eggs, I HC there was MUCH more variance in their genitalia (and probably some of their other physiology honestly) before it started to become much more streamlined through their eggs and no doubt the Vlaakiths interfering with their breeding to create the best, supreme, unified race in the one Vlaakith's vision.
So, I sketched up what I imagined Voss' genitals to be (obviously). I HC he has a slit where his bits are protected during fighting, since he was bred to be a fighter/attack dog for the illithid.
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NOTE: his slit extends further down.
Notes and important points if you can't read my writing:
cock (easy word to use for it) sheathed inside slit
slit widens and gets wet when aroused, and the skin inside is rough, but is usually wrapped around to protect the cock even if the slit widens on arousal
cock can be pulled out from its sheath manually and how it sits soft
so, Voss' is a little different to the rest of his colonies would have looked purely because it's scarred to shit (from his hubris) They mostly all had two dicks, but the scar tissue healed his together (don't worry, he gets them separated again :>) and they can stick together as one if you want during arousal, or can be used as two For Their Pleasure :tm:
the tip can move independently. Very sensitive.
can come through slit and cock
slit gets wet and easily over stimulated
can come from slit stimulation alone
I think his colony bred more 'traditionally' how we know it as humans. Voss was a traditionally bred and live birth baby to me (Orpheus too). I think a lot of the early githyanki were traditionally bred as we know it, but some with varying ways of conception, birth lengths, delivery, even incubation
I like to think that maybe little spikes come out of the ridges on his cock to embed into whoever he's fucking if he wants to, to hold them in place, for some extra pain and usual githyanki sadism. This was specific to his colony and maybe one or two others, and maybe appears again in some modern githyanki.
I HC Orpheus has a slit too, but is maybe a little more in the human camp to what we know genitalia to be like since he's also ancient and a traditional non-egg baby. Closer to the ancestors they came from. I just like to HC that because he IS a little more....gentler, rounder, smooth, 'humanised' than a lot of the other githyanki we see. I love thinking about the little differences that set Orpheus apart from his people, even though he IS his people, the lifeblood of them. The blood of their Mother. Anyway, I digress.
Basically, for the oldies I think there's a LOT of freedom to be creative and almost do anything, using the illithid experiments, that they're aliens and so much unknown as our excuse. Also don't forget the most important - fun, and shoving all our kinks onto our fictional loves 24/7.
Modern Githyanki Genitalia HCS - egg time
So, the shift to egg laying and apparently it's asexual. I have a LOT of thoughts about this. With this happening thousands of years ago and also with them transitioning from NOT egg laying (putting in the assumption of live births here) to egg laying, there would be some sort of accommodation and change in their physiology for this, right?
Also this doesn't happen quickly. Magic can help yes! Also, they're aliens. Aliens can defy everything and anything we know as humans. I try not to press too much of our human and earth knowledge and experience onto alien races because who is to say their experiences and such are like ours. And also it makes it more fun for me to step away from the known into unknown and other possibilities. But anyway.
Lae'zel says the transition happened to egg laying after they were freed from the illithid and under Vlaakith's power. Now, I like to HC that Vlaakith kind of has this under her control (and therefore, all the subsequent Vlaakith's control). It's kind of like, a mass population control, sterilisation, selective, experimental and controlled breeding to try create her own perfect race in essence.
The execution is flawed, of course. Probably changes over time with all the (over 100) of Vlaakiths and leadership changes, in-fighting, evolution of the githyanki from the beginning of their enslavement to now. But the idea is there. And it sticks.
Okay so. As above I mentioned I HC there was a lot of differences between the githyanki in their genitalia from the different illithid colonies. And at first, transitioning to egg laying was probably a slow process as the first generation probably died out, or through their own ghustils, technology, psionics, they started to try to change their own bodies to accommodate egg laying. Some failed, some managed it. It was a difficult process that also in essence weeded out the weak for Vlaakith too.
And then once the eggs started laying, hatching, they probably still tinkered with them. Making sure the hatchlings that were born would be able to breed more and were born right, strong, and the proper future of their people. There were still probably live births happening at the very start during the transition, but magic and psionics probably sped this process along - even if it was probably very traumatic for a lot of newly annointed githyanki. Jumping from being experimented on by illithid in slave colonies to experimenting on yourself, and by your ghustil on order of your Queen? Fantastic. Just brilliant.
Fast forward to now and the githyanki genitalia are mostly uniform I think. Much more so than when they first gained their freedom and called themselves githyanki.
I think there's probably still some differences. Like genetic anomalies. And also that the atmosphere/plane etc of long-term creches can have influences on their hatcheries/eggs. Say a creche on a completely different material plane to Faerun's, or it's near like somewhere with intense psionic or void energy. I think things like that could (and do in canon!) have definite changes on physiology. (NOTE: I also like thinking about this in regard to things like skin-tone, texture, spot pattern, hair colour, face shape, accent.....the list is endless lol)
Okay. So. Without further delay here is my OC Tuj'da to model his bits for you :3
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some githyanki have less/more slits. Less is much less common as three is standard for efficient egg-laying.
all sexes can lay eggs
their shape and layout can look unique/different. eg, longer, smaller, more protruding. Think like different penis and vulva shapes. (Note: I took a lot of inspiration for the shape of their genitals from Art Deco shapes and style lol)
much like the older generation githyanki slits if they had them, they widen when aroused, and also when carrying eggs and to lay them
some githyanki are more sensitive in their smaller/egg slits than their main slits
their is sexual dimorphism between their genitals usually, but that can only be seen when aroused.
their cock positioning can be different too from where it comes from, and folds up and inside the githyanki. Lots of githyanki can control the length of their cock by using their psionics, but does require significant concentration and skill
very sensitive at the middle of their cock so some of them like to shorten it to cover that bit up to last even longer sometimes
they can be fucked with their cock tucked inside. It's uncomfortable for some, for others it's the best thing on the menu.
very short refractory period, if at all
they cum a lot. It tastes kind of sweet.
(after Vlaakith's sterilisation and population control is dissolved) fertilisation often requires psonics of some sort
I'm undecided on this, but for such a violent race that rape and also enjoy consenting sexual violence, I think maybe they'd also evolve/keep/develop the small spikes in their ridges that they can make pop out at will to embed into their partner. These ALSO come out from the ridged skin inside the sheath, not just the cock :>
their skin in general is rougher, tougher than other istik races so can take a much rougher fuck, and I think a willing istik's first time with a githyanki partner, there might be a bit of adjustment for...soreness lol
I haven't got many HCs for their actual fertilisation, their eggs, pregnancy etc as pregnancy etc can be a bit of squick for me, but most other things around it and eggs etc are okay. So I haven't thought too much about the actual way they GET egged up, lay them, fertilised etc. Maybe that's for another day.
For now, hope you enjoy these HCs! Some of them may change/I may adapt them as I continue to write the githyanki, but I feel like I'm happy with most of this!
Feel free to use any and all if you enjoy them <3! Thank you for reading and getting this far, hah. I just love the githyanki so much, they bring me so much joy. And I hope they do to you too.
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simpforanimeboysfrvr · 3 months
Jealousy and Misunderstandings
summary: you're a 1st year at Rakuzan High and you're in a relationship with the baketball captain, Akashi Seijuro. Misunderstandings can't be avoided.
Warnings: Angsty-ish but with happy ending. Jealousy. Nothing more ig
A/N: OMG, It's My first time writing here so I hope ya'll like this! <3
Being with the basketball captain, Akashi Seijuro, was easy. Or so you thought. As you have been with him for 3 months now, you're suddenly realizing that it's hard because you can't help but feel jealous and insecure all the time. Many beautiful girls are always close to him but you can't help but question, why did The Akashi Seijuro, chose you?
You love Akashi with all your heart but you always feel like you're not enough. He quickly assures you everytime but you just don't know. As you wander deep in your thoughts, your bestfriend suddenly shakes you, making you snap out of your haze.
"Oy, you okay?" Chihiro Mayuzumi, your bestfriend, asks. He was also in the basketball team.
"Huh? Oh yeah.. I'm fine." You answer halfmindedly.
"How are things going with that guy? You have been distant fron him lately as he tells me."
"Oh. Ahh. You knew... I don't know.. I just can't help it. Why did Sei choose me? There are so many options of girls for him to choose but why me?"
"Maybe because he loves you. Anyways stop spacing out idiot. Class is about to start so go back to your classroom"
You suddenly stood up and rushed out of the rooftop waving Mayuzumi a bye. Hours later, you went to the gym to visit your boyfriend but as you were standing at the entrance door, you saw another girl hugging him. You might've not noticed this but, he was trying his best to push her off.
Tears started to fall out of your eyes. This just proved your thoughts. 'I knew it. He doesn't love me. He loves someone else.'
You just ran away from the gym and Akashi saw a glimpse of you. He felt fear rushing through him. You saw that another girl was hugging him, yes but you didn't see he was trying to push the girl off.
Akashi managed to push her off now and he rushed to you. He saw you sitting by the tree near the gate and he approached you, "Hey my empress. If.. if you saw what happend at the gym, please listen to me. I can explain it. I swear to you she is nothing to me but a mere fangirl."
"Really? Because it seems like you were accepting her hug fully." You sobbed as you spoke and he felt really guilty.
"My love, you know how many times I told you I love you? Well, I'l say it to you as long as you want if it will make you feel better. Don't cry now." He spoke so softly and it just made you want to cling on to him and so you did.
You sobbed out "Really? You really love me? Am I perfect enough for you?"
"Yes love, I love you and you're more than perfect. You're beautiful, kind, and you're always there for me even when I hurt your feelings. You're the kind of girl any guy would like." He assured you and that just made you believe him. I mean how could you not? He's being so nice and all. That was all you need, his assurance and love. Maybe it wasn't as bad as you think it is after all.
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lucillethebat · 2 years
Summary: All the nicknames your soulmate is called by are written on you. The main character is covered and finally meets the person that’s been covering them in names since they could remember.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x gn!reader, but no y/n. The main character is written in first person.
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: No smut, a little homophobia, drug mention if you squint. Kissing!!
Across my skin is littered thousands of words. Some of them were put there by me, little scratches reminding me that there's a test in history tomorrow, to take a shower tonight. There are tattoos there, hidden under the crude words: marks of stars and little planets. They’re covered now.
For most of my life, my skin was blank. There were just a few names, all versions of the same, larger one: Eddie.
Then, as I got into middle school- when I'm sure his skin began to fill with "bitch," and "liar," and worse- my skin began to overflow. They started out in simple scribbles, teasing words from friendly mouths, but the fonts began to get harsh. The letters were pointed, not intricate, not rolling. The letters practically burned as the words "druggie, disappointing, freak, fag" appeared on my pale arms.
There's no way to cover them anymore. I could wear long sleeves, but it's not classy. My parents are disappointed, even though I have no say, no control. I haven't even met him.
"Charismatic, charming. Fag, freak, insane."
I showed them off. I hoped he did too.
It was summer. The air was hot and sticky, it clung to my clothes and my hair. I brushed the loose strands from my face and smiled into the mirror. Under my hair was a new mark. My body was almost full, but the words overlapped where they could. This one was decent, at least.
I took my keys from the counter and left. I didn't have a plan, but I didn't think I needed one. I just needed out.
So I drove. I drove from my small town into the next, smaller town. Hawkins wasn't interesting in the slightest, but I needed something to do. And we didn't have a radioshack. What town didn't have a Radioshack in 1986? Mine.
The car's engine groaned as I pulled into the parking lot of the store. The open sign beamed at me. No friendly words greeted me like they had a year or two ago, when Bob Newby still worked here. I'd heard rumors, but I just assumed he'd escaped small-town life. I would take what I could get with the high schooler at the counter.
I got what I needed and left, but I decided I would stop at the comic store next door. I wasn't interested in reading comics, but I didn't want to get back into the car and drive back home so soon.
I flipped through volumes of Xmen, thinking I might get a coffee afterward.
The door opened, the bell rang. I didn't look up.
Next to me appeared a kid with a bowl cut, towering over me as he watched me flip through the books. I kept going, thinking he might stop me when he found what he wanted.
He found something else instead.
"No way," he whispered. He took my wrist and flipped it up. I turned toward him, hoping this kid, probably too young for me, wasn't the freak that littered my skin. He didn't look like it, but I supposed any small town kid could be called horrible things. "No fucking way."
"What?" I asked. He still hadn't looked at me, just at the scribbled words along my arms.
"I know Eddie."
"This one?" I looked back down at my arm.
"What other one?" He looked at my face and his eyes went wide at the word above my eyes. "That's awesome." I shrugged as he shook his head. "We have a club, it's called Hellfire. Meet us at the high school at six, okay?"
"Kid, I don't even live here. I'm in the next town over." I jutted my thumb in its general direction. "I gotta be home."
"Doesn't this matter more?"
I didn't think it did, but I supposed he was right. I had been waiting my whole life to meet the Freak that left so many marks on me, and I finally had a halfway decent opportunity to do so now. I also didn't know how this could go wrong.
"Okay. I'll be there."
"Great. God, this is so funny. Your entire body is covered."
"What about you?" I asked him defensively. I had gotten used to being stared at a long time ago, but I only just started to learn how to bite back.
He didn't flip his arm around. He didn't show me the names coating his wrists, he just blushed instead.
That could mean a million things. Either the ink is faded, they met and they weren't right, they were too young, whatever else.
He turned back to the comics and continued going through the box I just had. I checked my watch; 4:15. I sighed and went to the other side of the store.
Whether the kid knew it or not, he found himself next to me again. "When did they start showing up?" He asked.
"When I was in middle school. They got really bad around there too." I told him.
"Huh." He was biting back laughter, and I could tell.
I ignored him. It wasn't in my best interest to talk to a child. I bought a stuffed animal that I didn't need, but I felt bad for spending too much time in a store without leaving with something. I watched the boy set down his stack of comics, catching a few sprawling words on his wrist. They were harsh, blurred, hazy. One stuck out- the name Will- before he flipped his wrist back over.
"Six tonight!" He yelled after me. I shut the door.
I smelled like popcorn and coffee. I looked like a mess, but I didn't think it mattered.
I've been planning a moment like this all my life. Every kid has since they could read, the fantasies getting more vivid as they got older. For me, I've imagined everything from accidental meetings to set-ups, roses falling from the skies, kisses in the rain. When the words started appearing more often, all that was shattered. I thought I would accidentally stumble upon the right homeless person, pay the wrong employee too much, call the wrong person whatever my mind came up with when it left my mouth.
The fantasies faded a while ago. It wasn't always on my mind like it was on some of my girl friends', their intricate stories and plans drained me. It was absent enough for me not to think about it now.
I stood against my car door, the chocolate drink making my hand cold and wet. I wiped it on my jeans. Was I nervous? I took another sip. I didn't think so.
A van pulled into the parking lot at a wild pace, then slammed to a stop across three parking spaces. A few kids on bikes rounded the corner of the brick school. Leading their party was the kid I met at the comic store.
He stopped in front of the doors to the school, then turned to the van. Out of the backseats came two boys that looked to be older than me. They rocked plaid and ripped jeans, holding boxes and dice between their fingers.
Then, out of the driver's seat, came a man with longer hair than anyone's I had seen. His fingers were covered in silver rings, his jacket was ripped and sewed with black string around a few names on both his wrists. His boots echoed on the blacktop as he joined his friends, the chains on his thighs jingling.
"Eddie, holy shit." The boy said. He was looking at me. I supposed I should walk up there now, and maybe actually talk to them.
"What?" He deadpanned, none of the kid's excitement catching on.
"I met someone," he said, already quivering. He nodded toward me.
And everyone turned toward me. At the same time.
I didn't take a step back. I wanted to, but I stayed put.
"Holy shit!" One of the younger boys shouted.
Eddie came toward me then, his eyes glued to my arms, covered in his name, among other things. "Look at you," he cooed. I almost blushed, but I didn't let it happen. I just took another sip of my drink.
He took my wrist, the one not holding the coffee, and read over the names.
He held his out to me.
It said my name. That was all I needed, but I read on. With each word came a story in my head of the cause, but there weren't many to think of.
"Is that…?" The kid asked. Eddie took my hand and turned back to the boys.
Eddie opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came.
"It was me! I found them! I did it!" The kid said. His eyes darted from his friends' faces to mine, to Eddie's. None of them were quite as excited as he was. They all seemed shocked.
"I'm ditching Hellfire tonight." Eddie said. The boys threw their protests, but he raised his free hand and they hushed. "We have catching up to do."
He started walking first, though I wanted to. I didn't know this town, but I could see the woods behind the school. They looked much more inviting than this dirty parking lot. He started leading me to them anyway.
"Use protection, Eddie!" One of them called after us. He turned and looked back at the boys, and they all put their heads down.
Once we were out of earshot, he strided in front of me and turned around. I stopped in time, not spilling my coffee over him like I thought I might.
"Hello," he said. He put his free hand over his heart, still holding mine with his other. "I'm Eddie." He said.
I laughed at him, at this entire situation. I introduced myself in the same way, adding a little curtsey at the end. He smiled.
"Mike is never going to let that go, you know." Before I could ask, he continued. "Meeting you before I could."
"He should have called you."
"Nah, everyone told me. You're the kid that's covered," he traced my wrist, "that comes a few times a month and only goes to Radioshack."
"And you knew that was me, how?"
"Freak," he traced a word. "Loser, insane." He dropped his voice. "Fag. I really am sorry for all that. I wish it were different."
I only just met him, but I could tell there wasn't much sincerity in his voice. He was sorry, but not about the words. Just the amount of them.
Then he reached up and brushed my hair away from the one on my face, the ones on my neck.
And he smiled at them.
"You don't hide them?" He asked me. He seemed genuinely curious, like he expected me to.
"No. It shouldn't matter."
"It does, though."
"What, the names?"
"No, not the lies. The person." He backed up a bit, then gestured at himself up and down. "Are you tellin' me I don't matter?" He beamed.
"I dunno, we've only known each other for a few minutes. I'll decide if you matter after the first date."
He hummed. "I'll go out with you. But you're lying, we've known each other all our lives. I know you're a liar," he pointed at the word on his skin, "I know you're a bitch," another word, "and I know your name, and I know you're a loser too. You know me fairly well." He ran his fingers along my forearm.
"I don't think I do." I admitted. And it was true. The man standing before me was not a freak, he didn't seem like a loser or a druggie. He seemed different, but in a way that made me feel safe.
He didn't say anything after that. I couldn't imagine he was a quiet person, but he was silent now.
"I was right, though. I thought you might show off these words too." I pointed at my skin. "That you would own them like me."
"I try, my love. I try."
The word "love" painted itself across his cheek.
I took a step back, accidentally pulling him with me. It really was true, I guessed it just hit me then. I stared at the word, written in a font that never dared touch my skin. Things written like that belonged under wedding bands, across hearts, on gravestones. Not on a freak's face.
He touched it. He must have felt my laser focus on that spot. He hummed again. "It's true, darling."
"Darling" appeared on his other wrist. He smiled and opened his mouth to say another one, but I stopped him.
"How about that date?"
"That sounds amazing."
I drove him to dinner at the least fancy, cheapest restaurant he directed me to. We needed loud music and good food, not shitty piano and candles. We talked about the words etched into our skin, but we began talking about much better things once the easy questions were out of the way. I told him about my parents, my friends at home. That none of them would be excited to know I met the Eddie, that I spent my evening with him, that I was breaking my almost non-existent curfew.
He told me about his parents too, about his life here in the smallest town known to mankind. He told me about the tragedies in this town, about the loss it's endured. I told him I knew, but only about the conspiracies. He told me of his strange friends and their strange tales, of his club and his hobbies.
I listened to him with more attention than I've given anything in a long time. I told him that too, I felt like he deserved to know. I didn't have much of anything going on to focus on, so that would leave me more time to call him whenever and hang out. He seemed stuck on the part that I was actually listening to him, and it wasn't in the setting of his club, and my gaze wasn't harsh and my words scalding. I thought it might have been nice for him to be listened to like this, where he wasn't judged. But I reminded myself that he didn't care about the words on my skin as much as I didn't.
We went back to my car. He told me how to get back to the school, and I followed.
I parked my car across another set of three parking spaces. He got out, and I followed. I didn't know why, but it felt like the right thing to do. I closed the door and pocketed the keys, standing against the car.
He came around to my side, then stopped in front of me.
"Thank you for tonight." He said. He took my hand and kissed my knuckles, but didn't drop it.
"Anytime, literally. I'm always bored."
"Were you bored tonight?"
"Not at all." And for once, I wasn't lying. It wasn't like my mom's stupid dinner parties where I had to lie to get by. I finally felt like I could tell someone the truth.
"That's good. I would hate for my soulmate to be bored on our first date." He hummed. His eyes were glued on mine. "Do you want to go out again?"
"Yes." I didn't think. I just said it. "Yes."
"Great. This time, I'm coming to your strange town."
"You're not meeting my parents."
"Not yet," he added. "I can prove them wrong." I looked him up and down as he finished, then met his eyes again. "Okay, maybe not. But I'm funny." He added.
"I guess that's true. They're not funny people, though."
"Then I'm charming." He ran his thumb over that word.
"Then I'm hot."
"They're my parents."
"Then… I'm charismatic."
"You're helpless." The word printed itself on my back. I could feel the tingle of a new word, the whispers of it more familiar than most things.
"And you're beautiful."
Another word appeared on his wrist.
"We're not doing this again." I said.
"Fine, fine. But I'm not letting you go home without a kiss."
My heart skipped a beat. I physically felt it do so in my chest, the butterflies flowing down to my knees.
"You can't just say that," I giggled.
"Why not? I'm a flirt." That word was not on my skin. I shook my head. "I'm straightforward." Neither was that one. I shook my head again. "I'm truthful? I'm quick? I'm… thoughtful, I'm reflective-"
I shut him up. I kissed him once, something like what I might give to my mom on her cheek before she goes to bed. I tried to show him he wasn't any of those things, but that he could be.
It didn't have the maybe-I-care, maybe-I-don't effect on him. He took a second to stare at me in shock before he kissed me this time, softer than I had. He broke apart, but that didn't last.
Before I even realized that time passed, his hand found my hair and we were making out against my car. I never imagined us here, in the parking lot of a high school both of us were too old for after a cheap dinner in an unfamiliar town. I never imagined my soulmate to actually be the weirdo my skin told me he was.
I thought that he might be able to be my freak.
He broke us apart to breathe, finally. "You're-" he kissed me again, "so-" and again, "pretty."
The word appeared down his arm.
He smiled against my lips and I knew that his skin would soon be covered in pet names, in words he would whisper against my skin, compliments and slurred words alike.
I think I liked that idea.
Or alternatively, where the main character lives in Hawkins:
My skin is covered in names before I'm even in sixth grade. Some of them are words I had to find dictionaries to understand, just a bit too advanced for me. They were horrible words with even worse meanings, the fonts as harsh and unforgiving as the people who shouted them.
His name was Eddie. And I had heard of an Eddie before, in whispers around the school hall. It was a name that was never said too loud, especially when they saw me around.
It grew harder not to see me. The black lettering was everywhere on me, and had begun to overlap when I made it to high school.
I didn't cover the words up. I didn't use concealer like the girls did to etch out my soulmate into the person I thought he should be. I didn't fear the freak, I was intrigued.
It was the first day of my freshman year. I sat alone, most people did. Around the room, I tried to determine the age of the people by how tired they were, by how many people sat around them, and by how big their backpack was. It wasn't a great pastime, but it made me less of a loser than the kids in the corner reading their textbooks.
In the corner, I saw a group of boys. They wore plaid and denim, the colors clashing with each other. Their heads were together in some conversation, but someone came over and dumped their milk onto a plate of the tallest one, who immediately turned to face the freshman who caused the mess.
The boy muttered "fag." The word burned itself into my forearm. I didn't look down to see if it was true, but I watched the little freshman put his head down. He looked scared, almost. Then he ran away.
The freak looked around the room for another attacker, but his eyes landed on me instead. He said something to his friends, then they all turned toward me.
I wanted to look back down at my sad school lunch, to disappear into the dirty floor. But that didn't happen before the three boys sat in front of me.
Their eyes almost burned as they looked at my skin.
"Hello," Eddie said.
"Hi," I managed to say.
One of the boys took my wrist and flipped it. They all read his name printed there, along with all the other things on top of it.
"Easy," Eddie said, "they're my soulmate." He whispered. He caught the attention of a few people around us, but they all went back to their food. "You are, right?"
"Obviously," the boys said at the same time. I winced.
"Oh, no need for that. I'm used to it." He told me. I nodded. "I'm Eddie," he said. He held out a hand, covered in silver rings.
I shook it.
And from then on we were Hawkins High's infamous couple. The Freak and his Whiteboard. The first year was rough, there were more names on his skin than on mine. It began to even out in the second year. People were still jealous that we had met, and they hadn't met their "whore" soulmate or whatever their skin told them. I figured out in our third year that they were freaked out by how coated my skin was with names, but I loved them from the beginning.
The names used to tingle when they were put into my skin. I winced every time, and people called him more names to hurt me when they took notice. Every day after school, he would kiss each one to take the pain away, to put more feeling into the words than what they were said with. The horrible taunting became something for me to look forward to, and I think that freaked them out even more.
His friends liked me, and they caught on with our scheme. They teased Eddie, but for my sake. I thanked them, but bullied them back in hopes their soulmates' skin might look like mine. All at my own doing.
So the boy who made my skin almost dark with names followed me around with his sprinkling of teasing for the rest of high school, and well into the rest of our lives.
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kytrisz · 1 year
giving heads | Katya Zamolodchikova
| pairings. katya zamo x reader
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Both of you and Katya are currently in the bar where she's having her show. Since you are a supportive girlfriend you come along with her. And being her girlfriend comes with a lot of privileges that include spending your time lounging in the dressing room with her while she finishes her retouches. 
All of the queens performing are either on stage or at the bar, so you are the only one who's occupying the room.
"Don't open your mouth too wide дорогой, you'll drool," Katya smirks after catching you staring at her from the vanity mirror.
You immediately collected yourself and give her a rolled eye "More like puking." 
Katya gasps, she turns her head at you, and dramatically puts her hand to her chest "Excuse me bitch, this face that you want to puke at is loved by many!"
"Yeah, people who are mentally ill."
"Bitch, so you're now admitting you're sick as fuck huh? Never knew it would come to this." Katya turns her head and finishes her retouching.
You just stared at her for a moment "Yeah... probably I am. By the way, I have a question."
"Bring it on, babe."
"Are you... tuck?" You asked.
"Hmm, no I'm not, why?" She responds still busy with her makeup.
Hearing that an idea forms in your head, you let out a playful smirk before standing up from the couch and slowly making your way up to her.
"Oh, nothing just curious that's all."
Katya, who is oblivious to what you're up to, just nods at your answer. After the final retouch, she spun her chair to look at you. 
"Anyway дорогой, what do you want to eat for di— What are you doing?" She asks, catching you bend down the eye level of her crotch.
But instead of replying, you bend yourself even more.
Katya nervously flick her head to the dressing room that is half wide open, "People could come in (Y/N)—But who am I to deny?" She excitedly said, feeling the thrill and arousal rushing into her.
You let out a big grin when you saw her dick getting hard behind her clothes.
"Never knew you were in this kind of stuff дорогой, just be quick though I'll be up—"
"Here's your brush, you drop it earlier." You cut her off, a smile slowly forming in your place as you give her the fallen brush. 
Katya looks at you with her mouth wide open. And to add insult to injury, you give her an innocent kiss on her cheeks before turning around and walking back to the couch. 
But before you can take a seat, a hand forces you to spin around and push you to the couch, trapping you between it and her. 
Then you were greeted by an annoyed look from Katya, indicating she was not amused by what you did.
"Did you really think you could do that and get away with it without any consequence?" She growls, her eyes narrowed at you. Putting her hand on your neck and giving it a little squeeze.
She lowered her head and put it beside your ear, biting it roughly "Well that's where you're wrong, cause I'l—"
Knock Knock
"Katya, you're up next" a voice interrupted her outside the room. Katya let out a frustrated growl before pulling herself off you.
She took a quick look from the vanity and then made her way to the door. But before she leaves, she stops and turns her head to give you one last look and warning. "Don't even think we're finished 'cause it's only a preview дорогой. The main will be later tonight." 
Then she left. A wide smirk is painted on your face as you watch the figure fades away from your sight. You get excited about what will happen later. It may be a punishment, but either way, you still get what you want.
| дорогой : dear
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I've come to ask something from you bc I kinda see you as a mom on Tumblr (and I mean that in the most respectful, honorable way) just bc your fics are top tier quality and I just think you're so fucking cool.
I'm a writer myself, I have over 1k followers (I know it's not much) my top post has almost 2k notes, I have more than I think 3 posts over 1k notes (not boasting this is genuinely with a purpose) but all my latest fics don't go over say like 200 notes. I've tried softer fics, more smutty fics, more thorough, less thorough, I've changed the way I write and still nothing gets me as many likes as I used to get before. So now I'm thinking I was just a one hit wonder?
I even stopped posting and only dropped fics every now and then bc I thought I was annoying people and that's why my likes dropped? But I gain like over 10 followers a day so I really don't understand.
Basically what I'm saying is, I've been considering leaving Tumblr bc of this, because I just feel like I've gotten too greedy and 200 notes isn't enough, I want more like I used to get. I've even become fearful of requests bc I constantly think is this one even gonna make it. I'm talking about spending 7 hours on a fic just for it to get like 50 likes, that's devastating and fucking heart wrecking. I have writers block because I just repeat to myself that it won't even make it so what's the point.
So I've come to ask for your advice, to ask if you think I should push through, or leave, or what should I do bc I just don't know anymore. I'm sorry for the lengthy message I've just been needing advice and I couldn't think of a better person to ask than you.
Thank you for taking the time 💕
not you calling me a mum and cool, pls skdjfskdfjhsfd i'm warm.
okay, first of, i'd like to say 1k followers is a lot ! at least in my perspective. when you imagine how 1k people look like in a room it's certainly a lot hahah. if it eases your mind, i'll tell you that our numbers are pretty similar, at least the ones you described.
with that being said... here's what i think, and it might not really be what you want to hear. mind you, this is 100% just my opinion, and how i personally view this hobby of writing fanfiction. other people might have different opinions to mine, yourself included, and that's fine...
if you're writing with numbers in mind, you'll never be satisfied with anything you do. whenever you set a target audience for your writing that isn't yourself, you start losing the joy. it all becomes a spiral of 'is this good enough?' 'what if this doesn't gather an XYZ amount of notes?' rather than what the story really is about.
notes never ever determine how good a story is. i've seen stories with notes around the five digits that i personally didn't find particularly enjoyable, whereas stories i absolutely adored and made me feel a plethora of emotions still sit within the three digits. it's all subjective, and also a bit of luck. sometimes all it takes is a blog with a moderately sized following to reblog your story on main for that story to blow up, really.
if you're writing solely for the validation that notes can bring you, that's valid, it's fine, but it's, in my opinion, something that is bound to make you question your own passion (like it seems to be happening to you right now). it's a completely volatile and unreliable source of energy, and the moment it starts wavering, it all feels worthless (even when it isn't).
which is why i, personally, write because i just... feel like it. i want to read the stories that pop up in my head, it's why i always mention the 'little lizard' in my brain, because i genuinely just work on what i want to work on and that's it. it's also why my creative process doesn't work for "requests". if someone requests something that doesn't immediately spark my interest, i won't be able to fulfil it, so i'll be both bummed out by that fact, and the fact that i can't give the person what they requested in the first place.
ultimately, i'll write stories even if i don't post them, because i enjoy them. i enjoy doing this. i choose to share them with the world, and if there's people out there that enjoy them, too, that's great, it's amazing! and if a story isn't particularly popular, that's okay, too. it was written for me, and i loved it, so i already feel accomplished.
all this to say, my advice to you is that you sit back and start thinking about why you're doing this.
writing takes time, takes energy, and if you're doing it for anything other than the pleasure of writing and reading the story yourself, it's gonna weigh heavily on you. creativity isn't something that can be forced. so, if you force yourself to write something just because of the numbers it might bring, you're already setting yourself for heartbreak when the engagement you receive isn't the one you expected (because it's never enough. when you spend hours working on something you feel like you deserve a million notes, and you do, but it's not how this platform works, unfortunately). you'll end up just resenting the hobby in general, and burning yourself out because you're forcing yourself to write even if you don't feel like it, just because you want to see the numbers grow.
whenever i feel too tired, too overwhelmed, and too insecure about my work, i try to take a step back and give myself grace. i went on hiatus a while ago because i was starting to obsess over the numbers too much, and that time away made me realise all the things i said above. numbers aren't a direct reflection of your work, nor your worthiness as a writer, you know?
i'm not sure if this will be helpful to you or not, i genuinely hope it is. just know that if you feel like it, my DMs are open if you want to talk about this further (:
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hazbinextgeneration · 10 months
Demon Bride Ch20 Yet Even Curiouser
(DISCLAIMERS AND IMPORTANT INFO!!!: EVERYONE in this story is in their early 20s-30s! This story will contain mentions of past abuse and death! I'll be keeping it as SFW. Some backstories have been slightly altered for this particular story, and some characters cannonically dead or harmed is alive and well. I own nothing.
Credit to @flanelltees​ for the designs I based the demons off to look more demon-like with tails and pointed ears.
This story will be sfw, but there will be some blood, implied death, fighting, some gore mentioned, and a few other things that will be made aware by warnings. Pay attention to warnings at the top of any chapters just under the summery please.)
Once in the mountain villages it was a custom that once a year on the night of the new year's first moon, an unlucky young lady would be selected and left for the demons to become one of the unlucky few who married such a husband. In exchange for this offering the demons would protect the villages and leave the humans in peace. Until one day a powerful warrior drove the demons away freeing the humans of them. Now 2,000 years later, it's become a tradition that once a year, a new young lady would be picked and wait for her future husband to retrieve her from a shrine in the mountains. And now the lucky tradition would fall upon Y/n L/n. It would be her own turn to take on the tradition and not have to worry about demons. After all that part of the old tradition was just fake, made up by paranoid ancestors. Everyone knew demons didn't exist.
(WARNINGS!!!: None this chapter)  
First Part Here:
Demon Bride Ch 1 Thus It Begins
(WARNINGS AND DISCLAIMERS!!! EVERYONE in this story is in their early 20s-30s! This story will contain mentions of past abuse and death! I'l
Last Part Here: https://www.tumblr.com/hazbinextgeneration/724372513486995456/demon-bride-ch19-more-curiouser-still?source=share
Next Part Here:
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(All the votes have been accounted for and the resulting factor is The Swamp Demon vs Kokushibo. Thanks to everyone who voted. Try to guess which movie I reference.)
"Are you both alright?! Tell me you're alright!"
"W-We're both fine."
You both had frozen in front of the giant lumbering form of a VERY angry Kyogai stood in the doorway to greet your arrival back. Only you two hadn't counted on him actually noticing you were gone and to then snatch the both of you in one each. You found yourselves yelping and dangling from his right hand as Eri was held above the floor in his right. In her arms was Rui who looked frightened and confused at finding himself being held in air by a demon who was being held by another taller demon. Turning, he began stepping down the long hallway down hallway back up towards his study and you both saw and felt the many, many servants stopping to stare at the strange sight of Kyogai carrying you by the backs of your kimonos. A pit formed in your stomach at the realization.
You had been caught.
A pit formed in your stomach as the thoughts swirled about you. What was gonna happen? Kyogai was sweet and kind so you didn't worry about the punishment being too bad but he was still very, very, VERY angry judging by the look he was giving everyone.  You didn't know what was going to happen. More so to Eri! You'd gotten her into this troubling situation. What was going to happen to her?! Kyogai grumbled more under his breath the longer he walked and the more you felt regret and guilt build up in yourself from all the watchful eyes. You royally screwed up didn't you? What if Kyogai refused to marry Eri and Komoki as punishment? Or worse keep her here longer working? That'd devastate her. And it'd be your fault! The door to the main study was finally here and opened with a loud sound. 
"I had to stop my work early because of you two runaways!," He finally spoke once he walked into the room and you were placed on your feet a lot more gently than you were expecting. "On a VERY important work night with lots to be done!" The sudden turn he made made you flinch as hard as you winced when the door was slammed. "Do either of you two know how much trouble you caused?!" He snapped back around to the both of you with a deep scowled. "HOW MUCH TROUBLE WE ALL COULD'VE BEEN IN?!"
You couldn't help but look away in shame. Next to you Eri was already assuming the position of a deep bow, head down, and an EXTREMELY guilty look on her face. Rui was still under one of her arms tugging at her to be put down.
"Do you know how worried I was to find my healer and human GONE?! I nearly ordered the mansion to be taken apart wally by wall to find you!! OH!! AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON WHEN I REALIZED I'D BEEN TRICKED INTO SOMETHING!! WHO'S BRILLIANT IDEA WAS THAT?! " HE half asked half roared half demanded throwing his arms up. "Those woods are full of demons who wouldn't be afraid to pounce on unsuspecting weak demons AND humans?! What if you two had been attacked or worse KILLED?! Do you think I could've gotten there in time? NO!" He pointed. "Because two little trouble makers thought it'd be a good idea to leave while I was distracted to somewhere I had no idea Where the hell they'd be!! It's burns knowing a loyal servant of mine and a guest I've let into my home out of the good of my heart did such a thing as trick me!!"
Your throat gained a lump as he muttered to himself pacing in front of the door. 
"For a long time I have done the best I could to provide for you! Have I been perfect? No! Do I know anything about humans? No! Should I have picked up a book on human culture? Probably!!" He paused looking off at nothing. "Wait...Where was I going with this? I had a point."
"Um.." He INSTANTLY snapped to you with a frown making you flinch, swallow the lump in your throat, and force out a sentence. "Sorry. I thank you, Kyogai."
"Well I love you too!!," He said back in that same angry tone from before.
...You blinked. Eri looked back up from her bow in surprised shock. Rui still struggled for freedom. And Kyogai still frowned hard.
....You slowly blinked again. "What?"
A sudden look of what you could describe as 'oh shit' flashed across his face before he sputtered. "I m-mean I thank you too!! Or uh-...W-W-What I -I-..." You blinked at him. "I just....RRRRRRAAAAAUUUUGGH!!!" His hands flew to his face before being dragged down, you gasped and moved out of the way just going for the small table with the tall stack of unfinished papers still waited for him to work on. Instead he snatched up a bowl of food and chopsticks from it's surface that you realized someone must've given him. THUD-!! The floor lightly shook under the two of yours feet as Kyogai just plopped his massive body back down on his seat.l before shoving a piece of chicken into his mouth. "Stress eating! Because of you!" He angry mumbled half muffled by the food in his mouth. "This is really good!"
More silence followed.
You stood there in stupified silence and the only sounds being of Kyogai angrily shoving more food into his mouth refusing to look at either of you both. You opened your mouth...before casting a silent glance at Eri's frozen form, all of her eyes were wide and her mouth literally hung open in shock at her master. Guess she was just as dumbfounded at the situation as you were. Rui was certainly no help as he was just pouting there in her arms accepting he couldn't struggle free. They weren't going to be any help. Turning your head back to Kyogai...you gave a deep sigh out.
"Kyogai?" He didn't respond to you. You didn't blame him. "I'm...very sorry we did what we did. You're right. W-We shouldn't have done that."
"Then why DID you?", He mumbled through his food. His voice lost a lot of his initial edge but the soreness was still there.
You gave just the briefest of sideways glances to Eri before taking a deep breath and letting it out. "...Because I wanted to go outside badly." Footsteps sounded as warning before Kyogai paused blinking as you suddenly dropped to your knees directly beside him. "I felt caged in all the time in the garden and inside you mansion." Without hesitation you looked up and stared at him directly in the eyes. "It was all my idea." He..stared silently cheeks puffed out and chopsticks partially in his mouth. If this wasn't so serious you probably would've giggled at how cute he looked in that moment. "I figured since mating season was o-over there wouldn't be anymore dangers. But I knew you'd never allow Eri to let me out there."
...He narrowed his eyes, swallowed, and frowned at you. "Your dam right I wouldn't have! Those woods are dangerous for anyone here!"
"Which is why I tricked you!,'' you insisted grabbing his arm. He paused eyes staring at your soft hand- "I overheard Eri talking about visiting her fiance before and figured that'd be a good excuse to ask you in case you actually were paying attention when I did ask you." He looked back at you. "It was stupid and selfish and very, VERY stupid of me to do that! I know! When Eri found out I ran off she came after me to bring me my stupid arse back!"
"...She did?" He asked glancing over to Eri's still frozen form  who was still in that pose. 
"Yes! That's what you saw her doing earlier." You nodded pulling at his arm as his brow rose. "She brought my stupid self back here so I wouldn't get hurt."
There was a small pause in silence as he stared at Eri, then he slowly turned back to you...then turned back to his food. "...You know I hate being tricked into saying yes to something." ...you didn't like that sudden calm tone of his. "But I also hate being lied to." You froze. "However... Considering you're putting yourself at risk to try and defend Eri, which I find commendable you'd try to take the full blame, I will give you one chance to tell me the truth. Did she agree to this?"
What? Kyogai was-...HE KNEW YOU WERE LYING!? You took a moment to blink before looking at Eri who still remained still. She would obviously be no help at all. Turning back to him, he didn't even look in your direction. Just sitting there continuing to eat his food as if there wasn't three other people in the room with him. What was he doing? Waiting for you to tell the truth? Wouldn't that get Eri in more trouble? You'd rather take all the blame fully and spare Eri any trouble. But...If he knew you were lying l, if you lied again that might make things worse. But what if he didn't really know? What if he was just pretending to know you were lying to see if you changed your story? He might get madder if he discovered you were lying. So should you stick to your story originally...
"I did lie." He stopped...and looked at your face. "You're right. I did lie about Eri's involvement. She did agree with the idea."
"Mmm hmm." He hummed raising a brow. "I thought so-"
"But I wasn't lying when I did say it was my idea in the first place." You frowned at him. "She mentioned that you would say no if we did ask you, so I used the chance when you were distracted. I used to do it to my grandmother all the time when she wouldn't agree to things. She didn't even want to go at first, so if you say she's as guilty-" Your hand was placed on your chest. "By my blood I'm the same and will bare the fate of whatever you planned for her."
Now this made him slowly turn his face to you surprise etched on his features, brows shooting upwards. "...Are you-....You would deliberately take the full blame for her? Despite the fact that you two only knew each other a few weeks??"
"In the few weeks I've known her, she's become the only person I could call my friend." You gave him a pleading look. "I beg you. Don't punish Eri for something that she shouldn't have to be punished for."
There was some more silence as he stared at your genuine face. As if studying for any lies...before facing back forwards with a loud exhale. "...Eri."
Said demon woman jumped behind him before bowing (despite the fact he couldn't see her). "Y-Y-Yes, M-My Lord?"
"You have done something that greatly irked me today. And you didn't tell me about what the human planned, I'm fact you went along with it... That's not what I want in a servant." Your heart immediately dropped further and further with each word he spoke. "However I won't go back on an agreement once I already made it so long ago. From this point until you're contract with me ends next year, you're ordered to work under Mayla's supervision and be given the hardest work."
Eri's eyes bugged out looking almost panicked and yet relieved. "And that's...it?"
"Do you think I should add more to your punishment? "
"NO!!..*Ahem* I m-mean no, Lord Kyogai. I will follow your instructions perfectly."
"Good. If you should do anything else I find bothersome, I'll personally have you tend to Enmu once he comes back." Eri's face immediately deflates to one of almost horror at just the mention of getting near Enmu. "Do I make myself clear?"
"Absolutely! Clearer than glass!"
You sighed in relief. Working hard under someone didn't sound too bad. Kyogai spared her from anything like an extended work contract or forbidding her from seeing Komoki completely. However you froze again when he looked at you with an unsure expression. 
"You however...I am not sure how to deal with. You're still recovering so I can't force any work on you. And you're not a servant of mine so I can't order you to work even if I wanted too. ...I certainly won't be throwing you out either."
"Then...What will you do?"
He looked you over carefully. Like very, very carefully. "... Simple. Until your departure from here, you're hearby banned from the garden." 
That sucked but was understandable.
"And you'll be taken out of Eri's care. From now on Nagi will be the one to assist you with things."
Your eyes widened...But sighed. That was..also understandable. After today you probably deserved it. He gave another glance at your hand holding his arm..before coughing and looking away.
"And during the day, you'll be staying in the same room as me while I work." ....Say what? "That way I can keep an eye on you  and make sure nothing like that happens again!"
You stared at him. You looked to Eri. Eri stared at Kyogai. Eri stared at you. You both stared at each other. You stared back at Kyogai wide eyed.
"Excuse me?"
He coughed again. "You won't be with me all the time. You'll have private time to yourself when you need it, and Nagi will assist you and you'll still sleep in your own room but I won't tolerate anymore shenanigans from you again. You agreed to any punishment I gave, t-this is it."
Well this was...not what you were expecting at all to be quite frank but you did agree to whatever punishment he gave you. So with a defeated sigh you nodded your head. "Very well then. I agree to your terms."
He nodded avoiding eye contact. " Good. Although I do have one last question." He pointed at Eri's arms. "Who in the world is that?"
You looked back to Rui, sighed, then turned back to Kyogai. "It's a long story." 
"Well then explain it to me in detail. Eri! Leave and come back with Mayla and Nagi at once!"
You remained there sitting next to Kyogai defeated as Eri dropped Rui and left immediately. That could've gone worse. You were VERY lucky it wasn't worse than it actually was. However you did have to explain why you had a child with you especially when Rui walked over and tugged on your shoulder.
"I'm still hungry. Feed me more."
After awkwardly explaining him to Kyogai and Eri returning with the two women servants in question, Rui was promptly handed off into Mayla's care until he figured out what to do with him later and both Mayla and Nagi were informed of everything. There was no complaints or objections other than Eri tossing a final look your way as if saying 'Thank you and I'm sorry' before being forced to go along with Mayla who turns out was in charge of most of the servants and extremely hard if need be. Oh. That must be why Eri didn't look so happy before hand. You hoped things wouldn't be as strange as you thought and it was just going to be a bad dream once you woke up the next day...But that hope was dashed when you awoke to an eyeless chestnut haired purple skinned demon woman shaking your shoulder and smiling.
"Rise and shine my lady or you'll be late for breakfast with my Lord."
You groggily blinked at her. ".... Where's Eri?"
"I'm afraid she's busy hand scrubbing the entire bath house today. Mistress Mayla thought it'd be best to start her off with something simple."
That was simple?! If you could you'd be in there helping her but Nagi you learnt was very nice, but also very insistent. You barely had time to grab the book Kyogai lent before you were forced into a plain blue kimono by Nagi and she forced your hair up in some do you insisted she didn't have to. But she insisted on doing so anyways.
"It's my job to care for you. First and foremost is your health and appearance. Come. My Lord awaits."
You were them dragged to Kyogai's study and received a few looks from the other servants. Oh boy. Hopefully that'll die down quickly. Kyogai was as usual working on  more papers, but did glance at you briefly before going back to work. Nagi guideded you to a sitting pillow in the corner and sat down next to you. And...that was it.
You just sat in your corner all day silently reading and briefly looking up when Nagi left to bring the both of you food or at Kyogai but he focused on his work. And that was it until he gave her permission to take you back to your room to sleep. And that was literally it. For the next two days that awkward pattern continued until Kyogai finally seemed to want to talk to you again. 
"Y/n?" It was so sudden and unexpected you nearly dropped the book jumping up and blinking at him. He seemed a bit nervous but cleared his throat and nodded at your arms. "How are you liking my-"...He  stopped himself before glancing at Nagi. "I mean the book I found for you?"
"Oh. He must not want anyone to know he writes books. You'd respect his privacy and keep his secret. So you nodded. "Yes. I really like the story about the runaway Queen. I'm on the last few pages actually."
He nodded back. "That's good. I will find you another to read again soon." 
"May I ask something since we're speaking?" He paused a moment but nodded. "Where is Kaigaku? I haven't seen him for a while now."
At this Kyogai smiled confidently. "Hmph. Kaigaku is with Kokushibo for some training. He won't be by here for another three weeks."
Three weeks. 
That could work for you. You only had about two weeks and two days until Enmu's return, which meant you could just leave the necklace in his room and leave before he even got back here. Perfect!
"So...you may stop wearing that necklace of his now."
"Oh. I only wore it to make him happy and so I wouldn't lose it. I'll just keep it with me until then so I don't accidentally misplace it. It's happened to me before." And none of your borrowed kimonos had pockets. You didn't want to risk losing the expensive looking charm so the most logical and safest place to keep it was around your neck.
Kyogai looked annoyed at the necklace but nodded. "I respect that choice but are you sure you really didn't accept it at all?"
"No. I only told him I'd wear it. I never said I accepted his gift really." You huffed rolling your eyes. "Besides I know exactly what he was thinking when he gave it to me."
Kyogai's expression immediately turned to one of shock. "Wait...What?! Did Eri tell you?!"
You nodded. "Oh yes. And no. Eri didn't tell me. She didn't say anything about it but she didn't have to. He made it very clear when he was being oddly nice and insisted I take this so you and Akaza would 'get off his back and mind your own business'. With how he acted, it was like reading a book. But I won't fall for any of his 'charms' not that he has many. He'll just have to take no for an answer."
...Wait. So she knew Kaigaku was proposing with that gesture?! "So...You do know the significance of that gift he gave you?"
"Kyogai, he could try to get on my good side all he wants but there's no way I'm putting up with the nonsense he thinks is going on." There's no way you'd let him think you'd put up with his tricks just to get Akaza to go easy on him. If he thought giving you an expensive gift and being nice would make things go away then he was in for a big surprise later. "Besides I could tell what he was thinking. It was pretty obvious "
Kyogai hummed however reaching a hand up to rub his chin. So Y/n figured it out hu huh? ...Well it WAS pretty obvious what Kaigaku was trying to do with that proposal even if you didn't know all their courting laws. And if you didn't accept...That meant Kaigaku was sadly mistaken. Which made him chuckle and you blinked confused. He still had a good feeling about this, and if you knew about it already-
"Like how obvious you were."
A glass breaking sound with off in his mind. "....Huh?"
You deadpanned rose a brow. "Oh come on now. I know your secret don't I?"
"You do?!" He flung panicked wide eyed. 
"Um...Yes?" Why was this surprising to him? He already knew that you knew he secretly wrote books. Did he forget that he already told you? You held up a hand to his panicked face. "Don't worry. I haven't told anyone how you felt about it, not even Eri knows." As much as Eri enjoys the book, it didn't feel right to share the personal secret with even her. "I respect your feelings concerning it and accept that you wouldn't want anyone else to know about it."
S T O P!!!!
"I mean..You told me?? A few days ago by now. And I noticed how you look sometimes and try to correct yourself sometimes when you say something you didn't mean two. Like just a little while ago."
IMMEDIATELY his hand went to clutch his chest where his bearing heart laid underneath. His face a red as a whirlwind of thoughts blasted through his head. And all he could think was what he said to you just two days ago.
"Well I love you too!"
He felt like ripping his hair from his head! You obviously knew by now and he wasn't sure what to think of it. But she didn't seem...put off by it? "S-So...You accept..." A shaking hand pointed to him as he gulped. "Me?..A-And my feelings towards..." A shaking arm gestured to you. If she said yes then that'd mean that she would be...He would be her...
You nodded. "Yes. And the reasons why you do feel that."
There it was. She accepted. Said yes. That means she was his...fian-
"I need a drink!" He suddenly declared reaching for the large cup of water Nagi brought him earlier. 
You however rose a brow confused. Was he feeling alright? "Um. Alright. But I do have one other question." 
"W-what?" The glass was shakingly brought up to lips.
"...Do you want to tell me why you declared love to me two days ago?"
The drink he was drinking was promptly spat out all over the small table before there was a dizziness followed by shock...And the large demon only had time to stare at you in shock before falling over and hitting the floor with a loud thud. In a dead faint.
The bark of trees felt rough against the palm of grey skin, perfect to blending into shadows and walking along the darkness of the cursed trees that beckoned any unknowing traveler further into their branches. A light step. Another light step. Light enough to not be heard by anyone my dear. A quiet mouse amongst the darkness a contrast to the many others in the surroundings. He moved amongst the shadows which were his best friends. His only allies in this battle of the most deadliest predator to live among them and for once he wasn't at the top of the deadly food chain. 
Dark tree past dark tree. Weaving past darkness and limbs and lungs heavy with air whirled around by the wind. Close. The danger was close. Breath. Sweet air was the need. The fuel for the best outcome. For his eventual clash with the death bringer. The trees couldn't hide that from him. Adrenaline pumping. Viens bunching up as a black tsuka of a katanna was grabbed, burnt to the touch as the rumbling of thunder was fueled by the whirling, taunting, wind in his lungs to make way for an electrical storm that bubbled through his blood vessels and gave the needed power to metal to become the lightning strike that shook the scene before him. All time became irrelevant as with each  mighty push of his body from the allied shadows gave him the momentum for the target gaining closer and closer to his face. Where was it? WHERE WAS IT WHERE WAS IT?! He felt it was close so whe-
A metal against metal sounds. A shine of silver in the dark. A dash of shadow. And a strike of thunder. The thunder struck the moon hard with a might that should be feared certainly. But the moon always shines brighter. A deadly hand struck out and with one blow to his head. The thunder was defeated.
"You have... improved greatly since our last meeting...But you...still rush things too much.."
There was a mumble from the body on the ground followed by a loud groan. Yep. He'd have a headache for the rest of the day now.
"If...you had waited ...ten more seconds... you would have...dealt a great blow to my...shoulder blade... However you seem to be...in better spirits..than before." There was a sound as a moon's blade was put away. "Get up...We shall try again immediately..."
The black cloaked body cursed at himself but pushed himself to his feet as he was ordered. "Yes. Let's try again."
"... Perhaps you..have something on your mind...that distracts you? You seem...oddly calmer...But I doubt...you have learnt patience yet."
"Heh. You could say that I guess." A rare smile that wasn't as smug was smiled.
"The magatama on your wrist...did you perhaps...lose it again?"
"...No. I chose to present it to someone else."
"I'm engaged."
"....I see. ...I was not expecting this...Who?"
"It's complicated. I honestly don't believe it myself a few times. ...But it's not important. I'm ready to continue. Let's try again-"
"No...You shall explain...to me..all details at once..it is...a matter that... impacts your... ability to..concentrate. I must know...in order to ..best make it so...you focus..."
Cold. It was Always rather cold this far up the mountain. Especially since it was still only February and summer months hadn't yet reached this far up the mountain. The snow was still very much here to stay for a little while longer, but it wasn't too much of a bother to him. Demons were never really affected all that much by the cold anyways unless they needed special conditions to live. But it also never bothered the powerful demon whom this domain belonged to. 
Douma. Upper Moon Two. The human recruiter. Proclaimed demigod.
Or if you asked him rotten no feeling  pervert who was better off dead!! He hated seeing Douma. He hated doing anything with Douma. He hated even the name Douma!! Nothing good could ever come from him or anyone he had in his grasp. But yet here he was, feet crunching through snow and carrying a little boy who had fallen asleep on the way over. The poor little boy was exhausted from the long trip here, as was his mother and the rest of his brothers and sisters. Behind him the poor widow cradled her second youngest with her head down to avoid the many snowflakes piercing their faces with three other small children clinging to her dress im fear of getting lost among the pale snow. Just his luck a small storm would be blowing their way when they finally arrived at their destination. A rather lavish (and rather large-) human settlement a bit farther up the mountain from the others near the colder parts, Upper Moon Two's domain, and most of where the donations came from. Douma's paradise of blood. That Upper Moon would charm anyone into giving them their blood which was why Douma was in charge of managing most of the yearly blood supply. Most of it. NOT all of it. The other half was up to Kokushibo being the human-demon delegate. But he never thought of that part too much. Or at least he tried too, at least Kokushibo arranged it to where he was never given any blood donated by a woman or child. Some might call him weak for demanding such arrangements but he would stand by those forever. He had morals unlike a lot of his colleagues. The human settlement had certainly grown since he'd last been here probably due to the sudden arrival of five hundred humans last year. The large walls and gate greeted them in the wild wind and swirling snowflakes. All he had to do was raise a large hand and pound on the gate's door, it took all of his restraint to not just kick the door in from his hatred of this place,but there was already some shivering humans were making quick work of immediately running to them and opening the heavy sliding door. My, my. There was many, many humans this time. All shivering, teeth clattering, and rubbing their bodies to generate some desperate form of heat while gesturing for them to come inside. Yes come inside to this hellscape of a pretend heaven. He wouldn't even if the humans were greeting a "messenger spirit of their god delivering other spirits to serve him'. He wouldn't. The only way he'd go in there was if the Master commanded him and ONLY if the Master commanded him. Nothing more nothing less. 
"Where's Douma?," He asked one human who rubbed his arms.
"H-He is inside b-b-but we have been expecting y-y-your arrival f-from the spirit realm to bring more other worldly servants from the gods f-f-for our Master. W-Wont you please come in a-a-a-and join us to ce-celebrate your arrival?"
So Douma was still playing that facade of being a demigod instead of the monster he was. Douma was good pretending to be human and 'being able to communicate with spirits like him and Gods' . He used this ploy to get these poor humans to donate blood for the gods, the yearly Blood Ritual he called it. It made him sick to his stomach.
"No." It was a firm and blunt answer, and he would not wait out here any longer than he needed too. Not if Douma could come out any moment. The small boy was removed from his hold and into the arms of his mother once more. "You and I must part ways here. Your family will be taken cared of inside."
This  would be the last time he ever saw this family again as they were ushered away into the awaiting arms of the shivering humans who gladly herded the widow and children away from him. They weren't his responsibility anymore. His master's task had been completed. And he was now to go back to his original duties and be away from here immediately. He did feel terrible for allowing this family to be taken like this but it wasn't something he could fight against-
He froze. And not out of fear for the family or because of the hundreds of snowflakes being flung into his body by the wind like some icey attack from mother nature. It was because of a sudden looming and empty presence behind him. 
"Why Akaza-dono!" A 'happy' voice chirped before cold hands clapped to show his fake happiness. "My, my. You seem stiff from the cold. Perhaps you should join us?~ My cooks have made a delicious bear stew."
Veins bunched up immediately. A fist tightened. And eyes widened in rage. "Don't. Touch. Me ."
"I haven't done such things. Yu seem to be oh so cranky today."
"I only become that way around you." His head turned. "Douma."
He had an impressive stature. Almost two feet taller than himself. Beautiful platinum blonde hair encrusted with a ring of red gave the impression of sick royalty with that stupid hat on top his head. Eyes like a sickly hallucination of colors glistened dully at him. His whole body was sickly beautiful, but it was the equivalent of a beautiful snake ready to strike with it's venom once he tricked you with his superficial beauty and empty charms. He made him sick and yet there was an admittedly impressive power oozing out of him like syrup dripping. Thick, too thick, and sickly sweet. 
"Oh you remember me!" More of  that stupid annoying clapping and sickening smile. "It makes me so happy!"
"I'm leaving. You have what you need." 
"Oh I know, but when I heard you were coming I knew I couldn't just let my best friend leave without saying hi! It'd be so rude on my person."
"I'm. Not. Staying," he repeated firmly.
"Boo. You never want to." He pouted as if he had anything to worry about. "You're so mean to me,  Akaza!"
"Glad you know that." He had other things to worry about. "You reek of disappointment.''
Other things to worry about like his duties and ...The sudden vision of beautiful purple eyes popped into his mind and the softness of skin clinging to him so bravely-
A hand of his immediately shot up to clutch the place over his heart. The red nails embedding themselves into the skin almost harsh enough to draw blood. He...he had someone to return back too. Someone who he...might actually enjoy seeing. Certainly more this maniac.
A loud gasp escaped the taller man next to him. "Akaza-dono was that your heart I heard just now!? So exciting! It sounds so lovely!"
Of course that idiot would hear it. "Fuck. Off. Douma."
It was hard to deny the feeling. Yes...He needed to get back to her. That good feeling.
"Hmm. This wouldn't have something to do with that human girl who proposed to you would it?~"
The only sounds that could be heard was the wind and the thousands of small splats the snowflakes made against their skin. 
"...How did you know that?"
He gave a smug smile. "I heard those little girls discussing it as my followers escorted them in. It seems they miss the stories she once read them as well. Hmm. A sweet little lotus.~"
"I'm. DONE. Here."
"Wha-"  A blur ran past him "AKAZA-DONO!!" The blue disappeared in a wake of snowflakes. "...Oh foo. He is no mean to me, my best friend. If he had waited a little longer.." A smile appeared as a golden fan splayed in front of his face. "I would've told him I offered Master a place for her to stay here...And that he was very tempted by my offer.~"
Hurried footsteps accompanied by sobs and whimpers scuttled about. Home. He was almost home. Just a little more and he'd be safe. He was getting too old for this. It wasn't his fault. It wasn't his fault!! Closer and closer he went until he  did  get there. A giant wooden door to be in fact which creeked open upon pushing it and the warmth from within welcomed him into it's safety. 
"Father." A squeal sounded from the sudden young child's voice he whirled around too. His son..HIS SON!! Oh how joyous and wonderful it was to see a face concerned for him. "You haven't returned for a few days. I was worried about you. I almost left to start searching."
"Good son. Kind son. *Sniff* All of you have been has been so good to me."
"You're our father. I won't let anyone harm you."
"*Sniffle* Wh-Where are your brothers, Zohakuten?"
"Sekido and Urogi are out looking for you, as Karaku and Aizetsu are looking for a lost child from the  Spider Clan named Rui Master has interest in. I chose to stay behind I'm case you returned. It seems I made the correct call. Shall I tell them you are safely home?"
"*Sniff* Yes. Su-Su-Summon me your dear older brothers. I h-have found a gift for one of them?"
"I-I am an old man. It makes me so sad, so sad my sons will never find someone who feels the same way about me they do. But I have. Kind girl. Understanding girl. S-Summon them quickly."
Days passed since these experiments of his. Usually he'd be honored to watch the Master run blood tests over and over and over again. But after the third day it got a little boring not going to lie.
"Where did you get this sample of blood?"
"As I told you before many times now, Master. The hurt human Kyogai cares for."
"You are certain she was human? You were not such a fool to have accidentally mix up the blood samples?"
"As a person of scientific medical practice I promise you I didn't dare do such a disasterous thing. And she was as human as your own wife is."
"...When are you due to be back?"
"Oh about a week and three days at this point."
"...I have another task for you. You are to go immediately and collect another blood sample to compare to this one. You are to also administer a test. To check for demon in her veins."
"I will find out if Tamayo survived."
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devinevirtue · 10 months
12. Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back? (Hi!)
Munday Meme - Accepting
Hi hi!!! Thank you for sending this!!! I have a lot I'd love to bring back but I probably never will due to being so outta touch with the series. But I'll mention a few muses I love dearly and who most likely won't come back. This is also going to be super long I'm sorry I've wrote for so long I have so many muses I hold dear to me that I'd like to write again.
Julian from The Arcana. He was someone I liked but I just fell outta the series far to quickly to the point I'm very out of tune with the game. I don't wish to replay it anytime soon considering all the massive new changes nor complete routes I never finished to obtain crumbs about him that I hadn't learnt yet. I love him but like I said, I don't think I'll bring him back.
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My Undertale era. God the icons look awful thanks to tumblrs image system so please look at them by clicking on them! But yeah. If you ever where apart of the Undertale RPC back when it first kicked of I was there about a month after the game was released. Muffet was my first character, then I had underswap sans. Geno!Sans was the big one though. He was a fave of mine and I did come back with deltarune briefly but left within a month as I wasn't prepared to deal with essentially the immaturity of the fandom again. I would like to write Muffet and Geno again one day but if I did I'd probably be super selective with them both.
Then we have Astro. He was originally an Underswap Gaster!Sans but then became Outertale based before I removed him completed from the fandom. He moved on to being a more independent OC for a little bit but I stopped writing him. He did become a Space God Deity but I never really did much for him and eventually benched him. I would like to write him again in the future but he will have a complete overhaul with background information as well as face claims as he is no longer skeleton based. I do have have undertale muses I wrote which was Fresh!Chara and an Aftertale Gaster!Sans who is essentially an OC and I might flesh him out one day if I can expand on him more..
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You may have seen me mention my OC Rohan before that I hopefully one day will be able to bring back to tumblr. Originally, he was an RK900 from Detroit: Become Human. I wanted a unique name for him, not one of the fanon names everyone was using when writing an an RK900. But I eventually left the RPC and started writing him on Discord privately for a good year or two with people I was close too at the time. I don't write him as often now but he has expanded into being his own creation now. I'd still write him with a DBH verse but I also have some other fandom verses fleshed out for him such as Genshin and a HSR that's I'm still trying to figure out. But yea! He is someone I definitely would like to bring back one day.
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And I will stop there as this got away from me! I have a few more muses for certain that I would definitely like to write again in the future but I'l be here all day if I had to mention them all!
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purplesurveys · 7 months
Do you sleep with just a sheet in summer when it's hot? My blankets are just the right amount of thickness so I can use them whether it's summer (as long as I have the aircon on) or during the chillier time of the year.
Are you one of those people who needs to have at least some blanket on you when you sleep so the monsters don't get you? Little bit, yeah haha.
Will anyone be visiting your house any time soon? As far as I know, no. The whole household has been recovering from Covid, coughs, and colds anyway so it would be safest for everyone not to be here for at least a few more weeks. 
What was the last museum you went to? Not a museum per se but I went to Art Fair earlier this year...which kind of sucked because it was so crowded and couples kept blocking the pieces to take Instagram photos. I hung out there for a much shorter time than I ever expected to and just went to Yabu after like an hour lol.
Scroll through your camera roll quickly without looking, then stop it with your finger. What's the first picture your eye lands on? It's a photo of me cradling the stray dog that I had grown attached to while visiting my dad's family in Tagaytay, from Christmas last year. I legitimately missed out on a chunk of that party because I was right outside the house just babying the dog to death lol. Sweetest guy ever and for a while that day I did try to genuinely pitch to my parents if we could bring him home.
Do you get bursts of creative energy or is it more consistent? I would say it's pretty consistent. My job requires constant creativity so it naturally carries over to my personal life.
Have you ever been chased by a dog? I have been but always in a playful way.
What's your favourite kind of soda? None of them. Sprite is the most-decently flavored soda for me but I still would never opt for it as like a first choice drink ever.
Are you a visual learner? Not at all. I need words.
Do you have a drink with you right now? What is it? I have. It's coffee.
What was the last science fiction movie you watched? Ooh, not my genre of choice. I'm not sure about movies but my most recently watched sci-fi anything would probably be Black Mirror.
How far away from your home is the nearest train station? 7-10 minutes.
Do you listen to music every day? I do listen to at least one song a day, yes.
If you have a passport, when does it expire? I can't remember if it's 2032 or 2033.
Have you ever smoked a cigar? Nopes.
What was the last app you opened on your phone? My camera roll because of that picture question from this survey.
Is your voice high, low, or somewhere in the middle? It's somewhere in the middle and ever so slightly leans towards low.
Are you wearing any rings right now? I'm not.
Have you ever been to a baby shower? Never been. Hasn't really been a thing here ever until recently with today's generation catching up to the practices in the west.
Do you have any cash stashed away anywhere? I neverrrrr carry cash on me anymore. Drives my parents crazy but I just can't – cash for me translates to 'money I can spend' and that's just dangerous if I constantly have it around hahaha.
What are your neighbours like? Quiet.
What month is your birthday? How far away is that from now? It's in April so it'll be another 5 months before I celebrate a birthday.
What's the next friend or family birthday coming up? Will you buy them a present? It's one of my cousins' birthday today and no I did not get him anything.
What was the last book you read? Not sure tbh.
Have you ever spend a long period of time in a country you weren't born in? The longest I've spent outside the Philippines was like a week in Indonesia. I've never lived in another country.
Do you make your own surveys on Bzoink? I've never made a survey.
What colour are the bottoms you're wearing today? Blue.
How many beds are in your home? Four.
Do you wear face masks in public? I stopped a few months ago.
What are your plans for tomorrow? I'll be at the dentist in the morning, then I'll be seeing Andi later in the day so I can help them review for their midterms.
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1owell · 7 days
❛  now listen, i'l tell you what to do. if you stay here, they'll find you. i'll distract them while you get away.  ❜
By the mere age of ten, Yuri had already experienced enough in life to know he had to take all of what others said with a grain of salt. Growing up in the Lower Quarter, he was less likely to trust others than the average guy. He was just a bit more jaded than most, experiencing more trouble at the hand of others. It's not that anyone was bad; In the Lower Quarter, everyone was just trying to survive, to fight their way out of poverty however they could. There were the honest folk who went about things justly, and then those who - not unlike the nobles and politicians of the Nobles' Quarter - would deceive others to get ahead. While those of the Lower Quarter were less likely to do this, they were still just as capable.
Now at the age of twenty-one, he had seen much, much more, and when Raven suggested that he would lend his aid, Yuri was a tad apprehensive. He had stabbed him in the back more than once already. The only thing that made him budge was that it was rather lose-lose either way, with one giving a clearer path out of here.
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"...That the truth, old man?"
For a moment, Yuri stops to look Raven in the face. Enough lies, and it became a matter of the kid crying wolf - trust began to wane, teetering on empty. But the eyes, they would struggle to lie, they told secrets. What was it they said, "door to the soul"?
The pursuit drew closer, and Yuri curses lightly under his breath. He thought to run, but the by the sounds of it, there would be too many guys for Raven to take care of on his own.
"... Listen, there's just too many of them now..."
The number of them had grown considerably since he had started his escape from his pursuers. They were way, way outnumbered. It wouldn't feel right to just leave him! Besides, he was willing to bet they had them surrounded already.
" You don't honestly think you can handle all of this?"
Not to make such a fuss like Flynn did, he liked to believe in other's strength, give them the chance to prove themselves and stand on their own, survive independently, plus he knew how that could piss him off, but even so-
"Unless you have some death wish I don't know about."
-no matter what they went through together, even countless betrayals... it's not like he was just going to go and let him croak.
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serkahstheke · 1 year
Diamond Chandeliers
I let wisps of smoke escape from my mouth, disappearing into the night sky. The burning end of my cigarette glows angry red, blending in with the luminescent city lights below me. The faraway noises of effervescent night life and summer's gentle breeze comfort me.
From behind me, she releases a defeated sigh. Heavy, disapproving, yet resigned at the same time. This is a battle she is never going to win. She knows that as well as I do, yet it doesn't stop her from trying.
“This is extremely unhealthy.”
“So you've told me for the millionth time.” I take another drag of the cigarette.
“You have to let him go.”
“We were never together.” From faraway, my eyes track the movement of a bus as it makes a turn at an intersection. From this height, it's the size of an ant. It speeds away. Further and further, smaller and smaller. It disappears in the distance.
“You know what I mean.” My repose leaves her even more restless. She mirrors my posture, leans forward as she rests her forearms on the smooth wooden railing of the balcony. Instead of a cigarette, she is nursing a half-full slender glass of champagne.
“Don't you want to settle down, too? Aren't you tired of being alone?”
“I’m dating someone.”
“I’ve seen the way you treat her. You can hardly call that dating. You're not serious about her. Just like how you were never serious about any of your exes. You're just toying with all of them. You're a cruel human being, you know that? Don't date them if you're not going to put your heart in it.”
“Huh. Yet you're the one always bugging me to date someone.” I stare absentmindedly at one of the brightly lit offices of the skyscraper across from the building I'm standing in. The stark silhouette of a man sitting in his cubicle draws my attention.
“He's married. It's time for you to let go. Have some respect for his relationship. It's been, what? Ten years?”
“I don't see how I'm disrespecting his relationship. Now that he's a married man, I can't be friends with him?” I tap my cigarette against the balcony railing and watch as the night air blows the bits of ashes away, turning them alive with flight.
She laughs humorlessly. “You know I am this close to just pushing you off of this balcony, right?”
I smile. “Maybe you should.”
“Listen,” she says, infusing years worth of frustration into the word, “there's being friends. And then there's dropping your entire life and running to him every time he calls for you. He has a wife. Let them be in love. He is in love with her, not you.”
“I don't need him to be in love with me,” I say. I mean it with every fiber of my being.
She doesn't understand. She will never understand, no matter how many times I try to drill the idea into her head.
“I don't understand. I care about you. Why won't you listen to me? You're ruining your life. How long are you going to stay like this?”
She thinks I'm wasting my life away.
When I turn to look at her, her eyes are flooded with unshed tears. I take one last long drag of the cigarette, savoring it with my eyes shut. As smoke billows out from my mouth, I drop the cigarette on the marble floor, killing the burning end with heel of my dress shoe.
I blink at her, slow and languid, gathering my thoughts.
“Don't stay out for too long. It's cold out here.”
I turn around and re-enter the ballroom. Golden lights, diamond chandeliers, white carnations, the sweet crooning of a popular love song, impeccably dressed guests, and carefree chatter.
And in the middle of all of it: you, in a crisp white suit with the blushing bride on your arm.
This is what she'll never understand, what no one will ever understand:
That as long as I live and breathe, you are my constant. That even though you are not mine, I am and will always be yours. It might not be worth that much, but you have every inch of my worn-out, wretched heart.
Loving you is not about owning you, nor is it about you returning my affections. Loving you is just me putting you first, always.
Just say the word and I'll be there. I'll come running to you now, and I'll come running to you when I'm eighty. Even when I'm old and gray—my knees wobbly and my lungs weak—I will drag myself to be by your side if it's the last thing I do.
Maybe I am cruel and selfish. Maybe I am all of the horrible things they accuse me of doing. Maybe this is unhealthy and messed up and fractured from every angle.
From across the room, your eyes find mine. For a split second, it is just you and me. The laughter fades away, the lights fade away. Your lovely bride fades away.
Then the moment is gone as quick as it arrived, you look away and you are drawing your wife closer to you with an arm around her waist.
The cool metal of the promise ring you gave me rests against my chest, under my shirt, where it hangs off the delicate chain around my neck. Maybe all the promises you made when you gave it to me were just words to you. Maybe you didn't mean them.
Or maybe you did, but you have forgotten.
It doesn't matter, because I'll remember them for the both of us. I'll keep those promises stitched into my heart.
And this, too, I promise you:
For as long as I live, you'll have me.
0 notes
Norma/Frazie week Day 6: "I never meant to hurt you"
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I actually had a different story in mind, but I didn't have enough time to write it. So I wrote this one instead and I might write the other one as a separate one shot. Enjoy.
“I never meant to hurt you.” Frazie managed to utter in between giggles.
“Could've fooled me!” Norma groaned, pushing the ice pack harder against her head. “You nearly took my dang head off!”
Frazie let out a groan of her own. “I'm still learning about all this.” She said with a pleading smile. “I don't even know how I managed to TK that ball at that speed. And I didn't mean to hit your head. C'mon, give me a break here, Norms.
“That's hilarious that you say it that way, considering you almost broke my nose!” Norma spat.
“How many time do I need to say 'I'm sorry' before you'll stop being mad at me?”
“As long as it takes for the pain to go away! And when you go away too.” Norma said, a little bit louder than she meant.
Frazie flinched, her expression saddened. “I ...I'll just go.” Frazie stood up and started walking to the door leading out of the infirmary.
Goddammit. “Frazie, wait.” Norma called out.
Frazie froze in her tracks and turned around. “What, so you can yell at me some more?”
Norma let out a frustrated groan, more frustrated at herself than at the redheaded acrobat. “No ...I'm …sorry for yelling like that.” She said. “I ...didn't mean too.”
Frazie crossed her arms and looked to the ground. “Sure sounded like you meant it.”
Norma sighed. “I am ...not very good dealing with pain.” She confessed. “I can get a bit ...crass.”
Frazie scoffed. “I have another word in mind, and it starts with b-.”
Norma rolled her eyes. “Okay, I deserved that.” She said. “And you didn't deserve me yelling at you. Especially since you dragged my stubborn ass to the infirmary.”
Frazie smiled. “What are friends for, Norma?” she said. “Besides getting their heads nearly pulverized by TK empowered basketballs?”
Norma laughed, but flinched with a groan. “Don't make me laugh, my head hurts too much for that.”
Frazie smirked and cartwheeled towards her injured friend, timing her last rotation so that she ended up sitting on the bed, right next to Norma.
Frazie bit her lower lip and stared at Norma with an almost ...shy expression. “You know, there is an old Aquato family ritual we can do to help with that pain.” She said, a barely noticeable blush appearing on her cheek. “It works only on those born outside the Aquato family, though, so it would work on you.”
Norma rolled her eyes. “This another circus superstition?”
“Oh, but this one works for sure.” Frazie said with an ever-growing smirk.
“I don't like where this is going, but ...what the heck, go ahead.” Norma said. “What doesn't kill me, only makes me stronger.”
“Okay, you ready?” Frazie asked.
Norma rolled her eyes. “Ready as I'l eve-” She froze when Frazie grabbed her gently by the chin and leaned her face closer. A bright blush was spreading on both the girls' cheeks.
“I ...I think a smart girl like you can s-see where this is going. L-last chance to refuse.” Frazie said nervously, her eyes fixed on Norma's violet orbs. "It eh, won't work if you're uncomfortable...."
Norma licked her lips. After few seconds ...she nodded. “I said 'go ahead', didn't I?.”
Frazie grinned and closed the distance between them, gently pressing her lips against Norma's. She parted after a few seconds. She let out a breath. “How are you feeling?”
Norma blinked a few times. A grin spread on her lips. “I don't think it worked. Maybe you did it wrong?”
Frazie giggled. “Perhabs ...it might take a few tries to get it right.”
“Well ...we got time, don't we?”
“Do I get any sort of payment in return for giving you this precious treatment, Miss Natividad?”
“Just shut up and kiss me, Frazie Aquato.”
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star-anise · 3 years
Thank you for your reply. My ask was kind of all over the place. (I've done some dbt before with a previous therapist and it helped! But that therapist was not a good fit I'm at a new one now tho).
Random thing, you mentioned bpd I heard in my abnormal psychology class that a lot of therapists won't treat someone diagnosed with bpd??? It was the teacher who is a grad student studying to be a therapist who said it. And like. I don't understand. They sound like a very in need population who was often abused and there's a whole huge book of treatment resources written by someone with bpd. I've heard they're "hard to treat" and talked about like they're hopeless. but like why be a mental health professional if you don't like mentally ill/different people?
This is also the same professor who insisted trauma is only the few things listed under dsm ptsd definition as traumatic events.. like she said parents getting divorced isn't a traumatic event because you aren't physically in danger... that class really scared me about the mental health field because of all the awful people in it aspiring to be therapists including the teacher.
Sorry for all the asks I love the work you do on this blog
Ahahaha, what IS it about undergrad abnormal psych professors? Mine said he wouldn't touch clinical practice with a ten-foot pole, and told a story about how once a student told him she had schizophrenia, and he knew that she was lying because obviously nobody with schizophrenia could actually manage to attend university.
(It's seriously untrue. I've had both friends and clients with psychotic disorders who succeeded in university. He was being an ableist bastard. Like, I know psych students can tend to over-identify with a disorder they're studying without actually having it, but that doesn't mean no psych student is ever entirely correct about their deal.)
Okay so, BPD. The thing about BPD is that it requires a special skillset that does not come standard in most clinical training. If a therapist who doesn't have that skillset tries to treat someone with BPD, the therapy will not be very effective and the process will be very frustrating for both them and their client. To be very frank, it's just as true that ordinary therapists are bad at treating BPD and don't like feeling stupid, as it is that people with BPD are hard to treat.
(And training to deal with people with BPD clinically is often not included in grad school education. DBT training is expensive and they won't accept you unless you have an adequate clinical placement.)
Also, part of dealing with BPD in particular is... people with BPD often have trouble seeing authority figures with anything more nuanced than "adoration and compliance" or "fear and loathing". As a therapist, you're signing up as an authority figure. Part of the work means letting your client express all their feelings about you, and helping them work to something more nuanced and sustainable, like, "I am furious and enraged that I'm in pain and I wish my therapist could take that pain away, but I realize that's not within her power. I have to admit that she's not being an evil villain here, so I can feel my resentment but let it go."
Which can be stressful to deal with, as a therapist. You have to live with a lot of hurt and anger and rage headed your way, and keep your perspective. Be empathetic without getting carried away in those emotions. You have to be able to face that pain and say, "I can't take that away. I can only help you learn to bear it."
Basically everyone I know in grad school had a nervous breakdown somewhere along the line because we go to therapist school because we're smart and capable and feel good about helping people, so when we encounter a person we can't help, or are put in situations where we have to stop helping, we tend to have existential crises and end up sobbing in the student lounge about What Am I Even Good For Now. I was lucky because I had a version of that breakdown before I entered grad school, and my therapist warned me to get a new shrink when I moved for my Master's, "Because if you don't need one at the beginning, you'll definitely need one by the end." So I was more equipped to help classmates for whom this was a wholly new experience.
In my opinion, the healthy way to approach the problem of A Person You're Not Good At Helping is to practice humility, set reasonable boundaries, recognize the limits of your competence, and see where you can learn and grow. But many therapists and helping professionals use what I consider to be an unhealthy approach, labelling such clients as "defensive" and "resistant" and "hard to treat" and blaming them for the difficulty.
Which like, I get that "practicing humility" is like "doing exercise", sometimes you're tired and cranky and don't want to go for a run. Sometimes you just want to blame the other person for not accepting your magnanimous help.
Anyway, within the field of mental health psychotherapy, complex trauma is a unique sub-speciality that many therapists don't want to touch at all. I had many classmates say, "Woof, you're into complex trauma? You must be so tough, I could never." 🙄
(Technically I have the ethical obligation to represent my profession in the best possible light to encourage public confidence in the field of psychotherapy. But I think it's not undermining the profession to admit what everyone already knows, which is that some therapists are oblivious assholes who do bad work. I've seen it, I've met them, I want them to piss off forever. Jordan Peterson is a blight to our names and Phil McGraw can go choke.)
So people who are on your wavelength about BPD and trauma and What Therapists Are For are out there. They're just a little rarer than the usual run of therapists. For what it's worth, I've found they cluster more in areas like complex trauma, DBT, Narrative Therapy, and the Hearing Voices Movement. Next year (knock on wood) I'l be going to a conference on the treatment of complex trauma with a friend, and this sounds weird given that it's a weekend all about child maltreatment, but I expect it to be a blast, because I'll get to be among My People, talking about the work that fills our souls.
I really wish that as an undergrad, I'd spent more time hanging out with Social Work students, and going to conferences and trainings. Those are where I met some of the coolest people I really clicked with. And in grad school, I had the extreme pleasure of meeting other people who were a lot like me. Those friendships were especially rewarding because as skilled helpers, we ended up playing a game of Needs Chicken, where each tries hide their own needs and caretake for the other, which finally ended up in a standoff where we had to agree to put down our caretaking skills and just be honest about what we wanted, even if that felt new and scary and raw.
(Support me: Patreon and Paypal.)
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cococrazyfangirl17 · 7 years
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damn-salvatore · 2 years
Can you give us like a romantic kdrama rec list? I am really intrigued by it but the sheer number of kdramas available on netflix has me intimidated where to start. A Business Proposal is not yet available in my region or I would have started with that one after seeing you post about it (it's coming tho and I already added it to my list for when it does release here) but in the meantime I am still looking for something to watch so maybe you can help me out?
A romantic kdrama rec list? Okay, guys, THAT'S MY MOMENT AAAAAAAAAAA <3
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Okay, idk where you're exactly from, but where I live (Brazil) we also don't have many available kdramas on N*tfl*x, so I usually watch them on brazilian fansubs (when I'm watching them with my mom) or internation fansubs (english subtitles and tbh they get translated real fast - on the same day).
So I'm gonna list some kdramas that may not be on N*tfl*x, but I'll also tell where you can watch them for free... okay, here we go:
Doom At Your Service: this kdrama is simply a masterpiece, really. It's so pretty and sad (and also happy)... it's a mix of feelings that in the end makes you want to live and makes you fall in love with their love. I really recommend it, you're not gonna regret it (be aware that you may cry, I did).
↳Synopsis: A terminally ill woman finds herself at the breaking point, and wishes for the end of the world. In answer, a mysterious man who acts as a messenger of doom between God and humans appears at her door. The two must live together for 100 days.
Crash Landing on You: this one is literally amazing (and it's available on N*tfl*x, yay). Tbh, when I first heard of it, I thought people was overestimating it and that it wasn't THAT good... and I couldn't be more WRONG. This one makes you get addicted and you're only gonna stop when it ends. The main couple has so much chemistry that they got married irl now (March 31st).
↳Synopsis: It is about a successful South Korean businesswoman and chaebol heiress who, while paragliding in Seoul, South Korea, is swept up in a sudden storm, crash-lands in the North Korean portion of the DMZ, and meets an army captain in the Korean People's Army who decides he will help her hide. Over time, they fall in love, despite the divide and dispute between their respective countries.
Descendants of the Sun: this was really hyped when it aired (2016) and I understood why when I watched it. It's so good and really funny (some people don't like it tho).
↳Synopsis: A love story develops between Captain Yoo Shi Jin, from South Korean Special Forces and Doctor Kang Mo Yeon, who works as a Surgeon at Haesung Hospital in Seoul. They will find themselves in the middle of great events and deadly dangers, both in their Motherland and in the fictitious, war-torn country of Urk.
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo: this kdrama is so cute and sweet that makes me wanna cry aaaaaaaa srsly, the main couple is so cute and perfect together <3 this kdrama is good if you want to brighten your day!
↳Synopsis: Kim Bok joo, a young woman chasing her dream of weightlifting on an athlete college campus, develops a crush on her friend Jung Joon-Hyung's older brother, Jung Jae-Yi .
Happiness: okay, this is a zombie kdrama not focused on romance, i know... BUT THE MAIN COUPLE IS SO PURE (BUT ALSO BADASS) AND DESERVE THE WHOLE WORLD (yeah, i love them so much... how did you found out? ) Okay, I really think you should watch this if you want to feel the power of love .
ps: I usually HATE everything related to zombies, but this one is AMAZING (but I'm already warning you: you'll be frequently pissed off bc of the residents).
↳Synopsis: Happiness tells of a new virus outbreak that spreads throughout the city and an apartment that causes residents to be trapped in their homes
Okay, those are some of my FAVE KDRAMA COUPLES EVER, but if you want more pls hit me up and I'l gladly give you more names.
Now, here's where you can watch them: kdr*m*hood (to watch online | english subtitles) and dr*m*d*y (to hd download | remember to have your 4ntivirus working and your 4dblocks on, bc you'll need them).
↳ replace * for 'a'
That's it, hope you'll enjoy watching them and if you do (even if you don't like them at all) please let me know ❤️
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liibrii · 3 years
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Ojiro Aran x Reader
Part 2 of this scribble
Genre: angsty with a happy ending 
Warnings: Inarizaki shares 1 brain cell and the manager is using it 24/7 ; some cursing
A/N: after that first part I felt really bad for breaking reader's heart so here we go. 
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For the remaining days of the training camp Aran can't look you in the eyes. Somehow that hurts more than his rejection. Your heart lays in shards and pieces yet that doesn't sting nearly as much as the awkward glances and silence and the careful tip-toeing he does when you're around. You try your best to act as if nothing happened. Hiding behind laughter and smiles is so easy nobody on the team notices you're heartbroken.
It all changes once you return home. Your room is so silent when you hide under covers and hug your favourite plushy. Your throat itches and every breath hurts. It's just a stupid crush, you keep telling yourself, just a crush that will fade away. Yet in that moment it doesn't hurt any less. You burry your face in the pillow to muffle your sobs.
Before the summer break started you made plans with other third years to meet at Kita's and watch the stars. Hours before you were supposed to meet you come up with an excuse and stay home. You aren't sure you could handle Aran's presence without bursting into tears.
You shudder at the though of the coming weekly practices. If only you had put more effort in finding another manager. Quiting the club would be so simple then.  
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Summer practices were the ideal time for mischief. With no homework so much time was left to freely ponder how best to rig the vending machine. At turn you saw a prank practically begging to be pulled. Watermelon dowsed in chilli oil, some salt in a water bottle, volleyball covered with slime that could easily be blamed on sweaty hands, ah the opportunities really were endless. It was the time when your talents shone the brightest.
At least they did in previous years. Now you just want to reorganize the storage and return home as soon as possible.
“Are ya feelin' okay?“ asks Kita after helping you move some very heavy boxes.
Your heart drops. Has he noticed you've barely been holding back tears? “What do you mean?“
“You've been behavin' these last weeks.“
Ah. His reasoning catches you by complete surprise. Part of you wants to laugh, part of you wants to smack him. A part of you is disappointed he hadn't noticed you really need a shoulder to cry on. “Such observational skills Shinsuke, no wonder coach picked you to be the captain.“
“Did somethin' happen between you and-“
“Nothing happened.“
He knows you're lying. The light pat on the head he gives you tells he sees the hurt you've been so thoroughly concealing. Your throat starts itching again and tears threaten to spill before you bite your lip, too stubborn to let them fall.
You take a moment to compose yourself before returning to the gym, glad Aran is nowhere to be seen. Some of your boys are gathered by the bench and you hear the twins arguing. At first you don't care, after all it's a normal occurence. Your curiousity is only sparked once you hear the mention of your name.
“What are they fighting about this time?“ you ask Omimi when you come closer.
Immediate silence falls on the group as they all look at you. Great, what did you do this time?
Atsumu grabs the letter laying on the bench and hands it to you. Your heart drops. You don't have to read it to know what it is.
Your name on the envelope is written so big it's impossible to overlook and it's sealed with a glittery heart sticker.
“Open it, open it,“ urges the blonde and Osamu immediately berates him to leave you be.
You wonder who it could be from. Or maybe you don't want to know. It doesn't fill you with any kind of giddines or anticipation, just with slight nausea accompanied by shaking hands.
You hear a fight erupt behind you.
“Senpai, should we stop them?“ Ginjima points at twins rolling on the ground. You shrug, not really caring what they are up to.
“They could get hurt,“ says Omimi.
“Don't worry Omiren they have no brain so there won't be any permanent damage.“
You stuff the letter in the pocket of your jacket. The tears you've been trying so hard to hold back start running down your cheek and you hurry away before boys could notice.
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The letter lies unopened on your bed. You've been contemplating throwing it away on the way home but decided against it. It would be too harsh, throwing someone's feelings away without even considering them. You remove the glittery heart sticker and read the paper inside.
Dear y/n,
you're truly amazin'. Everytime I see ya my day becomes better-
You stop reading. Not because you wouldn't care, but because you recognize the handwriting.
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The plan was genius. Bulletproof. Absolutely fantastic without any loopholes and no way of anything possibly going wrong in any way.
All Twins needed to do is make Aran believe someone else is competing for your heart. Stoke his jealousy till it becomes stronger than his utter embarassement over having completely misunderstood your confession.
Only they had no idea you knew the handwriting of everyone on the team in case you ever needed to forge their signature.
Moments after reading the love letter you decide to talk to Osamu the coming day. What point would there be in playing with him? You weren't looking forward to the conversation in the slightest still, better let him down gently as soon as possible.
You try to get him outside after practice ends but his brother doesn't seem pleased only one of them is having your attentin. You grab Osamu's arm, ready to drag him away. “Sorry but we gotta speak in private.“
He doesn't even flinch under your tries to move him. “'Bout what?“
You don't want to do it, but if he refuses to move you had no other choice. You pull out the love letter and watch as all the colour drains from his face. “This.“
“Why would 'Samu know anythin' bout that?“ interferes Atsumu waving frantically and as if that didn't already raise your suspicions he continues to blabber on and on till Osamu stops him.
“Stop Tsumu. We've been found out.“
After they explain their genious plan you need a moment to grasp what is happening. “Okay. Let me get this straight. You thought making Aran jealous would make him confess?“ They nod. “Right. How does me thinking Osamu's got a crush on me help?“
“Yer weren't supposed to know who wrote the letter,“ mummbles Osamu.
“Samu sweetie, you have the most memorable handwriting I've ever seen. By that I mean unreadable. And you used the wrong kanji here, by the way.“
God, when did your boys become such idiots?
“We're sorry.“
If you weren't feeling so many emotions at once you'd find their crushed faces hilarious. Instead you sigh. You're exhausted. And in a need of ice-cream, preferably with some cookies on the side. “Right. Let's never mention this again.“
“Then Aran-san and ya-“
“Aran doesn't like me, alright? It's fine, I'll get over it. Now get your asses back to practice!“
“I never said I didn't like you,“ says a familiar voice from behind your back.
The faces twins make while backing away to leave you alone with Aran make you wish you'd disappear into thin air. It takes all the strength you have to turn. It's the first time in your life you aren't happy to see him. You stand in silence, avoiding his gaze and condidering running away. Aran speaks up before you can act.
“Sorry for avoidin' ya. I've been meanin' to talk with ya but couldn't think of what to say.“ He fidgetes with a rose in his hands. “I'm sorry.“
“Why?“ you weakly ask, unsure if you want to hear the answer.
“When you... confessed. I thought it was a prank. And I never let you explain cause I got scared. I like ya, y/n. But I could never tell if you were messin' around with yer flirtin' or I was just readin' too much into it.“
“Why would I mess around?“
“Well... I never thought you'd actually be interested in me... I mean yer so amazin' ya know. It's no wonder ya have secret admireres. Ya keep track of everythin' the team needs, yer always cheerin' me up when I need it the most.“ His shoulders slump as he utters his next words. “I never believed ya could be in love with someone as borin' as me. I just want ya to know I do like you. More as a friend. Though ya deserve someone better.“
Aran is confessing to you. He is proclaiming his love for you, holding a rose, looking like the prince charming straight out of your dreams. And yet your annoyance grows with every word that comes out of his mouth.
“Excuse me?“ you interrupt. “What the hell do you mean I deserve someone better?“
Your words take him aback. He tries to mummble his way out of this particular pickle but you're having none of it.
“Gosh Aran you can be real impossible sometimes! First of all, how dare youeven think I would ask you out as a joke?! Is that how low of an opinion you have about me?! We're friends for fucks' sake you know me better than that! Second of all, why on earth can't you see I've been head over hills in love with you since we were first years?! And I swear, if I have to hear one more oh I'm nothin' special, I'll throw some hands, you hear me?! You are amazing! The best possible friend one could ask for, you have the patience of a saint, you're fun to be around, and so much more! What do I have to do to get this to stick in your head?! Use super-glue?! I don't want anyone else! I want you.“
Aran looks completely shocked as tears form in his eyes.
Oh no. Now you've done it.
“Please don't cry cause then I'l cry and this will get even more embarassing.“
He chuckles. “Sorry y/n.“ He takes your hand in his. “I really, really want to be your boyfriend.“
You're the one trying not to sob now. Ah, how the tables have turned, you think and nod. You can hear cheering somewhere in the distance but you couldn't care less. You grab Aran’s jacket and pull him down, crashing his lips to yours. They're soft and warm and you don't want to part from him, ever. He hugs you and you're glad he's holding you so close because right now you couldn't stand on your own. When you part he presses a kiss to your nose and then forehead.
“I love you,“ he whispers.
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